#aziraphalecrowley fell
To my surprise, Crowley brought croissants and tea to the bookshop for breakfast. He sat with me as I consumed them, and I couldn’t help but kiss the top of his head as I took the dishes to the sink.
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anthonyjcrowleyfell · 4 months
There are probably worse fates than being in love with your best friend for thousands of years.
And definitely worth it.
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thatoneumbrella · 5 years
aziraphale’s lapels
"[Aziriphale] ... wears big lapels on his jacket, representing wings”
I found it intriguing that for most of the series, Aziraphale’s lapels kind of droop -- they’re not stiff peaks like the other angels, symbolizing how he’s far from heaven, or that he fell. (compare this to Crowley’s jacket, which has stiff lapels that point upward--he’s not so bad after all):
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What I found REALLY intriguing was the scene from 1941. Aziraphale’s coat has VERY high lapels, like Crowley’s:
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And this is the episode a lot of folks have been discussing lately, given the new still from the set featuring wings on fire--reading this as Aziraphale’s Fall:
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(credit @aziraphalecrowleys) now I notice even CROWLEY has wings here
because after that scene in 1941:
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his coat lapels point downwards.
BEFORE 1941, though, they weren’t super stiff/vertical either, but the lapels are not as dramatic imo:
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However, this is from 1862, right? If we assume they didn’t see each other in that span of time between these events, it’d be almost 80 years where Crowley was absent from Aziraphale’s life. Almost like a reset.
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To my surprise, I’ve actually managed to sleep.
My previous belief was that because I didn’t need sleep I could do more good if I chose not to partake in such things. I have now discovered why Crowley enjoys sleeping, and I must admit that my prior assessment was flawed. It is a quite relaxing activity, and very… warm?
I wonder what other unnecessary human activities I’ll discover are different than imagined.
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When Crowley woke from his nap (it really wasn’t my fault), we went to the park to feed the ducks.
It seems that some of the regulars have decided to opt for frozen peas instead of bread, and I definitely didn’t see Crowley smiling when he noticed.
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I believe stargazing with Crowley is my new favorite thing.
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anthonyjcrowleyfell · 2 months
If I were to be obliterated by holy water, please know that my last thoughts would be of my angel, my love, my partner, my everything.
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The bookshop feels more like home now that the plants have moved in. The Bentley is very happy.
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Today I had tea, a good book and Crowley curled up in my lap. I ran my fingers through his fiery hair until (and after) he fell asleep, where he remains now.
It has been the most beautiful of days.
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anthonyjcrowleyfell · 10 days
Today Aziraphale discovered a gay bar. I’ve not seen him so happy around “bebop”. Ever. He even sang along with songs he’s probably never heard before. I’m assuming miracles were involved.
I believe this is going to be how I spend my Wednesday nights for eternity.
As long as he’s happy.
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Crowley and I went to visit our friends who recently birthed a new human baby.
We stayed longer than initially anticipated. Crowley insisted the parents needed our his help for the first week of the baby’s time at home.
My beautiful wife really is good with children.
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Crowley fell asleep in my lap as I was reading a book to him. I may have unintentionally ran my hand through his hair for several hours as he napped.
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Crowley surprised me with a quick pop across the Channel. We had crepes.
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As an update to the suspenseful surprise, I shall inform you that I have the most thoughtful partner one could ever hope for.
Crowley took me to a sushi restaurant that has very limited seating and is reported to be one of the best in the city. I can now confirm this. My dear partner seems to have enjoyed it as well, even though he insisted that I consume all of the food.
After dinner, he took me to a West End performance of Romeo and Juliet. He knows how much that play has meant to me, ever since we watched the original performance together. Crowley would never admit it, but I believe that he holds it in high regard as well.
During the original performance, we were only able to discreetly touch, on accident, of course. This time, we held hands throughout. Crowley even put his arm around me during the final scenes.
For the first time watching this play, I didn’t cry at the end.
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Today I (accidentally) found a place on Crowley that is very ticklish. Of course, I had to seek out other potential locations that would elicit the same response.
At least until Crowley turned red and fled from the bookshop. He was gone for hours.
Perhaps I should amend my approach.
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At this moment, I’m watching Crowley sleep instead of reading. I keep thinking of everything that’s tried to keep us apart over the millennia, yet we remain an ‘us.’
If it ever seems that the universe is against you, please remember, no matter how hopeless it feels, to keep fighting.
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