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ladies-of-fiction · 1 year ago
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Ladies of Tengoku Struggle
Rin Enma
Azamin, Oshichi, Izumo no Okuni
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ashipiko · 2 years ago
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extra under cut <3
but also I do hope that there’s at least one explosion 🙏 MANIFESTING
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memeticallyengineered · 2 months ago
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the lady of chaos cares not for your “romance”
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umuttherzamanvar · 2 months ago
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Talebe: Allah sana rahmetiyle muamele etsin.
Eğer kendimdeki kıt bilgi ve görüşümdeki aczi bilmeseydim, sana gelmezdim.
Bende hoşlanmadığın bir şey görürsen, yahut ben sizi sıkıntıya sokarsam, beni ayıplamayın.
Çünki hastanın hastalığının tedavi zahmeti doktora aittir. Keza görmeyen kimsenin elinden tutma zahmeti de görene aittir.
Bunun gibi Ålim de cahilin sıkıntısına katlanmalıdır.
Cahilin bir takım sözleri duyunca korkup uzaklaştığını, fakat bu sözler kendisine açıklanınca sükunete ulaştığını öğremniş oldum.
İman, tasdik, yakin ve ihlası ne kadar güzel açıkladınız.
Fakat nasıl olur da, bizim imanımız melekler ve peygamberlerin imanı gibidir, diyebiliriz?
Oysaki onların, Allah'a karşı bizden daha itaatli olduklarını biliyoruz.
Alim (r.a.): Şüphesiz onların Allah'a karşı bizden daha itaatli olduklarını biliyorum.
Ben sana imanın amelden başka bir şey olduğunu söylemiştim.
Buna göre bizim imanımız da onların imanı gibidir.
Çünki biz, Allah'ın birliğini, Rab olduğunu, kudretini ve ilahi katından gelen her şeyi, meleklerin ikrar ettikleri, peygamberlerin tasdik ettikleri gibi tasdik ettik.
Bundan dolayı iddia ediyoruz ki, bizim imanımız, meleklerin imanı gibidir.
Çünki biz, meleklerin görüp inandıkları, Allah'ın akıllara hayret veren åyetlerinin hepsine görmediğimiz halde tamamen iman etmiş bulunuyoruz.
Talebe: Allah sizi kurtuluşa erenlere katsın.
Ne güzel belirttiniz.
Şimdi; iman, tasdik ve yakınimizin meleklerin imanı, yakini ve tasdiki gibi olduğunu anladım.
Fakat niçin onlar bize nazaran, Allah'tan daha çok korkarlar ve O'na daha çok itaat ederler?
Keza cahiller bir musibet anında bir kimsenin sürçmesini veya feryadını yahut düşmandan korktuğunu veya arzusundaki hırsını görünce, niçin bu yakinin zayıflığındandır diyorlar?
Bunu açıklayın.
Alim (r.a.): Câhil kimseler bu yakinin zayıflığındandır, sözünü yakinin açıklamasını bilmedikleri için söylerler.
Bir şey hakkında kullanılan yakin iafdesi, o şeyi kesin olarak, şek ve şüphe etmeyerek bilmek demektir.
Bundan dolayı şehadet ehli olan bir müslüman hangi günahı işlerse işlesin, Allah, kitaplar ve Resuller konusunda şüpheye düşmez.
Diğer insanların durumunu kendi durumumuzla kıyaslarsak, bizden bir musibet anında bazan sürçme ve feryat veya düşmandan korku sadir olduğunu görürüz.
Bu durumda iken Allah ve Allah katından gelen şeyler mevzuunda bize herhangi bir şek ve şüphe arız olmaz. Bizim anlayışımıza göre, kendi durumumuz ne ise, başkalarının durumu da odur.
Melekler bize nazaran Allah'tan daha çok korkarlar ve O'na daha çok itaat ederler, sözüne gelince; bu bir takım özelliklerinden dolayıdır.
Bu özelliklerinden biri onların nübüvvet ve risaletle üstün kılınmaları yanında, Allah korkusu ve sevgisi ve bütün güzel ahlak ile başkalarından üstün yaratılmaları durumudur.
Bir başka özellik, onların diğer melekleri ve aklı hayrete düşüren başka hususları görmeleridir.
Üçüncü özellik onların musibet anında feryat etmemeleridir.
Dördüncüsü ise kötülük işleyenlere isabet eden cezayı müşahede etmeleridir.
Bu ve benzeri özelikler onları masiyetten alıkoymaktadır.
Talebe: Belirttiklerinizi anladım.
Doğruyu ifade ettiniz, güzel söylediniz.
Fakat burada, bizim yakınimiz, korkumuz, ve cür'etimiz ile meleklerin yakıni, korkusu, ve cür'etinin nasıl olduğu konusunda bir kıyas yapmanızı arzu ediyorum.
Çünkü cahil akıbeti ile ilgili bir hususa değer verirse öğrenmek ister.
Siz onun anlamadığı bir hususu belirttiniz.
Bu konuyu bir kıyasla bağlarsanız, daha rahat anlar.
Alim (r.a.): Kıyas istemeniz iyi bir şey.
Meselelerin karşılıklı müzakeresinden faydalanmak isteyen kimse, o esnada sõyleneni anlamadığı zaman kıyas yapılmasını ister.
Bil ki kıyas, hakkı bulmak isteyenin aradığı hakkı ortaya koyar.
Kıyas, hak sahibinin iddia ettiği hakka ulaşmasında adil şahitler gibidir.
Eğer cahiller hakkı inkar etmeselerdi, âlimler kıyas ve mukayese külfetine girmeyeceklerdi.
Meleklerin ve bizim yakınimizin bir olması, fakat onların bize nazaran Allah'tan daha çok korkmalarının nasıl olduğu konusunda istediğin kıyasa gelince;
bunu sana şöyle anlatayım: Yüzme bilen iki kimse var, bunlardan biri diğerinden daha usta yüzücü değil.
İkisi de suyu bol, şiddetli akıntılı bir nehre geliyorlar. Bunların biri suya girme konusunda çok cür'etli, diğeri ise korkuyor.
Yahut aynı hastalıktan muzdarip olan iki hastadan biri, kendisine getirilen çok acı bir ilacı içmekte cür'etli, diğeri ise korku duyuyor.
İşte bu hususta kıyas budur.
Talebe: Gayet güzel açıkladınız.
Fakat bizim imanımız, resullerin imanı gibi ise, imanımızın sevabı da onların imanının sevabı gibi değilmidir?
Eğer bizim imanımızın sevabı,imanının sevabı ise, onların bize karşı üstünlükleri onların nelerdir?
Zira biz onlarla dünyada iken imanda müsavi oluyoruz, ahirette de imanın sevabında müsavi oluyoruz.
Eğer bizim imanımızın sevabı onların imanının sevabından daha aşağı olursa bu zulüm değil midir?
Böyle olduğu takdirde, imanımız onların imanı gibi olduğu halde, sevabımız, onların sevabı gibi olmuyor.
Alim (r.a.): Meseleyi büyüttün, fakat fetva hususunda dikkatli ol.
Bizim imanımızın onların imanı gibi olduğunu bilmiyor musun?
Biz de peygamberlerin iman ettikleri her şeye iman ettik.
Fakat bunun ötesinde, iman ve bütün ibadetlerin sevabı hususunda onların bize üstünlükleri vardır.
Çünki Allahu Taala peygamberleri, diğer insanlardan peygamberlik hususiyeti ile üstün kıldığı gibi, sözlerini, namazlarını, evlerini, meskenlerini ve bütün her şeylerini, diğer insanlardan üstün kılmıştır.
Allah, bize onlara verdiği sevap gibi sevap vermediği zaman bize zulmetmiş olmaz.
Zulüm ancak, bizim hakkımızın karşılığını vermeyip, mahrum etmesi halinde bahis konusudur
Bunun yanında Allah'ın, hakkımızı tam olarak verip bizi hoşnut kılmasından sonra, peygamberlere daha çok ihsanda bulunması zulüm değildir.
Oysaki nebi ve resullerin, dünyadaki bütün insanlar üzerinde üstünlükleri vardır.
Çünki onlar önderledir.
Allah'ın emin kullarıdır.
Hiç bir kimse; ibadet, Allah korkusu, huşu ve zatı ilahi hakkında meşakkatlere katlanmak hususunda, onların seviyesine ulaşamaz.
Keza bütün insanlar Allah'ın izni ve onlar va- sıtasıyle fazilete ulaşmışlardır.
Onların duaları sonucu cennete gireceklerinin ecirlerinin bir benzeri de yine onlara aittir.
Talebe: Şüphesiz ki doğruyu açıkladınız. Allah sizi cennetiyle mükafatlandırsın. Fakat şirk haricinde, Allah'ın mutlaka cezalandıracağı bir kısım günahlar biliyor musunuz?
Yahut hepsinin affedileceği kanaatinde misiniz?
Eğer, bir kısmı affolunur, bir kısmı affolunmaz görüşünde iseniz, affolunanlar hangi günahlardır?
Bunu açıklayın.
Ålim (r.a.): Allah'ın şirk haricinde mutlaka cezalandıracağı günahlar hakkında bir şey bilmiyorum. Ehli kıbleden günahkar olanların her hangi biri için şirkten maada işlediği günahlar hususunda, Allah onu mutlaka cezalandıracaktır, şeklinde te bulunamam.
Bildiğim şudur ki; günahların bir kısmı affedilir.
Amma hangisidir? Bunu bilmiyorum.
Zira Kur'anı Kerim'de Eğer yasaklandığınız büyük günahlardan kaçınırsanız sizin kusurlarınızı örteriz...."12 buyurulmaktadır.
Büyük günahların hepsini, yahut affolunacak kusurların tamamını bilmiyorum.
Zira bilmiyorum amma, Allah'ın şirkden başka bütün günahları affetmesi mümkündür.
Çünki Şüphesiz Allah kendisine şirk koşulmasını affetmez.
Onun ötesinde dilediği kimselerin günahlarını affeder.13 buyurmaktadır.
Allahu Taȧlà kimi affetmek ister, kimi affetmek istemez, bunu bilemem.
Talebe: Allah'ın katili affetmesinin, harama bakan bir kim- seye de azap etmesinin mümkün olduğunu bilmiyor musunuz? Affedilmelerinin umulması bakımından size göre ikisi de aynı durumda değil midir?
Alim (r.a.): Eğer Allah katili affederse, harama bir defa bakan kimsenin, affedilmeğe daha çok layık olduğunu biliyorum.
Bir bakıştan dolayı Allah azaba çekerse, öldürme fiilinden dolayı azaba çekmesi daha uygundur.
Zira Allah, Allah katında en şerefliniz, en çok takva sahibi olanınızdır," buyurur.
Buna göre bakma fiilinin sahibi, eğer adam öldürme fiilini işlememişse, katil olan kimseden daha çok takva sahibidir.
Belirttiğin şekilde her ikisinin de affedilmesinin umulmasında, bana göre ikisi de aynı seviyede değildirlər.
Çünki ben, büyük günah işleyen kimseye nazaran, küçük günah işleyenin affedilmesini daha çok ümit ederim.
Bu konuda şöyle bir kıyas yapalım: İki kimse var, bunlardan biri denizde, diğeri de küçük bir nehirde yolculuk yapıyor.
Ben her ikisinin de boğulmasından endişe eder, ve fakat ikisinin de kurtulmasını ümit ederim. Bununla birlikte, denizdeki kimseye nazaran, küçük nehirdeki şahsın kurtulacağını da- ha çok ümit ederim.
Tıpkı bunun gibi, büyük günah işleyenin durumundan da, küçük günah işleyene nisbetle daha çok korkarım, küçük günah işleyenin, büyük günah işleyene nazaran affedilmesi durumunu daha çok ümit ederim.
Buna mukabil, her ikisinin affını ümit etmeme rağmen, her ikisinin de amelleri nisbetinde akıbetlerinden korkarım.
12. en-Nisa, 31.
13. en-Nisa, 48.
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mxddyhero · 8 months ago
rating juza plushie eyebrows bcs lin made me realise wtf some of them r messed up
pompompurin juba: 1/10 wtf. he should have THICK, LUSCIOUS brows. tf is this. this just lines.
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pitanui juba: 1/10 this is almost worse. why do they have wiggles. what is this. the half-eyes save it, I fear
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bag-charm juba: 3/10. better but they're serving too much. azamin clearly just did them and they r NOT bushy enough.
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anniv chibigurumi plushie: 5/10, kinda generic but w/e,, at least they match and if u cover the smirk it looks like him ig
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idk what this one is juba: 7/10 for the attention to detail. they got the lil line he sometimes has when he frowns. could be thicker tho
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catboy butler juba: 9/10 okay nowww we gettin there. they're thick and angled right. could still be bigger but I respect it
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sat fuck juba: 8/10. idk they're too sleek for me they remind me of batman for some reason. should be CONSISTENCY
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last but not least. fat fuck juza. 10/10 he's the perfect specimen, no notes.
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jujumin-translates · 3 months ago
[A3!] Misumi Ikaruga | [SSR] A Face-to-Face Rival | grass memory - Part 2
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Kazunari: Alright, here ya go! The manga we were talking about yesterday!
Misumi: Thanks~!
Kazunari: I told Azamin that I was gonna lend it to you next, so once you’re done reading it, you can just return it to him directly~.
Misumi: Got it!
Kazunari: This manga is like SUPES interesting!
Kazunari: Even Frooch-san said it reminded him of his ex-delinquent days~.
Misumi: Sakyo’s been reading it too!? What’s the story about~?
Kazunari: It’s a story about friendship between these young delinquents! They’ve got this really passionate development going on and it’s super hype~.
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Misumi: Ooh~, that does sound interesting!
Kazunari: Ah, lemme give you this too! It’s the leaf you used as a prop during our etude yesterday.
Misumi: Leaf?
Kazunari: It’s some fake greenery one of my designer buddies gave me. You put it in your mouth during our performance yesterday, didn’t you, Sumi?
Misumi: Ah! That leaf~.
Kazunari: You looked crazy good with it! So I’m giving it to you, Sumi!
Misumi: Thanks!
Kazunari: ‘Kay, I’m gonna keep reading too~. Mind if I stay here to read?
Misumi: Feel free to~. We can read together!
Misumi: …
Misumi: (There’s so many different types of characters. It’s really fun that it reminds me of the etude we did yesterday~.)
Misumi: (...Ah, this guy is relaxing in a tree with a leaf in his mouth.)
Kazunari: Do you like it, Sumi?
Misumi: Yeah, it’s interesting to see so many different characters!
Kazunari: That’s great~. What part are you at?
Misumi: Umm~... The scene where one of the delinquents is in a tree!
Misumi: “You’re up there lookin’ all melancholic again, huh”...
Kazunari: Ohh, there! The part where he’s like “You’re just tryin’ to distract yourself from your loneliness,” right?
Misumi: Yeah, yeah!
Misumi: “That reminds me, what’s with you always havin’ that leaf in your mouth?”
Misumi: “Ain’t it obvious? Havin’ a leaf in you’re mouth is somethin’ normal if you’re a delinquent!”
Misumi: --.
Hakkaku: Do you think it’s interesting, Misumi?
Misumi: Yeah! It’s interesting how their clothes and hairstyles are different~.
Hakkaku: The gakurans and pompadours aren’t something you see too often, are they, Misumi? You’ve only ever seen them in this delinquent-themed performance recording, haven’t you?
Misumi: But they’re fighting… The way they’re hitting each other looks like it hurts.
Hakkaku: Don’t worry, they’re not actually hitting each other. It’s sorta like sword fighting.
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Misumi: Oh, okay! Actors really are amazing~.
Actor’s Voice: “Speakin’ of me, this leaf is still my trademark, ya know.”
Misumi: --Hey, hey. Why is that guy eating a leaf?
Hakkaku: He’s not eating it. He just has it in his mouth.
Misumi: Ohh~! But why?
Hakkaku: Well, I’m sure there’s lots of reasons, but… I’m not sure you’d understand even if I explained it to you, Misumi.
Hakkaku: I’ll tell you when you’re old enough to understand.
Misumi: Got it! It’s a promise then, Gramps.
Hakkaku: Yeah, a promise.
*Flashback end*
Misumi: (...Now that I think about it, I dunno if Gramps ever actually told me about that.)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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currytantou · 9 months ago
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[translation] – Mankai Channel vol 2 Natsugumi Ban drama track also x-posted on my wordpress blog
do not use my translations to create subtitled video or base it for re-translation to other languages. linking is permitted but do not copy paste whole blog content. sharing partial screenshot for fangirl/boying purposes is acceptable (with link back or credit).
0:01 Tenma: Ready? All: Blo-bloo-blooming! Tenma: Hello eve- Kumon: Hello guys! Misumi: Thank you for watching! Tenma: This time- Kazunari: It’s Summer Troupe’s turn this time! Misumi: Spring Troupe’s episode last time was fun, right? Kazunari: We played that game in the dorms, didn’t we? Tenma: Don’t say hello all at once! Ehem. Starting over. I’m Sumeragi Tenma, the leader of the Summer Troupe. Thanks for tuning in to Summer Troupe’s episode, following the previous episode with Spring Troupe. Yuki: Thank you. Muku: Thanks for having us! Kazunari: Summer Troupe’s plan is “morning routine”! Kumon: We had various plans in mind, right? Playing games like Spring Troupe, no-foreign-words-challenge, and ghost prank! Misumi: Tenma won the rock-paper-scissors! Muku: Tenma-kun’s spirit when he played rock-paper-scissors was amazing! Yuki: Especially when he wanted to avoid the last option; the ghost prank~ Tenma: Shut up! Kazunari: That said, each and every member’s morning situation was recorded on camera so let’s check them out at once~!
1:11 Tenma: First, it’s me. I woke up at 6am on this day. I woke up earlier than usual because I had a shooting. Muku: Tenma-kun barely had bed hair on him. Yuki: His usual hairstyle pretty much looks like bed hair anyway. Tenma: What are you trying to imply? Misumi: Oh, he’s taking care of *UneUne-kun. (literal meaning: zigzag) Kumon: Huh, who? Yuki: His bonsai, I think? Tenma: This is a white pine. Apparently, it is 20 years old. It’s about time to cut its old leaves. Kazunari: It took several years to reach this form, right? What a fine bonsai~ Tenma: Once I’m done cutting bonsai, I’d have some plain hot water in the kitchen. It’s Azami’s recommendation and I find myself in a good condition when I do that. Yuki: Hm? Guess I should try that too.  Tenma: After that I did morning workout. As recommended by Tasuku-san. Kumon: You do everything that’s recommended! Tenma: I would try anything good for my body. Misumi: Like a grandpa. Tenma: Uh, it’s granted for an actor to take care of his health. Kazunari: A body is an actor’s asset! Tenma: After I’m done with breakfast, Igawa picked me up by car and I went to shoot for magazines. Muku: Igawa-san always comes punctually. Tenma: He’s a reliable manager. Yuki: It’s unusual for him to praise someone. Kumon: Maybe Igawa-san would cry if he saw this video..?
2:36 Yuki: Next is me. On this day, I woke up at 7am as usual. I think I slept at 10pm the previous day..? Kazunari: Yukki washes his face thoroughly! Yuki: Recently, I’ve been using this facial cleanser. I like how it is hypoallergenic and creates plenty of foams. Misumi: That reminds me, Azami told us to wash with lots of foams. Muku: I wanna see how Yuki-kun washes his face. Yuki: I switched face lotion to this one, after sticking to the same brand for a while. Recently, I feel like my skin type has changed and after discussing with Azami, he suggested that I use one for sensitive skin. So far so good, I guess? Kumon: Can skin type change? Yuki: I suppose you can tell if you look at it everyday? Misumi: What is ‘skin type’? Yuki: You should start from there and learn through Azami. Kazunari: I wanna ask him for some suggestions too. I should ask Azamin skincare tips later! Tenma: Sounds good. I wanna ask him what my skin type is too. Yuki: Once I’m done washing my face, I get prepared and wear my school uniform. Kumon: You’ve made preparation for school, eh? Yuki: I made sure to do that the day before. Misumi: Yuki is so firm~ Yuki: Then, I’d have breakfast and check fashion related news and think of any designs, I guess? Muku: Is it easier to brainstorm design ideas in the morning? Yuki: Maybe. I sometimes come up with a better idea the next morning even though I was stuck yesterday. Kazunari: Perhaps, your brain thinks of it while you are sleeping. Kumon: I wish I could memorise English vocabularies while I’m sleeping~
4:15 Kazunari: Next, let’s check out my morning routine~! I woke up at 9am! I woke up a little late on this day because I stayed up to make it to the deadline. After waking up, I spent time idly on bed and scrolling through SNS, replied to comments, checked out what’s trending.. Yuki: Hurry and get up. Muku: Kazu-kun takes it easy in the morning. Kumon: Like it takes a while to get the engine heats up in the morning? Kazunari: Maybe~ Then I dressed up and prepared my bag for college. Tenma: So many different gadgets. Misumi: Kazu’s bag is like a magical pocket. Kazunari: Recently, I’ve been carrying around this portable charger and mobile monitor! These are freaking convenient for quick work outdoor and online meetings. When I told Itarun, he immediately started using ‘em. Also, these are my favourite noise cancelling wireless earphones! I’ve tried others but for me, this works best. And, a smart watch! Although I don’t keep it in my bag. These are the gadgets that I carry around. Tenma: I’ve been contemplating on getting this smart watch. Kazunari: I totally recommend this! It’s much better than the previous release so you should buy it now! Tenma: Hmm. Show me that later. Kumon: Kazu-san knows a lot, you’re so cool!~ Muku: It’s best to ask Kazu-kun when it comes to gadgets. Misumi: These videos were recorded using the camera lent by Kazu. Kazunari: It has good image stabilisation and spot on waterproofing. Easy to use, right?
5:56 Muku: My turn next, right? Uh..I woke up at 7am on this day. I washed my face and changed…Sorry that it’s way too ordinary! Tenma: It’s odd to apologise for being ordinary. Kazunari: Mukkun’s dailies are systematic. Muku: I had spanish omelette and freshly baked walnut bread for breakfast on this day. As I ate, I talked about newly released shoujo manga with Sakyo-san and Azu nee-san…. Yuki: The latter half is nothing ordinary though. Kumon: What kind of shoujo manga? Muku: A girl who has been living under oppression of her family meets the son of a distinguished family who runs a sports gym. She starts to workout and solves all problems with muscles. It’s a really interesting success story! Tenma: The second half is way too unexpected! Yuki: Some of Muku’s favourite shoujo manga are quirky… Kazunari: But it makes you curious to know more! I kinda wanna read it! Muku: I’ll lend it to you later. I did other stuff before I left the dorms, but I watched tv with Juu-chan on this day. They happened to broadcast a coverage on sweets. Yuki: Right, you two were glued to the tv. Muku: We planned to check out the chocolate ice cream shown on that program.
7:20 Misumi: Next is me. Yuki: Where is this place? Outside? Misumi: Rooftop. On this day, I said my morning greeting to a cat that I’m friendly with, and I joined the cat’s meeting. Kumon: Cat meeting! Wahahaha! So many cats! That’s cool!! Tenma: You’re doing this first thing first in the morning? Kazunari: As expected, he blends in with the cats. Muku: What do you do in the cat meeting? Misumi: We talked about so many things. Neighbourhood’s rumours, notices about stray cats, info about homes that give away food or any problems. On this day, *Kuroneko-san ranted how it can’t walk past its usual passage. (lit: black cat) So I went to help it. Tenma: So? Where is this place? Misumi: The passage that Kuroneko-san strolls by. Kazunari: Looks like a cat’s documentary footage. Muku: It’s interesting, since it’s a view we usually don’t see. Yuki: You’re breaking the expectation of a morning routine in many ways. Kumon: Ah! What jumped against the wall just now?! Misumi: See? I removed the trash thrown in this narrow passage. And I found a beautiful triangle here so I picked it up. Yuki: That’s how he picks triangles, huh? Tenma: I had no idea. Misumi: I cleaned the triangle with water at the park and made it to the dorm for breakfast time. Kazunari: Sumi had such an adventure before he joined for breakfast~ Muku: That is so dramatic!
9:00 Kumon: Finally, it’s my turn! I usually wake up at 6am! I had time to go for a run with nii-chanand Tasuku-san! Yuki: So much energy first thing in the morning. Kumon: After running, I practised swinging in the yard! Tenma: That’s way too much energy! Misumi: Looks fun~ Kumon: Sumi-san should join me next time! We can do karate with Guy-san! Misumi: Let’s do that! Muku: It feels good to move your body in the morning~ I feel refreshed when I start my day with running. Kumon: Yes, yes! I’m in good condition throughout the day!~ After practising swinging, I did some light squats and showered before having breakfast! Yuki: Now I know why you’re always fussing about being hungry in the morning. Tenma: Of course you’d get hungry if you move this much. Kazunari: Kumopi, you’re so healthy! Kumon: I’d brush my teeth after breakfast and I would check out the English vocabs app before I left the dorms. Muku: A test is coming up soon. Misumi: Kumon, that’s admirable. Kumon: I forgot I was supposed to be early ‘cus I was on duty on this day. I hurriedly left and dashed to school! Tenma: Running again? Yuki: His energy has no limits.
10:09 Tenma: That wraps up Summer Troupe’s morning routine. But is it interesting for them to watch these videos footage..? Kazunari: With the variations of morning routine, I suppose it is interesting~ Yuki: I thought the content would be pretty much the same but our routines are much more different than expected. Kumon: The cat’s meeting was fun! Misumi: It’s interesting to me, knowing what you guys are doing in the morning. Muku: I think Yuki-kun’s skincare tips and Kazu-kun with his gadgets are useful! Tenma: Well, I’m glad if this makes the audience happy. That said, do look forward to Autumn Troupe’s episode next. Kazunari: If you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe to the channel! Misumi: Bye bye~
Thank you for reading! <3 - curry
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fishyishy · 6 months ago
A3! Translation - Rurikawa Yuki SSR 【Shining Accomplice】 「The World's One and Only」 (1/3)
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Omi: I made some tea, do you two want some?
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Sakuya: Yes please! Thank you.
Yuki: Same here.
Banri: Oh, so that's where you are.
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Kazunari: Yukki has been discovered~!
Yuki: Do you need something from me?
Kazunari: Actually, so---.
Banri: ----so it's like that. Seems like they want Yuki to help out with a fashion show again.
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Kazunari: This time around, it won't be during a school festival, but one outside from school, my friend will also be participating, though.
Kazunari: He said he'd absolutely love to ask Yukki to help out again this time!
Sakuya: That's amazing, Yuki-kun!
Omi: It's impressive that you were asked to help out by name.
Kazunari: It's def a shame that Azamin had a prior appointment that day and can't go~.......
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Kazunari: So my friend came to see our recent performance and was just supppeeeer in-awe and moved by Yukki's costumes! What'd you say?
Yuki: Yeah, yeah. The performance's over now, and things have calmed down, so I'll give it a shot.
Kazunari: This is going to get totes lit! It's decided then~!
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Sakuya: Do your best, Yuki-kun!
Omi: We'll be rooting for you.
Staff A: The next outfit is OK!
Staff B: Makeup, please!
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Kazunari: You guys killed it out there~! I brought some treats!
Kazunari's Friend: Ah, thanks
Kazunari: Oui oui! Hmm, Yukki is......
Kazunari's Friend: Rurikawa-kun should be over there.
Staff C: Please check this outfit!
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Yuki: Got it.
Staff D: After that, could you please make some adjustments to this outfit too!
Yuki: Yup.
Staff A: Good work~, I guess we can take a break for now.
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Yuki: Phew.....
Kazunari: Yukki, you ate out there!
Kazunari's Friend: Thank you, Rurikawa-kun. You were truly a big help out there.
Yuki: It's nothing, thank you too.
Kazunari's Friend: You really are amazing for someone so young.
Kazunari's Friend: I heard that MANKAI Company's latest performance was themed around a fashion show, so I came to see it.
Kazunari's Friend: Did you make those costumes too?
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Yuki: Yup.
Kazunari's Friend: Not only does it make an impact when you glance at it, but the way the hem is able to spread out when walking has also been carefully calculated and----.
Kazunari: It's a such a good design, it rivals any adults.
Yuki: ......Thank you very much.
Kazunari: That's for real, right~? I love the designs and costumes Yukki makes too!
Kazunari's Friend: About that, I'd like to ask you about an offer.....
I next
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asordinaryppl · 5 months ago
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 17: Surprise Scout
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proofread by myuntachis!
Azami: We’re back.
Taichi: We’re baaaack.
Izumi: Good work, you two…!
Yuki: Congrats on third place.
Azami: Thanks.
Kumon: There’s no WAY you got third~!
Tenma: It’s too bad.
Banri: The winning challenger’s model was her twin. Can’t beat that, man.
Muku: Azami-kun, your makeup was so pretty and cool!
Juza: And you guys’ actin’ was good.
Omi: You two put on a great performance. 
Azami: Thanks. Well, the top two had good sense, so I’ve grown to respect them. I’m satisfied with my result.
Kazunari: I get it~ Look at the trends. You got third place, but you’re blowing up as the high school finalist!
Itaru: Taichi’s acting as the model was amazing too, its got everyone asking who you are.
Taichi: Whaaaa!?
[Door slamming open]
Manager: Ahhh, Nanao-kun, Nanao-kun, this is bad!
Taichi: !?
Manager: We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries about working with you ever since the broadcast ended!
Taichi: Eh? Huh? For real!?
Azami: Good for ya, Taichi-san.
Taichi: But I totally flunked the auditions–
Izumi: That’s just how much of an impact your appearance on the runway left.
Manager: But now that it’s come to this, acting as liaison’s going to be tough. … It’ll be hectic for a while.
Tenma: In that case, you can rely on my place.
Taichi: B-By your place, you mean…?
Tenma: Sumeragi Agency, of course.
Tenma: Why not join Sumeragi Agency, now that you’ve become more well-known? 
Taichi: Whaaaa!?
Tenma: There’s been talk of recruiting new people for quite some time now, and they’re about to start scouting, so this is perfect timing.
Tenma: After you told me you want to seriously challenge working in the film industry, I told my father about it too.
Tenma: You’ll have to confirm contract details, of course–
[Taichi hugs Tenma]
Taichi: I’ll do it!! I’ll join Sumeragi Agency!!
Tenma: Wh– I get it, so stop hugging me!
[Taichi steps back]
Taichi: I’m so happy! I get to be in the same agency as Ten-chan!!
Kazunari: Taicchan’s gonna be a celebrity for reals~!
Taichi: Ehehe!
[Phone going off with notifications]
Azami: ?
Kumon: That’s a LOT of notifs!
Azami: I didn’t have it on me at all while the show was going on…
Azami: … I’ve got lots of DMs about work offers.
Kazunari: Azamin’s hitting it big too~!
Yuki: Looks like you’ll be busy for a while.
Izumi: (Azami-kun took on a big challenge and grew from it, and Taichi-kun is also moving forward.)
Taichi: Omi-kun, this sweet potato quiche is SO good!
Azami: The salmon and mushroom pasta is good too.
Omi: You can help yourselves to seconds.
Azami: … It’s kinda setting in that I’m finally back in the dorm.
Izumi: You stayed at a hotel the show had arranged for you, didn’t you?
Omi: That reminds me, Taichi, did you finish signing the paperwork for the agency?
Taichi: I signed the contract, and now all inquiries will be headed to Sumeragi Agency!
Taichi: I asked Ten-chan and Igawa-san about what kinda offers I should prioritize!
Taichi: So, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about, Director…
Izumi: Hm?
Taichi: Amongst all the offers, I got an invitation to audition for not just any role, but the lead role for a TV drama.
Taichi: It’s about a young man who can’t speak, so it’s a difficult role–
Taichi: I was asked to come audition after they saw my nonverbal expressions on the runway…
Taichi: I’ve failed a bunch of lead role auditions so far, so I was scared of trying again, but after seeing the overview for this one, I really wanna give it a try.
Izumi: I see. I’m sure it’ll turn out okay, Taichi-kun. This is you we’re talking about, after all.
Azami: Plus, this means they already approve of you after seeing you act in real life.
Taichi: I’ll take advantage of this chance A-chan gave me and make sure I get the job this time!
Izumi: Break a leg!
Omi: …
Omi: (Everyone’s definitely moving forward through the challenges they’re taking. And yet, I…)
Smartphone: “Honestly, I still can’t believe I was actually accepted.”
Smartphone: “But now that I’m here, I will absolutely show that I can change from who I used to be.”
Smartphone: “Because this stage is the last hope for someone alone like me–”
Kabuto: … I see.
Kabuto: All the pieces have fallen in place.
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ashipikaur · 5 months ago
welcome to ASHIPIKO’S A3! BLOG! ☆
aka my sorta attempt at reconnecting w a3! fandom cuz i miss you guys 😔
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main blog <3
more under cut!
HERRO i am Ashi and i’ve been an a3! fan since!!!! feb 8th 2020 <3 the game has changed the trajectory of my life and kazunari miyoshi is to blame. if you see his face flash before your eyes when talking to me DW AT ALL!!! THAT’S SAUR NORMAL. i prommy
🫶 I’m also a big twst fan along w eitori and proseka. but you can find more of that stuff on my main blog HAHAHA
FAVES: KAZUNARI MIYOSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tenma banri and azamin oshi also <3 natsugumi FTW!!!! 🫡🫡🫡
also if you couldn’t tell I’m SOOOOO CRAZY SICK IN THE HEAD OVER CAPTAIN SKY’S PIRATES. self proclaimed #1 SkyPaul fan (in NA at least)
^ i have too many master docs and they’re the only ones you can consistently get me to write fics for. tehepero 😔 the ashi skypi lore is soooooo. so
SHIPS: MISUKAZU!!! SKYPAUL!!! TENYUKI!!! basically it HAHAHAHA. usually I’m typically pretty open to other ships tho 🫡 just check down below for my preferences
BROTPS: sucker for all kazu dynamics……. but specifically I do wuv kazbanten as a bestie trio!!!! I THINK THEYRE SO FUN AND HAVE SUCH A CUTE DYNAMIC AND SM POTENTIAL. liber please give me more content
YUME: I’M ALSO AN AZAMI YUME tho i go too crazy over the canon chara ships so it’s kinda hard to see em www. my sona will probs make an appearance here eventually? eventually……….
🫡 personal stuffs I’m kinda iffy w. would rather not interact but it’s obvi totally fine if you enjoy it!!! <3 just don’t try to shove it in my face www. sankyu for respecting~
SHIPS: misu/ten (BIG NO), misu/ita, poly sky pirates (just personally not my cup of tea so you’ll most likely never see me reblog)
my art 〜 #ashipiko draws ♪
yapping 〜 #ashi talks ☆
my yume 〜 #azashi
sky pirates posting 〜 #skypi
<3 hope you enjoy my art!!!!! I WUV THE A3! FANDOM A LOT please don’t be afraid to interact <3
also I have a skypaul fic. it’s a little outdated but it sure is my a3! magnum opus 🫶 if you send me Any asks about skypaul i Will respond to them. do not doubt me and my insanity
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 months ago
Act 12
Episode 20: The What-If Future and The Certain Now: Azami
Working w/ Maybelle Lace, jujumin-translates, Fea
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate.
Pink: Flashback
Blue: Characters are acting
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Azami: Damn, it ain't stopping... Can’t catch a break.
Azami: (It's about time I start heading there.)
Shift: Where are you right now?
Azami: (I can't rely on Shift or Ken anymore. In the end, there is nowhere for me to go.)
Azami: (The same goes for makeup. A dream like that would never go anywhere when you're born in a yakuza family.)
Azami: (Yet I still cling to such things...)
Azami: ...
Shift: Azami, hey, what'cha thinking about?
Azami: Ah? Nothing...
Shift: You've been spacing out a lot lately.
Azami: Oh, I was just thinking about my homework.
Shift: Is something coming up?
Azami: Nah, it's for the theater company.
Azami: We were asked to think about what we would have done if I hadn't joined Mankai Company while we were away from the dorms.
Azami: With that in mind, I have to find my own reason for standing on the stage at the Mankai Theater.
Shift: Heh~. That’s an interesting homework assignment.
Azami: If I hadn't joined the troupe, I probably would’ve kept running away from home until I reached my limit.
Shift: You're quite stubborn, aren't ya, Azami?
Azami: Shut up.
Shift: But I'm glad that you ran away from home back then.
Azami: What do you mean by that?
Shift: Because of that, you ended up living in the Mankai dorms and joining the theater troupe.
Shift: At the time, I was frustrated because you not only achieved your dream of being a makeup artist, but you also managed to start acting before me, which irritated me even more.
Shift: But thanks to that frustration and impatience, I auditioned for the God Troupe with all my might and managed to pass.
Shift: The reason I'm able to perform under Reni with Haruto and Madoka and others now is probably because you ran away from home.
Shift: It’s like everything is connected. ...Maybe this is what they call fate?
Azami: (Fate, huh...)
Azami: ...
Azami: (All the makeup tools I had saved up and bought with my pocket money were thrown away, but I never expected they would come back in such good quality.)
Azami: (My dad threw away all my cosmetics, we had a big fight, and that led me to run away from home and move into the theater company's dormitory...)
Azami: (When I think back on it, it’s kind of funny.)
Azami: (But, Mankai Company accepted me as I was, even though I was a total rookie.)
Azami: The hell were you thinking with those sorry faces earlier? You ever heard of stage makeup? Seriously.
Kumon: Whoa!
Izumi: That's amazing! You all look completely different!
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Muku: All of our features are so defined! Now we'll really stand out on stage!
Yuki: ...Not half bad.
Kazunari: Are you a wizard, Azamin?!
Azami: ...Just an aspiring makeup artist.
Sakyo: Go on, boy. Tell the boss the real reason you love makeup so much.
Azami: Why should I? He's not gonna listen.
Banri: What, is your story that boring? What happened to all that confidence you had when you first went on stage?
Omi: If you only told boring stories, you wouldn't be in the Autumn Troupe right now.
Taichi: Your dad likes theater, so you'll be fine.
Banri: Remember. What's the one way to beat somebody you can't overpower?
Azami: ...!
Juza: You're not the same guy you were before you joined the troupe. You've learned a lot since then.
Izumi: Show us one more time, Azami.
Azami: ...Hey, old man. Peel back those wrinkly eyes of yours and watch closely.
Azami: I didn't want to talk about my parents in front of Sakyo, so I didn't use this for my audition, but...
Azami: This is the strongest memory I have of when I was a kid.
Azami: This is my portrait.
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Azami: (During the Summer Troupe's "Love Out of Left Field", I suddenly had to redo everyone's makeup, and to be honest, I was a little nervous.)
Azami: (I knew that their makeup wasn't good at all, but it was my first time trying stage makeup.)
Azami: (But in reality, I was excited to do makeup on someone else, and I was happy when I was able to change Kumon's complexion with my magic brush.)
Azami: (My heart feels warm whenever I remember my mother, who inspired me to start doing makeup.)
Azami: (When I used the power of makeup to change someone's mood and was able to support them, I thought again that this is the dream I want to pursue.)
Azami: (I was also happy to be recognized by the theater company as a makeup artist.)
Azami: (Izumi and the members of Autumn Troupe accepted the unbearable emotions that I had when I was 15 and tried to understand me.)
Azami: (...I thought I was the only one in the world who felt this way.)
Azami: (There are many people in this troupe who have much more to deal with than me, yet we stand on stage together supporting each other's weaknesses.)
Azami: (The fact that when I joined, I found out that everyone in Autumn Troupe, including Sakyo, had run away from home too made me feel a strange connection to them.)
Azami: (The reason I was able to feel such strong connections with others was because I joined Mankai Company.)
Azami: (Otherwise, I think I would still feel like the only person in the world.)
Azami: (That's why I never want to cut ties with everyone in the theater company, the director, and the members of Autumn Troupe.)
Azami: (I still haven't fully repaid my debt to the theater company for allowing me to be in charge of makeup despite having no experience and allowing me to gain experience as well.)
Azami: (This is why I want to stand on the Mankai Stage again with those people...)
Ichiro: ——Azami.
Azami: ?
Ichiro: This just arrived for you.
Azami: Postcards...?
Azami: They're from Sakuya.
Ichiro: There's also one for Furuichi, so please hand it to him later.
Azami: Got it.
Azami: (Sakuya must be really polite to send one to me and Sakyo too, even though we're not a part of Spring Troupe.)
Sakuya: "How are you doing, Azami? I'm careful to keep warm while I'm traveling!"
Sakuya: "When I follow the steps you taught me before, I feel like I hear your voice in my head telling me to move."
Azami: That's great.
Sakuya: "During this journey, I wish to learn more about my roots."
Azami: (Roots...)
Azami: Wonder if my name has some kind of backstory too.
Sakyo: You don't know? Because I do. Try asking your father next time.
Azami: ...
Azami: Old man.
Boss: What?
Azami: Let me ask you something.
Boss: I hope you're not gonna ask for some pocket money.
Azami: It’s not that.
Boss: What is it then?
Azami: ...Do you have any idea where my name came from?
Boss: What's this all of a sudden?
Azami: Sakyo said earlier that he knew about it, so I was curious.
Boss: Sit down.
Boss: Since my name is Kikuo and your mother's name is Sayuri, which both have the name of flowers in them, Sayuri said that she wanted to give you the name of a flower too.
Boss: I thought it might be strange to give a flower name because we were having a son, but she was stubborn and wouldn't give in.
Boss: When I was asked what kind of meaning in flower language I'd like, I said I'd like one where it looks like you'll grow up to be a full-fledged man, worthy of following in my footsteps.
Boss: I wanted to give you a name that would help you grow up to be a mischievous man with enough spirit to even stand up to your parents.
Boss: And then she said that she knew a good flower for that...
Azami: (I guess that means that my name is the one my mom gave me...)
Azami: ...I'm not following in your footsteps, though.
Boss: Hmph, it doesn't matter. You grew up exactly the way we wanted you to, to our annoyance.
Azami: That's right.
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ashipiko · 2 years ago
🫶 moon/cat and sun/dog dynamic
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IM SO? THEYRE SO??? WWWWWW they make me inSANE my GOD. year 3 they finally get together and Azamin doesn’t ENTIRELY freak out over touch 🙏 ashi fools around as much as she can w that new knowledge
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the-himawari · 2 years ago
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Journey to the Colours (7/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Kumon: … (Huh… I was supposed go to the riverside. I made my way all the way here without even realizing it…) The gate’s open…? (Maybe it’s because they’re doing renovations right now…) —.
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Juza: …
Tenma: …He’s not answering.
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Izumi: It’s gotten this late and he hasn’t come home yet. I wonder if something happened.
Muku: I’m going to go look for him!
Kazunari: Mukkun. I’m going with you.
Misumi: Same here~!
Tenma: Then count me in too.
Yuki: We have no idea where to even search. This guy. I’m worried so I’ll tag along.
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Izumi: Everyone—.
Juza: I’ll keep lookin’ too.
Izumi: In that case, let me—.
Kazunari: Director-chan, Hyodle, you two wait at the dorm for when Kumopi gets back. It’s not safe for a lady to be out at this hour~. And Hyodle, you can welcome Kumopi home.
Izumi: Kazunari-kun…
Juza: …Okay. I’ll leave Kumon to you.
Misumi: Kumon, where are you~?
Kazunari: Kumopi~!
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Tenma: Did you find him?
Muku: No…
Yuki: We’re just wasting time searching blindly.
Tenma: Where the heck did he go…
Muku: If only I had been a little more attentive to Kyu-chan…
Misumi: It’s not your fault, Muku~.
*ring, ring*
Muku: Ju-chan?
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Juza: “Have you found him?”
Muku: …No. We’ve searched all the nearby places that we thought Kumon might’ve gone to…
Izumi: “Azami-kun said he might have an idea of where Kumon-kun went.”
Tenma: Eh?
Azami: “I’m not sure… but have you taken a look at Tsuku High’s baseball field? He seemed pretty interested in the renovations goin’ on the other day…”
Kazunari: We haven’t tried Tsuku High’s sports field yet! We’ll head there now!
Izumi: “Be careful, okay?”
Misumi: If it’s Tsuku High, then leave it to me~!
Yuki: Oh right, you used to be a Tsuku High student.
Misumi: I haven’t been there much, but I know where that is~.
Kumon: … (It’s been a while since I’ve stood in this field. This might be the first time since I quit the baseball team…) (It hasn’t changed since back then… I wonder if it’ll change after it’s been renovated.) (To think I used to feel so scared. But now I can stand here feeling calm as can be.) —. (A baseball… they forgot to put it away.)
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*flashback ends*
Kumon: …
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Yamaguchi: …What’re you doing squatting down over there?
Kumon: It’s just… we could’ve won today’s game for sure. If only I didn’t mess up in the bottom of the 7th inning…
Yamaguchi: That wasn’t your fault, y’know? Geez, don’t sweat it. —Here.
Kumon: What’s that…?
Yamaguchi: A fist bump. It’ll reset your mind.
Kumon: …Ahaha, what the heck. Does that actually work?
Yamaguchi: If it works as a trigger, then anything will do. It’s normal to regret things that have passed. We lost today. That’s not gonna change. It's not like it's going to change the outcome of the game, so if you have time to regret, then it's better to face forward towards what you can do from here on out.
Kumon: Face forward… I see… you’re right about that. Thanks, Yamaguchi. I feel better now! Next time I’m depressed, I’ll ask you again!
Yamaguchi: No way. You get depressed way too quickly. It’s a pain.
Kumon: Hey, why!
*flashback ends*
Kumon: (That’s right. Back then, right here—.)
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Misumi: There he is~!
Kumon: Sumi-san…?
Muku: We were so worried, Kyu-chan…!
Yuki: Good grief… what are you doing? You weren’t answering our messages.
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Kumon: Ah—Sorry, I had my notifications turned off.
Kazunari: So that’s the reason~?
Kumon: What are you guys doing here though?
Tenma: There happened to be a teacher around who remembered Misumi, so we got a permit to come inside.
Yuki: I don’t think he’s asking about the procedure we used.
Kazunari: Azamin told us you might be here since it looked like you were interested in the sports field. Kumopi, are you okay?
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Kumon: …I’m sorry for making you worry.
Yuki: I don’t know what’s bothering you, but you can’t keep brooding over it by yourself.
Muku: You don’t have to hold everything in, Kyu-chan.
Tenma: Sometimes it feels better to let it all out.
Misumi: If something is bugging you, then we can think about it together, okay~?
Kazunari: I’ll accept whatever it is you feel. That’s why I became your co-lead, y’know!
Kumon: You guys… thank you. (Yeah, that’s right. All of them are here for me.) (There’s no point regretting about the past. Instead, I’d like to cherish the present, and the future, that I’m facing with all of you.)
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Kumon: …The other day, I ran into a friend from my little league days. After that, I couldn’t stop thinking about the baseball team. Like what would’ve happened if I continued. Or if I could’ve also played in the intra-squad game with Yamaguchi and the rest of them. I wondered if I should’ve tried harder on the baseball team. Stuff like that—. I felt discouraged in junior high, but I joined the baseball team in high school thinking it would work out this time. And I met some good friends. Yamaguchi and I had amazing chemistry as a battery. I had my share of hard and painful times, including with my health. But I also had the same amount of fun. Baseball was everything to me back then. I honestly believed that I was going to play baseball forever. But now, I love Summer troupe even more than that. I love this theater company, and I want to continue doing my best as an actor. Yet, I really hated myself for thinking about the baseball team because it made me feel half-hearted.
Muku: So that’s what you were thinking…
Kumon: But, you know, the reason I could even wonder what it’d be like if I continued playing baseball is because I’ve been acting with all of you. If I hadn’t joined the theatre company, and if I hadn’t met Summer troupe, then I wouldn’t have gained confidence in myself. I never would’ve thought I’d be able to play baseball again… I realized that thanks to Muku. Yamaguchi also said this to me back when I was on the team. If I have time to regret what’s passed, then move forwards. And he’s right. I’m sorry for making you worry so much. I’ll be fine as long as I’m with all of you. Of course I love baseball and all my memories with the baseball club are important to me, and that’s not going to change. But now I’ve come to love acting and the theatre just as much, if not more than baseball—because I have all of you in Summer troupe!
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Kazunari: Kumopi… thank for you sharing with us. Kumopi, you can tell that you really cherished baseball and that you put lots of effort into it. So you don’t have to feel sorry about your feelings and for reminiscing about it. I’m sure you would’ve been the coolest ever if you kept playing. But I’m happy that you joined Summer troupe. I’m so glad that you’re here.
Muku: Kyu-chan, thank you for joining Summer troupe!
Yuki: Anyways, if that’s how you felt, then you should’ve told us sooner.
Tenma: There’s no way we’d get mad at you over something like that.
Kumon: Ehehe. I love you guys!
Muku: !?
Yuki: What’s that sound?
Tenma: Shouldn’t it be a construction worker?
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Yuki: They’re not going to be doing construction at this hour. That’d be a nuisance to the neighhourhood.
Kumon: There’s no one over there though…
Kazunari: Could it be~.
Misumi: A ghost~!?
Tenma: GYAHHH!
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*runs away*
Kazunari: Ah. Hold on, Tenten!
Kumon: Where are you going!?
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umuttherzamanvar · 4 months ago
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Talebe: Evet, bu sizin dediğiniz gibidir.
Fakat hata edenle, isabet edeni bilmediğim takdirde, bu husus bana zarar verir mi?
Bunu açıklayınız.
Alim (r.a.): Bu sana sadece bir konuda zarar vermemesine karşı birçok konularda zarar verir.
Zarar vermeyecek olan cihet, senin hata eden kimsenin amelinden dolayı muahaze edilmemendir.
Buna karşı sana zarar verecek hususlardan birisi;
önce doğruyu hatalıdan ayıramadığın için cehaletle itham edilmendir.
İkincisi; senden başkaları için olduğu gibi senin için de çıkış yolunu bilmeyeceğin bir şüphe durumunun ortaya çıkmasıdır.
Zira sen hatalı mı yoksa isabetli mi olduğunu bilemediğin bu durumdan kurtulamazsın.
Üçüncüsü ise; hatalıyı isabetliden ayıramadığın için, kimi Allah için seveceksin, kime Allah için buğzedeceksin?
İşte bunu bilemezsin.
Talebe: Benim gözümün perdesini açtınız.
Seninle konuşmamızdaki bereketi görmeğe başladım. Fakat hakkı tavsif eden fakat mulıalifinin zulüm ve haklılığını bilmeyen kimse için ne dersiniz?
Bu o kimse için caiz olur mu? O kimsenin hakkı bildiği yahut hak ehli olduğu söylenebilir mi?
Bu hususu açıklayın.
Alim (r.a.): O kimse hakkı tavsif edip muhalifinin haksızlığını bilmediği zaman adli de, zulmü de bilmiyor demektir.
Ey kardeşim, bil ki bana göre bütün zümrelerin en cahili ve en kötüsü, şüphesiz bu kimselerdir.
Onların durumu kendilerine beyaz bir elbise getiren ve rengi sorulan dört kişinin durumuna benzer:
Bu dört kişiden birisi bu bir kırmızı elbisedir, der.
Diğeri bu bir sarı elbisedir, der. Üçüncüsü ise bu bir siyah elbisedir, der.
Dördüncüsü de Bu elbise beyazdır, diye cevap verir.
Bu sonuncuya önceki üç kişinin hatalı mı, yahut isabetlimi olduğu sorulduğunda, şüphesiz ki, ben elbisenin beyaz olduğunu biliyorum.
Fakat onların da doğru söylemiş olmaları mümkündür, der.
Böylece bu sınıfa giren insanlar;
Biz biliyoruz ki zina eden kimse kafir değildir.
Fakat zina edenin zină fiili, kendisinden elbisenin çıkarılması gibi imån özelliğini de giderir, görüşündeki kimselerin kanaatlerinin de doğru olması mümkündür,
biz onları yalanlıyamayız, derler.
Keza; Haccetmeğe gücü yettiği halde hacca gitmeyen kimseyi mü'min olarak isimlendirir ve cenaze namazını kılarız, onun için Allah'tan af dileriz, haccını kaza ederiz.
Fakat o kimsenin yahudi yahut hıristiyan olarak öldüğünü ileri sürenleri de yalanlamayız. derler.
Bunlar Şia'nın görüşünü hem reddederler, hem de benimserler.
Haváric'in sözünü hem inkar ederler, hem de kabul ederler. Mürcie'nin düşüncesini hem reddederler, hem de benimserler.
Bu halleriyle de kendi düşüncelerinin doğrulanmasını, bu üç zümrenin görüşlerinin de tezyif edilmesinin gerektiğini ileri sürerler.
Ayrıca bu konuda bir takım rivayetler de naklederek Hz. Peygamber'in böyle söylediğini naklederler.
Şüphesiz biz biliyoruz ki, Allah'u Taâlâ Res��lünü tefrika ve müslümanları birbirleriyle vuruşturmak için değil, ayrılığı gidermek ve müslümanlar arasındaki sevgiyi çoğaltmak için bir rahmet olarak gönderdi.
Halbuki onlar ihtilafın rivayetlerde nasih ve mensuh olması dolayısıyle meydana geldiğini iddia ederek biz duyduğumuz şekilde rivayet ederiz, diyorlar.
Yazıklar olsun, kendi akıbetleri ile ilgili konuda ne kadar az ihtimam gösteriyorlar.
Öyle ki insanların karşısına çıkıp mensüh olduğunu bildikleri şeyleri naklediyorlar. Halbuki bu gün mensuh ile amel etmek dalalettir.
İnsanlar da onların sözlerini kabul ederek dalâlete düşüyorlar.
Biz şüphesiz biliyoruz ki Hz. Peygamber bir ayeti iki nevi tefsir etmemiştir.
Kur'ânı Kerim'in nasih olan aye- tini herkes için nasih, mensuh olanını da herkes için mensuh olarak tefsir etmiştir.
Kur'an'daki ilahi sıfatlar ve haberlere gelince;
bunların hiçbirinde mensuh yoktur.
Nasih ve mensuh ancak emir ve nehiyde cereyan eder.
Talebe: Bana yardım ettiğiniz için Allah sizi cennetiyle mükafatlandırsın.
Siz ne iyi öğreticisiniz, bana ulaşamadığım bir ilim kapısını açtınız.
Bu kavmin sözlerinden öyle şeyler naklettiniz ki, artık onların düşünce ve görüşlerinin zayıflığı ve acizliği konusunda daha fazla bilgi sahibi olmaya ihtiyaç duymuyorum.
Fakat siz ikinci zümrenin Allah'ın farz kıldığı herşeyi işlemek, haram kıldığı herşeyden de kaçınmak demek olan manada Allah'ın dini çoktur, şeklindeki iddialarının nasıl reddedileceğini açıklayın.
Ålim (r.a.): Bilmiyor musun ki, Allah'ın resulleri-Allah hepsine salat ve selam eylesin- muhtelif dinlere mensup değillerdi.
Hiçbiri kendi kavmine, kendisinden önce gelmiş olan resulün dinini terketmeyi emretmemiştir.
Çünki peygamberlerin dini birdir.
Buna mukabil her resul kendi şeriatına davet ediyor, kendinden önceki resulün şeriatına uymaktan nehyediyordu.
Zira resullerin şeriatleri çok ve muhteliftir.
Bundan dolayı Allah Kur'anı Kerim'de Sizin her biriniz için bir şeriat, bir yol tayin ettik.
Eğer Allah dileseydi sizi bir tek ümmet yapardı.(el-Maide, 48.)
Allah, bütün peygamberlere tevhid demek olan dinin ikamesini, dinlerini tek bir din kıldığı için de ayrılmamalarını emretmiştir.
O size dinden Nuh'a emrettiğini, sana vahyettiğimizi, İbrahim'e, Musa'ya ve İsa'ya emrettiğimizi, dini doğru tutun ve ondan ayrılığa düşmeyin diye kanun yaptı.(eş-Şura, 13.)
Senden evvel hiç bir peygamber göndermedik ki ona, benden başka hiçbir ilah yoktur, ancak bana ibadet edin diye vahyetmiş olmayalım."(el-Enbiya, 25. )
, Allah'ın yarattığı değiştirilmez, en doğru din budur.(er-Rum, 30.)
Yani Allah'ın dini değiştirilemez.
Nitekim din; tebdil, tahvil ve tağyir edilmemiştir.
Şeriatler se tebdil ve tağyir edilmiştir.
Zira bir takım şeyler bazı insanlar için helal iken, Allah onları diğer insanlara haram kılmıştır.
Birçok emirler vardır ki, Allah onların yapılmasını bir kısım insanlara emrettiği halde diğer insanları, onları işlemekten nehyetmiştir.
O halde şeriatler çok ve muhteliftir.
Şeriatler, farz kılınan şeylerdir.
Eğer Allah'ın bütün emrettiklerini yapmak ve bütün nehyettiklerinden kaçınmak din olsa idi; bu durumda Allah'ın emrettiklerinden her hangi birini terkeden yahut nehyettiklerinden her hangi bir şeyi işleyen kimse,
Allah'ın dinini terketmiş ve kafir olmuş olurdu.
Bu durumda kafir olan kimsenin de müslümanlarla kendi arasında cereyan eden nikahlanma, miras, cenazesinin peşinden gitmek, kestiklerini yemek ve benzeri hususlar ortadan kalkmış olurdu.
Oysaki Allah, mü'minlerin arasında can ve mallarının korunup haram kılınmasının sebebi olan iman dolayısiyle bu hususları farz kılmıştır.
Allah, mü'minlere farz olan şeyleri, onların dini kabul etmelerinden sonra emretmiştir:
«İmân eden kullarıma söyle namazı dosdoğru kılsınlar.»,(İbrahim suresi 31)
«Ey iman edenler, size kısas farz kılındı(Bakara 178)...
", Ey iman edenler, Allah'ı çok anın(Ahzap 41)...
ayetleri ve benzerleri bu hususu belirtmektedir.
Eğer farz kılınan şeyler bizatihi iman olsaydı,
Allah o amelleri işleyinceye kadar kullarını mü'min olarak isimlendirmezdi.
Oysaki Allah, iman ve ameli ayırmıştır.
İman eden ve salih ameller işleyenler(Büruc suresi11...",
«Hayır, kim muhsin olarak imanıyla bütün varlığını Allah'a teslim ederse(Bakara suresi 112)....
", Kim de mü'min olarak ahireti diler ve onun için çalışırsa (İsra suresi 19)....
" ayetlerinde imanın amel olmadığı tesbit edilmiştir.
O halde mü'minler, imanlarından dolayı namaz kılar, oruç tutar, zekat verir, hacceder ve Allah'ı zikrederler. Yoksa namaz, zekat, oruç ve haccetmekten dolayı iman etmiş olmazlar.
Bu onların iman ettikten sonra amel işleme durumlarını ortaya koyar.
Farz olan şeyleri işlemeleri de iman etmiş olmalarından dolayıdır.
Yoksa onların imanı, farz olan şeyleri yaptıklarından dolayı değildir.
Bu durum, üzerinde borç bulunan bir kimsenin haline benzer.
Borçlu önce borcunu kabul eder sonra da öder.
Önce ödeyip, sonra da borcunu kabul etmez. Borcunu kabul etmesi ödemesinden dolayı değil; bilakis ödemesi, borcunu kabul etmesinden dolayıdır. Köleler, efendilerinin kölesi olduklarını bildiklerinden dolayı onların namına hizmet ederler, yoksa onlara hizmet ettiklerinden dolayı onların kö- lesi olduklarını kabul etmezler.
Zira nice insanlar vardır ki başkalarının işinde çalışırlar, fakat onlar bu çalışmaları ile başkasının kölesi olduklarını kabul etmezler.
Onların çalışmaları da köleliği kabul manasına gelmez.
Bir başkası ise köleliğini kabul ettiği halde çalışmaz, fakat onun çalışmaması, köleliğini ortadan kaldırmaz.
Talebe: Çok güzel belirttiniz. Fakat imanın ne olduğunu açıklayın.
Alim (r.a.): Iman; tasdik, marifet, yakin, ikrar ve islamdır.
İnsanlar tasdik konusunda üç halde bulunurlar.
Bir kısmı Allah'ı ve Allah'tan gelen şeyleri kalb ve lisan ile tasdik ederler.
Bir başka kısmı lisan ile tasdik eder, kalb ile yalanlar.
Bir kısmı da kalb ile tasdik eder, lisan ile yalanlar.
Talebe: Benim cevabını bulamadığım bir meseleyi açtınız.
Bu üç kısımdan bahsedin.
Onların Allah katında mü'min olup olmadıklarını açıklayın.
Alim (r.a.): Allah'ı ve Allah katından gelen şeyleri kalb ve lisanı ile tasdik eden kimse Allah katında ve insanlar yanında mü'mindir.
Lisaniyle tasdik, kalbi ile tekzip eden kimse, Allah katında kafir, insanlara göre ise mü'min olur.
Çünkü insanlar onun kalbinde olanı bilmezler.
İkrar ve şehadetinden dolayı onu mü'min diye isimlendirmeleri gerekir.
Zira kalbdekini öğrenme külfetine girme durumu yoktur.
Bir kısım kimseler de, Allah katında mü'min, insanlara göre kafir olur.
Bu, imanını gizleme durumunda, lisanı ile küfur izhar etmiş kimsenin halidir.
İmanını gizlemek için böyle yaptığını bilmeyen kimse, onu kafir olarak isimlendirir.
Fakat o kimse Allah katında mü'mindir.
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yuzokasu · 1 year ago
mankai stage actors thoughts dump. i just feel like rambling
stage mskz's chemistry is insanely good. makes sense since both their actors have been playing as misumi and kazunari for so long and had to improvise so much skits together but they're so in synch it's crazy!!!! their dynamic is a major reason why shinobi misadventuring's stage adaptation was so good and i know it's wishful thinking but i hope they lead a play again soon. i just love their tandem
ryoya is phenomenal as masumi. he's adorable and regardless of my opinions on masumi fanservice he does his job so endearingly well i can't even be mad LMAOOO he's so animated too like kumon's stage actor. i cannot even begin to describe how amazing he is at singing like each time he opens his mouth in a harugumi play that shit that sends you to HEAVEENNN personally i think he's already cemented himself as a vocal powerhouse along with like teruma, toshiki, kandai, whoever else u think belongs on that list. they should give him 200% more lines in the next harugumi show
speaking of vocal powerhouse!!! i think sion as azami is underrated. i don't see him as talked about much but he's so good i'm still in awe at how his voice is so bright and crisp while being in such an action/choreo-heavy group like AKIGUMI and his chemistry with stage taichi is so good too i loved how they played off each other's energies in mantou fist. like mskz i really hope azamin and taichi lead a play together again soon
when august's actor got announced i was really surprised how similar he looked to chikage's stage actor. they looked related it made me wonder if that was intentional casting. and with hisoka's actor graduating soon (WE'LL NEVER FORGET YOU UECHAN.....) i'm starting to wonder if they'll cast an actor that looked similar to them both LMFAOOO
also i need shuffle plays to return!!! the only """hint""" i have is ryuugi (stage sakuya) saying he wants to play akiyama from first crush baseball in a radio show once and i am like 80% sure that's gonna be true. by the way if we're talking about shuffle play fcb taichi should play the muscle otaku 'cause he's BUFFFF personally i think ryoya and sion should be in shuffle play phantom because they're hashtag Singers but citron should get in there too because that's his mom's lead play. for shuffle play charlatan of oz we need tenma as wizard of the north i don't think we've ever seen him in a kinder guidance type role. as for shuffle dead/undead uuuummmmm tsuzuru because i have a crush on his ac
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lcs-library · 2 years ago
Short fluffy fic for @ashipiko about her sillies<33333 It’s pre-relationship and has a sort of “fell first, fell harder” dynamic, so I hope you enjoy hehe they were so fun to write!!!
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! Please? Because I’m the coolest and you love me so much?” Ashi pleaded, clasping her hands together and giving Azami the biggest puppy dog eyes she could muster. Even still, she couldn’t disregard the slight blush dotting his cheeks at the l-word.
“…Fine.” Azami accepted after some hesitation, having to turn away to protect himself from getting ten times more flustered than he already was at her antics.
“Yay!” She cheered, dropping the cute act to throw her hands in the air with glee. “We’re gonna have loads of fun, prommy!” She said with a wink.
As it had turned out, her cousins had managed to get a couple of tickets to a new museum in Veludo through some connections. Apparently, it was meant to combine both art and general history, but she decided it wouldn’t be much fun on her own, so who better to take than Azamin? He mentioned liking history one time, right? And Ashi could look at the art! Win-win!
When they arrived(with Azami having to practically spring after Ashi), they were met with a grand exterior, showcasing the large “grand opening” banner. The two gawked for but a moment before Ashi dragged her friend inside by the wrist eagerly, grinning like a madman.
It may have been a good thing that she didn’t see the wreck Azami had become at the simple affection. Not even that, but the fact that she was so casual about it? He could barely comprehend how she didn’t think anything of it.
Once their tickets were accepted and they entered the lobby, Ashi turned to Azami.
“So, where to first? You’ve prolly got better taste in this stuff than I do, Azamin!” She exclaimed, squeezing his hand slightly, only deepening the hues on Azami’s cheeks.
“They’ve got dinosaur bones, so, uh, let’s see those.” Azami replied quietly, avoiding eye contact.
“Dinos, huh? Okay! Sounds super hypesies!” Ashi beamed, throwing up a peace sign before dragging Azami across the museum to find the exhibit.
Azami really wished he could let go. This was completely, utterly, totally improper, even if they were just friends. That didn’t change the fact that it was gross! And in public? What would other people think?
And yet, it felt…nice? To age someone who genuinely wanted to spend time with him was something new. To be connected to someone both physically and emotionally was something he had to admit he missed, even just a little.
Then, all of a sudden, someone who wants it just as much as he does shows up and thing actually start to feel alright? Not only that, but she had a similar mentality about age and how they were treated because of it? It all clicked together a little too perfectly, like they were made for each other.
Wait, why was his heart beating faster at the thought?
“Azamin?” Ashi’s voice interrupted his thoughts. Oh, no, now it was hard to look at her. Shit. He put on a brave face and responded as best as he could.
“What’s up?” A voice crack. Why, God?
“We’re here!”
So they were. Azami gazed around the room, taking everything in.
He almost looked like a little kid in the way his eyes shined, Ashi thought. It was cute, something rare for him.
Soon, she found herself skipping after Azami as he prattled on and on about every single creature, giving her an endless supply of facts as she supported him.
“Where’d you learn all of these, Azamin? They’re, like, super cool!”
“I just liked ‘em as a kid…” he muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he realized how he was acting.
God, he was so adorable, Ashi couldn’t stand it. She let out a hearty chuckle as he tried not to let her feelings show, lest Azami kill her for seeing him like this.
“You done here?” She asked cheerfully.
“Yeah. Let’s go see the paintings you wanted.”
“Okie! Race you there!” She dashed off.
“Wh- hey! You shouldn’t do that here!” Azami cried, rushing after her.
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