#ayano x senpai
wito-chan-bla-bla · 1 year
(I do not know what came over me, but okay). I was looking at the concepts for the yandere simulator and thought… and what about the endings?
I mean… Ayano can't just walk up to senpai at the end of the game and say, "Hi, dude! For ten weeks, strange things happened to the girls you talked to, and people at school disappeared, but now I'm here to say that you are the love of my life. MARRY ME OR I'LL MARRY YOU TO MY KNIFE!.."
Even if it was a normal dialogue, it's still weird. The girls around senpai may appear again, and Ayano is too worried to approach him. She hadn't talked to him in weeks, why would he love her? The boy is already stressed, and here again someone is trying to approach him!
So what? Eternal murders?
So I thought about what Ayano might have… different endings based on how she treated her rivals and senpai.
Let Ayano prepare the ground for conquering senpai's heart from the very beginning of the game! She's watching him, isn't she? So she knows what things he likes. Let Ayano give him gifts for ten weeks, leave delicious things in his locker, cook food for him, secretly send him messages and generally do everything to get his heart!.. (That is, to be a secret admirer). Or does nothing.
Based on Ayano's behavior, I suggest several endings, because I have nothing to do.
If Ayano killed most of her rivals and did not give gifts to senpai
~If Ayano kills a lot and doesn't bring senpai some goodies, then she will get a "neutral ending" as a result.~
"S-so you're saying you... want to get to know me... better? Sorry, I… I doubt I'll ever be able to make a new friend. All the girls I talked to either mysteriously disappeared somewhere or were found dead… I think I'm cursed. I don't want anything as terrible to happen to anyone in this school as happened to them. So… Don't ever come near me again"
"N-no… senpai… I can't leave you after all I've done for you! I struggled so much, only for you to refuse me this way?! Those damned girls have prevented me even now! I think… To be happy, I have to follow in my mother's footsteps."
"Oh, I... understand. I'm sorry, I won't bother you anymore."
When senpai returns home late at night, someone suddenly attacks him from behind. He is turned off with the help of medication, and he wakes up in some kind of dungeon, his eyes are closed, his body is tied to a chair by someone. A nervous giggle is heard from the darkness, as well as a familiar voice: "You didn't think that some rumors would stop me, did you?"
Ayano got her senpai. But they will never be as happy as they could be.
If Ayano killed most of her rivals, but gave gifts to senpai
~If Ayano kills rivals and brings goodies to senpai, then she gets a "bad ending"~
"So it's you who sent me this letter? What did you want to talk about?"
"I want to confess to you, senpai. I've been your secret admirer for the past few weeks. I didn't know how to approach you, so I left things in your closet, on your desk and next to you that I thought you might like. I hope you enjoyed my gifts."
"Did I like the gifts? How could I focus on them when people around me were dying or disappearing without a trace?! And… how did you find out what I like if we never talked? Have you been following me?! And I heard that similar events took place several decades ago, when she fell in love with a boy… You know… can't be connected to this story, right?.."
"I always knew you were smart, senpai. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you. But now there is no point in all this"
"W-what do you mean? I'm not going to accept someone's feelings when my friends are dead! W-wait… Wait, what are you doing? D-Don't come near me! DON'T COME NEAR ME!..
Ayano had no choice but to kidnap her senpai and bring him to her basement. Senpai, who quickly guessed the situation, could only hope for salvation from outside. But all the people who could help him were destroyed by Ayano. Senpai will never love Ayano as much as she would like. Senpai could only hope that he would lose his mind quickly and not feel any pain…
If Ayano made friends with most of the rivals (or removed them without taking their lives) and did not care about senpai in any way
~In this case, Ayano gets a "neutral end"~
"Hey, aren't you a friend of my friends? I'd like to talk to you."
"S-senpai? Is he inviting me under the sakura tree? I must go with him immediately!"
"I heard that you helped all my friends a lot… they often talk about you when we cross paths with each other. I wanted to thank you for taking care of them and giving them the help I couldn't give them! Perhaps there is something I can do to repay you for all your efforts?"
"There's nothing special I'd like to ask for, but… Senpai, I heard that the fall festival will be held at the school soon. You want… come with me?"
"Oh, of course! We could go with our whole big group and have a good time! I think we can agree on when and at what time we are going. And now I'm sorry, I have to go."
Ayano turned around and followed her senpai with her eyes. She didn't know if she could win his love, especially when he was surrounded by so many girls, but just the thought that she could become his friend filled her with love… and determination.
If Ayano made friends with most of the competitors and took care of senpai
~She will also list her rival friends and what she has learned from them. The more such friends Ayano has, the more plausible her confession looks to senpai. And this is how our "good end" has finally come!~
"It was you who asked me to meet under the sakura tree. If anything… what do you want to tell me?"
“Yeah… Senpai, as soon as I saw you, I realized that I wanted to get to know you better. I decided to get to know the people around you to understand how I can attract your attention.
Osana-san told me a lot about your childhood and about what things you like.
Amai-san taught me how to cook the sweets that you like the most.
Kizana-san told me what works of literature you like, based on which films were made, she taught me to be confident and helped me find strength… to stand in front of you.
Oka-san told me what your favorite horror stories are, what horror movies you like… she also suggested that I summon a demon so that he could protect you from all troubles.
Asu-san told me what kinds of sports you like, and also helped me become stronger.
Muja-san told me how to take care of your health, and also advised a store where I could buy some warm clothes for you in the cold season.
Mida-sensei… well, she helped me better… allocate time and… understand myself?..
Osoro-san taught me how to fight and defend myself as well... as you, senpai.
Hanako-chan shared with me many of your hobbies, and also helped me to better understand you and your lifestyle.
Megami-san helped me make a schedule for the day and taught me not to be distracted by unnecessary things, so I had more time to please you… senpai.
My - our - friends have helped me a lot. They helped to make a lot of gifts, which you talked about later to the whole school. I just want you to know… I've been your secret admirer all this time"
"Y-you… are you serious now? I've been trying for ten weeks to figure out who it was, and it turned out to be… you! I'm so glad it wasn't some creepy stalker or something! Ayano-chan… thank you for making almost every day brighter. If it wasn't for you, I would hardly be able to enjoy my school days."
"Senpai, I'm happy to see such a beautiful smile on your face… And I only dream that you will make me as happy as… me. I love you, senpai. I love you more than anything in the world"
No more words were said. Ayano and senpai shared their first kiss under a cherry blossom tree, whose petals slowly fell on their heads, as if blessing their relationship with their touches.
Senpai doesn't need to know that his friends were just used to find out more information about him. From now on, senpai will live a happy and fulfilling life… the same as Ayano. He will be with Ayano forever, and now that the lovers have kissed each other, even a thousand girls will not be able to separate them.
After a while, Ayano brought her senpai home to meet his parents. Ayano's mom gave them both a kind and proud smile, saying only one thing: "I'm proud of you, daughter. You did everything much better than I taught you."
Senpai didn't quite understand what the woman meant. But he doesn't need to. Now that he found himself in Ayano's loving arms voluntarily, he doesn't have to worry about anything.
He will be happy with her… all their eternity.
If Ayano has a low reputation and she took care of senpai
~In this case, Ayano gets a "bad ending"~
"Who could have called me here?.. Oh, it's you! I'm sorry, I must have the wrong place… I'm leaving right now!"
"S-stop, senpai! You've come where you're supposed to. I wrote you this note. We need to talk."
"I don't think we have anything to talk about. Listen, I don't have much time, so there's something important you don't want to say…"
"All those gifts that you received… I was the one who sent them. I was your secret admirer."
"You? Wait… YOU?! I refuse to believe it! Someone like you couldn't do such good things for me."
"But it was me. I did it for you and only for you. I want you to feel my love in this way."
"I can't admit your love. People have been saying for a long time that you've done things that I personally don't like. I can't start dating someone who's as weird as you."
"N-no, senpai, wait! I lost my reputation because I was trying to get to your heart! Please, senpai, don't leave me after everything I've done!.."
The next day, Ayano did not come to school, as well as in the following days. The students started whispering that it was all because of her reputation. In a mystical way, senpai, who had been communicating with Ayano before, suddenly disappeared.
Ayano could have kidnapped senpai, but he knew what kind of person she was. Senpai will never love her the way she wants.
If Ayano has a low reputation, she killed most of the rivals and took care of senpai.
~Another "bad ending"~
"Why did someone call me to this place now when everything is restless? Oh, it's you! I'll leave here, I think…"
"Wait, senpai. We need to talk. It's about those gifts you've been receiving all this time. This… I was your secret admirer."
"You, was it YOU all the time?! W-wait, it couldn't have been you! We didn't even really communicate, and all the gifts seemed to have been created especially for me!.. Did you find out what I like by following me?! People around said you were weird, but I didn't think you were that weird!..and… and all my friends… I heard the students say that you walk around the school with a gun! You know… you couldn't have killed them, could you? Why are you silent?! Answer me, answer me now! N-no! Don't come near me! Put that syringe away! W-what are you going to do with?!."
Ayano could kidnap senpai, but she would never get his love. She can only drive him crazy or die herself, because senpai, whom she has fallen in love with, will never accept her true feelings.
If Ayano has a low reputation, tooks care of senpai and made friends with most of her rivals
~Here Ayano also lists how each opponent helped her. This is a "good-neutral ending"~
"So, did you call me under the sakura tree?.. I hear you're a friend of my friends, but I'm not sure we should be here. I mean… If someone sees us together, I'll be in trouble. No offense."
"Yes, of course, senpai. I won't keep you long. The thing is, I am… I was the one who sent you all these gifts. I wanted to get to know you better, but I was afraid to approach you. Then my reputation began to decline, and I wasn't sure if you would be ready to talk to me. I decided to learn more about you from your friends. They really helped me to understand what kind of person you are… Listing which opponent helped Yandere-chan. And that's why I wanted to ask… maybe you'd like to come with me to… a date? Even though people are talking about me?"
"This… really unexpected news. I would never have thought it was you who sent all these gifts. Thank you! I think… if my friends think you're a good person, then the rumors are just lying! I'd love to go on a date with you!"
Ayano couldn't be sure that her relationship with senpai would last long. People said bad things about her, and senpai could leave her at any moment. That is why, while her beloved is in her arms, she will try to do everything to bind him to her… forever.
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domxmarvel · 3 months
Ayano/Ayato Aishi
Pairing: Ayato Aishi x Female!Reader
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Day after day there were notes in your locker,poems,love notes and small gifts. Earrings,a necklace and some other small things. But there was never a name,you never saw anyone put anything into your locker even when you spent hours watching and waiting. It was time for class,but as you picked up your books you saw a note on it. ‘Waiting for me,darling. Don’t worry you’ll see me soon’ You looked around,but you were completely alone. Later that day you were watching your locker again,this time being sneakier but you still hadn’t seen anyone. The bell rang and you made your way to class,finding another note on your desk. ‘You’ll have to be sneakier than that if you wanna catch me’
You were walking to your locker when you bumped into someone,they fell to the ground. It was Ayato,he was in the class below you and you remembered bumping into him the first day of school. In fact the whole scene felt like deja vu. 
“Sorry,here let me help you” Reaching your hand down to help him up. 
“Thank you” his hand lingered in yours for a moment before he let go. As he walked away,you thought of something: was he the one sending the notes. Ayato seemed shy and never spoke much to anyone,he also seemed to avoid you in particular. Although you couldn't figure out why. To figure this out you'd need to find out if his handwriting matched the notes.
It was Friday morning and there was another note,this one however was unlike any other one. It wasn't the same paper,handwriting or style as the other ones. It simply said ‘meet me at the cherry blossom tree behind the school’. You knew what it meant,someone was looking to confess their feelings for you.
But after waiting for an hour,no one showed up and had enough. As you went to change your shoes you saw Ayato waiting there.
“Why are you here so late?”
“I had something that I needed to finish,and lost track of time. Since you're here,I could walk you home” His tone was confident,the exact opposite of what you expect. Like he was sure you'd let him walk you back. As you were walking you realized something,you never told him what direction to go. He knew the way and didn't even second guess or look around. He knew where he was going like he walked this path his whole life. You were getting an uneasy feeling about him,thankfully you soon reached your house. “Thank you for walking me back,I'll see you tomorrow” you quickly headed inside,peeking through the curtains to look at him. He just stood there,looking for a while before he left. There was something going on with him,he was definitely leaving the notes. It was very clear that he had some kind of crush on you. But was trying to build up the courage to tell you. That was it surely,he was probably just shy. You might have been too paranoid about the notes,but now they didn't seem to be a big deal. 
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minorinkazami · 1 year
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Ryoba Aishi ♥️
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2x-sarah-x6 · 1 year
Hmm so, it's not that I dislike Ayano x Taro, (Ok maybe I dislike it a little bit ;-;💧) but for me, Taro is um, like... HE ISN'T INTERESTING AT ALL! IDK HOW 10 GIRLS COULD FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM!! 😭😭😭 BRO DON'T EVEN HAVE A BACKSTORY OR SMTH 😭 HE'S THE MOST BORING CHARACTER 😭 EVEN RIKU HAVE A GF AND A BETTER LIFE 😭😭😭
Anyways- 😌✨ I know that I'm not alone thinking that, so pls YandereDev, make Taro a more interesting Senpai, PLS! (He'll never do it 😭)... Plus, i kind of like the idea of Yandere Taro, just bc Ayano is TOO pretty to fall in love with smn like him, who just read the same book again and again all over the game💀... I'll really start to wonder if he rlly have friends 😭... Maybe he should join a club or idk 😭!
So you may think: Why did i make this post? To hate on Taro? So actually, I don't hate Taro.. In fact I rlly appreciate him, bc he's a part of the real Yansim, and i can't just ignore him and go. I love the actual Taro, he's maybe a very boring character, but I rlly love him sm!<3 And the story won't be the same without him... 🥲✨ I just think that we should just know more things abt him, and make him like, more real, with a backstory or smth... To give Ayano a REAL reason to love him apart the ''Senpai effect"...🥲
BUT, I don't deny the fact that i'd rather Ayano x Budo >:) ✨✨ BC THEY'RE RLLY CUTE 🥹✨❤️
As a Yansim fan and a Ayano x Budo supporter, Im rlly angry with the fact that Ayano x Budo isn't canon, and im sick of ppl who says ''bUt bUdO DoEsN't lOvE AyAnO'' ''tHaT's nOt cAnOn'' 💢💢💢🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄So to make things clear, IDC ABT UR OPINION SO PLS GO F**** YOURSELF💢💢 FOR ME BUDO X AYANO IS CANON AND I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYTHING 💢🥄 IT'S NOT BC IN THE GAME, WHEN WE VIEW BUDO'S PROFIL, IT SAYS THAT HE HAVE NO CRUSH, THAT HE DOESN'T LOVE HER💢💢🥄 SO PLS GO WITH UR OPINION, BUDO LOVING AYANO IS CANON FOR ME 💢🥄 Don't be mad ohh! 😌✨ And if ur, go expose ur opinion and we'll see who's the best ship 🤨🥄...
Anyway, just to let u know guys all my love for those two <3 Even tho YandereDev himself isn't for this ship... ;-;💢🥄🥄🥄 But idc 🥹✨ ❤️
And for the last time, I DON'T HATE TARO ORH! 🤨😌✨ IT'S JUST THAT *FOR ME*, BUDO IS BETTER 🥹✨❤️
Here's some pics of the best couple 🥹✨❤️❤
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sariels-world-ella · 1 year
If you are still doing requests can you do Taeko x Ayano from Yandere Simulator?
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Sure! this was fun to draw!
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
Do you still write for yandere simulator?
Yes, I still do write for Yandere Simulator. I just really like the concept of the game and it's characters even though the person behind is.... questionable and not good..
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mrpuzzlessimp420 · 4 months
Mario Simulator (Joke Fic)
Chapter 2
Warnings: Mention of Lobotomy, Blackmailing, Kidnapping, Plotting Murder (none of these are taken seriously)
Ships: Marware, SMG34, BatteryAcid (Mr Puzzles x Orange Juice)-Mentioned
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An idea popped into Mario's head, quite surprising as he probably didn't have any braincells left.
A very... unique idea.
You see, there was something actually... unnormal about Mario.
He was what you would call...
A yandere.
Now Mario wasn't your Ayano Aishi "I've never felt ANY emotions before Senpai!" yandere, he was your "though emotionally stunted still had emotions" yandere.
His entire life he had never felt strong emotions before which wasn't questioned by literally anyone as they just thought it was just because he was you know Mario or because he had been implied to be lobotomized in that one episode.
It also wasn't questioned when he started acting coo-coo crazy over Mr Puzzles as they just cracked it up to just be Mario being Mario.
So hiding this fact about himself from others was as easy as forcing your friends to kiss for a tiktok trend.
But like any yandere (insert-literally-any-character) fanfic, Mario had some roadblocks that stopped him from being with his one and only true loves...
Now Mario was used to having rivals, love related or not but Orange Juice was a special case.
Unlike the others, Orange Juice was actually dating Mr Puzzles which meant that if he just straight up murdered him, Mr Puzzles would be depressed, wear grey/black hoodies all the time and be emo and Mario couldn't have that! Being emo was the greatest sin of humanity!
He'd had to think of a plan to get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up or for Orange Juice to be extremely toxic so when he goes to kill him, Puzzles wouldn't be a sad depressed babygirl!
Unluckily for him, Mario was a number 1 lazy boy and didn't want to go through all the effort of figuring something out so he thought of the next best option: get someone to figure it out for him!
Now how would be his unwilling victim?
No she has had to much character development that she would drop kick him into the sun if he asked her to revert back to the days she was crazily obsessing over Boopkins (really though, Boopkins??)
No he was weird in his own way that Mario didn't want to deal with.
He'd probably need some sort of blackmail though.
Luckily for Mario, he always kept a copy of SMG3's gay little diary on hand, just in case.
A loud rigging bell went that snapped Mario out of his thoughts, it was the end of break!
And he didn't get to eat his spaghetti-flavoured apple :(.
Moving on from that, Mario knew what his next move was. At lunch he would kidnap SMG3, blackmail him to make a plan that would get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up, force him to help in the actual plan himself and make him promise to never tell anyone about the situation ever.
Yeah that seemed like a solid plan, what could possibly go wrong?
The next two lessons went by like SMG4 and SMG3's will-they-won't-they relationship that will probably never be canonized because of half of the fandom's homophobicness and their insistence that their brothers.
Right as Mario was considering drowning a random girl in a bucket of full of acid because of how clingy she was being, the bell went signalling it was lunch.
He ran out of the classroom with no time to lose, not even caring that the teacher yelled at him that "the bell doesn't dismiss him, she does" or whatever that crap was.
After searching for what felt like weeks, he finally found SMG3 packing up his stuff in a classroom that was now empty. His face slightly smiling at a image on his emo skull phone.
It was now his chance!
Mario grabbed a black bag out of thin air and, without SMG3 noticing, put it on SMG3's head and tightened it.
Now all he needed to do was find a dark, empty room that no-one would dare walk near to.
The broom closet! (DID YOU GET THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING? THE BROOM CLOSET- The author is then choked to death because they referenced another piece of media)
Dragging SMG3's lifeless body that definitely was losing oxygen by the second and not at all trying to hide himself, waving to others whenever they passed who just chalked it up to be Mario being Mario. When he finally reached the broom closet, he dumped the poor man in it, locking himself and SMG3 inside.
After finding a chair that definitely looked out of place in a broom closet that only held brooms, he placed SMG3 on it and tied his hands behind the chair with some spare rope.
Realising he needed SMG3 to talk during this blackmailing, Mario finally took the black bag off of SMG3's head.
"What the hell Mario?" SMG3 shouted after panting for oxygen for 4 minutes straight, his voice not being heard from the outside as the closet was noise cancelling.
"Mario wants you do to something for him." Mario said sinisterly, which was hard to tell due to his voice only being voice clips.
"Hell no I'll do something for you! Last time I did so I was humiliated on the internet!" SMG3 argued, not wanting anything to do with Mario.
"Well.. Mario has your gay diary sooo.. :D" Mario said, grabbing the copy of SMG3's notebook out of his skirt that has pockets.
SMG3 immediately freezed up, a pink blush spreading around his checks.
"Y-you wouldn't leak that would you?" SMG3 asked, sounding extremely nervous. No one could see his deepest and darkest thoughts and know about his massive crush on SMG4.
"I won't if you do this for me.." Mario stated as menacingly as he could, leaning down to SMG3.
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife...
"Fine... I'll do it..." He said, giving in to Mario's demands.
"Yippeee!!" Mario squeaked, though he was sad he didn't get to use his brand new cringe memes machine to torture SMG3 with but he could use it at another time.
"What do you want me to do then? Make spaghetti for you? Force me to a dumb challenge? Humiliate myself on camera?" SMG3 asked.
"Help me commit murder." Mario said blankly.
"Yeah sure why not." SMG3 stated, he selled bombs on the black market for a living, murder wasn't that extreme that he wouldn't do it. "Who is it and what's the plan?"
"Actually I wanted you to make a plan for me" Mario rubbed the back of his head, pulling a silly face while doing so.
"Of course you did.." He said, not surprised at all.
"Well to be honest, I need your help to get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up so I can go kill Orange Juice." Mario stated, extremely casually.
"Honestly wouldn't take you for a yandere type of guy"
"The author's friend thought it be funny."
"Well, I've already thought of some ideas so let's plan this!"
30 minutes later and they had already made a Plan A, a Plan B for if it goes wrong, a Plan C etc. Now all they needed to do was set it into motion...
(part 3 coming whenever I feel like it babieee-)
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lemonthepotato · 3 months
Amai’s Week
I didn’t even know until today that Amai had a week, that’s how hard this game fell off. Anyway, boy do I have some criticisms.
1) We need that many ways to enter a building in a mission? Why? It ends the same no matter what. The mission is still linear.
2) The dialogue in this game is so stiff and not how people talk. Never played a Hitman mission where the target said “I’m going to be here at X time, doing Y thing, blah blah blah” but Amai is kind enough to specify the times she’ll be serving food. Yeah, it’s kind of intuitive to not exit the classroom and start serving octodogs, the cooking club should know it’ll only be at morning, lunch and after school.
3) Amai’s sabotage events are so silly. I remember jokingly thinking “what? are we going to be giving him a pink apron or something?” as a JOKE. And then it HAPPENED, essentially. These characters are meant to be adults LARPing as teenagers but even a teenager has more maturity than “oh, you made an apron I didn’t like!” What? Did Ayano draw a swastika on it or another hate symbol? The game refers to it as a ‘lame’ apron, which implies it’s more likely that Ayano used a bland colour scheme. I’m sorry, but “I wanted a black apron but you made me a pink one, that offends me” is not on the same level. And by the way- if Amai’s food is giving people food poisoning due to Ayano’s sabotage, why is she still allowed to run the bake sale???
I was genuinely thinking “surely, it’s more going in this direction” during the picnic talk. It was. So, what? Amai is supposed to control the insects?
If you sabotage all of Amai’s events, Senpai should get the sense that she’s a BAD COOK. Literally all. Her sabotage events are NOT enough to warrant being cut off or rejected.
4) I like how no one in this game questions a giant ass water fountain placed randomly in a room.
5) THE LOVE CONFESSION DOESN’T MAKE AMAI LOOK GOOD, EITHER. Who the FUCK says “yeah, I know I’ve known you for a week, but I was actually pissed at you for mourning your dead friend because… what about me???”
6) Okay lol I just. I love how funny Kizana is.
I like to imagine Ayano and Senpai are in some Truman Show situation where Info-chan is just hiring all these colourful personalities to rizz Senpai to create the craziest situations ever. Like Ayano is just some institutionalised person who was dragged out by a studio to be exploited in her dire mental state. Can’t wait to get Kizana in 2025 and Oka in 2026.
Look I’m an Amai defender but spitting in someone’s food is VILE. The reason I don’t go to… let’s call it OldRonalds is because three employees spat in my food. I had three occasions. Yeah, wasn’t risking a fourth. AND IT’S IMPLIED SHE DID THIS SEVERAL TIMES. That is NASTY.
7) Yeah I definitely talk to myself when cooking. That’s totally normal.
9) A small pet peeve of mine over the years is the line “oh my god! is that a dead body?” when talking about their classmates. Akademi is a small school, where everyone should know each other. Maybe- like “Oh my god! [character’s surname, because it’s Japan, or whatever their nickname is considering Akademi has nicknames]? A-are you okay? I need to get help!”
10) Ben Shoku-ro asks us to essentially stalk Amai. Very normal. See, this is why I headcanon that Akademi is just a mental institution disguised as some… high school LARP. A very ineffective one, too.
11) I like how everyone has the exact same criticism with the exact same wording towards Amai’s cooking.
12) “You shoot 100% of the takes you don’t miss” is such a funny quote. No shit Sherlock.
13) “juvenile delinquent” aren’t they 18? C’mon, if you’re gonna use the “they’re actually 18” excuse, be consistent about it.
14) Welcome to Writing 101. In Inkyu and Sakyu’s conversation on Friday, the pink one (Inkyu, I believe) says “however?” While Inkyu is gathering her thoughts. It doesn’t add tension to the scene, they’re talking about fucking studying. It happens twice, actually. It’s awkward and drags on too long. I’m a writer, not a programmer, but surely there has to be a way to make the dialogue end faster?
Also Horuda canonically drawing kill art is real asf. She is not okay in the head and is expressing her emotions to avoid doing something dangerous. This is what we call showing, not telling. This is something this game struggles at.
15) Wait, Kyuji stalking Osana is a bounty? What if the player match made them? Is the game seriously gonna punish you for doing the pacifist route?
16) Why can Toga walk on bushes???
Okay if Senpai’s new personality is himbo than I kinda fw him.
HELP DID YANDEREDEV FORGET TOGA WASN’T A CREEP SO HAD TO RETCON IT?? Same with Horo, though I think Horo being weird was inferred by the demon Easter egg.
17) Also, another general criticism, but the dialogue in this game is so wonky. Instead of “Hey, blah blah, did you know blah blah dislikes gossip?” It could be “Hey, blah blah, X said to me gossipers were all evil people. Ridiculous, right? Who doesn’t gossip from time to time? Guess that’s what I’m doing” or something shorter than that. And things like money and violence shouldn’t even be discussable topics. I’m sorry but “Hey, Horuda Umetsu, did you know Amai Odayaka dislikes violence” would receive an “okay? don’t we all?” IRL. Like even though Horuda is prone to violence no one’s going around shaming people for disliking it WTF.
(Edit: Btw, before Amai came out, I made my own version of Amai’s week a year ago, along with the other rivals, but honestly? They suck. I’ll add them anyway, if you wanna check them out, but I got lazy halfway through and began half assing stuff: Amai, Kizana, Oka, Asu, Muja, Mida, Osoro, Hanako, Megami. I’m not saying these are better than the game. The way I characterised Kizana, for example? Canon Kizana is much better. The writing on these posts were somehow cringier than the actual writing. Why share it then? Dunno. I like humiliating myself? Oddly, I got a lot of nice DM’s from people about them at the time. I also made a shitty AU.) (I have more posts over there, like a mission mode concept ending) (also, it was only a year ago, but I feel like my writing has improved a ton since then)
Addendum: Not sure if I gave the impression I support YandereDev. I don’t.
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iicheeze · 2 years
Notice me, Senpai! Prologue
Yandere Genshin Impact X Gender Neutral Reader YANDERE SIMULATOR AU
summary: It was your second year at Teyvat High. Expecting another normal year in your high school life. But why is there so many people suddenly courting you?!?! And why is there suddenly so many missing students?!?!
update: Now it has storyline previews for each nations (ones that are currently available at the game, of course.)
a/n: This is an explanation and cast of my Yandere Simulator AU story.
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Senpai as You.
[Name]'s Best Friend as Qingfu.
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Mondstadt Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Aether and Lumine.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Eula Lawrence.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Noelle.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Fischl / Amy.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Albedo Kreideprinz.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Venti.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Lisa Minci.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Kaeya Alberich.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Diluc Ragnvindr.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Amber (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Jean Gunnhildr.
Storyline Preview;
Aether and Lumine was always the same. They're twins after all. Ever since they were born, all they do is help people. No matter what. No matter what they feel. No matter how difficult it may be. It's gotten to an extent where they couldn't feel anything anymore. They just feel hollow. As ever blue sky and its beautiful clouds just turned black and white.
Yet, it became colorful once more ever since they encountered their beloved senpai, [L. Name] [Name]. They can't help that they felt butterflies in their stomach and felt as if the world has gained colour once more!
Yet.. Why do they feel uneasy when they saw their beloved senpai talking to another person?
They can't let them go. Not when they make them feel this way. Not when they are the reason their world is colorful. Not when they make them feel as if they have finally gained a reason to live.
They've been helpful for so long. They're allowed to be selfish.. Right?
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Liyue Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Zhongli
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Xiao.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Mao Xiangling.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yelan.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Chongyun.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Beidou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Shenhe.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Ganyu.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Childe or Tartaglia.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Hu Tao (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Ningguang.
Storyline Preview;
Zhongli had always been the same. Considering, kind, but calm and content. Yet he couldn't shake off the feeling where he felt empty at the inside ever since his beloved, Guizhong, died due to a terminal sickness. He had long moved on from it. But his heart can't reset back to normal. He doesn't feel anything when people confess their feelings to him. Just hollow. Empty.
He can't help but long for the feeling of being in love again.
Yet, it all changed when he accidentally bumped into his senpai whilst walking around his new high school. Spilling their canned soda on him. It was supposed to be revolting. But he somehow doesn't mind. Not when his attention is fixated on their senpai.
When their hands touched, he felt something. Something growing inside him. Like a beautiful sunflower blooming once the sun rises.
He had forgotten what it feels like to be in love. If he is in love, is this what it feels like? Warm, but lovely? If it is, he'd want to feel like this forever.
Their interaction had already ended, yet his feelings kept growing.
However, a flower has to die in the end.
As he then saw his beloved senpai, talking to another man. So lovingly, so friendly. It couldn't help but make him feel rotten on the inside.
He finally gets his heart re-build once more, he can't have another broken. Not again. He will not let his senpai go. No matter what it takes. He doesn't care if he'll have blood on his hands. It's all for him and his senpai. He doesn't want to feel empty again. He will not let them go.
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Inazuma Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Kamisato Ayaka.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Kuki Shinobu.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Kaedehara Kazuha.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yoimiya.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Sangonomiya Kokomi.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Thoma.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Yae Miko.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Raiden Shogun or Ei.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Arataki Itto.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Shikanoin Heizou (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Kamisato Ayato.
Storyline Preview;
Kamisato Ayaka has always been known for their family clan and business. Due to her parents no longer here, she and her older brother had to take care of the business at a young age.
She was always known as smart, elegant, and kind. Yet she stayed alone. She wanted to have friends. But God forbid it.
But, that all changed when she entered High School. The one her older brother designed, to be perfect for her and himself.
She was just relaxing at the rooftop. Enjoying the breeze. Until she decided to practice her dance. After all, no one is there to watch, right?
That is where she was wrong.
Her body swayed along with the wind. Granting her body free moves as she continued to dance with the wind. As she finally finished, she heard clapping.
Turning to where the noise came from.. It was from.. You. Her senpai.
“ That was beautiful..! ”
It was such a simple compliment. So why did her heart start beating fast?
That interaction had ended. It was supposed to be a small one, anyways. As you were busy with other things.
But she couldn't help but think about you. Her senpai. Her mind is basically infested with it. What could she do to impress you once again? What could she do to meet you again? What could she do to finally be of someone's main attention?
She needs you. She has to have you. You were the only one who could understand her. Who could accompany her. Who could finally set your attention to her. Just her.
So just look at her again, won't you? Just her. Don't look at anyone else. You won't need anyone else with her around.
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Sumeru Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Al-Haitham.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Wanderer or Scaramouche.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Candace.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Kaveh.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Tighnari.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Nilou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Layla.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Il Dottore.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Dehya.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Nahida & Collei (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Cyno.
Storyline Preview;
Al-Haitham had always been.. Pretentious.
He was smart, he was attractive, he was looked up on to, he was anything you can ask for in a man.
So why does he feel empty?
It felt as if something is missing. It always feels like something is missing inside him.
He had spent all his time on books, knowledge, education. And nothing else. Was it company he craved? No, he isn't.
His interaction with you was simple. Yet cliche.
You were just going to grab a book in the library, that was obviously too tall for you to take. Getting onto your toes, you tried again. Only for another hand to reach for the book, touching yours.
As soon as the two of you made contact, he can't help but feel.. full.
He felt as if his stomach was filled with sweets, love and butterflies. But it was illogical! There was no way he feels this way just by touching your hand.
You let him take the book as it isn't that important to you anyways. Leaving him alone with his thoughts.
It was a nice gesture of you for him. Do you really prioritize others than yourself?
He decided to brush those feelings off, calling them annoying. But his heart kept beating fast. Ignoring what his mind said.
His vision was fixated on you as you left the library, yet through the windows.. He saw you and another.. boy.
Why is he so rude to you? Why is he so mean to you? Why is he so cruel to you? And why are you just laughing it off? Why are you smiling at him so lovingly? Why are you even hanging out with him? Why? Why? Why?!
He doesn't understand. He hates feeling like this, but he can't help but want more. He's never felt anything like it. Why does he want you so bad? Why does he want to get rid of anyone that dares to stand next to you? He doesn't understand.
Yet he knows one thing. He need to get rid of those who dare to stand next to you, let alone talk to you!? He has to. He has to. Only HE is allowed to stand next to you! Only HE is allowed to talk to you! Only HE is allowed to see that beautiful smile of yours. Only HE is allowed to hear your laughs. Him, him, him! Not anyone else! He won't allow it.
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Please remember that each edition has different storylines. But same ending. So I hope you all are anticipated for chapter one!
Notice Me, Senpai Masterlist
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lgbtqmanga · 2 years
New Releases Nov. 22, 2022
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Adachi and Shimamura vol. 4 (manga) by Hitoma Iruma, Moke Yuzuhara
Adachi and Shimamura are now in their second year of high school. Luckily, they’re in the same class this semester, but when Adachi sees Shimamura making friends with their new classmates so quickly, she starts to panic. Feeling left out, she begins distancing herself from Shimamura, who can’t help but notice that Adachi’s been on her mind a whole lot these days…
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Bofuri: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. vol. 5 (manga) by Jirou Oimoto, Yuumikan, KOIN
Word is the next event will focus on large-scale guild PVP, and that’s bad news for Maple Tree. With only six members, they’re sure to be at a disadvantage— and the other top guilds are even putting together anti- Maple strategies! Fortunately, the gang picks up two new recruits: Mai and Yui, twin sisters bearing all-strength builds who’ll pack quite a punch after a little power leveling. But with Maple evolving into even more of a literal monster, will she be a bad influence on the newbies?
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Catch These Hands vol. 3 by murata
Takebe and Soramori, her old high school rival turned girlfriend (by force), are finally getting used to each other’s company. But while Takebe’s eager to leave her delinquent past behind, Soramori has other ideas… and their relationship suddenly faces its greatest challenge yet. With the help of their friends Maria and Miharu, their confrontation reaches a boiling point, as Takebe seeks to convey her feelings in the only way she knows how—with her fists!
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Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk vol. 2 by Toru
Hana(e) and (Shuu)Mei are continuing to develop their relationship slowly, and still neither realize that the other is also a crossdressing guy…!
Things get even crazier when Shuumei’s punk bro Kanoko manages to sniff out his crush. When Hana becomes Kanoko’s stalking victim, Mei leaps in to protect her! But when Kanoko sees the strong-willed and powerful Mei, he falls in love at first sight?!
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Even Though We’re Adults vol. 5 by Takako Shimura
Ayano leaves her husband Wataru and moves back into her parents’ home. She’s determined to use this time to really think about what she wants out of life, but Wataru is unwilling to back off and is dead set on fixing their marriage. Akari, meanwhile, can’t help but wonder if she and Ayano might have a future together after all.
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The Gay Who Turned Kaiju by Kazuki Minamoto
Bullied for being gay, teenager Takashi Arashiro wishes he could just be somebody else—but who could predict he’d morph into a giant-headed sci-fi creature?! Takashi’s tumultuous emotions become the catalyst for personal and social exploration of the LGBTQ experience in this quirky, profound manga from prolific BL author Kazuki Minamoto.
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Hirano and Kagiura vol. 1 (manga) by Shou Harusono
Akira Kagiura has decided. He will marry him. Taiga Hirano, roommate—and the most perfect man who has ever existed! After all, Hirano’s bad boy vibe doesn’t really matter when he acts so sweet. Like when he wakes Kagi up every morning or cheers him on when he’s feeling down...So now there’s only one thing left to do: enact his grand plan and overcome the first hurdle—confessing his feelings! From the creator of Sasaki and Miyano— the story of Miyano’s bad boy senpai and his BL life with his roommate!
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I Think Our Son Is Gay vol. 4 by Okura
As Hiroki comes home from school every day with new tales of friend Daigo's feats, Tomoko wonders about the future of her eldest's schoolboy crush.
And if young love wasn't confusing enough, Tomoko is also keeping tabs on Hiroki's childhood friend Asumi, who appears to be nursing a crush on Hiroki herself!
But nothing can prepare Tomoko for the day Hiroki comes home with a shocker—Daigo's got himself a girlfriend! How will this new development affect Hiroki, who's still figuring things out?
Even as the friendship between Hiroki and Daigo undergoes a change and the relationship between Hiroki and kid brother Yuri evolves too, life goes on for the Aoyamas and their loved ones, all under mom Tomoko's caring and supportive eye!
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The (Pet) Detective Agency by noji
Welcome to the Sako Detective Agency where they will solve every crime and mystery -from murders to missing pets- with a bit of charm and a lot of love!
At the Sako Detective Agency works the reliable Rou Nakamura. Despite his rugged looks, intimidating glares and pink hair, animals seem to adore him, making him the perfect candidate for finding lost pets. Rou is also in love with his boss, Detective Fumika Sako. When he isn't helping Fumika out on a case, Rou is always on the lookout for a chance to sneak in a kiss!
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Sirius: Twin Stars by Ana C. Sánchez 
Dani Torres has only ever wanted to be one thing: a professional tennis player, just like her mom. Unfortunately, having her perfection-driven mom as her coach ended up making her resent the sport. After a career-ending injury, Dani's parents send her away to recover for the summer in a little coastal village.
 There, she meets Blanca, a girl full of life and in love with astronomy. They don't start off on quite the right foot, but something about starry-eyed Blanca is impossible to stay away from. And though she'd much prefer to avoid thinking about her future, Blanca decides it'll be her mission to get Dani to feel inspiration again.
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The Titan’s Bride vol. 1 by ITKZ
In this Mature-rated Boys’ Love fantasy isekai that inspired an anime, there’s nothing small about the love between a human and a titan prince!
Senior Kouichi Mizuki is about to take his final exams and graduate from high school, when he suddenly finds himself in a world of titans. Not only is he no longer anywhere near home, but one of these giants, Prince Caius, has claimed Kouichi as his bride! Thanks to a disturbing, world-ending prophecy, the prince’s upcoming nuptials cannot be with anyone of his world. Since Caius has no plans to send Kouichi back to earth, he is wholeheartedly set on taking Kouichi as his “wife”!
Seven Seas’ special print release of this Mature-rated favorite will feature the completely uncensored original art not available in other editions.
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Young Ladies Don’t Play Fighting Games vol. 4 by Eri Ejima
Aya, Mio, Yuu, and Tamaki are all students at a prim-and-proper academy for young ladies, one where video games are outright banned. That hasn’t stopped them from following their fighting game passions all the way to EX Japan, one of the biggest e-sports championships in the world! But to have a spot in the main event, you’ve got to prove your worth in the preliminary qualifiers. Each young lady will have to prevail in a do-or-die battle in the qualifying pools, against a whole set of oddball fighting game aficionados.
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violyane · 2 months
Hello Minasan I KNOW I said that I'll be more productive now BUT I had an internship to finish for my uni which took me a month and even though it wasn't very hard I was still too exhausted to do anything after work hours so sorry BUT now, with the last day of the internship remaining, I can turn all my attention to writing again. I decided to set a goal during this holiday and return to work on Master Plan again. I decided I would write every weekend, so hopefully there will be weekly chapter updates on that one. So I highly recommend rereading the first chapter (it's mostly an introduction so you didn't miss much). If you are more curious about what it will be about, I'll try to write down the most important aspects below :)
Kaga x Megami — this fanfiction is about Kagami. It's going to show the development of their relationship through the good and the bad. The story will mainly focus on Kaga; I want to show how his perception of Megami changes over time. There will also be secondary characters who are close to the two of them (student council, science club, club leaders, Midori, etc).
Pre-canon — the story starts before the main story of the game (which means it takes place before Ayano finds her Senpai). In the first chapters, Megami is in her first year and Kaga is in his second year. But the fanfiction will consist of the main story lore… just later :)
From loose chapters to something more intense — since we know almost nothing about the year before the main game story, I decided that the pre-canon chapters will be looser. They will look more like one-shots than a linear story, but their main focus will be to show Kaga's feelings towards Megami and how they change slightly from chapter to chapter. The story will get more intense, I promise ;)
Canon differences — this is actually the main reason why I postponed writing this fic, because I really don't want to mess with the storyline. But you know… If I have to wait an indefinite amount of time for Megami's Week to be released (who is the tenth rival, and we are still at the second one), it would never come to life. So I have to come up with my own ideas for her week. And as much as I don't want to, I have no choice. The pre-canon events will also affect the main story, but I think it would at least be justified, considering we'll be going through them with every chapter.
OOC — I didn't want Kaga and Megami to be out of character, but I think I screwed that up lmao. I think Master Plan will portray Kaga (and maybe Megami too??) as much more romantic than he should be, so I'm sorry about that, but I just can't help myself when it comes to fluff. Mostly I'm changing him from a gremlin and freak to a charming and manipulative gremlin and freak.
Unlikable? — The characters may be a bit unpleasant at first (especially Kaga), but this is necessary for their character development. Basically, I want to show how Kaga sees Megami from "a tool to help him take over Saikou Corp" to "a beautiful and stunning woman living under the shadow of responsibilities and a traumatic past". So in the first chapters, Kaga might seem like a total asshole (which I think is somehow canon??? idk). Saikou Corp / Saikou Family — One of the motifs of the story is Saikou's unhealthy family relationships. It's mostly used to justify why Megami acts so cold and distant. There won't be much about them in the beginning, but they will be important in the canon part of the fic. (I'm already thinking about a sequel that would focus more on Kagami and SaikouCorp/the Siakou family, but that's waayyyyyyy too far in the future, so I won't talk about it now teehee).
I think that's all I have to say. I hope nothing will interrupt my plans as always and I'll finally write the fanfiction that I had planned since 2016 (yes it's been in my mind for 8 years)
See you soon :)
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vanilla-ending · 4 months
Ultimate F/O Masterlist
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Format: Name (Media) - Relationship - Tag
** **- Uncomfortable sharing
~~ ~~- Kin
!! !! - 18+ source material, minors don't interact
Divider credit
I'm putting in pretty much every character I've posted on this blog but may come back and delete the ones that were very shortly lived, for now here is my (mostly) cohesive list-
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Main/Current Fixation F/Os:
~~**Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy) - Familial (Father) - Legendary Star-Lord**~~
Guardians of the Galaxy (GotG) - Familial - Bunch of Losers
~~Wade Wilson (Deadpool) - Romantic - Merc with a Mouth~~
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Not fixated but still loved:
Remy “Gambit” LeBeau (X-Men/X-Men ‘97) - Romantic - House Always Wins
Engineer Mark (In Space with Markiplier) - Romantic - Don't Split Up
Mackenzie Paxon (ISWM) - Romantic? Platonic? - A Mack Guarantee!
~~Actor Mark (Who Killed Markiplier?)/Date Mark (A Date with Markiplier) - Romantic - Something Beautiful~~
Heist Mark (A Heist with Markiplier) - Romantic - Don't Split Up
Celine Doom/Whitacre (WKM?) - Romantic - With All My Heart
Celcionna F. Kelvina (ISWM) - Romantic - Think of the Colonists!
~~Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - Familial (Mother/Older Sister) - Kindness~~
Mane 6 (MLP:FiM) - Familial/Platonic - Elements of Harmony
Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan (GotG) - Familial - Unspoken Thing
Rocket Raccoon (GotG) - Familial - Ain't No Thing Like Me
Puppet!Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's the Musical) - Familial (Children) - Time to Play
Mark Schmidt (FNaF the Musical) - Romantic - Surviving Five Nights
Matthew Afton/MadPat (FNaF the Musical) - Romantic - And You're the Victim
Nathan Fitzgerald (FNaF the Musical) - Platonic - Enjoy the Show
AJ (FNaF the Musical) - Platonic - Hey J!
Calculester Hewlett-Packard (Monster Prom) - Romantic - Love.EXE
Winnie the Pooh (The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh) - Familial/Platonic - Chubby Little Cubby
Raggedy Ann (the doll/Raggedy Ann and Andy’s Musical Adventure) - Familial/Platonic - Just A Rag Dolly
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Retired (little to no interest):
The Author/Host (Danger in Fiction) - Romantic - Stranger in Fiction
Jackieboy Man (The Somewhat-Incredible Jackieboy Man) - Romantic - Back in Action!
!! Lawrence Oleander (Boyfriend to Death 2) - Romantic - I Love the Curve of Your Spine !!
Chase Brody (Bro Average) - Romantic - Bro Average
Captain Magnum (AHWM) - Familial/Platonic - The Greatest Treasure
Silver Shepherd (Super Infidelity) - Romantic - Super Zero
Mori Annus (Unus Annus) - Romantic - Deity in White
Clint Barton (Avengers) - Romantic - Gosh I Love Arrows
Mundy/Sniper (Team Fortress 2) - Romantic - Be Polite Be Efficient
Wanda Maximoff AND Vision (Avengers: Age of Ultron) - Romantic - I Just Feel You
Mobius M. Mobius (Loki) - Romantic - For All Time Always
Loki Laufeyson (Thor) - Romantic - Glorious Purpose
Kraglin Obfonteri (GotG) - Romantic - Ravager Red
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa) - Romantic - The Ultimate Hope
Monokuma (Danganronpa) - Platonic? - It's Punishment Time!
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa) - Romantic - The Ultimate Nurse
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) - Romantic? Platonic? - The Ultimate Moral Compass
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2) - Romantic - The Ultimate Lucky Student
Ayano/Yandereiplier (Yandere Sim) - Romantic - I Love Senpai
Freddy FazBear (Five Nights at Freddy's) - ROMANTIC?? - Bear Hugs
Illinois James (AHWM) - Romantic - An Adventure Sounds Lovely
Google Red (Google Gets an Upgrade) - Romantic - Secondary Objective
Yoshi (Mario) - Platonic - Soft Yarn Dino
Henrik Von Schneeplestein (The Jacksepticeye Power Hour) - Romantic - Ze Good Doctor
!! Jacob Alden (Lurking for Love) - Romantic - Your Secret Admirer !!
!! Mason Heiral (The Price of Flesh) - Romantic - You Visited the Cabin !!
!! Celia Lede (TPoF) - Romantic - You Were Cleaned Up !!
!! Strade (Boyfriend to Death) - Romantic - Strade Loved You Too Much !!
!! Ren Hana (BtD) - Romantic - Ren Ate Your Heart !!
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theyareweird · 2 years
The Yandere Simulator Ships
Female Yandere (Ayano Aishi) x Male Senpai (Taro Yamada)
Female Yandere (Ayano Aishi) x Female Senpai (Taeko Yamada)
Male Yandere (Ayato Aishi) x Male Senpai (Taro Yamada)
Male Yandere (Ayato Aishi) x Female Senpai (Taeko Yamada)
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Regardless of who you are and what your type is, there's a yandere for everyone. Out of the four, which is your favorite ship? Please share with me!
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sakis-sweets · 2 years
I wanna know you're opinions about Hanako x Toga, I know this ship isn't heard/know that much but Ig what happens if this is the guy we set up with Hanako for her to love him more than Taro instead of Hazu. Tbh I only see Hanako & Hazu as acquaintance/friends instead of a ship.
The shipping gap for Hanako x Toga isn't that big right? So I don't think there's not that much of a problem for them to *maybe* end up with each other but still wanna hear you're thoughts about it.
Would Hanako and Toga make a good couple? I think so! Toga likes reading and solitude already makes him similar to the older brother that Hanako is so obsessed with. They also both dislike violence and they both like cats and family. Toga liking family implies that he'll understand and be sympathetic of Hanako's obsession with her brother. That would allow her to let him into her world. Roll credits!
Would they make a better pair than Hanako and Hazu? Technically, Hanako and Hazu have more likes and dislikes in common. Hazu's personality isn't similar to Senpai's like Toga's somewhat is, but one could argue that that's good for Hanako in the long run. But outside of Ayano's influence, would she even pay Hazu any mind if he's not Taro Lite? I don't see how they would get together. So I'm going to say that in my opinion, Hanako and Hazu make a better pair, but Hanako and Toga is more realistic.
As for the shipping gap, none of the Yandere Simulator characters have any official ages as far as I know. Students are all at least 18 years old. Nothing in Hanako's current profile implies that she is younger. Students of Akademi are all in the same stage of their life so it shouldn't be a problem. I could get into all the complexities of age gaps and proshipping and antishipping and grooming and abuse and expose my romantic history to Tumblr, and I almost did, but that could be an entire post on its own, and it wouldn't really be about Yandere Simulator. So let's just say it's fine. You don't have to worry about it.
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kizanakinnie · 2 years
Hello!! I am a new writer on Tumblr but I've been practicing on wattpad sense around 2019 .
About me:
My name is Cherry! Im better at writing head cannons then one shots but I will do both, I do not disclose my real name or my age on the internet for personal reasons so please do not ask!
What I write for:
Danganronpa , stranger things, toilet-bound hanako kun, kakegurui, yan-sim
What I will write:
Fluff, agere, petere, most mental illnesses, angst, autism, headcannons, disabled!reader, x reader
Oneshots, light nsfw, character x character, Yandere characters
Do not request: Full on smut/nsfw, anything to do with racism, pedophilia, abelism, homophobia, etc, smut for younger characters
Charcters I mostly write for:
Rantaro Amami, Kokichi Ouma, Kyoko Kirigiri, Himoko Yumeno, Hiyoko Saianji, Mikan Tsumiki, Ibuki Mioda, Steve Harrington, Robin whatever her last name is, Eleven, Max Mayfeild, All the byers, Hanako, Yashiro, Yumeko, Amai, Kizana, Ayano, Kokona. Ill try to do others but I'm better at these characters bc theyre my favorite lol.
Who I will not write for: Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, Makato, Eddie Munson, Gareth Emmerson, info-chan, senpai, Megami.
Feel to make requests! Please try to make requests detailed but if you can't I understand! If you don't put masc! Or fem!reader ill do gn. Have a good day!!
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8, 22, and 27 for the ship asks!
Hey Emile! Thank you for the ask!
My first Age Gap ship with Kira X Mesogog from Power Rangers Dino Thunder and my latest is Rick X Morty from Rick and Morty!
My first Robot X Human ship was EDI X Joker from Mass Effect and my latest is Android 18 X Krillian
My first Yandere ship was Ayano X Senpai from Yandere Simulator and I don’t really have a latest one… yet
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