#ayame sohma imagine
imagineanime2022 · 4 months
Your Beautiful
Ayame Sohma X Reader
Word Count: 1744
Requested: @twilightlover2007
Request: I'd love to see Ayame with a plus size bookwormish girlfriend who is a little (or a lot) self conscious about what she wears and Aya will have NONE of that. Perhaps he designs a dress just for her to surprise her and make her see herself as he does. Please and thank you!!
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Ayame had known you since you were in school, you never really crossed paths though, considering his more popular status and your more quiet disconnection from the popular scene. Ayame had always wanted to talk to you but never found the right time, everytime he shared a room with you people flocked to him and all he could do was watch you from afar. When you did talk to someone your eyes cast down to the floor and voice softer than silk. He watched you from afar as it seemed to blossom in your own environment, only catching his eye every now and again, eyes flitting back to the floor or book you were holding when you realised that he was looking right back at you.
Ayame remembered the first time that he was alone with you, you had both been paired for a project, you knowledge on the subject was immense and while you claimed that it only came from the books that you read, the fact that you had finished a book impressed him all the same, especially since at that age you wouldn’t find him sitting still for anyone. This was also the first time that he got an inkling for the way that you felt about yourself, he had at first assumed that you just didn’t like the uniform which was why you seemed so uncomfortable in it, and in most ways he was right. When you weren’t dressed in your uniform there was not that was shown off to the world, you covered your body in baggy clothes he assumed to hide it, though he never asked. Now he thought that those clothes were cute, he loved coming over to work on the project to see you curled up in the large oversized jumper, legging clad legs tucked under you and out of sight but he did look forward to the school days as well, those were the days that he could really appreciate the figure that you hide so often,
After leaving school he lost contact with you for a long while, that is until he opened his shop, he was looking for a supplier of fabrics and stumbled across your small business, he recognised you immediately if not for your appearance but the book tucked under your arm and the way that your eyes flitted to the floor the same as when you were both kids. “Still have trouble looking people in the eye it seems.” He joked, your eyes widened as you looked up at him. “You remember me?” You asked. “Of course, we’ve not been out of school that long, and he had almost every class together.” He reminded you. “Well no but, I’m no one important-” “Nonsense dear, you are just as important as the next person, not to mention you’ll be the one providing the materials I need for my shop… Can I count on you for that?” He asked. “O-of course.” You nodded. “Perfect.” He smiled softly “now could I trouble you to run me through what you have available at the moment?” “It’s no trouble.” You informed him as you ushered him through the shops going through everything that you had, what was easier to get and what was a little harder to acquire given your location, Ayame need anything further he pitched a partnership to get both your businesses off the ground, you accepted much to his excitement and that was where you found yourself now.
You made your way into his shop sample tiles stowed away in a small bag, he had informed you that he was working on a new project and all he needed was for you to bring over your favourite materials, you walked in at the same time as some other customers, one of them barging passed you to get to the counter, you stumbled slightly clutching the sample squares to your chest as you tried to balance yourself “Move.” She ordered. “S-sorry.” You mumbled stepping out of her way, falling back into an old habit of looking at the floor. “Why would you be here, it’s not like you could wear anything that Ayame makes.” The girl sneered as her eyes snagged on the sample squares assuming you were a customer. “S-sorry I’ll just-” “Now what is it that you are apologising for my sweet dove?” You jumped at the sound of Ayame as he stood behind you, when you didn’t say anything you felt him lean down “I’m talking to you dear.” You gave a small embarrassed squeak at the proximity before stuttering out an answer. “I-I, they are your customers you should see to them.” You finally managed to say, he looked at the girls and waved her away. “She’s no customer of mine.” Ayame answered. “You can’t-” “I won’t have you supplying materials for someone who treats you this way and I won’t be sourcing my materials anywhere else.” He explained. “Ayame you can’t-” “I can.” He answered firmly, the group looked at him in shock before being escorted out of the shop. “Ayame, they were paying customers, you can’t do that!” You scolded him, he just smiled down at you. “I own this shop, I can do what I want. I have enough paying customers to turn away those who don’t deserve my service.” He waved you off, dragging you towards the back room gesturing for you to sit on the sofa. “So show me what you’ve brought.” “I brought a couple of options, you know since you didn’t really give me any direction, who is the client this time anyway?” You asked. “That doesn’t matter, she has very similar taste to you, I think that she will love whatever you choose, so of these three which do you like the most?” He asked. You looked at the three samples that you had picked out, one subtle in design and colour, another a little more chaotic but still softly coloured and the last calmer in design but the colours were a little more flashy, you pointed to your favourite one and he nodded as he held it up. “I like this, this will work.” “Are you going to show me what you are working on?” You asked, he smiled and shook his head. “You will see it when it’s finished.” He promised “Now that the business is out of the way, how are you?” He changed the subject, stirring away from work and into more casual conversation.
It was a couple months later Ayame rushed into your shop, you had been restocking the shelves after an eventful first half to the day, you turned expecting a customer and some ways you weren’t wrong but when you looked at him you knew that there was something wrong. “Ayame are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked, he reached behind him turning the sign on your door to ‘closed’ before pulling you into the back room, it was then that you realised that he was holding something. “Ayame?” “(Y/N).” He said as he turned to look at you, you frowned when you noticed the tears gathering in his eyes. “Your acting weird what’s-” You were cut off by him pulling you into a tight hug, it almost felt like he had been waiting years to do this but that couldn’t have been true, there was nothing stopping him from doing it years ago if that was what he wanted. “Ayame?” “I’ve waited so long to do that.” He admitted and that caused you to truly frown. “I don’t understand.” You decided that admitting it would be easier than trying to figure it out on your own. “I know, I’m sorry but just know that I’ve wanted to do this for years.” He said into your shoulder before finally letting you go, “I have something to give you.” “Give me?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed holding up the bag that he had walked in with, you took it from him and looked inside, you recognised the material as the sample that you had picked out months ago. “I thought this was for a client. Why are you giving it to me… Did they not like it?” You asked. “Take it out.” He prompted, you lifted the absolutely stunning clothing set out of the bag. The top was form fitting and the bottom to go with it would sit snugly on your hips and shoe off the shaping of your legs perfectly. “Do you like it?” “It's a beautiful set.” You answered. “Then they liked it, will you try it on for me?” He asked. “T-try it on?” You asked. “I know that you are going to look ravishing.” He said holding the set in front of your body as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Even if you only ever wear it for me, know that you are safe to wear whatever you want and try whatever you want, I just want to see you.” “It won’t be as exciting as you think, I’m not like the other girls.” You answered and he shook his head. “I don’t want you to be like the others, I want you to be comfortable, I want to show you that are beautiful and you always have been whether you dressed down for a days work-” he pulled the outfit away from you to show you the outfit you were wearing “-or dressed up.” He offered you the outfit again and you took his from his hand walking to the bathroom to get changed. You cleared your throat when you walked out causing him to look over at you, the smile that split his face was genuine as he held up his phone snapping a picture before turning it to show you. “That’s me?” It sounded like a question even to you. “That’s you and you are beautiful.” He said softly, hugging you again “please give me the chance to prove it to you.” “You are doing a great job so far.” You smiled. “I’m far from done my dear.” He promised pressing a kiss to your cheek, he knew that he wasn’t going to change you overnight, you could tell by the way that he looked at you, he was proud of you for even putting the new outfit on and it was then that you decided that you would be happy seeing that look for the rest of you life, if he’d allow it.
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arcielee · 2 days
I am almost done with season 2 of Fruits Basket and I am in love with Kazuma and Ayame Sohma. The contrast of their characters is perfection and I keep daydreaming them meeting, mixing Kazuma's kind and level-headed temperament with Ayame's flamboyant nature. It just has my heart aflutter.
I have this au thrumming inside my head of Kazuma recognizing that Ayame is genuinely trying to make amends with his brother Yuki and sees the good in him, meanwhile Ayame definitely think Kazuma is cute and allows him to bring out a soft side of him.
(Also, could you imagine the family outings of Kazuma, Kyo, Ayame, and Yuki??? Ahhhhh 💜💙)
Anyway, here is my fanart of them meeting each other that first time in my delulu, just a magical moment they shared.
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
mannnnnnnn IDK if it's just because I never fully finished the manga myself (sorry everyone;;) but I just. don't. really understand how Akito being just another one of Tohru's friends is supposed to. work. in practice. with Yuki.
Not because Akito is an ~irredeemable person who never earned her redemption~ or whatever. People being good is good!!! If Akito is legitimately a better person now, that's awesome!!! And frankly I love stories where legitimate kindness breaks through to save people who are shitty but also deeply deeply sad!!!!!
But to most of the cast, Akito was a pretty distant enemy. Yes, she'd show up in person now and then to be chilling and mysterious, but her primary source of contention was Being God. The way she ran the family and the rules she set up around it. Other characters might have spent a lot of time seething at her, but mainly to blame her for indirectly causing things to happen in their lives. Apart from a very small number, most have never actually had much experience just... talking to her.
Which is not true for Yuki.
Yuki has spent more time with her than almost anybody. By the end of the manga, she's still probably the person he's spent the most time in contact with, total, over his life. He literally could not get away from being in the same physical space as her.
His reactions to Akito aren't based on him blaming her for what she did to the Sohma family. His reactions to Akito are based on a very simple 'if I can see her, things about about to get very bad very quickly for me personally.'
At that point, it's not even really about whether he blames or forgives her, or what he thinks she 'deserves'. It is an immediate anxiety (let's be real: PTSD) trigger. It's neither conscious nor logical. He spent endless amounts of time waiting with horror for her to show up, unable to know or control when that would happen, and then having that horror fully justified. He was trained on it, endlessly.
I fully believe that Yuki would want to trust Tohru and respect her friendship with Akito and believe that everything has changed and it's all good now. But I just can't see him being him able to actually... act on that. In practice.
He never even really properly got to process it. Ayame did the classic oblivious parent thing of trying to override Yuki's negative emotions with happy ones before he was actually ready to move on. (Not critiquing Ayame; he's just a flawed human being in his own right!) Tohru comforted him and told him he didn't deserve it, and now she's friends with his abuser asking him to say everything's fine. If Kakeru ever fully found out what happened, it was off-screen, and not all that much time before this all went down.
I just. Really think that what Yuki needs is at least some time to just be better and angry, or at the very least openly mourn his lost childhood. And he needs to be able to do that without those constant triggers of anxiety from interacting with Akito. All things being equal, I think it would be for the best if he could just tell Tohru straight-up that he's fine with their friendship and he's not going to intervene but he just does not want to be in the same room with Akito ever again.
And... if I were to stretch this a bit further, and potentially really betray my unfamiliarity with endgame canon........... it is kind of hard for me to imagine Akito being okay with that.
Yes, Akito has changed. But surely she still needs time to grow and learn and figure out her new place in this world? And Yuki deliberately avoiding her would... be a difficult thing to accept. Firstly because she's still getting used to giving up that selfishness (especially towards Yuki), but also because it's a reminder of some of the awful shit she did. Which, if she's a changed person, should make her feel bad. Which again, she isn't qualified to process!!
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Akito twisted it around in her head to where Yuki really was her friend. Like they were in this together and Akito didn't always handle it well but at the end of the day, they're the only two who can really understand each other. Because Akito really didn't have that, either. (Kureno being... idk man he always seemed more like a guardian, or at least older brother figure than someone who was 'in the trenches' so to speak with her.)
Either way, it'd all place Tohru in such a deeply complicated position. Akito is hurting badly and needs Tohru to be on her side if no-one else is, because to be fair, that's not all wrong? (Kureno has always been there, but Tohru is her saviour.) But she can't really do that if she's enforcing Yuki's boundaries for him. I feel like Akito would really want Tohru to tell her that she's forgiven and that everything's good now, and if she hesitated even a little, it wouldn't go well. Because Akito only knows how to understand two things: obedience and manipulation. So having others set healthy boundaries - and dealing with the resulting feelings of rejection and shame and guilt - is something she still has to learn how to do.
It just sounds. A bit like a clusterfuck tbh. A clusterfuck that could, eventually, turn out okay!!!!!! But one that would take a LONG time and continued process of reflection and self-awareness (and, ideally, HEAVY THERAPY, but of course we all know nobody in the Fruits Basket universe ever gets that, so). Obviously like that's the happy ending and we don't need to extend it out for four more volumes of like 'Yuki and Akito undergo cbt separately via Tohru's infinite patience' lmfao but. Idk. It just seems to imply a lot in that happy ending that has not really set up by the story to be all that easy.
Unless I'm completely wrong and the last volume or two does in fact set this up perfectly. In which case never mind!!!!!!!!!!
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badchatgptfics · 1 year
Shigure Sohma x Ayame Sohma x Hatori Sohma x Reader - Equal Chances
Prompt Given - Write me a fanfic in which Y/N goes to highschool with Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure Sohma. They're all very close friends, and the Sohma boys are all trying to win Y/N's affection. One day each of the boys goes all out flirting with Y/N, leaving Y/N to choose between them. Make the fic open ended so the reader can choose who Y/N decides to be with
Fic Generated -
As Y/N walked into the familiar halls of Kaibara High School, they couldn't help but smile at the sight of their close friends Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure Sohma. The four of them had been inseparable since they were kids, and their bond had only grown stronger as they navigated the challenges of high school together.
On a sunny afternoon, Y/N found themselves surrounded by the three Sohma boys, each one seemingly vying for their attention. Hatori, the stoic and caring type, approached first with a gentle smile.
"Y/N, there's something I'd like to talk to you about," he said softly, his eyes filled with warmth. "I've admired your kindness and compassion for a long time. You bring a sense of peace to my life, and I'd be honored if you'd consider being more than just friends."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Hatori's sincerity, feeling a warmth blossoming within them. Before they could respond, Ayame swooped in, his flamboyant charm on full display.
"Darling Y/N, my heart flutters in your presence," Ayame declared dramatically, a playful glint in his eyes. "You are a radiant star in my life, and I believe we'd make the most dazzling couple."
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at Ayame's theatrics, their heart torn between the sweet sincerity of Hatori and the captivating charm of Ayame. But before they could decide, Shigure stepped forward with his signature grin.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Shigure teased, leaning in slightly. "Y/N, you have this uncanny ability to keep me on my toes, and I must say, it's quite thrilling. I wonder, would you be interested in embarking on an adventure with me?"
Y/N's heart swayed once again, Shigure's adventurous spirit proving to be just as captivating as Hatori's care and Ayame's charisma. They found themselves in a delightful predicament, torn between the affectionate hearts of their three friends.
In the following days, Y/N spent time with each of the Sohma boys, each encounter leaving them with fond memories and moments they cherished. Hatori's quiet reassurance, Ayame's exuberant flair, and Shigure's playful banter all held a special place in Y/N's heart.
As their feelings grew deeper, Y/N found themselves in a difficult position. How could they possibly choose between three such wonderful individuals, each offering something unique and precious?
In the end, Y/N decided to take their time, savoring the moments shared with Hatori, Ayame, and Shigure. They valued their friendship with each of them, and they didn't want to rush into a decision that might change the dynamics of their group.
So, they continued to explore their feelings, knowing that when the time was right, their heart would lead them to the person who would become more than just a friend. Until then, they cherished the love and affection that surrounded them, knowing that their bond would always endure, no matter what path they chose.
And as the days turned into weeks, the story of Y/N and the Sohma boys remained open-ended, allowing the reader to imagine a future full of love and happiness, no matter who Y/N ultimately chose to be with.
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Okay but just imagine if you had this guy in your friend group who’s a jerk with hardly any redeeming qualities but then your friend group drifted over the years after an incident with two of them and the guy turned into a mere passing thought.
One day you see his name on a student’s form - huh, that’s weird. Maybe the kid’s parents are going through something and he’s staying with his cousin for a while. That goes to the back of your mind as life continues. You notice that the kid stays withdrawn and doesn’t appear to have any real friends even if people idolize him. Then, several months later, he starts coming to school on a regular basis with another student; one of the most sweet and naive people you’ve ever known besides your best friend.
Finally, another student transfers from another school into your class. On his paperwork you notice the jerk’s name as his guardian. You also notice it’s on the sweet girl’s paperwork too. Later, when you talk to her, you find out that instead of living with her grandfather, she’s actually moved in with two boys and their older cousin, known for being a creep and a bastard. The girl promises nothing bad is happening.
The only solace you find in the situation is that the two boys seem to respect her and her female friends mention having visited and approving her living situation. You let it go after these observations.
Then that scumbag shows his face their senior year as their guardian and you wonder how you ever thought it was okay for three teenagers estranged from their immediate families to live with him for three years.
Now imagine your name is Mayu and the bastard’s name is Shigure.
when i tell you that last sentence hit me like a brick to the face -
actually, i think the best part about this scenario is that mayu canonically ends up marrying hatori, which means that she's not only legally related to shigure, she also has to see him all the damn time bc he's her husband's best friend in the world. i'm sure shigure eventually proves himself (especially if hatori vouches for tohru's sketchy living situation with them), but i think it'd be really funny if mayu kept up her grudge against him and made herself the #1 Shigure Sohma hater of the family. she and yuki have roasting sessions of him. if ayame is in the room they team up to make fun of him via a boke-tsukkomi routine. one time shigure drops by to annoy hatori and mayu answers the door wearing a custom "I h8 the year of the dog" t-shirt. it was apparently a christmas gift, but she refuses to tell him who gave it to her. (it was hatori.)
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kewpidity · 3 months
What’s the crossover ship that you’ve been thinking about most right now?
i sorta rewatched yuri! on ice recently, and it reminded me of phichit and miwako (parakiss)!
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i imagine that she and the rest of the parakiss gang got an opportunity to design outfits for skaters as an assignment, or maybe they're in the same cute aesthetic groups online or something
i have this sort of multi-crossover thing going on with anime where different series/ships are connected a la 6 degrees of separation, that sorta thing
kinda like. the characters from parakiss know kuranosuke from jellyfish princess because he's also interested in fashion and they probably run in similar circles, and he in turn knows ayame sohma from fruits basket because he specializes in dresses fitted for men and kuranosuke frequents his shop, and then ayame also knows the hitachiin twins' mother from ouran host club because she's owns a fashion company herself, and so on and so forth, that sorta thing!
and phichit and miwako are part of that
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weirdplutoprince · 2 years
I love your comics and how you feel about the characters, they're how I feel about them!
I wanted to say that I always imagined Ayame having some kind of friendship with Akito where - like with everyone else - he would happily be himself.
I imagine that Akito would learn a lot from Ayame and be pulled into his shenanigans. I would have preferred to see that for Akito, especially since she left him alone when she was still God, it would have been interesting to see!
Imagine Ayame helping Akito having a wardrobe which helped her express her femininity, with help from Mine of course. I don't know, I can just imagine them becoming friends, I'm curious what your thoughts are?
Is there anyone you would have liked to see having a talk with or bonding with Akito?
Thank you so much!! :)
Haha I have to say I never imagined Akito and Ayame as friends; they'd certainly make an interesting pair!
The feeling that I get is that Akito is someone that doesn't have a lot of social energy overall? So even if they miraculously get along I feel like she'd get tired of Ayame pretty fast haha. As for Ayame being himself I think that's another can of worms in itself, if only for the fact Akito is someone that is very easily hurt from what she perceives as rejection and abandoment - so though I assume she would be working on learning how to handle these feelings by the end I feel like Ayame would be a specially difficult challenge for her; Since he himself is also working on being less selfish and callous with the feelings of others.
So to me it feels like he could easily hurt her by accident, which might send her on a spiral of self loathing and resentment etc.
Though I do think you have a point in that since they didn't interact much when she was God, he might not be particularly resentful towards her and thus they would have a somewhat fresh ground to start on. Although I have to wonder if Ayame would be the kind to take on Yuki's pain for himself and have some complicated feelings about Akito for it. I can see it going both ways with him so it's something to think about. I also think that it is true that he could help with self expression: that's kinda his strong point! Haha. I feel like if there is one area they could communicate through it might as well be self expression through clothes. Though I'm also not sure if Ayame's playful personality would have Akito defensive in what would be a sensitive moment for her lol.
As for expressing her femininity I'm not sure. It is true she was pretty much denied any sort of positive contact with femininity - and it is also possible that this sort of alienation from that is part of what fuels her resentment towards other women. But at the same time, I feel like she would favour more comfortable looks that might lean slightly on femininity rather than just completely embracing it heads on. Like, I know that she went straight to hyper performing it at the end, but I choose to believe this is her awkwardly trying to make up and fall into what she believes is her 'new role' within her family and in her position as the head of the Sohma. I'd like to think that in due time, she'd go back to somewhat more androgynous looks, and would find ways to explore femininity more comfortably. Though I'm a bit partial in that because I very much prefer her 'male' clothes haha.
Hmm...As for someone I'd like to see talking or bonding with Akito....I'm not sure! There's so many people in the zodiac, it's actually a bit hard to choose. It's also difficult because so many of them have so much baggage with her that I can only imagine would be quite difficult to unpack. I think if anything I'd like to see Akito broadening her horizons and meeting people completely removed from the Sohma and any of her previous circles. I think that'd do her good. Particularly perhaps older women that could be a positive influence on her; Like talkative grannies at the park or something haha. I think that's all for now. Thanks for the nice ask! :)
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reira-layla · 2 years
And then we drank each other's blood
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Akito Sohma x Shigure Sohma
Plot: Shigure proposes to Akito and they form a new bond.
"Wear the dress tonight," Shigure called from the bathroom in between strokes of his razor. He made sure to shave his face to her liking. Tonight was a big night for both of them, one he'd imagined since the day he first dreamt of her. 
Akito looked at the dress he'd set out on the bed for her. It was new and looked expensive. The dress was black, went down to her ankles, and had straps that criss crossed. Black had always been her color, but this dress was far more feminine than she was comfortable with at this point in time. Still, she knew wearing it would make him happy and although she would never admit it, she'd do anything to see him smile. 
He stood in the doorway, toothbrush in hand as he watched his lover get dressed. Akito felt his eyes on her and turned toward him with a small smile as she pulled the dress up onto her frame, fixing the straps. Looking at her own reflection, she realized that she wasn't quite sure how she felt about her appearance tonight. At Shigure's request, she'd gone out of her way to get dolled up for date night. Saki had stopped by earlier that day to help with her hair and makeup. Although Akito was finally embracing her femininity, it still felt foreign to her at times. The woman in the mirror was so beautiful, the very definition of elegance. It would take some time to get used to.
"What do you think?" Looking back at her lover, feeling a bit nervous. Of course she knew that he would love it no matter what.  "You'll be the sexist one in the restaurant," he said, chuckling to himself. Rolling her eyes at his words, she couldn't help but smile. She loved this man, more than she'd ever loved anyone. Although it was a topic she and Shigure had never spoken about before, she often found herself daydreaming about being his wife one day. 
"Ready to go?" He was looking dapper in his suit and tie. It was something she would've worn had she still been living as a man, but Shigure pulled it off well. Akito couldn't help but notice that he was being a bit more serious than usual. The family head had grown accustomed to her lover's playful demeanor, but tonight felt different. "Are you okay?" She took his arm as he led her out to the car. He simply responded to her question with a smile. A slender eyebrow rose as she tried to make sense of his cryptic response. The smile hadn't answered her question.
Once at the restaurant, the pair ordered champagne. Akito wasn't used to drinking. She had experienced her first hangover a few weeks ago after a night of drinking with Shigure, Ayame, and Mine. Safe to say, she had learned her lesson and was now just taking sips of the champagne rather than trying to chug it. 
All Shigure could think about was how beautiful she was and how being with her felt like a dream. After years, he finally had the one thing he'd been desperately wanting. Being the novelist he was, he couldn't help but think of one of his favorite quotes, one that had always reminded him of her. I love her, and that's the beginning and end of everything. He sat across from her, taking in everything about her. The ring was in his pocket and he found himself fidgeting with it despite being worried that it would accidentally fall out and ruin his surprise. It was the first time in a long time that he'd been this nervous. Due to the fact that they'd never even spoken about marriage, he wasn't sure if being his wife was something she even desired. They had been 'dating' for a year now but there was a lifetime of love behind them.
The petite brunette waved her hand in front of his face. He'd been lost in his thoughts and hadn't been listening to her as she spoke. "Seriously, are you okay? You're acting weird and I don't like it." Akito crossed her arms over her chest, looking like a child. Shigure couldn't help but laugh. "Why are you laughing at me? It's not funny. You made such a big deal about date night but you're not even talking to me. So rude." Her temper was something she was still in the process of trying to control. Feelings of frustration were still difficult to navigate through.
"You're so cute when you get angry. Did you know that? I simply wanted a night out with the one I love most and I'm taking in the moment. If you were seated across from the sexiest woman in the world, you'd find it hard to concentrate as well." He smirked, knowing that he was pushing her buttons. Before Akito could respond to him, their food was placed on the table and she immediately started eating, completely losing interest in the conversation. Shigure let out a loud laugh, drawing attention to them. "You could've just told me that you were hangry, you know." The sound of silverware hitting the plate echoed in his ears. He'd really done it now. "Stop it." She looked embarrassed but went back to eating after shooting a glare his way. Once she'd eaten a bit more, she was in good spirits once again. Akito absolutely refused to indulge him by admitting that she actually had been hangry.
When dinner was over, the attractive couple made their way back to the car. The driver seemed to know where he was going although Akito did not. "Where are we going?" Her tone was serious. "Home," he said simply. A long sigh left her lips. Although going out into the world was still a bit anxiety provoking, the thought of just going home after an uneventful date night sounded terribly boring. 
Wanting to spice things up, she placed her hand on his thigh, slowly moving it upwards. He looked at her and gave her the mischievous smirk she'd fallen in love with. A warm feeling overcame her and she had to refrain from jumping on him right then and there. Oddly enough, he wasn't trying to touch her. Shigure had placed his hand atop hers but normally, his hands would've made their way up her dress by now. Something was definitely wrong and it made her feel insecure. Had he grown bored of her? What if he didn't love her as much as he claimed to? 
Having tortured herself with her own thoughts, Akito found herself feeling exhausted. Yawing as they walked back into the main house, she walked to their bedroom and immediately started undressing. "Nope, not yet." Shigure's hand was on hers now, keeping her from pulling the dress off. She raised an eyebrow, curious as to why he didn't want to have sex the moment they got home like he usually did. 
The anxiety she was feeling seemed to leave her when he took her hand in his. "I want to show you something," he said, smiling bigger than before. They walked outside together, hands clasped tightly. Her eyes widened as she saw what looked like a million camellia petals in the shape of a heart right next to her beloved camellia bushes. The moon was shining down on them, making everything about this moment seem like magic. 
They stood in the center of the camellia heart and he got down on one knee. A small gasp left her lips as she gazed down at her lover, finally understanding the meaning behind the camellia heart. He hadn't said a word yet but she already knew what her answer would be. 
"You are a dream and I've loved you before you even came into this world," he said, holding her hand in his. "I care about you more than anyone that's ever come into my life. I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather call my wife or raise children with someday. I love everything about you from that cute little face you make when you get angry to your loud snoring at night," he said with a laugh. It wouldn't be a proper proposal without a little comedy thrown in. "I once told you that I have no intention of ever letting you go and I meant that." He let go of her hand to reach for the ring. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful Toi et Moi ring. "Will you marry me?"
It took her a moment to respond. His words and the ring itself had overwhelmed her in the best possible way. She'd never cried tears of happiness before but now, as her eyes filled with tears, she understood what it felt like. "Yes!" With that, he slipped the ring onto her finger. They kissed and held each other for a moment. He felt a sense of relief now that she'd said yes. To Shigure, there was nothing in the world that could compare to him being able to call this woman his wife. 
"Come on, I want to see it in the light." Akito took his hand and led him back into the main house. She was able to see the ring more clearly now. "Wow…" she whispered, amazed at all the detail he'd put into this ring. One stone was tanzanite (her birthstone) and garnet (his birthstone). "Do you like it? I had it made just for you." He beamed with pride upon seeing that his lover was so captivated by the ring. 
"I love you." Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled him close. The ring was beautiful, of course, but her true happiness stemmed from the fact that she would be his wife one day. Akito had never pictured herself getting married for obvious reasons. A year ago, she would've rolled her eyes at the person she was tonight. Love was a foreign concept, something she was used to receiving but never giving in return. Now here she was, loving someone so much that she had just agreed to be his wife. 
Soft lips met hers, taking her from her thoughts. With another soft kiss, she felt his fingers on one of the straps of her dress. Before she knew it, he'd gotten the dress off faster than she'd put it on. This would be their first time as an engaged couple and something about that drove her wild. In a matter of seconds, she was on him, taking off his clothes as fast as she possibly could. Akito had every intention of leaving love marks all over him so that the world would know he belonged to her. 
When it was over, both were wrapped in each other's arms, still trying to catch their breath. "When our bond broke, I'd assumed you'd want nothing to do with me. I still can't believe we're here, engaged." Her hand was up at eye level as she once again admired the ring. 
"We'll always have a bond. You've been my every thought for as long as I can remember and I don't remember much before you." Akito knew she should've been satisfied with his words. Clearly they had something now that was much stronger than what they'd had before but she wanted more. Possessive as she was, she wanted her DNA fused with his so that they truly would become one. 
"I want you to form a new bond with me. I need it. I need you. Every single part of you, I crave it. I want us to be one soul in two bodies." She sat up in bed, feverishly looking down at him. An idea had come to mind and she decided to provide a proposal of her own. Shigure looked up at his future wife inquisitively. What was she planning?
Before he could say anything in response, she brought her left hand up to her chest, using the ring's sharpness to cut into her own flesh. It was a small cut, one that was hardly noticeable despite the amount of blood that seemed to be pouring out. With wide eyes, he simply watched her. "What are you doing?" 
Without giving him an answer, she placed both hands behind his head and guided him towards her breasts. "Drink it and I'll drink yours. This is the beginning of a new bond between us. It signifies that you are mine and I am yours." Without hesitation, he licked the blood off her chest. As he licked every drop that poured out, he felt the ring cut into the flesh on his neck. "Ahhh," he moaned, quickly getting over the pain when he felt her mouth on his neck, licking the blood that poured out. Together, they formed what they believed to be a sacred bond, one set in blood.
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amaya-writes · 2 years
Hello, can I request some headcanons of Sohma Shigure, Ayame, Hatori and Kureno with a shy s/o, please ?
Notes: sorry this took so long, i was answering reqs chronologically, I only did the first 2 cuz I didn't really have inspo for Hatori and Kureno rn
Warnings: n/a mostly fluff but slight nsfw mentions
Characters involved: Shigure Sohma, Ayame Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Kureno Sohma
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Shigure Sohma
Shigure absolutely adores your shy side! He thinks you're so cute and exploits it to no end.
He's constantly teasing you and trying to get a reaction, with your flustered state always enticing him.
Shigure is more verbally affectionate than physically affectionate, so he prefers flirting with you and whispering things that could be taken in a romantic/dirty way but also sound normal to oblivious and innocent people.
According to him, it's not his fault you took his words that way, if anything the fact that you're so shy but not daft only entices him further, making him wonder just how far he can go with just words.
The closer you get, the bolder he is and in the span of a few weeks, he goes from casually whispering compliments while standing behind you to looping his arm around your waist to tug you close enough to be able to kiss you, only to say something that has your cheeks heating up.
Shigure loves the chase and isn't afraid to play the long game, but if you make it clear you're not interested in him, don't expect him to back down.
To Shigure it isn't just about getting you to fall for him or some other romantic-ish motive, he literally just wants to take advantage of your personality to annoy you to no end, and if you seem to like that as much as he does, then who knows, maybe you'll end up together.
Ayame Sohma
Ayame's pretty much the opposite of Shigure but in the same spectrum.
Basically, he's a physical flirt.
Can and will use proximity to not only make you shy but also drive you crazy.
He's always been someone who's very open to physical touch which is why he doesn't see why that should be a problem, however, he is respectful of your boundaries.
His physical affection builds up slowly and once Ayame realises you don't mind it or actually like him back then he doesn't hold back whatsoever.
Always has a hand on you. It doesn't matter what the two of you are doing or who is around you, if he can then Ayame will keep at least one hand on you.
Sometimes he'll get more frisky with this and trail it to places he shouldn't, but other times it's more innocent and he just wants to be near you.
Ayame is quite the flirt, but he's more of a serious flirt than the joking kind. You know the kind who would just be 'messing around' but then suddenly his hand is under your chin and he's pulling you in but just ends up flirting and leaving at the end.
He also isn't shy to confess, so once he does his flirts just get ten times worse as he says things like I'm waiting for you, etc.
Overall, good luck trying to deal with him because it can get pretty overwhelming.
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imagineanime2022 · 4 months
Tohru's Cousin Headcannon's
Characters involved: Yuki, Kyo, Ayame, Hatori, Hatsuharu
Requested: @twilightlover2007
Request: And yes please on the headcannons I'd love to see em!!
Original Story
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First Impressions
Yuki was shocked that you seemed a lot more shy than your cousin but in some ways that made you easier to talk to, at least for him. You were the only girl that he knew that could talk to him without his reputation getting in the way. He liked being around you, you didn’t have to talk, sometimes just sitting in the same room while talking would be enough.
Kyo thought you were weird, no two ways about it. Just like he thought Tohru was. Kyo didn’t like many people but you weren’t the worst person that he had ever come across. It takes Kyo a while to warm up to anyone so no one would be surprised if you were scared of him, he tried to be a little more gentle with you but that wasn’t really something that Kyo was very good at.
Ayame decided that he was your friend the moment that you walked into the room, he didn’t need to know you to know that you’d make a good addition to the three man team that they had. Ayame knew that he could be a bit much so he waited for one of the others to talk to you before he inserted himself into the conversation. You seemed to be a little wary of him and took a backseat when he did involve himself but he was sure that you were smiling under your hand.
Hatori could see that you were an anxious individual and was the one to take a step back when you met everyone else, he waited until he was introduced to you. You were an open book to anyone that was willing to read you. Hatori noted the similarities between the two of you, it’s likely that you would grow close to him as time moved on.
Hatsuharu is the most respectful after Hatori when he meets you, soft spoken and sweet, easy to talk to considering how much younger than you he is. Haru would often be protective of you though because of your more reserved personality, you had been nothing but kind to him and he refused to let anyone hurt or take advantage of you.
Getting To Know You
Yuki actually becomes something like a little brother to you both of you spending time together, you’d often listen when he needed someone to talk to offer your opinion when asked and just sit with him sometimes. You weren’t an overbearing presence so he didn’t mind you being around, you connected through books but as time went on you became closer even without it.
Kyo tried his hardest not to sound harsh and it was appreciated as you started to realise that he didn’t always mean things the way that they sounded. You started to read between the lines and when you were comfortable enough even told him he didn’t have to change the way that he talked for you to feel more comfortable (of course he denied that was what he was doing). Kyo was in many ways aggressively shy and once you realised that he was also easy to talk to, he’d often ease up around you and speak more freely especially when there was no one else around.
Ayame invited you everywhere, if he was doing something and he needed a friend, you were the one that he called on, mostly because he wanted to make you feel welcome. When he first met you he could see that acceptance was something that you struggled to get from others so he’d so you that you were accepted as you were here. Ayame was easily the most forthcoming, he invited you for tea and coaxed you to talk for hours, he definitely knew the most about you after Tohru.
Hatori would often run into you in town and make small conversation with you but it was during social events that involved more than just 2 people that you really got to know each other. Hatori would often find you hiding in a corner somewhere or getting overwhelmed by the number of people that were around, he’d make up some kind of excuse and take somewhere a lot quieter. This was when you would end up having deeper conversations, Hatori admitted that he was much like you and struggled with events like this so he told you that if you were both there you would both find a way to sneak off and get away from it all (if his family didn’t need him to be there of course).
Hatsuharu is likely to come to you when there’s a problem with Yuki or one of the others, funny enough he trusts you to take care of them more than the others in the family, especially Yuki. Dark scared you at first but it wasn’t long before he was figured out too, Haru liked that you didn’t treat him any different, Dark barely came out around you but when you were faced with him he was still brash and violent but it was never towards you in fact Haru seemed to calm down a lot quicker around you returning to his normal self.
How Your Relationship Settles
Yuki does treat you like an older sister, while his relationship with Ayame does improve with your help, he does come to you often for advice no matter what the situation is. You never tease him or try to get more than what he wants to give and your opinion always helps. He hated that you ended up getting hurt because of their family drama and definitely came to check up on you when Shigure distanced himself.
Kyo often came to you when he needed to hide, when you were working you’d let him into the back room, even Miss Okai became fond of him. While he was there Kyo would help you move things around and clean up the store, if he was around when someone decided to make a mess you better believe he’s yelling at them to clean it up so you don’t have to. Kyo actually liked being around you, you never forced him to talk or act a certain way and even hid him from people that he didn’t want to deal with, you were a nice escape for him when Tohru wasn’t available.
Ayame loved you for everything you were and the person that he watched you grow into, you hadn’t changed in the slightest but you seemed so much more comfortable with who you were, at least around him. He didn’t mind that you didn’t talk too much because he knew that you were listening to him, especially when you appeared with small gifts that he had talked about in your previous talks. He was the one that you would talk to if you were having problems with Shigure because he would tell you if you were being too meek or accepting of something and encourage you to speak up.
Hatori treated you like a little sister. He was protective of you, made sure to keep an eye on you and make sure that you were okay. He always kept the promise to get you out of any situation that you felt uncomfortable in, all except one and he apologises every time it’s brought up, no matter how many times you tell him it’s not his fault. Hatori would often ask you for book recommendations and you would often spend time talking about it afterwards.
Hatsuharu sought you out a lot, he liked to hand around when the shop was empty because he could ask you to read to him, I think Haru likes to read but often gets distracted or frustrated so having some read to him works very well and you were patient enough when he needed you to reread something or explain it to him. He continues to be protective of you and makes sure that people know not to mess with you, he and Hatori often work together to keep you safe, coordinating so they know that the other is with you if you finish late (if Shigure wasn’t there already which was rare).
Request Here!!
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y0ung-4ever · 3 years
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Actions*・ - Hatori Sohma
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mazojo · 4 years
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I would die for the ground Ayame steps on
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 4 years
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Watching the stranger run off in fright, you sighed, turning your gaze down towards the culprit. Rolling your eyes at their smug expression, you lightly tapped them on the snout, giving them a look, even as your lips twitched.
“You’re going to get us both in trouble one day, you can’t just hiss and snap at every arsehole that harasses me.” You said dryly.
The completely unapologetic look on your lovers face had you rolling your eyes again as you turned to continue on your way, knowing that your words would make no difference. Content with the result of their actions, they wriggled their body back past the collar of your shirt and settled against you again, cool scales making you shiver, despite the layers you were wearing. 
Quietly you muttered about making them stay home next time, though you both knew the threat was an empty one. As always they would convince you to take them with you, using the cold as an excuse to cuddle up beneath your clothes against your warm skin in this form, and as always you would give in to their honeyed words, secretly enjoying it just as much as they did.
Both of you knew that their reasoning was mostly a farce, an excuse to stay close to you and ward off any creeps or persistent flirts. And as much as you would mutter and scold them, you also both knew that you didn’t really hate it like you pretended to.
Privately, the two of you smiled, well aware that you weren’t fooling each other, but enjoying the lighthearted fuss all the same. You both knew you wouldn’t change a thing.
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yandereaffections · 5 years
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A energetic, silly by nature snake with a shy and to themselves darling..
Maybe opposites attract?
You keep him composed, especially during certain situations where it would be inappropriate to make one of his renowned comments
And Ayame makes certain scenarios that seem too outgoing for you more comfortable
If you’re to nervous to ask a certain person a question, thinking it’s stupid or maybe that person will yell at you there’s no doubt Ayame will ask it for you, putting himself in the path instead since he’s experienced with social interactions
Of course you’ll have to lead him away from them after awhile or he’ll might get in a troubling situation
Ayame loves how much you rely on him just on small basic things, after all he is possessive and this way he gets to be the barrier between you and other people
Also it means he gets more of you to himself, getting to dress you up in private and admire you in ways no one else can
There are moments of comfortable silence, where Ayame feels loved just by you being near him being able to share this type of relationship, after all he wouldn’t want you to have to spend time away from him just to be comfortable
Other than those little times, he’s loud and very outgoing, it’ll get exhausting fast, you’ll have to organize time away from him carefully
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edwardteachme · 5 years
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i love shigure in western clothes
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