#ayame sohma crowley loki sooo many
Watching the stranger run off in fright, you sighed, turning your gaze down towards the culprit. Rolling your eyes at their smug expression, you lightly tapped them on the snout, giving them a look, even as your lips twitched.
“You’re going to get us both in trouble one day, you can’t just hiss and snap at every arsehole that harasses me.” You said dryly.
The completely unapologetic look on your lovers face had you rolling your eyes again as you turned to continue on your way, knowing that your words would make no difference. Content with the result of their actions, they wriggled their body back past the collar of your shirt and settled against you again, cool scales making you shiver, despite the layers you were wearing. 
Quietly you muttered about making them stay home next time, though you both knew the threat was an empty one. As always they would convince you to take them with you, using the cold as an excuse to cuddle up beneath your clothes against your warm skin in this form, and as always you would give in to their honeyed words, secretly enjoying it just as much as they did.
Both of you knew that their reasoning was mostly a farce, an excuse to stay close to you and ward off any creeps or persistent flirts. And as much as you would mutter and scold them, you also both knew that you didn’t really hate it like you pretended to.
Privately, the two of you smiled, well aware that you weren’t fooling each other, but enjoying the lighthearted fuss all the same. You both knew you wouldn’t change a thing.
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