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itsmomotime · 7 years ago
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you know, mistletoe is the gateway drug to pregnancy 🤰🏻🎄 . . . . . . #happyholidays #mistletoe #holidaysarecoming #bernesedog #cutenessoverload #dogsbeingbasic #worldofcutepets #puppysketch #workweek #topdogphoto # #dogboolove #puppiespedia #pt_christmas #christmastree #candycanelane #fluffypack #awwclub #petcostar #bestwoof #dogsbeingbasic #bernesemountaindog #icanteven #weeklyfluff #pawkwardmoments #dog_features #puppylife #houndandlife #dogsoflosangeles #barkpost #9gagnoticeme (at Los Angeles, California)
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amospearce · 7 years ago
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If you were a hooman, what would your dream job be ❓. Would you do what your hooman does ❓. Or would you do something different ❓. ✧ I’ll tell ya mine, i would be a Physiotherapist. ✧ My hoomans are both Physiotherapists which is actually how they met. They own their own clinic @movementteamau — it is actually pretty cool. I basically live with my own private physiotherapists who come running as soon as my body requires. ✧ I also love going and visiting the clinic too. The ladies absolutely love me, as you can imagine. To the point where they get disappointed if mum arrives on her own. Which she shouldn’t, but at times she does. ✧ Even if it’s only a quick visit to the clinic I make sure I jump on the chairs to show off my outfit. You know get some height so everyone can see me. Today I’m styling it up with 👇🏻 . ➙ Collar @thedizzydogcollarco . ➙ Bow Tie @bowaddo . / use code AMOS15 / + enter their model search . ➙ Tag @smilingdogco . / use code AMOS / . ✧ So once I’ve graduated, which really wont take long as I’m really really smart, I already got a job 🙌 how convenient. ✧ So we can’t wait to read all your dream jobs below. Also be sure also to check out @rspca_qld story NOW as @ourdogkiba has taken it over and you can learnt a bit more about her. ✧ Hope you have all had an amazing day 😘 . . . #physiotherapist #dogphysiotherapy #sportsphysio #happydoglife #petsmiles #awwclub #pawsitive #dogsmiles #totuesday #tonguesouttuesday #dogsthatsmile #mydogiscutest #boopmysnoot #happydoggy #lovemydoggie #dogography #doglogic #pawsthatwander #heartdog #lovedogsforever #bestwoofs #catahoula #catahoulaleopard
#mypuppylove #dogsofficialdogs #dailybarker #dogmilk (at The Movement Team)
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maggielovesorbit · 7 years ago
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Our Insta: http://ift.tt/2lQo7EB Our Website: http://ift.tt/2sNdRjy Learning by Assmosis 🤓 vs Osmosis #doglogic #PhDinSnackingandNapping . >> San Diego Dogs join us this Saturday with @realpetfood for a morning pack walk // deets via link in profile . @maggielovesorbit http://ift.tt/2sNdRjy @barkcommunity For InstaTips . . #bostonterrierpuppy #awwclub #mypuppylove #dogsofficialdogs #featuremyworld #cutepuppyclub #unilad #muttsrule #adventuredognation #goodtimesoutside #adventuredogsofficial #petparenthood #barkzweekly #pawsthatwander #animaladdicts #bestphotograph_dogs #heartdog #lovedogsforever #dogography #puppytales #thecanineway #livelifeoffleash #puppyday #pawsitive #fluffer #animalfriends #clpicks #puppydoggydog http://ift.tt/2h6an8g
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kristiancanoy · 8 years ago
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From @awwclub , those ears though 😲 #animalphotography
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thedesignsmag · 8 years ago
via Instagram
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farrenheitdance · 8 years ago
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New addition to the squad haha 😊 Mom's Christmas gift from me, came a little early #rottweiler #puppies #cute #awwclub #adorable #petstagram #dogs #squad #brother #sister #family #instagood #igdaily #picoftheday #hiphop
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keikoniazid · 9 years ago
12.27.15 Hyperactive mingmiringming 😹 #cat #catlove #awwclub
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houseflyofthenight · 9 years ago
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My cat Putim ♡
*Captured around 2012 - 2013
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itsmomotime · 7 years ago
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are you from the upside down? cuz you’re demagorgeous 😘 . . . . . . #mondaymotivation #mondaymornings #toocold #stayinbed #strangerthings #cutenessoverload #netflix #worldofcutepets #puppysketch #workweek #topdogphoto #dogs_of_world #dailybarker #puppiespedia #doglove #fluffypack #awwclub #petcostar #bestwoof #dogsbeingbasic #bernesemountaindog #icanteven #weeklyfluff #dog_features #puppylife #buzzfeedanimals #dogsoflosangeles #bark #9gagnoticeme (at Los Angeles, California)
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funpawcare · 7 years ago
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Thanks @livestrong_com for the fun article on how pets can improve our lives. @livestrong (@funpawcare) #dogtraining #puppylove #dogwalking #doglover #puppies #puppy #pupper #puppers #puppiesofinstagram #dogstagram #perro #adopt #rescue #volunteer #adoptdontshop #foster #dogs #dog #vegan #pet #pets #animal #animals #livestrong #health #Instagram #love #dogsofinstagram @instagram @buzzfeed @bustle @9gag @awwclub (at Santa Monica, California)
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findmeabreak-blog · 9 years ago
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Happiness is... having a pug in the house #dobbiethepug #pugs #lovepugs #awwclub #pugsnotdrugs
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kristiancanoy · 8 years ago
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From @awwclub 😍😍😍 🐱
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thedesignsmag · 8 years ago
via Instagram
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farrenheitdance · 8 years ago
😂😂😂 she's trying so hard to fight her sleep, her eye is rolling and she's snoring 😂😂😂 #mika #pet #hilarious #cute #awwclub #funny #pekingese #adorable #igdaily #instagood #instagramhub
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itsmomotime · 7 years ago
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besides chicken jerky, you’re my favorite @harlow_thegolden 👯‍♀️ . . . . . #bestiesforlife #mondaymood #dogsandpals #dogsofbark #bmd #bernesemountaindogs #worldofcutepets #goldenretrievers #goldensofig #rspets #icanteven #mydogiscutest #theellenshow #bigdogs #dogsbeingbasic #fluffypuppy #fluffydogs #bernesemountaindog #worldofberners #goldenretrieverlove #bernese #mansbestfriend #cutedog #dogloversclub #awwclub #bffgoals #buzzfeedpets #puppylove (at Los Angeles, California)
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princesscatria · 10 years ago
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Alhamdulillah, Eeza udah mandi, soo pretty right? ^^~ #cats #cat #whitesolidpersiancat #peaknosecat #persianpeaknose #whitepersiancat #awwcat #awwclub (di Home Sweet Home)
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