#awkward dorks
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karihighman · 2 years ago
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This scene for Brendon and Laura oh my goodness I was worried for them for a minute there when they were first caught… and then their awkwardness in the second half of the scene during the phone call was priceless. Spot on for them really because neither of them wanted to mess this up so they just kinda had to stand there and hope they’d manage to get out of this situation unscathed 🫣🙃😧🫠
PS: the last two are definitely meme worthy…and showcase Kevin and Britt’s in sync expressions haha 🫢🤭 I just loved this ep!!
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jaymang0 · 6 months ago
POV: Luffy just touched his shoulder for the 99th time
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stuck-in-jelly · 25 days ago
On today’s episode of “More Dragon Prince Character Interactions I Would’ve Loved To See” I think these two deserve their own awkward one on one scene
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clumsycapitolunicorn · 2 days ago
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Lisa Swain: *in love with her dorky knicker factory owner gf*
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petalsfordany · 2 years ago
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Courtney Eaton unintentionally being a comedian and wonderful
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glorious-spoon · 8 months ago
i love eddie diaz with all my heart, but it's the kind of love you have for a wet cat who's trying desperately to pretend that they Did That On Purpose, and that's why i simply cannot get on board with the idea that he is in any way smooth
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numberoneredriotfan · 2 months ago
I imagine that as adults Deku says the most romantic corny shit with the most serious of expressions in public and Rody has a love-hate relationship with it
Deku: *Introducing Rody to someone* This is my husband, Rody. The person whom I adore the most in the world and would break all of my bones for if it meant I got to see his smile-
Rody: Can you PLEASE stop saying stuff like that in public.
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anxiousapplepie · 1 month ago
Honestly I've been looking at Jim's mix of orange and yellow, ease with mimicking other roses voices and apparently hiding his strength- (one of your lil mini pages from after Jim's got his head lobbed off and the comment of it being "a waste of time" because the Roses knew he was good) and I've been looking at him as muli-colored and just not showing it to people
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*hand motions towards Jim's Everything* There's nothing else for me to add to this. Call a spade a spade! Congrats for pegging him so hard there's now a hole through the wall, everyone! XD
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rexscanonwife · 11 months ago
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I've always wanted to do one of these so thank you sm @pearlswife for making the template!
I wonder if the Professor will finally make the leap today ☺️💖💖💖
BONUS no tv filter version!
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Taglist♡: @crushes-georg @changeling-selfship @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @squips-ship @sunflawyer @cherry-bomb-ships @in-true-blue-love @miutonium
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shiningstarr15 · 3 months ago
I am asking, no BEGGING this fandom at this point to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE start depicting Vanessa more as a silly, dorky, awkward, girlfailure loser. Bc THAT IS WHO SHE IS.
Yes she is attractive, but she’s also just an absolute disaster. She’s a disheveled mess, she has massive eyebags, can’t do her makeup worth shit, pulls her pants up to her fucking belly button, walks like she’s a goddamn question mark, can’t talk to people (or animatronics) worth shit, literally MOCKS people (that is CANON), and literally just has no idea what she’s doing at any point whatsoever.
She’s a dork ok. She would rather play video games than literally do anything else. She has a glittery pink journal with goddamn puppies on it, she bakes cupcakes and has rainbow hair extensions. She put toe beans on a RABBIT costume when RABBITS DO NOT HAVE TOE BEANS. DORK!
Even in the MOVIE, she’s a soggy loser. She threw a man’s sleeping pills in the river, she threatened to SHOOT a man on sight if he ever brought his kid sister back to Freddy’s. She asked said man to dance in the most awkward way possible, and she actively built a fort with a bunch of ghost kids haunting animatronics.
So please. Literally on my hands and knees BEGGING this fandom.. MAKE HER THE SILLY DORK LOSER SHE IS. She’s not a ‘serious’ character. She’s overly anxious and screams at people bc she can’t control her own emotions. Take a better look at her character and I promise you’ll see it!
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strawbunnydoesart · 4 months ago
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guys can i just be her please
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omg I am her /j
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brawlmetaknight · 1 year ago
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arkon-z · 1 month ago
It's Femslash February and I said I had joined the Zelimpa nation, so here you go. Have a couple of awkward dorks getting up to shenanigans.
"Have you ever kissed anyone?" asked Impa.
"No," said Zelda. "I had my training to worry about. I was much too busy to bother with courting anyone. Have you?"
"A few times. I went on a couple of dates when I visited Kakariko on the holidays. And there was the one time I kissed a guard as part of my assignment here."
Zelda stared at her. "What in the world were you testing for?"
"Security of information. I asked one of guards about your daily schedule and routine. He didn't know who I was, so he refused. I offered to kiss him first and he accepted. I kissed him for a good while and then he told me everything he knew about you. When that intel turned out to be accurate, I reported him to his commander and he was reassigned that afternoon." She huffed. "A man willing to give up vital information for a kiss from a stranger is a weak-minded fool. I told his commander as much and he while he assured me guard training would improve around keep information secure, he asked me not to do that again."
"Mm," Zelda remarked. Her curiosity had been stoked and she kept herself in check. This was her chance to get a first-hand description of the act of kissing given by someone she trusted.
"What's it like?" Zelda asked.
"Kissing?" asked Impa. At Zelda's nod, she shrugged. "It's alright, I suppose. It can be boring or incredibly exciting, depending on your feelings and what you both put into it."
"I never thought that it might be boring," Zelda said. "Everything I've read about it always said it was the most amazing feeling."
"Were you hoping to try it someday?"
Zelda shrugged again, picking her fabric hoop back up. "I'm not exactly desperate to be swept off my feet, but I am curious about the experience." She looked down and resumed her stitching. "I don't think I'm missing anything, though."
A hand on her jaw tilted her head back up. She turned and Impa was there, leaning in, eyes sliding closed. Zelda had a moment to comprehend what was happening and then Impa's lips pressed against hers.
The sudden new feeling lit up Zelda's entire brain, startling her into dropping her sewing. Impa's lips were warm against her own, wonderfully soft and gentle. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the feeling, which was growing more pleasant by the moment as she relaxed into it. Impa shifted slightly, perhaps to end the kiss, and Zelda found she didn't want to pull away. Without thinking, he placed her hand on Impa's shoulder to hold her there. Impa seemed to take it as a cue and laid a hand on the back of Zelda's head. Gently, she pulled her closer, making Zelda's heart race as she wondered what was coming next.
But before she could find out, her stomach growled, interrupting the moment. Zelda broke away, giggling and blushing.
"I'm so sorry! That was an accident!" she said, laughing. "I didn't mean to ruin the moment."
"It's fine!" said Impa, blushing just as brightly. Her hand dropped down to Zelda's shoulder. "I didn't exactly ask you first; I thought it would be fun to indulge your curiosity. I apologize if I overstepped."
"It's alright. I know you'd never hurt me," said Zelda, making Impa blush brighter. "I just never expected my first kiss would be with my best friend."
"Well, I hope I didn't disappoint."
Zelda squeezed her shoulder, giving her as sincere a look as Impa had ever seen. "You never disappoint me."
Impa's eyes shone with the compliment. "That… means a lot, coming from you." She let out a slow breath. "But did you like it? The kiss, I mean?"
Zelda nodded, excitedly. "It was good! Wonderful, even! I'd do it again."
With you, she didn't say, but they both heard it anyway.
"How did you like it?" Zelda asked, leaning back against the headboard.
"It was one of the best I've ever had," said Impa, sitting back as well. She slipped her arm around Zelda's waist and tugged her close.
Zelda snorted. "My first time and it's one of your best? Seriously?"
"I mean it!" Impa insisted. "Maybe because it's you."
"Then I suppose I should be flattered."
"Yes, you should."
Zelda stared up at the canopy of her bed, wondering just when her feelings toward Impa had changed. It felt like she had uncovered a deeper, more intimate version of friendship. Was this the precursor to romancet? She wasn't sure. These feelings weren't all-consuming, full of heady desire like she'd read about. These were… fun. Natural. Worth exploring together, if she could find a way to ask Impa if she felt the same. Or perhaps Impa already felt the same - a kiss was no small gesture. Just remembering it brought a pleasant flutter to her stomach, and a secret hope that she'd do it again.
"Is that your expert opinion, then?" asked Zelda, pulling herself out of her thoughts.
Impa laughed. "Oh, I'm the expert, am I?"
"Considering you've kissed more people than I have, and there's no one else here to ask, I'd say that yes, you're the expert."
"That may be true, but saying you've kissed anyone at all would be inaccurate."
"What do you mean, 'inaccurate?' If what we did just now wasn't kissing, then I'm an octorok!"
Impa chuckled. "I meant you've never initiated a kiss. At this point, you can only say you've been kissed."
Zelda gave her a look. "Why are you being so pedantic about this?"
"Because if our roles were reversed, you'd be insistent on accuracy." Impa gave her a sidelong look. "You know you would; don't try and tell me otherwise."
"I -" Zelda started, but faltered as she realized Impa was right. "Yes, I would. But I'd be polite about it."
"Obviously. But you're changing the subject. If you didn't initiate it, you can't say you've kissed anyone."
Despite the teasing, Zelda knew Impa was baiting her with an opening. Part of her wanted to hold back, just to tease Impa by refusing, but the rest of her wanted to feel Impa's lips against her own again.  She turned, then pulled Impa in close, kissing her in earnest.
The first time had been surprising, but excellent. The second kiss had the rush of anticipation behind it, and the moment their lips met, Zelda felt like her head was spinning. Impa's hand was on the back of her head again, pressing them closer together. Her fingers threaded though Zelda's hair, making her shiver. Zelda likewise cradled the back of Impa's neck, losing herself in the joy of being so intimately connected with someone she cared for - loved- so dearly. Impa felt that same joy, Zelda knew, reading it in the subtle movements of her lips that seemed to be speaking words without sound, in the warmth they shared where their bodies met, in the steady rhythm of their hearts that seemed to be beating in time.
They broke apart for a moment to catch their breath. Their eyes met, and Zelda wondered what she could say to express what she felt and what it meant to her. What words were even big enough to describe it all?
Impa's stomach growled. Both of them burst into laughter, falling against each other. The delicate intimacy of the moment evaporated, but the joy remained.
"I think we've put off lunch long enough," said Impa, grinning. She slid out of Zelda's arms and toward the edge of the bed.
"You mean you don't want to continue to indulge my curiosity?" Zelda said with a wicked grin, despite her blush.
Impa blushed and laughed again. "Maybe later, when we're not hungry. Do you want to eat in bed again or at the table?"
I stan aroace Zelda, including in this fic. She and Impa are fumbling their way into a QPR, despite not having a word for it, and it's going to be fun. I want good things to happen to both of my girls and that's why I'm a writer. So I can make those good things happen.
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numbersarescary · 2 months ago
mark: *awkward should-I-kiss-her smile*
helly: *awkward wants-to-be-kissed smile*
me: god, I love this series
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ladydaybreaker · 5 months ago
Hello world I am Khori maxing again.
teasers for “Living Life on Hardcore”
Nori’s brows wrinkled as she turned away from the, frankly amorous, couple. She took a sip of her lemonade as she walked through the house, desperate to find a corner that was quiet…and preferably without anyone else that she could hide in. She turned a corner, dodging past a football player chatting up a cheerleader, only to run into someone and spilling her lemonade all down the front of their shirt.
“Oh! Oh my goodness I am so sorry!” she gasped.
“Nono!” a soft tenor voice replied, “Was my fault, I wasn’t looking and I ran into you…”
She looked up at the man that she oh so horribly assaulted with a red solo cup full of lemonade. He was…actually very cute. His skin was tanned and the hands that held the cup she’d dropped were calloused, as if he’d spent most of his time working hard outside. His hair was night-dark and curled into cloud-like waves that fluttered just to the nape of his neck. His jaw and cheeks seemed as if cut from stone, Michelangelo’s David had nothing on him, in fact…it’d be envious of him. But, his eyes though were what caught Nori’s attention. Pale, like the very moon outside, silver-soft and ice-bright, and they seemed to look right into her very being.
Her heart gave a funny little stutter-flip as her cheeks heated up in scarlet bouquets.
“Sorry, Miss,” he apologized as he gently handed her cup back to her, “I didn’t mean to bump into you. Are you ok?”
“I am now…” she murmured, dazed.
“N-Nothing! N-Nevermind!” she sputtered, “I uh…I-I um…Sorry for kinda maybe sorta dumping lemonade all over your nice…t-shiiiirt?”
“Oh,” the little half smile he gave nearly stopped her heart then and there, “Don’t worry! I’ll just run up and change out of it later. I didn’t like this one anyways, I just got back from work and found my roommates threw a party. Without me knowing. I’m not one for parties,”
“…Y-Yeah, me neither,”
He gave a nod towards a set of glass french doors leading to a patio. “It’s quieter on the patio in the garden if you need a place to, I dunno, kinda destress and not get overstimulated. I know these guys’ parties can get a bit much. There’s a part of the garden that’s kinda off limits to the guys.”
“S-Sure,” Nori nodded, taking his offered hand and jerking back slightly as static electricity arched between their fingertips.
“Sorry, that might have been my fault,” he apologized as he opened the door, “But I didn’t realize you had such an electrifying personality, because you also look absolutely adoorable,”
Nori closed an eye as she stepped out into the night.
“That set of puns was awful,”
“Yeah…I know…” he searched his pockets, “Ah…shoot. I was gonna say they were tearable but I don’t have paper on me,”
Nori gave a soft little snorting giggle as she held a hand to her lips.
“You’re cute,” she smiled, “I-I mean weird, you’re weird, not cute!”
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bvtchw0lfie · 4 months ago
How in the worlds finest fuck do you flirt with a human being, I’ve not figured it out at all
Anyway would you like to see my yugioh card collection and my assortment of melee weapons
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