#awesome movies though even if it had been ‘spoiled’ for me I know I still would’ve enjoyed it
girlhugger · 4 months
I just watched all the lotr movies for the first time and one thing that I think is kinda hilarious is literally how little I knew about any of the plot points of any of the movies like obvi there’s the ring and the mountain but almost everything else… blank like I was more aware of Gollum than anything else and even then I didn’t have that much info on him going in either, like the movies/books are so popular and so well-known and referenced in pop culture but I still had like no idea spoiler wise, not context-wise, what was gonna happen especially at the end even though it’s referenced a lot like going into the Star Wars movie I knew the big Darth Vader reveal because that’s also referenced a lot and very openly but I feel like Lord of the rings is just as big and yet I didn’t have that vibe of like being aware of how everything was gonna happen maybe lotr know how to shut the heck up more
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
My Sweetheart 💞 🎸
hi! i was wondering if i could request an eddie mumson x reader where eddies band gains like overnight popularity and it goes to his head because people like him and girls really like him ( no cheating bc Eddie wouldn’t do that) and he starts to ditch the reader and maybe even dustin/robin/steve because of it and its angsty but with a happy ending if possible thanks
Warnings; angst to fluff.
It had happened seemingly overnight but Corroded Coffin had made it big, a music executive was at their gig at The Hideout and saw raw talent in the band and decided to give them a record deal.
Eddie liked the attention Corroded Coffin was getting and all the girls screaming for him were awesome too.
Only one girl held his heart though and that was his princess.
Still, he never thought that he would get this kind of attention ever, he was always the freak, the outcast most of his life and holding so many people's attention, them liking him was insane to him.
So yeah, he was enjoying the fact that the band's star was rising and he could take his beautiful girl yn out for fancier dinners and spoil her.
She was so supportive and she was his rock.
Everything, since Corroded Coffin had gotten big, was happening so fast though and there were dozens of higher profile gigs and more and more fans wanting to know everything about them.
Girls threw themselves at all the boy's feet and it was nice, yeah but at the end of the day he had his dream girl in y/n and he didn't want anyone else.
That reminds him that he really needs to call his girl, it's the third time this week that hes had to cancel dinner with her, and movie night with her, Dustin, Steve, Robin and the gang.
He will make it up to her though. Right after this gig was done.
Then he never managed to as their manager invited them out for drinks, something always managed to crop up and then it had been weeks of broken promises and missed dates...
She was fuming, and Dustin was upset because it was the third time Eddie hadn't shown up for movie night.
He had also been missing their dates for weeks now maybe even longer and she was pissed off.
She was so happy that Corroded Coffin was making it big but she hoped that Eddie had remembered he had her, his uncle Wayne and his friends at home, who loved him before he was a star but obviously not.
How long would he want to be with her now anyway? He had girls falling at his feet and he could live a rockstar life.
The thought hits her like a ton of bricks and she feels her heart break, would that happen?
She believed Eddie loved her with his whole heart but the anxiety wouldn't leave her now she had thought about it.
Coupled with the fact that she was still mad and the minute Eddie walked through the door clearly just coming off a gig she was ready to blow.
"Hey, princess" he beams then his smile fades at her glare.
"Suddenly remember that your girl exists do you?". He swallows.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I've been missing dates, things just got so crazy and..." She cuts him off.
"I understand about Corroded Coffin taking off and I'm so proud of you Eddie but it's been weeks of broken promise, missed dates and I'm sick of it. I feel like I don't mean anything to you anymore".
His eyes widen.
"No, no sweetheart, you're everything to me, I love you so much". She feels tears pool in her eyes.
"It's just pretty words, Eddie, that's it. You tell me this all the time and nothing changes, you cancel dates to go to industry parties or some shit! You forgot Dustin's birthday until I reminded you! I'm just tired, Eddie"
His eyes widen with fear.
"I just don't feel important enough to you anymore and I'm sick of it". With that, she walks away from him.
Eddie feels like shit, hes been doing all the gigs, enjoying the fame and he kept treating his girl like shit, missing dates, cancelling to go to stupid parties, he was an idiot.
He was going to ask her to marry him tonight and thanks to his actions she thinks she isn't important and Eddie is so pissed at himself.
He loves her, she is the only woman for him, the love of his life and he needs to make sure she knows that.
To start off he cuts down on the parties he doesn't need to go to, the industry ones are important but the parties just for the sake of parties are cut right out.
He also makes sure to attend every date night and not to forget, he buys a calendar and marks it down In big bold letters so he remembers.
He also includes his friends, uncle Wayne and y/n in more of his gigs, taking them to the industry dinners and parties.
Especially his Uncle Wayne, Dustin and yn, the three people who have loved him through thick and thin.
He knew for a while he had to get his shit together with his girl and he's glad she called him out on his shit because it's the kick up the ass he really needed.
Yes, he loves Corroded Coffin being fully recognised but that shouldn't mean he forgets the people most important to him.
One other thing he does is makes sure that his fans know that he has a beautiful girl by his side, he has y/n and he's off limits. She's the only woman he ever wants.
He dedicates songs to her at their gigs and even wrote one for her, it was called my sweetheart, it was a far cry from everything that the band did but he sang it every night for y/n.
It was his special tribute to her and the first time she heard it she burst into happy tears and peppered little kisses over his face.
The most important thing he does though is apologise.
"I'm so sorry I was a dick to you, to everyone ditching plans, dates. It's all just been so overwhelming all of this princess and I got caught up in everything, I've found a new balance now and it makes everything so much easier, I just hope you're still not mad"
She softens.
"Not anymore, I'm sorry I went off on you like that Eddie I was frustrated and you needed to know how much you were hurting me, everyone else". He strokes her cheek and cuddles her close to him.
"You, uncle Wayne, my friends are so important to me and of course, the band is too, Jesus h Christ I never thought we would take off like this but shit, I never ever want you to feel unimportant to me again. Never".
The very next night after he performs My Sweetheart, he jumps off the stage and makes his way through the crowd in the front row and to y/n and dropped down on one knee.
Then he proposed and when she said yes it was the happiest fucking moment of his life. He was never going to mess up and risk losing his girl again.
He would make sure if that.
💞 🎸
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novelconcepts · 23 days
How ‘bout 51 for taivan and 79 for tai & nat? Thanks, friend! :)
51 - Blessing/Good Luck Charm; 79 - High Five
Taissa's never been to the mall with just Natalie before now. It feels incredibly strange. They're not exactly hang-out buddies.
She'd normally have chosen another person entirely to ride on her handlebars, but that would sort of spoil the surprise. And, anyway, it's this person she trusts to help her pick out a present.
Weirdly, no one else in the world seems to know Van like Natalie Scatorccio.
"This?" She holds up a Hot Wheel. Natalie wrinkles her nose.
"You think Van's into cars?"
"It's a van," Taissa says witheringly. "It's a joke."
"Oh," says Natalie, "well, in that case--no, I'm fucking kidding, put that down."
Tai groans. "This is impossible."
Natalie has shot down absolutely everything. Socks. Stuffed toys. Pen knives, keychains, charm bracelets, necklaces. Everything Taissa has held up--patterned with dinosaurs, spaceships, movie characters, or soccer balls--Natalie has vetoed. So far, the only thing they can agree on is that the item has to be small enough to fit in Van's locker.
"A lucky rabbit's foot?" she wonders. "A pet rock? What stupid-ass thing am I supposed to be aiming for here?"
"We'll know it when we see it," Natalie says mysteriously, which only makes Taissa roll her eyes. The we in that sentence is doing a remarkable amount of heavy lifting, from her perspective. She'd wanted Natalie to help her, not fire missiles at her every idea.
Not the belt buckles. Not the mood rings. Not the tiny Star Wars Micro-Machines, nor the Pez containers. Nothing screams Van, no matter how much Taissa squints.
"This!" Natalie says at last. Taissa's jaw unhinges.
"No way."
"This," Natalie insists. "I'm telling you. It's perfect."
And--because Natalie didn't ask why Tai wanted so badly to buy Van a present before the season kick-off, because Natalie hasn't made fun of her once for doing this even though it's neither Christmas, nor Van's birthday--Taissa complies.
She doesn't know what to expect, presenting it to Van before their first game. Part of her considers giving up, keeping the item in the front pouch of her backpack for the rest of time--but, of course, there's Natalie. Bouncing on the balls of her feet. Rattling Taissa's shoulder with twitchy hands. She's all but hissing, Go on, give it to her in Tai's ear.
"This," Taissa says, "is from both of us."
Van raises her eyebrows. Out of the corner of her eye, Taissa sees Natalie do the same.
"It is?" they ask in eerie concert. Tai squares her shoulders.
"It's a good-luck charm." She resists the impulse to add, It was Natalie's idea. It's stupid. It's stupid, and therefore, I had nothing to do with it.
"We know you've got your ritual," she says instead. "And we figured, new year, new...add-on."
She dips her hand into the pouch, coming up with the small rectangle. Van looks perplexed.
"You got me a lighter?"
"A good-luck lighter," Natalie chimes in, which is great, because Taissa's half a second from dropping her head into her hands. "For burning the shit out of the competition."
Maybe, Taissa thinks, a fourteen-year-old was not the best person to invite to the mall after all. She should have gone with the mood ring. Or the Hot Wheel.
"This," says Van, her eyes shining, "is awesome."
She cracks open the lid, flicks the flint wheel. And, because Natalie helped Tai fill it in advance, a flame bursts to merry life.
"Awesome," Van breathes again. Tai winces.
"It is?"
"I told you," Natalie crows. She holds up a hand, slapping Taissa's palm so hard, the sting reverberates up her wrist. "Nobody else has a good-luck Zippo!"
That much is true. And nobody else gets the full force of Van's excited hug, the lighter still clutched in one fist as she flings her arms around Taissa in thanks.
That Zippo keeps Van company for the next four years. Before every game, Taissa watches her fish it out, flick it open, shut, open, shut. Three times, like clockwork, before flicking the flame to life. She watches Van shut her eyes, lips moving soundlessly--Tai can never make out what she's saying; it isn't for her, she recognizes--and then the lid slams shut. The fire doused, Van replaces the lighter on the top shelf, and goes out to absolutely dominate between the goal posts.
She'd be like that anyway, Taissa is sure. It's not the charm that does the trick. Van's excellent at what she does, the best goalie the city has seen in at least a decade. The lighter has nothing to do with it.
Still, every time, she meets Van's eyes and sees that flame reflecting back. Every time, Van grins. Raises the lighter a little higher in salute.
And, four years later, that lighter is in Van's pocket. When a plane goes down. When campfires need setting. When someone asks, "Who's got a light?" Everyone looks to Natalie, of course--and Natalie, obediently, flicks her Bic to life.
Only Taissa looks to Van. To the little silver rectangle tucked into the cup of Van's palm. Only Taissa sees it, and says nothing.
They could all use a little luck out here.
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update-blog-bp9 · 8 months
I know a lot of People will judge me for saying it BUT!
Small rant! Has BIG SPOILERS, so if you don't wanna be spoiled yet, DON'T READ!
The FNaF Movie was AWESOME! Why was it awesome? LET ME EXPLAIN!
First off, I'm sorry to all the other FNaF Fans that will read this, but it HAS to be done. (I am a fan myself but yeah, been a fan since FNaF 4 came out, which has been a while ago. TvT) It was clear that the Movie will be NOTHING like the Games. I mean yeah, it could have given you more spooks (*Cough* even though I was satisfied with what I got as spooks and murders *Cough*), BUT first off, it would have been nothing more but a filmed version of what we played and nothing interesting would have happened.
Mike would have sat in the office, watched Cams, closed doors and shit, until he burned the place down or something. It was clear, from the trailers, that the Movie might NOT be ANYTHING like the Games.
For an alternate universe of FNaF, I found it awesome. You saw two sides of the coin, from the missing Children too. They can act like kids, they can have humanity still, they are still just children, but they can also get VERY deadly and dangerous (Proven in the scenes where Max and the others died brutally).
Also let us not forget that the Movie was for people of 16 years of age and that into the FNaF Fandom a lot of Teenagers and children joined (and probably still do). It was not rated R and not for 18 year olds only, so even Teenagers can watch it and not just barely legally turned grown ups. Not everyone with 18 also can take a lot of blood, so I found the Movie pretty nice, it showed both sides and it showed pretty much that the Animatronics CAN be very murderous if they WANT to be.
I know some or maybe even many of you were disappointed, but why film a Movie about something, we already KNOW? We know about the Afton Family (At least everyone who played the Games and watched Matpad), we know about the missing children and their names, who died first, who William shouldn't have killed, etc. Literally a lot of Gacha Tubers MAKE Movies about all that already, of course they change it to make it an AU, but still! Heck other fans made small FANMOVIES about FNaF, it wouldn't have been as original anymore, as you would have thought, so the changes in the Movie were awesome in my eyes.
It was something new, it was a bit more unpredictable, it had some shockers and it had blood and some gore in there too, everything I would WANT from a Movie. Why have a Movie about something, you already know and can predict everything of, that got pretty much solved so far? (I mean it isn't entirely solved yet, not all of it, but I have a feeling we are getting close)
A new thing, a new Storyline and a few unexpected events. I mean, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT VANESSA IS WILLIAM'S DAUGHTER IN THE MOVIE?! I only realized it after she started to talk about him and that he was a VERY BAD man. I was like: "Eyoooo, WAIT A FUCKIN' MINUTE! NO WAY! I THOUGHT HE DIDN'T PULL BITCHES AND WAS LEFT CHILDLESS!" (Not that I hated Steve Raglan/William Afton. He was awesome, wish I saw more of him. Mathew really played William well. Respect.)
Or WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT, that these kids still had some humanity left and just wanted to play, until Willy Wonka told them to kill someone for him, or someone broke in and decided to trash the place? I wouldn't have! AND THEY WERE DAY ACTIVE TOO!!! No 6AM clock chime and everything is over! No! They were active and moving ALL THE TIME! MAJOR UPGRADE! You were NEVER safe from them. AND THEY COULD ALSO LEAVE THE BUILDING! Also something that in the Games NEVER was possible! I mean yeah, only GF (Golden Freddy) was out, but if he can leave the Pizzeria, so can the others, right?
So my point: Movie was AWESOME, the people put a lot of thought and care into it, the Storyline was amazing and not the same shit we already knew and predicted, it had a good balance of things (Blood x gore x humor and all that), the Characters were amazing and honetly I am proud. WE EVEN GOT A SPRINGLOCK FAILURE! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! QWQ
This was the first Movie of FNaF,(I hope Dawko is right and we get a trilogy) which means that in the next Movie (If it comes out), we could get more of the new Storyline AND there could be more horror and if it will be a TRILOGY, then we will get WILLY WONKA IN FNAF THREE, BABYYYYYYYY!!! And THAT WILL be EPIC! After all, Springtrap might be the most BRUTAL and AGGRESSIVE Animatronic in FNaF, because of the Serial Killer traits, his hatred for Mike and Abby, he will still have the urge to kill them, so buckle the fuck up and maybe he will either also try and kill Vanessa (If she survives the Hospital and got out until then), or he will try and apologize.
Why would he apologize? Everyone who saw him stab his own daughter and paid close attention, saw that he instantly regretted it. He actually felt genuinely bad. But he had to get himself together, because of Mike and Abby. I think, if he would have had the time and chance, he would have brought her, himself, to the hospital too. It didn't seem like, he didn't care anymore, but he was in deep shit himself and had to take care of that first, to get away alive. Which, sadly for him, backfired. (Yes, I said it, William Afton showed some heart and I take full advantage of that.)
With all that said, HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT!!!
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soul-music-is-life · 2 years
Alright, I’m caught up on PLL: OS and I have some...thoughts/theories
First, I should preface this by telling everyone who might be reading (and some of you are aware) that I am a moderator on the Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin reddit and a few weeks ago we had someone aggressively spoiling major plot points that turned out to be confirmed as true. It was unfortunate, but the moderators catch it all in the filters. We worked our asses off to keep the spoilers from reaching the sub.
NONE of what I’m writing about includes anything that I know. I will never disclose that information, as I believe everyone should go unspoiled. So anything that I talk about in PLL: OS has absolutely no correlation to what I know. I won’t bring up those plot points at all. I talk about things I don’t know. So you won’t see anything true here. Only speculation.
Now...so episodes 4 & 5: (spoilers below cut)
A lot happened in episode 4, notably Imogen’s stages of grief. I try to remember that Imogen is grieving the loss of her mother, but if she talked to me the way she talked to Tabby’s mom…ohhhh, chile. Then again, after seeing what horrible people the moms were in the flashbacks...maybe her lil pregnant ass is right.
I love Faran. I love that she takes no bullshit.
The Sheriff is an asshole. Still. And the fact that Noa’s mom had drugs, but WAIT...
CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE BOTTLE SAID “Rivers, Caleb” ON IT?!?! Is Caleb in Millwood?? Whaaaaaat? It might have just been a callback, but still.
My heart broke for Imogen during the Ouija board scene, because I said the same things to my mom after she died. It hurt. Bailee really nailed that, and so did the others. This is where they are bonded. This is how it happens. This is where their friendship blooms. I don’t think Davie killed herself.
The whole Psycho movie concept is awesome and it answered a ton of questions about Tabby as a character. Her control pinged my radar as someone who has lost control in the past and that ties back to the locker room cams. I had a hunch a while ago that Tabby was date-raped. This episode all but confirmed it for me. Explains why she buries herself in movies. She can’t get away from what happened to her, so she redirects and internalizes and uses movies as a way to cope.
I think Noa is up there as a favorite. She’s scrappy AF and her self-defense moves are on point. I shed a lil tear when she called to turn her mother in after being attacked. She’s got a hard outer-shell, but seems soft inside.
Ep 5:
Holy shit. The mothers were terrible to Angela. JFC. Maybe they deserve what they get. Maybe they deserve the Davie treatment. That’s horrifying. They were worse than Alison in PLL. A little pack of bullies. I would like to side note that I really love that we’re seeing characters we should like (adult moms) and their teen counterparts. Personally I’m conflicted, because I want to like the adults, but their teenage actions were despicable. I like having unlikable characters more than I thought I would.
Fun fact: Mouse wanting to tell someone what’s going on mirrors how Emily felt in the first season of PLL, which is kinda cool since Lea Salonga is related to Shay Mitchell.
“I’ll bring walkie-talkies from my moms’ pawn shop.” Omg, Mouse is such a dork and I love her. But we have got to talk about the old dude she is talking to. I am SOOOO uncomfortable. It’s so dangerous. What is she up to? I have theories.
The Faran/Kelly scene in the diner was really sweet. I like that Faran was 100% open to talking to her about self-harm. Despite her actions in the episode, she really does care.
Umm...so the creepy pedo Wes apologizes and then immediately goes back to “I do care about you” even though he’s sorry? Nah, not buying it. I don’t like that Tabby is back under his authority again. Hate it.
Halloween party when some dude it stalking you? Sure, sounds like a splendid idea.
Shawn is the only good man on this show. Change my mind. Well...okay, I’ll concede and say that Chip seems real sweet and that Mouse’s friend (I’m sorry, I can’t remember his name) is chill, too. But the whole football team (besides Shawn) can get rekt.
Tyler is the worst. He just hangs on to women like slime. My theory is that he sexually assaulted Tabby or Imogen (or both).
JFC, I am cringing so hard at this Mouse dinner roleplay scene. Stop. STAHP!!! This is weird. I don’t like it. I was literally physically uncomfortable watching it.
Faran going off on Kelly (or Karen? IDEK) was epic.
Stoned Mouse rivals Drunk Emily. I can’t choose though.
Noa’s, “Settle down, Tyler or I’ll get Shawn to beat the shit out of you” followed by Mouse’s “Or I’ll just do it.” Damn. Girl went from meek to killer. The girls are really coming into their own. Their friendship is wholesome. I’m here for it.
I am in love with the Faran/Tabby team up against Tyler. Faran’s little laugh after Tabby punched him. I died. “Should have shut your fucking mouth.”
I knew what was coming as soon as Tyler went into that bathroom. I mean…I might have just become a Masked Creeper fan. Cleaning up the town, one asshole at a time. Maybe I’ve just watched too much Dexter. But the thing is he had Imogen alone and didn’t hurt her. He could have gotten to any of the girls to hurt them...but he didn’t. It leads me to believe he only truly wants to punish the guilty.
Theory: Mouse was kidnapped as a child and that’s what’s up with all the missing posters and the survivor’s guilt and wanting to comfort parents who have lost their children.
Another theory: I always had a theory that Imogen’s baby was a product of rape. Though, still not confirmed, I highly suspect so. That’s why I was a little infuriated when she panicked and went to the school counselor to talk about abortion. It’s a hot topic. I won’t say more. But that scene pissed me off. She was a school nurse. She should have referred Imogen to talk to a doctor.
Girl’s secrets/theories:
Mouse- I believe she was kidnapped as a child on Halloween.
Imogen- I believe the baby is a product of date-rape. Explains why she’s detached from the baby and doesn’t seem to care when she puts herself in danger.
Tabby- I believe Tyler (or someone else...God if it was Wes, ugh...) raped her.
Noa- As of now I think her secret is that she was simply protecting her mother and I don’t know where it’s headed going forward.
Faran- Still trying to figure out what she has going on beneath the surface.
Anyway, that’s all I got for now. Here are some highlights I quite enjoyed.
Faran channeling the fandom re: Tabby’s movie references.
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Faran basically being awesome in general:
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Tabby GOING OFF (rightfully so!) on Tyler:
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This duo (Tabby/Faran) @-ing Tyler:
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life-as-a-lesbian · 2 years
Alright, so now I knew I didn’t only like boys, but how did I figure out I didn’t like boys at all? There were a lot of signs for that too. I mean, I mentioned a lot of them in my last post (like getting physically sick when being intimate with my boyfriend), but even after I knew I liked girls I couldn’t quite accept I didn’t like boys. It’s still really hard for me to accept honestly, which I will talk about later.
To a lot of people, labels don’t matter. That is totally awesome. To me, labels mean a lot. When I first told my friends I was in love with K, along with “yeah we know, finally”, they asked “so, you’re bi then?”. And for some reason, I couldn’t tell them yes. I had been with boys in the past, I was actually pretty boy crazy all throughout high school, and now I liked a girl, so bi made sense, but it didn’t feel right.
I had a friend, whom I am no longer friends with, who insisted on calling me bi. I don’t remember why or how we got on the topic, but she literally told me I was bi. Very directly, without hesitation I said “no, I’m not. Don’t call me that”. She couldn’t wrap her head around that. I still thought boys were cute, I had dated boys before; I must be bi. But bi never felt right, neither did pan, and I refused to use a label I didn’t feel comfortable with. Using a label that didn’t fit me felt disrespectful to the people who do identify with it and to myself. For a while, I identified only as queer, and I do still feel comfortable using that label.
On one of K’s and I’s off periods, I downloaded all the typical dating apps. On each one, it asked the “who are you attracted to” question. At the time, I thought I was attracted to men, women, and non-binary folks. So, I set my preferences to everyone. I matched with a lot of people, talked with a few, and I met up with two. The first person I met up with is the one we’re going to talk about, we’ll call him S.
S was an old coworker of mine, we only worked like two shifts together, but he used to come into the store regularly, even after he quit. We never really talked, but I always thought he was cute and polite. Ironically, we matched. After a few days texting and a 4 hour phone call, we decided to meet up. The first date was awkward to say the least. We went to a park and sat on the bench for an hour or so, just talking. I was telling him about my grades, which, while above average, are not that impressive, except to him apparently they were impressive enough to lean in and kiss me pretty aggressively. When we separated, he told me “sorry, was that okay? It was just so hot hearing you talk about how smart you are, I couldn’t resist”. I did not tell him it wasn’t okay, so he kissed me more throughout the night. Each time, I couldn’t help but think about how much I did not want to be kissing him. I thought that maybe he was just a bad kisser though. I convinced myself I could make him better and that it would be fine. He was cute and totally into me, I could make it work.
If you haven’t ever seen the movie Two Night Stand; one, I totally recommend it, and two I am totally going to spoil it. Basically, a woman tries to have a one night stand with a man and it turns into a two night stand because of a giant blizzard. And the whole movie you’re thinking, “there’s no way this would ever happen in real life. There is a weather app on everyone’s phone, the news is playing in the background of places all the time, there would be a weather alert text”. To be fair, the movie took place in like 2013 when smart phones weren’t huge yet, but let me tell you that even in the modern age of IPhone 11’s, this is not as unlikely a scenario as one might think considering, you guessed it; it happened to me. Not quite like the movie, considering I was not trying to have a one night stand and the guy did not get the girl in the end, but weather did trap S and I in a very small apartment together on our second and last date.
For our official second date, we went out to a local arcade. We played games and he tried to make out with me in the Photo Booth. Then, we went back to my apartment. On the way back, it looked like it was going to rain and I had checked the weather that day so I knew that rain was in the forecast. I, however, did not know that it wasn’t just rain forecasted, it was a severe thunderstorm. We hung out in my room for a bit and then after another set of uncomfortable kisses, I asked him to go. I walked him to the door and when I opened it, it was pouring. It wasn’t just a heavy rainfall. It was raining so hard we couldn’t see the cars on the street from my balcony. He obviously didn’t want to try to drive home in the storm considering he didn’t live in town (fair enough), so he asked if he could stay. I didn’t want him to get in a wreck, so I told him he could. One huge problem though, I didn’t have anywhere for him to sleep… except… in bed… with me. My couches weren’t couches at all, one was a chair and one was a loveseat and he was pushing 6”; my roommates room was off limits. Looking back, I guess I could’ve made him sleep on the floor, but I didn’t. We slept in my bed together.
He was perfectly respectful. We didn’t have sex and he didn’t try, we just slept. And still, the next morning, I woke up feeling like I needed to rip my skin off. I barely spoke a word to him that morning and I never texted him again. The moment I got home from work, I took the hottest shower I have ever taken in my life and scrubbed my skin until it was blotchy red. I immediately bleached my sheets, my pillowcases, my blankets, and the clothes I slept in. I was nauseous the next two days. That’s when it clicked. H, if you can’t share a bed, PLATONICALLY, with a perfectly nice and handsome man is there any way you could share a bed romantically with one?
That’s when I changed the preferences on my dating apps to show me women only.
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sitpwgs · 11 months
Hi!!! I totally missed talking to you too! I would love to hear about the performance or festival! It sounds super cool and I've never been to one. I hope it was amazing. I totally agree that the surprise songs are a nice bonus and how it makes every show different and special no matter what. I totally agree about the Folklore dresses..they are my favorite next to Speak Now. Unfortunately I didn't get to go to the Paramore show the other night which is a huge bummer. It just didn't work out at the last minute. But I finally saw the Barbie movie last night! It was pretty good. There were some things that surprised me still even if I got stuff spoiled. I loved all the pink stuff and the Ken stuff. It managed to be funny but also kinda heartfelt and real. Like even America's speech..even though it felt on the nose at times, it was kinda nice to hear her say it in a simple relatable way and it did make me think about being a woman. It had a lot of good themes and ideas but almost felt like two different movies...and I guess because of the two settings. It made it a little different than what I expected though and I don't even know what I was expecting either. I loved the I'm Just Ken song and scene! It makes me happy that he got to sing in another movie again haha. I guess they are still working on a La La Land stage version but I haven't heard anything else about it. I'm curious what other kinda songs could be in your musical version. I could definitely see a welcome to Barbie land song and maybe a song for Weird Barbie. I could see it being similar to Mamma Mia I guess. I love Megan Fahy as a choice and I loved her in the Bold Type and then I found out she was in Next to Normal. I'll watch the videos you posted too. Gavin Creel and Jen Coella seem perfect haha. I was lucky to see Gavin as Cinderellas prince/wolf in Into the Woods last month and he was funny so he'd be great in this. That's so awesome about getting Hadestown tickets! I'd definitely say it was one of my favorites in the last few years and to see live. I haven't actually listened to the new Sweeney Todd yet but I guess I'd recommend the original cast with Angela Lansbury as Mrs Lovett, but I've also seen Patti Lupone. For Rent, sometimes I just like hearing the songs compared to watching the show..like you can get most of the plot from the cast recording even if you're unfamiliar. That is sooo cool about Newsies!!! Did you get to see Jeremy Jordan? I've seen the proshot a ton of times anyway but I'm so curious. I also enjoyed and would recommend SMASH since we are talking about musical shows lol. But Schmigadoon was the same way with all of the references and stuff. Also who did you see in Waitress? I still watch the Tony's and try to keep up with it but I feel like the revivals were better than new musicals this year or that's what I was familiar with and I didn't listen to any cast recordings. I used to always do that before the Tony's with any new show but I didn't this year..but I will eventually. It's really hard for me to know who should win Tony's since I usually like most musicals. The only ones that I don't really like are the bio ones that's also jukebox cuz they all seem similar to me. I have a musical sideblog so I do try to keep up with it and I love all your gifs. You have great taste in musicals. I love anything Sondheim and those are great picks. Spring Awakening is also a favorite of mine! I forgot the rest of your list but I think I'm familiar with most of them. Also that's pretty cool about the Notebook musical and I'm sorry it wasn't good. Maybe some things shouldn't be a musical and I can't really imagine the songs translating well or how many songs it would be but at least you liked the actors. I'd be curious to hear more about it if you wanna share! I thought it could have potential with Ingrid Michaelson. I think I saw a clip of Joy Woods singing Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop if I'm remembering correctly and her voice is so good!
hellooooo friend!! i went to lollapalooza last week, which was my first music festival and it was a lot, but also really fun! i definitely am not an outdoorsy girl, and i was not as prepared for chicago summer heat as i should've been. i lowkey had more fun at the aftershows (for sabrina carpenter, and maisie peters), and i think if i was to do lollapalooza again, i'd probably just do aftershows and maybe not do GA for all 4 days, but just one day? there were a few sets where i was like "... i probably would have a better view and have more fun watching this on the hulu livestream", which is a little bit unfortunate, but you live, you learn! it was actually kind of scary watching so many people around me pass out, and i just ... do not think i am a festival girlie! which is fun because i have bumbershoot coming up, but it's not really a big music festival, just a very small one in seattle and i'll probably just hang out with the crafty things instead (unless the people i'm going with really want to listen to the music)! i got to see some of my favorite artists though, and it was just really, really lovely — especially holly humberstone, because i don't think i'll get the chance to see her for a while (unless she tours to seattle with her new album)! i don't think i've asked you this, but aside from paramore and taylor swift, who else do you like to listen to? 🤍 i'm sorry about paramore :( i thought of you earlier! i got a notification on my phone about cheap paramore tickets in seattle tonight and i was like oh .....! i almost caved and got tickets but i am 1) still run down from chicago/lolla + 2) i spent money on tickets this morning! but eeeee i'm glad you got the chance to see barbie!! i do agree about it feeling a little clunky / like two separate movies! i don't know what i had expected from the barbie movie, but i definitely didn't expect that! ugh i'm already thinking about how beautiful a barbie musical set would be (can you imagine the barbie house?) maybe something by jason sherwood or beowulf boritt? i just think it would be so fun!! and yes — love love love meghann fahy! she also sang a bunch of kerrigan-lowdermilk (who wrote sam brown) songs back in the day that i really like, like say the word i'm so jealous you got to see gavin in into the woods! the tour didn't come to seattle :( i've only heard the best things about gavin, and one of my close friends loves gavin creel so i was like "oh he'd be a perfect ken!" i think they finally announced the sweeney todd revival cast recording release date, so i mightttt hold off and wait till then, and then go backwards and listen to angela lansbury! i did not get to see jeremy jordan in newsies, but i have seen him live — he came to seattle with betsy wolfe to sing with the seattle symphony a couple years ago! i saw newsies on august 9th, 2014, actually (what are the odds), with corey cott, liana hunt, and ben fankhauser! i like the proshot, but i think i'm more partial to the casts i saw (and i think that jeremy and kara and ben and akb were all a little too old to play teenagers at that point)! although my favorite cast is probably actually an amalgamation of the first national tour cast — stephanie styles as katherine, joey barreiro as jack (i've actually seen him as jack twice; once on tour and once regionally), and i think i've just loved every davey i've seen! i love smash! i was talking to someone in chicago about it, actually — they were sitting at the table next to ours and i just struck up a conversation about lolla since they mentioned someone i really love and we ended up talking about broadway / smash and it was really fun! i always say i'll do a smash rewatch and then i never do, but the music is just so good! i'm super curious to see what happens with the smash musical (bombshell musical?) they're supposedly working on.
with waitress, i saw betsy wolfe & drew gehling twice on broadway, desi oakley twice on tour, and i saw alison luff & mark evans on broadway three times! my jenna ranking is probably alison then desi then betsy, and i just really liked how alison and mark played off each other (i have a soft spot for mark from when he was in the play that goes wrong). but i think my favorite jenna overall would be nicolette! i kind of stopped paying a ton of attention to waitress after it closed on broadway though! i also feel that way with this last tony season! i feel like everything now is just either a revival (no shade to revivals), or an adaptation, or a jukebox and it is very rare that an adaptation feels ... complete to me now rather than just a cash grab. it's just very disheartening, as someone who loves theatre! if/when you feel comfortable coming off anon, i'd love to follow your sideblog (and/or your main blog), but that's totally up to you! always happy to chat with you on anon 🤍 i got to see a sunday afternoon on the island of la grande jatte again in chicago, and i had a good little cry! i'm such a sondheim girlie. and that's okay; not all musicals are winners/will speak to me! i think the notebook musical just felt very ... cashgrabb-y? it did make me cry though, so there's that (not that it takes much to make me cry)! i think the songs were just kind of ... forgettable, which really sucks because i like a lot of ingrid michaelson's songs! joy woods' voice is BEAUTIFUL, and john cardoza really just stood out to me! i remember sitting in the theatre and thinking to myself "this man needs to be orpheus someday" and then went to look at his insta and realized he covered epic II from it! i was so so happy when he was cast in moulin rouge as christian; i've heard some clips of his christian and i really like him too! i think the set was beautiful too; i remember being really impressed by the rain scene! i wonder if they've reworked it for broadway, and what will be the same!
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forkanna · 1 year
WARNING: The following chapters become extremely NSFW, and will include more Punzelsanna content (though this particular chapter is fairly tame). Viewer discretion advised. Also it will be a scene over the course of three chapters, if any of you would rather wait until they're all out to enjoy cliffhanger-free.
"Anna, will you quit being so evasive?" Jennifer needled her girlfriend as they drove down the coastal highway. "I mean, I know it's you, and you're such an awesome girlfriend…"
"Listen to you, buttering me up," she giggled.
"…and that whatever this surprise is will be great. But can't I have some kind of hint? Like, just tell me a category. Or the first letter!"
Anna shot her a grin. "Alright… the category is 'things you do with loved ones' and the letter is… S."
Holding back a laugh, Punz instead let her lips twist into a thoughtful smile. "Hmm… skiing? Sushi? Spending time with each other?"
Anna shrugged, purposely not looking at her girlfriend. It was obvious that Punz was getting a little frustrated – all in good fun, but still. "You'll see soon enough. All you need to know is that it's gonna be a great time – for us, but especially for you."
Punz bit her lip and stopped pestering Anna. Truthfully, she wasn't really that desperate for Anna to spoil it. The idea that her girlfriend had planned this holiday and managed to keep the details a secret was a pleasant one, and Punz had little doubt that such an excursion would only bring them together even more. Picking up Anna's hand, she brought it to her lips. She would have much preferred to kiss Anna on her lips, but it wasn't exactly advised while she was driving.
"Oooh, so you're trying to butter me up to get me to tell you? Got it now."
Rolling her eyes, Punz started to say something but they were just turning off the highway, dwindling down the slow spiral of the offramp onto a local route. Once they were at a red light, she asked, "Are you going to be a jerk this whole time?"
"Not once we're there. I promise, we'll get the 'surprise' portion of our day out of the way, and move on to real fun."
"Shishkabob? Speedboats? Um…" They both laughed, and Punz shook her head and leaned back. "Alright, alright. I give up; I can wait, I guess."
And she wouldn't be waiting much longer. The fancy building that they were nearing seemed like something out of a utopian science fiction movie, with a big white dome as part of the structure. They parked, and moved toward their destiny – whatever it was.
"The sign told me squat," Punz sighed. "What are you trying to-"
"Anna! Jennifer!"
The voice that rang out in greeting as they entered the air-conditioned building was highly familiar. Anna's whole demeanour seemed to perk up as Elsa came into view, wearing her own nice-but-casual clothes, a light blue tank top and white capris. She looked, to Punz, like she had already been there a while.
"Elsa!" Anna cried, a grin on her face. There was no way Punz could hope to match it. She tried, valiantly, but it was hopeless. Probably for the best that they only had eyes for each other.
"I'll go and um… check it out," she said, voice soft. "Good to see you, Mrs McFly…"
Heart sunk to her shoes, Jennifer turned away from them. Elsa made Anna happy. What sort of girlfriend would she be if she denied Anna something that made her happy? But then, a little voice piped up, 'What kind of girlfriend is Anna if she didn't realise that this kind of surprise is not a good one?' Was she wrong for hoping it would just be she and Anna? Elsa hadn't even crossed her mind! Biting her lip to distract from the pain thudding from her heart and threatening – stupidly – to make her cry, she began making her way towards the front counter.
Before she could take a single step, four hands stopped her.
"Whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going?" Anna asked.
"To, um… to find out what my surprise is?" Again, she tried for a smile, and managed one. Though it wasn't a particularly winning smile, at least she had found that much within herself when she felt so disappointed.
But for some reason, Anna still looked like a cat with a canary in its mouth. She didn't know what Elsa looked like; she didn't want to look at her just now. "Can't you wait a moment for the rest of us?"
"Why? I thought… well, aren't you dropping me off? And if I don't find out what I'm doing, I can't start doing it." She was trying to be reasonable. Why was Anna still teasing her?
"Dear, don't you know where you are?" Elsa's palm gestured toward the sign above the counter: 'Regal Springs.' It didn't ring a bell. The confusion must have shown in her face, because she went on, "It's a day spa, sweetheart. We're all going to get mud masks and cucumbers on our eyes, and all that nonsense - make a real girls' day of it."
"But you," Anna added with that same smirk, "are going to be the one getting alllll the nonsense. We're basically just here to make sure you don't have to lift a finger."
Punz shook her head, still too upset to fully grasp what they were trying to tell her. "Huh? I don't really get it. And I've never been to a spa, so I don't know what 'all the nonsense' is, anyway."
After glancing between the other two for a moment, Anna said, "Elsa, would you mind getting us checked in?" As her youthful-looking mother moved to the nearest receptionist with nothing but a nod, Anna took Jennifer's arm and led her just far enough away so they wouldn't be overheard. "Hey, what's up? I thought you would be excited."
"But I didn't know I wanted a spa day," she tried to joke.
"Maybe you didn't. But you're getting one. From now until tomorrow morning, only one person's needs matter: a certain Jennifer Punzel. So whether you want to do seaweed wraps and acupuncture and all that, or just sit in the sauna for five hours, you got it. And we'll be right there to fetch you water bottles and anything else you need."
Anna was smiling, something soft and welcoming. It slowly slipped from her face when Jennifer began tearing up, and she wasn't given a chance to say anything – offer any excuses or encouragement – before she was pulled into a hug. Punz's arms circled her tightly.
Of course it was obvious now how much she needed this. Anna had noticed the way she didn't look at Elsa, and the check-in excuse was a flimsy one. She just hadn't realised how bad it truly was. Maybe Punz was a better liar than Anna had thought, because while she knew her girlfriend still had some things to work out regarding Elsa, she hadn't realised that it made her think so little of herself. That she thought she was just… a second option.
And no matter how many times Anna told her that she loved her, mere words wouldn't be enough. Especially not as they fell into domesticity. Their relationship was constant and dependable, so every single time Elsa popped back into Anna's life, Anna couldn't help but react with a joy and a passion that was often less obvious in her relationship with Punz. She no longer showed the same desperation for touch and togetherness that Anna felt with Elsa, because it was more spread out over the everyday closeness. She had no chance to miss Jennifer that way.
But that didn't mean she didn't value her every bit as much. And at a loss at how to fully convey how much she needed Punz, cherished her, Anna had come to Elsa with a simple idea: take action. Show her how much she was needed, and show her that she wasn't any kind of backup girlfriend. Moreover, she wanted to show her that both of them wanted her to be happy, too.
"O-okay," she laughed shakily, petting along Jennifer's back when she heard her sob. "It's okay. Maybe surprising you with it wasn't such a hot idea; it'd still be fun if we just told you what we were planning."
"No, no," Punz whispered into her shoulder, clinging a little tighter. "I'm sorry, I don't… I just got the wrong idea. Wow, I sure am a dope sometimes!"
"You thought we were gonna drop you off and leave you to get seaweeded all by yourself?" When Punz stiffened, she laughed again and kissed her neck. "It's okay, dude. I can kinda see how you might get that impression, but I swear, that was never the plan. But, um…"
When the silence had gone on for a while, she pulled back to look up at Anna. "But?"
"But if you want Elsa to go away, she can. I promise it won't disappoint me, and she'll understand. You thought it would be a surprise between the two of us; that's on me for not really realising how it would look."
"Why is Elsa here?" Punz sniffled instead of answering Anna's question. And then she pulled back and wiped her eyes. "I mean, you could pamper me the same way without her. Not that I'm saying she's gotta go! Just like, I dunno… she probably has better things to be doing."
"She doesn't, Jen," Anna told her softly, with a smile in her eyes. "You might not believe us, but she really does like you. Maybe not the same way I do, and not the same way you like me. But it's a lot more than you seem to think she does, and she's been kind of hoping to show you a little more than she's been able to in the past."
Though as she looked into her girlfriend's eyes, Anna realised something she probably should have far earlier. Even as she held Jennifer's face between her hands, rubbing the tears still staining her cheeks, she wasn't sure how to broach this particular issue. She could say, "Why wouldn't she?", but that would only give Punz time to think of all the reasons why not. So instead, she moved her arms to let Punz fall into them once again.
"After all, you're the most wonderful woman I could ever have fallen in love with – Elsa included. Of course she likes you."
Sniffling, Punz nodded. Anna could faintly feel a dampness against her shoulder, and it pained her to know that she was the cause. Punz seemed to realise, because the next words from her were, "I'm sorry. I'm ruining your surprise…"
"God, shut up," Anna scolded, very gently. "You haven't ruined a single thing. Today is about you, and only you."
Above Punz's head, she could see Elsa waiting, politely looking at literally anything other than the two girls just off to the side. Even from the distance, Anna could see the faint lines on her face; the tension and the guilt. Anna knew, because she felt it herself.
"I meant what I said," she whispered, still looking at Elsa. "If you want it to just be the two of us, we can do that. I won't be upset or anything, and neither will she. This is your day, not ours."
Nodding against Anna's shoulder once more, Punz slowly drew away. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she kept them focused on the space between them instead of directly at Anna.
"I… want to spend time with you," she began. And of course Anna was a little disappointed, but it wasn't because it meant she wouldn't get to spend time with Elsa. It was because Jennifer didn't want to spend time with the other woman in her life that meant as much to her. Still, she couldn't fault her for wanting some time alone for just the two of them.
"No big deal. I'll go and let her know-"
"Wait." Biting her lip, Punz briefly rubbed at her eyes, wiping away the moisture there. "I want to spend time with you, but… I think maybe having Elsa here will make it more fun, too…"
"Are you sure?" she asked softly. "Not just saying it to make me happy? Because if you are, I'll kick your butt." It worked; it got her to laugh and nod, and Anna smiled. "Okay, cool."
Then she waved Elsa over. If they were going to start their day of pampering Jennifer, she thought it would be a good idea to kick it off with the comfort she needed most while her emotions were running high. The foreign hand on her shoulder made Jennifer start, but she relaxed as soon as she heard Elsa's voice whispering into her hair.
"Sorry. I did ask Anna if you liked surprises… maybe next time, we'll just plan our trips like normal people."
"N-no, it's fine!" Jennifer piped up. Her voice sounded falsely cheerful, so Anna gave a little grunt that made her sigh. "Alright, so it wasn't fine at first, but like… that's only because I got the wrong idea, I guess. So maybe next time, tell me once we get here?"
Anna nodded her understanding. "Yeah. She, um, she thought we were dropping her and running off to do our own thing."
"Oh God," Elsa breathed when she heard that part. "I can see how that would be upsetting." Her lips pressed into Punz's crown as she petted up and down one of her arms. "It's alright… neither of us is leaving you alone today. Or we will if you ask, but not a moment before. Alright?"
There was a brief silence as the three women embraced. Anna tried not to think about the weird looks they were getting from passersby. Then Jennifer whispered, "You can probably let me pee by myself. Speaking of which… kinda gotta do that now."
"Alright," Anna snorted as the embrace was broken. "Elsa, are we all set?"
"Here are our questionnaires," she said, handing them out. "They're mostly a formality, and a way for the staff to find out if we have any specific needs."
So they filled out the forms, which only asked basic things like if they had any back pain, or allergies, or other medical needs. As they wrote, a staff member came by and offered to remove their shoes for them; both Punz and Anna were a little surprised, but Elsa merely stepped out of her heels. She had obviously been to a spa more than once. Punz seemed a little self-conscious because she was wearing sneakers and removed her socks on her own, then sighed in relief now that she was barefoot. Then they were given soft fuzzy slippers to replace them.
With the questionnaires finished, they were shown through into the changing room. That was when Elsa opened the bag she had brought along; inside were three swimsuits, and two of them were ones Anna and Punz already owned. Anna had given everything to Elsa so the surprise would be intact. So they quickly showered, just enough to rinse off, and put the swimsuits on to continue with their experience.
"I really don't know what to expect," Punz was saying as the spa director led them to the next part of their day. "Like, people really do this all the time? It seems weird."
"We've been booked in for the full package. Expect to be pampered to within an inch of your life," Anna said, grinning. Punz returned it shyly.
"First up, the massages," Elsa interjected, very softly, as though she didn't want to disturb them. Anna wouldn't have been surprised if Elsa felt lucky to still be part of the fun. "We also have mani-pedis and spa and sauna planned. There's a few other things you can try if you want, like acupuncture and cupping, but we haven't booked them yet."
At the last two suggestions, Punz gave a little shiver. "Uhhh, maybe not this time…?"
"Ohh, so there's going to be a next time, is that what you're saying?" Anna's tone was light and teasing, and it made Punz heat up in a terrible blush. She got a kiss on her cheek for her trouble, and a smile from Elsa.
Suddenly, it struck her that today might not be the disaster she feared after all.
~ o ~
First up were massages. It felt a bit odd, coming to a place like this as a group and then being split up on their own. Even odder were Anna's grin and her whispered words of, "Whatever they do in there, remember that you're my girlfriend."
That particular mystery was solved very, very quickly. Punz had never had a massage before. She was expecting a little bit of pain, especially around her shoulders and lower back – places where her muscles were twisted into knots, too much university coffee and bad posture. What she had not been expecting was how magical the masseur's hands were against her skin.
Which sort of begged the question of "How did Anna know?", while at the same time her mind emptied of everything but the massage and her body's reaction to it. Anna's words definitely made sense now. Maybe some other time she would be a little embarrassed at how much she moaned, but in the here and now, she couldn't be bothered. It felt too incredible.
The masseuse chuckled gently and told her, "It happens all the time, don't worry," as she finished with that foot and moved back up to start at the other thigh and work downward. Punz kept worrying that she would go under the towel, but it never happened; they were professionals, after all.
When she was finished, oils all over her skin and generally feeling relaxed, Punz dressed in her bathing suit again and rejoined her girlfriend and future-mother-in-law for the mani-pedis. They put a face mask on her first before they started in on her cuticles.
"How are you enjoying it so far?" Elsa asked.
"Well… I don't know, I thought it would be… that there'd be more to it. Not that it's a bad thing!" she hastily added, and Anna giggled quietly. "Like, I was worried about all this crazy stuff, but it all feels very natural now. Just weird that other people are doing it for me."
"Good," Anna snorted before sighing in relaxation. "Ohhh, this is so nice… we should do this every weekend."
"I think that would get expensive," Elsa laughed as the tech moved down to start in on her toes. "But we could put on face masks and watch bad TV."
It was almost a mumble when Punz said, "I like that plan. I'd vote for it in the election."
"You sound high," Anna laughed, and the other two laughed with her.
Eventually, their nails were all flawless and they cooled off in the swimming pool for an hour or so, paddling around and chatting with each other off and on. After that, there was a light lunch in the cafeteria, which seemed to mainly serve healthy vegan options. Some of them weren't very flavourful, but some were. They all managed to get something they enjoyed – Elsa had a Greek salad with feta, while Anna had a sandwich. They had a wonderful display of fruit, so that was what Punz ended up sticking to since her appetite wasn't very large.
Some of the watermelon juice dribbled down her chin, and she hastily wiped it away, asking Elsa for a napkin. When it happened again, Elsa beat her to it by gently dabbing at the corner of her mouth. She did not do it in a way that reminded Punz of a mother; no, Elsa's eyes were too soft for that. Still, it was rather motherly of her. The way Anna paused to watch didn't help, but the blush that rose to Punz's cheeks wasn't borne of embarrassment or any type of dislike for Elsa's actions. But it wasn't anything that needed commenting on, so no one did.
After lunch, there were only two more activities: the hot tub, and the sauna. After that, they would have just enough time for cool showers and then to head home. In the back of her mind, Punz wondered how she could ever have entertained the idea of sending Elsa away. True, yes, she had expected this day to be about her and Anna, but Elsa hadn't gotten in the way of that. She had simply been another person to talk to – another person with which to enjoy her little getaway.
And Punz certainly was enjoying time spent with Elsa. This was nowhere near as awkward as she had thought it would be. This Elsa was so different to "Mrs McFly", and yet so similar. She remembered when she first heard the news that her girlfriend was dating her mother. Never would she have imagined that, from then to now, she might make a friend. Because that was who Elsa was, now; they could never have a typical "you're the mother of my girlfriend" relationship, but at this point, what was typical about any of this? All she knew was that she was happy, and Anna was happy. And if Elsa was a part – a big part – of that happiness, then that was fine, too. More than fine: it was wonderful.
"Maybe we could figure out a way to move here," Anna sighed as she floated in the bubbling water, Jennifer across from her. "It's so good…"
"What if we got jobs here over the summer? Like… maybe they'll let us do a live-in worker thing. Stay in rooms and then work during the day, use the services at night…"
The bridge of her freckled nose crinkled as she laughed. "We'd get sick of this place. I mean, probably would take a while… but we would. Maybe it's better that we only do it once in a while."
"So you definitely wanna come back?"
"Yeah. Don't you?"
Punz smiled. She could be completely and totally honest when she said, "Yes. Yes, I do." And that was the best part.
"Do what?" Elsa asked as she joined them, slipping into the water with two glasses of juice in her hands.
"Want to come back. And I told you that you didn't have to get me anything!"
"Dear, today is about you." Her hand elegantly moved towards Punz, offering, and after a heartbeat of indecision, Punz took it. Elsa smiled softly at her. "We know the staff are taking care of most of our needs, but the few things they aren't, Anna and I are doing, so just get used to it."
"I'm trying, but it's still weird! You wiped my mouth, you even went to get me another pear when we ran out of pears! And Anna keeps fanning me anytime she sees a sweat drop on my lip!"
"Oh, speaking of which…" Anna fanned her again, and Punz rolled her eyes. Both of the other women giggled. "There. Her Royal Princessness has been cooled again."
The jets only stopped once, and only for as long as it took Anna to scurry out and turn them back on again. When she returned, she squished herself in between Punz and Elsa. It was odd for a second, until she grabbed Punz by the hips and pulled her onto her lap – causing a short shriek to erupt from her girlfriend. After the initial surprise, it was rather easy for Punz just to close her eyes and relax.
Even better was when Elsa's hands pulled at her floating feet, rubbing at the soles. It didn't take long for Punz to melt, completely and utterly. Anna's hands smoothed gently against her tummy, and she felt as though she could fall asleep in the midst of all this bliss.
Once the jets stopped again, they slowly clambered from the tub. The cool air destroyed any of the sleepiness Punz had felt, rejuvenating her – at least enough to give her the strength to visit the sauna. But not before she went to the bathroom. All that floating and hydrating had made it necessary.
When she made it into the main sauna room, Anna and Elsa weren't there. That was strange. Where did they get to? She headed back out and looked around, then spotted Anna a little further down the hallway.
"Hey," she sighed, trotting up to her. "What's wrong? Why aren't you in there?"
"Oh, we got a private room," she said with a slight smile, pointing to the door she was leaning against. "A little pricier, but Dad's got plenty of money, and Mom- I mean, Elsa actually has a pretty decent savings of her own. I think she invested in Microsoft or Apple back in the day, one of those. I dunno."
Smiling a little wider, Punz edged past her when she pushed the door open and said, "That's cool! I mean, I'm not gonna look down my nose at having a room all to ourselves or whatever. Just didn't know I'd be… I'd… be…"
Jennifer Punzel certainly didn't know she would be walking in on a stark naked Elsa McFly. Well, that wasn't strictly true; a towel was draped over her lap, covering the most private of areas, but that was all there was to keep her from being totally on display for the startled coed. It was quite a change from the one-piece she had been wearing before.
"Punz!" Anna hissed, voice clearly amused as she nudged her a little further in so she could follow and shut the door behind them. "Nice roadblock you make there."
One of Elsa's eyes slit open, and she smiled to see Jennifer there. "Oh, good. I started to think you fell in."
"Way to sound like an old lady, Elsa," Anna sighed, already plopping onto the wooden bench next to her. Of course, Anna was still wearing her green bikini, and certainly didn't act like she was going to strip out of it, as well. Just leaned back against the wall and sighed contentedly.
All the while, Punz was simply trying to keep her gaze off Elsa – trying and not quite succeeding. Unbidden, her eyes were drawn to the skin on display, and truly, it wasn't really hard to imagine why Anna was so drawn to this woman. And it wasn't just to do with her beauty.
Punz believed them when they said today was for her. There was no doubt in her mind that their intentions were to let her enjoy herself; to show her that she was part of their bizarre little family, and that they could control themselves enough to remember she was there. Still, there was an inexorable pull – towards both Elsa and Anna – that hadn't quite been there at the beginning of the day. They had given her much more than a spa trip: they had given her an opportunity to see them – Elsa in particular. See her fun side, see her as more the woman that Anna saw, rather than the old mom Punz had once believed she was.
Coming back to herself with a start, she realised that there were two sets of eyes on her, accompanied by two gentle, if somewhat wicked, smirks. Ducking her head, she scurried forward, arms crossed over her chest as she sat on Anna's other side and further away from Elsa. That would have been fine, had it not put her directly in front of her.
Elsa at least seemed to realise that her embarrassment was from the absurdity of the situation, and when she spoke, it did actually help to reduce the tension. "It's amazing what the future can do. Forget face-lifts – age regression therapy yields so much more satisfying results. And look what they can do with boobs!"
And then she looked down at her own chest, bouncing them in her hands, a subtle invitation to let everyone else look without feeling like a lecher. It worked, and despite the warmth still circulating around Punz's cheeks that had nothing to do with the sauna, she let herself look.
They were quite perky for a woman who was actually slightly older than her own mother. Quite round, and of generous size. She knew from having been over to Anna's house quite a few times before this time-hopping nonsense was a factor that Elsa's breasts were not any larger than before; just elevated a little higher. Even without futuristic treatments, she wouldn't have thought of them as "saggy" in the slightest. But there could be no denying how youthful she looked now.
"Jennifer approves," Elsa remarked to Anna, who giggled. When Punz looked away at the heater and the rocks stacked atop it, she chuckled herself. "It's really alright; I would be curious if I were you. This type of anti-aging procedure doesn't exist in our era."
"Y-yeah," she agreed hesitantly. Hoping it would make her look less shy, she actually did get up and pour a little water over the rocks, as if that had been the only reason for her staring at it. An obvious pretence. "And it looks great! They look great, I mean – y-your- well, all of you!"
As Jennifer sat back down, wishing she could disappear into the steam rising from the rocks, Elsa's smile turned a little less wicked. "Thank you. I'm definitely a satisfied customer."
"Me, too," Anna purred, a little more lewd, and Elsa rolled her eyes. But instead of pushing that further, Anna instead turned back to Punz. "Do you think you'd do it?"
"What Elsa did. Y'know, in the future, when we start to get wrinkly? I'm not really sure if I want to. Obviously it worked on her, but like, there was a good reason for her to do it, I guess."
That got Jennifer thinking, and she was grateful for something else to focus on other than the alluring body in front of her. "Well… I might, yeah. Maybe not the whole thing to end up looking half my age, but the organ stuff to live longer? Sure. I mean, I like you guys a lot, and I want to be around as long as I can."
"We agree there," Elsa told her gently, reaching over to pat her knee. It was very brief, so that wasn't the problem; it was that she saw sweat-glistening breasts swinging very slightly, and she felt hypnotised by the movements. But soon enough, Elsa was already sitting back with a casual sigh. "I'm going to double down on my treatments, and on skipping over time. So you two can catch up."
"Why?" Punz asked. "I just mean… you already look like you're barely thirty. If that!"
The smile Elsa gave her was soft and sweet. "I still feel a little older. When I can eat leftover pizza for breakfast and get up early for work after a night of drinking, we'll know my body is in tip-top shape."
What a shape it was, though. Punz really did try her best not to stare, but as the room heated further and they all began to sweat, it was harder to see Elsa as a mother than it was seeing her as… well, as someone she might not be adverse to a little steamy action of another kind.
But that was craziness. Even if she forgot about her being both Anna's mother and her other girlfriend – a nigh impossible task – it was still cheating on Anna. Wasn't it? Sure, they were all in the same room, much like the time they had both given Anna a "birthday present". But this was different. Both she and Elsa were dating Anna, so that was already what they would be doing separately. This was something she would never be doing with Elsa McFly on a normal day. So why now?
"Punz, you're staring again," Anna giggled, crossing her legs in the other direction. But Elsa was staring in a different way. Her brow was creased in worry.
"Jennifer, is me being nude making you uncomfortable? As in… not just a little. You almost look sick."
"Huh?" Putting on a fake smile, she waved both hands in front of herself. "O-oh, no, no! It's fine, I'm fine! Really!"
"It's no trouble, I can put my towel on. Or move to the public room." She didn't look upset or offended in the slightest; only concerned.
She also looked incredibly comfortable – moreso than Punz, or even Anna. The last thing anyone wanted was to ruin the quiet peace they had created between themselves. But…
Punz could definitely challenge herself. Swallowing, she smiled at Elsa – this time a true one – and shook her head. "It's fine," she repeated. "In fact, I think I might join you. May as well take advantage of the private room while I can."
And without further ado, she reached behind her back to pull at the drawstring of her bikini. There was only the briefest moment of hesitation before it fell, but when it did, Punz didn't feel the nerves or anxiety she half-expected; just an excited little flutter in the pit of her stomach. Elsa's eyes widened, just a touch, and the way they flittered over her bare chest…?
It felt good to be looked at that way.
Really good.
"Whoa," Anna said with a disbelieving little laugh. "Punz, look at you, stepping up your game!"
Though Elsa did give a quick little golf clap, which made Jennifer roll her eyes, what she said was, "You don't have to do that to make me feel more comfortable. Or to prove anything to us. I can sit nude and you can sit in a bathing suit; it's perfectly normal for a sauna."
Something in that stuck in her mind: 'Prove anything to us.' That's what it was: she wanted to prove something to them, and to herself. That she wasn't just the nervous third wheel that Anna had to be careful around because she was so sensitive, so anxious all the time. The thought of her initial reaction when she saw Elsa was at the spa came back to her, and she felt a flash of shame. That wasn't fair to them. Anna had never truly made her feel like she wasn't as good as Elsa; she got more of her attention on particular days, sure, but her thinking it meant she wasn't equally important was all in her own head. It was about time she started holding her own, and trusting Anna.
Trusting Elsa, too. Opening herself up to not only the one she was closest to first, but both of the McFly women. Maybe not fully in the same way, but the days of shutting Elsa out were over.
"You just like showing off that hot body of yours," she playfully accused Elsa, earning her a raise of an eyebrow. Then she took a single breath to brace herself before she added, "But I'm pretty hot, too. S-so there."
Then she shucked her bottoms. Anna laughed and clapped again, but Elsa was merely watching with interest. As usual, her expressions were a lot harder to read, but she thought she saw a little desire mixed in with the curiosity, the concern… and the growing respect.
Sitting primly back on her seat, Punz still crossed her legs. It was obvious she hadn't shaved – she didn't care to, and Anna loved her without the need for trimming down there. Even though Elsa's own reactions were enough to make her bold, no one but Anna had ever seen that much of her. But she was swiftly realising that it didn't have to stay that way, and the thought sent a shiver down her spine; one she was luckily able to suppress.
"Aren't you going to join us?" she asked Anna, in part simply a way to shift the attention off herself. It worked, briefly. Elsa's eyes flickered to Anna, encouragement written on her lips. It was only a second, though, before Punz felt herself being scrutinised once more. Through all of it, though, Elsa never openly ogled her. Not the way she had done to Elsa.
"Oh… I don't know," Anna said with a quiet laugh. She seemed to be doing enough ogling for all three of them. Of course, that made more sense since she was both their girlfriend, and it sort of went with the territory.
"What's the matter, McFly?" Jennifer purred under her breath. "Chicken?"
Elsa's leg extended just far enough to nudge Punz's knee with her newly-polished toes. Kicking her with no true force. "Don't do that. Let her pick on her own."
That and Punz's little laugh did erase the nervous look in Anna's eyes; even if she had been smiling all the while, clearly she wasn't as ready to disrobe as Elsa had been, and as Punz had convinced herself she was - and the goading had made her feel a little defensive, even if only briefly. "It's okay, Mom. Uh, I mean, Elsa. She's just teasing."
"Oh, yeah, definitely," Punz said quickly, mostly to Elsa. "She knows I'd never think she's a chicken! I mean, she doesn't even have feathers!" The joke was so bad she face-palmed herself before anyone else could beat her to it.
"Oh, God," Elsa snorted with a shake of her head.
"But you know," Anna was musing, voice slow and contemplative. The room was silent for a moment, save only for the slight hiss of steam rising from the rocks in the corner. "I mean, this is a private room, and you've both seen my goods plenty of times…"
Punz lowered her hand just in time to see Anna undoing her bikini top. She was definitely going slower, self-conscious that she was the last to strip and they were both watching her. All in all, however, it only took a few seconds.
It was so… strange. Anna and Elsa were more alike than she ever would have guessed, and the mere fact that Punz found herself in a position to compare their bodies brought a fresh blush to her face. She needed to distract herself. So, pulling her legs up onto the wooden bench, she flipped over to crawl to Anna. It wasn't the most comfortable way to move closer, but for whatever reason, it felt less revealing than simply standing up and walking over.
Elsa still had that faint look of amusement on her face, attention focused on the two girls. That attention was what gave Punz the courage to pause for just a moment to send her a wink before leaning down and kissing Anna on her lips.
All Anna had the time to say was "Wha-" before they were entangled. It was sweet, gentle, with just a hint of heat. And Punz was so happy. A stupid part within her mind was still worried that there would be some kind of negative reaction from Anna. Some "No no, we're having Three's Company time, we don't kiss like that right now." Really stupid now that she thought about it.
When she pulled back, she saw Anna was definitely a little affected, though still smiling and pleased with the situation. Her hand came up to pet over Jennifer's shoulder.
"Hey there. Thanks for stopping by. I, um… I'm enjoying this little visit."
"Cornball," Jennifer accused, and they both giggled. Then she looked over to Elsa again. "You're… sure it's not weird watching us like this?"
"I think the term 'weird' went out the window 88 miles an hour ago," she laughed. Then she stood, still holding the towel in front of her lap, and crossed to take Punz's recently-vacated seat.
"What's wrong? Too hot by the steamer?" It was a very light tease, but still a tease. She felt proud of herself for not just blushing and stammering all the time. For not bringing down the whole mood again.
However, Elsa was about to prove that no matter how hard she tried, she could never compete with the master and her lifetime of experience. All she had to say was, "Actually, it's quite a bit hotter over here."
Given the part of Punz she could view more easily now that she had moved, no explanation was necessary. For the sake of her own sanity, she was trying not to think about how Elsa's eyes could take in her thighs and her ass... and possibly more. It was getting to her, but she didn't want to admit that - or explore it any deeper.
But while she was distracted, Anna had taken it upon herself to exact her revenge. Warm lips met Punz's, and nimble fingers threaded through her short brown locks to pull her close. She couldn't help the soft moan that fell from her lips and onto Anna's. The rest of her body couldn't help but react, either, and she was – somewhere, in the back of her mind – grateful for the fact that Elsa had moved. Any dampness could be attributed to the sauna. Her pebbled nipples, on the other hand, could not.
If anything, though, that just made it all that much worse. As Anna kissed her, fingertips ticking at her skin, a single thought flashed through Punz's mind – one, she felt, may just end up being her undoing.
I wonder what Elsa's lips taste like…?
Luckily, it didn't seem that Elsa was thinking any such thing. Her teasing about "the view" was only teasing… so far. Though she could definitely feel a thigh resting against her toes, it wasn't the same as her actually trying to touch her. Which was a good thing.
Wasn't it?
"Mmm," Anna sighed as she let her go, smiling up at her. "Thank you."
"You're quite welcome." They both shared a grin. Then Punz decided to sit back; she'd had her fun. Anna scooted a little closer.
And suddenly, Jennifer was seated between her girlfriend and her future mother-in-law. That had not been the plan, and probably hadn't been Anna's plan, either… but she had a sneaking suspicion that Elsa was entirely aware of how this would end up when she moved. The closeness of the two gorgeous bodies, paired with gorgeous faces, was doing nothing to lower her heart rate.
"So I was thinking," Elsa said, perhaps trying to gently change the subject so Punz wouldn't feel so nervous. "After the spa, we should find a quaint little restaurant nearby. If I had my phone, I'd look one up now."
"Oh!" Anna grabbed for the little bag she had that only held their locker key, two bottles of juice and her phone, which itself was in a sealed sandwich baggie to protect it from moisture. Punz admired her for being so ingenious. "I can look that up."
"Wait, here." Elsa took the phone once it was unlocked, then opened the camera app.
"ELSA! Oh my GOD!"
"Relax," she chuckled, holding it aloft and tilting up slightly. "Just… there. No boobies. Smile!" They all smiled, faces rosy and covered in sweat and steam, and Elsa snapped a picture of them from the collarbones up. It would make for a good memory, even if they could never show anyone because it would raise too many questions about Elsa's age.
A memento of this wild, crazy moment… even though it was far from over.
To Be Continued…
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headcannonballs · 3 years
I know the hobbit movies make a big deal about how angsty teen Legolas is and completely screwed his relationship with his dad Thranduil. But whenever I read the Lord of the Rings I cannot help but think: my goodness, but Thranduil must have really spoiled Legolas rotten.
We first meet Legolas at the Council of Elrond. He is dressed simply and for light travel, and does not choose to wear his title as a Prince, instead identifying himself as a messenger from Thranduil, his king. Indeed he often chooses to call Thranduil his king rather than his father, which many have taken as a sign that relations between the two are strained.
However, I propose the direct opposite - that his many mentions of Thranduil as his Elven-Lord demonstrates not only his love for Thranduil, but also his respect and admiration of what a great king his father is for his people.
Consider this: whenever he mentions Thranduil or Mirkwood it is always with warmth and a subtle longing. He doesn't ever speak of his home in anything other than good terms, even if it has been marred and fallen into becoming Mirkwood (as opposed to Greenwood the Great).
And it isn't just to maintain pride in front of outsiders. When you contrast the way Boromir speaks of Gondor and his father the steward Denethor, to the way Legolas speaks of Mirkwood and Thranduil, it becomes clearer. Boromir is proud of his family, country and heritage and boasts of it. He claims Gondor is the main protector of Middle-earth, and that they have been fighting Mordor the hardest. But deep down he is questioning his father's rule, and is uncertain of Gondor's future.
Legolas is almost the opposite. He doesn't ever boast of his country, although Mirkwood, just like Gondor, is right at Mordor's doorstep. Instead he shares with the company personal anecdotes that show (not tell) exactly how good life is there despite the Shadow. He doesn't waver in his believe of his people's strength; indeed only he and Aragorn could face Galadriel without any fear or hesitation.
I think the reason why Legolas always mentions Thranduil as a king or lord is not because he doesn't want to acknowledge Thranduil is his father. It is that Legolas is so in awe of Thranduil and so respectful of him that whenever he is mentioned Legolas' first thought is not 'that's my dad and we're related', but instead is 'that's my king and my hero and he's so awesome'.
He doesn't consciously mention Thranduil as his father because his mind frame is not to introduce the company to Thranduil the way you would introduce your friends to your parents. He doesn't want them to think of him as just a nice uncle who is the father of a friend.
Legolas introduces Thranduil as his king because he wants the company to respect him as such, as the ruler of a great country who has done great deeds. He wants the company to see Thranduil as someone in-charge, as someone who is capable and should be given the proper courtesies accorded to him.
Some may question, in that case why doesn't Legolas call him 'my father the king'? It would highlight both Legolas' relationship to Thranduil as well as Thranduil's kingship.
I think this has to do with the circumstances as well as Legolas' humble personality. It is true that he doesn't ever make a big deal out of being prince, but at the same time this title means nothing much in the fellowship company. There is Aragorn, who would be king of Gondor. Boromir, eldest son of the ruling Steward of Gondor. Gimli, cousin of Balin who is the Lord of Moria. Gandalf, member of the Istari and councilor of many kingdoms. Peregrin, son of the Thain of Shire. Meriadoc, son of the Master of Buckland. Frodo, heir to Bilbo and a celebrity (of sorts) of the Shire.
Virtually everyone in the fellowship had a title (except Sam) and there is really no point in highlighting it among themselves when it doesn't matter. The only time where Legolas being Prince of Mirkwood would matter is when meeting other elves or when meeting allies of Mirkwood (like Dale for example). In which case in the former, Legolas being son of Thranduil is more than enough recognition for Elrond and Celeborn (as both of them were Sindar elves, and thus kin of Thranduil). And for the latter there wasn't any opportunity to do so.
Thus Legolas not mentioning the king is also his father is his way of downplaying his title as Prince, something which signifies his humility as well.
Finally, what makes me certain that Thranduil is a very caring father is Legolas' personality itself. Galadriel mentions that Legolas had always lived in joy, and this is very evident throughout the book.
In the entire journey, Legolas is shown to never despair. The only moment of fear was when he saw the Balrog (a famous elves bane) but otherwise he was also never fearful. This is despite the overwhelming circumstances the company finds themselves in. He always sees the bright side in every situation, frequently makes jokes and funny quips, and is in an overall joyful mood.
From the Hobbit, we learn that this cheerful outlook is shared by the Mirkwood elves, regardless of the growing Shadow. The only person who was affected at all was Thranduil himself, who was always wary of Mordor rising again. But he took careful pains to never affect his people, and they were always in good spirits despite the war that was happening.
I think Legolas was very well loved as a child, and always carefully sheltered. Not from the horrors and realities of war like death and destruction (because we can see he is a very capable warrior). No, he was instead sheltered from the despair and sorrow that would normally accompany death and destruction.
Legolas would see death and elves dying in battle, and Thranduil would tell him of the halls of Mandos and how death is just a path back to the Valar. He would look at the destruction of the woods and the land, and Thranduil would tell him it is like the passage of winter, but spring would come and the land would flourish again.
Legolas would have grown up knowing that even though bad things are happening, good things are still to come, and that's why he always has such hope in him and such joy. Unlike the mortal lives of Men and Dwarves, Elves are immortal and they can afford to wait for the end of the Shadow. There is no hurry, and because Mirkwood is untouched by any of the Rings, they don't need to worry about the power of the Three fading.
Legolas is happy and joyful because he is beloved, and I think that is a consequence of Thranduil's nurturing personality. It just makes much more sense when you compare him to the other characters who had lost both parents (Aragorn and Eomer), or had a stern and demanding father (Boromir and Faramir).
Legolas remains unchanged for the most part at the end of the journey because he was already in such a good place to start with. I think that is quite a comforting thought.
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Marvel’s Loki Problem
very mild multiverse of madness spoilers (just who is missing from the movie)
so, obviously loki has been expected but never confirmed in many projects, and inevitably he never shows up—even though it makes so much sense for him to be in them. multiverse of madness had tom hiddleston on the cast list for a while, and me and several others who read the famed sorcerer’s trio comic (doctor strange city of sin) were hyped because obviously they’d have him in this movie to bring the trio to the big screen. even a lot of people who saw the movie said they felt something was missing, and it’s no surprise at all why. but i’ve seen this happening since thor the dark world, and i really don’t understand why marvel is so reluctant to use loki.
thor the dark world originally barely had loki in it, they actually added more scenes because he worked so well with the movie. but, it’s still pretty scarce, and i get that its a thor movie, but still. i’ve always felt the first thor movie divides their screen time well. in thor ragnarok loki has a screen time of 12 minutes, a stark contrast. and of course we can’t forget the 3 minutes loki has in infinity war before they get killed off. and why did marvel choose one of their most popular characters in the first place to have the most brutal MCU death (and it’s hard to surpass some of the others)? the lack of justice loki gets as a character shows even in their own show, where i felt he was upstaged often. dont get me wrong, i loved all of these projects—it’s just that it’s hard to see a character who so many love have his potential wasted.
there are so many projects coming up that i’m scared they’re going to cut loki out of. it doesn’t look like he’ll be in thor love and thunder, and when a young avengers movie is finally announced, will they be cut from that? if marvel was smart they’d use him more, especially when you see the awesome comic runs theyre in: journey into mystery (which i’d LOVE to see on the big screen), agent of asgard, young avengers… all these amazing tv show and movie worthy comics. i don’t know. i think i’m extremely disappointed about the fact that they didn’t put him in multiverse of madness and that they never bring loki to his potential even though they do for so many other characters. and like it is a doctor strange movie, but it is heavily based on the city of sin run as well as *that* x-men comic that spoils a lot.
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occult-castiel · 4 years
The Same Page
This is my @destielsecretsanta2020 gift for @eclypseaf!!! The request was open, but bonus points for Miracle being present. So I wrote some post empty rescue fic!
This one honestly gave me a really hard time and I have no idea why. I hope you like it and have has an awesome christmas!
[Ao3 Link]
The portal spits them out in the dungeon.
Dean stumbles out first, a half step ahead of Cas. Human, malleable, and very much alive with one of the little dude's arms draped over Dean's shoulder.
Cas stumbles forward. Dean shoots an arm out in front of him, places a hand firmly against his chest. He maneuvers his other arms under his trenchcoat, grips his side firm.
His skins almost cool to the touch — much too cold to be safe. Not for a human, especially a brand new one.
And what if he's sick? Or gets sick and can't get better? Without his grace, there's a whole new set of worries. A bad flu that gets worse until he's gone, a hunt going wrong, fucking cancer. Heart disease kills pretty much everyone, doesn't it?
He takes a deep breath and focuses on the gentle thud of Cas' heart against his palm.
The last eight months haven't been easy. Not between the alcohol Sam eventually cut him off from, and the hunts getting sparse, and Jack being terrifying and gone until he wasn't.
Cas lulls his head to the side. His inky heart sticks to his forehead, and his blueberry-sweet eyes are unfocused but still manage to catch Dean's.
It's achingly familiar, and he smiles easy. "Hey there, sunshine."
Cas pinches his brows together as his head swims to stay upright. He slurs through some half-baked, nonsense question about coral reef bleaching, and Dean's so relieved he laughs.
Cas smiles at the sound, dazed and feather-light, but the joy is unmistakable.
It's the best thing Dean's ever seen. Fuck, he missed him. Missed him so much he didn't know what to do with himself.
Cas winces — what little help he was giving Dean in holding him up falls. He makes up the difference quick. Weak fingers curl around Dean's wrist.
"Sorry —"
"S'okay. Gonna —" he swallows hard. Tries to shove away the distinct pin-prick in his tear ducts that always means he needs to man the hell up. "Gonna get you to a bed, okay?"
Cas grunts, a pitiful noise that's mostly air and entirely feeble. "Tired."
"Rest then. It ain't far. I gotcha, buddy."
When he nods, his hair brushes Dean's neck.
It's not well thought out. The lack of work and overload of carbs haven't done Dean's muscles any favors. His joints creak and protest every step, but his room isn't far, and he'd be damned before he let's Cas feel like he has to do anything alone this time.
Miracle hops off the bed the moment the door opens.
Dean lays Cas on top of the bunched up blanket. Once he's down, Dean slowly works the trencoast and suit jacket off, his hands careful as they trail across the thin cotton of his shirt.
Cas shivers, and Dean wrestles to tug the blanket out from under him, Miracle nuzzling the side of his leg the whole time.
She's probably hungry. Or just wants attention. He hasn't exactly been available the last couple weeks, too busy with his nose in piles of research. But it all payed off.
Cas grimaces in his sleep, and it twists the cords in Dean's chest. He reaches his hand out and ghosts his fingers across the sweat-stained hair stuck to his skin, gently pushing it to the side.
He'd said it once, not more than a month ago, in the darkness of his room, Miracle tucked as close as he could get her.
He said he loved me, and I — I didn't say it back. But I do. God I do.
Dean trails his hand from his forehead to the flushed pillow of his cheeks. The other knuckles roughly at his eyes and comes back wet.
He has no god damn idea what he wouldve done without Miracle to talk to. Cause he could never get it out to Sam. Not those last moments. Not what Cas really means to him. Always too close to an edge of something larger than any apocalypse they've ever dealt with.
He traces down low enough to brush across Cas' wrist, the pained look still on his face.
Dean swallows, his heart hammers hard in his throat. Timid even though the guy is unconscious, Dean grabs his hand.
His mind blanks. Turns to complete static — a jumble of half-formed thoughts about every reason he ever told himself not to.
He's an angel. The worlds ending. Always ending. He doesn't feel that way. Can't, the equipment for it's not there. It's why he leaves, isn't it? And what the fuck could ever hope to start when it's all always falling apart? When they could fall apart.
Everyone leaves.
A flash of cold prickles down his back, and he tries to takes a deep breath. It goes down ragged. There was something he read once, about picking out a sense.
Cas' breath, slow and steady. The clink of Mircale's claws on the floor. A muted buzz from the florescent lights in the hall.
He breaths again, a little easier. His fingers curls into Cas' palm, and his finger twitch against Dean in response. The dent in his brows relax, his jaw goes slack.
"S'okay Cas." He squeezes. "Just... be okay."
When his phone rings, dumped and forgotten on the other side of the room, he isn't quite sure how to let go. Like the ligaments in his hand have cemented in place, forgotten the muscle memory to make the movements happen.
When the second call comes through, Cas mumbles something. Dean's shoulder slack, and he pulls his hands back, clammy and with a slight tremor.
It's Sam. There's a small tug of guilt — he should've called him the moment he put Cas down. He knows he would've been worried sick if Sam was the one that had to go.
Sam's relieved too, promises to buy stuff for dinner on his way back from where Dean went in the Empty about fifty miles out. And he must hear something in his voice, because he stresses to go watch a movie or something and let Cas sleep it off.
Of course he's right. They knew Cas would be out cold. But leaving the room is still hard, and he lingers in the doorway until he gets a good look at Miracle's mess of tangled fur.
He hasn't brushed her hair, since that's practically what the fur is, in weeks.
"C'mon girl."
He grabs the brush from the bedside table, casts on last look at Cas, and takes Miracle to the TV room.
She hops on the couch next to him, tail thumping with excitement.
"You wanna get pretty to meet Cas later?"
She nuzzles his hand, sticks her nose against the brush, and a little bit of the stress from today lightens up.
He flips on some netflix show about baking food, and talks to Miracle as he starts in on her snout.
It's ritualistic to touch on whatevers going on with her, at this point.
As her fur smooths, he tells her about the Empty. Its piss-poor lighting, the mind boggling way directions work, how it has this awful burnt-licorice and gasoline stench clung to the nothingness of its everything.
It kinda makes his head hurt.
Almost two full episodes in, he has all her fur neat and tidy, and his little monologue has circled back to Cas. She'd know a lot about him if she could talk.
"It's hard to believe he's really back. And — and maybe it'll be good. We could, I dunno, get you a yard?" He nods, smiles. "Yeah, I bet your spoiled ass would like that. The bunker ain't a place for pets."
Miracle leaps from the couch, and someone clears their throat from the door.
Cas stands in the doorway, hunched in on himself. Dark strands of hair twist up in random directions, and the casual clothes Dean left him fit snugly.
He looks... comfortable. Like he slipped into humanity ages ago, not this afternoon.
He tilts his lips up, tight and sheepish. "I see you have a dog now."
"Yeah. Miracle. She uh — she helped me." He motions vaguely to his head. "Might not be batting a hundred up here if not for her."
Cas glances down at her, and the tense smile softens. "I'm very grateful then."
Almost reverent, he scratches the side of her ear.
Dean shakes his head. Blinks. Two things he never thought he'd see side by side mixed with the insanity of the day make none of this seem real.
Deep breath.
"She can — she can be there for you too," Dean says. "If you need it. Dogs are great listeners. Even the Madonna types like this one."
Cas gives a contemplative hum. "They are both blonde."
He puffs a breath of air. It's easy to forget Cas actually knows what he's talking about now, sometimes. Even if he does still miss the point by a mile.
"It was your turn."
Cas raises an eyebrow.
"To, uh, pick a movie." He motions to the seat next to him. "If you want."
Cas runs his bottom lip between his teeth and doesn't look at Dean. Doesn't say anything either. Just nods, walks over, and sinks into the couch.
It's a respectable distance. Close enough Dean would be able to sense him, far enough away they won't touch.
Miracle curls up on the other side of Cas, head flopped on his lap, right next to his balled up hands.
"Is it over?" His voice is small.
Dean doesn't have to ask. "Chuck isn't aproblem anymore." Cas sighs, slinks down bonelessly into the cushions. "We figured it out, took his powers. Jack's fixing up Heaven with it. Says he's gunna do that, find a way to put Amara back together, and then come home."
"Good. I don't think I'm up to fighting standards." He rolls his head to the side. They're close enough Dean can make out each muscle in his neck when he swallows. "You didn't have to save me, Dean. I'd — made peace with that fate."
It's bullshit. It's bullshit and Cas has to know it. He almost tells him a much, but if he can't have that talk now, then he never will.
He licks his lips. It doesn't help the dryness.
"Did you mean it?"
It's a dumb question, but one he needs answered.
Cas doesn't miss a beat. "That and more." The serenity in his words is endearing as it is cutting when he adds, "But we don't have to address it. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
It's Dean's turn to melt with relief. "Good — that's good."
Cas winces. "I understand if you'd like some space —"
He starts to stand up, and panic seizes Dean's chest like a vice grip. He grabs his wrist and Cas freezes.
"No! God no. Cas, it — it wasn't supposed to happen like that."
He looks confused, before some amount of understanding smoothes out some of the worried lines in his face. His eyes flick down to Dean's mouth for an instant. "How was it supposed to happen, then?"
"I thought, maybe on a hunt? Or — I don't know. Just... " some place I could say it back.
Its not good enough, saying it without saying it. Cas gave a speech. He saved Dean's life, saved the god damn world. All without knowing.
He shakes his head. Starts again. He had enough practice between thoughts he couldn't shove away and late night pet-therapy. "I thought you knew. Hell, I've been scared everyone knows. And if they did, you did too, right?"
"Subtly isn't always my strongest suit."
He laughs, and it's almost on the wrong side of sane. "Don't I know it."
He can do direct.
Slow enough that Cas has time to pull back, he runs his hand up his arm, cradles it against the back of Cas' neck. He leans across the small distance and kisses him.
It's clumsy and unsure, and Cas places a skittish hand on Dean's side like he's not sure what he's allowed to have even now, but their lips mesh together in a way that feels better than anything he can remember.
When they part, he's not sure either one of them are breathing. And he can't look at Cas, not when he says it. Not yet. So he presses their foreheads together, keeps his eyes fully lidded.
"I don't know how you could think you aren't worth saving. You — you're it for me."
"Dean —"
He shakes his head, and the tips of their noses brush. "I love you more than I know what to do with. You know that right?"
Bewildered, Cas says, "I didn't."
"Yean, well. Now you do."
He scoots back in place, flushed firm against the cushion. Their hands tangle together, and their knees are touching, and it's too much and not enough. But mostly not enough. Dean dares a glance over. Cas is staring at their hands, a pleased smile on his face.
And they're on the same page.
"I think you said something about a yard when I walked in?"
Instead of answering he says, "We should retire. I'm too old for this shit."
Dean shrugs. "A hunt here and there wouldn't hurt I guess."
"We'll talk about it later." He reaches over him, grabs the remote. "I think you said it was my turn?"
Dean grins, full and toothy. "Yeah, just no more romcoms, dude. I can only take so many."
Cas nods, curt and serious. "Of course."
He does anyway, and it's the best shitty movie Dean's ever seen.
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wiihtigo · 2 years
have u been asked chibita hehe... chibita (you'll never know who this is)
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
this is so mean but its that his life genuinely sucks. like hes one of the more normal and grounded characters in oso (hes still really fucked up and evil though sometimes/a lot its just when hes next to all 6 of the matsunos hes like an angel) like he grew up an orphan living in a pipe with his only adult presence in his life being IYAMI he never went to highschool he tried and failed in his teen years to be a chef but kept getting kicked to the curb HE TRIES TO KILL HIMSELF AND IS SUICIDAL IN THE MOVIE (AS A TEENAGER?) why does chibita have such a rich backstory and multidimensional character. and the anime is about these 6 neets who keep not paying him at his business he started on his own and relies on totally and completely for a living. wtf.
also i think hes just so nice as much as they dont deserve him im glad the matsunos have a friend as good as chibita hes tough but kind of spoils them cuz i think hes kinda lonely when theyre not hanging around making his life worse. i love chibita hes awesome
least favorite thing about them
victim of a few gross jokes i wasnt a fan of but i more blame the writers for that and not him. kinda funny though how visibly his IQ goes down in proximity to iyami
favorite line
not a line but his matsu hunting song in chibitas revenge was so so so good. literally one of my favorite episodes in the whole show
always smile at his interactions with totoko i think its cute how theyre buddies too. Also i suppose shoutout to iyami. think its funny he kinda still keeps iyami around and still gets roped into his schemes even though he doesnt REALLY need to he has a JOB just cuz hes been around since he was a little kid. sunk cost fallacy
i like karabita ^_^ i also think osobita is funny sorry karamatsu LOL
im not a hater about it but i prefer him and totoko as friends
random headcanon
had a crush on oso when they were kids but realized he couldnt tell them apart so he came to his senses
unpopular opinion
um? i dunno lol. i think too many ppl use him for karamatsu suicide angst instead of just writing them going to disneyworld like any other ship online but who am i to judge. i actually am one to judge sorry
song i associate with them
i know he plays work bitch - britney spears on the ipod on his mind on those cold winter days he doesnt wanna get out of bed and get out the oden cart
favorite picture of them
this isnt a picture OF him but whn i was watching osomatsu on tubi the subs for the karamatsu incident were changed i guess so it would be easier to understand for the average english speaker? so they just changed this joke totally but its raelly funny the way they changed it so its ok. look at this
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for context the joke origianlly was that jyushi misheard "kidnapped" (yuukai) as "yokai" and thought karamatsu was turned into a yokai
also the rest of the joke is funny too
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i feel bad chibi isnt actually in these though so heres this picture i like from kun
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑛𝑎, 𝑓𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑
𝐵𝑜𝑘𝑢𝐴𝑘𝑎 𝑋 𝐺𝑁!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑛𝑎 : 𝑎 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒, 𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡
a, can you tell I'm bad at naming things? This took me an hour b, I make this sound so much cooler than it really is lol it's just bokuto and akaashi being cuties
this is another req from tumblr that I'm excited about--also thank you to @sugasfanfics (on ao3, instagram & tumblr) for helping me with some ideas with this! Love you bro!/p Go check out her stuff! It's really good!
Anyway, enjoy!
TW//CW: minor cursing
Reader info: GN!Reader, third year student at Fukurodani, Bokuto Kotaro’s childhood best friend
Word Count:
Ao3 Link
“Akaashi! Did you see that spike! Did ya see it? Did ya?”
“Yes, I did, Bokuto.”
“Wasn’t it killer?!”
“Yes, Bokuto.”
“My shoulder hurts a little from that!”
Now that you thought about it, your shoulder hurt a little just watching him. You grew up with Fukurodani’s team captain, Bokuto Kotaro, and you welcomed Akaashi Keiji into your friendship the year prior. Now it was the beginning of your third year and Bo invited you to stay and watch practice so he could walk you home. What a gentleman.
Most of why you immediately let him join the two of you is because he and Bokuto figured out early on they were soulmates. It was great to meet them so young, but you had to admit, you were a little jealous. Especially because Bokuto had it pinned in his mind that there was someone else. All he had was a few scraped knees and/or elbows that he nor Akaashi remembered getting to go off of. Typical Kotaro making a mountain out of a molehill. You’d been dealing with his dramatic streak for a long time, though, and found it endearing.
He was endearing. You’d had a crush on the captain for a while, now, but since he and Akaashi found each other...well, it was better not to spoil their fun.
You hadn't wanted to admit it for a while, but you had a bit of a crush on Akaashi too. There was something about both the boys—very different things, of course—that drew you to them. Bokuto was loud, emotional, and so caring where Akaashi’s intelligence and natural charm were fascinating.
You didn’t have the guts to confess to either of them nor did you want to ruin what they had. They already found each other, so what was the point? It’s not like having two soulmates was unheard of but it was on the rarer side and you doubted you’d be so lucky.
“Nice one, Bo!” you yelled over to him. Today was Friday so you were planning on walking home with Bokuto from his practice. The two of you had spent Friday evenings together for as long as you could remember, rarely ever missing them. You helped him with homework when he needed it, you two played video games or watched movies. Most of the time you ended up staying overnight because neither of you wanted to move from the comfortable couch.
He turned and waved to you, a smile plastered on his face. “(Y/N), wasn't that awesome?”
“Yes, it was,” you laugh, turning back to your homework you decided to work on while at practice (that way Bokuto could have your full attention when you got home—he needed it in school sometimes). “You got this, dude!”
You heard him cheer—he was so energetic today. Someone so positive (unless he was in one of his moods) was hard to come by. Especially someone who felt all of his emotions so strongly like he did.
The end of practice came sooner than you thought it would and you offered to help the boys clean up. They graciously accepted, per usual, so you followed Akaashi around, helping him find all the volleyballs that had rolled around the gym floor.
“Any fun plans for the weekend?” you asked, hoping to start a conversation with him. Usually, he wasn’t the type to start talking to anyone, so you wanted to break the silence.
He shrugged. “Bokuto offered to go to the movies with me tomorrow night, so there’s that. You?”
“Just the usual.”
He mumbled something, but before you could ask what it was, Bokuto came skipping over. He swung around behind Akaashi, wrapping his arms around his waist. “What’re you two talking about?” he asked energetically, a smile plastered on his face.
“Just this weekend,” you reply, trying to match his energy. It was a little tough when Bo was (unintentionally) making you a third wheel.
“Awesome, awesome, awesome! Hey, I gotta steal Akaashi real quick, But I’ll be ready to leave in a sec, yeah?”
“Sounds good.” You turned to walk back to your bag, going to put away the book you had out. However, the boys’ conversation had you intrigued, so you walked slower and listened in.
“One time, Akaashi! Last time, I promise! I just wanna see-”
“Or you can just wait and find out.”
“Ugh, but thats boring! Please, please, please?”
“Fine, fine--you want me there?”
“Yes please!”
You sighed, wondering what Bokuto was up to this time. Whatever it was, at least it was legal and safe enough that Akaashi agreed to it.
“(Y/N), hey, (Y/N)!” Bokuto yelled for you, running out of the club room with Akaashi in tow. You laughed as he glared at him, being dragged along by the wrist. “I have something I wanna try on you. Works on akaashi, I wanna see if you fall for it.”
“What is it?”
“You gotta trust me on this.”
You laugh. “I’m scared, is this safe?”
“Just humor him, you won’t die or anything.”
“Yeah, you’ll be fine! Hold your arm out.”
You follow his directions and you do, rolling up your sleeve. He does the same.
Before you know it, there’s a painful stinging sensation on your forearm, but you realize you weren’t hit. Bokuto slapped his own arm, which was now slightly red where he hit.
“Did you have to hit so hard?” Akaashi complained with a sigh. “That hurt.”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry--(Y/N)?”
“What the hell?” you asked, eyes wide in shock. “Did you just--”
“It worked! Oh--Akaashi it worked! I was right! Yes! Aren’t you glad you said yes!”
“We could have just asked them to the movies Saturday…”
You listened to the two of them go back and forth for a moment, staring at your arm. It didn’t hurt anymore, but a moment ago it had. But you weren’t hit. Bokuto was. How did you--
“Is this how you broke your arm when you were seven and somehow I managed to at the same time??” you exclaim, shoving his shoulder. “When did you figure this out? How did you know? What?”
“Well, I kinda had an idea a little while ago, but I wanted to try it out…” he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. “But isn’t this awesome? You--wait, you like us, right?”
You roll your eyes, putting up your best deadpan face. “No, Bokuto Kotaro, I despise you and Akaashi with every fiber of my being.”
“No, stupid, I’ve liked you for months I just didn’t say anything!”
“Why not??”
“Cause I didn’t wanna ruin what you guys had!”
“If it helps, (Y/N), we both did the same thing,” Akaashi added. “So, if you’re not doing anything tomorrow, do you wanna come to the movies with us?”
You not, still unbelieving that this was an actual reality. Bokuto grinned and hugged you, spinning you around in his excitement. “Bo, put me down!” you squeal, hanging onto him tightly.
He set you down and kissed your forehead. “Sorry, sorry, I got excited. But you’ll come, right??”
“Yes, I’ll come to the movies with you guys.”
“I’m glad.”
You took one of Bokuto’s hands and offered your other one to Akaashi, which he also took. So your first ‘date’ tomorrow would be interesting, but you couldn’t have been happier about it.
Hope you guys enjoyed! I love these guys so much, specifically Bokuto (but I tried to write them both aaaa I'm no good at Akaashi but I tried). If you have any reqs for me, let me know either here or my inbox on tumblr!
Drink some water and stay healthy! Sending love! <3
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ultimate-cinephile · 4 years
more stuff that no one asked for! keep in mind that the ask box is open so feel free to request!
he deserves more love!
A- Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Okay, let’s be honest, you fell for Joker because of the hair or because of his eye.
He fell for you because he admired your bravery and kindness (doesn’t matter if you’re part of the SPFF, helping him and Licht, or just a plain ol civilian). You two met because he had showed up in your apartment one night, bleeding out, and your first instinct was to patch him up, and as soon as you were done, you pulled a knife on him.
B- Baby (Do they want a family? Why or why not?)
I think Joker wouldn’t really want kids. He lives a dangerous life, and so far, you’ve been the closest thing to normal that he’s been able to keep without it being taken away from him. If he did decide he wanted kids, he would have to have finished his work and he would have to be sure that no one would be coming for him or his future family.
C- Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Despite appearances, Joker is most definitely a cuddler. He loves wrapping his arms around you or having your arms wrapped around him because he likes that security. He loves the assurance that you’re there. 
With that being said, his go to cuddling position is probably the Honeymoon Hug. It gives him access to feel your arms wrapped around him and the security that gives him, and it allows him to wrap his arms around you. It makes him feel like both the protectee and the protector.
D- Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Joker…. doesn’t really plan dates. If you help him on his mission, that’s probably the closest to a date you get with him. Well, you two do order take-out and cuddle while binging some movies too. If you really want to go out though, just tell him and he’ll plan a most extravagant evening out.
It doesn’t really matter what you two do as a date though. Joker just loves spending time with you. You two could literally be watching paint dry and he’d be content with it, as long as it’s with you.
E- Everything (You are my ___; eg: my life, my world)
You are my only hope in this godforsaken world.
F- Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
After a long night of helping Joker decipher some clue he picked up on his latest expedition. You were mumbling to yourself and tossing out guesses. Joker took a moment and looked at you. Your eyebrows were furrowed, eyes squinted yet somehow glaring at the clue, biting your lip in frustration. You caught his gaze and asked if something was wrong and he tossed out a witty remark. You laughed and in that moment Joker realized that if this was normal, he wanted it, and he wanted it with you.
G- Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Joker is not a gentle man. However, with you, he is the most gentle person to ever walk the face of the planet. He knows that you’re more than capable of handling yourself, but he’s so terrified of losing the best thing to ever happen to him that he sometimes treats you like the slightest touch would break you.
H- Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Joker likes to slip his hand into yours and then you intertwine your fingers. Depending on his mood, he might lightly swing them. If you two are cuddling and you lace your hands together, they’re probably laying on his chest.
I- Impression (What was their first impression?)
Your first impression was probably somewhere along the lines of: “Man, I can’t wait to eat my rame- HOLY SOL, THERE’S A GUY BLEEDING OUT ON MY COUCH!” When you were able to think rationally, and after Joker had managed to talk you out of removing the knife from his throat, you thought he was weird and a little creepy, but you guys managed to bond anyways.
His first impression of you was that you were incredibly kind. I mean, you patched him up without a second thought. His second thought was, “Okay, this chick/dude might slit my throat. They’re awesome.”
J- Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He absolutely does not. 
How can you be jealous of someone who never existed in the first place?
Okay, so he does get jealous, and he might not go to the extent of murdering someone (although I wouldn’t say he’s above it). Usually if he gets jealous, Joker just materializes at your side and the guy almost immediately makes up an excuse to leave. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he doesn’t trust the other guys.
K- Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He probably did. The first time he kissed you was impulsive and quick and neither of you realized what was going on until you pulled away. He got embarrassed so you dived back in to kiss him again.
Kisses with Joker start off soft and slow and almost timid if you’re really looking for it, but eventually get more passionate. He always drags it out for as long as possible and they always tell you just how much you mean to him without him ever having to say it. Needless to say, when the both of you pull away, you’re usually breathless.
L- Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Honestly, probably you.
You and Joker were kissing one night and when you pulled away you breathlessly sighed, “I love you.”
When you looked at him, he was tearing up, and he moved to hug you, quickly repeating the phrase. He loves you so much, and he was scared to say it in case you didn’t feel the same.
He can’t thank you enough for loving him and giving him the normal life he’s always wanted.
M- Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
His favorite memory involving the two of you is simple. You two were cuddling. He had woken up first and you were still sleeping. Your hair was beautifully splayed out behind you. You looked so peaceful while you slept that he dared not move for fear of waking you. The light from the window highlighted your face perfectly and it was just perfect.
N- Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person that they love everything?)
Joker doesn’t buy you everything. If he sees you eyeing something a lot, he will buy it for you with no hesitation, but he isn’t the guy that goes out and buys you a teddy bear for no reason either.
O- Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Green. You had an ivy plant in your bathroom so anytime he sees that magnificent shade of green, he thinks back to how you two first met and he goes full sap mode.
P- Pet Names (What pet names do they use?)
Doll is his go to. I don’t know why. It's just is. He’s also rather fond of love, dove, and baby.
Q- Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
The watch. He keeps it, even broken, and it is still one of his greatest treasures.
R- Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
On a rainy day, he loves to make some type of hot drink and then curl up on the couch with you in his arms while you watch westerns (like The Magnificent Seven, Tombstone, or Quigley Down Under).
S- Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Joker doesn’t cheer himself up. He bottles up his emotions and distracts himself.
DO NOT CRY AROUND THIS MAN!!! He has no idea how to console a person and he gets extremely awkward. He’s torn between joking and hugging you so he settles for rubbing your back. He’ll let you talk and offer to help the best he can.
T- Talking (What do they talk about?)
With you? Anything and everything. His goals, his mission, whatever movie you managed to get him into.
U- Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Cuddles. Cuddles help him relax. Please cuddle this man. Any sort of physical contact from you makes all of his worries and stress from the day melt away, and it’s just what he needs after a long day.
V- Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Well, he is proud of you and shows you off to his associates as much as he can.
Aside from you, his hair. Like, have you seen it? hOW DOES HE GET THAT VOLUME???
W- Wedding (When, how, and where do they propose?)
Joker bought a ring two weeks before he proposed to you.
Where and how he proposed is kinda funny. Both of you were exhausted. You had either accompanied he and Benimaru on their mission or spent the entire night worrying about him, and he had done cool fighting stuff all night. So when he got home, you both crashed onto the bed and he immediately pulled you into his arms.
He thought you were asleep, and in truth, he almost was too, when he popped the question. “(Y/N), you mean a lot to me, more than I’m capable of expressing. You’ve given me the closest thing to a life that I’ll ever have and you make life suck a little less. Marry me?”
Imagine his shock when you mumbled out a sleepy, “Yes.” Nevertheless, you woke up with a ring on your finger in the arms of your fiancee.
X- Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I have absolutely no idea why but the Hurdy Gurdy Man by Donovan reminds me of Joker.
For your relationship song, I’d say it’s most definitely James Dean and Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens.
Y- Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
He absolutely would love to marry you, and he thinks about it all of the time. He buys a ring on a whim and carries it around for two weeks and constantly thinks about when would be the right time to do it.
Z- Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
He wants a dog. Having a fluff ball around would be fun to him. Plus, he’s always wanted one.
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phynali · 3 years
so not to ruminate on things that vex me, but the past 2 or so months have been kinda shit, and i’m trucking along and there absolutely are high points and good things and joys that balance some of this out, but i need to vent out some of the negative emotions somewhere to get ‘em out. so i guess i’m doing that here because - 
we’re in lockdown#6 where i live (state of victoria) and it’s hard, this yo-yo of restrictions and swinging in and out of one lockdown after another. 
for those who understandably won’t know, what we call lockdown here means not just restaurant and commercial closures and mandatory working from home unless you’re in an industry where that’s impossible -- it also means no guests (0) inside you’re home unless you’re both living alone and single or else romantic partners, it means not leaving your home at all except for one of 4-5 necessary reasons, not being outside for more than 2hrs per day even to exercise, and not going more than 5km from your home unless required for work/medical/etc required reasons.
it’s intense. we spent (i think) 128 days in this degree of lockdown in 2020, never mind how many we spent in other forms of restrictions and working from home. and we’ve been back in it four (4) times in 2021 already. in-out-in-out-in-out - 
it’s taking a toll on the mental health of every person i know. we get weekly emails with wellbeing and resilience tips from my job -- not just “be productive or else” capitalism but heartfelt ones from wellbeing officers with copies of articles like this one on languishing from the NYT, acknowledging we’re all struggling and directing us to the plethora of wellbeing resources our workplace is trying to provide, not only to us but reminding us they offer it to our families too.
i’m one of the lucky ones. i’m really not trying to wallow here or to pretend otherwise. i appreciate that i can work from home, even though i can’t focus when i do and it this interacts with my adhd to fuck my productivity. even if i’m so behind and delayed it feels like i’ve lost 12-18 months worth of work and it will have long-term ramifications on my career -- even so, i still i have a job. i still get paid. and i even kept my job, a bit by the skin of my teeth but i did, when my sector downsized last year. yes, the way my employer went about lay offs left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth (my own included), but i made it through. 
and my sector, while affected, is by no means the worst of the collateral damage.
the yo-yo of lockdowns is taking a very very real toll on industries like hospitality, tourism, commerce. and the economy does have indirect effects on health and mental health as well. my friend, a waitress, was on her way to work the evening shift at a restaurant when she got the call about the latest lockdown. she had to turn around and go home because the announcement came just hours before the lockdown was imposed, and every place suddenly had to close by 8pm. bye bye evening shift. so much of the government support for these industries has dried up, has been inadequate. 
lockdowns save lives. i don’t begrudge my state for imposing one except that yes -- i’m resentful we’re here again with only six cases. i can be both accepting and grateful and also pissed and tired and more all at once. 
even more than the latest lockdown, i’m pissed about the yo-yo. that we went into lockdown in june, came out in july, went back in in july, came back out in july, are going back in now, in the first week of august. three lockdown/re-openings in 10 weeks, as if this rollercoaster doesn’t completely incapacitate our ability to plan or prepare for anything more than a week out, more than a day out -- in this case, more than a few hours out. 4pm the lockdown was announced, with an 8pm start time. as if that doesn’t have more insidious consequences on individuals and industries than a more clearly articulated and consistent approach. as if all the restaurants that got to open up this week didn’t purchase large food orders for this weekend that will spoil because they were given 4 hours notice to close their doors.
that’s the part i hate, right now more than the lockdowns themselves. consumer sentiment was at a high in april, optimism was everywhere. people felt good, and like we had a plan forward. now -- well, now my job is sending me emails about how normal and okay it is that i might be ‘languishing’ because aren’t we all?
and i absolutely do begrudge my federal government, and i’m angry with them, and this is part of why:
but i also accept, to some extent, that these decisions have all been made in difficult circumstances, and i’m not really about to pretend i could do any better. 
at the same time, australia’s vaccine rollout is among the slowest and lowest at least within OECD countries. i know that’s partly because we’ve managed the keep cases low and therefore we are prioritized less when it comes to who needs the vaccines most (and thus who is earlier in line to be able to purchase) among other geo-political reasons i won’t get into, but it still very much sucks. our timeline and ability to move forward and ability to stop having lockdowns requires a mostly-vaccinated population, and that’s not something we’ll have anytime soon.
and i am a visa-holder here and my family is back in canada and with our current border restrictions leaving to visit is honestly is not an option because i wouldn’t be able to return, to work. i’m managing that distance okay most of the time despite my homesickness and frustration but my partner’s parents are older and his mother’s health just isn’t amazing and it’s weighing on him a lot. 
a phd student i work with just had a parent die in another country while stuck here, had to drop everything to return, is devastated by not being by their parent’s side when it happened because it came on sudden, and now won’t be able to come back into australia after, will have to finish their thesis remotely from abroad. stories like that are becoming commonplace in certain circles, here. this student is not the first or only person i know who has been in that exact situation in the past year.
it’s enraging, and upsetting, and instills a sense of helplessness because -- there’s nothing that can really be done about it. there’s no good answer, but it’s scary to think of what could happen. i know it scares my husband. if his mother’s health suddenly dips -- does he drop everything and leave? how can he not? would i go with him or hold the fort here? what ramifications does that have either way?
right now, we’re in the first stages of getting permanent residency, my job is putting in the nomination, and this is one of those awesome high-points i mentioned. it’s a very much needed sense of security in my career and my future in this country. but while a PR application is pending and under review, you can’t leave the country, even in pre-covid times. it takes months to get the application fully nominated, accepted, then submitted, and months on months to process.
in january 2020 we had agreed that for xmas 2020 we’d return home to canada. obviously the world changed and we quickly determined that wouldn’t be the case. we pushed that plan back to july-aug 2021, then to october 2021, xmas 2021. my partner’s sister asked him last week if we started making plans, booking things for xmas, was calling to check that we’d had our second jabs. he had to explain the situation to her, that we aren’t even eligible for our first vaccine yet, that we aren’t holding out any real hope of visiting, not this year, not until mid-next.
anyway - i’m just. languishing, i guess, if that’s the word for it after all. i know it’s not the same as depression -- i’ve had episodes of that, been treated for it in different ways. this is and feels different, even if there are obvious similarities. whatever to call it, it sucks, and i hate it. and i hate the other lows and anxieties and crap i’ve been dealing with in the past few months as well that didn’t make it into this post about covid. crap with work, with friends, with goddamn car rentals of all stupid things. crap that’s making me anxious and crap that just needs processing. crap that is, ultimately, massively exacerbated because lockdowns turn us into little rats gnawing on the bars of our cages.
and i guess i just needed to talk about it somewhere, to organize my thoughts and free up some headspace (emotion space?) currently being used to hold these thoughts and feelings in place. i kind of hate posting personal crap like this and always get the urge to delete but i also have a hard time organising my thoughts if i don’t write them out with this intent to post. sort of want to go outside and scream at god, sort of want to phone up a friend and yell at him for an hour for being an exhausting ass, sort of want to be alone for a day to curl up under a blanket with a movie that’ll make me cry because raging at the universe is always so much easier when i’m alone and unobserved. but i guess since those aren’t especially kind or feasible i’ll post this instead.
anyway - if you read to the end of this for any reason, i’m not trying to be maudlin, and there’s really no need to respond. it’s just a feelings dump, sucking some of the poison out, not really much different than journalling but i’ve always been better at that online than on paper. 
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Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle Of The Realms
This was copied from my DeviantArt journal before I posted it.
I just watched the movie many minutes ago. Like, fully. Credits and all. I'm not gonna spoil anything huge. It's been a week since it came out. I bought it on DirecTV and after that deleted it. 
I'm gonna be honest and from whenever I mentioned it. I was very excited for this film. Even going as far as saying I'm probably gonna love it already, before it even came out. Because I absolutely loved Scorpion's Revenge. And I felt like what WB Animation has decided to do with this is genius. There was even the idea that I had hoped it would be better than the 2021 live action reboot that came out this year. Despite I did enjoy that film too. 
But I will admit....I was bothered when I saw let me look at it in case. Okay, the Amazon rating changed from a two and a half stars. To now three and a half stars. Which I do appreciate that.  But that rating, and I do wanna give my own opinion. This is my first reaction to the movie. I'll just get this out of the way. Even though I tried my best to not see anything spoilerish. Despite a pic concerning one character's fate(Stryker) and what happens with one character(Liu Kang). Again, no huge spoilers. I only watched two clips that I felt weren't really big. But I decided to ignore the rest.
I liked it. It is seriously a very kick ass film. But also the violence at certain points may make you feel uneasy in a sense. But the film is overall entertaining, and I'm glad I watched it in the living room. It's also funny at times. Mainly thanks to Johnny Cage, who's always a classic.
And I think Liu Kang fans may really appreciate this movie because of what they do with his character. Also other little standouts like Scorpion and Sub Zero who I will always love. There's a lot of awesome moments.
But here's my problem...and this may sound weird. I thought to myself, maybe I shouldn't treat this like a theatrical film. But I need to be honest with you all. I know this is a direct to DVD/video/Blu Ray movie.
But this film/movie needed to be longer...it literally needed to be. There is a lot of stuff in this movie. And it goes by very quick. I have thought that I think Mortal Kombat fans will enjoy this movie more. But I feel like for fans who know the lore and these characters, that might be worse. 
Despite my issues with the 2021 movie. At least that had some time with some of it's characters. Even though it still had issues with packing a lot into one movie. And I get it, this is not a theatrical film, but this NEEDED to be longer. And I'm thinking it was supposed to be.  That's my guess, and I'll tell you at the end. And I just added the part that I tried my best to avoid spoilers.
I wanna explain it like this. You know when you watch a movie. Maybe it's based upon a video game or whatever else. There's a lot of stuff in it, or you think they could do more with it maybe. And it feels like it's too short. That's this movie...this movie needed to be longer...
Again, I liked it. But I feel something happened. And there were certain writing choices that I feel like...will piss off MK fans.
Also, now the thing that made me truly think, this was meant to be longer. Mileena is NOT in this movie....her name is in the credits. She was voice acted by Grey Griffin. But she's NOT in the movie. But her name appears...and she was in the list of characters that was showed on Twitter, revealing which characters were in this movie. Unless I missed her real quickly....I'm not sure. I was hoping for an end credits scene possibly. But nothing...absolutely nothing.
Think I've said enough.
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