#put him in thor four with valkyrie and everyone else?
deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
You ever see those grandparent videos where the parent brings their newborn into the house, without the grandparent knowing they were born yet? Imagine adult! Reader inviting everyone in and to their knowledge she hasn’t gone into labor yet but to their surprise the baby is right there.
Bonus points if it’s multiple babies like twins or triplets and the family had no idea until the reveal.
-Your family was waiting for you and your husband to arrive, it was the normal routine for Saturday, when you both would come over, there would be a big barbeque or meal, and you would get to spend time with the massive family you called your own.
-It had been a little difficult for you lately as you had been pregnant up until just a few days ago, but only Brunnhilde and Eve knew this, as you had called them, letting them know but asking them to keep it a secret, as you wanted to surprise everyone with your twins.
-They agreed to keep it quiet only if they got to hold the babies first, which you and your husband agreed to while trying not to laugh, the four of you plotting the surprise.
-You arrived quietly and Brunnhilde was waiting by the side door so you both could sneak in the back door to drop off your babies in a side room to get them ready, getting them out of their carriers.
-Eve told everyone else that you both were here, but when Loki spoke up after running to the door, wanting to get a hug first, he pouted when he saw neither of you there, “Where are they?” she just smiled warmly, “Y/N had to run to the bathroom.”
-They all nodded in understanding, as you were due any day now, as Hermes questioned, “Is it a good idea for her to be traveling right now?”
-Brunnhilde was recording before she gave you both the signal. Your husband walked out, holding your daughter, before you walked out, holding your son, “I’m fine.”
-Everyone turned, their eyes growing to the size of dinner plates, except for Eve and Brunnhilde as you grinned warmly as the house was shaking with screams and cries.
-Your daughter got a bit fussy at the sound, almost crying which made everyone hold their hands to their lips, silencing their cries as your husband rocked her.
-Your babies were being handed around, everyone enjoying the new additions to the family as you were relaxing, sitting curled up next to your husband who was grinning, recording now.
-Obnoxiously crying, unable to stop their tears as they held one or the other of your babies, unable to form any coherent words as they would look down at the baby, then to you, babbling nonsense while sniffling loudly, which made you giggle warmly.
            -ARES, LOKI, Apollo, Nikola, Zerofuku, and Goll
-Only let a few happy tears slip out as they talked to your babies, talking so softly and sweetly, before turning to you and your husband, calling you both gremlins for pranking them, then turning back to your babies. They are overjoyed to see you and your babies, but how could you not tell them you had your babies already?!
            -Adam, Zeus, Hades, Kojiro, Jack, Hercules, Hermes, Aphrodite, Shiva, Raiden, Eve, Brunnhilde, and the rest of the Valkyries
-Panicking, please don’t hand him a baby, he doesn’t know how to hold one! You sit next to him, guiding him how to hold your son who smiled up at him, babbling cutely which immediately made him melt, even if he didn’t show it. You can’t help but lean into him, seeing his rare soft smile.
            -Thor, Lu Bu, Beelzebub, and Poseidon
-Expert baby holder, can easily put your children to sleep, all while trying to hide their smile that they were so good at it, despite others calling them out on it because they want to know how good there are, but they’re not revealing their secrets so easily, which causes you to laugh.
            -Leonidas, Buddha, Qin Shi Huang, and Odin
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Marvel’s Loki Problem
very mild multiverse of madness spoilers (just who is missing from the movie)
so, obviously loki has been expected but never confirmed in many projects, and inevitably he never shows up—even though it makes so much sense for him to be in them. multiverse of madness had tom hiddleston on the cast list for a while, and me and several others who read the famed sorcerer’s trio comic (doctor strange city of sin) were hyped because obviously they’d have him in this movie to bring the trio to the big screen. even a lot of people who saw the movie said they felt something was missing, and it’s no surprise at all why. but i’ve seen this happening since thor the dark world, and i really don’t understand why marvel is so reluctant to use loki.
thor the dark world originally barely had loki in it, they actually added more scenes because he worked so well with the movie. but, it’s still pretty scarce, and i get that its a thor movie, but still. i’ve always felt the first thor movie divides their screen time well. in thor ragnarok loki has a screen time of 12 minutes, a stark contrast. and of course we can’t forget the 3 minutes loki has in infinity war before they get killed off. and why did marvel choose one of their most popular characters in the first place to have the most brutal MCU death (and it’s hard to surpass some of the others)? the lack of justice loki gets as a character shows even in their own show, where i felt he was upstaged often. dont get me wrong, i loved all of these projects—it’s just that it’s hard to see a character who so many love have his potential wasted.
there are so many projects coming up that i’m scared they’re going to cut loki out of. it doesn’t look like he’ll be in thor love and thunder, and when a young avengers movie is finally announced, will they be cut from that? if marvel was smart they’d use him more, especially when you see the awesome comic runs theyre in: journey into mystery (which i’d LOVE to see on the big screen), agent of asgard, young avengers… all these amazing tv show and movie worthy comics. i don’t know. i think i’m extremely disappointed about the fact that they didn’t put him in multiverse of madness and that they never bring loki to his potential even though they do for so many other characters. and like it is a doctor strange movie, but it is heavily based on the city of sin run as well as *that* x-men comic that spoils a lot.
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buddiewho · 3 years
What’s it to you?
*Long post ahead
There is something on my mind. It’s called Occam’s Razor. The definition I know is, or rather the interpretation in my head is, it’s a gray area, a fine line. So for example, when it comes to Buck and Eddie, I do believe they play right on the Occam’s Razor. The fact that they could be this or they could be that, riding that fine line, which one is true? 
Picture this and imagine you’re seeing jealous Buck:
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Option 1: Jealous Buck idea pushes the razor to the more romantic, buried feelings thing we Buddie clowns are thinking about. 
Option 2: If you don't view it that way, you could then simply see Buck maybe panicking because of his abandonment issues. For example, Buck’s reaction face becomes more like heyo Eddie doesn’t just get to so easily partner off with another firefighter outside the 118 like that [in this case being him or Hen as Eddie’s only option Buck accepts] until they finally ease into helping the 126 with these fires, Buck himself even. 
Option 3: We’re speculating our asses off no matter if you believe in option 1 and/or 2, and we do not yet know what’s going on in this scene...
Therefore we’re split down the razor’s edge. Then I also think of this video. The fact that Buck and Eddie fall under the “just let the bromos be homos?” category. They have the cooked up potential for something more and not to just remain a “healthy male friendship.” When we have proper queer representation in combination with “healthy male friendship” then we can talk about the latter. I’m trying to rack my brain for healthy male friendships, but I come back to that video and the laundry list of mlm couples in the just let the bromos be homos category. My brain wanted to say FinnPoe from Star Wars as a healthy male friendship, but then that’s still part of the same category and all I can hear is Oscar Isaac praising the notion that these two characters could be falling in love during wartime...but apparently Disney/the world isn’t ready for that...? 
The problem is I cannot think of any representation for healthy male friendships. I keep thinking Shawn Spencer and Burton “Gus” Guster from Psych, but even then there were definite issues surrounding their friendship...if you watched that show. Now, with that show I did believe that Shawn Spencer is bisexual, but I don't headcanon that his awakening happened with Gus. It just happened and he’s known about it for most of his life (like since 18 probably) and Gus knows it too. But again it’s never explicitly made so, it’s always hinted at though. Also, don't get started on Teen Wolf if you’re thinking about that one. I don't pay any attention and maybe it’s because I may not be seeking it out...but I cannot think of a single thing I’ve watched with healthy friendships, save for perhaps in Thor Ragnarok the trio that is Hulk/Banner, Thor and Valkyrie when they’re not fighting each other. Though, there is the case of Gary and Miranda in the BBC show called Miranda. They could’ve had a good run as just friends, but clearly it wasn’t unheard of to think of a hetero pairing starting off as just friends to become more, obvi. Back to 911...
As we teeter this Occam’s Razor, all I ask for is explicit admittance from Buck that he is bisexual. Just for him to say it to close friends and family.  For him to feel okay with the fact that he likes boys too. So yes, he has little or no experience, but he can’t help but feel attracted to men as well. Banking on the South America exploration/runaway to expound on this some more. That yes, Buck has known about his bisexuality and does know how he truly feels, but for whatever reasons he’s not ready to show/tell those true feelings to anyone else. For whatever reasons he had to build/hide behind the chaotic sex addicted punk persona that he named Buck 1.0. 
I also don't believe that everything needs to be boxed into a corner. 911 was the show that sparked a procedural TV drama to life and thus it created 911 Lonestar as a way to probably showcase a different state and how they handle these emergencies/fires. Who the hell knows, perhaps it’s just for more money? It’s just I don't think it’s a matter of 911 is the mostly “hetero show” whereas 911 Lonestar is “the show for the gays” because it has the canon gay couple. Well, for the record 911 also has a canon lesbian/gay couple; Hen and Karen. What I mean to say is that irl there are LGBT+ folk everywhere, therefore more of them can appear as characters in 911, or even in Lonestar as well. LGBT+ people live in CA and TX; sometimes 911 did the peripheral gay couples who found themselves caught in an emergency situation (the boy with the crush outside the coffee shop, that couple in which one of them had tapeworm and Buck nonchalantly just yanked that thing out...and then of course the older couple who were so graciously paralleled to Buck…). Oh, you can’t forget Josh in 911, who also seemingly thought Maddie was once setting him up with Buck. Also note it wasn’t written as Buck denying Josh on that thought. He just ran with it, no qualms, and we didn’t have some unnecessary “no homo” backlash which leaves room for us to say wait, a gosh darn minute? Are we still leaving room for Buck figuring something out and/or coming closer to accepting himself? Ps. It also wasn’t written for Maddie to decline the notion either. She of course jokingly said her brother wasn’t good enough for Josh and honestly, I think we got {Oliver playing} Buck as a bit offended by Maddie doing that. 
Buck is also a double edged sword. So is Eddie. You have two men presented as so strong, so masculine that the instant it’s thought they might like men, it’s damaging to their masculinity somehow. That’s called toxic masculinity which is something Buck and even Eddie occasionally fall into. I think they’ve definitely grown out of that with the help of others and each other even, but I think this is why us crazy shippers wanting Buddie and/or Buck revealed as bisexual is so jarring to others- Toxic masculinity? Fragility? The fact that if men like Buck and Eddie are viewed to be gay/bi then it hurts this notion of what it means to be a strong man. But let’s box it into a corner because 911 Lonestar is the gay show and thus we think less of the characters TK and Carlos because they are gay- not all equivalent in strength to the “healthy male friendship” that is Buck and Eddie? When in fact the four of these characters have similarities? TK and Buck are so very reckless, dive in no questions asked kind of thing and it seems to me that Eddie and Carlos would be the take orders kind of men. They will fall in line with the occasional reckless decision...so therefore they have more similarities than just the four of them belonging to the LGBT+ community...or regardless of if they do all belong in that community together- the whole point is that in real life the Buck and Eddie dynamic of a friendship (or the possibility of something more, as one or both characters coming to terms with their sexuality) exists in the same world with relationships that are similar to TK and Carlos’. So the two supposed bromos (just friends) exist in the same world as the homos...therefore unboxing the shows from their corners entirely.
Another thing that I think this thing around Buck is falling prey to, is that bi guys are just faking it. It’s one stop on the way to figuring out that “they’re actually just gay.” Except no that’s not the case with bisexuality. For some people, it could be, but from what I see with Buck it’s not that at all. He’s bisexual, that’s that. 
Also, most everyone thinks those who ship Buddie want Buck revealed as bisexual to only be with Eddie and to see two sexy men get it on. Honestly, 911 Lonestar did provide sufficiently with that, because them TK and Carlos scenes are downright drool worthy, but that’s not all I came for. Anyway, I clocked Buck as possibly bi in season 1- the full moon ep, where yes he’s getting closer to Abby, but damn does he get on well with that gay guy who had tapeworm. Well, shit. Then after Eddie’s introduction they go on to parallel Buck to that older gay couple...anyhow, it’s just why keep putting Buck in a queer space and then not run with that? Yes, sure there are strong straight allies to the LGBT+ community, but Buck doesn’t read heterosexual ally to me, it feels more like the LGBT+ community is where he belongs. I’d say Eddie Diaz belongs there too, but he’s like a mystery on this front. I think he understands his feelings/attractions towards men and he’d respond like yeah, sure, they’ve been there, but I haven’t done shit about them and I haven’t labelled them [gay/bi]. What’s it to you? And if eventually this involved Buck, he’d be like yeah, so I’m head over heels for that smart and lovable reckless idiot, what else do you want me to say?
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Inhuman (1)
Summary: All beings in the universe have a soulmate except for Midgardians. People can hear their soulmate in their heads. For almost five hundred and fifty years, Loki believed that he had no soulmate until 1513 when a Midgardian princess was born. Will fate be kind to them or will the universe tear them apart?
Warnings: violence, language, hella historical inaccuracies (I tried to do research but then got lazy), maybe some AOS season 2 spoilers(?)
Word Count: ~3400
A/N: Yay! The re-write is here! I changed it so now there are flashbacks and stuff and the chapters are longer! I’m also posting this chapter a day early because of reasons. Anyways, enjoy!
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[New York, New York, March 2024]
‘Soulmates?’ You had never heard of the concept.
‘We are destined to be together. The universe made it so.’
You shot up in bed, a light sheen of sweat covered your body. Loki’s words replayed over and over in your head. You hadn’t heard his actual voice in so long but it was still as clear as if he was speaking to you now. It had been twelve years since you had seen him in Germany and he had tried to take over.
‘We are destined to be together.’
The words echoed in your mind. ‘Destined’ huh? Well, if you’d learned anything from the past four hundred and eighty-six years that you were not with Loki, it’s that the universe does a shit job at keeping you together. You ran your fingers through your hair, easily smoothing out the tangled mess. It was too early to think about Loki.
You slipped out of the silk sheets that covered your king-sized bed in your two-level, top floor Upper East Side penthouse. You were very proud of how far you had come. The view was amazing. You could see some of Central Park from one side and the stereotypical New York skyline from another.
As you walked out of your room, you caught your reflection in one of your full-sized mirrors. And that was definitely a nice view. When you came out of Terrigenesis almost five hundred years ago, you quickly discovered that you were now the blueprint for a perfect person. Straight, white teeth, surprisingly tameable hair, and clear, unblemished skin were some of the visually obvious changes. In addition to your perfected looks, you had increased senses, healing, strength, endurance, and your favorite, pain tolerance. Oh, and don’t forget you basically look twenty-five forever.
You checked your phone while you made breakfast in the kitchen downstairs. There were a couple of emails from your employees on their latest jobs. You opened one from Max, your right-hand man. You were reading over some job offers he had handpicked for you when you got a text from the man himself.
Bringing up some donuts!
Max was the only person from work to have access to your penthouse. He was your best friend. The two of you had met when you were at Afterlife nearly fifteen years ago. He was an Inhuman as well. All of your employees were Inhumans, using their specialties to carry out their jobs. Max had the power to change surfaces. It was a strange power, but he had learned to make it very useful. He could cause his pursuers to slip on the suddenly ice-like ground or climb up a glass skyscraper.
“Hello, bitch! I brought donuts!” Max called from the elevator.
“I’m in the kitchen!”
Max walked in holding the goods. He always wore eccentric color-coordinated outfits. Even the times you saw him in stealth mode, he had to have some lace or frill somewhere. Today he wore a mixture of neon green and pink with matching eyeliner.
“Are Cosmo and Wanda disguising themselves as your clothes?” you asked.
“Haha,” he deadpanned. “I knew you were going to say something like that. You’re so fucking funny. Soo…” He plopped the three large donut boxes onto your kitchen counter. “Have you heard of the Avenger’s new quote-unquote recruit?”
“Um, I think it’s your job to keep tabs on heroes.” You opened the nearest box and happily pulled out your favorite donut.
“Okay. Number one: I’m not speaking to you as your right-hand, right now, but as your friend.” He held up his finger. “Number two: it’s not really a job if I do it in my free time anyways. You’re paying me to do something that I do on an hourly basis.”
“You stalk the Avengers on an hourly basis?”
“No? Anyways, number three: it’s Thor’s brother. It’s your Loki.”
“What the fuck?” you choke on your donut. Max was the only person who knew you that you and Loki had a history. And that’s all he knew. Nothing about soulmates or all that shit. “What the fuck, Max? Did you try to use donuts to soften the blow? Stop laughing.”
“I-I wish I had caught that reaction on camera,” he said in between fits of giggles.
“Haha,” it was your turn to deadpan. “Fuck, man. I guess we just have to double our efforts to keep ourselves off of their radar.”
“Do you think they’ve forgiven him for New York?” Max composed himself.
“I mean, they must have if they’re letting him join the team.” You chanced another bite of your donut.
“But lots of people haven’t.”
“Lots of people still haven’t forgiven Barnes,” you pointed out. You didn’t know when or why Loki had attacked New York. That Loki was nothing like the man who you had grown to love back in the 1500s. But you were nothing like that girl either.
 “Have you chosen a new job from the list I sent you?” he changed the subject.
“No, not yet, and you have a little…” you motioned to the corner of your mouth.
Max got the hint and wiped some powder off of his mouth. You noticed the sprinkling of grey that was mixed into his curly black hair. He displayed the last fifteen years proudly while you remained unchanged. Max was the closest you’ve been to someone in a long time, and just like everyone before him, you would outlive him. But you would remember him. You remembered everyone. You remembered everything.
Right now, you thought of Agnes, your first real friend. She was your handmaiden and you had met right before everything went to shit. She had helped you cope after you underwent Terrigenesis, although you hadn’t known what it was back then. She had helped you run away and even died for you. You had only known her for nine years, but you compared everyone to her. Max held second place, right after Agnes.
“I think we should take the Senator’s offer,” Max said, jolting you out of your memories. He pulled up the offer on his iPad. “One million to off his upcoming competition.”
“Damn,” you whistled. “He’s desperate, isn’t he? Is there a deadline?”
“No, but I assume we should get it done quickly.”
“Send over the info.”
You shoved the flower into Jake Morano’s mouth. Blood from the bullet wound in his forehead trickled down until it turned the perfect, white rose red. You snapped a quick photo on your burner phone to send to the Senator as confirmation. With a huff, you looked around the apartment. Mr. Anderson had put up a fight, although it didn’t do anything to deter you and Max. A few glass awards were in pieces on the hardwood floor, family pictures were shattered, and the wall behind you held a couple of bullets from Anderson’s gun.
“All good?” Max asked from his location by the computer. He was deleting all footage of you being there. And everything else, just to be safe.
“Yep.” You walked over to him, your boots making a satisfying clicking on the ground, and proudly displayed the picture of the dead body. “Got the confirmation picture for the Senator. How’s it coming?”
“Almost… there. We’re good to go.”
The two of you left in your favorite black Lamborghini. Unfortunately, you actually had to drive places now that Gordon was dead. You followed his advice, though, and bought a plane along with four other sports cars, a helicopter, and a couple of motorcycles. You knew how to operate every single one of them. What else were you supposed to do except for establishing your contract killing empire?
Loki stood in the middle of his assigned room with his hands on his hips. It certainly was much nicer than the last prison the Avengers had kept him in. They may say it wasn’t a prison but the twenty-four-hour surveillance from Stark’s new AI said otherwise. Even though it was nicer than the shitty glass cylinder from twelve years ago, it was empty. Thor had shown Loki the few things in his room: books, photographs, and his own goddamned merchandise. 
Would Loki have his own merchandise one day? Everyone was redeemable as shown by Romanoff and Barnes. Maybe there would be plastic replicas of his helmet? No, Loki thought that was stupid. Only heroes got merchandise and heroes had to show up to events and sponsor health drinks or whatever the fuck they do. Heroes had to be nice.
Nothing good ever came from being on Midgard. Most recently, there was his father dying, although what followed was worse. Before that was the attack he had been forced to make on the city. And the first time he had ever come to Midgard had ended with disappointment and heartbreak.
Loki sighed and waved his hand to conjure green and gold accents, sheets, and blankets. At least there was color in the room now. No doubt the AI had reported that he had used his magic. He hoped it had also told them that all he did was improve the room, he didn’t need anyone talking to him at the moment.
“Good afternoon, Reindeer Games,” the AI echoed through the room. Loki glowered at the sound of Stark’s nickname. “There is a meeting in Conference Room Five that the entire team is required to attend.”
Loki hadn’t the faintest fucking idea where the conference rooms were. He left his room and caught sight of his brother and the Valkyrie. The God of Mischief followed the pair down to where the meeting was taking place. Did he really want to go? If he wanted to be part of the team he would have to. He preferred the Revengers, though. While it had lasted. It was smaller.
Everyone was sitting around the long table. Of course, Loki would be the last to arrive. Stark and Barton both glared at him when he entered. Understandable. Romanoff remained impassive, but Loki knew she would bash his head in the first chance she got. Rogers had to remain positive that Loki could be redeemed because if the Norse God could redeem himself, then so could Barnes. Bruce had warmed up to Loki on the journey to Midgard. None of the newer members of the team outright hated him, but they were still cautious around him.
Loki found himself sitting in between his brother and Bruce. Stark went up to the screen at the front and everyone fell silent.
“This is Jake Morano.” The screen turned on to show a dead man with a rose stuffed in his mouth. “He was going to run for Senator against this guy.” The screen changed. “This guy is William Anderson, a very corrupt Senator. In the last month, Morano began to gain a lot of support including a sponsor from us. Well, a sponsor from me in the name of the Avengers.”
“Are you implying that Anderson killed Morano?” Rogers asked.
“I’m saying that Anderson hired someone to kill Morano.” The screen changed again to display multiple bodies left with a rose in their mouths. “I had F.R.I.D.A.Y. do a quick search of bodies with roses found in their mouths and we found a shocking amount of similar deaths. The first ones dating back to the nineteen twenties. More recently, some of the deaths have happened at the same time on opposite sides of the globe. Deaths include, but are not limited to, shooting, stabbing, poisoning, drowning, burning, missing organs, being found stuck in a wall, and looking like a suicide. They all have a white rose soaked in blood in their mouths.”
“Are you sure it isn’t a serial killer?” Wilson questioned.
“Yeah, it’s probably not the same guy,” Romanoff pointed out. “Especially if it goes back to before Steve looked like that.”
“It’s gotta be an organization,” Barnes guessed. “Been around for a while, a couple of deaths happening at the same time, and one constant MO.”
“Loki?” Everyone looked at the God of Mischief when Stark said his name. “You’re technically a part of this team now. What’s your opinion?”
“Barnes is probably right,” Loki said after a moment’s hesitation. “The locations are all over the place and there are many different ways the victims met their demise.”
They nodded and Loki returned to silence.
“Alright, game plan.” Stark clapped his hands. “We have to get Anderson into an interrogation room. Round one is the good cops: Steve and Sam. When he doesn’t crack, and he won’t, we up the intensity. Nat and the Manchurian Candidate will do some intimidation. If he still doesn’t crack we can send in Wanda, or even Reindeer Games if she’s not comfortable, to search his mind.”
“Are all Midgardian politics like that?” Loki heard the Valkyrie ask Thor after the meeting. Thor only shrugged so she turned to Bruce.
“I mean, I haven't been here in a while but it’s always kinda been fucked up.”
Only an hour after the meeting, Anderson took out one million dollars in cash. Stark tracked him to a small cafe where he was going to, no doubt, pay the assassin. The team rallied, but of course, Loki wasn’t going. Apparently, he wasn’t ‘cleared’ yet. The only other people staying behind were the Valkyrie, Thor, and Barton due to a recent injury. 
Loki went to his room to sulk, although he told everyone he was thinking. He didn’t want to be here. Maybe he wanted to go somewhere that reminded him of home with tall buildings that reached the sky… 
"Hello, (Y/N)." Loki’s voice was as smooth as it was in your head, but it was different. The only way you could describe it was that it was solid. It felt less intimate. Like he could bless others with his words, but it was more special because he was here. 
"Loki," you breathed.
"You look more beautiful than I ever could imagine." He stepped closer.
You touched your hair self-consciously. There were multiple knots, and it probably looked like one of those bird nests the dogs always knocked out of trees. You had woken up in a hurry and your hair being trapped in the hood of your cloak probably didn't help.
Then it occurred to you that you were wearing only your nightgown, and you tightly wrapped your cloak around yourself. Loki wouldn’t hurt you, but no man has seen you in an outfit so revealing. Still, you took another step closer.
"I do not know what to say." Fortunately, your voice didn’t shake or waver as you had feared, but Loki could probably feel your nervousness.
You both took a final step closer. You reached up and cupped Loki's face in your hand which tingled slightly when you made contact. You admired his sharp features and bright blue-green eyes. Then you shivered in the cold winter air. Loki noticed and pulled you into a hug. You leaned into him and felt a shiver, a different, better shiver, shoot through your body.
“You’re real.” Your soft voice was almost lost in the biting wind. “I was so scared that I was dreaming.”
Another goddamned dream about Loki? You groaned into your pillow and pushed a few damp strands of hair away from your face. Why now, all of a sudden? Was it because he was so close? Just a few hours upstate in the Avenger’s compound.
Pushing the dream aside, you stretched and got ready for the day. You had sent the photo to the Senator, who you had learned was very fucking corrupted, and he replied with a location. That changed your plans a bit, you hadn't physically met a client in decades, but it was for the better for multiple reasons.
The first reason was that the cafe he had chosen was next to a flower shop where you got your supply of roses. The second reason was that it meant his apartment would be empty. While you went to get the money, and eventually kill Senator Anderson, Max was going to rob his house. It wasn’t something you’d usually do, but honestly, the shitty asshole deserved it.
Your lips were painted red and you wore your usual boots and a leather jacket. Your regular hair was hidden behind a pink and green wig, courtesy of Max. A baseball cap and large sunglasses further hid your appearance. Though if somebody knew your face, the hat and glasses did nothing. There were multiple knives hidden on your body as well as a handgun tucked into your waistband and a pocket pistol in your, well, pocket.
As you walked into the cafe, Izzy, the auburn-haired florist, nodded to you. She had Botanokinesis, plant manipulation, so your supply of white roses was never low. Every once in a while, Izzy would take a job but she had told you she was very happy in her shop.
You noticed the Senator immediately. He still wore a suit and the sunglasses did nothing to hide his identity. There were two young women behind the counter and you suspected that the four other ‘customers’ were too buff not to be the Senator’s security. Anderson had his back to the door which meant you would have to get past his security to get out. You zeroed in on the black briefcase on the ground by his feet.
“Senator,” you greeted and sat down across from him.
“You can’t possibly be the one I talked to,” the asshole replied. “You’re just a girl.”
“Well of course I couldn’t be,” you rolled your eyes behind your heavily tinted glasses. “My boss is too busy and smart to meet you in public.” He didn’t notice your sarcasm. You pulled out the burner phone and showed him the messages as proof. “Now, I’m also busy so if we can get this over with?”
“Sure, darling.” He put the briefcase flat on the table and pushed it towards you.
“Open it.” Even though small boobie traps wouldn’t hurt you much, it wasn’t a piece of information you wanted to give him.
Anderson sighed and complied. Then you turned it around to quickly inspect the contents. One thousand one hundred dollar bills. Hello Mr. Franklin. You nodded in satisfaction and comically rubbed your hands together to inconspicuously grab a knife that was hidden up your sleeve.
“Thank you, Senator. That will be all.”
You closed the case, stood up, and plunged your knife deep into his left carotid artery. As his security descended upon you, you pulled the knife out and his neck satisfyingly squirted blood. The Senator collapsed with his hands clutching his wound desperately. The pool of blood rapidly grew underneath him.
The two baristas screamed behind the counter and the Senator’s security drew their guns. You flipped the small table for cover as bullets pierced the cafe’s window behind you. Perfect. Just a bit more.
You pulled out the handgun from your waistband and with practiced ease, shot three of the four goons. The last one got the bloodied knife to the face. You elbowed the already damaged window and it finally broke, raining glass down on you. Ignoring the small cuts, you jumped out of the cafe through the window as a familiar red and gold suit landed in front of you. Why the fuck were the Avengers here? What about Loki?
You darted into Izzy’s shop and she played her part well, screaming that you had run out the back when you had actually gone into the side room. You listened as the Avengers followed her directions. One person, maybe it was the Black Widow, stayed behind to help calm down the seemingly hysterical Izzy. If she wasn’t so happy at her shop and she didn’t want to work directly for you, she could be a great actress.
You rolled back the rug on the ground to reveal a metal trapdoor. You entered the code to unlock it and climbed down into the darkness. Behind you, you heard the trapdoor’s magnetic lock click back into place. Two centuries ago, you had tunnels dug underneath Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens for easy getaways. If you went… that way, you would end up in Sandra’s souvenir shop which was a couple of blocks away from your penthouse.
With a million dollars in one hand and a handgun in the other, you walked down the concrete tunnel.
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@kaithehero @liliannyah​ @andreasworlsboring101 @oatballsoffury​ @aberrant-annie
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1787americanrevnerd · 3 years
The Avengers (Student Body Government For S.H.I.E.L.D High School) Part 2/?
Chapter Summary: The Avengers have their first meeting and it turns to shit. Meanwhile, Yelena and Loki are facing the challenges of middle school and trying to take over the world.
Part 1
"This is the first meeting of the Student Council also dubbed, The Avengers, for no reason. And now the rules," Pepper started, "No gossiping, stay on topic, no subtracting from the population, no adding to the population, and please do not wind up in detention." Clint scoffed, "Okay, Mom." Pepper walked over to him, "Are you sass mouthing me?" Clint gulped, "No ma'am." You would think that it would be fine after that, however, you would be wrong. "You forgot one, we need to watch what we say or Rogers will attempt to give us a bruise," Tony said. Steve stood up, "I'll do a lot more than give you a bruise!" Tony stood up as well, "Please, you would have an asthma attack just from angrily walking over here." Sam put a hand on Steve's shoulder, "He's right man." Bucky put his hand on Steve's other shoulder, "I hate to say it but I agree with Wilson. Just let this one go." Bruce looked at Tony, "Exactly, Tony please stop saying mean things about Steve for no reason." Tony rolled his eyes and said, "Fine." Pepper looked between them, "Are you two done? Anyway, we have a new exchange student named Natasha Romanoff. Please try to help her if she needs it." Tony spoke again, "Why is she here? Everyone knows that she's just a pretty face." Natasha looked down, this is really how people thought about her? "Hey don't say that!" exclaimed Clint.
Tony and Clint started to bicker and Bruce was trying to break it up as everyone else started to talk and get on each other's nerves. It only took one phrase that had nothing to do with the conversation to get everyone to start yelling at each other. "Fuck you Barnes!" yelled Sam. "Like I give a damn what you think Wilson!" You can guess who yelled that. "Language!" yelled Steve. It was an inside joke with them, Steve's mom would always yell it at them. "Why shouldn't they let out their steam a little bit through cursing, Rogers?" Tony said. Steve had forgotten that the other people in the room wouldn't understand the joke. "Because then we would all be cursing messes TONY," said Pepper. "I agree with Ms. Potts, cursing should be saved for special occasions," Thor added. Bruce sighed, this was going to be a long day.
Meanwhile at the local middle school...
"Do you speak any English?" asked a frustrated Principle Valkyrie. "Я делаю но это смешнее (I do but it's funnier)" answered Yelena. Principal Valkyrie didn't speak any Russian nor did anyone else in the school. I'll stick with the first student I see, thought Valkyrie. The first person to walk by was no other than Loki Odinson. "Laki!" yelled Valkyrie. "It's Loki!" he yelled. "Anyway I need you to show Yelena around the school, I won't take no as an answer." Loki rolled his eyes and gestured for Yelena to follow him. "So do you speak any English?" he asked after a while. "I do, not very well though," she told him. "I like your vest," Loki told her. "Thank you, it has so many pockets to store things in," she said. "Like knives," Loki suggested. Yelena nodded, "Always be prepared for the worst."
"Why did you come to America?" asked Loki. "My older sister dragged me along," Yelena answered. "How much older than you is she?" Loki questioned. Yelena thought about it, "Four years, why do you have siblings?" Loki didn't answer immediately, "Yes I have a brother, Thor, who is four years older than me and I have a sister, Hela, who is seven years older than me." Yelena nodded, "Do you have any friends here?" She was interested because he was spending an awful lot of time talking to her. "Not really, I do have some friends outside of school but, I'm not the most likable person," he told her. "Well, I enjoy talking with you. Let's get to know each other, question one, what is the best way to kill someone?" Yelena said. Loki didn't even have to think about it, "Poison." Yelena groaned, "But that's no fun." Loki shook his head, "Think about it this way, I'm a man (most of the time) so if I used poison and didn't leave any tracks they would assume a woman committed the murder. And what do you think the best way to kill a man is?" Yelena answered, "Hit them with a car. Think about it if you drive away fast enough and no one saw you, and you ditch the car, you won't get caught."
They had asked each other a few more questions and it was mildly disturbing how much she knew about how to kill people, but who was Loki to judge. Yelena was nice, creepy at times, but nice. She was funny as well, today was the first time Loki genuinely laughed in a while. She was one of the first people to understand his dark humor jokes, and not tell him to go see a therapist. "How do you feel about ditching school?" he asked here. "It's the first day of school Loki! I'm in where do we go?" Yelena said. Loki thought about it, "I hear our older siblings are going to their new student council meeting, it's gonna be a shitshow." Yelena nodded and started to run down the hallway and out the door. "I would have been more subtle but," Loki mumbled as he walked out the door.
Back at the Ranch...
"Oh god fucking damn it, Steven!" yelled Tony. "It's not my fault!" Steve yelled back. "Yes, it is asshole!" Clint said. A helpful, "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh" was added by Natasha. "Can we all just calm down?" asked Bruce. "NO!" everyone yelled. "To be fair you're all acting like children," Yelena said from the back of the room. "Get out!" scolded Natasha. "No we want to see how it ends," Loki said. "How did you two even get in here?" asked a very confused Thor. "We have our ways," Yelena responded.
They all continued to fight until a voice decided to stop them, "You're all acting like idiots." A very annoyed Sarah Wilson had walked into the room. "You are aware that school ended five minutes ago right?" They all stopped fighting and started to mumble that they knew what they were doing. "You guys need to meet outside of school with all the time you waste arguing," Sarah added. She sighed, "Anyway I'm walking home Sam, James, Steve, Natasha, Yelena are you coming or what?" Tony's eyes widened. "Wait, Natasha and Yelena are staying with you?" Natasha scoffed, "No we're staying with the Barnes family anyway by, see you tomorrow."
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modestlyabsurd · 5 years
Reversed (Loki x Reader)
ahem, excuse me.
In a world where the genocide of 2018 was reversed and humanity was restored in full, there fought a team against all forces of adversarial motives. A broadened team; a team of heroes.
Including foes turned heroes.
Such was what Loki Odinson thought on a daily basis, especially at this moment.
The gifts bestowed upon him from his mother - a keen hindsight, superior knowledge, and even a bit of witchery - have allowed him a new perception of things. Well, and not to mention the time travelling thing that The Avengers finally figured out with their human technology. That contributed to his outlook as well. Otherwise he'd be dead - or worse.
Nowadays it's hard to imagine how life was then. The duties of being a true Avenger are more than enough to keep his mind busy. But from time to time it drifts off to that place. Like now. He supposes it always will.
He thinks of what state the universe was in, and albeit narcissistic, how it was his fault. How he tried to fix it in the only way he knew possible. And now knowing that his sacrifice those years ago would've inevitably been for naught, if hadn't been for them.
But in the same thought it fills him with an eternal sense of awe and gratitude that this team of somewhat gifted humans were able to successfully reverse it. That he, among half of humanity, lived to see another day. Another five years.
It is nothing short of a miracle.
He'd proven his gratitude by asking to be recruited in their team of good intentions. Make no mistake, it took swallowing every ounce of his pride to do so, which was no easy task. But alas, he's done it.
Echoes ... nothing but these strange echoes ...
Back and forth Loki's mind goes. Locked in place, imprisoned indefinitely, what more can it do? The weight of reality tends to sit heaviest at the most inconvenient of times.
The bitter truth is that half of humanity was eradicated in spite of him; his attempt at redemption, at reversing what he'd done. And it took the will of others to stop the madness. The helplessness; that's what still lingers.
Along with the pain.
It's all he can sense. It's all he can feel. He can't see, he doesn't have energy enough to decipher what he's hearing, and he cannot speak. Just his thoughts, and the pain. This evil, immobilizing pain.
How did I get here? he thinks, somehow conscious of the circumstance despite his current state.
It was some time ago. How long ago is inconceivable at the moment. But he does concentrate, and accesses the last memory in his mind.
"All units in position?" said Stark through their communication line.
"Copy that."
The exchange between Stark and Rogers brought Loki to high alert. He sits on the rooftop of a building half the height of the skyscrapers surrounding it. Exactly how he liked. High enough to see below, low enough to see above, and ideal for taking cover.
The wind blows through his ears, and for a moment he sees some amount of beauty in the setting New York sun. But only for a split second.
And only because you'd always spoke of it.
"Uh, hello - that was a question to all units. I need everyone to copy if you don't mind," Stark persists.
"Sorry! I copy," the Spiderling chirps.
"So do I," the Black Widow murmurs.
"Roger that," says the Winter Soldier, turned Avenger.
A second passes before Stark asks, "Clint?"
"Copy," he says.
"Alright - who am I missing? Uh ... oh! Y/N, do you copy?"
"Ten-four," your voice comes through, and Loki releases the breath held in his chest. "I still don't know why you're making me do this, I hate being the bait."
"Good, you can be the bait from now on." When there's silence in return, Stark softens his tone and says free of sarcasm, "Look, you're gonna be fine. All you have to do is put the moves on this guy, bring him to the car and lead him to us. If things get too serious, you know the code."
"Remind me of it again?"
"Dizzy. Just somehow in some context say the word dizzy and we'll be there before you know it."
Loki's shoulders tighten at the idea of things "getting too serious". It seems completely unfair to have someone without the same training to handle such a high caliber of criminals as the lure. Especially without him there - or, someone there, to assist.
But he doesn't make the rules, of course. To add insult to injury, he's charged with following the rules as well.
"I expect a bonus for this," you grumbled. "And you're still forgetting someone."
"You sure? I could've sworn that was everyone - " Stark pauses, clearly for dramatic effect, "Ohhhh, right. Silly me. Thor?"
Loki smirks. Yet another of Stark's frequent, petty jabs at him. The entire team was aware that Thor was currently in New Asgard organizing a new and proper government with the Valkyrie, Brunnhilde. (Which will of course require some fine tuning on Loki's part due to the brute irrationality that both of them act upon solely, but to worry over another day.)
He could practically hear you rolling your eyes through the line. "Loki? Are you in position?" you ask exasperatedly.
"As always, love."
"Ugh," someone groaned.
He smiles outwardly, where no one else could see. Yes, indeed, Loki was in love.
It was certainly one of the most beautiful things he'd ever experienced, yet the most painful. Never more so than in times as these, when you're put in danger.
Stark sighs dreadfully, "Alright, Agent Y/L/N. Whenever you're ready."
Loki watched from his aerial view as the luxury black vehicle begun to move through traffic. It was you, driving the car that Stark cared the least for.
That could be destroyed if necessary. He swallows.
At that moment Loki's memory cuts out.
... ugh! Echoes, but of what, exactly? These sounds are so foreign ...
Frustrated that pieces of the story are missing, but unable to do anything about it. All he is aware of are these faint, mechanical noises, and this undetermined amount of consciousness; and the pain.
Blackness. He suddenly becomes aware of the blackness surrounding him. He even tries to use his Seidr to possibly help, to no avail.
He thinks hard. Something happened, he somehow knows. Something happened to someone.
Slowly ... Another piece. A sound.
A voice.
Laced with fear and feigned sighs of passion.
"I'm feeling a little dizzy ... "
And after that, he remembers the feelings. the blur of adrenaline, the invincibility, the angst.
The feeling of his heart sinking and sinking until he finally found you, until he saved you from harm. The red anger upon seeing the source of harm and the second wave of unfiltered adrenaline as he sought to eliminate it; and then, nothing.
Nothing. He felt nothing, in an instant.
... The echoes are getting louder, clearer. A steady repetitive sound, grounding him to whatever piece of reality he had in his grasp. He now can hear the distant sound of voices - familiar voices, at least - but cannot make out what they're saying.
What in Odin's name is that noise?
He begins to hear it more and more and the smallest amount of light slowly pours through a tunnel, growing bigger and bigger and brighter; so bright it's nearly blinding - until it does indeed blind him.
No, Loki realizes, he is not blinded. But rather, he can see.
... beep ... beep ... beep ... beep ... beep ...
Oh, Norns. He'd rather be back dead. Or whatever he was just seconds ago. Back to a place where such a nuisance was light years away.
And Gods, this light ...
He can't see. But he can see. It hurts to look. In fact, everything hurts.
His eyes flutter before blinking the last bits of unconsciousness. The first thing he sees is a white ceiling, and he quickly he notices that he cannot move his head.
Both hands fly up to his head before a second thought passes by and the alarming sounds of whatever machinery he's surrounded by startle him even more, making him thrash his legs and head when a stinging pain spreads from his shoulder and a person leans over his body.
"Good to see you're awake," says Bruce Banner - who sounds like he's under water - holding a syringe as Loki relaxes into a chemical drowse. "You've been out of it for almost two days."
After relaxing his jaws, Banner hands him a cup with a straw sticking out of it. "That also means you haven't spoken in almost two days. This should cure that, and then after we can talk. In the meantime, I need to update Tony on your progress."
"Where - " Loki tries, but falls into a violent coughing fit as searing hot pain encases his neck and throat.
"What'd I tell you? Look, we'll explain everything later, I promise. But for now, don't talk - drink."
As Banner pulls out his phone, Loki hesitantly takes a sip from the cup. Lacking the capacity to argue anything further due to whatever Bruce injected in him, he finds the water to be quite soothing to the sore dryness in his throat. He feels it cooling him, from his mouth all the way down before it sloshes in his empty stomach.
"He's awake. ... Vitals are stable but I had to give him an inhuman amount of midazolam since he freaked out a little bit when he came to. ... Nothing adverse. ... Movement's properly restricted. ... Too soon to tell. I think he knows something, but I don't know what or how much. ... She doesn't know yet, she just left earlier to go home and shower. ... I know Tony, but she's gonna wanna know."
Loki cloudedly wonders who Bruce is talking about. He wished to be informed fully of what's happening, but the water is helping more than answers ever could at the moment. Somewhere distant, he notices some kind of contraption is wrapped around his neck and he feels it every time he swallows.
Oh well. It appears he's finished his cup anyway.
The Avengers have been so kind as to give Loki a hospital room with a television in it, complete with hundreds of channels on which all are speaking about the same thing - New York's New Hero. And apparently they have been for days.
Midgardians cling to the most ridiculous things. Anyone who goes into a tavern in a fit of love-driven madness to rescue their significant other and bring a band of terroristic criminals to the surface is deemed a hero.
Even if "anyone" is Loki Odinson.
More alert as the sedatives have begun to subside, he chews an ice cube and watches boredly as reporters speak of the events. News hasn't yet been released that he's awakened from his injuries but it's only a matter of time. He shudders to think of how the public will react to that. Like moths to a flame, he dreads.
Loki shakes the cup of ice to get another piece as Banner knocks and enters the room. "How you feeling?" he asks while washing his hands in the nearby sink.
He honestly wasn't sure how he felt. Ill? Tired? Slightly confused? Dead? Unable to articulate himself and frankly without energy enough to try, he shrugs.
Bruce pulls something out of the complimentary miniature refrigerator before asking, "Feeling good enough for pudding?"
Loki's brows knit together with suspect. Ready to interrogate Bruce, he tries yet again to speak but nothing more than a pitiful cough comes out. Bruce takes his ice cup and explains, "Y/N said that's what you'd likely eat first. She said you love pudding."
Y/N ... Y/N!
"Whe - "
Suddenly, three loud knocks come from the door before it bursts open and a frantic heaving figure emerges from the outside. Damp hair, disheveled clothing, duffel bag sloppily thrown over the shoulder.
"Y/N," Loki croaks.
You smile a huge, breathless smile.
"Hey," you finally breathe, dropping your bags and easing over to the hospital bed. Holding back tears as you see those bright green eyes open and alive, albeit drugged.
You instinctively take one of Loki's hands into both of yours, beaming. He's overjoyed as well, eyes smiling with what could only be love. A satisfied little grin. As handsome as ever, even in a hospital gown with dirty hair and a big, bulky neck brace.
"How're you doing?" you whisper.
Loki sighs, "Much better now."
Bruce respectfully gave the two of you a moment of privacy. As soon as the door shut, Loki squeezed your hand. "I missed you," he murmurs.
"Yeah," you laugh, "I missed you too." You really did, more than words can say. "I was so worried," you choke out, as the horror you've kept bottled inside from two days ago washes over you unexpectedly.
Loki slowly whispers, "What happened, dear? I haven't quite put it all together yet."
"What do you remember?"
"Most of everything leading up to ... how I ended up here."
That's good. You wouldn't have to go over the entire flop of a mission then. It wasn't actually a flop since the dudes lost, but considering the outcome you're left with here, pretty much a flop in your eyes.
"Well, you singlehandedly got me out of there, away from that creep of a criminal. You all got the rest, too - killed some, apprehended some - then as we were headed back to the quinjet, you fell forward on the ground and couldn't stand back up. You said you couldn't feel your limbs," tears do spill when you have to relive that moment.
Loki, absorbing the recollection, closes his eyes in devastation. Not out of self-pity, but out of heartbreak that you went through all of this. His lip quivers as he remembers.
"After they examined you in the quinjet, and then here, they found that you somehow reinjured the fractures in your neck from ... "
... No ...
"B-but, but that was reversed - "
"That's what I said too. But apparently, they couldn't undo the injury back then. They could only undo the outcome."
How? And why hadn't he been told before now? Loki's mouth opens and closes but forms no explanation. His eyes dart back and forth to search his brain for an answer, when he feels a warm droplet fall onto the back of his hand.
"Oh love, don't cry. I hate it when you cry," he cooes, cupping your wet cheek with one hand. He swipes the tears away with his thumb.
Looking up you meet his encouraging gaze, and can't resist resting your head in his hand. It's amazing how such a small gesture can make you feel so protected and loved.
"I'm sorry," you laugh nervously, pulling yourself together. "But y'know, look at the bright side. Now you're New York's New Hero."
Funny how the tables can turn.
Loki drops his hand and looks past you, "I don't feel like a hero."
"Well, you are one." You make him look you in the eye and whisper, "You're my hero."
In a matter of seconds a million things swim through Loki's eyes. Disbelief at your words, feeling unworthy, undeserving of you, yet gratitude, and adoration. In an even shorter instant he thickly swallows his emotions down against the neck brace.
It is quickly replaced with mischief.
"Come closer," he mumbles. You comply, questioning. "Closer," he says.
You do, and you're less than a foot away.
"Closer," he whispers again with lidded eyes. Now with you only inches away, he says it again. "Closer ... "
You can't help giggling at this point. Your noses touch, and you feel Loki's breath as he says, "I adore you."
Needless to say, you learned very quickly how to kiss him around a neck brace.
tag list: @sydneyss-worlddd @afinedilemma @fire-in-her-veinz @belladonnabarnes @drakesfiance @internetgremlin @dragon-chica @triggeredpossum @tarynkauai
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
< previous
Word Count: 750ish
Summary: The Team tries to understand why their teammate was taken.
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When the others had finally got in to the hanger, David, Jessica, and I were gone. They had to carefully walk around the place as they searched it, not knowing exactly where Hope and Scott were. Once all the guests were cleared, the rest came running in. Steve, Rocket, Scott, and Hope had all been laid out next to each other. None of them had woken up yet. Bucky was angrily pacing as Bruce was checking on the unconscious, and the others were at a loss of what to do.
“Where is she?” Pepper came running in. “Where’s my daughter?”
“Pepper,” Rhodey stepped up, his tone giving away what he was about to say.
“No.” She quickly shook her head. “With all of you here, how was she taken? How did that happen?!”
All of them tensed at her outburst. They all knew that they could have tried harder, could have done something more to protect me. But they were still confused as to why they wanted me so bad and why Ross had helped them. None of it was adding up. Before anything else could be said, Thor and Valkyrie marched in, dragging Ross with them. Bucky couldn’t stop himself, with his best friend unconscious and his girlfriend missing, his metal arm began whirling as he lunged towards Ross. No one stopped him. He grabbed Ross by his neck and slammed him into the wall.
“Where did they take her?!” He shouted.
“I don’t... k-know,” Ross struggled to get out.
“Why did they want her?”
“They... said they wanted to…” Ross’ eyes began fluttering shut from lack of oxygen.
“Barnes, put him down,” Rhodey ordered. “We need him alive in order to get any information from him.”
Bucky let his neck go. Ross slid down the wall, coughing. The heroes gathered around the man.
“Where’s my daughter?” Pepper furiously asked.
Ross didn’t dare met anyone in the eyes, rubbing his neck as he began speaking. “They came to me about a week ago, with their info on Bailey and proof that they were her real parents. They said they wanted to reunite their family, and that the gala was the perfect place to… I was hesitant. But they… They took her…” Ross met Bruce’s eyes.
“Took who?” Sam asked.
“Betty,” Bruce answered, sadly. “His daughter.”
“We lost each other when Thanos happened. I can’t lose her again.”
“Did they tell you what they wanted with her?” Bucky asked.
“No,” Ross shook his head. “And I didn’t ask... I feel bad for betraying Tony, but he would have done the same thing.”
“Tony wouldn’t have done the same thing. He wouldn’t have ruined an important night for you guys,” Pepper stated. “This was her night.” 
Pepper and Bucky looked at each other. They had talked about this night extensively, especially over the past week. They wanted this night to be the first real happy one since they defeated Thanos. The opening of a new chapter in everyone’s life’s. Pepper had planned on announcing that she was officially stepping down as CEO and appointing me. At the after party, surrounded by our Avengers family, Bucky was planning to propose. The box was in his jacket, now burning a hole in his heart.
“How come Bailey and I couldn’t get into your heads?” Wanda angrily questioned.
“This device.” Ross reached to the back of his neck and tugged, bringing forth a small device. “They’ve been working hard on it... they understood that they would need it in order to succeed in getting her.”
Shuri quickly swiped it from his hands. “I’m going to go look into this,” she told everyone, making her way out of the hanger.
“What’s the plan here, Barnes?” Rhodey asked, knowing that he would force his way to lead the group no matter what.
“Take him into an interrogation room,” Bucky ordered. “We need to get these four,” he motioned to the unconscious on the ground, “to the med-bay.”
The two Peters were quick to grab Ross and head to an interrogation room. Bruce, Drax, Strange, and Wong took the unconscious to the Med-Bay via portals. 
“I’m going to gather all the kids and start getting them ready for bed,” Laura stated.
“I’ll help,” Pepper said. She went up to Bucky and hugged him. “Keep me in the loop,” she whispered.
“Of course,” he replied. 
“Bring back our girl.” She let go and her and Laura went to gather the kids.
“Let’s pull up everything we can find on David and Jessica Richards,” Bucky ordered. “Swipe the place for DNA. We have to get her back.”
next >
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etherealwaifgoddess · 5 years
To Give Him The World, Chpt.1
Main Characters: Thor x Ellie (original female character)
Summary: Valkyrie needs someone to remind Thor of her expectations of him living in New Asgard again and Ellie jumps at the opportunity to reconnect with her childhood friend. Thor is confused but appreciative of her presence in his cottage. 
Warnings/ Content: None really in this chapter. Some self consciousness but that’s it. 
Word Count: 2k
Author’s Note:  Hello lovelies! I am so excited to share this fic with ya'll :) I started writing this back in June 2019, got about four chapters out, and honestly forgot about it in favor of other WIPs I had going at the time. I reconnected with it recently and finally have a mapped out plan for the characters so I wanted to start sharing it with you all while I finish writing it. It should be around six chapters or so and I'm going to try and post every few days, maybe every other if I get lucky. Chapters will also be posted over on my  AO3 and I’ll be throwing a Master List up on here shortly to keep track of things.
Love ya'll and thank you for reading! XOXO - Ash
To Give Him The World, Chapter One
Ellie struggled under the weight of the cleaning bucket she carried up the long, winding hill to the cottage. The supplies were packed into the large blue bucket and she hoped it would be enough. She hadn’t stepped foot in the god’s cottage before but she was warned it was in desperate need of help. Valkyrie had put her foot down upon Thor’s return; if he wanted to stay, he needed to keep the place clean and scale back on the drinking. It couldn’t be like the last time. Of course Valkyrie couldn’t be the one to remind him of that herself, no she had sent a messenger. Not that Ellie minded, she had volunteered to be the one to go. The other women who worked in the office were catty and Ellie couldn’t bear the idea of someone being unnecessarily cruel to Thor after already having so much pain in his life. 
Ellie’s mother had run the kitchens in the palace back on Asgard and she grew up playing with Thor and Loki. She hadn’t seen Thor in hundreds of years but she had heard the stories. Ellie had heard of his victories, and his great losses over the last few years. She mourned the death of his family as if they were her own. She knew what had become of him after The Decimation and her heart broke for him. Everyone had written Thor off as a lost cause after that but Ellie had hoped he would someday recover. Now that The Blip had occurred, and those lost had returned, Thor was back in Asgard again staying in the same dingy little cottage. Ellie wanted to go to him and offer anything he might need but she didn’t know him well enough anymore to do so. When Valkyrie had asked someone to go remind him of her expectations and help clean, she had jumped at the chance. 
Ellie’s muscles were aching by the time she reached the cottage door and she took a moment to steady herself before knocking. Her curly blonde hair whipped around her in the wind and she did her best to tame it and smooth down her sweater where it had ridden up. She wished absently that she had stuck to her last diet. Ellie had never been like the other thin, lithe girls in her classes. She had always been short and rounded where they were tall with sharp angles. In general she tried not to let it bother her too much but now, about to see Thor again after all these years, it added to her nervousness.  
Ellie steadied her breathing and knocked twice. After a few seconds with no sounds coming from inside the cottage she tried again, louder this time. Still no response. Ellie thought he might be out and decided she could at least get a jump start on the cleaning. She pushed the old wooden door open with a loud creak and was met by the scent of stale air and old beer. Ellie wrinkled her nose but entered, heading down the short hallway to the main room. She was confused to find the television on but noticed quickly that she was not alone. Slumped into a fading old reclining chair was Thor, fast asleep. His Xbox headset still on and a controller laid in his lap. He must have passed out while playing and based on the number of beer bottles littering the table next to him it was no wonder why. 
Ellie tried not to stare at his sleeping form. He was shirtless in only a pair of worn grey sweatpants, his long tangled hair lying all around him. It had grown quite a bit since the last time Ellie had seen him and she was surprised he was letting it get so long. His beard was in need of a trim too and Ellie wondered when the last time he’d showered was. He was clearly not taking care of himself, or the cottage, again. 
Feeling like a creep for staring, she pulled her eyes away from him and found her way to the kitchen. She set out her cleaning supplies and grabbed a large black trash bag to start picking up. Ellie did her best to keep quiet as she collected the discarded bottles and wrappers around the cottage and Thor continued to snore lightly in his chair. She found herself peeking over at him often, just to make sure she had not disturbed him or so she told herself. Carefully she crept around the house gathering all the trash that had accumulated amazed at how much there was. Ellie started scrubbing down the kitchen, wanting to get everything else done before she started on the living room since she would most likely wake him once she did. 
It took almost three hours but Ellie had the cottage cleaned and a third load of laundry started before Thor woke up. She knew she had made a mistake when she turned off the Xbox. It must have been playing some type of background music because the second it shut off Thor’s eyes snapped open. He looked around startled and confused before his eyes landed on her. “Who are you?” He demanded, his voice gravelly from sleep. 
“I’m Ellisandra. Ellie.” She stumbled over her words, nervous under his gaze, “Valkyrie sent me to-“
Thor groaned, “Of course she did. Listen, Lady Ellisandra, you do not need to waste your time here. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of the cottage.”
“It’s Ellie, just Ellie. And with all due respect, I’ve been here since one and have almost finished. I’d rather just finish up and then I’ll get out of your hair.”
Thor looked around the cottage, realizing the accumulation of trash was missing and the windows were opened, the mild October air blowing in. 
Ellie started rambling, nervous, “I saved the living room for last. I was trying not to disturb you. Everything else is done. Well, you still have one load of clothes in the dryer yet. But the linens and one load of clothes are all done and put away. If you’d like I can run out once I’m finished and get you some food for the kitchen. I noticed you don’t have much of, well... anything.” 
Thor stood up with a groan, rubbing his lower back and stretching. Ellie’s cheeks burned and she tried to look away. She might not be able to control her body’s response to him, but she was raised to be polite. Thor misinterpreted her reaction and the large god seemed to try and pull himself in, wrapping his arms around his middle. “I’m sorry la... Ellie. I know I’m not much to look at anymore. I’ll just go grab something to put on. You don’t have to stay, really.” 
“No!” Ellie’s cheeks burned brighter at her unintentional outburst and she rambled despite herself, “You’re fine. You’re stunning.” Thor raised an eyebrow and she realized she probably seemed like a rambling lunatic. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I should be cleaning. I’m so close to being finished it won’t take long. Just ignore me.” Ellie hurried back into the kitchen to grab the duster and avoid further embarrassment. It stung a little that he didn’t remember her but the last time they’d seen each other they were still children, just barely adolescents. She certainly couldn’t blame him. 
Thor found himself amused and interested in the flustered woman in his home. Stunning, he mulled over the word. No one had shown any interest in him in years and he was a little thrown off by it. He rubbed a rough hand through his wild beard and down the slope of his rounded stomach. He cursed at his own sloth and headed into the bedroom for a shirt. Amazed, he stood in the doorway taking in the room. He hadn’t realized how messy the cottage had become until it was all cleaned. The bed was made and smelled of crisp linen. There was no clothing or trash to stumble around as he crossed the room. His clothes were put away in the small oak dresser, his few other belongings laid on top with care. Thor pulled on a clean shirt and then noticed how dingy his pants were by comparison. Stripping down he changed into clean blue fleece pants and tossed the dirty ones into the wicker bin that now sat in empty the corner. He scowled at his reflection in the mirror, knowing nothing could be done right then about anything. Pulling his hair back from his face he went to find his unexpected visitor. 
He found Ellie stretching as high as she could to run the duster along the top shelf of the bookcase. Thor paused a moment at the doorway to take her in. She was at least a foot shorter than him and her shiny blonde curls cascaded down almost to the top of her jeans. Her cream colored sweater had risen up as she reached, giving Thor a glimpse of the pale, creamy skin of her lower back. He ached for a chance to run his hands down her curves and feel her skin beneath his finger tips. Thor scolded himself for looking at Ellie with need. She was here to help and he was all but leering. There was something about her though, something achingly familiar. Breaking himself from his thoughts he went over to her, taking the duster from her outstretched hand. “Here, allow me to help.” He offered. 
Ellie’s breath caught in her throat, only a small gasp escaping her lips. She felt cornered under his reach but not in a bad way. She slipped out of his way with a quiet thank you and watched as he finished the dusting. Ellie noticed he had changed and was glad she had gone ahead and done the laundry. It seemed a little intimate doing someone else’s wash but it needed done and made a huge difference in the bedroom. 
“Good as new.” Thor announced handing her back the duster. His smile was warm and it unnerved her a little. 
“Thanks for getting that. I’m a little vertically challenged.” Ellie wanted to facepalm herself at the bad joke. 
Thor chuckled, seeming to enjoy it. 
“I’ll just vacuum in here and then head out. I was going to the grocery store tonight for myself if you want me to pick up a few things for you while I’m there.”
“I appreciate the offer but I do not know how to cook so it would just go to waste.” 
“You never did spend much time in the kitchens. Not that my mother would have let you. But you might want to learn if you’re going to be living alone up here. I could show you a few things.” 
Thor thought for a moment and realization slowly dawned on him. “Ellie.” He said, the sound of her name on his lips so different than before. “You grew up in the palace with us. Your mother Idria was my mother’s head cook. It's been so long.” 
Ellie nodded, glad he finally remembered. “It’s been many years. I’m surprised you remember.”
“How could I forget? The palace was a lonely place but you made it a little brighter.”
Ellie struggled to conceal her joy. Clearing her throat she asked, “So, do you want me to get you a few things? I can teach you a few basics to help you get by.” 
He wasn’t particularly interested in learning to cook but more time with Ellie was too tempting to pass up. He nodded finally, “That would be nice. Thank you, Ellie.” 
“What kind of things do you like? Anything you hate?” 
“I don’t know. Midgard has very different things than Asgard. I’m not picky though.”
“Okay. Let me go to the store and pick up a few things and at least show you how to make dinner.” 
“I’ll be here.” 
Taglist lovelies: @thorfanficwriter @lancsnerd
If anyone else wants to be added just drop me an ask or message and I’ll include you on the Master List and future chapters :)
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mymarvelbunch · 5 years
Be Your Own Hero - Steve Rogers x Reader (part 6)
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Summary: You’ve lost all your family and most friends in The Decimation. Refusing to believe their deaths are permanent, you dedicate years to find a way to reverse it. Upon finding something that might help, you search for the Avengers’ help. It’s Steve Rogers x Reader, but in reality it’s mostly Badass!Reader. Also, Non-American!Reader.
Warnings: none!
Note: Y/Co = your country. Y/Ci = your city; Y/N/L = your native language.
Previously: “As I was saying... Tony and his new team managed to build that time machine.” You and Steve exchanged glances and smiled wide. From your side, you heard Danvers say, “Let’s get it started, then.”
Part Six
Two days later
Everything was surreal. You were surrounded by heroes: Iron Man, War Machine, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America, Thor, Captain Marvel, Valkyrie, Nebula, Rocket, Ant-Man... And you were among them. Part of the team, with a Quantum Suit and everything. Almost an Avenger yourself.
You took a couple deep breaths and brought yourself back to reality. The team was discussing how they’d get the Stones.
“Okay”, Natasha began, paper and pencil in hand. “First Stone, Space. The Tesseract. Let’s list all occasions in which one of us came in contact with it.”
“1945″, Steve said. “It was in Red Skull’s possession. I don’t remember if it was in the plane when I crashed it, though.”
“1995″, Danvers added. “My... mentor had kind of stolen it, and a reactor with the Stone inside exploded. My powers come from the it actually. And then Goose - an alien cat, if anyone’s wondering - swallowed it.”
“Well, your cat must have puked the thing, because Loki was after it in 2012, and it was back in SHIELD’s possession″, Barton said, seemingly undisturbed by an alien cat eating an Infinity Stone. “Then Thor took it to Asgard.”
Thor nodded. He already looked a lot better than when they found him. “It remained in Odin’s vault until we fled Asgard. Loki took it for some reason and... died trying to protect it from Thanos.”
A couple ‘I’m sorry’s were heard. “I don’t know when or how dad found it in the ocean”, Stark said eventually, “but I’m 90% sure it was already in SHIELD’s hand in the 70s.”
Natasha nodded slowly. “So, 1945, the 70s, 1995, 2012 and any time period between 2013 and 2017. Anything else?” Silence. “Okay, next Stone, Time.”
“Easy”, Stark said. “Strange.”
“Not always”, you replied. “He only became its guardian in mid-2016. It belonged to a woman before then. She lived in the same New York Sanctum, though, I think.”
“So we have pre-2016 and post-2016, same place, different guardians”, Natasha said. “Reality Stone?”
Thor adjusted himself in his chair. “It possessed Jane Foster in 2013. We took her to Asgard, so if we pick a place it’s probably the safest. Lady Sif was the one responsible for getting the Stone away from Asgard after that, since the Tesseract was already in our hands. Sadly, she only told its location to Loki, and both are gone.” He glanced at Rocket.
“Thanos took from Knowhere, from the Collector, I think.”
“Asgard in 2013 and Knowhere after that, then”, Natasha said. “Next, Mind Stone.”
“Loki’s scepter from 2012 to 2015, when it was put in Vision’s head”, Stark summarized.
“That scepter was in HYDRA’s hands for quite some time, though”, Steve added. “It was how Wanda and Pietro got their powers.”
Natasha nodded. “Power Stone.”
“Morag, 2014″, Rocket said. “That’s when Quill stole it. Then we left it in Xandar for safety. Didn’t end up so well, but the Stone can be found there until... well, I wouldn’t risk 2018, so 2017.”
“Anything else? Nebula? Carol?” Both women shook their heads. “Okay. Soul Stone.”
“Vormir”, Nebula said. “It was supposedly a mystery, but Gamora somehow found out and told Thanos so he’d stop torturing me.” Her robotic face let her guilt clear.
“Thanos killed Gamora, though”, Stark added. “Didn’t he? Isn’t that why Quill punched him back in Titan?”
Nebula nodded. “Yes. Thanos took Gamora to Vormir. Came back with the Stone, without her. The Stone had been there until then.”
Natasha nodded. “Guys, I think we have a plan. There are three Stones in New York in 2012: Time, Space and Mind. Three Stones in other planets in 2014: Power in Morag, Reality in Knowhere, Soul in Vormir. Alternatively, we can travel to 2013 to get Reality instead. What do you think, guys?”
Everyone began to nod, much to your surprise. There was a fatal flaw in that plan. “Guys? Aren’t we forgetting something here? Thanos killed his daughter in Vormir and came back with the Soul Stone. Doesn’t that ring any bells?”
Rocket snorted. “Thanos didn’t care for any lives aside his own. He probably killed Gamora so she’d never tell anyone else about Vormir.”
Nebula shook her head. “Y/N has a point. Gamora was Thanos’ favorite. He never killed me, who he always despised and saw as inferior. He wouldn’t kill my sister if he didn’t deem it absolutely necessary.”
“He did say he was forced to kill her in Titan”, Stark added.
“See?”, you said. “Besides, the Stone’s named Soul. What if you need a soul to get it? That would explain all the secrecy behind its location.” You stood up. “No, there must be another way to get that one. A way that doesn’t risk lives. That’s what you said, right, Stark? We won’t risk lives.”
Stark nodded and stood up too. “Yes. I agree with Y/N. However, the only other times any of us has seen the Soul Stone are after Thanos gets it. Nebula and I saw it in Titan... that’s it!”
Everyone turned to Stark, who turned to Nebula. “Nebula, remember when we almost took the Gauntlet off Thanos’ arm?” She nodded. “If we manage to go to that specific point, we can at least get our hands on the Soul Stone, if not on the whole Gauntlet. And Strange was still in possession of the Time Stone, meaning we could just ask him. That way we don’t have to find out if getting the Soul Stone in Vormir requires sacrifice or not.”
Smiles could be seen all over the room. Banner was the first to speak after it: “Well, we shouldn’t send Stark and Nebula there, though. It might be confusing, and we can’t afford wasting time with that.”
“That’s an easy choice, honestly’, you said. “Send Danvers, Thor, Valkyrie and you there. You four have more than enough power to help the guys.”
“Lady Y/N is right”, Thor said, standing up. “I may not be in my best condition, but with Stormbreaker I can help stopping Thanos. I know exactly what to do this time.”
Valkyrie and Danvers agreed. Banner asked to stay away from the fight, and everyone conceded. The trio suited up. Stark and Nebula set the timer and described the scene they’d find. “Remember”, Stark said, “you have to get at least the Soul Stone. All the others can be safely found in other timelines, though it would save us a lot of work if you managed to get more. If possible, try to ask Strange for the Time Stone. He surely knows what we want to do with it.”
“Be safe”, you added.
“Look out for one another”, Steve added as well. You two exchanged glances.
They nodded, and Banner activated the time machine. “3... 2... 1...”, and they disappeared. After a minute, they came back, puffing. It was Danvers who spoke up first, excitedly. “We got two of them! Soul and and Reality!”
Valkyrie spoke second, huffing. “There was no way to ask the wizard for the Time Stone. Everything was a mess.”
Along with Thor, they told how they didn’t reach Quill in time to stop him punching Thanos, so it was a tough fight to get close to him. It was Danvers who got hold of the Soul Stone, while Thor grabbed the Reality Stone. Valkyrie managed to knock Thanos unconscious, allowing them to adjust their timers to get back. Strange was busy using the Time Stone to fight, so they weren’t able to get it from him.
“Well, we avoided the most complicated ones”, Natasha said. “No potential sacrifice to get the Soul Stone and no attacking Jane Foster to get the Reality Stone.”
“Damn, that one would have been awkward”, Rhodes commented. “Okay, now we need to get Space, Mind, Time and Power Stones. Do we stick to the original plan?”, he asked, looking at you.
“I don’t see why not”, you replied. “Like Natasha said, the worst part is over. By the way, Thor, Valkyrie, Danvers, you can rest. It should be easy from now on.”
Oh, how naïve you were.
Since they planned on getting the Space and Mind Stones mid-Battle of New York, it would be best to send the original Avengers, who knew where and when to be. Banner was voted out, thanks to his new looks, and Thor was left to rest. Natasha, Steve and Clint would go, along with Scott, whose powers could be useful. Stark and Rhodes would head to 2017 to negotiate the Time Stone with Strange, since no one knew how the previous guardian would react to them. You and Nebula would head to 2014 Morag to retrieve the Power Stone.
“I mean, when else will you be able to go to space?”, Steve said, making you smile wide. You were so excited Nebula asked for a delay for you to calm down.
Banner and Rocket would stay behind to coordinate everything. Rocket didn’t want to travel in time again, after being the one to test the machine. After a minute, you managed to get yourself back together. The eight of you gathered around the platform. Steve was responsible for the pep talk:
“Three years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Whatever it takes. Good luck.”
You and Natasha smiled at him. Scott praised him, and Barton laughed for the first time since you’ve met him. “See you all in a minute”, Natasha said, excitement clear in her voice and body language.
You felt dizzy as you spiraled inside the Quantum Realm, but, before you could blink, you were already out. You found yourself in a purple desert planet, with no sign of life except for a temple-like building. It was a disappointing sight, so you simply turned to Nebula and asked, “Is the Power Stone inside that place?”
She nodded and you followed her. She pulled you to hide behind some sort of ruin. Confused, you followed her gaze to find a masked human-like being singing and dancing around with a gun.
“Do you know who he is?”, you asked. The song sounded familiar.
“Peter Quill”, she answered in a whisper. “Half-human, half-something I can’t remember. He’s the one Tony said to have punched Thanos when we heard he killed Gamora.”
“Oh”, you said. “Okay.” You kept watching. “He needs to take some dancing classes.”
“He’s an idiot”, she deadpanned.
“Oh c’mon, he’s not that bad. And his taste in music is good.”
Nebula rolled her eyes at you and stood up. “We can’t wait on him forever.” That said, she shot him in the head. “He’s going to be unconscious for an hour. Let’s go.”
Relieved that the poor guy wasn’t dead, you followed her inside the building. The Power Stone was in the center, covered by an orb-thing, on some sort of alter, with no protection whatsoever. “Are you sure we’re not walking into a trap?”
“Quill took the Stone effortlessly. All he had to face was some Krees.” As she said that, Nebula walked straight to the altar and extended her hand to grab the orb. Her cibenetic arm burned, but she managed to grab the orb before it fell apart. You two looked at each other in the eye. “I wasn’t always like this”, she offered, as if the sight of her arm was something to fear.
“We live with what we’ve got, I guess”, you replied, smiling. “I hope you didn’t feel pain, at least.”
“Pain distracts you from battle”, she said. “Thanos only allowed me to feel pain if he was the one inflicting it, so... no, I didn’t feel pain.”
“Sounds like a comfort to me.”
She didn’t answer, but you could see a ghost of a smile in her lips. She placed the orb in her pocket and you two suited up again. “Okay”, you said, “3... 2-”
You interrupted yourself as Nebula fell on ground, looking like she was convulsing. You heard the Pym Particle bottle from her suit break. “Nebula!”, you shouted as you reached her, kneeling before your teammate. “Are you okay?”
As if answering your question, her cibernetic eye projected something. It was Nebula herself, standing by Thanos’ side, with another female-like alien. “Gamora”, you heard your Nebula say.
The conversation between the three was clear: they knew Future Nebula was there and had time traveled. Also that she wasn’t on Thanos side anymore. They wanted to get her.
“This is not a live projection”, Nebula said, standing up. You stood up as well. “They must be already on their way here.”
“Then switch your timer with mine”, you replied. Nebula turned to you with wide eyes. “You can’t be taken, Nebula. What if they send past you to fool our friends? If anyone is kidnapped, it’s got to be me.”
“I can’t let you fall into his hands. You will die.”
“So will you!”, you shouted. “My mission is done, Nebula. I did everything I could to bring my family back. But yours isn’t. Go back with the Stone and make our wish.” A huge noise was heard. “They’re here, aren’t they?” Nebula nodded. You took your timer off and gave it to her. “Go!”
Reluctantly, she took it and gave her broken timer to you. “I’ll come back for you, Y/N. We don’t risk lives.”
“Bring everyone back first”, you screamed, trying to be heard in the midst of the noise. Someone was entering the temple. “Only then you come back for me. Now go!”
With no hesitation this time, Nebula left. Still suited up, you grabbed a knife Natasha gave you and stabbed your new timer. It was the last thing you did before everything went black.
Cliffhanger! You thought everything would be easy? hahahahahaha
I had thought of this part long before I started writing this imagine, and it was the one I was looking forward too the most, due to the major changes made.
Part 7 won’t be told from the reader’s POV, but from Steve’s (and probably Nebula’s). We go back to reader’s POV on part 8!
Edit: I fixed a small detail on parts 6 and 7. Originally I had the Mind Stone being collected in Titan, but it was the last Stone Thanos got, on Earth. I made minor corrections so it would fit movie canon in this aspect.
Taglist (open!): @autobotgirl15-blog​ @starstrucknature @cheeseburgersstuff​ @aamzter2013
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Eating Crow
Title: Eating Crow
Rating: M
Author: ckoehlrbm
Prompt: Imagine Loki faking his death in order to go undercover.
Chapter: 1/? (Four intended chapters, but we all know what they say about intentions.)
Note: Please be kind. This is my first multi-chapter Loki fic. I have submitted several imagines and some one-shots, but fingers crossed our Emerald King will behave just slightly for me while writing this!
Chapter One: Breaking
Air wasn’t supposed to taste like it burned, but this did. It prickled at the skin as she reached out desperately, trying to stop the inevitable.
She had once watched a quarter balance on its side at the entrance to a sewer. Spinning and tantalizing, she knew instinctively she had no hope of catching the quarter, even at her small size. She was seven and closer to the ground than the grown man who had dropped the coin, but as it wobbled ever so carefully, she knew it would fall.
Even as she reached out to Loki now, she knew he would fall. She wasn’t tall enough to stretch to reach him, even as she screamed for him to hold on. Give her one more moment. She could almost brush her fingers against his. Don’t fall. Please don’t fall. She was almost there….
The snap of her spine widened her eyes as she heard it. She tried still to reach but she could no longer see Loki’s fingers….
  Alys woke with a scream of “NO! LOKI!” and tried to bolt upright, forgetting for a moment that she no longer had that ability. It was lost to her as much as her legs were lost to her. She felt cold enter her heart again and the desire to weep was present, but the soul-deep need to cry was absent. It had been for a long while now. She had learned a valuable lesson.
You could love someone so hard that their absence rendered your soul into a pile of shreds and every breath hurt…. But you could live with that hurt.
That fateful day, a sword of one of the ancient dead had severed her spine, narrowly missing her esophagus and stomach. That hadn’t hurt so much as knowing that she had failed Loki, failed to be there the one time he truly needed her. As Hela’s troops had overrun the Bifrost, slaughtering Asgardians, she had been focused on saving him and she had failed…
And countless souls had perished for her efforts. Not that anyone was as crass as to openly blame her for the deaths that she had not prevented.
Thor had been her companion during her recovery, lifting her to and from bed as needed. The blond giant of a male had cradled her in those too-large, seemingly too-clumsy hands as if she were a precious bird and murmured about how he would always be around to help the sister of his heart. That surely Valhalla awaited her and the Valkyries would shake before her might.
Tony had designed her wheelchair thanks to a partnership between Stark Industries and an Israeli tech firm that permitted her to fight on her feet if she needed to. Her house was now a smart house, powered by the same tech that fuelled the Stark Industries building in Manhattan, and completely disabled friendly. Tony had sent in crews of workmen to make sure that she had every available comfort once she was discharged from the hospital.
Rhodey had been a guardian angel and punched the guy who called her a ‘rapeable freak’. Which was partially Rhodey’s fault since he had set up the date, but Alys didn’t blame him for other people’s idiocy. An ableist was going to be an ableist, an asshole would be an asshole.
Pepper… Pepper Potts was God’s own personal assistant. She managed everything, found live-in help, made sure maintenance was done, that Alys’ stipend from being ‘Avenger support staff’ wasn’t terminated when she was disabled, coordinated Alys’ medical care, arranged for interviews with world-class surgeons on the incredibly generous Stark Employee Health Plan, found a therapist for her to speak with when grief and hopelessness had spiraled Alys into a suicide attempt…. Pepper Potts deserved sainthood for the way she simply handled everything and then hugged you so tight that you almost couldn’t breathe for the feeling of being home.
Wanda had taken time to make sure she ate. There were soups, native Sokovian foods, some things that Vision had helped the young woman make. They were still frequent guests and most welcome. Wanda never made her feel helpless and Vision was careful to state that she was still Alys, even if she couldn’t walk. She didn’t need legs to use her brain and be herself.
Natasha gave her physical therapy to make sure her legs didn’t fully atrophy. Alys had not seen the point and had verbally expressed a wish to kick the Russian assassin numerous occasions when she felt pain from her legs being moved around. Natasha had been quick to tell her that even feeling pain was a good sign that perhaps there could be some recovery of movement. They had cried together the first time she moved her big toes, celebrating with ice cream and a rousing rendition of ‘Wait For It’ from the Hamilton musical. Of course, they had done that DURING the show, which the cast had not exactly appreciated until Tony had cleared up the misunderstanding. After that, Alys had a standing invite to join the show during matinees.
Steve had been a sweetheart the entire time, but never more so than the first time she had tried to get out of the tub by herself and ended up falling face first in the bathroom. She had screamed her frustration, weeping helplessly because she could not get into her wheelchair when it was RIGHT THERE! She should have been strong enough to do this SIMPLE task, but she wasn’t. Her legs were laying behind her like limp noodles.
The super soldier had entered the bathroom and blushed at her nudity before handing her a robe and helping her get situated on the edge of the tub. Then, with as much care as Thor, he lifted her, bypassed the wheelchair, and took her straight to her bedroom, sitting her at her vanity. “You know, there was a girl with polio in the apartment next to my mother’s. I would watch her and do her hair at times. I learned that women never feel quite right unless their hair is on point.” That said, he snagged her brush and began to comb out her brunette locks until they shone before braiding them deftly and tying it off with a green ribbon.
She smiled at the fond memories of her team putting the pieces of her back together. They had done what had seemed impossible at one point. She originally had not wanted to live in a world where Loki wasn’t there. They had persevered and won her over, though, and now she could not imagine anything else.
Alys rose for the day and with the help of her live-in aid, Brigid, bathed, dressed, and cooked her morning meal. There was a serenity in knowing that she wasn’t alone, that if she fell out of her chair there was someone there…. That her team was a shout away, that FRIDAY was watching out for her.
There was a knock on the door and Alys frowned. She wasn’t expecting anyone…. She looked at Brigid who shrugged and went back to tending the start of the evening pot roast. Alys eyed it to make sure it was large enough for everyone they were expecting before gesturing silently to Brigid to get the other one out as well. If Banner made an appearance, they would need more food.
When the brunette opened the door, she couldn’t help but stare. This could not be happening. Not again. Not when she had worked so hard to get beyond this…
Green eyes stared at her in adoration, black hair was smoothed back and flowing loose down his back. He was bittersweet trouble like dark chocolate ice cream- delicious temptation.
Alys felt herself tremble as she gazed up at him, felt the burn of tears even as she shook her head. “No. Not this. Not this dream. Please. Sweet merciful gods, not this dream….”
“My queen, my love, what dream?”
Her breath came faster and she closed her eyes, trying to regain control. She had to remember what Dr. Finklestein said. The dreams were because of the trauma. The trauma was because she had lost him so quickly. The loss still affected her, even five years later. She needed to breathe and find her center so she could exit the dream.
“You died, Loki. That day on the Bifrost. You died, my love. I’m so sorry. I know I was supposed to try to save you, but I couldn’t. This is a dream and Dr. Finklestein says that they should not still be occurring. I need this to stop, Loki. Oh, my love... “ She was rambling, even in her own head. There was so much to tell Loki, to let him know, to affirm her love still burned…
The tears were flowing down her cheek and she could taste the salt of them. They were bitter, but she could not stop them. Her arms came around her body even as her chair moved back, away from the door. She was allowing him in, even as she screamed for Brigid.
The nurse was a tall red-head, frizzy haired, friendly, bright, and personable. “Miss Crow? Are you well?”
“Brigid, this is a dream. It has to be. It’s a dream. Wake me. I can’t wake up. Please. It’s not real. He’s not here. I know he’s not here.”
“Miss Crow, you’re hyperventilating. It does look like we have a guest. Breathe for me. Slow. An eight count, miss. In, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…. Hold, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight… Out, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight… Again, Miss Crow.” Thus being distracted by the order to simply breathe, she listened to Brigid turn to their guest.
“And who are you to so upset Miss Crow? Do you know who she is? This is Alys Crow, hero of Asgard, personal friend to the Avengers! She has Tony Stark and King Thor on speed dial. Do we need to call them?”
Loki’s voice was darkly amused, sweet sinful velvet. “You could call my brother or the Man of Iron, but neither of them could keep me away from my queen. In fact, do call the Man of Iron. Call my brother. Both of them know I am here.”
Alys’ brain was racing. This was looking more and more like a reality. A reality where Loki lived. Where Loki publicly called her queen rather than whispering it heatedly in her ear as he commanded her body like a king. Thor and Tony both knew he was here?
How had this happened?
The answer came to her so quick that she could not bottle up the rage that flooded her body. She reached out, grabbed a Waterford vase and threw it at Loki as hard as she could. “You lying BASTARD!” she screamed out as crystals shattered around Loki. “You lied to me! TO ME?! You DARED! LIE! TO! ME!”
He was staring at her like he had never seen her before. More specifically, he was staring at her chair. The look on his face was horror and Alys felt her heart shatter even further.
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controloffandoms · 5 years
Other Ways to Have Fun (T.O.)
Prompt: For Jordan’s Title Challenge, “Other Ways to Have Fun”
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Stark!reader
Words: 1995
Warnings: Slight Endgame spoilers, Past!Major Character death, slightly depressed reader for a while
Notes: Not Thor centric at first, but it will get there.
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You were tasked with watching the teenager that was brought on to the team, Peter Parker. After Tony had sacrificed his life to stop Thanos and everyone had been brought back from being turned to dust, the Avengers had been reinstated with new and old members. The only thing with the new members was that they needed to be watched and trained, especially a certain teenager. That’s where you come in. Sam had asked you to watch over the young Spider to make sure he didn’t get into too much trouble. 
Not only were you watching over Peter Parker but the mighty Thor. Yes, Thor could take care of himself, but after half the population had been turned to dust (you included), he had fallen into a deep depression and gained lots of weight. It was you job to help him get back into shape. Now, you may be thinking how in the world do you keep watch of both of the heroes...well, the answer is simple, you live with them. 
You had built the new Avengers compound where the heroes would come to train and meet up for missions. You had built bunk areas and a monument to Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers. The bunk areas were more like apartment areas. How did you do all of this, you ask? When Tony died, you and Pepper became the beneficiaries of the money he had made throughout his life-not to mention the money you were gifted after your parents died. Why did you become a beneficiary? Tony was your older brother. He taught you everything you know about engineering and inventing.
You stepped back from the stove in the common area, sighing. You wiped the tears that fell. You had just gotten back to Tony and then he had to stupidly sacrifice himself before you could even hug him properly. You didn't even know you had a niece until after the battle. Morgan...she looked exactly like her father. While you loved seeing her, you couldn’t help but feel depressed knowing that her father, you brother and best friend, was gone and was never coming back...finally resting.
“(Y/N), you okay,” you jumped at the voice, turning to see Peter. 
“Hey kid. I’m good, just having a little think about things. Your Aunt May still coming by for lunch?”
“She said she was bringing a pie because she didn’t want to feel like a freeloader. Morgan and Pepper on their way?”
“Should be here soon. Is Thor up yet?”
“Yes, Lady (Y/N). The delicious smell of what you are making has drawn me from my quarters.” You turned to look at Thor and gave him a small smile. He was losing weight, slowly but surely. You were proud of him.
“Do we know of anyone else who’s planning on coming? I want to make sure there’s enough food for lunch.” You went back to the stove, putting the finishing touches on one of the dishes being made. “Did Valkyrie get back to you, Thor?”
“She is busy running Asgard and will be unable to get away. Barton and Barnes are out on a mission. Sam is who knows where. The others are all out, I believe,” Thor and Peter began to set the table. 
As the food finished, your other guests arrived. “Auntie (Y/N),” Morgan launched herself at you. Thankfully you had prepared for her attack.
You gave her a bone crushing hug, swinging her around for good measure. “Little Light,” you exclaimed, “I’ve missed you, Bug.” You set her down, bringing Pepper into a hug as well. “You’re looking good. Everything been alright?”
“It’s still a work in progress. I miss him as I know you do, but we get by and Morgan gets me through the day most days.” You nodded as she gave you a small, sad smile that you reciprocated. “How are your charges,” she asked as she looked to the two playing with Morgan. 
“Thor’s doing really well. I know it’s still hard for him, but he’s pushing through. I’m proud of him.” You took a second to send Thor a genuinely happy smile as he looked over at you and Pepper, which he returned. “Peter at least listens to me. He took T’s death pretty hard, but I think we both sort of helped each other with it. He doesn’t go off on his own and cause trouble and I usually accompany him on patrols just to make sure.” 
“You look like you’re settling in well. The building looks great...the statue of Tony is-it’s beautiful.”
You and Pepper looked at each other for a moment, both caught up in memories. “I imagine this is how T felt after the kid and I turned to dust six years ago...but this feels more finalized,” you sighed, “there’s no chance of getting him back.” You turned back and walked into the kitchen, fighting back your tears. You wouldn’t cry...not today. Today was supposed to be fun.
You wiped a stray tear away as you heard Peter’s excited chatter and assumed either his Aunt had arrived or he and Morgan were having a debate. “Wow, this is a beautiful facility. I’ll have to visit more often,” May called from the entrance of the kitchen.
You gave a soft chuckle, turning to her and giving her a hug. “You can visit any time you like. I know Peter would enjoy that.”
“Oh Hon, no tears today unless they’re happy tears. I know this is the anniversary of that day, but we all decided to do this to celebrate his memory, not mourn,” she brought you back into the hug, and you gladly accepted it. You sucked in a breath, willing the dam holding back your tears to not break.
You let out a shaky breath as you separated from the hug and gave her a small smile. “Let’s celebrate. Tony would be making fun of me by now.”
Four Hours Later
You hurried back down the hall. You had all of the videos in your hands. You had finally found all of the outtakes of Tony when he was building the Iron Man suit. “Okay, I have been compiling these since last year. I thought that we could watch Tony as he tested out the Iron Man suit sixteen years ago.” 
“You found them? I thought he’d destroyed the evidence,” Pepper laughed. 
“Nope,” you smirked. “I’m his sister, of course I have backup files.”
You set the first one in, smiling as you saw Tony interacting with Dumm-E...you missed the little robot. He had been both yours and Tony’s best friend for the longest time. You sat back down next to Thor, leaning into his embrace. He was the only one able to give you the strength to get through the day. He happily pulled you closer, setting a kiss on your forehead.
Thor’s laughs completely shake you which makes you laugh even harder. Thor allows his hand arm to lower to your waist, bringing you even closer to him. You couldn’t deny that it made your heartbeat a little faster. You’d always had a soft spot for the god. He was caring, fun, hilarious, and good looking-even if he had gained some weight.
You placed your arm over his chest, snuggling into him even more. He sighed with contentment. You smiled and watched as Tony blasted himself into a car. You winced in sympathy. When you had been making your glider-which was essentially a hoverboard-you had the same result as Tony in you trial runs.
You had to laugh at the face Tony made when Dumm-E rolled over and started to spray him with the fire extinguisher even though there was no fire. “Morgan, that robot was named Dumm-E, he was your father’s best friend for the longest time. He was always dependable and he did make mistakes but he was always there when Tony needed him.”
“What happened to Dumm-E?”
Your smile dimmed. “Tony relocated Dumm-E and a little while after he did, a bad man blew up the facility where Dumm-E was located.” You sighed, “I half expected Dumm-E to come out of the rubble with a fire extinguisher, but he had been crushed.”
“Do you think we could build Dumm-E-II,” Morgan asked as she looked at you with big eyes.
You felt yourself nodding before you came up with a verbal response. “Sure thing, Bug.” 
The Next Day
You carefully removed yourself from Thor’s embrace. Everyone had ended up falling asleep watching home movies of you and Tony along with some later videos of the Avengers and what not. You paused the television, smiling sadly as you looked at Tony’s bright smile. 
You wiped at your eyes, determined to not cry. You had planned to have a relaxing day filled with fun activities, but looking at the picture of your brother on the screen, all you wanted to do was be alone and cry your eyes out. 
Slowly arms encased you from behind. He rested his head on your shoulder. “There are other ways to have fun today, Lady (Y/N).” He knew your plan for today. It was packed so you wouldn’t have to think much about your brother. 
You turned in Thor’s embrace, wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his chest. “I don’t want to disappoint anyone,” you mumbled.
“You will not disappoint anyone. It is not just them that are in pain, but you as well. Stop putting everyone else ahead of your own needs.”
“I’m not good with that thinking, Thor.”
“Then I will help you much like you have helped me.”
Halfway through the day, Thor had gotten you away from everyone else. He wanted to show you something. You followed him blindly...you trusted this man with your life. He brought you out of the compound and down a path through the trees. After walking a short distance, he turned to you, a huge smile on his face. “I am going to have to ask you to close your eyes. I promise to not let you fall.”
You did as he said. He came behind you and carefully led you a couple more feet. Slowly he took his hands from your eyes. “Open them.”
You gasped as you were met with a clearing full of beautiful flowers. “Thor-how-how did you find this?” You waded out into the flowers, smile getting wider as the time ticked on.
“I was out on my daily walk and stumbled across the clearing. I thought that you would like it here and that it could give you some happiness today.” He walked over to you smiling. He wrapped his arms around you as you looked at all the beauty.
“I don’t need flowers to make me happy Thor. All I really need is to have you around. You never let me stay in a bad mood. Simply seeing you with a smile on your face makes me happy,” you whisper as if talking any louder would disturb the peace and tranquility of the clearing. 
A kiss was pressed to your cheek and he carefully turned you around. “You make me the happiest I have ever been, Lady (Y/N). Seeing you each day brings a smile to my face. I hope I am not being too forward, but would you allow me to take you on a midgardian date?”
Your smile brightened at his words. “I would love to go on a date with you, Thor.” You leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “And thank you for sharing the clearing with me.”
He leaned in and pressed another kiss to your lips. “Anything to bring that smile to your face.”
“Keep kissing me and there will be a permanent smile on my face.”
“I see you are taking my advice that there are other ways to have fun.”
Forever Tags
@miraclesoflove @avengersss-assembleee @way-ward-whale @gracearchives @san-penedo
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tonaathena1996 · 5 years
Lokane Infinity War Fixit
Author’s Note: So I’ve had this idea churning since I saw Infinity War and certain theories started floating around. This may or may not continue. Or if anyone finds inspiration in this and wants to write on...be my guest.
When Loki awoke, the disorientation he felt was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Nausea knotted his stomach while tension coiled in ever cell of his body.
Had it worked? Had he used the Knowledge given by the Tesseract to transport himself back in time? Had he been able to complete the spell before Thanos had snapped his neck?
His neck. Loki ran his fingers along the bare skin to find it unexpectedly normal. No pain. No swelling. No indication that mere seconds ago he’d been struggling to breathe.
Upon moving his arm, something else unexpected occurred. He felt a soft and warm body beside him. Glancing down, he noted the chestnut colored hair draped over the female’s shoulders, hiding her face from his view.
All things being considered this was exactly how he pictured Hel nor Valhalla. In fact, it all felt maybe a bit too real.
“Where am I?”
When the female beside him raised her head, Loki was more than a little shocked to recognize her, “What have we here?”
Jane Foster smiled before speaking softly, “It’s happened again, hasn’t it?”
“You died. Again,” She frowned, “How did Thanos kill you this time?”
“How about we start with something a little more pertinent to this moment?” Loki suggested, “Why are we in bed together?” He asked as he looked over her body appreciatively, “Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”
Jane laughed, “I never get used to how genuinely amazed you are every time this happens. Not to mention that seductive grin you throw my way like it’s the first time you’ve seen me naked.”
“It is,” He assured her as she crawled on top of him. He wasn’t about to argue. If this was Valhalla, he would be more than happy to enjoy it.
Jane frowned slightly as she sat up, “You really haven’t seen me naked, have you?”
“No, but I’m enjoying the view now,” He admitted as he gripped her waist and sat up to close distance between them, “Where am I?”
“Home,” She declared firmly, seizing his cheeks in her hands, “You’re home.”
“This is not...” Loki looked away from her to actually study his surroundings for the first time.
His chambers on Asgard.
“How?” He seized her arms in a painful grip.
Jane winced only slightly at the pain, “It will take some time to explain.”
“Start,” He ordered while he adjusted his grip.
“How did we meet?” She asked him innocently.
“I’m asking the questions.”
“I need to know where to begin this story. Each time this happens, it’s a different version of you that arrives. I have to admit. I’d grown rather attached to the last you. He was here almost four years.”
“You speak nonsense.”
“I’ll explain, but you have to tell me how we met.”
“Thor brought you to Asgard when you were infected by the Aether.”
“Thor...” Sehe repeated as she frowned, “Why would Thor bring me to Asgard?”
“You were lovers.”
Jane broke into laughter, “You mean to tell me there is a version of me in the universe somewhere who fell in love with Thor?” She laughed with a shrug, “I guess that’s better than the universe where you and I never met each other at all.”
“What are you talking about?”
She met his eyes, “Would you mind if we were dressed for this? Though I love you dearly, it’s a little weird telling you our entire history while we’re naked. Since we’re practically strangers. Again.”
Loki slowly dropped his hands from her arms. She did not retreat quickly, merely moved away from him silently. She gathered a blue and silver robe which she put on while Loki magically clothed himself in his blue leathers.
When Jane turned and saw his clothing she gasped. She looked to him with tears in her eyes, “You were on Sakaar?”
“The Hulk?”
“Banner was there.”
“Thor? Val?”
“The Valkyrie.”
Jane bit her fingernails thoughtlessly as she seemed to scramble for answers of her own.
“What has you so worried?”
“What happened to Hela?”
“Destroyed with Asgard at the hands of Surtur,” Loki informed the now nervous woman, “Why?”
“Did you two have a talk?”
“No, why would we? She was trying to kill everyone.”
Jane frowned, “Damn.”
“Maybe you should sit down,” She urged as she moved to the sitting area. She sat on his favorite chaise, quite comfortably ensconced in the cushions, “Before you say anything, I know it’s your favorite. It’s mine too, and I’ve been here longer so just save it.” She tucked a throw pillow under her arm as she spoke, “We’re in a construct outside of space time.”
“Excuse me?” Loki asked as he sat on the opposite end of the chaise, “What are you talking about?”
“What was I in your universe? A nurse? A teacher? Warrior?”
“You’d think she could have helped you figure this out,” Jane pinched the bridge of her nose for a moment before speaking, “I am a Celestial. Well, I was born half Celestial, half human. Had to sacrifice the human half.”
“How can I not sense...” He asked with skepticism.
“Every time,” She closed her eyes in agitation, “I would tell you that your arrogance about your magical abilities may be your downfall, but Thanos killed you so whatever happened there was your downfall.”
“You are rambling.”
Jane held out her hand, palm upward as white light burst into a small vision of the cosmos.
“You hide your power well,” Loki smiled, “I’m impressed.”
“Thanks. Kinda been at this a while.”
“How long?” He asked, his distrust evident.
“We’ve been here over a millennia,” Jane spoke calmly but matter of factly. She thought for a moment, “Almost two now actually.”
Loki studied her, looking for any indication of a lie or trickery. There were none.
“We met on Asgard. Odin had pissed me off in a very bad way,” She sighed, “And I was looking for some pay back. I decided I would take his favorite son from him, and I did. Only, you weren’t even his son.”
“Favorite son?” Loki stopped her before he stood and walked to the balcony doors. Asgard looked as it always had. Glorious. The Realm Eternal. Odin.
Favorite son?
“I take it Thor was more favored in your universe,” Jane sighed heavily, “I was afraid that would eventually happen.”
“This is a ruse. I don’t know what you are up to, but I just had the most unpleasant experience of watching my brother nearly killed before being choked almost to death right before the Titan broke my neck,” He turned to face her again, “So I will not listen to a multitude of rubbish. Speak the truth or leave me be.”
Her eyes widened as she slowly stood from her seat. Her smile growing in intensity every second, “What is this? The God of Lies suddenly clamoring for the truth?”
Loki met her questioning and laughing eyes as she closed in on him, “Do not mock me, Jane Foster. I am not in the mood.”
“Also a first,” She stopped as she covered her mouth, muffling her laughter, “I have to know. What happened in your universe to change you so much?”
“You know nothing of me in any universe,” He declared as he took a step back. Distance in this situation was probably for the best.
“You are so very wrong. You are my ally. You are my companion. Friend. Lover,” She stepped towards him and extended her hand to him, “My husband. Father of my children.”
“I do believe you’ve lost your mind,” Loki snorted as he disregarded her hand with a backwards swipe of his. He turned away from her and decided leaving her here to whatever lunacy had befallen her would be perfectly warranted, “I’m not going to listen to any more of your obviously deranged ramblings.”
“I know your true parentage. I know your father is Laufey. I also know your mother is Hela.”
Loki stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned to face her to read her eyes once more.
Jane shrugged, “That never changes. It’s been the only constant in every universe you’ve returned from.”
“I never knew who my mother was,” He spoke flippantly.
“But you wanted to. Just out of curiosity, just how big an asshole was Odin in your universe?”
Loki blinked. Her attitude towards Odin was particularly interesting.
“Pretty big.”
“Figures. I’ve yet to hear of a universe where that prick ever changes,” Jane sighed heavily in exasperation, “Look, I know this sounds ludicrous to you. Let me explain the entire story before you walk away.”
“I am not particularly patient.”
“I know,” She crossed her arms, “Short version is...you and I are trying to save the universe and it’s taking forever.”
“I’m a tad more patient than that.”
“You and I know the key to stopping Thanos is Hela. We just never seem to be able to get to her in time.”
“I did not even know Hela existed. Not until Odin died.”
“Wait. Did you say Odin died?”
“How did you meet Hela?”
“She emerged from a dimension where Odin had imprisoned her.”
“That son of a bitch!” Jane screeched as she pushed open the bedroom doors with a shove and made her way into the large living area.
Loki followed her at a distance, watching as she approached his breakfast table. She poured herself a glass of water.
“Why don’t we start with how I arrived here instead of Valhalla or Hel...whichever would accept me,” Loki frowned, disappointed he still didn’t know if he’d earned his worthiness or not.
Jane drank the tall glass of water with a gulp. She placed the glass upon the table before she spoke again.
“Thanos succeeded. He assembled the Gauntlet and just before the snap, I brought us here to a construct outside of space time in hopes we could intervene and stop him. You and I, together, made all the copies of you we could manage and sent them through time to assume the identities of the Lokis in those timelines. Problem is, we didn’t account for the Norns in all of our planning. The Norns haven’t much liked us playing in their works. So in each timeline, your double was assimilated at some point into the timeline. From what I’ve been able to figure out...You arrive knowing your mission but your double merges with the Loki from that timeline and you lose that knowledge.”
“I doomed myself to this madness?”
“You don’t want to know,” Jane shook her head as she sat on a plush sofa.
“Will I recovery the memories of this life you say I’ve led?”
“Sometimes, it only takes moments. Sometimes, it can take weeks or months.”
“I want to remember because there is no way I would consider this madness an option.”
“It was your idea.”
“Tell me why!”
“Our children.”
“We tried sending just you...no doubles. It only took twice seeing our children disintegrate into dust with the snap before you said we had to do more. Move faster. It was the only way.”
“Children,” Loki repeated the word as if it were insane, “Just how many do we have?”
“Ten. Six humanoid. Four planets.”
“Teenagers. They wanted space and creating their own planet gave them the chance to express themselves.”
“Right,” Loki eyed her with suspiscion.
“Come see for yourself. You can see my memories. Sometimes it triggers yours. Sometimes not. It’s worth a shot,” Jane offered her hand, “Please.”
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honest and unmerciful endgame thoughts
a sequel to this post
this is deadass one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen.
a few brief thoughts before i get into the more or less play by play.
- making jokes about how time travel in movies isn’t really how time travel works doesn’t work if you’re a fucking movie dude
- fat thor was a fucking disgrace
- professor hulk has to have been 80% ad-libbed because there’s no way someone actually wrote that garbage dialogue
- using a past thanos was a mistake because we don’t actually give a shit about him
actually fuck it i was gonna do plot point by plot point but i’m just so exhausted i don’t have the strength to do it. i’m gonna go in broad strokes and if you want me to elaborate on WHY something was bad feel free to yell at me in the DMs
okay lets go
right away the whole thing with clint fucking turning on the spot as his family disappears was goofy as all hell. i know exactly what they were going for but having him literally turn on the spot instead of go into the house or go into the shed just draws attention to the absolute hilarity of how fast they vanished compared to others.
why the fuck was tony skin and bones when he got back to earth. i know he was in space for three weeks but they clearly show him eating during the montage of him and nebula doing.... things?
also everyone just kind of trusts nebula? okay? i’d be wary of purple aliens in light of what just happens but inclusivity i guess
also you mean to tell me that in three weeks they scanned the entire universe for gamma radiation? also enough gamma radiation that would show up on a scan from light years away but not fry everyone nearby when thanos snapped?
as soon as they killed thanos i knew the climax of this movie was gonna suck ass.
the writers have no idea how fast human hair grows if five years later natasha still has that godawful blonde dye on her tips
a fucking rat got scott lang out of the quantum realm. i don’t have any commentary for this because this scene speaks for itself. a rat.
moreover how did they even get the van down from the rooftop it was on at the end of ant man 2
fat thor. i don’t have any commentary about this either. the whole thing reeks of the russos looking at taika and going “you wanna be a funny man? you want thor to be fucking funny? you think he’s hilarious? fuck you”
oh i guess i did have commentary on that after all
i’m glossing right over the gay scene because again, taika fought tooth and nail to get bisexual valkyrie and now the russo shitters get to say they had the first canon lgbt character and it’s a couple of throwaway lines that can be redubbed for china. seriously. i don’t think there’s ever a scene where he says “he” or “him” while his lips are on screen.
apparently i am doing this relatively plot point by plot point but i digress
if i was keeping points like cinemasins (ew) i’d take a few off for morgan stark. i’m an bitch but not that much of one.
oh yeah pepper potts’ first of, i believe, four lines in this movie is “yeah i’m reading about compost”. i have no commentary for this either. it speaks for itself.
tony hits upon time travel in a day
i’m so glad we couldn’t get any real character development for anyone but we had time for the four minute “ant man becomes various aged forms of himself and then makes a peeing your pants joke in 2019″ scene.
“that’s how time travel works in movies this is real life” that’s great except that joke falls flat cause you’re a fuckin movie bro
i’m skipping over the entirety of the battle of new york thing because that was just fucking.... *benny hill music*
oh no i’m addressing the ancient one thing. love to have characters retconned into previous movies so they can try and explain the time travel in a way that actually makes it more confusing and also isn’t the way the movie follows
steve leering at peggy through the blinds was creepy, i’m sorry. actually the way he was suddenly obsessed with her this whole movie was really creepy.
howard potts
tony meeting his dad was so awkward and uncomfortable and they really meant for it to be heartwarming but i’m sorry it was fucking hilarious and i was howling with laughter in the theater
likewise thor with frigga. a really nice, emotional moment where thor gets closure with his mom and she overtly says she knows she’s going to die soon but she loves him and she’s so proud of him....
..... and then tops it off with a fat joke. the russos can’t let any kind of emotion hang without making a joke.
when they killed natasha a guy three rows down said “if they were killing her here why the fuck did they greenlight her movie then”
why did thanos get a scene confronting the cost of the stone but clint just wakes up in a puddle? are you gonna tell me thanos cared more about gamora than clint did about natasha? ok.
okay i’ll admit seeing quill dancing on morag without the background music was funny as fuck. rhodey explaining the punchline was not funny as fuck though
three cheers for nebula inexplicably having new abilities
as soon as they brought in past thanos i knew the climax of this movie was gonna suck a big ass
hulk snaps the iron infinity gauntlet because he’s the only one that can withstand the gamma radiation that it allegedly emits and has been mentioned only once before in this movie
the fact that it works is demonstrated by not anyone coming back, but ant man looking out the window at some birds. yeah. gee.
okay i have a question here that may take a little bit to explain.
earlier in the movie it’s explicitly stated they only have enough pym particles for one round trip each. that’s why steve and tony had to go back to 197X to get the tesseract and more particles. 
past-nebula takes current-nebula’s place and uses her particles to travel back to the present, leaving current-nebula with no particles
so how did past-thanos bring his ship to the present with no pym particles
anyway past-gamora and current-nebula kill past-nebula to get the iron infinity gauntlet back
the final battle was whatever. i couldn’t for the life of me tell you what happened or where anyone was in relation to anyone else because it was cut so poorly
everyone comes back. remember at the end of my infinity war thoughts when i said the end had no stakes because obviously everyone snapped came back and you all got mad at me? everyone comes back.
the ladies all running the gauntlet would be cool if it wasn’t encompassed by shots of all the men running the gauntlet, drawing attention to the fact there’s literally only like seven ladies and one of them isn’t even a hero
joss whedon was the cinematographer the day they shot wanda fighting thanos, judging from all the gratuitous shots down her shirt. i know elizabeth olsen has nice boobs. believe me, i do. i’m envious. but for the love of christ stop being creepy voyeurs about it
also “you took everything from me” “i don’t even know who you are???” that was a great setup for her to use her mind powers and make thanos experience some suffering but they just didn’t do that so those lines are hilarious
tony gets the stones and snaps, killing thanos and all his army. thanos fades away into dust while a woman vocalizes in the background in a manner that’s less satisfying than when voldemort did the exact same thing in deathly hallows part 2
tony dies because i guess?
at the funeral everyone is there and there’s shots lingering on everyone including this weird kid who looks like he’d microwave a gerbil? i had to google him and it’s supposed to be the kid from iron man 3. i feel like seven years later you should probably put in a line like “thanks for coming <whatever that kid’s name was>
okay we’ve reached the part i have the absolute most beef with.
steve’s ending
from the start of this movie he’s been inexplicably obsessed with peggy. the ending is telegraphed from a mile away and i was still shocked and stunned that they actually did this.
so steve just gives up everything, all his friends and family, to go back in time to be with a woman he knew for max a year, in the heat of war, where emotions run high and they may very well have latched onto each other in case they died.
steve rogers, the man who wielded mjolnir, the man who broke his friend’s mental conditioning just be refusing to fight him, just sits back through the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s. the cuban missile crisis, the LA riots, the assassination of JFK, the death of howard and maria stark, the infiltration of shield, the berlin wall, 9/11, the war on terror, and he just.... did nothing?
what the fuck was that
sam is captain america now though so i’m down with that
but i’m still so angry
this is beyond character assassination for steve. it’s... outright brutal murder and mutilation. anywhere i can, i give endgame a half star review FOR THIS ALONE. setting aside fat thor and how they treat Ragnarok, the fact they think steve rogers would, after everything he’s done and learned, go back into the past where there was still a chance he could help his friends in his own way, and do NOTHING, is the most infuriating thing about this barely-polished turd of a movie.
IN CONCLUSION i said infinity war was the worst movie marvel had ever put out and marvel went “haha we can do you one better”
endgame is just three hours of setpiece, gag, setpiece, gag, setpiece, gag, occasionally punctuated with emotional moments that aren’t allowed to hang long enough for the emotion to sink in before a joke is made, usually at thor’s expense.
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Inhuman (5)
Summary: All beings in the universe have a soulmate except for Midgardians. People can hear their soulmate in their heads. For almost five hundred and fifty years, Loki believed that he had no soulmate until 1513 when a Midgardian princess was born. Will fate be kind to them or will the universe tear them apart?
Warnings: violence, language, hella historical inaccuracies (I tried to do research but then got lazy), maybe some AOS spoilers(?)
Word Count: ~3000
A/N: This one is short because I’m busy getting ready to move into my college dorm!
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[Upstate New York, May 2024]
“You may be wondering why I summoned you all here.” The Avengers looked at your group in silence. “Wow,” Max continued. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”
“He’s lying,” you said and everyone’s eyes landed on you. You tried to ignore Loki but it was hard with the unexplainable tugging. Was it really unexplainable, though? “I’m actually the one who summoned you.”
“Technically it was me through the AI,” Liam cut in.
“Oh, hush up.” You waved him off. “We have something important to talk about.”
“Yes, we do.” Steve stood up. “You have a lot to talk about.”
“Wait, I recognize you,” the Black Widow said and looked Izzy up and down. “You were the flower shop girl. Of fucking course. You work together. That’s why we couldn’t find her after she killed the Senator.” The female Avenger put her face in her hands.
“That guy with the bright lights isn’t with you, is he?” the one you recognized as the Valkyrie crossly scanned your group.
“Arthur as well as the Senator are old news, we have some more pressing matters at hand.”
“Like how you were in a car crash, a bad one,” Bucky pointed out. “Yet you don’t seem injured at all.”
“And how you killed the Kree Reaper,” Thor added.
“Like how you broke into the compound,” Stark said. “How do you keep doing that?”
“Like how you’re still alive?” Loki’s voice sent shivers up your spine. It had been so, so long. It took everything to stay in place. You squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath before continuing.
“Let’s backtrack to the Kree, what did you call it? Reaper?” You looked at everyone in the room except for Loki.
“Alright, let’s talk about the Kree.” Steve crossed his arms. “I’m sure you know why they’re here.”
“For us.” You gestured at your group. “They’re here to kill the weak Inhumans and bring the strong ones back to Hala.”
“I’m sorry, Inhumans?”
“You don’t know? It should be in S.H.I.E.L.D’s files.”
“We kinda distanced ourselves from S.H.I.E.L.D. after it fell years ago,” Stark said.
“Well, I thought Coulson would have told you.”
“The son of Coul died long ago.” Thor pointed at Loki who you only saw out of the corner of your eye. “This one stabbed him.”
“Yes, I know he never stopped talking about it. That really started a whole shit chain of events, you know. Anyways, we were talking about Inhumans.”
“Are we up for a history lesson?” Banner asked.
“Sure, crash course in Inhumans. Thousands of years ago, Kree came to Earth with the task of creating bioweapons. They experimented on some people, yada yada, I’m not a biologist. It created a gene in humans that would change when exposed to Terrigen crystals. Anyways, there was an Inhuman revolution led by some guy named Alv… Er, Alvin? No, uh… led by some guy called Hive. Then the Inhumans teamed up with regular humans to banish Hive to another planet. Some Inhumans stayed loyal to him, though and created an organization that would later become Hydra, but that’s another story.” Steve and Bucky looked at each other. “Then, Inhumans just kinda… faded, I guess, when access to Terrigen crystals became challenging. There was a whole accident with Terrigen crystals contaminating fish or whatever. Thank your pal Coulson for that. Now we’re here. The end.”
“And you’re an Inhuman,” Loki said.
“Yes,” you quietly replied and finally looked at him. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest if you didn’t run to him. He crossed his arms and looked away.
“The Blue Man Group is here for the Inhumans?” Stark asked.
“Yep,” you confirmed, popping the ‘p.’ “So we’re here to ask for your help.”
“You need our help?” He gestured at the rest of the Avengers. “Our asses got handed to us when we went up against them. You went up against one, after a car crash, and you look… great.”
“Fine, then we’ll help you. But first, we need to make a deal.” They nodded at you to go on. “We help you to get rid of the Kree, and afterwards, you leave us alone.”
“You know we can’t do that,” Steve said.
“Then we’ll take down the Kree, without you. The public will see that the Avengers can’t handle a couple of Kree Reapers…”
“Is that a threat? It feels like a threat.”
You shrugged. “It’s my people being targeted. It’s my people who are going to fight before the fucking Kree hurt someone.” You gestured to your group and turned to leave.
“Wait!” You turned back around. “Wait,” Loki continued. “Don’t leave. I accept your offer. You help us against the Kree, and we will leave you alone. Just don’t leave. Please.”
“Slow down there, Reindeer Games,” Stark stepped in. “You’re the last person to make decisions for this team.”
Loki glared at him and then reluctantly turned to his brother for back up.
“Well, I suppose we could think about the offer a bit longer,” Thor said slowly. “Get into the details of the agreement.”
You didn’t have more fucking time. The Kree could strike at any moment.  You had to act now, so you would. There was no point in more arguing though.
“Fine, you take all the time you need.”
“But the Kree will—” You shot a sharp glare at Max to quiet him.
“Take all the time you need to figure out all of the terms and conditions of our agreement. Meanwhile, I will go back home and—”
“You can stay here. In the compound. Everyone else too”
Everyone looked at Loki, now. A mixture of glares and shocked stares on everyone’s faces. You cocked your head and studied him.
“Again,” Stark sighed. “Last person to be making decisions.” Then he looked at your small group. “But I guess we can find some space for you guys.”
“One problem,” Max spoke up. “We don’t have any of our stuff with us.”
“I think that clothes are the least of our worries,” Izzy snorted.
“I was actually talking about our weapons. But thanks for reminding me about the clothes, I guess.”
“Fine. We’ll stay with you here in the compound,” you crossed your arms as a small smile crossed Loki’s face, “but if more of my people want to seek shelter with me, they come here.” Stark thought for a moment before he shrugged and nodded his permission. “We have to do something first. We just need to get our things from my place,” you rushed to say when everyone’s eyes narrowed. “If it makes you guys feel better, someone can chaperone.”
That’s how you ended up packed into the elevator headed up to your penthouse. When you had said that someone could chaperone, you were thinking of one, maybe two at maximum, Avenger. Not four of them.
The goddamned supersoldiers should have taken the stairs up to the top, they took up a lot of space. The billionaire had been pressed into the back corner. The other people in the elevator were your little group and the Black Widow. It wasn’t the smallest elevator but everyone made it seem smaller by giving the red-haired assassin a wide berth.
You couldn’t help but lament the fact that Loki hadn’t volunteered to go with you. Why the fuck hadn’t either of you thrown yourselves at the other yet?
The elevator let out a pleasant chime as the doors slid open and everyone spilled out with a sigh of relief. The members of the Avengers looked around as your friends went off to their respected rooms. You went up to your room and pulled out a suitcase.
Guns, knives, and other various weapons went in first followed by contact information. Then you covered those with some clothes that you picked with careful thought. You grabbed a few more ‘essential’ objects before heading back down.
You found Tony, everyone had insisted on being a first name basis, by your ceiling to floor windows. You stood next to him and soaked in the view. The nighttime New York was sparkling with activity.
“You know,” Tony began. “I think I tried to buy this place once. Well, this building.”
“I’m not surprised. It’s in an amazing location and I got it for a great price. Not much was nearby when I first got it, but I saw the potential for the nearby area and the building. Now it’s worth almost triple to what I bought it at.”
“Who would’ve known a hitwoman knew so much about real estate? Of all the fucking things,” Tony laughed.
“You have to know a lot of random stuff when you’re in this business. Plus,” you shrugged, “you pick up a lot over the years. Patterns and all that.”
“So since you brought it up, sorta, how… long have you been around?”
“Haven’t you learned that it’s rude to ask a woman her age, no matter how you phrase it,” you laughed before looking at Tony. “He didn’t tell you?”
“Who? Steve? No, he didn’t tell us too much about you. He has more secrets than he lets on.”
“No, not Steve. Loki. Loki didn’t say anything about me?”
“Loki? He definitely has a lot of secrets.”
“He said something to me.” Steve walked up behind you.
“Haven’t you learned that it’s rude to eavesdrop?” You raised a playful eyebrow.
“What? Why would Loki, of all people, talk to you, of all fucking people, about (Y/N)?”
“Don’t ask me.” The blond supersoldier shrugged. “But he also asked me not to tell anyone else, albeit in a cryptic way. I don’t want to, one: break his trust, and two: get on his bad side, so you’re not hearing anything from me.”
“You’re useless.” Tony deflated.
“You know I could tell you. Loki doesn’t control what I tell people. It’s my story too.” You smirked when your new friend looked at you hopefully. “‘Could’ being the imperative word.”
“Useless!” The billionaire exasperatedly threw his hands in the air. “Everyone is so fucking useless.”
“Hey, now,” Natasha’s voice was dark but her eyes sparkled. “Not everyone.”
“Yeah, I think it’s just you,” Bucky joined.
“What did we miss?” Liam emerged from a hallway with his bags to find everyone laughing. Max and Izzy appeared next to him, their bags in hand as well.
“Oh, nothing important,” you smiled and eyed their bags. “So I don’t think we have enough space in one car for everyone and everything. I’m thinking we split the bags. The Avengers can take these,” you pushed a few bags towards them, “and the car we arrived in. We’ll take these bags in one of my other cars.”
“Okay,” Bucky said slowly and picked up a bag.
“If it makes you feel better,” you sighed. “We’ll go first and you can tail us.”
“What, in case you decide to bolt?” Natasha placed her arms on her hips.
“Considering we’re the ones who came to you,” you mimicked her stance. “We won’t make a run for it.”
She stood still for a moment and then nodded. Everyone piled into their assigned cars and you took the lead out of the city and back to the compound. The sun was starting to rise, painting the sky pink and orange.
“Alright, listen up,” you announced to the passengers in your car. “I have people all over the country, the world, keeping an eye out for the Kree.”
“What happens when we find them?” Max asked.
“If the Avengers thought out the ultra specific terms and conditions by then, we will attack the Kree with all of our forces.”
“And if they haven’t refined all of the details?” Liam prompted.
“We’ll attack the Kree with all of our forces, just, you know, in secret.”
“Great plan.” Izzy rolled her eyes. “Go behind the Avengers’ back.”
“Listen, I have a plan,” Max said. “If they haven’t come to an agreement yet, tell them if the situation arises. Pressure them into getting what you want.”
You mulled over the idea. In Max’s version, the Avengers wouldn’t hold anything against you, as much. But they would probably still slow you down.
“Fine,” you grumbled and saw your right hand man begin to beam out of the corner of your eye. “But everyone has to be on their best behavior so that it’s easier to sway them to our side.”
The gates to the compound opened for you and the tugging feeling resumed. Would it ever go away?
Everyone found their way to their rooms for an early morning nap. It seemed as if the whole compound was asleep so of fucking course, you remained awake. Partially because of the strong tugging and partially because of your bad luck.
To pass the time, you went through your emails and tried to create a timeline of the Kree’s activity. Your eyes were tired, but you hadn’t felt any hints of sleep yet. You rubbed your eyes and when you opened them again, you were no longer on your bed.
Your hand was halfway to opening your door and the incessant tugging was the reason why. You groaned and forced yourself back to your bed. Maybe you should actually try to get some rest. You put your head on the soft pillow and closed your eyes.
“Even if it means your death?”
Agnes didn’t respond but instead looked at you with kind and trusting eyes. Ever since you climbed out of the hole in Puerto Rico, dirty, tear stained cheeks, and alone, your handmaiden was always by your side to support you. She gestured to the piles of books around your room.
“Have you found anything about him or your connection?”
“No,” you sighed. “There are only stories of the past and what I need is the future.”
Agnes was the only person you had told about Loki. She was the only person you could trust. When you told her your story, she didn’t call you mad. She didn’t question you or your sanity. Agnes was a smart girl and she had noticed the change that had come over you after Puerto Rico.
You nodded at Agnes and you left the room together. Guards instantly flanked to your side as you strode confidently to your carriage. You hid a flint and steel in your hand, knowing that Agnes did the same. A young squire caught your eye and inconspicuously tugged on his ear. He would be riding next to the carriage in front of yours while Agnes rode in the one behind you. This was a plan that had been in the making for months.
Halfway through your journey, shouts and the neighing of horses began to grow. That was your cue and you revealed your flint and steel, much to the horror of the high ranking nobleman who was sharing your carriage. You shot him your most intimidating queenly glare and he shrunk back into his seat.
It took a few tries to get a spark and it took a few sparks to really get the fire going. The nobleman screamed and tried to leave but the inferno had already blocked the door. Flames were creeping up your skirt as screams erupted from behind you.
Then you were running through the streets, away from the burning carriages. Turn left. Turn right. The burns and pains on your legs were fading.
The next thing you knew, you were in the hallway. You looked around and rubbed your eyes. The pulling sensation was still there and you were tired of it.
“Fucking hell.” You looked down at where it felt like the tugging was coming from. “Fine, you fucking win.”
You followed the feeling and found yourself standing in the entrance to the living room. The only person inhabiting the space was the reason for the tugging. Loki sat alone, his attention was fully focused on his book, or so it seemed. You would think he would be able to feel the same tugging.
“So,” you cleared your throat and fiddled with your fingers. “It’s been a while.”
“I suppose it has,” he mumbled, eyes still on the book.
“It’s good to see you.”
“How have you been?” Irritation crawled up your spine when he turned the page.
“How’s the goddamned book?”
“Can you please look at me?”
“What’s wrong?” You crossed your arms and glared at the raven-haired god. 
“Right,” you snorted. “Because answering all of my questions with some one word bullshit means nothing’s wrong.”
“Do you have a problem?” Loki finally looked up from his fucking book.
“Yeah, right now I do have a goddamned problem. With you.”
“Me?” The son of a bitch had the fucking audacity to look shocked. “What did I do to piss you off?”
“Don’t act like a fucking dumbass, Loki. It doesn’t suit you. And you want to know why you’re pissing me off?” You gestured angrily with your hands. “Because just last fucking night, you were practically begging me to stay here. In the compound. With you. Now you’re avoiding me and acting like we don’t have a fuck ton of problems to work out.”
“Let’s think back to where the problems started in the first place,” he replied coldly. “Who severed the connection? Who married another fucking man? Who made me believe I had no soulmate?”
“What the fuck are you talking about? Are you seriously blaming me for that? You think I had any power over any of those fucking things? Every fucking thing you just mentioned, I had no goddamn say in.” You took a deep breath and quelled the burning rage inside of you. “Actually, I do know why you’re avoiding me. I know why you’re blaming me for things I couldn’t control.” Your eyes met. Both pairs were stone cold but hiding something beneath them. “It’s because you’re the one who left first.”
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Tags: @kaithehero @liliannyah @andreasworlsboring101 @oatballsoffury @aberrant-annie @simplybree @adalina-perez @emage-king @yandereforyou @notactiveonmain @tvdplusriverdale @inmyowncorner​
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thedramaticfanatic · 5 years
A Guide to Reading Jane Foster’s Story as Mighty Thor, and Beyond
I’ve noticed that there’s quite a bit of excitement out there for the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder film that’s coming out 2021 (so far awaaaaay...!), and I’m super pumped for it. Which is quite unusual for me, because I got bored of all the superhero films years ago and stopped watching them. But for this one, I am heading right back in.
Anyway, this film appears to be at least somewhat based off of the Mighty Thor comic series in which Jane Foster takes up the mantle of Thor after the first Thor becomes unworthy. If you’d like to read the comics before the movie comes out but don’t know where to start, this is the post for you!
First things first, if you read this series you could be getting quite a few spoilers before you go see the movie, so do keep that in mind beforehand. With each issue I put up, I’ll also put the price, and the link to that comic on Marvel’s website for easy access.
You can read comics that came before this if you’d like to, and there are comics in-between the ones I’m going to list that will allow you to enjoy even more adventures with Mighty Thor. However, those are just for extra fun. The issues on this list deal specifically with Mighty Thor, and in my opinion, you don’t need to read anything else to fall in love with this arc.
A Little Background to the Story...
... Before this comic begins so you have a good idea of what’s happened prior to this. So in the early comics, Thor had been banished to Midgard (Earth) by Odin for his arrogance and selfishness, and his form became that of Dr. Donald Blake, a crippled doctor. His nurse was Jane Foster. The two of them were in love, and when regained his form as Thor, the relationship continued. 
Eventually, the two wanted to make things permanent, and Thor asked for Jane to be granted immortality and goddess-hood so they could be together forever. Odin objected, and made Jane go through a test to prove her worthiness. If she succeeded, she’d become a goddess and she and Thor would marry. Jane failed, and was sent back to earth with her memories of Thor erased. Jane eventually fell in love with a human doctor and married him. Thor eventually started dating Sif.
Fast forward many issues later, Jane eventually gets her memories back, she divorces her husband and looses custody of her child. Thor and Sif break up (they’d been very off-and-on and he’d seen quite a few other women). Jane’s ex-husband and child both die in a tragic car accident, and she discovers she has breast cancer. Thor invites her to Asgard to join the “Congress of Worlds”, which is like the United Nations of the 10 Realms of Yggdrasil. Jane accepts the position, but chooses not to accept magical treatments for her cancer because she believes (with good reason) that all magic comes with a price.
During this time, Thor and Jane have remained very close, good friends, but have not rekindled their old romance. It’s implied at many different points that they both have deeper feelings for each other, but neither of them bring it up.
That’s really all you need to know at this point to really understand the meat of the story. So now let’s dive into the good stuff! 
The comics that you’ll want to read are in the list below, and in following order:
Thor: Volume I, Goddess of Thunder
Price for digital copy - $8.99
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This is where the story truly begins. It starts off with Thor suffering a massive identity crisis as he discovers that he is unworthy to lift Mjölnir, sending him into a deep depression. It gets worse when someone ELSE claims the hammer, and becomes Mighty Thor. Naturally, he is not happy at this turn of events.
Thor: Volume II, Who Holds the Hammer?
Price for digital copy - $6.99
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A great war is brewing on the horizon thanks to the dangerous pacts between the king of the Dark Elves, Malekith, and other dangerous peoples. Meanwhile, Thor, now calling himself Odinson, tries to learn the identity of Mighty Thor (I’m sure it comes as a great shock to you all that it’s not who he thinks it is).
At the end of this issue, the readers learn who this new Goddess of Thunder is.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 1, Thunder in Her Veins
Price for digital copy - $8.99
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Mighty Thor faces enemies on three fronts; the bloodthirsty, warmongering King Malekith, who seeks domination over all the realms. All-Father Odin, who sees her as a thief of his son’s birthright. And finally, the cancer, which kills her a little more each time she returns to her mortal form of Jane Foster.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 2, Lords of Midgard
Price for digital copy - $12.99
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As if Mighty Thor doesn’t have enough on her plate, now S.H.I.E.L.D. is after Dr. Jane Foster as well. They don’t care for secret identities, and they plan to make her life miserable until she confesses. It couldn’t come at a worse time though, as Mighty Thor must also stop a floating fortress from crashing down onto New York City by saving the incredibly corrupt Roxxon CEO Dario Agger.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 3, Asgard/Shi’ar War
Price for digital copy - $12.99
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In the midst of the terrible War of the Realms, Mighty Thor is abducted by mysterious deities who wish to pit their powers against the Goddess of Thunder to see who is the most powerful. In order to get back to the war, she must humor these gods and bring the full might of both Thor and Mjölnir to the table.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 4, The War Thor
Price for digital copy - $8.99
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When the War of the Realms claims lives that should never have been touched by battle, the gentle Volstagg is left heartbroken and shattered. In his grief, he takes hold of a hammer made from the rage and fury of a dead universe, and becomes the War Thor. Mighty Thor must stop his righteous rampage before he destroys friends and enemies alike in his battle-rage.
The Mighty Thor: Volume 5, The Death of the Mighty Thor
Price for digital copy - $15.99
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The cancer that has been growing within Jane Foster has weakened her to the point of death. Her dearest friends convince her to relinquish Mjölnir for the sake of her own life, but it seems the universe is against her. When the terrible Mangog awakes to judge and destroy the gods, Jane must weigh the worth of the deities- including Odinson- against her own life.
With volume 5, Jane’s time as Thor is (pretty much) ended. I would imagine that if Taika Waititi wants to pull mainly from the comics, he’ll pull mainly from the 7 volumes listed above. But those are not the end of Jane Foster’s adventures by any stretch of the imagination. 
If you like the comics above and want to continue Jane’s story, I would suggest continuing on to the comics below. They detail the conclusion to the War of the Realms, Jane’s road to recovery and the role she continues to play, as well as what happens to her afterwards.
So the total arc for War of the Realms is 6 issues long, and currently you have to purchase each issue individually (like I had to) for $4.99. However, you can pre-order the digital collection edition, which has all 6 issues together. It will be released on August 14th 2019, and you’ll have immediate access to it. Unless you want each edition individually, I’d suggest going the more economic route and just order the collection.
War of the Realms
Price for digital copy of collection edition- $10.99
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After the defeat of the Mangog, the God of Thunder reclaims the name of Thor, and Jane can focus on healing and recovering. But her part is far from over, as the War of the Realms reaches even Midgard, leaving destruction and death in its wake. Freyja names Jane Foster as All-Mother of Asgard as she goes forth to do battle, and Jane must guide both gods and mortals alike in order to survive the onslaught.
While Jane is no longer the main character, she plays a very important part as both All-Mother, and temporarily as Mighty Thor. It also wraps up the war that we get so invested in previously.
Thor, Issue 15
Price for digital copy - $3.99
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Odin has passed the title of All-Father onto his son, Thor, who has reclaimed  Mjölnir and learned the lesson that he needed to in order to keep hold of it. Loki, having slain his father King Laufey the Ice Giant, has now inherited his throne and reconciles with his adopted family.
Meanwhile, the remains of the hammer of War Thor, forged from a dead universe, seems to have attached itself quite permanently to Jane Foster. While she no longer carries the title of Thor, apparently fate has bigger plans for her than practicing medicine.
You can consider Thor #15 the final chapter for the War of the Realms saga, as far as the Thor group is concerned. It has a fantastic transition for what happens next to everyone in War of the Realms: Omega. 
War of the Realms: Omega
Price for digital copy - $4.99
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Finally, the War of the Realms is over. Malekith’s afterlife in Hel promises to be an eternal torment, Loki makes a friend in his new kingdom of Jotunheim, and the Punisher embarks on a new mission. And finally, Jane’s new mission is revealed, as she takes up the mantle as the newest, and currently only, Valkyrie.
If you want to continue to read about Jane Foster and her many future adventures, worry not! She now has her own Valkyrie comic book series! Currently only one issue has been released, but there’s four planned so far, and hopefully many (many) more to come!
Valkyrie: Jane Foster, Issue 1
Price for digital copy - $3.99
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Jane Foster- former nurse, current doctor, cancer survivor, former Thor, and current Valkyrie. During the War of the Realms, all the Valkyries who should have guided the souls of the honored dead to Valhalla have themselves been slain in battle. With no one to open the doors to the afterlife and guide their souls, Jane Foster takes up the mantle as the only Valkyrie, along with all the challenges that entails. 
At her side is the remains of the War Thor’s hammer, which has revealed itself to the be the Undrjarn, the All-Weapon. This mystical weapon seems bound to Jane, and only Jane, and has the ability to turn into any weapon or tool she requires at any moment. The only problem is, Jane knows what she’s supposed to do, but isn’t sure of how exactly she’s supposed to do it. 
It’s been years since I actually subscribed to any comics. Its been so long since any of them really pulled to me. But you can bet your bottom dollar that I am subscribed to the Valkyrie and Loki series, and if you’re wondering whether or not the other comics are all worth the price...
I’d say they 100% are. They tell a truly beautiful story, and I LOVED IT. I know that it’s pricey to get all of them at once (trust me, do I know), but personally, I think it’s more than worth it. Each book alone is quite reasonably priced, and it's all so much fun to read. Plus, this entire arc that I’ve just laid out for you has been going on since 2014. And the movie itself isn’t coming out until November 2021. So I say take your time and enjoy yourself. The comics aren’t going anywhere. And hopefully, neither is Jane Foster.
I totally hope Jane and Thor go somewhere though, I mean, MY GOD, they’re absolutely perfect together at this point, AND THERE IS SO MUCH TENSION. I love them so much. I’ve been totally cemented as an unrepentant Thorster shipper now. 
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memelovescaps · 5 years
Avengers Endgame: Review
Okay, now that I have a bit of peace and quiet, I want to talk about Avengers Endgame. I won’t comment on the whole thing or whether the movie works or not, only the stuff that caught my attention. There were many things I liked, and some others I didn’t, so let’s go bit by bit.
The first thing I want to talk about is the thing that destroyed me, and that’s Tony Stark.
Tony has been my favourite Avenger since I saw Iron Man in 2009 or 2010, and throughout the years he and Thor are probably the two Avengers that have more character development (I’ll go into Thor later). We see him grow from an egotistical, over confident man to someone who cares deeply about and is haunted by his mistakes and demons; someone who puts up a façade of over-confidence but who has night terrors, terrors which in Infinity War become real. We see him with PTSD and anxiety attacks in Iron Man 3, we see him so frightened of future threats he tried to build Ultron in the Age of Ultron, we see his love for Pepper grow from Iron Man 1 until Endgame; and we see how scared he is of losing everything he’s built with her.
What’s more, I think one of the core topics in Tony Stark’s life is fatherhood. On the one hand, we see him taking Peter under his wing, mentoring him, and when Infinity War comes we notice how close they have become that they fight together side by side, it looks like they’ve done it several times. When the snap happens Tony is absolutely devastated, and when he finally comes to Earth rescued by Danvers, the way his voice breaks when he tells Steve “I lost the kid” is heartbreaking.
On the other hand, at the beginning of Infinity War he tells Pepper that he dreamt about having a kid, and five years afterwards we see he’s a father of a little girl. And we see how he indeed has broken the cycle of shame, he’s nothing like Howard and the dynamics between Morgan and her dad are wonderful. He never once gets angry, never screams at her even when she’s awake late at night when she shouldn’t, he’s constantly hugging and touching her in a super adoring way and their conversations are pure fluff (“I love you 3000, that was sooo fluff!). Still, he hasn’t forgotten Peter (the moment he takes the frame of the picture of him and Peter…) and I believe that the main reason he never once stopped looking for a way to make them come back was Peter, because he feels tremendous guilt for having lost him. They all lost, everyone lost family and friends (Clint going crazy over losing his family is just an example) and in fact, Tony is one of the lucky ones, he has Pepper and Morgan. But he doesn’t have Peter, and that is breaking him.
Also, the way his sacrifice is done is utterly powerful. His trademark line, “I am Iron Man” is uttered with a lot of power and it’s a huge emotionally charged moment because it takes us back to the first Iron Man movie in 2008. I think in that moment everyone in the cinema was clapping and shouting. So, what were the things I didn’t like? Precisely the fact that Tony had to be the one to sacrifice himself. I understand why it had to happen, it had to be an Avenger that would shock everyone and create a reaction, it didn’t matter if you liked him or not. And for Iron Man to die, that was the ultimate sacrifice. Someone who previously only cared about himself, now is saying goodbye to a future, to a family, to finally rest; so that everyone else can survive. Pepper tells him that he finally can rest now, and in part it’s true, we know that Tony would’ve never stopped trying to save the world if he had any say in it. However, I didn’t like his sacrifice because for the last two or three movies Tony’s arc has pointed at retirement with Pepper. Buy a farm (they end up living in a house by the lake, surrounded by nature, so it’s kind of what he wanted), create a family, settle down… that was what was waiting for him after Endgame. And he leaves behind a wife, a daughter, and his sort of adopted kid Peter (who by the way had to suffer the death of FOUR father figures. It’s a miracle Peter doesn’t go rogue or loses his mind after losing Tony). So, my conclusion is: yes, I understand that for it to be effective for the audience it had to be Tony, but I also hate it because he was the one who left more people behind by dying. Thor didn’t have anyone left, Bruce doesn’t either, so it’s so unfair that the one who had to sacrifice himself was the one who left more broken hearts by saving the world. It’s heroic, but wrenchingly heroic.  
Another minor aspect within the plot but that I hated was the little time Peter and Tony had before Tony died. When Peter comes back and he helps Tony up, the way Tony was looking at Peter while he talked, like he was seeing the beauty of the universe for the first time, was mesmerizing and the hug was very emotional (remember that it’s Tony who embraces Peter, that shows the amount of love Tony has for the kid). However, that was all they had, when Peter and Tony are together again Tony is dying. And it’s even more heartbreaking.
As for the rest of the Avengers, I have a few things to say. The first one that really pissed me off because the whole cinema was laughing at it was Thor’s arc in Endgame. He obviously has PTSD, he has severe trauma and deals with it by eating and drinking. It’s a very normal disorder and something very serious, not something to laugh at. Thor has lost absolutely everything, he’s lost his family, his friends, his home, his kingdom… he has nothing, except for the friends he makes in Thor Ragnarok. So, when he’s at his most vulnerable, do you think it’s normal to use him as the humorous part of the movie? I don’t think so. And it pissed me off because people were laughing and I was like “seriously? This guy has severe trauma and you’re laughing at his face?” it was so disrespectful for people who suffer these issues. It’s even more disrespectful when Tony Stark suffered the same thing but they didn’t use that as an excuse to make people laugh, the way they treat PTSD and anxiety attacks in Iron Man 3 is very understanding and kind; and I think Thor deserved something of that.
As for Steve’s ending… I’m a bit hesitant. I understand why Steve wanted to go back in time, he has always loved Peggy and never once has he forgotten her. However, war changes a person. Steve has gone through several wars, he has lived several years in the present, he’s made friends… true, he’s never fallen in love again, but has he even given the opportunity to himself? I don’t think the story with Peggy would’ve worked; Steve has changed too much for that to work, he’s not the Steve Peggy knew. So, I understand why he wanted it, but I don’t think it makes much sense.
 Great moments of the movie:
-          ABSOLUTELY ALL THE MOMENTS BETWEEN MORGAN AND TONY, they are so cute together and it really shows Tony’s change. He’s terrified of losing what he’s built and it’s obvious he’d do anything to protect Morgan. Even dying.
-          I love you 3000. Tony’s face of pure love and adoration.
-          Captain America’s ass. Awesome cheeky moment!
-          Steve with the Mjolnir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-          Pepper Stark-Potts using one of Tony’s armours. AMAZING!
-          The great moment when Danvers has to go through the hoards of Chitauri and all the women in the MCU, from Pepper to Valkyrie, defend her while she takes the gauntlet.
-          The beginning of the final battle, everyone returning from the snap and Steve shouting: AVENGERS, ASSEMBLE! God, that gave me goosebumps.
-          Tony’s last moments with Pepper. The way Pepper understands; how she talks to him to calm him and he tells him he can finally rest. It’s so heartbreaking because Pepper knows it was the only way Tony would finally be able to find the peace he so desired. But it’s at a great cost he finds that peace.
-          TONY’S FUNERAL. I literally was crying the whole time.
                         +AND HARLEY WAS AT THE FUNERAL TOO
                         + Morgan asking for a cheeseburger, same as his dad. And Happy’s sad smile, saying that he’d buy her all the burgers she wanted.
                          + Everyone paying his respects to Tony, from his family to the Avengers and their families, to Maria Hill, Danvers and Fury. The whole MCU was there, because he was the first, the one who created everything and the ultimate hero, the one who made everything possible. The whole funeral was huge but the scene where they show absolutely everyone dressed in black and saying goodbye; that was powerfully sad.
And I think that’s all. There were a few problems with the movie but overall I loved the movie, it got straight to my heart and I didn’t expect any less from the last movie. I can’t wait to watch it again!
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