#awe-inspiring and terrifying simultaneously
calvincell · 1 day
I’ve been making my way through my 3rd re-listen of the incredible podcast - Batman: The Audio Adventures & just appreciating once more not only how terrifically written it is by showrunner Dennis McNicholas but also incredibly well acted by all of the amazing cast. For any unaware, the podcast is an audio fiction blend of comedy & superhero drama that was previously only an exclusive for HBO MAX subscribers back in 2021 but now both released seasons are freely available on literally every podcast app including on MAX’s own YT Channel itself, no subscription required.
In particular, I love the Harvey Dent moment we get in Season 1 - Episode 6 - “The Whale of Damocles”:
I have to first off praise the inspired creative choice the series makes to give Two-Face the dynamic that his personas are essentially like constantly bickering twin brothers - arguing, name calling & posturing but still inseparable at the end of the day.
In the scene in question, Harvey’s binary obsession has allowed The Penguin to easily lure Dent to his favorite pier on the Gotham Wharf, Pier 2, to prevent a planted bomb from destroying it. Batman arrives soon after as Dent’s desperate search brings him to the most perilous part of the pier. Batman is so earnestly trying to appeal to Harvey to stop that he almost can’t prevent slipping into his Bruce Wayne voice when we then get an excellent memorable moment (@ ~31:50) where we get a glimpse at the tortorus psychosis Harvey is living through:
Harvey gives this tragic peek into his mind as he extols the awe-inspiring & nightmarish gospel he shares with his violent other half. It’s not only a very well written torrent of mad thoughts but also brilliantly & emotionally performed by Harvey/Two-Face’s VA: Ike Barinholtz. Batinholtz truly makes Harvey sound simultaneously mesmerized, terrified & sorrowful - on the verge of tears as he tells his former friend about the completely fractured way he views the world now & Batman’s actor Jeffrey Wright matches it with his desperate pleas to Harvey’s true self colored by the unflinching compassion he has for Dent.
For how invested the show is in genuinely trying to revive a bit of the Adam West era charm and fun camp & IMO successfully making the show legitimately funny, I believe it’s also equally in touch with the aspects of the franchise exemplified in shows like BTAS ie the darkness of the setting & emotionally resonant tragedy of both Batman himself and the different members within his rogues gallery. The show is not just sharp on a comedic level but also earnestly intriguing & engaging dramatically as well.
I have no doubt sung this show’s praises before but I don’t plan to stop anytime soon because I truly believe that the series is a must listen for every fan of Batman, superheroes & audio fiction/audio dramas generally. From top to bottom, the series is a brilliant production and stands to me personally as amongst the best content within the umbrella of DC Comics at least within the last decade.
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you guys ever think about the fact that a majority of your personality is built on memories you might not even remember happening
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ellecdc · 7 months
HIII, I wanted to know if I could request a poly marauders x festy slytherin reader.Something of how they started or whatever you have inspiration for.I would love another part of that, if you feel up to it. Hope you are taking care of yourself <3
feisty/slytherin reader x poly!marauders is actually my favourite thing to write (followed closely by any ship with whimsical reader) so I was more than happy to whip this up for you! Thanks for requesting! 🫶
poly!marauders x feisty, fem, Slytherin!reader
p1 // p2 // p3
CW: werewolf prejudice, making fun of possible birth defects due to Pureblood's being terribly inbred, swearing
Remus felt that generally, he was a very understanding person. And not just in a compassionate way, but also in a sense that he just understands a lot of things.
He understands Sirius’ need to defy his family whilst simultaneously looking after his brother as if his life depended on it.
He understands James’ need to make sure everyone around him feels as loved as humanly possible, even if it’s at his own expense. 
He understands that Gryffindor’s hate Slytherin’s, but he also understands that not all Slytherin’s are horrible, prejudiced racists.
He understands everyone makes fun of Hufflepuffs for being soft and emotional, but he also understands that Hufflepuffs can be some of the most heartless, ruthless friends you can have.
What Remus has had a hard time understanding, however, was his boyfriends’ sudden interest in you.
Remus could admit that you were quite attractive, but you were also sort of…terrifying?
“What have you boys done?” Lily murmured in quiet horror (quiet awe if you asked James).
“We pranked Slytherin!” Sirius said jovially, as if Lily had somehow missed that key piece of information. 
“I can see that, Sirius.” She said like one might speak to a small child who was quite dumb. “But on portrait day?”
Sirius smiled smugly as he watched Slytherin’s enter the Great Hall for their school portraits. As they passed through the door, they were unknowingly walking under a charmed mistletoe (which was very difficult to find this time of year, thanks James very much) which turned their green and silver robes and ties to a beautiful red and gold. 
The best part is some students still hadn’t noticed yet, and another amazing part was that those who had noticed couldn’t figure out how to turn it back.
“Mr. Black, Mr. Potter, Mr. Pettigrew, and Mr. Lupin. I suppose the four of you have no idea who may be behind this prank?” Professor McGonagall challenged as she looked down her nose at them sitting at the Gryffindor table.
Sirius smirked as he responded “Why, not a clue Minnie. But I’ll keep my eye out and let you know if I see any mischief makers.”
McGonagall let out a long suffering sigh as she took five points from Gryffindor for improper address of a professor. 
“You rotten dugbogs.” Remus heard you screech before he saw you. He had the good sense to cringe as you stormed up to their table whilst Sirius and James grinned enthusiastically. 
“Why hello Y/N, my beautiful angel.” James greeted as Sirius let out a sultry “Don’t you just look smashing in red.” Accompanied by a wink.
“I don’t know what you sods have done, and quite frankly, I don’t care about the rest of them; but you will fix this.” You spat angrily gesturing to your faux Gryffindor uniform.
“But that would be such a crime, dollface.” Sirius lamented.
“You can’t expect us to mess with perfection.” James added.
You shot your hand out and grabbed James’ collar, pulling his face to yours until your noses were nearly touching. 
“I swear to Salazar himself, Potter, if you do not change my robes back, I will cut your dick off and charm it to your forehead so you walk around looking like a limp-dick unicorn. Change. It. Back.”
Your voice was low and threatening, and Peter actually gulped as he hid behind Remus. But looking at James’ face pressed up to yours, you would have thought you had just serenaded him with the greatest love song known to man.
“You have such beautiful eyes.” He murmured in awe. Remus was certain he could see steam forming behind said beautiful eyes, but before it could shoot out of your ears, Sirius came to your rescue.
“Very right, Prongs. She does have beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, I believe her usual green does compliment them better than the red.” Sirius said lasciviously as he cast the counter charm to return your robes to their rightful colour.
You looked down at your form before looking back at the boys skeptically. You seemed only then to realize you were still holding onto James’ collar like a vice and dropped it. Remus almost chuckled at the look of loss that crossed James’ face.
“Right.” You said and cleared your throat, backing away from them as if you weren't fully trusting what just happened. “Thank you.”
Sirius’ head actually reared back in surprise at your thanks and James beamed.
“Anytime angel, truly.” 
James’ pet name seemed to snap you out of whatever trance you’d been in as you narrowed your eyes at him. “Don’t call me that.”
“Terribly sorry, my love.” He relented.
You groaned in exasperation and carried on towards the Slytherin table.
“Isn’t she lovely?” James whispered in awe, eyes still glued to your form as you bodily shoved Evan Rosier out of what Remus could only assume you had dubbed as your seat at the Slytherin table and sat down. 
“Try bloody terrifying.” Peter shivered in horror as he finally extricated himself from behind Remus. 
“Oi! Don’t talk about our future missus that way, Wormy.” Sirius squawked and swatted at the poor sod with his copy of the Daily Prophet.
“Is he wrong, though?” Remus asked as he let out his own breath of relief.
“Don ‘t worry moons,” James murmured into Remus’ cheek as he pressed his nose into the werewolf’s hair line. “She’ll win you over soon.”
Remus wasn’t so sure.
You were the only Slytherin photographed in proper uniform that day. 
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A few weeks later found Remus sitting horrifyingly uncomfortable in Defense Against the Dark Arts as they moved on to the unit featuring Werewolves.
James sat on his right, and though the shaking of his knee under the table gave away his nerves, he spent the entire class rubbing soothing circles along the back of Remus’ hand with his thumb.
Sirius, sitting on Remus’ left, was incredibly stiff and clearly poised to fight if given the chance which did nothing to ease Remus’ discomfort. It also didn’t help that they shared this period with the 6th and 7th year Slytherin’s.
He just wanted this day to be over.
“Why are we even talking about this?” Mulciber sneered, interrupting the professor as they discussed elements of the Wolfsbane potion. 
“What is your question, Mr. Mulciber?” The professor drawled out in a bored tone.
“Why bother discussing werewolves? The lot of them should be culled anyway; euthanize them on site for all I care.” He spat, earning snickers from Avery, Goyle, and Snape. 
Sirius sucked in a breath in preparation of a verbal (and possibly physical, should he be so lucky) spar when Remus dug his nails into Sirius’ thigh. “Please, Pads.” He begged quietly; voice taught with emotions.
Sirius let out a pained sigh and leaned back further into his chair.
“Funny, Mulciber.” A bored tone commented, “I was just thinking the same about you and your lot.”
Remus, James, and Sirius all turned to see the majority of the eyes in the room already on you, though you never bothered lifting your head from your textbook.
“Care to repeat that, L/N?” Mulciber sneered, sitting up in his chair as if ready to lunge at you if necessary.
You lifted your bored gaze from your book and stared at him head on. “Do I need to repeat myself, Mulciber? Mummy and daddy kept it too close in the family tree, huh?” You murmured in faux sympathy. “I was just thinking, most of the Sacred Twenty-Eight ought to be culled. That would save the wizarding world a whole lot of trouble.”
“How dare you compare me to some filthy half-breed. My family is royalty compared to those disgusting creatures.” Avery shouted.
“The only one acting like a disgusting creature here is the likes of you tossers.” You shouted back.
“Alright.” The professor tried (not very hard, albeit) to quell the quickly spiralling discussion.
“I could hardly look at myself in a mirror if I’d been tainted with a curse like lycanthropy.” Snape sneered, pointedly facing the Marauders across the room. Sirius burned with shame and protectiveness, being the reason Snape knew Remus’ secret and the overwhelming need to defend his lover. Remus took that moment to dig his nails into Sirius' thigh again, pinning him to his seat.
“Are you sure, Snape? Are you sure you wouldn’t rather live a life with lycanthropy than have to look at that mug of yours in the mirror every day.” You drawled.
“You insolent little bitch.”
“Hey!” James finally shouted from across the room, far more stern than Remus can ever remember seeing the boy. But you carried on, completely undeterred. 
“I’d bet ten thousand galleons that not one werewolf ever asked to be a werewolf, yet you wake up each and every morning actively choosing to be the ugliest, most hateful, vile, disgusting beasts known to mankind. That is what is despicable. That is what should be euthanized on site.” Your voice grew louder and louder with each word until you were standing behind your desk and punctuating each word with a slam of your fist against the table in front of you. 
“Alright, that’s enough.” The professor finally called; tone booming across the lecture hall intoning no nonsense. 
“Mr. Mulciber, Mr. Snape, and Miss. L/N. Detention with me this evening.”
The Slytherin boys all scoffed and cursed under their breath whilst you offered a bored shrug of your shoulders, returning to your textbook as though this was just a run of the mill day for you.
The boys had been absolutely right; you just won over the affections of one Remus John Lupin.  
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ganondoodle · 10 months
Dude I love how you make gods feel like *gods*. One thing I think a lot of people have trouble with is making their deities feel like either A. Non-characters that are just forces of nature, like a hurricane, or B. making them *too* much like regular characters, negating the impression of how powerful they're supposed to be.
In every part of that first Demise vs Hylia fight, it felt like something that would be both awe-inspiring and terrifying to witness, and when you mentioned in that other post how Demise would use his true form to escape a mountain, it gave me mental images of a massive volcano, but simultaneously all the *rage* that would be involved. Like I don't know the context but. Oh boy is Demise probably not going to be happy about getting stuck in a mountain
I just!! It is very early rn and Idk if I'm making a lot of sense but you are *so good at this*
I'll be honest, at first i wondered if this ask was actually meant for me or perhaps got to the wrong person ( i got teary eyed reading this ... multiple times qoq)
ANd yes i agree that often gods tend to be either too distant or too much like a normal character, personally im not a fan of the latter xD
the deities in destiny are supposed to be like a middle ground, the three golden gods are very 'other' while the deities are supposed to be a mix of mortals and gods, not half-gods since they more god than mortal but still with a connection to the world (thats almost the entire reason the gods made them like that, bc the gods themselves cannot walk the worlds they created on their own; the deities are essentially their hand to control the world - which isnt working to well as we see gnvfjdknkdfn)
anyway, waht i mean is ... Thank you??!! i, sometimes get so lost in self doubt and how others do similar concepts just wayyy better and like .. idk how to express how this lil ask makes me feel (positively!!!), i always hope i can convey at least a fraction of what i feel writing my stories, which is hard with no movement and no sound, just art, to hear that i am actually somewhat succeeding at it is kinda .. idk, baffling?? i am no good with words myself ;O;
the scene you mentioned is from chapter 3, and i got so motivated by this ask that i had to .. attempt to draw a lil concept of that scene in it, even tho i know its really rough and i hope will get it done better once i get to that chapter .. but its something? ;u;
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moontrinemars · 2 years
The Water Houses: Unseen and Unknown
Recorded for myself, posted for others to reference. Read my blog bio or refer to my masterlist for more detail.
The 4th House: What You've Hidden
The 4th house rules the distinction between the private and public, in favor of the former. It's the house of domesticity, nostalgia, and the past, where we take shelter and tend to our foundations, which are critical to us and who we are, but are unseen by everyone else. Placements here are guarded and tender, and we only ever share them with those that we share our lives.
Because of this, there are parts of individuals with natal 4th house placements that they don't feel comfortable expressing in public or around those they don't know well. They may imitate those who raised them rather then risk revealing the skills, beliefs, and other aspects that they get from a planet in 4th, and they sometimes get offended if people expect them to be vulnerable about something they feel is reserved for those they are closest to.
The 4th house is counterpart to the 10th house. Together, these two houses form an axis of recognition.
The 8th House: What Others Have Hidden
The 8th house rules how our self, life, and world intersect with the value and values of others. It's a place of intimacy, transformation, and trauma, where we keep each other's secrets, and any secrets shared between us. Placements here are magnetic, intoxicating even, but we avoid acknowledging them in the open because the power they hold over us is terrifying.
Because of this, there are parts of individuals with natal 8th house placements that make others weirdly uneasy. People may refuse to acknowledge certain achievements or celebrate certain talents if they come from a planet in the 8th house, and they can react with much more hostility than is warranted to related mistakes or flaws. Even those you love and those who love you may find it deeply uncomfortable to witness this part of you.
The 8th house is counterpart to the 2nd house. Together, these two houses form an axis of worth.
The 12th House: What is Hidden from You
The 12th house rules the uncertain, in ourself and in the world. It is a void - simultaneously a place where we can hide, and a place that hides so much from us. Placements here are elusive and alluring, often inspiring as much fear and awe in us as they do confusion.
Because of this, individuals with 12th house placements may find themselves difficult to define, or even difficult to control. These natives may search for clarity on these parts of themself in others, but this rarely gives them any satisfaction. Only by accepting some level of mystery in themselves and in the world can they find peace with these placements. Otherwise, they risk falling into certain comfort traps like escapism, cults, and codependency.
The 12th house is counterpart to the 6th house. Together, these two houses form an axis of growth.
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crimezi · 10 months
okay so i was thinking about how the winners of the life series get assigned a celestial body that corresponds with their personalities
grian - the sun: the origin of life, an authority or divinity, that which everything revolves, light of the server, a ever burning source of shock and awe
scott - the stars: all the light that’s too far to reach, unchanging predictable path, always reliable, infinite and unattainable, a sort of destiny
pearl - the moon: that which inspires insanity, a constantly evolving and always present force, can change the tides, she’s got range <3
martyn - mars: the symbol of war for wars sake, rather easily manipulated despite his own knack for manipulation, ancient to the point of rusting, willing to betray everyone for a leg up in the terror
so i came up with at least my reasons for the rest >:3 i did my best to mix different symbolism and a few of them are more sound in their reasoning but i’m happy
mumbo - mercury: two sides of an extreme either too hot or too cold, constantly making insane twists in logic, a follower of sorts (he’s insane constantly in an out of control, seeks out information and spreads it around)
skizz- venus: the goddess of love <3, from afar a simple bright light but upclose the most volatile mix of elements, incapable of hosting life (he just wants to see everyone together but also he loves it when he’s given a reason to go a little crazy he’s so Aphrodite coded)
scar- earth: being returned to which sustains us, something something cycles and rebirth, potential, the roots that connect us, the feeling of stability and belonging, a strength that goes unnoticed (he is the flesh maggots adore, where would we be with out him)
gem- aurora borealis: the goddess of the dawn, circle of life, a connection to the dead, power and wonder (i only have so much to work with but also she is the embodiment of a spectacle the shimmering chaotic brightness and also dawn imagery is her thing)
bdubs- eclipses: a doom or foreboding sense of darkness, something so profound that can extinguish even the brightest light, seemingly inextricably connected livable chaos (bdubs is simultaneously very dark and very bright he’s always on edge and genuinely i think we should be more terrified of his ability to flip in a dime he’s very volatile and i love him)
jimmy - meteorshowers/shooting stars: gift from heaven, mystery beyond human comprehension, forces beyond control (boy falls so much, no but his brief but beautiful existence like transience, he moves so fast he burns himself always right before or at the beginning of the unravelling chaos)
cleo- ceres : the mother <3, death and rebirth, the rhythms of the seasons, fostering and adopting, unconditional love, all the issues of devotion, attachment, separation, sacrifice, loss and grief (big sad feelings every season, they always have a deep connection that’s brutally severed)
joel- jupiter: lonely despite all his efforts, all about improvement and good karma, lots of energy spent in forming relationships, calls forth miracles and changing fates, big eye for an eye vibes (he’s the big man!!, he’s always very focused on improving his game and making good deals but still incredibly stubborn)
etho- saturn: a very divorced married divorced planet, very focused in discipline and wisdom, lots of personal responsibility but can also represent shame and suffering (he’s got this very interesting balance going on between being very civil but also very anxious, i could study him for hours)
tango: uranus: hehehe, raw genius and eccentricity, upheaval and innovation hand in hand, out of balance a little rebellious!!! (tango is oops all unconventional ideas also he’s always better off in groups but his individuality and need to discover stop consistently leads him into unexpected sudden issues)
lizzie - neptune: the mystical realm the domain of dreams and delusions, always just a little to vague with intentions, idealism to a fault, a emphasis on creativity and intuition (she is confusion incarnate, listen everything about lizzie comes back to magic fairy shit)
bigb- pluto: a new approach and new perspective, the underbelly of emotions what lies beneath the surface, an unconscious mind exploring dark domains and cycles of harm, spirt over matter (listen bigb is the physical embodiment of ‘what happens if i exculswively go with the flow and just sorta stuble upon answers to questions nobody had?’ and i love him)
impulse- the void: all things ambiguous, the gap inbetween your real self and the replacement ego, incomprehensible emptiness (impulse always has like five facades up and behind all of that is nothing knowable there’s a gnawing sense of dread in all his seasons)
ren - supernova: an explosive transformation, change itself, unleashed potential, fusion in a strange and tragic ways, the afterlife, never ending chain of destinies (he’s just got so much energy he fucking exploded that’s why he’s not in the last 2 seasons he’s crazy powerful he’s just sets things in motion so often, he’s also very pretty <333)
okay i think all of that makes sense lmao
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alovelyburn · 1 year
Hi! Do you know any media - either western or eastern - with a character like Griffith in it? Thanks
That's a tough one. There are tons of characters who evoke similar tropes or are directly inspired by Griffith, but it depends on which parts of Griffith you're looking for. So... I'll give names and then just kind of expand on how they are Griffith-esque.
Giorno Giovanna from JoJo's always struck me as a bit of a Griffith Lite. He's idealistic but ruthless, a strategic thinker, has big dreams and does a lot of sus things in pursuit of more positive goals. He's also given to poetic proclamations.
The classic is Ryo Asuka from Devilman, who is a direct inspiration for Griffith and has a very similar role/dynamic with Akira (the protagonist... you probably know this already but you know) to Griffith's and Guts'... emotionally, but not behaviorally. Like Ryo and Griffith don't act anything alike but they have similar functions. Yeah.
Laurent from the Captive Prince is partially inspired by Griffith - I haven't gotten very far in that book, but Griffith is a stated inspiration.
Chrollo Lucilfer from Hunter x Hunter is kind of a hybrid Griffith/Femto type figure to me. He hits a lot of the same buttons as Griffith but is much more overtly malevolent. Still, the intelligence, strategic thinking, his way of going from adorable to terrifying, and something about the way he... talks... Always reminds me of Griffith. And like Griffith he's quite difficult to read and can instill existential dread in orders without doing very much. Also, books.
Blade of the Phantom Master (Shin Angyo Onshi) has a ... lot of things in it that remind me of Berserk, but when it comes to Griffith, they have two different characters that kind of ring the bells. For Griffith the human, the main one is Hae Mo Su, who is the main character's deceased best friend who appears only in flashbacks once you're past the middle of the series. The other oen is Aji Tae, the main villain - a lot of people compare him to Griffith, but he's more of a Femto, although he sometimes pretends to be a Griffith. Also because of plot things, it's... an interesting comparison.
Artorius from Tales of Berseria has a lot in common with him - mind you I've never actually played the game so take it with a grain of salt. But he's a silver haired idealist who becomes unemotional due to a severe loss and then proceeds to do awful things in the name of benefiting humanity so, there you are.
If you want something MUCH MUCH MORE LIGHTHEARTED than anything else on this list, I'm Stanning the Prince is a romance manhwa webcomic that simultaneously strongly evokes Berserk and turns it into like... a lighthearted romance comic. The younger/crown prince is physically identical to Griffith and has a Griffithy vibe... also his sigil is a blue and white wolf whereas his brother's sigil is a red and black bird, so like.... anyway but again this is romance comic so don't expect it to go too heavy.
Le'Garde from Fear & Hunger (dark RPG) is perhaps the most 1-for-1 comparison I've seen in terms of role and story, though he has some non-Griffith twists to him. He is directly based on Griffith, though. I saw a review call this game "Undertale, but it's Berserk."
All that said, the closest I've ever come to being like, this guy may as well just be Griffith was... Canute from Vinland Saga. When he first appears, this comparison will seem pretty shallow but just hang in there. By the time I paused in my reading (which I need to get back to) I was like, oh this is what Griffith would be like as King, cool cool.
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haydenigmatic · 1 year
How would the ROs react to a MC going full out Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon when he was a menace taking on Crabfeeder's army on his own but the MC sets it up that their dragon gets into it too on a battlefield?
That's a little bit spoilery but I'll grant you the answer this once.
Odette would react with a mixture of awe, admiration, and concern to the MC's display of power and courage, reminiscent of Daemon Targaryen. Witnessing the MC take on an entire army, accompanied by their formidable dragon, would leave Odette both impressed and worried for their safety. While she recognizes the MC's strength and strategic prowess, she would also fear the risks they are undertaking and the potential consequences of such a dangerous endeavour. Her heart would swell with pride for the MC's bravery, but her love and concern for their well-being would urge her to support and protect them in whatever way she can.
Nesrin would be both awe-struck and deeply concerned witnessing the MC's daring and risky actions on the battlefield. The sight of the MC fearlessly taking on an entire army single-handedly would ignite a mixture of admiration and anxiety within her. However, when the MC's dragon joins the fray, unleashing its power and wreaking havoc, Nesrin's emotions would intensify. She would be simultaneously captivated by the display of sheer might and terrified for the safety of the MC and their dragon, hoping desperately that they emerge from the battle unscathed.
Sorin would be a mix of awe, concern, and pride as she witnesses the MC fearlessly taking on the army. Her eyes widen as she sees the MC's dragon soar into the battlefield, unleashing its power alongside the MC. She is captivated by the display of strength and bravery, but deep down, worries for their safety. Yet, amidst her concern, Sorin feels a surge of pride and admiration for the MC's fearless determination to protect what they hold dear.
Jasira's reaction to the MC taking on an army with their dragon on a battlefield would be a mix of astonishment, pride, and exhilaration. As she witnesses the MC's fearless and awe-inspiring display of power and bravery, a surge of adrenaline courses through her veins. Her eyes widen with a mix of admiration and excitement, knowing that they are witnessing an extraordinary feat. Jasira's heart swells with pride for the MC and their dragon as they unleash their might, igniting the battlefield with a force that leaves their enemies in awe.
Verena would be simultaneously exhilarated and concerned witnessing the MC's daring display of power and skill on the battlefield. While she admires the MC's prowess and strategic manoeuvring, her protective nature would spark a sense of worry for their safety. Seeing the MC's dragon joining the fight, she would experience a mix of awe and apprehension, understanding the tremendous risks involved. Deep down, however, her admiration for the MC's bravery and the display of their dragon's might would kindle a fierce sense of pride, solidifying her belief that they are an unstoppable force destined for greatness.
Aurelia/n's initial reaction to the MC taking on an army on their own while their dragon joins the battlefield, would be a mixture of awe, concern, and fierce pride. She would be captivated by the MC's bravery and prowess, admiring their unwavering determination in the face of danger. However, beneath her admiration, a sense of worry would simmer as she witnesses the intensity of the battle unfold. Aurelia/n's heart would surge with a deep-rooted pride for the MC's unwavering spirit, while her protective instincts kick in, urging her to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety amidst the chaos of the battlefield.
Doria/n's initial reaction to the MC going full out Daemon Targaryen and taking on Crabfeeder's army on their own would be a mix of astonishment, concern, and admiration. Their cynical and untrusting nature would make them sceptical of such audacious actions, questioning the risks involved. However, as they witness the MC's unwavering determination and the power of their dragon in the heat of battle, Doria/n's guarded demeanour begins to crack. A blend of awe and respect washes over them as they witness the MC's fierce and calculated prowess, reflecting a hidden thrill within Doria/n themselves. This display of courage and strength not only deepens their admiration for the MC, but it also sparks a newfound connection, drawing them closer together amidst the chaos of the battlefield.
Damon would be initially shocked and concerned when the MC unleashes their dragon in the heat of battle, channelling the ferocity and recklessness of Daemon Targaryen. While impressed by the MC's boldness and determination, he would also be deeply worried for their safety. Damon's protective instincts would kick in, driving him to rush to their side and provide support, using his own exceptional combat skills to ensure their survival. Despite his own daring nature, Damon would prioritize the MC's well-being above all else, fighting alongside them and their dragon to turn the tide of the battle and emerge victorious.
Hanniel would be equal parts awestruck and concerned witnessing the MC going full out Daemon Targaryen on the battlefield, fearlessly taking on Crabfeeder's army single-handedly. His heart would be filled with a mix of admiration for the MC's bravery and worry for their safety. But when the MC's dragon joins the fray, their combined power would leave Hanniel in utter awe. Despite the perilous situation, he would find solace in the MC's unwavering determination and fierce loyalty, realizing that their strength, both individually and with their dragon, is a force to be reckoned with. Hanniel would be inspired by their boldness and be determined to fight alongside them, ensuring their safety and standing as a steadfast companion throughout the chaos of battle.
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deejadabbles · 2 years
The House of Anubis (Atem x Reader Halloween special)
Part Four: The Darkness
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// (Five coming soon) ///
Summary: The house was large, a manor, really. Imposing, yet striking more aw with every turn of a corner. You had never thought you’d be dragged back into the family business, but your brother needed you, and so too did his latest project. It stood alone among the trees, yet, you never felt alone when inside. Hairs prickle on the back of the neck, shivers run down spines, and hands fidget with every unoccupied moment. And the thing- or rather, person, who simultaneously eases and worsens these feelings? Atem, a man who was just as mercurial as the house itself, all smirks and light comments one moment, then lingering stares and strange musings the next. So the real question remains, will you uncover the secrets both the man and the manor are harboring?(A Halloween mini-series inspired by the show ‘The Haunting of Hill House’ and the movie ‘The Frighteners’. The Reader x Atem themes are, admittedly, light as this mostly focuses on a spooky haunted house story, but the romantic undertones are there. Gender-neutral reader.)
A.N. Okay, how many of you wanna take bets on whether or not I'll actually finish this before Halloween of next year? I'll try my best, but for some reason, all I seem to get motivated to do is one chapter every Halloween -.- Maybe the next one being the last will motivate me! Either way, I hope you guys like the new chapter, and have a good Halloween!
The woods, seven years ago.
All the horror movies were true. 
All the scenes of children tucked into bed, holding their breaths in fear at the shadows on their walls. All the images of branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, ready to rake and claw at unsuspecting victims who thought they were tucked away safe in their homes.
Those scary movies her older sister were obsessed with had perfectly captured the visage of old gnarled trees casting terrifying shadows. That was all Clare could think as they drove through the thick forest.
“You really think it’s a good idea to go out this far?” she asked, only now barely able to rip her gaze away from the barren branches reaching out for their car. “Haven’t you listened to those pod casts about people going missing on the backroads because of hill billy psychos?”
Jon, one hand on the steering wheel, one holding a contraband cigarette courtesy of his mother’s purse, actually scoffed. “There you go again, told ya she’d chicken out right before we got there!”
“I’m not-” Clare grit her teeth, “I’m just saying we should be careful! Heck, not even about axe murderers, you know how many people get into car wrecks from deer and shit jumping in front of them on roads like these?”
“Stop being an dick, Jon, she’s just worried your shitty driving is gonna to land us in a ditch,” came Dylan’s voice from the seat behind her. She heard a shift and his head came peeking between her and Jon. “Where are you even taking us?”
After taking another drag of the cig, and passing it to Dylan Jon said, “Let’s just say it’s not inbred machete maniacs that we have to worry about.” Taking his eyes off the road, he gave Clare that look. The look he got in their kindergarten class right before nap time, the look he used when their backyard bonfires lit up his face in an eerie glow, the look before he jumped out at an unsuspecting friend. “We’re going to an actual haunted mansion.”
Dylan groaned throwing himself back into his seat, “Yeah fucking right, there’s just a mansion sitting out in the middle of the woods? Come on, man, you spent all of middle school dragging us to cemeteries and abandoned buildings, I thought you were done with this.”
“This is for real, dude! It really is a creepy ass old mansion,” Jon started digging around in the small space between his seat and the center console, “and, get this, the old dude who owned it, died mysteriously a couple months ago.” He withdrew a piece of paper that Clare recognized as one of their town’s desperate attempts to cling to the past. “Read it yourself!” 
After getting it shoved into her hands, Clare glared as she unwrinkled the newspaper clipping. The small article did indeed tell about some professor who died in his family home, but…
“A heart attack?” Clare rolled her eyes, “An elderly man dying of a heart attack is ‘mysterious’?”
“It says right there that he was in perfect health, though!” Jon insisted, but interrupted himself with an “oh shit” as he jerked his wheel to avoid missing a turn in the road.
Now with the trees more sparse than the dense decrepit woods from before, Clare felt a little more at ease. This was all just another one of Jon’s poor attempts to scare them, she hardly had to worry.
“Look,” Jon continued after straightening out his car, “my uncle says he knew the guy who died, and that he was starting to get all weird in the end. Talking nonsense, locking himself away in the mansion more than usual, and, warning people never to come visit him at his house. Dude went nuts like a professor in a Lovecraft story!”
Again Dylan’s head hovered between the front seats, “Doesn’t seem a little…you know, disrespectful or- or ghoulish to go through this dead guy’s house? He obviously had mental issues.”
“God damn, you two are no fun,” Jon accentuated his claim by blowing a raspberry.
And, given that he wasn’t careful to watch the road while he rambled about ghost hunting adventures, Clare took it upon herself to watch the road for him. The night sky was at least visible now, and the full moon overhead gave her some comfort. Ha, a full moon, that must have been why he chose tonight in particular to practically drag them out of bed with no warning just short of midnight. 
She was just thinking about telling Jon to watch the road better when something made her stiffen. She saw it in the corner of her eye first, a flash, a spark, and she felt her chest hold back a gasp as her head whipped to the right. Clare leaned forward, trying to see past Jon’s head as she scanned the trees for, what, she wasn’t sure.
“Hey, what’s up?” Dylan nudged her arm, seeing her search through the darkness.
She swallowed. “I…I don’t know I think I saw something-”
A squeal of tires as she slid forward, her elbow making painful contact with the dashboard when the car came to a hard stop.
“Ow! What the hell, Jon!?” In a rare fit of anger, she punched Jon in the arm, before using the same hand to cradle her sore elbow.
To his credit, the driver actually did sound sincere when he said, “Sorry! Sorry, I think I missed the driveway, so I panicked.”
Dylan muttered “driveway?” under his breath as he twisted to look out the back window. “Holy shit, you’re right, I think it’s right there.”
Clare squinted her eyes at where he was pointing, though her view from the passenger front wasn’t great. In the moonlit dark, she thought she could just barely make out a mailbox on the roadside.
Before another word, Jon wrestled his junk-on-wheels car into reverse and veered into the opposite lane as he backed up. There it was, on the same side of the road where she thought she saw something in the trees: a long, unlit, winding driveway.
Jon had that look again, that smile, and he wiggled his eyebrows at them before turning into the driveway. 
Despite herself, Clare swallowed hard. The twenty-year-old headlights of the rusted Toyota only cut through the shadows for a few feet, and again she felt like the darkness and trees were pressing in on them. Thankfully, the rocky path wasn’t as long as she had thought, because the woods soon broke into a clearing. There on the right, it stood, probably the biggest house she had ever seen in person, and that included the mayor’s place.
Towers, arching windows, vines woven over brick, it looked like it belonged on the cover of her sister’s old gothic romance books. Moonlight made some of the windows glint in the dark, and Clare realized that that must have been what she saw in the trees earlier.
“Hold shit,” Jon mumbled, “Uncle Tim wasn’t kidding, it’s fucking awsome!”
“And you’re sure no one still lives here? Like the dude's wife or something?” Dylan asked.
“Nope. My uncle said he just has a granddaughter left, and she lives in LA doing computer science shit.” With that, Jon killed the engine and popped open his door, leaving them both to do the same as he approached the house.
The front porch added to the spooky air, no doubt. Spiderwebs in every corner, wicker seats toppled over, and to top it all off: a rocking chair creaking in the night breeze. The old wood steps groaned and a blanket of leaves crunched underfoot as they walked up to the large front door. Immediately, Jon grabbed the handle and turned it hard.
Nothing happened, besides Jon banging his shoulder on the dark wood.
“Come on, you didn’t actually think they’d leave it unlocked, did you?” Clare teased as she turned to the arched, paned glass dotting the front of the house. “Maybe we could try a window?”
Jon gave one last annoyed look at the door before nodding. Dylan had already gone to the closest one, moving the broken wicker furniture to get close enough. A mighty lift, but the glass didn’t budge.
“Dude, give me a hand,” he waved at Jon and they were standing shoulder to shoulder, trying their damndest to slide it up.
While they heaved and pulled, Clare wandered back to the door. There was a fan-shaped pane of glass near the top, so she pressed herself against the wood and stood on her tiptoes. The view was hazy, dust or maybe the glass was simply warped from age, and the moonlight through the windows didn’t help too much. From what little she could see, the door opened into a large entry hall of sorts, and, if she squinted, she thought she could make out a large staircase.
A shadow in the darkness shifted. Clare felt her heart skip a beat, eye’s frozen on the spot where she swore the light from the window wasn’t shining. She made herself look behind her, at the trees surrounding the clearing, and gave a sigh of relief when she realized it must have been the branches swaying in the path of the moonlight.
She leaned back on her heels and turned towards the boys, who were still trying to open the same window. “Guys, I think you should try another-”
The creak of old wood filled her ears, as the door beside her opened.
It only stood ajar an inch or two, and she didn’t see anyone on the other side, but it still caused her to take a step back.
“Awesome! How’d you get it open?” Dylan asked as he and Jon came to her side.
Again, Jon wasted no time in taking the lead, he grabbed the edge of the door and pushed it open. They could practically hear his eyes go wide, “Holy shit!”
Clare tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat as Dylan crossed the threshold. It…it must have been unlocked the whole time, and just got stuck like old doors did. Yes, yes that had to be it. And it finally opened after she leaned on it for so long.
With that thought to calm her, she followed her friends. They took cautious steps inside, surrounded by old walls and creaking floorboards. She was right, it did open into an entry hall, with a grand staircase on the other side, but this wasn’t anything like the old houses they saw in movies.
“It looks like a set for The Mummy.” Dylan ran his hand over the thick layer of dust covering the sand-colored depictions of hieroglyphs and ancient gods.
“Yeah, Uncle Tim said the guy was some sort of Egyptologist. Guess he was waaaay obsessed with his job.”
Clare took her index finger and traced the face of a winged woman. “I thought you said he only passed away a couple months ago,” she asked, frowning at the dust coating her fingertip.
Jon shrugged, “Maybe he wasn’t big on dusting.” He turned and wandered to the doorway on the left side of the hall. “Man, he’s got even more Egypt stuff in here!”
Clare heard Dylan walking over to where Jon stood, but she was still transfixed by the wall. Something cold ran up her back like an icy spider, making her want to wrap her arms around herself. She turned to look behind but found nothing, just open, dusty space.
The chill didn’t stop at her spine though, it slithered down her arms till she started rubbing them through her hoodie.
She heard it above her, and her eyes snapped to the ceiling.
“Guys,” her call came out a hoarse cry, “Guys, I think someone’s upstairs!”
The boys, who had barely gotten to the next room, turned to face her again, “Huh?”
She was still watching the ceiling, listening, straining to see or hear any sign to tell her she wasn’t overreacting. The ceiling, web coated and peeling, was dark, and she blinked when she thought he saw a section of it…swelling.
No, her eyes weren’t seeing things in the dark, a tile in the bronze ceiling was swelling like a bubble. She watched as it got bigger and bigger- then screamed when it split open to reveal a large bloodshot eye.
Clare fell to the ground, still screaming as she crawled back backwards to the door, watching as the eye got bigger and the bulge in the ceiling slid like dripping ooze to the closest wall. The boy’s were calling her name, and just as they began pulling her to her feet something large on the stairs fell with a deafening bang.
Even with that and her screams, they still heard it.
“What are you doing here!?”
The deep, almost inhuman voice caused their heads to snap towards the staircase.
There, on the landing, back lit up by the marvelous stained glass, was a man with wild hair and eyes that seemed to pierce the darkness.
“Get. Out.” His voice was as deadly as a snake’s hiss, and even Jon gripped the doorway as he backed away. “Get Out! Now!” the figure roared.
They didn’t need to be told a third time. Dylan had a firm grip on Clare as they scrambled across the porch and down the stairs. An arm’s length from the car they heard that same baritone call out to them again: a warning.
“Never speak of what you saw here tonight.”
Jon didn’t even bother putting the car in reverse, and did the sharpest U turn of his life, peeling out of the driveway as if the devil himself were on their heels.
Atem watched them go, still standing sentinel at the top of the stairs.
Then his eyes snapped to the bubbling thing that had slid its way across the wall to the front door. The frame of a skeletal hand was visible under the wallpaper, reaching out in hunger at the meal that had gotten away.
Atem’s anger flared anew.
He was not a cruel man, even scaring those children hadn’t pleased him, but for that thing, he could find no mercy. Especially after Arther.
“If you think,” he took a step down the stairs, “that after everything you’ve put my friend through,” another step, “that I would ever let you harm another innocent,” his foot clicked against a hard floor, “then you are sorely mistaken.”
Atem was not a cruel man, but for the darkness infesting this house, he had no mercy.
The front door slammed shut on the creature's screams.
The manor, present day.
Music was never something that the old thief Alexander Hawkins had indulged in often, only when company graced his house did he allow his wife to fill their halls with the croon of a radio or record. Even his son Arther, who quite liked the birth of rock and roll, rarely turned the volume high. Today though, today a pair of siblings played a scratched up CD as loud as their old paint-stained stereo would allow.
Your head nodded along with your favorite track as the song blared against the tile walls. You remembered this setlist well, it was one of the first mixes your dad bad copied for you and your brother: a rite of passage in helping him with his work. 
Laying tile was one of the few tasks you had struggled with when learning your family’s craft, making sure every square was ruler straight, pipping the grout just thick enough that there weren't layers and layers of clean up. It had taken many bathrooms and kitchens less grand than this to get proficient at all that. 
So, the professional work you were doing now filled you with some pride.
The downstairs bath had been in desperate need of new tiles- both on the ground and the wall, and a road trip to some antique furniture stores in the area had yielded the perfect replacement pieces. The gold imitation of marble tied in well with the decor of the rest of the downstairs, lavish enough to not feel like an afterthought, but not so garish that the small space might make you cringe. 
Unfortunately, your music was drowned out for a moment, the scream of a saw whirring down the hall as your brother finished cutting the tile needed for the edges of the room. When the sound died down again a new song was playing and at first you started humming along again; but when the lyrics started, the tune made you pause.
Usually, you paid no mind when this, one of your brother’s favorite songs, popped on, but today, in this particular house…
You flicked the little dial on the side of the radio, turning the volume down to a murmur as you turned back to your work. 
In truth, the day spent shopping had been a much needed excuse. The last day you spent in this house, the day you had stayed till nightfall, had shaken you and your brother more than either of you wanted to admit. And the worst part was, looking back, you couldn’t even say why that night had scared you so much. Nothing had…happened, not really. Neither of you had said anything about the strange feeling of urgency felt when leaving the house, the sudden sensation that something was wrong. 
Even still, the next morning your brother had suggested the shopping trip, as if the bathroom were some pressing issue that needed mending by the end of the week. Not that you complained, a day away from the House of Anubis was welcomed by that point. Something about this place just felt…heavy at times.
“Blasphemy, kiddo! One does not turn down the volume on Don't Fear the Reaper.”
Big brother had come back down the hall and set the bag of freshly cut tile by the door before he leaned down and turned the volume back up.
“I couldn’t hear it over the saw anyway,” you countered, and he put his hand over his heart dramatically.
“Well, see if I try to make myself useful again with that attitude!”  
A playful roll of your eyes and you went back to your work. He did make himself useful again by refilling your drink from your stash in the kitchen, which was nice. It was almost completely drained again by the time you were finally done with the tile but at least the work was done.
Needing a break from the damp muddy smell of grout and that strange oppressive air of the house in general, you told him you were stepping outside while he mixed the paint for your next job.
Instead of going down the little hallway that led back to the entry hall, you took the door that opened into the study, then the next door that got you into the conservatory. Green was still bursting to life in every free space of the glass-domed room, and you made a mental note to double-check that there weren’t any vines digging into the rest of the house when you got the chance. 
The glass doors at the front of the conservatory opened to a small side porch with a nice view of the woods. Said trees were beautiful this time of year, your view was an endless ombre of reds and oranges and yellows. The crisp autumn air filled your chest as you took in a deep, cleansing breath and closed your eyes.
After letting the cool breeze wash over your face for a while, you took a step out into the yard and looked up at the house, letting your gaze travel across it. There was a small balcony where the glass roof of the conservatory met the rest of the house, connected to the master suite. 
As you gazed over the upstairs windows, you noticed that the outside walls had some strange angles to them, ones you hadn’t noticed when staying the night in the master room all that time ago. You found yourself tilting your head in confusion, no, that wall shouldn’t jut out like that. Maybe the room next door, but…hold on, that wasn’t right either…how could…
You were unceremoniously drawn out of your reverie by the sound of a car door slamming shut. 
A blink as your mind traded one confused train of thought for another and you turned your head towards the sound. A car? Then the thought of Atem crossed your mind. Perhaps he had finally recovered from his mysterious illness and had come back to see you.
Though, you didn’t ever remember seeing him use a car.
The trek through the overgrown grass beside the house was a bit much, but you soon made your way to the side of the front porch, peering out at the driveway. There sat a nice-looking car, small, silver, and near it, stood a bespeckled blonde woman. She was staring up at the house, eyes a bit blank as she kept her arms folded tight over her chest. 
You made sure to make your next steps out into the open a bit loud before you called out with a “Hello, can I help you with something?”
The effort not to spook her was in vain, and she jumped a little as she turned in your direction, “Oh!” a shake of her head, “Sorry- I didn’t mean to just stand here and stare.” 
You had crossed the distance to her now, and up close, you could see that she looked to be in her late thirties, maybe early forties. Now at arm’s length, she finally untangled her limbs to hold out her hand.
“I’m Rebecca, Rebecca Hawkins, I think you bought this house from me.”
Ah, so this was the granddaughter. “Actually it was my brother who bought the place. I’m just here to help.”
She made a little ‘oh’ sound, her eyes darting back towards the house before quickly snapping to you again. “Well, I was passing through the state and I thought I’d come by and see the place one last time before it’s sold off to another family.”
You nodded, but didn’t miss the way she instantly folded her arms after shaking your hand. “He said that you lived in California, I guess you didn’t get much time to see it before you sold it, huh?” you pressed, remembering how odd it seemed to you, that she would leave behind so many things in the house.
The woman scoffed, digging her heel into the gravel as she gazed at the grand front door. “Honestly? I haven’t been here since I was a teenager. My parents moved to another state when they got married, so we only came back here every couple of years for the holidays. I don’t really have much attachment to this place so when I inherited it, figured I’d just let someone else deal with it.”
“Ah, so that’s why everything was left inside,” you mused out loud, “I understand, if you weren’t that close with your grandfather, it would be more a headache than anything.”
Rebecca’s head didn’t turn from the house, but her eyes did shift back to you out of the corner of her glasses. “Well, we were close, there for a while, but, towards the end he just…”
Her eyes had snapped to the manor once again as she trailed off, and the gaze stayed there for a moment, seemingly transfixed. Then she seemed to shiver from an imaginary breeze.
“Anyway, it took a few years to sell, but I think it's for the best.”
“Do you want to come inside? See what we’ve gotten done for the place?” you offered, before an awkward silence could settle.
The heel that had been worrying a spot in the gravel slid forward, towards the porch, but she quickly shook her head. “No, no, I think I should get going. I just wanted to see the old place with my own eyes before I moved on.” She gave you a smile that was a bit forced before shaking your hand again. “Thank you, I hope you and your brother can make some good money off it.”
And before you could insist she at least come in for some coffee, she was opening her car door. However, before she fully shut it, she apparently had one final thing to say.
“Oh! I also wanted to ask, has a man named Atem shown up at all? He lived in the area, so I thought he’d be curious about who finally got the manor.”
Your eyes went a bit wide at the mention, “Oh! Yes, he has, he actually told me all about the house's history.”
Rebecca smiled, “That sounds like Atem, he’s got to be, what, fifty by now?”
“He’s really inter-” You began, but then your mind froze when her words sank in. Fifty…what? “E-excuse me?”
She went on, not hearing your confusion, “Yeah, he was probably in his twenties last I saw him, though, I was a little girl at the time.” She shook her head as she closed the car door, and through the down window she said, “Well, tell him I said hi, grandpa always talked about him, so I hope he’s doing okay.” 
And with that, she turned the car on and pulled out of the driveway leaving you standing frozen on the gravel path.
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The drive to the hospital was unusually quiet on your end. Your brother talked, especially when you mentioned your morning visitor, but almost everything he was saying was nothing but a buzz in your head. 
You couldn’t have heard Rebecca correctly. Atem had to be in his twenties now, not when she was a kid. Or- or maybe she was confusing Atem with someone else her grandfather knew. Or…
“Hey,” you started when there was a pause in whatever your brother was saying, “Do you know if Atem’s dad lived here too? …And if he’s maybe named after his dad?”
He let out a confused noise, but his mouth twisted in thought for a second, “I don’t know, I can’t remember him ever mentioning his parents. Why?”
You had to let out a sign before answering. “Oh, nothing. Just something weird Rebecca said before she left. I must have just misheard her though.”
Big brother hummed again, “Well, like I said a minute ago, everything about her visit was weird. I mean, who goes out of their way to come by this little town to see a house for less than five minutes?”
He had a point, her odd behavior should have been the most troubling thing about her visit. “She didn’t mention where she was going but, if it was any decent-sized city nearby she still would have had to drive, what, almost an hour off the major highway?”
Nodding his head, your brother added, “Not to mention when she sold me the place, her realtor said she’d had the place for years and specified that she had no interest in coming out to the house before the sale was final. Kinda weird to change her mind now.”
“Guess she just needed some last-minute closure,” you finished as you pulled into the hospital parking lot.
After dropping him off, you spent the drive back to the manor trying to get your mind off of the strange meeting. There was no use reading into something that, in the end, likely had nothing to do with you.
Still, you wished that Atem hadn’t been gone for so long, it could have taken your mind off of most of the things plaguing it once he gave you some simple answers. With that desire in mind, once you got back in the area, you actually spent some time going down several roads near the manor in a half-hearted attempt to find this little house Atem mentioned living in. 
It was half-hearted because you didn’t actually go up to any of the houses to see if he lived in any of them. It felt too odd or random to just show up on someone’s doorstep asking about a strange man you didn’t even know the last name of.
So, in the end, after not seeing him on a front porch or driveway of the few houses you found, you turned the car around and went back to the manor. Work was sure to take your mind off things. You’d play some of the CDs you loved most in your brother’s collection and zone out on your next project.
Or at least, that had been the plan. 
You spend no less than fifteen minutes sitting in the driveway, telling yourself to put the mystery away then dwelling on the thoughts once again in a vicious cycle.
Thankfully, as your eyes drifted over the house while you thought, you remembered another small mystery that had cropped up that morning. That’s right, you had been in the middle of figuring out why the walls of the upstairs didn’t match the inside when Rebecca showed up.
Figuring that solving one small mystery could help you forget another, you slammed the car door shut with determination set on your face.
You marched through the front door and didn’t waste any time grabbing the floor plans from the main workstation in the drawing room. With them rolled up in hand, you ran upstairs to the master suite and spread the papers on the lavish bed.
Even before you lifted the layer of clear plastic your brother used for notes, you could see that your suspicions were right. There, beside the balcony, the master bedroom was supposed to have an alcove about four feet deep.
“Okay,” you clapped your hands together, turning to the flat span of wall beside the balcony door, “according to the floor plans, you should not be here,” you said to the wall as you ran your hand over it. Now, what was the best reason to cover up a section of a room? Secret passages were a staple of old houses, after all.
It was all smooth planes, if they had covered up the alcove recently, they did a good job.  No fancy bookcases to hide a door, no strange seam hidden by the pattern of the wallpaper, but… there was a walk-in closet beside the mysterious missing space.
Thankfully there were hardly any clothes left in it, so you only had to slide a few suit jackets aside as you crouched near the right wall inside the closet. If you were going to hide a secret door, this would be the spot you’d choose for sure.
Your heart was actually thudding a bit hard in your chest as you ran your hand along one edge of the wall, then up to the top and around the other side.
Then a breath caught in your throat as your finger caught on a very, very thin vertical line. Taking the light on your phone, you shone it over the spot and that’s when you saw it, barely perceivable: the outline of a small door.
With fumbling hands, you grabbed the keys from your pocket and carefully wiggled them into the seam, then pushed on them like a mini crowbar.
The panel swung open just an inch or two and stale air met your senses, but you couldn’t care much as you tried to push the door open. Excitement made you give up halfway through, and you hurriedly shone your light into the hidden room.
The beam dragged across cobwebs and windowless walls that were a bit distorted from neglect. Then the light traveled across thick layers of dust, stained hardwood, and- and something sitting at the very center of the small space.
It was a pedestal.
Somehow you ignored the vague sound of something creaking inside the room as you squinted your eyes. A pedestal? You placed your hand on the doorframe as you started to lean forward, thinking that you saw something metallic glinting atop it when the light played across the space. Cramped and dark and tiny, you thought staring into that wrong-feeling void was the reason the hairs were standing up on your neck, until the door slammed shut on your hand.
A scream of pain tore your throat apart as something- something inside the room was pressing the door hard against your hand. You struggled, feeling the skin on your knuckles tear open as you tried to pull your hand free, even using your free one to push against the force behind the door.
Then, you heard a frantic call of your name, and someone was kneeling behind you.
A frantic cry trailed off in the air as you turned and saw Atem, glaring at the secret door as he put his hand next to yours, “Push!”
As if you had stopped trying. Together both of you pounded on the door and even over that noise and the pain, you could have sworn you heard something like claws scratching at the wood on the other side.
Whatever it was, it relented and you were sent falling back out of the closet and into Atem’s arms.
Still frantic and screaming and crying, you both scrambled to your feet, Atem practically dragging you out of the bedroom.
“Wh-what the hell!?” you were barely making sense, but when you both reached the stairs, Atem let you go.
He looked just as sick as the last time you saw him as he leaned against the railing, and waved a hand down the stairs, “Go-” he paused, seeming to catch his breath, “go downstairs. To the kitchen. I’ll get the first aid kit.”
Despite the million questions resting atop your near-panicked state, you couldn’t seem to find it in you to argue. You took the stairs two at a time, cradling your bloody hand gingerly the whole time. When you finally made it to the kitchen, you couldn’t calm down enough to sit, even as you tried to rationalize what just happened.
Maybe there was a shutting mechanism on the door that made sure it shut behind whoever entered? Or, maybe, maybe something inside the room fell and-
Or, maybe you were just going insane inside this house that caused mirrors to crack and brothers to have heart attacks and doors to slam shut on their own.
You hadn’t heard Atem come in, but there was a first aid kit on the kitchen counter now, and he looked up at you almost sheepishly.
“You need to take care of your hand, it could get-”
“What the hell just happened?” Your voice was more quiet than anything, but it was firm as you looked up at him, still cradling the hand he was so concerned with.
He looked away then. “I don’t know,” his back was actually turned to you as he said, “I came to visit like usual, and I heard your screams. I was just-”
“Cut the bullshit, Atem,” your voice was higher now, all your confusion and irritation and pain pouring out in your tone, “something insane is going on in this goddamn house, and I think you know all about- hey! Don’t walk away from me!”
He had started stepping towards the door, but in your anger you closed the distance between you both, reached out your hand, and-
And you fell through thin air the moment you touched his back.
The fall to the ground didn’t hurt much, but maybe your mind was just reeling too much to register it. In a scramble, you rolled onto your back and looked up at Atem. Or, at least the space he had been standing.
Something dark and smokey, like black mist curled and coiled in the air where you had fallen through Atem. Slowly, the shadow smoke merged back together, until it once again resemble the man. His face, slowly returning to a full, fleshy color, looked down at you with something like resignation in his eyes. You stared back at him for a long, silent moment.
Then, for the second time that night, the house filled with your scream.
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office-worker-91 · 1 year
Infinity Train Fear and Hunger AU Snippet 3
(This WAS the end of these weird AU snippets, but I have more ideas to throw around so there's gonna be one more after this. Still, if I ever do anything else with this concept it will be in a Fear and Hunger INSPIRED Au called Infinity Dungeon AU, that way I could avoid the more uncomfortable parts of Fear and Hunger while still having the basic gist of the franchise available.)
(CW: Serious Injuries, Mentions of Gore)
It was shaky at first. Very shaky.
Jesse and Lake had ran into a strange cave, covered in flesh. Lake was not surprised to see it, nor were they particularly affected by it. Jesse was an entirely different story. He squirmed and tip toed across the hall as Lake rolled their eyes at the human, slipping into an unfamiliar steel contraption to hopefully hide from any monsters around. With that, Lake turned to Jesse, realizing they were stuck with him, and decided to lay out some ground rules.
They get to distribute the duo's food.
If he does anything stupid that gets them in trouble, they're ditching him.
"If you steal from me I'll bash your brains in." (All talk of course, though at the time Jesse didn't know that)
The boy just nodded along vigorously, not speaking at all. The two were silent at first, still sheltering in the metal contraption, but when Jesse decided to poke around in it he found a lever that sent the contraption downwards with them in it.
Lake considered enacting rule 2 right then and there, but there was no time for that. Their stomach growled and drove them out of the cage to explore the huge cave they had been brought to, Jesse scampering behind them.
He then began to talk. A lot.
"Woah, this place is huge! Y'know, I heard from one of my friends that caves like this are formed because of underground rivers! UNDERGROUND. RIVERS!"
"Are you... made of metal?! How? Why? Does that mean you're invincible? Is that how you've survived down here?"
"Soooooo... what do you think was up with that flesh hallway?...... Y'know what, let's not talk about it."
"By All-Mer, is that a deer???"
Lake had Jesse tuned out, which meant that they didn't notice the deer until they ran face first into it. They immediately backed up, terrified that it was some monstrosity that would destroy the bridge they were both on and take them and Jesse down with it. Instead the deer looked at them with simultaneously dead and curious eyes. Some sort of impossible mixture of no thought and unknowable thought that boggled their mind.
Jesse liked the deer. He tip-toed up close to it and stared in awe. Lake regained their voice and yelled out to stand back, not wanting Jesse to get turned into mince meat five minutes after deciding they would protect him, but the deer didn't attack, or ever approach Jesse. It just kept staring.
The sunshine boy went on a rant that, somehow, ended in giving the deer a green herb to eat (didn't he know those were a valuable medical resource???) and naming him Alan Dracula. Stars shone in his eyes as he gazed at the inexplicable cave deer lovingly. Lake wanted to reprimand him, but two things happened.
They saw Jesse's face. It was... utterly happy. Despite everything the boy must've gone through, despite his discomfort and his nervous ramblings, right now he was utterly happy. Lake had vague memories of the sun from being Tulip's reflection. They think this must be what being out in the sun is like.
They look at "Alan Dracula" and realize their reaction to him had been similar to Jesse's reaction to them, something Lake didn't appreciate. Just because something wasn't human, and it was down in the dungeons.... well, Lake was living proof that not all monsters are monstrous, right?
So Lake stepped forwards and tentatively reached out to pat Alan Dracula. In response, the deer simply closed its eyes. Jesse, for the third time since they've met less than half an hour ago, begged Lake for something, this time asking if they could "keep him." Lake refused, but it sounded weak when they were feeling his soft head in their hands. They pivoted their stance to "the deer has free will and can come if it wants!" which led to the two turning around and walking back across the bridge. The deer stared after them, but didn't follow.
Jesse was disappointed, and Lake was too, but they wouldn't show it. They were starving, and Jesse was starting to get hungry too. So they kept scouring the cave, and that's when they saw it: Eggs. Giant eggs. Dozens of them.
The sunshine boy ran forward eagerly before his metal companion had to pull him back. They reminded him that something has to LAY those eggs in order for them to be there. Instead of this getting what Lake thought was the appropriate reaction, Jesse suddenly got very sad and said he didn't want to eat some poor cave creature's eggs. Lake wasn't sure whether that was a sign of goodness of heart or insanity, but either way they knew they still needed to eat. So after some light convincing and a growing pain in his stomach, Jesse agreed they would take a few, but not enough for the mother to know any were missing.
As Lake shoved some eggs into their pack and instructed Jesse to do the same, they heard something. From the dark abyss they were standing next to, something was coming toward them. Their fight or flight instinct kicked in, and they grabbed Jesse's hand and tried to run, but by that point the thing was already upon them. It was winged. It's talons were sharp, each a few inches long. It's face was HORRIBLE, it was so humanoid and it didn't belong on its monstrous body. Lake wonders if maybe that's how people see them.
Okay, flight didn't work. On to fight, then. They quickly tossed Jesse an iron spear they'd found on a table somewhere, which he caught clumsily in his hands, his face one of pure terror. They then pulled out their trusty morning star, their prized weapon they had lucked out with in a random chest.
The mother was brutal. It pecked and slashed with overwhelming speed and power. Lake's swings didn't all connect, as the thing was in the air and they had to get close in order to hit it, but the swings they did land were solid. They targeted the wings, knowing without them it was much less mobile, and hoping Jesse would do the same.
Surprisingly, he did. He wasn't all that bad. Despite the weapon he held being steel he had control over it, suggesting physical strength Lake didn't know was there before. Holes and bruises covered the beasts wings, but Lake wasn't without injury. The talons scratched up their skin, which normally wouldn't concern Lake, but it looked like it was beginning to do actual damage, which wasn't something they've experienced before. The mother was by far the toughest thing they had to fight, and if that's true they didn't even want to THINK about what this was like for Jesse. For most of the battle he was relatively unharmed, but at one point the cave mother dashed past Lake and bit down on Jesse neck, causing him to scream and fall over.
Lake didn't know why, but they panicked.
They swung their morning star at the thing's already damaged left wing and broke it. The mother in retaliation rushed towards Jesse again, and Lake protected him once again without thinking. Their arm seared with pain at the blow, and they swore that nothing had ever cut them that deep before. They dropped their weapon and hissed, but before the mother could finish the job Jesse had stood and wildly thrusted the spear into the mother's wing with one hand while the other clutched his injured neck. The cave mother cried terribly, now on its talons, before backing away from the pair, eying them with pure hatred as it walked off the edge and it slowly slinked into the dark abyss.
Lake looked at their arm, determined it would stay attached to them for now, and immediately ran over to Jesse and bandaged his wound to stop the bleeding. He thanked them for the save, and Lake did the same while simultaneously calling him soft. It was meant to be a joke, but they said it grimly. He gave a weak laugh regardless.
As they began to leave the area towards the iron cage (who knows if there were more of those things), both of them saw something charging towards them in the darkness. It was the cave mother, now running, wingless, towards them in a blind fury. There was no way they could fight that thing, nor run from it, in their current state. Lake shielded Jesse, wondering, crazed from hunger and pain, if Jesse was an angel sent to earth to release them from the hellish dungeons and into the afterlife, guiding them towards death.
Then Alan Dracula was next to them.
Jesse didn't question it and grabbed Lake's hand, vaulting onto the deer's back. Lake wanted to protest, saying they were too heavy for a deer to carry, but when Jesse pulled them up, Alan Dracula began dashing as if they weighed nothing at all.
Lake didn't know much of anything about deer, but apparently they're faster than winged cave ladies, since he easily outran the creature and headed into what vaguely looked like mines, dashing straight into them and not stopping until the cave mother had obviously lost them.
As soon as he stopped, Alan Dracula threw Jesse and Lake onto the ground in a painful, moaning heap of flesh and metal. They were injured, more so than either had ever been in their entire lives, but they were alive. Alan Dracula looked down at them, that same mix of thoughtlessness and thoughtfulness present in his eyes.
The two hugged Alan Dracula, which he let them do. Both were crying from the experience they'd just had. Still, they had food. They had each other. And they had a "rad deer friend," as Jesse lovingly put it while scratching him behind the ear.
After taking a while to get their bearings, the three ventured off deeper into the mines, careful to be stealthy and evade anything they saw that moved.
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grayfxce · 1 year
Character profile:
Sir Daniel Finley
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“ A gentleman but an enigmatic figure shrouded in layers of mystery... ”
Gray first met this gentleman after meeting the Kunoichi, Kasumi. Upon falling asleep, Gray awoke to find himself in a dreamscape where the gentleman revealed himself to Gray. Persuading the entity with calculated words that he knew Gray would without a doubt be reeled in with, Sir Finley took the emotionally unstable entity under his wing with the entity’s goal to become strong enough to be someone that could protect the ones he cared about. Despite being Gray’s mentor, the entity knew very little in comparison to what Daniel knew of him…
Daniel Finley is a charismatic and mysterious gentleman with slick back brown hair and a goatee. His stature is commanding yet friendly. He dons a well-tailored black and white pin-striped suit that enhances his impressive physique, speaking volumes about his keen sense of style. He has been invisibly intertwined with Gray's narrative right from the start — silently observing — calculating the apt moment to shape this raw entity. Being empathetic of Gray’s inner turmoil and understanding that trauma could be a potent catalyst for maturation— He patiently waited for Gray to reach a point where he was ready - emotionally mature enough - to embrace his tutelage. His entry into Gray's life bears testament to careful thought and planning interwoven around the concept of ‘there’s always a time for everything’.
To put it simply: Over one 'real-world' night – they spent what felt like two intense years honing skills && building character within the dreamscape. Molding an immature, broken boy into a budding, disciplined martial artist over the course of one real-world night.
His voice carries sophistication and warmth that can put anyone at ease instantly. It's smooth as velvet but bears an underlying tone of authority—reflective of someone who yields knowledge beyond common understanding.
Sir Daniel Finley is evidently patient and composed. He seems to possess an intense level of wisdom, more than he lets on.
A man whose smile barely leaves his face; even when delving into grave talks—maintaining an air around him that feels light-hearted yet dauntingly serious —a duality seldom achieved by many.
Sir Daniel Finley exudes a magnetic allure. His fighting style could be described as graceful and precise, much like the delicate dance of wielding a rapier—a finesse that belies its lethality—like a ballet of mortal combat, his strikes as graceful as a conductor conducting a symphony. His martial arts style possesses an elegance that one could only liken to a dance with rapiers—swift, neat and lethal. His movements are fluid yet encompass firmness that makes him appear untouchable—an epitome of control and mastery over one's physical capabilities.
Every movement Finley makes obscures his true intentions with mesmerizing performances, causing opponents like Gray to feel as if they’re boxing with phantoms. A testament to his incomparable mastery over martial arts is when he deflects assaults single-handedly while savoring tea without spilling a drop—an display of resolute calm amid volatile chaos.
Daniel moves with such speed that he creates after images—a literal phantom blurred by the swift grace of its movements. Even at these moments when they cross blows, those directed towards him pass through as if striking air itself — further highlighting his abilities;
Daniel is a reservoir of unfathomable power yet carries an air about him so disarming that you wouldn’t suspect until witnessing it firsthand. This attributes enigma to his character - both terrifying and awe-inspiring simultaneously.
His battling prowess transcends physical excellence alone: He understands Tōshi—the power flowing within each entity—akin to chakra/chi—in exquisite detail—not just harnessing but teaching it && mastering it beyond anything else Gray has seen. Although he holds back certain aspects during training sessions with Gray—thereby maintaining the mystical allure around him—it's done so for encouraging independent thinking rather than “breeding carbon copies”.
Adding further layers to his complex persona, Sir Daniel Finley's stern && jovial exterior belies a dry and playful sense of humor that has a knack for surprising Gray. His nonchalance about profound knowledge carries the subtle thrill of unpredictability — an additional facet that keeps those around him on their toes as when Gray earnestly engaged in hunting down mentors skilled in Nanto Seiken—a rare martial art form from 'Fist of the North Star'—it was Daniel who casually revealed his familiarity with such combat style—or at least something akin to it using Tōshi.
Upon Gray asking why he didn’t mention this before, his seemingly jovial remark, “You didn’t ask, my friend” which held much more than jest: It subtly demonstrates the profound depths of Daniel’s wisdom—that there are sides to him yet unexplored and bits of knowledge not yet shared. This revelation underscores his vast understanding and mastery over varied techniques - each adding another string to his bow while inviting intrigue around what else might he be concealing. An enigmatic Pandora’s Box waiting to be unraveled…
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stevemc37 · 4 months
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Time after time, I am befuddled by the sheer number of fandoms you can find a stray my hero academia crossover in, and i am never disappointed by the jumpscare adrenaline coursing through my veins i recieve every time i see one. Imagine the type of person you have to be to not only be interested in MHA, but also magic the gathering at the same fucking time. Then, you have to be interested in writing fanfiction to craft the strangest, most heart gripping, toe curling, slowburniest, ambitious crossover of history. Then edit it, beta read it, and tag and post it. Then they have the fucking gall. The gumption. The spunk. The nerve. The courage to add a smut chapter too??? I am simultaneously terrified and in awe of this type of person. Keep writing, you goddamn animals. You inspire me.
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tflegendarium · 10 months
Ah! And also about this:
My version of Prowl doesn't use these powers often, he doesn't want to be dependent on them and Optimus won't risk the appetite of the more monstrous ones.
(neutrals and colonies like Caminus thought it was an urban legend until they saw it with their own eyes)
And when the quintessons try to invade and accuse Prowl and his descendants of being changelings (with everyone being like that 😒for them, because they know that Primus wasn't created by them)?
Let's just say the beasts had a hardcore party complete with a huge feast
Ooooh! Optimus being responsible and worried is understandable and you've gotta save the big power ups of course.
The Quintessons:
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The Colonists:
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Gosh that must by simultaneously awe inspiring and terrifying.
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soufsidesiren · 1 year
blog entry 1.
hello. hi. honestly, it feels strange to think about sharing my thoughts or rather my words on the internet, but i am getting over that hump so here we are. blog article one. front porch projects start here. 10.10.23. you know honestly it's not even the writing part that’s got me tripping out. i’ve been writing for as long as i remember and it has been a natural way for me to process the things going on in my life. so why a blog? honestly, i don’t know…do people even still read these things? who cares. if you’re reading this, honestly that’s dope as fuck of you because so far this entry has been a clusterfuck of nothingness and nervous rambling, but i swear this will probably get interesting at some point. that’s usually how these things go. 
so you like to write. want to take yourself more seriously… and you start a blog? yeah honestly that’s the whole story. i also honestly like the idea of having a digital space to hold all of my little anecdotes because as fun as journals can be… i am running out of shelf space. also, i stayed up tonight binging the new remake of interview with a vampire and was hella inspired by claudia’s journaling. life has been moving simultaneously so very slowly and so quickly around me. i think about where i was last year and all of the transformation i have experienced through my twenty-fifth year and honestly, i am in awe. (also let's just take a pause to say how satisfying it is to rip across the keyboard again just pouring out thoughts for old time sake. as a procrastinator in remission i am reminded of the days of churring out 4-6 page research papers WITH an annotated bibliography in 2-3 hrs flat in college… no proofreads, no edits, just vibes, and an impending deadline. shoutout to my professors for weathering through everything i put together through college. honestly, i think my fear of failure never truly allowed me to fully commit myself to my assignments. the idea that if i truly tried my hardest and failed terrified me so i always tried just enough or waited to the last minute so that when i inevitably succeeded or failed i could chalk it up to my natural ability or me just not trying…what a terribly sad way to live) now i fail frequently. honestly, failure and loss have become my new normal, but instead of taking each failure as a this horrifying assault on who i am. i have learned the art of acceptance and redirection. ceramics has helped a lot with that. it’s like kind of my thing now. i start my first paid ceramic job next week at this brand new studio and i will be teaching come november, which is honestly a really wild turn of events all things considered, but its also what i wanted so desperately for so long the fact that this dream is coming to fruition is really so satisfying. i weathered through all of the frustrations and feelings of failure through winter, spring, and summer and the fall harvest is finally here for me to relish in as we all nestle in as the year cools and the days shorten. 
welp, i’ve got a nanny gig i need to be up bright and early for tomorrow, and it’s currently 2:22 am so i am going to end this entry here. until tomorrow.
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thegratitudecoach · 1 year
Would You Want to Live in a World Where Thoughts Instantaneously Became Things? Would it Create Peace or Chaos?
Photo by SOHAM BANERJEE on Pexels.com Imagine a world where your thoughts have the power to shape reality in an instant. Where the mere flicker of an idea in your mind can transform into a tangible existence before your very eyes. It’s a concept that is simultaneously awe-inspiring and terrifying. Would such a world bring about a new era of peace and harmony, where our collective consciousness…
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fromtheothersideby · 1 year
"Jaws (1975): A Terrifying Thrill Ride That Redefined Oceanic Fears"
2Boomers Cinematic Chronicles Movie : Jaws Year : 1975 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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A great start to the 2Boomers Cinematic Chronicles is 1975 with the movie Jaws.
"Jaws (1975): A Terrifying Thrill Ride That Redefined Oceanic Fears"
"Jaws" which was released in 1975 - a groundbreaking cinematic masterpiece that forever changed the way we view the deep blue sea. As a first-year high school student in the north of Australia, watching this spine-chilling film at the city's lone cinema with friends must have been an unforgettable experience. Nestled on the tropical coast with its share of real-life shark encounters and lurking crocodiles, "Jaws" not only delivered gripping suspense but also left an indelible mark on your perception of oceanic adventures.
Directed by the incomparable Steven Spielberg, "Jaws" plunges audiences into the fictional Amity Island, where a colossal great white shark terrorizes the community's once-tranquil waters. From the moment John Williams' iconic score reverberates through the theater, a sense of primal fear grips the audience, sending shivers down their spines. Spielberg's masterful storytelling, coupled with his ability to ratchet up suspense, creates an immersive experience that captures the imagination.
Living in Northern Australia, with its tropical coastal setting and the presence of real-life sharks that have the ability to attack humans, lends an extra layer of authenticity and relatability to "Jaws." The film's depiction of the dangers lurking beneath the ocean's surface strikes a chord, reminding viewers of the respect and caution necessary when venturing into the water. It's no wonder that after witnessing the on-screen terror, even swimming in pools felt like the safer option!
Roy Scheider's portrayal of Chief Martin Brody, the reluctant hero tasked with protecting Amity Island, resonated with audiences around the world. Brody's relatable blend of fear, determination, and duty reflected the very emotions experienced by those living in coastal areas of Northern Australia. The film's portrayal of his struggle to balance public safety with personal fears captured the essence of a community grappling with the reality of living alongside formidable creatures.
The presence of sharks may have been the initial focus, but "Jaws" seamlessly taps into our primordial fears by intertwining the narrative with the untamed danger of man-eating crocodiles. Northern Australia's waterways and coastal regions harboring these stealthy predators only heighten the resonance of the film's themes. "Jaws" serves as a stark reminder of the inherent risks surrounding water-based activities, encouraging a deeper appreciation for the awe-inspiring yet treacherous wonders of nature.
Beyond its gripping suspense, "Jaws" also explores themes of resilience, bravery, and the power of human unity in the face of a common threat. The film's unforgettable trio of protagonists - Chief Brody, Quint (Robert Shaw), and Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) - represent different facets of courage, expertise, and determination. Their camaraderie and shared pursuit of overcoming fear inspire viewers to confront their own personal obstacles with strength and resilience.
More than four decades since its release, "Jaws" remains an undisputed classic. Spielberg's impeccable direction, the groundbreaking animatronic effects, and John Williams' haunting score continue to resonate with audiences today. The film's influence extends far beyond the confines of the silver screen, permeating popular culture and forever altering our perception of the ocean's depths.
As you reflect on that memorable cinema experience in Northern Australia, "Jaws" not only amplified your excitement and trepidation but also left an indelible impression on your perception of the waters surrounding your coastal city. The film's ability to simultaneously entertain and caution remains a testament to its enduring legacy.
"Jaws" reminded us of the delicate balance between awe and apprehension when it comes to the untamed forces of nature. It celebrated the thrill of adventure while instilling a healthy respect for the unpredictable. Whether it was the sharks or the crocodiles, "Jaws" awakened a primal awareness that forever altered your perspective on water-based escapades.
So, dive back into the gripping world of "Jaws" and revel in its heart-pounding thrills. Allow the film to transport you to a realm where fear lurks beneath the waves and triumph is born from unity. Just remember, the next time you dip your toes in Northern Australia's coastal waters or enjoy a leisurely swim, you'll carry a newfound respect for the unknown wonders that lie just below the surface.
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