#avocados in the snow
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deliriousbean · 1 year ago
Mid-January Stroll
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Lil doodle of the avocados in the snow cause I watched a christmas movie yesterday and it completely threw me back into the christmas feels
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twizzlegummy · 1 month ago
Cookie Run Witch's Castle Teddy Bears Pt1
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Bruh I cant even fill in all the tags ;-;
everything is f2u [duh]
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lynne-monstr · 3 months ago
it's another great day to be obsessed with soup! today's soup is red lentil and ngl it is amazing
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letraspal · 2 years ago
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Stitchtober day 21: The Cabin
Did this last December as a Christmas gift for my father-in-law, because it kinda looks like the Lapland cabin that he co-owns with like twelve other families.
Pattern from here.
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morethansalad · 2 years ago
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Vegan Harvest Bowl
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what-marsha-eats · 2 years ago
The dressing is as delicious and seasonal as it is versatile. Use it as a marinade for fish, a sauce for sauteed shrimp or a topping for pulled pork sliders.
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scanpoetry · 4 months ago
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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gumptv · 1 year ago
Paleo Recipe
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Paleo Friendly Salad with Avocados, Snow Peas, Cucumbers and Bell Peppers - This colorful and healthy Paleo salad is a great addition to any meal. It's loaded with fresh vegetables and healthy fats from the avocado, making it an excellent Paleo option.
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marshkaden · 1 year ago
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Avocado Chicken Stir-Fry A light, elegant stir fry combines boneless, skinless chicken breast meat with snow peas, green onions, cremini mushrooms, and smooth chunks of fresh avocado.
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garyjcahills · 1 year ago
Paleo Friendly Salad with Avocados, Snow Peas, Cucumbers and Bell Peppers
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This colorful and healthy Paleo salad is a great addition to any meal. It's loaded with fresh vegetables and healthy fats from the avocado, making it an excellent Paleo option.
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buingtans · 2 years ago
Paleo Recipe - Paleo Friendly Salad with Avocados, Snow Peas, Cucumbers and Bell Peppers
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This colorful and healthy Paleo salad is a great addition to any meal. It's loaded with fresh vegetables and healthy fats from the avocado, making it an excellent Paleo option. Made with Paleo Recipes, Paleo Recipe, Avocado, Cucumber, Apple Cider Vinegar, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Salt And Black Pepper, Garlic Powder, Snow Peas, Red Bell Pepper.
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bakermia · 2 years ago
Paleo Friendly Salad with Avocados, Snow Peas, Cucumbers and Bell Peppers
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This colorful and healthy Paleo salad is a great addition to any meal. It's loaded with fresh vegetables and healthy fats from the avocado, making it an excellent Paleo option. Made with Paleo Recipes, Paleo Recipe, Avocado, Cucumber, Apple Cider Vinegar, Extra-Virgin Olive Oil, Salt And Black Pepper, Garlic Powder, Snow Peas, Red Bell Pepper.
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morethansalad · 1 year ago
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Stir Fried Lily Bulbs with Cashews and Snow Peas (Vegan)
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walterstotch · 2 years ago
Paleo Friendly Salad with Avocados, Snow Peas, Cucumbers and Bell Peppers
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This colorful and healthy Paleo salad is a great addition to any meal. It's loaded with fresh vegetables and healthy fats from the avocado, making it an excellent Paleo option.
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