#avatar date night scene
eywaseclipse · 2 days
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I get so flustered from this scene because they were absolutely FUKKKKKKINNNNN that night and I am still so mad we can’t see it fully rendered
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likeanarrowinthedark · 10 months
Once again, James Cameron shows that he doesn't really know how to cut his own movies. And i also curse him for agreeing to release it under D*sney.
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stinkrascal · 2 years
as it turns out, me and bf live right next door to an ice cream bar omg?!?!? so we’re going on an ice cream date today 🍦😁
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azlrse · 1 year
a/n: goddamn this account's dead asf but an imagine would revive this place chdhfh
cw: fluff w/ a bit of angst, au not tied in the og! storyline, ooc characters, mc didn't attended the exchange program
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Imagine an AU where the reader doesn't go to RAD (not even in the Devildom) but instead, they met one of the brothers while that specific bother went on an errand in the human world. To set the scene, you accidentally dropped something that valuable and then that brother finally catches up to you, returning the said item to you. At first, each of the brothers weren't too fond of you since 1.) You are a powerless human, duh and 2.) You are a bit of a clutz and almost lost that one item that's valuable to you but as time went by, the more you met him, had some kind of small talk to him and by God's love, the shared interest you two shared (for ex: Lucifer's being old records/music, Satan's being cats, etc.), you two became friends and met each other often at the same park you dropped that item months ago.
Fast forward to 2 years and the two of you fell for each other, especially that brother who often came to the human world just to visit you. You and that brother were now dating and he's now open about his life, about his siblings and his fake occupation. Out of all the things he told you in his life, he will always kept that one secret he prays you'll never find out.
Is the fact that he's not a human but a powerful demon that's residing in the Devildom, not to mention as one of the avatars of sins. He didn't want to scare you and this man loves you so much to the point that he is willing to keep such secret in order to protect you.
And the fact that his other siblings are beginning to be suspicious about their brother visiting the human world so often that they began to follow him and eventually meeting you for the first time. Despite you being a human, they know that deep within their hearts that you are a kindhearted person that makes their brother very happy and accepted you when the two of you are now proposed.
Now, 5 years has passed and the two of you are now very happy and married.
Until that specific day wherein your husband's acting very strange lately to the point that you became worried about his health, even offering him to go to the hospital but he refused. Hell, even those late nights he came back as a red light shines through the window of your shared bedroom. You became paranoid, thinking that he might be seeing someone else and leaving you or something or someone is watching you and your husband in your quaint and quiet life in the suburbs.
But it looks like it was different.
Because the moment you came home from your errands in the supermarket, you screamed in horror at the appearance of your husband–horns on his head and wings/tail appeared on his body. Your husband forgot to change back by the time he got home and began to chase after you in an attempt to comfort you, saying that he won't hurt you. You lock yourself in the bathroom and began sobbing hysterically, yelling at the demon that he's an impersonation of your beloved husband, a monster and a human's worse nightmare.
He didn't force his way into the locked bathroom. Instead, he sat down by the door and reassures you that he's the same person you truly loved for all these years, the same man that gave you that item that almost got lost and the same man you befriended and get to know. He knows that you still don't trust him because all the secrets he kept from you, hell even his own siblings were demons and he didn't want his worse fear to happen right in front of him–leaving you for another person because this man loves you very very much.
After an hour of the ordeal, you emerged from the door and sees him on the floor, still sitting as to prevent you from being scared again. He, still on his demon form, opens his arms and hugs you very tightly as he apologizes profusely for keeping such secret Even though the two of you are in good terms, you are still wary of your husband, even if he's on his human form but it's okay. As long as you warm up to him being a demon and doesn't harm you, he is finally contented with you on his arms.
Not until you begin to constantly bug him about seeing his wings/tail excitedly but who are you to blame about admiring the appearance of your husband <33
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[please credit/tag me when you compose a fic/drabble with this imagine!]
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calderacitylovers · 1 year
Zutara SlowBurn FanFiction: Personal Favs, part II
·        DESTINY IS A FUNNY THING by Megara Pike | Published: 2020-08-21 | 198K Words | 45 Chapters
ATLA Season 3 rewrite, fills in a lot of blanks between canon scenes. From the Southern Raiders to Sozin's Comet through coronation and aftermath. Growing friendships, bonding, being there for each other, a carnival & a cave, epic spirits' appearance on the Ember island, sparring, nightmares, assassination attempts, political ruses, and covert operations. Lovely, sweet. Exciting plot.
 ·        ATLA Book 4: Ashes by elayne_cypher | Published: 2018-10-27 | 306K words | 34 Chapters
This action-packed story picks up right after Ember Island Players and continues well after the war. Zuko is facing many challenges as a new Fire Lord. Romance, tough decisions, rebels, traitors, out-of-body experiences, secret headquarters, angst, teamwork, fire jets. The story has a bunch of OCs.
 ·        Refraction by caroes3725  | Published: 2020-09-09 | 215K Words | 37 Chapters
After breaking up with Aang, Katara needs to figure out her place and role in the patriarchal world. As determined Katara stubbornly bulldozes her way through Fire Nation political scene, her feelings for Zuko grow. Diplomatic visits, Gaang reunion, bonding with Kanna, insights into the life of Caldera city, stuffy politicians, cute correspondence, tropical storm, women supporting women, assassination attempts, personal boundaries. A sweet well-written coming-of-age story with a healthy measure of slow-burn and mutual pining. Katara and Zuko are both POVs, but the story mostly follows Katara. Bonus: Mai is NOT a clingy resentful idiot, but a smart person and a good friend. Some explicit language here and there, a bit of mild smut.
 ·        I Asked You First by halfhoursonearth | Published: 2020-10-03 | 142K words | 22/? Chapters
Ongoing, incomplete. Post Southern Raiders ATLAS3 rewrite. Mostly canon-compliant with blanks filled in between familiar scenes. Zuko and Katara develop a close friendship built on trust and sharing each other’s fears and hopes. Includes mentions of implied child abuse, Lu Ten’s diaries, exploring Avatar Roku’s legacy, sharing a balcony, heart-to-hearts, a hot spring under the stars, an actual date, and artbending. It’s incomplete, but what we have is bliss. Slowburn, mutual pining. Zutara-centric, but also explores the personalities of Team Avatar and their relationships.
 ·        Katara Alone by cablesscutie | Published: 2020-05-31 | 21K words
Katara is not an “unnecessary accessory to a more powerful man”. After the war, she is willing to forge her own path as she turns to people who need her the most on her journey of self-discovery. Features character exploration, correspondence, exploring outback villages of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, sweet reunions, and new firebending skills.
 ·        THE PHOENIX AND THE DRAGON - THE COMPLETE SERIES by JasmineTeaLatte | Published: 2021-06-11 | 100K words | 31 Chapters
This story picks up after The Ember Island Players. Zuko and Katara get to know each other during a late-night conversation by the campfire. In this story, you will find healthy boundaries, protective Sokka, a dash of Taang, sparring, funny banter & lots of flirting.
·        HESITATE by tiffaniesblews | Published: 2020-07-11 | 22K Words | 12 Chapters
This story picks up right after Zuko's coronation and spans two years afterwards. Zuko & Katara talk, share a few beautiful moments, write to each other, and reunite for the 2nd anniversary of the war ending. Very sweet, fluffy story about two sweethearts figuring out their feelings for each other.
·        LIKE WE'RE MADE OF STARLIGHT by Naladot | Published: 2021-11-28 | 5K Words
Katara leaves her post as the ambassador to the Fire Nation to take up a new one as the ambassador to the Northern Water Tribe. Her absence makes Zuko realize that he's got an unfortunate crush, which he is determined to keep secret. Unfortunately for him, subtly has never been one of his strengths—especially when he arrives in the Northern Water Tribe and she keeps taking him on what seem to be dates.
·        FIGURE IT OUT by clearascountryair | Published: 2021-12-20 | 35K words | 13 Chapters
After choosing not to kill Yon Rha, Katara rethinks her sense of self and others' perceptions of her. Or,    In which Katara learns that there’s a really big difference between being kissed when you don’t want to be and being kissed when you do. Aged-up 3B/Ember Island AU.
-  I FOUND YOU by that_turtleduck | Published: 2020-11-01 Completed: 2024-02-24 Words: 157,541 Chapters: 28/28
After divorcing Aang, Katara uproots her family and travels to Caldera. There she finds comfort, kindness and support from an old friend. Katara tries to find her footing as an independent political figure. Great story & relationship dynamic of Momtara & Dadko in their early 30s (Ember island, diplomatic meeting, dancing, turtleduck pond, letters). Delicious slow burn with rewarding spicy resolution in the end (explicit open door). Titters on the side of Anti-Aang.
Here’s a link to Part I of my personal favorites.
Here’s a link to Wholesome Zutara Short Stories.
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avatarrecom · 10 months
Avatar The Way Of Water collectors edition scenes.
For some reason some scenes from the collectors edition have already been released, here are the ones I found:
Date Night (Extended Cut)
Crashed Samson Tiltrotor (Extended Cut)
Goodbye Mo’at
Neytiri Rides an Ilu
Spider Mocks the Recoms (My poor baby Prager 😭😂)
Neytiri Spearfishes (I'm not 100% sure that this is the right scene)
Learning Montage
Ardmore and Quaritch Discuss Jake (Extended Cut)
Ta’unui Village (Extended Cut)
The Tulkun Hunt (Extended Cut)
Scoresby and Garvin Rescued
Parents from Hell and Standoff (Extended Cut)
I haven't found all the scenes yet, but I'll keep looking :)
What do you guys think about the scenes?
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byunpum · 2 years
haaai!! can u write some loak x reader and they babysit tuk (TUK BEING SO ADORABLE WNZJSJA) and loak is literally having heart eyes bcs reader w/ tuk just melts his heart 🥹 thank youuu!! ❤️‍🩹
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Pair: Lo'ak x Reader ( can be human or navi)
Tags: cute, soft moments
Warning: None
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"Go without problems, enjoy the night. Tuk is in good hands" you say, while entering the hut where the sully's lived. The parents of the little girl wanted to have some time alone, but their eldest son was hanging out with a few friends, his sister kiri was busy with mo'at in some lessons. So loak…they decided to call you. You were close to the family, and you were trusted by them. So you accepted to take care of tuk, you liked spending time with the child.
"Well, I'll see you later…bye," says Jake, leaving hand in hand with his partner. Neytiri looked so happy, she was leaving her youngest daughter in good hands and going on a date with her partner. On the other hand, Loak was sitting somewhere in the corner of the hut. - He liked that you were here, it was a perfect excuse to spend more time with you.
"Well…what do we do?" you ask tuk, the girl was so excited to be with you. "We can do our hair, or make jewelry? Whatever you want" says tuk screaming with excitement, she was jumping up and down while holding your hands. You give her a smile, placing your hands on tuk's face.
"Why don't we calm down…and prepare something to eat?" you say, it was late so preparing dinner and then going to sleep sounded like a perfect plan. You might play with her for a while, but you wanted her to sleep on a full stomach. "Where are the fruits and vegetables?" you ask the girl, tuk takes your hand and guides you to the area where her mother used to prepare the food. Normally the whole family ate with the other clan members, but they had food at home to eat later. Tuk and Y/N began to choose the cleanest and juiciest fruits.
Meanwhile, there was a loak watching the whole scene. He was fascinated with everything. He knew that his younger sister loved to be with you and even more so when you took care of her. Even he felt movements in his stomach, he was excited. - He sees how you are sitting down to cut various fruits. "Ma Loak…why don't you come with us?" you are inviting him to join you. Loak gets up from the place where he was resting. He sits down next to tuk, so that you are in front of him. Tuk comes over to hug his brother and sit on his lap. Tuk and loak's relationship had improved a lot, miraculously they had become closer. And it was all thanks to you, tuk and loak had a similar taste and it was you. While tuk loved you as his sister, loak loved you as his partner. And this brought them closer together.
"Ok, this fruit looks delicious" loak took the fruit in his hands and showed it to tuk. The girl laughs, and gives it in your hand for you to start chopping. Loak watches as you cut the fruit into pieces and give one in tuk's mouth. "ahhhh open your mouth" you say, while tuk accepts the fruit. - then watch as you take another piece and make the same gesture to offer a piece of fruit to him. "Loak…open your mouth" you joke. Loak refuses. "Go on…open your mouth. Say ahhhh" says tuk, laughing as she pushes his brother. Loak pouts, but opens his mouth and chews the fruit. "It's good," says loak, with his mouth full. He sees a smile on your face, and you hand tuk another piece.
After lunch, you played with tuk for a while, but the little girl was getting bored. "Why don't we brush loak's hair?" tuk suggests, getting up to look for the tools his mother used to comb her hair. " no, no" loak complains, but you take him by the arm so he won't move from the spot. "Come on…besides, you need a makeover" you say, getting up a little on your heels to give him a kiss on the cheek. Tuk rushes over, sitting behind his brother-taking a few braids to untangle them and redo them again. " I'm used these new beads!!!" tuk shows them to you, they are beautiful. You were sitting next to loak, but close to tuk. You were talking to the girl, you had also started to take several braids from loak, so you could help tuk.
Loak was quiet, enjoying the moment. He was imagining that this moment would be something similar if he were to have children with you in the future. He felt so familiar, so comfortable… he felt loved. He just closed his eyes, and enjoyed the moment. "Loak?" your question, placing your hand on the side of his face - it was a gentle touch.
"Everything okay in that head?" you smile at him, you know his family can be quite rude to him. " Yes… ma y/n" loak laughs a little, giving your hand a squeeze. The moment is interrupted, when you feel tuk swoop in from behind to hug him. "Don't leave me here alone" tuk complains, pouting. You reach over to the girl and give her a hug. "hey ladies… my hair is half done!!!" speaks loak imitating tuk's voice. Tuk settles in and continues to work on her brother's hair. Loak laughs, and settles in for his girls to do a masterpiece on his hair.
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shaylogic · 4 months
DBDA Season 2 Wishlist Part 2:
Seeing the inside of Charles' Bag of Tricks and learning more about the mechanics of it
Charles running into one/some of the bullies that killed him. They're much older now. Maybe he has realizations about them like Edwin did with Simon. Or maybe they're still scum attacking people, and Charles poltergeist-haunts their asses
Finding out more about how Edwin learned all these languages, magic tools, and supernatural creatures lore. Did he pick it up in Hell or after he got back from it?
On that note, what exactly went down with him in Hell? "--traded to a demon who traded me to another demon who traded me to something WORSE than a demon!"
Crystal family/ancestor tree realm and powers. I'd love to learn more about each woman at the table, like Avatar past reincarnation life flashbacks
Niko new character love interest?
Mission to help Tragic Mick. Maybe we get to see Sedna?! Crystal could potentially make that happen, since she addressed Lilith and the Forest Spirit.
The Dandelion Sprites/"gods"? become cursed to be mortals and now they have to figure out how to navigate the world as attention-seeking assholes. Maybe they work with Crystal's parents lol
Crystal and Charles really make a go at dating to see if those feelings can really go anywhere, but there ends up being quite a bit of conflict and difficulty. Still, we get lots of nice ship moments in the early half of the season.
Edwin has started accepting and leaning into modern gay culture and tries chatting up guys to distract himself from Charles and Crystal (trying to be a good friend to Charles, especially).
If they can get the copyright permission, please gods give us Edwin and Niko watching Heartstopper together. Charles happens to witness a bi Nick scene when he's walking through.
More Niko & Charles friendship development. They didn't get enough moments together in season 1.
More ghost possession! The Night Nurse is already well aware of them, so they're not alerting her. But of course she would not allow it.
Night Nurse refuses to be a secretary and forces the boys to do paperwork after every case. They've got homework now.
Also, in s1e1, there's a pregnant pause between Edwin and Charles talking about the dangers of possession. There's a story there, and I need to know it in season 2. What did Edwin do? Who'd he try to possess?
More clear explanation to the audience of how touch works between humans/ghosts and ghosts/ghosts on various planes (earth vs hell for example, so we can go back to scream and cry at s. 1)
Crystal and Niko girls' day sightseeing in England!
Now we're in London, we're back on the boys' turf. Where are their main hangouts, contacts, and magic shops? Do they have any place special to the two of them with nostalgic memories? It's been 30 years!!!
We've seen some Edwin culture clash (and I want more!) but also more Charles culture clash with modern times (charles: "😮‍💨 Can you believe they don't make mixed tapes anymore?" Niko: "🥰they do playlists online now. I'll make you one! " Crystal: "👀 You made mixed tapes, Charles?")
Cat King and Meowpheus interaction
Domestic friend fluff (core four all in a big bed together watching movies)
Feel free to add your own wishlist in the reblogs/comments! <3
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Betcha Won't
Author’s Note: Hello again! I’m so sorry for missing my usual Thursday night upload last week. I was down and out with a migraine for a bit, but now I’m back in action! New avatar, same ole shit, lol. Part 6 of Somethin’ Sweet takes it back a bit with something nice and cozy. I apologize for breaking so many hearts two weeks in a row, so as promised, this one’s much softer. Thanks for reading!! 
Summary: Sy makes a camping trip to the lake a night they’ll never forget.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female OC 
Warnings:  hope you’ve got a dentist appointment on the books, because this is tooth-rotting fluff…minus the smut, of course. Expect a strip tease, descriptions of anatomy, oral sex (female receiving), and p-in-v- sex. I am an adult, and due to the nature of this content, all works created by me will be rated for those 18 years and older. Minors, DNI.
Beta’d by: @peyton--warren ❤️
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“You got any more of that jerky?” They’d been walking for what felt like hours, but in reality was only 30 minutes. As a Colorado native, Merrin really should’ve been more prepared for a hike than this, but he’d really sprung it on her. She’d anticipated another night at the diner. Friday’s special was prime rib and baked potatoes, and though they’d only been at it for a few weeks now, she knew he wasn’t one to pass up a good meal. So when he showed up outside of her house and told her he had a surprise for her, she was keen to see what tricks he had up his sleeve. She just didn’t know their change of plans would include bug spray. Stumbling her way through the foliage of an unfamiliar path, she reached out an expectant hand in wait for her reward. Sy slapped another piece of cured venison into her palm and chuckled at the noises of delight she made as she happily gnawed on it. 
“That’s the last of it. If I’d known how much you’d like my meat, I would’ve brought more.” 
Merrin didn’t have to see his face to know how pleased he was with himself, and she gave a playful wack to the back of his head as they broke through the clearing. She wasn’t quite sure what she’d been expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. Calm, clear water lapped at the pebbled shoreline of a vast lake surrounded by trees. It was a sight that took her breath away. A tent stood off to her left in the plush carpet of grass, filled with all the blankets and pillows he could gather in those big ole arms of his. A little further down, closer to the bank, a stack of freshly chopped firewood waited to be lit. It was a dreamy little scene, put together with so much forethought. He must’ve been working on it all afternoon. Merrin smiled as she took in the sight, and wrapped an arm around his waist to draw him close. “You did all this for us?”
He took a shot in the dark when he’d made the executive decision to move date night outdoors, and though he hoped she’d like the change in scenery, there was still a part of him that worried that she wouldn’t. Seeing her now, beaming up at him like he’d hung the moon when all he’d really done was fight with a flimsy tent pole for twenty minutes made it all worth while. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he smiled back down at her. 
“Nah, baby. I did it for you.”
They sat together on a blanket in the grass as the sun disappeared behind the trees. Sparks snapped and crackled on their way up to touch the sky. Merrin sat between his open knees and rested back against him. The old radio from the workshop was propped up by the cooler with the sound turned down low. Since his truck only had a tape deck, Sy had taken up making mixed tapes for her. Merrin tapped her toes to the beat as they watched the gentle waves roll in against the shore. He wondered what was on her mind as he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. What she said made his heart skip a beat.
“Twenty bucks says you won’t strip down to your skivvies and run into the lake right now.”
Her proposition caught him off guard, and he nearly choked on his beer. Snorting and coughing through the foam, Sy cleared his throat before he spoke. 
“Twenty bucks says what?!”
She giggled and turned to look up at him, a mischievous little grin spread wide across her freckled face. She sure likes to keep him on his toes. “You heard me.”
Sy laughed and shook his head. “Do you know how cold that water is? No way, Darlin’. I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna catch a cold for twenty bucks.”
Without missing a beat, she shrugged. “Fifty says you won’t do it bare-ass naked.”
He stopped. Now that could make for an interesting night. “ You ain’t gotta bribe me to get me naked, babydoll. All ya gotta do is ask.” 
Merrin stood and brushed the sand from the backside of her jeans. “Come on, Capitan, live a little. When’s the last time you did something fun?” 
Sy paused. She was right. Of course she was right. Before her, he couldn’t remember a time in the last decade that he’d let himself do something on a whim. Every t was crossed, every i was dotted. Sitting here by the fire tonight, he realized how much he’d missed out on by overthinking every decision he made. He could stand to lose a little resolve. Before he could make a move, though, Merrin was already kicking off her shoes. She peeled off her socks and tucked them away inside of her beat up sneakers, then worked to loosen her belt.
“Come on, Clay. You really gonna make me do it alone?”
��Sy sat back again for a moment to take in the sight. He’d been trying to come up with ways to get her out of those jeans all night long, yet here she was, baring herself to him out in the open like this. Any action they’d had up until now had taken place over the clothes. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her, because fuck, did he want her so badly. In truth, he’d been stalling. It’d been almost a year since he’d been with a woman, since before he met her, before his last deployment. Merrin was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, and he just didn’t want to let her down. He knew he wouldn’t last very long once he finally had her. It was apparent now that he’d been stalling for so long that she’d decided to take matters into her own hands. She pulled him back down to earth when she tossed her panties at his face. He snatched them away eagerly to get a better look at her. 
“Well, get to it, then. I’ve shown you mine. Now you gotta show me yours.”
Snapping his mouth closed, Sy lept to his feet to toe off his boots. By the time he finished stripping, she’d already made it to the water.
Squealing in surprise, Merrin shuttered as the cold water lapped at her toes. Maybe skinny dipping wasn't such a good idea after all. When she turned round, ready to admit her misjudgment, she bumped right into him. His bare chest was warm against hers, and fuzzier than she’d imagined. She reached out to trace her fingers through the blanket of dark hair and let them trail down his stomach without a second thought. Heart pounding loudly in her ears, she fought to keep her gaze above the waist. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t- fuck. 
Fuck was right. One glance at what was waiting for her made her head spin. She didn’t have a chance to react though, before she was suddenly hoisted up into the air and thrown over a broad shoulder. Sy laughed as she squealed and squirmed to free herself from his grasp. 
“Nuh uh, no ma’am. Yer the one who wanted me out here. Time ta’ put yer money where yer mouth is. Now hold yer nose.” 
Merrin took a deep breath just in time, when they crashed together into the lake. Just as predicted, the water was freezing cold, and when she broke the surface again, Merrin let out a scream of surprise. Laughing through the shock, she stood and splashed him in retaliation. 
“Fuck, its cold!”
“I tried ta’ tell ya! Come here.”
Sy chuckled and wiped the water from his eyes, then held out a hand to her. Drawing her in close, he wrapped her up in his arms and swept damp strands of hair from her face. They held each other close and giggled like children beneath the moonlight. He looked down at her as their laughter faded to echoes, tracing each goosebump on her arm with the back of his knuckles. No matter how many times he’d imagined this moment, nothing could compare to the way she felt in his arms tonight. Skin on skin, knee deep in crystal clear water beneath a blanket of stars, not a cloud in sight. A lot had changed since he'd been here last, and though not all of it was good, he was thankful for it all. He’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant he could stay with her like this forever. 
Neither of them had to speak to know what would come next. Sy carried her back to shore and laid her down on the bed of pillows he’d crammed into the two-man tent. Neither of them cared that they were still wet from their dip in the lake. In the moment, it didn’t matter. The passion between them burned hotter than the smoldering embers of the campfire outside. She welcomed him onto her and tangled her arms around his neck as they kissed. No matter how close he got, it would never be close enough. She wanted him inside of her, body, mind, and spirit, but he had other plans for her. His lips brushed down her chin and he nuzzled upward until her head fell back in submission. The scratch of his beard against her throat and he kissed his way down felt delicious, and she ached to feel it all over. Though the cold weather made her nipples stand at attention first, they perked up for him now with each pass of his tongue. He caught one between his teeth, but only for a moment, long enough to put a smile on his face as he listened to her purr for him. 
“That’s it, Sugar. Sing for me.”
Merrin trembled when his tongue traced around the outside of her navel. Swallowing thickly, she dug her fingernails into the flesh of his shoulders and watched as he settled in to rest between her thighs. Merrin bit her lip as she watched him size her up from there. Maybe it was the beer that made her brave enough to make the first move, but laying beneath him now, she hoped he wouldn’t look too closely. Stretch marks snaked across her stomach and hips, cellulite dimpled the skin of her thighs and ass. Growing up, she’d always been a little heavier than her friends. It wasn’t until she’d gotten older than she’d become more comfortable in the body she was given. Sy looked up at her through lids heavy with lust, as if to read her mind. Sharp teeth carved gently across the inside of her knee to silence the thoughts running through her head. Arching her back, she bucked her hips up towards him to stop his teasing. 
“Sy…” Merrin begged through shaky breaths. “Please…”
He sat back on his haunches to admire her. She’d smack that look right off his face if she didn’t think her hands would tremble. He reveled in her desperation, and she knew that. Whining and squirming beneath him, she tried to close her legs in embarrassment. Sy caught her by the knees, one in each hand, and held them wider than before, clear up to her shoulders. 
“Nuh uh, little Miss Merrin,” he shook his head in feigned disappointment. “Tell me what’chu want from me.”
Her face turned beet red as blood rushed to her cheeks and spread down her neck as she turned her head to look away. He didn’t like that much. With both of her legs pinned beneath one rough hand, he redirected her by the chin to meet his eyes again. Sucking his teeth, he shook his head again. Say it. Just say it, and I’ll give you the world. He held her gaze and waited patiently for her to get the nerve to open her mouth again. Chuckling softly, Merrin let out a shaky breath as she reached for him. 
“I want you, Clay. More than anything.” 
“How? How do you want me?” 
Draping one of her legs over his shoulder, lips moving at a snail’s pace, Sy kissed his way all the way down. He had the patience of a saint. He could do this all night. Merrin, on the other hand…
“Fuck’s sake, Clayton Lee! Are you just gonna stare at it, or are you gonna eat my fuckin' pussy?”
That was all he needed. Confirmation, one way or another, that she wanted this just as much as he did. His laughter shook the tent, and in the blink of an eye, he dove right in. He spread her open with his thumbs and used the tip of his tongue to explore her weeping folds. Slow, precise, probing movements until he had the lay of the land, then it was game over. He devoured her, lips, tongue, and teeth working together to draw her close to the edge. Merrin mewled and moaned, head back and back arched, ass hovering above the ground as he held her thighs and shook his head from side to side. It wasn’t long before a familiar tightness began to blossom low in her belly, and before she knew it, he had her seeing stars.
He gave her space to come back down to earth again, and once she caught her breath again, he lowered her hips back down onto the blankets. Calloused thumbs rubbed soothing circles into the dips of her hip bones as he waited patiently for her word again. He wore the evidence of her arousal in his beard with pride, the sticky-sweet nectar gleaming in the glow of the nearby fire. Merrin ran a hand through her sweat-dampened hair and melted against the pillow beneath her head. 
“Well, shit…If I’d known you were so good at that, I would’ve stripped for you a lot sooner.”
Sy threw his head back and barked out a laugh that drew her own laughter with it. “Baby doll, all ya had ta’ do was ask. I’ve been dreamin’ about eatin’ that little pussy from the moment I first laid eyes on ya.”
But when she moved to sit up, he nudged her back down again. She frowned, confused. Didn’t he want her to return the favor? He simply shook his head, as he intertwined their fingers together and gave a squeeze of reassurance. 
“No, baby, it’s alright. I won’t last if ya do that fer me. Let’s save that fer another time.” 
Merrin laid back on her elbows and eyed him with reluctancy. She’d never met a man who’d turn down a blowjob, but whatever floats his boat, she guessed. Sy took a moment to reach over into his bag and retrieve the shiny little packet from the outside pocket. Good ole Sy, always planning ahead. He tore through it with his teeth and sat back to grip himself with his left hand. They both watched eagerly as the condom unrolled down his impressive length, and he sighed once he’d finished. Merrin wasn’t inexperienced, but the thought of him splitting her open on that thing had her stomach in knots. He could sense her apprehension, and truth be told, he was nervous too. In a fleeting moment of thought, he wondered if this is what it would’ve felt like to lose his virginity on prom night. He didn’t go to his senior prom, was too busy helping his uncle in the fields that spring, but the nerves he felt now sure felt that way. Every moment they’ve spent together had led up to this. Leaning in to brush his nose against hers, he whispered softly against her lips. 
“I’ll go slow. Just…tell me if it hurts, m‘kay?”
“Go slow,” She nodded slowly, repeating his promise out loud as if to make that promise to him too. Dragging the tip of his aching cock through her folds once, then once more, he gathered her wetness there to help smooth the tension. Merrin gasped when he caught at her entrance and breathed through the sting of the stretch her walls gave around him as he worked his way inside of her. Nice and slow, just as promised, he pulled out all the way and tried again and again, until he was fully engulfed inside of her. Hearts pounding in their chests, they clung to each other and worked together, two souls finally coming together as one. One spark, and they’d set the whole forest ablaze. 
The shock and awe melted away, leaving room for nothing but unbridled fervor. The gentle, probing shift of hips turned to hungry thrusts. Loud smacks of skin on skin only adding to the ambiance their bodies made. Sounds of lust echoed across the lake, creating a beautiful symphony with the radio and the woods. A bead of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, seeking shelter in the dip of her collarbone. Painted fingernails left pink lines through the ink on his back. “More…more, more, more,” was all she could think to say, and more, he gave her. He gave her all he had, until he just couldn’t take it anymore. The cry of a warrior ripped through his chest, as he pounded her endlessly and emptied himself into the condom deep inside of her. She came too with a shout, body seizing and writing beneath him, as they rode out their shared climax. When everything was said and done, Sy collapsed on top of her with a grunt. They listened to the bullfrogs croak as they sought the breath they’d fucked out of one another. Moments passed, when Merrin finally broke the silence again. 
“Fuck yeah, or what the fuck was that?”
The grin she gave him was answer enough, as he turned over to lay beside her. 
“Fuck yeah.”
Sy chuckled, grabbing a blanket to pull over them to keep the cool night air out. Even though he hadn’t lasted as long as he would’ve liked, it certainly made for a night he’ll never forget. 
“Fuck yeah, baby doll. Fuck yeah.”
Sy was downright giddy the next morning as he drove her back into town. He might’ve stuck his head out the window and sung her praises to the world around them, If it weren’t 8:30 on a Sunday. Instead, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and hummed quietly to himself. Across the bench seat, Merrin flipped open the glove compartment and rooted through it for his collection of tapes. When a beam of early morning sunlight gleamed caught something shiny, she dug through the mess to find the source. He watched her from the corner of his eye, but by the time he’d comprehended what she’d found, it was too late. Mouth hanging open, he watched as she examined the condom in her hands. 
“Hm,” she said thoughtfully, turning it over to read the back as if she were flipping through the funny’s in the morning paper. “Ya know, I’ve never seen a gold one in real life before. I mean, I knew they were real, but damn. You could drain a bathtub with one’a these things.”
Sy laughed and scratched the back of his neck, relieved to know that she didn’t think he was some kinda sex fiend for keeping a stash here just in case. Well…Maybe she wouldn’t have been too far off, but still. They were still new to this. 
“Yeah…Yeah, they’re pretty big, huh.”
Merrin scoffed. 
“Pretty big? That steak you devoured was pretty big. You’re fuckin’ huge, babe.” 
They pulled up to her house a moment later. Sy put the truck in park and turned off the ignition, but left the keys there. He didn’t want to intrude, so he sat back against the cracked leather seat and looked her way. 
“So…got any plans fer today?”
She thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. 
“Besides sitting on a bag of frozen peas? Nothin’, really.”
He nearly choked on his own spit. Merrin giggled as he fumbled to come up with a coherent thought, an apology, something, then leaned across the console to kiss him on the cheek. He’s cute when he’s pussy drunk. 
“Come on, Cowboy. I’ll make you some pancakes.”
His stomach growled at the thought of food, and in an instant, he snatched the keys from the dash. He had her door open before she could even laugh. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
taglist: @geralts-yenn @peyton-warren @kingliam2019 @uunotheangel @deandoesthingstome @drewharrisonwriter @foxyjwls007 @melissareadsstuff @totalwool @summersong69 @caramariehurst @niallhorwen @warriormirkwood @mairablue @omgkatinka @evansabove1981 @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @enchantedbytomandhenry @bascmve01
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to-thelakes · 8 months
I'm watching Moon Knight (again) to help me go to sleep and I've rewatched episode 1 so so many times on nights like tonight but I still absolutely adore all the little details.
Like, okay so when Steven wakes up in the Alps (I think that's where it is), Khonshu says "go to sleep, worm" and okay, first watch and without knowing the context of Jake existing, that makes sense. Khonshu doesn't like Steven which we learn more and more as the series goes on but then he says a few lines later "the idiot's in control" in that same scene in the Alps.
There is such a clear shift in attitude between 'go to sleep, worm' and 'The idiot's in control' and it's so obvious on a rewatch that Khonshu is talking to two different people with each line.
He's referring to Jake as 'worm' and he thinks that telling him to simply 'go back to sleep' would work because Jake is aware of the alters and their situation. Although from the brief glimpses we get of Jake, we know that he is an... interesting guy yet we can gather that he at least has some sort of alliance/respect/something going on with Khonshu. However, when he realises it's Steven, it's not hostility in the same way. It's more exasperated frustration. He's mad at Marc for letting Steven suddenly appear rather than being annoyed at Jake for making a random appearance. The way that the dialogue is written just exposes so much on a rewatch.
But going back to Jake/Khonshu even if they do have some respect, it's also pretty obvious that Khonshu does not want Jake around. I'd speculate that that's probably because if Marc loses time when he knows that he's not in London as Steven, that would create suspicion. Suspicion that Khonshu wouldn't want because that would put their avatar/God relationship at risk.
Though, I also suspect that Khonshu and Jake probably were working together but Marc never became aware because Jake worked at nights (maybe why Steven is so goddamn tired) or simply took over while Marc thought that Steven was in control.
I know that the Moon Knight portrayal is not the most accurate DiD portrayal but from my research, there's this whole idea of like different levels of awareness. Like the blackouts for Steven are because he initially has no awareness of the other alters. Then when Steven and Marc black-out, it's because neither of them are aware that there is a third alter aka Jake. Which means that Jake can do things for Khonshu while Marc believes that he is in London and neither Marc nor Steven would be aware.
I'm kind of just rambling about the show at this point but also, what I find really interesting every time I rewatch is the date thing. So, right, if Marc was the one that set-up the date why would he let Steven stand her up without saying anything to her? Marc isn't exactly the best guy when it comes to romance but he is incredibly protective over Steven because he wants to protect him from Khonshu. So, why in the world would he let the whole date rejection thing happen?
Because it wasn't Marc. It was Jake. Jake asked out Steven's colleague and that also makes sense why they went to a steak place. Jake doesn't give a f*ck about Steven's veganism while Marc absolutely would. Marc wants to protect Steven so he wouldn't make such a silly mistake.
But Jake would. Honestly, at this point, convinced that Jake just wanted to fuck with the Moonboys and Khonshu just played along.
I don't know.
I always find the dynamics of the Moonboys so interesting and I love how even when you rewatch it, there are new little discoveries that you can make. Like there was so much love, thought and attention put into this show?? It makes me SO SO happy.
This show honestly means the world to me and excuse the ramble/rant but I just love talking about my Moonboys and I never really get to speculate or discuss the show. I talk about it with my dad but being at uni means that I do not get to ramble at him as often. So, tumblr gets it instead.
But yeah, they're my (not very) astute observations about my beloved Moon Knight
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mae-is-crazy · 2 years
Hellooo can i request for a relationship where the reader is neteyam/loak's twin or just part of sullys family and she died instead of neteyam?
Man o' man. At first, I was REALLY excited to write this; I love writing angst, after all. But then I realized I had to rewatch Neteyam's death scene... yeah, then it wasn't so exciting. BUT I still enjoyed writing this, and I really appreciate you shooting me this request. I hope you like it :) :) PS-- I hope you're happy knowing that I maybe-kinda-sortova cried, haha!! 
Ocean Breathes Salty (Sully Family / Daughter! Reader)
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Synopsis: Sully's stick together. This is their biggest weakness... and also their greatest strength. (This story is unedited. Edits will be conducted at a later date.)
All her life, Y/N had caused trouble for her big brother.
It seemed like every other day her father was handing a stern scolding to Neteyam. And most oftentimes it wasn’t even his fault. It was stupid things like sneaking off into the night or digging her nose in places it didn’t belong. No matter what, Neteyam always got roped into it.
“What happened to keepin’ an eye on your sister?”
“You’re her big brother. You are in charge of her.”
“If she gets hurt, it’s on you.”
And despite the fact that this happened again and again and again, Y/N’s heart broke seeing her brother receive the harsh lashing from their father. His ears would flatten and he’s droop his head low, being sure to avoid the man’s gaze. The worst thing was that, right after, Neteyam wouldn’t say anything about it. He’d accept it like the good little soldier his dad expected him to be, and she hated that.
And that didn’t mean that Y/N was safe from their father’s wrath.
“That stunt you pulled back there? Stupid! Jesus, are you tryin' to get yourself killed?”
Y/N mumbled a weak “No sir.”
“You’re grounded. You’re to stay here for the month, tend to the Ikran and the wounded. Got it?”
The young girl put her hands behind her back, fidgeting with her fingers. She prayed her dad couldn’t detect her nervous energy.
Jake put a hand on her shoulder. “Got it?” He asked again, this time raising his voice a few notches.
Y/N gave him a curt nod, sparing him a glance before stepping away from him. “Yes sir.”
There were many times where Neteyam took one for the team. It wasn’t just when Y/N got in trouble; Lo’ak was beginning to take after her adventurous, generally reckless behavior (much to their dad’s distaste).
But now, it was Y/N’s turn.
She made sure Lo’ak and Spider had a clear opening before they jumped off the ship and into the slightly fridged water. There was still a RDA Avatar shooting at Neteyam and her as the two cowered closer into a corner of the ship. They were losing their window of escape.
“Okay, you’re turn!” Neteyam shouted over the sound of bullets hitting their safe corner. Y/N shook her head, peeking around the corner to see if any of her shots resulted in a kill. A bullet zoomed past her ear and she shuffled back into her brother.
Y/N watched her brother with wide eyes as he took her hand in his.
She knew that, if they didn’t move now, they’d be dead.
“Move, now!” Neteyam yanked his sister forward, dragging her close behind him as they plunged into the water and to safety.
Something sharp slammed into Y/N’s side. The shock of the impact was enough to cause her to gasp, involuntarily inhaling an alarming amount of water.
One thing Y/N had yet to get used to in their new home was how salty the ocean water was. It stung her eyes and something in her chest. She probably scrapped herself against some lose bits of metal from the ship. The unusual pain was making her chest tight, like someone was sitting on her, her breath threatening to fly out of her mouth at any second.
It was getting increasingly harder to keep afloat, and to make matters worse, the sea water was beginning to fill her lungs. There was a strange metallic taste building up in the back of her throat, too.
She could hear her brothers, Spider, and Tsireya cheering around her. High fives were being thrown around and shouts of celebration bounced off the water, but Y/N couldn’t bring herself to speak. She could haldy bring herself to breathe.
“Y/N?” Lo’ak asked somewhere in front of her.
She tried to look his direction but accidentally sunk down into the water, placing a hand on her chest where it hurt most.
Neteyam grabbed ahold of her before she could sink down any further, putting his hand where hers rested. “She’s been shot!” He shouted.
“Shit!” Lo’ak cursed, calling for his Ilu as everybody swam closer to the weak Y/N, all trying their hardest to keep her head above water. Nobody let go of her as they helped her on top of the sea creature. Uncontrollable coughs overcame the oldest Sully daughter as she was heaved up to rest in her older brother’s arms. He wrapped one arm protectively across her shoulders, holding her close to his chest as he used his other hand to guide his Ilu forward, the other children holding onto the animal’s fins.
“DAD!” Lo’ak cried out as the crew approached a patch of rocks. Out in the distance, Y/N could make out a familiar dark blue Na’vi. The sky was getting darker and flames were flickering an angry orange around her as the Ilu came to a stop. “Dad, it’s Y/N. She got shot.”
Neteyam scooted off the Ilu, requesting Y/N in his grip, The other children gathered around them, making sure none of her limp limbs got scratched by the rock’s jagged surface.
“Oh no,” she heard her dad choke, helping carry his now bloodied daughter to shore while reminded the children to watch for her head.
Y/N was placed gently on the ground before being picked up again by her father, who mumbled a tired curse to himself. He put her back down, reaching for his youngest son, “Pressure! Apply pressure,” and forcing his son to slam his hands onto her wound. She hissed in pain, moving to shove him off, but her father clasped onto both of her hands, rubbing her skin with frantic motions.
Somewhere behind her, Y/N would hear her mother screaming for her, but she was too tired to adnowledge her. “Momma-” she whimpered, hacking even more than a few minutes ago.
Jake cupped her cheeks with his large hands, caressing her skin and whipping away tears she didn’t know she had.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he reassured. His voice was full of gentle sweetness, like the kind you’d give a child when they scraped their knee. Neytiri took her daughter’s hands, her wailing crumbling the young girl’s heart. It hurt almost as much as the bullet wound. “I’m right here baby.”
“I know baby, I know, it’s okay. I’m right here.”
Y/N heaved deeper. She looked all around her, looking at the people that had protected her all her life. Her father, the strongest and most stoic man she’d ever known, had tears welling in his eyes. He refused to let them spill in front of her.
Her mother, Neytiri, wasn’t holding back. She screamed for Eywa to keep her child alive, squeezing her hand in a vice-like grip that could shatter bones. Her bottom lip trembled and snot dripped out of her nose, the agony of losing her baby destroying the powerful women.
Lo’ak, her little bother, who refused to meet his sister’s eyes, instead more focused on the crimson staining his skin. His whole body shook, stress and exhaustion making the usually sarcastic and joking boy uncharacteristically quiet.
And Neteyam, who watched from a distance with both hands on top of his head. He paced back and force, tugging lightly at one of the braids in his hair. She’d learned form an early age that it was one of his stressful ticks and hated herself for putting him through that. She wanted to reach out to him, but the entire world was becoming fuzzier by the second.
The cries of her mother were now inaudible.
Y/N tried to look into her father’s bright eyes, but couldn’t find them anymore.
Her chest rose sharply as she forced herself to take gulps of air. The last thing Y/N could hear was her father’s gentle cooing. “I’m not goin’ anywhere, it’s okay sweetie. I’m right here.”
Then there was nothing.
A scream broke Jake’s desperate words. At his side, his mate grasped ahold of Y/N’s arm, shaking her body. Just a second ago, she was alive, looking at him, breathing the same air he was. Now, her eyes were unfocused. Her face relaxed and her chest fell.
“No no no no…” Jake mumbled, shoving his youngest son to the side as he braced his hands over his daughter’s chest. “Come on,” he repeated, beginning to shove down hard overtop her heart. There was no reaction from Y/N as he counted to himself, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4.
One, two, five, seven minutes went on, and each time, Jake’s pleads became more and more strained, as did his attempts to resuscitate his daughter. “Come on, don’t do this to me. Wake up Y/N. COME ON!” Eventually, he fell back, accepting defeat with an ear-piercing scream. He leaned into his wife, who was now lightly rocking her baby while continue to beg to a god who wouldn’t answer her prays.
Neteyam continued to just watch, sinking to his knees as he numbly stared at his sister’s lifeless body.
The one time. The one time Neteyam couldn’t take the fall for his sister.
He’d failed her.  
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mochatsin · 1 year
You may have gotten a few dance lessons during your time up in the human world. Before you were summoned, you’ve already familiarized yourself with different forms of dance and the brothers are in for a treat.
Lucifer is the first among the brothers to know about your talents ever since he asked you to dance with him in one of the events in Diavolo’s castle. It was a ballroom waltz and of course, he was able to beat his brothers to the punch by being first to dance with you. 
Being the Avatar of Pride, he refuses to be second. He wants to be your first dance and he has a smile on his face when you agree. Your lovely outfit, classical music, and romantic atmosphere fits all too well. Though he hopes your skills in dancing are just as perfect. 
He was fully prepared to have his feet stepped on, or catch the human should they trip and fall. But to his surprise you were able to match his movements and dance with him comfortably. The way you can spin and how your feet moved so perfectly with him in sync, he was awed.
“I never knew you were so good at waltzing like this MC. You’re better than my brothers, they can’t seem to grasp the grace required of this dance even after I taught them back when we were angels.” He would compliment you while you two danced, his arms around your waist pulling you closer. 
He wouldn’t miss this opportunity to have this mischievous smile on his face while he twirls you in the ballroom, watching the envious face of his brothers as Lucifer pulls you closer. They have no choice but to wait for their turn and it’s killing them, but amusing to him. 
Whenever you’re free, he takes you to the music room and plays one of his classical music records that’s safe for your ears to listen to. The ballroom was fun, but he wants you all for himself this time. No prince, no brothers, just him with his favorite music with his favorite human. 
You both would exchange bows and he would kiss the back of your hand like the gentleman he is “my dearest, shall we?” and you would both dance. Whether you’re in your uniforms, casual clothes, or even pajamas, Lucifer would cherish this moment with you. 
It's like you two were made to dance together. No matter what song he plays, whether it has a fast or slow tempo, you can keep up with his feet. But of course, he’d rather play a slow romantic song so he can hold you in his arms for longer. 
Would absolutely scold his brothers if they ever try to interrupt these moments with you. If there was another ball and a demon would ask you for a dance, expect Lucifer to be looming behind that poor soul. No one gets to be your first dance other than the Morningstar and he’s going to make that very clear once all eyes are on both of you at the dancefloor. 
For a small date, he wanted to take you to the lively streets of Devildom. Mammon knew some good places that you both can explore at night, and he made sure first that taking you here would be safe. Though getting his brothers off his back was difficult, he managed and now you two got some quality alone time. 
The streets were filled with so many colorful lights and music. There’s not a single week that goes by where there’s not an event in this realm, and Mammon wanted to treat you to stalls and booths. It just so happens that while he was gone, there was a small group of demons and spirits dancing at the sidewalk. 
Mammon was trying to look for you out of panic because how could he lose you in just 2 minutes?! When he overheard gossip about demons crowding over the human exchange student, he’s inches away from turning into demon form as he searches for the biggest crowd and once he does… well he wasn’t expecting quite the scene. 
You’re in the middle of the crowd dancing and shuffling to the music. The way you could move your feet like that was mesmerizing every time you switched from one footwork to another. Heel toe, criss cross, charleston, you can do a variety of these moves and dance to the beat perfectly. 
When you did the moonwalk, everyone was cheering. Mammon was impressed as hell, but he wants to stick to the original agenda and go back to your date. “OI! If you want to see more of this talent then ya better pay up! They ain't for free!” he says as he drags you out of the crowd. 
You pout, wondering if perhaps he didn’t like it since he was in a rush but you see the redness from his cheeks. “Y-you were great duh! But tonight’s s’posed to be OUR night! Don’t want other demons makin’ googly eyes on ya. When we get home, you gotta show me more of yer stuff!” 
He’ll be smug if he’s the first among the brothers to know how great you are at hip hop. The rest finds out before you even got home when you started trending all over Devilgram with your little performance earlier, and Mammon loves the fact he saw that in person “That’ll remind the lot of you that I’m their first!” 
Spent a portion of the night wanting to use your dance skills to earn a quick buck. With one speaker playing music on blast, he hopes to have a can pilling in grimm at the end of the song. Though the brothers would have to put a stop to this before he exploits it. 
There’s this new hyped up anime about idols and whatnot that’s been released. The brothers are tortured by the songs he’s been playing on blast, but not you though because you somehow found this new show very entertaining and sometimes the two of you would watch it together. 
One time you wanted to talk to ask Levi about how to get over this new level of this game you both play, but you find him in front of his screen watching a tutorial on one of the dance routines done in the series. 
You call out his name and he immediately screams, exiting the tab as quick as he could like he was looking at something indecent. After calming him down, he explains that he wants to learn the routine but is struggling with the steps. He thought you’d laugh at him but you offered to help him instead.
You both watched the routine and while doing so, you break down the moves to its simple components so it’s easier to understand. Levi stares at you as if you were preaching sacred text before he mumbles “... can you actually dance?” 
Since you’ve been watching this dance on the show for a while and it’s easier to perform compared to routines you’ve done up in the human world, you were able to perform this with ease. 
Levi is shocked to see you dance this routine that took him hours to even get past the first chorus, when you only took a matter of minutes to get most of it right. When his curiosity is piqued, he starts asking more questions like how did you learn that fast and if you’re actually secretly an idol like the protagonist of the series. 
He’s glad you have more patience with him than Lucifer when teaching him how to dance. It’s a little difficult at first but you at least got Levi to get to the best parts of the routine until he can do it flawlessly. 
If he’s not practicing, he’s happy enough to watch you dance. You can see the biggest smile on his face when you perform a song he’s bound to recognize. He’d probably have light sticks and a chant dedicated to you when you dance.
It takes a lot out of him but Levi starts asking more about you and dancing, it doesn’t have to be about his interests anymore. He wants to learn what kind of songs you like to dance to and what forms are your favorite kind.
If you let him, he would take time to record and do those edits of you dancing. He wants you to show off how amazing you are! Levi’s not as good as moving his body as you are, but he knows his way around the computer. 
Failed pranks and cleaning after his brother's messes didn’t leave the fourth one in the best of moods. When one of his tricks to get Lucifer be caught in a trap backfires, he’s sure as hell irritated just as soon as he got out of that 2 hour lecture. 
Reading books wasn’t working in elevating his mood since he can’t focus. Petting cats was always his go-to plan so that he won’t explode and destroy the rest of the house, but first, he wanted to look for you so you two could go to Cats Eye together. Being in the company of his feline friends and favorite human is bound to cheer him up. 
He couldn’t find you in your room and before he tries to call your D.D.D. He hears a faint song from the music room. Satan knows it can’t be Lucifer because he just got out of the lecture from his office, so he goes in to inspect. 
He finds you in the middle of the room, playing one of the classic musicals up in the human world and dancing to it. You used to do a ballet routine to this song so you wanted to dust off your skills again.
Satan was awed as he watched you twirl in the room countless times like it was nothing. You seem so weightless as you glide through the floor. You dance like festive spirits in the air, perhaps even more graceful than them. You’re captivating when you dance, and he’s completely under your spell. 
When you finished, expect him to applaud with a big smile on his face. “MC, care to tell me more about this hidden talent of yours?” He would chuckle as he entered the room with you. “It was truly quite the show, 
You’d show him pictures and videos of you up in the human world when you performed the dance, but this time complete with a whole attire. He wonders if he can make a deal with Levi to sew you some clothes, one perfect for such performance. 
Unlike you, demons aren’t normally flexible. Asmo and other lust demons are but only to a certain extent. So when Satan gets to see how a ballerina stretches by walking in on you, leg up in the air while on your toes, he turns red. Is he embarrassed or confused? It's both.
Since it was always spas, salons, and nightclubs, Asmo wanted to try to do something new with you. It was Solomon’s idea that he should take you out for dancing in your next night out together. 
The boy was excited at the thought of holding you while you two danced the night away, hand in hand while staring into each other’s eyes. And what better way to sweep you off your feet by learning a dance made for pairs. 
Of all sorts of human dances, he found the Tango to be the most appealing to it for its sensual themes and how close you two would be. But of course, he wants it to be perfect if all eyes are going to be on him. Just like his looks, his moves must be flawless! 
When you accept his idea of dancing out for a night, Asmo invites you to practice with him in his room. He makes space for both of you and he fully intends on making you fall harder for him after just practicing. 
Though out of everything, nothing prepared Asmo when you decided to take the lead in this dance. Each step and twirl, how you would brush your fingers against his arms, or the eye contact that seems to last forever before you take him by the hand and move to the next step. 
He ends up bending back while you hold his hips firmly, leaning forward as part of the dance he showed you. He was speechless at your talent and he stayed that way after you let go of him. 
Did Solomon already know about this talent? And is that why he suggested you both should dance? Asmo wondered if the sorcerer set him up to this and if he did, he needs to give thanks. 
It’s like you turned into a completely different person when you danced the Tango and oh, he wanted to see more of that side of you again. He’s very… excited to say the least. 
“I can already imagine all eyes on us on the dance floor! We should get some matching outfits perfect for the dance. Come! No time to waste! We can practice in them later”
Maybe with Levi’s help he could start a Devilgram account dedicated to you just dancing. Levi’s editing skills, Asmo's influence, and your talents? You’re reaching 5 digits within the day
Beel is always looking forward to finding new ways to exercise his muscles. His workout routine is no joke when he did the 666 exercise challenge in one day. From muscle building to stamina increasing, he doesn’t limit himself to one type of exercise and it explains his monstrous strength.
Beel asked you what are your ways to stay physically fit and active, since maybe you could be his new training buddy. His twin is always asleep and the rest usually have something else to do, he figured he could give this a shot. 
You told him that you normally keep yourself fit by dancing and he looks at you like a confused puppy. He’s not the kind who would consume much content revolving around dancing so you decided to show him by making space in your room and playing a song from your world.
Beel is surprised to see you when you start dancing to the upbeat music. Hip Hop requires a lot of body movement and you are absolutely killing it that the demon already forgot what he’s in your room for. 
“I… I thought you were talking about Zumba, like what Asmo does…” he mumbles but smiles at you, genuinely really impressed about your skills. “How long did it take for you to dance like that though? Can you teach me?” 
At some point you were able to breakdance to demonstrate your balance and how athletic dancing can really be. Beel initially panicked to see you balance yourself with one arm or spin your legs around like that, but at the end he’s staring at you as if he’s staring at food. So intent and so full of wonder.
When he’s free, you teach him a few moves to songs you both would like. If Beel ever tries to breakdance, you have to make sure he won't end up crashing and hurting himself on the floor. Goodluck MC!
You wanted to drag Belphie out of the house more and Barbatos was the one who suggested a local ice rink in Devildom. The idea of ice skating was fun to you, but of course putting in more effort and the cold temperatures… Just the thought makes Belphie sleepy. Though he still goes with you anyways.
He’s not as talented as the royal butler when it comes to skating, but he’s at least good enough to be able to go through the rink without falling. He assumed that maybe you’re good at ice skating too since this was your idea, or maybe you’re one of those people who just wants to goof around the rink despite falling too many times (like Mammon). He’s going to find out eventually when you step in with your skates. 
To him, you looked like you were having so much fun, as if you were in your element. Belphie was prepared to maybe tease you if you ever fell down while skating, but skating looked so natural to you. And that’s until the rink started playing music.
You knew how to figure skate before and the youngest brother finds you doing all sorts of spins and jumps on the beat. You’re so graceful when you skate, he wondered why you never told him you could dance like this. Especially in skating! You were absolutely mesmerizing he can’t take his eyes off you. 
Belphie could swear that maybe he’s still dreaming but when you call out his name after your little performance, with that smile on your face, he would wish he could stay longer in this dream. But he gets so distracted at the idea that maybe he’s really just enjoying such a beautiful dream that he accidentally falls backwards as a wake up call.
You just let out a chuckle as you skate over to help him up and he would deny the blush on his cheeks as he faces you. “Hey, you didn’t bring me here to skate so you could show off right?” he would tease before patting your head “you were amazing. How do you not get dizzy spinning around like that?”
The brothers are baffled at the amount of times Belphie has gone out to the ice rink recently. Though the youngest would playfully snicker at their annoyance for keeping your talent a secret once they see you in action on ice. 
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thatonebirdwrites · 1 year
TLOK Comics
Turf Wars didn't really address their relationship going forward since we never see them talking about it directly outside of that one moment in Spirit World (the how did you know moment, which doesn't address their relationship going forward), brief meet the parents (ends badly), talking to Kya about acceptance of LGBTQ couples, and saying i love you at the end. Worse, Turf wars was a damsel in distress trope (these need to stop; it's boring/bad writing).
Why can we not have scenes of them talking about their relationship, how they'll live together and where, some of the rituals they start doing together, etc. Them having a cute date night, that gets interrupted, they are badass together, then they go back to doing their date night. Or Avatar Korra doing some Avatar-mission with Asami at her side being just as badass.
Like, I do not understand why they avoid them so damn much. They just bait us with fancy covers and snippets that barely cover their relationship. Also, I'd love to see the comic writer for a Korrasami comic be a bi or lesbian writer, so we can actually get solid writing for once. Is that so hard to ask?
Do we need to start a petition to demand this?
And I'd like to also demand that they fucking STOP nerfing Asami? She is perfectly capable of taking down nearly anyone by herself. She took down six Equalists and a mech tank in Book 1 for heaven's sake. She took down Red Lotus people in one move in Book 3. Rebuild an airship and built a sandsailer in Book 3. She flies planes and can invent ridiculously fancy tech like hummingbirds.
And yet they keep giving us shitty damsel in distress tropes with her. STOP IT.
Let Korra and Asami work as badass partners for once.
Anyway, that's my rant of the century.
No, I don't want to read another one-shot that doesn't feature them. *sighs* I'm just so frustrated.
[EDIT: I want to be clear her that Asami being kidnapped by Tokuga is the literal definition of damsel in distress. Yes, she uses her badass engineering skills to try to ruin his plans, but this ultimate fails as he overpowers her and starts choking her. Korra comes to her rescue. Why is this so frustrating? Asami is a badass fighter who can kick someone off a motorcycle and steal their spear while at it in Book 3. She took down six equalists at the same time after blowing up their mech tank in book 1. She's more than capable of taking down Tokuga, and yet PLOT made it so she couldn't. It was jarring and a bit unbelievable considering what we've seen of her capabilities in the actual show. We see the same thing in Ruins of Empire. Where her, Bolin, and Mako are overwhelmed by only a handful of soldiers. Asami could have taken down several of them herself, and Mako's lightning is highly effective against metal. Yet they're still taken? Again, it's the damsel in distress plot. This time Asami's mind and body is kidnapped (due to brainwashing), and Korra must save her. It's boring and shitty writing.]
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Random Miraculous Gaang thoughts
All are suggestions, feel free to take or leave whichever!
In no particular order:
(this got REAL long lmao)
1) Sokka is 16, Katara 15, but they are JUST close enough in age to be in the same class. Irish Twins, or whatever they call that. Everyone else’s ages to be decided in relation to them. So, Aang and Toph are 14, but got bumped ahead a year. Zuko is 17 but got held back. Suki and Yue are 16. Ty Lee & Mai are 15. Azula, I’m split on her being 14 or 15? She’s in Katara and Sokka’s year, regardless. Kuzon, Bumi Jr, and Teo are JUST 15, like barely. Haru is 17, but he’s friends with Sokka and Katara, so hangs out with them. Haru and Zuko used to be in the same class. (Please, someone who is better at numbers try this list)
2) Cabbage Man is here. He’s their version of Mister Pigeon. Is regularly Akumatized when his fresh produce stalls get wrecked. He’s either just generally unlucky, has TERRIBLE spacial awareness, or whoever makes his carts keep ripping him off, cause these things are so shoddily designed.
3) Uncertain musing, but. I think I said before, the night Zuko gets his scar, Azula calls Iroh in a panic, that’s how Iroh knows to go and look for him. I guess my question is, would this version of Azula do this? Like, Canon!Azula wouldn’t, but Canon!Azula had a whole bunch of other shit going on, that MG!Azula wouldn’t, so. Would she call Iroh, and straight up tell him “Zuko got his face burned, Dad threw him out” or more vague, “Zuko needs you to come get him”? Would she not call at all, worried about Ozai finding out?
Also, like
3.5) Like, If we are taking the “burned his face and tossed him out” literally, Zuko is heavily injured, in a lot of pain, probably disoriented - would he be able to find his way to Iroh’s? Assuming it’s late/nighttime - cause middle of the day, I’m assuming someone would, ya know, notice the injured bleeding kid stumbling around and call somebody - would he even be able to see? And what age exactly is this happening? Like, my general understanding of Canon!Atla was, Ursa leaves when Zuko is about 9 or 10, then he gets burned at 13, spends the next 3-4 years looking for the Avatar. But we’re bumping around the ages, and most of these kids go to school together, so if 13!Zuko got the burn and got pulled out, wouldn’t everybody be talking about it? Was Zuko out of school for A WHILE (say, a year or more), partially cause medical reasons, then trauma stuff, and is just going back to public school at the start of the series? Did Ozai even burn him with fire, or is this more of a “Shoto” burn, boiling water and ice? Just generally musing how this scene translates to MG-verse, I guess.
4) pure suggestion, but Sokka and Yue date BEFORE the start of the “series”, and “mutually” decided they were better off as friends. Reality being that Yue broke up with Sokka cause of family drama with her’s and Hahn’s parents playing matchmaker, and Yue trying to protect Sokka from Hahn’s folks possibly being … well, not sure WHAT she’s scared of, but that’s the general idea. And by the time that all gets hammered out, Sokka is dating Suki, and starting to get into a situationship with Zuko and Jin, while Yue has started falling for Azula. So, it’s not that they were bad for each other or anything, or even that they wouldn’t have lasted or been a good couple, but they kind of … miss their window? Cause my other thought is, if Yue and Sokka stay together, how does that work out with all the other ships? (I need a frigging chart for this)
5) Since I’m pretty sure Ty Lee’s parents are rich, or at least influential, how likely is it that she’s met Toph before? Actually, how likely is it that Toph has met Ty Lee, Azula, Zuko, and Mai? Did any of them help convince Toph’s parents to let her attend school? Has Ty Lee taught her all the insane stunts she does? Do Toph and Ty Lee share a love for professional wrestling?
6) Would Iroh have an actual shop, or a roving food-cart? Cause on the one hand, he canonically HAS a shop, while on the other, I’m really attached to the idea that Iroh has a roving food & tea cart, and seems to appear just when someone needs tea and advice. Also, I got an image of him getting into a fistfight with Andre the Ice Cream Man, and I kind want to see that?
7) What school do these kids go to, Cause Avatar Academy appeals in a very kitchsy kind of way.
8) Did we decide on Harmony City? Cause if Sokka isn’t using Harmonia, that could work too. I’m imaging a city that’s like, in a bay, or close to the sea, but also some mountains? Maybe, like. An hour or less from a desert, or large forest?
9) So, like. Ursa kills Azulon cause of Ozai’s machinations. However, since this setting and situation are different, thoughts on Ursa spending however long she’s gone working to get enough evidence to take Ozai down? Trying to figure out a way to contact the kids without Ozai finding out?
10) Someone mentioned Meng, the girl who worked for Fortune Teller Wu. ( Fun Fact, Meng and Toph share a voice actor!) But anyway, I suddenly have an image of Iroh and Wu dating. Zuko and Lu Ten are both, “ok, well. This happened.”
11) Do we still have “secret identities at all costs” and how long does that last for the whole team?
12) suggestion: Gyatso managed to track down the Butterfly, just as Ozai did, and the two duke it out, before Ozai yoinks it and vanishes. Gyatso was Miraculoused up, so Ozai doesn’t know who he is, but he knows the “Guardian” exists, and is an old man, while Gyatso now knows someone with likely less than noble intentions took the Butterfly, and that he couldn’t stop him even with a Miraculous of his own.
13) Aang has a large, fluffy dog called Appa, as well as Momo (cat or sugar glider?). Appa seems a … touch too smart to be a regular dog, but no one brings that up.
14) if the city is broken up into districts that mimic the Canon Four Nations, make it a harbour/port city, and Sokka and Katara live at the marina, on their house boat. Like, they have smaller boats that they use to give boat tours/clean the city rivers, but also their neighbours and everybody does a lot of fishing and transport of goods. 
15) Possible Akumas!
- “The Boulder”, wrestler who got pissed about something, and becomes a massive rock man; probably the debut of Tiger!Toph
- Zuko: gets into a fight with someone about [his dad/his scar/his status/whatever], becomes “the Blue Spirit”
- Rando gets upset because people keep calling him “bland and boring”, saying he “doesn’t have an interesting face”, becomes “Koh the Face Stealer”
- Kuzon gets mad about something environmental, turns into that Panda Spirit 
- Toph gets into a fight with her parents, Akumatized into the Blind Bandit
- Wu, gets upset when Sokka dismisses her fortune-telling (I mean, here, she might actually have some ability, but it’s also, like, her living? And when Sokka discounts it LOUDLY, IN PUBLIC, it harms her business) become Fortuna, Goddess of Fate
- Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot are the first Unified Akuma, ie, the first time Ozai Akumatizes multiple people at once. They’re collective Akuma is called the Freedom Fighters. (Unless someone knows their ACTUAL names, I’m calling them Ren [Smellerbee] and Hao [Longshot]).
- Iroh gets Akumatized into The Dragon of the West, in a scheme to throw him off Ozai’s trail. Ozai has Noriko use the Butterfly to Akumatize Iroh, while Ozai is with him, so Iroh thinks it isn’t Ozai.
- Azula, the “Phoenix Princess”. Possibly Dragon Princess.
- Yue, the “Lady of the Moon”; other thought, have her be a dual Akuma with Sokka, as “Tui and La: Spirits of the Moon and Ocean”
Ok, this got longer than I thought it would! 
(thoughts, feelings, opinions, new ideas?)
Let’s go!
1.) We actually don’t have to change their ages at all tbh. Katara, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee are all 14. Sokka is 15. Zuko is 16. Aang and Toph are 12.  Yue is the only character with an on-screen birthday turning 16. I don’t think any of the other kids have canonical ages.
So we can have Aang and Toph skip a grade or two because homeschool-to-publicschool  placed them according to ability rather than age. And then Zuko and Yue are both a grade younger for various reasons (Zuko got held back due to all the missing class when he was kicked out. Yue would still have her health issues as a child so she started classes a year late on the whole).
Everyone else is in the 14-turning-15 range already and/or don’t have exact ages.
2.) Cabbage Man as Mr. Pigoen is fucking perfect oh my god.
3.) I think she would in like. For me, the reason Azula got as bad as she did in Canon is because she was exclusively around Ozai and/or people who agreed with him for three years after Zuko’s banishment. Before that she wasn’t perfect, but she still had the capacity to care instead of shoving it down out of fear for what her father would do to her.
Which continues with Azula being a bit better because, due to the change in circumstances, she hasn’t been able to be as isolated. There’s certainly still a lot she needs to unlearn, and she still would throw others under the bus to save herself from Ozai’s wrath. But she’s not fully loyal to him and will do things he doesn’t want if she thinks she can get away with it.
3.5) I’m still having it be when Zuko is 13 to keep with Canon. The exact ‘how’ is up in the air but a lot of household objects can cause burns. Unlike the Shoto thing though this was done 100% intentionally. (Though Ozai gaslights everyone and lies like ‘oh i have no idea how he got that!’). 
Zuko’s been back in school for a bit. But I think. I think we’ll go with American grades so they’re all in their first year of High School which is how everyone is kinda just now meeting. Like they all went to different Elementary/Middle schools but now for High School they’re together.
(side note, just having a mini crisis of ‘oh my god they’re BABIES’ because holy shit.)
Anyway! Night of the getting kicked out! I think Zuko even kinda half-there would be able to make his way over because at this point Iroh has the Jasmine Dragon so he’d know to go there. Combined with Azula calling Iroh so he’s out looking for the kid, they kinda meet in the middle. Iroh would take Zuko to a hospital and ofc the hospital calls Ozai who lies and is like ‘Oh we got in a fight and he decided he wanted to run away. You know how disrespectful teenagers can be. But sure if he wants to throw a fit and stay with an uncle who enables that behavior, so be it! Oh the burn? No idea how that happened nope not at all!’.
4.) Oh yeah the- the Sokka/Yue thing! I think it’s like. Yue knows her parents are kinda pushing her toward Hahn, and she’s not sure how they’d react to her dating someone else because of that. Eventually she weighs the options and decides to save Sokka the drama and do what her parents seem to want her to do. Which. Sucks.
And like later when Sokka’s in his situationship and Yue starts falling for Azula they kinda talk about it and like. He gives her advice to fight for it this time around.
5.) I’m not sure because knowing Toph’s parents, they’d very much keep her away from most people in general. Too fragile to really attend those galas. After all, she can’t see! What if she runs into someone! No if she must make an appearance, she must have someone Actually Capable™ holding her hand the whole time!.
Like seriously though. Reminder that in Canon the local townsfolk didn’t even know the Beifongs had a daughter at all. Not just ‘oh she’s reclusive and stays on the manor grounds’, just ‘they don’t have a child’.
Here it’d be harder to fully hide a child’s existence, but they’d keep her close.
I think Toph may kinda leverage the whole publicity thing of like. If she sneaks out into the school and makes it a public thing of ‘oh yes my parents just finally decided to trust me enough to let me go! Aren’t they so wonderful? Isn’t it so kind that they believe in my despite my disability?’ it’d kinda force their hand because they can’t go back on that and call her a liar without looking bad. 
6.) I want Iroh to have the actual shop but there can also be a cart as well. Like a combination of extra business and advertising.
7.) ‘Avatar Academy’ sounds so lame I fucking love it.
8.) Harmony City! Named for the most fucked Minecraft-looking terrain of chaos. I say this with all the love in my heart I love it .
9.) Yes and no and yes? So like. Here, Ozai has a lot less power than he does in Canon. He’s not ruler of a nation, he’s some rich asshole. But he does have some pull in the City Council and connection to shady people (he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty looking for the Miraculous). 
Ursa may have more of a chance to be able to do something if she can look into his dealings. But as much as she’d love to get in direct contact with her kids she has to wait. To act too soon could seal their fate.
Doesn’t stop her from low-key stalking their social media accounts and becoming very concerned about Zuko’s scar.
10.) Iroh/Wu is a fantastic addition. I’d imagine Aunt Wu’s shop is like right next to the Jasmine Dragon.
11.) Secret Identities are more chill. Like. Gyatso isn’t as paranoid as Fu is more of a ‘I respect the rules but I will break them if I feel necessary’ person. Sokka and Katara immediately clock each other. Since Gyatso was training Aang a little, Aang probably knows who is who. Toph accidentally connects the dots re: me replacing her Earthbending Sight with Magic Synesthesia. So they’re kinda ending up in a ‘the Gaang knows but don’t tell anyone else’.
12.) That works in an explaination for how the Butterfly ended up where it did and why Ozai would think that causing Akumas would lure in the Guardian. (Something ML canon never gave us for Gabriel).
13.) Appa is a big doggo! Also in reference to Something Else, I suggest the comedy of Momo actually being a Sentimonster that had been created back before the Order went to shit and Sozin yoinked the Peacock. He’s just stuck around since then.
14.) Oh yeah the districts being like the Elements and all works well!
15.) I love all of those Akuma Suggestions
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lvrcpid · 2 years
front stage center - modern!au
includes: fem!reader. implied neteyamxreader. implied aonungxreader. dad tsu’tey agenda. i had so much fun writing this. the play is hamilton btw.
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imagine being in the school play with modern!avatar.
in the beginning!
— you’re a theater kid!
— your schools annual play was hamilton this year
— you just needed more people to audition with you
— you were lowkey scared
— who else better to turn to than your friends
— lo’ak only did it because tsireya agreed off the bat
— neteyam said yes because he actually enjoyed watching the play on disney+
— you had to bribe ao’nung with a date
— kiri is behind the scenes (lights and stage hands)
— spider was in earshot and did it just to be around y’all
— rotxo did it cause he’s also in theater with you!
after auditions!
— lo’ak got the part of james madison and hercules mulligan
— tsireya got the part of angelica
— you got the part of eliza
— ao’nung got the part of thomas jefferson and lafayette
— neteyam got the part of hamilton??? (ooo yuh get it i guess)
— spider got phillip and laurens
— don’t play with spider that boy can SING.
— roxto GOT AARON BURR??
— ao’nung wanted hamilton but the theater teacher said he fit perfectly for thomas…genuinely think it’s cause of the curly hair… OH WELL
opening night
— why was your dad already tearing up???
— you didn’t even get on stage yet
— tuk having a special flower just for you
— jake probably gave her candy to hold her over since you guys were doing the whole show which was 2 HOURS LONG
— kiri is stressed out cause she’s literally doing all the work HERSELF
— well she made herself do all the work
— it’s her friends and her siblings for crying out loud
— neteyam and you practicing together
— ao’nung arguing with hair and makeup
— lo’ak and tsireya taking pics
— the whole cast is either freaking out or creepily calm
during the show!
— neteyam definitely is going on broadway
— he was made for this???
— jake and neytiri are so PROUD OF HIM
— being shocked because it’s going really good just for act one
— ao’nung being salty cause you and him have no scenes together while you and neteyam LITERALLY GET MARRIED
— you singing your ass off during helpless and that would be enough
— no literally your mom had to bring tissues for your dad
— spider eating the girls up with his vocals
— lo’ak spicing it up with humor that goes off script a bit
— kiri smiling at all of you from backstage but probably still stressed out
— she ate with the stage hands though don’t play with her
— the audience loves it so why not
— tsireya definitely is made for this cause she portrays angelica so well ??
— it was a one night only show since it’s two hours long and y’all are kids…
— the chemistry yall all had was to die for , you guys looked like naturals!
after the show!
— you guys all screaming like little girls cause y’all are so proud of yourselves
— neteyam got you flowers and hid them till after the show :(
— tonowari hugging ALL OF YOU
— bear hug anyone?
— tsu’tey still crying cause of who lives who dies who tells your story
— your mom handing you the flowers HE was supposed to give you
— lo’ak was still in character for like a week afterwards
— tsireya was so proud of herself and everyone that she made little gift bags for everyone
— she’s such a cutie i love her
— tuk probably fell asleep, not cause it was boring she actually really enjoyed seeing it , it was just past her bedtime LMAO
— i can just see him actually having the time of his life on stage
— she was sad she missed it when she woke up
— kiri is probably so relieved that it’s over now she can go home and sleep
— you guys took a group picture that you all got framed the next day
— y’all went to dinner afterwards in your costumes since the theater director said y’all can keep them 🤭
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Colby x y/n - Movie night/Valentine’s day -
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⚠️Disclaimer ⚠️ This is a one shot and is not connected to the other Colby x y/n series I’m writing. But if this does well then I might make it into a series. Please let me know what you think 💭 in the comments.
AUTHORS NOTE 📝: hello I worked really hard on this fanfic and it took me a long time I have never written smut before so this is me trying. It’s not that bad but a little bit. This one is kinda long but I worked really hard on it so please like. Also y/n is she/her in this fic but I take requests and will write for any gender with different prompts if you ask me to!
CONTENTS : smut 🍋 fluff, playful romance.
(part one movie night 🎥)
I was sitting on the couch with Colby and my brother Sam came back into the room with some movie popcorn. Sam gets on the couch and I have to scoot over closer to Colby. The couch is small so I’m basically laying on his
lap but we’re both comfortable. . I have had a crush on Colby for a long time now. I blushed at our contact and my breath hitched. I laid my head on his shoulder. Colby face turns red and I can see Sam giving us a side eye. We’re watching avatar by James Cameron. It’s a very good movie.
(some time later)
“Nienet’s the best singer”
“but I don’t want nienet” then the characters started making out.
this scene made me nervous considering how close I was to Colby. He must have been thinking this to because I felt his hand move to my butt. I tried to focus on the movie but the characters kissing made me think of him. How much I wanted him. I wanted his lips I wanted his touch.
“hey Colby can I talk to you in the kitchen?” Sam said a little firmly
“yeah” he said getting up from the couch. I was sad the Sam had called him away and I longed for Colby’s touch.
(Colby’s pov)
Even though I don’t want to I leave y/n to go talk to Sam. Once we get into the kitchen Sam starts wispering to me
“Ok I’m not blind! I see how you look at my sister! I know you want her and I know she wants you. It’s obvious.
I was going to try to deny it but Sam knew me better than that “she likes me back?” I say surprised
“yeah but listen to me” his voice stern “she is NOT one of your flings or one night stands. If you wanna date you got to treat her right got it?”
“yes I know” I say smiling and we go back to the movie.
(y/n pov)
once the movie is finished colby turned to me as Sam went to the bathroom. “Hey so uh what are you doing tomorrow?”
“Valentine’s day” I sigh “I’ll probably be in my room watching romance movies and crying that I have no one like every year. Sam will be with Kat so I don’t have anyone to hangout with.”
“we’ll I was thinking” he said fiddling with his rings. He does that whenever he’s nervous. “Would you like to change that? By going on a date with me tomorrow?” I could tell he was blushing.
“I-I would love to! Where would we go?” My heart was rushing.
“how about the mall? They have an ic skating rink and everything”
“yeah sound great! I look forward to it. I beamed
( part two Valentine’s Day ❤️)
I got ready for my date I was so excited! I couldn’t believe my crush has ask me on a date. I made sure to dress cute.
(this is the outfit)
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It was just my style and I loved it. I felt confident and put some makeup on and went to meet Colby at the mall. It was a huge mall there was so much in it but luckily I found him pretty quickly. He was wearing a black band t shirt and jeans with all of his normal jewelry. When we saw each other we hugged.
“happy Valentine’s Day” he said handing me a small Boquet of flowers 💐
“aww thanks colbs you didn’t have too!” I said reciving my flowers
“You look amazing” he said smiling
“you don’t look to bad yourself” I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ears while eyeing him up and down. “so where you wanna go first”
“Let’s go ice skating” he said taking my hand as we walked towards the indoor ice rink. When we went on to the ice I was good at ice skating. I had done it for a while now. An I loved gliding from place to place. But he was a little bit clunky. There was no one on the ice but us.
“you’re not very good at this” I giggled. “ here I’ll teach you” I say takeing his hand and pulling him. Soon I taught him how to glide like me
“hey we’re did you go” he says chuckling turning around and around to find me. I was circling around him giggling. “Found you” he said pulling me closer smiling. I then put my arms around him and we look at each other for a moment. Then we both leaned in for a long tender kiss.
After we were done ice skating we went to hot topic. As I was picking out the skirts he whispered In my ear “you’d look so hot in that.” I bit my lip and decided to buy the skirt.
Then we went to a few other stores and the food court and before long I had to go.
“Ugh I wish I could stay but the last bus leaves in less than 30 minutes.” I said holding his hand
“why not come home with me?” He said fiddling with his rings again.
“Yeah I’d love to”
-Colby’s house- 🥰 - warning ⚠️ Smut 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋
when we got to the house Colby changed into some comfier clothes and gave me some pajamas to wear. It was late And we sat on his couch snuggled together. We were watching stranger things. Whenever a scary part came on or I got jump scared I would hide my face in Colby’s chest. we had finished the first episode and Colby started leaving hickeys all down my neck. His arms were loving and I felt safe. “Colbs” I moaned “that feels so good”
“Oh baby you don’t even want to know how good I can make you” he said in a low voice near me ear. This sent shivers down my spine and pressed my thighs together for some friction. He bit his lip noticing me. Not being able to stand it any longer I crashed my lips onto his in a very heated kiss. And kiss back just as strong and heated. I got onto his lap now fully makeing out with him grabbing his hair. His hand made its way down my waist to my thighs and closer
“may I?” He said
“yes” I replied. He took off my panties with his hand. He started rubbing my thigh and circles on my area and put a finger in I let out a moan as he curled his fingers inside me and pumped them up and down. But soon he removed them. I whined “come on!”
he chuckled as he stood “want more than my fingers?” he said tapping his leg hand I stood up and jumped onto him wrapping my legs around his waist. And carrying me into the bedroom. I slid my hand underneath his shirt and took of his shirt. He peppered me hickeys that would show up tomorrow and when I got undressed he starred at me “god y/n, your so beautiful” he said as he caressed my cheek. Let’s just say I had a VERY happy Valentine’s Day.
-the next morning-
I woke up naked with my head on Colby’s bare chest. My legs were still shaking and I was so sore. He woke up “good morning baby” he said “how are you”
“well my legs are still shaking and I’m very sore I don’t know if I can walk that much”
“baby” he said his voice filled with regret “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I guess I was to rough I’m so sorry baby”
“no no don’t be. You weren’t rough. it was worth it I’ve never felt like that before…. Will…. Will, w-will you be my boyfriend?” I blurted out the last sentence
“I’d never though you’d ask” he smiled
he took care of me well. He carried me bridal style to the kitchen and cooked me some banana pancakes. We watched stranger things and cuddled for majority of the day. Since my legs were still were hurting. But when I felt like I could walk again, Witch took a while. I decided to go home “I should go” I say giving him a kiss on the cheek “I love you”
“I love you too”
I was so happy but I couldn’t help think of my brother Sam. How was I going to tell him I was dating his best friend?
AUTHORS NOTE 📝: Tysm for reading! I put a lot of work into this one especially and I think I’m going to do a part two. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! This one took me a while so please like. I’m trying my best as I have never wrote smut 🍋 before. Also a relatively new writer for fanfiction but I’m trying my best and I’m working hard.
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