#she got pregnant immediately after having Neteyam like what do you think they were doing
eywaseclipse · 2 days
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I get so flustered from this scene because they were absolutely FUKKKKKKINNNNN that night and I am still so mad we can’t see it fully rendered
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shkudss · 1 year
Ma Txe’lan
Summary: you have an argument with Aonung after putting you life in danger
Warnings: mention of death, curse words, pregnancy
A/N: I’m not sure if I have to tag people from my previous work, but I did it🥺 If you don’t or do want to be in a permanent taglist, please let me know! I hope you like this one💕
Txe’lan - heart
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Since you and Aonung officially got mated you didn’t have a lot of arguments. And if you had ones they weren’t really serious. Mostly they happened because you liked going out somewhere without letting him know about it and Aonung got really worried when he couldn’t find you. That was always the most serious case. You thought that it couldn’t get more serious, both of you are so understanding and hearing that you don’t have reasons for a huge argument. You were so wrong.
Today was the normal day. You were going to hang out with Tsireya and Sullys as usual. You all have fun, swim and collect pretty shells. Aonung was supposed to be with all of you, but his dad asked him and Neteyam to help other warriors to hunt. They couldn’t say no, moreover, it was an honor for them to be invited by the Olo’eyktan. You were used to it, so you let him go leaving a little kiss on his lips.
“Don’t get in trouble while I’m gone. Stay safe, okay?” In fact, Aonung was the one who is always worried about you. He knew you won’t do anything that puts your life in danger for fun. But he also knew that sometimes you don’t really think about potential consequences and that’s what gets you in trouble. “And what’s more important, don’t listen to Loak” you laughed at this. His expression was extremely serious when he said this. For you it wasn’t a big deal. What might happen? “I’m serious, y/n.”
Aonung looked straight into your eyes and you sighed understandable. You know that he worries about both of you.
“Please, take care of you too.” He gently places his big warm hand on your belly. It became his habit since you found out about your future baby.
“I will.” You put your hand over his and squeeze it a little.
He leaves a soft kiss and goes to his parents’ marui to join other warriors. For you this event was normal and you didn’t worry about it, but for Aonung, whose protectiveness increased twice since that evening when you found out about your pregnancy, it was a big deal. He didn’t want to leave you alone for long.
When he finally left your marui, you remembered that you wanted to see Ronal and ask her about the baby. Since it’s your first time being a mother you had a lot of questions and she was the only one who could answer them since nobody but her knew about this. You wanted to keep it as a secret for as long as possible.
“Hey, we want to go to see Payakan. Loak wants us to meet him.” Tuk came out of the blue as usual. “Come with us!”
You weren’t sure if it’s a good idea for you since Aonung asked you to stay safe. Going out of the reef, even though you’re Metkayina, can be dangerous for pregnant woman.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea…”
“C’mon! We’ve done this so many times, everything will be fine. And today is a special day, Payakan really wants to meet you all. Neteyam and Aonung will join us next time.” Loak was really excited about it, his eyes were almost shining, so you couldn’t say no.
“Okay, tulkun boy” you rolled your eyes sarcastically.
The closer you got to the tulkun, the more clearly you could see this red pierced thing. You didn’t understand what’s going on, but Loak found out quickly.
“Sky people did this! They’re coming, we need to take it out of him!” He was panicking, because of the fear for his spirit brother.
You immediately jumped on him and tried to help Loak to take it out, but nothing helped. Kiri and Tsireya joined you. Tuk started screaming and you got really scared.
“They’re here! Hurry up!”
Your heartbeat increased twice. You were afraid that it might be your last day, skypeople can do anything with all of you.
“Dad, they’re here! They shot Payakan and want to kill him. We’re trying to save him.” Loak used his neck microphone to call Jake.
“What?! Who’s there?” He was with other warriors and you knew Aonung hears everything.
“Me, y/n, Tsireya, Kiri and… Tuk.”
“Get out of there, now!” Jake immediately replied with worried tone in his voice.
“We’re will get out this thing and immediately go back yo the village.”
You tried to pull another time, but it didn’t help. Then you saw ilus and finally had the right idea. Guys tied the rope to your ilu and you tried to pull it all together. In less than a minute you managed to get it out. This GPS arrow was in your hands and you knew that they can detect you. And that’s why you tried to swim as far as possible from you village so that everyone will stay safe, especially Tuk. You just hope that other guys will go back to the village and you will manage to get out of this situation.
You don’t know how, yet.
“Oh Eywa, please help me!” You mumbled while trying to avoid corrals and plants. You also knew that right behind you there’s this huge machine chasing you and you don’t have right for mistake. The last minute your Ilu got so scared that it just left you the moment you lost your bond.
You have to survive for Aonung and the baby that you carry right under your heart.
You had no choice but to hide in the huge plant that had some air inside. You’d been swimming for too long to get them far from village. Before finding this plant, you threw that red GPS, hoping that they won’t keep chasing you after this.
Aonung’s pov:
“RDA are hunting for Tulkuns. Payakan is shot, they’re trying to save him.” Jake explained situation quickly while all men went back to the village.
Only question that Aonung had was about you and he didn’t want to know the answer. But he has to.
“Who’s there?”
“Loak, Kiri, Tuk, Tsireya and…” Jake looked cautiously at him before saying the last name. “Y/n”
“Fuck. I have to go there now.” Aonung raised his speed and changed direction straight to the reefs.
“What are you doing? Y/n is with them, they can handle it by the time we will come. She’s strong.” Tonowari tried to calm down his furious and anxious son.
“She’s pregnant.”
That’s all he said before leaving everyone in shock. When he got closer to the end of the reefs, he met Loak and the rest of the group except for you.
“Where’s she?” He was furious. In fact, he was scared deep inside. “I asked where is y/n!” He raised his voice like his father does and it shocked everyone. Nobody knew he can be that serious.
“She was distracting RDA. She’s supposed to come soon.” Loak said this like nothing serious happened, but Aonung’s face said that he fucked up.
“If something happens to her, I’ll kill you.” He pointed to his chest angrily and left without saying any other word.
You tried to calm down and make no noises so that RDA won’t find you. You’ve been staying here for too long and it seems that you won’t get out of here soon. Tears start to come, panic slowly takes over you.
“Aonung, I miss you.” You whispered starting crying. The thought that in the morning it was your last kiss with Aonung and you didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to him. You were supposed to have a baby and live a happy life, but it’s going to end today.
With the side vision you notice something moving towards you and you moved to the side, trying to save yourself. You wiped your tears and tried to pull yourself together as much as possible before RDA soldier will come for you. But before you could do or say anything, the familiar head appeared right in front of you.
“Aonung?” You were surprised to see him. He sighed in relief that you’re okay and right after it he got really serious.
“What the hell are you doing?!” He knew you must be stressed out, but couldn’t help it. “It’s been only a couple of hours and you already in trouble. Loak is supposed to protect everyone, not you!”
“I’m the eldest in our group, I had to take responsibility.” You didn’t want to have this conversation now, but there was no choice.
“Take responsibility for you own life first! How can you be a mother if you don’t know how to take care of yourself?” You didn’t expect him saying this and it hurt you. You lowered your head, not willing to continue this argument.
“I want to go home, Aonung.”
“Wheres your ilu?” He was still angry and you didn’t try to calm him down as usual. You also needed support. More than him.
“It got scared and left.” Your voice was really quiet.
“Okay, let’s go back home.”
Luckily, RDA left you and your way home was quick and safe. However, the tension between you two was almost visible. You hated it. It was the first time such thing happening in your relationship and you didn’t know what to do.
“My child, are you okay?” Ronal was the first one who noticed your arrival and came straight to you. She hold your hands, examining all your body for any wounds you luckily didn’t have. Everyone in the village looked at you with worry. Now they know about your baby.
“I’m fine, just got stressed a little. Thank you.” You slightly squeezed her hands and gave a tired smile.
“Okay, go rest then. If you need anything, just let me know.”
You nodded and Aonung took you to your Marui. All that time he didn’t say anything and that stressed you out even more than sky people.
“Aonung?” You asked tentatively, trying to catch his gaze.
“What?” His voice was sharp and it really made you upset. He never talked to you this way.
“Please, say something.” You tried to touch his shoulder, but he didn’t let you do this. You bit your lip, to stop yourself from crying, and sit on the floor. Otherwise, it might be hard for you to stand during the tornado that’s about to happen.
You needed his hug and love now. All you want now is to feel the warmth of you husband’s heart and body. He’s the one you could be vulnerable with, but now it’s not working.
“You want me to say something? I have a lot of things to say.” He looked at you seriously towering over you. “What did I ask you when before leaving?”
“Don’t get in trouble…” you felt like a little child who gets scolded by their parents.
“Don’t get in trouble. Which word in this sentence you didn’t understand? Do you even know how I felt when Jake said you’re chased by sky people or when I met Loak and others without you? You’re having our baby and you’re still acting like a 15 year old you. I thought we overcame this problem, but turned out we didn’t.” You were about to loose your last piece of calmness. Aonung is the most important person in your life, that’s why he’s the one who can either hurt and heal you easily.
“I thought I can loose you and you didn’t even think about it. You didn’t think about how I would feel myself if I see you dying or wounded. I could loose not only you, but our baby.” And this was your last straw. You broke in tears, letting out all emotions you suppressed until this moment.
You were crying, sobbing and shaking. Re-living that situation and remembering Aonung’s words again and again.
How can you be a mother if you don’t know how to take care of yourself?
I thought we overcame this problem, but turned out we didn’t.
I could loose not only you, but our baby
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want this.” Aonung immediately sat down right in front of you, trying to calm you down. “I was scared that Tuk and other would get hurt. I didn’t want them to be captured by sky people.” Your eyes were full of sorry. This broke Aonung’s heart. “I know I don’t think think about the consequences in the moment, but I don’t do these things for nothing. I have reasons to act certain way and I’m sorry that I make you worry, but I also got really scared. I also thought that today might be the last day I kissed and touched you. I was scared to loose you too. But I don’t regret doing this and I would do it again if I have to. I better safe four lives for mine, than save my life for four others.” You tried to explain everything, sobbing and crying, while Aonung hugged and tapped your head softly. He knew he shouldn’t have to scold you. The first thing that he must did was to comfort you after that stress you’d gone through.
“I’m sorry, ma txe’lan, I’m sorry.” He whispered same words, while hearing you crying. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there and help you. I’m sorry I didn’t think about your feelings and pressured you.”
You didn’t want to say anything, focusing on his soothing voice. With all tears your stress and tension in the body and mind were relieved. You two were still in each other’s hands, listening to your breathes, enjoying each others warm bodies. You’re alive. You’re still together. You’re still going to have a family.
“You’re my txe’lan, y/n. You own my life. If they take you from me, then they take my heart. Please, don’t let anybody do this to us.” Aonung was sitting and hugging for from behind, placing his head in you neck crook. It was your favorite pose, as you both could feel each other completely. “Can I…?”
You knew what he wanted to do. Some Navis think that young couples mostly love to feel each other sexually, but it’s not your and Aonung’s case. You enjoy your sexual journey with him, but the most precious moments are when you feel each other. Sitting in such pose in your marui or at the beach at night, looking at the sky and having tsaheylu. You don’t have to use it only during the adult time. You can use it just to feel your partner. And that’s what you do now.
You both need this, you need to make sure that you’re alright. Aonung takes your and his braids and makes a bond. Shivers go through your body. You feel his heartbeat, his breath, you don’t need words anymore.
You’re the one
You live in each other
You will be the one even the afterlife
“I see you”
I couldn’t tag those who are in red :(
Taglist: @elegantkidfansoul l @ijwsbdinp @universal-s1ut @myh3artt @lynbubble @jjkclub @kenzi-woycehoski @marvellover4 @ssc7514 @stvrligghtt @johfaam @simplecole18 @flavaliz @chrisbelle @bajadotcom @jak3suiiyscvmslvt @a--1--1--3 @roxannedaybreakermidnight @aonungmyaddiction @neteyamsmate4life @boilingpots @fanboyluvr @zilena9 @maxie8life @makiis2mk @damscore @yeosxxx @imnyira @neytirisblog @adaiasafira @lovedbychoi @oceanstar19
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simpforboys · 2 years
Hellooooo! I’ve binged you Avatar works while I’ve been sick and they’ve been such a comfort 💙
I’d love to request a fluffy Neteyam x Reader where they’ve tried to get pregnant for awhile but nothing has worked so far, but then reader finds out that they’re actually pregnant and breaks the news to Neteyam <3
Also, pregnancy is a kinda dividing topic, so absolutely no pressure to write anything and no hard feelings if you don’t feel comfortable! ☺️
into the light
neteyam sully x fem!metkayina!reader
summary: when the sullys ended up in awa’atlu, you never expected to find yourself mated and pregnant with toruk makto’s son.
warnings: pregnancy, angst, outing of pregnancy, swearing, mentions of smut, soft!neteyam, fluff ending, the parents mad af but they come around, not proof read
aged up!neteyam, don’t like? don’t interact!!
combining this request (from my queen el<3) with this!!
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you still remember the way it felt when you locked eyes with neteyam for the first time.
hair pulled back into a high ponytail with the front twisted back, your hair swayed as you heard a commotion with your people.
being the oldest of tsireya and ao’nung, you were at fault for them. so when you saw your siblings in the front, you immediately walked over.
“tsireya, ao’nung, rotxo-“ you scolded, but quickly shut up when you saw the tall male staring directly at you.
your ears fell and a heat rushed into your face, your stomach churning as it felt like electricity between you two.
you and neteyam practically clicked immediately. however, you couldn't exactly come forward about your feelings to your mother as she was not fond of the omatikayas.
the only person who did know about your secret relationship was your best friend, mereyay, after she had seen you and neteyam holding hands on the beach one late afternoon.
the night you and neteyam had decided to become mates was beautiful.
your eyes sparkled under the stars, smile bright as a flower was tucked behind your ears. neteyam smiled down at you, a flustered look on his face as he held his hands in yours. you both sat on your knees in the cove of the ancestors.
"my beautiful girl," neteyam ran his hand down your cheek as you stared up at him in adoration.
you took your queue, looking him in the eyes as you two made tsaheylu. your senses strengthened as your souls intertwined, both your ears faltering as you hugged your mate close to you.
"we are mated for life, ma neteyam."
neteyam cupped your jaw, pulling you towards him as his lips tenderly kissed yours. he hovered over you until your back hit the stone, the ocean calm with waves splashing over by the reef. it was too perfect.
that night you officially became neteyam's, letting him take your body and claiming it as his, much as his was yours.
you had heard stories from the villages for years about how the night you officially mate was when you were to expect a child from eywa, and when you got no signs of pregnancy, it pained your heart.
but neteyam was there with you for every step. and frankly, he didn't mind having your pretty legs wrapped around him.
he could sense your sadness every time the village was welcomed with a child, your baby fever high as all you wanted was to be blessed from the great mother.
and ronal could tell there was something bothering you, but every time she pressed on it, you would dodge the question.
and the day you finally got the signs, your skin glowed and your eyes were filled with happiness. all you had to do was tell neteyam, trying to figure out when it was the best.
you approached mereyay as she helped the children weave baskets.
"'eylan (friend), i have great news."
mereyay looked up at you, nose scrunching as she dismissed the children. you watched as they ran off, thinking that within years that your child would be learning the way of your people.
"what has happened?" mereyay asked. she was a couple inches taller than you, deep blue eyes, with short curly hair she kept tucked behind her ears. her nose was pointed and she had sharp cheekbones, looking as if they could slice anyone. her tribal tattoo circled her left eye, making her look tough.
"i am with child. the great mother has blessed me." you were grinning, your happiness overlooking how her eyes twitched.
"that is wonderful, y/n! does neteyam know?"
"not yet. i want to tell him in a special way."
"i can help you."
"oh, you don't have to-"
"no, really. my best friend is blessed, i want to help!"
but the plan faltered quickly when your mother's tulkun and her calf were killed by the sky people.
tonowari and ronal were making a speech in the gathering pod, your people doing your war cry as your ears turned down.
you stood next to your mate, trying to hide your fear as your people needed you. but just as tonowari made any speech of war, mereyay stepped forward and silenced the crowd.
your heart pounded in your chest as she looked up at your parents.
"i believe it is best that y/n stay back, considering she is with child."
gasps were heard in the pod as mereyay stared at you, her normally dark eyes even darker as her ears were pointed upwards.
jake grabbed neteyam's shoulder as your lip trembled, the pieces connecting to the omatikayas and your family.
"is this true?" ronal spat at you, her eyes narrowed as she watched you cry.
neteyam looked at you, shock written on his face. you turned towards your mate, ducking your head down.
"it is true. i am pregnant."
you heard your mother hiss as tsireya grabbed your forearm, trying to comfort you. tonowari pursed his lips, unsure of what to say.
"you mated with y/n?" you heard jake's harsh scolding.
"how could you?" you looked up at mereyay.
"i trusted you... i trusted you!" anger ran through your veins as you pointed at her. the woman just shrugged, betrayal going on your face as you sobbed out.
neteyam caught you in his arms, the villagers all staring at mereyay.
"why would you do this to my daughter?" tonowari asked, his voice deep.
"she is a traitor! breeding with a half blood, his siblings aren't even true na'vi!" mereyay hissed.
"that is enough." neytiri hissed back, her eyes wide and full of hatred.
"we will deal with this later. right now, we fight!"
"tonowari, we cannot fight. you must warn the tulkun as they are being hunted!" jake spoke up.
within moments, the villagers scattered as you stood with neteyam in the hut.
"you are with my child?" he asked, placing his hand on your tummy.
"i wanted to tell you in a special way, not like this," you sniffled.
neteyam wiped your tears, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. he was always so loving, so tender.
"i am sorry, ma neteyam." you frowned, putting your head in his chest as he hugged you tight.
"don't be sorry, ma y/n. you are my mate, my past, present, and future. and i am beyond excited for this baby, even if the announcement wasn't as planned."
he joked, making you laugh against him. he always knew what to say, knowing you better than you knew yourself.
"i love you, neteyam."
"i love you nìt’iluke (forever), y/n."
tags: @mayhemories @useryourbut @aonungsmate
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lixiesbrowniess · 1 year
Ⅴ. Go to the river - Omaticaya storyline
Words count: 3,0k
Warnings: little swearing, making out, him being a cutie, shy at first but then totally wild, grown up characters +18, nsfw, oral s3x (m receiving), slight choking, hair pulling, p in v, fluffy moment later, mention of fingering
Aged up to 19
Na'vi vocabulary: Skxawng: moron, Yawne: beloved
A/n: proofread ✓
Follow the don't like don't read rule please - minors DNI
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“I want you to choose Y/n” Ronal said as everyone turned to look at you.
You crossed your arms mumbling and looking at your feet
You really didn't have the patience to finish that piece...
“I'd like to go to collect the herbs” you murmured playing with your fingers.
“Then Rotxo will accompany you. He knows well where to find them” she then started to push the two of you out of the marui pot.
You were about to ask something but she already closed the flap and started to explain something to Neteyam.
You sighed turning back to your companion just to meet an empty space where he was standing a second ago.
“Eh? Rotxo??” you called looking around and spotting a tiny figure walking into the woods.
You immediately started to run after him. “What the hell?? Why'd you leave?”
“We have to move or we won't find those herbs” he said starting to drag you around.
“I don't think some grass will run away...” you commented trying to keep up.
“they won't. But they usually shine into the water right when the eclipse ends”
Time skip - to the river
You finally arrived to the river after all that leaf slapping and random puddles. “A'ight, here you can find the aquatic herbs” Rotxo said squatting down shoving his hands into the water.
“On those shrubs there is the leaf the Tsahìk uses for pregnant women” he murmured starting to collect his herbs. “We gonna need a lot of them” he joked chuckling softly
You followed the example collecting the leaves with an eye roll. Internally you were actually laughing.
Like since when did his stupid ass started acting like that? You asked yourself while collecting those herbs. It was most certainly Ao'nung's fault. You turned to him wanting to ask him something that you forgot as long as you saw him. As long as you saw his hair actually.
They looked so fluffy. You wanted to touch them.
You slowly approached him from behind, you started to get your hand closer to his fluffy hair.
As long as you grazed his hair he turned around about to tell you something, but noticing you got that close he literally jumped, almost getting an heart attack, and slipped onto a rock which caused him to snatch your hand in reflex but still you two fell artistically into the river.
“Y/n!? What's wrong with you??? Why so suddenly-” he stopped realizing why you where looking at him with such a surprised look.
You were currently leaning between his thighs supporting yourself with your hands onto his stomach. “I-....I'm sorry” you murmured trying to lift yourself up pressing his abdomen in the process.
He jumped and snatched your hands and lifting them from his abdomen making you lose your balance and fall back down.
“Don't- touch there.” Rotxo said with slight blush holding you down. “What- what were you trying to do??” he blurted out in a whisper. “Just-” you lifted yourself up pressing yourself onto his chest and freeing a hand from his grip reaching for his hair.
As you ran your fingers through his fluffy hair, you could feel his body tense up. You looked up to meet his eyes, and you could see a mix of confusion and attraction in them. He took a deep breath and leaned in closer to you, his lips almost touching yours.
You could feel your heart racing as you looked into his eyes. You had always been attracted to him, but never had the courage to make a move. You knew that this was your chance, and you weren't going to let it slip away.
“Rotxo, I think I fell for you” you said your lips almost touching his. He chuckled “literally” he said referring to how you ended up in that situation.
You rolled your eyes as he chuckled again at your expression. “very funny” you said starting to get up. He was faster capturing your lips in a quick peck and pulling you back down on his stomach.
You looked at him not daring to look away from his blue eyes as you leaned closer to him. “I see you sxkawng. I always did” he murmured.
That's all you needed.
You closed your eyes and leaned in, your lips meeting his in a passionate kiss. The world around you disappeared as you lost yourself in the moment.
His hands found your nape pulling you closer deepening the kiss. You locked your arms around his neck as you let him have the charge.
He gently asked for access tapping his tongue on your lower lip and melting with you as you parted your lips letting his tongue slide into your mouth.
His hands found your waist pulling your pelvis down making your core graze with his clothed hardness.
After what seemed like an eternity, you both pulled away, gasping for air. You looked into each other's eyes, and you knew that something had changed between you.
You both stood there, catching your breath and trying to process what just happened. Your heart was racing, and you could feel the warmth spreading across your cheeks. You looked up at him, and he was still staring at you with a look of intense desire.
For a moment, neither of you said anything, and the silence was only broken by the sound of your heavy breathing. Finally, he spoke.
“I've wanted for so long” he said, his voice husky and filled with emotion, his lips brushing over your neck and shoulders.
You felt a rush of excitement and fear all at once. You had never been kissed like that before, and you weren't sure what it meant. You knew that you had feelings for him, but you weren't sure if he felt the same way.
“I've wanted it too” you said softly, hoping that he could hear the honesty in your voice.
He smiled, and you could see the relief in his eyes.
“I wasn't sure” he said in a whisper as he hid his face into your neck. “I didn't want to push you.”
He wrapped his arms around you kissing your neck and collarbone, occasionally biting on them.
“You didn't need to” you gasped as you felt his clothed hardness seeking for attention against your inner thighs.
He leaned down and kissed you again, but this time it was rougher, more needy. You felt a warmth spread throughout your body, and you knew that you were exactly where you were meant to be.
⇊incoming smut [if not comfy skip till the next warning]⇊
As you pulled away, he took his loincloth away in a hurry exposing his painfully hard erection. You slid down between his strong thighs where you were at the start of this situation.
His dick in full display for your eyes. You slowly wrapped your hand around it and started to leave wet kisses on the side as your hand started to stroke it slowly.
He sighed in relief at your actions and started to buck his hips up in your hand. Your strokes were painfully slow leaving him desperate to feel your touch more.
His dick started to throb between your fingers asking for more attention.
“Please y/n-” he growled as he grabbed a fistful of your hair. “Use your mouth” he looked straight into your eyes as he pushed your head down till your lips touched his aching tip.
You slowly parted your lips taking his tip into your mouth and sucking on it gently gaining a silent moan from Rotxo.
You pulled back with a pop as his dick left your mouth. You quickly got back to work giving little licks to his slit making his fist clench around your hair.
After a little more of playing around he got tired and forcefully shoved his aching erection inside your mouth sighing at the relief.
“I'm sorry-” he breathed heavily looking down at you “I couldn't wait any longer”. You got the message and immediately started bobbing your head up and down onto his shaft.
You felt it hit the back of your throat every time he shove your head down on it. His hand, still full of your hair, was keeping you from retire your head away.
His breath hitched as you sucked harshly onto his whole shaft bobbing your head faster. He started thrusting his hips up meeting your movements.
He was fucking your face, shoving his dick into your mouth as you sucked on it harshly, swirling you tongue around it.
Suddenly he shoved your head down onto his whole cock while he thrusted his hips up, your nose meeting his abdomen in the process.
He held you down like that for a while growling in pleasure making you struggle as his shaft slid deep in your throat.
Then you felt something hot and sticky sliding down your throat. He held you still as he filled your mouth with his seed.
You felt some of it dripping down your chin as you struggled to swallow what you could.
“Look at you.. with your mouth all stuffed” he said huskily with a smirk not letting you move.
You held onto his thighs supporting yourself on them as he slowly pulled you away “Come here” he pointed to his stomach.
You tugged yourself onto him and looked into his eyes. “Let's take this off mhm?” he said as his hands gripped your ass squeezing it signaling you to move a little up.
You shifted your weight on your knees, on each side of his waist. He tore your loincloth off exposing your wetness.
He pushed you, making you lean your back to his legs. You started to feel horny as he just stared at you and at your dripping core.
You slightly grind onto his stomach trying to find some kind of relief. He chuckled at your eager “Slow down little one, everything in its time.” he whispered to your ear.
He slowly started to draw circles on your inner thigh making you squirm trying to make his hand shift to your clit.
He smiled at your actions and shifted closer to your bud teasing you. He wanted you to beg.
You were an impatient mess, squirming around as he still didn't thought about giving you some kind of relief.
“Rotxo-” you murmured breathing heavily he lifted his eyes to you. “Yes sweetie?” he started to feel himself getting hard again.
“Please-” he smiled at your trembling voice. “Please what y/n? Tell me” he mockingly asked grazing your clit making you shiver.
“Please just fuck me” you closed your eyes blushing at your own words. His smirk widened “As you wish”
He switched the roles, now you were the one laying on the ground as he slowly spread your legs letting you wrap them around his waist.
Your breath hitched as he lined his now harden dick to your entrance gently pressing his tip to your wet hole.
“You don't need no preparation right?” he said shifting his gaze to your orbs. “No, please- just stretch me out” you impatiently stated grinding against him.
“Of course yawne” he shoved his whole shaft with one fluid move exhaling as your walls immediately started to clench around him.
“Fuck-” he muttered holding your waist tightly as your pussy sucked him deeper.
You let out a gasp at the sudden intrusion, your body arching up to meet his. He filled you completely, stretching you out in a way that left you breathless. Your fingers dug into his back, urging him to move, to give you more of that sweet friction.
He started to thrust, slow at first, letting you adjust to the sensation of being filled by him. You moaned as he picked up the pace, each thrust sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body.
“Shit, you're so tight” he growled leaning closer to your body as your pelvis kissed with every thrust he gave.
His hands roamed over your skin, exploring every inch of you as he drove you closer and closer to the edge. You could feel the coil of pleasure building inside you, tightening with each thrust.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, his rhythm becoming more frantic. He pounded into you relentlessly, his movements becoming more urgent as you chased your releases.
He pulled your legs up to his chest and leaned close to you peppering your face with kisses. Gosh he was being so soft, yet so rough, it was making you crazy. You wrapped your arms around his neck holding him close.
“I love you y/n!” he blurted out picking up his pace. “So so much!!” his hands gripped your thighs as his dick started to throb between your walls.
“L-love you too-” you whimpered feeling yourself getting closer to edge second by second.
As soon as he felt you tightening around his cock his hand flew to your clit drawing circles on it at the same pace as his thrusts.
The immense pleasure caused you to convulse softly clenching your legs around his waist.
He kept slamming himself deep inside you until your knot snapped and you came crying out in pleasure.
He followed soon after spilling his seed between your quivering walls. He held you close to him as you both breathed heavily while he rode you both out of your orgasm.
Sweat was trailing down his forehead as he leaned to kiss your nose. “You did well y/n” he whispered stroking your hair.
He pulled out slowly keeping you close to his chest and you wrapped your arms to his neck as he started to get up.
                        ⇈smut ends here⇈
You both stood on your feet and the river never sounded so noisy. “I think we lost our loincloths” he said smiling. Of course you did. He threw them into the damn river. what a sxkawng “you're probably right” you murmured slightly feeling embarrassed to be naked for the first time that day.
He rubbed the back of his neck as he started searching for something to cover you both. “We could use these leaves” he then exclaimed all blushie “they're very resistant” you nodded at his words smiling at his clumsiness.
“Yeah they will do” you chuckled. He handed you two of them and turned around starting to fix his leaves to cover himself.
You did the same and once you both were done you got back to what you were doing. And finally finished collecting the herbs.
You started to walk back to the village and right when you two were out the forest he stopped you placing a hand on you shoulder.
You turned to face him and saw him holding his hand out and a small shiny she'll in his hand.
You looked at him then at his hand smiling “it's for me?” you asked, your eyes betrayed you showing your excitement.
“I found it back in the river... I thought it was beautiful” he murmured “like you” he looked down at his feet.
You then took his hand in your smaller ones “thank you, i-it's beautiful” you cursed to yourself at your stutter as you took the shell from his hand.
You got on your tippy toe and pulled him down kissing him on the cheek. He immediately smiled at you and left a quick peck on your lips.
You guys then walked to the Tsahìk marui with your hands touching each others occasionally.
“Oh just wait till I tell Tsireya” the figure slipped out from behind the palm “She'll be jumping from happines” Ao'nung chuckled ready to gossip with his sister.
Time Skip - days later
You were admiring the tiny shell Rotxo gave you previously. It was very pretty. You found yourself blushing everytime you looked at it as it remembered what you happened between the two of you.
You decided to add it to your songcord to remember that day so you started to tie it using that special seaweed Tsireya gifted you.
You started Interweaving the light blue seaweed forming little braids, then you framed the shell between three braids before connecting it to the rest of the songcord.
“Y/NNNN” a voice made you jump on your seat as a really familiar figure stormed into your marui. “YOU AND ROTXO FINALLY CONFESSED TO EACH OTHER!?!” Tsireya jumped all around you causing you to blink in confusion.
“How- how do you kno-” you blushed lightly “Who cares!! I'm so happy for youuu!” she chuckled kneeling in front of you. “You have to tell me the details. Now.” she stated placing the songcord down and staring at your perplexed yet embarassed expression.
Time Skip - Tsireya left without leaving out ANY detail
“I see you're busy” a voice startled you making you jump in place. You turned as the voice owner approached you. “I'm almost finished” you frowned playfully showing him the result with a slight blush.
His mouth formed a 'O' as he took your hand into his to look better a the blue weave. “Woah. This so gorgeous” you smiles and blushed at his compliment.
He looked at you smiling “we have to meet the Tsahìk and the Olo'eyktan” he murmured.
“Today is the day right?” you said returning to your work “Honestly I'm kinda scared” you said with a sad smile.
You two decided to tell the chief about your "relationship" to see what were Eywa's words. You were scared. You didn't want it to end just because Eywa said so. You loved him so much.
He kissed your forehead “Don't worry it'll be fine. I'm sure Eywa agrees with us” he said leaning his forehead to your making you noses touch.
You smiled as you both closed your eyes enjoying each other warmth. “Let's go. I promise I won't ever leave your side“ he said before you two got up and started walking.
Lil time skip
“I see you Ronal, I see you Tonowari” you repeated after Rotxo bowing lightly after touching your forehead in greet.
“we were waiting for you, i think we already know what you want to tell us” Ronal said chuckling softly.
You two just blushed and looked at each other hands fidgeting with your fingers.
“Eywa is favorable”
Taglist! @selkie-at-sea
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