#ava rick
mary-games-and-arts · 2 years
Heh, time to make Cyan a lil happier
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its-kapi-wara · 1 month
✨️The Dragon Prince's characters in Percy Jackson Universe - P.1✨️
Callum - Cabin 1 (Zeus)
"God of the sky, thunder, lightning, kingship, honor and justice."
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Children of Zeus are described as being extremely powerful half-bloods, due to their father being one of the Big Tree [...] They are said to have powers of Aerokinesis (the ability to manipulate air and wind) , Atmokinesis (the ability to manipulate the weather) and Electrokinesis (the ability to psychically generate and manipulate the eletricity)
Ezran - Cabin 18 (Hebe)
"The goddess of youth, vitality and forgiveness. She's also the daughter of Zeus and Hera, and the former cupbearer of the gods."
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Although there is not much information about the Children of Hebe, they're said to have powers of Hebekinesis (ability to control and manipulate youth) and Vitakinesis (control of the healing process). Some describe them as being highly sociable individuals.
Rayla - Cabin 17 (Nike)
"The goddess of victory, daughter of the Titans Pallas and Styx. She assumes the role of the divine charioteer, a role in which she is often portrayed in Classical Greek art."
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The Children of Nike do not have major participation throughout the book series, but there are some of their characteristics that are known, such as: their increased strength; incredible speed and agility (which can be compared to that one possessed by the Children of Hermes and Iris). They are described as competitive, hard-working, intense and motivated with their goals.
Soren - Cabin 7 (Apollo)
"The god of the sun, light, healing, disease, plague, music, art, poetry, archery, reason, knowledge, truth, and prophecy."
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One thing noticed is that the abilities of some Children of Apollo tend to be more specialized in one direction rather than just gaining a general set of abilities like many other types of demigod children. The known abilities are: archery, healing, control of sound waves/music, mental and/or physical control of the light and also the power to create and control diseases.
Ellis - Cabin 8 (Artemis)
"The goddess of the hunt, archery, wilderness, animals, forests, the Moon, radiance, maidenhood, and childbirth."
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As Artemis did not have children of her own, Cabin 8 serves to welcome the Hunters of Artemis . The Hunters of Artemis are maidens (which can be human, god, demigod, or nymph) who have sworn loyalty to the maiden goddess, to join her in the Hunt and reject love for as long as they live.
Hunters are immortal, wich mean that they can't die of illnesses or old age, unless they fall in love or they fall in battle. They are naturally stronger and faster than a mortal, demigod, or nymph. In addition, they also have the powers of Zoolingualism (ability to communicate with animals) and Photokinesis (ability to psychically manipulate light and related phenomena).
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metallicartist · 2 months
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Updated Ref sheets :O
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avaisnerdytoo · 10 months
About "Rickfending Your Mort"
I finally found something I want to say about this episode, which in many ways is just repeating what @hazelnut-u-out already said.
But I seriously cannot stop thinking about the observation made about Rick wanting to treat and spoil Morty 🥺
The non-specific guns bit was not only really funny, but such a lovely Rick/Morty set of interactions.
Before, this happened only occasionally, tbh I can only think of Cronenberg world with the potion, which went horribly, and then basically only through Rick Bot did Morty get some semblance of a treat - as far as I remember - like the lightsaber, however through this episode we finally see that Rick actually does give Morty some care... Or at least...
The way he sees it...
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Clearly he's terrible at knowing what to give to a kid, but he's genuinely freaking trying you guuuuuys 🥺, he's, as Dr. Wong said, changing, just veeeeery slowly (enough for 70 episodes at least slowly*🤭).
I also really liked the scene with the Principal, because Rick is asking him to not be harsh with Morty, and is, guess what, taking responsibility!!!
He has shown that from time to time, but I will never stop praising this kind of progress and characterization.
All in all, even if not all the clips are my favorite amongst Interdimensional Cable or Mindblowers, I like this set up the best, because it placed both Rick and Morty as both causing trouble, and both being smol silly little creatures 🥰🥰🥰
For their standards anyway... 🤭🤔
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ultimaterickshowdown · 7 months
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genuinely speaking I actually cried when I found out percy has adhd
representation is practically non existent for us and to see that there's a character who has is and is just like me is just-
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weirdkit1k · 4 months
June 5 2024
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shyshitter · 1 year
im begging and pleading. on my knees. does anyone know where to pirate rick and morty season 7
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wiinestories · 8 months
@wrathfulmercy answered:
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A bright and mischievous smirk appeared on his lips while he leaned forward on the counter of the bar so she would hear him better. “Only if it is worth it.” And he knew it was worth it cause Rick had noticed her badge from miles ago. It could never harm to have more allies on the other side of law especially if they were as gorgeous as her and might be able to fight his demons of solitude at night. At least for a while.
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With a wink he pulled back again and reached for his bourbon and take another sip while the blue eyes never left hers that reflected the dimmed bar lights so beautifully in this moment. “But don’t worry, I won’t bother you any further if it is your wish to be left alone.” Carelessly he slipped from his bar stool to stand with his back to her, but his head turnt over his shoulder to send her another playful smile. Yeah, he knew the the cat and mouse game they were playing here all to well and maybe he even enjoyed it a little too much. “If you desire some company or saving though at any time, just let me know. There are dangerous people out here sometimes.” And he could be the most dangerous in the room without her knowledge.
There was an undeniable allure about this man that compelled Ava to delve deeper into his mysterious persona. While for many, crossing the friendly barrier with someone associated with law enforcement posed a risky venture, others expressed a disdainful attitude toward them. Yet, Ava found herself drawn to him, intrigued by the enigma he presented. The man possessed a soft, innocent visage that defied the stereotype of a criminal. His gentle features contradicted any notion of wrongdoing. Appearances could easily deceive, however, and that was a phrase that was attached to anyone within the force. The badge didn't seem to scare away this man, though, which was what left the blonde intrigued. Gaze slightly narrowed at the answer he provided, ignoring the coffee she had ordered to lean back against her seat.
Her body shifted gracefully on the seat, her full attention now focused entirely on him. He had undoubtedly captured her interest, particularly with the captivating smile that adorned his features. "Wait," Ava requested, interrupting him shortly after he subtly extended his invitation for company. "You haven't told me your name. It's common courtesy to give it." That last line was let out playfully while she got up from her seat.
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"I'm Officer Ava Deschamps." She introduced herself, a smile gracing her lips as she studied the man, her eyes resembling pools of ocean. "What do you mean about dangerous people? Is there something I should be aware of?" Despite the casual tone of their interaction, her professional instincts remained keen, her badge a constant reminder of her duty to gather any pertinent information that could aid her in her job.
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mary-games-and-arts · 2 years
Rick out of context
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wrathfulmercy · 5 months
[ 📲 • sms ] —— if you could do anything you want to me, what would you do? (From Ava heh)
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Sext messages from here @wiinestories
[txt:Ava]: Taking you on a terrace over Venice to watch the sunset with you then fucking you under the starry sky right there.
[txt:Ava]: Or would you prefer the beach? Sex in the sand with you sounds intriguing as well.
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Heartland - 16x09 - True Colours, New Tricks
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luna-purple454 · 1 year
What is your Favorite Character from each of those medias you have listed on your pinned post?
Harry Potter: Hedwig deffo, little owl guys cute. And maybe Sirius Black (maybe it's just cause of his name but still-)
Rick and Morty: Rick, I hate the bastard but he really is an interesting character tbh. But a total asshole.
PJO: Percy deffo 100℅ prob a bit overrated but like, he's so interesting and stupid and silly scary like "ooOOooo I like BLUE that is my DIET my (2nd) LOVE and my LIFE. Oh yah I also killed like, a titan b 4 lmaooo."
Ninjago: Kai my idiotic, lovable fool. Hot-headed mf with a backstory so unknown that I could basically make my own for him.
GS: Geronimo Stilton, cause tbh the rest of the cast are unbearable (but Benjamin's pretty ok tho ngl). Like, the only reason he got a crush on Petunia is cause she's one of the nicer ones, and she did her own bs to him.
Encanto: Bruno. Ik, overrated, but still. Rat man.
Undertale: Papyrus my beloved, silly, goofy, probably knows more than he lets on, fav skeleton.
Edit: I forgot to mention that for Animator VS Minecraft, my fav is Green. He's just a musical dude who gave Purple (second fav) a chance to redeem like yessss. Redemption that sticks ass so hard they become good.
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gameprime420 · 2 years
Talks with the boyfriend
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avaisnerdytoo · 10 months
What makes C-137 Rick different in the eyes of Evil Morty? A simple list.
I had this drafted around when the episode came out and I hadn't finished it, sooooo here you go heh:
This is arguably a pretty obvious set of answers, I'm not making any big deep dives here or anything, but I felt curious enough in wanting to see some kind of realized list of how many ways our Rick is different from his counterparts, specifically to the eyes of Evil Morty, that's to say, within the show, what kind of interactions have made Evil Morty slowly chip away in his absolute ideas about our Rick specifically.
Contains content since season 1, but mostly Season 7 due to the amount of interactions.
Bullet point is the actual list, indented is additional, but optional, context I deemed valuable:
C-137 Crying: Obviously the first would be Evil Morty - through Evil Rick - seeing our Rick cry when seeing baby Morty, even if we don't have that explained yet, this genuine care that shocked E-M this much was only reinforced in Season 7 when Rick, just before going to hunt Rick Prime told Morty he "couldn't go", evidently so that he stays safe.
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This is extra reinforced when Evil Morty and Morty Prime join Rick against our big bad, E-M throws an insult right away expecting the reason for Rick's frustration to be "they did something cool and I didn't" (a jump cut), but no, C-137 only says... "You brought Morty???"
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Evil Morty is a Morty registered within the Council's data base, he's been passed around, probably adopted by various Ricks, of whom clearly view that service as a tool to reinforce their detachments. Even if there is a petty and truly emotional reason underneath the existence of such a program, the Morties in those centers only see the very worst of Rick, because that's who they are paired up with, they only see how disposable they are every single time, time and time again.
C-137's respect of Evil Morty: Right away as S7EP5 begins, and E-M joins in with our duo, he's immediately greeted with what I am willing to bet is a different kind of attitude, one of respect. Rick is not dissmisive of Evil Morty, granted he knows his capabilities, however he even compliments Evil Morty on his journey to fucking off, a life style he very much enjoys - supposedly, but still - this is reinforced the moment Evil Morty suggests the modifications to the fracking machine, one which Rick takes notice of an implements right away, no insult attached interestingly enough.
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That respect is also seen after Rick connects the dots with Evil Morty being responsible for hacking his Portal gun, back in Season 5, a detail which most Rick's would've arrogantly shrugged off by underestimating Morty. I am not saying respect can't be earned from other Ricks, after all he was president, but I am focusing the basis of this on Evil Morty's absolutist mindset regarding how Ricks are meant to be.
Teamwork: Although Rick points out the same logic we as the audience and fans did in theories prior to Season 7, regarding the assumption Evil Morty would hate Rick Prime more than our Rick because he's even worse, the actual teamwork simply plays out naturally, first through circumstance, but then by convenience. Nonetheless in each step Rick is once again cooperative with Evil Morty, treating him like an equal in a way that I think we haven't really ever seen before besides Beth, and sorta Summer.
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I feel it's no small detail that E-M's first instinct after grabbing the Portal guns they were quickly tinkering with to escape the box was "don't freak out", the subsequent lack of freaking out also reinforces all of the shit I'm repeating myself on haha, again list of the obvious remember?
And finally the most obvious: C-137's goals are focused on avenging his Wife, as we well know. This singular detail already places him on a different bracket of existence as Rick's aren't meant to care for anyone other that themselves, even if this goal was the reason that fueled Rick's cooperation, signs of respect and more towards Evil Morty, he still did them... That would also technically place the other trapped Ricks, like Nerd Rick or James Bond Rick, as other challengers in Evil Morty's views.
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This is how Evil Morty finally showed a crack in his absolutist views about Ricks.
"You are a little different, Rick..."
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Maybe I can use that someday...
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catrawoods · 2 years
Sick Marcus AU ( Short Sing! movie Story By Catra woods )
Warning: Major character death, sad moments
( everyone get tissues, because this story is going to be sad right now)
once at the community service. Marcus got impact of his head but he didn't get rest and have a break because of all lot of responsibilities that he had in the whole life and have trouble remembering in his lives, later at night Johnny heard that the doctor telling the bad news and he was rush to go to the hospital to see his dad
in midnight at the hospital
Johnny: dad.... should i stop worrying bout your responsibilities for this time....?
Johnny: it's just that i felt like you might left me behind here....
Marcus: ....... Johnny... i know you're upset right now but i'll be okay if i left you alone..
Johnny: but if you died, who's going to support me and my dreams and so to Uncles?
Marcus: it's alright.. rick will be in your side for your life there lad.
Johnny, almost going to cry and started begging: But i need you father!! i don't you to die like that in front of me like mom did!!
Johnny, sobbing: Please daddy.. please!.. * begins to cry*
Marcus, comforts while sharing his last words: shh... it's okay there mate... i'm going to die soon
Marcus: your the one who made so proud about how talented you are.. i believe in you and your friends all the time... and i'm going to meet your mother again... i love you so much son...
Johnny, counties to sob: i love you dad....
After 1 minute, he shortly died for a long time.. but his son Johnny counties to cry emotionally and told his uncles, his step dad and his moon theater friends about the sad news until they begin to comfort him.
( please don't kill me i do love the supportive dad the whole time but i decided to make a short story of it TwT but happily Marcus had finally met his wife again in heaven and so to his dad)
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