#rick x ava
wrathfulmercy · 5 months
[ 📲 • sms ] —— if you could do anything you want to me, what would you do? (From Ava heh)
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Sext messages from here @wiinestories
[txt:Ava]: Taking you on a terrace over Venice to watch the sunset with you then fucking you under the starry sky right there.
[txt:Ava]: Or would you prefer the beach? Sex in the sand with you sounds intriguing as well.
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wiinestories · 8 months
@wrathfulmercy answered:
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A bright and mischievous smirk appeared on his lips while he leaned forward on the counter of the bar so she would hear him better. “Only if it is worth it.” And he knew it was worth it cause Rick had noticed her badge from miles ago. It could never harm to have more allies on the other side of law especially if they were as gorgeous as her and might be able to fight his demons of solitude at night. At least for a while.
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With a wink he pulled back again and reached for his bourbon and take another sip while the blue eyes never left hers that reflected the dimmed bar lights so beautifully in this moment. “But don’t worry, I won’t bother you any further if it is your wish to be left alone.” Carelessly he slipped from his bar stool to stand with his back to her, but his head turnt over his shoulder to send her another playful smile. Yeah, he knew the the cat and mouse game they were playing here all to well and maybe he even enjoyed it a little too much. “If you desire some company or saving though at any time, just let me know. There are dangerous people out here sometimes.” And he could be the most dangerous in the room without her knowledge.
There was an undeniable allure about this man that compelled Ava to delve deeper into his mysterious persona. While for many, crossing the friendly barrier with someone associated with law enforcement posed a risky venture, others expressed a disdainful attitude toward them. Yet, Ava found herself drawn to him, intrigued by the enigma he presented. The man possessed a soft, innocent visage that defied the stereotype of a criminal. His gentle features contradicted any notion of wrongdoing. Appearances could easily deceive, however, and that was a phrase that was attached to anyone within the force. The badge didn't seem to scare away this man, though, which was what left the blonde intrigued. Gaze slightly narrowed at the answer he provided, ignoring the coffee she had ordered to lean back against her seat.
Her body shifted gracefully on the seat, her full attention now focused entirely on him. He had undoubtedly captured her interest, particularly with the captivating smile that adorned his features. "Wait," Ava requested, interrupting him shortly after he subtly extended his invitation for company. "You haven't told me your name. It's common courtesy to give it." That last line was let out playfully while she got up from her seat.
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"I'm Officer Ava Deschamps." She introduced herself, a smile gracing her lips as she studied the man, her eyes resembling pools of ocean. "What do you mean about dangerous people? Is there something I should be aware of?" Despite the casual tone of their interaction, her professional instincts remained keen, her badge a constant reminder of her duty to gather any pertinent information that could aid her in her job.
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Heartland - 15x02 - Runaway
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cookiesupplier · 7 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Twenty-Seven
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, panic attack, stalking, online bullying, serious mental health issues.
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summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
❗❗ author’s note: This chapter includes serious mental health situations in the past of a character, involving in this case voluntary treatment in a mental facility. Treatment for Depression, Anxiety, and Grief Counselling. Please beware of these potential triggers. I am in no way a medical professional writing this.❗❗
an2: finished editing last night, so you are getting this baby EARLY, going to try and be back to my usual schedule! Now.. concerning this part.. *hides*
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tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 @black-damask1999 @jilliemiw86 @ilovesamkiszka @lyschko666 @lacktoesandtoddlerants @bngurngheart @collapsedglasshouses @laurpartyprogram @sunsshinesunny @malerieee
Tag List is Open, please let me know if you would like to be added to it or in general.
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Talia took in a surprised breath when Chris said he’d been committed. She would never in her life say that she thought he was the type, because who in their mind was the type, was she the type? No. No one was a person she could look at and think, oh, that would be someone she for sure thought should end up in an institution at some point in their life. She would absolutely hate herself if she did. Even the people who talked to themselves didn’t deserve to be thought of that way, they were people who were in desperate need of help, not people who needed to be judged like that, it was cruel. Still, at that moment, knowing what she did already, she was lost.
She glanced from Chris to Ricky, unsure of what to think, and saw the concerned expression passed between them, Rick reached for Chris’ hand, and she swallowed slightly, her soulmate tattoo tingling, but it wasn’t upsetting, it was… she wasn’t sure how she’d describe the feeling. When did she start categorising them? Pleased.. Whatever was driving these feelings, it was pleased.. Seeing him comfort his friend, seeing this side of him, was that it, was it pleased, this, the bond between them. She watched, staying quiet as they spoke softly, whispering, not wanting to interfere, but hearing whispered words, knowing they weren’t for her though.
“Are you sure..”
“She’s bound to find out-”
“Rick, I know you’re worried, I get it, but I trust her.”
As Chris’ whispered explanation of why he should tell her to Ricky continued, Talia chose to purposely pushed them from her mind. She didn’t want to be unworthy of that trust, unworthy of her friendship with Chris, because with how close they had gotten, he meant the world to her. He had become more important to her than he could possibly know, and it, and the thought that he was willing to trust her with something so personal like this.. Looking down at her hands, trying not to think about the fact that she’d just trusted them with something that she’d not spoken of out-loud about since she’d left the facility, to anyone. Not even Ava.
She should tell her the truth, she should tell all her friends and hope that they won't hate her for hiding it from them for so long. Taking in a deep breath, holding it for a moment to ground herself, before letting it out slowly, just grounding herself for a moment while the boys sorted themselves out. Chris’ voice, clear and no longer whispering, brought her back.
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“You okay, JellyBean?”
Chris looked across the table, whispering with Risky, semi-arguing with him about the validity of telling her the whole story about everything that had happened. Rick didn’t understand why he had to tell her, when part of the reason his life was as peaceful as it was from stalkers and shit these days, was that no one outside the immediate band and crew that we trusted implicitly, knew. The thing was, he wasn’t sure he could explain it to Ricky, but even though he’d only known her for a short time, he did trust her, especially after hearing what they’d just heard.
This was a woman who has had her soul bond ripped open by not only her own flesh and blood family, whom she could no longer trust, but strangers that her family put their trust in more than her, and she still came out fighting to keep going. He’d seen her over this past week, sitting in that café, laughing, and smiling, and was the most wonderfully sweet person, even after what she’d been through. Yes, he trusted her, because, above all she was right here, sitting with her soulmate, she didn’t give in, she didn’t give up. Well, some might say she did, but she didn’t do that because of the doctors, she did that because of a fucked up stalker that tipped the scales just a little bit too far, and frankly, Chris got it now. The day Talia had seen Ricky with Grace, had seen them together, and seen what she thought him to be, happy, he more than understood why she took that giant step back and didn’t fight against it. When someone you were destined to love was happy, all you wanted, was that happiness for them.
When Talia’s eyes opened and met his and a soft smile curving across that beautiful face, Chris returned it,
“There she is, are you okay? We don’t have to talk about this if it’s going to be too much?”
And yet it was Chris’ hand that Ricky was squeezing slightly, his fingers tight, he knew how he got about the whole thing, if he only knew lately.. If he only knew.
“I’m okay, Chris, are you?”
He nodded slightly in response to her worry, just keeping his gentle smile.
“Yes, but I should really start from the beginning, it’s a bit of a story, some of which you probably know, but not everything. Are you okay with that?”
Hearing everything, Chris didn’t want to put this all on her, it had been an intense day, and he didn’t want her to feel like she had to take the weight of his story on top of it at the same time. However, before he had much time to worry about whether she was going to have a hard time with the situation, she was shifting her chair along the table so she could reach for his other hand, a comfort from both of them, his fingers curving around her delicate ones.
“As long as you’re comfortable, Chris, I’m not going anywhere.”
His smile growing at the thought, squeezing both of their hands gently,
“Well, you probably know I was in a long-term relationship, we were engaged, wedding planning, had a date set.. Venue booked.. Her dress was picked out and being altered, it was..”
He sighed remembering, looking down at the table, just finding a spot on the wood, barely paying attention to the fact that neither of them had let go of his hands, but at the same time, his fingers were clinging to theirs a bit tightly. Chris needed the touch not to get lost in the memories, for in more ways than one, which he knew she’d understand. 
“It’s common knowledge in the fan base that she wasn’t my soulmate, but neither of us cared, we loved each other, and wanted to be together.. At least that's what I thought, how we felt at the time.”
Chris shook his head slightly, this wasn’t even the hardest part to talk about, but it all lead to why he’d been committed, because if he just said the little bit at the end, it didn’t tell close to the full picture.
“A few weeks before we were meant to be married, a woman claiming to be my soulmate turned up, her tattoo was perfect, a fake, but perfect, so she thought. I knew she wasn’t my soulmate, I proved it easily, I’d laid out false trails for my soulmate tattoo years ago. Where it was, what it was, how big it was, she was not my soulmate.”
He felt Ricky’s hand squeeze his firmly, he knew, Ricky had been through all of this with him, he’d had to deal with the whole debacle as well, and now again with Grace on a whole different level. Chris felt for Rick, because hiding his tattoo was so much worse for him than Chris, at least his could go under his shirt most days, there was a reason that there wasn’t very many shirtless photographs out there of him in the world. Those that there are, he’d covered in paint and makeup usually, so it worked for him.
“My fiancé, however, didn’t take it well, she tried to continue like it didn’t matter, but during the lead up to the wedding my fiancé became, distant. Worried about what she was thinking I tried to reassure her, I tried to help everything go as smoothly as humanly possible, but, nothing helped, nothing worked.. I loved her, and she.. A few days before the wedding she broke it off. She couldn’t handle the possibility my soulmate could turn up, and so publicly try to claim me.”
“The way she fucking said that, as if you were something for your soulmate to own.. Cunt.”
“Ricky!” Chris looked over at him, scolding him, despite the fact this was no the first time he’d heard him speak of her in such a hostile way.
“What? She was! I’m sorry Chris, but what she did was fucking shit, I get it, she was having second thoughts, but she blamed you, and how you were famous, how and your soulmate could turn up at any time. Well funnily enough, her soulmate could have turned up at any fucking time too, but she didn’t think about that, now, did she?”
Chris took in a breath, yea, that was something he’d thought about as well, and Ricky was spot on, but he didn’t want to argue about it, not in front of- oh- he looked over towards Talia as he felt her squeeze his hand again.. Seeing her nod with a small smile, she got it.
“It’s okay, Chris, he’s right.. You both had other soulmates, her putting it on yours turning up, wasn’t fair. Especially if she loved you.”
His breath was shaky as Rick agreed with Talia,
“the Story isn’t over, and Ricky knows it, so…”
A half-hearted glare at Ricky which pointedly said a silent shut up, which earned a bit of a giggle from Talia, Chris smiled as he continued. 
“After the wedding was cancelled, I hit a patch of depression, which wasn’t helped when the stalker saw an opening, and started attacking my life since her main obstacle was suddenly gone. She came at me in so many different ways, you don’t want to know, it will keep you up at night, it was, frankly, terrifying thinking about all the different things that did and could have happened, I ended up in the hospital A&E more than once because of her, and it wasn’t pretty.”
Taking in a deep breath, he didn’t want to go into detail, because it was hard enough to talk about as he was, and Ricky being here with him, and knowing he wasn’t going to be home on his own after all of this, was a fucking comfort if he was being honest.
“Eventually they caught her, we were able to keep most of it out of the press, because the stress, the pain,  had me cracking.. But, but um.. About a little over two months after I was supposed to get married.. My soulmate tattoo..”
Chris’ voice cracked, and he felt both hands almost simultaneously grip his so tightly, even if only one of them knew for certain wasn’t coming, the other could fucking guess, there was one thing everyone in the world knew happened to the tattoos without a doubt.
“It turned white.”
The moment it did, he knew his soulmate had died.
“I never even got to meet them. Never knew who they were.. And ah,” Chris heaved a deep sigh, pausing before he continued. “Because of government regulations, everyone that loses a soulmate, whether met or not, bonded or not, I had to go through the mandatory grief counselling within six months. So, I knew that with everything that was happening, there was no way that I was going to be able to handle, ah, I couldn’t handle doing the basic therapy, so, I willingly admitted myself to a private confidential inpatient care, with a NDA twist. Of course, most facilities have those included when it comes to medical patients, but I went into one specifically for those trying to stay out of the press. Not just for grief counselling, either, but also for depression and generalised anxiety.”
Chris glanced at Rick, before looking towards Talia,
“Sort of felt like therapy for the soul for me sometimes.. And Talia, I hate that what you went through was so horrible.. Because it should have never been like that.. JellyBean.. They’re supposed to help you, listen to you.. Not assume, and from the sounds of it, that's all that they did to you.”
They hadn’t helped her, they’d listened to her parents and given in to the money that talked. Taking in a deep breath as he squeezed her hand back slightly, hating that she went through something so horrific when his time in the facility had been so therapeutic in the long run. Now, now, back to the whole point of why he was telling the story in the first place, back to the point of why everything was happening. Their soulmate marks.
“Ever since I finished my treatment, I’ve been kind of fascinated by all the theories and different studies involved with the soulmate phenomenon. It is a phenomenon, because no one can fully prove or explain how or why it even exists. Not one scientist in the world, that I have found in any publication, can scientifically prove a damn thing. For all the studies, and papers, it is all theoretical.. Even what's happening to you was nothing but a proposed theory that I’d read about, until now.”
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics (roses) and @cafekitsune (trigger)
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ultraericthered · 10 months
Rating KH Character Vocal Performances (English Dub)
(This list only uses KH original characters, Final Fantasy guest stars, and the Disney characters who are main characters involved in the KH original storyline)
GOD TIER: Billy Zane as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (KH1)
Derek Stephen Prince as Vexen/Even (All Appearances)
Christopher Lee as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (KH2 and Days)
Paul St. Peter as Xemnas (All Appearances)
Mark Hamill as Master Eraqus (BBS and KH3)
Leonard Nimoy as Master Xehanort (BBS and 3D)
Christopher Lloyd as Master Xehanort (KH3 DLC & MoM)
Kathryn Beaumont as Kairi’s Grandmother (BBS)
Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent (All Appearances)
Jim Cummings as Pete (All Appearances)
Wayne Alwine as King Mickey (KH1 and KH2)
TOP TIER: Hayley Joel Osment as Sora (KH1, Re:CoM, KH2 and KH3)
Hayden Panettiere as Kairi (KH1, KH2, and BBS)
David Gallaghar as Riku (KH1, Re:CoM, KH2, BBS, 3D, and MoM)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (3D, 0.2 BBS, and KH3)
Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck (All Appearances)
Bill Farmer as Goofy (All Appearances)
Bret Iwan as King Mickey (BBS)
Eddie Caroll as Jiminy Cricket (KH1, Re:CoM, and KH2)
Joe Ochman as Jiminy Cricket (Re:Coded and KH3)
Jesse McCartney as Roxas (All Appearances)
Meaghan Martin as Namine (Re:CoM and Days)
Brittany Snow as Namine (KH2)
David Boreanaz as Leon (KH1)
Doug Erholtz as Leon (KH3 DLC)
Christy Carlson Romano as Yuffie (KH1)
Mae Whitman as Yuffie (KH2)
Chris Edgerly as Cid (KH3 DLC)
Steve Burton as Cloud (KH1 and Re:Coded)
Quinton Flynn as Axel (Re:CoM, KH2, and Days)
Shanelle Grey as Larxene (Re:CoM and KH3)
Dave Boat as Lexaeus/Aeleus (Re:CoM and BBS)
Corey Burton as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (Re:CoM)
Alyson Stoner as Xion (Days and KH3)
Kirk Thornton as Saix (All Appearances)
James Patrick Stuart as Braig/Xigbar/Luxu (All Appearances)
Ryan O’Donohue as Demyx (All Appearances)
Robin Atkin-Downes as Luxord (All Appearances)
Will Friedle as Seifer (KH2)
Justin Crowden as Hayner (KH2)
Sean Marquette as Pence (KH2)
Jessica DiCicco as Olette (KH2)
Corey Burton as Yen Sid (KH2, BBS, and KH3)
Jeff Bennett as Merlin (All Appearances)
Rachel Leigh Cook as Tifa (KH2)
Matt McKenzie as Auron (KH2)
Hedy Burress as Yuna (KH2)
Tara Strong as Rikku (KH2)
Gwendoline Yeo as Paine (KH2)
Luke Marinquez as Little Sora (BBS)
Ariel Winter as Little Kairi (BBS)
Kirk Thornton as Isa (BBS)
Quinton Flynn as Lea (BBS)
Jason Dohring as Terra (0.2 BBS and KH3)
Jesse McCartney as Ventus (BBS and KH3)
Hayley Joel Osment as Vanitas (BBS and KH3)
Ben Diskin as Young Xehanort (Re:Coded, 3D, and KH3)
Lara Jill Miller as Chirithy (X Backcover, KH3, and MoM)
Ray Chase as the Master of Masters (X Backcover)
Alyson Stoner as Kairi (Re:CoM)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (Re:CoM and BBS)
Shaun Flemming as Tidus (KH1)
Molly Keck as Selphie (KH1 and KH2)
Doug Erholtz as Leon (KH2)
Mae Whitman as Yuffie (KH3 DLC)
Andrea Bowen as Aerith (KH3 DLC)
Keith Ferguson as Marluxia (Re:CoM and KH3)
David Dayan Fisher as Xaldin/Dilan (KH2/FM and BBS)
Meaghan Martin as Namine (BBS, Re:Coded, KH2 FM, and KH3)
Hayden Panettiere as Xion (3D)
Brandon Adams as Rai (KH2)
Jillian Bowen as Fuu (KH2)
Melissa Disney as Vivi (KH2)
Crispin Freeman as Setzer (KH2)
Corey Burton as Yen Sid (Re:Coded, 3D, 0.2 BBS, and MoM)
Willa Holland as Aqua (BBS, 3D, and 0.2 BBS)
Rick Gomez as Zack (BBS)
Ty Panitz as Little Riku (BBS)
David Gallaghar as Young Xehanort (BBS)
Matthew Mercer as Ira (X Backcover and KH3)
Travis Willingham as Aced (X Backcover and KH3)
Kevin Quinn as Gula (X Backcover and KH3)
Karissa Lee Staples as Invi (X Backcover and KH3)
Isabela Moner as Ava (X Backcover)
Matthew Mittleman as Luxu (X Backcover)
Michael Johnson as Ephemer (X Backcover and KH3)
Madison Davenport as Nameless Star (KH3 and MoM)
Vince Corazza as Ienzo (3D, KH3, and MoM)
Zachary Gordon as Hayner (KH3)
Tristan Chase as Pence (KH3)
Ashley Boettcher as Olette (KH3)
Drake Bell as Young Eraqus (KH3)
Dylan Sprouse as Yozora (KH3 DLC)
LOW TIER: Hayley Joel Osment as Sora (Re:Coded, 3D, and 0.2 BBS)
Alyson Stoner as Kairi (Days, 0.2 BBS, KH3, and MoM)
David Gallaghar as Riku (Days, Re:Coded, and KH3)
Richard Epcar as Ansem/Terra-Xehanort (KH2)
Wayne Alwine as King Mickey (Re:CoM)
Phil Snyder as Jiminy Cricket (Re:Coded and 3D)
Dee Bradley Baker as Wakka (KH1)
Mandy Moore as Aerith (KH1)
Steve Burton as Cloud (KH2)
George Newbern as Sephiroth (KH2)
Chris Edgerly as Cid (KH2)
Vince Corrazza as Zexion (Re:CoM, KH2 FM, and Days)
Corey Burton as Ansem the Wise (3D and KH3)
Quinton Flynn as Axel/Lea (Days Movie, 3D, and KH3)
Jason Dohring as Terra (BBS)
Willa Holland as Anti-Aqua (KH3)
Rutger Hauer as Master Xehanort (KH3)
Bret Iwan as King Mickey (all post-BBS appearances)
SHIT TIER: Lance Bass as Sephiroth (KH1)
Mena Suvari as Aerith (KH2)
Willa Holland as Aqua (KH3)
Corey Burton as DiZ/Ansem the Wise (BBS, Days Movie, and MoM)
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heart4caitlin · 2 months
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about me !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ava , she / her , lesbian , caitlin clarks wife , reading , writing , crocheting , music , marine , hamilton , snakes , criminal minds , the last of us , the walking dead.
favs !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 caitlin clark , paige bueckers , kk arnold , isuneh brady , breanna stewart , kate martin , a'ja wilson , ellie williams , abby anderson , emily prentiss , spencer reid , rick grimes , wanda maximoff , natasha romanoff , yelena belova , many more.
more info !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 i only write wlw!! and for reader x characters. i will not write character x character or will i write for men. i do write smut here and there, as of now they are tiny blurbs! i will not write for sedona prince , qadence samuels , jada gyamfi, or any male.
dni !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if men , homophobic, racists!!
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lazywolfwiccan · 2 years
The official WWE 2k23 roster!!!! @atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @sargentbarxes @imswitchbabemox @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @askauradonprep @retro-rezz-the-est @nonbinarylovaticesposito @ava-valerie @mrragersrevenge96
AJ Styles
Akira Tozawa
Alba Fyre
Alexa Bliss
André the Giant
Angel Garza
Angelo Dawkins
Apollo Crews
Austin Theory
Becky Lynch
Beth Phoenix
Bianca Belair
Big Boss Man
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Braun Strowman
Bret "The Hit Man" Hart
Brie Bella
British Bulldog
Brock Lesnar
Bron Breakker
Bruno Sammartino
Brutus Creed
Cactus Jack
Cameron Grimes
Carmelo Hayes
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Charlotte Flair
Cody Rhodes
Commander Azeez
Cora Jade
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Damian Priest
Dana Brooke
Dexter Lumis
Dolph Ziggler
Dominik Mysterio
Drew Gulak
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Giovanni Vinci
Finn Bálor
Gigi Dolin
Grayson Waller
Happy Corbin
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Humberto Carillo
The Hurricane
Ilja Dragunov
Indi Hartwell
Jacy Jayne
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
JD McDonagh
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Jey Uso
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
Joaquin Wilde
John Cena
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Nash
Kevin Owens
Kofi Kingston
Kurt Angle
LA Knight
Lacey Evans
Liv Morgan
Logan Paul
Ludwig Kaiser
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Madcap Moss
Matt Riddle
Molly Holly
Montez Ford
Mr. McMahon
Mustafa Ali
Nikki A.S.H.
Nikki Bella
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Queen Zelina
Randy Orton
Raquel Rodriguez
Razor Ramon
Rey Mysterio
Rhea Ripley
Rick Boogs
Ridge Holland
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Ronda Rousey
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Roxanne Perez
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Scott Hall
Seth Rollins
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Shayna Bazler
Shelton Benjamin
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Sonya Deville
Stacy Keibler
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Stephanie McMahon
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
The Rock
Titus O’Neil
Tommaso Ciampa
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Bate
Ultimate Warrior
Veer Mahaan
Wes Lee
Xavier Woods
Xia Li
Zoey Stark
Johnny Gargano has been confirmed but was not on the roster reveal for some reason
Bad Bunny will be the pre order bonus and later his pack will be available for DLC for those who did not pre order
Bray Wyatt, Tegan Nox, Candice LeRae, Hit Row and many other are rumored for future DLC
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puttingwingsonwords · 10 months
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November Reading Wrap Up
This month I finished more books than ever before; granted, several were started earlier, so page-wise the difference is smaller, but still there. I think this is mostly because I didn't spend a lot of time gaming.
Shit I just noticed one of the books in the graphic isn't aligned but I'm not going back to change that.
total books read: 17
2023 reading challenge progress: 96 out of 100 (somewhat ahead)
formats: 3 digital, 4 audio, 9 physical
I finished several 5 star reads this month. My absolute favourite was, no surprise, @re-dracula (yes I'm counting it as a book. in the end I did read Dracula after all).
• Re: Dracula by BloodyFM, Bram Stoker (audio, podcast)
rating: 5 out of 5 stars
This chronological audio adaptation of Dracula is the best Dracula adaptation out there with an incredible cast, fantastic sound design and awesome bonus songs. I cannot recommend it enough. Together with the Dracula Daily tumblr community it re-enlightened my special interest in vampires and Dracula to the point that I'm still thinking about it every day.
• Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid (audio)
rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Dark fairy tale meets gothic horror in this retelling of The Juniper Tree. Absolutely loved it!
• Stemmen uit de bodemloze diepte by Anne Resseler (audio)
rating: 5 out of 5 stars
A Dutch YA horror novella that makes you feel the primal fear of the depths of the ocean in an atmospheric, even comforting way.
• The Seep by Chana Porter (digital)
rating: 5 out of 5 stars
This sci-fi novella with a unique take on alien invasion is wonderfully strange and existential. The short story included in this edition is also great.
• Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylver (audio, ARC)
rating: 5 out of 5 stars
I had read and loved Chameleon Moon once before, but the audio version made me love it even more! It's intense, emotional, and has amazing effects for ghostly and computerised voices as well as two original songs.
• Activestills: Photography as Protest in Palestine/Israel (physical)
rating: 5 out of 5 stars
A big book full of photos from Palestinian and Israeli activist photography collective Activestills, accompanied by essays and interviews. I greatly admire Activestills' work.
• Stories from Palestine: Narratives of Resilience by Marda Dunsky (digital)
rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Interviews with people of varying occupations from all around Palestine, combined with data and historical and political context, paint a picture of every day life in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank.
• A Map of Absence: An Anthology of Palestinian Writing on the Nakba (digital)
rating: 4 out of 5 stars
A great introduction to Palestinian writing, containing poetry, short fiction and excerpts from novels and essays.
• The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay by Dale Walls (audio, ARC)
rating: 4 out of 5 stars
A great YA contemporary following three queer high school friends, examining the nature of queer love.
• The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan (physical)
rating: 4 out of 5 stars
A fun book in the Percy Jackson saga, with lower stakes than usual which makes it a lighthearted adventure that still packs the occasional punch.
• Daughter of the Deep by Rick Riordan (physical)
rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Highly enjoyable modern take on Jules Verne feat. deep sea adventures, alt-tech, and an exploration of the weight of legacy.
• Spy x Family Vol. 1-6 by Tatsuya Endo (physical, borrowed)
rating: 4 out of 5
Action comedy that's just a lot of fun and unexpectedly touching.
Currently reading and TBR
I've just started, or am about to start (I've only read the introduction) Freedom Is a Constant Struggle by Angela Davis. I'm also reading the poetry collection Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear by Mosab Abu Toha, which is currently available for free among many other books for Read Palestine Week (link below).
I have a few more indie books on my TBR for Monster Manor Indie Autumn (extended through December), and A Thousand Steps into Night is my last 12 books for 12 friends read this year. (Send me a message/ask or fill in the question box on my instagram story if you have a rec for next year!)
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sameensass · 1 year
tagged by @lottieurl thankss
rules: share some unpopular opinions about 5 different fandoms of your choosing
Gonna tag @kalikojo @myhumbleme @wonderdanvers @the-lazy-traveller @fouralarm-fire @mayhemxtwins @marlokelly
1. She-Ra
I didn't like season 5 as much as everyone else seems to. I know that it was the last season they got and they had to wrap up relatively quickly, but Catra's redemption felt rushed in places, especially after seeing her "regression" arc develop over four seasons vs the one season of redemption. I think she got forgiven by others a bit too easily (mainly Scorpia she deserved so much better and Catra treated her horribly and took advantage of her for years and suddenly all is forgiven and hugs all around). There was clearly a plan on how the redemption would unfold and i think it could have worked if we got more episodes or one more season, but they just didn't have enough episodes to pace it more organically i think. They did well with the episodes they were given though, but as a whole it was unsatisfying for me. Also I watched it right after rewatching atla so after seeing how fleshed out Zuko's redemption arc was (who we saw redeem himself outside of the main group, apologizing to his uncle, and then the one on one forgiveness episodes to develop individual relationships with each main character) it was underwhelming
2. Legends of Tomorrow
I just don't really care about avalance. Lowkey stopped watching for a while because I got tired of them. They had their moments and they grew on me eventually but overall their relationship didn't really interest me
3. Warrior nun
Lots of people think the bar scene is when ava realized her feelings for beatrice but i think she realized her feelings sometime between s1 and s2 (she HAD feelings in s1 but didnt realize it til later)
Also as much as i love avatrice i really hope we get to see ava and beatrice's relationships with OTHER characters develop. i want to see more ava and camila friendship, i want to see beatrice and lilith (they grew up together!! i wanna see this!! and now suddenly they were on opposite sides of a fight after being allies and now are they going to rebuild that trust?), I wanna see more ava and lilith (both of them had the responsibilities of being/becoming the warrior nun both of them had all that pressure i wanna see them bond about it i want their begrudging friendship); I WANT TO SEE MARY AND LILITH INTERACTING WITH EACH OTHER
4. Heroes of Olympus
sorry but will and nico felt forced in the way that leo and calypso felt forced: seems like rick just took a random background character just for the sake of pairing up a main character :// at least its more interesting in terms of the juxtaposition of the brooding son of death vs the optimistic and bright son of the sun. honestly tho overall most of the non-percabeth ships i dont have strong feelings about because rick just....didnt build them up as much, i didnt really feel the /build up/ of any romantic feelings for any other couple, despite heroes of olympus also being 5 books (probably due to the fact that there were too many main characters rick had to create and develop alongside the plot and there wasnt room to do both well). Lowkey i think it would have been better that if he were to make nico and will mains in trials of apollo, he could have had them officially meet and get to know each other as friends/allies and then develop romantic feelings throughout those 5 books. As it is and how i felt after BoO, it seems like at the end of BoO, nico returns to CHB and gets a crush on the first cute guy he sees and then that just automatically means he gets to date him (HOWEVER i havent read toa yet and mb ill like them more in that and i do want to read tsats....cant say id say the same for a stand alone leo x calypso book)
5. Class of '07/Parks and Rec
This is more of a gripe with the trope in a lot of sitcoms of the (usually) fat nerdy/oblivious soft-spoken character being constantly brushed aside and dismissed. Eg Laura (ie forgettable Laura, whose whole nickname is about how everyone ignores her, she's constantly interrupted when she tries to actually be helpful to the group etc) and Garry/Jerry (constantly belittled, getting misnamed even on his tombstone). Overall not a fan of having a character whose sole purpose is to be mocked constantly
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murdarme · 2 years
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ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀʟʟ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ——-----------------————- plɹoM sıɥ⊥ punoɹɐ llɐ uǝǝᙠ
Featured ✨:
 Hation. ~♥~ IW & MP (Rose Skin)
 AiRHARE ~♥~ IW & MP (Ava Set)
  AiRHARE ~♥~ IW & MP (Myra Set Available @ The Grand)
Head ~♥~  Lelutka (Kaya Evo x 3.1)
Body ~♥~  SP (Peach Body 1.1)
Shoes ~♥~ AiRHARE ~♥~ IW & MP (Rick O’ 5s in Wolfe Pink)
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potsticker1234 · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged from @horsyunicorn ty!
• 3 ships:  Avatrice, current obsession (Ava x Beatrice - Warrior Nun), Clexa, old reliable (Clarke x Lexa - The 100), and Percabeth, relationship goals (Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus)
• 1st ever ship: I think my first serious ship really was Percabeth, maybe like something from Hunger Games too? Middle school was a waste land
• Last song: Heirloom by Sleeping At Last
• Last movie: Christmas Vacation because it is a staple in my family when we decorate the house with the tree and lights
• Currently reading: Son of Neptune from the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, I am rereading PJO and HOO to get ready for the Disney+ show
• Currently watching: Warrior Nun cause I fell down the religious gay iconography hole
• Currently consuming: peach tea, my study drink of choice, we have to get through finals somehow!
• Currently craving: cheddar popcorn LMAO
Tagging: @sharkastic-issues @atomicpeache @pandanoodlesworld
@alethiometry @thatsouthernanthem
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wrathfulmercy · 6 months
ʘ‿ʘ Ava knows he’s so so attractive.
Send a 'ʘ‿ʘ' if your muse finds my muse attractive from here @wiinestories
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Well and he would eat the shit out of Ava. Oopsie. 🤐
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longflicks · 2 years
December 2021 mini calendar
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Dre - Grand Theft Auto Online: The Contract - 6/6 Eli Fross - The Book of Eli - 9/9 Jershika Maple - The Season 21 Collection - 6/6 Girl Named Tom - The Season 21 Collection - 6/6 Hailey Mia - The Season 21 Collection - 6/6 ​midwxst - BACK IN ACTION 2.0 - 12/12 osquinn - the worst album you've ever heard (side a) / renovation tapes vol. Moments in Between (Deluxe Special Edition) - 14/15 Softwilly - DONNA - 9/10 Snoop Dogg - Snoop Dogg Presents Algorithm (The Global Edition) - 31/40 The Murder of My Sweet - A Gentleman's Legacy - 12/12 TM88 & Pi'erre Bourne - Yo!88 - 11/11 Tory Lanez - Alone at Prom - 11/11 ​will hyde - nothing ever changes - 7/7ġ2/11 Chris King - MUCUS - 7/20 12/14 DavidTheTragic - STILL* ALIVE - 1/13 12/15 Dr. Bassy - Little Men (Deluxe) - 19/19 Marie Osmond - Unexpected - 17/17 MONSTA X - The Dreaming - 10/10 Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Barn - 10/10 Neon Trees - versions of you - EP - 4/4 PnB Rock - 2 Get You Thru the Rain - EP - 6/6 Rick Ross - Richer Than I Ever Been - 12/12 Ruth B. we never took pictures - 5/5ġ2/4 Matt Citron - Write Songs 2 These Beats - 3/3 12/8 Brasstracks - Welcome Back Era - 8/9 Russ - CHOMP 2 - 14/14 Strive to Be - Trust in the Lord - 12/12 Zacari - Sol - 4/4 12/9 2FeetBino - Cousin Feeter - 3/16 Cian Ducrot - Make Believe - 8/8 COUCOU CHLOE - ONE - EP - 4/4 Tierra Whack - Pop? - EP - 3/3 12/10 2KBABY - First Quarter - 11/11 A Boogie wit da Hoodie - B4 AVA - EP - 7/7 Ace of Hearts - FROZEN IN TIME - 10/10 Alexandra Stan - Tokyo (THYPONYX Remix) - EP - 4/4 Alicia Keys - KEYS - 26/26 Andy Grammer - Love Myself - EP - 3/3 ATEEZ - ZERO : FEVER EPILOGUE - 10/10 Big Boi & Sleepy Brown - Big Sleepover - 15/15 Birdman & Youngboy Never Broke Again - From the Bayou - 13/13 Cardo, Sledgren & Wiz Khalifa - Wiz Got Wings - 1/14 Drippin So Pretty - ​blood on my jacket - EP - 5/5 Green Day - BBC Sessions (Live) - 16/16 Groundbreaking - Parade - 12/12 Hoobastank - Hoobastank (20th Anniversary Edition) - 20/20 Hotboii - Life of a Hotboii - 17/17 J Balvin - JOSE (Deluxe) - 31/31 Jack Kays & Travis Barker - MY FAVORITE NIGHTMARES - EP - 4/4 Juice WRLD - Fighting Demons - 18/18 ​jxdn - Tell Me About Tomorrow (Deluxe) - 22/22 Kitten - Personal Hotspots - 11/11 Lil Boom - The End of the World - 16/16 Lil Pump & Ronny J - No Name - 14/14 Lost Kings - It's Not You, It's Me - 8/8 MadeinTYO & UnoTheActivist - Yokohama - 16/16 Marc E.
12/3 Arca - KICK ii - 12/12 BasedNas - What's Next Nas? - 7/11 Berner - GOTTI - 6/19 Blake Shelton - Body Language (Deluxe) - 16/16 Chloe Lilac - when i feel better - EP - 4/4 Chrome Sparks & Reo Cragun - Void - EP - 4/4 Darren Criss - A Very Darren Crissmas (Deluxe) - 14/14 Destiny's Child - 8 Days of Christmas (Deluxe Version) - 13/14 DUSTY LOCANE - UNTAMED - 20/20 Ed Sheeran - Equals (Christmas Edition) - 15/15 Elton John - The Lockdown Sessions (Deluxe) - 17/17 Epica - Omega Alive - 15/15 EST Gee - Bigger Than Life or Death, Part 2 - 8/8 Eurovision - Junior Eurovision Song Contest: Paris 2021 - 19/19 Failure - Wild Type Droid - 10/10 Fredrik Domaas - Fredriks jul - EP - 4/4 Gabriels - Bloodline - EP - 4/4 JAHKOY - Tangible - 14/14 Jason Boland & the Stragglers - The Light Saw Me - 8/11 JLS - 2.0 - 14/14 Joshua Bassett - Crisis/Secret/Set Me Free - EP - 3/3 K Suave - Sexually Active - 18/18 Kenny G - New Standards - 11/11 Kenny Lattimore - Here to Stay - 2/10 Khalid - Scenic Drive - 9/9 KIRINJI - crepuscular - 9/9 LPB Poody - I'm The One - 4/10 Lecrae & 1K Phew - No Church in a While - 10/10 Lil Peep & Harry Fraud - High Fashion - EP - 3/3 LP - Churches - 15/15 Lucki & F1lthy - WAKE UP LUCKI - 12/12 Masicka - 438 - 16/16 Nardo Wick - Who is Nardo Wick? - 18/18 New Found Glory - December's Here - 11/11 Nils Frahm - Old Friends New Friends - 23/23 Norah Jones - I Dream Of Christmas (Deluxe) - 16/16 No Rome - It's All Smiles - 10/10 No Savage - Life of a Savage 2 - 5/18 Of Mice & Men - Echo - 10/10 ONF - Goosebumps - 5/5 Polo G - Hall of Fame 2.0 - 34/34 Sasha Keable - Intermission - 7/7 Shallou - The Long Way Home - EP - 5/5 ​spill tab - Bonnie - 6/6 Styles P & Havoc - Wreckage Manner - 2/10 The Browning - End of Existence - 2/12 Tom Morello - The Atlas Underground Flood - 12/12 Toosii - Pretty Girls Love Toosii - 3/3 Trinidad Cardona - Por Favor - 7/7 U2 - Achtung Baby (30th Anniversary Edition) - 2/50 Various Artists - Insecure: Music from the HBO Original Series, Season 5 - 10/12 Volbeat - Servant of the Mind (Deluxe) - 18/18 Yelnats.
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heartlandians · 1 year
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Heartland - 15x02 - Runaway
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cookiesupplier · 4 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty-Five
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd as usual, enjoy!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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If you would like to be added to this tag list please see THIS FORM
tags: @faceless-mirror @missduffsblog @tamtam-elizabeth @witchyweeb34 @tearfallpixie
@wild-child-7747 @shilohrosechicken @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens @valiantroeagleangel
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @embracethereaper42 @emmmm127
@sunsshinesunny @spicywhenspeaking @dontdiganothergravetoday
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While Ricky drove them back to Chris house, with absolutely no more stops along the way this time, that much Talia had ensured, and she made sure to message Ava as well. Then she also went and texted Vinny just to be certain that the message got through, since he had taken her phone before she left, so they knew she would not be back tonight. Otherwise, Talia knew Ava would be a problem after how she had been this afternoon. Considering everything, she highly doubted that any of them wanted to be interrupted tonight. Not for their date, and not for what they all so very much desired to come to pass when they finally got to their destination. Talia was all kind of victorious that she was actually able to get under both of their skin, as much as they had been working their way under hers all night. More so with how Ricky was pushing the speed limit back to Chris’ house. 
“Won’t exactly be very good for any of us, if we get pulled over, now, will it, Ricky?”
Her question was entirely rhetorical as she smirked, spying the speedometer on the dash as he drove, and she got a groan from the back seat while she spied Rick reaching across the console between them for her thigh. His fingers slipping to find the slit in her dress, or trying to. Chris, however, it seemed saw what he was trying to do as well with the way his voice came through.
“Hey, you’ve already had her twice already, hands off, don’t you dare until we get to the house.”
Talia giggled, smacking Ricky’s hand from the skirt of her dress, but all the same he pulled it back, besides,
“You should be driving with both hands anyway, if we do get pulled over, I’m catching an Uber back to Vinny’s.”
She wasn’t sure if the sharp intake of breath she heard then came from Chris, or Ricky, or maybe it had come from both for that matter. Either way, it was safe to say, neither of them started arguing with her for the rest of the ride back to the house.
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Neither of them had any reason to argue, and risk her deserting them entirely, when the promise of something that had been building between the three of them for weeks now was so close within their grasp? No chance. Ricky wasn’t taking the chance of even looking at Talia right now, lest it upset Chris, or tempt her too far right now. He just wanted to get them back to the house in one piece, not pulled over by the cops, so he could get that damn dress off and on the floor. 
Finally, once they were back at Chris’ house safely, not a police car clocking him for his speed or any other regulations in sight. They were all tumbling out of the vehicle, making their way up the drive quickly, so Chris could unlock the door and let them inside. Ricky had plans for both Talia and Chris, he knew exactly where he wanted them after the teasing between the three of them all night. How could he let them get away with any of that, not to mention their tattoos had been a constant reminder, for all of them, and it pulled taunt at the fire flickering in his gut. If he hadn’t had a specific idea for the majority of the night, they wouldn’t have made it past that dress the moment she stepped out.
Talia, however, seemed to have other things in mind. They were barely in the door before she was grabbing onto Chris and pulling him down to her. Ricky groaned at the sight of her pushing him back against the door, her lips claiming his and drawing a moan from the taller man, his hands grasping her hips as she kissed him. Fuck, Ricky couldn’t help himself as he moved closer and curved his hands around her sides and dragged them down her hips to her thighs. His hand continued, and slid down the sides of her dress as he leaned in and kissed at the side of her neck-
“Stop, stop!”
Ricky had to groan again as she pushed them both away a little, then, pulling away from their wandering hands,
“Before we start anything, I need to pee.”
The way her face flushed brilliantly had him licking his lips slightly, watching her, her eyes dancing between them before she seemed to gasp for breath after kissing Chris so intensely.
“Well go on Sweetheart, don’t keep us waiting.”
Smirking to her, only to earn a grin as she turned to quickly disappear down the hall. However, the next thing he knew, how she did it he didn’t know, but almost the moment he turned back to Chris, her bright red dress was flung around the corner at them. When they turned to go after her, she’d already disappeared into the bathroom with a flash of her lacy underwear and a wild giggle, so fucking cheeky.
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By the time that Talia found them in the bedroom, it wasn’t hard to miss that neither Chris nor Ricky had wasted any time in starting to catch up to her in stripping out of their clothes. In fact, they were very much keeping themselves busy while they waited for her to get back, Chris sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his arms, with the looks of Ricky almost climbing over him. Hell, if she didn’t know better, she would think the way he was kissing Chris, she’d think that he wasn’t going to let the taller man even breath any time soon… and that, oh that made her smile. Chris remarked about Ricky getting time with her, how long had it been for them? Those two were long over due to remember, unless they’d been playing together, and she didn’t know, oh that was a question for later. Not that she’d mind, not at all, she also wouldn’t mind watching. 
Making her way over, her hands ran up Ricky’s bare back, this was the first time she really got to touch him, and she couldn’t say she was disappointed. The way their tattoos were flaring tonight, she smirked when just the touch had both men groaning, they realised she was there. Her teeth scraped over her lip slightly at the way Ricky pulled back from Chris, glancing over his shoulder to glance at her, then both of them were looking at her,
“Fuck, BabyGirl..”
Her face flushed so bright at the new nickname from Chris… Seemed JellyBean wasn’t enough here. But that was okay. She couldn’t see herself moaning out Spookie either. Leaning to peck Rick’s lips quickly, speaking softly, so softly,
“I want him, Rick.”
The way Ricky turned to her, his fingers gently wrapped around her throat for a second there, squeezing ever so slightly before he kissed her. This felt more intense than any of their other kisses, not because of the tattoo, not because of the way it just suddenly lit up with the most insane sensation. No, no, it was all because, she didn’t even need to question for a second whether this man actually wanted her. Talia was breathless as she looked into those gorgeous eyes as it broke, she gasped against his lips,
“Go get him, Sweetheart.”
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Chris was just watching them, oh fuck, how was he so lucky that these two people were right there, in his bedroom. Ricky had just had his tongue practically down his throat, something that hadn���t happened in years, and Talia. Talia, whom he’d admit, he’d had a few lonely handy sessions over in the past few weeks, and then felt so guilty over knowing she was Ricky’s soulmate. It would be all kinds of a grey area because, who the hell knew what could happen between them… and now, here they were. They were both his, and he, was theirs, and shit, he hadn’t felt so fucking good about that in so long…
Moaning as he watched Ricky kiss her like that, like he owned her, damn, he knew how to kiss, Chris could attest to that first hand, and he wanted more.. But then he said something to her, and she was looking down at him. Fuck. The way she sank to her knees on the floor between his legs, his thighs spread wide from Ricky having climbed over him, reaching for his belt and pants, already half undone. With a click, she finished the job with those nimble fingers. Damn. 
It was obvious at this point what she was planning as she finished getting his pants and boxers open, and had his hard cock in hand, fingers wrapped around him, stroking him. Drawing a groan from him as he shifted so he could reach for her. One of his hands curved his fingers around the back of her neck as she leaned in closer, watching as she licked her lips a little,
“Go on Sweetheart, you want him, take him…”
Fuck, Chris glanced to Ricky, it wasn’t like he was small, he wasn’t, Ricky was watching, standing to the side, his own cock in hand, stroking.. Eyes fixated on them as Talia licked up the underside of Chris cock and wrapped her lips around him and taking him into her mouth with a moan.
“Oh, fuck, baby.. That's it.. That’s my girl..”
The moment her tongue swirled and she sucked, it didn’t matter how much she took, he wasn’t going to last long. Shit.
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Ricky remembered watching her in the kitchen, feeling that gorgeous perfect mouth around his cock, and seeing her now, her head bobbing along Chris’ and taking in as much of him as she could, stroking him. Hearing the way she choked slightly on him when she forced him down to hit the back of her throat only to moan and do it again.. Fuck..
“Fuck her face Chris, fuck that sweet damn mouth, shit, she.. Fuck.. She wants you to. Go on babe..”
Ricky leaned back against Chris desk as he stroked his cock faster. Talia wanted Chris to take control, he could tell, the whine that escaped her then had him squeezing the base of his cock before he lost it and came all over himself far before he wanted to. Not yet, not yet, not quite yet, fuck, just watching them had him so on edge it was ridiculous. She’d had him the moment she’d stepped out in that dress, she’d had them both, and every little tease during had only edged them all closer. Rick groaned as he watched the way Chris tattooed fingers slipped from the back of her neck, up into her hair, pulling it out from the twist at the back of her head. The curls she’d pinned up so elegantly, falling down around her shoulders, only so he could thread his fingers into them, cradle the back of her head so tenderly, and start fucking deeper into her mouth.
The wanton moan that he had no doubt was vibrating right through Chris that came from Talia, was absolutely perfection. From the burst of pleasure that came from the tattoo, he couldn’t be sure that Talia didn’t just cum right then and there as Chris took control and fucked to the back of her throat.. Holding her down against his cock, the feral groan that escaped him, that sound, Ricky knew…
“That’s it Sweetheart, take him all, swallow him down, you can do it, such a good girl, look at you.”
The mewling sounds as she choked slightly before Chris let her go, but she did try to swallow all of him down, oh fuck, she tried, from the looks of it she fucking tried, gods, that, that was it. Ricky moaned out as he came undone at the sight of her with Chris’ cum starting to dribble down her chin, even as he pulled out because there was just too much in her mouth. Shit. Oh, this was too perfect,
“Up Sweetheart, on the bed.. My turn.”
The night wasn’t nearly over yet, they were just getting started. Ricky pushed his boxers the rest of the way off as he wiped his hand off on them.. It was his turn for some fun.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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simpliciaty-cc · 2 years
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💥 An oversized hoodie with 70 graphic designs! Comes in two variations: a dress version where you can wear it as a full outfit & a top version where you can wear it with some pants (won't work with all unfortunately!) 💥
Includes designs from : Rico Nasty, One Direction, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Nirvana, AC/DC, Stranger Things, Taylor Swift, Lana del Rey, Cartoon Network, Jazmin Bean, Hannah Montana, Nickelodeon, Avengers, DC, Melody & Kuromi, Super Mario, Arctic Monkeys, Doctor Who, Powerpuff Girls, Marvel, Attack on Titan, Blackpink, BTS, Inuyasha, Jhené Aiko, Maddycats / OhTaraTara (RIP ♥), Melanie Martinez, Naruto, Nintendo, Harry Styles (Pleasing), Rick & Morty, Spirited Away, Hogwarts Houses (Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff & Gryffindor), Anti Social Social Club, Winx Club, GOT7, Demon Slayer, Death Note, Guns N' Roses, 5SOS, Queen, Lil Nas X, US Universities (Stanford, Harvard & Yale), Pokémon, Zelda, Sailor Moon, Animal Crossing, NANA, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Wonder Woman, Pink Floyd, Doja Cat, Clare Siobhan, Olivia Rodrigo & Fleetwood Mac.
100 swatches and/or unlimited colors with "The Spectrum Collection" (Click for more info);
Top & Full Body Category;
HQ mod compatible;
Custom Shadow Map;
All LOD’s;
New CC two times a week on my Patreon page!
If you use please tag #simpliciaty in your pictures!
Thank you! ♥
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