#autonomous vehicles AI
techtoio · 3 months
How AI is Transforming Everyday Technology
Welcome to TechtoIO! Today, we delve into one of the most exciting developments in modern technology: artificial intelligence (AI). AI has moved beyond the realm of science fiction and is now an integral part of our daily lives. From smart homes to personalized recommendations, AI is transforming everyday technology in ways we once only dreamed of. In this article, we explore how AI is reshaping various aspects of our lives and what we can expect in the near future. Read to continue
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anistarrose · 16 days
Trying to bully my brother out of using AI for math homework when there's at least, like, perfectly good online calculators that he could use instead if he wanted a cheap but reliable way out, but then I remembered he went to a career fair last year where he got told by A Person With A Job In The Industry that he should be using ChatGPT to write more code, so like. I think I might not be able to convince him on this one, and also might just stop trusting any technology designed since 2023 to do anything correctly or safely ever
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wigoutlet · 2 days
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dear-future-ai · 1 year
Dearest contemporaries
And future AI,
Elon Musk and his defense team are using a “Deepfake defense” in a Tesla lawsuit pertaining to the death of an Apple engineer in one of his autonomous self-driving cars.
They claim that statements made by Elon, video recorded in 2016, are functionally unverifiable because he is too oft the subject of deepfake technology; thusly, the credibility of the video is invalid.
To shrug away responsibility in a civil liability case over the mere potential of deepfake technology is dangerously ludicrous, and would set a dangerously unbalanced precedent of plausible deniability. Each video cited needs rigid investigation, just as any other evidence.
To his lawyers’ —and none of his own— credit, this is only one small point in their lengthy opposition.
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autumnalfoxfire · 6 months
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Denial of Service - 0003
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Fun Fact: The whole “AI favoriting white people” thing isn’t just a problem with image generation and job applications. Autonomous Driving Assistant Systems (ADAS) are also worse at detecting black people. This includes everything from Tesla’s Full-Self Driving and General Motor’s Super Cruise to a Honda Fit’s basic Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) system. The systems all have trouble detecting people with darker complexions and stopping the vehicles like they’re supposed to.
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jcmarchi · 10 months
How Will the Car Sharing Apps Redefine Transportation in Cities - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-will-the-car-sharing-apps-redefine-transportation-in-cities-technology-org/
How Will the Car Sharing Apps Redefine Transportation in Cities - Technology Org
Car-sharing apps have revolutionized urban transport and have impacted every urban resident’s everyday traveling system. For example, the contemporary versions of these transport models are cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and reliable.
This article takes a detailed examination of the car-sharing apps and the impact they have on changing and reshaping urbanity.
Cars in the street – illustrative photo. Image credit: Evgeny Tchebotarev via Unsplash, free license
Evolution of Urban Transportation
Traditional urban transport suffered several problems, including jamming, air pollution, and cumbersome transit systems. However, some alternatives or additional measures include ride-sharing through apps such as Lyft, Uber, and Zipcar.
Cheap, modern, and flexible alternative modes of transport. Space utilization optimization, for instance, through ride-sharing services, makes fewer cars fuller and, thus, less jammed on the roads.
In urban cities, sharing apps can quickly transport people, decreasing personal vehicle ownership and easing traffic jams. These platforms are often associated with metro transport systems, thereby giving commuters mixed transit modes.
Advantages of Car-Sharing Apps
Car-sharing apps have revolutionized transport access, resulting in considerable environmental and urban mobility implications. For example, apps are designed to serve people with shared cars to increase accessibility, economy, reduced city traffic, environmental friendliness, and various vehicle models.
In densely populated cities with few parking spaces, some apps make it possible to rent a car via mobile phone. Such applications improve accessibility and convenience compared to having an individual auto. Users will never experience any maintenance-related difficulties since it is not required, and they will not confront parking problems when wanting to find a “vehicle on demand.”
More so, they help improve value for money because a client only gets chargers based on usage rather than car ownership, including insurance coverage and repairs. Likewise, these help reduce traffic jams and private car-related pollution along the roadways. Converted from AI-written to human-written
Like other car-sharing applications, it also helps the environment by offering an electrical/hybrid model, which decreases overall carbon discharge. The company includes several options on car alternatives that one can select based on his own needs, whether they are cheap cars for short rides or bigger cars for long journeys.
Impact on Urban Infrastructure
Measures such as reducing dependence on personal cars and leveraging public parks and public transport extensively impact improved urban infrastructure. Such a move minimizes the traffic jams experienced in an area, reduces air pollution, and encourages eco-friendly transport.
Therefore, cities could enhance accessibility, reduce carbon emissions, and make the city greener if they encourage public transport, biking, and walking as alternatives to private cars and ensure the multifunctional character of the limited number of car parks.
Societal Implications
Major transformations of urban social geography involve new trends in travel patterns, improved mobility options for underprivileged areas, and social issues such as gentrification, which has impacted communities.
This evolution cross-cuts and reconfigures life, job, and interpersonal relations in every way; the aftereffects of this developmental path need to be looked into.
Changes in Commuting Behaviors
Technology and new work patterns are changing their traditional commuting models. Digital tools, flexible schedules, and the possibility to work at home are changing commuting into a city and determining the number of people who spend days in the week or weekends, depending on these categories and affecting traffic volume on roads and public transport.
Accessibility Improvements for Underserved Areas
Firstly, access entails physical infrastructure and technology links. It involves intra-transport issues and providing better digital access towards increased community development, economic participation, and reducing disparities. Socio-Economic Impact on Communities
This change results in working attitudes, economic opportunities, and societal behaviors. Wealth redistribution via remoteness and economic growth through increased accessibility could widen some inequalities, highlighting the importance of such a policy.
Challenges and Considerations
These raise other safety, regulation, privacy, and maintenance issues alongside equity and accessibility issues.
Regulatory, Privacy, and Maintenance Concerns
Regulatory Challenges: The technology frequently works under tremendous pressure to adjust to modifications. Nevertheless, the hurdle of fashioning and enforcing even-handed measures that support creativity but protect people from safety and information dangers remains a thorny endeavor.
Privacy Concerns: The higher the level of technology in our lives, the more critical it becomes to safeguard our privacy. Privacy laws and innovations constantly require balancing on issues relating to information collection.
Addressing Equity and Accessibility Issues
Digital Divide: Digital divides result from existing disparities in access to technology and the internet, limiting education access, prospects for employment, and critical service channels. It implies that concerted efforts should be aimed at narrowing down this gap through equitable allocation of such resources in all communities.
Accessibility Concerns: Technology should integrate everybody’s rights. While this could be pretty difficult to guarantee, fair treatment of society is critical for engagement.
Future Prospects and Innovations
Autonomous vehicles and partnerships between city planners and technology innovators are two transforming factors shaping the future of transport.
Technological Advancements & Autonomous Vehicles
With these significant developments in AI, sensors, and connectivity, there is an opportunity to develop self-driven vehicles that will ensure a safer and more convenient transport system. For wide-scale adoption, there has to be a way of dealing with such challenges as regulation and essential infrastructures.
Collaboration for Sustainable Mobility
Innovators in tech work with cities dealing with congestion and environmental problems, developing innovative green transport solutions. The city’s urban plan involving independent cars helps decongest people’s traffic movements.
This combination of autonomous technology with collaborative urban planning will be a breakthrough for transforming transport systems regarding safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
Car-sharing applications have transformed how people move around cities, providing cheaper, greener, and more accessible options than traditional ways of travel. Such applications have changed cities where they have de-congested roads, improved accessibility, and minimized environmental issues in shared transportation measures.
In this respect, embracing the ongoing technological revolution, particularly regarding self-driving cars, and promoting partnerships and joint initiatives among urban designers and tech pioneers will define the way forward for transportation.
I would advise you to visit Dyler, an online platform specializing in finding new transportation methods and a love for classic, sports, and luxury cars.
These automobile miracles are displayed on Dylers’ platform, where the lovers of immortal cars hang out.
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aifyit · 2 years
The DARK SIDE of AI : Can we trust Self-Driving Cars?
Read our new blog and follow/subscribe for more such informative content. #artificialintelligence #ai #selfdrivingcars #tesla
Self-driving cars have been hailed as the future of transportation, promising safer roads and more efficient travel. They use artificial intelligence (AI) to navigate roads and make decisions on behalf of the driver, leading many to believe that they will revolutionize the way we commute. However, as with any technology, there is a dark side to AI-powered self-driving cars that must be…
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the-technocracy · 2 years
Watch "GITEX 2022 - The largest exhibition of robots, technology and artificial intelligence in Dubai" on YouTube
(I'm a bit late with this one. Apologies.)
The thumbnail is a bit misleading, as the coverage is more general technology than just robots, but it is still fascinating. Ameca was there, and the more I see of it, the more impressed I am; I can very much imagine a generation of personal robots using Ameca architecture. Timescale and affordability will be a factor though, especially for this writer.
I hope you're paying attention, Luka! 😉
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continuations · 2 years
Not-Yet-Full Self Driving on Tesla (And How to Make it Better)
We have had Full Self Driving (FSD) Beta on our Tesla Model Y for some time. I had written a previous post on how much the autodrive reduces the stress of driving and want to update it for the FSD experience. The short of it is that the car goes from competent driver to making beginner's mistakes in a split second.
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Some examples of situations with which FSD really struggles are any non-standard intersection. Upstate New York is full of those with roads coming at odd angles (e.g. small local roads crossing the Taconic Parkway). One common failure mode is where FSD will take a corner at first too tightly, then overcorrect and partially cross the median. Negotiating with other cars at four ways stops, which are also abundant upstate is also hilariously entertaining, by which I mean scary as hell.
The most frustrating part of the FSD experience though is that it makes the sames mistakes in the same location and there is no way to provide it feedback. This is a huge missed opportunity on the part of Tesla. The approach to FSD should be with the car being very clear when it is uncertain and asking for help, as well as accepting feedback after making a mistake. Right now FSD comes off as a cocky but terrible driver, which induces fear and frustration. If instead it acted like a novice eager to learn it could elicit a completely different emotional response. That in turn would provide a huge amount of actual training data for Tesla!
In thinking about AI progress and designing products around it there are two failure modes at the moment. In one direction it is to dismiss the clear progress that's happening as just a parlor trick and not worthy of attention. In the other direction it is to present systems as if they were already at human or better than human capability and hence take humans out of the loop (the latter is true in some closed domains but not yet generally).
It is always worth remembering that airplanes don't fly the way birds do. It is unlikely that machines will drive or write or diagnose the way humans do. The whole opportunity for them to outdo us at these activities is exactly because they have access to modes of representing knowledge that are difficult for humans (eg large graphs of knowledge). Or put differently, just as AI made the mistake of dismissing the potential for neural networks again and again we are now entering a phase that is needlessly dismissing ontologies and other explicit knowledge representations.
I believe we are poised for further breakthroughs from combining techniques, in particular making it easier for humans to teach machines. And autonomous vehicles are unlikely to be fully realized until we do.
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medusapetrichor · 2 years
semi recently i was precomatose in the icu because of an automated technical malfunction and when i mentioned this to one of my medical team the other day he was like "you seem pretty unbothered at that", and my thought was well it's not like it was a design flaw or anything so what's the point being bothered if i a) have nobody to be bothered at and b) am glad and happy to have survived so why shouldn't i celebrate that instead of moping (however this is my attitude towards myself, other people are a completely different matter)
anyway this is going to be an increasingly interesting train of thought/conversation to be had at some point, the more we become reliant on tech, algorithms and ai in general in our lives and infrastructure
at some point things will happen where blame needs to be placed and i feel like we should start thinking about that earlier rather than when it inevitably happens on a large scale
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enlume · 20 hours
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techdriveplay · 2 days
Understanding the Difference Between 4G and 5G Networks
As our reliance on mobile connectivity grows, so does the need for faster, more efficient networks. Understanding the difference between 4G and 5G networks is crucial as 5G technology becomes more widely available, promising to revolutionise how we interact with the digital world. From browsing the web to powering autonomous vehicles and smart cities, 5G is set to offer significant advancements…
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socratezzzz · 11 days
Waymo Robotaxis Coming to Austin: The Future of Mobility
The obstacles they will face By Christopher Saleh – September 16, 2024 Austin, a city known for embracing innovation and cutting-edge technology, is preparing to welcome Waymo’s robotaxis. As part of Waymo’s ongoing expansion of its autonomous ride-hailing service, this exciting development promises to transform how residents and visitors experience transportation in the city. Waymo, a…
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code-of-conflict · 18 days
AI as a Tool of Military Modernization: India and China’s Defense Strategies
Introduction: AI in Modern Warfare
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a pivotal force in shaping the future of warfare. Both India and China have recognized the strategic importance of AI in modernizing their military capabilities. However, their approaches to AI integration diverge in terms of scale, investment, and focus. While China is leveraging AI for global dominance with heavy emphasis on military-civilian fusion, India is cautiously advancing, focusing on strategic defense and autonomy.
Comparative Analysis of India and China’s Military AI Integration
1. Border Surveillance
AI-driven surveillance has transformed how nations monitor and secure their borders. For India, securing its northern borders, particularly in the volatile regions of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, requires sophisticated surveillance systems. AI can help automate border monitoring using drones and ground-based sensors. India's development of AI-enabled UAVs, such as the Rustom-II and Ghatak UCAVs, demonstrates its focus on real-time surveillance, intelligence gathering, and precision strikes​.
China, on the other hand, has rapidly advanced its border surveillance through AI. Its use of drones like the Caihong series and the WZ-8 hypersonic reconnaissance drone has given China a significant advantage. These unmanned systems, capable of high-altitude and long-range surveillance, provide Beijing with a strategic edge in monitoring the India-China border along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Furthermore, China's integration of AI into border security reinforces its aim to dominate information warfare by creating an "informationized" battlefield.
2. Cyber Warfare Capabilities
In the realm of cyber warfare, China has developed a highly sophisticated network, which blends civilian and military cyber capabilities under its Strategic Support Force (SSF). China's cyber strategy includes offensive operations such as espionage, disrupting enemy networks, and stealing classified information. The integration of AI allows China to automate these cyber-espionage activities and increase the speed and efficiency of cyberattacks​.
India, while lagging in this area, has made significant progress by establishing the Defence Cyber Agency in 2018. India's focus has primarily been on defensive operations, aiming to protect critical infrastructure and secure its networks. However, with growing cyber threats from adversaries like China, India must further develop AI-based cyber defense mechanisms and enhance its offensive cyber capabilities to deter potential attacks .
3. Autonomous Weaponry
Autonomous weaponry is one of the most significant areas where AI is transforming military arsenals. China has been a global leader in developing autonomous systems, such as drones and missile guidance systems. China's Academy of Military Science has been tasked with integrating AI into all aspects of warfare, focusing on autonomous drones, AI-driven missile systems, and robotic soldiers​. The deployment of AI-guided cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is expected to reshape future combat scenarios, allowing for precision strikes and reduced human involvement in the battlefield​.
India is still in the early stages of developing autonomous weaponry. Although India has started working on AI-driven drones and systems, it lacks the scale and speed of China’s developments. However, India’s commitment to creating an indigenous AI ecosystem, as seen in projects like the HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), reflects its focus on autonomous systems for future air combat​. The reliance on AI-enabled UAVs like the Harop drone shows India’s intent to integrate AI into its military strategies, but significant investments are needed to match China’s rapid advancements.
Conclusion: A Diverging Path to AI-Driven Military Power
India and China are both integrating AI into their military strategies, but their approaches reflect broader geopolitical goals. While China’s strategy is rooted in achieving technological supremacy and global military dominance, India’s efforts are more defensive, focused on autonomy and securing its borders. However, with China’s rapid advancements in AI-driven warfare, India must accelerate its investments in AI technology to ensure strategic parity. The future of conflict between these two nations may very well be determined by their success in harnessing AI for military modernization.
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artisticdivasworld · 18 days
Top Trucking Industry Trends of 2024: Adapting to a New Era of Innovation and Challenges
The trucking industry is experiencing significant changes, driven by advancements in technology, economic pressures, and environmental concerns. One of the biggest trends is the adoption of electric trucks. Many companies are feeling the push to reduce carbon emissions and meet sustainability goals. Electric trucks, while expensive upfront, are being seen as long-term investments due to lower…
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