#autistic trans parental trauma icon
houseofspiderwebs · 1 year
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Autism Moments <3
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
He was Zuko before Zuko
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Tarot Account: @babybatwitchxxx
Pride Icon Account: @radinclusnicorobin
⭐️About Me⭐️
💚Call me Jade (not giving out my irl name for privacy reasons)
💚Cis Woman (Although I've been questioning if I'm Nonbinary or not. Still figuring it out)
💚Demi AroAce
💚Autistic + Anxiety
💚Radical Inclusionist/Anti Exclusionist
💚Antishipper/Anti Proship, Anti Comship, and Anti Darkship
💚Intersectional Feminist
💚Ex Catholic
💚Beginner Satanic Pagan Witch
💚Beginner Tarot Reader
💚Abuse and SA victim
⭐️My Beliefs⭐️
💚Anti Proship Neutral (as in against anyone who claims they're proship "neutral". Anyone who claims are neutral are lowkey proship)
💚Fiction can affect reality
💚Pro Choice and Pro Bodily Autonomy
💚Pro Microlables
💚Pro It/Its Pronouns and Neopronouns
💚Against anyone who believes that Its/Its Pronouns and Neopronouns are transphobic (it's also ableist to be against these pronouns as they're created by Neurodivergent and disabled Trans people)
💚Pro Xenogenders
💚Anti Amber Heard/Anti Amber Heard Supporters (Supporting Amber after she admitted to abusing Johnny Depp is TERF rhetoric. TERFs believe that abusive and terrible women should he absolved of their actions because they're women. I'm not a Johnny Depp fan, but using his shitty actions as a way to erase his status as a domestic violence victim is victim shaming. You can acknowledge that Johnny is a terrible person and an abuse victim at the same time.)
💚Men can be victims and suffer under the patriarchy
💚Women can be abusers and benefit from the patriarchy
💚Anti "Kill All Men" (Wishing death to all men and wishing to commit male genocide is eugenics as marginalized men exist.)
💚Against anyone who compares being Trans to blackface (These two things should not be compared to all. It's racist and transphobic to compare the two since Trans people of color exist.)
💚Cancel Culture doesn't exist (it was made up by people who don't want to hold themselves accountable for their shitty actions. There's a difference between calling someone out of their bullshit and going after someone for something so small.)
💚Pro Sex Work
💚Pro Porn/Anti Porn Industry
💚Anti Christianity/Catholicism (and against all denominations of Christianity)
💚Anti TERF/Radfem/MERF/TEHM/SWERF (or any fascists who appropriates feminism with their bigotry)
💚Pro Kink
💚Queer is a political term and identity. Not a slur.
💚The R slur will never be a reclaimable slur
💚Against anyone who calls Autism "Asperger's Syndrome" (it's named after an Austrian doctor who was affiliated with the Nazis and killed Autistic children that didn't fit his standards)
💚Anti Veganism (Veganism is ableist and classist)
💚Anti Antitheism (Antitheism is deeply rooted in white supremacy and is harmful to people in marginalized religions.)
💚Anti Yandere Simulator/Anti Yandere Dev/Against anyone who still plays the game after Yandere Dev got exposed as a groomer
💚Anti Yandere archetype (it's based on harmful stereotypes of people with Borderline Personality Disorder)
💚Anyone who says that women shouldn't wear makeup, shouldn't wear revealing clothing, shouldn't get plastic surgery, and shouldn't become a sex worker (by choice) is anti bodily autonomy
💚Against people who are anti children (people who are against children and say stuff like "fuck them kids" or "I hate kids" probably have some deep-rooted trauma and should consider seeing a therapist. Adults should not be projecting their trauma onto kids. Also, saying you want to hurt any random child you see will end up with you being charged for child endangerment)
💚Against anyone who believes that hitting their children is a form of punishment (hitting your kids for whatever reason is abuse. And this is coming from someone whose been hit by both parents.)
💚Pro Self Shipping (self shipping is okay as long as you're shipping yourself with a character that's close to your age)
💚Against adult self shippers who ship themselves with underage characters
💚Against any fanart/fanfiction that sexualizes underage characters/against any fanart and fanfics that "ages up" underage characters just to sexualize them (sexualizing fictional minors is just as bad as sexualizing real minors. Pedophilia is still the same regardless of whether the minor in question is fictional or not.)
💚Against anyone who ships real life people
💚Anti Real People Fanfiction (making fanfics of real life people is so fucking weird. Stop treating real people like fictional characters.)
💚Against any Autistic person who refers to their Autism as Asperger's Syndrome/Anti Aspie Supremacy (Aspie Supremacists are low support needs Autistic people who believe that they're more superior than high support needs Autistic people and other high support needs disabled people. It's also rooted in white supremacy as well.)
💚Against anyone who still uses terms like "high/low functioning", "special needs", and "mentally challenged".
💚Anti White Supermacy/Neo Nazism
💚Anti Republican/Apolitical/Libertarian/Centrist
💚Anti Autism Speaks and against anyone who supports it
💚Anti Harry Potter/Anti Fantastic Beasts/Anti JK Rowling/Against anyone who still consumes JK's work after she outed herself as a TERF (buying secondhand and fanmade merchandise and reading/producing fanfics is just as bad as you're continuing to give her work relevance and keeping it mainstream even though she's not profiting from anything secondhand and fanmade. This includes any book she wrote under the name Robert Galbraith, who was an Anti LGBTQIA+ conversion therapist.)
💚Hazbin Hotel Critical/Anti Helluva Boss/Vivziepop Critical
💚Pro Mspec labels (I don't fully understand those labels, but I'm not going to use it as an excuse to exclude them from the community.)
💚Against non-Lesbians who think Trans men can't be Lesbians (as a cis non-Lesbian, it's none of my business if a Trans man identified as a Lesbian as long as they're not hurting anyone)
💚Against anyone who ships canon Lesbian characters with male characters
💚Against anyone who ships Gay male characters with female characters
💚Against anyone who ships canon Ace/Aro characters with Allo characters
💚Against anyone who believes that blashwashing is real (blackwashing was created by anti black racists as a way to silence people of color when talking about representation in media)
💚Anti Transmed/Anti Truscum/Anti Gender Critical
💚Pro Self Diagnosis/Anti Fake Claiming
💚Anyone who mocks Joe Biden for his stutter and accuses him of having dementia are ableist (Biden has a speech disorder, which causes his stuttering. I'm not a Biden supporter, but as a disabled person, you're saying that disabled people that they can't hold high positions of power by making fun of the way he speaks.)
💚Anti Harassment
💚Anti Suicide Baiting
💚Anti Fatphobia/Anti Fat Shaming
💚Anti Radqueer
💚Pro Palestine
💚Anti Israel/Anti Zionism
💚Anti Enemies to Lovers trope (and against other toxic relationships tropes)
(This will be filled out at one point. I'm just too lazy to do so 🙃)
💚Reblogs have been turned off on my posts to prevent people whom I don't want to interact with. This includes restricting comments on my posts, too, for the same reason. I suffer from anxiety, and it's just easier for me to filter out who I do want or do not want to interact with.
💚Any asks and DMs from people I don't want to interact with will be deleted. If anyone continues to do so, will be blocked.
💚Anyone who I don't want to interact with will be instantly blocked if they tag me in any posts. I'm not gonna waste my time and read your stupid ass post. Also, it will open me up to any form or harassment.
💚Any asks and DMs complaining about my beliefs list will be deleted. I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna argue with people my beliefs. It's not worth my time and mental health.
💚Any asks and DMs about the Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp situation will be deleted. I don't support either person as they're both terrible people. Also, the situation has been over for more than a year now, and it's basically beating a dead horse. I was simply trying to make a point that you can be a victim of something and be a shitty person at the same time, as well as that person's shitty actions should not be used as a way to erase their victim status. I was trying to make a point that men can be victims, and women can be abusers. Abuse has no gender.
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Updated list of headcanons about the main 4 SQ dudes
Henry 'Hank' James Wimbleton He / Him / They / Them AMAB Heteroromantic Asexual Caucasian, 50s [Grunts age differently to humans, still considered in peak health <the Frankenstein-ing helps too>] Raised with Hunter {Skittles, older}, Heather {White, twin} and Hercules {Pink, younger} Abusive parents, physical and emotionally abusive, left with Heather when their parents kicked her out for being trans and taken in by Hunter. Clinically diagnosed as a psychopath, insomniac, autistic. They send money to Skittles to help pay for his peaceful lifestyle as a thank you for helping them as a teen. Will fight with Heather, but still loves her, very competitive since they're twins, but he's slightly stronger. Kicks Pank's ass on sight because he's an entitled princess, hostile relationship. He has a secret knack for art, and spends his down time painting animals, his trauma / memories, and horror movie icons. They also play guitar, fight with their sister, and spend time with Skittles.
Deimos Romero He / Him Transgender male, Bi Mexican+Asian american, 27 Only child Possibly ADHD (I don't know enough on ADHD to make a clear judgement) Born into the agency, adopted by Doc after his single mother died while having him, and his father was unknown. Life as a baby agent wasn't easy, but Doc managed to keep part of his brain open for free thinking so he wasn't totally brainwashed and indoctrinated. Doc helped him come to terms with being trans and helped him transition. Loves his mama even if he never met her personally, keeps her spirit alive in his own, celebrates Dia De Los Muertos and makes a nice little alter for her. Tinkers with guns and tech in his free time, as well as gaming, smoking, and going on dates with Sanford.
>SANFORD T. Sanford He / Him Cisgender, Gay African american, 32 Single mama, 5 siblings Clinically depressed The oldest of 6 kids, Fordie had a hand in helping raise his younger sibs, he puts his family before everything and everyone. Momford taught him responsibility and to be strong, she's his number 1 role model. He worked odd jobs until teaming up with a militant force, only loyal to money and nothing else, which he'd send back home to his Mom. Doc managed to come across his name a few times, and manged to tempt his favour with decent and continued payments, but over time he found himself really bonded to Deimos. He spends his free time cooking, working out, fixing up guns and working under the car, usually with Deimos. He likes to dedicate at least one day every two weeks for a date, if possible. His dog tags simply say T. Sanford, he refuses to tell almost anyone his first name, but Momford calls him Teddy, because he's big and soft like a teddy bear.
Kyle [He doesn't use a last name to protect his identity] He / Him Cisgender, Demisexual / Sapiosexual [Attracted to intelligence above all else] Asian american, late 40s/early 50s No history known Former Nexus, met Dr. Christoff during his tenure there and became acquaintances. Left and joined the agency shortly before Phobos' death. He took a lover, Esmeralda Romero, in secret which resulted in Deimos being born. Only two people know of this fact, and one of them is dead. He doesn't have any plans to tell anyone else. Inspired to fight back against dictators, he's of the mindset that everyone is out to use you for some purpose, and you have to look out for yourself, and what few people you can trust. Ultimately he wants to protect Nevada and eventually restore it to some sense or normalcy, as impossible as a task as that seems. He raised Deimos from birth, teaching him how to take care of himself, knowing that he's a marked man, and many want him dead. He loves Deimos as his son, respects Sanford for his hard and loyal work, and trusts Hank will do as commanded.
His list of trusted people is small, and his list of friends is even smaller.
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Happy Autism Acceptance Month! Hafgrim the iconic Viking is autistic, just as I the blog runner am myself.
Hafgrim's special interests:
Alcohol brewing
Cake making and decorating
Bone widdling
Folk music
Martial combat techniques
Rune study
Hafgrim is very habitual with his drinking, having a mug of ale or mead with every meal, three meals a day. He is unable to look anyone in the eyes unless absolutely necessary, his demeanor leans toward diplomatic and sympathetic, and he's a very strong empath, to the point it overwhelms him whenever anyone feels any emotion regardless of what it is. Hafgrim cries easily, has a very high pain tolerance, and has grown to become stoic in handling himself because it's the only way he knows how to cope. Hafgrim can't handle large crowds very well unless he knows the people well, and he enjoys solitary time with his brother and son more than socializing.
These are traits based on myself. I am very habitual and routine based, completely stalwart in what order I do things, I always have at least one hyperfixation, but usually a few at one time, I struggle to make eye contact, I'm hyper-empathetic, have rejection sensitivity, and am keenly attuned to others' emotions, and social settings are very difficult, nearly impossible, for myself, and when stressed I'll often go mute. And most obviously, I stim. CONSTANTLY!!
I'd like to remind you all, however, that autism presents itself in multiple different ways. These are neither the only nor the predominant traits autistic people possess. Some autistics struggle with or outright don't have the capacity for empathy, others are very outgoing and social, others are selectively mute or entirely mute, and there are literally hundreds upon thousands of other traits notable in autistic people. Some of us have lots of them, some of us have only a few, some have all, but nonetheless we're all autistic regardless of the number of traits we have.
Some things to note about autism:
It is not a disease. The word "disease" associates a negative connotation with autism, but autism does not harm anything or anyone. Calling it a disease enables neurotypicals, aka people who aren't autistic, to pity us, thus seeing us as lesser than themselves. We are not lesser. We are different.
It's necessary to accept, not correct or cure autism. Many autistic people don't want a cure, we just want to be accepted. Again, autism does not hurt the individual, or anyone else, and therefore, it doesn't need to be "fixed" or eliminated.
Advocating for ABA therapy, or "applied behavior analysis" therapy, is actively destructive to autistic people, and enables trauma. ABA seeks to erase harmless things like stimming (blinking, clicking teeth, rocking, pen clicking, etc.), and force eye contact during conversation. Stimming is a form of coping, and one which, again, harms nothing and nobody. Tearing away coping mechanisms and then forcing scared people into situations and environments that are highly uncomfortable without any known way to handle the fear, is damaging and traumatizing. Autistic people do not handle stress and fear the way neurotypicals do, nor can we comprehend the emotions the way they can, and thus, we need to stim. Stop advocating for and funding ABA.
Using person-first language is demeaning to autistic people. Autism is seen as a defining trait for the majority of us, because, as I said, it isn't a disease, nor is it debilitating. Neurotypicals view autism negatively, and thus often say, "people with autism" instead of "autistic people", and tell us that autism doesn't define us. But it's like telling somebody, "Instead of saying you're a kind person, say you're a person with kindness." Personality traits define who we are, and autism is a personality trait conglomerated from multiple other habits and traits. Thus, it does define us. So please, do not use person-first language.
Autism Speaks is a damaging and irreparable organization that seeks to destroy autism. They have claimed that autism is a malevolent, silent killer. Spokesperson Suzanne Wright resigned after claiming on behalf of all the organization that parents cannot connect with their autistic children because autistic people are out of touch with the world and reality. There's a ton more out there, including how the current board as of 2021 consists of only 1 autistic person, but you can research this for yourself if you'd like.
The blue puzzle piece, and colorful puzzle piece, are harmful because they are associated with Autism Speaks. There has been a major push toward using a rainbow infinity symbol instead. But because the puzzle piece has been associated with AS, please do not use it at all for any reason!!!!
There's plenty you can do do advocate for autistic people in a positive way, including educating yourself through and donating to:
Autism self advocacy network - Run by and for autistic people, and for families with autistic children.
Autistic women and nonbinary network (AWN) - Inclusive autistic resources for trans people of all genders.
If you (especially if you're autistic yourself) have any additional resources, please feel free to add to the list yourself!
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ancmalychild · 7 years
Rule page for mobile users
Blog was created on October 29 2016 - original URL; fenton-to-phantom
Rules updated on: February 20 2019
In order to make my rules easier to read, I have split them up into multiple sections and tried to keep things as short as possible.
Blog information:
Indie, canon divergent, and selective - Canon divergent because I ignore Phantom Planet as canon. Selective because I have a lot of RP side blogs connected to my hub blog
The cursor was not made by me! All credit goes to the original creator
Follows from tiny-ghost-rp-hub - This blog can not follow back due to it being a side blog. This means that my hub blog, tiny-ghost-rp-hub, shall follow you instead
Mun is 18+ - I have turned 18 in August 2018
Dark themes are present on this blog - These will be tagged as well as, if these appear in threads, they can be wrote in ways that hardly mention them or wrote as fade to black scenes if you’re uncomfortable with them!
Swearing is allowed
No Godmodding - I would prefer it if we discuss stuff before hand if it’s for content involving killing or anything along those lines. This also goes for overshadowing for ghosts.
Feel free to write starters for me - Though I’m not active 24/7, if your muse wants to interact with mine, feel free to write random starters! I won’t mind
Multimuse blogs friendly - I am fine with interacting with multimuse blogs. I run a few, after all!
Duplicate blogs friendly - I have no issue with this. In fact, I encourage it! Let Danny meet his duplicates/alternates. If you don’t want it to be two different versions of Danny meeting, we could always have a twin verse (I already have a few icons and names ready for that if needed!)
OC blogs friendly - Throw all of your OCs at me. I don’t care how many you have; I will love them
AU blogs friendly - Like with OCs, throw them at me!
Non-mutuals friendly
M!As and asks are always welcomed
I won’t RP with: blogs with muses of real life people (e.g. YouTubers), personal blogs (okay with these sending in asks, though!)
About and rule pages - I expect my rules and about to be read (the other pages on this blog aren’t as important as these two!). I also expect there to be some kind of rule or about page on your blog so I know your muse(s) better as well as your limits!
Don’t steal content - If you want to use something like a headcanon I’ve personally wrote out, please ask me if you can before using it for your muse. Same goes for stuff like icons on here (only time you can use them without asking is if I’ve made a post stating that they’re free to use)
Don’t reblog threads you’re not apart of
Icons and formatting - You don’t have to use icons if you don’t want to. As for formatting; I don’t have an issue with it. Please note that I, personally, won’t format my replies. Only thing I will do is trim threads if they start to get too long
Discord available - I have Discord and I am willing to RP there or talk OOC!
I may be slow with replies - I’m a college student, my family aren’t healthy, and I - personally - am not healthy.
Passwords - I don’t have a password for reading my rules. I also don’t send them in to others due to my social anxiety (this doesn’t mean that I don’t read them!)
Tracking the tag ’#ancmalychild’
Muse information:
My Danny is trans - If you, personally, don’t headcanon him like this, that’s okay. However I, personally, write him like this so there will be mentions of him being trans on this blog
Child threads - I headcanon that he came out as trans to his family at a young age. This age is 5. This means that, if threads take place before he’s 5/comes out, there might be mentions of his dead name and old pronouns
Powers - Along with this appearing in some threads set in the past, Danny may also accidentally use his powers in some threads if they are set during the first season/just after the accident
My Danny is Autistic and has ADHD - Thanks to a friend of mine, I headcanon Danny to be Autistic along with having ADHD. I have not been diagnosed with either of these things nor do I think I have either therefore I have done research on these. If I happen to get anything wrong, please feel free to correct me!
Danny is half dead - The portal accident half killed him which resulted in him basically being an anomaly thanks to neither being dead or alive yet also both. I know; it’s shocking
Mental health and trauma - Though I have things like depression and anxiety, I don’t have everything Danny has nor have I gone through everything he has. This means I may get bits wrong. If this happens, please feel free to correct me
Platonic - I’m always open to this. Want your muse to have a sibling like relationship with mine? I will 100% be down for that!
Enemies - Like with platonic, I’m down for Danny being enemies or not getting along with other muses. Please note that, if this does happen, this doesn’t mean I - the mun - hate you or your muse!
Romantic - I am single ship with Danny (one ship per verse. E.g. one ship for main verse, one ship for a verse where he’s a merman, etc.). I will not ship him with others in verses where he is a child or younger. I will, however, ship (romantically only) him in verses where he’s 14+ since, well, he got into relationships before at that age
One sided - I’m fine with either of our muses gaining a crush on the other. Once again, I won’t have Danny gain a crush on your muse if it’s in a verse where he’s, like, 5
Chemistry - I ship mostly based on chemistry however that doesn’t mean discussing things can’t happen!
Don’t force relationships - This has happened to me before. Please don’t just randomly jump into my ask one day stating that your muse is, for example, the lover of my muse when they have never met before. If you want to set up a relationship with my muse, either see how chemistry works between them or discuss it with me first.
What I won’t ship: Incest, selfcest, ships similar to Pom//pous P//ep, paedophilia (and some other ships I have yet to list because there’s too many in the Phandom).
Sm//ut information:
18+ -  I will not write sm//ut with those below the age of 18. If you lie about your age and try to get me to write it with you, I shall block you
Limits - Though I am up for writing sm//ut, please note that I am not here to only write sm//ut
Discord only - Due to the recent rule and bot added to Tumblr, I will only write this content in private on Discord. Though Tumblr said that this content is okay when written, I’d rather do it on Discord since, well, I don’t trust Tumblr
No underage sm//ut - Don’t try to force me to write sm//ut with you if either of our muses are underage. If you do try to, I will block you
Consent only - I will only write sm//ut if there’s consent between muses. This means I will not write sm//ut of subjects like noncon/rape (please note that this is for my own comfort. I’m completely fine if this subject happens to be part of a backstory or something like that; I just won’t write smut of it). If you try to force me to write smut of this, I will block you
Don’t force writing sm//ut on me - Sm//ut is a subject I don’t want to write 24/7. It’s also a subject I don’t expect others to want to write 24/7. Please understand and respect if I say I don’t want to write sm//ut
Triggers are tagged - I will tag every triggering (and possibly triggering content) with two different tags so they have more chance of being black listed. These tags methods are as seen: ’#trigger’ and ’#trigger /’
Remind me of triggers - I follow over 600+ different blogs plus I have a bad memory thanks to physical and mental health. This means, at times, I may forget a trigger or two. If this happens, please do remind me! I don’t want to accidentally trigger someone.
Please tag the following if I follow you: Videos/photos of real life spiders, real life creatures that look like spiders (e.g. tarantulas), pictures/drawings of events like 9/11, pictures of anything related to Nazis (groups like Hy//dra are okay), Pom//pous P//ep (even if Danny is 18+).
Catch all tag: ’ #Otus don’t look ’
Mun information:
I’m Otus! I’m an 18 year old British Trans Man (he/him; okay with they/them) who still lives in the UK. I’m currently in college and come from a family who have health conditions which means I may not be active 24/7.
Due to things such as my past and what I got from my family, I have both mental and physical health issues. These are:
Depression - Diagnosed by professionals. I don’t take medication for this because the UK is awful with this sort of stuff.
General anxiety - Diagnosed by professionals. Like with depression, I don’t take anything for this because the UK is awful.
Social anxiety - Diagnosed by professionals. Same as the other two.
Raynaud’s - Not diagnosed. Parents say I have it since I’ve shown the signs of it.
Fibromyalgia - Not diagnosed. Like with Raynaud’s. Both this and Raynaud’s get worse in the winter and make it where I can’t do much due to fatigue. After a bad cold I got, coughing badly in the winter makes this a lot worse for me because it makes my chest muscles act up (which isn’t fun when you have a binder on)
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