#autistic rory williams
funkylildragonfella · 2 years
They're The Autistic Quartet and you cannot convince me otherwise.
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theangelofbrahma · 6 months
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Rorys constant autistic stare is everything to me. What a mood
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year
Hello all, I have decided to make a new blog to showcase my obsession with Doctor Who.
Brief intro:
Name: Abel
Pronouns: he/him
Favorite Doctor: I can't decide; it's a toss up between 5, 6, and 8.
Favorite companion: Also difficult--between Nyssa, Evelyn, Fitz, and Jamie
Favorite bad guy: The Master
Media I consume: TV, Big Finish audios, novelizations....anything with the words Doctor Who on it.
Ships: Doctor/Master, Doctor/Jamie, Nyssa/Tegan, Doctor/Fitz, Doctor/River, Amy/Rory, Doctor/Yasmin, many many more
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does he have anxiety, autism, and dyspraxia?
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submit your own characters here to be featured!
reason: Bro look at him, he is socially awkward and excited when asked about his special interests
submitted by @sovereignofsoup
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soulsam · 6 months
Sam Winchester x multiples of 5 for the ask game!
LIV!! hi!!!! yes thank you i will always take an opportunity to ramble about samuel william winchester my darling my beloved my everything
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
oh my god this is such a tough question because there are multiple ;-; one is definitely bubblegum bitch because of that legendary edit. another is "something super sweet" by rory webley which as YOU already know is my season 8-9 sam anthem of choice. there are also like a whole bunch of coldplay songs that i think of right away...trouble is probably the biggest one, but paradise and hurts like heaven are definitely up there. and those are not even the only coldplay songs on my sam playlist akjfhdjkfhdjk he's so coldplay-coded. to me. and just for you. just because it is you who asked this question. forget to remember, by mudvayne. from the saw II soundtrack.
(i did an AWFUL job answering the original question but idc!!! i love music, sue me :P)
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
yes. my toxic trait is that i honestly do believe i could be besties with sam winchester. when i'm watching the show i often find myself saying stuff that sam then says seconds after me. he and i could be true crime girlies together (leave me alone okay i promise i'm normal about it). we have drift compatible autism i just know it. we could therapize each other i think
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
ok now you're just indulging me :P the answer is and has always been and will always be WINCEST. SAMDEAN. THE BLOWJOB BROTHERS. how can you not love them. they're brothers they're mother and son they're best friends they're coworkers they're affair partners they're married they're divorced they've got puppy crushes on each other and they have the deepest and most profound love in the universe. they're everything and i love them and i'll never get them out of my brain as long as i live. when i get old and develop alzheimer's i will forget my own mother's name before i forget about them, i just know it. i have never been more autistic about anything than i am about them. to say they've altered my brain chemistry would be the understatement of the millennium. they are everything and i owe my gf my ENTIRE LIFE for showing me a post about sex and violence and opening my eyes to the truth of the wincest gospel
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
oh no this is a tough one too...especially because i haven't finished the show yet ;-; but just from what i know so far...i do think i have to pick rowena. i'm biased as fuck because i think they should have let sam learn to do witchcraft but also. they're just really funny together. and i think crowley and dean would both be really pissed.
honorable mention goes to pre-ahbl ava because i love ava and i've also seen hunted like six times for. um. reasons. and they're just so cute when she's helping him investigate ;-; meg 2.0 might also have been kinda funny.
conclusion: give! sam!! a girlbestie!!!! please!!!!!!
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
ok this one is slightly unfair because i went in knowing i was and would be a samgirl. i had technically seen some of the show before i started for real last october (though i only remembered pieces of the pilot and pieces of mystery spot) and because sam is ~the intellectual one~ (and the one with longer hair. lmao) i was almost certain he'd be more my type than dean.
BUT. INTERESTINGLY. i do think i was actually kind of a stealth deangirl at first. either that or i'm just Easily Manipulated cause i totally fell for dean's unreliable narration and let myself get mad at sam for things i don't hold against him at all anymore. that's not to say i've turned my back on dean, i adore him, but sam !!!! sam!!!!! he's my everything and he's never done anything wrong in his LIFE.
also. fun and terrible fact. back when i was still watching the first few seasons i used to cringe at any screenshots of him in seasons like. 11 or later. i hate change and convinced myself he looked terrible for the entire latter third of the series. can you believe that. it's so funny though because now i'm like. ok. best sam look, mid-late s8. but SECOND best? SEASON 12. HOLY SHIT SEASON 12 SAM. JESUS CHRIST. i finally saw american nightmare the other day and they hit me with the back-to-back priest outfit and red sweater and i was about to faint like some kind of victorian maiden. hoooooly shit. something something frog in boiling water or whatever but oh my god. late seasons sam. cannot believe i turned my back on him for so long. shameful!!!!
anyway !!! THANK YOU for sending in this ask aaa im sorry i went so crazy on it shfdkjhkdjfhdk i'll really be making the lightest commentary in my tags and almost zero personal posts and then someone sends me an ask and all of a sudden i become the world's chattiest cathy. yes this is an open invitation for anyone to send me asks at any time btw. give me more reasons to be chatty (if you dare)!!!
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allthoseotherworlds · 11 months
List of Tags:
This is a list of tags I am using/intend to use to organize things. This is a reference for myself so I can stay consistent when tagging things.
This is a living document that I intend to add to as I need new tags. Not all of these tags are currently in use.
I am talking: For original posts and reblogs I have commented on
About my life: For me talking about things happening in my life in general
I am Just Some Guy (gender neutral): For me rambling/ranting about stuff I Have Opinions About, to remind you that I am Just Some Guy (gender neutral) on the internet and my opinions are not authoritative
Artron: For posts about my cat, Artron
Fictional stories: For people's original fiction
Non-fictional stories: For people's stories about their lives
Art: For art that is not fandom-related
Memes: For memes/humour/jokes that are not fandom-related
Informational: For posts from which a person could theoretically learn something
Doctor Who:
Doctor Who: For all Doctor Who content, regardless of medium/era
Classic Who: For Classic Doctor Who and the 1994 movie
New Who: For New Who, from 2005 onwards, including the new stuff on Disney but not including spinoff shows like Torchwood, which should be tagged separately with the show name
Audio Who: For the Big Finish audio adventures
The Doctor: For the Doctor as a character, regardless of incarnation
First Doctor/Second Doctor/Third Doctor/Fourth Doctor/Fifth Doctor/Sixth Doctor/Seventh Doctor/Eighth Doctor/Ninth Doctor/Tenth Doctor/Eleventh Doctor/Twelfth Doctor/Thirteenth Doctor/Fourteenth Doctor (I give up. For tagging purposes this is David Tennant again, but let it be known that I am unhappy about it)/Fifteenth Doctor/War Doctor/Fugitive Doctor: The relevant incarnation of the Doctor
The Tardis: For posts directly about the Tardis, not just her incidental inclusion in backgrounds
The Master: For the Master as a character, regardless of incarnation, including Missy
Ainley Master/Delgado Master/Roberts Master/Jacobi Master/Simm Master/Dhawan Master/Crispy Master/Missy: The relevant incarnation of the Master
aroace Doctor: For anything about the Doctor being aroace (aro or ace content individually is also here)
autdhd Doctor: For anything about the Doctor being autistic and/or ADHD
Companions and other characters are tagged with their full names: Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Clara Oswald, Bill Potts, Yasmin Khan, Ryan Sinclair, Graham O'Brien, Romanadvoratrelundar, Jack Harkness, River Song, etc. Characters without a clear last name (Adric, Leela) are tagged with just their first name.
Posts about a specific episode are tagged with the episode name
Doctor Who Memes: For meme/humour/joke posts about Doctor Who
Doctor Who Art: For art about Doctor Who, including music and videos
Circular Galifreyan: For art done in Circular Gallifreyan
Circular Gallifreyan Reference: For images from the show depicting Circular Gallifreyan
Doctor Who Stories: For Doctor Who fanfic
Doctor Who Gifs: for gifs
Doctor Who Meta: For posts analyzing something about Doctor Who. May include posts not intended to be about Doctor Who but which have The Vibe
Other miscellaneous tags: Regeneration
Star Trek:
Star Trek: For anything Star Trek related, regardless of series
Series are tagged as: TOS/TAS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT/NuTrek (for the 2009 reboot movies)/LWD (Lower Decks)/DSC (Discovery)/PIC (Picard)/Star Trek Prodigy (Prodigy doesn't seem to have a good shortened tag)/SNW (Strange New Worlds)
The movies that are likely to come up are: The Search For Spock/The One With The Whales (ST IV The Voyage Home)/First Contact. If any other movies need tags I'll figure it out then and add them here
Autistic Julian: For anything about Julian Bashir being autistic
Julian's genetics: For anything about Julian Bashir's genetic enhancements
Characters are tagged with their names, not their ranks. First and last names are used except for characters with only one name (Q, Odo). This includes Skrain Dukat and Winn Adami. I can't find Kai Opaka's first name so she is tagged as Kai Opaka.
Posts about specific episodes are tagged with the episode name
Star Trek Memes: For meme/humour/joke posts about Star Trek
Star Trek Art: For art about Star Trek, including music and videos
Star Trek Stories: For Star Trek fanfic
Star Trek Gifs: For gifs
Star Trek Meta: For text posts analyzing something about Star Trek. May include posts not intended to be about Star Trek but which have The Vibe
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fairy-writes · 2 years
I’m looking for a platonic matchup any gender is fine. Doctor who Match up please
I’m autistic and I can be sensitive to light, nutty textures, some wooly textures. When I’m overwhelmed I shut down.
I Like: Cartoons, Uk steam locomotives, watching disaster documentaries, any hoodies, my oodie, dogs, tenpin bowling, Harry potter
I dislike: Spiders, Heights without safety barriers (really big fear) nutty textures, some wooly textures, spelling,
I tend to have severe anxiety especially in big crowded spaces so I would prefer if I hung out somewhere quiet.
In a friend I would like them to check up on me often as I often spiral and need someone to talk to as my family doesn’t really understand. I just want them to also vibe with me and I can vibe with them
I pair you with… Rory Williams!
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So as a nurse, Rory has a lot of experience talking with all kinds of people, so it isn’t surprising that you two become friends! He makes sure any nutty or wooly textures are nowhere to be found when the two of you hang out. It’s always at either your house or his or somewhere quiet, like a library, where the two of you can just read books and chat. 
Another fun hang-out idea is to chill at either of your houses and just watch documentaries and shows! He’s also partial to disaster documentaries,  but he also is a fan of sports and some cartoons, but it’s a pretty even distribution between your likes and his. It’s also tradition to have a Harry Potter marathon once a year whenever you guys feel like watching it. 
Rory does wonders for your anxiety. He’s used to handling difficult patients but doesn’t treat you like one. Instead, he treats you with respect and tries the best he can to help you. He gives you a phone that’ll connect to his even if he’s in another time period with the Doctor and Amy and tells you you can call him any time if you are struggling :)
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Rory Williams from Doctor Who
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jonismitchell · 3 years
fixing season five of doctor who
or: rectifying issues i have with the way my favourite character, amy pond, was treated, and correcting some weird writing decisions while i’m at it
the eleventh hour: i actually love this one, and i would leave most of it as it stands, but i’d cut the weird travelling-up-her-legs shot from our introduction to adult amy pond. might also kill the kissogram element: have amy be in a halloween costume (commit to the bit) and establish her as flitting between jobs. 
the beast below: i also love this episode. it gets undue flack. (series five is my favourite, what can i say?) i’d cut the ‘basically i rule’ line because it sounds stilted, and i’d let amy respond angrily to the doctor shouting at her near the end. make it a proper argument that ends with the ‘very old and very kind and the very very last’ line! commit to building this relationship from the ground up!
victory of the daleks: pace it faster, add women, do something interesting with the daleks. this isn’t an awful episode it’s just not as good as it has the potential to be. i might cut churchill entirely and have the doctor respond to a child’s cry for help. keep amy’s speech about love to the dalek technology (i am obsessed with this plot beat). have the doctor give her the tardis key at the end rather than demanding it back.
the time of angels / flesh and stone: moffat has a weird habit of sidelining the main companion to deal with a woman he finds more interesting (arguably nancy, definitely true of reinette, sally, and river). so i’d minimize river’s involvement in these episodes and emphasize amy’s. instead of the doctor telling her to shut up, let them work out the problem together. let the doctor reassure her when she says she’s scared. definitely keep the scene where she says ‘doctor, i don’t need you to die for me, do i look that clingy?’ i love that scene. do not let the weeping angels move on screen, ever, it reduces their fear factor. and at the end, have amy be shaken and confused and ask to be taken to rory. don’t have her come onto the doctor, that was stupid and got handled in a very weird way. just... agency for amy is the new name of the show. doctor who?
the vampires of venice: kill the moments where the doctor and rory treat amy like an object, establish rory as someone willing to tell the doctor to fuck off, and have the doctor save the species instead of dooming them. have rory be discomfited by how easily amy has attached herself to the doctor (give rory williams a properly explored inferiority complex 2021). i want him to be so apprehensive of what might happen to amy (she better almost die at least twice) that he stays with the doctor and amy. 
amy’s choice: the only part of this i really dislike is amy being pregnant in the dream world so cut that and replace the humour with the doctor being stunned that ‘amy pond, wild thing/free spirit, would choose to settle down.’ have this be part of the proof for amy’s decision that the leadworth life is not the real world. maybe a line about ‘you chose the best of both worlds: rory and the tardis.’ like... treat that choice as a big moment for her and also a sort of avoidance. (i want to say i actually do like the episode as it stands, i just have some notes.)
the hungry earth / cold blood: i dislike these episodes. here’s how i would fix it: 1) stronger environmental messaging, 2) have madame vastra be the humans’ captive and form a relationship with the doctor, 3) have the doctor be the silurians’ captive and amy/rory have to figure out how to save him, 4) midnight-esque scenarios (by this i mean explore morality) on both sides about whether to kill their prisoner or not, and 5) properly show the conversation about the silurians’ return. but keep the ending for cold blood, i thought that was brilliant. 
vincent and the doctor: this is a perfect doctor who episode. i think that throughout the season i would want to make amy’s struggle with mental illness more evident so this hits even harder, but this is my favourite doctor who episode and i wouldn’t really change anything. 
the lodger: anyone but james corden plays craig. uh that aside i would want the tardis to dematerialize on its own and amy accompanies the doctor on his adventure of trying to be human. it’s cute anyway!
the pandorica opens / the big bang: instead of rory saying that amy is crying because she’s happy (the ‘happy happy mrs rory’ line haunts me) have him ask what’s wrong and acknowledge her concerns. it’s suuuuuch a fucking simple thing to do but it would help a lot. don’t have amy ask the doctor to kiss her at her own wedding. have it be explicit that amy remembered rory back into existence like she remembered the doctor. i don’t hate river here! 
things i wanted to add that i couldn’t figure out where to put: i'd want to flesh out amy and rory’s relationship a bit more. make rory’s inferiority complex in general a big thread in the season alongside amy’s mental illness (which is evident to me but i’d want it to be explicit). have amy cope with her abandonment / commitment issues—the doctor is coming to get her, rory will wait for her; and before either of them can show up? amy pond has got it covered.
establish amy’s interest in history from the get-go (remembering details surrounding world war two that save them, rambling to rory about venice), have her interest in art be a running thread throughout the season (she could look for future paintings in the beast below, bond with sophie over a shared interest in the lodger... literally endless possibility). have it be canon that the reason amy wants to escape so badly is because her aunt is abusive, which also lends power to getting her parents back.
also, because this is my universe and i can do what i want: amy pond is canonically autistic now.
things to pick up for next season: amy’s relationship with her newly remembered family, how waiting for two thousand years affected rory. 
tl;dr: if amy pond is angry and untrusting, then her best moments will come when she is kind. when she has empathy for the star whale, when she convinces a piece of dalek technology that he is human, when she believes in the doctor and rory enough to resurrect them. 
then again: her flaws make her character real! they make this arc interesting to watch! when she goes from waiting all night in her garden for the doctor to being the reason he exists again. it’s all about the power of amy pond’s will.
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 3 years
In Song and in Death
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3C2a8i8
by Destiny_in_the_Universe
For the longes time, Amy Pond was another face in the crowd even if she had met and traveled with the Doctor; though upon receiving a letter from an old friend, things take a drastic turn for better or worse as the truth behind Amy's past reveals itself and the fate of the Pond family comes into play.
Words: 644, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of An Oath to Keep
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Amy Pond (Doctor Who), Rory Williams, Eleventh Doctor, River Song, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Relationships: Amy Pond/Rory Williams, Eleventh Doctor/River Song, Amy Pond & River Song, The Doctor & Amy Pond (Doctor Who), Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond & Rory Williams
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, BAMF Amy Pond (Doctor Who), Eleventh Doctor Era, Neurodiversity, The Doctor Has ADHD (Doctor Who), Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Parents Amy Pond/Rory Williams, River Song Being River Song, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Post-War, Autistic Harry Potter, Eleventh Doctor & Amy Pond Friendship, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3C2a8i8
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funkylildragonfella · 2 years
They're The Autistic Trio/Quartet and you cannot convince me otherwise
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arodrwho · 6 years
aaa short list of characters who Are Autistic:
dr who
harry wells (e-2 version)
lilo pelekai
bill potts
barry allen
cisco ramon
temperance brennan
spencer reid
sherlock holmes
luna lovegood
hermione granger
dirk gently
amanda brotzmann
kara danvers
clint barton
rose tico
luke skywalker
mmmmmmmmmmm han solo
oh right oh right fuck, mycroft holmes
walter bishop.
astrid farnsworth (e-1 and e-2 versions bc I Said So)
alec hardison probably
caitlin snow tbh
(so much of team flash is autistic..........so much..........)
burton guster.
abby sciuto
leroy jethro gibbs
milo thatch
right uhhhhhh newt geizler
hermann gottlieb
arthur shappey
martin crieff
rosa diaz
raymond holt
amy santiago
charles boyle
the rowdy 3
gon freecss
alluka zoldyck
mayb killua zoldyck too, who know
rock lee
GAara yes
edward elric
alphonse elric
septimus heap....
penelope garcia
river tam
simon tam
will graham
neville longbottom
charlie weasley
arthur weasley
remus lupin
matt murdock my dude
klaus baudelaire
violet baudelaire
sunny baudelaire
all might
steven universe
su garnet
su pearl
su peridot
elena alvarez
katniss everdeen
pkmn red
ash ketchum
rory williams...
jo grant!!!
the. guy. al. from the flash what's his name uh. he's alchemy? albert? something? maybe uh. tom felton dude. u kno the one
mmmm the girl from runaways, the youngest one, molly hernandez i think? her. yea
oh uh. juliet o'hara. she's autistic too
OH mozzie. yes
neal caffrey?
others.........so many others...........
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st-riley-the-brave · 7 years
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[ Meet the Engineer!]
[ Photo taken September 2016 ]
[ T h e B a s i c s ] + Name | Jennifer. + Nicknames | Jenn, Riley-Mun, Sunshine/Sunny [nickname given to me by some co-workers that I kept]. + Alias | The Engineer. + Age | 34. + Birthday | 4 October 1983.
[ T h e P h y s i c a l ] + Hair | Dark brown with faint red/auburn highlights. + Eyes | Brown. + Build | Average. + Height | 5'3". + Weight | …holy crap. Maybe 105 lb.??
[ T h e P e o p l e ] + Muses | Riley Cranston [ @st-riley-the-brave ], Rory Davenport [ @rory-spitfire-davenport ], Audergine Wright [ @that-darn-constable ], Lt. William Bush [ @lt-william-bush ], and a new multi-muse: the Magic Knights [ @mahou-shoujo-kishi ]. [Side note–I’ve been writing for 10+ years outside of Tumblr, and been writing in Tumblr for less than a year.] + Hobbies | Writing, music, sleep, food, my boyfriend, chatting up a storm, steampunk, the occasional crafts in the form of jewelry making or plastic-canvas needlepoint, make-up. And real-life Riley. + Pets | Judah [gray cat, 2 years young]. + Birthplace | Miami, Florida, United States. + Hometown | DeLand, Florida, United States.
[ T h e S o c i e t a l ] + Occupation | Drive-thru “engineer” and Crew Trainer at McDonald’s. + Marital Status | “Happily promised, folks!!”. + Face Claim | Anne Hathaway [if need be]. + Important mental alterations to note | Depression, anxiety, developmental trauma [a form of PTSD], Asperger’s syndrome [high-functioning and of the autistic spectrum]. + Tea or Coffee | Iced mocha in the morning when at work. Otherwise tea all the way.
[ T h e M u s i c a l ] + Favorite Song of All Time | “Transmission” by Joy Division. + Favorite Band of All Time | New Order. + Tune'age of Choice | Old-school alternative, new wave, synthpop, old-school punk, old-school rap, Britrock, some classic pop here and there, old-school freestyle, neoclassical, sacred classical choral, some grunge, and Johnny Cash. + Recommended Tune'age for the sake of examples | The Smiths, Talking Heads, Depeche Mode, The Clash, Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Oasis, some old-school Michael Jackson, Stevie B, A Winged Victory for the Sullen, "Joy To The World" by Richard Proulx, Pearl Jam, and... well... Johnny Cash. + Other Tune'age I Listen To | David Bowie, The Beatles, Radiohead, The Verve, Placebo, Material Issue, Miracle Legion/Polaris, R.E.M., Duran Duran, Elton John, Tears for Fears, P.I. Tchaikovsky, The Ramones. And if I need be asked, N*Sync over the BackStreet Boys any day.
[ T h e E x t r a S t u f f ] + Favorite Soup | Tie between ramen, pho, and New England clam chowder. + Favorite Movies | Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" [the animated version] and "2001: A Space Odyssey". + Pandora or Spotify | Spotify. + Favorite Season of the Year| The transition into fall through early spring. + Verse |Meanwhile in Florida… [Out Of Character].
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kickassgrandma911 · 7 years
I Have Been Collecting...
So, I’ve been collecting quotes from all my friends for almost a year now, under this post is a list of way too many quotes. Enjoy you beautiful boys
"I'm cold, I'm wet, BUT I HAVE A LEMON!" "Snuff on these kinkboy" "This motherfucker has a white house!" "Condom Fighters." "I wake up, I hit my head, and then I die" "Uhm... Aargh?" "I guess I'd get kicked" "Spooky cave whack time" "Hi, sex please?" "They bit that poor dolphin right on the dick" "They're even cute when they're humping each other" "Oh, 'I'M SORRY GOD. YOU KNOW ME.' " "Cindy Lou Who is thicc" "My pot stickers attacked me" "Don't talk while your mouth is open" "I've always wanted a restraining order" "Please think before you speak" "Wait, I need to get the walnuts" "I always touch it" "yeah dude other than the fact that they kill your grandpa and take all the wonderbread from your house and leave you with like 3 toasters but no bread" "Okay we need to talk about who put the jellyfish in my bed" "You can call the cops, just don't tell your mom" "OOHOOHOHO YEAH I KNOW HOW TO SKIP!" "Wigger." "Stop fingering my pizza" "Let's go sell my pants and learn how to pick flowers." "I love war!" "I don't endorse suicide but she should consider it." "Ah no! He has his pants back on." "Peepee battleboys" "So today I lit two flies on fire and then pissed on them." "Cereal only tastes good if you're stealing it from Matthew's house." "Just pee on the damn insects" "Alright, I need to kill the gnomes" "I'm so ethnic. I'm eating a crepe" "It smells like wind" "There's a movie called bagel.. Batman?" "Yeah! I love bein' grumpy." -stealing all the napkins at a DQ- "These are free right?" "When it rains crusty nut" "There was pain" "Fuck it I hate money anyway." "Remember the time Ben Old Yellered Timmy?" "Ben you're the most homosexual straight man I've ever met." "You either hang yourself or you don't." "Grant did you just get door dash at 2AM?" "What kind of bitch uses one swipe of chapstick!?" "I need my human!" "PUT EM IN! PUT EM IN HER MOUTH!!!" "I love coffee and I wanna kill myself" "Dog! Fake dog. that is a horse..." "That is a very sad penis..." "These strawberries make me hard" "OOOAAAOOHH! ..... She licked me with her warm moist tongue" "Its not alcohol.... so I don't want any" "Okay that's enough 'Fuck's' out of you" "If a white person whips it's called slavery" "Hello! And Oh no, there's a tiddy!" "Michael Cera, standing behind you, denying the holocaust" "Did you just take a SINGLE fucking cinnamon toast crunch!?" "You're a special kind of Thot Rory. You're The Honest Obligated Toucher" "You're doing me a heckin' fright!" "I could do math on her nose" "Hype men are people, not objects." "I'm not hitting on you I just wanna see you shirtless" "I just wanna buy my rocks, leave me alone!!!" "I'm trying but my white blood cells aren't nearly as ripped as yours" "I'm not a fuckboy I just don't wanna be lonely" "HOW DO YOU MAKE THE HOLOCAUST FAMILY FRIENDLY KYLE!?!?" "You can take my life, you can take my liberties, you can take everything I love, BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE MY SHOES!!!" "Are you excited about your bread?" "She just wants some dirty rubz" "IT'S THE NEVER ENDING NUT!!!" "Your face aren't in my tiddies" "I was watching my ultrasound, EXCUSE ME!" "YOU PUT A GRAPE IN MY DR PEPPER!?" "I'm sorry but every group needs a vagina." "Then Matthew just busts a nut out of his fucking facial holes!" "It's stuck in my nostrils!!!" "Frog. Man. At. Me." "You can create your own dong when you get home" "Holy shit.. well fuck drugs, I'll just wear these." "Gas leaks are cool" -Taylor 2k17 "Economically, I'm a jew." "SpongeBob Squarecunt" "Sex and a BLT" "Your beard is like a piggu that's been conditioning" "Challenge him to a lumberjackoff" "You can nut while doing your homework" "He ate dirt, ketchup and peanut shells." "I love moist." "Family communal bong" "WHO ATE MY CORN PLANT!?!?" "Stop bustin' my chops!!!" "Y'all mind if I juice?" "Shhh! I'm trying to watch Hacker 3!!!" "I CONTROL THE TREES WITH MY MIND!" "He's a monster! That bow-tied fuck!" "Tupac hologram is the Hatsune Miku of America" "I feel like Kyle has no problems with taking his pants off." "Dude, imagine Jews." "Your WCW doesn't go to soda..."
That was all page 1, now, page 2
"Oh I wouldn't even fight them we'd already be in the bedroom snoggin'" "In the middle of doing it while drunk I said 'prove to me you destroyed the death star'" BROTHER!!!" "Yo, you wanna eat my nuts?" "I come bearing burritos!" "YOU'RE SELLING MY SOUL TO FUCKING COMCAST!?" "Sourdough is the taste of San Francisco" "Why would you want a white, pasty Jesus when you could have a smelly fish one?" "He's gonna be my throne of minorities." "Hey pretty lady, wanna.. share a lunchables sometime?" "IT'S WHEN YOU WANNA FUCK YOUR MOM!!!" "A whopper in disguise." "Anneversary of womb escape" "I feel like Waluigi vapes..." "STOP MAKIN' FUN OF PEOPLE WITH TRAIN TRACKS!!!" "I'm not fat shaming Bigfoot!" "It's not herpes if you don't get tested!" "I can't believe you smoke palm tree..." "Monica Lewinsky succed the soul out of him." "Whoopi Goldbergs autistic stepson." "A fuckin chicken bake from Costco MAAAANNNN" "In the words of William Shakespeare, eat shit faggot" "He making me sticky!!!!!" "AP Satanism." "What..? You guys don't have urges to smack things too..?" "Mr Bengford looks like the kinda guy to eat at the Chum Bucket." "I LOVE THE MUSH!!!" "My elbow is African American" "RORY!!!! I NEED YOUR FACE!!" "... can you open a dick ?" "Dog shit needs no pants" "You need to craft a bunch of iron daggers." "... are you calling Raven thicc..?" "The only one that can touch my boob is my dad." "I need something in my mouth.." "Poke my hole" "Gimme a sec I gotta take a wicked piss." "Just ignore Bens suffering" "I FORGOT I HAD ASTHMA!" "We Are Never Naked Together. Okay???" "I hope god is real so I can go to hell." "Yeah, you were kinda a butthole freshman year" "ShUT THE FUCK UP I'M TALKING ABOUT KRAFT DINNER!" "He has the personality of a saltine cracker." "Bang-la-DESH!" "Did you fuck her hair yet?" "I just put a pussy sign..." "it's hard to climb the tiny peepee..?" "I'm actually watching gay porn for the plot right now." "please don't ruin Kirby.." "don't vape on the fucking pizza!" 
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seriesstreamfan · 6 years
The Predator Online Stream - https://seriesstream.online/?p=943 - The Predator Online Stream The Predator Online Stream – When a kid accidentally triggers the universe’s most lethal hunters’ return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled female scientist can prevent the end of the human race. A Predator ship crash-lands on Earth. Army Ranger sniper Quinn McKenna and his team are attacked by the Predator on a hostage retrieval mission. McKenna incapacitates the Predator and has parts of its armor mailed off to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. At the behest of government agent Will Traeger, he is captured and held for examination. Traeger also takes the Predator to a lab for experimentation and observation, recruiting evolutionary biologist Casey Bracket to study it. The Predator awakes, breaks out of its bonds, kills lab workers, but spares Bracket before leaving. McKenna is bussed off with a group of other government captives, including former Marines Gaylord “Nebraska” Williams, Coyle, Baxley, Lynch, and Army helicopter pilot Nettles. Seeing the Predator escape from the lab firsthand, they take over the bus. Taking Bracket with them, they head over to McKenna’s estranged wife, Emily, where he expects to find the Predator armor he mailed off. However, McKenna’s autistic son Rory has gone trick-or-treating while wearing this armor in hopes of avoiding detection from bullies. McKenna and the others find his son just in time to stop a pair of Predator Dogs from ambushing the boy. The Predator chases them into a nearby school. They start to give the Predator’s armor back when another, larger Predator arrives and kills the first. They flee, and the second Predator sets out to retrieve the lost technology. Bracket concludes that the Predators are attempting to improve themselves with the DNA of humans and, presumably, other planets’ inhabitants. The team flees to an abandoned barn, but Traeger finds them, captures them, and shares his theory that the Predators anticipate that climate change will end their ability to retrieve human DNA for further hybridization, so they are scrambling to retrieve it before it is too late. Seeing Rory drawing a map to the spaceship, Traeger takes the boy away to go to the ship. The team escapes and goes after him with the help of a brain-damaged Predator Dog. When all are at the crashed Predator ship, the second Predator arrives, kills Lynch, and explains through translation software that it will blow up the ship to keep it out of their hands and then give them all a head start before it hunts them down. The Predator quickly kills Coyle, Baxley, and several of Traeger’s soldiers. Traeger tries to use a Predator weapon on the alien but accidentally kills himself in the process. The Predator takes Rory because his autism reflects advancement in human evolution and is therefore worthwhile in the Predator hybridization, and flies away in his ship. McKenna, Nebraska, and Nettles land on the ship’s exterior, but the Predator activates a force field. This slices Nettles’ legs off, and he falls off of the ship to his death. Nebraska sacrifices himself and slides into the ship’s turbine, causing it to crash. McKenna sneaks into the ship as it crashes and attacks the Predator. After the crash, Bracket arrives, and the three manage to overpower and finish the Predator with its own weapons. They pay their respects to their fallen comrades with trinkets representing each one before heading off. After these events, McKenna and Rory are seen in a science lab watching the opening of cargo found on the Predator’s ship. A piece of technology floats out and attaches itself to a lab worker, working as a transformative “Predator killer” suit before deactivating.   - SerieSStream.online
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