#autistic eyes no reason
wereyouthere · 1 month
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skrunksthatwunk · 6 months
non-comprehensive haruhi autism creature comp
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i mean just look at him she's literally
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ftm-megamind · 4 months
david isn't a "cinnamon roll" nor is he a "mom friend" david jacobs is an autistic awkward teenager that never really had friends and comes off as kinda mean and he has no idea how to be normal. and that's exactly why all the newsboys guys liked him so much from the beginning
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Autism & Masking
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The Autistic Teacher
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
did I finally manage to write a brand new fic? I sure did!! with many, many thanks to the lovely @eeblouissant for inspiring me with these beautiful drawings of Blanche dipping Dorothy (and the incredibly sweet follow-up with Rose playing the piano, after our chat about this scene!!) I hope I managed to do it justice ;)
When Dorothy mentions she’s never been dipped before, Blanche and Rose decide to take matters in their own hands.
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undergoing-mitosis · 7 months
one of my favourite pairings is a dramatic blonde with anger issues and inferiority complex who likes to think he's hot shit, who is incredibly ambitious and dedicated yet is a complete little shit when he needs to be, and who lets absolutely nothing stand in the easy from his reaching his goals, apart from some kid who has always one upped him in every way and who he has therefore developed an irrational unrequited rivalry towards (said kid actually quite likes him but doesn't know how to express this fact), x a green eyed freckled nerd.
no this post is not about bakudeku. this post is about mello x matt.
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lacefuneral · 2 years
i think stede's adorable little milf glasses
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(figure 1. stede's adorable little milf glasses)
are not merely reading glasses, but full-blown prescription-grade lenses that he steadily refuses to wear because he had a hard enough time as a (gay) (autistic) child and didn't need the added mockery of needing a device to see in the 18th century, when glasses were not common devices yet
considering how this man deemed it necessary to have an entire LIBRARY on board, his penchant for escapism, and, again his history of being bullied, i think its reasonable to assume that stede has spent most of his life reading. that a lot of that reading, too, occurred by candlelight, and that this has rapidly deteriorated his vision
rather than wear glasses, though, even as an adult, he simply goes through the world with blurry vision, only bringing out his glasses for rare occasions. he doesn't even READ with them on, even though it would greatly help him. he has a mental block about using them, and they often collect dust in a drawer
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across-stars · 2 months
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(he's autistic to me)
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pinkcasket · 8 months
watching house is a trip but hearing the writers early opinions is so funny "he's not autistic he's just an eccentric jerk" "house isn't in love with wilson they're both straight" not only did you write an autistic bisexual you also gave him adhd and complex ptsd.
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museofthepyre · 9 months
your art really fits your appearance... are you the real life sydney sargent? i'd be freaking out if you were sydney sargent ahh
Well, yes.
I could explain my multi-year spanning selfhood/ ID situation in depth… buuuut we would be here for hours. Short answer for all intents and purposes is: yes.
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crabussy · 1 year
everyone in my school loves to scream as louyd as they can on purpose to hurt me just because they can
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mihai-florescu · 5 months
The amethyst already shattered a long time ago... ok i do like unrequired love that kills you inside consider me intrigued by fuyume now
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cringefailroboguy · 4 months
That autism moment when you can't do "proper" facial expressions that follow on your emotions in conversations so people keep telling you how you're "robotic" but then you learn 2-3 different "stock" expressions to constantly rotate in conversations to appear more expressive but they're wildly out of place of what neurotypical people usually do to express their emotions so now whenever you speak people look at you like you're insane
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subtlejackhammer · 2 years
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- loser cringe fail men in business suits
- autistic girlthings with psychic abilities whose names start with an "m"
- with the power of AUTISM (and their psychic powers too I guess) they save their loser cringe fail men from becoming even more loser cringe fails
- gah! Ghosts! That's so scary I'm so scared dude
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Autism & Stimming
Hi everyone,
I found this helpful article from Very Well Health that talks about stimming and why individuals stim. According to this article:
Examples of Stimming
If you're wondering if your loved one or child is stimming, pay attention to their behavior. Stimming suggests repetitive behavior that goes beyond what is considered culturally or socially acceptable.
For example, nail-biting and hair-twirling can be distracting but are usually acceptable in most social situations, like at work or school. Hand-flapping or spinning in circles—stimming examples that are common in autistic people—are less socially accepted.
Other examples of autistic stimming include:
Rocking back and forth
Pacing back and forth
Repeating words or phrases (echolalia)
Hard blinking
Opening and closing doors
Flicking switches
Spinning or tapping objects
Covering and uncovering the ears1
Why Is Neurodivergent Stimming Different?
People who are not autistic (neurotypical) usually stop stimming when they get a strange look from someone or otherwise recognize that their behavior is drawing attention. Autistic people perceive social cues and body language of people around them differently. Since they may not "pick up on" others' reactions to what they are doing, they may stim in situations where it's considered socially inappropriate.
Reasons for Stimming:
Although there is some debate about the actual cause of stimming, most experts consider it a tool for emotional self-regulation.
Autistic people often have sensory processing challenges. Depending on the type of response to stimuli this causes, they may over-respond or under-respond to things like sounds, light, textures, and smells.
For example, with a hypersensitive reaction, they might be overcome by a strong odor and experience sensory overload. With a hyposensitive reaction, someone might not react to or even notice a loud noise.
In these sensory situations, stimming can:
Block out excessive sensory input when someone is hypersensitive.
Provide necessary stimulation to someone who is hyposensitive.
Help manage emotions (positive and negative) that may feel too "big" for an autistic person to handle.
Help distract from physical discomfort and pain.
I hope many of you found this helpful and informative. ♥️
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thornheartless · 1 day
whos worse for each other. butchlander or ozycom
That is the question of the century I think, I'm inclined to say butchlander because in an alternative universe I could actually see ozycom making it work in a way that's at least a little better for each other
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