#author: commonnonsense
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yeehanfrf · 2 years ago
Week 13 Recs: It's about the Yearning
Week 13's theme was "It's about the yearning," or fics with an emphasis on pining, mutual or otherwise.
Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
Not Rated
This Year by CommonNonsense [8,835 words] Reccer comment: "extra cute, deliciously drawn out stuck-together-in-a-cabin pining"
The holidays are not kind to those on their own. Hanzo, at least, has never been overly invested in this time of year--but McCree, as he often does, changes things, and when a mission sees them snowed in together on Christmas Eve, there is no way to avoid it.
General Audiences
It Ain't Easy by KittenzCaboodle [29,426 words]
It’s St. Patrick’s day and Hanzo does not have a green shirt to wear.
This is not ideal.
On his quest to borrow one and properly join in on the planned celebration at the base, both he and Cole reminisce about how life has changed since Hanzo joined Overwatch. -
Fic written for YeeHan Week 2022!
Teen and Up
Dreamlike by mataglap [4,063 words] Reccer comment: "I FOUND IT!! there's a surprising amount of dream kiss fics"
Hanzo is used to bad dreams, and he never would have expected that a good dream would end up haunting him the most.
Flowers Like Ashes by NoirSongbird [8,266 words] Reccer comment: "Hanahaki, rated teen! There be angst 👀"
The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. Hanzo Shimada is desperately in love with Jesse McCree -- the flower petals he coughs up whenever McCree so much as looks his way are plenty of evidence of that. It is unfortunate, then, that McCree utterly despises him.
Hiraeth by robocryptid [11,947 words]
After discovering that the mercenary Reaper is his old commander and mentor, Cole takes some time to get his head on straight. Hanzo refuses to let him do it alone.
Or: the author gives Cole Cassidy the kind of feelgood, big emotions, rite-of-passage road trip usually imagined for American teenagers, except this time it's for two grown-ass vigilante murder dudes.
Just Once by Vimeddiee [2,534 words]
Cole dreams that he’s kissing someone.
Sweet Dreams by Dracoduceus [5,134 words]
Hanzo’s dreams started to leak into reality and it becomes harder and harder to deal with, especially with his unresolved feeling toward Cassidy.
Tell Me by Akiko_Natsuko [27,728 words] Reccer comment: "pretty okay ff with past blackwatch Cass/Scion Hanzo"
They had me years before, a fling that had ended without names being exchanged and with an unspoken farewell. Hanzo had never expected to find the Cowboy again, let alone on the day he joined Overwatch. And he was unprepared for the fact that the man that he had never managed to forget, was unable to recognise him the day he finally gave Cassidy his name.
Unaddressed by robocryptid [11,100 words] Reccer comment: "the first chapter is amazing"
He gave twelve years of his life to the original Overwatch. He’s seen dozens of MIA cases, investigated more than a few of them himself. It’s not new. It’s just that now the organization’s so small; it makes it feel a lot more personal.
Winston gave the order. He can’t argue with the logic that he’s the one whose background best fits this particular task. But it was Genji asking him directly — trusting him with this in a way he knows it’s hard for Genji to trust — that made him agree to it.
So he rummages through Hanzo’s desk in search of anything that could help.
Undisclosed Desires by Calardes [12,751 words]
An unexpected dream forced Hanzo to reassess his relationship with a certain cowboy.
Now he could think of little else but how much he wanted to kiss him.
Wake-up Call by fishpoets [2,149 words] Reccer comment: "Love realization"
Falling in love is deceptively simple. Admitting it is trickier.
All the Little Pieces by KittenzCaboodle [57,890 words]
Cole Cassidy had not known peace ever since Hanzo Shimada had been thrust into his life, but - with some "time" - realizes that maybe it's not so bad having him around.
In fact, maybe it was always meant to be.
Foxhole Dreaming by fishpoets [18,569 words] Reccer comment: "And there was only one bed"
After Hanzo and McCree are ambushed on an undercover mission and McCree is injured, they need to hide out in a secret bunker that McCree knows of while they wait to be rescued. The prospect of a few days in close-quarters alone with McCree wouldn't be a problem, except for one thing: Hanzo's feelings for the gunslinger don't stop at friendship.
i could love you (for the rest of my life) by fwop [3,494 words] Reccer comment: "Oh. *Oh*"
“--if you had just listened to me for once, instead of running off--”
He’s gesturing wildly with his hands, more expression on his face than Jesse ever thought he’d see, more expression than Hanzo would ever like to show (if he had his way). He probably hasn’t even realized what he looks like right now. Instead, he’s doing his level best to cuss Jesse from one end to the other. He’s spittin’ mad.
Source of Light by YourAverageJoke [WIP; 10,745 words] Reccer comment: "unfinished but still sweet"
Hanzo wonders if perhaps he had realized it before. Cassidy has been a constant in his life lately, a steady presence he isn’t even ashamed to admit he’s more than a little fond of. It certainly explains how he ended up here; it had seemed natural, after having sat on his bed for hours, staring into the cold, dark abyss of insomnia, to seek out his favourite source of light, especially after he had spent almost two weeks in its constant glow.
Sharing a bed trope with a small twist, some insecurities, lots of sap, and a happy ending.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by KittenzCaboodle [34,828 words] Reccer comment: "18+ and one of my favorites"
The man first in line for the Shimada throne was the last picture that Cole had been given to memorize. Hanzo Shimada. They had said it was unlikely that he would be sent, as he was too important for such menial tasks, but he was the next likely candidate according to Genji.
He gazed longingly towards the door, aching to step outside and get a fresh breath of the cool night air. As he silently grumbled about the sweat rolling down his back, the bodies grinding against each other in the club making the place hot and steamy in all the wrong ways, he saw him.
Of all the people in the world, Hanzo Shimada, the worst possible person, had just walked through the door and was putting their entire Blackwatch mission at risk.
Somehow, Cole had to distract him long enough to for Genji to get out, and he was willing to do whatever it takes, even if he was caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.
But when the Devil buys you dinner and is one of the nicest people you've ever met, then things get confusing.
Crossing Stars by ceasefire [3,488 words] Reccer comment: "Young angsty yeehan has my heart forever"
Hanzo Shimada sneaks out to meet his lover with the help of his brother. Unfortunately, it seems that this will be the last time that they will see one another, and Hanzo decides to throw caution to the wind and do what he really wants for a change.
Not That I'm Complaining by robocryptid [28,981 words] Reccer comment: "I've only read this about a hundred million times, no big uwu"
An AU in which both Shimadas join Blackwatch, and Cole Cassidy falls in love dick first. Approximately 50/50 porn to feelings.
Tell Me Yer Name by kylar [23,161 words] Reccer comment: "YOUNG ANGSTY YEEHAN HAS MY HEART FOREVER"
Hanzo escapes the castle for a breath of fresh air following a particularly difficult day with the clan, and finds one in a mysterious, handsome American cowboy that instantly earns Hanzo's attention. Hanzo knows from subtle clues that his presence in Hanamura could mean trouble for his clan and himself, but that doesn't stop him from carrying on a secret affair with the charming cowboy. It's just a fling though, and he knows it will end eventually. He'll be able to put the cowboy behind him and continue on with his responsibilities and duties to the Shimada Clan. Little does he know, it won't be that easy, and the cowboy's short presence in his life will have a dramatic and devastating impact on everything that is to follow their little affair.
to lie down with dogs by motorghost [65,540 words] Reccer comment: "This is one of my favorite fics in this fandom. I really like the character dynamic here."
Hanzo and Cole are on a top-secret reconnaissance mission in the industrialized wasteland of post-Crisis North Dakota, hunkered down in a factory ill-fit for human occupation. Cole seems fine with the situation, but Hanzo's doubts extend far beyond their little room.
To Share (Cake) is to Care by spinel [4,679 words] Reccer comment: "funny pining with an extra hilarious dose of obliviousness"
“Howdy, Hanzo.” McCree smiles sunnily. “I'm guessin' Athena didn't give you a heads up. My quarters—all of Wing 3's quarters are flooded. Angela's with Genji, Lena's in Angela's room, Lúcio and Hana are in the break room, Torbjörn and Reinhardt both snore like you wouldn't believe, Zenyatta's in Genji's room, and Athena won't let me use the training room for a nap.”
It takes a moment, but then Hanzo's eyes narrow. “Athena told you I had a futon.”
And that's it for the Week 13 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a recommendation.
If you happen to find a fic you love using this rec list, be sure to leave the author kudos and a comment! Even "I found this fic because someone recced it" is a lovely thing to say.
Come back next time for Week 14: "Mermaid for Each Other," celebrating MerMay with mermaid and other sea creature fics.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 12 recs here, or check the full list of past and future themes here.
Curious about the icon and some of the fic titles? This rec blog supports #EndOTWRacism, a fan campaign asking the AO3 to make good on its 2020 promises to address racist harassment on the site. Fans of color deserve to feel safe and welcome in fan spaces. To learn more, please visit @end-otw-racism and read their Call to Action.
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lupines-slash-recs · 6 years ago
Rec: Adaptation by CommonNonsense
Rec: Adaptation by CommonNonsense
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Title: Adaptation Author: CommonNonsense Canon: Overwatch Pairing: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada Rating: Mature [R] Word Count: 13,315 Summary: McCree always did like a challenge, and Hanzo Shimada is a bundle of challenges wrapped up in a handsome package and tied with a gold ribbon. (more…)
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mataglap · 2 years ago
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author recs? always. 
in no particular order (I’m going through my bookmarks), with a sample excellent fic for taste:
CommonNonsense -- Adaptation motorghost - catch yourself leoandlancer - More than Most Nagaina - Ghost Stories on Route 66 spinel - Customary fishpoets - Foxhole Dreaming coinin - Pine Woods wyntera -- The Siege of Kakōgan Castle EtLaBete -- A Man Is His Actions
many of those use Cassidy’s old name, so if that sours your reading experience, I recommend the Word Replacer II extension for Chrome. 
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barduil · 6 years ago
I’d been waiting for the Fandom Fic Rec Day to rec some fics, so here we go! The stories below are my favourite McHanzo fics, which I highly recommend! Some of them are pretty popular already, but I still wanted to include them. :)  
Like the River by Goodluckdetective  • Teen and Up Audiences, Fluff and Angst, Slow Build
Dragon Spirits don’t trust just anyone.
McCree never expected for them to ever trust him.
Or how McCree gained some trust, won a shootout, almost caught the flu, and proceeded to be the most handsome damsel in distress Overwatch has ever seen.
Fifteen Minutes by Goodluckdetective • Teen and Up Audiences, Mind Control, Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery
He was only gone for fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes can change everything.
Hanzo, Talon and Project Widowmaker.
Thinking Out Loud by xanavici • Teen and Up Audiences, Angst with a Happy Ending
McCree is bleeding out and it's Hanzo's job to keep him awake.
Paper Flight by Blackwatch_McCree • Teen and Up Audiences, Fluff
Some things just take time. McCree is convinced that he could spend the rest of his life folding paper cranes and he'd never get it right. But then again, perfection is hardly the point.
The Looking Glass by firefly_quill • Teen and Up Audiences, Alternate Universe - Modern Fantasy
Hanzo lives a quiet life in his small magical antiquities shop, just far enough off the beaten-path. Quiet, at least, until Ana arrives with a magic mirror and a request.
In Resounding Silence by Raepocalypse • Teen and Up Audiences, Alternate Universe - Soulmate-Identifying Marks
"Well now, aren't you the handsomest man who ever did try to kill me?"
The words of a soulmate were always determinate. They dictated a large part of each person's life. Hanzo had always been unfortunate enough to know that his soulmate will die by his hand. He is a Shimada assassin and they do not try.
If he's wrong, though, what is he supposed to say back?
Crescendo by CommonNonsense • Not Rated, Friends to Lovers
It turns out that Hanzo plays the violin, and McCree can't get that out of his head.
Discontinuity by SaltCore • Teen and Up Audiences, Angst with a Happy Ending, Amnesia
They tell him his name is Jesse McCree. They tell him he’s a vigilante and a mercenary and a brave man and a good man. He supposes he’ll have to take their word for it.
He can’t remember for himself.
A Better Fate Than Roadkill by robocryptid • General Audiences, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Animal Transformation, Fluff and Crack
When shelter worker Hanzo takes in a rescued armadillo, he doesn't expect it to be quite so much trouble. Or for it to take such a shine to him. Or for it to maybe, possibly, be more than an ordinary armadillo.
Something a Little Sweeter by DeskGirl • General Audiences, Asexual Characters, Miscommunication, Fluff
In the several months that they’ve been dating, McCree has never invited Hanzo into his room or asked to come over to Hanzo’s place. When Hanzo asks to have drinks with him in private, McCree thinks he knows where things are headed, and he’s not sure what to do about it.
Hi Fun Kou Gai by wyntera • Teen and Up Audiences, Angst with a Happy Ending
Hi Fun Kou Gai: a righteous, miserable anger, a frustration and despair over a situation that seems terrible but cannot be changed.
And finally, my favourite of favourites is actually a gen fic! 
Project Bloodhound by DeskGirl • rated E for Graphic Depictions of Violence, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. Beware the tags! 
Mere months after the collapse of Overwatch, Jesse McCree is captured by Talon. Held in an unknown location, he becomes the unwilling participant of a radical new experiment devised by Moira. Two years later he escapes, a changed man—both figuratively and literally. By happenstance, he finds a safe place with estranged family, and attempts to heal from the ordeal. But what, exactly, happened to him during those missing years?
If you read and enjoy any of these, don’t forget to leave a kudos and a little comment, you’ll make an author’s day, and they deserve it! <3 
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freebooter4ever · 7 years ago
Mchanzo fics that might fulfill @robo-cryptid’s au wishlist
 To The Great Deep He Goes by Cibeeeee
THE mchanzo College AU. My personal favorite. There’s a scene with Hanzo and KITTENS, so like, enough said. Also Jesse’s relationship with his Hat is adorable.
Hopeless by Ilyen
Hanzo thinks Jesse is a jerk who is arrogant and flirty but don’t worry Genji fixes that with his annoying little brother tactics (TM).
In Whose Authority by Firefly_quill
This fic should be canon at this point. Jesse is a very confident flirt, but somehow Hanzo is more so and sizes him up in one go. The confrontation afterwards with Genji and Gabe is the most hilarious ‘everyone finds out’ scenario I’ve read yet.
Organic Chem And Other Health Hazards by Goodluckdetective
Hilarious. College AU in which Hanzo worries over Jesse’s study habits
Hana Song’s Guide on How Not To Be Weird by LeftHand
For once it’s HANZO who is recruiting Jesse who ignored the recall and Jesse is the slightly out of control, dysfunctional one who needs all the help he can get and also is developing a crush on a certain overwatch archer.
House Share by CommonNonsense
Hanzo represses his Giant Crush on his college roommate until everything boils over and then Hanzo runs and hides. Luckily Jesse is good at finding.
Fool’s Gold by Leoandlancer
Favorite Fairytale Dragon AU I’ve read yet, it’s full of magic and whimsy.
Daydreams and Ninja Parties by MalevolentMango
Hanzo has a crush on his college roommate and he despairs.
More Than True by Asherhyder
Fairytale AU. Honestly I’m not entirely certain what happens in this, everything is a little hazy, a little dreamy in my memory, but it’s good.
The Royal Hunt by SugarMaddy
Jesse is a spoiled selfish prince who thinks he can get anything he wants, and he wants Hanzo. Hanzo considers his attraction to the prince an annoyance and dutifully ignores it. Until he can’t. (warning jesse is a douche in the beginning)
Modern Romance by Gleed
This would be a college AU if everyone was the same age because it basically has the dynamics of ‘everyone lives in the same dorm where there’s an open door policy and everyone knows everyone and then someone hosts a Big Party and no one can keep their hands to themselves’.
Nutmeg and Cinnamon by Thtzwhatuthink
College AND coffeeshop AU where Hanzo receives free coffee from a mysterious admirer while also fielding the attentions of a Hot Barista named Jesse. 
Acceptable Substitute by Mataglap
Jesse is VERY forward. And very confident in his skill, but Hanzo finds out he has reason to be. Then they both have to sort out their emotional issues.
Bean Grinder by 2gay4that
Hanzo is in college and is Super Tired and also Sexually Frustrated and Jesse works in the only coffee shop around that stays open during odd hours.
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cryptidhanzoshimada · 7 years ago
Your writing is so lovely!!! Do u have any favorite authors urself??
Thank you so much!!
And yea i have a few authors that i absolutely adore their writing
fishpoets  AsheRhyder  SaltCore  wyntera  CommonNonsense
All of their fics are just amazing and I constantly find myself going back and re-reading them
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inevitably-johnlocked · 8 years ago
Please bombard me with Pining Sherlock fics. I need some.
You asked for it, you got it Nonny! This is literally my favourite trope in the entirety of existence. I have a tonne of fics, and I’m still sorting all of my bookmarks, so I probably still have more to add. I had SO MANY TO PUT ON THIS LIST, that I had to remove links to the authors, because Tumblr kept deleting all my links. So yes, over 150 fics here below, all from mostly Sherlock’s POV (@holmesthesociopath, this should help with your ask as well until I finish the list of Sherlock POV fics for you)!
Because I’ve been working on this list for over 6 months, please advise me of any broken links and I will do my best to find them again for you!
Get ready to have your face ripped off 🙃
Tap by doctorcaseyholmes (G, 896w || Fluff, Morse Code) – Sherlock finds an unobtrusive way to let out his feelings for John.
Dismantle the Sun by Mount_Seleya (T, 965 w. || John Whump, 3G, Angst, Grief) – After a gunshot leaves John in critical condition, Sherlock holds vigil beside his hospital bed, slowly unravelling as the night progresses.
Upon Reflection, Tenable Frippery by emmagrant01 (T, 1,299 w. || John’s Beard, First Kiss, Fluff) – John was, inexplicably, growing a beard.
But Love Is A Voice On The Wind by Snow (M, 1,832 w. || First Time, Meddling Mycroft, Texting) – Sherlock keeps getting texts from Mycroft with tips on wooing John.
Through A Glass by Mildredandbobbin (M, 2,012 w. || Voyeurism, Masturbation, First Kiss) – There is an adjoining door in the bathroom at 221B that leads into Sherlock’s bedroom. The door, from the bathroom to Sherlock’s bedroom, is made of three glass, semi-opaque panels. It has suddenly come to Sherlock’s attention that if he stands in exactly the right spot in his bedroom he can see through said panels, and more to the point, can see John.
The Marriage Proposal Negotiation by Goddess_of_the_Night (G, 2,161 w. || Dev. Rel., Possessive Sherlock, Insecure Sherlock, Fluff, First Kiss, Post Mary) – Sherlock hasn’t ever really done anything the traditional way, so of course it wouldn’t bother him to propose to John even though they’re not even dating. And the fact that John is already on a date with someone else when he decides to do it? Tedious.
A Symphony of Chemical Reactions by what_alchemy (T, 2,351 w. || Experiments, Est. Rel., Fluff) – Cooking’s just chemistry and time management. (Sherlock loves John so much it’s gross)
Assurance by belovedmuerto (T, 2,382 w. || Bed-Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Idiots in Love) – It’s not so much the ‘you’re half-dead, you wanker,’ or even the broken ribs, the hairline fracture of the pelvis, the dislocated shoulder and knee, and the wrenched ankle.
Turbulence in the Sky by esplanade (T, 2,837 w. || Fluff, Pining, Anxious Sherlock, Love Confessions) – “But some things needed to stay secret. Or at least, that was what he told himself every time he lost his nerve.”
BBCSH ‘How To Save A Life’ by tigersilver (T, 2,784 w. || First Kiss, Angsty Schmoop, Requited Love) – Pining, requited, and unabated spates of ‘first kiss’ fluff. Post Mary, AU, mildly cracky. John lays a smooch on Sherlock’s nape in passing. The world does that thing it does when it wobbles and Sherlock practically falls off his own pins. Part 1 of ‘How To…’
On a Sunday Morning by SD_Ryan (G, 3,136w. || Fluff, First Kiss, Obsessive Sherlock) – Sherlock has a little problem. He can’t stop obsessing about John Watson. {{Note to Self: ‘Cheese Tease’}}
Because Blah Blah Blah Happy by cwb (E, 4,578 w. || Fluff, Cuddles, Kissing, First Kiss, Requited Love, Pining Sherlock) – John is entirely done with the milk situation and gives Sherlock a list of shit he’s pissed about. Sherlock sets out to make John happy. John is happy. Sherlock makes his own list. They are both very, very happy.
Confessions by crimsonwinter (T, 4,711 w. || Love Confessions, Fluff) – John and Sherlock finally confess their love for each other.
How Will I Know? by eragon19 (E, 4,895 w. || Pining, Love Confessions, POV Sherlock, Fluff, Sherlock’s Imagination, Papa Lestrade) – Here was the problem: Sherlock Holmes was completely and irrevocably in love with John Watson, and he had absolutely no idea how to tell him.
Telling the Bees by siennna (G, 5,174 w. || Fluff, Beekeeping, POV Sherlock, Love Confessions) – It took a beat of silence for the words to settle in, before both of them realized what John said. “You—” Sherlock started. “I—” John said at the same time. “Love me? You love me?” Sherlock asked faintly. Part 3 of sienna’s favorites
A Study in Intimacy by doodle (T, 5,183 w. || First Kiss, Virginity, Romance, Touching) – People don’t touch Sherlock Holmes, not like they touch other people. Then he meets John Watson.
the lingering taste of orange juice by darcylindbergh (G, 5,824 w. || Pining Sherlock, Fluff, Miscommunications, Humour) – Sherlock felt the familiar heat surge in his abdomen again at the touch: hope strung taut between head and heart as in all the quiet moments between them, when Sherlock sometimes got the clues all mixed up and thought maybe John felt something too. For once, Sherlock is the idiot.
Tease You Till You Come by phoenix089 (E, 6,090 w. || First Time, Clueless Sherlock, Texting) – Initially, Sherlock was rather put out by John’s lack of presence on the case. But then he starts to recieve pictures, several of them, of an unexpected nature. The case is forgotten rather quickly after that.
Onomatopoeia by aquabelacqua (M, 6,904 w. || First Time/Kiss, Frottage, Dirty Talk, Domestics, Word Kink) – Something is the matter with John. Sherlock is determined to figure out what it is. Mark his words.
I’m Pretty Sure This Changes Shit by cwb (E, 7,672 w. || Fluff, Cudding, Doctor/Patient, Accidents) – Sherlock finds increasingly ridiculous ways to get John to patch him up after hurting himself.
Matters of National Security by mistyzeo (E, 8,465 w. || Jealous Sherlock, First Time, RST, Idiots in Love, Frottage) – John starts dating a male client of Sherlock’s, and Sherlock can’t figure out why he’s so incensed about it.
A Terrific Soporific by antietamfalls (T, 11,269 w. || Bed Sharing, Sleepy Cuddles, Fluff, Insomnia, Experiments) – Sherlock, a long-time sufferer of insomnia, is forced to share a bed with John at a hotel while on a case. To his astonishment, he finds that spending the night next to John helps him sleep and becomes determined to maneuver himself back into John’s bed.
100 ways to say ‘I love you’ by Teatrolley (NR, 2,143 w. || Slow Build, Pining Sherlock, Fluff, Domestics) – In which there are a hundred phrases and none of them are “I love you.” Until they are.
The Sum of His Parts by CommonNonsense (T, 4,311 w. || Body Worship, First Kiss / Time) – There are eleven major organ systems in the human body. Sherlock knows about all of them to some degree, but none fascinate him as much as the ones that make up John Watson.
One Day Like This by nondeducible (E, 4,872 w. || First Time, Bed-Sharing, Romance, Fluff, Virgin Sherlock) – When Sherlock emerged from the bathroom, the sight before him nearly took his breath away. The only light in the room was the small lamp on the bedside table. John’s skin shone like gold, his hair like the purest silver. He was on his side, facing the empty part of the bed, his outstretched hands ready to embrace whoever climbed in next to him. Sherlock could imagine, just for a second, that this was their shared bed and he was coming back to settle into John’s arms.
Bread and Wine and Curry Once a Week by cwb (E, 8,737 w. || Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Stroppy Sherlock, Love Letters, POV John) – Sherlock asks John for relationship advice. Little does he know that it’s him that Sherlock is in love with.
Tomorrow’s Song by agirlsname (M, 24,645 w. || Post-TRF, POV Sherlock, Angst with a Happy Ending, Virgin / Repressed Sherlock, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Pining) – How can he think a relationship with me would be a good idea? I am the sort of person to take a break from my life and when I come back after two years, I expect to find it exactly as I left it. In reality I find it shattered to pieces. (I actually equate you with my life. When did I start doing that?)
Triage by scullyseviltwin (E, 51,612 w. || Character Injury, Introspection) – Sherlock’s mind goes exceedingly, devastatingly quiet and gray-blank. When he speaks it’s through a thick haze, it’s through molasses, he’s so disconnected from the words that it may as well be the unconscious shooter speaking.
In the Dark Hours by hubblegleeflower (E, 51,639 w. || Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Closeted Bi John, Angst, Miscommunications, Slow Burn, First Time, John’s Blog / Epistolary) – John, wounded and silent, drifts back to Baker Street for healing…and then goes home again. He visits, gets more upbeat, chattier, smiles, jokes… and still goes home again. Sherlock wants him to move back in - it just makes sense - but John shows no signs of doing so. This is the story of how John and Sherlock learn to say what needs to be said when they’re both so very, very rubbish at talking.
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror (E, 58,883 w. || Post S4, Couple For a Case, Bed-Sharing, First Times, Confessions, Awkwardness, Sex Trafficking) – Sherlock and John go undercover at Ravine Valley, a therapy centre for same-sex male couples in an investigation into a possible human trafficking ring. As they pose as a couple and fake their way through the therapy sessions for the sake of the case, it quickly becomes difficult to avoid discussing their very real issues. Set roughly six nine months after series 4.
Definitions by siennna (T, 101,528 w+ WiP || Fluff and Humour, Love Confessions, Romance, Snuggling) – Sherlock’s journey in defining his flat mate and stumbling through the muddled world of emotion. {{This feels complete; the chapter count is listed as ? but I feel like it is done}}
Fitting by thegingerbatch (G, 380w. || Angst, Hard Pining) – John and his best man get fitted for their tuxedos.
This Kiss by suitesamba (T, 731 w. || Humour, Drunkenness, Angst, Stag Night) – Stag Night - back at 221B - in a world where Mrs. Hudson doesn’t interrupt the guessing game with the client. Part 1 of The “This” Series
The Other Shoe by thewaitwasworthitlove - (NR, 1,053w || Angst, Unrequited Love, Post-Wedding) - Sherlock realizes how deep in love he has fallen for John. Only Sherlock Holmes would manage to be more shattered than crystal dropped on concrete.
The Signs of Loss by LitLocked (NR, 1,103 w. || Angst, Hard Pining, Hurts Like Hell) – Sherlock’s internal monologue after he comes back from the wedding.
Ode to a Well-Worn Chair by hogwartswitch (G, 1,274 w. || Post-TSo3, John’s Chair, Angst, Love Confessions, Mind Palace) – Takes place the night Sherlock left John’s wedding early. Why did he move John’s chair and where did he move it?
Bolt Holes by PostcardsfromTheoryland (T, 4,177 w. || H/C, Angst, Drug Mentions) – John asked, one evening, if Sherlock liked her. To which he grudgingly had to say yes, and John said he was glad. Because John was going to propose to her.
But Tonight You Belong to Me by esplanade (T, 4,296 w. || Fluff & Angst, Pining, Stag Night) – “You. It’s always you. John Watson, you keep me right.”
Velvet by headlessjess (G, 1,155 w. || Pining, Angst, Jealous Sherlock, Loneliness, Sad Fic) – It’s the day, the wedding day - John and Mary, getting married. And then there’s Sherlock, in pain and in love, without knowing how to deal with it.
The Light of Day by allonsys_girl (M, 7,297 w. || First Kiss, Angst, TSo3-Fix-It, Possessive Sherlock, ) – Rewrite of the end of Sign of Three. John actually notices Sherlock leaving the reception early, and chases after him. Angsty Johnlock. Happy ending, for sure. Part 1 of The Light of Day
Goodnight (My John) by consultingcenturion (T, 1,073 w. || Angst, H/C, Pre-Slash, Goodbyes, Unrequited) – Sherlock says a silent goodbye to the one whom he loves most—who he knows he must hurt. Part 1 of Goodnight (My John)
In My Life (and dreams, you take my breath away) by Nina36 (NR, 2,847 w. || Post-TRF/TEH, Angst, Pining Sherlock) – The first time he had dreamt about John he had been in Peru. He had been “dead” a little over a month, squatting in a tiny rented room, the heat and the stains on the walls making him slightly claustrophobic. It had been a nice dream: John and he eating take away Chinese in their kitchen, a song coming from Mrs. Hudson’s radio downstairs, something about friends and lovers and how no one compared with him, his mind supplied in his dream.
The Death of Doubt by Gingerhermit (E, 6,584 w. || Alternate Canon, BAMF John, POV Sherlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Drama, Meddling Mycroft) – Mycroft asks for John’s help in rescuing Sherlock from his Serbian captors.
White Blank Page by SarahCat1717 (M, 11,936 w. || Post-TRF, Clever John, Reunion Fic, Pining Sherlock, Letters, Fantasies) – Post-fall, Sherlock is off eliminating Moriarty’s crime web. He finds he misses John. He can’t divulge that he still lives, but he placates his need to communicate with John and still feel a connection with him by sending him blank letters. But over time, this writing exercise lends itself to Sherlock exploring his feelings for his friend. What will happen when Sherlock returns to London and the man he has been “writing” to regularly for the past two years? NOT S3 compliant. Mary who?
Clarity by socomessnow (NR, 1,283 w. || Unresolved Romantic Tension, First Person POV) – During-and-post-HLV piece tracking Sherlock’s thought process from his phone call with Mycroft to his return to the airfield. “John. John Hamish Watson. The sight of him right now, in this moment, is the most beautiful, the most surreal thing I have ever experienced: John—my eyes land on his, he’s looking back at me, and it’s beautiful.” Part 1 of Rifts {{ALSO PAINFUL. VERY VERY PAINFUL}}
BBCSH ‘Lament’ by tigersilver (T, 2,951 w.|| Implied Infidelity, Angst, Post-HLV, Canon Divergence) – When Sherlock is alone in the flat he still speaks to John Watson.
In the cherry blossom’s shade by Eliane (M, 3,934 w. || Post S3, First Time / Kiss, Sleeping Together, Pining / Obsessive Sherlock, Minor Char. Death) – This isn’t new. Sherlock has already done this – has gone through cities, and dingy hotels, and sleepless nights but it was different before. John wasn’t there before.They’re in this together.
The Engine by stitchy (T, 8,294 w. || Time Travel, Post-HLV, Sci-Fi, First Kiss) – Shortly after the events of His Last Vow, Sherlock has an opportunity to revisit the night of A Study in Pink and get some perspective on the destiny of he and John’s relationship.
Back to the Start by slashscribe (M, 14,088 w. || Sherlock’s Violin, Pining Idiots, Fluff, Domestics) – Sherlock hasn’t played the violin since John’s wedding (which is long since over), and when John returns to 221B, Sherlock relearns the violin as he and John relearn each other. Post S3 fic with an obscene amount of pining, idiocy, and attempts to pawn off tea duties.
At the Edge of Desire by philalethia (E, 16,375 w. || Post S3, Pining, Arse Worship, Humour, First Kiss / TIme, Sexual Fantasy, Awkwardness) – While helping John move back in to the flat, Sherlock discovers a strap-on among John’s things. He finds the discovery considerably difficult to move past.
State of Flux by Atiki (E, 24,655 w. || Sherlock POV, Slow Burn, First Kiss/Time, Friends to Lovers, Frottage, Cuddles and Snuggles, Awkwardness, Insecure/Virgin Sherlock, Romance) – John’s marriage is over and he is finally back home (i.e. at Baker Street, where he belongs). Sherlock is awfully insecure and John is awfully hesitant, and they’re both awkward idiots, of course, but they figure it out. Many First Times happen.
Shallow Grave by SilentAuror (E, 32,672 w. || Romance, Angst, HLV Fix It, Infidelity, Pining Sherlock) – Starts as Sherlock’s plane is taking off at the end of His Last Vow. When he finds out that Moriarty is alive and that he’s being recalled from his mission, Sherlock decides that he should have told John how he felt before he left. So he walks off the plane and kisses him.
A Study In Auto-Signatures, Sniper Dolphins, and Sex Holidays by cwb (E, 32,690 w. || Case Fic, Post S3, Evil Mary, Dev. Rel., Honeymoon, Epistolary, Bottomlock, First Kiss / Time, Fluff, Secret Agents, BAMF!John) – John and Mary go on their sex holiday, and Sherlock is grumpy and pining about it. Part 1 of HOT DOLPHIN SEX
Pater Noster by SilentAuror (E, 34,256 w. || Case Fic, HLV+, Family Trauma, Sherlock POV, Villain Mary) – During the autumn that John is staying at Baker Street again after Sherlock was shot, he ruminates over the similarity between Sherlock’s shot and the one that killed his father when he was fifteen. Cold case meets series 3 fix-it. Part I takes place entirely within His Last Vow, Part II takes place starting at the end of HLV and continues after.
I don’t mind by beltainefaerie (G, 221 w. || Angst, Stag Night, Heavy Pining) – Sherlock is more vulnerable than he pretends. Part 4 of Bel’s Tumblr Ficlets
Human Error by YakuzaDog (G, 571 w. || HLV Missing Scene, Angst) – Sherlock goes on a brief shopping trip.
The Hollow Man by HHarris (G, 639 w. || John’s Chair, Introspection, Sherlock’s Big Feelings™, Post TRF) – Still reeling from the apparent loss of his one and only friend, Sherlock returns to 221B for the first time after the events of The Reichenbach Fall.
Dismantle the Sun by Mount_Seleya (T, 965 w. || John Whump, 3G, Angst, Grief) – After a gunshot leaves John in critical condition, Sherlock holds vigil beside his hospital bed, slowly unravelling as the night progresses.
Sherlock’s soldier!John Kink is Getting Out of Hand by wendymarlowe (E, 1,247 w. || Secret Crush, Military Kink, Masturbation) – Sherlock’s got a secret kink. And a secret box where he hides his pictures of John in uniform. And a very, very secret crush on his flatmate.
Loving John Watson by Spark_Writer (T, 2,036 w. || Canon Compliant, Angst, Falling in Love, First Person POV) – You discover early on that you want him. Maybe even the very day you meet.
Perfect Solo by Itsallfine (E, 2,384 w. || Frottage, Fantasy, Sex Toys, Dirty Talk, Solo) – Sherlock couldn’t decide how he wanted to have John that night. (The one where Sherlock uses his box of sex toys to take himself apart in every way John might have him.)
Rescue by missilemuse (T, 2,574 w. || Fake Relationship, Sherlock Whump, Irene Helps Sherlock) - If this was the way Sherlock Holmes loved, it was no wonder why he had avoided the damned emotion for over half of his life. Part 6 of Reichenbach To Return [[this isn’t really Johnlock, but it is… it’s non-ad10ck ad10ck. You have to read it to understand. It’s SO good and painful, trust me. Sherlock!Whump and pining]].
Museums and Laboratories by RhododendronPonticum (T, 3K+ w. || Separation Anxiety, Worried Sherlock, Low-Key Pining) – If Sherlock’s kitchen was his laboratory, then his bedroom was his museum.
Atrium by kali_asleep (T, 3,460 w. || 5+1, Valentines Day, Fluff & Schmoop, First Kiss) – Five times Sherlock gave John his heart, and the one time Sherlock got a heart in return (literally)
In the Bleak Midwinter (A Canticle for Advent) by CaitlinFairchild (M, 3,476 w. || Angst, Injury, Missing Scenes, HLV Timeline) – In the autumn of 2014, Mary Watson shot Sherlock Holmes. This is what happened after.
Spoils of War by sweetcupncakes (E, 3,563 w. || Bottomlock, Military Kink, Comeplay, Anal) – John brushes his thumb over the gun’s slide, over the rear sight. Sherlock’s mouth feels too wet. He could lick John’s fingers, suck on them, bite down softly on that callus that is a direct result of John’s frequent need to handle the gun at all. Sherlock could do that, John might like it, really. Sherlock has been told his mouth is absolutely lovely.
Nineteen Seconds of Falling by EmmyAngua (T, 3,739 w. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Falling in Love) – Sherlock spends exactly nineteen seconds zoned out after John asks him to be best man. He retreats to his mind palace in the desperate hope of figuring out what he wants, unfortunately for him his mind palace is full of people who keep trying to give him advice.
Private Rituals by justacookieofacumberbatch (buffyholic) (E, 4,377 w. || Mastrubation, Anal, Light BDSM, Military Kink) – Sherlock has a very specific masturbation ritual, but what would John think of it?
The Dance Lesson by bittergreens (G, 4,596w. || TSo3 Missing Scene, Dance Lesson, Angst, Romance) – Sherlock teaches John to dip. Part 1 of Goodnight, Vienna
The Prize We Sought Is Won by deathfrisbees (E, 4,610 w. || First Time, Mild D/S, Oral, Military Kink, Bottomlock) – Sherlock’s in love, or in lust, or both–unfortunately, the object of his affections is not only his completely oblivious flatmate, but said flatmate would probably run screaming into the hills should he find out. John’s been invited to a wedding–unfortunately, the groom used to serve under him back in Afghanistan, and requests that John wear a uniform he’s honestly not sure he fits into. Unfortunately for both flatmates, Sherlock’s got a military kink the size of Kandahar and John wants to know if he actually can fit into this uniform or if his eyes are deceiving him. It goes from there.
Facade by distantstarlight (M, 4,715 w. || Fluff, John’s Beard, No-Shave November, Grumpy Sherlock, Clueless Sherlock) – Sherlock is highly irritated with a challenge John has agreed to undertake. Why does he need to grow a beard anyway?
Better Than Fiction by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 6,813 w. || Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Imagination, Masturbation, BJ’s, First Time / Kiss) – …he opens his eyes, but instead of seeing John he is staring at his bedroom ceiling, the pale plaster a startling contrast from the scene in his head. It had felt so real. He can only imagine what the feel of John’s lips would be like, his taste. But luckily for him, he thinks with a smirk, he’s always had a brilliant imagination.
All the Times Something ALMOST Happened by allonsys_girl (T, 9,049 w. || Angst, Canon-Compliant, Friendship/Love) – John and Sherlock dancing around what they dance around in canon.
The Painted Man by jinglebell (E, 9,894 w. || Tattoos, Scent / Tattoo Kink, Rough & Tender Sex, Fluff and Smut, Obsessive / Jealous Sherlock, Touch Starvation) – Here stood John Watson – middle name, Hamish, ex-RAMC captain and field medic, favourite brand of jam: Duerr’s, preferred toothpaste: Mentadent. Loyal, steadfast, interesting John had just done the most unpredictable thing merely by being. John’s body was covered, neck-to-waistband, shoulder-to-elbow, in tattoos.
Someone I Love by hudders-and-hiddles (M, 10,002 w. || Canon Compliant, HLV-Filler Fic, Pre-Slash, Jealous John, PIning Sherlock, Angst & Fluff, UST/URT, Dog Tags) – John gets married and Sherlock finds comfort in wearing John’s identity tags around his wrist.
Pattern Behaviour by SilentAuror (E, 14,835 w || Present Tense, POV Sherlock Pining Sherlock) – Sherlock doesn’t even know why he resents John’s dates so much. Until the day he does know. Slight angst, unrequited feelings (but don’t let that scare you off!)
Anytime by SilentAuror (E, 17,995 w. || UST, Porn With Feels, POV Sherlock, Romance, UST/URT, Happy Ending, Drunken Endeavors) – Sherlock blinks and attempts to focus. There is a little too much vodka in his veins at the moment and it’s having an unfortunate effect on his brain and retinas both. There are two Johns sitting across from him, and both of them are frowning at him.“You’re drunk,” the Johns tell him. Sherlock blinks some more. “Says the man with Mrs Hudson’s doily on his head.”
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John) – John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.
Love Is by SilentAuror (E, 21,508 w. || Angst, UST / URT, Post HLV, Romance) – At Mrs Hudson’s urging, Sherlock finally decides to tell John how he feels about him. Part 1 of Love Is
Brief Conversations with the Woman by May_Shepard (E, 21,906 w. || Pining, Love Fairy Irene, Filler Fic, UST/URT, Drug Use, Clueless Sherlock, Relationship Advice, Angst w/ Happy Ending) – Sherlock has a puzzle to solve, and his name is John Watson.
There’s Someone On Your Shoulder by halloa_what_is_this (NR, 41,215 w. || Pining Sherlock, Introspection, Daydreams, Sherlock Loves John So Much it Hurts) – Sherlock trips and falls head over heels in love, makes a lot of lists and stares, stares, stares. 
Prayers by Jberry (M, 665 w. || H/C, Injury, John Whump, Fear of Death, First Person Sherlock) – Sherlock has never been a man who prayed.
Illuminating Worlds and Wastes Alike by Poedhamerons (G, 775w. || Post-TRF, Watching Over John) – There is a space of time between Sherlock dying and having to pluck apart the spider’s web. Sherlock spends it the only way he knows how. Part 1 of Stars
Goodnight (My John) by consultingcenturion (T, 1,073 w. || Angst, H/C, Pre-Slash, Goodbyes, Unrequited) – Sherlock says a silent goodbye to the one whom he loves most—who he knows he must hurt. Part 1 of Goodnight (My John)
Untouchable by greengrapegaze (T, 1,368 w. || Pre-S3, UST/URT, Oblivious John, Lonely Sherlock, Angst) – “He never would. Petty, childish, immature-bitter. Jealous. She had all that he wanted. All he could never have.” Part 1 of Steps to a Bittersweet Symphony
The Talons of Sentiment by dearcst (G, 1,463 w. || First Person POV, Angst, Unrequited Love) – I promised myself long ago I wouldn’t succumb to something so degrading, something so vicious. I promised I wouldn’t let myself fall. But that was before him. That was before I met John. In sleep there is such bliss and peace, and as John slept on my shoulder, it killed me inside to know I was so close yet I could never touch him.
Love and Bombs by Spark_Writer (T, 1,696 w. || Angst, POV Sherlock) – Love and bombs aren’t all that different, John. In the end, they’re almost indistinguishable. Part 3 of Human Error
Not Straight by IamJohnLocked4life (NR, 1,728 w. || POV Sherlock, Fluffy Angst, Happy Ending) – John moves back into 221B. Feelings come up. Happy ending.
Want by siennna (T, 1,806 w. || Fluff, Pining, First Kiss, POV Sherlock, Requited, Second Person POV) – When John speaks, you hear more than words. You hear the rise and fall of his tone, the comfortable quake of his laughter, the warm pauses of silence in between. When John laughs, there are stars glittering on his tongue and galaxies resting just behind his teeth, and you wish you could press your lips there and burrow into the warm sound. Part 6 of sienna’s favorites
The Battersea Bridge by pininglock (M, 2,585 w. || MCD, Angst, Grief, Unhappy Ending, Death Fic) – A life without John Watson isn’t a life worth living.
Green Carnation by glenien (T, 2,616 w. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Meta-Fic, Angst and Fluff, Communication, Post-TAB) – John takes Sherlock home. Part 1 of It’s No Longer Eighteen Ninety-Five
Turn the key, and come home by TooManyChoices (M, 2,718 w. || Angst/Humour, First Time/Kiss, Happy Ending) – Sherlock and John have been dancing around what’s between them for years. Will John return to Baker Street, and if so, will things ever be the same?
Let the Sun Fade Out by nothingislittle (E, 2,711 w. || Fluff & Smut, Praise Kink, PWP, Obsessed Sherlock, Bottomlock) – “He could warm the sun itself, Sherlock thinks, could heat their flat with just his presence, could brighten the room with one dazzling smile or just the sparkling in his eyes. John is everything, he’s beautiful and he shines, he’s everything.” {{Not really pining, but Sherlock is constantly missing and loving John, and it’s heartwrenching}}
All That I Have by the_arc5 (M, 3,721 w. || Post-TGG Canon Divergence, Pining Sherlock, John Whump, Anxious / Worried Sherlock, Light Angst) – In the aftermath of the Great Game, Sherlock finds himself with a new weakness. John is both the cause and the cure.
Last Christmas by Mazarin221b (T, 3,911 w. || Fluff, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss) – That Earth-shaking revelation, then, leads to a problem, and one that Sherlock realizes should be solved quickly, before John’s dates turn into girlfriends or boyfriends, because sometimes girlfriends or boyfriends can turn into wives or husbands while your back is turned. Every time John hums happily at the mirror as he shaves, splashes on a little gift cologne Mrs. Hudson bought him for Christmas, Sherlock is drawn back to that night by the fire, and the way John’s touch had made the world stand still.
Someone Else’s Heart by thisprettywren (E, 4,188 w. || First Time, H/C, POV Sherlock, Caretaking John, Pining Idiots) – A crime scene, a rainstorm, and something they both should have known all along.
Practical Johnkeeping by what_alchemy (M, 4,330 w. || Beekeeping, Aging, Gladstone, Tooth Rotting Fluff) – Sherlock predicts nectar flow the same way he deduces a murder, but he harvests the honey like John coddles the dog. (They are together but Sherlock loves John SO SO MUCH that it rips out your heart).
The Strait of Juan de Fuca by mightypog (T, 6,400w. || Angst with Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Vacations, Internal Monologue) – Sherlock is back and all seems forgiven, but something is missing between him and John. Their friendship initially appears intact, but Sherlock doesn’t understand why John seems to be slipping away. Finally, in terror, he tries to reconnect with John by taking him to the one place that seems to inspire any emotional interest in John any more: the Canadian wilderness. While there, Sherlock faces his greatest fear.
once upon a time by darcylindbergh (M, 6,501 w. || Fluff and Angst, First Kiss / Time, Love Declarations, Christmas) – It starts with a wish. In the beginning, John comes home. Part 1 of things fairy tales are made of [[they get together early, but Sherlock is SO in love with John he’s just constantly wanting him near]]
Laid Bare by esplanade (T, 6,529 w. || Romance, Fluff, Pining, Angst) – “I suppose it comes as no surprise that I always rather detested grand romantic gestures. They struck me as unnecessary and contrived, feeble attempts at desperately holding together relationships, most of which should have been allowed to fall apart.”
The T-Shirt Thief by allroadsleadbacktobakerstreet (T, 7,968 w. || Mutual Pining, Post Canon Fix It, Dev. Rel., First Kiss, Domestics) – Sherlock steals John’s t-shirt from the laundry. John catches him wearing it one evening, fluff ensues with an endeared yet teasing John?
On the Losing Side by missselene (E, 8,210 w. || Mild Dub Con., Anal / Oral, First Kiss, Angst, Pining) – After Mary’s death, John moves back into Baker Street, but is still upset at the loss of his wife and child. Eventually, he and Sherlock stumble into a sort of relationship, but it’s more physical than anything and they don’t talk about it. They especially don’t talk during sex. If they are going to have sex, Sherlock notices the signs hours beforehand, and he prepares carefully. The lights are off, they’re under the covers, he prepares himself using lots of lube so he can make it feel as much like a woman as he can, and he doesn’t let himself make any noise so that, if John wishes, he can pretend that he’s still with Mary.
Stay Awake by pandoras_chaos (E, 9,325 w. || BAMF!John, First Time, Angst, Pining Sherlock) – Sherlock can feel the tenuous threads of this conversation shuddering under the strain of all the unspoken words. His eyes narrow as he gazes up at John, noting the residual tension in his shoulders, the dark circles under his lower lids, and the way he is avoiding Sherlock’s eyes like a bi-polarized magnet. He knows John Watson inside and out, like the perfectly balanced coils and gears of a beautifully balanced grandfather clock, and yet John keeps surprising him. It’s uncanny, the way he keeps on being so utterly and wonderfully unpredictable.
Never Have I Ever by hudders-and-hiddles (E, 10,655 w. || Pining Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Drinking Games, Love Confessions, Fluff and Angst, Friends to Lovers) – John and Sherlock tag along for the Met’s weekly night out, where the evening’s chosen drinking game is Never Have I Ever. Sherlock is reluctant to join in until he realizes he can learn all kinds of new things about John, but he forgets that John might learn a thing or two about him as well.
The Most Luminous of People by liriodendron (M, 10,979 w. || Synesthesia, Pre-Slash, Developing Romance, First Kiss) – In which Sherlock Holmes finds out what it’s like to truly want something, John Watson isn’t too bad at deductions, and everything gets a bit bright for a minute. Part 1 of Conductivity
Praise Me by testosterone_tea (E, 11,813 w. || Sherlock POV, Bottomlock, Dev. Rel., Virgin Sherlock, First Kiss / TimeBJ’s, Anal, Praise Kink) – In which Sherlock has an interesting physical reaction to compliments and John discovers it.
The Slow Burn by CaitlinFairchild (E, 12,097 w. || Romance, Emotional Infidelity, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock POV) – John smiles, something small and private and for him alone, and Sherlock just…he knows. With a heart-stopping certainty, Sherlock suddenly knows.It feels like falling off the edge of a cliff. It feels like falling off the edge of the world. It feels like flying.
And if you say the word, I could stay with you by CaitlinFairchild (E, 12,842 w. || Domestic Fluff, Dirty Talk, Anal, Fluff and Smut) – What Sherlock thinks is, On the day I die, be it in a dirty alley at forty or in my bed at eighty, the last thing I will remember is tonight, the way you looked at at me on the snowy pavement, cheeks pink with the cold, breath puffing in frosty white clouds, your heart in your eyes and snowflakes in your hair. I will remember that single perfect moment in my life, that moment I knew I had everything I ever wanted, and whatever happens next, I will die content. What he says is simply, “Marry me.” (they’re already together in this, but Sherlock’s love for John is SO MUCH that it feels like he’s always pining for John).
The Meaning of Sacrifice by arts_and_letters (T, 14,101+ w. || WIP, Angst, H/C) – Sherlock has risked life and limb to protect John Watson, sacrificing his freedom and safety to fulfill his last vow. When Sherlock comes back bruised and battered from his second exile, will John’s love be enough to help Sherlock heal? And will John ever know the truth behind Sherlock’s enigmatic farewell?
Barricade by stitchy (M, 14,127 w. || Friends to Lovers, Angst, Happy Ending, UST, Mary’s Not Nice) – Sherlock has been struggling to keep his feelings at bay for everyone’s sake. Part 1 of Barricade
Second Chance by SilentAuror (E, 15,816 w. || Post-Divorce, Friends to Lovers, UST, Romance) – Now that John’s divorce has gone through and the dust is settling, Sherlock thinks that he would very much like to see if there is any possibility of moving their friendship in another direction. The only thing is, he has no idea how to go about doing that…
Let’s Make a Bed Out in the Rain by theimprobable1 (M, 17,664 w. || Pining, Angst & Fluff, First Kiss, Unrequited) – John is devastated after his long-term girlfriend leaves him. Sherlock helps him through it.
A Shipless Ocean by myswordfishmind (M, 22,135 w || Post-TRF, John has a Kid) – Ten years after the fall Sherlock goes back to London to find that John no longer lives there. Instead, he resides in a seaside town, a widower, and the father of a seven year old son. Now, Sherlock must struggle with the fact that there may no longer be a place for him in this new world.
Among the Secret Things by Kate_Lear (E, 26,073 w. || Angst, Drama) – Sherlock would be the last person to describe himself as given to flights of fancy, but at the look on Lestrade’s face he could swear that something inside him curls up and dies. Part 1 of Among the Secret Things
The Kissing Disease by cottonballz_of_death (E, 30,856 || Sickfic, Angst with Happy Ending, Case Fic, Self-Harm, Slow Burn, Jealous Sherlock) – ohn brings home a boyfriend, shocking Sherlock, who long ago gave up hope that his straight flatmate would ever take a romantic interest in him. In a bid to reconnect with John, he tries to infect himself with a “harmless” virus. Neither of them is prepared for the emotional fallout that results.
The Yellow Poppies by SilentAuror (E, 34,952 w. || H/C, Nightmares, HLV Fix-It, PTSD, Trauma, POV Sherlock, Doctor John) – Sherlock is threatened and assaulted in the hospital immediately after having been shot in the heart, first by Mary, then by Magnussen. As he recovers at Baker Street with John and plans the attack on Appledore with Mycroft, he fights to work through the trauma caused by these two visits. Set during His Last Vow. (not much pining but Sherlock relies heavily on John and it rips me so hard)
A Promise Made to Be Broken by PlantsAreNeat (E, 37,018 w. || Fake Relationship, Pining, Slow Burn, RST, Eventual Relationship) – A young John makes an ‘if we’re still single at 40, we’ll get together’ pledge to a woman who ends up all wrong for him. She keeps reminding him of the promise, and won’t let go of it. John asks Sherlock to pose as his boyfriend at a family wedding, so as to dash her hopes permanently. Sherlock, who has at last acknowledged his feelings for John, reluctantly agrees despite knowing how painful it will be to ‘have’ John, but not keep him. (This one is SORT OF mutual pining, but it’s mostly from Sherlock’s POV with each chapter starting in John’s)
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w. || Heavy Angst w/ Happy Ending, S3 Fix-It Fic, Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Mary is Not Nice) – “For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face.”
[[SEE ALSO: Fake / Pretend Relationship Fic Recs || Jealous/Possessive Sherlock || Bed-Sharing || BedSharing Pt. 2 and Insecure Sherlock || John Realizes How Important Sherlock is To Him]]
His (Again) by patternofdefiance (M, 820 w. || Fluff, John Comes Home) – John wonders how he had never seen this before, never noticed before, how happy Sherlock can look, and also how lonely.
And Then I Fall by sherlockholmes_doctorwatson (G, 973w. || Angst, Unrequited Love, POV Sherlock, Reichenfeels) – He was right. Falling is just like flying.
In Dreams by Youarethelightoftheworld (T, 1,339 w. || Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Accidental Cuddles, Domestic Fluff) – Every once and a while, the dark makes it easier to see.
Unspoken by PipMer (T, 2,770 w. || John’s Missing Wed., Fluffy Angst, Mutual PIning, Pre-Slash, Missing Scene) – Sherlock wanted to test a hypothesis. About John. He wanted a question answered that he couldn’t just ask, at least not under normal conditions, because John would never tell him the truth about that.
Until the End of the World by SarahCat1717 (G, 3,049w. || Angst, First Kiss, Pining, Drunkenness) – Taking place in Season 3, John listens to an old favourite song and sorts through his memories and feelings about Sherlock and Mary.
First Night Out by verityburns (M, 3,251 w. || Romance, Christmas, Dev. Rel.) – As John recovers from the effects of a brutal kidnapping, he and Sherlock attend the Yarders’ Christmas Party. There are… developments on the dance floor…
Acceptable Behaviour by bbcatemysoul (M, 3,449 w. || Fluff, Dev. Rel., Miscommunication, First Time) – Sherlock isn’t really sure why John wants to shag him, but he’s certain that if he’s careful to behave properly about it, John can be persuaded to keep doing it. In other news, John is a good boyfriend and Sherlock is an idiot.
the things that comfort us by hudders-and-hiddles (T, 3,728 w. || Sherlock’s Return, H/C, John’s Jumpers, Post-TRF) – Sherlock takes one of John’s jumpers with him when he leaves to dismantle Moriarty’s network. One day, John notices it’s missing. Part 2 of Tumbling Hudders
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands by miss_frankenstein (T, 3,988 w. || Kissing in the Rain, Angst With Happy Ending) – In which John and Sherlock finally confront their feelings for each other - as only they would do - in the pouring rain. {{FAVE!!}}
White Blank Page by Vanetti (T, 4,036 w.+, WiP || Pining) – John has been thinking about his flatmate quite a bit. What he doesn’t realize is that he has been on Sherlock’s mind, as well.
There’s Something Living in These Lines by teahigh (orphan_account) (M, 4,676 w. || Pining, Angst, Love Letters, UST, Dirty Talk) – Two men, complete opposites in almost every way, who speak only in letters and pages torn from books.
No Light, No Light (in your bright blue eyes) by orphan_account (G, 5,915 w. || Angst, Pining, Songfic, Mutual Unrequited Love, Unresolved Tension) – Relates to both Sherlock’s and John’s feelings for each other and highlights select moments of hurt and inner turmoil starting from right before the fall all the way to HLV.
Play for Me by nothingislittle (E, 6,105 w. || Ambiguous Ending, Scars, PWP, Masturbation / Hand Jobs, Angst, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Violin) – John had shown up at Baker Street only one day prior, an army duffle slung over his shoulder, the expression on his face like a cracked and ruptured fault line. Sherlock stood aside, holding open the door, and let John ascend the stairs in silence, asking nothing of Mary, asking nothing at all.
Thirty Three Hours Without JohnWatson by Bookaholic, mybrotherharry   (M, 6,232 w. || First Kiss / Time, Pining Idiots, BG Mystrade, Crackish) – Sherlock can SO TOTALLY survive without John Watson. It should be a piece of cake.AKA the time when Sherlock braved grocery store lines for milk, purchased and gave away a box of tampons and figured out what the X-Factor is. Greg and Mycroft didn’t sign up for this shit. Next time, they are going to the Bahamas.
Correspondence by Cleo2010 (T, 8,031 w. || Letters, Friends to Lovers, Jealousy, Pining) – Sherlock’s been spirited away on a case for Mycroft. Part of the deal was that he and John could communicate via letter until the case was completed. Maybe the cliche is true, absence does make the heart grow fonder. Or perhaps something is growing on the feet in the fridge.Read their letters month by month. Written after series one.
We are all together alone by Mildredandbobbin (M, 10,461 w. || Mutual Pining, Implied Torture, PTSD, Child Loss, Post-S3) – John is back at 221B but his relationship with Sherlock is not what it used to be.
Just a Kiss by emmagrant01 (E, 19,695 w. || 5+1, Case Fic) – Five times John and Sherlock kissed because of a case and one time they kissed for real.
The Sexual Awakening of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson by suitesamba (M, 24,579 w. || Post-TRF, Case Fic, H/C, First Kiss/Time) – Sherlock owes Mycroft a favor. Mycroft calls in that favor by offering Sherlock’s consulting services in a charity auction. Sherlock and John soon find themselves at the country manor of Mrs. Ives-Patton Smarmington III - not very coincidentally a long-time friend of Sherlock’s mother - where they are reluctant participants in her Murder Mystery Weekend. It’s a play within a play for Sherlock and John, and their roles for the weekend event bleed over into their real lives, waking the sleeping dragons within.
Don’t Leave Anything Out by lookupkate (E, 27,422w. || Epistolary, Falling in Love, Misunderstandings, Alternate First Meeting) – The first letter John writes home from Afghanistan is meant to go to a woman he went on only one date with. How it ends up in Sherlock’s hands is completely innocent. What happens next is not. What do you do when you find out the person you’re in love with has been lying about something as monumental as who they are? What do you do when you’re the one who lied? How on earth do you put the pieces back together?
Hitting the Water at Sixty Miles an Hour by what_alchemy (E, 30,568 w. || Fake Relationship, Road Trips, Sherlock’s Family) – “You love your mother, Sherlock?”John watched the muscles in Sherlock’s jaw jump. He nodded in one sharp jerk.“Then we’re going to her party and making her happy.” John let out a resigned sigh. “As a ruddy couple, you bastard.” 
Five Times They Kissed for a Case, and One Time They Kissed for Real by fleetwood_mouse (M, 32,406 w. || 5+1, Slow Burn, Fluff / Angst, Mutual Pining) – A stolen ring! An artful blogger! And many more adventures for your enjoyment.
The Progress of Sherlock Holmes by ivyblossom (E, 62,006 w || Sherlock POV, Pining, Angst, Slow Burn, Infidelity, Sherlock Learns About Himself, Happy Ending) – Sherlock struggles with his feelings for John, makes a mistake, and learns just how important he and John are to each other. Non-BBC Mary / John, but it’s a *complicated* relationship.
Midnight Blue Serenity by BeautifulFiction (E, 151,907 w. || Friends to Lovers, Gay Bar / For a Case, Drugs, Pining, Case Fic, UST) – When Sherlock infiltrates a club in order to track down a serial killer, his altered appearance is enough to make John question his assumption that Sherlock is beyond his reach. However, is he the only one who appreciates his flatmate’s charms, or is Sherlock at risk of becoming the next victim?
To Mend A Heart by dee-light (G, 1,472 w. || Magical Realism, Emotional H/C) – Hearts can be broken, and mended, and broken again. Good thing, then, that hearts are only the seat of all emotion, and not something Sherlock needs in order to live.
It’s After That Hurts by jonnyluvssherlock (T, 2,741 w. || Winglock || Soldier John, War Zone, Friends to Lovers) – Sherlock’s an angel stuck as a guardian to danger addict John Watson. Everything is fine until he gets too involved. Now he has to make the choice, eternity alone or one life time with a man who may or may not love him.
We Bleed into the Grey by QuinnAnderson (T, 4,989 w. || First Kiss, Supernatural Elements, Fluff & Angst) – It was stupid, really. What was the point of having an ability if it wasn’t even a useful one? Sherlock would just as soon be rid of his. Until he meets John Watson, that is.
Winter of Life by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 5,178 w. || Christmas, Fluff & Angst, Magic Realism) – It was an experiment, really. On Christmas, Sherlock wrote to Santa asking for a friend. He got a broken toy soldier instead. This is the story of how he finds him again and again.
The Heart On Your Sleeve by flawedamythyst (T, 5,441 w. || Soulmate AU || Sherlock POV, Heartmarks, Pining, Fluff and Angst, Semi-S1 / S2 Canon Compliant, Reunion) – Sherlock stared at the imperfect circle on his left wrist in horror, then sat down on his bed with a bit of a thump. After over thirty years, his heartmark was finally showing activity. This was not good.
Finding John by orphan_account (T, 5,456 w. || Soul Bond AU, Symbolic Rings, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes has met exactly twenty-four Johns in his life. They have all been the wrong John. He’s getting tired of waiting, staring at the inscription on his finger and wondering when his John will turn up, if ever. Part 1 of Inscriptions
Not The Hands That Kill by You_Light_The_Sky (M, 6,201 w. || Winglock || Whump, Mentions of Drug Use) – Having wings does not make Sherlock Holmes a guardian angel, not in the way that John Watson is his.
I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You by etothepii (T, 11,052 w. || Winglock) – Where Mycroft is an angel, Sherlock is a demon, and John is still John.
In A Changing Age by allonsys_girl (E, 15,590 w. || Victorian AU, Virgin / Demi Sherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Mild H/C) – Sherlock wakes up in the 19th century, with no idea how he got there.
With All My Heart by QuinnAnderson (E, 19,257 w. || Red Marks / Soulmates || Magical Realism, Growing Up, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love) – AU in which every time a person falls in love, a red line like a tally mark appears on their wrist. Sherlock is determined to keep himself from ever gaining one of these marks for fear that love will corrode his mental faculties. Then he meets John Watson.
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w. || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It’s a lot less cracky than you’re probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
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solivar · 7 years ago
My Personal McHanzo Fic Rec List
@allthemarvelousrage, for the edification of your Anonymouse. I am not going to rec myself because I’m too honorable for that so one of you heathens will have to do it for me.
That being said:
Adaptation by CommonNonsense
Aka, my introduction to this ship and still one of my favorites.
More Than True by AsheRhyder
Aka, the one that riffs on fairy tales because there never has been a point in my life where I haven’t loved that. In fact...just read everything Ashe writes.
Points On A Circle by Hubris_and_Crafts
Aka, the one where I have said FOR FUCK’S SAKE, HANZO, JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY at least once a chapter.
The Scoundrels and Thieves series by vaguely_concerned
aka my personal favorite of the Deadlock-and-the-Shimadas once worked together/young McHanzo-turning-into-older McHanzo genre, enlivened by skillful writing and vivid setting details.
Truce by AVoresmith
Aka, the AU in which Hanzo never leaves the Shimada-gumi, Genji and Jesse never leave Over/Blackwatch, neither organization collapses into impressive, flaming ruin, and Jesse, being the good friend that he is, agrees to grossly misuse his authority as an agent of Blackwatch to facilitate a Shimada sibling reunion.
Walk the Earth by Krasimer
Aka, the one where Hanzo agrees to get his head back together under the care and guidance of Zenyatta, but finds the existence of one Jesse McCree even more palliative to his weary soul.
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americankimchi · 8 years ago
hello i dont play overwatch but i recently fell into mchanzo hell. please recommend me fics. please i love them so much. thank you
howdy pardner 🤠
here are some of my all-time faves
Afterdrop by ClaroQueQuiza
the hanzo joins overwatch fic except done realistically; no one (except genji) likes him and mccree is outwardly hostile at the beginning. 
Crown of Horns by pocketpom
the dragon!hanzo fic we all needed. cute as FUCK
Ghost Stories on Route 66 by Nagaina
supernatural shit??? A++ shimadabro relationship??? RANGER MCSTEAMY??? anyways this fic saved my entire life #blessup
i’m just going to link you this author bc all of their mchanzo fics are CHOICE: AsheRyder
(esp the Lone Wolf series. blease… im dying)
Popcorn Redemption by wyntera
hanzo and jesse bond over classic movies and have Feelings. there’s popcorn involved.
People Like Us by fishpoets
romantic, sweet, and the proposal fic to end all proposal fics
Keep You On My Side by maskedhero/radiantsaber
hanzo redefines ‘slow burn’ and ‘pining’. it’s post-canon kidfic! killed me good this one.
Ichigo by morrezela
this fic came for my entire life in one hit. hanzo and jesse break up. feelings happen.
Threads by CommonNonsense
every fandom needs a red string of fate fic. THIS IS THAT FIC.
Flowers Like Ashes by NoirSongbird
i’d only vaguely heard of hanahaki before this fic. pretty sure this is the fic that spawned the hanahaki craze in the ovw fandom and even if it’s not it’s still one of the best damn things i’ve read. there’s a line in there that resonated w me to this day… for sake of spoiling the moment i won’t say what it is but you’ll Know
obviously there’s a lot more in the fandom but this is my mchanzo Hall Of Fame
have fun :’)
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mchanzo-ficrecs · 8 years ago
Chapters: 2/6 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada Characters: Jesse McCree, Hanzo Shimada, Overwatch Ensemble Additional Tags: Fluff, Romance, Medium Burn, not quite slow but not that fast either ya feel -------
I like the way the author writes two men who’re making up for their pasts, one of them well on his journey and the other fumbling about trying to start. While the story is from McCree’s POV, Hanzo is also written very well, being a bit standoffish and prickly at first without being a total asshole.The dynamic between them feels natural, and it’s nice to see another novel take on how they became friends first. -Tev
A good slowmance that starts tentatively, with a nice taming of the beast that is trying to kindle any kind of relationship with someone who has decided to be alone for a long time. - Yng
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yeehanfrf · 2 years ago
Week 17 Recs: Better Get Comfy
This week, the theme was "Better Get Comfy." I asked for fics between 25,000 and 50,000 words (or thereabouts). These are the fics that are just long enough to cuddle up with for a while!
Behind the cut, you'll find the fics gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title.
General Audiences
The Sacred Heart of a Lost Sharpshooter by illune [54,037 words] Reccer comment: "when i tell you this fic in particular changed my life and the way i perceive yeehan... i feel like very few people understand both hanzo and cass as characters, but nestor just *gets it*"
Teen and Up
Discontinuity by SaltCore [25,469 words] Reccer comment: "That fic is so beautifully written!"
They tell him his name is Cole Cassidy. They tell him he’s a vigilante and a mercenary and a brave man and a good man. He supposes he’ll have to take their word for it. He can’t remember for himself.
Civic Duty by Liquid_Lyrium [40,256 words] Reccer comment: "a fun romp"
When Jesse McCree pulls jury duty—twice—for his writing personas, Hanzo will do whatever it takes to save the reputation of one of his favorite romance/erotica authors. Especially if it means that his favorite series on hiatus will return. The fact that he has feelings for McCree has nothing to do with his equations. Jesse and Hanzo will need to sort out fact and fiction between their accumulated identities.
Threads by CommonNonsense [49,230 words]
Despite being 38 years old, Hanzo has never met his soulmate. He's learned to ignore the red string on his left hand for the last ten years, knowing he is destined to remain alone as he atones for his mistakes. It is for the best. Jesse McCree, however, isn't one to take that lying down.
A Losing Combination by manic_intent [42,402 words] Reccer comment: "one of my early favorites in this fandom"
“Do you know what you are here for?” Jesse scratched behind his ear, a little thrown. This, right here, was why Jesse fucking hated going undercover. Talk, talk, talk. Usually, Jesse got bored very quickly, and when Jesse got bored, his trigger finger tended to get itchy. Besides, they’d confiscated his goddamned gun. That was a downright depressing thing to do to a man, that was. “I’m here as hired muscle, yeah?” “Yes,” Hanzo said disdainfully. “‘Hired muscle’. What do you know about me?”
Against the Ropes by Ziane [39,147 words] Reccer comment: "hanzo gets a proposition of a lifetime"
When Jesse McCree met Hanzo Shimada, he never expected to fall so hard so fast. Despite the imminent fight that looms over him, he can only think about how would Hanzo feel under the sheets. In a last-minute impulse, McCree surprises the yakuza prince with a shameless proposition that leaves him stunned.
Boy Next Door by rebeccastceir [35,387 words]
“You know of course,” Hanzo said, “that at some point I am going to have to try to kill you, simply to appease my bosses.” “An’ you know at some point you an’ I are gonna be having lots and lots of sex,” Jesse replied. Hanzo nodded. A smile flickered across his lips. “At many points, if you are any good.”
Coyote Lovely by t_pock [WIP; 38,969 words] Reccer comment: "no way this one hasnt been recced a bajillion times but just for good measure (old name for cowboy and explicit)"
After a mission gone wrong, Hanzo and McCree must lie low in New Mexico for a week. Together.
decalcomanie by a8eja [23,574 words]
Hanzo has a knack for deluding himself and a penchant for will-they-won't-they bullshit.
Ichigo by morrezela [27,121 words]
They break up on a Wednesday
It's All Your Fault by Cadeykat [25,100 words]
Hanzo Shimada joins the ranks of Overwatch and finds that he quite likes teasing the resident cowboy. That is, until a single compliment ruins his thought process, and he has to deal with feelings he's not exactly well versed in.
Puppy Love by MarquesGillette [58,047 words]
Genji signs Hanzo up for a wolfmen/human speed date. Hanzo falls head over feet for a wolf well versed in weather trivia. -  Squinting at his brother, Hanzo mumbles, “I do not understand. What is a ‘furry?’”  Genji rubs a forefinger under his nose to hide his face-splitting grin. “Literally you."
Ride for the brand by Ziane [37,411 words] Reccer comment: "yakuza hanzo & bodyguard cass are a delicious combo"
Jesse McCree has been working as a bodyguard for the Shimada-gumi for the past two years. He's making a living and he has met Shimada Hanzo, a spoiled brat, his worst nightmare, and his most shameful wet dream.
The Ink Dark Moon by Miko [24,975 words]
Wolf youkai Hanzo has sought only solitude since the disastrous battle with his brother Genji, that resulted in the nekomata's death. Roaming the world, he finds himself settling in a remote area of what humans call the Wild West. It has everything he could ask for; a forest with abundant food, a local wolf pack who are willing to accept him as a friend and ally, and most of all, peace and quiet. Until a gravely injured coyote shifter stumbles almost into his lap, chased by a pack of vicious wolfman creatures. The last thing Jesse McCree ever expected was to find somewhere he wanted to call 'home' again. He's lost too many people that he cared about over the years, and he'd thought he was permanently gunshy. Hanzo is standoffish and arrogant, but Jesse can see there's so much more beneath the wolf's harsh surface. The more he learns of who Hanzo really is, the harder Jesse starts to fall. Problem is, Jesse may well be infected by the werewolf virus in the wake of the attack. And if that isn't enough to tear them apart, the truth of Hanzo's past might be, when Jesse finally discovers how the man is connected to his former packmate Genji. Is love enough to hold them together?
This World Can't Tear Us Apart by ChillieBean [27,894 words]
It was supposed to be a quick and easy surveillance mission. It was supposed to be just another mission. When a series of unexpected events bring Hanzo and Cole closer together, their hidden feelings for each other bubble to the surface.
to say that we're in love is dangerous by kettuluv [31,228 words]
Hanzo Shimada knelt for no man. He would never, ever waver in the presence of someone he deemed lower than him. Never would he bow, never would he get to his knees, never would he show any sign of weakness towards anyone. And yet… Here he sat, knelt in front of that ridiculous man who never stopped talking, who didn't know boundaries, who would've done anything to make someone smile, or laugh. The man who just cared so much. The man whose touch was soft but firm, eyes dark but warm, voice rough yet so full of love. Here he sat with his body trembling, his breath sharp and shaky, face flushed hot, in front of Jesse McCree, the only man he's ever knelt for. *** Letting himself fall for Jesse like this was dangerous for both of them, in more ways than one.
Unabashed by sciencefictioness [36,778 words] Reccer comment: "read it if you love scion - fuck it - read it if you love yeehan"
“Not that I ain’t happy about where this is going, but I’m a fuckin’ mess. You don’t want me wash up first? And I still ain’t got your name, beautiful.” Hanzo pulls the tie from his hair, letting it fall loose around his face and spill over his shoulders. Jesse slides a hand up his side and tangles his fingers in it, like he can’t quite help himself. Behind enemy lines, playing a perilous game, and still Jesse is losing himself, his world realigning with Hanzo at its center. Hanzo preens under the attention, powerful like he only ever is with someone underneath him. Begging, or bleeding, or calling his name.
Willing to Lie by Ilyen [WIP; 69,622 words] Reccer comment: "unfinished, but you know it's good when someone recs that regardless"
"It's Thanksgiving. Want to skip that long, insulting conversation about how you're still single? About how your parents really want more grandchildren? Well, look no further! I am a 28 year old felon with no high school degree and a dirty old van one year younger than me painted like Eddie Van Halen's guitar. I can play between the ages of 20 and 29 depending on if I shave. I'm a line cook and work late nights at a bar. If you'd like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship with you, to torment your family, I'm game." -Jesse McCree probably A story 110% based on this craigslist ad - http://cdn.foodbeast.com/content/uploads/2014/11/craig.jpg
And that's it for Week 17! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a rec.
If you find a fic you like, please be sure to let the author know you enjoyed it through comments or kudos!
Tune in for the Week 18 theme, "By the Numbers," for all those 5+1, 3+1, etc., fics.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 16 recs here, or check the full list of past and future themes here.
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yeehanfrf · 2 years ago
Week 9 Recs: I'm Working, Here!
The Week 9 theme was, "I'm Working, Here!" I asked people to tell me about their favorite works-in-progress. We got some works still updating and some on hiatus, but all WIPs recommended from around the Yeehan community. Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
Jack Rabbit by SmutWithPlot [WIP; 112,261 words] Reccer comment: "Hands down the best thing I've read in fandom"
If you want something a little different (and maybe a lot Western) that's an odd little bar in Koenji run by legitimate cowboy and westerner, Jesse James McCree, who sells his home cuisine of nachos, enchiladas, tacos, and quesadillas with salsa fresca and guacamole that is alleged to be made with tequila. It is a well-kept secret, but don't let his profuse amount of English and Spanish overwhelm you - his Japanese is also quite good, and there is Japanese staff. Just be careful: he flirts back. With anyone.
Macchiato by CommonNonsense [WIP; 64,661 words] Reccer comment: "I also love 'Macchiato,' the coffee shop AU that isn't a coffee shop AU, by CommonNonsense, & I regularly struggle to find a way to say, 'I hope this continues!' without applying any pressure"
Overwatch takes an extended mission undercover in a coffee shop in the heart of Seattle, a prime location to stake out their current targets. McCree's not one for the big city or fancy coffee, but the work needs doing, and it's not like anyone outside Overwatch will get it done. It should be a straightforward, if tedious, mission.
Then Hanzo Shimada complicates things by walking in, unaware, for want of a simple mocha.
Redemption Blues by clownsick, JessenoSabaku (orphan_account) [WIP; 71,658 words] Reccer comment: "It's probably abandoned but oh my good, I love this fic. Great side characters, especially the Omnics and a very intriguing Yeehan."
While on a mission to redeem himself in the eyes of his clan, Hanzo Shimada becomes indebted to a reckless vigilante, who constantly throws himself headlong into danger. The two clash in every way, except on the battlefield. There, Hanzo rediscovers the feeling of having someone to cover his own weaknesses.
Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle [WIP; 542,989 words] Reccer comment: "Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle 🥰 my all time favourite slow burn that gets you right in the FEELS❤️"
Some things just pair up perfectly.
The sun and the moon.
Stars and the night sky.
Thunder and lightning.
Some things are just meant to be.
Even a bounty hunter cowboy and a lone wolf mercenary who discover how two loners can help each other be a little bit less lonely and how good life can actually be when you have the right person by your side to help change it for the better.
Some things just go together.
Like Silver N’ Gold.
Undercover by lyriumveins [WIP; Series; 22,535 words] Reccer comment: "I love the character interactions in this fanfictio , the really on point writing of each one, and just the way Hanzo and Cassidy go back forth when Hanzo sees the writing and tries to figure it out while it gets more obvious 😭 and the second one in the series is just as amazing, wish I could real them both one more time"
Hanzo is a new member of Overwatch, working undercover in a coffee shop with a few other agents. He’s adjusting to his new life – and making good progress on his missions – when he starts finding ridiculous messages scrawled on coffee cups… Messages that are, apparently, for him. While he’s convinced it’s all just a ridiculous prank, D.Va calls them “pick-up lines” and insists that he has a “secret admirer.”
Afterdrop by ClaroQueQuiza [WIP; 638,116 words] Reccer comment: "HaVe YOU heArD aBouT a fic whoSe cALLeD AFTERDROP?! (I am the worst, I'm pestering everyone and their mothers about this fic but hey, read this fic it's really cool and ClaroQueQuiza is a great dude 👍)"
Overwatch can be forgiven for keeping Hanzo at arm's length despite the endorsement of his intended murder victim. Six months of provisional membership, spent in the field, is a reasonable compromise.
But not everyone is on board with giving Hanzo a chance.
Cassidy, least of all.
The Chain by midgetnazgul [WIP; 188,243 words] Reccer comment: "I'm following a lot of WIPs, but 'The Chain' by midgetnazgul is definitely a fave!"
It wasn't that Jesse had lived his whole life with nothing - it was about keeping what he'd managed to cobble together.
For Hanzo, it was about trying to make anything truly his own.
And for both of them, the virtue of letting go.
Coyote Lovely by t_pock [WIP; 38,969 words] Reccer comment: "the best-smelling fic I've ever read, with great characterizations and incredible descriptions, and a massively oblivious Hanzo"
After a mission gone wrong, Hanzo and McCree must lie low in New Mexico for a week. Together.
In the Pocket by robocryptid [WIP; 11,002 words] Reccer comment: "I recently reread 'Not that I'm complaining' and after that this Sequel intrigued me more than ever."
An AU in which both Shimadas joined Blackwatch and Cole Cassidy fell in love dick first, but that was almost 15 years ago. Now Overwatch is being Recalled, and Cole has to make up his mind.
Look Up and Wonder by MarieJacquelyn [WIP; 131,796] Reccer comment: "I will never ever shut up about Look Up and Wonder. I feel like Cass stans in particular will find his characterization quite enjoyable. (Idk if this will ever be finished, but even if it isn't, it's definitely worth the read, TRUST ME.)"
Jesse McCree gets a job offer to rescue one H. Shimada at 3:23 AM. He accepts it at 3:54 AM. It does not go according to plan. (An Overwatch/Firefly AU)
Mismatch by MsTrick [WIP; 15,280 words] Reccer comment: "I don't read a lot of ABO, but this fic grabbed me by the balls"
“And the only way your intel will be believed is if it appears your alpha’s claim on you has been overwritten." Hanzo sank into thought. “I…suppose, if intercourse is necessary, for this plan, then we should go through with it,” he said hesitantly, as though his insides weren’t fizzing hot with the possibility.
To his chagrin, Jesse burst into laughter. “Boy, how could any beta resist such saccharine sweet talk?"
One Man's Hero by mataglap [WIP; 99,485 words] Reccer 1 comment: "A very cool superhero AU with great atmosphere :D"
Reccer 2 comment: "Love Hanzo and Cole in this. Prickly old men."
Hanzo Shimada is an assassin, a murderer, and decidedly not a hero, let alone a superhero — and yet.
The Only Ten I See by robocryptid [WIP; 65,380 words]
Hanzo and Cassidy investigate a gang running guns through a small town in rural Tennessee. There's only one bedroom in the safehouse, half the town thinks they're dating, and Hanzo is weirdly angry about Cassidy's tight pants.
It can only escalate.
And that's it for the Week 9 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a fic rec. Come back next time for the Week 10 theme: "When We Were Young," i.e. all the young Yeehan fics your heart desires.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 8 recs here or check the list of past and future themes here!
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yeehanfrf · 2 years ago
Week 5 Recs: Golden Oldies
This week's Yeehan fic rec theme was "Golden Oldies," or those fics from Overwatch's early days that left a lasting impression. I asked for recs from 2016 and 2017, and boy, did folks have plenty! Check out the recs gathered from the Yeehan community below, organized by rating then alphabetically by title.
Not Rated
Fair Enough (5 Things McCree Can Do But Doesn't Let On + 1 He Simply Won't) by AsheRhyder [5,776 words] Reccer comment: "Everything AsheRyder wrote during this period is solid gold. Tasty, angsty gold."
“So what do you say? You interested?” McCree’s smile was as wide and inviting as an open door. Hanzo looked over the scruffy cowboy with a critical eye and a severe frown. “No,” he said and watched the door shut, quiet and easy. “Fair enough.” McCree tipped his hat and sauntered off.
In the months that followed, Hanzo learned many things about McCree that made him change his opinion on man; amazing, curious, and terrifying things. The most infuriating of them being this:
Jesse McCree never asked twice.
Lucid Dream by Somebody_Someone [WIP; 277,255 words] Reccer comment: "one of my two all time favourite, brain chemistry altering fics!"
Years ago he was a successful writer, and now he is struggling to get by every single day. Between art block, depression, insomnia and a comatose brother, Hanzo is constantly hanging on by his fingernails.
One day, he finds solace in the strangest shape; lucid dreams of a most unwelcoming land where he meets a terribly frustrating cowboy, gets in deep trouble and goes on a quest for a mysterious treasure. With the insufferable cowboy as his guide.
The journey will be long, scattered with obstacles and dangers, but may it be enlightened by the unexpected blooming of a friendship and perhaps something deeper.
Two Noons in their Moccasins by Scrumpadouchus [WIP; 89,675 words] Reccer comment: "This!! It's a Your name AU and it's still a work in progress but it's seriously gold! I suggest to watch the film before but for me this ff is a 10/10"
In which an archer and a cowboy start suddenly waking up in each others' bodies, and they attempt to make the most of being suddenly dropped into the life of a complete stranger.
In the process they make some mischief, make some mistakes and change each others' lives.
Teen and Up
A Comedy of Eros (A Tragedy of Communication in Five Acts) by AsheRhyder [9,886 words]
Hanzo wondered why they even made mission plans when they all went horrifically wrong. Take this last one: what was supposed to be a quiet artifact retrieval from Ilios turned into a brawl with Talon over an ancient quiver full of arrows.
Arrows that, apparently, had some Very Interesting Side Effects on enemy and friend alike.
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors by vandoodle [75,467 words]
Hanzo Shimada regrets ever joining Overwatch after he is paired with Jesse McCree, known cowboy enthusiast, and dropped off in the middle of American suburbia. Forced to blend in with the environment, endure neighborhood cookouts, and share his new living space with his so-called 'Husband', the two prepare to preform the ultimate sting operation: taking down the Vishkar corporation once and for all. He can't help but think this will all go horribly wrong.
Or, alternatively titled: the undercover fake-marriage fic that every fandom deserves.
Hanzo: Koi no Yokan by franklytriggering [WIP; 15,998] Reccer comment: "this one's not hyped up enough imo. should be a classic. (unfinished by honestly the ending still slaps!)"
Hanzo struggles to rein in his delinquent brother, Genji, as their father's health wanes and obligation demands their answer. While their fate speeds towards its inevitable breaking point, Hanzo wrestles between family tradition and his wayward emotions-- marrying well, or giving in to his own needs.
Heartless by AsheRhyder [6,504 words]
Once upon a time, a wicked sorcerer cut out his heart and sealed it away. He hid it in a needle, put the needle in an egg, put the egg in a duck, put the duck inside a rabbit, and put the rabbit in a box on an island at the end of the world. So long as his heart was safe, nothing could kill him. Or so the legends say, anyway. Nowadays, people know what a silly story that was. Nobody bothers with rabbits anymore.
Cole Cassidy has no heart.
Like the River by Goodluckdetective (scorpiontales) [5,847 words] Reccer comment: "I do love me some good ol 'dragons expose Hanzo's inner workings'"
Dragon Spirits don’t trust just anyone.
McCree never expected for them to ever trust him.
Or how McCree gained some trust, won a shootout, almost caught the flu, and proceeded to be the most handsome damsel in distress Overwatch has ever seen.
Lone Wolf by AsheRhyder [Series; 66,124 words]
After the fall of Overwatch, Jesse McCree survived for years like a lone wolf. But wolves weren't meant to live alone, and as the Recall draws heroes back to the forefront, he'll have to learn how to adapt or get left behind again.
Lotus-Eater by AsheRhyder [16,116 words]
Only Jesse McCree would have the ridiculously bad luck to be abducted by a mad scientist during a mission.
In the aftermath, the line between dreams and waking blurs and distorts. Which holds more weight; the flawed reality, or the perfect dream? Which is worth fighting for? Which will hurt him worse?
More Than True by AsheRhyder [Series; 34,346 words]
"Fairy tales are more than true..." -G.K. Chesterton.
In which there are dragons, and castles, and monsters of all sorts.
That series of stories in which buildings repeatedly fall on Hanzo.
People Like Us by fishpoets [8,764 words]
Jesse's never much believed in 'happily ever after', but it turns out it might be possible after all, even for a man like him. That is, if life doesn't ruin it for him first.
Adaptation by CommonNonsense [13,315 words]
McCree always did like a challenge, and Hanzo Shimada is a bundle of challenges wrapped up in a handsome package and tied with a gold ribbon.
Body Heat by BatKatBrown [2,575 words]
Little oneshot inspired by this comic which is amazing. http://disteal.tumblr.com/image/158383507645
Crown of Horns by Anonymous [150,888 words] Reccer comment: "I've recently started Re-reading one of my fav old ones: Crown of Horns (mind the tags!)"
"But you know, I rather like the idea of you as one of those beasts. Wouldn't that look nice for the clan, Hanzo? A living, breathing dragon, chained to a post in the gardens."
four days by feyhound [23,869] Reccer 1 comment: "one of my all time favs Four Days"
Reccer 2 comment: "One of my first fav is this 🥰 I have a weak spot for fics like these 🥺"
“I have an embarrassin’ favor to ask of you,” Cole says.
Hanzo stares at him expectantly, a single brow arched. “And what is that?” he asks.
“Y’see, my family might currently be under the impression that I’m bringin’ home a date for a few days next week. And, the thing is, I don’t really have one. So, I’m currently S-O-L and would really, really appreciate it if you came home with me for a few days and, uh. Pretended. To be my boyfriend.”
He stares down at his plate and jabs a fry into the enormous puddle of ketchup gathered in the center of it. If only the fry could be his hypothetical four-day boyfriend, he thinks; it would save him an enormous amount of embarrassment. It would be tastier, too.
[ Or - Cassidy desperately needs a fake date to bring home to his family, and Hanzo never does anything half-assed. ]
Foxhole Dreaming by fishpoets [18,569]
After Hanzo and McCree are ambushed on an undercover mission and McCree is injured, they need to hide out in a secret bunker that McCree knows of while they wait to be rescued. The prospect of a few days in close-quarters alone with McCree wouldn't be a problem, except for one thing: Hanzo's feelings for the gunslinger don't stop at friendship.
Hang the Fool by AlmaMeDuele [231,922 words] Reccer comment: "i remember reading it in 2017 and its still my fav one in this fandom"
How the heroic organization Overwatch acquires the talents of one Hanzo Shimada, and how gunslinger Jesse McCree will probably suffer because of it for the rest of his days.
Love Bites and Liquid Courage by timehopper [4,633 words]
McCree should not show up at his door in a drunken haze this often; and yet every time he does, Hanzo lets him in.
May I by Ingridarcher [182,716 words] Reccer comment: "my rec is the first Yeehan fic I read that I remember making An Impression on me"
"We're nothing alike, Shimada. You? You fell down from the sky. And me? I clawed my way up, outta the dirt."
Jesse was there. He was on the Blackwatch team that dragged Genji Shimada's body away and brought it back to the Overwatch medical facility. He saw what Genji's brother, Hanzo, did to him. Now, Overwatch has been recalled, and when Genji comes back he brings along the last person McCree ever expected: his murdering brother. And while Hanzo seems oddly drawn to McCree, Jesse wants nothing to do with him.
Points on a Circle by AughtPunk [111,325 words] Reccer comment: "it's not exclusively yeehan but omg it's such a well-crafted piece"
It began when Cole Cassidy summoned one of Hanzo's dragons in the middle of battle.
It began a month ago when Hanzo looked at Cole and realized he's already in love.
It began an hour ago when Satya heard the word 'magic' and refused the believe.
It began six months ago when Genji introduced his his brother to Cole, not knowing the two of them have a past.
It begins.
Undercover by lyriumveins [14,749 words]
Hanzo is a new member of Overwatch, working undercover in a coffee shop with a few other agents. He’s adjusting to his new life – and making good progress on his missions – when he starts finding ridiculous messages scrawled on coffee cups… Messages that are, apparently, for him. While he’s convinced it’s all just a ridiculous prank, D.Va calls them “pick-up lines” and insists that he has a “secret admirer.”
Whiskey Lullaby by CaptainCorgi [WIP; 64,791 words] Reccer comment: "Unfinished! But classic"
The buzz of the communicator had him jumping, knee slammed against the metal desk and a string of curses followed. Not looking, Jesse palmed the device, opening its front screen and stopped cold. The message wasn't from any of his team mates. In fact it wasn't from Overwatch at all. There was no sent from address, no name, and it contained one sentence.
Recipient: 10.29M.76 Status: Urgent Subject: -
Welcome home.
Who Taught You How to Hate by Valpur [46,594 words]
He’d always known it was going to happen. There weren’t many ways to go for a rogue like him, but all in all he would have much preferred a clean hole in his skull rather than being hanged for robbery and murder. Especially because this one single, fucking time he was not guilty.
McCree is having the worst time of his life and an outlander happens to save his sorry ass. Things go awfully weird after that - and he enjoys it all too much.
Afterdrop by ClaroQueQuiza [WIP; 638,116 words]
Overwatch can be forgiven for keeping Hanzo at arm's length despite the endorsement of his intended murder victim. Six months of provisional membership, spent in the field, is a reasonable compromise.
But not everyone is on board with giving Hanzo a chance.
Cassidy, least of all.
Backroom Deals by dragonspell [7,754 words]
“Oh.” Jesse shifts on the chair, rattling the cuffs again, as his eyes dart helplessly downward, drawn by a kind of gravitational force. “I was wondering if you might, uh, show me your ankles?”
(Or, Jesse gets himself captured while trying to infiltrate a Shimada safe house and he and Hanzo reach a deal; Blackwatch-era, slight-AU; the foot fetish McHanzo that no one asked for)
the best medicine by fishpoets [4,298 words] Reccer comment: "Happy smut"
Hanzo and Jesse, a successful mission, a night alone together. Bad jokes and lots of laughter.
The Dragon's Mate by kdwalbring [116,347 words] Reccer comment: "The dragons mate is one I will always recommend! I've reread this more times than I can count all the way through and love it more each time!"
Talon is too powerful for the newly formed Overwatch to handle head-on, so plans are made to infiltrate one of their strongest supporters. Jesse McCree hasn't found a home or family quite like what he had in Blackwatch, but he's determined to protect his new friends whatever it takes.
Turns out, mating to your best friends murderous brother is what it takes and he goes willingly. Something's not right in the Shimada clan though and he's going to figure it and Shimada Hanzo out.
Or: Arranged Marriage Yakuza ABO AU, because all the things! THIS WILL HAVE A HAPPY ENDING!!
Familiar Habits by Philosophics [8,176 words] Reccer 1 comment: "I really like this one"
Reccer 2 comment: "One of my first ever Yeehan bookmarks back in the day!"
After joining Overwatch, Hanzo finds it difficult to sleep some nights. It is nothing a hot cup of tea cannot fix, but he never expected that he would have company.
(or: hanzo is very thirsty, in more ways than one)
I got this fever, fever burning inside by CourtneyCourtney [11,300 words]
Hanzo has heard stories of this 'weapon', the most lurid tales courtesy of McCree, naturally. A libido accelerant Talon injects intravenously, giving its victims the option of mauling a stranger for sexual release, forcing themselves on a teammate and ruining any trust built between the two, or - to quote Jesse's turn of phrase - dying of "blue balls."
In other words, not a way for someone like Jesse McCree to go. Not if Hanzo is determined to help. It would be a shame to lose a colleague as altruistic and reliable as McCree to a weapon so primitive.
If he has to choke out the voice at the back of his mind questioning his own altruism in performing this act, then so be it.
(or, McCree gets sex pollened by Talon, and Hanzo helps him out the way any good friend would (Really. Stop gagging, Genji.))
Ichigo by morrezela [27,121 words] Reccer comment: "Ichigo will forever be my go to fic. 😭😭 even tho it’s so heartbreakingly good"
They break up on a Wednesday
It's All Your Fault by Cadeykat [25,100 words]
Hanzo Shimada joins the ranks of Overwatch and finds that he quite likes teasing the resident cowboy. That is, until a single compliment ruins his thought process, and he has to deal with feelings he's not exactly well versed in.
Magic McCree by Cadeykat [15,105 words]
Hanzo Shimada does not want to be here, he does not like strip clubs and never has. And Genji is wrong, he does not need to 'get laid', no matter how long this dry spell has lasted. He knows he'll regret being here tonight, and he needs a drink. And the tall glass of water clad in plaid that just bumped into him could be what cures his thirst.
More than Most by leoandlancer [7,103 words] Reccer comment: "Shooting at your loved ones always works to confess your love, right?"
Initially, McCree thinks he's the one chasing Hanzo for time alone. However, after Hanzo tips his hand slightly playing target practice, McCree's less certain. Then Hanzo accompanies him to a private island, where he neatly lays to rest all of McCree's assumptions about his reticence. McCree simply chased until Hanzo finally caught him. Short little thing because McHanzo smooches and smut are giving me so much joy.
Poker Face by Cadeykat [28,383 words]
“Shark, my ass. Man cleared out $60,000 at the first table he played at.”
Hanzo shrugs, silently delighting in how Daniel sucks in a bracing breath at his nonchalance. Oh, he loves riling him up. Serves him right for calling him in on his day off. “So? That’s not entirely uncommon. Perhaps he’s just good at poker.”
“He’s won almost $250 grand over the last four days.”
This is going to be fun.
Scoundrels and Thieves 'verse by vaguely_concerned [WIP; Series; 127,655 words]
Canon AU where the Shimada family and the Deadlock gang used to do business, Hanzo and Cassidy had a thing… and then Cassidy gets the ‘offer’ from Overwatch.
stop me if you've heard this one by losebetter [WIP; 9,516 words] Reccer comment: "my oldest yeehan bookmark, a very old WIP, but I recommend it regardless and still occasionally reread it because it's so good"
love or death. grab an end, pull hard, and make a wish. richard siken.
“Mmm. And, here, here is the best part of this, Jesse,” Hanzo slurs, afterwards, about oh-two-hundred by Jesse’s estimation. He’s standing around nude in the en suite, and Hanzo looks downright decadent lounging in the wrecked sheets back on the bed, all dark eyes, dark hair that cuts down over one shoulder like spilled ink. His long fingers shift on the flask propped up next to him, and Jesse swears some part of his tattoo ripples with the movement, too eye-catching to have come from the dim ceiling light. Maybe he’s still a little tipsy, but he can’t pretend he’s never seen Hanzo in action before, either.
Target Panic by Philosophics [20,500 words] Reccer comment: "an old fav of mine, funny, sexy and a bit angsty"
McCree looks him steadily in the eyes. “I said, I’m in love with you,” he repeats. Hanzo stares some more as the words sink in. “You,” he states imperiously, “are mistaken.” Then he promptly turns on his heel and strides out the open carrier door. - In which McCree confesses his love, Hanzo has some difficulty believing him, and the team seems entirely unable to keep from sticking their noses into the whole affair.
We're all Blackwatch Now by firefly_quill [WIP; Series; 18,491 words]
“Blackwatch under scrutiny after complaint from Japanese government”.
How Jesse McCree gets in trouble *for* following orders, for once.
This wraps up the Week 5 recs! Thank you to everyone who sent in a recommendation! Keep an eye out for next week's theme: "Show & Tell," all about the love confessions.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 4 recs here or check the list of past and future themes here!
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yeehanfrf · 2 years ago
Week 2 Recs: Feel-Good Hour
The Week 2 Fic Rec Friday theme was "Feel-Good Hour," or fluffy, heartwarming fics! Here are all the fluffiest fics recommended by the Yeehan community, organized by rating, then alphabetically by title.
General Audience
Blue Roses and Salted Caramel by AsheRhyder [11,135 words] Reccer comment: "Hanzo is the head of a post office and Cassidy is in need of his services."
Hanzo hated Valentine's Day and everything that went with it. This got exceptionally awkward for a man whose courier service saw business triple in the lead up to February 14th.
A series of 'special deliveries' between Mr. Jack Morrison and Mr. Gabriel Reyes drew his attention. Initially, it was because he wasn’t sure if it was the world's most polite form of hate mail or the world's most awkward flirting...
But then there was something about Mr. Reyes' son, Jesse, that kept him coming back...
From Another Room by acrxphxbia [3,822 words] Reccer comment: "I always come back to this because its just so freaking sweet I'll have diabetes"
Jesse and Hanzo have a lazy day together. They play some music. A birthday gift for my lovely wife, Tsol.
Keep You On My Side by maskedhero, radiantsaber [11,438 words] Reccer comment: "I don't know that it's necessarily gooey or fluffy, but I'm pretty sure this is the softest Yeehan I have in my bookmarks."
Hanzo Shimada has loved Jesse McCree for years.
And for years, he remained silent.
A Night of Firsts by KittenzCaboodle [13,752 words] Reccer comment: "I'd like to also rec one of my fics, if it's alright, which is just pure G-rated humor and fluff"
Out of every Overwatch and Blackwatch team member Cole had worked with, Hanzo Shimada was certainly not the worst.  He had met ruder folks, meaner folks, and Hanzo was… well, Hanzo was just kinda… there, sitting in the corner, rarely making a sound, like a stray dog that you had let in from the rain that wasn’t sure if a meal or a boot was coming its way next.
Hanzo seemed perfectly content to stay out of the spotlight, pulling more than his weight on missions, assisting around the base when asked, but never going out of his way to do or say much outside of anything related to work.  There were only a few souls he even felt comfortable being near - Genji, Ana, and Cole - but being near was a far cry from being relaxed around. - Hanzo agreeing so easily to accompany Cole on a mission in Japan was a surprise, not that Cole minded getting a chance to work more closely with the handsome fella.
It would be one of a few surprises they encountered that night, as they had a night of firsts.
Teen and Up
Dreamlike by mataglap [4,063 words] Reccer comment: "Another one where they meet in dreams and it becomes reality ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱"
Hanzo is used to bad dreams, and he never would have expected that a good dream would end up haunting him the most.
A Good Time is Free by cocoabunny [2,385 words] Reccer comment: "this fic is so much fun and has the distinction of being perhaps the only fic tagged both 'assassination attempt' and 'fluff' I've ever read"
McCree and Hanzo are sent on an undercover mission to assassinate a bad, bad dude—except they mess up and get trapped in a mall overnight. How did two professional ex-assassins manage to get locked in, and how are they going to cope without murdering (or passionately kissing) each other?!
Just Once by Vimeddiee [2,534 words] Reccer comment: "sugar sweet fluff"
Cole dreams that he’s kissing someone.
Respite by CommonNonsense [5,732 words] Reccer comment: "This one is a delightful read. I enjoy how the characters are written!"
He freezes for a moment before he finally hazards a look down. Hanzo has apparently nodded off, lulled into a doze by a sake with a frankly alarming alcohol percentage, and managed to tip into McCree before he could fall over.
Honestly? Not the first time someone’s done this to him.
It is the first time that McCree hesitates, though.
you give me the most gorgeous sleep by JeziBelle [1,537 words] Reccer comment: "I've only finished one yeehan fic ever and it's cotton candy (and also contains my favorite weird Southern turn of phrase I've ever written). In hopes that attention will make me write again, I humbly submit it here."
It's not that Jesse's particularly fond of waking up alone, but he's more than happy to settle for however much Hanzo is willing to give him.
Which makes for more than a little confusion the morning he doesn't.
four days by feyhound [23,869 words] Reccer comment: "Now, if you're into pretend/fake relationship fluff like I am, PLEASE read this. It's an old favorite and I come back to it every time I need a serotonin boost."
“I have an embarrassin’ favor to ask of you,” Cole says.
Hanzo stares at him expectantly, a single brow arched. “And what is that?” he asks.
“Y’see, my family might currently be under the impression that I’m bringin’ home a date for a few days next week. And, the thing is, I don’t really have one. So, I’m currently S-O-L and would really, really appreciate it if you came home with me for a few days and, uh. Pretended. To be my boyfriend.”
He stares down at his plate and jabs a fry into the enormous puddle of ketchup gathered in the center of it. If only the fry could be his hypothetical four-day boyfriend, he thinks; it would save him an enormous amount of embarrassment. It would be tastier, too.
[ Or - Cassidy desperately needs a fake date to bring home to his family, and Hanzo never does anything half-assed. ]
Like that guy in the Odyssey by vaguely_concerned [5,924 words] Reccer comment: "not quite gooey, but as fluffy as it can reasonably get and incredibly heartwarming"
In which a pair of wanderers return home — some slice of outlaw life!
Never Say Never (say how you feel) by fishpoets [5,402 words] Reccer comment: "one of my favorite tropes, and very sweet to boot!"
A list of things Jesse McCree has never done:
- spent the night with a lover without having sex - kept a lover for more than a handful of encounters - had a friend-with-benefits he actually considered a friend - or had a lover he actually loved.
There's a first time for everything.
Have and Hold by t_pock [2,716 words] Reccer comment: "This one also has smut but it's so fluffy and so heart-warming... yeehan marriage 🥺❤️"
Jesse always thought there’d be a firefight on his wedding day.
And that's a wrap on this week! Thank you to everyone who sent in a recommendation! Keep an eye out for next week's theme: "Right on Time," or modern/contemporary AUs.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 1 recs here or preview upcoming themes here!
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