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pcktknife · 3 months ago
hazards been revealed and can i just say.....girl......
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lycankeyy · 9 months ago
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I wanted to doodle Hanzo with my favorite ninja weapon and it somehow spiraled into this
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wltndx · 5 months ago
Dibujito que hice en digital 👉🏻👈🏻
No soy muy de dibujar en digital pero me propuse el intentar hacer un dibujo diario en Ibis Paint pa ir mejorando. Iré subiendo aquí todo lo que haga semanalmente como si fuera un pequeño registro 😞
Hanzo!! 💐
Que no se note que es uno de mis personajes favoritos :b
Fue bastante divertido de hacer, sobre todo con el pincel que estoy usando ahora pero siento que hice las líneas muy pequeñas 🤔 Igual, en serio me gustó bastante. Traté de hacer sombras pero soy muy principiante en eso así que no son la gran cosa 👉🏻👈🏻
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Aquí el dibujo og que hice en clase :b
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Se que nadie ve estás cosas pero el Timelapse por si a alguien le interesa x-x
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asherashedwings · 2 years ago
This one’s literally my banner and yet I haven’t shared it yet 💀
It’s a redraw of something I made last time I was in this fandom
Also added Hanzo to it cuz when I made the first version I didn’t have a design for them yet. But since I now do, I figured I’d add them.
Old —> New
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shed-the-god · 7 months ago
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I've been seeing a lot of Cassandra stuff so I designed the Goth Punks in my mod 👀
Not satisfied with Hanzo's design, but it looks better than the first time, so... 🤷🏾
Might also change Alucard's glove
Anyways, enjoy 💜
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yandereaffections · 2 years ago
Overwatch Masterlist
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Jesse Mccree
Naga Jesse
Scary Movies + Male S/o
Werewolf Jesse
S/o always making him Food for when he returns 
Soft life HC
“Miss Honeys Escape Attempt” BEFORE
Male Dinner worker Teasing Mccree
Curvy S/o trying to lose weigh
“Miss Honey Escape Attempt” AFTER
S/o avoiding Jesse cause he shares the same name as their brother
Stalking a ex-MMA fighter
Animal Tamer S/o threatening Mccree with a Tiger
Attempting to poison Mccree
Stripper S/o
Harpy S/o broke her wing
Cuddly S/o
Tsundere Smol Chubby S/o
S/os got a fat ass
S/o with separation anxiety
Flustered Touch starved S/o
Gender neutral S/o not feeling good about their appearance  
S/o refusing to wear glasses cause they dont want to look at their captor
Sensitive s/o who crys alot
Dealing with S/os stalker
S/o trying to kill themselves with jesses gun when he threatens them
S/o whos good at the Knife game
Happy drunk S/o
Soft headcannons
Threatening jesse with his own gun
Cheering jesse up after a stressful day
Painting his weapon
S/o whos prone to accidents 
S/o screams “dad dont hurt me” when jesse attempts to kidnap them
Overwatch S/o who works with seduction and espionage 
claustrophobic s/o
Asking Jesse out on a date
Mermaid S/o
Confident s/o who gets flustered when they compliment them
Autistic S/o who stimms alot
Genji flirting with Mccrees S/o
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Hanzo Shimada
Finding out S/os Pregnant
Witnessing Genjis Murder
Healer S/o
Punk/Goth S/o
S/o getting a nosebleed from watching Hanzo workout
Too Pure for this world S/o
S/o who can Heal with a kiss
Naga Hanzo
S/o whos Protective of Naga Hanzo
Naga S/o
Someone else taking advantage and leaving S/o to die
Creep trying to look underneath S/os Skirt
‘Stupid’ S/p
Vampire Hanzo with a S/o who faints when bloods taken
S/o with Chaotic Energy
Vampire Hanzo w/ Vampire Hunter S/o
People pleaser S/o ends up hurting themselves
Expressing affection in other ways besides cuddling
Dragon S/o
Finding Drunk S/o in a casino
S/o wearing a Choker with his name on it
Yandere S/o coming up to his door covered in blood
S/o whos fine with Yandere Tendencies 
S/o uncomfortable around her family
S/o begging for Mcdonalds
Dragons HC
Attractive yet Oblivious S/o
Sneaky S/o Surprise hugging him
Comforting S/o after failing a test
S/o terrified from something theyve seen
Sneaky S/o Surprising him, ends up moaning
Stopping from S/os rival sabatoging their Ice Skating Preformance
S/os scared of bugs
S/o caring everyone but themselves 
Expert insulting s/o
S/o threatening to kill the man who stole their dog
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
touch starved hesitant S/o
Naga S/o saying “snakes dont have a gag reflex”
Captive S/o refusing to take medicine for their migraine 
Insomniac S/o having to cuddle hanzo to fall alseep
Goblin S/o
Comforting Hanzo after a bad day
S/o dressing as the opposite gender to trick people
Smol S/o who wants to be crushed by hanzo
S/o getting ready to fight cause they heard genji on the roof
Dragons biting hanzo when he tries to touch S/o
S/o whos pregnant with triplets 
Bodybuilder s/o
After sex cuddles 
S/o who already has a kid
S/o whos hazy with little to no sleep
Homeless S/o who making their living off of street performances 
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Genji Shimada
Scared S/o will get hurt during a mission
Pissed off S/o
Gore + Torture TW
Vampire Genji
Silly S/o who could Surprise gengi
S/o making a book all about their love for him
Crush falling asleep on his lap
Comforting S/o out of their previous relationship
S/os whos dramatic for attention
Sticking a dozen valentines stickers on his metal body
Blind S/o
Yokai S/o
Washed up Mermaid S/o
Curvy Confident S/o 
Getting a weapon maker S/o attention
Cute S/o who attracts bugs and scary animals
Sharpshooter s/o joining overwatch just to spend more time with genji
Unpredictable angry s/o
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Petite S/o
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Clingy S/o
Sick S/o
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Werewolf Reaper
Werewolf + Vampire Hybrid Reaper
House wife S/o
Waitress Crush
Scary movies
Halloween Date
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‘Big Dumbass Energy’ S/o
Werewolf S/o who turns out to transform into a puppy
Medic s/o
Overwatch receptionist S/o
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Advancing towards a Enemy S/o
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Spoiling S/o
Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o
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S/o that works with Moria
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Poly mercy/sombra w/ defiant s/o 
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Pro gamer crush taking her #1 spot
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Headcannons (female reader)
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Soldier 76
S/o wearing a lolita dress (male reader)
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Ana Amari
“Isn’t this better―you not fighting me for once?”
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Poly Mchanzo
Poly Han/Jess with a S/o who threatens those who try to court them 
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Jesse Mccree
Spanking S/o and having them wear lingerie 
S/o whos embarrassed cause theyre quick to cum 
Orgasm control & Mirror Kink w/ Male S/o 
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Getting handsy in a store out of jealousy NS FW-ish
Getting hanzo to wear lingerie 
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Loving her muscles NS FW
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deafeninggalaxycandy · 2 months ago
• Rebecca Bertha McArthur
• They/She (Non-binary)
• Born on August 13th, 2003
• 5'6"
• Lesbian
• Red's real father is actually Skeeter, but him and their mother got divorced, and he gave up custody. Moira remarried when they were young. Skeeter hardly comes around anymore, but he is the brother of Craig's dad, Thomas, so him and Red are cousins.
• Never really liked Kevin romantically. They were just scared to be openly gay and chose him to date since they were already friends. The two ended up splitting for good in middle school once they were finally honest with him.
• Nichole and Red are art besties. Nichole draws beautiful nature scenes with sunshine and incredible detail. Red draws abstract art, and it's usually dark themed and bloodied. The only nature drawing she'll make is of blood in the snow.
• She's also secretly in love with Nichole and was really upset when she got back with Tolkien. Especially since this was right after Nichole confessed she was pan. She lowkey cried in her pillow for months.
• They tried their best not to show it and remained friendly for Nichole but absolutely hated Tolkien for "stealing" her and began relentlessly bullying him but playing it off as "teasing."
• Addicted to RedBull.
• Gives the cans to Karen to recycle
• Loves spicy food, specifically spicy ramen. Nichole drinks honey out of the bottle, Red drinks hot sauce out of the bottle.
• Obsessed with Kill Bill and idolizes Beatrix Kiddo. They actually bought a Hattori Hanzo sword replica online.
• Nichole got them to watch Steven Universe, and now they have a massive crush on Blue Diamond. And Garnet. And Bismuth, Jasper, Rose Quartz, it’s a long list.
• Listens to Bad Waitress, Bikini Kill and Mommy Long Legs
• Big fan of Death Note but despises Light Yagami with a burning passion. She was so happy when he died but felt awful for Misa.
• Red's favorite color is actually purple but they only dyed their hair red because they thought it looked like blood.
• Good friends with the Goth kids specifically Pete
• Does the cleanest eyeliner out of everyone she knows. She can do it in one swipe.
• Red's hair was naturally ginger red, but they dyed it in elementary and accidentally used permanent dye. Nobody in class remembered their actual name, but their hair was their most noticeable trait.
• Likes sushi and seafood in general.
• Out of the girls, Red is the absolute meanest to Cartman. It's much worse than Wendy, they really want him dead. When they come into contact, at best they're insulting the hell out of him. At worst, they're beating him with a crowbar.
• Best friends with Nichole, Bebe, and Wendy (and Craig too but they're cousins I don’t know if it counts)
• Red and Bebe's birthday are the same, and usually, the girls give them a joint birthday party. Red acts annoyed by it, but they really like it, and it makes them feel like Bebe is their sister.
• Treats Tricia and Karen like daughters.
• Literally never washes their hair unless Nichole forces them to, it's so fucking greasy.
• Is a Wiccan and practices witchcraft.
• Tried to do love spells so many times as a kid. (Also tried to turn themself into a mermaid)
• Deeply invested in zodiacs and horoscopes and judges people based on them (she's not sorry).
Yall im trying to use pronouns interchangeably. I've never done it before. Am I doing it right??
I totally turned Red into a lesbian witch punk I have no regrets.
also if u caught why I made Red's middle name Bertha, I love you.
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fnfandpicosschoolimagines · 2 months ago
Heeyyyy it's me (ʘᴗʘ✿) I'd like to request for... Hanzo x (Gender Neutral) Reader.
Prompt: He went thru all the trouble to buy his lover a boquet of flowers for their bday. Running into small inconveniences, sustaining scratches n bruises, etc... Only for him to perform his grand entrance paired with the most cheesiest line. Ever.
Reader might gently slap him on the face but stopped as soon as they remembered what he went thru (physically, lol). Reader tends to his wounds n left it off with a sweet kiss :)))
... Pretty pls? HEHE have fun w dis one!!!!
★ Authors Note: hehehe 😝 ★
A bouquet for the lovely Y/N
♥︎ Hanzou x Gender Neutral!Reader ♥︎
— • • • ୨୧ • • • —
Today was it, the special day, well, YOUR special day to be exact. And Hanzou had the peferct idea of how to celebrate it, if only if went as smoothly as he hoped..
Walking through the bustling streets of Philadelphia, Hanzou was greeted with the warm autumn air which brushed by his hair. His eyes closed, enjoying the satisfying crunch of leaves under his shoes. Hanzou sighed, his eyes opening with the sight of crowds of flowers in front of him.
His eyes narrowed as he scanned the stunning bouquets, the soft texture of roses calling his name. Cliché, but it worked!
Finalising his decision, Hanzou walked through the entrance of the flower shop, the calming aroma of flowers practically dragging him inside as he stopped infront of the cashier, who smiled back at the boy.
"Well hello there lovely! Welcome to my shop!" The old lady chuckled as Hanzou waved back.
Blinking, Hanzou quickly walked over to the bouquet of roses, carrying it back over to the old lady.
"How much is this, ma'am?" He asked, showing the bouquet, which the woman took out of his hands to examine.
"Mmm.. £9.99 sonny." The woman said, before smiling again. "Would you like to purchase it?"
"£9.99?!" He nearly screamed before calming himself down, taking out the money, sighing as he felt slide from his hands. But it was worth it, for you of course, it always was.
Smiling brightly, Hanzou jumped up to take the bouquet, smiling. "Thanks! You have a nice day, kay?"
The woman chuckled at the boys antics as he rushed through doors and out into the street, the sun illuminating his grinning face. His shoes hot against the hard rock of the floor as he sprinted through the crowd along the sidewalk.
Sounds like everything's going swell, isn't it? Well, no (lmao).
Hanzou's trembling and bruised slammed against the unforgiving pavement, the remaints of his sword landing elsewhere. Shadows loomed over his limp frame, villainous laughter filling the now dark streets.
"Wow! Thought the "Goth Punks" where supposed to be all mighty and dangerous, eh?" The figure chuckled, grabbing Hanzou by his scalp, "You, little boy, are nothing buta weak punk."
Tightening his grip, the figures face hardened. "Now," he growled. "Are you gonna tell where that red haired girl is hiding or am I gonna have to beat it outta ya?"
Yet all the figure got was blood coughed on his shirt, Hanzou's hazy eyes staring up at him. His eyes narrowed, it was getting dark. God forbid you were all worried and bothered about him, that would break his heart.
Glancing at the fallen boquet, his fists clenched, more blood seeping from the wounds. He had to get back to you.
— • • • ୨୧ • • • —
He wasn't picking up, he never did that, even with the 7 calls yo had sent you were left empty handed. Running a hand through your scalp, your breath hitched as the gruesome possible scenarios filled your head.
You knew about the dangerous activities Hanzou would get up to, it was basically his job. But your heart tightening at the thought of his death resulting from the damn job.
Your eyes fluttered shut as your body trembled, falling to your knees, staring at the phone. One more time. The dialing tone rung throughout the bedroom, vision blurring as it came to a stop. No answer. Was he...?
"Y/N!!!! I'M BACK!!" A weak shout got your attention, your body sprining up in response.
"H..anzou?" You whispered, practically falling down the stairs as you jumped into his arms, your eyes widening as you hands were now soaked in blood. His blood.
You looked up at his dark eyes, a tired giggle escaping his covered mouth, before presenting you with a bouquet of roses. Soaking wet, dirty, roses, which notherless shone before you.
He got down on one knee, pulling out his arm to give the bouquet to you.
In a weak yet goofy voice, he said "Y'know Y/N, are you a vacuum, what do you do for a living?~" He asked with a raised brow.
You stared at him, processing the comment, laughing at his antics, lightly slapping his cheek.
"Oh get up!" You jeered. "That doesn't even make sense!"
Taking the bouquet, your eyes scanned Hanzou's brusied frame, he was practically shaking.
"Lemme patch you up." You mumbled, heading upstairs with Hanzou limping behind you.
Hanzou's mask lay on the bedsheets, his head buried in your neck, breathing gently as you applied a bandage to his skin. Seeing his tired eyes, you frowned, kissing the bandaged wound, a giggle coming from Hanzou.
You rubbed his forehead, applying the last bandage as he wrapped his hand around your waist.
"Happy..Birthday.." He breathed out, voice even weaker than before.
You kissed his forehead, smiling at his sleeping state.
"Thank you."
— • • • ୨୧ • • • —
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years ago
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|Masterlist|Update Log|Update Log 2|Progress Page| My Janitor.Ai Account
Requests status: Closed
1. I write for male/gender neutral readers only!!!!!
2. Please Do Not Spam Request
3. Please Do Not Request For Something When My Requests Are Closed
4. if Your Request Has Not Been Made Yet, Please Do Not Spam Me When It Will Be Done
5. When Requesting, Please give a plot
6. Enjoy Yourself And Relax
How to request
You can either message me your request or submit your request in my request box
Who I write for:
• Dc Universe 🔵
- Barry Allen (The Flash)
- Bart Allen (Impulse)
- Batfamily
- Bruce Wayne (Batman)
- Clark Kent (Superman)
- Conner Kent (Superboy)
- Damian Wayne (Robin)
- Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
- Jason Todd (Red Hood)
- John Constantine
- Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
- Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow)
- Tim Drake (Red Robin)
- Wally West (Kid-Flash)
• Descendants 🍎
- Ben Florian
- Chad Charming
- Jay
• Fear Street 🧙‍♀️
- Kurt
- Nick Goode
- Tommy Slater
• Marvel Universe 🔴
- Adam Warlock
- Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)
- Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
- Chase Stein
- Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
- Druig
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk)
- Ikaris
- Johnny Storm (Human Torch)
- Kingo
- Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
- Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099)
- Peter Parker (Andrew’s Spider-Man)
- Peter Parker (Tom’s Spider-Man)
- Pietro Maximoff (QuickSilver)
- Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)
- Stephan Strange (Dr. Strange)
- Steve Rogers (Captain America)
- T’Challa (Black Panther)
- Thor Oddinson
- Tony Stark (Ironman)
• Mortal Kombat 🐉
- Bi-Han (Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero)
- Erron Black
- Fujin
- Geras
- Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
- Havik
- Jax Briggs
- Johnny Cage
- Kabal
- Kano
- Kenshi Takahashi
- Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero/Scorpion)
- Kung Jin
- Kung Lao
- Liu Kang
- Radien
- Reiko
- Syzoth (Reptile)
- Takeda
- Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)
• Percy Jackson 🔱
- Grover Underwood
- Leo Valdez
- Luke Castellen
- Percy Jackson
• Scream 🔪😱
- Billy Loomis
- Chad Meeks Martian
- Danny Brackett
- Wes Hicks
- Mickey Alteri
• Wolf Pack 🐺
- Everett Ross
- Harlan Briggs
What I feel comfortable writing for:
• Bondage
• Overstim/Edging
Stuff I feel if-y to write for:
• Age Gap
• Cheating
• Daddy Kinks
• Poly relationships
• Spit Kinks
• Threesome
What I will not write for:
• Any female characters
• Any Irl celebrities
• Piss/shit kinks etc
• Rape/Non-consensual
• Sex slave type of stuff
Common Questions
Are F!Readers allowed to read my stories?
- Absolutely! Just don’t fetishize it!
Can ppl reblog my stories
- Yes!
Can I request more than once?
- of course!
Why Don’t you write for FTM/MTF?
- I personally do not know how that feels like so I don't think I can really do your request justice and I don’t really feel comfortable writing for that
(If you have any more questions you want to ask me, feel free to message me!)
Get to know me!
• I am Asian
• I am a kpop Stan, and most of my stories are named after a kpop song or a line in a kpop song (don’t judge me)
• I usually take a really long time to make fics so don’t be concerned if I haven’t made you’re request
• Artists I listen to: Adela, Aespa, AleXa, Ariana Grande, Baby Monster, Beabadoobee, Bibi, Blackpink, Conan Gray, Dream Catcher, (G) I-dle, GOT The Beat, illit, Itzy, Ive, izna, Jini, Jo Yuri, Kathrine Li, KATSEYE, K/DA, Kiss Of Life, Lana Del Rey, Laufey, Lee Chaeyeon, Le Sserafim, Little Mix, Lyn Lapid, Madison Beer, Mad Tsai, Mamamoo, Mave, Melanie Martinez, New Jeans, Nmixx, Olivia Rodrigo, Poppy, Red Velvet, Sarah Cothran, Soojin, Stayc, Taeyon, Taylor Swift, Twice, Vcha, Wave To Earth, XG, and Yena
• I change my pfp every 5 seconds💀
• I watched scream, Fear street, wolf pack, lab rats, literally any marvel movies/shows, some dc movies/shows, and a lot more!
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princesshillaryellaworld25 · 8 months ago
Cylvia(Cyclops's younger sister)
(Pico's school/Friday Night Funkin oc)
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Name: Cylvia/CC Robinson
Age: 13(Pico's school), 19(FNF)
Species: Human
Status: Alive
Occupation: Part of the sibling goth punks, Still a sniper
Love interest: Darnell
Personality: Tough, Mature, Hard-core
Has a soft side when it comes to helping others
Younger than Cyril/Cyclops, Other than the other younger goth punks
Technically the oldest out of the other younger goth punks
She's a tsundere towards Darnell even her brother sometimes teases her about it
Darnell: Love interest
Friends: Niya(Hanzo's lil sis), Alia(Alucard's cousin sister), Pogo(Pico's twin brother), Lulu(Nene's twin sister), Cassandra, Alucard, Pierce, Spike, Sunny lemon, Pico, Nene, Girlfriend, Benjamin Fairest, Grace Dearest, etc.
Neutral: Boyfriend, Sky, Selever, Others
Enemies: Kai, Smile!Sky, Adult Faker Sky, Queen Betty, Lila Sky, Mrs.Bridges, Lora, Lilly, Imp Cassandra, her foster mother, her ex-boyfriend.
Eva Robinson(Mother), Unnamed father, Cyclops/Cyril(Older brother), Liana Miller(Foster mother)
More info about her later
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overwatchfanskinarchive · 8 months ago
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Punk Hanzo by bep_boii (twitter)
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rhearipleyswhore · 7 months ago
Hello everyone!! I'm not gonna say my real name here, but you can call me Nex or Nexus!! I would like to start writing, so I'll have requests open so you guys can request stuff, and I can write them!!
I write for fem!reader, male!reader, and gn!reader!
I write smut, fluff, and angst!
But things I won't write for are:
Noncon/rape, step siblings, or family stuff in general, pedophile like stuff, or HUGE age gaps, NO weird fetish stuff, NO furry stuff, and abuse or toxic relationships!!
If you don't like that, then you can kindly leave my page!!
I will NOT tolerate bullying or hate on this page!
Fandoms and people I write for are:
CRY OF FEAR: Simon Henrikson
AFRAID OF MONSTERS: David Leatherhoff
WWE: Jey/Jimmy Uso, Roman Regins, Rhea Ripley, Damien Priest, Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, and CM Punk
MORTAL KOMBAT 11: Liu Kang, Kitana, Mileena, Fujin, Raiden, Hanzo Hasashi, Kuai Liang, Kabal, Jade, and Nightwolf
MORTAL KOMBAT 1: Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Tomas, Kenshi, Johnny, Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, Sindel, Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, and Syzoth
Possibly more fandoms and people to come in the future!!
Hope yall have a good day!!
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ovwechoes · 7 months ago
DPS Boys & Headcanons!
It's finally arrived; each of the OVW DPS girls have plans to attend a concert, but who would they each go see? These are my personal headcanons (SFW)!
My post with my DPS female headcanons can be found on my profile! Any and all thoughts are welcome, and because this post is a littleee lengthy I've put it under the cut <3
Bastion: Bastion enjoys music, but not enough to bring him to a concert. He doesn't mind if Torbjorn or Brigitte invites him along, but he's too afraid of how busy concerts can be to attend incase it triggers his PTSD.
Cole Cassidy / Cassidy: Similarly to Ashe, he enjoys country music and would love to see artists such as Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Chris Stapleton. He would do anything to attend one of their concerts, even build his own time machine. He's not too picky though, and he's happy to see whatever band or whoever he can live as it's something he's always enjoyed (and probably always will, even if it's not with the deadlock gang anymore).
Genji Shimada / Genji: I can imagine Genji loves to indulge in music that blends classic japanese styles with pop, hip hop and jazz. He's an introvert by nature though, so it would have to take a lot for him to go to a concert and bring himself to see them with so many people around. Artists like Nujabes, Kitaro and Bonobo would most likely be at the top of his list for who he wants to see live. He appreciates artists who blend Japanese instruments with soothing rhythms and technological beats, it makes him feel as though he's seen through the music and it's something he values.
Hanzo Shimada / Hanzo: Alongside Genji, I can imagine he appreciates artists who are developing the sound of Japanese instruments and blending them with pop and other genres. However, I think he would lean more so towards traditional Japanese performances; it would bring him back to a time when he was younger and more innocent, and it would remind him of his life before the mistakes and choices he made changed everything. He would do what he could to watch Taiko Drumming performances live and to feel the music pound through his feet. I can imagine that he would also aim to go to musical adaptations of Japanese movies, like studio ghibli ones, to enjoy the musical aspect in person. It's something that would calm him and quiet the thoughts that plague his mind and remind him of his guilt.
Jamison Fawkes / Junkrat: I can imagine Junkrat is the type to listen to every genre; if something tickles his brain in the right way, he loves it. He especially would love punk rock, like The Offspring and System of a Down, but also anarchist artists who have politically charged lyrics like Rage Against The Machine. He'd do anything to see them live, and would probably pickpocket everyone there with him.
Gabriel Reyes / Reaper: Reaper is old school, he's an old man. He likes his metal music and his dark, moodly classics, such as Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Slipknot, Korn and Tool. He would be the type to stand in the crowd and watch the mosh pits happening, without really doing anything other than tapping his foot and drinking. He appreciates the music of course but in his own way that scares everyone off around him.
John Francis "Jack" Morrison / Soldier: 76: Jack's taste in music is definitely influenced by his upbringing in Minnesota; he loves blues, jazz and gospel music despite not being entirely religious (or as religious as he used to be, before the soldier program). As such, he would definitely try to see Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, and Count Basie at least one last time before anything happened to him and prevented him from doing so, even just for old time's sake and for nostalgia. He views them as traditional American musicians, and would do what he could to see them live (if he has the chance to of course).
Torbjörn Lindholm / Torbjörn: Torb would be the type to enjoy classic rock and alternative folk music; it's something you'd hear in his home constantly while he works. He's at an age where he's been to enough concerts, and doesn't feel the need to anymore especially when he has more work to complete with undoing the harm he believes he's caused (via the omnic wars). If he was asked if he could see anyone in an alternate universe without any limits, he would struggle to pick between Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Sabaton and Buddy Guy.
I hope these are accurate and if you have any opinions, please send them my way! My asks are open to anything and everything overwatch related <3
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amethystreaperwrites · 9 months ago
Fandoms I write for:
Mortal Kombat 11/12: | Ermac | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Kenshi | Mavado | Mileena | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Raiden | Syzoth | Scorpion (Hanzo/Kuai) | Smoke | Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero (Bi-Han/Kuai) | Spawn | Takeda |
Star Wars: | Asajj Ventress | Alexsandr Kallus | Clones (request)| Cassian Andor | Captain Phasma | Cad Bane | Cal Kestis | Crosshair | Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) | Darth Maul | Ezra Bridger | Fifth Brother | The Grand Inquisitor | Hondo Ohnaka | K-2SO | Kylo Ren | Lando Calrissian (Young) | Nightsister Merrin | Omega | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Poe Dameron | Qi'ra | Savage Opress | Seventh Sister | Sabine Wren | Tech |
Marvel (MCU/TV shows): | Bucky Barnes | Captain America (Steve Rogers) | Deadpool | Dr. Strange | Daredevil | Gambit | Ghost Rider | Hawkeye (Clint Barton) | Iron Man | Jubilee | Moon Knight | Peggy Carter | Spider-Punk | Spider-Man Noir | Ultron | Venom (Symbiote) | Yelena Belova |
DCU (Movies/TV shows): | Batman | Batman Who Laughs (comics) | Deadshot | Harley Quinn | Joker (2019/Birds Of Prey/Multiversus) | Raven (Teen Titans) | Robin |
Transformers Prime: | Bumblebee | Knockout | Megatron | Optimus Prime | Ratchet | Starscream | Soundwave | Transformers One: | Orion Pax | Sentinel Prime | B-127 | Starscream |
Horror Icons: | Chucky | Ghostface (androgynous) | Michael Myers | Predator (Yautja) | Pinhead ('87) |
Naruto (I'm only on S5 so no spoilers please!): | Deidara | Garra | Itachi Uchiha | Kankuro | Kakashi Hatake | Kotetsu Hagane | Orochimaru | Shikamaru | Tobirama (Second Hokage) |
Apex Legends: | Alter | Bloodhound | Ballistic | Crypto | Catalyst | Fuse | Loba | Mirage | Octane | Pathfinder | Revenant |
Overwatch 2: | Cole Cassidy | Genji Shimada | Hanzo Shimada | Lúcio | Mercy | Reaper | Ramattra | Sombra |
Rainbow Six Siege: | Ace | Bandit | Doc | Deimos | Fenrir | Glaz | Jäger | Lion | Kapkan | Tachanka |
Call of Duty: | Captain Price | Horangi | John 'Soap' McTavish | König | Simon 'Ghost' Riley |
Misc: | Resident Evil: | Ada Wong | Albert Wesker | Leon S. Kennedy | The Servant of the Flame (Sea of Thieves) | Stranger Things: | Eddie Munson | Jonathan Byers | Steve Harrington | Tron Legacy: | C.L.U | Quorra | Rinzler | John Wick (John Wick) | ROTTMNT: | Donnie | Leo | Alucard (Hellsing (anime)) | Daft Punk (band) | Pirates of the Caribbean: | Captain Jack Sparrow | Will Turner | Elizabeth Swann | Davy Jones | Love & Deepspace: | Sylus | Zayne | Predator (Movie Franchise): | Scar | Yautja(s) | Alien (Movie Franchise) (Fluff only): | Xenomorph(s)| Ghostbusters: | Egon Spengler | Stargate: | Anubis | The Terminator (Movie Franchise): | T-1000 | T-800/Pops | Detroit:Become Human:| Connor |
Requests are currently open!
Link to what I write/not write:
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beetleskeleton · 2 months ago
A countryboy and six edgy teens
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Goth punk time!
Now to explain each one in detail for the lore dump
all the yapping under the cut :3c
Cyclops and Alucard
✦These two are the easiest to explain since I've thought out their relations to Beetle much more often. As in I think about all of the angst more frequently. ✦These two are basically like dads to Beetle (to make up for the one they don't have-/j) Just two autistic dads and their equally autistic son. Cyclops is the one who always hypes them up over even the littlest things, he'll go tell Alucard and they'll be like "Neat 👍". That's the best Alucard can give, and it's more than enough for Beetle. ✦Beetle also makes drawings for them and they both fucking live for it. Cyclops hangs it up on his wall while Alucard keeps a collection hidden in a drawer somewhere. Also, if someone made fun of Beetle or made them upset for any reason, they've got two reckoning forces to answer to. No one hurts their son.
Pierre and Spike
✦Another two who are similar. For Pierre and Spike, Beetle is chill with them, and they are chill with Beetle. ✦For Pierre, Beetle doesn't mind him, and finds some enjoyment in his company. They enjoy the extra noise whenever he's just talking to either them, Spike, or any of the goth punks for that matter. It feels a bit empty when he's not there. ✦For Spike, it kind of intimidates Beetle, just a little. But they know that Spike means no harm and is just there to vibe. It made a good person to talk to whenever Beetle was feeling overwhelmed or anxious over something, and he would sometimes offer some advice every now and then. (which is one of the few times Spike would actually talk) ✦Also Beetle saw the gay coming, they know what those two are. (because i'm a full supporter on Pierre and Spike being gay and in love)
✦In Hanzo's case, the two are more acquaintances than anything else. Not to say that they don't have a few things that they bond over. The two are just more mutual each other than most of the group. ✦Beetle enjoys their passion for Japanese culture and the willingness to understand it. They let Hanzo yap to them whenever they get the chance, and Beetle will yap to them sometimes. They will then talk about Japanese things relating to their interests. ✦Overall, the two just enjoy having each other around.
✦The one who started it all. Cassandra and Beetle's relationship is interesting, to say the least. For Beetle, they see Cassandra as sort of the top dog, the big cheese. They have a lot of respect for her, especially since she's the one who brought them into the group in the first place. ✦For Cassandra, however, Beetle is baby. Beetle is precious, hold real gentle. She has a lot of faith in Beetle when they start fitting into the group, seeing how well they get along and how quickly they're adapting. Beetle is always willing to help out with anything, so long as it isn't extremely illegal or harmful. ✦Beetle looks up to Cassandra for a lot, and Cassandra finds Beetle's antics endearing even if they nearly give her a heart attack from time to time. Which makes their falling out all the more heartbreaking.
And that's all of them! I love yapping about these silly fellas.
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corruptimles · 2 years ago
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Anime North 2023 💀👍
More highlights and photos under read-more
I originally was going to have my Spamton plush with the ‘CRIMINAL’ sign but his head was too big and would make him fall
scene punk Rainbow Dash cosplayer passing by as I was strapping Reigen to my chest and saying I look amazing
people yelling ‘criminal!’ when seeing the Reigen plush
the two tabling that specifically said ‘Reigen in jail!’ (I bought a Mob pin from them)
the person who only took of photo of Reigen plushie, not me
migraine and forgot ibuprofen but Im so so strong and brave (my vision was going in and out all day)
seeing a golden guard Hunter cosplayer and we both pointed as a first reaction
another Hunter cosplayer who was a photographer so they asked for different poses
accidentally approached a table thinking the person was talking to me (they weren’t)
buying mp100 merch from a table and letting them know I was changing to Reigen later so they asked me to come back when I do
coming back and a lot of pointing and thumbs ups
being thankful I decided to bring two cosplays to switch between because wearing the coven scout cosplay meant 2-3 layers on my legs and I was melting
I walked HOW MUCH?
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being in a different cosplay so it doesnt feel as weird circling the same tables over as I do
I even thought to myself earlier that day “I wish I had an uu-chan”
people that specifically took selfies with me rather than just me (I find it endearing)
someone complimented my cosplay then asked to punch my Reigen plushie whoever you are, I felt that punch in my hand, I hope you had a good day
my eyesight is bad, and the sun made seeing my phone harder, so I kept accidentally taking videos instead of photos
didn’t want to keep the cosplayer waiting though so I opted to just screencap the videos later
two at a table called my attention for my Reigen cosplay, said I was the only Reigen they saw I said “well there’s TWO here” and pointing/posing with the plush they lamented that their Mob pins sold out just before I arrived it’s the Mob pin I bought earlier too so I let them know I actually bought it before in a different cosplay the recognition at the Reigen plushie and yelling “Reigen in jail!!” “yes, but he’s been freed!” just some silly cheering about it
anyway shout-out to @warddraws​​ because I think I’ll be using this Mob pin often
the guy that accidentally hit my shoulder:
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this Miku
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debating buying a poster I was staring at for a solid minute, coming back for it later and the artists being like “Reigen’s back :)”
seeing a sans and reigen magnet parody poster, panicking when ppl behind me started talking about it and heard “..he looks like-”, and sped-walked away
forgot to come back to that table.... I didnt get to actually look at their merch im sorry
I really don’t know why I felt so self-conscious there cuz I thought the poster was hilarious??
also lamenting a beautiful MP100 print I saw that was sold out, and pretty Hanzo merch because I have enough Hanzo
watched people playing DDR and being impressed and afraid of ppl that are good at it
someone who was cosplaying Mob but changed before we met (which is still :() but called my cosplay ‘crisp’
scribbled down requests from my friends when waiting (reigen kicked out of walmart) (reigen as a coven scout)
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reigen gets burger king
is burger king
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now scrolling through the Anime North tags and yelling at merch I didn’t see what I was there that I would’ve bought
my legs are still dead but this was one of the most fun AN trips I’ve had actually
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