#author: cassandra khaw
haveyoureadthispoll · 4 months
From USA Today bestselling author Cassandra Khaw comes The Salt Grows Heavy, a razor-sharp and bewitching fairytale of discovering the darkness in the world, and the darkness within oneself. You may think you know how the fairytale goes: a mermaid comes to shore and weds the prince. But what the fables forget is that mermaids have teeth. And now, her daughters have devoured the kingdom and burned it to ashes. On the run, the mermaid is joined by a mysterious plague doctor with a darkness of their own. Deep in the eerie, snow-crusted forest, the pair stumble upon a village of ageless children who thirst for blood, and the three 'saints' who control them. The mermaid and her doctor must embrace the cruellest parts of their true nature if they hope to survive.
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marsadler · 11 months
Book comps:
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw - if you like novella classics with a dark twist, gore filled prose, and cannibalism
Rapture by Saint Harlowe - cannibalism and dark themes
Angels Before Man by @nicosraf dark angelic retelling, prose, fallen angels
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TV comps:
Hannibal - the obsessive relationship, murder, and cannibalism
Full Metal Alchemist - the war, finding out the price of victory, moral conflict, dark secrets
Good Omens - heaven vs hell, angel and demon working together and going against their 'sides'
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You can purchase it here/read reviews/check out the synopsis/etc:
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jasper-book-stash · 6 months
How I feel after reading The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw (complimentary)
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Do you want the mermaid from The Little Mermaid fairy tale to murder people? Do you want a nonbinary plague doctor? Do you want to hear about murderous child cannibals and freakish surgeons? Do you want your protagonist to McFucking Snap? Do you want a happy ending in the weirdest way possible in this setting? Read The Salt Grows Heavy! A mere 112 pages that will fuck you up while you're trying to poop in peace!
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pensivegladiola · 11 months
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The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
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daphneblakess · 2 years
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books i read in 2022: nothing but blackened teeth by cassandra khaw
Even if it was a house with rotting bones and a heart made from a dead girl’s ghost, I’d give it everything it wanted just for scraps. Some unabridged attention, some love. Even if it was from a corpse with blackened teeth.
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samglyph · 3 months
Sorry I’d like to give book recs but I suddenly realized I do not have a very wide range of books I’ve read.
Do you have any queer book recs that you’d like to talk about? I’d love to read more queer books but was never exposed to much of it as a child when I read through books so quickly
Queer books that I’ve read recently that I quite liked:
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
This is actually a horror book and only counts as a romance to me cause my brain is a bit snapped but it is romantic ok it IS what if I was a man eating mermaid and you were a gender unspecified plague doctor and we made a connection despite our mutual inhumanity. It’s also very short
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab
Ok the main relationships in this are f/m but the main characters are bi/queer (there’s a lesbian artist side character named Sam :]!)and there are quite a few lovely wlw scenes that I quite liked. Otherwise I just really liked this book I know some people found it slow but I thought the pacing was very well done and the twists felt well earned. Bittersweet, but (spoilers) had an ending that had me going “good for her >:)”
What Moves the Dead by T Kingfisher
This one’s not romantic and it’s also horror it’s just a reimagining of Poe’s Fall of the House of Usher with a non-binary protag and it’s sooo entertaining. Alex is such a funny pov character for this story.
And now it’s time to rank the TJ Klune books that I’ve read so far (all of Klune’s books are mlm romance fantasy books though I guess itlop is more sci fi) (I liked all of them but here’s my preference in order of least to most enjoyed)
3. In the Lives of Puppets
Reverse retelling of Pinocchio (android man raises a human son in a world of robots) I thought the ace rep was maybe a little heavy handed at times (I’m ace I think the author was doing his best but could’ve dialed it back to feel more natural) and some of the humor wasn’t to my taste but the relationships were sweet and as always I love Klune’s worldbuilding. When the terrible dogfish showed up I said OHHHH out loud cause I hadn’t put the premise together yet despite everything else making it so obvious.
2. The House in the Cerulean Sea
This is everyone’s favorite but I’m gonna be honest. I just thought it was really good. I thought the conflict was a little on the nose/id seen it before so it didn’t really grab me but the setting and characters SHINE. It’s so visual I love Klune’s descriptions (right off the bat even in the boring office setting I was thinking “this should be a laika movie”)
1. Under the Whispering Door
This one is my favorite. Am I predictable. Yes. Am I taking criticism ABSOLUTELY not I loved this book. I love when an asshole learns to grow as a person I love how human this understanding of death and the after life is I love how even though the book tells you the twist on the back cover it still managed to sneak up on me and tear my heart out. Good book.
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dessertgeek · 8 months
The Mari Lwyd Twitter saga (2020 - part three)
This is part of my efforts to transcribe @seananmcguire's holiday Mari Lwyd Twitter threads. The hashtag for now is #Mari Lwyd Project, the first post is here, the thread's source is here.
(Many thanks to @dor-min on finding and linking this one!)
There are a couple from this year that are short, and even single replies that Seanan likely didn't have time to reply to. So this is their collection! Authors will be linked in their comments as best I can.
CW for food, just in case.
Lorcan Murphy (Twitter): Alas were I only a mutual, Mari Lwyd I'd offer rhymes crucial. We'd barter o'er offering asked unpredictable Afore presenting a demanded varietal victual The dead from the living must bide dividual But this rhyme for the horse is purely volitional.
Seanan: Your rhyming's exquisite, So clean and refined. I'll grant you a visit, To seek cheese with rind, Or cheese that's been softened, Or processed or plain... When Mari Lwyd's summoned, She sings her refrain.
Cheese or beer! Cheese or beer! I know that you have it here!
Lorcan: Alas all my beer has been spilt in a pan And as unlikely it seems, my cheese melted and ran My flour and yeast in the oven to bake So I'm terrible short of scran you can take Bide if you can, I'll no make it a habit and I'll offer a pretzel and Welsh-German rabbit
Cassandra Khaw (Carrd / Twitter): A single wedge of manchego I do possess, Not a wedge nor a morsel more than that, If I was someone who had cheese in excess, I'd offer them to you, and have all your desires.
But lo, you bony equine, Such is all I can give: This lonely cheese of mine, I offer in tithe.
Seanan: To give when there's plenty Is glorious kind: But it's kinder by far When you've little but rind.
I am grateful to you, On this shortest of days, For your holiday spirit And generous ways.
The singles!
(I'm posting peoples' handles as I see them, will do my best here. If someone rhymed or made poetry and I couldn't find a 'do not repost' on their profile, I included it.)
John & Bucky: I’m just here to watch A skeletal horse seeking Cheese and wine through rhyme
Stephanie Annand: Alas! For the lack! Of cheese in my home; Will you accept yogurt As onward you roam?
Eleri: I have some ok parm, and a generic swiss A really good chevre would not go amiss This stupid pandemic has cut into my cheese-buying I'm afraid sharing these cheeses, the dead horse would send me flying.
Paige Wolf: Cheese and spiced wine You’ll definitely find; In my kitchen, I’ll fill up your cup!
Come in please, my friend! Time we will spend, In drinking and singing, Bottoms up!
warcabbit: Wassail, wassail? I give you mulled ale and a nice nutty cheese to boot.
It is the season Be kind without reason And generous with gifts and loot.
Stephanie Caitlyn: I do not have cheese, I only have curry, For when I did leave, It was in quite a hurry.
Into the headlights I peer like a deer, But with you I gladly will share my paneer.
Starry_Marie: I know there are many With rhymes that are better But one thing I do have - A large chunk of cheddar
@Chimaera.bsky.social: Oh Mare, at thy feet I lay Some Caveman Blue and olives today. Cambezola roasted with garlic cloves, Squeezed upon fine grilled bread loaves. A bit of Brie to melt your heart, A nutty Parm to fuel your start, Melted Gruyère to dip things in, & Queso fresco (you're looking thin)
Cake and Arsenic: Oh mari lywd, please don't feel down, With your big boney head, in your white cotton shroud, For you'll find that my larder is stocked full of cheese, And you're welcome to come and eat all that you please.
JLH: (not a mutual, but it seems fun and kinda inspired me) Dread equine I hear your call! And in my larder is a prize, A piece of asiago for your skeletal maw Please accept my gift and silence your cries.
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souldagger · 3 months
happy trans day of visibility, i wanna share my favourite books i read for the trans rights readathon!
fierce femmes and notorious liars: a dangerous trans girl's confabulous memoir by kai cheng thom (magical realism YA - a dark, humorous and surreal subversion of the "trans memoir" genre; trans MC+author)
a lady for a duke by alexis hall (cute historical regency romance; trans MC+genderqueer author)
the brides at high hill by nghi vo (fifth novella in the exquisite singing hills cycle; nonbinary MC; comes out may 7th!)
the salt grows heavy by cassandra khaw (weird (<-complimentary) and gory gothic horror novella about a killer mermaid and a plague doctor; nonbinary love interest+author)
none of the above: reflections on life outside the binary by travis alabanza
readme.txt: a memoir by chelsea manning
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isagrimorie · 8 months
Critical Role: Bells Hells–What Doesn't Break
By Cassandra Khaw and Critical Role
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Uncover the lost years of Critical Role’s unrelentingly upbeat undead spellcaster in this original prequel novel to Laudna’s adventures with Bells Hells.
For as long as she can remember, Laudna has had a friend. A mentor. A little voice whispering in her cropped ear, promising that, no matter how monstrous she becomes or how far she wanders, there will always be someone to guide her.
And so, Laudna is content.
But the thought of more—of life, of love, of the magic stirring in her still veins—is unrelenting in its familiarity. More is the dream of the young girl trapped behind the bloodstained walls of Whitestone, and the nightmare of the woman who now stalks the woods outside them. More, Laudna’s little voice reminds her, is dangerous. From Tal’Dorei to Marquet, the world is infested with heroes destined to rid their kingdoms of creatures like Laudna.
The little voice is right, she knows.
But still, she thinks of more. And when she reaches for that dream, what reaches back will change everything.
Written by USA Today bestselling author Cassandra Khaw, Critical Role: Bells Hells—What Doesn’t Break delves into the unexplored years before Laudna joined up with the crew of Bells Hells, chronicling her departure from Whitestone and her solo adventures on the road to Jrusar.
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lesbianboyfriend · 4 months
can i ask for lesbian book recommendations 🥹🕺
yeassss ofc my love <3
erm and obligatory disclaimer for any who might read that i don’t think “queer” or “lesbian” is a necessarily coherent category of books or adequate descriptor for a novel which is why i’ve also provided the actual genres here (sorted into which ever one i felt best fit) and descriptions. and these books have much more going on than just being about lesbians. however all books are undeniably awesomer with lesbians so yayyyyy
-the salt grows heavy by cassandra khaw: fantasy horror; murderous mermaid and plague doctor come across a cult of children (could be read as not lesbians bc one character is nonbinary but i choose to read as. lesbians)
-the empress of salt and fortune by nghi vo: political fantasy; monk unravels the tale of exiled empress’ rise to power
-when the the tigers came down the mountain by nghi vo: political fantasy; monk unwinds the tale of a tiger and her scholar lover to prevent other tigers from eating them (stand alone sequel to empress of salt and fortune)
-ship of smoke and steel by django wexler: ya fantasy; girl has to steal a ghost ship to save her sister’s life
-the mermaid, the witch, and the sea by maggie tokuda-hall: ya fantasy; pirate falls in love with one of the ship’s hostages, a girl being sent to an arranged marriage against her will
-tremontaine created by ellen kushner: political fantasy; there’s a lot going on in this one okay just trust me that it’s really good esp if you love political intrigue (this was released serially and is easiest to acquire an electronic version)
-the deep by rivers solomon: fantasy/spec fic; African slave women thrown overboard gave birth to mermaid-esque descendants. one holds these traumatic memories for her whole people and must grapple with that pressure
-wild beauty by anna-marie mclemore: ya magical realism/fantasy; a family of women who can create flowers and whose lovers always tragically vanish fight to keep their land and to unravel the mystery of a strange boy who appeared
-siren queen by nghi vo: historical magical realism/fantasy; girl’s rise to stardom amidst the monsters of hollywood back in the days of the studio system
-gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir: sff; um. how to explain briefly. gideon wants nothing more than to leave the ninth house, but her nemesis harrowhark needs her sword skills to pass the emperors trial and become immortal. sure. (caleb i know you’ve read this just adding for any other viewers yayyy)
-white is for witching by helen oyeyemi: horror fantasy/magical realism; a house with women in its walls calls to miranda silver while the people she leaves behind struggle to make sense of what happened to her
-plain bad heroines by emily a. danforth: historical horror; when filming a movie about the macabre history of a boarding school, its past starts to become the reality for the stars and author of the novel it’s based on
-girl woman other: contemporary litfic; the intersecting stories of Black british women told in verse
-nightwood: classic literary; i feel like i can’t describe this one well but nora and jenny are obsessed with robin, whose penchant for wandering and inability to commit drives them crazy. toxic dyke drama at its best
-the thirty names of night: lit fic; transmasc syrian american unravels the history of artist laila z who encountered the same rare bird his mother saw right before her death and realizes their pasts are intertwined
-under the udala trees: historical lit fic; coming of age set against the backdrop of civil war in Nigeria, two girls from different ethnic communities fall in love
-everyone in this room will someday be dead: contemporary lit fic; that moment when your ocd lands you a job at the catholic church even though you’re an atheist and also your relationship is falling apart
-stone butch blues: historical lit fic; butch lesbian realizing and grappling with her identity throughout the 40s-70s
-the color purple: classic lit fic; story of two sisters separated in their youth—one is forced into an abusive marriage and falls in love with her husbands mistress, wondering what became of her sister
-oranges are not the only fruit: semi-autobiography with slight fantasy elements; exploring growing up lesbian in a deeply religious pentecostal sect
-the weight of the stars: ya sf romance; aspiring astronaut is forced into friendship with a girl who waits on the roof every night for radio signals from her mother in space
-the seep: sci-fi/spec fic; what if aliens invaded and formed a hive mind of everyone and also your girlfriend turned into a baby again. wouldn’t that be fucked up
-the stars are legion: political science fiction; an awakes with no memory amid a group of people calling themself her family who claim she is the only one who can save their world
-not your sidekick: ya sci-fi; superheroes are real and they fucking suck
-sarahland: contemporary/spec fic short story collection; various stories about people named sarah
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gothimp · 1 month
Book Recommendation Tag Game 📚
The last book I read:
The Greatest Hits of Harlan Ellison (edition with the foreward by Neil Gaiman and Cassandra Khaw). With the random online resurgence of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (and some of the worst takes I’ve ever had the misfortune of seeing) I had to re-read some Ellison to assure myself we’d read the same material… but yeah. Highly recommend. 👍👍
A book I recommend
Pretty much everything in this post, but specifically this year I’ve gotten like four of my friends to read The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. It’s an easy read sci fi with so much heart, easily one of my new favorites.
A book I couldn’t put down
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid. I read it last year in one sitting and still think about it like once a week. The love interest really resonated with me and this book genuinely made me feel sick to my stomach from how well some of the content was portrayed.
A book I’ve read twice (or more)
I am not typically a re-reader but I have an extensive collection of John Keats and Percy Shelley, a lot of their works I have read and re-read and own several versions of.
A book on my TBR
Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirrlees! I actually added this to my TBR because of a video Tim Downie made a while back and I just haven’t gotten to it yet because I’ve limited my new books until we make our cross-country move.
A book/series I’ve put down
Too many to count, I’m a notorious DNF-er. Finishing a book/series I’m fairly sure I’ll dislike usually just feels like a waste of time to me when there’s so many books I want to read. Here’s just a short list of recent ones, no offense if this is anyone’s favorite: The Dresden Files (hate Jim Butcher’s self insert and don’t like the mash of lazy lore he uses), Everything SJM (read her when I was in HS but she continually ruins the only characters I like and the author is just in general not a good person), Iron Flame (I hated fourth wing, rated it 2 stars, don’t know why I even tried other than it just being absolutely everywhere)
A book on my wishlist
The Djinn Waits A Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan and Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia have both been on my list for a while and as soon as we move they’ll be some of the first I grab physical copies of
A favorite book from childhood
HOLES BY LOUIS SACHAR 📢📢📢 my childhood copy was so well loved that it was missing its front and back cover I love this book so much. Also a shoutout to two of my other childhood favorites: Howl’s Moving Castle and Maximum Ride.
A book you would give to a friend
Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb. I love the liveship trilogy so much that I always keep two copies of Ship of Magic. One is my personal copy of the first edition cover that matches the rest of my trilogy, the other has the newer cover and I lend that one out to friends.
A book of poetry or lyrics you own
I have several collections of John Keats and Percy Shelley. A personal favorite is my copy that has my annotated “A Defence of Poetry”
A non-fiction book you own
My Philosophy of Religion anthology that has my Kierkegaard annotations
What are you currently reading
One for my Enemy by Olivie Blake, I needed a palate cleanser after Ellison
What do you plan to read next
Bridgerton has me in the mood for romance and I have A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft and Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater unpacked from my physical TBR right now for summer reads. If my romance mood ends before then I’ll finally start Chlorine by Jade Song
tagged by @rosenfey thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about books! 🩵📚✨
tag list (add/remove post in pinned): @nokstella @rindemption @katsigian @lestatlioncunt @mapeslyrup
@feykiller @werewolfspatula @archonfurina @haarleps @razz-berry
@elvves @estevnys @dragonologist-phd @superhaught
@avallachs @leopardmuffinxo @devilbrakers @pitchmoss @dekarios
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vympr · 1 year
hey! I'm always looking for more horror!
cherish farrah by bethany c morrow was by far the darkest and most chilling book i read last year, i found myself thinking about it months later
the weight of blood by tiffany d jackson: a modern retelling of Carrie that was executed to perfection
nothing but blackened teeth by cassandra khaw if you're in the mood for an atmospheric horror! the author has a strong tendency for purple prose imo but it's a fun premise and a short easy read
run time by catherine ryan howard which is a hollywood horror story that takes place on a hollywood horror set
the lost girls by sonia hartl is a fun vampire YA that has some fun campy horror that lives up to its 80s namesake imo
hard boiled by banana yoshimoto is a ghost story novella (not scary but more "chilling" imo)
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haveyoureadthispoll · 4 months
The winter solstice is celebrated as a time of joy around the world—yet the long nights also conjure a darker tradition of ghouls, hauntings, and visitations. This anthology of all-new stories invites you to huddle around the fire and revel in the unholy, the dangerous, the horrific aspects of a time when families and friends come together—for better and for worse. From the eerie Austrian Schnabelperchten to the skeletal Welsh Mari Lwyd, by way of ravenous golems, uncanny neighbors, and unwelcome visitors, Christmas and Other Horrors captures the heart and horror of the festive season. Because the weather outside is frightful, but the fire inside is hungry... Featuring stories   Nadia Bulkin Terry Dowling Tananarive Due Jeffrey Ford Christopher Golden Stephen Graham Jones Glen Hirshberg Richard Kadrey Alma Katsu Cassandra Khaw John Langan Josh Malerman Nick Mamatas Garth Nix Benjamin Percy M. Rickert Kaaron Warren
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scholar-of-yemdresh · 5 months
This Post.
I'm finally doing it! A list of Adult (20s+) Nonbinary/Genderqueer/Transneutral and Trans men rep in SFF books(no romantasy). This will only be limited to main or major characters.
I've not read everything on this list, so some information could be inaccurate or missing e.g I might not know that a character is actually a POC or 40s+. I will also advise to check content warnings because some of the books listed here can get pretty gnarly.
Will occasional be updated
Keys: 🏳️‍⚧️=Trans Author,✊🏾= Author of Colour,🌈=POC,🧓🏾=40s+, ♂️= Trans man , ⚧️= Nonbinary,🎨=Comic
Claude from The Chatelaine by Kat Heartfield ♂️
Tarquin Mercator from The Devoured Worlds by Megan E. o'keefe ♂️
Yari from Master of Poisons by Andrea Hairston ⚧️🧓🏾🌈✊🏾
Sol Katz from Dead Collections by Issac Fellman 🏳️‍⚧️♂️🧓🏾
Rosie from Persephone Station by Stina Leicht ⚧️🧓🏾
Rafe from Viscera by Gabrielle Squailia🏳️‍⚧️♂️
John Wyndham from The Affair of the Mysterious Letter by Alexis Hall 🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Casey Ravel from the Ballad of Perilous Graves by Alex Jennings ♂️🌈✊🏾
Ardent Violet from The Starmetal Symphony by Alex White🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Gyen Jebi from Phoenix Extravagant by Yoon Ha Lee ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾🌈
Shock Pao from Shock Pao by Ren Warom ♂️
Firuz-e Jafari(+ others) from the Bruising of Qilwa by Naseem Jamnia 🌈✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Iktan from Between Earth and Sky by Rebecca Roanhorse ⚧️🌈✊🏾
Chih from the Singing Hills Cycle by Nghi Vo ⚧️✊🏾🌈
Brennus from Wolf Among the Wild Hunt by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor ⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Dex from Monk & Robot by Becky Chambers 🌈(?)⚧️
Anima from In The Watchful City by S. Qiouyi Lu ⚧️🌈✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️
Eolo from The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie ♂️
Ridley from No Gods,No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull 🌈✊🏾♂️
Enae & Qven from Translation State by Ann Leckie⚧️🌈🧓🏾
Penfield R. Henderson, Aiden Chase, Blithe + others from Future Feeling by Joss Lake 🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Ilan from The Faithful Dark by Cate Baumer♂️
Various from The Tensorate by Neon Yang 🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾🌈⚧️♂️
Alex Easton from What Moves the Dead by T.Kingfisher⚧️
Edie from Hammajang Luck by Makana Yamamoto⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🌈✊🏾
Nameless Man from The Four Profound Weaves by R.B. Lemberg🌈🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Arén from A Promise Broken by S.L. Dove Cooper♂️
Erígra Lilún from The Unbalancing by R.B. Lemberg 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️
Claire|Claude from Baker Thief by Claudie Arseneault ⚧️
Dianthus from The Fate of by J.E. Lynn ⚧️
Asa from The Forgotten Lyric by Carolina Cruz⚧️🌈
Sal Hernandez from It Took Luke by Mark Bouchard & Bayleigh Underwood 🎨⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️
MCs from Time Will Devour His Children by Otava Heikkila🎨🏳️‍⚧️♂️🧓🏾🌈
Jonah from Dominion of Blades by Matt Dinniman♂️
Tet Sang from The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho♂️or⚧️🌈✊🏾
Marcus from Lesser Known Monsters by Rory Michaelson♂️🌈
Scorn from Emergent Properties⚧️
Misery Nomaki from The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang✊🏾🏳️‍⚧️🌈⚧️
Taigan from The Worldbreaker Saga by Kameron Hurley⚧️🌈
Leiander from The Stones Stay Silent by Danny Ride♂️🏳️‍⚧️
The Plauge Doctor from The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw⚧️🏳️‍⚧️✊🏾
Aleph Null from Test by Christopher Sebela & Jen Hickman🎨⚧️
Joel Lodowick from My Heart Is Human by Reese Hogan🏳️‍⚧️♂️
Jules from Finna by Nino Cipri 🌈⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
Dax from Shatter Minds by L.R Lam🌈♂️
Scout from The Last Gifts of the Universe by Riley August⚧️
Avery Ryu from Dead Space by Kali Wallace🌈⚧️
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rockislandadultreads · 8 months
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Twisted Fairy Tale Retelling Picks
The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid
In her forest-veiled pagan village, Évike is the only woman without power, making her an outcast clearly abandoned by the gods. The villagers blame her corrupted bloodline—her father was a Yehuli man, one of the much-loathed servants of the fanatical king. When soldiers arrive from the Holy Order of Woodsmen to claim a pagan girl for the king’s blood sacrifice, Évike is betrayed by her fellow villagers and surrendered.
But when monsters attack the Woodsmen and their captive en route, slaughtering everyone but Évike and the cold, one-eyed captain, they have no choice but to rely on each other. Except he’s no ordinary Woodsman—he’s the disgraced prince, Gáspár Bárány, whose father needs pagan magic to consolidate his power. Gáspár fears that his cruelly zealous brother plans to seize the throne and instigate a violent reign that would damn the pagans and the Yehuli alike. As the son of a reviled foreign queen, Gáspár understands what it’s like to be an outcast, and he and Évike make a tenuous pact to stop his brother.
As their mission takes them from the bitter northern tundra to the smog-choked capital, their mutual loathing slowly turns to affection, bound by a shared history of alienation and oppression. However, trust can easily turn to betrayal, and as Évike reconnects with her estranged father and discovers her own hidden magic, she and Gáspár need to decide whose side they’re on, and what they’re willing to give up for a nation that never cared for them at all.
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
You may think you know how the fairytale goes: a mermaid comes to shore and weds the prince. But what the fables forget is that mermaids have teeth. And now, her daughters have devoured the kingdom and burned it to ashes.
On the run, the mermaid is joined by a mysterious plague doctor with a darkness of their own. Deep in the eerie, snow-crusted forest, the pair stumble upon a village of ageless children who thirst for blood, and the three 'saints' who control them.
The mermaid and her doctor must embrace the cruellest parts of their true nature if they hope to survive.
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore
Summer, 1518. A strange sickness sweeps through Strasbourg: women dance in the streets, some until they fall down dead. As rumors of witchcraft spread, suspicion turns toward Lavinia and her family, and Lavinia may have to do the unimaginable to save herself and everyone she loves.
Five centuries later, a pair of red shoes seal to Rosella Oliva’s feet, making her dance uncontrollably. They draw her toward a boy who knows the dancing fever’s history better than anyone: Emil, whose family was blamed for the fever five hundred years ago. But there’s more to what happened in 1518 than even Emil knows, and discovering the truth may decide whether Rosella survives the red shoes.
The Crane Husband by Kelly Barnhill
“Mothers fly away like migrating birds. This is why farmers have daughters.”
A fifteen-year-old teenager is the backbone of her small Midwestern family, budgeting the household finances and raising her younger brother while her mom, a talented artist, weaves beautiful tapestries. For six years, it’s been just the three of them—her mom has brought home guests at times, but none have ever stayed.
Yet when her mom brings home a six-foot tall crane with a menacing air, the girl is powerless to prevent her mom letting the intruder into her heart, and her children’s lives. Utterly enchanted and numb to his sharp edges, her mom abandons the world around her to weave the masterpiece the crane demands.
In this stunning contemporary retelling of “The Crane Wife” by the Newbery Medal-winning author of The Girl Who Drank the Moon, one fiercely pragmatic teen forced to grow up faster than was fair will do whatever it takes to protect her family—and change the story.
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bookclub4m · 9 months
31 Recent Horror Books by BIPOC Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here. You can also listen to our episode on Horror fiction.
This list features horror fiction by BIPOC authors published within the last 3 years.
Jackal by Erin E. Adams
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas
The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro
The Spite House by Johnny Compton
The Reformatory by Tananarive Due
And Then She Fell by Alicia Elliott
Our Share of Night by Mariana Enríquez, translated by Megan McDowell
Piñata by Leopoldo Gout
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology edited by Shane Hawk and Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.
Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda
Lone Women by Victor LaValle
Sisters of the Lost Nation by Nick Medina
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Morena-Garcia 
This Thing Between Us by Gus Moreno
Green Fuse Burning by Tiffany Morris
Out There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror edited by Jordan Peele
Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn
Manmade Monsters by Andrea L. Rogers
Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova
I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me by Jamison Shea
Chlorine by Jade Song
Midnight Storm Moonless Sky: Indigenous Horror Stories by Alex Soop
There's No Way I'd Die First by Lisa Springer
She Is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran
Tell Me Pleasant Things about Immortality: Stories by Lindsay Wong
White Horse by Erika T. Wurth
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