#auda sherif
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thesimquarter · 1 year ago
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Man, this town really IS full of Strange.
vv bonus headshots below the cut vv
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pinbones · 3 months ago
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Made out with every man the game would let me in Strangetown
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bosqueinvisible · 1 month ago
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folds practice and one o'toole
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hamlet-not-hamnet · 9 months ago
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auda sees everything
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isabluesstuff · 2 months ago
Lawrence of Arabia - Lawrence & Ali Edit - Reverse
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velvet4510 · 1 month ago
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to-end-all-wars · 2 years ago
The Ottomans give me gold and treasure and yet I am a poor man?
Because I must be a river to my gay friends people
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Not loa art today? It was a prank, bros! 
inspired by conversation with @theevilunderthesun
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myfavoritepeterotoole · 1 year ago
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Peter O'Toole on the set of Lawrence of Arabia
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) directed by David Lean
Peter O'Toole as T. E. Lawrence
Omar Sharif as Sherif Ali
Anthony Quinn as Auda Abu Tayi
Gamil Ratib as Majid
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orlaite · 1 year ago
One aspect of Lean's filmmaking in particular I'm soo obessed with are how he has characters enter and leave the story; Ali's entrance into the movie through the mirage and his vanishing into the dark after his goodbye with Lawrence and quarrel with Auda, the panning shot to Colonel Brighton in the gorge, the panning shot that reveals Auda's back when Lawrence is running around in his sherif robes, Pasha's "death", the last shot of Lara's back, "yes, that's Strelnikov", Dr. Aziz rising out of the dust; even Ryan's Daughter which was mid had Major Doryan's introduction (his only good scene). His sense for conveying the most amount of emotion and character through photography and editing instead of relying on spoken word to alert the audience to the importance of what's happening ("people don't remember words, they remember pictures") just makes for the most insane introductions and goodbyes it's sickeninggggg.
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mrpsclassictelevision · 2 years ago
📺Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) | Full Movie | Vintage Movies
Lawrence of Arabia the Movie is a 1962 British epic historical drama film.  It is based on the life of T. E. Lawrence and his 1926 book Seven Pillars of Wisdom. The story is about the British adventurer and soldier, T E Lawrence, and his experiences in Arabia during the First World War. According to Rotten Tomatoes,   "A supremely engrossing film, Lawrence of Arabia makes one forget that it runs nearly three and three-quarter hours: and sends one out haunted and shaken." The film gets an excellent rating of 94%. The Cast Peter O’Toole (T.E. Lawrence) Alec Guinness (Prince Feisal) Omar Sharif (Sherif Ali) Anthony Quinn (Auda Abu Tayi) Anthony Quayle (Colonel Brighton) Jack Hawkins (General Allenby) Claude Rains (Mr. Dryden) José Ferrer (Turkish Bey) Academy Award nominations (* denotes win) Picture* Lead actor (Peter O’Toole) Supporting actor (Omar Sharif) Art direction (color)* Cinematography (color)* Direction* Editing* Music* Sound* Writing Never Miss An Upload, Join the channel: https://cutt.ly/MrPsClassicTV
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vikugnavikugna · 1 year ago
Auda abu Tayi : [Grabs Ali's arm] He is your friend?
Sherif Ali : Take your hand away.
Auda abu Tayi : You love him.
Sherif Ali : No, I fear him.
Auda abu Tayi : Then why do you weep?
Sherif Ali : If I fear him, who love him, how must he fear himself who hates himself?
Ugh I love this movie so much. I need Omar to win so bad
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Omar Sharif (Funny Girl, Lawrence of Arabia)—Dark and thrilling, strange and sweet, honey in your ear, spice in your mouth, he was Sherif Ali the Arab, Yuri Zhivago the Russian, Colonel Grau the German and much much much more, here's to the one and only Omar Sharif---- Pharaoh of romance!!! (I'm sorry Im stealing lyrics from the song "Omar Sharif" but it ain't lying!)
Buster Keaton (The General, The Navigator, Sherlock Jr.)—For me Buster’s hotness comes not just from his physical beauty but in the constant surprise and contradictions of the man, he’s simultaneously delicate/rough, feminine/masculine, confident/vulnerable, 5foot5 pretty face with an unexpectedly deep voice, at first glance you think oh he’s a cute little thing and then he takes his top off and it’s Superman abs underneath. He was intensely shy in social situations but had no hesitation in jumping off the top of a building. He famously never smiled on screen* but he exudes warmth and joy and laughter. He created some of the most beautiful, intelligent movies ever made but refused to acknowledge his own genius and talent as an artist, instead maintaining that all he wanted to do was make people laugh. If he was here in reality competing in this poll he would give it 100% but he would not be at all bothered if he didn’t win. And that’s why he’s the hottest vintage man. A vote for Buster is a vote for all that is good and decent in the world 💕 (*he did smile on camera occasionally despite his own assertions to the contrary 😄)
This is one of four polls in the tournament quarterfinals. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Buster Keaton propaganda:
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"Just look at his freaking face...."
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This entire Tumblr page was submitted
This post
This video
"And for those who have never heard it, here’s his lovely voice in action: link"
Submitted: Link to Buster Keaton car stunts
Submitted: BK fancam
Submitted: quotes about BK video compilation
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"Ripped body, gorgeous unique face, beautiful personality too"
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Omar Sharif propaganda:
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"he and Peter O'Toole didn't have the heaviest "we're fucking" energy in Lawrence of Arabia for nothing!"
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"Additional Omar Sharif propaganda (I am counting as propaganda both the way he looks and the way Peter O'Toole is looking at him.)"
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bosqueinvisible · 2 months ago
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matthewkimble · 11 months ago
auda sherif just punched me in the fucking face :/
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thrvrnd · 7 months ago
Auda abu Tayi: He is your friend? [...] You love him.
Sherif Ali: No, I fear him.
Auda abu Tayi: Then why do you weep?
Sherif Ali: If I fear him, who love him, how must he fear himself who hates himself?
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facebooknotes57 · 2 years ago
Lawrence da Arábia (1962)
Direção: David Lean
"Por um momento desconsidere os fatos históricos retratados neste filme: o embrião da Revolução Árabe, a derrota do Império Otomano, a unificação das tribos de beduínos, a 1ª Guerra Mundial.
Esqueça também o caráter épico da fotografia de Freddie Young e da arrebatadora trilha de Maurice Jarre, a direção cirúrgica de David Lean e foquemos em Peter O’Toole, que construiu um personagem absolutamente fascinante. Seu olhos profundamente azuis, seu cabelo pastoso loiro, seu físico magérrimo de pele muito branca tomam a tela de tal maneira que é literalmente impossível desviar o olhar ou não se interessar de primeira por aquela figura peculiar.
Seu começo é pacato, idealista, usando de seu conhecimento profundo sobre “as arábias” para iniciar um inédito – e completamente desacreditado – projeto de arrebanhamento dos nômades beligerantes entre si em prol de um objetivo em comum, a derrota dos turcos que, por sua vez, beneficia a Coroa Britânica.
Vemos, vagarosamente, Lawrence construir amizades, concretizar planos, tornar-se um herói, converter-se em um assassino e um sádico em uma espiral de loucura causada pelos horrores da guerra que ele não esperava.
Ver O’Toole, com poeira dos pés a cabeça, sentado em seu dromedário com olhar fixo no horizonte, pensando na morte de Daud, um rapaz nômade que o serve e, depois, no terço final, vê-lo liderar um sanguinário ataque a turcos em fuga que acabaram de massacrar uma vila é de cortar o coração, mas é um caminho perfeitamente crível e lógico, ainda que, de certa forma, o caráter puramente heroico de seus atos acabe se dissipando.
Omar Sharif, vivendo Sherif Ali, o beduíno da tribo Harita e primeiro verdadeiro amigo e admirador de Lawrence é igualmente impressionante em seu papel.
É o selvagem que ele odeia, mas em quem acaba se transformando ao ponto de Sherif passar a temer Lawrence e o monstro em que se tornou. A transformação de Omar Sharif, seria possível dizer, é inversamente proporcional à de Peter O’Toole, cada um caminhando em direções opostas e nunca realmente se encontrando, mas sempre se respeitando.
Há, ainda, Anthony Quinn como o espalhafatoso Auda abu Tayi, líder da tribo Howeitat, inimiga da Harita. Quinn, mexicano de origem, é camaleônico em seu papel, ainda que a marca do “tipo de personagem” que sempre fez – forte, esbravejador, bárbaro – esteja lá bem presente.
No espectro oposto, há Alec Guiness como o Príncipe Faisal, aliado dos britânicos e que se tornaria rei da Síria. Guiness o constrói de maneira reservada, discreta, mas extremamente astuta, exatamente como um político costuma ser.
Confesso ter sentido estranheza com o ator britânico no papel do príncipe árabe, mas, no final das contas, ele acaba funcionando, talvez por sua presença ser pontual.
Lawrence da Arábia é conhecido por suas várias inexatidões tanto históricas como em relação aos personagens. Seria um erro fatal esperar um documentário de um filme de ficção e, mesmo que o viés imperialista dos britânicos esteja presente e Lawrence seja apresentado como um salvador, o espectador precisa olhar além desses aspectos e focar no que Peter O’Toole fez ali.
Este filme é uma obra-prima, um feito único, tão amplo quanto intimista que moverá o espectador que estiver disposto a seguir Al Lawrence pelas arábias."
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myfavoritepeterotoole · 2 years ago
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Peter O'Toole, Omar Sharif and Anthony Quinn
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) directed by David Lean
Peter O'Toole as T. E. Lawrence
Omar Sharif as Sherif Ali
Anthony Quinn as Auda Abu Tayi
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