#au: saloon
blackseafoam · 4 months
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A Bad Batch x Red Dead Redemption AU that’s been living in my head for a while 🤠
Omega does not like the names Hunter gave the horses
The Batch is a small time outlaw gang of brothers hiding out as hands on a dude ranch. Trying to leave their pasts as mercenaries behind them. Until they receive a mysterious letter that their long lost younger sister is being housed in an orphanage nearby. After an unsuccessful attempt to legally adopt her, they return later to break her out.
Now they’re all wanted criminals trying to outrun the law as well as their past.
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strawbubmint · 24 days
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we motherfuckin’ cowboys babeyy
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missallanious · 4 months
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Barmaid (she’s the saloon owner) Jolyne!!
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surreal-duck · 6 months
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newly moved in farmboy enamored by atrocious spring onion doodle on local help wanted poster
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
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Small but mighty.
Part 15 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
This is a little shorter than the other Parts, but its my birthday give me a break ;) Hope you all have a wonderful day! A little present from me to you <3333
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redwinterroses · 2 months
(part one)
Oakville was, according to Tango, not the closest sign of civilization—which was fantastic, because by Jimmy’s reckoning it would have taken them weeks to cover what the train had in a few hours. Such was the wonder of modern technology.
“We’re only a few hours—maybe five? Maybe five hours out from Eureka.” Tango said, pulling a compass out of his pocket and checking their heading. “Not much of a place, but they’ve got a communicator station and horses. And whiskey.” He sighed. “What I wouldn’t give for a drink right now.”
A drink. Jimmy was suddenly aware of the cottony dryness of his mouth—and they’d barely been walking an hour. The sun was down, the night air was cool, but he was already thirsty.
“We, ah—” he half-tripped over a rock. “It’s really dark. Are we going to stop for the night?”
Tango waggled the compass at him, the silver rim catching the starlight. “Moonrise in less than an hour, it’ll be plenty light.” He slipped the compass back into his vest pocket and shrugged. “Anyway, it won’t stop the Greysides boys. They’ll bring lanterns though, we’ll see ‘em coming.”
Somehow, that wasn’t comforting. In the distance, a wolf howled, and Jimmy shivered.
“Normally,” he said, trying to shape his voice in a conversational tone. “Normally, this would be the point where I’d build a dirt hut and wait out the night.”
Tango flashed him a grin that Jimmy could hardly see. “What, you afraid of a little mob action?”
“Considering I’m being tracked, can’t risk my gun, and don’t have so much as an iron sword?” Jimmy grimaced, thinking wistfully of the two shulkers of gear in his carpetbag. Abandoned on the traincar, loot for pillagers. “Yeah, I’d say I’m not exactly looking forward to running into anything.”
Tango gave a little chuff of a laugh, and there was a rustling sound as he dug into the side pocket of his satchel. Because of course he had his satchel.
“There ya go, greenhorn,” he said, and held out a faintly-glowing diamond sword, hilt-first for Jimmy to take.
“What?” Reflexively, Jimmy reached for the weapon, his fingers closing around the hilt before he could consider it. Tango let go of the blade and shrugged, slinging his satchel back to rest on his hip. 
“Can’t have my traveling buddy unarmed,” he said. “Bad look, for an experienced trail boss like myself.”
There was something in the way he said “experienced,” some note of sarcastic self-mockery, that Jimmy did not care for.
“When you say experienced,” he said, holding the gifted sword low to the ground and letting the gleam of enchantment dimly light his way. “Exactly how many—”
“Hey, will you look at that?” Tango interrupted him. He pointed into the distance, and Jimmy squinted.
“Lights?” he ventured, though if that was torchlight it looked almost indistinguishable from yellow-tinted stars.
“That’ll be Eureka,” Tango said. “We’ll get there well before dawn, if we don’t run into too much trouble on the way.”
Jimmy opened his mouth to go back to the question about Tango’s trail experience, but stopped himself. No reason to push for the fellow’s backstory—it wasn’t as if he was eager to share his own.
“Right,” he said. “Right, then. What trouble is out here? Creepers? Zombies?”
“Not too many undead,” Tango said. He rested his hand on the hilt of his own sword as they walked. “Husks, mainly, with this heat, unless you go underground, which I don’t advise. But yeah—creepers are a big nuisance in these parts. Them and the endermen—frontier mob griefing is the worst. I keep tellin’ folks we need to lobby to get an anti-griefing patch out here, but—” he shrugged. “You know how frontier people are. Obsessed with keeping things vanilla. You want luxury mods, go back to spawn.”
Jimmy made a noncommittal sound. 
“I’m not talkin’ like, full-on spawn blacklists or anything,” Tango continued, tromping along. “People want that, they can do things the hard way. I’m just sayin’—”
“Look out!” Jimmy saw the creeper just before it rose up out of the scrub, its eyes flashing a warning.
Tango swore and leaped nearly a block in the air, dodging away from the creature. 
It settled back, glaring at them balefully from its nest of brush and grass, and Jimmy eyed it with wary caution.
“It’s smaller than the ones back home,” he said doubtfully.
“Ehhh—” Tango’s voice was tight with concern, and Jimmy looked away from the creeper to find the man staring over his shoulder. “That’s… that’s cuz that one’s a baby.”
Jimmy froze.
“The… there’s a big one behind me, isn’t there.” He swallowed, and a hint of burning gunpowder drifted past his nose.
Tango nodded. 
Something hissed lowly behind him. A warning—the only one he was likely to get. 
He bolted. Behind him, he heard Tango’s startled yelp, and then following feet. 
“Is it chasing us?” Jimmy shouted.
“Keep running!”
Jimmy chanced a look over his shoulder.
It was a bull creeper—easily twice as big as the feral creatures he was used to back spawnward, its pelt dun-colored and mottled with green to camouflage it in the scrubby grasses. It charged after them, its eyes flickering with anger, hissing as it ran.
“Holy—” Jimmy tripped, caught himself, and kept running, eyes back on the ground in front of him.
“Get to that rock pillar!” 
In front of them, one of the strange, spiky landforms jutted up out of the dark landscape. They were at the base of it in a moment, ducking around the back, momentarily out of the creeper’s line of sight.
“Climb!” Tango ordered. 
Scrabbling up the steep side of the rock, they managed to drag themselves onto the top just as the creeper reached the base. It hissed furiously, but they were out of its reach—and blast radius—and it could do nothing but pace below them, its stubby legs not made for climbing. Thank void.
Jimmy flopped on his back on the narrow ledge, feeling his gun digging into his hip and not caring enough to move. His chest heaved as he panted for air, and cold sweat trickled down his ribs.
He closed his eyes against the stars, hating everything in that moment. Hating the stupid night sky, hating the ridiculously huge creeper below—seriously, since when did they get that big?—and most of all: hating that once again he’d managed to pull someone else into his mess.
“Alright,” he managed, swallowing hard. “Alright—look. You gotta get out of here.”
Tango, crouched on the edge of the rock, making faces at the creeper as he caught his breath, waved a dismissive hand. “It’ll lose interest and wander off eventually,” he said.
Jimmy pushed himself up with one arm. “No, seriously,” he said. “I mean it. I’ll keep its attention—you sneak off the back and head for Eureka. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not leaving you on a rock in the middle of the wasteland, pal,” Tango said, with a baffled laugh. “Like—I mean, no offense. But you’re greener than beans, and I’m at least half the reason you’re not on a train right now anyway.”
The creeper was snuffling around the base of the tower, and Jimmy had the sudden horrible notion that it might figure out how to climb. Or Tango would fall off the edge. Or Jimmy would trip and knock him right into the creeper’s paws.
He glanced down at the sword. “Sharpness?” he asked, squinting at the runes carved into the blade.
“Obviously.” Tango turned away from the creeper and gave him an evaluating look that was far too sharp for Jimmy’s liking. “It’s just a creeper, James, it’s not like it’s gonna—” his foot slipped on a pebble and he flailed his arms for balance.
In an instant, Jimmy shot forward and snatched at Tango’s arm, yanking him down toward the middle of the stone platform. Tango fell to one knee, yelping in surprise and pain. 
“Hey!” he exclaimed, yanking his arm out of Jimmy’s grasp. “What was that—”
Before Jimmy could second-guess himself, or even stop for half a heartbeat to consider why he actually cared—why he still cared, after all this time—he rolled off the rock toward the creeper.
He landed with a thud on its sloping back, and the thing gave a startled HISS that buzzed in his bones, the smell of sulfur flooding the air. With a shout, Jimmy gripped the sword in both hands and drove the blade into the back of the creeper’s head, exactly where the spine met the skull. The point of the sword—enchanted as it was—met little resistance, driving straight into the creature’s brain.
The hiss turned to a crackling gurgle, and the monster went limp underneath him.
Jimmy staggered away, catching himself against the base of the stone pillar, letting the sword fall to the ground with a flat clang. 
He heard scrabbling above him, and looked up to see Tango half-climbing, half-falling down the cliff. 
“What kind of damn heroics are you trying to pull?” the other man demanded, his derby knocked askew and a look of baffled fury on his face. “That thing would have detonated in your face! You’re lucky you—”
“Not lucky,” Jimmy cut him off, exhausted. 
“—didn’t hit… what?”
The adrenaline jitter in Jimmy’s arms—what, the third rush of the night? I’m going to sleep for a week—felt like it was going to shake his skin right off his bones. 
“Not lucky,” he repeated, spitting out the word.
He stared past Tango at the dead creeper. Already, it was starting to curl in on itself, desiccating in the wasteland heat. By tomorrow night, it would be nothing but a pile of super-flammable ash. 
Tango paused. “Not… not lucky?” He tilted back his derby and peered down at Jimmy's face, rant kicked off its rails. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jimmy cursed every unlucky star he’d been born under, and double that for Sausage. For a long moment, he considered not answering. Nothing, nevermind, he could say. Let's just get to town.
In for a penny...
“I can’t die,” he said, meeting Tango’s eye. “And I don’t expect you to believe that, but the fact is: people around me die. Constantly. Never me, though.” 
A bitter laugh crept out of his throat. “If I hadn’t got that creeper…” He shook his head. “I dunno. It would have got you somehow. Or you’d have fallen and broken your neck. Or the pillagers would have appeared before we got down. Any number of things. You’re not safe until you’re away from me.”
Tango took this in. Jimmy could see him weighing the words—and probably dismissing them—but all he said was:
With a shrug, Jimmy pushed himself up, and retrieved the sword from the dirt. He wiped the point on a knob of scrub brush. “You saved my bacon on that train, I think,” he said. “That’s enough to tie us.”
He held out the sword to Tango. “Look—you go ahead. I’ll just… I dunno. Camp here for the night, I guess. You get far enough away, for long enough, the curse seems to… disengage. You’ll be fine.”
Tango didn’t take the sword. He looked at it, then looked at Jimmy.
“You know I don’t believe a word of this, right?” he said.
Jimmy’s heart sank, but he wasn’t surprised. “Yeah,” he said. “I figured.”
“Great.” Tango glanced over his shoulder toward where the lights of Eureka flickered in the distance. “Let’s… let’s just get you to town,” he said. “Get some water in you.”
Get a horse, Jimmy added internally. Hit the road. Put a thousand blocks between me and here.
“Right,” was all he said aloud. “Water.”
Tango kicked the creeper’s shriveling carcass and started toward Eureka, and Jimmy followed behind, still holding the enchanted sword. 
I should have just chanced the train.
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aioliravioli-69 · 5 months
Thank you so much @tmkalp for creating that wild west au 🙏 and for being ok with me making my own :D
So here, have Chase being hog-tied to a train track!
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First things first(because you KNOW I gotta add a description to every image lol)
I hate that goddamn train. I'm gonna admit I traced the hell out of it and it took me hours??? It came out so ugly brooo
It's WAYY too small but not a single cell in my body is motivated to redraw it
Aight, train rant over
Buddy is supposed to be a western prostitute(the pants were supposed to be non-transparent fading into a transparent tone) because I couldn't think of any other villainess role in a western movie.
Not that I was more creative with Chase 💀
I literally just looked up 'western film female protagonist' and stole ideas off of there
Also yes, Chase is in extreme back pain
Buddy: Well hello there
Chase: *muffled insults*
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breakonthroough · 4 months
Unexpected meeting at saloon 🦩
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Well, speak of the devil. Look who's home.
или "Вспомнишь солнце — вот и лучик" (ну, все всё поняли).
One piece and Trigun crossover. Drawing as a joke and gift to my beloved husband for his birthday according to his request.
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ghostsandfools · 3 months
Me: I must do my summer homework and prepare for next year.
My brain demons: What about the Lumini wild west AU, lawyer AU, and crime AU?
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lettucealone · 3 months
I will not write the cowboy legend of Zelda au. I have a book to write, I will not write the cowboy legend of Zelda au. I have a book to write, I will not write the legend of Zelda au. I have a book to write, I will not—
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sketch-shepherd-art · 11 months
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RWBY Ladybug week day 8: AU Day (very late entry, ik)
I revisted my old Ladybug Wolfwalkers AU for this, both creating new art and redoing my old edits from 2021 (I just changed Ruby and Blake's outfits from their Atlas ones to their Mistral ones instead cuz I think it fits the vibe better)
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|| Hell's Belle ||
Outlaw Frank Castle x Saloon girl reader
Tags/warnings: sex worker reader, oral (f rec), p in v unprotected sex (wrap it B4 you tap it!), blood, bit of angst, mention of death, mentions of canon typical violence, fluff.
W/c ~ 5300
A/n: thank you to @e-dubbc11 who showed me gunslinger Punisher art and had me cranking this out ahead of all my other wips! Huge thanks to @stress--relief for beta reading! If you enjoy my writing please comment/reblog it would be much appreciated! 💕
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You finish rolling up your stockings, smoothing the band of silk and lace neatly over your thigh before arranging your dress, then you dab on the lightest touch of rouge and perfume before it's time to work.
As you descend the staircase to the bar you feel the eyes are on you as usual, men and a few women too. Among them are those belonging to a man dressed hat to boots in black, sitting in the corner of the bar with Billy. He'd been in here for the past few nights, stealing looks when he thought you didn't notice, but you noticed everything. It was a survival skill in this environment. You could tell so much about a person by the clothes they wore, how they carried themselves, who they spoke to and what they drank. It paid to be perceptive and aware of the little things, if you missed the subtle way a man was about to reach for his weapon, things could get very dangerous. Everything about this particular fella screamed danger, and even seated you could tell he was big. He had stubble on his jaw you could strike a match on and yet he hadn't yet worked up the cojones to try his luck with you. Or maybe women just weren't his thing.
You take your seat at the bar and Josie hands you a drink as you cross one leg over the other, getting comfortable.
As the evening draws on you shoo away the sleezy advances of the normal punters, but you can't help note that the newcomer has barely taken his eyes from you all night. You were used to it, you had that effect on people. All of the girls in Hell's Belles were sweet, but you were the sweetest, a gilded lily if there ever was one. You were in demand, your reputation surpassed you, and you were therefore able to charge whatever you wanted for a night in your chamber, and could afford to be fussy with who you let in.
However, tonight Mr Tall, Dark and Menacing finally decided to approach the bar and so you prepared yourself for the usual shit you had to endure from outlaws and so-called sharpshooters who thought they could walk in and take whatever they wanted. 
He was in for a shock.
"Buy you a drink, miss?" His voice is deep and thick, like gravel mixed with molasses, and at this close distance your first impression that he was handsome was not wrong, although in a rugged and rough kind of way, with a nose that you'd wager had been broken more than once.
"You can buy me a drink, but don't think it'll get you anywhere, mister. I've seen you sitting with Billy Russo, and I don't doubt he's told you I don't just lift my skirts and lay down for any old gunslinger."
Frank nods politely. "That he did miss, but uh, if you pardon me, nobody said we gotta be layin' down…"
He's bold, and smooth, you'll give him that. He might have even raised a tiny smile from you with that cheeky remark, but still you roll your eyes.
"Whatever the lady's having." He says to the barmaid.
"Charge him for a double, Josie." You add.
"Thank you ma'am." Frank says as he passes his last wad of notes to Josie without any reluctance, tiling his head to the side. "Any reason, or you just like messin' with strangers?"
"As I said, you're with Billy, and he's on my shit list so you get to suffer too."
"What'd he do, if you don' mind me askin'?"
'He talks too damn much."
At that Frank chuckles, raising his tumbler. "Ain't that the truth. Boy definitely has a mouth on 'im."
"Mm." You look him up and down unashamedly. "I get the feeling you're more of the strong, silent type."
"Maybe. Could be whatever you want me to be Miss." Frank rumbles and you decide that you like his attitude. You're not giving over so easily though. You sigh and take a sip of your drink. "How about gone? You can't afford me."
"S'funny, I was thinkin' of knocking over a bank this week, that change anythin'?" Frank proposes, despite your thorny exterior he's not lost one iota of confidence.
You laugh. "Oh you're very funny, mister…?"
"Castle. Frank Castle." He offers his hand and you place your empty glass in it.
He gestures to Josie for a refill. "M'serious though, s'why I'm in town. Got some business to take care of." He's got an edge to his look, a hint of something heavy hanging over him.
You nod towards the twin pistols that hang from either side of his chest.
"That kinda business? Those are some big guns you've got there mister Castle."
"The size don't matter sweetheart, it's knowin' how to use em, but I'll warrant you know all about that."
"Mm, careful with the 'sweethearts' Castle, I'm not yours yet, and sadly I'm rarely impressed." You reply with a shortness.
"Apologies Miss, but maybe you look out from your balcony at dawn tomorrow if you want your proof."
You shake your head and smile. "Hmm, it's gotta be a damn special man that'll make me get out of bed before dawn."
Frank's mouth quirks up at the side and he tips his hat as he finishes his drink, pushing off the bar. "Maybe. S'been a pleasure talkin' with you Miss. G'night."
His drawl settles deep within you bringing with it a hint of heat and you curse yourself, hoping he'll prove your doubts wrong that he's a drifter just like any other, that he'll actually be worth the gamble. Or at least worth losing a lie in. You could do with the money after all.
You prop your chin up on your hand on the bar. "C'mon Jose, spill."
Josie gives you a knowing look as she leans across to share what she knows. Josie hears everything. "Well, he's an outlaw, but you knew that already."
You click your tongue. "Yeah, and? Surely you've heard some talk."
"Mm. Word is he's an outlaw that's been killin' other outlaws, maybe just for the money, or revenge. Dunno what he's gettin' revenge for though."
You glance over your shoulder to where Russo is laughing heartedly but Castle isn't giving away any emotion.
"Careful honey, that there's a rough road you don't wanna go down. He might be charmin' but he sounds like bad news. I heard some folks call him The Punisher."
When you eventually retire for the night you find you can't rid your mind of him, and you're up and pulling on your silk robe before the first rays of the sun break above the horizon. 
The air on the balcony is blessedly cool and the street mostly empty but then you see a few figures gathering on the dirt road, one of them an unmistakeable tall, dark silhouette. They talk for a while and then Frank Castle and his dueling opponent slowly walk to opposing ends of the street.
The air grows tense as they stand there, ready, waiting for the signal to draw. When it comes everything moves like lightning. It's over so quickly, Frank's coat swirls around his legs along with the dust cloud he's kicked up as he spun around. Your gaze flits to the other end of the street and you see his opponent is still standing, but his pistols have been shot straight out of his hands and lie on the ground.
Billy is down there too, laughing and demanding that the other bystander pay up a wager. You watch Frank holster his own pistols, a shiver of a thrill climbing up your spine as he turns to look up towards your window, subtly tipping his hat because he knew you'd be there watching. Of course he knew, and now you're even more intrigued to see if he'll approach you again later tonight, and put his money where his mouth is.
Sure enough that night he walks up to the bar beside you and orders a full bottle of whiskey. 
"Fine evenin', Miss." He says, tipping his hat. You accept the glass that he slides over to you and then stand up, your heels clicking as you cross the wooden floor to the stairs.
"You can bring the bottle." You call over your shoulder.
He follows after a beat, shooting a look towards Billy who just shakes his head in disbelief.
"Yes ma'am."
You're sitting on the edge of the bed when he knocks and enters, removing his hat and coat and hanging them on the hook on the back of the door. 
"Like what you saw this mornin', Miss?"
"Maybe. Are you always that flashy?"
The ghost of a smile appears on his grizzled face. "Nah, just a bit of fun. 'sides, it got me here didn't it?"
You walk over to him, standing close, sliding your hands over his black waistcoat and shirt and then down to his harness, releasing his guns from their soft leather holsters and pulling them out. They're a nice weight in your hands and you notice the handles are expertly inlaid with tiny white skulls bright against the ebony.
"Wanted to see if you can handle a woman as well as you handle these." You invite, placing them down gently on your bureau. He grabs you then and you gasp as he holds you fast, one strong arm wrapped around your waist and the other sliding into your hair as he allows his dark brown gaze to roam over you. You heat up instantly at his gall.
"Ain't gonna rush this." He says, before dipping his head to kiss you. Despite all appearances his lips are pillowy soft and slow against your own. He's right, he's in no rush but you open up for him a little as his tongue lightly trails the seam of your mouth. He kisses at your bottom lip, tugs on it just enough to get you to release a pained sound, and then he's kitten licking, teasing the taste of him as your hands snake up around his thick neck and shoulders to pull him closer. You want more.
He lifts you up easily, walking you to the bed and setting you down to sit on the edge again and you watch him, feeling yourself grow wet between your thighs as he steps back and carefully rolls up his sleeves.
"What happened to not needing to lay down?" You ask as he gently persuades you down onto your back. He hikes up your dress skirts, sliding his big hands with surety up your legs, bunching the fabric around your hips. He has a darkness and hunger in his eyes and it scares and arouses you in equal measure.
"I told ya Miss. Gonna take my time. May I?" He gestures to your skimpy underclothes and you nod, lifting your hips as he gently pulls your soaked frilly knickers down your legs and throws them aside. He gets down on his knees on the rug and your heart is thumping hard against your bustier. It's not so often that a man will go down on you for your pleasure alone, and this man, this dark brooding beast, looks like he's waited all his days to do just that.
His hands smooth up the outsides of your thighs over your silky stockings and grip your waist as he carefully pulls you closer to the edge of the bed. You sigh deeply as he spreads your legs apart. 
"I gotta say Miss… you're a true beauty. The sweetest balm for the eyes." He licks his lips and it's all you can do to moan long and loud as he puts his sweet-talking mouth to work on you. He knows exactly what he's doing, pushing all of your proverbial buttons and driving out the most desperate sounds that you've ever heard yourself make. He licks and laps, sucks on your clit and fucks you so damn good with just his mouth and tongue, but your pussy aches with need and so you paw for his hand, urging him to slip his fingers in. There's a rumble deep in his throat as he covers two thick digits in your slick and slowly pushes them in your entrance, stretching you just a little.
"Mmm, oh fuck, just like that…"
"Yeah?" The low tone of his voice makes your cunt squeeze around his fingers and he watches you react. "Y'like that Miss?" He asks eagerly as he starts to curl his fingers, stroking your inner walls in a way that has you panting for breath as you feel your orgasm being easily teased from you.
"Yeah, that's it girl," he rasps, "let it go."
You cry out, your back arching. He holds your legs apart with his free hand as you shake, trying to close them on him but he makes you come, leaning back down and flicking his fucking insanely dexterous tongue over your sensitive clit as you fall apart, clenching around him over and over until he finally slows and stops, leaving you a breathless mess.
You watch him as he gets to his feet, licking his fingers and lips with an admittedly well deserved satisfaction. He takes a sip of whiskey and offers you one too, before he sets it aside to unbutton his waistcoat and shirt. When you were close you could feel that he was built, but seeing him unclothed from the waist up had you drinking every chiseled inch of muscle in with a deep thirst.
You tugged at the bow to your bodice lacing, loosening it and turning so he could unwrap you. He said he was gonna take his time, and take his sweet time he does. He kisses every inch of your skin he exposes with reverence, repeating his praise of your beauty until you are naked but for your stockings. You push him back against the wall running your fingers through his hair, scratching your nails over his jaw as you kiss your way down his neck and broad chest. Your hand slides lower still, feeling every ridge and dip of muscle until he hisses and groans when you palm over his hard confined length. 
"It's how you use it," you squeeze and he makes a gruff sound. "So use it." 
He untangles himself from you only to strip off his boots and britches in a hot second, and then he's spinning you around, taking hold of your leg, lifting it up and sliding himself inside your slick heat with a grunt. You moan with the relief you feel as he fills you. He's perfect, hitting your spot as he thrusts into you slow and steady, like he could keep this up all night long if you asked him to. Your teeth graze along his collarbone as he fucks you up against the wall, his own pleasure quiet and restrained while you let the whole Kitchen know that some lucky guy is ringing the queen of the bordello's bell.
You wake up late, alone, sore but sated. The covers had been pulled up around your shoulders and you stretch out your body contentedly, until the realisation hits you that you hadn't taken any money from him.
You usually made your clients pay it up front but he had you so distracted… 
When you roll over to push yourself up you freeze. There's a sizable stack of notes sitting there on your nightstand, way more than you were planning to charge when you counted them. You'd have to take it to your stash soon, it wasn't wise to have that much money laying around on the premises. 
Frank Castle had proved himself, in more ways than one, and the girls were quick to grill you about him when you went to bathe. 
"So, you survived, and how was he?" Madani smirks as you settle into the tub.
You can't stop the sly smile from spreading across your lips. "Thorough." 
Karen laughs. "Yeah we kinda noticed you're late up, you never sleep in!"
You sigh softly, sinking into the hot water that was easing your sore muscles. "Oh you girls should get a piece for yourself, he sure knows how to treat a lady." 
He had put your pleasure before everything else last night, and that was a rare thing in your line of work, especially from a drifter.
"Oh, believe us we've tried. I reckon all of the girls have been to his table. He was polite and all but he wasn't interested in any of us. Seems he only has eyes for you, sugar. How about that?"
You only raise a brow and carry on washing your hair, the gorgeous rose scent carrying in the steam of the baths.
Karen leans across nudging Madani. "Just look at her, she's smitten."
You throw your washcloth at them, splashing water everywhere. "Am not! It's just refreshin' to get a good customer once in a while."
Madani grins. "Oh you are sugar, you got them dreamy eyes, wonderin' if you're gonna see him again."
Karen cackles. "Yep, you get one good dick and you're already pickin' out your weddin' dress!"
"Quit it you two!"
You take half of your earnings to the bank that afternoon, the rest of it tucked securely in your garter to be deposited elsewhere. You never entirely trusted the banks to keep your nest egg safe. The church at the end of the street was quiet as usual, there were less and less god-fearing residents these days; it was more for decoration than worship.
"Father, it's just me!" You call as you walk down between the scruffy termite-ridden pews towards the altar. Reverend Murdock was arranging the bibles for Mass and lifted his head to flash you a smile.
"Haven't seen you here for some time, come to pray, confess, or make a deposit?" 
Of all the people in this shithole of a town, it was perhaps surprising that the reverend understood you the most. He was a peculiar man in terms of the religion he supposedly practiced and preached. He didn't judge you harshly for your career path, and he always had an ear to lend whenever you needed it.
"It's the latter today, I'm actually getting close to having enough."
He chuckles, "and here I thought you'd drained the pocketbooks of all the men in this town! I kid, I'm happy to hear it although I'll miss you when you leave."
You retrieve your stashed bundle of notes and hand them to him as you embrace. "Well there's always fresh blood, father, and thank you, again.
"That's what I'm afraid of. Alright, I'll keep this safe for you. Will you be coming along tonight for prayer?" 
You giggle. "I'm sorry father, I've been on my knees so much recently they're practically red raw, I don't think I can!" You slap him playfully on the arm and he chuckles along with you as you say your goodbyes.
"You know just how lucky you are, you mangy dog?" Billy was also grilling Frank on the previous night's activities.
"I do. You ain't gettin' anythin' outta me though. Gentleman never tells." 
Billy just grins. "Gentleman… pah! Can see it already, one night Castle, and you're soft on her."
Frank shoots him a stony glare. 
He holds his hands up in defense. "Don't blame you brother. You ready to go do this?"
The next night Frank appears with bloody knuckles and another thick stack of bills. He takes you apart on the bed. First with his fingers as your own hand curls around his cock and you pant into each other's mouths before you let him fuck you. Most men would take you from behind like you're only a hole for them, but not him. He lays you down, and you get a sense of just how big he is as he holds himself above you, his lips trailing tantalising kisses all over your skin before he enters you slowly. He treats you gently, he's making love to you, and it's not without a fiery passion. You wrap your legs around him tightly as you drag your nails lightly up his back at the unfiltered bliss you're experiencing.
"This okay, Miss? Goddamn y'feel fuckin' heavenly..."
You murmur your agreement. "Y'don't have to call me Miss anymore." you breathe. He rolls his hips deliciously, kissing up your neck and under your jaw as he moves like a wave. 
"Mm, what should I be callin' you? Darlin'? Honey? Sweetheart?" He thrusts deeper with every term of endearment he suggests and you start to lose your mind.
"How 'bout just… my name?" And you whisper it to him, nipping gently at his earlobe.
"Such a pretty name, for a pretty girl." When it rolls off his tongue full of sin as he says it back to you, you're gone.
Afterwards, he uses your basin to clean up and starts reaching for his clothes and you make a decision.
"You got somewhere to be tonight Castle?" You ask, watching him pause at the question.
"Depends. Didn't think you'd want me to stay the night." 
You pat the space on the mattress he's left beside you. "A girl can get lonely."
He hesitates for a mere moment before he climbs back in beside you. "Much rather be here than the boardin' house, that's for sure."
You smile and take his hand, your expression fading to concern as you kiss over his raw and bruised knuckles. 
"Just business." He says in answer to your silent question.
"Not the fun kind." You offer.
He shakes his head and takes your hand in his with returning kisses. He wasn't going to tell you he bloodied his fists beating information out of someone, information that moved him ever closer to his revenge.
"You get the money alright?" He asks, changing the subject.
You nod. "It's more than I expected." 
"Worth every penny." He looks down at your joined hands, his thumb passing mindlessly over your soft skin. "And uh, if you'll have me, I'll keep comin' as long as I'm around."
You find yourself stunned by his admission, yet another rarity to be asked if you wanted to see a man again. "You keep throwing all your money at me Frank, I'm gonna be outta here in no time."
"S'that right? You savin' up to escape?" 
You nod.
"Know where you're gonna go?" 
You don't normally talk about your plans with your customers, but for some reason you feel like you want to with Frank. "I dunno, just… somewhere else. Far away. It's been fun but I don't wanna be doin' this forever."
Frank nods and grabs the whiskey bottle, taking a slug. "So uh, s'that mean I might just be your last?"
You smile as you straddle him, stealing the drink from him. "Mm. You might just be, Frank."
You set the bottle down and idly trail random patterns over his bare chest with your fingers. "How long are you planning on staying?"
He gazes up at you, his expression suddenly solemn and hard and it makes you regret probing further.
"Until it's done." He simply says.
You're still half asleep and barely register when he kisses your cheek in the morning before he leaves. "Might be gone a couple days…" he whispers, but you only murmur softly as the bedroom door closes behind him.
He didn't bank on this, he was just following the trail of blood from town to town, and making a trail of his own as he tortured and despatched those that had wronged him in pursuit of vengeance. He thought it was so clear and simple, but now there was you. He had only meant to ease the weight of his task, to forget why he was doing this for a little while, to lose himself in a pretty girl. 
Frank tightens the strap of the stirrups and pulls himself up into the saddle, checking his pistols are fully loaded before clicking his tongue and coaxing his horse onward.
You visit the church again to stash more of your savings. On the way the streets are rife with reports that there's been a massacre in the county and Reverend Murdock meets you at the door. "You hear the news? Bank got shot up in the next town, total carnage. Folks say there wasn't even money stolen, just the owners and the guards shot clean through the eye."
'What?" Your first thoughts go to Frank. You shouldn't have been surprised, you knew his reputation and it was clear he was in the area for a specific reason. You just hoped that if it turned out to be him that he did what he did for a damn good reason.
It's late and you're dozing as you're woken by a knock at your door. It's Josie.
"M'sorry to wake you love but it's the outlaw. Should I tell 'im to git? It's mighty late and frankly he's a mess but figured I should check with you first."
You could have just ignored him but something makes you pull on your robe and follow Josie downstairs. You thank her and open the door to find Frank leaning up against the frame. You already know the truth of what's happened. You can't see his face but you can tell he's injured. 
"The bank?" You ask him.
He nods. "There's somethin' I wanna tell you, I know you don't owe me nothin' but…"
"C'mon," you beckon him in. "Leave your coat and shit down here."
You lead him through the empty bar up to the private bathroom and get the kettle from the range, sitting him down and taking a good look at him in the oil lamp light. 
"M'fine." He protests, but you motion him to take off his dirty shirt and instantly spot an angry graze on his side. You grab a towel and wet it, dabbing the blood from the wound and making sure it's not deep. It's when you're in front of him that he finally speaks as you're cleaning a cut on his cheek.
"Few years back, a gang run by someone I owed money to broke into my home while I was outta town." Your eyes flick to meet his but you stay silent as you work, letting him continue.
"House wasn't empty though, my wife, my boy, my little girl were there…"
You sit back, feeling a coldness creep into the room.
"They uh, turned the place over lookin' for the money y'know, an' when they couldn't find none they killed them. Killed my family."
Your hand moves to cover your mouth in shock. You can't imagine what it would be like to face such horror. Your eyes brim with tears for both them and him. "Oh Frank! I- I'm so sorry."
He reaches for you, stroking the side of your face with a gentleness that used to contrast his demeanor. But not now.
"You don't gotta be sorry for me sweetheart. I've done my grievin'. Been searchin' for so long, tearin' up the world since then, and I finally found the fucker behind it all, and the fuckin' scum that worked under him, the ones that did it. Rotten to the fuckin' core, all of em."
"...and last night, you did it, they're dead aren't they, it's done?" You looked right at him, his gaze didn't waver.
"Yeah, It's done. My family, they can rest now." He sighs, saying those words out loud feels like a ten tonne weight has been lifted off his shoulders. 
"Listen, they'll be lookin' for me, I gotta get outta here. I just- I guess I didn't wanna leave without sayin' goodbye."
You cup his face in your hands and lay a soft kiss on his lips. "Stay, rest. It ain't the kinda night to be riding off right now. You can set off at dawn." 
He nods, conceding instantly. He's dog-tired from fighting, from riding, from thinking, but the thought of spending one last night in the haven of your bed was just what he needed.
You make sure he's fed and watered before you lead him to your room.
Frank promised himself that once this was over, once he had gotten closure, he'd allow himself a new life, one where there was peace. Maybe one day even happiness. As he curled his body around the warmth of your sleeping form he wondered if maybe you'd feature in it.
It was a stupid thought as you barely knew each other but maybe you knew enough. But either way he couldn't stop his dumb mouth from moving.
"Sweetheart," he calls into your skin. "I was thinkin'..."
You stir, turning in his arms and blinking open your eyes. He looks different, the darkness is gone. "Yeah Frank?"
"Know you were thinkin' o' leaving this place. Thought that maybe-"
You finish his sentence before he can. "I could go with you?" 
He tucks a few stray strands of hair behind your ear. "Only if y'wanna. I know you're a strong woman, but the world's a dangerous place, an' I'd feel better knowin' that you're safe, least until you find somewhere y'wanna be."
"You'd protect me?" You ask, enjoying the way he suddenly turns bashful when you're looking at him the way you are, like he's offering up something that he's kept locked away for a long while. 
"Would do my damned best. And, y'know, although he's good company, Billy ain't as pretty as you."
You smile at his charms and it coaxes one from him too. He pulls you closer, kissing you as he rolls you on top and you're careful to avoid his injury as you place your knees on either side of his hips. His hands run up your back, pulling your nightdress up and off over your head.
"Beautiful." He murmurs as he guides you back down to him, his lips laying sweet kisses along your neck.
"C'mere Castle." Your purr, working his underwear off and releasing his thickening cock. You moan into mouth as he captures your lips again, grinding up against your bare pussy. 
A whispered fuck leaves him as you grasp him in your hand, lining him up and lowering yourself slowly down on him. "Yeah, that's it darlin'," his eyes are full of adoration as he watches you, he can't stop running his hands over you, feeling the softness of your skin and furrowing his fingers in your hair as you take him.
"Think you'd be happy enough only havin' me in your bed from now on?" Frank asks you. 
You try not to laugh, to give him the satisfaction of knowing that if every time was gonna be like this then yes, you couldn't ever ask for more.
"Think I just might get by, Castle." You smile before your mouth meets his, your hips moving fluidly as you ride him slow. His hands hold your hips, the rough pads of his thumbs stroking your skin and the combined sensations drawing a sweet moan from your throat. He can't help but join you, the thought that there might be room for a little real love in both of your lives is a welcome one.
You draw nearer your peak, your breath hushed and clipped as Frank commands your pleasure. His thumb dances over your clit, his eyes transfixed on your face as you unravel for him. Your sweet cunt pulses and flutters around his cock and he follows you into that euphoric state, spilling inside you with a freeing moan.
He holds you as you're laying on him, tangled in the sheets and each other. 
"So where we headin' to first?"
He strokes your cheek and cocks his head. "S'that a yes?"
You kiss him on the bridge of his nose. You'd miss your girls, Josie, the reverend… but this was what you'd been waiting so long for.
"Yes, I'll come with you Castle." 
Tags (if you want added or removed let me know): @divinearchangel @saintmurd0ck @castlesnchurches @mindidjarin @hellskitchenswhore @pedrito-friskito @sweetieswiftie @shedaresthedevil @freshabogados @father4giveme @stress--relief @e-dubbc11 @whistle1whistle @tea-and-wine @emiemiemiii @imherefordeanandbones @officialjanetsnakehole @munsonownsmyass @marvelswh0re @frankcastlescumslut @chellestrash @chvoswxtch @messymissy @evilbubu @lucy-sky @yanna-banana @anna-hawk
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@firecurls-27 and I have ANOTHER au lol a wonky Bonus
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I like to think he bareback rides to show off the one non-building skill he has + thinks its better for her to not have so much tack all over her.
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saiyan-druid-art · 2 years
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These cowboys are not so secretly fond of each other 🤠🐎
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
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It was BIG. It was all ~Wiggly~. And it ATE EVERYTHING!!!
Part 14 || First || Previous || Next
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I’ve wanted to include this worm for a long time. He’s the Big (Southern) Alaskan Bull Worm! (Perfect for a certain Texas Squirrel to karate chop.)
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mentalmeles · 2 years
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Tfw you’re accidentally transformed into a wolf by your friend and while you’re freaking the fuck out, she’s simply ecstatic
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