ohhhsosleepy · 11 hours
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Hnghnn. Whiteboard.
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ohhhsosleepy · 9 days
Everybody wants to rule the world ! [part 17, hosted by @sammy8d257]
Map call ^
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ohhhsosleepy · 10 days
TDL: I’m b-*COUGH COUGH* I’m back b#tches
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ohhhsosleepy · 10 days
map part :)
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ohhhsosleepy · 10 days
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
Hey, I just realized that we're all probably actively contributing to Green's potential Influencer Crisis.
Alan and his team made a real channel for Green.
We found it. We've flocked to it. We've left comments of adoration, enticed by the idea of interacting with Green himself.
This was all probably intentional. This was all probably planned.
This was all audience participation.
Because we are all contributing to Green's influencer arc. We are provoking it. We are pushing him more and more towards the allure of popularity, to the delicious thrill of attention.
WE are the pitfall that so many people fall victim to when trying to be modern content creators.
Alan and his team have made us Green's REAL audience.
And it will hurt us all the more, when we eventually see what our actions have wrought. Because we've actually played a part in the story. It will be the consequences of our actions we see play out.
Or, at least, I can only hope that's the direction this goes. Tackling such a delicate topic as infliencer egoism and fame addiction is difficult, but this is a prime opportunity for Alan to send a message to us, the audience, the ones ultimately responsible for instigating and encouraging such toxic behaviors in modern influencers, and remind us that our actions and our attention and our greed to consume has real consequences on the person on the other side of the account.
A phenomena that Alan himself is likely very familiar with, as an animator who has to deal with 28.6 million subscribers constantly thirsty for more content.
I want it to be that deep. I want it so bad. It would be such an amazing thing to do.
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
AU where Victim discovers his Creator’s location long before AvA season 3/without Chosen getting captured, and Victim has his corporation make a machine to try to bring his Creator to the facility.
But something goes wrong; the machine is untested, it has defaults because it was rushed (due to Victim getting impatient), and it malfunctions, badly. Instead of bringing the Creator to him, it sucks Victim in and sends him hurtling to the Creator’s location.
Or, Victim thinks it would have, if the machine didn’t keep malfunctioning. The receiving end of the connection keeps snapping between different places: websites, other IP addresses, different random devices and online accounts.
So when Victim is spat out onto a desktop, he doesn’t think he’s arrived at the right place. He has no way to double-check where he is, or determine he’s in the right place.
Because Victim never really saw his Creator through the screen, all those years ago. Looking through the screen to the world of the Creators had been difficult back then, because something something old 2006 monitors sucked. His view of the outside world through the screen had been blurry/foggy, so he never saw his Creator’s visage clearly enough to memorize identifiable features. He had just been a vague looming shadow of shifting form and color.
Nor does he even know his Creator’s name. Victim never got to see a chat window or login usernames or even the computer user account name, because he never made it out of Flash. And his Creator never spoke, only snickered and laughed.
So when he suddenly finds himself on a desktop, very much not according to any of his plans and something he’s completely unprepared for, faced with five other younger sticks, a cursor, and a shockingly clear view of the being who controlled that computer…
Victim doesn’t recognize Alan.
And Alan doesn’t recognize him.
Needless to say, being on a computer again is a not a very pleasant feeling for Victim, and his first reaction, his first instinct, is to try to flee. To get off the computer, to return to the Outernet, to the safety of his facility. Being on a computer wasn’t safe, the Creator controlling the cursor could delete him at any moment, end his process, erase him, or even enslave him. He was powerless here, not in control, his cunning and resourcefulness would only aid him for so long, only delay his potential death. He had no hope of overpowering the cursor, not here. He needed to leave.
But there is no way for him to leave, because the malfunctioning machine was a one way trip and he doesn’t actually know how to get off the computer. He doesn’t know about the Wi-Fi escape route, and even if he did, he doesn’t have powers to make a portal.
So Victim is stuck on the desktop, fairly certain he’s in the wrong place, with no idea how to get back to the Outernet. Under the constant attention of the looming Creator on the other side of the screen, who can keep pace with his movements and escape attempts with frightening ease. To say nothing of the other five who manage to efficiently outmaneuver him and nearly bring him to the ground several times, clearly assisting the cursor and its operator in trying to capture him.
Victim doesn’t have time to dwell on that. He can only run and run and run and try to find a place to hide, if only the other five weren’t so fast, if only he could escape the cursor’s focus for just a moment—
He’s cornered. The other five backed him into a corner and surrounded him. He has nothing to fight with, he’s overpowered and outnumbered. He curls up, and braces for deletion.
But things don’t go as Victim expects/fears they will…
Because he isn’t attacked. He’s not captured. He’s not deleted or ended or erased.
He’s only confronted, approached, like a frightened wounded animal by one of the other sticks, their movements slow and careful and deliberate. Assuring him that he was okay, they weren’t going to hurt him, he was safe. They ask him if he’s alright. They try to calm him down.
They ask him for his name, innocently giving him their own.
He doesn’t give them his name. He gives them the name Charcoal. They can call him Charcoal. They accept this, without question.
Their naivety is a shock to Victim. He’s dumbfounded by it.
He is a stranger who just appeared on this desktop, and they’re treating him like a friend. With so much genuine and childlike kindness that Victim doesn’t know how to process it. They trust him, almost instantaneously; for no reason. He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t comprehend.
How could anyone be so trusting so quickly? Did they not know the danger of it? Did they not know how awful and unfair the world was? Did they not know how easily they could be taken advantage of, manipulated, ensnared in a web of control they had no way of escaping from? Did they not know they had to protect themselves, guard every bit of themselves, else the rest of the world would use their weaknesses against them?
How did they not see him as a threat?
Or did they not fear him because he didn’t have any powers, so they thought he was weak?
The cursor was worse. It doesn’t attack him. It doesn’t hit him. It speaks to him too. Asking him questions, like where he came from and how he got there, and offering answers and information in return to Victim’s own demands. Victim had not even realized it was possible to communicate with a Creator. Yelling and screaming had done nothing with his own.
It did not seem malicious…
He doesn’t know what to think about that.
He didn’t know what to think about the entire situation he’s found himself in. He is entirely out of his depth.
Here he was, stuck indefinitely with a seemingly benevolent Creator and five rainbow stick kids who are way too happy and upbeat for sticks who live on a computer. Five sticks who eventually start to insist on including him in their activities and adventures; teaching him how to play their games and sharing their hobbies with him. Who carve out a space on the desktop for him, adding a room onto their strange house for him.
It’s bizarre.
The Creator, too, treats him well. Lets him stay and explore the computer as much as he wants until a way to leave was discovered, so long as care was taken to prevent damage to files and data. But it also interacts with Victim, too. Includes him in the little games it plays with the others. Invites him to join it and Orange during their drawing sessions. It – he – was undeniably friendly towards him.
Victim, who had long become bitter and hateful towards the Creators ‘humans’ not just because of his own torment but also because of the horrible mistreatment he’d witnessed the aftermath of upon the refugees arriving to the city, is now faced with the uncomfortable dilemma that not all Creators ‘humans’ are vile evil beings, which challenges a fundamental part of his world view. He is forced to realize that this Creator human, this animator, Alan, was genuinely kind and loving towards the other sticks, and to Victim himself as well. That the color gang genuinely loved Alan, and were well taken care of. Victim never once sees Alan hurt them.
It’s something that Victim had never even conceived of being possible, before. Creators, human, hurt sticks. That's just how it was. Except now it wasn't...
And it’s this that finally confirms to Victim that he was definitely on the wrong computer.
Alan was not his Creator. He couldn’t be; the dissonance was too large.
And as the weeks turn into months of him still not able to figure out how to get back to the Outernet, Victim, too, begins to slowly start trusting and liking Alan. Opening up more, relaxing more. Learning things about himself that his tireless quest for power and then vengeance hadn’t allowed him the time nor opportunity to discover. Becoming genuinely fond of the Color Gang, sharp irritation and antisocialness mellowing into a soft, if exasperated, attachment. Especially Orange, who he feels the most kinship with due to a copious amount of shared interests.
(It was hard not to get attached, the kid’s cheerfulness was borderline infectious.)
Victim had never had real friends before. The closest he ever had were the copies of himself, and they were never really separate identities from him, despite the Box’s best attempts.
He started to feel like he belonged, here. Like Alan and the gang had become a sort of family he never had before. It was enjoyable. It’s nice.
…Right up until Victim finds AvA1 on Alan’s YouTube channel.
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
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day 3 of blorbo bleebus
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
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my contributions to the board.
I think this was how it went
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
what is your name ,,🧐
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
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hi so what if the dark lord took the data of TCO's eye and used it as his energy source for his blades. what if that first fight between then at the computer went differently?
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
If you have a greenscreen (video corrupted green) design, can we pls see it :3 I heard that your using vhs tapes for greens youtuber arc, and im super curious, thank you!!!
I do not have one, but @tatos-stick-pile has been playing with it (and i really love her take on it so far...)
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We're thinking that its gonna use the Cave of Trials, a location in Bug Fables which allows you do a shit ton of battles back to back. In universe this uses a Roach hologram who takes the spy data (which is stored in the explorer's permit) and uses it to make the fights).
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Anyway they were a little stupid and since hologram tech isn't really out to public (mostly because holograms can interact with physical stuff so it can be potentially dangerous), they figured "hey to watch this on a cool big screen we could try the Cave of Trials" and yeah it took the video tape as corrupted spy data UIERWGFUIWEF
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
I have a silly art request >:O
Draw Green recording something for his YouTube channel :D
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Oh no…
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
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Especially Red! He was the first one to react AND was the most aggressive in that scene
They all care about each other, your honour!
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ohhhsosleepy · 13 days
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finally. we have them all........
(inspired by @/amalifox's post!)
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