#au: herding cats
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#shadowpeach#six eared macaque#sun wukong#lmk#lego monkie kid#monkey king#liu'er mihou#I just think it'd be neat if they apologized to each other and then cried and hugged about it#(cuz on god they both have some shit they should get off their chests and own up to)#like holy blue hells they're both just like “I think i shall spend my immortal life ruminating on my greatest regret and letting it fester”#everytime i watch the scene where Macaque is like:#“its good to talk about feelings! obv i don't do it”#i turn into the hands on hips guy meme#DUDE GO TO THERAPY#wukong too lets be real#been reading jttw the west (haven't actually gotten to where SEM shows up in the book yet tho)#and i think that if therapy existed back then tripitaka and sha wujing would've been gently but firmly#herding wukong into the local therapist's waiting room in as many towns they pass as possible#he'd probly grab the door frame and have to be literally pried off#these hypothetical ancient-chinese therapists all have claw marks on the hallways and doors going into their offices#hey how about an au where shadowpeach get therapists who end up getting all the monkey drama news first#and end up on the business-rivals-to-drinking-buddies pipeline#stopped while drawing this like “hey why'd i make mac be touching wukong's face in both sketches?”#and then i remembered that between the two mac's the one who wants to be something to the other#to the point of desperation#its like if they're both cats who got coned swk is the one who sits there miserably accepting his fate#while mac is that one video of the tuxedo cat shrieking and trying to paw it off#i'd read the hell out of a fic where they end up swapping attitudes about their dynamic#in canon wukong's the one who seems like he would like to never see mac again (at times) even tho he really regrets it and it hurts#like mac just gives up on trying to convince himself he can make swk see him as a significant part of his life again
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I think Elliot was more of a dog person actually. And then he became the Prototype, and then he met Theo, and then Theo became Catnap...
Anyways wouldnt it be Hilarious if the cat distribution system got him after he moves to the farm. Proto just chilling helping Picky take care of the plants and then suddenly the world's tiniest kitten pops up and runs towards him.
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nevesmose · 4 months
Fic ideas: Sevatar's first week as First Captain, where he realizes how many cats he has to herd as part of his new position? Konrad and Mortarion being awful bffs together? Horus and his scrungly new goth brother? Kyroptera joint venting session?
Last Chance on 8th Street
So in a perhaps too literal interpretation I combined "Sevatar's first week herding cats" with "Horus and his scrungly goth brother" and this was where things ended up. Trying to go for a kind of The Iron Giant "stereotypical 1950s USA that never really existed" vibe I think?
Somewhere in the idealised American past, a no-good street punk is sentenced to community service.
He's just so bald, Sevatar thought unkindly as he looked at the back of Police Chief Horus Lupercal's head. So goddamn bald.
It definitely wasn't the first time he had been in the back of a police car, but it was the first time he'd done it without his hands cuffed behind his back.
"You should consider yourself very fortunate to get away with community service after what you did," Horus said, staring daggers at him in the rear-view mirror. "But my father the mayor has decided to try out a new rehabilitation policy on you instead."
That explained the personal chauffeur treatment, Sevatar supposed, grimacing at yet another mention of my father the mayor. If they ever made a talking Horus Lupercal doll, that's what it would say every time you pulled its string.
"Gee whiz, Chief," Sevatar said insincerely. "All this fuss over a little jaywalking?"
"Jaywalking," Horus repeated flatly.
"Yeah, jaywalking. I jaywalked all the way across town at three in the morning to a nice suburban house and then I jaydrove off in their Cadillac. I pulled some jaydonuts in it and then I jayburned it." He shrugged expressively. "But it started with jaywalking."
Horus didn't reply as they halted next to a low, nondescript building with a sign saying 8th STREET MUNICIPAL CAT SHELTER.
"Here we are," he announced. "Your community service. Get out. It's time you met my brother."
"Oh yeah?" Sevatar left the car, scowling, and adjusted his leather jacket with an air of immense self-importance. "And which brother would that be exactly? Because it feels like there's about a hundred of you. Which reminds me," he added nastily, "give my sympathies to Mrs Mayor."
"A real comedian, aren't you?" Horus replied. "Let me put it this way. He's not one of the ones my father the mayor allows to be seen in public."
"Oh shit, is it the crazy one? The one the Army did all those psychic UFO mind control experiments on?"
"Is that what they say about him?" Horus asked innocently. He shouldered open the main door of the building and led Sevatar into a small, dimly-lit reception area empty except for a few metal folding chairs, a desk with a disconnected rotary phone on it, and a poster of a cat on one wall.
"He must be out in the yard," Horus said, gesturing to a door leading to the rear of the building. "And just remember," he continued, turning to point a finger at Sevatar, "when you fail at this, which you will because you're nothing but a worthless punk, I will be here to arrest you personally. Have fun."
With that he left, either ignoring or not hearing Sevatar's response. Sevatar shrugged, lit up a cigarette and headed out into the yard behind the building.
Whatever he'd expected, it wasn't this - an open, grass-covered space dotted with trees and what looked like a variety of homemade cat-sized climbing frames, scratching posts and houses.
And above all, what looked like thousands of cats, everywhere he looked. The most cats he'd ever seen. Like in that horror movie about birds, but... with cats. For some reason every single one of them was some variety of black, grey or white in colour.
Sitting cross-legged in the centre of the yard, surrounded by his own personal clowder, was Konrad Curze, the crazy one of the Mayor's sons.
He was tall, tall enough that you could see it even sitting down, and far thinner than any healthy person should be. He wore grey jeans and a black turtleneck sweater which, combined with his long black hair and intense dark eyes, made him look like a kind of depressed, disappointed beatnik.
The cat hair all over his clothes didn't help.
"Those things will kill you," Curze said, looking over at Sevatar. His voice was raspy, like he'd either used it far too much or far too little.
"What, the cats?"
He shook his head and gently pushed a tuxedo cat with a peculiar marking on its forehead off his lap so he could stand up and walk over to Sevatar. "Cigarettes. Cats will just eat you after you die."
He had to be seven feet tall at least. Sevatar, who fell back on humour at times of uncertainty, found himself compelled to make some kind of remark.
"What's the weather like up there, Legs?"
"Bright and breezy," Curze replied in the same whispery tone. "You must be Jago Sevatarion, here to serve the community."
"It's Sevatar. And yeah, I guess so. Didn't think it would be a community of cats though."
"Cats are vital to the community," Curze replied. "While their actions in keeping down pest populations may seem brutal, or even downright sadistic, their overall contribution is very positive to society."
"Right. But what about, like... endangered birds? Don't they hunt them too?"
"That's utterly irrelevant to me, Sevatar. I just like cats."
They walked together around the yard, with Curze describing in great detail the various duties involved in running the shelter and Sevatar mostly trying not to step on any of the residents.
Eventually his curiosity got the better of him. "You know, they say you're crazy," he ventured at a stopping point in Curze's feline monologue while he was being shown the special-care area.
"They're right," Curze answered bluntly. "Now, Malcharion here is very old and needs his food mushed up with some water."
"Okay. But you don't seem too crazy right now."
Curze paused and looked at him. "I have good days and bad days," he said. "Today is a good day. Do not under any circumstances let Gendor near any of the other cats' food," he added, pointing at a malevolent-looking grey tabby. "He is entirely untrustworthy."
In the end they agreed that Sevatar would be back at nine the next morning, but when the next morning came he woke up at half past eight with no possible way to get to 8th Street on time.
So he gave up and just kind of wandered around, smoking and making vague plans to skip town. That was something people did, after all. Just vanishing one day.
His thoughts were interrupted by a blurry black shape looming up in his peripherial vision. It quickly resolved itself into Konrad Curze and his cat-hair-covered turtleneck who grabbed him forcefully.
"You should be at the cat shelter," Curze rasped, somehow making the phrase into the most terrifying threat Sevatar had ever heard. The taller man had him pinned up against the wall, just about lifting him off his feet through sheer wiry strength, but then he suddenly drew back.
"You weigh hardly anything, Sevatar," he said. "When did you last eat?"
Sevatar told him, and that was how the man who up until that point had seemed intent on killing him insisted on going to the nearest diner instead.
Curze sat opposite him in their booth with a cup of coffee while Sevatar, who had taken the statement to get whatever you want well and truly to heart, was working his way through a cheeseburger, fries, soda, milkshake and a sundae the size of a toddler.
"Today hasn't been a good day," Curze said, as if that explained everything. "I'm given to understand that for you it's this or prison. Is that right?"
Sevatar shrugged. "And, so what if it is?"
Curze thought for a moment, clasping his long fingers around his coffee cup.
"It's very much the same for me," he said eventually. "If I fail at this I'll be of no use at all to my father the Mayor, as Horus so endearingly puts it."
"Is that so?" Sevatar said, or at least intended to say, around a mouthful of burger. It came out as more of a generic inquisitive sound which didn't seem to bother Curze.
"The next step from there would be a long stay at an institution somewhere very far away and, I think, an eventful appointment with a lobotomist. It would be as if I never existed at all."
"That's rough," Sevatar said, not entirely unkindly.
Curze gave a rueful smile. "That's my father," he replied. "He's done it before with his little disappointments. Did you know there used to be twenty of us?"
"No," Sevatar replied, "I didn't know that."
On impulse, he wiped the fry grease off on his white T-shirt and then held out his hand to Curze.
"I'll make you a deal," he said. "Let's help each other to stay out of institutions as long as we can. Just don't try to kill me again."
They shook hands and started discussing how to herd cats.
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blackfeatherdragon · 5 months
Keyswap AU at Vector's Number ruin probably:
Vector: So you like history?
Michael: Yeah?
Vector: Get ready to experience it first hand then! (Activates the death traps)
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tcfactory · 4 months
In the daemon AU fic I have a scene technically planned out for the YQY sword reveal, but on second thought SQQ only has the emotional capacity to work on one relationship at a time, so I might just change it so they have already reconciled some time ago. It would help explain why SQQ is going a little easier on LBH too, because he already made up with his big brother and has just a little fewer neuroses going on.
Like, this is a daemon AU where the daemons can easily act independently of their humans. YQY and SQQ might be dumb about communicating, but YQY's daemon would need just the tiniest push (maybe from a very helpful Airplane-SQH) to babble all about the caves and the sword specifically because YQY is too paralyzed by guilt to speak.
I don't think having reconciled would make SQQ more pleasant or likeable to anyone outside of his personal circle, so I don't actually have to change the parts I have already written.
So the focus can be fully on SQQ/SY, with maybe a little bit of side serving of YQY/LQG. And I can move up a scene in the timeline where SQQ kicks YQY out of the bamboo house ("If all you are going to do is cry about your stupid crush then go be pathetic somewhere else! I have better things to do.") because he has an arranged meeting with SY (that he's kinda maybe looking forward to SHUT UP QI-GE HE'S NOT MAKING FRIENDS).
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naranjapetrificada · 8 months
You know what I did not fucking expect to be so hard to write?
This fic has more than one POV and it's not like I'm trying to provide a 360 view or anything, but I don't think I've ever tried to write something happening and had the characters want to pass the mic back and forth so much. I'm not letting them but god it's distracting.
It feels like having some kids you're trying to get through a cute little play they're doing for their parents. I put Stede on a leash early so he won't just run on stage whenever he feels like it, but they don't make leashes short enough to keep him from trying to grab everything he sees.
Meanwhile Ed is that shy kid you have to coax out, and he stands on the stage and he'll whisper his lines to the floor boards if you're feeding them to him backstage. But then he won't leave the stage either and you don't want to embarrass him by coming out to take his hand, and you can't risk going out there anyway because you've got Stede on his leash.
Holy shit wait that's exactly them in character as children anyway
Also it's not even the wedding, it's a whole other kind of fucking ceremony that I decided needed to be in here because I hate myself apparently
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: SEAL Team (TV), Six (TV 2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eric Blackburn & Commander Atkins Characters: Eric Blackburn, Commander Atkins Additional Tags: background Bear/Alex, background Brock/Jason, AU-gust | August Writing Challenge, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Workplace Relationship, Workplace Sex, fraternisation in the US Navy we don't know her, managing Navy SEALs is like herding cats, Swearing, Crossover, Drinking, Office Sex, blackburn is secretly the worst one but he is so much better at hiding it, alternate universe- metal doesn't die Summary:
“And, if you think about it this way, this time next week, you’re not even gonna remember this headache.”
“Because they’ll have given me an entirely different headache instead?”
Blackburn and Atkins commiserate about the trouble their respective groups of boys have been getting up to on bas and the headaches it has earned them
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time to toss another WIP into the wind! this time, a set of headshot doodles for (most of) the main salads of Flourish AU in their various roles, featuring:
Tactician Ceara the Defiant, Commander Pirkko the Blade, General Saoirse the Dauntless, Marshal Trahearne, Demolition Specialist Canach, and Elite Knight Gavin.
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azdoine · 2 years
writing a spot of rankane again and it's such a pain i'm sitting here like "are these two kids who are completely in love with one another being too nice to each other?" every time i try another line of dialogue
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I will make no excuses. This is the biggest example of self indulgent art ive done since my birthday last year. I have no fucking clue what au this is. I jsut wanted to draw Sabo as a sheep, Ace as slutty and greasy as i could with him still being hot in my eyes, and luffy with adorable little bear ears. Also that shading on luffy’s pic was really fun to make.
I had a physical reaction to drawing the little animals. Theyre. Everything. To me.
Why luffy is bear- bears are so food motivated i love them.
Why sabo is sheep- rebelling against fate’s design, breaking from herd mentality, etc etc
Why ace is coyote- it’s really funny how people keep thinking theyre cats or dogs and take them in but theyre just feral creatures. Very similar to Ace me thinks.
I wanted to make luffy and ace typical predators of sheep. Something something them born to destroy the system of all that has ever been (harking back to that herd mentality) something something also breaking that promise too to be brothers with someone from that system
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charmikarma · 10 months
i think there's something charming about homestuck fanworks that, against all odds, try to let everyone live and not be in a doomed timeline
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chaosspear · 4 months
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after sitting on this game in my steam wishlist for ages, I finally gave it a try when another one of my friends started it, and it ended up becoming one of my favorite rpgs (and games in general) of all time. the emotional rollercoaster this game put me through is unparalleled. so obviously i needed to turn all the main characters into ponies and funny animals.
Notes on my reasoning and thoughts below! (Including major game spoilers!)
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As for the sonic character animals the reasons are a lot more simple also i didnt for au lore crazy with them. theyre just furries now: Siffrin- he literally goes nya. he makes cat mouths all the time. they also like silently hanging out with their loved ones, agile and sneaky, etc. Mirabelle- she is so fucking nervous all the time. a little guy seemed fitting. Also, unintentionally, her being a mouse with her rapier makes her look like the tale of despereaux guy Isabeau- a supportive, happy go lucky guy being made a dog seemed pretty obvious, but i wanted to be a little more creative and thoughtful than that, so i specifically went for a smarter dog breed: a collie :] kind of like herding he also brings and corrals the group together Odile- suggestion of a friend, a yellow-throated marten :] just looked really cool and very odile. simple as that Bonnie- wombat-- suggestion from a friend, too :] But in general the idea was a burrowing animal, because they're digging in the ground for tubers to me.
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femoso-seben · 8 months
Livestock AU
Where Cod characters are hybrids living on a farm -------------------
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Price and Alejandro were raised together, as guardian livestock animals they were raised together. Alejandro is a Llama hybrid and is trained to attack dog-like creatures he guards over the sheep. When Gaz the young border collie Hybrid was introduced he had to work with a very aggressive Llama that didn’t like his dog shape.
Ghost is a Kangal, like Price but much bigger. Ghost comes from a puppy mill and has to fight to get food. Very quiet dog unless intimidating the coyotes and wolves. Ghost learns quickly and tends to be the most independent but always comes back to check in with his fellow livestock dogs.
Soap is a Great Pyrenees who generally do anything required of him, mostly looking after the ducks, ducks, and goose. Very playful and young still learning the ropes but very good at his job does sleep during the day since he needs to be active at night. If he sees an unattended egg left over night will eat it.
Lastly is Gaz a border collie and very good at his job if he finds anyone miss behaving (most Soap sometimes Roach) he will bite them near the next to correct that behavior.
Laswell and Roach are both Barn cat hybrids. Laswell usually does all the recon missions and gets the boys to then check things out if she finds something suspicious. Roach is a rescue dumpster cat who survives being poisoned a few times. Very rambunctious and follows the guardian dogs around. Ghost is very fond of the silent cat, you will find Roach sneaking bites of Ghost dog food.
Lastly only recently added is an Alpaca. Rudy is situated with the Goats and as their alarm system acts like a less aggressive Alejandro. Alejandro and Rudy do see each other as packmates as well as their individual herd.
Nik is an old police dog who retired as a family dog, and will help out once in awhile when the urge to work hits him.
The livestock guardians’ main rival is a pack of wolves led by Graves. His shadow is a large pack of wolves that tries the farm every once in a while.
Another group is a group of Coyotes led by Valeria. She has gotten a few Birds from Soap which really upsets him.
The farm is currently being invaded by rats Led by Makarov and Laswell is trying her damnest to hunt him down, he and his Konni group are aggravating the farmer.
The farmer decided to get a few more barn cats.
Reader is a small kitten from another farm with too many cats they and their two friends, Farah a brownish cat hybrid, and Alex a big sandy color cat are added. Turns out Alex is the son of Laswell one of her litters.
Reader is treated like an eyesore by the older guardians until they are old enough to train, learn, and join the workforce. Reader mostly wonders around seeing each group and how they work, and finding their spot to rest in. Makarov once scared them and got scolded by Price. -------
It stupid idea idk was inspired a little by @tacticalanklebiter3000 and @frogchiro and the Hybrid side of Cod community
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spider-jaysart · 10 months
Hii I find your apocalypse AU pretty interesting. Was wondering if I could do some fanart? :3
Omggg!!! Yesss, I would totally be okay with you making some!! I would love to see that!✨
Sorry this took a bit to answer btw, but here are some reference sheets for the boys designs in this au that will probably be helpful for you to use!!
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(Click for better quality)
This is also probably a good moment to finally expand more on what the au is about (which is why I added in Mar'i and Jake's there too) since I'm showing them now and also because I've been taking a long while already to make the post about it lol😅
(It's a no capes au btw, meaning everyone's just a normal human here and weren't superheroes in the past)
After tragically losing both Talia and Bruce, Damian is mainly surviving with Dick and Kory, plus the kiddos Mar'i and Jake.
After a very long while of doing just fine, they one day get completely seperated from eachother after getting attacked by a random group of greedy bandits. Damian got stuck with Mar'i and Jake on his side while Dick and Kory were only left with eachother, plus Alfred the cat who they carry around all the time in their backpack.
After seeing that there's no way to really get around and go back to eachother and also noticing that they have to continue running from the large group of bandits who are still after them, Dick quickly hands Damian a map and tells him to travel to the place that's marked on it, telling him that they'll all meet up there and reunite with eachother again. Damian promises to do just that and becomes Mar'i and Jake's new guardian while the three of them are on their own, protecting them both from any kind of danger that's thrown their way no matter what, while staying determined to return to Dick and Kory once again.
After three months later of already moving forward to get to their far destination, Damian, Mar'i, and Jake were resting at a small cabin in the woods for a night until the morning. During that night, Jon later happened to be walking around near their hide out all alone since he was lost. Damian spotted him and wasn't planning on taking any risks by just letting him wander around, in case he was actually someone who was just looking to attack and steal stuff if he found him and his little Nephew and Niece, so he sneakily knocked Jon out and tied him up in the cabin.
Once Jon woke up, Damian and Mar'i both pretended to be cannibals to scare him so that they could get their needed answers out of him to see if he was really just another bad person as expected. Because of this, Jon was terrified and just told them whatever they wanted to know, promising that he wasn't there for any trouble. With this, they saw that he was just a harmless kid just trying to survive like them, so they finally dropped the act and let him know that they were just actually faking it. Jon immediately became even more upsetted by all of this after being told that.
While Damian and Mar'i were distracted talking to eachother about what they were gonna do with him, Jon sneakily got loose from his ties and quickly surprised punched Damian in the gut in anger. Jon quickly stopped though once Mar'i immediately got in the middle of the fight and shoved him away from Damian, yelling "No!" In fear, making him feel a little bad for getting rough in front of the 8 year old girl. Then he soon started to hear Jake crying loudly too and began to feel even more bad for not realizing that there was a baby in the room as well.
That was when Jon got (an angry) explanation from Damian about why they did what they did to him, which was only for their safety. He began to start understanding the reasons behind it after that, but still felt pretty upset about the way it was done.
After some calming down, and for Jake too after being rudely awakened, Jon explains to Damian and Mar'i that he had gotten separated from his group earlier after getting chased down by some herd filled with the undead and is just trying to find his way back to his camp now, but is completely lost.
Damian, remembering he has a map on him and thinking back on how Mar'i and him haven't had much food to eat for days, decides to make a deal with Jon. He tells him that if they help him out, he has to give them some food to take back with them in the end in return. Jon, desperate to get back home and feeling delighted at being offered some help, promises them plenty to eat, so they make a deal. This was the start of their adventure together. (Damian didn't let Jon know about the map though and instead lied to him that he's an expert on traveling in the area, so that he wouldn't reject the deal and also so that he wouldn't think of taking the map from them and just run off with it either)
Along the way, the boys begin to later become good friends (with growing crushes on eachother and later become boyfriends too) and a found family type of thing also starts to grow between Mar'i and Jake with Jon over time too (he becomes like a new Uncle to them).
And after finally getting Jon back home in the end like promised, Jon wants to return the favor by helping Damian out in his own big goal too, just like how he helped him out so much during their little journey together. So the four of them venture out later to look for Dick and Kory like a team.
Phew! Glad that's finally done lol. I really can't wait to see what kind of stuff you decide to draw for the au and am very excited to see them whenever they're ready!!!✨:D (I also have way more stuff about the au, like what happens much later on and also how things started too, but that would just make the post too long lmao)
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3rdgymbros · 2 years
━ 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐀 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞!
— pairing; nagi seishiro x reader  
— summary; in which nagi seishiro’s parents assume that you’re dating after the events of the u-20 match. set in the blue lock manager au.
— notes; please donate to my kofi if you like my content and wish to support me. reblogs are appreciated !!
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❋ Where do they get their energy from, you wonder, staring at the rowdy boys under your care.
❋ Most of them are running around the field like headless chickens, and you’re fairly sure that some of them have stripped in their excitement.
❋ Great.
❋ You just hope that they know their reactions are being filmed on national television.
❋ Yeah, they’ve probably forgotten about that part.
❋ You wish that you could share some of their excitement, but you’re exhausted from running around all day, and with Ego and Anri off dealing with all the press and sponsors, it means that you’re effectively in charge of these boys.
❋ And getting them back to the training centre will be about as easy as herding cats.
❋ You have to resist the urge to scream.
❋ But the only one not joining in the festivities would be Nagi, draped over you like a lazy cat. It seems as though all the exertion and excitement has just about done him in.
❋ His face is buried into the crown of your hair, and his arms are looped around your waist. He’s a warm and comfortable ─ if slightly damp ─ weight against your back.
❋ “C’mon, Nagi.”
❋ Because while you can move around and do your tasks just fine, you’d rather not do it with a limpet clinging stubbornly to your back.
❋ “Please?”
❋ And he’s looking at you so pitifully that you cave almost immediately.
❋ “Fine.”
❋ You suppose that he’s earned a rest after going all out, you think, petting his hair with an absent-minded affection. And as Nagi sighs in contentment, you think that you could stay like this ─ stay with him ─ for a little while longer.
❋ You’d thought that the press would only be interested in the players losing their minds on the field, but it turns out that you were wrong.
❋ Pictures of you and Nagi are splashed across the gossip magazines the next day, and as you’re hoping and praying that everything will eventually boil over ─ your phone vibrates.
❋ It’s a text from Nagi, and for a second you think that he wants to talk about doing damage control.
❋ Right?
When r u free? My parents want 2 c u.
❋ Wait.
They think we’re dating. LMAO.
❋ What?!
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alanaartdream · 1 month
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1st off I have to say I LoVe ❤️ @cubbihue itty bitties fairly odd parents Au as well as @jessadamsdraws the Deal fairly odd parents AU
That i wanted to add my fairly odd parents Fairy Oc to their au’s
But to do that I’m gonna have to explain about who my Fairy oc Felicity
Well she was a human child when British were sending Convicts to Australia between 1788-1868
She was a child excuse at stealing food and was given a choice of going to overcrowded prison or being sent to Australia 🇦🇺 at the time (she chose Australia)
She then got Jorgen’s Nana Boom boom as her godmother who was only one who seemed to care for her and support her creative talents so when she wished she was a real fairy and could live with Nana Boom boom and she was raised by nana boom boom to become the Fairy of the creative arts and records keeping (she gets to work with Father Time to make sure the records are up to snuff and no fake information is in them) but most fairies know her for helping to inspire humans & fairies alike in art and tend to forget she holds records for all their histories until fairy Timmy or Lawyer Timmy realises they need to look back on records of evens to help with keeping the Da Rules from having too many loopholes or where it could maybe need to change some rules to better help fairy world as a hold ( or to help beat the pixies & anti fairies from taking over fairy world)
She will be a little star struck when she 1st meets Timmy Cosmo Wanda and Peri because she has all the records of when they saved the universe and fairy world (also she hates Timmy’s parents; cocker and Vicky being as she has all the records of how they treated Timmy Wanda Cosmo and even peri and will be herd complaining how humans could ignore all that abuse they put a CHILD through is beyond her) she’ll also be Hazel’s fan because she saved Fairy World from anti fairies (she most likely ask for them to sign her autograph book) Jorgen will be confused on finding out he’s a little related to her through Nana Boom boom adoption of her back in 1788
She loves all animals but cats (big and small so going from your house cat to wild lions)
Watching history documentaries or cat ones
Art and craft shows
And anything that’s art related
She’s always got a paint brush and a pencil stuck in her very very curly hair with cat & flower shaped hair clips and her wand looks like a big pencil with a star ⭐️ on top of it
(Oh and she’s asexual)
If she’s In the Itty Bitties AU
I think she’s a pixie fairy but the only girl one being as in the original show all the pixies were all male or appear to be (didn’t see a single female one in that bunch at all) but being as so many see her as the Artist fairy not many realise she’s a pixie fairy at all so don’t bother to tell her she’s supposed to wear the grey uniforms but then when they realise she is one and has been keeping records for EVERYTHING in fairy world they do Attempt to get her to wear grey uniforms but realise the uniforms were not designed for a female pixie being as it would seem a vast majority of them are male so then give up trying to get her to wear the grey uniforms so then fairy Timmy by that gets to keep his pink outfit being as A) he’s a great worker on keeping the da rule up to date and B) being as he’s related to both Jorgen and like felicity was once human they just have to let it slide being as he was the only one who figure out Felicity was the only fairy who was keeping track of all of fairies records
In the Deal au Timmy has grown up to be a pretty good lawyer and when he has to save fairy world pixies trying to take over with anti fairies because Felicity’s anti fairy likes to keep track of what people did wrong so she can backstab people with that information or find loopholes to get anti fairies to get their way; So of course Timmy will ask for all of fairy world’s records so he can defend fairies against them at first most fairies don’t know who’s been keeping the records for them so hazel steps in and wishes for fairy who keeps track of all of fairy world’s records and Felicity appears has a bit of a excited to see lawyer Timmy rambling until her anti fairy starts pointing out all the bad things Timmy did and then of course She starts telling her anti fairy off and listings down all the good Timmy Turner did with Wanda Cosmo and peri while all the other fairies are gasping in surprise over finding out she’s not just the Arts fairy
And that’s just what I’ve gotten down so far and I really need to go to bed I’m work later
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