#au where julian leaves earth
spacerangersam · 1 year
I got carried away with thoughts on a good omens au, whoops-
Pat is an angel who's job is to look over humans. He's not the biggest fan of God on account of her continually allowing things to happen which harm the very humans he's supposed to look over, but keeps it quiet, lest he loose his powers and be unable to help anyone. He owns a library in Surrey and runs a scouts group where he tries to teach the local kids good behaviours. Just a nice, friendly angel who's occasionally consumed by an apocalyptic rage and has to be dragged away from a fight by a demon. You know how it is.
Julian is his demonic friend who's been bothering him since the beginning of time, a initial wildcard who was all about inflicting lust and tempting people. He's mellowed over time, though still a troublemaker, and would very much like it if Hell would back off and just let him enjoy eternity. He occasionally joins in the scout sessions to cause havoc and teach the kids lessons they probably shouldn't be taught, but Pat allows it. Sometimes. He does have a very expensive flat, but somehow always ends up at the library. He does, of course, have a very expensive car.
Daley is the cheery antichrist who's been misplaced for a number of years (funnily enough, Pat visits Yorkshire quite often and knows him quite well, but doesn't know he was one of the two babies involved in the switcharoo), while Rachel is the grumpy daughter of a politician who's mistaken as the antichrist for a number of years. She's not happy about her nanny and gardener disappearing after her birthday, managing to find her way to Yorkshire to be a part of the fuss. Her and Daley learn the truth, become friends, and she's only a bit disappointed that she doesn't have the cool powers. She does insist Pat and Julian visit occasionally, and they do.
I know the obvious choice would be to make Alison the witch since her actress voiced Anathema in the radio show, but I want it to be Mike. Mike, the only one out of his immediate family who has any aptitude for magic and is constantly worried about messing up and ruining his family legacy.
Alison is the clumsy descendant of a witch hunters who just wants a job she won't muck up and also for this weird witch hunter guy called Barclay to leave her alone.
Captain is a high-ranking angel who's never left heaven and still hasn't gotten over his second in command leaving him for earth (whether that be Havers, Pat or someone else is up to you). He's not fond of any angels stationed in earth because of it, and would prefer if no angels went to earth, actually.
Fanny is his replacement secondhand who's a very traditional angel and not a big fan of how human all these earth angels are. She and the Captain are bad guys, per se, they just have some stuff to work through.
Mary is a low ranking angel who's initially very devout, but nevertheless ends up befriending a friendly but mischevious demon named Robin and falling for another called Annie (previously called Lilith). Humphrey is also a demon, a very polite one who didn't actually mean to fall, but he's a demon now regardless so tries to get on with life. Thomas is an angel who'd rather be a demon so he can 'suffer for his art' but somehow keeps failing at falling.
Kitty is a perfectly normal human who, because of a miracle gone wrong, is somehow immortal. No one bar Pat and Julian have clocked onto that yet, and they just sort of leave her be. She seems happy enough.
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Immortalised on skin
Fandom: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Pairing: Julian Bashir x gn!Bajoran!Reader Words: 3.1K Warnings: A bit of blood, I guess? Prompt: Soulmate AU where when you write something on your skin it appears on the skin of your soulmate. And while Partner A is an artist and decorates their arms with beautiful ornaments, Partner B always scribbles down things to not forget them in the most unreadable font A has ever seen. A/N: I wrote most of the chapter while being sick af, so I apologise in case that it's garbage
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT MY GIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A dreamy smile spread across Julian's face as his gaze fell on his forearm. Apparently they had lain awake late again tonight or were bored, because now his entire arm was decorated with elaborate flower ornaments in ballpoint pen. Slowly he traced the lines, one after the other, and with each curve, with each flourish, his smile grew a little wider. Ever since he had woken up on his sixteenth birthday and caught sight of those elaborate lines for the first time, he had been blown away.
Because, to be honest, Julian had firmly believed that he had no soulmate. The soulmate, in his opinion, would not have been his. This was Jules' soul mate. And Jules was no longer alive. Not since he had been brutally dismembered and murdered and replaced by Julian. Even now, when Julian was sure that he had a soulmate, he was still overcome by doubts from time to time. That morning, however, Julian didn't really have time to worry about it.
Though he continued to gaze at the lines tenderly until his arms disappeared into the sleeves of his uniform and continued to feel a warm tingling throughout, his thoughts quickly turned to his work when he was met by an upset Nurse Kabo. Apparently, a freighter that had arrived the day before had not followed the prescribed hygiene regulations and before Odo could expel the freighter, an Andorian flu had spread. Since people on Earth were vaccinated against it from infancy, the number of humans who came in for treatment could be counted on one hand. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the rest of the station.
Julian did not have a quiet minute until lunch. Again and again a new patient came in, to whom he could give nothing more than a hypospray and a prescription for a few days of bed rest. He should not be misunderstood, he loved his job. This was exactly what he had longed for after leaving the academy. However, after he and Nurse Kabo had treated one patient after the other with the same illness for five hours without stopping, he was about to ask Captain Sisko for permission to simply supply the entire station with the medicine through the air supply. At least this would be a lot quicker. And even if he surpassed "normal" humans in some things due to his genetic enhancement, he was still exhausted as he dropped into the chair with Garak.
"You look quite exhausted Doctor," Garak smiled, tilting his head slightly. "I take it that it has been a busy day?" Julian snorted and stabbed his fork into the piece of meat on his plate. "The day is only half over and I'd love to strangle the captain of this freighter right now." "Now, now Doctor," Garak returned indignantly, but Julian could see his amusement in his eyes. "As Doctor, aren't you supposed to make sure the patients are all right." "He's not a patient yet," Julian retorted grimly. Apparently Garak thought it best to change the subject, for he pointed to the Doctor's forearm, which had become visible through his rolled-up sleeves. "I see you have discovered your artistic streak Doctor."
Instantly Julian's temper calmed. "No, not me." "Ah." Garak's face reflected his manner of understanding. "Then I can assume this is the work of your soul mate." Julian nodded. "I have no idea who they are, but since I was sixteen I've been receiving these little works of art every day. I'll be honest, over time they've started to have a calming effect on me." Garak's eyes sparkled. "Then I really really hope you're receiving new drawings right now when you get in touch with the freighter captain." Julian smiled grimly. "It would be better for him."
Garak started to say something further, but he was interrupted by the beeping of Julian's badge. "Sickbay to Doctor Bashir." Julian closed his eyes for a brief moment before replying. "Bashir here." "Sir, a Bajoran transporter has just docked. It was attacked by Dominion ships and there were several wounded." "I'm on my way." Julian gave Garak an apologetic look, but he waved it off. "Oh, don't worry about me. I quite understand that your job takes priority." Julian nodded his thanks before rising and making his way towards sickbay.
Y/N hissed briefly as Captain Anyon's fingers dug into their forearm and thus into their open wound. However, they gritted their teeth and lifted the unconscious woman onto the table that the nurse had indicated to them. The nurse, however, seemed to have noticed their grimace, because she turned to them and eyed them with a raised eyebrow. "Are you all right?" Y/N nodded curtly, then gestured with their unwounded arm towards the sickbay door that led out onto the promenade deck. "I'll get the others." The nurse only nodded absently, having already attended to Captain Anyon. Y/N used this brief moment to take one deep breath. The pain was getting hotter and their arm was beginning to throb. Despite this, they turned around but bumped into a young man in the doorway outside.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you. I was in such a hurry that-" "It's all right," they choked him off quickly, giving him a pained smile. "No harm done." "Are you sure? After all, I-" "Doctor," they interrupted again. At least they assumed from his uniform that he was a doctor, even though he seemed quite young. "I'm sorry to interrupt you again, but I have to get the other injured people out of the transporter. And from the looks of it, you have work to do." The young man stared at her from widened eyes. "Of course. I forgot. Excuse me." He rushed into sickbay and Y/N, shaking their head, made their way back to their transporter to get more patients out.
On their way to the docking bay, other crew members and security officers met them carrying wounded people in their arms to sickbay and they felt sick. However, when they arrived at their transporter, they found that all the wounded had already been carried out. Y/N asked if they could go on board to secure some things, but the security officer refused access. Apparently it was too dangerous to board at the moment and they would have to wait until the Chief gave his okay.
Frustrated, they turned around only to come face to face with the security chief. "Odo." A wide smile spread across their face as they saw their old friend. They had met him a few years ago when he had saved them from execution on the station under occupation. Odo nodded at her and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly what with him was like a bright smile with a welcoming hug. "Y/N." He lowered his voice slightly and leaned forward slightly. "Are you alright? Were you hurt?" They had to suppress a smirk. It was so typical of Odo not to let on his concern for the feelings or needs of others.
"Everything's great. A few minor scratches, but I' ll be fine." "You're bleeding." He pointed to their arm. Y/N stifled a grimace. Apparently the cut had been a little bigger than she'd thought after all. "That's Anyon's blood," they lied. They could see from Odo's face that he didn't believe them. "Is it?" Odo straightened up. "Then you won't have a problem with it." Before they could ask what exactly he meant, his hand shot forward and squeezed their forearm, eliciting a low whimper and a string of Bajoran swear words that their mother would have washed their mouths out with soap for. " Bloody hell, Odo!"
The latter, however, only pulled his arm back enough to grab them by the elbow. "Hey!" Odo just sighed out grumbling. "Come on now. You need to be treated."
"There are dozens of other people in sickbay who need treatment more urgently than I do." Odo pulled them behind him into the lift. "Promenade deck." He turned to them. "That doesn't mean you have to suffer. Knowing our Chief Medical Officer Doctor Bashir, I'm sure he's finished with half of them by now. If need be, you just wait there." Y/N frowned. "Who is Doctor Bashir?"
Before Odo could answer, however, they knew. Before the Federation had come, there had been no Chief Medical Officer. And Y/N had frequently been in sickbay after the occupation and had met all the staff, apart from the Chief Medical Officer. Therefore, this Bashir had to be the young man she had run over and snapped at this morning.
"He's from the Federation. Young, lanky, quite tall, dark hair and a grin on his face forever," Odo grumbled. "You don't seem to like him." "I respect his work," he returned. "However, he is a little too motivated and optimistic for me sometimes." They shrugged and something occurred to them. "You distracted me!" Odo chuckled softly. "I don't know what you're talking about." The lift stopped, the doors slid aside and Odo pulled them with him.
"I hate you," they muttered. They might try to break free and escape, however, they knew that would do no good. Odo would have them back within a few seconds and would then carry them to sickbay. They would not give themselves up to that embarrassment. So they followed him sullenly. "Of course you do." "Now don't get snarky!"
Outside the infirmary they stopped. Surprisingly, Odo seemed to have been right. It seemed a lot quieter and emptier than before. Maybe Doctor Bashir really was good and fast. Or maybe they had just talked to this security officer for longer than they had thought. Odo stepped forward and the doors slid aside. Astonished, they looked at him. "What? Did you think I was just going to leave you here alone so you could get the hell out of here?" He laughed softly. "Forget it."
Resigned, Y/N gave up and followed him inside. There was no one in the infirmary itself. However, when Y/N brought this up and wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but Odo held them back and retorted that they would just have to wait. So they reluctantly settled back in a chair. When Odo pointed out that this was Doctor Bashir's chair, they only crossed their arms and immediately had to stop themselves from wincing. The pain in her wound became more unbearable with each passing minute and by now she was grateful to Odo for bringing her here. Even though she still cursed him for fiddling with her wound.
After twenty minutes of waiting, they slowly lost patience and were about to get up and flee this sickbay when footsteps sounded. Odo straightened up and they also rose. Doctor Bashir came sauntering around the corner, clearly exhausted and they instantly felt a little bad for robbing the poor man of his free time. When he caught sight of Odo, he stopped with a puzzled look on his face and tilted his head. This caused his gaze to fall on them and his eyes widened. Out of understanding or because he recognised them, they didn't know. "Constable. To what do I owe the honour?"
Odo jutted his chin. "Lieutenant Y/l/n was injured during the attack on the transporter, which is why I escorted them here, to make sure they didn't get into any trouble or make a run for it." He gave them one last warning look before nodding in Bashir's direction and leaving the infirmary. As soon as he was out of sight, Bashir turned to them and smiled brightly at them.
" Hello, I guess we've met before, Lieutenant." They nodded curtly. "Seems so Doctor." They paused for a moment. "By the way, I wanted to apologise for being so harsh earlier." Bashir waved it off good-naturedly. "Don't be. I can imagine all too well the pressure they were under. I don't think the last few hours had been particularly easy." They shook their head. "No. They really weren't easy."
"Now then." Bashir gestured to the biobed that made up the centre of the room. "Sit down, please." They complied with his request and settled on the bed while Bashir gathered his medical instruments. "So," he smiled broadly. " What's the trouble?" Slowly they could understand Odo. Nothing and no one seemed to be able to shake Bashir out of his optimism, not even a transporter full of wounded people. Hesitantly they held out their left arm to him. The sleeve was already bleeding through and Bashir paused for a moment. "How did this happen?" "Console exploded and I got hit by one of the pieces." He raised his eyebrow. "And why didn't you come straight to me?" They bit their lower lip. "You had enough on your plate already, and these people needed the treatment more than I did." "Maybe," he admitted, turning to reach for the scissors. "However, that doesn't mean your injury is unimportant. You don't have to suffer." "You and Odo have more in common than you'd like to admit," they murmured quietly. "What was that?" "Nothing."
"Well then," Bashir raised the scissors. "I'm afraid I'll have to cut your sleeve to get at the wound." They just nodded. They were quite convinced that the doctor wouldn't remotely care about their little scribbles. "Get on with it, Doctor." Bashir nodded again before carefully beginning to unravel and remove the fabric. In a few places the fabric had entered the wound and each time Bashir removed them they hissed out in pain. And each time Bashir gave them a look that was both compassionate and apologetic, which they acknowledged every time with a pained smile. As soon as he had removed the last pieces of the fabric, he put the scissors aside and picked up a medical device that resembled a regenerator. "Ready?" They nodded and slowly Bashir ran the device over their arm. Fascinated, they watched him do this and watched as their skin rejoined and closed. Once the process was complete, Bashir put that device aside as well and beamed at them. "See? Good as new." He turned and picked up some cloths. "Just clean the arm and we're done." Only then did they notice that their entire arm was caked with blood and filthy. Their stomach turned at the sight. Bashir didn't seem to mind, however, as he carefully ran his hand over their skin, cleaning off the blood one bit at a time. For whatever reason, his warm hands gave them goosebumps and they had to shake their head to get rid of them.
Bashir looked up. "Are you all right? Did I hurt you?" Hastily they shook their head. "No, no, I'm fine." Bashir eyed them for a moment longer before turning back to his work. Y/N regarded him. Odo had been right. He was tall, lanky and had dark hair. However, he had not mentioned how attractive and downright cute he could be. All at once he faltered, his gaze fixed on her arm. They frowned. "Doctor Bashir? Are you all right?" He didn't answer. His hands began to tremble until he suddenly continued his work faster than before. In no time at all, all the blood had been removed from her arm and the small scribbles were visible again, but interrupted in the place where her wound had been until a moment ago. Y/N looked concernedly over at the doctor. Bashir looked shocked, his eyes were dilated and his mouth hung wide open. "Doctor Bashir?" Slowly they were really starting to worry. They were about to ask a third time when he suddenly whispered softly," I found you." Y/N paused. " I beg your pardon?" He paid no attention to them, but jumped up, spun in a circle and ran his hands through his hair. "I found you!" This time he was louder and even laughed. Slowly they were getting not only worried but scared. "Okay, I have no idea what's going on right now, but maybe I should go-"
"No," Bashir almost shouted, hurrying over to them. "No, please. I can explain, I promise." They hesitated briefly, but then nodded in agreement. Bashir smiled gratefully before he began to roll up the sleeves of his uniform jacket. At first they were confused, but after Bashir silently asked them to look, their breath caught. On his forearm were the same scribbles as on their arm. They were even interrupted in the same place as on theirs. Shocked, they looked up, straight into the doctor's honest, chocolate-brown teddy bear eyes. "You!" was all they could get out. He nodded. "Me." "You're my soulmate?" "Looks like it." His smile was quirky and nervous and it warmed their heart. "So you're the person who's been scrawling something on my arm that no one can read since I was sixteen?" Bashir blushed and nodded sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "Doctor. Not very nice handwriting. And certainly not as beautiful as your drawings." Embarrassed, they looked to the side. "Oh come on, they're just old scribbles I drew when I was bored." Carefully, as if afraid of hurting them, he took their hands in his. "And yet they made my day and sometimes even saved it, Lieutenant." They laughed shakily. "Y/N. Just Y/N please. I think formalities are overrated now." He smiled even wider. "Then please call me Julian." "I'd love to."
Slowly Bashir, no, Julian straightened up and held out his hand to them. "I'm done. Would you be up for dinner on the promenade deck, perhaps? Provided I don't bore you." Again he smiled shyly. Laughing, they took his hand and squeezed it perhaps a tiny bit tighter than was necessary. " There' s nothing I'd like better than that." Julian's face brightened, but faltered as they added a small but. Smiling, they pointed down at themselves. "I'd like to change first. My clothes are still filthy and bloody from the 'accident' this morning." Julian immediately nodded overzealously. "But of course, right away. How could I have forgotten, I'm so inattentive today, it's not really like me you know. Normally I'm-" He continued his rambling and Y/N looked at him with a small smile. In the past, they had always imagined what their soulmate might look like. But no matter what their little brain and childish imagination had come up with, it would never come close to reality. Their eyes fell on the security office. Odo stood in front of the door with a furrowed brow, watching Julian drag them behind him. However, when they pointed first to their arm, mimed a pencil , then to their heart and finally to Julian, he seemed to understand. He smiled a fine smile, cast one last stern look in Julian's direction, indicating a later conversation ( which the latter did not notice as he was still busy talking ) and turned to enter his office. Y/N smiled to themselves. They owed their friend a big favour for dragging them into this infirmary.
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A little AU I’ve been working on
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(Based off of this MV, which I’m still obsessing over.)
This is an interpretation/AU of Jailbreak’s ending, made mainly so I can A) stop being so devastated by it and B) stick my own ocs in the Jailbreak world.
I’m not fully satisfied with the ‘after crash/rescue’ design, but it’s a start.
WORLD: A post apocalyptic version of Earth. The animals have been mutated into strange creatures, and the plant life has had… varying reactions to the fallout.
The place Kawasemi and Kuina are in is part of a stretch of grasslands. It’s a bit similar to the American Great Plains.
On another part of the continent is a highly toxic jungle.
A lot of inspiration from Miyazaki fantasy landscapes.
CIVILIZATION: The dome cities are each under the control of a tyrannical police force. There are multiple ones scattered around the landscape. The cities occasionally trade with each other for things like weaponry or metals.
Raw supplies from the “other place” arrive in guarded shipments. Civilians and most officers are not allowed to leave the city, but a certain few are assigned to ensure the shipments come and go smoothly.
Skyler, 15 - a young scout for the scavenger group that rescued Kawasemi. She’s not very physically strong, but her endurance and agility make her useful for scouting areas. Skyler is serious, levelheaded and somewhat curious about the dome cities.
No one knows where she came from. She just showed up one day with almost no memories about herself.
Uses a blade as a weapon and has excellent eyesight.
Often the only braincell holder in the room.
Julian “Jet”, 16 - the grandson of the architect who built much of the dome city’s current infrastructure. Both his parents are dead of a “mechanical accident”. An aspiring mechanic who fixes and modifies the weapons of the police force, as well as designs new ones. He’s cheerful, brash, and makes friends easily.
Due to his orange hair, he somewhat resembles Kawasemi.
Jet isn’t actually loyal to the police. He just does his job because he likes being a mechanic.
He does not wear a blindfold because it’s generally a bad idea to fix delicate machinery blindfolded.
I honestly don’t have coherent plans for this AU. If you’ve got any suggestions, questions, etc or would like to discuss this, feel free to message me or send an ask!
Also tagging @dkniade , thought you might be interested!
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propinquum · 2 years
Unashamed wish fulfilment thoughts
Thinking about a Superman AU (mostly based on Smallville) where his bio mother Lara was still pregnant when Krypton was being destroyed and Jor-El built the ship big enough for her and their unborn son to escape in, and she crash lands in the field in Smallville, where she's found by the Kents, who take her in, seeing a scared, traumatised, heavily pregnant woman, probably one who doesn't have a great grasp on English yet especially after the crash, but they help her because of course they have to.
And they end up living together, with Lara trusting them with her and her son's secret, and Martha and Jonathan at least know enough about midwifery through their lives on the farm and their own attempts to start a family to help her through the birth, maybe with some help from the ship.
And once he's born, they absolutely adore Clark (Lara probably ends up taking Jonathan's surname to sell a story that she's a cousin or other relation who came to Smallville to raise her son after her husband's death, and she'd have asked Martha and Jonathan for help picking an Earth name, and Kal-El would be his middle name most likely) and three sets of hands are better than one, and it's not like they have somewhere else to go.
Once she's recovered, Lara starts helping out on the farm and uses her training as a scientist to help improve their crop yields and predict weather patterns accurately with enough time to save Smallville from any particularly bad seasons.
Clark would grow up with three loving parents, learning both Earth and Kryptonian culture, still balancing his secrets and safety with the loss of the rest of his culture and extended family and finding himself and his destiny on Earth.
There would still be struggles too, for both Lara and Clark, because Lara hadn't been to Earth or been to a place with a yellow sun before, so she's having to figure out as an adult how to account for strength and speed and abilities far beyond anything she's experienced first hand, and having to teach her child this too at the same time.
And maybe she'd learn about the effects of the kryptonite meteors and try and study it, even though she can't be near it herself. Perhaps though, after losing so much already, she'd be far more reluctant to act and take risks than Clark eventually would grow to be.
There could be conflict there, with her and Martha and Jonathan and Clark all trying to find a balance between protectiveness and the need to help, to do good.
Lara hearing Lionel's abuse of his wife and child and finding a way to intervene, stopping Lillian from killing her newborn son, and taking Lex to the farm while his mother and Julian recover and get actual treatment with Lionel out of the picture, even though they still needed his help to get the documents forged for Clark and his mother, and that sword of damocles still hangs over them. Lex and his mother and baby Julian don't get to keep the mansion, but they get another nice house in town, and that's enough for the three of them, once the dust settles.
Lex and Clark becoming close friends quickly, and Lex finally getting that love and trust and space to thrive on the Kent farm that he'd never had in the mansion, and maybe finding out about Clark and his mother's abilities, but at that point, he's felt what a difference it makes being there, and he vows not to put them in danger. They're family. Better family than he ever thought he'd have.
Lex would still be curious and ambitious and he'd still have his own issues to work through, and Lionel probably wouldn't leave him be for long especially when Lex grows old enough to take his inheritance and start trying to properly rival Lionel's business interests, in Smallville and further afield.
He could still worry about Clark, and maybe there would be jealousy there about his abilities, curiosity about Kryptonians and their technology and the effects of Kryptonite on humans and Kryptonians alike, and try and turn those to his own advantage in the name of humanity's progress-- why hoard things that could save so many?
And Clark wants to help people, he saves people and intervenes where he can because he loves his home, the only home he's ever known, and sure sometimes he listens to his mother talk about Krypton and wishes he could have seen it, but it seems so cold and sterile in comparison to Earth, he would never choose it over Smallville. He still has a crush on Lana for ages, and maybe eventually realises he has feelings too for Lex, his first friend, and having to deal with that. Not just being not-human, but being queer, and what does that even mean for him? Especially since sexuality basically didn't exist in any social sense on Krypton and well, they live in a small town central US state that's not exactly the Most Progressive with that sort of thing. But his family isn't typical, neither is he, and he knows the world is larger than any prejudices people want to stake themselves to.
Martha and Jonathan and Lara would have a lot to balance together, and figuring out how they work together to raise their collective son, and maybe the ship still helps Martha conceive her own child too at some point, and they have another sibling added to the Kent household, along with Lex who's basically also theirs at that point. Which values do they focus on? What's most important to teach, to share? Where are the lines and limits?
The first time things go beyond cohabitation and compassion, Clark is staying at Lex's house for a sleepover, and the three adults are alone together for the first time in a while. They have a nice dinner, some wine, they try and talk about things besides the kids for a time, and realise both how much they love them but also wow being a parent is a lot. Where has the time gone?
And then Lara is crying, thinking about the very different life she might have had on Krypton, how much colder things were there in comparison to the warmth and life of Earth, how grateful she is that she could come here and find the two kindest people who took her in at her most vulnerable. And she still misses her husband, her family, her friends, but she has something so wonderful here, and then Martha and Jonathan are both holding her, comforting her.
Martha shares a look with Jonathan over Lara's shoulder and he gives her the soft smile she knows better than her own and then Martha kisses Lara, so gently it startles the Kryptonian, and Jonathan's fingers are running through her hair, and his lips are on her neck. She's reminded that she's part of their lives too, that they wouldn't change their choices the day the ship and the meteors crashed out of the sky. They love her. She's brought them joy they never thought they'd have. She's helped them so, so much, and they've basically been together for years now, they can't really think about not having their house the way it is. They don't even have to think about things day to day, they automatically know exactly which cup or mug to grab for each other, how they like their food made, their clothes, which ones are better at which chores, who will help catch something they're juggling without even having to be asked.
Adding more physical intimacy to the relationship isn't even that big of a step these days, since Lara has seen how much Martha and Jonathan love each other and the ways they express it, and maybe she has longed for that for herself too. And Clark already calls Jonathan his Pa or his Dad, Martha is Ma, or referred to collectively as one of his mothers. Everyone in Smallville is used to that already anyway-- he couldn't remember Aunt and Uncle when he was just a child, so he had two moms and a dad and everyone just chuckled lightly and said sure.
Honestly Clark would barely even notice the change, though he might grin and raise his eyebrows the first time Jonathan kisses both Martha and Lara on his way out the door to start work.
I just think this would be cute and would add some extra dimensions to Clark's life and would still drive him towards becoming Superman, but maybe things would be just a little better, there'd be less hurt, more ability to trust and grow their allies, develop enemies differently or arrive at the same destination by another route... It wouldn't fix everything, certainly, but there would be different problems to solve instead.
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theleakypen · 2 years
Rules: Pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere in the middle, pick a chunk of lines, and share it! Then tag ten people, if you'd like.
I was tagged by @shadaras in aggregate and I am likewise tagging all my writerly friends who see this! :P
I have 8 pages of works on AO3, so i’m gonna pick a couple of my oldest fics and then one from every newer page. :D It’s kinda fun to look at my progression as a writer over the last five years or so.
1. In The Garden - The Arcana (Visual Novel), Julian/Apprentice, Explicit
Julian’s moans are punctuated by half-uttered curses as I work. I can feel his hips trying to buck and I can sense that it arouses him further that he can’t. His right hand still covers my left but he hasn’t stopped me messing with the wound. I think he’s leaving that hand there as permission. Something about that cool palm, those long fingers, covering my own makes me feel safe.
2. But, After All, I Am A Wen - The Untamed (TV), currently pre-relationship for ChengQing, Teen and Up
“Look,” Jiang Cheng says, exasperated, when Sect Master Yao asks for what feels like the fifth time why the Sunshot Campaign should go out of its way to help someone from the Wen clan. “They didn’t have to take us in when Lotus Pier burned. In fact, it was dangerous for them to take us in when we were being directly targeted by Wen Chao. They didn’t have to take in and heal Song Zichen either and it’s thanks to him that my jiejie was able to make it safely to Lanling. Hanguang-jun and I found Wen Qing in the dungeon of the Yiling Supervisory Office. It was the Wen sect that put her there. She’s demonstrated multiple times that she’s on our side.”
3. “Rolling Down to Old Maui” but it’s the Five Great Sects Night Hunting - The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi, Filk, General Audiences
Once more we fly over mountains high, To the home of Qishan Wen. Our dire crows, our lava flows, We soon shall see again. Fully half our force was carried away Into the Burial Mound— The living dead are after us, Thank the gods we’re homeward bound.
4. Friendship Famous in Story and Song - The Untamed, Juniors friendship, General Audiences
“I don’t think I’ve ever told stories around a campfire either,” Lan Sizhui said. “I mean, when I was travelling with Wen-qiánbèi, we’d tell each other stories, but mostly it was answering each other’s questions about our past. I don’t think those are the kind of things you mean, are they, Jingyi?”
“Well,” Lan Jingyi replied, hedging. “It could be, if that’s where the night turns to. But, well, no, usually it’s existing stories. Here, you suggested it, why don’t you start us off, Zizhen-xiōng?”
5. Rivers and Lakes, Towns and Cities - The Untamed/MDZS, Middle Earth AU SongXiao, General Audiences
Song Zichen taught him the ways of Men, and together they wandered the rivers and lakes, the towns and cities, of Rhûn. They bargained at market stalls and spoke with great dragons, defended small farms and great merchant caravans. And when Xiao Xingchen began to look with longing west toward the Sea of Rhûn, Song Zichen smiled his dry little smile and said that he knew a ship’s captain familiar with long sea voyages.
6. Sun Showers - Rogue One, Baze/Chirrut, General Audiences
Baze watches him from inside the doorway of the temple, marveling at the way water droplets sparkle on his hair, in his lashes, so that he seems gilded in the sun.
7. On Naihe Bridge - MDZS, Wen Qing & Qin Su in the afterlife, General Audiences
The last doctor of Qishan Wen looks at the bowl between her hands for a long time; it never loses its warmth, no matter how long she waits.
8. before we face our deaths - The Untamed, Jin Zixuan/Nie Huaisang, General Audiences
"We might all die soon." He's surprised by the words as they leave his mouth. He's faced death before — in the Xuanwu cave; on the way back to Lanling with Jiang Cheng, hiding from Wen sect patrols; on every night hunt, technically. This is different, though. Deliberately going out to meet other cultivators in battle. Perhaps it's no surprise that he can't sleep.
9. not familiar but friend - The Murderbot Diaries, Queerplatonic Murderbot & Mensah, Queerplatonic Murderbot & ART, Fantasy AU, General Audiences
Hmmm, ART said, lifting its head. We waited. I didn't fidget only because I wasn't capable of it. You may stay. The giant head swung around to face Mensah again. ArcUnit's bed is still where it was. You may use it until I ready a better space for you.
10. I’d Call As You Climbed - Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021), Caitlyn/Vi, Teen and Up
Somehow, this, more than anything, took Caitlyn aback. Sorley was clearly just a bully, but this person with their little gang seemed—well, they had rescued Caitlyn, whether either of them would admit it or not. The depth of contempt in the word “topsider,” from a seemingly decent person, shocked Caitlyn.
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abloodlineunraveled · 2 years
Jacen's Verses
General Verses
A Long Time Ago - Jacen’s fifteen or sixteen with his whole life spread out in front of him but no idea what to do with it.  (No Vong unless specifically stated otherwise)
Death Doesn’t Discriminate - Jacen’s reaching adulthood in the midst of a war that could be the end of the galaxy as he knows it, fighting alongside his family and friends for survival and their way of life against an enemy like none he’d ever faced before. (Vong War Verse)
After the Storm - After the war things are slowly trying to return to normal, Coruscant is rebuilt and the Jedi try to find their footing.  Jacen is helping, as best he can, while still healing from his experiences during the war.
Awoken - TFA verse, Ben/Kylo Ren is Jacen’s older brother and Jacen has been active in the Resistance as a scout while hiding the training he had as a Jedi though he hadn’t yet reached the rank of Knight when Ben turned and the Academy was destroyed.  But upon feeling his father’s brush with death he’s returned to the Resistance base to be with his family while Han is in bacta and critical condition, reconnecting with his twin sister who left with their father all those years back.
Teen Rebel - Pre-Movies TFA verse; Han and Jaina have left, Anakin is presumed dead, and Jacen is growing up on a series of resistance bases with Leia.
Of Royalty - Leia stepped up as Queen of New Alderaan after the New Republic was up and running, with Han as her Consort.  Jaina is her heir and Jacen is about to step up as Senator for the New Alderaanian people.  Though all three children trained at their uncle’s academy under their father’s name to protect their identities only Anakin continued on to become a Jedi, as the twins felt their other duties necessitated them dropping out shortly before they would have been knighted.
Wanderer - Takes place during his post-Vong journey of self-discovery.  Jacen’s wandering the Outer Rim, searching for peace and trying to reconnect with the kind of Jedi he’d been before the war.
A Knight’s Tale - After returning from his years of wandering Jacen dedicates himself to the Order once again, traveling as needed to serve the people of the Alliance.  He remains a knight, turning down the offer of a promotion to Master as he doesn’t feel he’s ready for that title just yet.
Earth Born - Modern/Earth AU where Jacen is a wildlife photographer and zoology student, son of UN Ambassador Leia Organa, who attended a fancy international high school with his sister and friends as a teenager.
Muse-Specific Verses:
Tryptich - The Solo Twins are the Solo Triplets.  Jaina, Jacen, and Julian Solo are all on the Myrkr mission when Julian is lost in the destruction of the Voxyn Queen.
Lost and Found - Jacen disappeared in the Vong war and was never actually seen again, the Jacen Solo who returned and became Caedus was a clone created by Vergere so that she could hide the original at a secret home of hers in Wild Space.  Eventually he finds his way back, only to discover that his face is reviled and someone committed heinous crimes in his name
Knight Follows Queen - After the war Jacen spent a single night with the Queen Mother of Hapes, a culmination of the feelings they’d been forced to put on the back burner by circumstances, before leaving to try and figure out who he was to become in the aftermath of such a devastating conflict.  He essentially fell off the radar and completely out of contact with everyone he had known, thus never learning of the daughter he and Tenel Ka shared.  But when said daughter is kidnapped he senses Tenel Ka’s uncharacteristic rage and rushes back to discover what went wrong and how he can help.
Sideways - A freak hyperspace accident launches Jacen into a parallel world, one in which the local version of him was consumed by darkness and became the Sith Lord Darth Caedus.
Aldera - Fantasy AU!  Jacen has been sent to the courts of the Hapan Empire to gain their protection for the shattered remnants of the kingdom of Aldera.  The nobles back home hope he will marry the Empress, Tenel Ka, but he’s content to simply negotiate a protectorate status for his people.  Unless love so happens to bloom on its own.
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pollyna · 3 years
For the sake of the argument (slightly dark):
• Julian arrives on Cardassia when he's 17, exiled by the Federation because Richard has a mouth bigger than the freaking frog from the fable so the moment Julian applies for the Academy the Bras knows who he is. So he has to run;
• He meets Garak (39) at 21, in a garden where the cardassian is painting orchids. What Julian doesn't know is who Garak is. Not that will matter in the future;
• They decide to meet once a week to discuss literature (just as in the canon) because Julian speaks the most beautiful Kardasi (?) with a foreign accent and Garak is a mystery Julian wants to discover and maybe to not solve, for once;
• Tain dies, in mysterious circumstances a month or two after they meet and it's almost National mourning holiday. Kelas writes, on his report, that he died because of a heart failure but everyone knows Garak committed patricide. He isn't sorry and no one wants to go against the new Head of the Obsidian Order;
• It's around the time of the funeral that Julian meets Mila and starts to put the pieces together. The entire picture comes to him after two years when Garak, now Elim, starts to court him. Julian knows he should run back to Earth because it's the most logical thing to do but Julian is no Vulcan and he like, almost sure he loves, Garak. And he likes living on Cardassia, he likes Mila and he likes his job at the hospital. He even likes wearing high collar shirts with frivolous pattern to make Garak's happy;
• Julian ends up working side by side with Garak because his now husband likes to on missions were he could, and definitly be, injured. He fucking loves it. And he becomes good at it, so good people start to fear him as much as Garak;
• The occupation of Bajor ends almost 15 years before the canon because Garak hates how difficult is becoming to import his favourite tea. He leaves Dukat's alive because seeing him humiliated is better than to see him dead. Julian ends his life when, after a official dinner, Dukat tries to give Zyal in marriage to Garak.
Sidenote 2:
• in the set gif Julian is talking to every head of the every Intelligence Organisation of the Alpha Quardrant. Benjamin Sisko is there too. Garak was taken away and Julian promises, with a compose and calm voice, that he's going to everything in his power to take him back. When Benjiamin accost him Julian is no more angry than he was before but the insulation that the capitan does? Oh if it's the last strand.
"If my husband was in my position he would have already set on fire your little friend, Mr. Odo'ital just to be here. But me? I would gladly study him, let him watch while I design the nuke it's gonna go annihilate all his people. They took my husband away and if I can't find him I will burn every single atom of this galaxy and torture everyone who is going to try to stop me. So yes, Mr. Sisko, I know exactly what my husband would do if he were in my situation, because is the same I'm doing now.";
• Julian doesn't nuke the Founder planet but it's an almost reality. With the help of the Tal'Shiar they take Garak back and start a series of infiltration that allows the Alpha Quadrant to be free before the Fedraji could think about peace.
Sidenote 3:
• in the quadrants it starts circulating a rumor, that then evolves in a rime and a song, about a Cardassian without ridges or grey sking who arrived on the planet because of a secret the Federation couldn't accept and who grow close to another Cardassian and then in love with him and that same Cardassian without ridges or grey skin almost destroyed the entire universe to have him back after the Founder took him away. Some version are nothing more than sweet lullaby, narrating about the strength of love and protection, other are a warning about begin careful around that man and about the power he has. And the song goes around and around, century after Julian and Garak are nothing more than history.
• after the war it comes to an end the Federation decides to give Julian permetee to be back on Earth. Suffices to say when Amsha opens the door of their house the Julian in front of her eyes isn't the person she remembered.
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beneficialfondue · 2 years
Geraskier FanFic Recommendations
Within the Storm (G) by Hum My Name - A Continent trapped in an eternal winter, cursed by the sudden disappearance of the Summer God years ago. A disowned noble trying to brave the storm, stumbling upon a strange cabin in the worst of the blizzard. Jaskier's only ever known the cold-- but, Geralt, somehow, seems so warm...
jump care (T) by @penandinkprincess - In Jaskier’s defense, he would argue that he had very good reasons for not realizing he was haunted. Between gigs and side jobs, his days are far from standard working hours, the house is old so who would be alarmed by a few odd noises now and then, and after a lifetime of ADHD, who is he to say that he didn’t leave every single cabinet door open and rearrange his mugs in the cupboard without realizing it? “The fucking writing in the mirror wasn’t a clue?” Priscilla asks with a dubious eyebrow raised. (Jaskier has a poltergeist) (This is a problem until it gets his rent reduced) (Then the only problem is stopping the witcher his landlord hired from wrecking the good thing he's got going on)
Morning After (T) by @whispered-story - This isn't how Geralt thought he would do this. But seeing Jaskier with his hair still wet from swimming, bundled up on one of Geralt's hoodies, he can't help himself.
We'll Build a Den Out of Pillows (And Get Drunk Again) (G) by @wren-of-the-woods - Jaskier gets sick. When Geralt asks how to help, Jaskier jokingly suggests that he build a pillow fort. He does not expect Geralt to take it seriously. Geralt takes it seriously.
What Can Go Wrong? (G) by Doing_a_heckin_science - Jaskier offers to take care of an errand for an exhausted Geralt. It spirals into a life-or-death situation that the witcher may be too late to stop. Modern AU. Bank Heist featuring hostage!Jaskier.
Very Late At Night When Cities Turn Into Forests Again (E) by AguScribbles - A modern-day witcher in a world where people stopped believing in magic and monsters is trying to do his laundry in peace. He won't have that wish granted, though. It seems, unfortunately, that an annoying laundry companion will be the least of Geralt's problems. (Jaskier and Geralt meet at a laundromat at 2am and then proceed to fall in love while a blast from Geralt's Witchery past threatens to ruin everything)
you are in the earth of me (T) by empressoftheclouds - Geralt is captured and given to Prince Julian Pankratz of Lettenhove to serve as his guardian, but the last thing he expects is to fall in love with him. Prince!Jaskier and Bodyguard/Knight!Geralt AU.
Don't Tell Me, Dear, How Much You Care (T) - by @whispered-story - It's the middle of the night and Jaskier just wants to grab himself some water. He's nowhere near ready to face a bunch of inebriated witchers and Geralt's drunk affection.
You Don't Have to Sing it Nice (But Honey Sing it Strong) (G) - by kell_be_belle - Jaskier didn't know why he was here. His manager could have sent him to a tropical island with white sand beaches or a mountain chalet overlooking a quaint vineyard and yet he had been sent to the middle of nowhere. After a recently developed panic disorder has left him unable to perform, famed music sensation Jaskier is sent to the therapeutic farmstead of Kaer Morhen where their animal therapy program has become nationally renowned for its success. Jaskier doesn't care much for the dirt or the smell or the animals, but the soft yet disgruntled program manager, Geralt, might just make the damage to his wardrobe worth it. A fic in which Geralt is, for once, the emotionally competent one and Jaskier is in desperate need of some self-love.
TW: Panic Attacks
Don't Go Stealing My Heart (T) - by @thesilverqueenlady - When Jaskier is stiffed by a lord on payment, he decides to help himself to proper compensation. Alongside the correct amount of gold and silver, he also steals a beautiful silver wolf's head medallion. It's safe to say that he is not expecting the medallion to be haunted by the spirit of a very grumpy, very handsome, very cursed Witcher.
The Minute I Met You, the Colors of My Life Began to Pour (E) - by @whispered-story - Geralt had taken one look at Jaskier in that dingy tavern in Posada almost a year ago and he'd known—Jaskier was his. His to protect and take care of and cherish. His mate.
Or: The story of Geralt and Jaskier's mating. (A/B/O)
Spectre's Soul (T) - by @wren-of-the-woods - When Jaskier tried to go on a date with a man named Rience, he did not expect to nearly be killed. He certainly did not expect to discover a beautiful valley while running away from him. He very definitely did not expect to find out that the valley was haunted — by an absurdly beautiful man.
Or: In which Geralt is cursed to be a ghost and Jaskier is the first person in decades to talk to him.
I'm Lost, I'm Found in You (E) - by @whispered-story - After Geralt gets injured on a hunt, he's nursed back to health by another witcher. Over the next few years, Geralt keeps crossing paths with the Cat—first by accident, then on purpose.
(Cat Witcher!Jaskier)
animal instincts (M) - by leodesic - Despite Jaskier's hard work, there are still plenty of people who hate witchers. They think they're monstrous, inhuman, only held back from violence by a thin veneer of control. One mage has a plan to spread his views by capturing a witcher and bewitching them to remove their control. When the Butcher of Blaviken walks into his hideout, he's convinced he's found the perfect candidate - and a convenient way to get rid of the pesky bard that's been singing his praises.
Jaskier is forced to agree witchers are not human, but that doesn't mean they're dangerous. In fact, he's astounded by how many of Geralt's uncontrolled impulses involve touching.
All the Better (E) - by @ambutwrites - When a young bard takes the forest path the locals steer clear of, he soon discovers what lurks in the woods.
if somebody loved you, they'd tell you by now (M) - by Tallfroggie20 - Geralt had never called Jaskier a friend, not once in their twenty years traveling together. Now he returns to uproot Jaskier's life, Child Surprise in tow and mentions of an 'old friend' on his lips. It makes Jaskier want to scream.
Deepest Desires (E) - by MilanScolding - So no, Jaskier would remain an amicable if noisy companion, and Geralt would do damn near anything to not ruin the one nice friendship he’s had in life, including stuffing his feelings down to the deepest darkest corners of his mind. But the syrupy flutter of Jaskier’s lashes as he opens his eyes, looking up through them at Geralt, impossibly blue and even more impossibly filled with that elusive expression, filled with such open want, that is enough to give Geralt the bravery to say, “Your deepest desire is… me?” Jaskier’s eyebrows crinkle together, suddenly cross again. “Geralt, if you make me say it, I will combust on the spot.” And Geralt half-believes him, what with the flagrant blush creeping up his neck.
AKA Jaskier accidentally bought a spell and before you know it he's getting boned by Geralt
When Gods of Old Come Knocking (M) - by MilanScolding - “Sing.” The god commanded. And Jaskier obliged. The words tasted of spring, of the lambs he would lead up the hillside at the turn of the seasons, singing sweetly to them in the watery sunlight. They tasted of the harvest, when autumn sank in rich hues across the valley and bellies were full for the first time all year. They tasted out of place, being sung to a god cold and cruel as winter, in a land of mist and darkness. In the silence that followed, Jaskier strained to hear the god’s movements. But the White Wolf had disappeared from view, and his weak mortal ears heard not a trace, until the god’s voice thundered through the forest. “Your tribute is worthy, mortals. I will claim him as mine.” Without warning, the god appeared before him. He seized Jaskier in a tight embrace, pressing their lips together.
AKA Peasant!Jaskier is sacrificed to God!Geralt! and a boatload of kissing and (sad but fluffy but good ending!)shenanigans ensues
bitten hand guides best (E) - by frankoceansmoonriver - “Are you alright?” Geralt asks. “I am now, thanks to you!” “It’s my fault your hand is fucked up.” “It’s actually those other bastards fault, for chasing me into the trap but I see your point.” The man lifts his left hand, inspecting. “It hurts like fuck but it’ll heal soon, probably won’t be able to play for a few days but I’ve had worse.” The man looks and sounds so gentle, Geralt really can’t imagine he’s had worse. “Play?” “Yes, the lute.” “A werewolf that plays the lute,” Geralt says. This day is very bizarre and it’s only just started.
You Can't Always Get What You Want (E) - by @brighteyedjill - Whenever Geralt visits the bathhouse, everyone makes assumptions about what he wants, and he ends up disappointed. But tonight, a stranger makes some perceptive guesses, and Geralt just might end up getting what he needs
The Things You Have Caused Me Most to Want (are those that furthest elude me) (E) - by @brighteyedjill - Jaskier is not what anyone would call a traditional alpha, and certainly not the kind of alpha anyone would want for a mate. And he is quite surprised to unceremoniously discover that Geralt, his companion of many years, is in fact an omega. Geralt and his fellow witchers repress their heats until they arrive at Kaer Morhen for the winter. This year, since Jaskier’s rut is starting at just the right time, Geralt invites Jaskier to come along. Jaskier thinks he knows what to expect when partnering an omega in heat, but the situation at Kaer Morhen thoroughly wrecks his expectations.
A/B/O dynamics Alpha!Jaskier, Omega!Geralt, Omega!Lambert, Omega!Eskel, Beta!Coen
fit to house a love (T) - by deadpooled - “I am so bringing this up next time you make fun of me for coming down to breakfast in a cloak and gloves.” Which is mostly accounted to Lambert and Yennefer, but Geralt will never pass up an opportunity to make Jaskier get pissy enough to start throwing bacon. Geralt grunts and gets a better hold on Jaskier’s waist, tugging at him. “Come here.” Jaskier laughs, a quick, bright sound that startles out of him in a way that warms Geralt completely. He puts up some resistance, regardless. “No, no no no, I’m not done yet.” “I can tell you what happens,” Geralt says as he manages to get him down to where he can hook his chin on his shoulder.
Domestic fluff, marriage proposal, established relationship
the song of the ocean (E) - by Officer_Jennie - Geralt hears of a creature singing out at sea, whose songs are driving a village mad with lust every night, and he sets out to find the beast and make it stop. But when he learns the creature might be sentient, he leans towards a less violent approach in convincing it to stop bespelling the poor village folk.
Geralt is a witcher. Jaskier is a siren. They fuck.
In Want of A Wife (T) - by Swankyo0 - “It’s what you haven’t done, son,” Alfred’s voice was brusque and short, but not unkind. Jaskier braced himself. “It’s time you settled down and found a wife.” The room went silent. Every eye in the room bounced between the two men, no one daring to speak. Every eye except one- Geralt, who sedately finished chewing his breakfast, seeming to completely ignore the pleading glances Jaskier was shooting him. After a long pause, the witcher looked up and glanced around the table, meeting Jaskier’s eye briefly, before stating, calmly, “Can’t. He’s already married.” “Right, yes, of course,” Jaskier nodded his agreement before actually hearing Geralt’s words. “I’m- wait, uh-"
A Sort of Courting (T) - by thinksleep - Jaskier finds himself in the halls of Kaer Morhen, home to the Warlord of the North. He didn’t expect to find the Warlord so attractive though. Jaskier figures his normal gambit of flowers and poetry won’t go down well with a witcher, which leads to the immortal question of how to court one. Geralt figures if he wants to catch Jaskier’s eye he needs to compete with the techniques of the fancy courts Jaskier is used to. Both end in much confusion and little success.
Eskel, Lambert, Yennefer, and Ciri have a betting pool, and watch on in amusement.
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d-andilion · 2 years
imagine it
@thepassifloradiscord’s bards week - day 6: cheating
(valskier, modern au, angst, jaskier whump, infidelity (not w/ main pairing), significantly hornier than my usual but still non-explicit, pining, unrequited love (or is it??), 1.5k)
read on ao3
Valdo doesn’t usually fall asleep after they fuck. Usually, he lays flat on his back, staring intently at the ceiling until his breathing slows to normal and his sweat has nearly dried. Usually, he gets up without a word and wipes himself down before pulling on his clothes in slow, leisurely movements. Usually, he leaves Jaskier’s bedroom without a word or even a second glance.
Tonight, however, he did fall asleep. Jaskier rolled away as usual and waited until his own jackrabbiting heart stopped trying to beat its way out of his chest. But when he looked back at Valdo, he didn’t see the usual pensive staring contest with the swirls of plaster above. Valdo was on his back but his head was lolled to the side, facing Jaskier, and his eyes were closed.
He must be exhausted. Jaskier is a bit too. Rehearsals have been running late at the theatre all week and as the two leads of the production, a great deal is expected of them. But that’s just part of the gig on the West End, an occupational hazard. Still, it’s probably hard to keep up with a relationship and a mistress on top of it all. Jaskier wouldn’t know, of course. He’s not in a relationship. He’s the mistress.
In fairness, as Jaskier often tells himself, he had Valdo first. 
It started a few weeks into rehearsals. Jaskier had stayed late one night at the theatre to practice. There was this leaping-turn sequence in the choreography that he’d been missing all week and no one said anything, but he could tell it was getting to be an issue. They’d hired him for his voice despite his middling dance skills, but he’d promised to work hard. This was his first lead role and he wasn’t about to fuck it up.
The crew manager had left him with the key to the back door and an oath to switch off the lights before he left so he could keep working. Everyone was supposed to be gone for the day. He must have been there for hours, sweating and frustrated when Valdo elected to show himself. 
“You’re half a beat early.” 
Valdo scared the bleeding shit out of him when he spoke up, a snide, disembodied voice echoing from the pitch black of the wings. Jaskier gave an undignified squeal and scowled over at Valdo as he strutted out onto the stage, arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his lips.
“I’ve never seen such a talented singer with such poor internal rhythm,” Valdo teased. “Where on Earth did they find you, Pankratz?”
Jaskier was too tired for their usual banter and rolled his eyes in place of a witty reply. “I assume you’ve got it down perfect, then?”
“I do, as a matter of fact.” Valdo shed his thin jacket and kicked off his shoes. “Like this, dear one.”
Jaskier stood back and watched Valdo execute the sequence as perfectly as one could in skin-tight jeans and bare feet. Better than Jaskier had been doing for the past week, at any rate. Jaskier had Valdo beat as a vocalist, if only by a slim margin, but Valdo was a much better dancer. Small wonder that, despite their nearness in age, Valdo had two lead roles to his name already, while Jaskier was only just debuting as a star.
Valdo grinned smugly, but he stepped aside and waved Jaskier forward. “Come on, Julian. Give it a go.”
Jaskier did, eventually, stick the move. Spite was a rather good motivator. After a few more successful run-throughs, he was feeling quite good about himself. That’s what he blames it on. High spirits, high blood pressure, and the look of Valdo’s ass in those obscenely tight jeans. Jaskier never would have been stupid enough to bend his infuriating co-star over a half-constructed set of prop stairs otherwise.
It was supposed to be a one-time thing. That’s what they said as they shut off the lights and went their separate ways at the back door. Jaskier was pretty good at one-time things. He probably would have been able to stick to it were it not for the fact that he spent every single day watching Valdo flit gracefully about the stage in leggings that left nothing to the imagination.
So they kept having one-time things. On the overstuffed chair in Valdo’s dressing room, on the couch in the cast lounge, in the backseat of Jaskier’s car. They kept it to themselves, obviously. The producer would have had a cow if she found out her stars were having extremely inadvisable sex all over her theatre. She actually put it in their contract—no amorous relationships between cast members. They only ever led to disaster.
Things really were fine. Mostly. Or, they were. Until Valdo got a boyfriend
Jaskier didn’t really have a right to be miffed about it. It’s not like he and Valdo were dating. They barely spoke to each other outside of work and sex. And the boyfriend, Archie, was a nice guy. He worked in the sound booth and everybody liked him. Jaskier liked him.
As expected, the sex stopped. Valdo and Archie were an adorable couple. Archie brought him flowers at least once a week and he played a little pre-recorded applause sound from the booth after Valdo finished rehearsing a solo. Everyone on set made jokes about them being ‘relationship goals’, or whatever.
Jaskier figured he was imagining all the times he caught Valdo staring at him, or how fake Valdo’s smile looked when he accepted Archie’s flowers. Jaskier was just being pathetic and horny. Valdo had an amazing, perfect boyfriend. He wasn’t sparing a thought for an ex-booty call, no matter how much Jaskier wanted him to be.
Then, around Valentine’s Day, it happened again.
In the dingy ally on the east side of the theatre, Jaskier found Valdo on his way out, leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his hand. He didn’t know Valdo smoked. Professional singing sort of precluded the habit, so he couldn’t have done it often. Maybe just when he was stressed out. 
Valdo looked stressed out. His pretty black curls were sticking out everywhere like he’d been running his fingers through them, and there were dark circles under his eyes that Jaskier hadn’t noticed during rehearsal. 
Jaskier doesn’t really remember what was said. Valdo probably made a snide comment and Jaskier probably gave one back to him. What he does remember is the way Valdo kissed him. Hard and desperate, teeth and tongue and spit. There was nothing graceful about it, but it felt like the eye of a storm.
That was the first time Valdo came to Jaskier’s flat. They fucked like the world would end if they took their hands off of each other, like the ground would crack open and swallow them whole. Jaskier fell asleep with Valdo’s head on his chest. He woke up alone. The next day, Archie brought Valdo flowers, and Valdo smiled.
They fell into a routine after that. Valdo came over once or twice a week. He never fell asleep. He always left before midnight. Archie brought him flowers. He smiled. Repeat. If nothing else, it was efficient.
But this time, Valdo fell asleep in Jaskier’s bed. Jaskier runs his forefinger feather-light over a sharp cheekbone, carefully not to wake him. The streetlights pouring through the window smear a neon rainbow over Valdo’s pale skin. He looks calm the way he never does when he’s awake anymore, but he’s beautiful the way he always is.
Jaskier has slept with people in relationships before. He’s slept with married people before. It’s fun, hot, scratches that itch to do something bad. It was never his relationship on the line, so the moral weight of it hadn’t bothered him all that much. He’s never felt wrong for it. Never felt dirty.
With Valdo, it’s different. He makes everything different, damn him to hell. Archie is a sweetheart, he doesn’t deserve to be betrayed like this. And every day, Jaskier has to look the poor bastard in the eye and try not to think about much he enjoyed fucking his boyfriend the other night. It makes Jaskier’s stomach turn, how scummy he feels, but it’s not enough to change anything.
Because Jaskier is great at casual when it’s a one-time thing. He’s practically a professional. But this; seeing someone every day, thinking about them every night, mapping the curves of their body until he knows them by heart, memorizing the cadence of the breath and the exact tone of their cries when they come for him—
It’s more than his weak heart can bear.
Jaskier brushes a curl from Valdo’s face and tucks it behind his ear before letting his hand rest on the pillow between them. He closes his eyes.
He’s in love with Valdo. Completely, stupidly, hopelessly in love with him. And he’s going to do this—be Valdo’s mistress, his sideshow, his dirty little secret—for as long as Valdo will let him.
Valdo does leave that night, just before sunrise. Jaskier pretends to be asleep, listening to the familiar sounds of Valdo cleaning off and getting dressed. Jaskier thinks for the faintest moment that he feels the brush of cool fingertips against his jaw, but he keeps his eyes closed. He probably just imagined it.
bards week masterlist
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wolf-and-bard · 4 years
The Geraskier divorce attorney AU of my dreams (hear me out):
-Geralt doesn't have regulars. Of course, he doesn't have regulars, he's a divorce attorney, a good one at that; sure sometimes there are clients that hire him twice because of mistakes or short-lived marriages, or he will have the odd person whose ex-partner he once helped, but in his ten-year-career, he's never once had a person come to him more than twice
-He has never married. The few long-term relationships he had didn't amount to anything in that regard and perhaps his job has spoiled the whole affair for him; there's never been a need either, he has his daughter Ciri, has his horse Roach which he rides on weekends, he couldn't be more content (or so he thinks)
(-Jaskier knows that many people would and do call him a whore, an adulterer, but he isn't. He is a romantic, a fall-in-lover, a dreamer, a free spirit. Which is why he gave himself the name 'Jaskier' (much more befitting of his character than Julian, what a common name) and why he tends to end up at the altar... more often than is strictly normative)
-The first time Jaskier enters Geralt's office, he acts as though it's the beginning of a Broadway show. He walks in, stands in the middle of the room and opens his arms wide. "Good day," he twitters and flashes Geralt the brightest grin. Geralt raises his eyebrows, but he isn't about to turn away a guy who looks affluent enough he can charge him a little extra. "Hello?" - "Julian Alfred Pankratz, call me Jaskier." Jaskier settles into the chair opposite Geralt's desk and puts his leather-clad feet up on them. Geralt pushes them off and asks: "Mr. Pankratz, what can I do for you?" - "Ah yes. My lover and muse, the Countess de Stael, has left me for another. The problem is that we got married just last month and I'm afraid she is going to bleed me dry if I don't have a proper attorney. You've been recommended to me by a friend. What do you say? Help out a fool?" What? Countess? Well. "Fine," Geralt says. "Let's talk fees."
-Jaskier is a lot and when the divorce is through and all aspects of their working relationship are settled, Geralt calls his babysitter - Yen's always happy to jump in on short notice - and invites his colleagues Lambert and Eskel to get drunk. Jaskier was annoying and exhausting, constantly babbling and flirting with Geralt and, god, he never wants to see him again.
-Of course, Geralt sees him again. By the time he does - half a year after the first time - Geralt has almost forgotten about Jaskier and his stupid Countess and how utterly drained that job left him. Jaskier sounds cheerful on the phone, not at all the common cadence for Geralt's clients, and comes into the office with two Macchiatos and a box of donuts; disgruntled, but unable to say no to sugar, Geralt allows for them to have the coffee over their conversation about Jaskier's upcoming divorce and it makes it more bearable. "So," Geralt says. "Give me a rough outline of the situation." Just to be prepared. Jaskier grins, wipes a sprinkle off his lips and takes a sip of coffee. "This is going to sound ridiculous, but hear me out. So about two months after you helped me last time, the Countess de Stael gave me a call..." Geralt wants to smack the man when he is done his well-embellished tale. Jaskier is obviously being used. But he's not here to judge, he's here to do his job and Jaskier pays well.
-The third is a woman called Molly. Geralt never gets to meet her, Jaskier never talks about her, it is as though she doesn't exist as more than a job to get done, a contract to fulfill. Aside from the topic of his soon to be ex-wife, Jaskier is more talkative than usual. He asks questions about Geralt's personal life, talks about his job - of course he's a broadway performer, 'star' doesn't quite apply - lingers. Geralt finds he... doesn't mind this time. It's nice to socialize for a bit, even if it is within the general bounds of his job. Jaskier makes him laugh somehow.
-"You should give me a discount," Jaskier jokes when he's there to leave a paycheck for Geralt for the fourth time (that Countess again, Geralt doesn't understand how they got married three times in a span of two years (in addition to that Molly woman)). "I don't give out discounts," Geralt replies. - "Why not? I'm a loyal customer, you should have a system for this." - "Mr. Pankratz, do you realize that you are the only person I know who goes through this many marriages in such a short amount of time?" - "Always knew I was special," Jaskier laughs and leaves with a small wave.
-"Okay, Geralt, what the hell?" Lambert asks, strutting in after Jaskier's gone with a bad temper written across his face. "Who is this man? And why does he keep coming back? You know I can hear his voice from my office. So if, like, you're having some sort of strange workplace affair, cut it the fuck out." -  "He's just an idiot who keeps getting married," Geralt says and waves Lambert away. He doesn't add that he kind of starts to miss the idiot.
-Priscilla is very nearly a different story, something Geralt only finds out after the fact. Jaskier breaks down before their court appointment, sobbing into Geralt's shoulder that he can't do it, he can't let her go, why doesn't she want him; by that point Geralt has known Jaskier for almost four years and the thought of him staying in a marriage for longer than half of one makes him queasy, gives him little bursts of pain against his breastbone; in truth, he's glad Priscilla's leaving Jaskier, antsy that it took almost a year for them to split up; she approaches him after the divorce is through, while Jaskier's in the courthouse bathroom crying his eyes out. "Tell him I'm sorry," Priscilla says and Geralt scowls at her. "Tell him I wouldn't have left him if I didn't have to. Tell him to wait for me." She leaves and Geralt doesn't even know why he should be the one to relay that message to Jaskier and so he doesn't. Jaskier never mentions her again.
-The sixth time is the Countess de Stael again and Geralt already prepared his case from the e-mail Jaskier sent ahead. The last three times all went in favour of the noblewoman who was able to protect her fortune, but Geralt thinks he can make a case for emotional manipulation and get Jaskier at least a sizable indemnity. "Mr. Pankratz," Geralt says when Jaskier comes for their appointment.  "Are you ever going to call me Jaskier?" Jaskier replies with a sigh and drops into the chair. His hair is tousled, there are deep half-moons under his eyes which look like he spent the whole night crying. Geralt's heart feels bruised, but he can't get involved dammit. "That would be inappropriate," he grunts. They get to work and Jaskier walks out with a broken-heart and a swollen bank account.
-"When will you give up on that woman?" Geralt asks when Jaskier saunters into his office one Friday, not three months after the last divorce. It's late afternoon and Geralt's ready for a weekend of watching Disney movies with Ciri, but Jaskier's always a sight for sore eyes these days. Not for the first time does Geralt consider asking him out for coffee, but the fact that he's only ever seeing Geralt because he's in need of a(nother) divorce somehow poses a barrier. "Now that is not very professional of you. To answer your question: right now. That's why I'm here." And for the first time with these two, it's Jaskier that wants the divorce, Jaskier that takes the initiative. He's only ever been the one to get dumped. Geralt's up all night thinking about that.
-For an entire year, Jaskier does not return and that annoys Geralt. He finds himself fretting, distracted, hoping Jaskier will turn up with another marriage to be dealt with, but he doesn't. The thought that Jaskier might have found someone he wants to stay with makes him physically ill. His code of conduct forbids him from using Jaskier's contact info though. Maybe this is for the best and anyway, Geralt is down to earth while Jaskier is... well, Jaskier. An emotional roller-coaster. He has his daughter and his horse and all is well. Only it isn't because Geralt managed to fall in love with Jaskier. (When Lambert and Eskel find out they laugh at him for two hours straight)
-Jaskier does turn up eventually, but not to get divorced again. He waits outside the building where Geralt works with two cups of coffee in hand and a tired smile. Geralt lets himself be led to a nearby bench, lets Jaskier speak. "I considered proposing to random strangers just to have another botched marriage for you to get me out of," Jaskier says. "But that would have been rather inconsiderate and there are easier ways to see you." - "I thought you might have found one that sticks," Geralt replies, tracing the rim of his coffee cup with a finger. "I might have."  Jaskier winks at Geralt and Geralt decides to throw caution to the wind. He leans over and kisses Jaskier's lips, then mutters, "I don't ever want to see you in my office again." - "And here I thought that your desk would make such a great hmph..." Geralt shuts him up with another kiss. It feels right.  
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pillage-and-lute · 4 years
If you're still taking request - your arranged marriage Au made me think of Jaskier as maybe someone cursed and in a tower, maybe everyone thinks the prince in a tower is guarded by a terrible dragon but the prince IS the dragon, and Geralt investigates?
Cute idea, elementalsight!
“Rescuing a fair maiden, really?” Geralt said.
“The notice had he/him pronouns, so probably not exactly,” Yennefer said, looking at her nails. “And you need the money. Do you want the contract or not?”
Geralt picked it up from the table and smoothed the parchement. 
“There’s really very little information here, they say he’s guarded by a dragon?”
“Mmmhmm,” Yennefer said, brushing at a chip in her nail polish that was probably imaginary.
“There’s no dragons out here, the terrains wrong, we’d know anyway.”
“Mmh, intriguing, right? Bet you wanna take that contract now.” Yen hadn’t looked up from her nails.
“Yen, what do you know?” He lashes cast odd shadows across her face in the torchlight.
“Nothing I’m telling you,” she said. Then she summoned a portal and disappeared with a swish of skirts.
Damn. He really was out of money though.
The tower wasn’t imposing or ominous. It wasn’t made of black stone or crooked, no random lightning storms or smoke, it wasn’t even that tall. 
“Go away,” the voice came from a throat like a blast furnace and Geralt was staring into the slitted eyes of a mid sized (still big enough to eat him, just in more than one bite) dragon.
“Hello,” he said. “What’s a sky dragon doing in a place like this.” It was his special ‘talking to horses or big animals’ voice.
“Not a sky dragon,” the sky dragon grumbled.
“Yes you are, and what’s weird is that you should be up on some chilly cliff, not in a forest.”
“I’m a dragon, not any special kind. The eat you all up and burn your armor kind.” There was a pout in the voice now. 
Geralt scratched one of the snout scales.
“Sure,” he said. The dragon huffed, blue-silver smoke rings curling from the nostrils. No eating occurred.
“I imagine I’m not very good eating,” Geralt said. Most witchers would probably at least give a dragon indigestion. “I also imagine you know something very important about the prince in the tower.”
The dragon, despite having eyes the size of soup bowls, did not meet Geralt’s gaze.
“He’s not even a very important prince, I don’t know why you’re interested.”
“I’d quite like to know why he’s imprisoned in a tower,” Geralt said, although a mental picture was forming. “And why I have a contract to kill both him and the dragon guarding it.”
The dragon pulled back sharply and hissed. A blade thin line of fire, blue and so hot it nearly seared off an eyebrow, missed Geralt by inches.
“Monster hunter,” the dragon said, shifting up on it’s haunches like it was getting ready to pounce. It wasn’t. He could see it in the muscles, they weren’t bunched right. The dragon didn’t want to hurt him, and the eyes just looked sad and kind of resigned.
“Yes,” Geralt admitted, holding up his hands, both currently sword free. “But I don’t want to kill him...or you. Monster hunter, not prince hunter.”
“Dragons are monsters,” the dragon said. 
“Only to stupid people,” Geralt replied. “And sheep,” he added as an afterthought. “I want to meet this prince of yours.”
“You can’t, that’s only earth dragons, they’re all curled up under a mountain somewhere, and they’re certainly never blue.”
“The dragon looked nonplussed. “I’LL SPIT ACID IN YOUR FACE.”
“Swamp dragons,” Geralt said. “Green or yellow and a little smaller.”
“You were raised by humans,” Geralt interuppted.
“Yes you were, otherwise you’d know more. Did the prince raise you? I won’t harm him you know, I only wan’t to talk.”
“Yes, you’ve said, but I won’t take him away. I just want to know why people want him dead.” Here Geralt looked the dragon right in the blue eyes, close enough to se the silver flecks in the iris. “Maybe I can help him, help you both.”
The dragon looked away. “Come back at sunset.”
Geralt did. 
He yelled out for the dragon but it wansn’t there.
“I’m climbing the tower,” he called out. “Don’t flame me, you invited me.” And he clambered up the tower. Coming back down he’d be thankful for the rope he’d brought, because the stones were slick and smooth. He sat on the small windowsill and swung his legs into a room. 
It wasn’t a very nice room. It was definitely a prison. small bed, one candle, uneven table and wobbly stool. A young man was sitting on the floor, cradling a lute.
“Are you the prince?” Geralt asked. He hadn’t seen a picture and although he felt silly making sure, he’d feel sillier if he got it wrong.
“Yes, are you the dragon slayer?”
“Witcher,” Geralt said. “And I did’t slay your dragon.”
“He’s not my dragon, he’s my fearsome jailer, keeping me inside this tower.”
“No,” Geralt said. “I doubt it. Show me your eyes.”
“No,” said the prince, not looking up.
“I’ll bet they’re a very pretty shade of blue,” Geralt said. “With silver.”
Blue and silver eyes met gold.
“You knew,” said the prince, swiping dirty, brown hair from his brow.
“You act odd, for a dragon, prince...” he sought the memory. “Julian.”
“Friends call me Jaskier,” said Jaskier. “Although I don’t have many. Just a little bit of dragon blood in the line, barely more than a drop, really, but I just so happen to get all of it. Anyway, I thought all dragons could look human.”
“They can,” Geralt said. “But they’re raised by other dragons, so they don’t act the same. Why are you inprisoned? And why was I sent to kill you.”
Jaskier sighed. “It’s not good, is it, to have a dragon for a son, even if he is your third son and won’t inherit. Father locked me up and had a mage cast a spell. As a dragon I can roam a little, but I can’t climb down the tower as a human, and I’m only human at night, some mishap with the runes as I understand. True love’s kiss breaks the mage’s spell.”
Geralt scoffed. “That pansy stuff never works.”
“It’s just what I was told,” said the prince, shrugging. “Somehow my father got the idea that true loves kiss will also make me no longer a dragon.”
“Not how that works,” Geralt said.
“No,” Jaskier agreed. “But he keeps sending heroes after me hoping they’ll kiss me.”
“The contract said I was to kill both of you.”
“Yes, well, that would also take care of the problem, wouldn’t it?”
“The problem being you?” Geralt said. 
“The problem, generally speaking, being me.” 
“We’ll break the spell,” Geralt said, although it wouldn’t be that easy.
“And then what? I can’t fight, I’ve no useful skills and nowhere to go. According to you I don’t even make a very good dragon.”
The young man slumped down. “But I’ve been so lonely,” he said. “You know I’ve been here five years? Just me and my lute, I think I’m going mad. You could even be a figment of my imagination.”
“Right,” Geralt said. “Getting you out first, dealing with other problems later.”
“Where am I going to find true love’s kiss?” asked Jaskier. “Do I kiss you?”
“You could try?” Geralt said. He really wouldn’t mind. The prince was whiny and a little dirty but very good looking. “But I was thinking more like, finding the runes and wiping them out.”
“You can just do that?” Jaskier leap to his feet. “They’re right up there,” he pointed among the cieling beams. “I can’t reach them on my own but the two of us...”
Geralt was already lifting the princling onto his shoulders. He didn’t weigh a lot.
“Just a little forward,” Jaskier said, accidentally kneeing Geralt in the chin.
“Hmmm,” he said, to avoid cursing, and shifted forward. 
“Thery’re coming off! The runes are wiping away!”
He was loud but Geralt couldn’t blame him, five years was a long time. Although not compared to a dragon’s lifespan.
“They’re gone, I’m free!” 
Geralt let the boy down from his shoulders and got a surprisingly tight hug and a very pleasant, extremely enthusiastic kiss.
“Just...you know, covering all my bases,” said the blushing prince. He really was cute.
Geralt carried him down the tower. Delighted, Jaskier turned into a dragon, then back to a human, then a smaller dragon, house cat sized, and perched on Geralt’s shoulder.
“Where are we going now? And what’s your name? Will I meet other witchers? Don’t forget to bring my lute?”
It would probably get old very quickly, Geralt thought. But the company was kind of nice, if a little scaly.
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enigmamuse · 3 years
Scriddler Hallmark Christmas AU
(this is a joke/goof/bit & is not going to be a continuing story)
Edward steps off of the Greyhound bus onto the lightly frosted Georgian dirt road. So this is where the sidewalk ends. A dark green coat drapes over his shoulders, coordinating with the large suitcase brought to him by the bus attendant. He fishes a ticket out of his pocket, and frowns at the small text indicating his current location. “What is nowhere and somewhere at the same time?” he mutters, “...Me, apparently.” The ornery woman working at the bus station some hundreds of miles away in Gotham must not have appreciated his questioning; people rarely do. 
Edward stretches, taking in the scenery: vacant crop fields past their harvest, accumulating snow atop leftover wilting leaves. A cozy red brick welcome center and young Virginia pine trees decorated with a generous number of string lights, accompanied by homemade cutouts of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and company. In the distance, he could make out a “If you died today, where would you spend eternity?” billboard. Oh, countryside charm. 
In truth, his “vacation” is little more than an alibi. He had caught wind that Julian Day - of all the undeserving half-wits - obtained superpowers, and that the D-lister was aligning his next series of holiday-themed escapades around the Martian calendar. Bullshit, Edward thought. But, by his calculations, Julian’s plans line up too closely with Earth Christmas. A long sigh escapes his mouth and he pinches the bridge of his nose. He had previously concocted an ingenious puzzle box heist involving a secret Santa charity gala being held at the Gotham City Museum, but he wanted absolutely no association with Mr. Day's lunacy. How would it look if people were to associate him with the bottom of the barrel? He thinks he might just die on the spot if he were overshadowed by the likes of Calender Man. So the next plan was to get the hell out of Gotham before the Riddler could be blamed for whatever nonsense might occur come Christmas Day.
Edward looks around some more, then back at his phone. No new messages. He was growing impatient waiting for his BnB contact to pick him up. The unexpected chill of Southern winter slowly creeps to his fingers and toes, and he tucks his hands in his coat pockets, trying to focus on the people walking in and out of the bus station. The lot of them look rather plain and unremarkable - far from the metropolitan sense of fashion he was accustomed to seeing, including his own. He glances down at his outfit - the green wool overcoat and matching leather shoes are the only pieces that might stick out, in his opinion. He shakes his head, remembering the focus of this trip is to fly under the radar.
A tap on his shoulder; Edward jumps. Whipping around to look at the cause of the disturbance, he’s met with the vision of a tall, gaunt man who looks to be only slightly older than himself. Even with his hunched over posture, Edward can tell this man, clad in layers of winter clothing that do nothing to hide his willowy build, is decently over six feet tall. A pair of thick-lensed glasses framed by dark brown bangs overwhelms his face, only interrupted by a very pronounced nose. When and how was he able to sneak up on him like that?
“Mr. Edward... Nashton?” the man says, his low voice softer and more rounded than Edward expected from his sharp appearance. A fake name. He looks Edward over, pausing to survey the snowflakes fallen to rest on his bright auburn hair. “Sorry for the wait. Truck was a bit worse at handling ice than expected.” He gestures with his thumb back to his vehicle - a classic pickup with a sizeable pine tree strapped into the bed. Edward wonders how someone who supposedly owns a place called Keeny Manor settles on driving a Ford POS. “Anyway… name’s Jonathan Crane.”
short intro based on this ask by @acrylic-kettle. Edward is still the Riddler, but Jon is a serial killer therapist still living in small town Georgia
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sleepywerehog · 2 years
Steampunk Pirate AU Lore Time!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to make my brain is made of mashed bananas but I have done it,and it got very long!!!! Oh and @writersblog1987 asked me to tag 'em! So I hope you all enjoy this and feel free to ask questions I don't mind answering them the best I can (I also had a lot of inspo from Storm Hawks((good show i HIGHLY reccomend it)),Sonic Underground and Abney Park)
The Land Below:Mobius was a peaceful planet until the earthquakes began, the earth beneath the peoples feets began to crack,crumble and the ground gave way into terrorfyingly deep chasms where the bottom could never be seen,The oceans swelled and large waves crashed against cities and forests alike it was a mad dash trying to find any place safe but this was only the beginning. Soon dark beasts only spoken of in ancient legends began to crawl out of the gashes left in the disasters wake and began to hunt and kill any of the survivors they could find. It seemed like all hope was lost until A hero finally arrived and made it his quest to stop the devistation in it's tracks.
The Legend of Ventari:Enter Ventari a 15 year old Dark ashy blue Hedgehog with green eyes a cocky attitude and the power of wind on his side. By his side was his closest friend 16 year old Patchamarus(Patcha for short) an Echidna with deep red clay coloring and gentle yet fierce purple eyes who was tasked by his tribe to help see the hero through his quest to save the world. With the guidance of the elders of Patcha's tribe the two set out to find the chaos emeralds which wouldn't be an easy task. The two had to brave monstrous creatures,destroyed cities and towns, corrupted titan like Automatons who were once used to help build the now lost cites,desperate survivors and their final challenge the source of the deadly seas and colossal earthquakes Dark Chaos Gaia a horrible fusion of Dark Gaia and Chaos who had corrupted and poisoned most of the planets surface thanks to their combined powers.With the Chaos Emeralds and his power over wind in hand Ventari and Patcha fight and eventually defeat Dark Chaos Gaia but the land was too devastated and damaged to be habitable again so with the last of his power Ventari sent the surviving colonies up into the skies leaving only the wandering Echidna tribe and a handful of other mobians to try to revive the barren land themselves. While Patcha took on the role of guarding the Master Emerald. But rumors say that Dark Chaos casted a curse upon the two heroes which turned them semi-immortal and that the spilling of their blood could grant life and rejuvenation.
The Skies Above and the Familes that shaped them:Sensing opportunity three different families began to build large expansive cities for everyone to rebuild their lives in on the floating colonies and within a few years the bustling sky cities were born. The Robotnik's and Zobotniks built the cities,the industries,the roads and the law and order of these sky cities. The Kintobors however built massive gardens,entertainment centers,Schools and homes within these cities and for a time the three families were at war trying their best to out do the others. Then over the years the two of the families mergered into one the Zobotniks and Robotniks. The Kintobors however started to mysteriously disappear one by one until only a young Julian Kintobor was left and was adopted into the family with Ivo and Zardell as his older brothers.
The Tyrannical Brothers:When Ivo and Zardell were younger they along side Julian were always inventing things together which their parents deeply encouraged. The three brothers from then on when they weren't in school they were in the family's many labs working away on project after project. The trio's mother encouraged Ivo with his skills in making automatons better and more obedient than they ever were in the past,While the trio's father was more particular to Zardell who made the control collars and various other devices that could keep the riff raff in line. Julian however was often ignored by his parents and left to his own devices as well as outlet for his older brothers to vent their frustrations onto.When Ivo and Zardell came of age the two took over their mother and father's businesses and quickly made them into their own. They began to rule the cities under their families control with iron fists, only the upper classes were able to handle this change while the poorer people turned to either lives of crime or cruel unyielding employment until the brothers' rule. Many poor families who were unable to take this quickly jumped ship as soon as they could and eventually ended up in the Pirate ran cities where there was a better chance of a better life.
The Pirate Cities:The Pirate cities were a beacon of hope for a lot of mobians even though they were filled to the brim with pirates and crime ran rampant through the streets they were the only cities free from the rule of the Robotniks and Zobotniks. Once the mobians who were seeking new lives started moving in though the pirates and ordinary citizens were at each other's throats, as neither side really knew what to do to keep the peace until Ventari now looking to be in his late 20s (though in actuality he was already at least over a hundred at this point) came to smooth things over and proposed a plan. Two chosen citizens and pirates would become their city's leaders and together they would make improvements to their cites, and while it was rocky and risky at first the plan worked out surprisingly well with the first major pirate city to fully adopt this plan was Sanctuary. Sanctuary is a perfect blend of a pirate's paradise and a mobian's safe haven. The ports were guarded by Pirate and Citizen alike nothing could come or go without going through them, trade between the two groups was open and varied and while crimes did still happen they were significantly less frequent than they used to be.
Chaos Energy and Crystals: Chaos energy flows through every corner of Mobius and it is basically the magic of this world it's what makes the cities float(alongside specially made propellers as a safety precaution),automatons move,grants special abilities and powers and much more. Crystals are holders and crystallizations of chaos energy but depending on how and where they grew will grant them powers. Like crystals grown near lava would be able to channel and cast fire, Crystals found near water could channel and cast water, etc.
Automatons: The last bit of lore is the Automatons who fall into two categories Dolls and the Industri. Workers are your standard every day robot and are most often seen in factories and doing jobs that most other people don't really want to do. They are obedient to whoever they're working for but if there is a malfunction,a breakdown or a robot gains better sentience they are sent back to Robotnik's lair and destroyed then recycled into new workers However, if either a Doll or a Industri is beyond repair they are tossed down into the world below never to be seen again. The Industri also cannot speak all they can do to communicate is beeps,boops,chirps and chimes.The Dolls on the other hand look like well normal mobians but you can obviously tell that they're dolls by their joints as well as glowing eyes in dark places. Dolls are used for many things like being Caregivers,helping store owners by restocking their shelves,make deliveries for their owners and many other tasks but the dolls are most famous especially around pirates for being dancers and other forms of "entertainment" to put it lightly. Dolls are slightly more aware of their surroundings than their Industri brethren as they need to be for the rolls they play however their AI can only go so far. Dolls also can understand the Industri clear as day and tend to speak to them as a normal mobian would to another mobian.
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soramel · 3 years
Curiosity didn’t kill the cat | jjk ff
Part 2
jjkxreader Prompt: “You’re early,” said the grim reaper with a hint of amusement.
Fantasy au, grimreaper!jungkook, reader, romance, slow-burn
Words: 1.5k approx. Part 2/5
A/N. Omg help me, I’m doing my best to cut this story short without compromising the love story. This is just supposed to be a drabble in 3 shots but now I’m currently on the 4th. 7.7k words and counting. I hope to end it soon.
Check this out on my wattpad account! I post one part ahead there.
"Good morning, Sir," Jungkook greeted the man clad in white behind the humongous desk.
The man nodded back, "Jungkook, Y/n, have a seat."
You sat down after Jungkook did. If you're being honest nothing felt divine in this place. You wonder if this is heaven or just a penthouse office in Gangnam.
The man breathed in before speaking, "I pulled out Y/n's profile from the database and she's currently under your roster, Jungkook."
You looked at the two-faced grim reaper. His posture went rigid at that, as if a silent understanding of something grave.
"As she's not yet supposed to pass, as per her fate line... I still need to hand this over to the board for deliberation."
Hearing that pissed you off. So you decided for them to hear your piece, "Then what? Clearly, this is a mistake on your part. Do you take human lives this lightly? I've been hearing the same over and over. That this is not supposed to happen. I have family, friends, dreams, all of them gone in a blink. And you're passing me around like a ball. To a person of authority, to this committee, to be deliberated. I didn't know heaven is this bureaucratic ass much like humanity."
Jungkook gasped at your slander of the higher ups, much more on the expletive word you used to describe Heaven.
He stared at you in shock and worry, his eyes begging you to apologize. For him, your words and actions are much as well as his. You're in his roster. Meaning... if he failed to deliver you to the Gate before the 7 Trials, he'll be one soul short. He won't be able to leave this limbo. Forever. He got 10 souls left out of 700 that he's supposed to guide to Afterlife. You must not piss off a spirit guide.
You just raised a brow at Jungkook. His face painted red out of anger.
He suddenly stood up and bowed to the man. "Apologies, Sir. She must still be in shock. I may have failed to brief her enough before this meeting," he explained, still head down.
"I ask for your kind understanding, Sir," he followed.
The man waved his hand and let out a chuckle. "It's fine, it's fine. I've heard worse."
"Please, take your seat, Jungkook."
In which Jungkook followed.
The man turned to you, breathing in, "Y/n. How entitled of you to think that this is Heaven. We're still on Earth, but aren't. We are your messenger before the Afterlife. Heaven's still a long long way."
"I need to know first if your case is entwined with another fate line," he paused, thinking of a way to explain it in simpler terms.
"There's much more behind the dimensions known to humanity. This world, the universe, is a series of strings. Each called a fate line. Relatively, you have diverted from your path. You may choose to continue on the one you're travelling now or go back at the crossroad and live out your life."
"I can still go back?" you confirmed. The man nodded. "It's just like untangling your fate line, bringing it back to its place. It's not easy, but it's doable."
"How? How can I do that?" you eagerly asked. He breathed out and leaned back on his chair.
"Let the water flow its course first. I promise you I'll figure it out. For now, you have to stay under Jungkook's protection. You're living as a spirit for now, but your energy may attract unwanted beings. Humans are safe from them because they're in an unconsumable form."
At this Jungkook nodded. "I can feel it. She's like a meat flavored tofu to the roaming souls."
You winced at his metaphor.
The man clasped his hands as he gave his dismissive remark, "You'll receive a call, Jungkook. Keep Y/n safe until then. Give me 2 Julian weeks at most."
When the grim reaper stood up, you followed suit. Jungkook bowed and thanked the spirit guide. "That's generous of you, Sir. I know how busy you are. Thank you for your time."
When you didn't pay the same respect, Jungkook pulled your hand down, forcing you to bow. "Thank you," you muttered.
As you both turned back to the door, the man watched you intently. Jungkook's hand clasping yours. He let out a sigh as he looked above. "What now?"
The door fell shut as he thought he could only stall time.
Jungkook and you whirled out of a cobblestone wall. To him, passing through a wall seemed nothing, but to you, it's a wonder. You stared back where you came from before bumping to his back.
"Ow," you winced, massaging your nose.
He passed you to the other side of his back, his left arm caging you.
"Stay close," you heard him whisper. Out of curiosity, you peeked over his shoulder only to find a hideous ghost. Her hair sticks out in all places, large veins protruding around her eyes. Its color dilated in black at the desire to get to you.
If you still have a beating heart, you might have passed out then and there.
Your grip on Jungkook's coat tightened. He casted out a scythe on his right hand as he pulled a phone from his pocket to call someone.
"Taehyung, I found your assignee. She's here outside Jongno HQ."
After the call, Jungkook stepped back, thinking the roaming soul wouldn't dare to challenge a grim reaper.
But she stepped forward, garbling noise falling out of her mouth. Her grimy hands reaching out. She disappeared in front of him then you felt a pair of cold hands grabbing you from the back of your neck. You yelled in horror as Jungkook spun around whirling out a whip to cuff her hands off you. The being retreated as she let out a blood-curdling scream. You couldn't bring yourself to look. Your head buried in Jungkook's chest as you held on to him for your dear life – ironically.
His other arm wrapped around you. "Don't face her," he muttered as he snapped the whip back to scythe, pushing back the roaming soul back with an invisible force. It sent her flying a few feet back.
Taehyung arrived just in time to rope in his assignee.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I told you I'd find you. Nice choice of hunting grounds. In you go," he then pushed the unruly soul to the wall. He quickly sent a salute to Jungkook and followed right after into the headquarters.
Silence passed but your breathing's still ragged. You've been staring at the pavement for you could only remember her face, her hands reaching out to you, when you close your eyes. You could still feel her cold hands at the back of your neck. You flinched when Jungkook tried to soothe you. His hand caressing the spot where you were grabbed awhile ago.
"I'm sorry. Ghosts like her usually wouldn't dare. She seemed out of it," he muttered. You broke down, your knees wobbling, and you cried your heart out.
What did I do wrong to deserve this?
You died out of some mistake, what now of the people and things you left behind? You still have hope to go back if not another starving soul would get to you before the man on the penthouse figure everything out. Your whole life depends on a grim reaper whose job is to take souls.
The irony.
I don't deserve this.
You thought as you shook your head. Jungkook crouched down, concern filled his eyes. He called your name calmly.
Then again, in a whisper.
You looked up to him with your tear-stained face, your eyes and nose red from all the crying. He held your face in his hands as he wiped away your tears, tucking your hair away from your face.
Then he said, "I'll protect you at all costs. My life is in your hands as much as yours is in mine. Trust me," his eyes filled with sincerity.
At a beep, the door to his apartment unlocked. He ushered you in. His place is overlooking the Han river. It's minimally designed, wood and stones adorned the space. A sleek leather sofa served as the centerpiece of the living room you just entered.
He then led you to a door, "You can stay here with me. Here's my bedroom," he said as he entered.
"Excuse me?"
"Why?" he asked.
You didn't want to come off as an old-fashioned lady. You slept with your friend, Jimin, with no malice at all. But this... the man before you is a stranger. It feels weird.
"I... I can take the couch," you replied instead.
He nodded nonchalantly. "Okay, if that's what you want."
"I'll give you a duvet," he followed.
"Thank you," you uttered.
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Meeting and falling in love with Portia, Muriel and Lucio || Slight Modern! AU
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A/N: Second part!! Nobody really asked for this but it didn’t feel right to not write about these other three. Also sorry this took so long I’ve been at work and on holiday (social distancing safely tho!) and also am preparing for Univeristy :)
Part 1
Main Masterlist
The Arcana Masterlist
You two first met out in town - you ran into each other on a market day; she was buying things for Nadia and you were merely perusing the various stalls
You literally ran into each other though
You straight up knocked the bags of various items out of her arms - it was incredibly embarrassing for the both of you
You obviously apologised immediately, the both of you trying desperately to gather up Portia’s things without attracting a crowd
It isn’t until the two of you stand up that you get a good look of each other - you recognise her from that one fancy dinner you went to that Nadia held (Asra made you go)
You offer to help her find the rest of the items Nadia needs, and you spend another hour browsing the stalls and talking about everything and nothing
The two of you end up running into each other at the market enough times for y’all to exchange numbers and make the friendship official - when you eventually met Julian he took a liking to you right away which you took as a definite good sign
You’d been friends for a couple of months and you started to pick up on her little habits, and you started to notice her more; like the small efforts she made when you’d go out or the effort she went to as to make sure all of her friends met and loved you
You introduced her to Asra, and Portia became obsessed with everything in your shop, and she went through a phase where all she wanted to do was spend time at your home, and could somehow look at all the items in your shop for hours on end
You’d always had a strong friendship, but soon enough your feelings towards her started to change as you spent more time together
Portia was surprisingly forwards with her intentions and affections – as soon as you started to show more affection towards her or she caught you staring one too many times, she caught on pretty quickly to your real feelings
Which was kind of lucky because you’d been caught up in an inner debate of whether or not she actually felt the same or if you were reading all the signs wrong, so it would have been a while before you actually got the courage to ask her out
So she took pity on you and just casually asked
“Hey Y/N, wanna go on a date tomorrow night?”
You absolutely choked on whatever food or drink you were having
“A…a date?”
“Yeah, you and me, going on a date like partners do.”
“O-Oh…oh, yeah, definitely, I would very much like to do that please”
It wasn’t anything extravagant, but Portia lit up her garden with an insane amount of candles for a candle-lit dinner and honestly you couldn’t have asked for anything more
Muriel was intriguing from the start.
You’d heard Asra mention someone with his name a few times, but it never really stuck in your mind for very long; you told yourself that it was because you didn’t have a face to stick with the name.
The first time you saw Muriel was in the shadows outside Asra’s shop – an immediate red flag in your mind (you later told this to Muriel and he was mortified that the thought of him hurting you had ever crossed your mind. It was just like you forgot about it every time you ran into him.
It was strange looking back on the several other interactions you had with Muriel before you really got to know him; you found it odd that you kept forgetting to mention him to Asra – I mean, Muriel wasn’t exactly easy to miss being around six foot, and about ten inches. He’s a giant of a man, seriously.
The first time you properly ran into him, it was really thanks to Inanna – she’d turned up at the shop, most likely looking for Asra so that he could help.
You opened the door expecting to find a body, or someone in desperate need of help; there were bloodstains on the shop door, but you were surprised and slightly (very) scared to see a large, black wolf hiding in the shadows. Well, the first thing you saw were her eyes, large and gleaming in the small amount of light that was in the shop.
When you finally regained enough courage to move and calm down, you cautiously asked it if it needs help, then immediately questioned why you had just asked an animal a real question
You (somewhat lamely) offered to help instead as Asra was currently away.
Next thing you knew, you had followed an unknown wolf into the nearby forest, and after what felt like hours you finally reached the end goal – which happened to be the largest man you’d ever see
And, bonus! He was also covered in blood :)
Muriel was not grateful at all when it came to your offer of help – he seemed to already know who you were, yet still didn’t want to accept your help.
Even though he insisted on cleaning his wound himself, you manage to convince him to let you help him tidy it up and do one last check over.
From there, Asra eventually caught up with the two of you and realised pretty quickly that Muriel was begrudgingly curious about you, and that he liked you but absolutely was not showing it
You bought him a scarf from the marketplace – he didn’t understand why he deserved good things and you made it your mission to shower him with compliments and nice things
Overtime you just became more and more infatuated with him, and slowly encouraged him to come out of his shell around you
When you kissed him, he was so stunned that you thought for a horribly long second that you had misread all the signs and that you’d ruined your friendship, but he was just confused as to what the hell had just happened
He was like ‘….Iwouldn’tmindifyoudiditagain’ so fast you had to ask him to repeat it, but you were so happy and relieved beyond belief to hear it a bit slower and realise that he felt the same way
Basically he is your soft boi who you adore and would kill anyone who hurts him :)
You met him after leaving Nadia’s house one night after dinner
Him being her ex, he was trying to sneak into the house to get the rest of his things without Nadia seeing him - she didn't see him, but you sure did
You had just left the house and you saw him trying to sneak in through an upstairs window, and the sight of the moonlight shining on him made him look so ghost-like that you jumped out of your skin, gasping in surprise
He nearly fell out of the window at your gasp, and the two of you just stared at each other for a solid minute in silence before you both spoke at the same time
‘Who the hell are you?” / ”What on earth are you doing up there?”
After a few minutes of Lucio explaining what the hell he was doing sneaking into Nadia’s house and you listening skeptically, you promised not to tell Nadia that he had been trying to take his stuff back. You weren't sure why, but you felt that you could trust him, even though he was an odd man.
It was a while before the two of you next met up - he disappeared to who-knows-where, but when you did eventually meet up you were surprisingly happy to see him.
For a while you found that his ego was waaaaaay too big, and you found out from Nadia that he made some pretty shady deals with some shady people
You also ‘forgot’ to mention that you were kinda friends with Lucio to Asra, as Nadia had mentioned that Asra had never been friendly towards Lucio in any way
The more time you spent around Lucio, the more you were slowly able to look past his large ego, and you could actually see the real person underneath - he even allowed you to call him by his real name, or ‘Monty’ when he began to trust you (that took a very long time)
You realised just how much he trusted you when he confided his family history. He told you how his father died, and that he had come here to escape his mother. You told him that despite his awful childhood, and despite all the shady stuff he’d been involved him, you still believed he could change for good if he did everything he could to make amends
Eventually, you found yourself spending more and more time with Lucio, and you noticed that he started to relax more when he was around you, and the two of you became comfortable in each other’s company to the extent that Asra started to get suspicious that you were seeing someone because you kept forgetting your shifts at the shop.
After a while, your friendship almost naturally turned into something more, until the two of you were painfully aware that there was some unspoken ‘thing’ between you
It was you who made the first move – he’d been joking about the two of you being a couple and how he’d shower you with gifts and it was honestly getting kinda hurtful because you,,,actually did want to be with him and he was treating it as a joke
So you just kissed him to shut him up, but then he kissed you back immediately and you realised he might actually feel the same way
He told you afterwards that he was trying to hint to you that he wanted to be with you but isn’t good with honest emotions so thought that joking about it was the right thing to do, the asshole
You knew that Asra and, well, everyone, wouldn’t be too pleased with this outcome, but you could see that Lucio truly loved you. Even though his ego was still a little too big for his liking, and he had more money than you ever needed, it was obvious that he was trying to tone down all his flamboyance for you.
@hakunamatatayqueen​ this is part 2 I just forgot to tag it 
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Hey i made the thing!
Bouncey’s Note: this is not vampire!Jaskier canon, but it is a rather interesting and very cool  headcanon written by @mynameisdoofthelizardandamspooky for that universe. 
I will be updating this au again pretty soon (along with Secrets of Midnight) so thank y’all for being so patient. I like to rotate through my aus and this one is particular favorite. 
Thank you for the submission and the fun ideas!! Hope everyone enjoys and sends a little love their way, too!
I can’t write romantic interactions for the life of me, but I tried my best for geraskier.
Geralt had been counting the days for almost a year now. It was his final year as Lord Jaskier’s “prisoner”. He did not wish to leave, but had put off discussing this with Jasker. Now it may be too late to alert the village to *not* send another soul. Besides, Lord Jaskier might not want him with the concept of new blood.
“What are you so concerned about, pet?”
Geralt looked over his shoulder. Once he might have been startled by his Lord’s sudden appearance, but he had become accustomed to it over the past years. “It- it has been almost ten years, Your Grace. And I-”
“Shit!” Lord Jaskier ducked away from the door, pulling a piece of parchment from the pile on his desk. He dipped his pen in the inkpot, and began scribbling. 
Geralt followed his Lord to the desk. “What are you writing, my Lord?”
Jaskier finished his note with a flourish. “Why, I am requesting that the alderman not send a sacrifice this year, as presumably you are staying, darling?”
“I- was thinking quite the same, my Lord, if you’ll have me.”
“Of course, pet. Though I should hope my note arrives in time, I suppose I should still be sure they have not set someone out.” Jaskier folded the note. “Now, I shall give this to one of my friends at nightfall, and hope it reaches the alderman’s hands in time.”
Two days later, Lord Jaskier donned his cloak as the sun set. “Though I hate to leave you, dear pet, I do not believe the potential sacrifice the village may have set out for me would appreciate a death by animal, should my note have been too late.”
Geralt reached out, pulling Jaskier back. “Be back soon, Your Grace.”
Jaskier smiled, the moon rising over the forest. “Of course, dear pet.” he planted a kiss to Geralt’s lips, then slipped away into the forest.
Lord Jaskier smelled the girl before he saw her. She stank of fear and blood. Her own blood, Jaskier could tell. Nobody and nothing else was near yet, so what had happened to her?
He slipped into the clearing. The girl was unconscious, hanging limp from the post where Geralt had hung all those years ago. She was covered in her own blood, and a gash on her head oozed down her face. The fire sat with just coals. 
Lord Jaskier untied the girl, lowering her to the earth. She was much younger than any the village had offered up to him previously, thirteen at most, and the scent of blood would soon attract wolves, now that the fire was out. 
“Are you awake, Miss?”
The girl’s eyes fluttered. They were unfocused, and one was stuck shut with blood. “Who are you? The monster?”
Lord Jaskier sighed. “I see alderman Olan has still disregarded the explanations requested of him. I am no more a monster than whoever did this to you.”
“Olan… bastard..” the girl lost consciousness again, slumping down.
Lord Jaskier lifted the girl, finding it much more difficult to carry an unconscious body than a conscious one. He dashed back through the forest, arriving back at the manor well before dawn. The wound on the girl’s head had been bleeding on and off, and she had not awoken again.
Geralt opened the door as he saw Lord Jaskier approaching, a limp body in his arms. “Who’s this, My Lord?”
“The supposed next ‘sacrifice’ for me. It would appear that the idiot Olan has decided to try and make her more ‘appealing’ by making her bleed profusely. Help me with her, would you?”
Geralt took the limp girl from the Viscount’s arms, carrying her to a couch. In the light of the fire, he could see the extent that she was covered in blood from various gashes all over her body.
Jaskier appeared behind him. “Not THAT couch darl- oh it’s too late now. Here.” He shoved a soaked cloth and bowl of water into Geralt’s hands. “Clean her up, would you dear?” he slipped back into the shadows, presumably to find bandages somewhere.
Geralt rolled up his sleeves, not that it would do much good for the garment at this point, and began to wipe blood from the girl’s head, as most of the other wounds seemed to have scabbed over already. There was one particularly horrid slice across her forehead and one side of her head, this being the one that was still oozing blood. He would have to cut her hair to get that one clean properly. 
Jaskier appeared beside him again, arms full of bandages. He pulled a second cloth from the pile and began cleaning the girl’s hair.
“My Lord, what are you doing?”
“Well I am quite sure we will need to cut some of it off, and having it NOT caked in blood seems a good idea to me.”
Geralt nodded, returning to his work on cleaning the girl’s face.
The sun rose as the vampire and human finished bandaging the girl. Now that she was not so covered in blood, she had ashy-blonde hair. She had not yet woken, which was probably a good thing, considering she would be in a lot of pain when she did. 
Now that the two had a break and a chance to actually look at each other, Lord Jaskier began to laugh. “You may have been only a butcher’s apprentice back in the village, but you certainly look the part now!”
Geralt looked down at himself, hands and arms and shirt covered in semi-dried blood. He looked up at his lover and chuckled. “And you certainly look the part of a bloodthirsty monster, Your Grace.” Jaskier’s arms were also coated in semi-dried blood, and his shirt was much the worse for wear in terms of cleanliness. The couch and carpet next to it were in similar condition. 
A groan from the couch alerted the two to their guest’s awakening. The girl sat up, raising a hand stiffly to her head and new haircut. “Ga~ah. Why does everything hurt?” one eye cracked open, the other being swollen shut. “Who are you?”
Jaskier dipped into a small, flourishing bow. “Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove. Who might you be? I like to know who I have in my company.”
The girl narrowed her open eye, as much as it could be narrowed without closing. “Uh.. Cirilla. Most call me Ciri. Why… are you covered in blood?”
Geralt grunted. “It would appear to be yours.”
Ciri’s head turned to look at Geralt. “You’re alive?”
“So it seems.”
Ciri huffed. “Well then Olan is even more of a bastard.”
“How so?”
“Idiot told me you were dead, so ‘it doesn’t matter what happens before the monster takes you’.”
Jaskier’s eyes narrowed. “That fucking- Geralt I don’t suppose you remember how to use a blade? I believe it’s about time I visited your village again.”
Cirilla grinned. “If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, Viscount, you had better wait for me. I want a stab at him too, seeing as he did this to me.”
Geralt looked at her sidelong. “You’re quick. Don’t suppose you can actually use a blade to boot?”
Ciri hissed as she swung her legs over the side of the couch. “Once I can move properly? Sure.” she stood, wobbling a bit. She was about four and a half feet tall and skinny. 
Jaskier clapped his hands. “Wonderful, now I believe it’s time for breakfast.” he looked down at his bloody hands. “No. First, we are cleaning this mess.” 
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