#based on the new tvshow with siddig
pollyna · 3 years
For the sake of the argument (slightly dark):
• Julian arrives on Cardassia when he's 17, exiled by the Federation because Richard has a mouth bigger than the freaking frog from the fable so the moment Julian applies for the Academy the Bras knows who he is. So he has to run;
• He meets Garak (39) at 21, in a garden where the cardassian is painting orchids. What Julian doesn't know is who Garak is. Not that will matter in the future;
• They decide to meet once a week to discuss literature (just as in the canon) because Julian speaks the most beautiful Kardasi (?) with a foreign accent and Garak is a mystery Julian wants to discover and maybe to not solve, for once;
• Tain dies, in mysterious circumstances a month or two after they meet and it's almost National mourning holiday. Kelas writes, on his report, that he died because of a heart failure but everyone knows Garak committed patricide. He isn't sorry and no one wants to go against the new Head of the Obsidian Order;
• It's around the time of the funeral that Julian meets Mila and starts to put the pieces together. The entire picture comes to him after two years when Garak, now Elim, starts to court him. Julian knows he should run back to Earth because it's the most logical thing to do but Julian is no Vulcan and he like, almost sure he loves, Garak. And he likes living on Cardassia, he likes Mila and he likes his job at the hospital. He even likes wearing high collar shirts with frivolous pattern to make Garak's happy;
• Julian ends up working side by side with Garak because his now husband likes to on missions were he could, and definitly be, injured. He fucking loves it. And he becomes good at it, so good people start to fear him as much as Garak;
• The occupation of Bajor ends almost 15 years before the canon because Garak hates how difficult is becoming to import his favourite tea. He leaves Dukat's alive because seeing him humiliated is better than to see him dead. Julian ends his life when, after a official dinner, Dukat tries to give Zyal in marriage to Garak.
Sidenote 2:
• in the set gif Julian is talking to every head of the every Intelligence Organisation of the Alpha Quardrant. Benjamin Sisko is there too. Garak was taken away and Julian promises, with a compose and calm voice, that he's going to everything in his power to take him back. When Benjiamin accost him Julian is no more angry than he was before but the insulation that the capitan does? Oh if it's the last strand.
"If my husband was in my position he would have already set on fire your little friend, Mr. Odo'ital just to be here. But me? I would gladly study him, let him watch while I design the nuke it's gonna go annihilate all his people. They took my husband away and if I can't find him I will burn every single atom of this galaxy and torture everyone who is going to try to stop me. So yes, Mr. Sisko, I know exactly what my husband would do if he were in my situation, because is the same I'm doing now.";
• Julian doesn't nuke the Founder planet but it's an almost reality. With the help of the Tal'Shiar they take Garak back and start a series of infiltration that allows the Alpha Quadrant to be free before the Fedraji could think about peace.
Sidenote 3:
• in the quadrants it starts circulating a rumor, that then evolves in a rime and a song, about a Cardassian without ridges or grey sking who arrived on the planet because of a secret the Federation couldn't accept and who grow close to another Cardassian and then in love with him and that same Cardassian without ridges or grey skin almost destroyed the entire universe to have him back after the Founder took him away. Some version are nothing more than sweet lullaby, narrating about the strength of love and protection, other are a warning about begin careful around that man and about the power he has. And the song goes around and around, century after Julian and Garak are nothing more than history.
• after the war it comes to an end the Federation decides to give Julian permetee to be back on Earth. Suffices to say when Amsha opens the door of their house the Julian in front of her eyes isn't the person she remembered.
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