#au rwby stuff
rwby au part 1
In a alternate universe of Remnant. Were due to some events the Grimm are non existent and humanity and Fanus spread much farther across the world. The grimm queen long since pass along with her lover. There children continuing there line. Spreading magic and such again towards the world. Tho such thing caused ripples across the world. Menagerie now one of the biggest kingdom across the world. It having all of the Mistral and half of Vacao territory. Atlas being the biggest having parts of Vale and the other half of Valcao.
Vale is still around but its capital now lay on the island of patch. The kingdom of Menagerie not having a council but a monarchy. While Atlas is a military run kingdom with its leader having the highest authority.
Menagerie is a Fanus kingdom were there high class citizens and Humanity are second rate. You can usually see humans being in low end jobs like waiters, maids and other things. There led by Empress Izanami Belladonna
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Atlas would be consider Menageria opposite on issues like that. With Fanus being grunts and such. It leader being High commander general Skadi Schnee.
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Vale would be a neutral zone for the two kingdoms. Were both species are treated has equal. Neither want to anger the reltivly small kingdom due to the head council woman. Raven Ozymandias
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one of the descendants of Ozma and Salem. Known for her strong will, fierce personality and love for her family.
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mahou-goth · 4 months
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hi howdy long time no freezerburn
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pilot-boi · 3 months
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V8 Ruby and Cinder fusion for @bridgyrose
The goth ever. The mommy issues are astronomical. Welcome to the Black Parade is the anthem of her soul. My god this girl needs therapy
Specific fusion you wanna see? [Buy Me A Ko-Fi]
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clar-a-m · 11 months
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My piece for this year's @bumblebybigbang !!
My partner was @itsraith who wrote the super fun Hot for Teacher fic!!!
It was a delight to be part of such an amazing event, please go check out all the other art pieces and fics as well!
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lesbianneopolitan · 6 months
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Guess what she bought for herself?
A Jackalope that she called Canelita
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razorblade180 · 7 months
As we've sort of seen how it happened with Weiss, how did Jaune end up falling for the girls in their respective aus? How long did it take for him to notice and for him to act on those feelings?
I should really find an efficient way to deep dive into my archives because I know for sure I have this written I. specific details Thank goodness I write things often enough to remember the fundamentals of my stories.
Rosebud- It’s probably the simplest. Ruby always had a crush in this AU. They started getting intimate with one another during their journey as RNJR; out of sense of comfort, stress, and growing affection. Ruby made the first move. They didn’t officially get together until sometime during V5 time frame at the inn. It was pretty much unspoken that they were going to love each other forever, and that only became more true when after Salem was beaten. At that point their love could really flourish. The silver eyed hero that saved the world at 17 was happily married at 19 and Jaune couldn’t be happier.
Lasting Embers is slightly more complicated but I’m not about to get nitty gritty in this specific post. Yang and Blake’s relationship got messy and tense after the revelation that was Adam being alive and the several run in that happened on the journey. After the break up, Yang was incredibly down and upset and it was mainly Jaune that helped get her through the funk. Eventually they got together but it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There were several fights and even a breakup that mainly stemmed from the tense journey and Yang’s emotional baggage. Jaune even briefly dated someone else who Yang believed was better for him and deeply cared about him. However, after what could be described as the most selfless act of a lifetime, the two of them were able to try again and it was wonderful. They continued to love each other and let down walls that eventually led to a marriage that remains vivid in everyone’s memory.
So for Knigtshade context, Jaune and Blake were actually pretty friendly during Beacon days. Nothing crazy happened but they had similar music tastes and quiet spots to think. Also one of the major differences in this universe is they managed to lock Salem behind a relic door for a few years in order to train properly and prep the world for the real fight. It was during this time. Like Lasting Embers, Blake and Yang got into some drama, but this was ten times worse. So bad that it rocked the entire group. Ruby ended up making the executive decision that when it came interaction between Menagerie and the nearest Anima area, it would be Jaune and Blake while Yang essentially worked with Ren and Nora. The constant back and forth as well as the problem solving Blake and Jaune had to do together for so long naturally led to them getting to know each other more and being there to listen. They both fell for each other slowly. Things were a little better with Yang for a while until she noticed the signs. Eventually marriage became a reality and so was a family. Things were never really the same which is a little disheartening. Nobody is hostile to anyone but little Lucas could only wonder why someone so important to his family always felt a little distant on the rare occasions they met.
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Would it be accurate to compare Ruby to Blake in regards to how they are afraid to look back and are always rushing ahead? Although I feel like their reasons for it are fundamentally different.
I think it's something all four members of Team RWBY have in common:
Ruby runs from the present that contradicts her idealism.
Weiss runs from the terror of her home and from facing her own privilege.
Blake runs from her past and contradictions within her ideals.
Yang runs from her aimless future and from realization that she has no grand goal to follow.
Idealists that refuse to face themselves is almost like part of the theme of Team RWBY as a whole.
I'd say that applies to the show too (even though show gave up on trying to explore ANY of that countless Volumes ago)
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Could this be old jaune hugging yang ?
Jaune: JNPR just got a mission, we'll be out for about a month, and we won't have CCT connection during it, other than an emergency signal booster.
Yang: Oh? A month? That's ...
Jaune: We'll be fine Yang. Arc's promise. We leave in a week, and I'd like to get my cuddles in now!
Yang: Oh Fine. Since it's you Toothy.
The TV droned, some cheesy romance movie playing nearly muted.
The Alligator faunus ran her fingers through the hair of the shark faunus that was using her tail as a pillow, smiley softly at the unconscious Team leader.
Yang: I'm gonna miss you Jaune. I wish I could wholeheartedly believe that you'd come back but ... Someone broke that promise and it made me raise Ruby alone. I don't know if I could handle it if you didn't make it back here.
Yang: Back to me ...
Jaune: Well. I guess I'll see you in a month Yang.
Yang: I ... I love you. Please come home.
Jaune: I will Yang. I love you more.
Yang: Don't lie to me Jaune Arc!
Jaune: ... See later, Alligator. *He leaves*
Yang: ... After a while, Shark smile ...
Yang: Please make it home soon.
Yang: It's been a month.
Ruby: Yang, Jaune said About a month. He'll make it home.
Yang: But what if he doesn't!
Ruby: Yang, I'll pull some strings at the Hunter's Union of Vale to see if there's any news.
Yang: I'd .. I would appreciate it Rubes.
Yang: Have you checked in? How's Juniper doing!?!
Ruby: ... I won't lie to you Yang. They haven't checked in at their outpost yet, which puts them about a week and a half behind schedule.
Yang: ... He left me ...
Ruby: *Grabbing Yang by the shoulders* Look me in the Eyes Yang Xiao Long - Jaune gave his word. He Lives and Dies by his word. He'll make it back, or I'm not Ruby Rose.
Yang: You're right. Your Right! I just need to Buck up! He can make it back. He'll make it home ...
Yang: ...
Ruby: ... There's peop-
Yang: Stop.
Yang: Just ... Stop.
Yang: I ...
Yang: I just need ... I need to be alone right now. Please.
Ruby: ... Okay Yang. We're here for you if you need us.
Yang: ...
Yang: WHAT! RUBY!?!? What are-
Yang: ... What?
Ruby: JNPR Called in, they're all alive but running low on everything they need to survive, and running out of aura - even with the fastest Bullhead it'll take a day or two for the to get home, but their alive!
Yang: ... *Begins Crying*
Ruby: *Hugging Yang* He's making it home Yang. He lives and Dies by his word, and by the Maiden's he's living.
Yang Bounced on her heels, waiting for the bullhead that had JNPR on it to land. It'd been more than twice what Jaune said it would take, and Yang was over waiting.
Then the Bullhead Landed.
And Jaune stepped out.
Jaune: It's a lot later than- OOF!
Yang tackled Jaune and had begun Crying in his shoulder.
Yang: TWO AND A HALF MONTHS! You were gone so long!
Yang: I Thought- I thought ...
Jaune: *Crying as well* I know, I know I missed you a lot too Yang. But I keep my word.
Yang: I know ... You've got the only shark smile I can trust.
Yang: ... Like the Stubble, Hun.
Jaune: really? It's itchy. I was gonna shave-
Yang: You're keeping the Stubble Jaune. It's recompense for making me wait so long.
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artistikrocko · 4 months
Have some RWBY doodles and angst??
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strqyr · 6 months
as per roman holiday, the vale huntsman guild is a thing, so i've been playing around with an idea of changing the academies more into guildhouses for huntsmen and huntresses, where they still train future warriors, just more in an apprenticeship kind of way rather than a proper school way, since every student is unique with their own weapons and semblances—as such, you're going to need personal guidance to get the best out of them.
the headmasters would still be at the top as guildmasters, but just about everything else would get tweaked a bit; there would be no teams or partners—at least, not until the trainees go on missions, but even then these teams and partners will change over time, to ensure everyone is capable of adapting to changing condition; while most huntsmen and huntresses might work alone, still, there can be situations where you end up working together with strangers (see: the grimm campaign) so having at least decent people skills is important, and throwing trainees into teams randomly is a Great™ way to ensure they get used to it.
(teams can still be formed on their own, between those who become close enough friends to do so; then, it becomes not about chance, but choice.)
these guildhouses, like beacon, would also offer just about everything you could possibly need; living quarters, mess halls, dust shops, armorers, weaponsmiths, libraries, infirmaries... memorials for members lost to grimm. if you're a guild member, you wouldn't need to own property anywhere else or even travel somewhere to upkeep your weapon: the guild is your home.
which, admittedly, also creates an even greater barrier between huntsmen & huntresses and civilians, living in these old castles and what not, secluded away from the common folk.
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rwby au part 2
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Bast Ozymandias proud daughter of Raven Ozymandias. She rather to solve problems with words and such. She is very verse with the magic she gain from her linage. Bombastic and naïve. Believing the best in people till proven otherwise. One of the few people who aren't shown with the same hate that other humans are shown in Menageria. Due to her powers and the Empress taking interest with her. Whether it because of genuinely like or a ploy to have the magical powers in the royal line is up to debate.
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Ruby Schnee wife of the high commander general. To describe her is big, fat and passive. Ruby size and weight surprises a lot of people who first meet her. Doesn't go out very much so is a big mystery for the people of Atlas. Usually agree to anything that Skadi wants. Some people might recognize her has a famous snow border from Patch that disappeared from the public eye some time ago.
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kinaesthetiqueer · 1 month
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(follow-up to this)
having grown up in atlas, weiss is very familiar with the academy's team anti-frat policy and gets very hung up on just how much trouble they could get in if anyone thinks they're dating.
(which they're definitely not doing. no, sir. absolutely not, sir.)
so better safe than sorry.
(except winter has eyes. and also doesn't care.)
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pilot-boi · 3 months
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Atlas-era Nora and Penny fusion for @rwby-encrusted-blog
Specific fusion you wanna see? [Buy Me A Ko-Fi]
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New Hopes
God this took me so long to write, but I had this idea for a while and thought I'd write it out.
Originally, Dust couldn’t leave the atmosphere of Remnant it's because of its properties, yet after constant experimentation from the scientists of Atlas, the humans and faunus left the planet’s surface. Thus, an urgent calling to explore the stars was born within the people of Remnant.
The first being born on Remnant that entered the void of space was an android who goes by the name P.E.N.N.Y or Penny Polendina. The reports from Penny were groundbreaking, elements that no one else thought even existed, yet there they were, just out of reach from any being. Soon, the four kingdoms of Remnant began making newer crafts, crafts with the ability to leave the surface of the planet and break free of the atmosphere.
Eventually, the space crafts made by the Remnants left the orbit of their planet allowing them to explore their solar system, finding new planets and moons and beautiful sights. On some planets, there were winds seven times faster than those reported on the very surface of Remnant itself, blue and purple gas giants with thousands of satellites.
The issues with fuel because of the Remnants relying on Dust were something many of the crew were worried about but soon the crews of Remnant’s space crafts found Dust hidden within comets, meteors, and asteroids within the solar system, giving way to evidence that there could’ve other planets with Dust or perhaps past collisions with Remnant. These questions still go unanswered, even after the beings of Remnant left their solar system.
It was then something was found hurtling through the void, amazing, too many yet terrifying to others. That object was something artificial, a strange craft that had a golden frame and white disk. It was well constructed yet seemed old compared to the technology on Remnant. The name of the craft was discovered after it was taken apart “Voyager One”. One? That number made many Remnants ask one question; “Just how many more of these exist?”.
There was something else found on the Voyager One, a disk known as the “Golden Record”. The records had many things to decode; sounds of Earth, visions of Earth, and beautiful yet alien music. There were pictures of dogs, cats, planes, bridges, cities, and other planets. All one-hundred-fifteen images on these records told stories without the use of words. The music allowed those who listened to it to imagine the impossible, and the sounds allowed others to visualize the very surface of the planet Earth. Though the most shocking thing found on the records was human biology, the idea of humanity being born outside of Remnant was thought to be impossible, yet this threw everyone’s theories about the nearest window. 
It was then that scientists and engineers traced the origin of the Voyager One through its past transmissions to its home planet. Out of that discovery, a new mission was born; Find planet Earth. On their mission, the Remnants found new planets and stars, some rouge and some trapped in the almost permanent dance as they orbited around each other, or clouds of hot stardust that the crafts have to avoid.
Soon, the crafts of Remnant arrived at the solar system that hosted Earth, but instead of finding something beautiful and finding more humans with arms outstretched to welcome the Remnants they found something much more grim… The very sun that gave the planet life was consuming it, tearing the planet apart piece by piece. The realization that the Remnants had the last remaining piece of Earth in their clutches wasn’t lost to them. Instead, it gave way to a new idea, to create their craft and send out images, music, and sounds born from Remnant in the hope no one would forget about them. Within one image was the death of the Earth, as a thank you and goodbye for those who gave the Remnants new hope during space exploration.
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paponela · 1 year
Yang thinks it’s weird now, walking around the place that she began to know by heart and noticing how everything is emptier and quieter, people having either left or decided to stay inside their homes, not wanting to set their chairs down in the sidewalks like they used to.
Even though it is a lot less crowded now than it used to be, she feels more seen now, and in an unpleasant way. The purple of her clothes stick out, and people stare, and she doesn’t know if it’s because they pity her and the job she has to keep doing, or if they think she should be gone.
The sky is empty for now, but she keeps thinking about what Blake told her and she can’t help but wonder just how many people share the sentiment of the White Fang that they are the problem. If the number of security guards standing at every entry to the castle is to say anything, it’s not an irrelevant number. And in the end, if a castle is sieged, does it matter to the impostors if the people on their way are knights or stablemen?
or: all good things must come to an end
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razorblade180 · 6 months
Are you planning on making a continuation for your Rwby streamer au? It’s ok if you don’t want to I’m just wondering
I have one in my drafts. It’s just not edited and tagged. It’s Weiss finally being forced to play Kingdom Hearts
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