#au au really wouldn't have taken up this much space in my head without the enthusiasm from here
lavenoon · 2 years
Excitedly and eagerly gobbling up every Accidentally Undercover treat and snippet you provide, I am heavily invested already it’s coming along great! - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
WAAAHHHH THANK YOU!! I'm so so giddy like I initially thought this would be a fun side project or something but everyone's so nice and enthusiastic and now I can't stop working on it and it's so much fun and just aaaa thank you for enjoying and engaging I'm a liddel puddle about it;; <333
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beas-whump-blog · 5 months
@chrumblr-whumblr day five! Better late than never ig? The prompt was "forced to obey".
Fandom: Chrumblr RP
AU where Arrio is with the whump AU gang. AU-ception.
Arrio dodged as Peter rushed at him, barely making it out of the way before he could land a punch.
“Peter, snap out of it!” Arrio yelled, backing up to put space between them.
They were in fairly small room, windowless and completely made of cement, with one locked (he had checked) electric door and a camera in the top of each corner. Normally he would have taken out the cameras out with his fire, but he currently had more pressing matters. One in particular, that he needed to deal with.
“Peter, stop! It's me!” he exclaimed. “Not that I expect that to change anything," he added under his breath.
Peter glared at Arrio as he bore down on him, ducking under his extended elbow and throwing a leg out, knocking Arrio's feet out from under him.
Arrio rolled to the side before he could be pinned down, jumping back up to his feet and breathing heavily.
If Peter had been any normal person with fighting skills, they might have been evenly matched. But even without his webshooters, as he was now, he still had enhanced speed and strength. That, plus the fact that Arrio wanted to avoid injuring him if he could, and that Peter, in his current state, had no such qualms, Arrio wasn't quite sure how he was managing to hold his own. Or how much longer he could keep it up, for that matter.
“Peter, knock it off! Come on, I know you find my face punchable even under normal circumstances, but you need to stop! You can't let them control you! You're stronger than that!"
Peter didn't respond, just like he hadn't since he'd entered the room. His lack of snarky comments had been what tipped Arrio off to something being wrong even before Peter resorted to violence. The lack of verbal assault was almost more concerning than the physical attack.
Peter darted forward, pinning Arrio against the back wall, and Arrio kicked him in the stomach as old instincts kicked in, knowing he couldn't take much more of this.
He really wished they wouldn't.
Peter made a grab for Arrio's throat, but before he could make contact, Arrio took Peter's wrist in his hand and bit. His teeth sank into Peter's hand and his opponent yelped, making his first sound since he'd entered the room, as the disgusting taste of blood filled Arrio's mouth, almost making him gag.
Peter smashed his other fist against the side of Arrio's head, but he only bit down harder, scratching at Peter's face and neck and any other exposed skin he could get his hands on as he was hit again and again.
Peter quickly seemed to realize that his current tactic wasn't working, and instead grabbed a handful of Arrio's hair, slamming his head back against the wall. Arrio locked his jaw against the exploding pain as his brain rattled and the room started spinning. But as his head connected with the cement again and again, he let go, falling limp. But Peter wasn't done yet. He continued the motion, over and over, as Arrio choked out a strangled cry of pain.
"Peter," he begged, voice raspy and broken.
Peter still didn't give any sign that he'd heard him, but without warning, he let go, allowing Arrio to fall to the floor, dazed and in pain, unmoving. Then Peter stood up and walked to the opposite corner, where he promptly crumpled to the floor like a puppet whose strings had been cut.
The door opened, and the two men who'd brought him to the room walked in, grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh, excellent performance, you two!” one exclaimed with a little clap. “That last bit where you panicked and went feral? Absolutely wonderful! I don't know why we didn't do this sooner!”
“What did you do to him?” Arrio growled, watching Peter's limp form out of the corner of his eye, and the second man shook his head sadly. “I think next time we might have to use him instead of his friend. Looks like he still hasn't learned his lesson.”
The first man nodded in agreement.
“I'm afraid so. He needs to see how lucky he was to be on the receiving end. So ungrateful.” He rolled his sleeves up, stepping forward. “Oh well. Time to get him back to the others. I'm sure they're worried.”
The two walked up and picked Arrio up by his arms, dragging him out the door and through the halls, and aside from a pitiful attempt to shove them off at first, he didn't fight. He allowed himself to be brought back to the room that held the others as the world spun, not even attempting to get his legs under him. Even if he could, he doubted they'd hold his weight once the men let go.
They brought him back to the room and dragged him to the back corner before releasing him, and he collapsed with a grunt. Then they left, leaving him alone with the others.
"Arrio!" Nia gasped, as she and Dick appeared at his side, Raoul just behind them.
He tried to speak, but the words came out all jumbled together.
"Easy, kid, it's okay. Take your time."
"They got Peter," he slurred, careful to make his words more intelligible. "They got Peter."
Raoul's eyes widened as Dick gently helped Arrio sit up. He pulled his knees up to his chest as the room spun, and he leaned heavily against Dick to keep from falling over again. Dick wrapped an arm around his shoulders, careful not to hurt him any more than he already was.
"Where is he? And what did they do to you?" he asked, his gentle tone not hiding the horror in his voice.
"It wasn't them." Then he shook his head, but immediately stopped when the murderous pain made him regret it. "I mean, it was. But they made Peter. They made us fight. They were controlling him. And they didn't need wires." He hugged himself, and Dick squeezed his shoulders tighter as he shuddered. "He wasn't Peter. It was like he wasn't even in there." He buried his face in his arms, knowing he was acting like a little kid and not caring.
Dick winced.
"We'll get him back, Arrio. We'll find a way."
Arrio didn't respond, just leaned against him even more. Dick turned toward him a little and put a careful hand to his face, lifting it to get a better view.
"You bite your tongue?" he asked, seeing the blood crusted around the edges of Arrio's mouth.
"No, I- I bit him. He had me pinned and I didn't know what to do, he's faster and stronger and my instincts just kind of- took over." His voice wavered, and his eyes burned as he held back tears.
"Hey, it's okay."
"I- I was scared. I've fought Peter more than once and I've never been scared of him. But realizing that he wasn't holding back, it- I don't know, I didn't know what to do. He could have killed me. I couldn't stop him."
Dick didn't know what to do except wrap his other arm around Arrio as well, drawing him into a firm hug. He wasn't sure what he expected, but he was almost surprised when Arrio not only didn't protest, but leaned into him completely.
"I'm sorry," Dick said quietly. "I'm so sorry."
Nia moved to sit on Arrio's other side and wormed her way under his arm, and she thought she heard a watery laugh from him, but it just as easily could have been a sob. Raoul sat next to Dick, putting a hand on his shoulder, and the group stayed like that for a while, until they heard a noise outside the room. They all stiffened as the heavy door swung open, and there stood the three men, and... Peter.
"Aww, isn't this an adorable scene! Enjoy your little reunion, everyone!" one of them exclaimed cheerfully, before pushing Peter inside and closing the door.
Arrio immediately shrugged Dick's arms off of him and shoved himself to his feet, using Dick's shoulder as support as his head screamed murder and the ground swayed beneath him. He tried to raise his fists, but had to put one back on Dick to steady himself.
"Arrio," Dick warned quietly, but Arrio wasn't sure even he knew what he was warning against.
But Peter just raised his hands slightly, and Arrio could see that they were shaking.
"It- it's just me this time. They- They're not- y'know. I swear. It's just me."
Arrio wasn't sure what to do, but Nia slowly got up and walked over to Peter, wrapping him in a hug. He froze for a moment before returning the gesture, sagging a bit before Nia pulled away and took his hand, leading him to the back wall. The middle, not the corner Dick and Arrio were in. Arrio was grateful.
Dick softly took Arrio's wrist and pulled him back down to the floor, and he didn't resist. He sank back down to the floor beside him, but didn't relax, even when Dick put his arm back around him.
"Hey. It's okay," Dick breathed to him, so lightly the others wouldn't be able to hear, and Arrio realized he was shaking.
"Sorry," he muttered.
"... Arrio?" Peter said softly, and Arrio tensed even more. "I- I'm sorry. I couldn't stop. I should have been able to, but I couldn't, and that's my fault, and I- I'm so sorry." He was crying now, and a lump grew in Arrio's throat as he listened. "I'm so sorry."
Arrio steeled himself. He wasn't Peter's biggest fan, but he also had to tell the truth. It wouldn't be fair to him to stay angry.
"... It's not your fault, Peter. You couldn't stop it. And it's not because you're weak, or a failure, it's because they're psychopathic control freaks hell-bent on making us suffer, and they've perfected the ways to do it. And that's not on you. It's on them, and only them. Okay?"
Peter just sniffed for a moment, apparently in shock, but eventually he nodded.
"Okay," he whispered. "Okay. I just- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
Arrio swallowed the lump in his throat and almost nodded as well, before realizing that probably wouldn't go over well with his head injury.
"I know. Me too." He hugged himself again, hating how the taste of iron lingered in his mouth. "... How's your hand?"
"... It's fine. Nothing I don't deserve."
"Right. Sorry. It hurts, but I'll live.”
“... Sorry about that,” Arrio said. “I mean, not that I did it. But that I had to. That… I don't know, it must have sucked.”
He was surprised to hear Peter laugh.
“Yeah. Yeah, it did suck. Probably equally for both of us though, all things considered.”
“Yeah, fair enough,” Arrio agreed with a wry smile. “So… no hard feelings?”
He couldn't see Peter, but he could hear the smile on his face when he spoke.
“Yeah. We're good.”
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the-fandom-therapist · 8 months
As promised, I'm tagging you @ultimateplaylistmaker x) Hope you will enjoy it!
This is my interpretation of their "alicorn Kokichi AU" check it out everyone it's awesome!
It's crack taken seriously btw, I put way too many details and changes, I hope you'll still like it!
Also apologies if anyone is OOC, I never wrote about MLP before x)
That's the first part, mainly Kokichi's, I'll write more about the others! -I stopped because Tumblr was struggling to show all of it lmao, I think I've reach the characters limit-
Death is a bitch.
Wait, no. Death is a dude. Well, bastard then.
The terms of their deal were SIMPLE! He beats the god -at poker you morons, he's not stupid enough to challenge the Grim Reaper at chess, one of the oldest games in history, and apparently one of its personal favorites- and him and all the other idiots from the killing game get brought back to life.
(No he's not attached to any of them. Absolutely not. He just added them so he wouldn't get killed again straight away by that damn assassin. Because without the space idiot to restrain her, she would have gone to kill him again. Anyway, not the point.)
And he fucking did, yes sir! Outsmarted the god of death himself, the grim reaper in person! He's amazing like that. Don't try to fuck with a Supreme Leader of Evil!
Anyway. Point is, he won. He tricked the god of death himself to fold on his turn by pure bluff.
And that was the condition: if he could trick death itself to fold, to give up while he had nothing, then it could recognize his value. Apparently, Death -or Thanatos if he remembers correctly- likes bold humans, so it -he?- have no problem make an exception from time to time. Under conditions obviously.
He didn't had many humans who tried. So every attempts was a welcomed change from the -apparently- frankly boring existence he had.
Hey, he wasn't about to complain, it helped here.
He grabbed his scarf -how the hell did he had it with him when he died without it, no clue, but again let's not look a gift horse in the mouth shall we?- and thought of his team. He'll see them soon.
He was already starting to feel weird. Like he was being sucked out of his own... body? Probably Death doing his thing.
However, right before things turned to black, he could have sworn he heard a "wait shit-" and saw a panicked expression on the god's face.
Huh. Wonder what that means...
The first thing he registered was the smell.
A foul smell, and one he knew well, considering he'd not always been hanging with DICE in the most sanitary places.
Garbage. his mind helpfully provided.
Wow, fuck you too Death. Really, too much honor!
He scoffed, and started to get up wobbly. Waking up from dying was... weird. His head was killing him -ah!- same for his sides.
When he tried to get up from the ground, he barely made one step before falling back on all four. And...
Wait a second.
That's not a hand. That's a damn hoof! What the hell?
A quick check up confirmed that yup. He's a horse now. Everything's fine.
Oh and he have wings too. Because why not.
What the hell did Death do?! Wait. Didn't he acted surprised before he passed out?
...Did the god of fucking DEATH made a mistake?
How do you even fuck up that badly? He's human for fuck's sake! Now he's a horse?! (Well technically a pegasus he guesses.)
Alright. Focus Kokichi. Freak out later. Right now you need to know where in the world you are.
At least he still have his scarf. Which... thank god (clearly not Death.) it helps a bit to have something familiar.
Alright. Now that he more or less put himself back under control, he needed to exit that damn alleyway... He could already feel a headache. Gre-
Hold up. There something on his head too.
Great, now what?
...That felt like a... horn or some sort.
What, so he's both a fucking unicorn and a pegasus now? That's a thing?
Does Death have fursonas or...? Actually, that could be an interesting question.
But that's not the time for this.
Right now he needed to hide. He heard voices, and even though he couldn't understand the fuck they were saying -great, he wasn't even in Japan? That wasn't a language he recognized either.- he could hear the dangerous tone they had.
So that's what he did! He bolted under a pile of trash, not caring about the smell. And he saw...
...Are those supposed to be horses too? They... looked like a mix of horse and bugs.
Not thinking of the Insect Meet and Greet. Bad idea. Not thinking of Gonta's execution either. Nope. Not doing that.
They were all black, green big buggy-like eyes and wings... Were those fangs? Yikes. He definitely doesn't want to be seen by them... And they have holes in them? Shouldn't that hurt?
They were speaking. Something he couldn't understand... But they weren't alone.
There were actual horses with them! But wait.
They were clearly prisoners. Uh oh.
Welp, seems he was right to hide! One point for him. But something was a bit weird too.
Some had horns. Some had wings, and some had neither. But none had both, asides from these... insects-horses bad guys.
Clearly he's not in Japan (or on Earth at all) and this place is populate with sentients horses. Or ponies, who cares.
They don't seem to be able to have both a horn and wings. Only these creepy bug-horses seem to. And they don't look friendly.
If he want to fit in, he'll need to hide either the wings or the horn. He doesn't want to end up in jail before he can figure a way to go back to his own world.
...The horn would probably be the easiest to hide. He'll just need to lie about why he have something on his head that looks like one.
Easy peasy. He can do this. Hell, he tricked the god of death, he can trick a few horses!
...He'll just need to learn the language. Great.
Also, he needed to find a way to avoid those creepy bug-horses guys. Something tells him that looking like one of their prisoners wouldn't help him there.
But first thing first: find a way to hide that horn. He suppose it's a small mercy that he got thrust in a dumpster. It's easy to find what you want, as long as you know how to look.
Two minutes later he found some sturdy papers and got to work. With hooves it wasn't easy, but he had all the time in the world.
...He's pretty sure he passed a good hour on it. But it was done! It was clearly not in the best condition, but at least it hid the horn efficiently -it was a hassle to put the rubber band around something on his head with hooves, but he did it. It wouldn't do to have his cover getting blown away by the wind!- and would stay in place.
While he was working, he kept hearing some words in particular. They sounded like names?
And it thankfully made him learn that even if he couldn't understand what the FUCK those bug-horses were saying, he could at least understand the normal ponies. (Probably because he's one too.) Phew.
"Celestia" "Cadence" "Chrysalis" were the words he kept hearing in those creepy guys' language. Also there was the same word in front of the first two names, the third one had another word.
Considering the normal horses were calling the first two "princess", he could understand Chrysalis was probably the leader of those bug-horses.
Sounds like girl's names either way, so if the first two were princesses, the last one must be a queen, and probably an enemy if what he was seeing was any indication.
Anyway, that wasn't important. What was, was to find a way to avoid these... bug-horses things. (He's pretty sure he heard the horses -or ponies they were rather small- call them something like "Changelings"? Whatever that means.)
However, when he thought about that, he had an odd feeling. It was like his body was telling him "big thing's coming towards us captain!" And when he went to -discreetly duh- check, he was greeted with a white light which was sweeping those Changelings and send them flying far away from here, leaving the horses alone.
...Well damn. He suppose he didn't had to worry about those now. That's one thing taken cared of.
Now he could use that diversion to get the hell away from here! It was a good time to learn if he could run like this.
Running... to somewhere. Away from this place at least. It have a big castle nearby, and he's going to bet there's a ruler in there. Probably those princesses. And he does NOT want to be near the persons -or horses in that case- that can put him to jail.
Next, he need to find a way to get something to eat. Because he's plently good at picking pockets, but usually he have two human hands for this!
That also leave the problem of figuring the currency... Urgh. All that reasoning hurt his head.
First thing first. Waiting for the night to fall. It's easier to walk in the shadows -even if looked to be a rather light shade of purple- that way. And apparently, there was a wedding going on? Perfect. Everyone will be too busy with that to notice someone hanging around.
Maybe he could steal a few things along the way before buying supplies to perform in the streets and gain more money legally. Because while he doesn't mind stealing, if he get caught he doesn't have his team here to bust him out...
Raah, enough self-pity! He have a world to figure out!
With a slap on his face -or rather, a punch...- he started to run forwards. After a few struggles, he was able to run like he didn't learned like, five minutes ago, and he setted off.
The adventage with big cites, was that no matter how odd you may look, nobody will pay enough attention to retain your face. Because why should they? You're just another person passing by.
That's how he successful picked the pockets of a few horses without anyone noticing. Seems like even in this world the riches were dumb! And here he was, worried that with hooves he'd struggle.
He hid his treasure in his scarf. Regrouped the coins in one wallet and-
And holy shit were those gold coins?!
Kokichi knew they looked rich, but he never thought they'd literally carry GOLD on their person like that!
...Something was clearly fishy here. It looked too good to be true.
Aaaaaaaand he was proven right. Goddamnit. Apparently gold didn't had the same value here, if buying only a few pastries costed two or three golden coins!
...He really hoped he could ask the prices directly, because if he have to dicipher any writing he's screwed.
Because apparently, even if he could understand the language, he couldn't read it! Damn it. Back to first grade he goes, having to relearn how to read! Just his luck.
Entering a shop and interacting without knowing any of the mannerisms of the ponies would be a bad idea. He was lucky the shops there stayed opened the full night thanks to that wedding (a royal wedding even, damn. One of those princesses?) but if it's to blow his cover, it's stupid.
Maybe he could pretend to be deaf? That could work. He just hope they don't have a sign language here, otherwise he's fucked.
He eyed the shop (it had a jester's hat for a roof. That's clearly the place he needed to go to!) and took a deep breath.
Alright! Time to see if he's as good as an actor as he was when still human!
He pushed the door to be greeted by a cheerful pony behind the counter (he's going to call them ponies because they are seriously smaller than horses, all of them.)
"Welcome, welcome! Are you searching to prank your friends? You are at the right place! We have everything, from fake flowers to- um, boy?"
Well, sorry random pony but he have to pretend he can't hear you. So he just looked at the shelves with a lost expression.
"Um hello?"
The cashier was probably puzzled. Eh, sorry. But well, he needs to be safe here!
Once he noticed what he needed, he grabbed the deck of cards -with his teeth, not like he had any other options...- before going to the register. The pony was clearly confused, but he still tried to keep a smile on.
"Ah, found your treasure? It's gonna be two golds!"
Now... Action!
He pretended to be confused for a second. Then he widdened his eyes, before putting a hoof at his ear -that still felt SO weird- and then shook his head.
And thankfully, the cashier seemed to understand, thank fuck.
"Oh! Alright, hold on!"
He went to rumminaged behind the counter and put a paper and a pen. Then he started to doodle two coins, and pointed to the deck of cards.
Alright then! It worked. Phew.
Also, it looked like a gold is really just a golden coin. That's a mystery solved at least. He nodded, before putting the wallet from his scarf, and taking out two coins that he put on the counter.
He got a bag out of this, and his deck of cards.
And a bunch of informations too. Apparently ponies are way less ableists than humans! That guy literally went "alright please wait" when he pretended to be deaf.
He grinned. Oh he's going to abuse of it so much.
Now though, he had a stand to settle... But later.
He's tired, and he's been there for a long time. The day was even not so long away from rising, so he thinks he should settle for the night.
Since he can keep the deaf act, he could probably find a room. Probably. If not, he'll just find a dark corner and sleep there. Not the first time he slept outside after all!
Finding a room was easy. So yay for him!
Falling asleep on the other hand, was not.
Let's put asides the few attempts he had to do to find a comfortable position as a pony to lay into okay. Their bed weren't different from humans, and it wasn't that hard.
However, sleep meant nightmares for him.
Really, that was expected. He struggled enough to sleep on a daily basis -what do you know, killing games are bad for your mental health! Shocker. Who would have guessed- so with the whole mess that happened with his death, that was even worse.
Everytime he closed his eyes, it's to reopen them in the hangar. And while being human again would be great, reviving his own death isn't synonym of good dreams.
He gave up sleeping after three times waking up in cold sweat. But hey, apparently that was enough sleep so the sun that was starting to rise was already really high! So midday, or later then that.
He payed for the room and left. Now, to find a place far enough from that town...
He travelled by night, slept in the day, and gathered as much informations as possible.
Apparently the kingdom as a whole was called Equestria -damn really no inspiration uh- and that Celestia princess was ruling over it in the big castle he saw at Canterlot (the capital then) with her little sister Luna. Both responsible for the sun and moon respectively.
Okay so appareltly the celestial bodies aren't moving without help here. All the work of magic. Even the weather was controlled by pegasi.
Actually, maybe he can try to learn how to fly while he's at it, that'd be fun. It's not because he's stuck here -preferably temporary, looking at you Death!- that he can't have a bit of fun while he's at it.
He wonders if that include the others too.
Wait shit.
The others.
They are going to have his head if they learned they'd be brought back as fucking ponies because of him. (In his defense he never wanted that, it's Death's fault!)
But to avoid suspicion on himself, he'd had to also cover their asses. Great. Let's see.
He'll just explain -once he settled somewhere- that him and a group of others were kept prisoners by those Changelings. And when they attacked Canterlot, they brought him and the others with them, to use as hostages if they get caught before they could carry out their plan.
They'd been raised by them, away from ponies since they were toddlers so they don't even have "pony names" (he realized the names here were fucking cheesy, nothing like Japanese names) and now they're just completely lost. And if the others were talking about things that didn't made sense, it was for that reason.
Yup, sounds good! With a few fake tears it'll do the trick perfectly. Now, he just need to find an isolated place to settle.
Also maybe picking a name along the way too. That'd be a good idea to blend in.
Oh wait, does he have to pick one for the others too? He hope not.
Anyway, for now he needed to concentrate on himself first.
...He'd made a HUGE mistake.
He was -apparently, if the ponies' words were to believe- close to a little town called Ponyville (do they really have no inspiration for the names? Come on guys!) so he had decided to shift his sleeping schedule to actual night since he was pretty close.
"Not like that would change much about my dreams" he thought.
Ah! He couldn't have been more wrong.
The nightmare started the same. The usual deaths, and executions, before his-
But when the press was about to come down, he felt something... different.
Pure white energy -that he could recognize as magic now- completely wipe out the hangar out of existence.
Now he was just... In uh... Space? The spaceman'd be thrilled.
He was on a path made of light blue light and white dots... The same thing that was everywhere.
There were doors too, the hell?
"Whomst in Equestria's name art thou?!"
Uh oh.
He turned around -he's so damn glad that in dreams he's human...- and is greeted by-
Wait what?
That's a dark blue mare -definitely taller than most ponies- with... weird space floaty mane.
But the most important thing is that she had both a horn and wings!
How is that possible? He thought only those Changelings guys could-
Waaaaaait a minute.
She had what looked to be a crown. And she had a moon... tattoo? On her flank.
Is that the fucking princess of the moon? What is SHE doing here?! Also, how is that possible that she also got both wings and horn-
Oh. Oh no.
That's a fucking status isn't it? Having both. Normal ponies either have one of the two, or neither. Having both must mean being royalty.
...Yeah no. He's keeping that horn HIDDEN. He want to be able to leave this world, not being bond here by duties!
(Besides, the only people he want to lead are his minions. No one else.)
No wonder ponies were looking at him weird! That's like pretending to be royalty!
Let's hope it's not a crime... Wait, if it was he would have been arrested already.
"Answer us!"
Oh whoops. He forgot the princess was still here.
"Gotta go, bu-bye!"
He needs to wake up. He have to. He can't stay here. He have to!
He doesn't know how, he doesn't why, but he successfully woke up after everything around him turned purple.
Now. Now let's think.
He needed to avoid getting the attention of the princess. Considering she didn't intervene until now, he assume that it's because she's only walking in dreams in the night -make sense for the moon princess to be up in the night.
So... He need to keep the noctural schedule. Sleeping in the day, to avoid her. And if he can't, then he need to keep her at bay.
But considering he doesn't know how to use magic, he's going to focus on the first option.
To be able to use magic, he needs training. And to train, he needs books -no way in hell he's asking for help after learning all that mess about royalty- and to be able to understand those books he need to learn how to read.
A hell of a program he have in front of him. Oh well, at least it's gonna keep him busy.
Alright. He needed to go now.
To that town he goes! While expecting to not draw attention.
He arrived at the border of it. There was a rather small and cozy looking cottage here, surrounded by forest. It was midday, the pony probably wasn't hom-
His thoughts were cut off by a high-pitched scream. Probably a girl's voice.
...Great, what now? A scene like this would be hard to settle-
There was a yellow pegasus. Pink mane, who was protecting herself (assuming she was the one who screamed) from a bulky earth pony (that's how those who have no wings nor horn were called right?)
The earth pony was really tall, like, two heads more than Kokichi himself. Light green color, dark green tangled mane...
Red eyes with round glasses, and a bug cage warped around its neck.
"Gonta so sorry! Gonta not meant to scare horse!"
Wow, go him. Yelling his name like that and sprinting in their direction.
That at least got both of their attention. So there's that.
Gokuhara was looking at him with pure confusion. Probably didn't recognized him, which was fair. He was a fucking pony for fuck's sake.
"Uh? Does Gonta know you, horse? Gonta sorry, doesn't know horse with wings..."
"Geez, thanks a lot. he huffed. Can't recognize your leader? So mean! How could you forget about me? he started to sniffled. You're breaking my heart! How could you?!"
The theatrics were apparently enough.
"At last! he said, raising a hoof. That's me alright."
"Kokichi is a horse."
"Pony technically, pegasus to be more exact. And you're one too."
"But Gonta die-"
"About that! he cut him off. We need to talk in private. Bu-bye yellow pegasus, sorry for the scare!"
He grabbed Gonta's bug cage's strap and pulled to make the other follow him in a recluse place.
Once far enough, he sighed.
"Alright, just hear me out. I know you're confused as hell, me too. Maybe even mad at me about what happened in the game, I won't blame you for that. But we have other things to worry about: we're not in our world, I think you noticed as much."
"People are horses." nodded Gonta with a serious expression.
"They call themselves ponies, but yeah. There's no human here. There's no killing game either. Monokuma doesn't exist. The Academy either. This world... is more or less peaceful."
"No killing game? he softly asked. No Monokuma?"
"Nope. Nothing. And... Considering we're both here, I'd say everyone who died is also here. Though to find them is going to be complicated..."
The leader pondered for a second. How could they find everyone? It would be best if everyone wasn't far away from each other, if Death comes back for them -and he better!- it'd be quicker to be send back.
"Kokichi died?"
Oh wait. Oops. Right, he forgot Gonta wouldn't know.
"Yup! Right after you in fact. Anyway, not the point-"
"Did Monokuma also punished Kokichi?"
Uh? Why is he asking that?
Everyone... Please stop blaming Kokichi now.
...He's still too kind.
"Nope. Maki killed me. he paused. Or rather Kaito. Eh, one of the two. I don't know what finished me off. he shook his hoof. Anyway, not the point. I died, and Kaito also died probably because he was sick. Meaning, everyone who died before you, plus Kaito and myself are probably here."
"Yup. But we need to recognize them -wouldn't be too hard probably...- and find a cover story."
"Cover story?"
"This world doesn't have a killing game Gonta. That means, if we tell them what happened to us, they won't understand, and that'll bring us problems."
"Oh. Gonta understand. But Gonta doesn't want to lie to them... They look nice."
"Good thing I'm here! Leave the lying part to me. I'm a liar after all! Also we need new names. Because names here aren't like ours. If we want to blend in... Just leave it to me okay?"
The giant just nodded.
The leader just nodded back, before returning to the cottage. Let's hope she's still here and uh... Not freaking out.
...Uh oh.
She called her friends apparently. There were five new ponies all around her. Two unicorns, another pegasus and two earth ponies.
"Hey you two! How dare you scare Fluttershy like that!" yelled the blue pegasus.
"Ah! Gonta sorry! Gonta didn't meant to scare pony!"
Well, here goes the enthomologist, apologizing again. But Kokichi's not going to play that card. He put a hoof in front of the giant and frowned.
"Don't apologize, we don't know if they aren't with them!"
Cue confusion. That's what he want to see!
"W-With them?"
"You know how they are! They can change appearance at will and pretend they're your friend!"
Not a lie. The mastermind was -if what Death told him was true- a master of disguise. The Ultimate Cosplayer after all. And the ponies would probably think of the changelings, which is what he wants.
"Hey! Are you saying we're changelings!"
"And what if I am uh? he grinned. Don't like having the truth in your face?"
"H-Hey now."
Oh? The purple unicorn stopped the blue pegasus. Seems like he found the leader of that little group.
"We aren't changelings. We swear on Celestia's name!"
"And how can we believe you uh? You could be lying!"
There. That was the cue for Gonta normally...
"They don't smell like changelings..." he mumbled.
"You should listen to your friend! We're not changelings! We fought them!"
Now, to pretend to be hesitant.
"Are you sure?" he asked the enthomologist.
Gonta nodded, and he pretended to scratch his head -while leaving the papers around his horn alone- with confusion.
"I think we all started on the wrong hoof. gently said the purple one. You are at Ponyville, you're safe! There's no changelings here."
"Why did you thought there were some in the first place? Changelings don't live here. We kicked their butts not so long ago!"
"Rainbow Dash! You're not helping. she smiled at them. Sorry about my friend, she's very straightforwards. How about we talk somewhere else, around pastries?"
"Oh oh! the pink one started to jump happily. I'll go prepare them! I'll be right back!"
And she left... by jumping? Why not.
Time to bluff the hell out of this conversation.
...It had been stupidly easy. He explained to them that Gonta and him were part of a group of ponies who got abducted when they were toddlers by changelings, got raised by them, humiliated, turned around each other et cetera... Got brought along at the assault on Canterlot, and since the white energy who yeeted the changelings didn't hurt them, they ended up here, and don't know what to do or where to go.
That's how he learned that the wedding that took place was the purple one's (Twilight Sparkle apparently. Still cheesy, yup.) brother's, and they were here, and were also fighting the changelings.
And apparently that wave of magic was from the love between the bride and groom.
Ew. They didn't ended up at Equestria, they ended up at "Cheesy Land". But he still noted the information.
When they asked about why the hell he got a fake horn, he explained that it was to be less beaten by changeling. After all, they have both horn and wings, so he thought if he looked like them they would leave him alone. Not that it worked. -The fact that it was curved helped his story. But come to think of it why is his curved and not everyone else's? Not even the princesses' are curved. Weird.) Now though he just keep it because it's the symbol of the princesses and that's pretty cool! After all it was one of them that indirectly freed him and the others from the changelings' grasp. He's pretending to be like them! (they had no idea how true that statement was.)
That was way too easy to make them believe that with fake tears. Even Gonta tried to comfort him even though he knew it was fake (though it was probably to make it more believable. Gonta is a lot of things, but an idiot isn't one of them.)
"But then... You don't have names?" asked the other unicorn -Rarity if he remembers correctly.
"We have the ones the changelings gave us. he said, wiping the tears with his hoof. Mine's Kokichi Oma. he pointed to Gonta. His is Gonta Gokuhara. But those aren't real ponies' names."
"That's true..." Twilight seemed thoughtful.
"Oh oh! Maybe we can pick some for you!" the pink one said, with a smile that reminded him a bit too much of Angie.
"...I'd prefer choosing my own thanks."
"Of course! Pinkie, let them chose... Once it's done, we'll ask the mayor to put you in the records." Twilight said.
"That'd be nice. Also... If you find someone with a weird name, that's probably a friend of ours."
Not really true, but he needed to find those idiots as quickly as possible.
"I'll pass the word at Clousdale!"
Aaaaaand the blue one was already gone.
"I'll ask around the farm if anyone saw a lost pony." the orange one nodded, tipped her hat and left.
"I'll send a letter at Princess Celestia too. the purple unicorn nodded towards the... dragon? at her side. In the meantime, do you have ideas of names? Also, what are your talents?"
Talents? That's easy- oh wait.
"What do you mean by talent?" he asked, raising a hoof to stop Gonta from talking.
Translation: is that the same thing as their Ultimates?
"Oh. Yeah, I suppose the changelings wouldn't do that... she mumbled to herself. Something you are really good at? You both have your cutie marks so..."
What the fuck is that now. (Also, cheesy, the return.)
"Oh! Gonta is an enthomologist!"
He saw Fluttershy -that's her name right?- perking up from behind Rarity.
"Oh that's great! she turned towards him. And you?"
"I guess you can call me a trickster. he smirked. I prank people. And trick them. a pause. Mainly changelings though."
A lie but hey.
"If Gonta's talent is "Enthomology" you could call mine "tricky dice"." he shrugged.
But that question of names... He needed to find one. And Gonta too.
"Hey Gonta, how about "Baron Buzz" for you? Sounds good?"
"Oh! Gonta not mind this. Gonta likes it!"
"Well, that's settled then. Mine now..."
He think again.
Let's see their situation.
He got attributs that could get him royal duties, which is problematic. He needs to hide it...
He made a deal with Death and no one need to know about that. To get everyone back to life, but also to fuck with miss mastermind too while he's at it.
He grinned.
"Call me Royal Collusion then!"
That's when both Rainbow Dash and the farmer came back.
"I found a pegasus that looks really lost, and he calls himself Kaito... something."
"I found a small guy that call himself Ryoma!" added the other.
Oh. Well that was quick.
"They're with us alright. You're coming Gonta? Let's get Ryoma back first."
"Hm hm!"
First they get the depressed tennis player back, then the astridiot.
Welp, they got a pretty nice program ahead of them it seemed.
"Then let's go."
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
hi!! read you're doing prompts, can you do the 9th? i feel like it's a perfect one for levihan 😂
send me a number and a ship and i'll write a drabble!
thank you for sending this prompt ! it does have undeniable levihan vibes to it 😏
Prompt 9. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
Zeke (★now edited and posted on ao3 ★)
Characters: Levi, Hange, Zeke
Tags: modern au, levihan, no zekehan or zevi i promise, i just think i'm hilarious sometimes and you guys have to deal with it hehehe, erumike mentioned, tw alcohol mention ig
Hange gets out of the shower, puts on the clean shirt Levi had left for them in the bathroom and sneaks into the bedroom quietly. They successfully stop a yelp from escaping and only wince as they bump their toe into their bedside table, and put the miraculously unspilled glass of water they'd brought in with them on it.
They crawl under the duvet quickly, delighted to have made it here just as the hangover headache was starting to make their head throb, and frown as they realize something heavy has taken over most of their side of the bed. They reach back and click their light on, and feel their eyes widening as they take in the sight.
"What the- Levi, what's Zeke doing here?" they ask, way too loud even by their own standards.
"Fuck's sake, four-eyes," Levi moans, voice groggy and dry, "what's it look like? He's sleeping. And so am I, so shut the fuck up and turn the damn light off."
Hange bites their lip to stop themself from commenting on his bed hair or the adorably cranky look on his half asleep face, and obey his order.
Before they swiftly climb over both him and the dog, and stretch their arm far enough to turn on the light on his own bedside instead. They fully laugh when Levi whines again, swearing some more, and the Husky joins his protest with a loud howl.
"And where do I sleep, grumpy-grumps?" Hange asks, fluffing the dog's fur, who quickly calms down at the attention.
"I don't care, just get out of my bed," Levi replies, his voice all muffled from speaking into his pillow as he protects his eyes from the sting of the light.
Hange gasps in faked horror, Zeke looking up at them in concern at the sound.
"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!"
Levi groans again, and blindly feels behind him with his hand.
"Not anymore," he sighs in reflief when he finds his mark and darkness replaces the cruel artificial light. "Now it's mine and Zeke's."
"Right... and since when do you allow this- how'd you put it again- 'overactive drama queen of a hairball', to get on the sheets you love so much and shed all over them?" Hange pushes, genuinely curious.
"Since you leave me for two nights in a row to go on a weekend-long party with your brother and his brainless jock friends. And I was planning on changing the sheets later today anyway," he adds as an afterthought.
"Mike's bachelor party was fun, honey, thank you for asking," Hange replies playfully. "But I still don't understand how that has anything to do with your rules regarding the dog's sleeping-
"For your information, your four legged soulmate here wouldn't stop whining and howling at the front door until I let him come in here," he interrupts in a huff. "I don't know what he was so anxious about, but he had a really hard time sleeping without you around."
Hange's eyes have grown accustomed to the shadows by now, and they don't miss the way Levi stares at Zeke, actively avoiding to look at their own face. They should have known from the minute they came home and Levi was still in bed in the middle of the day that his insomnia had been acting up again, and it twists something in their gut to hear him confess so in his own twisted way, especially when they know he'd been working long hours the week before.
They hum and perch themself back on what little space they've got left on their side of the bed, letting one of their hands land on Levi's pillow to ruffle his hair and massage his scalp as they pet the dog's fur with the other.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to rest properly," they say softly.
Levi sighs, and his fingers link with theirs over the dog's belly.
"From the looks of you right now, I'd say you didn't either," he jokes. "Did you really have fun?"
"So much. I don't see how Erwin's going to beat that next weekend, honestly."
"Well, don't tell him that. He's so competitive he'd do the craziest shit just to try and prove you wrong."
They feel their own grin widening, and Levi chuckles when he spots it.
"Tch, four-eyes..." he warns, shaking his head in faked disapproval.
"Come on, what's the point of being one groom's sibling and the other's best friend if I don't get to mess with them a little?"
They yawn around the end of the sentence, which makes it sound way less villainous than they'd meant.
"Better get some rest while you can, then, evil mastermind," Levi scoffs, failing to hide his own reflex yawn.
Hange vaguely remembers letting out a weak laugh and pinching his nose in retaliation for his mocking tone, before falling into deep slumber.
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liliallowed · 1 year
tasting colors
(short symbiot au fanfic)
-weirdass alien biology
-magic food
-benifits of sharing a body
-slice of life ig???
premise: players are symbiots from space! vessels are hosts! sym killed the other one behind the loop and ate it to gain the reset, but then threw it away latching onto dust. sym also took him to the surface because it already had eaten a half digested human soul. after passing the barrier sym fully shattered the soul.
some time has past and these two have become very close! kinda skipped all the slow burn and angst lol. sym doesn't really have much history with dust to repent or seek forgiveness.
sym is just best boy/girl/thing. there for suppert.
"wake up sleepy head." it gently nudged his skull with it's head.
"mmmhm... five more minutes..."
he muttered furrowing his bone brows.
"want me to make breakfast?" it smiled enthusiastically.
"no humans ... taste gross" he frowned at last nights memory.
"oh stars no!" it gasped, slightly offended.
"you know I'm a cannibal with high standards. I wouldn't dare eat HUMANS or monsters~ not without your consent. wouldn't wanna upset your soul stomach. besides I didn't hunt today. you good with pancakes?" it grinned as sans could faintly feel himself being lifted from bed.
he instinctively pulled the blanket on himself only for it to turn into soft mushy matter.
he would have been taken aback but instead he insistently continued to fake his snoring stubbornly.
some time passed and he drifted back to sleep... how long had he been out?
he opened his eyes after the scent of sweet food brushed against his nasal cavity.
he was sitting in the kitchen with a neatly stack of fresh pancakes Infront of him... and ... ketchup instead of syrup.
"aw you made my favorite" he grinned lazily pouring the ketchup on the pancake.
sym let out an audible sigh shaking it's head. "rest in peace you sweet treat."
"hey, rude. my body, my food." he picked up another piece and took a bite of it.
"your taste buds are broken. your pallet is horrible." it retorted.
"how would you know? is it cuz you've borrowed my tongue?"
he smirked licking the fork.
it squeaked in surprise staring at him in silence, a red glow appearing on it's heart shaped eyes.
"... my tongue is better at detecting any physical flavor. magic food CAN'T taste THAT good."
it huffed in annoyance, trying to direct the conversation towards a more... scientific approved topic.
"should we maybe swap our taste buds?"
he chuckled..
"oh FUCK OFF."
its heart shaped eyes vanished as it hid it's face inside itself glowing bright red underneath the black mass.
he grinned playfully poking it with gentil taps as he muched on the food.
"aren't you curious? I know I am."
he teased, making it sound like he was eating the best thing known to man.
it perked it's face out, blowing a childish raspberry.
"yes but I'm not going to!"
it frowned while glancing at the corner of his mouth.
it really wondered if magic food would taste any different with using HIS mouth-
"want some?"
he smiled smugly.
it nodded timidly, shaking it's head from those thoughts.
he let it eat some of the sliced off parts where it wasn't DEFILED by ketchup stains.
it's eyes lit up like a small pup as it enthusiastically swallowed it.
"see? it's better without KETCHUP."
it beamed.
"nah." he replied lazily finishing his last bite but taking his SWEET time swallowing.
it could not resist anymore is HAD to know to satisfy it's curiosity.
a small tap to his soul and it felt... buzzy?
it tasted like tomato sauce but sweeter. a bit like the taste of the color green... no, redorange... wait colors weren't a taste? it could feel small tidbits of energetic particles around being absorbed into a nice blend of sweet and slightly sour fruity mix. felt actually refreshing. ice cold yet warm... electric yet awfully... crunchy groundyyyy. sweet mud after rain.
such a vague fascinating aftertaste...
"you finished the entire bottle. guess you like my pallet after all" he grinned.
it opened it's eyes to find it's head stuck in the ketchup bottle, chugging it like plain water.
"... "
it refused to pull it's head out, filled with embarrassment. this was it's life now. it was the hat of shame.
he snorted a small laugh pulling the tip off it's head.
"you like magic food huh?"
his smug grin sharpened.
sym let out a small annoyed huff.
"of COURSE I'd like anything your soul would like when I'm linked to it. that's not a fair argument."
it paused.
"but... yeah. it was... good."
"better than greasy human food even?"
he raised a bone brow.
"hrgnnnn" it let out a weird growling sound of refusal to affirm the question.
he rolled his eyes at it and sighed.
"you eat people, rocks, metal, and even your own kind but you're this picky? "
it looked back at him with a smirk.
"it's your body not mine. I wanna take care of it! of us! you rarely eat... and you're-"
he looked at it suspiciously crossing his arms, his playful grin widening even further.
"aw, getting sift in me now?"
"I mean ME! I want ME to be healthy so I'm making sure not to eat anything your body can't absorb. monsters have weak physical forms."
it glanced away the same red blush appearing on it's face.
"sounds awfully cheesy don't it? "
he wore the iconic shit eating grin as he held a flat piece of cheese on his hand.
sym face planted on his arm softly.
he patted it as he sat up stretching his arms.
"so what's the plan for today. any new targets?"
sym, now resting on his shoulder shook it's head.
"no. I don't sense any other anomalies. not yet that is. still! might want to keep an eye on the guy in the basement I think he lost his determination and the reset got passed to another random human."
"oh for fucks sake."
he grunted pinching his nasal ridge.
"it's okay. we'll find it!" it chirped as it disappeared from his side and proceeded to cover sans's eye.
"wanna go look for them?"
its red heart shaped eye flashed red in place of sans's right eyelight.
he chuckled as he infused magic into his socket. the blackness spread across his face charged with his own will.
a heart on his face slpit in two then both sides in three.
six mismatched eyes glistening with excitement.
"let's make this quick. it's risky in broad daylight." they muttered, disappearing in a flash.
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Here's a little sneak peek to the fic I'm working on right now...
This is when Jamie comes into my Httyd AU series. I'm not posting in on Ao3 until the whole thing is done, and this is the only time I'm posting a sneak peek of it. The next time this would be seen, hopefully, it would be in Ao3 and completed. Still waiting for the poll results that will help me decide if I'll make it a one chapter thing or if it will be a multichap.
Either way, it will be completed.
If you want to wait for the complete version to read it, then there's no need to click 'keep reading' at the undercut.
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It was another regular day. The Vikings of Berk were still stubborn yet resilient at the varying weather condition of dry cold to freezing cold, the young of these folks can be angels and devils depending on their moods, and the dragons still raise havoc. However, instead of anger and fear, the people react in fond exasperation.
"There's hardly a freaking difference!" Jack exasperated, putting down a newly crafted pick axe that Gobber had him make. Honestly, these days, he thought watching the younger children of Berk was a lot less aggravating. "Don't you two have anything better to do than argue and having me caught up in the middle?"
Aster and Gobber looked at him, opening their mouths to answer.
"No, don't answer, I don't really care; It's my break." Overhead, Jack saw the familiar sight of a dark mass with a boy on top of it. "Just in time," he grinned, grabbing his weapon staff before jumping on some nearby barrels and crates. "Over here, Hic!"
Aster held out a hand towards him, "Wait Jack," he scowled, "We're not done here!"
"I am!" Jack gave him a salute, his arm stretched up just in time for Toothless to fly by to grab it. As soon as his barefeet left the roof's surface, he used the curved part of his staff as leverage to flip over and take space on the saddle right behind Hiccup. "Thanks Hic, you saved me from another tug-of-war match with those two."
Hiccup chuckled, "Anything for you, snowflake." he smiled and blushed when Jack kissed him on the cheek for that response.
Jack laughed as a response to the thrilling belly flops he felt as Hiccup continued to soar higher to the sky, and further from the island and the village. He noted that there were some ships heading for the island, but he could see there were mostly people in civilian clothes so he didn't have to worry about it being an attack.
Even if it were, they'd be pretty foolish to attack Berk. After a few encounters with the Outcasts and Berserker alike, (plus kidnap attempts that annoyed Jack to no end, Hiccup more so since it's his boyfriend that got taken more often) Jack's pretty sure word's spread that they were working together with dragons, so the dragons were under their protection and vice versa. Stoick's still hoping they can come to a peaceful resolution with the Berserkers, since the previous chief was an old friend, but that still remained to be seen.
In any case, Jack figured that whoever these people were, they just might be some sort of business partners of Aster. It wouldn't be the first time the man didn't need to leave since the restock of supplies would be coming to him. Although usually, the island would make a day out of it where they would put up stalls or tents and there would be a bazaar for about a week.
Hiccup started to undo the security lock from the prosthetic pedal. "All right bud, you ready?"
Toothless made a  growl in affirmation.
"Wait, wait," Jack balked, "Can't we just enjoy flying without you doing..." he wasn't able to finish as Hiccup leaned more to the side before willingly falling off the dragon. "that..." He groaned, before crouching low to hang on for dear life... Literally.
As Toothless allowed himself to be taken by gravity, unable to continue his flight path without Hiccup's assistance, Jack grimaced and clenched his teeth. Much as he liked to scream, as would be the natural response, the last time Hiccup did this, a flock of birds were nearby and one of them pooped, nearly into his mouth. That said, it landed at his lower cheek and missed his mouth by only a few inches.
Just before they hit the water below, Hiccup angled himself just so and easily got his prosthetic re-attached to its pedal lock of Toothless' saddle and they glided through the surface, water splashing in the process, before taking back to the sky.
"Yeah!" Hiccup laughed as they were high enough to be amongst the clouds again, "I'd say that went about smoothly this time around, too."
Jack huffed, repositioning his staff that went an awkward angle during the crouch, before wrapping his arms around Hiccup's torso. "Maybe from where you're sitting," he shook his head, "And must you do that so frequently?"
"C'mon, it's exciting." Hiccup smirked, nudging Jack the best he could from where he sat. "some part of you has got to admit that it was awesome."
"Yeah, sure." Jack deadpanned, "Only about the thirteenth time, this week alone, you jumped off of Toothless for a thrilling free fall, that almost stopped my heart, without warning."
"If you give it a try..."
"I may now be less terrified of the sea, or bodies of water in general, but that doesn't mean it's going to hurt less when I hit the surface from this height."
Hiccup rolled his eyes, "You're not going to hit it." he said, "I'll catch you."
"Raincheck," Jack said with a smirk, "now I think we're going a little too slow for a Night fury, don't you think Toothless?"
Toothless what might be his version of a laugh, before zooming quickly through the skies.
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Back at Berk, Aster and Stoick went to welcome some people docking in port.
A couple of months before, Aster left Berk to barter more items that could be traded. Ever since the island started caring for dragons, he had more business. To that end, the trader needed to restock his wares more often. In one of the island he frequented, a village there was ransacked by wild dragons that didn't seem to know about Berk being a safe haven for them. Not that the island could house every single dragon in the world, of course.
Aster had some good friends in that village though, and he requested Stoick to give some of them temporary refuge while they rebuild their village.
Though, there was one particular family wanted to live in Berk at the request of their one and only son. The boy was adopted because the couple couldn't have children, and rarely asked them for anything. So, when he actually did, it's usually given to him. Stoick was a bit on the fence, but Aster did tell him it was only one family who wanted to move in permanently. Plus, the one that would could open a tavern in Berk so there would be more options for good meals and drinks.
"Does Jack know I'm arriving today?" A young boy about Jack's age, only a year younger, came on port and walked on the gangplank towards Aster. He was visibly excited and nervous at the same time. "Is he here, too?" he looked past the tall man's shoulder, as if Jack would be behind him for a surprise greeting.
Aster chuckled at his amusement, "I haven't told him about it, Jamie. Wanted it to be a surprise," he smirked, "Serves the boy right for pulling a big one on me two months ago."
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warp--space · 1 year
Can... Can we get some enemies to lovers headcanons for you and All Might?
Oh boy. So uh. Welcome to the MySpace Universe.
General personality headcanons:
Rian aka Warp Space is a young and spirited hero in a mission in Japan to try to take down The World's Number One Villain. He knew he was probably in over his head... And yeah he was right, but he wasn't a quitter.
All Might is that villain, and he's a rough and tumble bastard who was not expecting a cute little portal-maker to try to go one on one with him. It would have been insulting... If the younger man wasn't so fucking adorable.
Rian has a day job at a coffee shop to keep the lights on, since he's young and "expendable" and going largely unpaid for his troubles.
All Might tracks him down and starts visiting the coffee shop in disguise. He knows everything about Rian, thanks to his extensive network of allies.
Rian knows fuck-all about him, since the Villain wears a mask and uses a voice modulator.
All Might is absolutely fucking fascinated by this odd little American who seems to have nothing but pure hubris and adorable determination on his side.
Warp Space is convinced that he can win EVENTUALLY. He just has to come up with a plan. And get All Might to let him catch him by surprise.
That will not be happening, because the villain is having way too much fun.
Most of their "fights" end up being playful little spars and witty banter, where All Might takes the kid just seriously enough to make it look convincing on camera. Wouldn't want him to get fired and sent back, after all.
Relationship Headcanons:
All Might swears up and down he was joking at first. He was just pulling people's legs. He was just being teehee haha funny... But the fact remains that when he first asked the young barista out and took him to The Mighty Need Bar to parade him in front of the other villains... They got along really well. Too well.
Rian ended up getting a big crush on the nice older man with beautiful eyes and an oddly familiar way of speaking. It also helped that this man frequently left him $20 tips, and the young hero was too much of a gentleman to let that go without thanking him in some way... What harm could one date do?
The morning afterward when Rian and Toshinori both woke up slightly hungover in the older man's bed, with nothing but bed sheets covering them and no less than 3 used condoms in the vicinity, they both realized that sometimes a joke and an act of gratitude could both be taken a liiiiiittle too far.
But in for a penny in for a pounding, they started dating. Rian still didn't know the man's identity. Toshinori didn't plan on telling him.
But boy if those saucy rooftop confrontations didn't suddenly seem a little more flirtatious.
To the point where, more than once, the hero found himself pinned to a wall by very strong arms while All Might monologued to high heaven about shit like The Weather.
Things took a turn one day when Rian was at the coffee shop the day after a """fight""', sporting a black eye that All Might very much did not give him.
"What happened, Kitten?!" "Nothing, I'm fine." "Don't give me that. Who did it?" "All Might." "Not that I don't think you're tough, but if one of that guy's punches had connected your head would have been blown clean off. Who. Did. It?" "Just... Just this guy that walks by sometimes when I'm on my way home. He saw me putting my wallet in my pocket. That's it." "I'm driving you home after work. You're grabbing some of your stuff, and then staying at my place for a while." "I... Are you sure?" "Very."
The dude was never seen again except on a Missing poster, and Rian's staying over went so well that they ended up moving in together... With Rian still not realizing who he was living and sleeping with.
Aaaand that's as far as this AU goes at the moment.
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bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
Crushed- Ch (02)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Au: Friends to idk what
Genre: Angst, some fluff.
Ratings: 18+
Words: 2.3K
Warnings: mentioned in each chapter
Summary: Your coworker and best friend Jimin is everyone's favourite and for good reason. He's sweet, charming, caring, kind, humble, polite, ha– well shit. There you go making it obvious yet once again, that you're in love with him. But it's all good as long as he remains oblivious right? Wrong. After overthinking for a whole month, you decide to confess and things take an unexpected turn.
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Dear Diary,
I don't know what to do. Tomorrow, I'll be meeting Jimin again and I just don't know how to behave around him, anymore. I thought three days of not seeing him would help me figure out what to do about the situation but unfortunately, that's not the case.
In the three days' time, all I have done is to stalk Jimin's Instagram but when staring at him became too painful, I moved to Rachel's insta. Another stupid move, might I say. Her recent insta updates let me know that she and Jimin spent their Sunday with each other. I assume it was their first date but even then, one could see how bright her smile was, and how happy she looked around him. If that wasn't enough, Jimin was laughing and giggling with his eyes crinkling in the corners.
Those pictures and clips made me wonder what it would feel like to be in her place, to be on the receiving end of Jimin's fond giggle, for him to smile like that because of me and at me because even though he has no idea, he makes me smile like that, like a fool, as if nothing else matters but him.
Perhaps, I was too much of a fool. That's exactly why I feel so pathetic now. I feel so stupid for ever entertaining the thought of him liking me back. It possibly wouldn't hurt so much had I not expected him to return my feelings. But it is what is. It's no one's fault. Jimin can like whoever he wishes to and the same goes for me. I chose him. He chose someone else. That's the difference.
Despite that, I need to keep my emotions at bay. I can't let him know of the pain I have been in, in recent days. I need to be the Y/N he knows, the one who is his best friend, which would admittedly require a whole lot of acting. Because every time I think of him, I just feel this longing and heartbreak. I can only imagine, what it would be like to be seeing him and to be in his presence. Nevertheless, thank you for being my safe place where I can rant without any worry because the other person who used to be my safe space, is the one I'm currently ranting about lol.
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"You have not replied to my texts and have not answered my calls." Monday is here and so is Jimin. After your failed attempt at confessing, you had taken a few days off so that you don't have to face him. But alas, your day-offs were gone and here you are.
You do not bother looking up from your computer. To anyone, it would seem like you're being nonchalant but that's far from the truth. Only you can tell the way your heart shrinks and your stomach churns having Jimin sit right next to you but feeling as if he's far, far away.
"I'm sorry, I haven't had the time, was busy with work." You chew on your lower lip to give the faux impression that you're concentrating really hard on the numbers on your screen.
Jimin, either is just plain rude or doesn't buy your act, for he places a hand under your seat and swirls the chair such that you're now facing him.
Fucking wheels. You curse in your brain not even caring about how absurd it is to get mad at wheels and that to of those of a chair's.
When your eyes meet Jimin's, you immediately notice the seriousness in his orbs. Well, shit.
"Care to explain?" He asks again, his brows furrowed in a stern expression.
"I told you, I was–"
"I don't buy that bullshit." He cuts you off, vehemently shaking his head. "You've never done this before, you've always replied to my texts no matter how busy work has gotten. Do you even know how worried I was?"
It sure didn't seem so. The petty voice in your head mutters.
"Nothing, I was just tired, trust me." Trying to make him believe that you're being genuine, you also smile at him, hoping he somehow buys it.
Jimin does not buy it.
After you had left lunch abruptly, he had his suspicions about something being wrong. However, he had not paid much attention to it, for he entertained the thought that it might really have been some important duty call. You had an important meeting that day, which although you were done with, there can always be extra documents that one needs to go through or sometimes needs to mail them to some higher authorities. Jimin had shrugged off his concerns for he thought he was just overthinking or over observing.
His concerns however returned, when you did not answer his calls and texts. Because heck, in the span of three years that he has known you, you had never done that before. To say that he was worried would be an understatement.
On the second day that you had gone without any contact, he was ready to go to your place. He however didn't, when he found that you had checked his stories. That was some sort of reassurance that you are okay and probably haven't fainted in your apartment or any of the terrible scenarios that his mind had come up with.
Which had finally made him come to the conclusion that there was something up with you. Even if he had any doubts about it, they were now gone because your whole body language is stiff and closed off. Why, he has no idea.
The side of your face burns from how intensely Jimin keeps staring. Feeling your hands get clammy, you blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind, in hopes of getting rid of the awkward silence. "How did your date with Rach go?"
You instantly regret the question. It must be because of how a sadistic part of you wanted to know the details. A sadistic part, which wants to know it from him, in his words.
Your question however, has the desired effect as it seems to deflect his attention. The frown on his features soften and his lips quirk up. "It was great, might as well have been the best date I have been on."
You shoot him another smile, another attempt at making him believe that you are being genuine. "You were not nervous?"
This time, Jimin does buy it. "I was surprisingly not, because it wasn't supposed to be a date." Noticing the questioning look on your face, he elaborates further. "I was just telling her about how you have not been replying to my texts and how worried I was. I had probably ranted so much that she ended up advising that I needed to be out and breathe in some fresh air. Which somehow ended up with us going out and having dinner together."
You hum, biting the inside of your cheek as you look at him and try your best to maintain your smile.
"You know the best part? There was no awkward silence." Jimin continues and you can sense that this is going to turn into a ramble.
You can only imagine, how long Jimin has been waiting, to tell you all this. A part of you thinks it would have been better had you been in touch with him via texts, because you know for sure, that he would have hit you with long texts describing every single detail and in that way, you at least wouldn't have to force yourself to smile even when you feel your heart silently break for the nth time in the span of five days.
"There's something very soothing about her. Her company just makes you kind of forget all about your worries. Unlike, how most first dates are, it was very relaxing and chill."
"So, it made you forget about me?" You chuckle but when you notice Jimin's smile fade, you realise that it might not have been the right thing to say. "I was joking, relax."
Jimin's frown remains in place and you feel scared of him easily reading you. Thankfully, a voice calling for Jimin's name is what makes him move his eyes from you.
"Can you update these numbers? I've checked them and they just need to be uploaded." Taehyung, says as he approaches where the two of you're sitting.
Jimin nods absentmindedly. "Yeah, sure." With that, he steals one last glance at you and leaves.
The moment he leaves, you feel like you can finally breathe. Fuck, acting is kind of difficult.
You look up to meet eyes with Tae only to find him winking at you and he mutters a small thank me later before he leaves as well.
The interaction has you contemplating if you were being that obvious with how uncomfortable and congested you were feeling. If that's the case then you think Jimin also might have noticed it. Which can explain his reaction to those stupid words that you had muttered.
So, it made you forget about me.
What were you thinking before you made that comment?
You'd be honest, you had not given much thought before you had said those words but now that you think of it, you wished for Jimin to have not enjoyed his date. It's selfish you know. Despite that, a part of you desperately wanted for the scenario to be different. You wished that even in her soothing presence, Jimin was worrying about you. That he did not just forget about you because he was with her.
You know he did not exactly mean that but the cynical part of you believes that the amount of fondness he feels for her is greater than the amount of worry he has for you.
It's pathetic to think that way, you know but maybe you just needed some sort of reassurance from Jimin. You know he does not owe it to you but his words did more damage than good.
"That was intense." A voice quips, causing you to blink back to reality.
"Huh?" You ask, the words not registering in your brain.
"I said, that was intense." Yoongi repeats from where he stands on the other side of your cubicle with his head resting on top of the partition.
"What was?" Genuinely confused, you frown.
He scoffs. "You and Jimin. I could feel the tension through the partition."
Your eyes go wide. "You were eavesdropping?"
He shrugs casually. "More like it was unavoidable."
You were being obvious.
"Damn, I made it obvious didn't I?" Hating the idea of it, you hope Jimin does not come to conclusions.
"Just as obvious as the day."
"You don't even try to sugarcoat it." Grumbling, you lean back into your chair.
"I don't sugarcoat it but I can sugacoat it." He retorts with a serious expression.
"You're hanging too much with Jin aren't you?" You squint your eyes and move the mouse cursor haphazardly all over the screen.
"I'd have you know my jokes are way better than Jin's, so, in case you're implying that his company has affected my humour, you're very wrong." He huffs, clearly offended by your words.
"Debatable." You reply in a beat.
"Yesterday, he went to the grocery store and asked the counter lady why eggs don't make jokes." He begins in order to prove his point.
"Because they'll crack?" You ask in a questioning tone.
"The lady did not bat an eyelash." He deadpans.
".....and Jin was too busy laughing to notice that?"
Yoongi sighs, as if concerned but not surprised by his beloved friend, Jin's behaviour. "The lady looked at me as if asking whether he's okay or not."
The whole scene plays inside your head and you laugh for the first time in what seems like ages. This has happened far too many times for you to find it funny but somehow it never gets old.
Yoongi's lips quirk up when he sees you laugh.
Anyone with eyes could see the love you had for Jimin. Thus, today, when he saw Jimin chatting with this one girl (he has no idea what her name is) while he was coming back from the tea room, he knew something was wrong. It wasn't the chatting, in particular, it was the shy glances, the fond smiles and the subtle touches. His very first thought was that of you and his immediate reaction was that of worry. He wondered if you knew about it or if it would be a heartbreaking surprise for you when you come to work.
The conversation he overhead between you and Jimin answered a few of his queries for sure but it also only caused him to worry more.
Nevertheless, seeing you laugh puts him slightly at ease.
From across the aisle, another pair of eyes watch you. Jimin notices you laugh and sees that your body language is no longer stiff, no longer guarded.
Did Yoongi say something funny? Is that what had gotten you to ease up? Because it can't be that you're all guarded and stiff around him in particular, right? He did not do anything to make you mad. At least nothing that he can think of.
But whatever it is, he needs to figure it out.
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Permenent taglist:
@mwitsmejk @hopestastic
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
Behind Closed Doors | Mike Wheeler
- this work contains mature topics and themes, if you are not suitable to interact with such things please click away
Find it on Ao3 here
Background: classification au, flip!mike, caregiver!Nancy, caregiver!Will, established Mike x Will, established Nancy x Steve x Johnathan, everything canon happened but eddies alive, takes place after season 4 with vecna dead
Summary: Ted and Karen do some things behind closed doors that Mike desperately tries to hide but what happens when it all comes crashing down?
Genre: heavy angst, comfort
Authors note: this is my first stranger things fic so please be nice, I think I kept the characters in character but if I didn’t let me know (also this got long as hell sorry) this is based off the conversation me and @berrymoos have been having for the past like week hsudheudbj. I could make a second chapter to this if anyone wanted
Warnings: major trigger warning for abuse, bruises, crying, swearing, self conscious!Mike, panic attacks, hair pulling
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Mike wipes the blood off his nose with the towel Karen holds out to him, she doesn't even look mad at her husband for hitting their kid. No. No she looks disappointed in Mike. As if he didn't know he wasn't supposed to slip, like there wasn't past bruises and scars to get it through his head, he fucking knew that going little at home was a bad idea, he knows!
But tonight was different, Nancy wasn't home and Holly was at a friends which means both Wheeler parents were out of the house for a few hours. School was really rough today so Mike knew he was teetering on the edge of falling into his small headspace but thought he could push it away long enough to get home to Nancy. Then Nancy wasn't here.
Mike has regressed without even noticing it, mistake number a hundred of today it seems. So when Karen and Ted came home two hours later to Mike sat on the couch chewing on his shirt entranced in a cartoon, they were livid and Mike was taken off guard. Taken off guard to the point of not even being able to dodge the first slap Ted threw.
Things spiraled so quickly that when Mikes little headspace did go away, as it does almost instantly when someone hits him, the beating was half over. His torso’s purple and yellow with bruises, lip split, nose aching as blood dribbles down, tears welled in his eyes unwilling to fall and his mothers face. She looks like getting beat up and screamed at by Ted wasn't enough, like she's about to give a lecture about how they are a bloodline of caregivers and being a flip is unacceptable as is, going little is out of the question. But again, Mike knows this all.
He's heard it so many times that he can basically recite the exact words his father or mother would pull out. Not to mention just how much he's been doing to stay big and a caregiver, it's practically all he thinks about, sure he regresses at the Byers house and with Nancy but that's about it. He also is very careful about when he regresses, if there's even a chance of his parents stopping by he won't.
Mike Wheeler would say himself that he's a smart kid - scratch that- a smart teenager. He's not a kid and won't act like one. No freaking way, after what happened tonight? There's no reason or person that can make Mike slip.
It's not like he goes little all the time anyways, nowhere near as close to as much as Max or Dustin do. But Dustin's a full little and Max has a little lean, Mike wouldn't say he didn't lean to his little headspace but he wouldn't admit that he did either. He's neutral? Middle? He's a flip but is pretty good at staying in that blank space of nothingness.
It's probably why he's so stressed out so much though. His resting face of being over it and clenched jaw proves Mike could do a bit better at relaxing. He can't though, if he falls in caregiver space then he'll be around littles and while he loves all his little friends, there's a sick sour twist of jealousy in his gut watching them be so carefree. His little headspace claws it's way to the front of Mikes brain anytime it comes out even when he does feel safe and comfortable but being achy doesn't really help matters.
Five days later and Mikes done a damn good job at covering bruises and staying in that neutral ground. He's had a few almost slips, at Wills house the other day, then when Nancy had come in to check in on Mike that night after he got kicked in the ribs by a steel toe boot, that was a hard time to fight off. Nancy's always the one to get his little side to come out and she could tell something was wrong so she was trying really hard to help, Mike felt extra guilty pushing her out of her room with the excuse of a headache.
He's had a "headache" for almost a week now. Avoiding anyone and everyone for whatever shitty excuse he can race to come up with. The party's noticed, Nancy's noticed, Steve and Johnathan have noticed, hell even that girl Robin has taken notice to how off Mike is. He doesn't care.
Except he has to care tonight as it's game night and he can't exactly skip it. He had promised Max to play uno with her tonight, he made the promise before everything went down but he's not about to break it. He can do this, it's one night at the Byers, with the whole party, and Nancy's two boyfriends, and Steve's best friend Robin and her best friend Eddie. It's so many people. He can't do this.
"Mike? You okay?" Nancy turns to look at him in the backseat of Steve's car, Johnathans in the passenger seat, even already being at the Byers he wanted to come for the ride.
"Yeah I'm good." He stops the ringing in and out of his hands that he was doing to try to reassure Nancy.
"Yeah? You've been a bit off for the past few days." She tips her head to look at his ducked down eyes. Mike clenches his jaw even harder, he is fine. Kind of. Sort of. Not really. He really wants to go little as it'd no doubt help with the stress but he can't.
"I don't know, just an off week I guess." He shrugs trying to get past this conversation.
"If you need anything I'm here and so is Johnny and Stevie." Mike smiles a bit wider, he always found it admiring how Nancy pulls out nicknames for her partners.
"Yeah man Will said he's worried about you." Steve calls over his shoulder which earns a punch to his arm from Johnathan.
"You weren't supposed to tell him idiot! What Steve meant was- we’re all a bit worried." Johnathan turns around in his seat with a short sigh. Mike nods looking at how the boys hair falls into his eyes with blows of air through Johnathans mouth to try to get it out of the way. Mike relates, he loves his long hair but that problem arises every now and again.
"Mike? You see something on my face kid?" He shakes himself out of his slight trance at Johnathans chuckle. Shit. That's definitely not good, zoning out always means his little headspace is coming out and being called kid is making everything worse.
"No sorry- just, your hairs getting long." Mike mentally slaps his forehead, his hairs getting long? Seriously that's what he comes up with? Ugh.
"You don't like? Steve's been telling me to leave it long." Mike shakes his head.
"No- no- I like it! It reminds me of when Will grew his hair out when we were kids and he would twist his fingers into it during math and when he thought really hard- he did it a lot- he use to keep pushing it out of his face during lunch and-." Mike shuts himself up. Nice one Wheeler gush about your boyfriend to his brother, real smooth.
"Yeah I remember that. Maybe he should grow it out again if you liked it so much." Mike can feel the heat rise to his cheeks which has Nancy and Steve chuckling lowly.
"Nice talk Johnny! Gonna go inside now!" Mike stumbles himself out of Steve's car as soon as it stops and he goes searching for Will. As much as he's been pulling away, he feels bad leaving Will all lonely.
"Hey bab-." Will can't get his sentence out as Mikes hands hold his cheeks in a firm yet gentle grasp and his lips are pressed into Wills. He loves him so much and wants him to know he'd never hurt him, Mike can't bear the thought of Will thinking he'd ever lay a finger on him. He wouldn't. He'd never be like his awful parents.
"Mike- Mike- let me breathe." And Wills laughing as he pulls away but Mikes almost crying. He doesn't know why. He's supposed to be staying big right now, be in that middle ground, he just feels overwhelmed and he shouldn't. He can't is a better way to put it.
"Mike?" Wills brows furrow ever so slightly and Mike finally lets the fact that there are ten people in this room looking at them set in so he does the logical thing- grabs Wills hand and pulls him to Wills bedroom with the door closing too loudly behind them.
"Mike? You okay?" He nods then pushes Will onto the bed so Mikes legs can straddle over Wills lap. It's more sexual than he meant it but he's not going to pull back now.
"I love you. I love you. I love you." He murmurs between sweet kisses, he remembers El thinking he didn't say it enough when they were still a couple, now he makes it a point to say it. Even if it sometimes makes him uncomfortable as he never said it out loud before Eleven.
"I love you too, Mike- are you okay?" He feels like sobbing but pushes it away to nod and cradle Wills cheeks. Will looks so- so good compared to Mike.
He'd never worry about slipping into headspace if he was a little, he'd probably embrace it just like he embraces his caregiver headspace. Will would never ruin his family's bloodline or be a disappointment to his mother. Joyce's pride and joy is her two sons, Will especially as he's never so much as lied about brushing his teeth. He's too good for Mike, he deserves someone better than Mike. Someone who isn't a flip and isn't a fuck up.
"Mike? Baby? Why do you look like you're gonna cry?" Wills hand is soft against Mikes cheek that's burning red as he urges tears back.
"I just- I love you so much and I feel like I don't say it enough or- or I don't show it. But I love you and I don't want you to doubt that." 'I don't want you to be disappointed in me' is what Mike wants to say but doesn't.
"Of course I know you love me Mike, I've never doubted that. I never will. But are you sure you're okay? You've been all distant and now you're on my lap." Mike tries to think of a reasoning but he can't, he just leans forward to lay his head down on Wills shoulder and wrap his arms around Wills middle.
Mike can't justify why he's been distant without exposing what his parents do to him on a, becoming more regular, basis. And as much as he trusts Will, he could never tell a soul what happens behind closed doors. Not when his family is oh so perfect.
"The perfect nuclear family" as Nancy's put it. The oldest daughter with big dreams and amazing grades, the middle son who has tight nit friends and loyalty like no other, the youngest daughter still living in the innocent childhood their parents provide. Their parents who are a man that makes a good living and provides for his family, the mother who washes all the dishes and puts on fresh red lipstick just before her husband gets home.
Abuse would put a major dent in that perfect family, just like being a flip, they are caregivers. The Wheelers are a family of caregivers who walk proudly and smile for every picture. They help the littles that wander into their house unknowing that Ted looks down on them simply because of their classification or that Karen, despite not being as open about it as Ted, has a very passive aggressive way of opinions when it comes to littles. Mike gets the brunt of all those opinions and it hurts just as bad as it did the first time.
He can handle all the bruising and anger but the wording stings. "Weak", "immature", "worthless", "amount to nothing", it slices through his skin deeper than the whiskey glass smashed against the wall. He's not weak and he has dreams, big dreams just like Nancy, his are just kept between himself and sometimes Will or Lucas. Mike fantasizes about traveling, maybe to California, and getting away from it all to be a photographer.
While Mike hates getting his own picture taken and never really dabbles in it aside from the occasional lesson he gets under the table from Johnathan, he loves it. He can capture a perfect moment and hold it in his hands to never be tarnished. It would be amazing, Will being an artist like he always wanted and Mike being a photographer that can take picture after picture of whatever he wants. Mostly Will. He has a lot of pictures of Will.
"My love are you sleeping?" Mike startles a bit at Wills soft tone but he pushes himself off of Wills chest. That was too close, he could feel himself starting to slip down that tricky slope of regression and trying to not let the beating from days prior get to him. Mike knows he'd be a crying mess if he became little and while that’s have him less stressed, he’d rather avoid that tumble of emotions.
"Sorry- not sleeping." He has to focus, stay big, that's the only thing he should be worried about right now.
"Mm, the drool on my shirt says differently." Shit did he actually fall asleep? He didn't mean to and quickly wipes the wet patch on Wills shirt. He's never been good at sleeping with his mouth closed or just not drooling in general.
"I'm sorry. Are- are you mad?" A pang of terror spikes in Mikes chest as he stops to stare at Will. He doesn't look mad, why would he? He has to be use to Mikes excessive drooling by now, but what if he is mad? He could be sick of Mike and think he's gross or-
"Of course I'm not mad darling, I'm pretty sure it's a bit late to be mad when we've been dating six months and this is far from the first time you've drooled on me." Right. Of course. Whats Mike even thinking? It's Will of course he isn't mad, he'd never be.
"Yeah- yeah. Sorry." Mikes eyes drop to his lap as he swallows quickly. He's not sure why he's so nervous or why he's betraying every plan he had for tonight.
Mike had thought out how tonight would go and this is definitely not it. He was supposed to stay big and be a safely away from things that could make him slip, like laying across Wills chest. He even wore his most uncomfortable jeans to make sure he didn't get the normal comfort he gets when small. His long sleeve Hellfire shirt to cover bruises, tight black skinny jeans to keep him sort of stiff, black nail polish picked partly off to distract himself and even his watch that will beep when his parents arrive home from the house party they went to tonight.
While game night is always ended with a sleepover in the Byers living room, Mike still wants to know when his parents will be home. Maybe he can get Nancy to drop him off? It might be better for him to be at home away from so many people. Or maybe that's worse? If he slipped at home he could have a repeat of before. He can't tell which risk he wants to take.
"Mike what's wrong?" He looks up at Will with a head tilt, he's fine. Or he thinks he's at least acting fine.
"You keep pulling your hair, you only do that when you're stressed." Shit he's right, Mike untangles the hand he had at the nape of his neck with a tug. He's always hated that habit, it only got worse after receiving his classification. Then again it makes sense, he always seems to be stressed out in some shape or form.
"Schools just been kinda hard and I have homework to do when I go home." It's not a lie but it feels like one. Mike does have homework to do and school has been extra rough lately, it still feels like he just lied straight to Wills face and Mike hates that feeling. It has him nauseous.
"Well you can worry about it later because tonight's about relaxing." Will grins as he leans up to put his arms around Mike shoulders then flop them both onto the full size bed. A few laughs coming from both partners as Will legs end up tangled in Mikes and Mikes head tucked under Wills chin.
"Yeah, you're right." He can relax without slipping, it won't be that hard.
It is that hard and Mike has no idea what to do but panic. He was playing uno like he promised Max, it was them, Dustin, El, Will and Lucas all playing. The whole party while the older kids did some board game with Hopper and Joyce. It's fun and has relaxed Mike a significant amount but that is the issue it seems.
He's so relaxed that he can feel his headspace practically pushing his brain into little mode. He needs to get out of here or he's gonna slip and he's gonna start to cry because his ribs still hurt and his parents would be so mad at him if they knew he was regressing and-
"Mike?" He genuinely jumps away from the hand Steve put on his shoulder. He flinched so hard that he's now standing across from everyone in the room with labored breathing. Shit! Shit! Not a panic attack right now! The last thing Mike needs right now is a panic attack.
"Honey just breathe, it's okay." He jolts at Wills hand on his forearm.
"Don't touch me!" Mike feels his stomach drop through his throat at just how loud that was and how taken back Will looks.
"I'm- I'm sorry- I didn't mean to yell at you- I just- please don't touch me- I can't- I'm sorry." He stops even attempting trying to talk and instead lets his feet stumble backwards til he's pressed against the wall beside the couch and where the hallway begins.
Mikes hands tremble when he peers down at them and that's definitely not a good sign. Shit. He takes in a shaky breath while reaching to press flat at his chest, he can feel his heart beat, but also how fast and heavy his chest is heaving. He needs to calm down, he knows that, everything is going to go to shit if Mike doesn't get himself out of this panicked state.
"Mike how can we help? Tell us what to do." Nancy's right there and Mike almost just reaches for her. She'd hold him into her chest and murmur things about how adorable he is, he loves his sister for that, that loving sisterly energy she always gives. He can't have that now though, he's still fight against his little headspace.
"Too- too much-." There's too many lights and sounds and people around. He wants to be alone where he can curl into a ball and stop being so concerned with other people seeing him.
"Too much what? Was it too loud?" It was but it was a good kind of loud until Mike realized that it was having him slip. He nods to Nancy before sliding down to the floor so he can prop up his knees and tuck his face into the fronts of them with his arms shielding his head away.
"Okay, okay, we turned off the music and tv. Does that help?" Not really. It's apparently too late for that as Mikes brain can't even focus on one solid breath or even just not replaying the events of his parents.
"Do you hear me?! You are ruining this family!"
Mike feels like screeching but refrains to rather choke a sob into his knees. He hates this, he's use to panic attacks by now but still hates the crying bit. It doesn't always happen and only really gets like this when something bad has been going on. It's still somehow worse than any of the beatings or arguments combined, Mike would rather light his skin aflame than cry willingly.
"Darling what can we do to help?" Leave him alone, make him a caregiver, make his life more than a big disappointment. But none of that's reasonable so Mike just tries to sniffle the already falling tears back.
"It's- it's still too much. Everything is too much." The lights are far too bright and he knows there’s more than an acceptable amount of eyes on him as he crumbles apart.
"Okay, alright Steve and Johnathan can take everyone else outside." Mike nods shortly to Joyce's worried words.
"Can you try to look at me? Just look up here bub." That makes a sob crack loose of Mikes chest. Nancy only ever uses that nickname when he's regressed, it originates from his childhood and the nights he'd sneak up into her bed after a bad dream. She'd lull him back to sleep with sweet murmurs and that damn nickname spoken in a gentle whisper.
"I can take you home if you want-."
"No! Please don't make me- no! I can't go there, no, I don't want to, I want to be safe. Please I just want to be be safe." He cruses his little side for being so honest with Nancy and how he knows for sure she heard the fear in his tone.
"Honey all the monsters are gone, you are safe and everyone is here safe too. We're all okay." Mike has a spurt of love spike as he hears Will reassure so gracefully, not a single doubt behind the words.
Although it's not monsters that scare Mike, not the 'other-dimension' kind at least, his monsters sleep down the hall and eat bad meatloaf together every Tuesday evening. They aren’t gone and definitely make him far from safe, if Mike lived in a perfect world where there was a never a monster real to him, he’d be halfway across the world with a different set of parents and maybe a better childhood. One that wasn’t plagued by demons and death, one lived out in the Byers backyard not a thought of worry, eating spaghetti with extra cheese and not having to skip the meal all together as it reminds Mike of what he saw in the upside down and has him gagging. He would go live in that world in a heartbeat. Maybe too quickly if he’s being honest, but there’s a main point that stands out in that world, he’d be a caregiver.
A caregiver that helps his little friends all the time instead of just sometimes. He’d be able to stay big at all times, go live out his dreams not worrying about what awaits him at home. His father would throw those punches or drink that sour smelling alcohol. His mother would look at Mike with adoration and pride instead of disgust and disappointment. His sister wouldn’t have to deal with him crawling to her for comfort. His friends could lean their heads on his shoulder instead of the other way around.
Mike longs for that life. But he knows it’s out of reach. He hates that he can’t have it and it only has him more stressed. Maybe his parents are right and he’ll never be anything in life, maybe he’s bound to rely on them til the day he dies, never leave this cursed town or even that house of horrors. Maybe he really is just a disappointment!
“Mike! Mike stop! Stop- kid- kid calm down you’ll hurt yourself even more.” He can’t calm down and he has no idea why Hopper is restraining his arms back. He doesn’t want to be touched and he definitely doesn’t want his wrists pinned like when his father leans to burn his cigar out on Mikes collar bone.
“Get off! Get off! Please stop!” Mike takes a moment to realize that he’s yelling and crying extremely loud. Louder than loud, he’s almost screeching while thrashing in Hoppers hold.
"I can’t do that kid, you were pulling your hair too tight.” He was what? He doesn’t notice it til that moment but his scalp is tender with pain and hands are in tight fists. Shit.
Mike stills and looks up at Hopper with confusion that quickly switches to dread. He has him pinned- Mike can’t do anything to get out of this grasp. He can’t defend himself in any way shape or form. Shit, shit, shit!
“Don’t- don’t hurt me, I’m sorry! Please I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He begs and takes all his energy to stop crying, his father always got more angry the more Mike cried and maybe Hoppers the same.
“Woah, Woah, Mike breathe. I’m not going to hurt you, I’d never hurt you kid.” It’s not all that much helpful but Hopper does let his hands loosen over Mikes wrists. Mike breathes a short breath of calm.
“Can you let go? I- I won’t pull my hair.” Not purposely at least.
“Okay kid, just try to keep breathing.” His breathing isn’t perfect or anywhere close to it but it’s enough that has Mikes chest not so tight.
That calmness is quickly thrown out the window when Nancy’s appearing beside Mike with a loud gasp. Mike furrows his brows but peers down to where Nancy’s staring, his shirts pushed up enough to show the purple bruise still on his ribs, Mike quickly gets the shirt pulled down and sits up to look at Nancy wide eyed. Shit.
“Mike what happened….” Nancy trails off as tears well up in her eyes. Mike stumbles to his knees so he can try to explain that very incriminating bruise that’s surely enough for Hopper to go arrest his father.
“It’s not what you think! I- I fell, yeah, I fell.” It’s an awful lie but Mikes never been good at keeping secrets from his sister once she had an idea of what could’ve happened.
“Oh baby.” Joyce puts a hand on Nancy’s shoulder and Mike squirms under the gazes. Hoppers putting the pieces together as his eyebrows raise up his forehead, Will has a few tears sliding down that he’s quick to cover, Nancy turns her head into Joyce’s neck and Joyce just gives this look of understanding mixed with concern.
“I swear I fell! I totally fell, like- like down the stairs at home and- and…..” Nobody seems to be believing Mike so he stops talking all together.
“Mike did dad do that?” Nancy wipes her puffy eyes with a turn to Mike. He bites his bottom lip and urges his hand away from his still pained scalp to instead fidget with the hem of his shirt.
“Mike you need to tell me.” He closes his eyes with a breath, all he has to do is say it. He knows how bad everything will be afterwards but he can’t not say it.
“Yeah he did. But- but I deserved it and I should’ve known better and-! Nancy please, I deserved it, you can’t be mad at him!” His sister stands in a fury of sisterly protection that Mike follows quickly to try and stop.
“Mike, listen very carefully, no matter what happened or what you think you did, you didn’t deserve any of it. Nobody deserves to get hit by their father.” Joyce cuts in as her eyes flick to Will for a moment.
“No- no I did! I- I slipped at home and I’m not supposed to do that! I know I’m not, I broke the rules! It wasn’t even that bad! It’s far from the worst I’ve had!” Mike brushes his hands through his hair a few times as his volume raises throughout the explanation. He really did know it was a bad idea and what would come if he ever regressed at home.
“Wait- is this because you regressed?” Shit.
“Nance it’s fine, I should’ve known better.” He gives the most assuring tone he can but Nancy’s eyes light up like flames.
“I’m gonna kill him!” She’s spinning on her heels to grab the nail-filled bat that sits by the front door since everything with the upside-down went down.
Nancy storms out the door, bat up by her shoulder, walk like she’s running the world and nothing can stop her. Mike rushes to follow her outside, he knows how serious she is and it’s not going to be pretty if she gets to that house.
“Steve, Johnathan let’s go!” Both her boyfriends jaws go partly slack jaw at Nancy snatching Steve’s keys out of his back pocket and stalking to the car but they jump to follow her.
“Nancy wait!”
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akeijies · 3 years
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mitsuya t. x reader
summary: mitsuya and reader are in the same club, cute pining, secret kisses, hushed confessions. college au but toman is still a thing hehe
contains: fluff, lots of fluff. the tiniest bit of angst like a sentence tiny draken appearance, headcanons and a little drabble
you and mitsuya are in the same club and you always admired how nice and soft spoken he was, he’s so nice to everyone and offers so much encouragement and big smiles and it just made you fall
the both of you start talking when he offers to help you with a sewing project, or he asks if you could model something for him so he could see how it looks on someone
eventually you both talk a lot more, he cracks little jokes, flashes his smiles, runs his hands through his cropped hair. you tease him about his little yelps whenever he sticks himself with a needle and the way his eyes light up like a kid in a candy shop whenever a piece he’s working on comes out perfect
the first time takashi kissed you was when he had a custom piece that he just finished and you wanted to be the first person to see it in all of its beauty
he thought your excitement was really cute and you were just showering him in little praises and he got all blushy and bashful like
“it’s not that great— it just a little something”
“yeah a little something that you made!”
his lips were really soft and it was this sweet soft kiss that made your eyes flutter shut and you only opened them after you both pulled away with a little sigh oh my
after that day you both spend a lot more time in the club room, shoulders pressed together, quick kisses once the club room frees of everyone but the two of you, fingers that brush against the others neck when they go to fix a collar or grab the measuring tape that hangs on shoulders
you both normally leave the club room and go your separate ways but one day it’s raining and takashi offers to take you home on his bike because no one‘s out on the street and he doesn’t want you walking in the rain by yourself
it’s a quiet ride home the both of you just the tiniest bit awkward in this environment outside the comfort of the club room but it’s nice, with your arms wrapped around his waist and your head resting on his back
you don't pass anyone who stands out on the street, but someone pulls up next to the bike that you and takashi ride and it's two guys one with longer blond hair and the one behind him has the end of a ponytail barely poking out from the bottom of his helmet
they don't say anything and you feel a little off so you tighten your arms around takashi an a few seconds after that the other bike rides off leaving you both behind.
eventually you both get to your house and takashi helps you off the bike and he offers you a hug and he can tell what you're probably thinking and he gives you a small smile and just "those were my friends, they were just reminding me that we have somewhere to be tonight is all. don't worry."
you know he’s in toman, it’s something that never ceases to worry you but you never ever bring it up because it’s not your business. takashi is grown enough to handle himself
the next day takashi isn't at club and your heart is in your chest and you can barely stay in the room after everyone leaves and when you walk outside the door and the same guy who was on the back of the bike from yesterday and he's cut up a little bit and he's got some scratches on his face and it doesn't make you feel any better.
"mitsuya's okay."
"he's fine, he's outside actually. he didn't want everyone to see his face and ask questions."
"you're not helping at all."
you see takashi, outside and your heart leaps because he doesn't look like your imagined and he only has a couple of cuts and bandages on his face and he's deadpanning at the guy next to you and it makes a little laugh bubble out of you
"i could have went and got her myself, draken."
"yeah but you were taking too long so i did it." draken gives you a tiny smile that turns into a little smirks when he looks at mitsuya. "i'll see you later"
"you need to be more careful," you step closer to him; space smaller than it's ever been without any excuse to be.
your hands slowly come up to graze his jaw where a small bruise is formed and your heart aches when he winces away from your touch.
mitsuya sees the hurt flash in your eyes and he immediately grabs your wrist and places a small kiss to your palm, like he's telling you your touch could never hurt him.
"it was just a little fight, it wasn't too crazy." he sees how that didn't really help anything and he gives this cute, kiddish, quirk of a smile before, "--you should see the other guy."
that makes a laugh bubble out of you and you close the gap between the two of you and pulling him into a hug, that must hurt a little bit by how tense he is but he wraps his arms back around you, squeezing you back.
you both stand in the shadows for a while trading kisses, hands ghosting against each other's backs over sweaters and jackets.
mitsuya walks you home again once you both finally pull away from each other. legs move at a lethargic pace, backroads get taken, knuckles brush against each others. he tells you about draken and how they actually have the same tattoo, he laughs at your reaction because it's expected but so cute, and how mikey is a really great leader and friend and how he's really thankful for toman, and how he knows it's a dangerous thing to be involved in but he's happy he's involved in it with them.
you're at your house and you welcome him inside to press more kisses against his cheeks and his neck. your fingers trace where you imagine his tattoo to be.
he tucks his face into your neck and whispers about how he wishes he could take you out on a date, and that these little happenings couldn't only happen in little shadows and clubrooms and your bedroom, but he wouldn't know what to do if someone after him saw you and did something to you to hurt him.
you shut him up with more kisses, each one more heated than the last and explain to him that you understand and that you're fine with this and you're more than fine with him and that he's worried about bridges that you may or may not have to cross.
mitsuya leaves later that night. both of you drunk on intricately places touches, lips swollen with love, eyes full of comfort and smiles laced with the small promises of tomorrow.
you fall back into bed, body sprawled and limbs loose and you allow your heart to ease once you finally receive the "i'm home <3" text from mitsuya and you shoot back a response before letting your eyes droop shut.
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dairyminki · 3 years
hi , congrats for reaching 100 milestones . Can i request a fluffy + angst seonghwa x femreader fic from the prompt 288 and 319 , thankyouu . i really enjoy reading your writings so muchh btw ❤️💕
288. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you?” “I didn’t want it like this! Not like this…”
319. “I just want this day to go by in silence, ok?” “Sure, whatever you want.” “Thank you.”
↬ pairing: park seonghwa x fem!reader
↬ genre: angst, fluff, bodyguard au, enemies to friends (?), pining
↬ warning: none
↬ wc: 810
↬ a/n: this fic turned out to be more angsty than fluffy >< tysm and i hope you like this anon <333
"You got what you wanted, didn’t you?"
"I didn't want it like this! Not like this…"
Seonghwa argues back, but with every jab of your finger on his chest, it makes him take a few steps back.
"Didn't want it like this? Sure! I bet you wanted something much worse right? Like, I don't know, make them send me into another country so as I wouldn't disgrace our family name, thus, making my parents dote on you more as if you were their own child, and not me?!"
Head hung low, Seonghwa refuses to look into your face full of spite and anger. He doesn't want to see the tears already running down your face as you straight out accused him of things he wouldn't even dare do to you in the slightest.
"C'mon speak up, you coward! I'm sure you're the one who told my father about it, you fucking snitch!" A punch on his chest. "After all, you've taken all of my friends, my parents love and attention - so now, why not throw me out of the picture, right?" Another punch.
Seonghwa doesn't speak nor argue with you any further and just willingly took every punch coming from you until you'll finally have it in you to calm down.
It pains him more to see you crying than the punches you constantly gave him.
"I'm sorry." Is all he says as he embraces your weakened form - physically and emotionally tired from all the crying you just did.
When he doesn't hear you speak, he checks, only to find you already asleep. Seonghwa smiles sadly as he carried you in his arms until he reached your room - where he laid you in bed and remained by your side, wishing to himself that you'll finally open your eyes from your false thinking of him being your enemy or someone whom you should loathe.
Because as much as a brat you are and even if you tend to always get on Seonghwa's nerves, he cares for you, and he will continue to do so until the very day that you'll realize he only wants your love and attention, not everybody else's.
Three days.
Seonghwa gave you three days to think and have your own space, without him tailing behind you like your shadow all the damn time - which he knew, always irritated you, while it made him smile.
In those three days, you locked yourself in your room, refusing to talk to anyone, including him and the maids. What disappointed him the most was when your parents left for business immediately after the fight you had with them without even checking up on you first. But him, they gave a smile, a goodbye, and asked what he wants them to bring him when they get back (which he refused).
How can a parent treat a stranger with such kindness and fondness, but not their own kin?
Seonghwa always wondered that and can now see why you hate him so much.
The first time he worked for your family was when he was 16 and was immediately appointed as your bodyguard. Your parents, he first looked highly up to, but now he's lost respect for them.
How can he not, when they can't even respect their own blood?
With every smile he fakes when he's at your parent's center of attention, his heart shatters as you only look at him with hatred, nothing else.
Cutting off the film of memories, Seonghwa sighs, gaze strained on the green green grass and the flowers in full bloom swaying with the warm summer air.
However, he doesn't get to dwell much in solitude and the thoughts of you as you join him down the garden patio in your floral dress and summer hat.
You sat down on the chair opposite of his, not meeting his eyes as you casually took the plate of cake he brought for himself as if it were yours.
You didn't even give him enough time to be surprised with your sudden appearance as you spoke,
"I just want this day to go by in silence, ok?"
Seonghwa finds himself agreeing with you anyway. "Sure, whatever you want." He shrugs, and was about to take the iced tea for himself, but then, you took it first.
Sipping on it, before saying a warm, "Thank you," with a smile gracing your lips.
Seeing that directed at him for the first time, Seonghwa doesn't even mind the fact that you stole his cake and iced tea. Your smile blinded him and it was the only thing he could think of.
Because as much as a brat you are and even if you tend to always get on Seonghwa's nerves, it doesn't change the fact that you were the sole cause for his heart skipping a beat and the one making his head spin.
♡ 100 Milestone Event
taglist: @hwaelle @binniesstay @hxneyboy @enivivs @tohokuu @goodvibecorner @joti17 @umbralhelwolf
can't tag: @cheline @pshwaa
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blindingdutchy · 3 years
lamentation | SEVEN
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{peter parker x fem!reader AU}
based on All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
word count: 4,000
warnings: fluff. angst. language. not even sure why i warn for angst anymore this whole story is just angsty af
18+!!! minors stay away!
In the following few weeks, you realized two things. One: Peter Parker was definitely not subtle. The other being that you were definitely in way over your head. There was no denying the stupid butterflies in your stomach anymore, or the way you found yourself expecting his touch before it even came.
It seemed as though the two of you were like magnets; a constant tug gravitating the pair of you back to each other with an unstoppable force. If you weren't together, he was on your mind, and like he could sense you thinking of him he'd be quick to reach out in some way or another. Be it appearing at your side, all happy grins and playful eyes, or calling your phone no matter the time with his stupidly adorable stutter--Peter seemed to think of you just as much as you thought of him.
The more that you thought of him, the more that you wished you didn't. It was terrifying. You wished that you could pull away again, to push him back out of your heart and lock those iron bars tight once more, but your heart had grown selfish and stubborn. It was as if you were the one locked out anymore; the control over your feelings slipping further and further from your clutches with every toothy smile Peter sent your way.
Like a magnet, he held you in place. Oh, to be held by... You slapped a pillow over your face and screamed, holding it so tightly that your nose ached and you couldn't breath. Peter Parker was like a disease. A stupid, all-consuming, utterly infatuating disease of the mind and the spirit.
You knew that you were wasting time, undoubtedly causing yourself to risk being late for school with every minute that passed as you continued to lay in your bed, but you couldn't bring yourself to get up. Already, your mother and father both had knocked at your door on multiple occasions and questioned if you were sick, and now you were regretting saying no. It would have been so easy to avoid him if you'd just played hookie.
But, with midterms in the near future, you knew it wasn't the best idea. The realization had come to you in the night. A moment so insignificant, so mundane, but it had been as if a switch were flipped in your mind. A light was turned on, so to speak, and illuminated all the thoughts and emotions you'd been so tirelessly repressing.
Talking on the phone with Peter was like a drug, and talking on the phone to him at night was a dangerous game. Under the dull light of a crescent moon and the ridiculous teddy-bear night light that was plugged into your wall, a lingering remnant of your sister's presence in the space, your inhibitions were always low. With sleepiness your walls were always lowered, and he'd unknowingly put a fatal crack in the foundation.
You rolled onto your stomach on your bed, kicking your feet through the air like a little kid as you fought back the grin that always seemed to worm its way across your lips when you were talking to him. "So, how do you like Ned and MJ?" Peter asked, and you could almost picture him mirroring your position as you heard the quiet rustle of blankets over the line. A little giggle bubbled out of your mouth at the thought.
What a sight that would be, Peter kicking his legs to and fro like a school girl in love. "They're cool. I kinda like that MJ doesn't even pretend to hide the fact that she thinks I'm weird. I don't--I don't know, it's refreshing I guess. Ned's sweet." you rambled, and it was the truth.
Ned and MJ were easily slipping into the fortress that shielded your heart with every passing day. Somehow, it wasn't as terrifying as you'd expected it to be. Perhaps that was because they didn't harbor a secret identity with which they risked their lives every single night, or maybe it was just because you'd come to realize that letting people in wasn't so bad. Not everyone was going to die on you.
Michelle Jones really didn't pretend not to think you were weird, not even a little bit. Her blunt and honest nature was a nice change from the quiet stares that seemed to follow your every move; MJ wasn't much for staring. Rather, she boldly told you what she was thinking without any shred of doubt.
And Ned, sweet Ned Leeds, was like a puppy personified. Always happy, always smiling, and always waiting to offer you compliments when you approached. You couldn't remember the last time someone had dared compliment your hair, your smile, or your outfits. Ned made it impossible to feel anything but comfort and joy in his presence, even his awkward nature was endearing.
"I'm glad." Peter hummed, "They really like you. To be honest, though, I kinda like it when it's just us. Maybe I should have waited a little longer to share you."
There was a pang in your chest at his words. Peter had been subtly flirting with you for days now, but this was more direct. He didn't have to come right out and say it for his implications to come across loud and clear, and that magnetic pull grew stronger.
So strong, in fact, that you murmured back, "I like it when it's just us, too."
If you had just kept your mouth shut, maybe he wouldn't have been so bold as to say, "Not gonna let them steal your heart from me, are you?"
The words were right at the tip of your tongue. Your heart was screaming, never! Nobody could ever steal me away from you, Peter! Yet, your mind was racing with a million and one horrible thoughts that made you feel as though your mouth was full of mud.
The silence between yourself and Peter grew thick as it drew on, no words escaping your lead-like lips. The voice in your brain, the one that sounded like your sister yet you knew was not her, was ringing in your ears. How could you ever fall in love, when she never could? How could you give your heart away, when she never had the chance?
You took that chance away from her. You stole it. This thing, whatever the weird force between the two of you was, was all stolen time, stolen opportunities, and stolen lives.
"Good night, (Y/N). I'll see you at school?"
You whispered, "Yes." The line went dead, and you felt cold.
Those simple words from Peter, with meaning and intention that was far from simple, were all it took to send the walls, bars, and barbed wire around your heart crumbling into nothing. With no protection, no barrier between yourself and the dangers of everyone else, your mind was working on overdrive. It would have been so easy to let him in, had that voice remained quiet, and yet you were steadily building those bricks back into place.
Now, all that was left to do was to steal your heart back. When had he managed to take it from you? Had he snuck in during the night, slipping through the strategically placed cracks and weak points he'd created, and stole away with it undetected? Had he taken it that first night, without you ever noticing?
As you finally released the pressure over the pillow on your face, sucking in a shaky breathe and letting all the heavy things crash over you again, tears burned your eyes. You didn't want to push Peter away. You didn't want to be the reason he was hurt, upset, or angry--you weren't ready to be the villain in his story.
"Mom?" you called out, knowing she was lingering close by.
Proving you correct, the door to your bedroom cracked open only seconds later and your mother's worried eyes fell upon your blinking ones. She definitely saw the troubled look on your face, the tears in your eyes, yet she held back from mentioning any of it as she asked, "Are you sick, honey?"
You nodded, the lump in your throat aiding your act as you croaked, "Yes. I don't feel good."
She frowned a little, knowing that you were bending the truth of the matter. Your mother was perceptive, and with the emotion all over your face, it easy for her to know that this wasn't some stomach bug or sore throat. To your relief, though, she resigned, "I'll call you out of school for the day. I'll be in my office if you need me."
Tomorrow, you could be the villain. For today, though, you were content to avoid your troubles and wallow in your self pity. At least this way you had some time to slip back into your stoic, cold demeanor before you had to face him. Time to prepare yourself to be alone again, because you knew that once you pushed Peter Parker away, Ned and MJ would be quick to follow him.
Sleep didn't come for you like you hoped it would. Well, it did, but then you found yourself dreaming of Peter and woke with a start. School had started an hour ago, and already there were a flurry of confused and increasingly alarmed messages from him lighting up your phone screen. Even though you couldn't hold back from reading them, you locked it before you found yourself replying as if on autopilot.
Pete: are you late
Pete: i'm at your locker
Pete: hello?
Pete: i'm going to class... see you there?
Pete: are you okay? you said you'd be here
Pete: at least let me know you're aldkhdkfj
You spent the day in your room, ignoring Peter and ignoring the world. Occasionally your mother would crack open your door to check on you, fussing over feeling your forehead despite the fact that you both knew you didn't have a fever, and tittering little comments about getting rest and staying hydrated. She knew you weren't sick, yet you were grateful she didn't try to pry.
As much as you wanted to tell her all of the things that were on your mind, the reasons that you were upset, you couldn't. You couldn't tell her all of the awful things you were thinking, and see the way her face would contort in anguish over you. You certainly couldn't listen to her telling you that it wasn't your fault, you weren't wrong for liking a boy, and your sister would want you to be happy. Even if you knew, in some deep part of your brain, that it was true.
Pete: got my phone taken in calculus sorry
Pete: I'm at lunch now, are you okay?
Pete: are you sick?
Pete: like... actually sick?
Peter really was relentless. You wondered how long it would take for him to catch onto what you were doing, or if he would at all. Would he understand why you suddenly gave him the cold shoulder? Would he understand, and be okay when you pushed him away again?
Pete: I'm in speech now.
Pete: we got the class to work on the speech and you're not here
Pete: not that we could do much anyways since you're so stubborn but still
Pete: okay what is going on
Pete: (Y/N)
Pete: please talk to me
Reading all of his messages kept the ache in your chest alive, stopping the numbness from creeping back in. You wished you could put your phone down, turn it off even, but it was like a cruel an addicting game to read each message as it arrived. You found yourself watching the little three dots as he typed another message eagerly, even if he was far from happy.
When school ended, he called. You let it ring each time, watching his name scroll across your screen over and over again until it ended. Once, twice, three times--he finally stopped calling, not leaving a voicemail.
For awhile, you wondered if that was it. Was he done? Had he caught on? Had he figured you out just as easily as he always seemed to do? Had Peter given up?
Pete: i know what you're doing
Pete: i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable
Pete: we can just be friends if that's what you want
It wasn't what you wanted, and that was the problem. You didn't want to be friends with Peter Parker. Well, you didn't want to just be friends with him. You wanted to know what his touch felt like when it was deliberate and welcoming, not the fleeting and curious brushes of his skin on yours. To be held by him, to taste his lips, to hold his heart in your hands like he already held yours--you wanted so much more than friendship with Peter, and that made you a thief and a fraud.
You: that's not what i want
You were weak. A weak, cowardly idiot is what you were, and you threw your phone on your bed with a groan as you realized what you'd done. The voice in your mind whispered insults, taunting you for being so easily broken.
Pete: what do you mean
You: i don't want to be friends with you Peter
Pete: oh
One simple word, and you realized he had taken that in a completely different way than you had meant it. Yet, you didn't correct him. You didn't explain that you meant you didn't want to just be friends. Maybe this was your chance--an easy way to kick him outside your walls without having to see it firsthand.
The chance didn't last long. A quiet knock sounded on your window, and your heart froze in your chest as you tried to sink deeper into your bed. It was the wind, you told yourself, until the knock sounded again and slightly louder. You could see the shadow on your floor out of the corner of your eye, and you buried your face into your pillow to block it out. If you ignored him, he would go away, and this would all be over.
After a few more knocks, it was silent for awhile, and you tempted a look at the floor only to frown at the sight of the shadow missing. He was gone, and you were alone again. Your lip quivered at the thought; what had you done? It was a mistake. This was a mistake.
You didn't want to push him away. You wanted him to hold your heart. You wanted Peter Parker as your friend, as more than a friend, hell, as anything as long as it was with you. But now? Going back on your word and dragging him back in again would be pathetic. He didn't deserve such treatment, especially not from you.
So, you pulled your pillow back over your face and let the tears fall. Your hot breath burned your eyes and made you feel sticky and gross, but you didn't care one bit. It felt cathartic to cry, like returning to a familiar place you'd been skirting around for ages. Crying over Peter was different than crying over your sister; the hurt was different, but one thing was the same: both were all your fault.
"Go away, mom." you whined, barely hearing the sound of your door unlatching over your muffled sniffles. It creaked further open, and you groaned, pressing the pillow harder onto your face, "Mom, please, I just want to be alone."
A throat cleared, and you froze. That wasn't your mother, the voice was deeper. The sound was still too light to be your father's, though, and that left one option that made your blood run cold. He didn't--did he?
He did. Peter pried the pillow out of your hands, all red cheeks and sad eyes as he stared at you in a sullen silence. "Why are you doing this?" he whispered, "Why are you pushing me away?"
You blinked at him, too paralyzed by the sight of his fluttering eyelids and pouting lips to speak. It must have been a sight to see you like that, your face red and blotchy, streaked with tears and snot that you'd been too lazy to wipe away. He didn't look away from your eyes, though, gazing into them with an intensity that dared you to look away.
Sensing that you weren't going to speak, he pressed on, "(Y/N), what is going on? I don't--It's okay if you don't like me back, I can deal with that. I want to be your friend, though. I thought you wanted to be mine, too."
Voice scratchy, you muttered, "I don't."
Something changed in him, and suddenly Peter was raking a hand through his hair as he frowned deeply. You wanted to smooth the crease between his brows, but you felt frozen. He was angry; he was angry with you, and he didn't hold back as he snapped, "That's bullshit, and you know it. If you didn't want to be friends, then why did you make that deal? Why did you let me make a complete fool of myself just to get your attention? Why did you let me introduce you to my friends? Stop lying to me!"
"I'm not!" you yelped, sitting up frantically and wiping at your face, finally. "I'm not lying, Pete!"
He threw his head back at the nickname, a sigh of exasperation forcing its way from his lips, nostrils flared. "I don't get you, (Y/N). I don't get you at all." he growled, facing you again with a heavy brow.
You gripped your blankets tightly, bunching them around your waist as you blinked at him with wide eyes. "I don't want to just be your friend, Peter!" you burst, "I don't want to just be your friend, and I don't know why. You make me feel all these things that terrify me, but I keep chasing after you and whatever those things are! It was so easy being alone, okay? Then suddenly you came swinging into my life and made everything so--so complicated!"
Your mother's face peered into your room, eyes blown wide in surprise, but the moment you glanced at her she backed away with a bitten smile and you flushed. You didn't get the chance to dwell on the fact that she'd been eavesdropping, though, because Peter sat on the edge of your bed and bit the inside of his cheek, blinking at you with teasing eyes.
"So, you like me?"
Eyes narrowed, you grumbled, "Are you really going to make me say it, Pete? After all of that?"
A sly grin stretched across his lips, cheeks puffing out adorably and making you bite your own to keep from grinning too. He tutted, raising his ruffled brow as he jabbed, "After everything else today? I think it's the least you could do."
You were screwed. His fingertips barely caressed the backs of your knuckles, and you shakily grabbed them before he pulled away again. "I like you, jerk." you mumbled, screwing your eyes shut as you felt your face burn in embarrassment.
Peter just chuckled, squeezing your hand as you felt your bed shift under his weight. "I don't want to just be your friend, either." his breathe fanned over your cheek, and your eyes snapped open to find his face closer than ever. If you just turned, ever so slightly, his lips would brush your own... He kissed your cheek softly, backing away with a tiny smile that you matched. "I like you a lot. Probably more than like, really."
"That scares me." you whispered, eyes still latched onto his, "Peter, you scare me."
He took a long moment to answer, weighing heavily the words he would utter next, before finally telling you, "You scare me, too, but I think it's worth it."
A gentle tapping at your door crashed through the moment, both of your faces burning a deep red as you turned to face your mother's sheepish smile. "Sorry, sorry, don't mind me--"
"Mom!" you wailed, slapping your hands over your face in mortification as she stealthily slipped into your room and dropped a box of condoms onto your dresser before racing away again. "Oh, I can't believe she--Mom! Did you really have to do that?"
Peter was laughing boisterously, head thrown back and eyes shut, though you could tell he was flustered too from the cherry red color that creeped down from his face and under his shirt. As humiliated as you were by your mother's actions, you couldn't help but to feel a little grateful for the interruption. The intensity, the tension in the air, had disappeared with the intrusion, and things felt a little bit lighter again.
You flopped back onto your bed, still pouting over the spectacle, as Peter breathed out, "That's so something Aunt May would have done, too."
At least you weren't alone in the embarrassing family department, you thought to yourself as Peter threw himself down beside you. She meant well, obviously, but did she really think that you and Peter were going to go from admitting you liked each other to ripping each other's clothes off in one night? Well, you were eighteen--maybe she had a bit of a reason to be so hasty.
"Do you think it's worth it?" Peter questioned, and you turned your head to face him, trying to ignore the close proximity of his face to your own. "Liking me?"
You chewed at your lip, listening for that voice in your head that had suddenly gone silent. "Yeah, yeah I do." you responded, and his face split in a blushing smile. You did think it was worth it, because being with him reminded you of all the good feelings you missed out on when he wasn't around. "I just wish we could have been like this before. Maybe then I wouldn't feel like I'm stealing her life."
He grew serious in an instant, eyebrows furrowing as he stated, "I don't." At the sight of your confusion, he continued, "I don't wish we met before. Can you honestly say that you're the same person you were before?"
He nodded, "Exactly. Stuff like that... It changes you. I would know, remember? You wouldn't be the you that I like, and if Uncle Ben were here maybe I wouldn't be who you like, either."
You had to admit, he had a point. "I guess so." you pondered aloud.
"You're not stealing her life, either, (Y/N). She would have wanted you to be happy, to do all the things she never got to. It took me a long time to stop thinking that way, too, but I did. It wasn't your fault, and you can't miss out on stuff just because of her." Peter advised, and you swallowed down the lump that was growing steadily in your throat, "She didn't give up her life for you to stop living yours."
Fuck, Peter really knew exactly what to say. You, however, were at a loss for words. He said all of the things that you'd needed to hear for so long, so perfectly, and it rocked you to your core. How did he know just what you needed to hear? The answer was simple--because he knew you, and he knew how you were feeling. He knew, because he had lived it.
Changing the subject, you asked, "So, what do we do now?"
You didn't have to explain for him to understand, and he swallowed thickly, "Do you... will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yeah. That might be worth it."
He scoffed, "Might be? Forget it, I don't want you to be my--"
"I want to be your girlfriend, Pete!" you cut him off, laughing loudly. "I really, really want to." So, maybe you lied when you said that Peter made things complicated. In fact, Peter made things incredibly easy--and that made it worth it.
SERIES TAGLIST {ask to be added}:
@msmimimerton @zendayasfwb @sweet-symphony @cherthegoddess @justsomebodyweird
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visander · 3 years
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This is my masterpost for @shadowhunterbingo​. Thank you so much to everyone who ran this event! This was my first year joining and it was so fun.
Mundane AU | Magnus is a very recently single father. Alec is Magnus' new bodyguard | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Single Parent | That was one good thing about having a difficult teenage son. Magnus knew that Raphael would put any of his romantic partners right to the test, even if Magnus wished he wouldn't | Malec, Magnus & Raphael, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fake Relationship | Simon had only been a shadowhunter for a few weeks when he asked Jace to sneak out and help him break into a police station to steal something for his friend | Jimon, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
New Years Eve | Jonathan was not meant to be loved. Sebastian was not meant to be dead. Both could be true. If something that was not meant to occur had to happen, Jonathan would choose the one in which Sebastian had not died for no reason | Jonathan/Sebastian, MCD, Dead dove: Do not eat | Ao3, tumblr. 
Spy AU | When Alec adopted a warlock, he expected that people would be watching him closely. He didn't expect the High Warlock to follow him while he was running errands | Magnus & Alec, Alec & Baby Max, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Mates | Alec thinks about the people he loves and he thinks about how differently he loves them | Magic (Meliorn/Alec/Magnus), gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Summoning | Jonathan summoned Raziel to beg for help but when the angel finally arrived, Jonathan found that he could not speak at all. Still, the angel heard him and Jonathan heard the angel, kind of | Jonathan Shadowhunter/Angel Raziel, NSFW, Consent Issues | Ao3, tumblr. 
Rivals | The rivalry between Magnus and Ragnor was the gossip of the downworld and really, who were they to deny the downworld a show? | Ragnor & Magnus, Side Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Christmas Fic | Magnus wasn't quite sure how he was going to spend his Christmas but struggling to close a rift in the middle of an icy hellscape as a sweet surprising shadowhunter offered him assistance wasn't quite what Magnus expected | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Reverse Verse | When Valentine decided to take his children and leave, he'd done so because he knew that Jocelyn was far beyond saving | Valentine/Luke, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Halloween Fic | There was something in Alec's apartment and he was pretty sure it was trying to seal him inside | Malec, Demon Magnus | Ao3, tumblr. 
Royalty AU | Being an orc, Magnus knew that the primarily nordic people of his village did not like him but Magnus didn't realize just how deep that hatred went | Malec, mature for violence | Ao3, tumblr. 
Free Space | Jace didn't go to the bar to watch Simon sing but when he realized Simon was on stage, he could think of nothing else. Afterwards, Jace knew he needed a distraction and he needed it now. Thankfully, Maia was more than willing to shove every thought right out of his head | Onesided Jimon, Jace/Maia | Ao3, tumblr.
Omega/Omega | When Alec presented as an omega instead of the alpha he knew he was supposed to be, he knew his life was over. Magnus was an omega and two omegas could never be together | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr.
Tentacles | Magnus finds out that Ragnor has another warlock mark, despite Ragnor's best efforts to hide it | Magnus & Ragnor, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fairies Made Them Do It | The Clave was offering Alec a chance at a life he'd never had but choosing that life would mean leaving everything Alec had ever known behind - including Meliorn | Meliorn/Alec, gen | Ao3, tumblr.
Vampire!Alec | With Magnus busy on a plane, Alec knew that it was up to him to plan he and Magnus' costumes for the party later. Thankfully, he had twitter to help him come up with ideas | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fairytale AU | There was one simple fact about Jace’s life. He could not live without Alec. So, when Alec was taken out into the ocean never to break the surface again, Jace knew that he had to follow him, no matter what it took to do so | Jace/Alec/Magnus, teen | Ao3, tumblr.
Sex Club | Sex clubs weren't exactly Raphael's thing but Simon liked them, so Raphael tended to go to make sure he was okay.On one of these occasions, Raphael happens to get lucky... for Simon | Simon/Raphael, implied Simon/Raphael/Izzy, mature for sexual location | Ao3, tumblr. 
Warlock!Izzy | When Isabelle Lightwood first realized she had magic, she'd gone to Magnus Bane for help. She didn't expect to meet a girl there, a girl who regardless of how many times they met, did not remember her | Izzy/Clary, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Soulmate AU | When everyone heard that Andrew and Lorenzo were soulmates, the entire school had assumed that it was a joke. They show everyone fairly quickly that it is not a joke | Reyhill, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Hurt/comfort | For a long time, Jonathan thought that Sebastian was just being nice to him to get something from him but at some point, Sebastian managed to convince him otherwise | Jonathan/Sebastian, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Truth Serum | Alec would have complimented Magnus if they were in any other situations - if Magnus hadn't been about to rip the words from Alec's throat that would mean the end for his people | Malec, teen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Ragnor Ships It | When Magnus woke Ragnor up in the middle of the night to give him the horrible suit he'd found, Magnus had truly expected that to be the end of it. He assumed he'd never see Ragnor actually wear the suit - until Ragnor showed up at Magnus' wedding, wearing it | Ragnor & Magnus, side malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Accidental Marriage | In which Alec and Magnus got married when Alec marched down the aisle and kissed Magnus, unbeknown to them both | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
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Lost on You
Chapter 10
Peter Parker x Sister!Reader Steve Rogers x Reader Avenger x Reader; Hybrid Social Media AU
Series Masterlist
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"Can we please talk?" Steve pleaded.
"Please Y/n,"he begged, his voice cracking, "Five minutes and I'll be out of your hair, for good. I promise."
"Okay," I agree.
As he closes the door, I take a look at his appearance. He doesn't look so good, I mean physically he looks the same, because of the serum. But if you really knew Steve, like the way I do, you can tell he isn't. His eyes immediately give him a way, dark circles surrounding them. They don't look as bright as they used to.
I can't help but feel bad for him, it's a normal human reaction. Even though he hurt me, that doesn't mean all the love we had went away. It's still there, maybe it'll always be there, but whether or not I want to continue that love, I just don't know if I can.
Steve stays by the door, trying to give me some space.
"I know I've apologized countless of times, but I still just need to say how utterly sorry I am. I don't think I'll ever not be sorry for what I have done. I hurt you, when I have promised you countless of times that I would never. You expressed your fears of relationships, having been hurt in the past and I had promised I would never do that. Yet here I am, no better than them, because not only did I do it, I broke that promise and your trust. If I have to spend my whole life making it up to you, I will," he starts off.
"That won't be necessary," I interject, I give him a wave continue.
"I love you, Y/n. And what happened that night, should have never happened. I can't even give you a real answer as to why it happened, other than the fact that we weren't thinking.
No, let me rephrase that, I wasn't thinking. I don't know what came over me, because why would I do that? Not when I have you. Not when our relationship was at it's all time best. Why would I throw all of that away for cheap mindless sex," he pauses, noticing my wince at that.
I nod for him to continue.
"I've kept myself up the last two weeks questioning why did I do it. And I don't have an answer. I just don't. And that's not good enough. It isn't. Because if the shoe was on the other foot, which I know it never would have been, I wouldn't accept that answer as well. And you don't have to, accept it. Because it's cowardly," he clears the lump in his throat, trying to hold back.
"I so badly wish I can go back to two weeks and never do that again, but I can't and now we have to deal with the consequences of it all, and that's all on me," he breaks.
"I love you so much. And I fucking ruined that. I was going to ask you to marry me and I fucked that up," he cries out, falling to the floor, his hands on his face as he cries.
"Steve," I rush over to his side, rubbing his back soothingly.
"I know that doesn't change anything, because I still cheated," he says looking over at me, his eyes red.
"It doesn't," I confirm, feeling myself begin to cry.
This is it.
We both know that.
That this moment right now, is our last.
We stay there, looking at each other as we cry. Steve reaches for me and brings me into his arms, and we just hold each other as we cry.
"I am so sorry," he cries into my hair, his grip tight, afraid to let go.
"I know," I cry into his chest, "I know you are."
After god knows how long, we slowly pull our faces away, still holding on to one another, just to get a look at our faces. The crying is now just silent tears rolling down our faces.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I know," my throat hurts, "I love you too."
I did the only thing I could think of, I let my heart take control, and I slowly leaned up to meet his lips. You can feel the desperation and heartache behind the kiss. The kiss got a little more heated, both of us so desperate, knowing that we will never be this way with each other again.
Next thing I knew, we were both naked in my bed, Steve hovering over me.
"Are you sure?" he asks, making sure I was okay with it.
"Yes," I whisper, trying to take in every feature on his face.
The way he looks while we make love for the last time.
There's something incredibly sad about making love for the last time, knowing that it will be the last time. Most couples don't have that pleasure of knowing the last time they made love was their last, so they don't get to treasure it. Always hoping that they could've had one more night together, just to know that there was love there.
Here in this moment, there is love. I don't doubt that Steve didn't love me, I know it. The look in his eyes in this very moment say everything I needed to know about our relationship, and I hope mine do as well.
The sadness, the love, the regret, it's all there.
We try our best not to cry, but we can't help it. It's sad.
It's sad knowing that this great love is over. And not knowing if you'll ever find one like it again. Or even not knowing if you'll ever love again.
After we're done, we lay there, not in each other's arms. We remain quiet, seeing which one will be the first to say the final goodbye.
"Steve," I whisper so quietly, that if not for his super soldier hearing I don't think he would've been able to hear.
He looks over at me, tears rolling down his face. He nods his head, knowing what I'm thinking.
He slowly gets out of my bed and makes his way around the room getting his clothes on.
I don't dare look. I can't. If I do, I don't think I'll be able to let him leave.
"Thank-you for everything," he quietly says once dressed, opening the door, "Goodnight Y/n."
He quietly closes the door behind him as he leaves.
I close my eyes and let the tears fall, hoping the exhaustion of the day will consume me into a heavy sleep soon.
The next morning I'm woken up by FRIDAY letting me know that the team meeting starts in an hour. I thank her, my voice hoarse, don't know if it's because I just woke up or the aftermath of last night.
I quietly get dressed, and look around my room.
It's quiet. Peace.
It's lonely. I kinda like that.
It no longer feels like home.
I don't think I can stay here much longer.
Now that Steve and I are officially done, I think it's time I find some independence.
If the last two weeks have taught me anything is that, I need a little more independence.
I need a life outside of the Avengers.
A life where I don't work and live in the same building. Where I can escape.
Play music as loud as I want. Eat whatever the hell I want, and not worry if someone else has eaten it already.
Don't get me wrong I loved living here, I really did. I never had that college experience, we couldn't afford tuition and dorm living. Living here has let me experience the roommate life. But things are starting to get crowded. Everyone knows everything. You never have a chance to just breathe.
That's what I want, just a moment to breathe, without Sam and Bucky fighting over the tv remote. Without Tony dropping in in the middle of the night because he needs you in the lab ASAP, because he had a revelation in his sleep. I love Wanda, but sometimes you just need a break from even your best of friends. And now that Steve and I are officially over, how is dating going to be like for either of us. Not that that's going to happen anytime soon, but it's eventually going to happen, and I really don't want to see that with him, and him with I. It's just too complicated.
I have never been alone before. I've always had someone right there.
I think, no I know, it's time I be on my own. Doesn't mean I won't be an Avenger or work for Tony, it just means that I won't be living here with them.
And for the first time in the last two weeks, I feel content.
Like I can finally breathe.
That's how I know this is the right decision for me.
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Summary: Y/N Parker is Peter’s older sister. She is ten years older than Peter, making her 26 years-old. She is also an Avenger, her powers are very similar to Wanda’s; telekinesis, mind reading, teleportation, and elemental bending. She has been an Avenger far longer than Peter, and like Peter her identity is kept a secret. As well as being an Avenger she works in the lab alongside Tony, she is a science genius. She has also been dating Steve Rogers for the past 3 years. Their relationship is as great as it can possibly be, that is until Steve does something that has Y/n questioning not only their entire relationship, but her place in the Avengers. It opens her eyes to how much of her life has revolved around Steve and work. Never really experiencing life like everyone else her age has.
Series tag list: @chaoticpete @eliza5616 @supraveng @faithtrustandrobbiekay @inquisitor-selvala @dumbbitch11 @im-not-an-armrest-im-short @jessyballet @reann-loves-sebstan @thelostallycat @castalette @lovely-geek @malfoyy123 @zombieninjadinostayssilent @welovecaptainamericaass @dontbetooobvious @stop-drop-and-drumroll @cvelarded @ophelias-heart​ @csigeoblue​
Permanent tag list[let me know if you want to be taken off]: @rosegolddivinity @definitelynotafangirl @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict @geeksareunique @24kbratz @introvertatitsfinest @imagine-all-the-imagines @whatthefuckimbisexual @also-fangirlinsweden @the-queen-of-the-nerds
225 notes · View notes
littlestarofthewest · 4 years
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Title: Heat of the Moment | Word Count: 2743 | Rating: Explicit (18+!!!)
Pairing: John Marston (aka Handsome) x female reader
Tags: public sex, modern au | PART 1 of 2
Title pic by @the-neigh-sayer 💙
You sigh as you reach the bus stop. Just like the last couple of days, there's already a bunch of people waiting. Together with today's weather, even your flimsy summer dress won't do you any good. Packed with people, the bus will turn into a hellhole of bad smells and hot, unbreathable air.
When the bus arrives, you squeeze in with the rest of the waiting people. The few left seats are quickly taken, and you stay by the door, at least glad that you stand next to a pole to hold on to. The last thing you want is to lose your balance and be helplessly pressed against other people's hot bodies.
More travelers trickle in over the next two stops, and when the bus holds for the third time, there's some commotion behind you as a whole group of people is heading for the door. With the number of people shoved into the bus already, there's no space to let them pass, so you do the sensible thing and get off to let them out.
The woman in front gives you a thankful nod, but the following people don't care very much. They spill onto the street in front of you while others already push forward to get on the bus. Trying to make room, you back away too much and have a hard time getting in range of the doors.
"Excuse me, I need to get back on," you grunt, a little panic creeping into your voice. You can't afford to be late for work, and the next bus is 30 minutes out.
Pushing forward more forcefully than you usually would, you make it back to the door when it begins to close. "No, wait!" you shout, although you already see yourself walking through the blistering heat and getting yelled at by your boss for the millionth time.
Only seconds before the doors shut, a hand reaches into the space left, and the safety mechanism reacts, opening the doors again. The same hand reaches for you then.
"Come on, get on," a raspy voice says with some urgency, and you grab the stranger's hand. 
He pulls you into the bus, and you can't help but fall against him before the doors close behind you. Somehow he manages to take a step back to give you some room, and you hold on to the pole near the door.
"Thank you. I thought I'd be late for work again," you sigh before finally looking up at the stranger.
You're glad that you already thanked him since you wouldn't be able to say another word. The guy in front of you is extremely hot, not only due to the temperature. You're caught in his steel-gray eyes, and although one side of his face holds some scars, you can't get over how attractive he is.
"No problem," he says, "would be a shame for you to wait when you're the only person with a brain on here."
An older guy looks over with furrowed brows, but when the stranger fixes a mean stare at him, he turns around without saying anything. You wish you knew something else to say, but the stranger stays quiet as well. For the next few stops, you do a little dance where both of you move past each other to let other people on and off the bus until the stranger carefully tips your shoulder.
"That's my stop," he says, and you make yourself as small as possible so he can squeeze around you.
"Have a nice day," you say quickly when he's outside.
The doors close, but he looks back at you and reaches up to his head, doing a little wave as if he's tipping his hat. You think about him for the remainder of your ride, and when you constantly have to move out of the way, you realize how much the stranger shielded you from the people around you. It's a shame that you won't see him again.
The next day is just as hot and the bus just as full. This time, you position yourself more carefully, though. You stay away from the entrance and find yourself a nice corner so you at least can't be surrounded. A little breeze comes through the open window, and your thoughts drift as the bus rolls on. You focus on nothing in particular, but then you spot the stranger at the other end of the bus, close by the door.
You do your best not to stare, but his mere presence makes you nervous. If he's on the bus two days in a row, there's a chance he'll be here every day. You couldn't stop thinking about him the day before, but you didn't have much to go on. Now you can watch him without him even noticing.
He's wearing a button-down shirt with so many buttons open that he might as well go without it. There's some dark hair peeking out on his chest, and his collarbones are so pronounced that you have the urge to nibble on them.
Although he's tall and narrow in the hips, he's got broad shoulders, and you remember how huge his hand was compared to yours when he pulled you onto the bus. His shorts hug him nicely, and you find yourself fantasizing about a way to lift the shirt and get a better look at him below the waist.
You're so occupied with ogling him that you forget to look away, and suddenly he turns his head, meeting your gaze. You see recognition hitting his face, and he smiles before giving you a small nod. You smile as well, trying to act casual, but your insides catch fire. You don't understand how the guy can be so goddamn attractive, even despite the scars. 
For the lack of a name, you began to think of him as Handsome the day before, and the way he smiles cements that name. As a decent human being, he looks away again, forcing you to do the same. Still, you can't help but sneak peeks at him, and once in a while, he does the same.
You begin to think that it's no accident on his part. He has to turn a little to even meet your gaze, and then he holds your eyes for a moment before looking away again. If you weren't so dense when it comes to social interactions, you might think he's flirting with you. When his stop comes around, he looks at you and does the same goodbye with his hand as the day before, only leaving the bus after giving you another smile.
Of course, you think about Handsome the rest of the day, and whenever work doesn't hold your attention completely, you come up with scenarios that might have you speak to him again.
The next day, you don't even care how many people get on the bus. You position yourself like the day before, watching the door. This time you see Handsome right as he gets on, and he might feel you staring because he finds you just as fast, smiling again. 
Today, he's wearing a somewhat torn band shirt that clings to his body, and since it's shorter than the shirt from the day before, you have a chance to check out his lower half a lot better. You thank an older lady who squeezes past him, forcing him to turn around to sidestep her. You unashamedly stare at his ass, and he's lucky you're not in range for a pinch.
You sigh so profoundly at the thought that the woman next to you gives you a weird look, but you can't really care. Handsome turns back around and looks over, and like the day before, you play this game of looking back and forth until he gets off the bus. In fact, you play this game for the rest of the week. 
You're beyond happy to find that Handsome does take the bus each day, and your days become a series of staring at him to remember every detail on his face and body, so you can think about him for the rest of the day. You're even tempted to take the bus on the weekend to see if he's there but manage to hold yourself back.
On Monday, you put a little more effort into your appearance than usual, and when you get on the bus, you go against your better judgment and stay by the door. As soon as it opens at Handsome's stop, your eyes are on him, and he smiles as he gets on.
While the other people squeeze farther in, he stays closeby and reaches for the same pole you're holding on to. "Hey," he says, barely audible in that scratchy voice of his, and a shiver tickles down your spine.
"Hey," you counter, not sure what else to say.
Handsome doesn't push for a conversation, though. He looks around the way he usually does while you're in a world of pain. You didn't think your plan all the way through. It's one thing to flirt with Handsome from a distance, but now he's right there. 
He's wearing another half-open shirt, and you can feel the heat radiating from him. He comes even closer whenever he has to make room for someone, cloaking you in a cloud of a subtle deodorant and something else that seems to be just him. You're more and more tempted to bury your face in his chest and stay there for the rest of the ride.
Caught up in the sensations, you don't watch yourself enough, and when the bus comes to a sudden halt, you fall forward. Out of instinct, you hold up your hand and end up putting it flat on Handsome's chest. He doesn't waver for a second, and although his skin is soft, you feel like leaning against a rock. 
"I'm sorry," you say, but it takes you a whole battle with yourself to take your hand away from him.
"Don't worry about it," Handsome says, and this time his smile has some more fire. "I don't mind at all."
It sounds like an invitation to touch him again, but although you're tempted as hell, you keep your hands to yourself for the rest of the ride. It's bad enough to be this close. Your body feels hotter from one minute to the next, and you wouldn't mind rubbing yourself against Handsome like a feral cat.
When his stop comes up, he leans in, his voice barely a whisper. "Always a pleasure."
His tone almost has you shiver, and you barely manage to answer. "Likewise."
He fake taps his non-existing hat, and this time he winks at you before getting out, leaving you with butterflies in your stomach. If you keep going like this, you might just die from a heat stroke or heart attack.
The next day, the bus gets so full that you have no chance to stay near the door. You get pushed to the other side of the bus, a foul mood taking hold of you. At Handsome's stop, you don't see him get on and wonder if he's not there today when he suddenly pushes past two other people, getting in your line of sight.
You're heart beats faster at his first smile, and you can't help but look away as heat rises to your cheeks. That night, you had a dream about Handsome. You had no problems with being near him, and after a while, you woke up so aroused that you couldn't fall asleep until you touched yourself to thoughts about the two of you doing the dirty with no restrictions whatsoever.
With the memories flooding your mind, you don't realize how the people around you move, and only when a woman with a stroller pushes in, you back away. A familiar scent enters your nose, and you find yourself right in front of Handsome. Somehow, this position is even worse than the day before. You imagine him putting his arms around you and pulling you close. He could whisper in your ear with that intriguing voice or kiss your neck.
You become so engulfed by the thought that it feels real, and a crazy notion inside of you makes you take another step back. With no more room between you, your ass presses right against Handsome's crotch. You hear a surprised gasp from behind you and feel that he's trying to step away, so you move with him, rolling your hips. You want him to know that it was no accident. Only then do you take a step forward again. After all, you don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
The seconds tick by, and your heart begins to race. You're sure that you upset him, but then he moves right up to you. His chest presses against your back, and instead of his crotch, you feel his flat hand resting on the outer side of your thigh. You move your hip just a tiny bit, heightening the pressure of his hot hand against your skin. 
Handsome takes the bait. He runs his hand over your ass, and you feel his touch through the thin fabric of your dress. You lean back against him, assuring him that you don't mind, and he loses all inhibitions he might have had.
His hand squeezes the flesh of your ass before he dares to hike up your dress enough to let his hand disappear under it. His fingertips caress the insides of your thighs, and you hold your breath until he runs his fingers over your folds with enough pressure that your underwear might as well not be there. This time it's you who gasps with surprise, and Handsome holds still, waiting for your move.
All you'd have to do is take a step away, but instead, you squeeze your thighs together for a moment before spreading your legs to give him more room. Handsome follows the invitation right away. He runs his fingers back and forth along your folds until you roll your hips ever so slightly. Then, he presses his fingertips to your clit. You can't help but push against him, and when he begins to rub you in small circles, you have to bite your lip to hold in a moan.
You hold on to the pole next to you, your knuckles white from the tight grip. In a panic, you take a look around, but nobody seems to notice what naughty things you and Handsome are up to. You're torn between breaking this off before you embarrass yourself and riding it out till the end. 
Handsome's touch just feels way too good, and you feel his heartbeat against your back. You wonder if he's as horny as you are, but for now, he seems satisfied with pleasuring you. His breath is ghosting over your neck, bringing goosebumps all over your skin, and your nipples rise up, poking at the fabric of your dress. The slight rub doesn't help your situation at all, and with Handsome's constant teasing, your juices begin to flow, soaking your underwear.
It becomes harder and harder to stay quiet. Every touch heightens your arousal, and you can't help imagining what else Handsome could do to you. He sure knows how to make you crazy, and when you roll your hips with more desperation, his fingers speed up, relentlessly driving you over the edge.
You clench your teeth together, holding in your breath and your thighs press together around Handsome's hand as you come, your legs shaking. Taking deep breaths, you close your eyes for a moment, barely able to hold yourself up on the pole.
When you give Handsome's hand free, he caresses your thighs and ass, almost as if he's saying goodbye before taking his hand away completely. He still stays where he is, though, and you're thankful that you can lean against him until you find your way back to reality.
Handsome's stop is coming up, and when you take a step forward to give him free, he leans in, his lips gracing your ear. "Always a pleasure."
A shiver runs down your spine, and you don't find the nerve to say anything, but you still look after him. He gives you the usual goodbye wave and smile, and you have no idea how you're supposed to make it through the day after what just happened.
.... to be continued ....
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Otherworld pt2
Here is pt1 for all of you who haven't read it yet.
Yet again based of of @yanderebloodlust s au
You woke up the next morning to the fire was now a few mere  embers you smiled as you could here the faint put that Abbaccio made in his sleep. You sat up and scratched him behind his ear which to your suprise he enjoyed.
"We need to get ready now" you said to him as ran upstairs and began to prepare for your return to the otherworld.
You quickly had a shower and put your clothes back on (they weren't that dirty anyway, so why waste water on cleaning them if they weren't that dirty). Then you went down stairs and quickly ate a muesli bar before making sure you were prepared.
You sighed as you looked as the door. You didn't want to go in there but you knew that if you wanted to get your parents back then you'd just have to toughen up and face your fears.
You held onto the pendent and closed your eyes. You had to do this, your parents were counting on you.
You got on your hands and knees as you turned the key. You could feel your body tremble in fear as you opened the door. You crawled through the tunnel slowly, your breath was heavy with anxiety as you looked towards the faint light that outlined the door ahead.
After a while you finally reached the end and pushed the door open. You examined the room for someone but nobody was there so you began to crawl out.
Completely unaware of the tall male that loomed over you until it too late.
You screamed as you were aggressiveness pulled up and held against them. You struggled as much as you could but they wouldn't let go.
"Doppio!?" You screamed out the name of you assumed captor.
"No (Y/n)... I'm not Doppio... The Doppio you knew is long gone" the voice similar to the one you heard last night replied. You were then pushed on to the lounge as a rat emerged from the door.
You turned around and saw the male. His long hair was a fuchsia pink with small balls of black lint intertwined in it, he was a lot taller then Doppio and a lot leaner then him as well. He also emerald green buttons held in with black thread and you couldn't forget that dark mulberry lipstick on his lips as well as the stitch like tattoos that were on his arms.
He gave a sinister smirk as he picked up the rat and pulled the key from it's mouth before placing it down again and locking the door. You were now trapped.
"What... What did you do to Doppio?" You ask the male.
"What did I do to Doppio? you really should be asking yourself that question" he retorted as he waltzed towards you until his face was only inches away from yours.
"He's merely another puppet of mine, but unlike the others he and I are directly connected" he explained to you. You tried to snatch the key out of his hand but he caught you with his spare hand before you could get it.
"I'm not going to fall for your rotten tricks again, unlike Doppio I have no tolerance for such things" he hissed as he pressed the key against his lips, his tongue slowly sliding along the teeth of the key before pushing it into his mouth and swollowing it.
You gave a disgusted expression at the male's action.
"That should hopefully keep you from your foolish antics" he said as he planted a kiss on your cheek which left a dark lipstick stain on it. He then tried to kiss you on the lips but you pushed him away.
"No get away from me!" You yelled.
"Oh why must you be cruel to me my dear..." He lulled as he twirled a few strands of your hair in his finger, which you now noticed that his hands was nothing but large needles mended together into a prosthetic device.
"I'm am not your dear! I refuse... I refuse to love a monster like you!" You screamed causing his eyebrow to twitch with irritation.
"I want my family back! I wish I had never met you or Doppio!" You continued before your head jerked backwards as he slammed his palm into your neck, his cold needle tips nearly puncturing the delicate flesh.
"Say that again, I dare you!" He hissed with a voice drenched in venom. You knew that the consequences for pushing your luck would be horrible, but a strange wave of confidence just gave you the urge to be daring.
"I W-I-S-H I H-A-D N-E-V-E-R M-E-T Y-O-U O-R D-O-P-P-I-O!" you said, making sure to painful lengthen out each letter and oh boy did he not like that.
The male was livid, he gritted his his before grabbing you by the hair, several strands getting lodged in the joints of his prosthetic hand. You screamed in pain as he dragged you through the house until he reached the upstairs mirror before throwing you into it. You closed your eyes as you braced yourself for impact with the glassy surface but instead you landed onto a cold concrete floor covered in water.
You looked up to find yourself in a room you had never been in before. It was a cold and damp concrete box of a room with a old kingsize bed that had chains draped down the sides.
"Another poor unfortunate soul taken by Diavolo" a feminine voice that made your hair's stand on end muttered. You turned your head from side to side to find the source.
"Where are you? Show yourself" you said.
"Apologize, we should have known better then to hide" another female's voice softly spoke as three women appeared out of nowhere. The first had long straight black hair, the second had short bobbed blonde hair and the third had wavy brunette hair, all of had black buttons to cover where their eyes had previously been.
"Who are you?" You asked them.
"We are no different to you... We all wished to have a better life and that's when we met him..." The black haired lady said.
"He lured us in with the promise of a fairy tale romance in exchange for our eyes" the brunette continued.
"And that was when his true colours would shine... A twisted being, a demon of sorts" the blonde said.
"However we can see that you did not fall for his trap" the black haired lady said as her ghostly hand touched your face.
"Yes I did... He used my family as the bait..." you muttered.
"He swollowed the key and any chance of my escape" you continued.
"No he hasn't" the brunette spoke.
"Unlike us you still have your eyes, as long as you have them you still have hope" the blonde explained.
"Why are my eyes so important? How do they give me anymore of a chance of escape then you?" You asked.
"Eyes are a window to the soul, without them you'll never find your way to the afterlife... Diavolo takes them to trap our souls in this world... To keep us here with him forever" the blonde said.
"If you think I can escape... Tell me how I can" you ask.
"Diavolo may not act or seem like the type to play games, but he is..." The black haired lady said.
"Perhaps if you make a high stakes deal with him, you could have a chance to beat him, then he'll have no choice but to let you and your family go"
"But be wry-" the blonde was saying before something grabbed you and pulled you out of the mirror world. You flailed as you saw a few strands of pink hair in the corner of your eye.
"I hope the girls treated you nicely as I'm sure that you'll get have to get along with them" who you assumed at this point was called Diavolo said.
"You... You... Tricked those poor women into giving up their lives just to break them..." You muttered.
"Yes, I'm willing to do many things for a precious soul..." he said.
"But you, yours is something else... You give me such an indescribable feeling. It's intoxicating and I crave more of it" he mused as you could feel him push you down, even if his eyes were buttons you could see that gleam of lust.
"What would you put on the line for me?" You asked.
"Everything" he said with little hesitation he leaned I kissed you. This time you didn't stop him, you wanted him to let his guard down.
Afterwards he got up and extended his hand to you. Of course you didn't want to take it but you knew that you had to. You grabbed his and winced in pain as a few needles dug into your palm and joints pinched your fingers. Blood started to trickle down your hand but you tried you best to act like it was nothing.
"You must be so hungry, not having any food for days... You're lucky that Doppio prepared something to eat before he left"  he said as he dragged you behind him around the house. You looked at all the rooms which had been painted and decorated exactly how you and your parents had wanted to when you finally settled in. It was a bittersweet thought knowing that you were going to be painting your room last week, but alas you had been as foolish as to come to this world in the first place. Childish curiosity was what carved you into the very sinister heart of this man.
You entered the kitchen so see piles upon piles of food covering the table and benches.
"After you left Doppio when into a distraught frenzy... He blindly did things with little to no thought, including this excessive amount of food" Diavolo said as he pushed you into a seat.
Your eyes darted rapidly around the room as you look for something amongst the mountain of food. You grabbed out a chocolate chip cookie and began to nibble at it.
"what's the matter (Y/n)?" Diavolo lulled as he noticed your morbid features as you nibbled at the cookie like a little mouse.
"I'm bored..." You mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. Now was your chance.
"Well what do you  do you want to do?" He asked in a sultry tone as he placed his hands on your shoulders.
"Maybe...a game perhaps?" You Replied. In response he let out a chuckle.
"I'm not much of a person for board game" he commented.
"No, no. I want something more adventurous and daring" you said as you looked at him from the conner of your eye. Your words bought a small smirk to his face.
"I want to take a risk" you added. Those buttons showed a faint glint.
"How risky are we talking about?" He asked as a smile formed on his lips.
"As risky as it can get" you replied as you gave him a slightly suductive look.
"The girls told you to do this... Didn't they" he whispered in your ear as he wrapped his hand around your neck again.
"Don't let them manipulate you into thinking that you can win against me" he continued.
"I'm not just going to let you keep me here locked up" you choked.
"Fine then, I'll give you a game to play" he sighed.
"I've hidden the eyes of my three previous lovers throughout his world, they are in plain sight but also not able to be seen through eyes such as yours. Once you have found them you must return to me and I'll give you your final task. If you win you and your family will return to your own world and I I'll surrender the girls eyes, but if I win... You'll be all mine and you'll be trapped in this world with me for eternity" he explained as let go of your neck and fixes a few strands of your hair.
"I will warn you, I'm not making this some fun, childish treasure hunt... It'll be a agonising and painstaking challenge, just to show how determined I am to keep you" he continued as he trailed his finger across a small section of your spine causing you to shuddered.
"Oh don't worry, you can give up at anytime. All you need to do is call out my name plea for me to be at your side" he whispered in a husky tone as he licked your earlobe.
"I'm not going to be calling out your name anytime soon!" you hissed as you stood up and turned behind only to find that he had disappeared without a trace.
"I'll win this game if it's the last thing I do Diavolo! You here me?!" You yelled before walking out the kitchen door and into the large and elegant backyard. You then sat on the bench and went over what Diavolo said.
"I've hidden the eyes of my three previous lovers throughout his world, they are in plain sight but also not able to be seen through eyes such as yours"
How were you able to find something that you couldn't see! It was ridiculous, it was mockery!
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