#au McLennon
imagine-mokey · 5 months
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The Beatles
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saint-mona · 6 months
I see people in the fandom are asking about McLennon AUs. Though I have no update this week, I want to refer folks to this old fic:
It was my first fic and VERY saccharine sweet!
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just-wanna-draw-em · 2 months
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“Are we gonna have a problem?”
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hyusworld · 4 months
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some au i made (i got bored)
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carterz-lair · 4 days
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i star trekified the beatles and sent them on shore leave
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icriedforthemoon · 2 months
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I feel like shit so here's fem John for you all
Joan Lennon my beloved (yes she's from Maxwell's silver hammer)
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beatleskinkmeme · 2 months
1980 john goes back in time to 1964 and wants to get with paul present john won't let it happen so easily
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paulscleangrandfather · 3 months
Let’s be honest if Beatlemania happened today
- Paul would probably take a terribly angled selfie of himself on TikTok and get a ton of likes with comments being like “omg so talented 💗”
- John would be IP banned on every single platform
- George would either have no social media presence or be posting on his story 24/7 to the point where only a deranged person would be able to sit and look through it all
- Ringo would fw Twitter and ONLY Twitter. But he would be retweeting random quotes like “the past is your history, tomorrow is a mystery, and the present is a gift!”
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martikmeow · 11 months
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Ringo and George as Morticia and Gomez Addams🎃🦇❤️‍🩹
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loadingbraincells · 11 days
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guys... guys...
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imagine-mokey · 8 months
An AU McLennon! Bad boy John Lennon shared a flat with goodie two shoes Paul McCartney, as roommates. Lennon usually doesn't have much use for the lad who attends mass everyday and never misses a class, except now!
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franklyimissparis · 8 months
if john and paul watched brokeback mountain together it would have solved all of their issues
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foryouwereinmysong · 9 months
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So... I got this DIY miniature set and once I realized that it's supposed to be a music room in Paris my brain just immediately went "I need to make this into John and Paul's secret getaway, where they'll be safe and happy forever (on my bookshelf)."
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girlpanthera · 3 months
CW// SH, drug use, military/war, mental health
Deciding to expand on some lore for my little AU. (none of this is exactly time/ historically accurate) Anyways, this takes place in India during / around the war in Vietnam. The Beatles headed off to India, deciding to take a break while political conflict heated up around the world. They wanted time to brainstorm more music ideas and bond with each other. during their time in india, they experimented with hard drugs, and they all had almost normal reactions to it except for Paul. he seemed to be specifically affected by it, beginning to act erratically and showing self harming behaviors. he was very short tempered and instead of being bossy, his angered reactions would result in hitting others, or harming himself before devolving into hypersexuality. most of this was taken out on John, since they were closer, while ringo and George left john to manage this new mentally fragile paul at most times, keeping to themselves.
As war broke loose, The Beatles were all spared from the draft, except for John and paul. (in connection to how i won the war and Sargent Paul in magical mystery tour)
Paul, due to his extreme self harming habits, was dishonorably discharged from his sargent position only a few months into the war, as his habits tended to not only disgust the other platoon mates, but also cause risk of him getting infections and effected his overall performance during war time. He returned back to India, leaving John, causing even more tenseness in their relationship. John was focused on anti war propaganda and trying to find a way to protect the platoon mates while paul was self absorbed within himself, his own image, and what he wanted.
When Paul returned he spoke about what he saw in Vietnam at night, He talked about “cats of every color” who would stand on two feet and play trumpets, making the platoon loose sleep. He said these cats came from the knots of the trees and would play tricks on them, each kitten had fur the color of a primary color. he mentioned the odd happening about how one of his platoon mates had grown the lower half of a leopard and returned to the platoon shortly after he had lost his legs to a bouncing betty and had been left in the fields to die. he blamed the self inflicted scratches on his neck on that specific platoon mate, stating that he would carry him like a kitten by the scruff to the fox hole at night, the same hole where a french soldier from ww1 had been buried, but seemed to be only in the first stages of decomposition oddly enough despite how long ago he had died.
Ringo passed this off as the acid and trauma getting to paul’s head, but George was specifically intrigued by paul’s story about the women in Vietnam. about how they were all leopards. They were generously curvy and didn’t speak, but kept the soldiers nice and clean and offered them tea. he said these women existed in india, and the uk, and America, too. he said all women were secretly these patheras. he called them “the wild women”
Paul began wearing only womens underwear and button ups, he would take George to the fields to get high and he would talk about how “Paul was dead: and that “the original Paul flew out the windshield of a weaponry jeep earlier that year, the second week in India” and this Paul didn’t seem to be pleased with needing to act like someone he wasn’t.
Paul began getting much closer with George, even getting physical with him despite george’s hesitation and disgust at paul’s actions. George hated this new Paul, yet admired him deeply. his actions disgusted him but his charm and allure and stories made him stay wrapped around paul’s finger.
soon George even began getting gifts from these wild women. he would see the cats of every color, losing sleep at night to their trumpets, and he would check the feet of the soldiers that would knock on their door, just to assure they had no leopard feet. George began losing it as well, he gave into paul’s touches and rough sexual behavior, whereas ringo watched them slip out of it, spending most of his time trying to make them take meds and hide sharp objects from them. John was scheduled to come home within a week, as he had blown off his own foot. He needed escape from the war as well,and from what he wrote, the platoon thought so as well. they made excuses for him, and one member even took the blame for blowing off his damn foot.
THIS IS ALL I HAVE FOR NOW SOOOO. i’ll be making more art for it :P
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crepesuzette2023 · 6 months
do you have any modern AUs you like where the characterization is really on point? Like they’re different but still the same if that makes sense
Ooh, interesting question. Ask ten different people and you'll get ten different answers, is my guess—and every AU picks up different parts of the John/Paul relationship, right?
That said, here are some favorites of mine:
the great motorbike chase of 1992 (flightofthebluealiens): for the 'fuck everyone else, we're out of here'/'Paris '61 re-imagined as quest for John's father'-factor.
we push and pull like a magnet do (toppermost of the poppermost): for love at first sight, praise for Paul's body hair, and the 'it's just handy to fuck your best friend' dilemma. "Shit, John is in a complicated friends-who-shag relationship with an exotic woodland creature and he’s so worn out he can’t even be arsed to worry about it right now." <- say no more
Double Fantasy Series (a.k.a., flowershop AU) (@javelinbk): For shared eccentricity and sweet domestic vibes.
You Might Well Arsk (snugglesweaters): for writing together and the escape to Scotland; also: 'it takes a village' to bring these two together; MVP (shared): Ivan Vaughan, George Harrison.
The long and winding weekend (that takes me to your profile) (whereveryouaramir). For instant bonding over music, exclusive whisper conferences, and the texting & nicknaming that should have happened.
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ultimate-trevally · 5 months
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