#attending midnight screen
rainingmusic · 4 months
Magna Carta Cartel - Attending Midnight Screen
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hangmanapologist · 2 years
what or who do I have to do to get Lewis as Brad Majors in RHPS
36 notes · View notes
ginnsbaker · 4 months
fic: if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) (12/?)
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Part Summary: You know Leigh well enough to recognize that she never acts without intention. She must have agonized about this too—about that kiss, about you. And she's making it difficult for you to guess just what conclusions she had come to in the time you were apart.
Pairing: Leigh Shaw x Fem!Reader | Word count for this part: 6.500+ | Warnings: Smut | Author's note: I honestly don't know what else to write in the summary without giving too much away, so without further ado… P.S. No cliffhangers this time ;)
Masterlist | Part I Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI
A week after Thanksgiving, as the icy Maine wind whips across the tarmac at Rockland Airport, you find yourself holding a container of lobster cakes—your mother's way of sending a piece of home back with you. Despite her protests about you cutting your visit short, she spent last night in the kitchen, crafting your favorite dish, the smell of butter and ocean filling the house. “Eat these when you miss home,” she had said, pressing the container into your hands with a sad smile. The decision to leave early was anything but easy.
You initially planned to stay five more days in Camden, but Leigh's radio silence prompted you to book a direct flight to Los Angeles. It was eating you up inside; you had to go back. The familiar dark screen of your phone kept you on edge; you hadn't expected Leigh to strictly follow through on her promise not to contact you. She had a way of doing the unexpected. Or maybe you've been so wrapped up in your thoughts that you underestimated how deeply she wanted you that night. And perhaps you've overestimated your own anger, believing it would even slightly lessen your feelings for her.
Sitting in the window seat with the whole row to yourself, you stare at your phone as the flight attendant's voice crackles over the intercom, signaling it's time to switch to airplane mode. Impulsively, you tap out a text to her.
Belated Happy Thanksgiving, Leigh. If you’re free tomorrow evening, maybe we could talk? Perhaps over dinner?
It’s straightforward, maybe too much so, but it’s sent before you can overthink it.
The flight attendant's voice fills the cabin once more, reminding everyone to switch their devices as the plane is about to take off. You comply, toggling the setting and sealing off any immediate replies. The engines roar to life, and as the plane ascends, you try to push away the knot of apprehension tightening in your stomach.
As you wait to fall asleep, you think about Leigh—whether she’s seen your message and what she might be feeling. You wonder about the time apart, recalling the old saying that distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Or does it make it forget instead?
You touch down in L.A. just as the date ticks over to December 1st, the clock a little past midnight. The moment the plane reaches the gate, you grab your phone and switch off airplane mode. There's a message from your mom, checking in to see if you've landed safely, and you text her back to let her know you did. Suzie has also texted, saying Foreman called in sick and asking if you can cover at the clinic later. You shoot back a quick reply, saying you just landed, you'll catch some sleep, and might be in late in the morning.
But there’s nothing from Leigh. No text, no missed call, nothing to indicate she received your message or is interested in meeting.
You sigh and, without thinking, tap her name on the screen. The call goes through, and the phone rings as you make your way through the late-night crowd at LAX. It continues ringing, unanswered, until it finally clicks over to voicemail. You mutter a soft curse under your breath. Of course, she's not going to pick up—it's 12:30 in the morning. You consider sending a quick apology text but then reconsider, figuring you've already pushed enough boundaries by calling her this late.
Instead, you slide your phone back into your pocket and head toward baggage claim. You weave through the half-awake travelers and the sterile glow of the airport lights, finally spotting your suitcase trundling along the carousel. You heft it off and make your way through the automatic doors. You glance one more time at your phone, half hoping for a notification, but it's blank. With a sigh, you head for the exit, feeling the exhaustion settle in.
You check your inbox first thing in the morning, but there's still nothing from Leigh. You don't have time to overanalyze this again because you're already running late for work.
The whole day is swamped, with emergencies piling up alongside a packed schedule of immunizations and follow-ups. Suzie mistakenly booked an entire week's worth of scheduled vaccines for today, a Saturday. She explains that the clients requested to move their appointments to the weekend, adding, “We're closed on Sundays, so I thought today would work.”
You try to hide your frustration, not wanting to lay the blame on her. Your nerves are already frayed, and every hour that passes without a word from Leigh has you feeling more on edge.  As you tend to your patients and give instructions to the staff, you feel the pressure building, a headache beginning to throb behind your eyes. The never-ending stream of clients leaves you with no time to catch your breath. Between each appointment, you plaster on a polite smile, but inside, you're counting down the minutes until you can check out of, well, everything.
As the clock hits seven, you can't take another minute. The clinic has been a madhouse since the doors opened. You barely glance at Suzie as you callously tell her, “Close early. I'm tired.” Without waiting for her response, you trudge straight to your office and slump into your chair, eyes closed against the harsh fluorescent lights. Resting your head back, you exhale slowly, letting the tension drain from your shoulders. The fatigue wraps itself around you like a fog, and for a moment, everything falls away.
A few minutes later, you hear a gentle knock. It's Suzie, standing in the doorway with a paper in her hand. Without opening your eyes, you mutter, “What is it?” Your irritation seeps through, but you’re too drained to rein it in.
Suzie hesitates before stepping into your office, her expression unreadable. She extends the paper towards you. “It's my resignation letter,” she says quietly.
Your eyes snap open, and the paper feels heavier than it should as you take it from her hands. You’ve been nothing short of awful to her all day, snapping at every turn. 
“Is this about today?” you ask. 
She gives you a small, weary smile and points to the date on the letter. “I wrote this last week, right after you left for Maine.”
You glance down at the letter and see that it’s dated exactly a week ago. “Why didn’t you give it to me sooner?”
“I didn’t want to ruin your vacation,” she says softly. “I know how much you needed that break. And honestly, you’ve got enough on your plate right now without me adding to it.”
You can feel the burn of frustration and shame behind your eyes. “You’ve been a rock here, Suzie. I don’t want you to go. Please reconsider.”
She shakes her head gently. “I’ve thought this through. It’s time. I care about this place, and about you, but I need to move on.”
You let out a long breath. “I see. Still, I'm sorry today was so rough,” you say, looking up at her wistfully. You try working your puppy eyes, and for a moment it seems effective as her expression softens into a frown. 
But then she says, “It’s not the clinic or the work I do here. I got an offer for a research position; it's something I've always wanted to try.”
That makes you smile. If that’s the case, then you’re truly happy for her.
“I understand. I wish you hadn't felt the need to keep this to yourself, especially with everything else happening today,” you say, still clutching the paper tightly in your hand, crumpling it slightly.
Suzie shrugs. “I didn't want to add to your stress. Don’t worry, I’ll count the 30 days' notice from today, not the date on my resignation, so you have time to find someone to replace me.”
From that, you know her mind’s already made up. As you read her letter again, your eyes start to sting. You glance back up at her, your vision blurring. “Suzie, thank you,” you mumble thickly.
“Hey, it's okay,” she says gently. “I'm not leaving town. We can still grab lunch whenever. I know how glued to your desk you get, so I'll drag you out for a bite now and then.” You let out a shaky chuckle, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
“It's just—I’m going to miss you, and I don’t know how I'll replace you,” you say with a sniffle.
“Missing me is a given,” she says, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. “Actually, I might know someone interested in my job.”
Your ears perk up at that. Good help is hard to find these days, especially with more demands from applicants and a tight job market. “Who?” you ask, curious.
Suzie turns around as if she's going to leave without answering, but then she glances over her shoulder, her smirk widening. “Sara.”
A little while later, you catch Suzie just as she's finishing up in the lobby.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll lock up. You’ve done enough today,” you say, sending her home. She gives you a grateful smile, slings her bag over her shoulder, and wishes you a good night before heading out.
Finally alone, you take a moment to decompress. Clasping your hands behind your back, you stretch, trying to release the day's tension. A dull ache climbs up your spine, reminding you how tight your muscles are. Unable to hold the position for more than a few seconds, you relax, the discomfort too much to bear. It's hard to tell whether it's from the long-haul flight yesterday, your age creeping up on you, poor posture, or all of the above. 
On a whim, you book a late-night yoga session at the Beautiful Beast, hoping to relieve the tightness in your back. It’s been a while since your last visit.
Afterward, you head to the small bathroom in your office to get ready. It's basic, not meant for much more than washing hands and changing scrubs, but it’s all you've got. Stripping off your day's clothes, you step into the shower, letting the hot water beat down on your back. The steam fills the tiny space, and the heat melts a bit of the stiffness away. After a quick rinse, you towel off and slip into your yoga gear. The stretchy fabric feels liberating after being in stiff work clothes all day. You roll up your yoga mat, tucked behind the office door, and switch off the bathroom light.
As you're about to head out of the clinic, you check your phone, hoping to see something from Leigh. There's nothing—she hasn’t even read your last message. The stonewalling feels all too familiar, and you're tired of it.
You slide into your car, letting out a weary sigh. As you start the engine, thoughts of Suzie's suggestion to hire Sara sneak back into your mind. You can't help but chortle at the idea—it’s so unexpected, almost comical, considering how you know Sara and her standing friends-with-benefits proposition. It feels far-fetched, and knowing Suzie, she was likely just teasing.
The drive to the fitness studio is as mechanical as it gets. You're hardly aware of the turns you take until you park in front of the building. You step out, mind still elsewhere, and open your car door—right into someone walking by.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t—” you start to say, cutting yourself off when you see who it is. 
Leigh, of all people, is rubbing her elbow, wincing. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail, and she’s wearing a plain white shirt under a jacket, paired with simple black tights. 
“See me? Lovely excuse,” she quips, her eyes fixed on her arm rather than you. Her expression is primed to unleash more frustration when she finally turns to meet the source of the blunder.
 “I—” Leigh stops, visibly surprised to see you. Quickly, her face smooths into something more neutral. “Y/N. You…you really should watch it.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” you say, rubbing the back of your neck. “Are you alright?”
She rubs her elbow once more, then nods slowly. “Just startled me a bit, but I’m fine.”
Once you both regain your bearings, you unconsciously begin rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet, hesitating despite the things you’ve rehearsed in your head all week. Your text message inviting her to meet tonight lingers at the forefront of your mind. But before you can bring it up, Leigh catches you by surprise.
“So, you’re heading in for a class?” she asks casually, as if the last time you saw each other didn’t end with a kiss and a confrontation that put the aforementioned kiss on hold.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, I am,” you reply. Then you remember Leigh doesn't work here anymore, but with her mother owning the place, it's no surprise to see her around occasionally. 
Still, you ask, “How about you?”
“You mind if we walk while we talk?” Leigh suggests.
You nod, a little thrown off but managing to say, “Sure, just let me grab my stuff.” 
She waits a few seconds as you gather your belongings, and then you both start walking toward the building. Leigh sets a brisk pace, always a step ahead, and you find yourself almost hurrying to keep up with her.
“I just got back to working here again,” she says after a beat.
Surprised, you ask, “Oh, how did that happen?”
“Long story,” she replies with a slight shrug, her eyes focused ahead.
Unsatisfied with her vague answer, your eyes drift to her lips. Memories of that last kiss flood back—their soft, velvety feel and that distinct taste that’s all hers, like fresh water after a long, grueling hike. It's a taste that's unmistakably Leigh, nothing else like it. As you walk together, you struggle to stay present. This isn’t at all how you pictured your reunion with her would go. Not by a long shot.
“Leigh,” you call out, stopping abruptly. Your voice comes out higher than intended, quivering a bit. You clear your throat and try again, “D-Did you get my text yesterday?”
Leigh glances back over her shoulder, her expression unreadable. “No.”
The bluntness leaves you momentarily stunned. You wait for her to follow up, to ask about the text, but she doesn’t. As you both step into the Beautiful Beast studio, you start to ask if you can talk later, but Leigh gets there first.
“We can pick this up later, Y/N. We should really get to class,” she says, heading into the room full of waiting students without waiting for your answer.
You're left more stumped than ever. Last time, she was almost on her knees, begging for forgiveness. Now, she's acting like nothing happened. How did everything change so much in just a week? With a head full of questions and doubts, you roll out your yoga mat and try to focus on the practice ahead. You can't help but wonder if the kiss you shared with Leigh really happened or if it was just a mirage of your desires.
You struggle through some of the poses, wobbling and nearly toppling over more than once. Leigh, however, doesn't chide or correct you as she used to; she mostly leaves you alone, focusing instead on helping others who are struggling more than you. It makes you feel strangely isolated, even though you know she's just fulfilling her role as an instructor and there are plenty of beginners in tonight’s session.
As the hour winds down, Leigh's soft “Namaste” signals the end of the class. She bows gracefully to the students, and you don't waste a moment, rising immediately to make your way to her as she rolls up her mat.
“Hey,” she responds breathlessly, not looking up. Other students pass by, thanking her, and she responds with smiles and cheerful “see you next times.” You stand there, feeling awkward as you wait for a turn.
When the last person leaves, Leigh finally looks up at you. “What's up?” she asks.
You find yourself stuttering, still fixated on the text message. Feeling a bit pathetic about how much it’s affecting you, but you shake it off, remembering why you cut your visit to Camden short. It was because of this—because of her.
“Leigh, can we talk? About... you know, how we left things that night?”
Her face remains jarringly impartial as she wipes down her mat. “Talk? Here? Right now?”
You quickly shake your head. “No, I don't mean right this second,” you clarify, watching her closely to gauge her reaction. Are you the only one feeling like you're on a tightrope? 
“You haven't had dinner yet, right?” You try to sound nonchalant too, but it's a struggle.
She looks around the emptying studio as if she needs a moment to consider. After a few beats, she nods. “Sure, why not? I’ll just change and meet you out front.”
You can't help but smile, mainly out of relief that she said yes. “Great, see you in a minute,” you say, realizing you need to change into drier clothes too.
Fifteen minutes later, Leigh steps out, looking refreshed as if she didn't just burn through a few hundred calories leading a rigorous yoga session. She's wearing a cozy gray sweater and cargo pants, a much more laid-back look compared to your jeans and cardigan.
As she draws near, she tilts her head slightly and says, “I actually brought a car. Have you thought of where we're going to get dinner?”
You scramble to think of a suitable place. In-N-Out pops into your head—quick, easy, but completely wrong for the kind of talk you need to have. You can't imagine hashing out your feelings under the harsh lights of a fast food place, over burgers and fries.
“Um,” you stammer, looking around like inspiration might hit you in the face. 
“How about we head to your apartment?” Leigh suggests out of nowhere. “It's closer, and we could grab some drive-thru on the way.”
You blink at her suggestion, surprised she'd even consider it after everything that went down last time at your place.
“There's only one parking spot,” you say blankly. “And the street has no parking after 10 p.m.”
Leigh seems unfazed, offering a quick solution. “Then we’ll just take your car. I can leave mine here.”
Your nerves flare at the thought of having her back in your apartment. Your tongue feels heavy, and you can't think of a single reason to tell her why it’s a bad idea.
“Okay,” you say slowly. “Let's do that.”
You head to your car together, fumbling with the keys as you unlock it. Leigh slips into the passenger seat, and you take a deep breath before starting the engine. You pull into a drive-thru of In-N-Out and Leigh scrolls through her phone, picking out what to order. 
You know Leigh well enough to recognize that she never acts without intention. She must have agonized about this too—about that kiss, about you. And she's making it difficult for you to guess just what conclusions she had come to in the time you were apart.
The takeout is spread across your dining table, a small feast that Leigh ordered for the two of you. Boxes of fries, nuggets, and burgers crowd the surface, enough to feed a group. You barely nibble on a fry while Leigh is already finishing her cheeseburger, wiping her fingers with a napkin and eyeing the remaining food.
“You weren’t hungry, huh?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Guess not,” you reply, wiping away the residual salt from your fingers.
Leigh takes a sip of her drink, washing down the last bite before looking at you with purpose. “Mind if I go first?” she asks.
You narrow your eyes. So, she's eager to dive right in. “Sure, go ahead,” you say. You observe Leigh closely for the first time in what feels like ages. Concealer cakes beneath her eyes, settling into the natural wrinkles there. She’s still undeniably beautiful, but there's a tiredness to her now that’s hard to miss. Her cheeks, usually lifted by her prominent cheekbones, seem hollowed out more than usual.
“I guess I want to start by saying that I'm…” Leigh trails off, her eyes darting around as if the right words might be hidden among the packets of ketchup and silverware. “...a horrible person.”
You open your mouth to protest, but she cuts you off smoothly.
“No, listen. You were right. I ignore you out of nowhere. I take advantage of your kindness. And it’s not just you—I’ve been doing this with everyone around me for a while now. I haven't cared about what others think or feel because I was focused on being true to myself, always playing the ‘dead husband’ card. I’ve taken everyone's patience and understanding for granted, and I’m really, really sorry.”
You sit back, stunned. The whole evening, you'd braced for a different kind of conversation. You expected Leigh to say the kiss was a mistake—just a result of nerves or a lapse in judgment driven by jealousy. You had been so sure she'd shut you down, just like all the other times. 
“You're sorry?” The words slip out unbidden, tinged with surprise and skepticism.
“Yeah,” she says, looking you square in the eye. “I know it's hard to believe, but I really am sorry for how I've treated you.”
It’s going well—too well. Your mind struggles to accept it, but your heart?
“I thought you were going to say that night was a mistake. That the kiss meant nothing,” you whisper so faintly, almost as if you don't want her to hear.
“It kept me up for nights,” Leigh replies just as softly, “and that doesn’t usually happen to me over a simple kiss.”
Your heart soars.
She doesn’t regret it. She’s sorry. This is all going too well.
“It was on my mind the whole time, even when I was all the way across the country,” you whisper wantonly. 
The corners of Leigh’s lips twitch upward, and you can't tell if it's a good sign. Her saying she’s just as affected blinds you to any other cues that might suggest otherwise.
“There’s something else I need to tell you,” Leigh says darkly, leaning back into her chair with a weary slump. “Because I’m done living in half-truths and half-realities. I can’t handle any more surprises.”
You feel a flash of confusion, trying to stitch together what Leigh might say next. She knows about your cheesy alter-ego on her advice column, the details of your past with Matt. But half-truths? What does she mean by that?
Leigh meets your gaze, and there’s something about her stare that tells you she’s coming apart, yet she's clenching every muscle to keep herself intact. You want to reach across the table, to offer a touch that might steady her, but her hands are hidden, clenched in her lap beneath the table. Her shoulders hunch, making her seem smaller, as if she's trying to fold into herself.
“Leigh, just tell me,” you urge, though not impatiently.
She exhales slowly, the breath you hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “I broke up with Danny,” she finally says, and for a brief, absurd moment, relief washes over you. 
Your smile starts to form, naive in its inception, but it’s quickly stifled as Leigh’s voice drops lower, and her next words cut through the nascent joy. 
“And then he said something I didn't think could drive the dagger Matt left in my heart any deeper,” she says slowly, like she’s having a hard time dragging every syllable.
Leigh takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling deliberately. “He told me he was pretty involved when you and Matt got together. That you first knew him as Nick, and he helped Matt reach out to you.”
Your heart sinks. You had almost forgotten that night with Danny when you discovered his real identity and how he fit into everything. He'd begged you to keep quiet, and in his desperation, you agreed—not because he pleaded, but because you believed Leigh was happy with him. It wasn’t your secret to reveal, not then.
You've known this all along and never said a word. Your throat tightens as panic sets in, your heart racing with the implications of having kept this from Leigh. Guilt pricks at you, cold and sharp.
“I…” Your voice falters, and you swallow hard, thinking, This is it, this is how I lose her. 
“I didn’t think it was my place to say anything,” you say. “I thought you were happy with him. I didn’t want to be the one to—”
“Y/N,” Leigh interjects softly. Her tone stops you cold—it's not angry, just… defeated. Which, somehow, feels worse. She looks down, twisting a napkin between her fingers. “I’m telling you this because I’m finding out that secrets can be just as hard to handle as loss.”
You nod absentmindedly, still processing, and move to clear the table in a daze. Wrapping up the leftover food, you tuck it into the fridge. The mundane task doesn't ease the tightness in your chest, but it gives your hands something to do.
“You’re not upset I didn’t tell you?” you ask, like you can’t believe you’ll come out of this conversation unscathed.
Leigh takes her time to answer. With your focus on tidying up, you miss the way her hands ball into fists. When she finally speaks, her voice has a steely edge for the first time this evening.
“At first, I was livid, of course. But Danny bore the brunt of it. He claimed he wanted me, but he was never on my side. If he were, he would’ve never helped Matt cheat on me.”
You finish tucking the last container into the fridge and lean back against the counter, your eyes on Leigh. She's staring out the window. How is it that she’s telling you these things, yet it still feels like she’s not revealing anything at all?
“I should’ve told you sooner,” you say softly. “I’m sorry.”
Leigh gets up and walks toward you. She stops so close that your breath catches. You remember the last time she was this near, how the world blurred, and how hard it was to think clearly. You can see the way her jaw tightens as she takes a breath.
“It wasn’t your secret to tell,” she says.
“But—” you start to say, though the thought fizzles out as she steps even closer.
“You're okay in that regard,” she murmurs, her voice low. 
In that regard? 
You want to ask what she means, but Leigh shuffles nearer still, her eyes searching your face. She's so close now that you can see the faint reflection of the kitchen light in her eyes, specs of yellow in darkened green. It’s nothing short of dazzling.
“Do you forgive me for last time?” she asks quietly. 
A lump forms in your throat, and all you can think about is how desperately you don't want to mess this up. You had forgiven her long before stepping onto a plane back to Maine. It happened as soon as you let her walk away that night, but you just couldn't accept how easy it was. 
You nod, unable to trust your ability to speak. 
Leigh's eyes soften as she watches you. Her fingertips brush against your jaw, her touch feather-light. 
“Is it okay if I kiss you, then?” she asks, both careful and seductive.
Your resounding yes comes in the form of you closing the gap, your lips meeting hers like an arrow striking its target. Leigh’s arms wrap around your shoulders instinctively, her fingers brushing the back of your neck, and you pull her in even tighter, deepening the kiss. Her breath mingles with yours as she sighs softly against your mouth, and it’s only then that when you feel all of her that Los Angeles starts to feel like a second home.
There are still questions, an unending list that always surfaces around Leigh, but they evaporate one by one when her tongue flicks out, seeking entrance. You surrender, lips parting, allowing her to taste you. The kiss grows with a messy urgency in seconds. Her hands roam down your back, gripping tightly as she presses in, as if trying to melt into you. You draw her nearer, your chests flush together as the kiss becomes wet and breathless.
Your apartment is silent except for your soft pants and the slick sounds of your lips meeting.  Doubts about your ability to please a woman creep in after such a long hiatus. But before these thoughts can take hold, Leigh takes charge. She grabs your hips and gently guides you backward toward the bedroom, cutting off any chance for you to slow things down.
She breaks the kiss just long enough to slip your cardigan off your shoulders and whisper, her breath warm against your lips, “Should we take this somewhere more comfortable?”
It seems almost unfair for her to pose that question while simultaneously moving to your neck, drawing a soft groan from you. Her teeth gently graze a sensitive spot just below your clavicle, applying pressure that promises to leave a mark, then soothing it with her tongue.
Leigh smirks when she feels you struggle for breath, much less for words. Your knees buckle slightly, but she holds you up with a firm grip, guiding you back until you bump against the edge of the bed. 
You know you're on the verge of something that might change everything, but right now, you're entirely Leigh's. There's no space to consider the implications, to remember that she was Matt's grieving widow just months ago. Right now, she's just the girl who holds your attention completely, the one who couldn't get rid of you even if she tried.
Leigh tumbles with you onto the bed, her thighs straddling your hips. With practiced ease, she removes her shirt and bra all at once, leaving her bare above you. The sight strips you of any last coherent thought. She isn’t the image of perfection peddled in glossy and well-curated social feeds; her body is beautifully real. Her tits look heavy and asymmetrical, round as grapefruit; her nipples pinkish-brown, pebbled and inviting. There’s a soft fold in her belly, and an overwhelming desire washes over you to kiss it. You think you might die just from looking at her.
You look up at Leigh and tell her, reverently, “You’re so devastatingly beautiful.” 
Leigh's cheeks flush as she tries to hide her smile behind her hair. “You don't have to tell me that,” she whispers. “You already got me into your bed.”
You chuckle, nerves still humming under the surface. “You were just as beautiful when devouring a cheeseburger.” Both of you laugh, the sound light and easy, allowing some of the thick sexual energy to dissipate slightly. 
You find yourself relaxing just enough to admit, “I'm not sure how to touch you right, but I want to make you feel good.”
“Just do whatever feels good for you,” she suggests, her expression softening further.
You scrunch your face a little at her, letting out a small chuckle. “That’s the thing—I haven't been getting much action myself.”
Leigh’s smile spreads wider into something mischievous and you swallow dryly at the sight. She shifts off your lap and settles at your side, propping herself up on one arm to look down at you. “Let me help you with that,” she murmurs, her voice low.
You're no longer smiling, feeling your face flush as you ask, “What do you have in mind?”
Instead of answering, Leigh’s fingers trace down to the button of your pants, deftly unfastening it. She gently scratches the skin beneath with her fingernail before sliding the zipper down. You watch as she bites her lip at the sight of the wet patch on your underwear before glancing back up at you. Her pupils are wide, the deep green of her irises barely visible in the surrounding darkness.
“Take them off,” she instructs softly.
You swallow heavily and do as she says, trying not to cover yourself despite feeling incredibly vulnerable. You haven't been naked in front of anyone in so long, and you're embarrassed by how exposed and wet you are right now.
Leigh watches you closely, and you can see the desire burning in her gaze. With her free hand, she reaches for you, her touch gentle, coaxing your thighs open as she trails her fingers up your inner thigh. You draw a sharp breath and close your eyes, expecting her fingers to graze your wetness next.
But Leigh surprises you—and herself—by guiding your right hand just below your navel, her fingers warm and sure on your wrist. Her times with Danny were about dominating and taking, but with you, she wants to give, to watch, to soak up every moan, every breathy reaction, every shiver. She wants to see you take pleasure for yourself, deriving her own pleasure from it.
“Start there,” she murmurs, her breath hot against your ear. “Tease yourself.”
Your hand hovers there, and she gives a slight nod of encouragement. As her touch slips away, you begin to explore the softness of your own skin, tracing light circles below your belly button. You utter a soft, “Fuck,” when your fingertips graze your slick, discovering just how turned on you really are. The filthy noises it creates make you whimper.
Leigh watches you hungrily. “You should be doing this more often,” she murmurs, eyes tracing the movement of your fingers now glistening with your own arousal. “You're so fucking hot. It's such a shame.”
The sound of her voice makes you arch your back further, hips bucking as you start a wide circular motion against your clit. Exerting every ounce of control not to come right away, you focus on the sensation of Leigh's eyes on you and the stimulation from your own fingers. You want to hold out, to let her watch you teeter on the edge. Your teeth dig into your lower lip, trying to curb the wave of pleasure building inside you.
Leigh's voice is a soothing command, whispering, “That's it, be patient. Don't rush it.”
“Fuck, Leigh, I’m—” Your words die in your throat as she lifts your shirt slowly, exposing your nipple to the cool air for a brief moment before her mouth engulfs it. The sensation of her sucking, then laving your nipple with her tongue, circling it, mimicking the motion you're doing on your clit, sends a jolt through you. Little flicks of her tongue to the tip of your nipple drive you crazy, and you gasp, your body responding eagerly to her touch.
Your rhythm stutters as she discards her pants and panties in one swift motion, leaving her gloriously bare. The sight of her naked body ignites a strong wave of desire to touch her instead, but Leigh pins you with a warning glare, silently telling you not to stop.
She straddles one of your legs, and you gasp when you feel her warm, wet pussy against your knee as she starts rocking against it. You position your leg to give her better leverage, and she starts sliding against you, her tits bouncing with each motion. Leigh's sucking on your nipple becomes sloppier, more frantic, until she can no longer concentrate and releases it with a wet pop.
“Oh, fuck, Y/N—” 
Leigh’s face contorts in pleasure as her drenched folds meet your thigh over and over, sweat dripping down between her breasts from the strain of holding herself up above you. The sight of her fucking herself against your leg is nothing short of mesmerizing. You increase the movements of your fingers, rubbing harshly at your clit as you watch Leigh, her breath coming in short gasps. Her eyes flutter closed, and a soft moan escapes her lips. The sound drives you wild, and you curve your spine, lifting your hips to meet your own hand.
Sex with anyone else has never felt this good before, and she hasn’t even properly touched you yet. It’s intoxicating, the way she takes her pleasure and gives it to you all at once. You’re lost in the haze of it all: the smell of Leigh’s arousal, her sweat-soaked skin, the sight of her tits bouncing and her face flushed with desire.
With your free hand, you grab the back of Leigh's head, guiding her down towards you. “C-Come here,” you manage to say, your voice breaking with need. 
Leigh obeys, her mouth meeting yours in a frenzied kiss. You swallow each other's moans, the taste of her lips sending a fresh wave of desire coursing through you. It's this simple, sweet connection of lips that utterly dissolves all your defenses.
A keening moan escapes you as Leigh slides a finger inside you, pushing deep to the third knuckle, causing your head to tip back and break the kiss as the tightness in your belly becomes too much. “Leigh, can I—” Your voice is a mere whisper, your body trembling with the effort to hold back.
Leigh's eyes meet yours, and she nods vigorously, her breath coming in short gasps. “Yes, come. Come with me.”
It's too much—the sight, the sounds, the feel of her—it’s all too much. With a final, shuddering whine, you let go, your orgasm crashing over you. Your body convulses, muscles clenching and releasing as you ride out the intense pleasure. Moments later, Leigh follows, her body shaking as she comes, her moans mingling with yours. Leigh’s face is a picture of bliss, her eyes half-closed, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. You try to memorize it before she collapses on top of you, a sweaty mess of tangled limbs and satisfied sighs.
Blindly, you stare up at the ceiling, trying to catch your breath, feeling Leigh's hot puffs of air tickle your neck as she catches hers. Slowly, you circle your arms around her waist, keeping her on top of you, acutely aware of every point where your skin meets hers, the warmth spreading between you. 
You bury your nose in her hair and breathe in deeply. This act feels more intimate than anything you had done moments ago. The simple closeness, the quiet afterglow, the way you can actually feel her heart beating steadily against your chest.
Minutes pass in comfortable silence, your thumb tracing lazy patterns on her back. Her breathing gradually evens out, each exhale growing softer and deeper. Realizing she's fallen asleep, a contented smile spreads across your face. You press a gentle kiss to her temple, letting your lips linger there for a moment. Carefully, you reach for the covers and draw them over both of you. You hold her close until your own eyelids grow heavy, and you drift off to sleep as well.
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miniversse · 6 months
I would like to request for husband Chan X wife y/n, where Chan comes home drunk attending an after party and gets all romantic and suggestive with y/n
⭑ “unresistible” ⭑
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⭑ bang chan x female reader
⭑ content includes: non-idol bang chan, non-idol reader, mentions of drinking, drunk chan, established relationship (married), oral (f receiving), use of pet names (baby,honey,channie), releasing
⭑ note: let’s just say anon has taste because i had so much fun writing this. i hope you enjoy it!
⭑ minors dni
you lay in bed staring at the screen of your phone, waiting for a call, a message, a photo but nothing came your way. as you turn to face the empty side of the bed your husband should be laying on, you hear the click of a door and one lock, two locks. his heavy footsteps approach the bedroom.
“hey baby”…
you continue to face the wall, hoping to let him know that you’re bothered by how late he arrived home. he promised he would be back before midnight on a night out with his friends, but it’s well past midnight and you waited patiently for him. the alcohol reeks off his body as he walks to face you and he happens to wear one of your favorite outfits: a black shirt and black trousers that you bought him on your second anniversary. it had the first letter of your name embroidered on the top of the shirt with a delicate, golden thread.
“i’m sorry baby, i just-“ his words trail off, knowing there was no success in making excuses. you glance at his face, feeling a sense of guilt. he has worked hard all week, and only hangs out with his friends on fridays to spend the weekend with you. he also was unresistible, always carrying a romantic and suggestive look in his eyes.
“it’s ok channie, get washed up and we can discuss it tommorow”
he reveals a small smile, and turns to the bathroom, undressing on his way there.
he lets out a long “aaah” as he plops his head on his pillow, hair still wet and straight. you couldn’t resist playing with his dark strands and twisting them with your fingers.
“i missed you baby, i’m sorry for being late” his hands grab yours and he places a kiss on the inside of your palm.
“it’s ok honey, as long as you had fun”
“mm, it was ok. nothing beats the fun i have with you” you both laugh at his remark
“what type of fun? you’ve always made fun of me for being a workaholic”
“ ‘yknow, when we wind down, and i get to have you for the night” he expresses, words slurred and spoken slow. his fingers trace your shoulder blades, and he lowers the sheets to place a kiss on the trails his fingers left. you feel a shudder run through your body and he moves up, to look back into your eyes. he always looked graceful when he’d come back home drunk, face flushed and eyes lustful. you place a peck on his lips and retract your head, only to feel his hand on the back of your neck bringing you back and locking lips with you, intertwining tongues and whispering “i’m sorry” and “i miss you baby” repetitively. you feel his hand moving down to grab at your shorts, grinning as if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
“you really want to do this now channie?”
“mhm, and why not? getting pussy drunk from you is better than any alcohol i can drink” and with that he dives under the sheets, pulling your shorts and underwear down, exposing your cunt to him. he trails kisses from your knees and down to your thighs, bringing them up to his shoulders. he hums in satisfaction before licking your wetness, letting a moan escape your parted mouth. his tongue explores you in all ways, curling inside your folds, rolling circles at your bud and flicking it.
“you’re so good baby”
“h-honey slow down, please” but he wouldn’t listen, rather he uses his fingers to play with your clit as he kisses and sucks your folds, leaving hickeys inside your thighs every so often. you grab at his, now damp, hair as your body prepares to release. your back arches and he pulls you back down, reaching your good spot countless times before you let out a final whimper of relief, your pussy dripping wet. chan let’s your sweet release coat his tongue and he swallows it, moving up to look at your sweaty face. he places a kiss on your forehead before grabbing napkins and helping you clean up.
you cuddle in his warmth, locking lips with him for what felt like hours. almost falling asleep in his arms, you gain consciousness of the situation again, laughing to yourself.
“how do i let you come home late and eat me out?”
“ ‘dunno baby, it seems like you can’t resist me”
you weren’t suprised he knew how your mind works. after all, he was your husband, and yours only.
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lustspren · 11 months
P.S.T EP. 9 | Superhero (Heroes & Villains) ft Ningning.
length: 7.9k words✦
Ningning & Male Reader
genres: little bit fluffy, oral sex, daddy kink, massage, blowjob, creampie, rescue mission lol
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Nothing more than a damn punished dog. That's what you were.
As expected, things took a drastic change from the night of the incident with Giselle. To begin with, the special treatment towards you by Noze and the rest of the staff was completely revoked, you still had your room and absolutely all the benefits you had before, but it was the tasks assigned to you that changed, this of course meant that now you were much busier than before, and the time you had to talk to the girls was quite little.
Giselle took some of the blame regarding the incident, and just like you she apologized to Noze for being so reckless, but Noze's Bitch Boss meter was through the roof. She completely forbade you from speaking to each other, not even by text message, for that she made sure to pick up both of your phones and delete your respective contacts, the punishment would only be in effect until you left San Francisco, but still it didn't make you or Aeri happy at all.
Karina, Winter and Ning were not very social towards you during those days either, the group was quite busy with agendas to attend to here and there, so you very rarely met in person, of course, this was the bird cage in which they had you locked up fault, all the time sending you along with the support staff and purposely keeping you as far away from the girls as possible. Ning, however, always left you a good night message and cared about you. You were very grateful for her closeness and warmth, but she wasn't the only bright part of that ordeal.
"And why are you in the dog house?" Yeji asked you on the other side of the screen while you were on FaceTime. You were in your room, lying on the back of the bed with the blanket up to your belly.
"Well..." you couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how ridiculous it was, "It was already after midnight when I received a message from Aeri, she wanted to meet at the hotel pool," you began to tell them, watching as everyone gathered to pay attention to what you were saying, "as you can imagine, things happened and well, when I took off the bottom of her swimsuit and the buttplug I forgot to leave them on the edge of the pool to take them later, I simply left them there, floating in the water," Yeji, Ryujin and Yuna couldn't help but laugh at you.
“You men really only think with your dick sometimes, damn,” Yeji mocked you between laughs.
"Hey hey, wait a minute," Ryujin intervened, "tell the story properly, I don't have any use for 'things happened', what did you do to her?"
"Why is it important for you to know?" you asked.
"Curiosity," she said, and at that moment you saw Chaery, who looked everywhere as if wanting to flee. Poor baby.
"Well, we kissed... I rubbed her pussy, and then I went under the water to eat her ass and pussy," as you told the story Ryujin and Yuna didn't even bother to hide their arousement, taking off their cotton shorts pajamas to put a hand in her panties, "then we went to her room and I fucked her ass."
"Fuck, I miss you eating my pussy daddy," Ryujin said in a seductive tone, rubbing her pussy under her panties just like Yuna.
"Julia unnie has been helping me play with my ass, daddy," Yuna said next to her, "I can't wait for you to come back so you can test me."
"Uh... I have to take a call, sorry," Chaery said, pointing to her phone, then disappearing from the frame. You sighed, knowing she wouldn't do such a thing, she just looked for an excuse to leave.
"Wonderful, now you've made these sluts really horny," Lia said with a sigh, even though you knew she was just as turned on as the two of them. You were about to respond when you heard a couple of knocks on your door. You already recognized that form of knocking, small knocks meant small hands. Noze.
“Fuck, I have to go,” you whispered into your phone’s microphone.
"Don't worry bitches, I'll take care of you two," was the last thing you heard Yeji say to Ryujin and Yuna before you hung up the call. You quickly stood up and went to open the door, meeting the dictator herself.
"Hello..." you said, watching as she entered your room in hasty steps without even asking first.
"Look, if it were up to me I would make you wait longer so you could get what you deserve," she said, crossing her arms in front of your bed.
"You deserve a chance to redeem yourself," she said with a sigh, giving in in exchange for her pride.
"Wow... big bad bug got a bit of a soft spot huh?" you teased.
"Shut your mouth," she warned, and you smiled, going to sit on your bed, "look, the girls had dinner a few hours ago with some fashion brands representatives, you know, discussing contracts and stuff, everything was perfect with the other girls, but it happens that Ning ate something that made her very sick and now she is sick to her stomach."
“Oh, shit,” the smile faded from your face, and your protective instinct kicked in.
"I need you to go pick her up, as discreetly as you can, and bring her here without anyone noticing how bad she looks."
"How do you know she looks bad?"
"How do you look when you're sick to your stomach? Like a Prada model?" Noze raised both eyebrows.
"Fair enough," you said, letting out a breath of worry as you stood up, "and why aren't you there with them? It sounds like something you should be a part of."
"I'm just their manager, I'm in charge of their schedules and group activities, so their personal dealings don't concern me."
"Well, understood," you sighed, grabbing your wallet, your phone, and the cap you wore a few days ago, "where am I going?" you asked Noze walking towards the door.
"Write to her, she'll give you the location," she sat cross-legged on the bottom edge of the bed, "hey, I'm serious, there won't be any third chances, so don't screw this thing up... you can do it,” her tone of voice softened at the end, as if she were putting aside her bossy role and speaking to you like the Noze you had dinner with a few nights ago.
"Everything will be okay, I promise... and thank you," you nodded, with a small smile as you opened the door and prepared to leave, "Wait, wait, are you going to stay here or what?" you asked with a confused frown.
"Yep, I'll sleep naked here while you're gone, and I'll be gone before you can see me," she said with her hands resting on the mattress. You put on a poker face.
"You cannot be serious."
"It's part of your punishment, now get out and close the door."
And so you did, leaving the room with a face of disbelief and closing the door behind your back, walking down the hallway you daydreamed for a second, imagining the scene of Noze sleeping naked between your sheets. You quickly shook your head, remembering that you had a damsel in distress to rescue. You ran towards the reception.
You had to contact one of the staff members to get you the fastest car they had rented, you waited for a few minutes at the reception until the car keys were given to you. You went out to the street, and pressed a button on the key control so that this beep, the car turned out to be a sedan (a Nissan Altima, that year's version. They spared no expense, apparently) in black chrome and tinted windows, perfect for your mission.
Getting into the car and settling into the seat, you took out your phone to write to Ning.
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Seven Hills was a very famous restaurant in San Francisco, so the mission was going to be a bit complicated, but you quickly opened Maps and set the course there, driving as fast as you could within the legal limits. When you arrived you stopped on the opposite side of the street where the restaurant was, as expected, you saw people with cameras positioned at strategic points that were more than obvious to the naked eye, you couldn't just walk in. You wrote to Ning again.
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Before getting out, you made a U-turn with the car and parked right in front of the aforementioned wide alley. You turned off the car and put on your cap so that it covered your eyes and almost your nose before entering the alley. Ning wasn't completely wrong with her assumption, it wasn't a window, but a large green door that you assumed was where they took out the trash. You made sure that no one was watching you and entered, inside everything seemed calm and clear, and after searching for a few seconds you arrived at the bathrooms. You took out your phone again to let her know you were inside.
You waited for a few minutes until she finally caught up with you. She looked incredibly beautiful, with part of her hair tied up in a high bun and the rest hanging down her back; a short black dress, with prints of white circles and colored butterflies; she also wore a golden jewel necklace, and carried a handbag in her hand.
"Oh my god, thank you so much for coming," she said as soon as she saw you, going to give you a shy hug that you reciprocated.
"It's nothing, cutie," you said, separating yourself from her, looking in all directions, "do you need to use the bathroom before we go?"
"Part of maintaining my image is that I can last until we get to the hotel, so no, let's go," she said, holding onto your arm with both hands, her voice didn't sound convincing at all, and she looked dizzy too.
"I don't think that affects your image at all, you're human," you insisted, looking into her eyes.
"Honey, please just get me out of here," she asked you with desperate eyes, breathing through her mouth, a sign that she felt like throwing up.
"Alright, let's hurry," you took her hand and took the lead.
Time proved you right, because as soon as you left the alley Ning stopped dead, took a few deep breaths, and finally let go of your hand to run behind a large trash can, she fell to her knees, and vomited. You quickly knelt down next to her and made sure to gather all the hair from her face while you caressed her back.
"Fuck, this is so bad," she muttered between labored breaths, her face pale and looking down.
"You're with me, don't worry, you'll be fine," you reassured her, giving her a few small back massages with your only free hand.
You stayed watching over her for a few more long seconds, you would stay with her as long as necessary, but the sound of a shutter whipped you back to reality. You quickly turned around to see a paparazzi you hadn't seen sneak into the alley standing right in the middle of it, pointing the camera at you both and taking photo after photo. This was really bad, very bad.
You hated having to leave Ning there alone, but if you didn't do something right then and there, everything was going to go to hell. You stood up and like lightning you ran towards the paparazzi, a short man in his thirties with tan skin, greasy black hair and dressed like an NPC from GTA V.
"Oh boy, you don't know how much these photos will put a guillotine around your neck," the man said as soon as you approached, looking at the photos on his camera. His voice reminded you of Gargamel's, which made you even more disgusted, "Not only will she have her image ruined, but any intelligent person can spin enough dots and conclude that you're more than a friend." 
You clenched your fists tightly, controlling yourself not to give him the beating of his life right then and there. He wouldn't learn the hard way, his language was money.
"Listen to me, dog," you began, facing him less than a meter away, "do you know how much money is backing me?" Extreme situations required desperate measures, and that meant lying whenever necessary, "I can pay you three times what any journalist can pay you, and unless you want to get a life-ruining lawsuit, you're interested in negotiating with me."
"Then I listen to you, boy, because a juicy payment awaits me as soon as I deliver these babies," his laugh, disgusting and evil, screeched in your ears and made you snort.
"How much will they pay you for the photos?"
"Well, those are great shots and I'm the only photographer here, I'd estimate about 20 or 25k," as soon as you heard the figure your head hurt, you didn't know if he was lying to gain or what, but it was too much.
"I can offer you more than that, I assure you, I am SM's representative here in the United States."
“I don't care who you are, kid, talk to me about figures,” he seemed completely uninterested in the conversation, never looking you in the eye and always focused on something else. You took a deep breath.
"I offer you 30k."
"30k?" He laughed in disbelief, "I'm sure you in your position can offer more than that."
"Make it 60k."
“50, you son of a bitch, don't play with my patience,” you threatened, jaw clenching. The man remained silent and for the first time he looked into your eyes, seeing a threatening and extremely angry face. He thought about it for a few seconds, then finally spoke.
"Alright, 50k then," he nodded, and then took out the SD card from his camera to throw it on the ground between your feet, then he took out a card from his back pocket and handed it to you, you looked at it, seeing that it was a presentation card with his phone number and his photograph, "you have one week to fulfill the deal, otherwise you will find a leading article on the Internet about a prominent SM man who beat up a photographer so that he would not leak inappropriate things to the public."
"You're a fucking bastard," you said, holding all the rage in your chest, and then picked up the SD card from the floor. Before he left, he hit himself in the forehead with his own fist, which took you by surprise, "What the fuck are you doing?!"
"I must have insurance in case you want to scam me," he laughed, somewhere between triumphant and pained by the blow, "see you later, kiddo, take good care of that girl."
As soon as the man left you ran towards Ning, who was leaning with her back against the wall looking terrible. Her gaze was completely lost and weak.
"We're leaving, baby, come here," you wrapped one of your arms around her waist to secure her to your body and walked as fast as you could with her towards the car. You made sure no one was watching you several times and opened the passenger door, reclining the seat as much as possible so that Ning could sit relaxed and comfortable. You placed her inside the car, put the seat belt on her and you rushed inside too, you started the car, and you started driving again on the streets of San Francisco, thinking about how the hell you were going to fulfill that deal without getting into big trouble.
As soon as you arrived at the hotel, you parked the car right where you had taken it when you left, you got out and picked up Ning to take her to the entrance of the hotel that they had prepared for you in case of emergency. You were able to make her walk during that first stretch, but when you barely entered through the service entrance her legs trembled and she almost fell, you had to carry her on a piggyback ride to her room.
When you entered Ning's room you dropped her on top of the extremely messy bed, full of small mountains of clothes in every corner.
"Fuck… thank you, really," she said in a small voice, her head resting on a pile of clothes.
"You have nothing to thank me for," you began to gather up all of Ning's clothes and stuff them into your open suitcase, "I would feel terrible if something happened to you."
"I heard a camera taking pictures… did you get them?"
"Yep," you grabbed Ning's head, lifted it to remove the pile of clothes from under it and replaced it with a pillow, "It wasn't easy," you threw the clothes into the suitcase.
"Don't worry about that," you leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek and went to the bathroom, inside you opened the shower glass and turned on the water, adjusting it to a warm temperature, then you returned to her, "Come on, there's hot water waiting for you in the bathroom."
"Would you help me undress?" she asked, managing to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Uh... sure," you offered her your hands to take and help her stand up. Once she did, you closed your eyes and reached for the straps of her dress to start pulling it down in a rather clumsy way.
"May I know why you close your eyes, silly?" she asked with a weak giggle.
"You're vulnerable right now, I don't want to be a jerk and take advantage of it," you responded, managing to pull her dress down to her heels.
"You've already seen every part of my naked body, and that was consensual."
"I know, but this time you're sick," you groped her fleshy body looking for her waist, when you found the hem of her panties, you also lowered them to her heels.
"Honey, you're so cute, really, but you can see," she insisted, giving you a peck on your chin before you opened your eyes and admired her incredibly beautiful and hot body.
"God, I'm impressed by how good you look despite feeling this bad," you said, staring at her pretty round tits as you removed the rings from her fingers and the necklace from her neck.
"My legs and feet are sore from the last show," she sighed, "this was the last thing I needed."
"You'll be better soon, now go to the shower, I have to tell Noze that everything is okay," you nodded towards the bathroom, and she nodded.
"Will you come back?" She said taking small steps as she looked at you.
"Of course, I won't be long," you assured, and then turned your back on her to walk towards the door. You turned one last time, watching her beautiful figure as she went into the bathroom, then you walked out of the room to write to Noze.
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When you sent the messages you rushed to your room to go get some things you had brought on the trip in case of emergencies, massage oil, skin cream, moisturizer, and a pain relieving ointment that you personally used. You returned to Ning's room, and as you closed the door you heard that the shower was still running and that Ning was not outside the bathroom. You quickly left all the things you had gone to get from your room on the bed and ran to the bathroom, finding Ning still inside the shower, standing perfectly with her entire body wet, including her hair now loose.
"I was starting to think I'd run out of water before you got here," she said when she saw you, "would you join me?" you sighed in relief.
"I almost had a heart attack, I thought you had fainted," you said, taking off all your clothes.
"Oh come on, you're exaggerating," she said with a giggle.
"I've passed out for less," as soon as you entered the shower she turned around and carefully got on her knees, taking your flaccid cock in one hand and bringing it to her mouth, "Hey, what are you doing?" you said taking a quick step back.
"What? I already brushed my teeth and I feel better," she said, looking at you with eyes like a scolded puppy, "I wanted to reward my golden armor knight."
"It has nothing to do with your mouth or anything like that, you have nothing to reward me for darling," you took her by the arms and carefully lifted her to her feet, "the only thing I want right now is to take care of you," you said, looking into her eyes and cradling her face with both hands. Your gazes were fixed on each other's for a few long seconds until you broke the ice, "Can I… kiss you?"
"As much as you want..." she said softly, looking at your lips, and you leaned forward to kiss her. She pressed her chest against yours, and you wrapped your arms around her body to deepen the slow, loving kiss you shared at that moment. The moment she wrapped her arms around your neck and caressed the hair on the back of your neck you felt things in your stomach, strong feelings fluttering and growing gradually. A point of no turning back that would bring you more than one problem later.
"Alright... enough, princess," you murmured against her lips, and you both smiled, "turn around, please."
"Sure," she nodded before turning her back on you. It was time to bring out the skills that had put you where you were in the first place.
You put your hands on Ning's shoulders and began to apply pressure with your thumbs on her shoulder blades. She sighed in satisfaction, and you slowly moved your hands up to her neck and then back down to her shoulders. You continued lower, massaging up her ribs and down to her lower back, always with slow, nice movements for her.
"Are you enjoying it?" you murmured in her ear, noticing that she had her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.
"My god, yes..." she said, taking a deep breath, "You know? I've been putting others first for so long that I don't even know what it feels like to be pampered... I'd like to know what it feels like to be put first," That reminded you so much of a person that it even hurt your heart a little, but you preferred not to say anything.
"I'm putting you first right now," you said, massaging her waist.
"And I thank you for that, you really are like an angel."
"Well, I'm far from being an angel, darling, I just do what I think is right," you placed a small kiss on her neck, and continued with the massage for a while until you reached out to turn off the shower faucets, "Come on, I'll help you dry off."
"You have magic hands, you know?" She told you as you got out of the shower.
"That's just a little sample," you smiled, grabbing a towel and running it all over your body to dry it off, "go to bed and lie on your stomach, I'll be right there."
She nodded and left you alone in the bathroom, where you took advantage of the moment to wash your face thoroughly before going out to the room, where you found Ning already face down, her head resting on a pillow and her arms underneath it.
"Don't blame me if... you know, you see something wet," she said, hearing that you had left the bathroom.
"Oh don't worry, I know that's going to be my fault," you said with a smile, grabbing the pain ointment you'd brought with you to start spreading it over her feet, her calves, and her thighs as you massaged every little tense muscle. Ning's body began to relax more and more, and it was time to apply the ointment now all over her back and her arms.
The massage oil you had brought was quite light, perfect for situations where you wanted it to dry quickly and not leave the person's body oily for a long time. You began to pour it, first on her feet, massaging between her toes, sole and heel, then you went up to her calves, from where you poured long lines of oil that reached her ass, where you ended up with a couple of circles.
You massaged her calves, the back of her knees and her soft thighs, spreading all the oil very well in a delicate and silent way. When you were done there it was time to move on to what you knew would be your favorite part. You began to spread the oil over her two cute round buttocks, squeezing them every few seconds and rubbing parts of her pussy with your fingers or the backs of your hands. Her slit was visibly wet now, and you saw fit to move out of there so she wouldn't get too horny.
You now concentrated on her back, applying the same process as with the rest of her body, it was when you were massaging her shoulders that she started to fall asleep.
"Hey... can you stay the night with me?" She asked in a small, sleepy voice, as you gently worked her arms.
"Of course princess," you leaned forward, tucked her hair behind her ear and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
You continued the massage for a few minutes until she fell fast asleep, with her body now perfectly moisturized, relaxed and smelling very good. You took the things you had used and left them on the nightstand, to take your phone and lie down next to Ning and write to Noze again.
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When you finished the conversation, you left the phone next to your pillow, right on the edge of the bed, and carefully covered yourself and Ning with the blanket, to put an arm over her naked body and snuggle warmly against her. Her skin was extremely soft, and her body was like a small moldable cloud, you breathed in the smell of her hair, and when you gave her a kiss on her forehead she stirred until she lay on her side and put her face on your neck; her chest pressed against yours, and she raised one leg so that you could put yours between her, an extremely intimate position that once again revived your memories.
You tried to fall asleep, but you didn't get more than a light sleep for a very long time. All the stress of the day and the thoughts fluttering in your head like a furious wasp's nest kept you awake for hours that seemed eternal, you would fall asleep for about half an hour, and you would wake up again, when you were going for the fifth time you checked your phone, realizing that there were only two hours left until you had to be in the lobby.
You knew that you weren't going to get any more sleep than that, so you resignedly ran your fingers continuously along Ning's lower back, with your face resting on your hand and your elbow on the pillow. You admired her beauty in complete silence, watching her pretty face as she slept so peacefully that even she made you envious. She moved a little, and you stopped immediately not wanting to wake her, but when she returned to her sleep you continued running the tips of your fingers over the soft skin of her waist and her lower back under the blanket.
In one of those movements your fingers reached her ass, and there you found no turning back, beginning to trace soft circles on her buttocks before going up again to her back, where you caressed her from top to bottom with your full palm.
"Don't even bother stopping anymore..." she murmured just loud enough for you to hear, and you were surprised.
"How long have you been awake?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Since you started touching me like that..." she said with a mischievous smile, her eyes still closed.
"God, I'm sorry I woke you up," you sighed.
"You don't have to apologize at all, I like it," when she said that she put a hand on your abdomen, caressing it slowly, "go ahead, keep going."
You continued as she asked, gently caressing her back for a few seconds and purposely moving down to her butt to rub it with the palm of your hand, feeling the soft flesh of each buttock between your fingers. Ning sighed softly and began to pant, that was when she brought her hand to your cock, using her palm to rub it from your tip to your balls.
"Mmm... good morning then, I guess," you murmured, and she slowly opened her eyes to look at you with a little smile.
"Morning sweetheart," she murmured back, bringing your cock to full hardness in a matter of seconds. She wrapped her fingers around it and started moving her hand very slowly, making you gasp at how warm she felt. You unconsciously brought your hand between her buttocks, and with your fingers you began to gently rub her slit, feeling how her folds were beginning to get wetter and wetter.
"Fuck… is this what every morning is like with you?" you asked between gasps, rubbing her pussy as she slowly masturbated you.
"With you, yes," she whispered before leaning in to kiss you. Your lips were involved in a sensual and passionate dance that made Ning moan, while your hands slowly worked on each other's intimacy. You laid your head back on the pillow, and she rested half of her torso on top of yours, one of her tits pressing against your chest, "Can I suck your cock this time, sweetheart?" she asked against your lips after a while of masturbating each other.
"I'm all yours right now, so go ahead," you nodded, pulling the blanket off you with a single tug, revealing your two naked bodies.
"So all mine huh? I like the sound of that," she pulled away from you and positioned herself so that the side of her body was resting on one of your thighs, her ass facing you and her face just centimeters from your cock.
"And you? Would you be all mine?" you shot, grabbing one of her buttcheeks and caressing it gently, seeing her pretty wet pussy and her beautiful back. She looked at you over her shoulder.
"I've been yours since you looked into my eyes on that plane, you just didn't realize it."
-Oh my fucking god- you thought, completely blown away by how completely crazy about her you were becoming. Without noticing it your cheeks became hot, but you didn't have time to blush when she took your cock inside her mouth.
Her warm mouth made you moan loudly as she slowly took in every inch of your throbbing cock. You brought your hand to her waist, gripping it with your fingers and delighting in how Ning's soft lips clung just inches from your base. She began to gently suck up and down, using her tongue to swirl around your tip each time she went up and to lick the front of your shaft each time she went down.
You knew she was good at sucking cock from your episode on the plane, but there, the two of you alone, with the bright light of the California morning sun filtering through the sides of the blinds illuminating the room, and the cold temperature of the air, she turned your comfortable intimacy into confidence when it came to demonstrating her skills and pleasing you.
Her pumps sent shivers all over your body because of how good they felt, taking almost all of your cock in and out of her mouth with slow and sensual movements. You brought your hand to her ass to squeeze her buttock again, and wanting to return the favor you licked your index and middle fingers to take them directly to her wet slit, running your fingers between her folds again and again until you stopped to rub her clit in circles.
Ning began to moan softly against your cock, sending vibrations along your shaft and urging you to continue rubbing her pussy the best way you could considering what her sensitive spots seemed to be. Your fingers were soaked in a matter of seconds, and you took advantage of this to slowly introduce them into her pussy, which gave way without any complications so that your fingers could be impaled to the core.
Ning's response was to slowly take you deep into her throat, her nose resting against your pubes.
"Oh my fucking god Ning..." you said loudly, using your free hand to squeeze her butt cheek as you gently but consistently pumped your fingers in and out of her pussy.
After a few seconds, Ning coughed a few times against your cock and took you out of her mouth with a strong gasp of air. She looked at you again over her shoulder with eyes full of desire and her mouth half open, letting you see your cock soaked in saliva and how the tip connected to her lips with thin white threads. She dove back in, considerably increasing the pace of her blowjob for less than a minute until you stopped her.
She looked confused, but you subtly grabbed the back of her neck so she could bring her face closer to yours and you could kiss her. You shared a sloppy kiss for a few long seconds, your arm around Ning's waist and her hand running up and down your slick cock.
"Would you eat me, daddy?" She asked you with a low and sensual voice in the middle of a moan, while she ate your mouth.
"Why are you suddenly calling me that?" you asked back, visibly turned on by that. More kisses.
"I don't know… it just came out naturally," more kisses and more moans, "don't you like it?"
"Fuck, you drive me crazy, how can I not like it?" you squeezed her butt, "and yeah, of course I can eat you, baby."
With that you subtly moved away from her and left her with her head resting on her pillow. You settled between her legs and lay face down, with your head between her thighs and your face a few centimeters from her pussy. You dedicated yourself to first placing small kisses on her thighs, licking the inside of them while you and she looked into each other's eyes every few seconds. She bit her lower lip, and gently played with her tits, imploring you with her eyes to devour her.
You had no intention of making her wait, so after a few more kisses around her pussy you planted your tongue flat between her silky folds and licked very slowly upwards, finding your way to her clit to kiss, suck and lick it again and again. Ning's moans were your cue to know which spots to hit and which not to hit, and before long she completely melted thanks to your mouth.
You grabbed your hands on each of her thighs, putting gentle pressure on them while your tongue worked as best you could on her clit. Ning brought one hand to your head and tangled her fingers in the strands of your hair to pull it gently, her body squirming very slightly, and her other hand playing with one of her tits, then you realized that was the only part of her that you had not touched yet.
You let go of Ning's thighs and moved your hands up to rest on her pair of soft, round mounds, squeezing them like two stress balls and using your fingers to play with her hard nipples, all while attacking her pussy with the dedication and perfection that a princess like she deserved.
Ning brought her hands on top of yours as you massaged her tits, and as the pleasure built inside her body, her thighs slowly closed to the point of making a sandwich with your head in the middle. Her skin felt soft on either side of your face, like two clouds that you were more than delighted to be between.
You doubled your efforts, eating out her pussy with rapid licks and perfectly controlled sucks that drove her crazy in a matter of seconds.
"Oh god daddy!" she moaned loudly, holding onto your wrists tightly, "I'm going to cum, please don't stop!" Her pretty prayers did nothing but urge you to continue eating her pussy ferociously, and in a matter of a few seconds Ning exploded in a maelstrom of moans and spasms. Her thighs pressed on either side of your head, and you had the feeling that she was holding back with the intention of not hurting you, a detail that you found adorable.
You collected her juices and licked her with gusto throughout her orgasm, and when her body relaxed she released your head from between her thighs. You stood up and knelt between her legs.
"Did my princess like that?" you asked before leaning forward and Ning grabbed your face to kiss you between gasps.
"Fuck, I loved it," she moaned against your lips, "but I need your cock inside me, daddy," she reached between your bodies and grabbed your cock to rub it between her folds, "fuck me, I'm begging you," she continued kissing your lips, and placed small kisses on your chin.
"You don't need to beg so much, baby," you said softly, returning her kisses but all over her face, "go ahead and put it in yourself," you dove into her neck, giving her little kisses and licks. Ning obeyed your order, and guided your cock to her entrance so that you only had to push forward slightly and bury yourself completely inside her silky pussy.
"Fuuuuuuck!" Ning whimpered, desperately searching for your lips to kiss between heavy pants. You reciprocated her kiss, your senses completely overwhelmed by how soft and wet her pussy felt around your cock, completely disappeared between her folds.
You had never felt a pussy like hers, so silky, soft and wet, she already drove you crazy, but that only made you now completely obsessed and at her mercy.
Ning grabbed her legs around your torso, and you began to slowly pump back and forth, your cock sliding in and out of her pussy as if it were molded especially for you. You rested your forearms on either side of her head, and she wrapped her arms around your neck as you moaned into each other's mouths.
You gradually increased your speed, and that led to more muffled whimpers against your mouth. She caressed the hair on the back of your neck, and then moved her hands down your back to do exactly the same, other girls would have scratched you there in all the pleasure, but she made sure not to hurt you in any way, she just limited herself to press your skin with her little fingers.
You lowered your head and took one of her tits into your mouth, it didn't surprise you to realize how extremely good it felt to suck on her nipples and lick around them, at this point you knew that every corner of Ning's body was like manipulating a cloud of cotton candy.
Her moans were released into the air, loud and passionate as you fucked her at a faster and more consistent pace, without reaching the point of being harsh with her but giving her deep thrusts that she felt in every hidden corner of her body. She grabbed your head with both hands and tangled her fingers in your hair, pressing your head down to sink between her delicious tits, which you sucked and put into your mouth hungrily.
You continued thrusting in and out for about another minute until Ning gently tugged at your hair; you knew she was going to cum, so you lifted your head from her tits and dove back into her lips, lovingly cradling her face in your hands as you gave her the final thrusts. Ning soon exploded a second time, this time around your cock.
Her spasms were present once again, this time stronger, more intense and abundant, she whimpered loudly against your lips, and her legs wrapped around your torso to hold herself in place as you continued to pump slowly through her orgasm. After a few seconds, her spasms stopped, and you separated from her lips to straighten your back, she let go of your torso and opened her legs wide open, staring into her eyes with a blushing face. 
"You... you fuck me so well... and you don't treat me like I'm an object," she murmured, looking at you with bright, loving eyes, "you're so... so... god, you drive me insane," you You were holding back as best you could from running away and screaming at the sky, once again your cheeks felt hot, but this time you did blush.
"Once I cum inside you you'll feel like heaven, then," you said with a mischievous little smile, hiding your red cheeks. You pulled your cock out of her pussy, and being already quite well lubricated and slippery, you pressed it against her butthole slowly, but Ning stopped you with a hand on your abdomen.
"No, honey," she said breathlessly, "I want to give you that, but I'm not ready right now, I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for, I will gladly fill that pretty pussy of mine," you leaned down to give her another small kiss on the lips before knelt up, grabbing her legs by the back of the knees and putting them together to insert yourself again inside her pussy.
"Oh yes daddy, please fill my pussy!" Ning moaned as she felt you again deep in her pussy, "your princess needs that load."
Concentrated and determined to give her what she was demanding, you began pumping in and out of her again, resuming your rapid thrusts but this time adding a bit of roughness which she received without the slightest complaint. Her tits began to bounce, and her body began to shake with each of your crashes against her.
Ning had started moaning too loudly, so she grabbed the pillow her head was resting on and used it to bite it, muffling squeals and grunts against it as you fucked her fast and hard. Your breathing was extremely agitated between your gasps and your moans, a product of how good her wet pussy was making you feel.
You put her legs over your shoulders and leaned forward, pressing her knees against her tits as you began to pump now up and down, your hands resting on the mattress on either side of her body. Ning held on tightly to the pillow, biting it and looking at you with crystallized eyes that let you know how extremely good you were making her feel.
All the pleasure she had been building in you soon took its toll, you felt a tingle in your stomach, and completely unaware of yourself, you began to fuck her now with absolutely all your strength. Ning bit the pillow again, now muffling screams against it, and a few furious thrusts were enough until with a strong thrust you began to spill your thick, hot load into Ning's pussy.
As soon as she felt your cum inside her walls, Ning had another orgasm, twice as strong and intense as the previous one, she buried her face against the pillow, and her pelvis began to shake and tremble up and down. You couldn't do anything but moan like crazy at the overwhelming sensation of cumming inside a girl you felt so attracted to.
"Do you like daddy's cum inside your pussy, princess?" you asked between gasps, moving slower as you made sure to leave absolutely every drop of your seed inside her. Ning removed the pillow from her face and threw it on the floor.
"My god, you don't know how much I love it, daddy!" she responded with a squeal, arching her back and throwing her head back.
You let her legs free and she spread them out to the sides of her so you could lean forward and kiss her, and when you stopped pumping your cock you realized how exaggeratedly wet she felt.
"Wait, you squirted?" you asked in the middle of the kiss, looking into her eyes. She looked confused.
"I don't know, I didn't even know I could do that," she replied, and you stood up again to slowly pull your cock out, letting the cum flow freely down her slit and onto the sheet.
"Well, apparently," you said with a giggle, "I'll go get you something to clean-"
"No! Wait," she said, bringing two fingers to her pussy and collecting a significant amount of thick liquid to take it to her mouth, taste it and swallow it, "give me the rest with your fingers," you were speechless for a few seconds.
"F-fuck, sure," you said, scooping up as much cum as you could with your fingers to bring it to Ning's mouth, she sucked them hard, looking into your eyes until she got them completely clean.
"I've been wanting to swallow your cum ever since that time on the plane when that bitch Jimin took what was mine," she said matter-of-factly, as if she hadn't made you rethink what the hottest thing you'd ever seen was. your life.
"The wait was worth it?"
"It was worth every second, that was amazing," she sighed with a small smile, "if I have to get sick to be pampered and feel loved, I will definitely do it more often."
"God, please don't do it," you laughed, and lay down next to her, "there's no need, believe me," she picked up the first phone she could get her hands on (yours) and checked the time.
"We still have 45 minutes before we have to leave, can you cuddle with me a little longer?" she asked you in a small, adorable voice.
"Of course, sweetie," you gently took the phone from her hand and settled a pillow behind your heads. Ning rested her head on your chest, wrapping an arm over your torso and a thigh over your abdomen to cuddle warmly against you. You hugged her with both arms, snuggling her against you to give her a small kiss on the head.
"Would you... tell me more about yourself?" she asked shyly, and you smiled.
"I'll happily do it, ask and I'll answer."
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littlereddream · 27 days
Biomimicry, anyone?
Reader is gn in this one, little coffee shop meet cute with Jason and reader. I didn’t even know biomimicry was an actually major prior to looking a few things up for this fic. The more you know!
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Nope, no good.
One more try.
With a groan, you fall back in your seat at the booth, hoping the paper you’re glaring at can feel enough of your frustration to suddenly supply you with all of the answers to your problems. It wasn’t like you wanted to be sitting in an empty cafe close to midnight working on homework for a class you don’t even take. You thought you’d be done hours ago, the assignment seeming so easy when your friend initially begged you to do it for her so she could attend her sister’s wedding.
Said friend fully neglected to let you know that the assignment required detailed notes from the related four hour long lecture. The same notes she forgot to give you before apparently losing all signal that would allow her to send them to you.
Teaching yourself the lesson from a class you’ve never even considered taking isn’t the easiest task. It’s time consuming, exhausting, and, most of all, boring. It’s what has you offhandedly doodling alternative ideas for your celebrity signature in the corner of your page. At least, that’s what you were doing before you pressed the pen into the page too hard and tore half of it apart.
The old woman who runs the cafe took pity on you ages ago, supplying you with an endless amount of white macadamia cookies while you work. On the house, she insisted. The green discoloration on the edge of the cookies told a different story of her reason for giving them away so easily.
You pick up the pen to try again, this time turning your attention back to the assignment directions sitting on your laptop screen, when a bell chimes into the otherwise quiet space.
The later the night, the fewer customers visit the shop. Most people don’t dare tempt the idea of walking this end of the city, especially not when it’s this dark out. The civilians feared the criminals, the criminals feared the Bats. It’s that same, seemingly endless food chain that has every sensible person who can help it steering clearly of nightly escapades.
Clearly, the man who just walked in has just as poorly sensible as you.
He’s the typical, shady Gotham figure. Thick jacket, hood turned up, hands stuffed into pockets, and head angled down. He’s either about to pull out a weapon to threaten Miss. Aublergine with or demand a pre-agreed upon payment from her.
Neither of those possibilities warrant the old woman’s response. It’s enough to ease your tension, the way she lights up entirely upon seeing him.
You’re sat close enough to hear most of their conversation, abandoning the tricky assignment in favor of listening in.
“You! I’ve been wondering when you’d stop by this week,” she scolds, pulling out a small paper bag from under the counter to drop fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies into.
You can’t really see the man’s face from where you’re sat, but you can make out the minute shrug of his shoulders.
“Got busy,” he says.
You can see him pull out a leather wallet, but Miss. Aublergine is quick to slap away his hand from dropping cash into the tip jar.
“I’ve told you, I don’t want your money. If you really want to pay me back, get the loner sitting back there out of my shop so I can close already.”
She’s leveling you with a knowing look, hands on her hips and a single brow raised, and you drop your gaze back to your laptop. Either you were too obvious of an eavesdropper or she had the eyes of a hawk. Probably a mix of both.
“Yes, okay, message received. I’ll head out now,” you mumble.
While you’re busy gathering all the papers in a neat stack, you can just barely make out the muted conversation happening some feet away. Not enough to understand what’s being said, unfortunately. A few seconds later, footsteps echo over tile to where you’re sat, and worn out boots enter your field of vision. Hoodie dude.
You look up, right into alert green eyes. Green eyes that are focused on the laptop still out on the table.
“Need any help?”
“Not unless you happen to know anything about biomimicry,” you huff.
He smiles, and what a sight it is indeed. “I do, actually. Mind if I…?”
Too late, you realize that he’s gesturing to the empty seat next to you. At your nod, he lowers himself down.
With his help, the missing lecture notes suddenly don’t seem all that important anymore, every gap in your resources filled by the knowledge he just happens to have. He seems engrossed in the work, hardly paying attention to you next to him as he explains everything. At some point, his hood comes down. At another, your shoulders relax.
Somewhere between both of those points, you’ve both inched a little closer.
No one else enters the cafe for the entirety of the time you and him are sat together. It’s like the world around you has gone silent, sound itself pausing to give the both of you space to breathe.
And then you’re shutting the laptop with a relieved sigh, paper written and assignment finished. Neither of you move right away, but soon enough you start to pack the laptop away with the rest of the papers. It gives him an opening to stand, and when you look back up, the hood is back on.
“Thank you,” you say.
He seems genuinely surprised that you’re still talking to him, enough for his response to take a second longer than it should.
“It’s no problem. Glad I could help.”
He steps back a little, giving you enough space to slide out of the booth yourself.
“You really did. I have no idea how I was gonna get that done myself. Before this, I had no idea biomimicry was an actual major.”
He angles his head to the side a little. “Not your homework?”
“Nope. Friend of mine needed help.”
He gives an understanding nod, and the two of you are thrown back into silence. With a glance outside, it seems the night’s only gotten darker.
“I gotta head out, thanks again.”
Slinging your backpack over your shoulder, you’re stopped by his hand around your wrist. It’s instinct to snatch your arm back, but by the look of his face, the way he’s staring at his hand like it doesn’t belong to him, he hadn’t even realized he’d done it.
“Sorry. I just- sorry. Um.”
Somewhere outside, far off into another block entirely, a car alarm echoes down the street.
“You’re walking home?” He asks.
To give the random, still suspicious stranger who helped you with homework the answer to a possibly identifying question, or not.
He looks uneasy at that, eyeing the street outside the glass windows like they’re personally whispering threats into his ears.
“It’s late.” He points out.
“I noticed.”
“Dangerous neighborhood.”
“Noted and confirmed.”
He sighs, rolling his eyes in a way that suggests he’s seconds away from dragging a hand down his face.
“I’m saying, you shouldn’t be walking alone.”
Suspicious, suspicious man.
“Walked here just fine, didn’t I?” You reply.
He gives you an unimpressed look. “At a much earlier time, I’m sure.”
Finally, you decide to do you both a favor and beat at the bush instead of around it.
“If this is you trying to walk me home, I think I’m gonna pass. I appreciate the offer and all your help, but I don’t even know your name and I’d rather take my chances walking alone.”
Too harsh? Maybe. Possibly. He did just help you. Should you take it back? Say something else to soften your words? He doesn’t give you the chance to.
“Oh, right. I got it, no problem. Sorry. Be careful, no shortcuts,” He rambles, sincere and apologetic. You almost feel bad, if not for the fact that Gotham’s taught you how much better it is to be safe than to be sorry.
Just as you’re about to leave, a cough rings out from behind the register. There’s the old lady, hacking up a storm and making odd flapping motions with her hands. What- oh. She’s waving you over.
It takes five seconds for you to cross the distance over to the counter and one second for Miss. Aublergine to pull you closer by the arm to where you can just barely hear her whisper.
“Jason has been coming here almost every week for the past few months. He always tries to tip me extra, sometimes comes in with his brothers or sister,” she trails off, taking a second to return to her original thought. “Point is, I know him. He’s a good kid, not a single bad intention in him. Let him walk you home,” she hisses.
You falter, looking behind you to where the man—Jason, apparently— is closely examining the specks of dust on a nearby table. His gaze lifts to catch yours, then immediately returns to the table. He’s as bad at hiding his eavesdropping as you are.
You trust Miss. Aublergine. You know she wouldn’t throw you to the wolves if she knew better.
One last encouraging look from Miss. Aublergine has you turning back and walking over to where Jason is now overwhelmingly interested in the marble tile. You stop in front of him, aiming for an easy smile.
“Still up to walk me home?”
With a matching smile, though it seems like it takes a little effort, Jason nods.
“Of course.”
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
One ask wasn't enough! So, how about these prompts, with Cabot?
"I can't sleep, can I stay here?" and
"Don't... I'm ticklish!"
Thank youuuu 🥰🥰
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Thank YOU so much!! Here ya go!
Insomnia Strikes
Alex Cabot x reader (more implied than anything else lol) Warnings: mentions of anxiety/insomnia, I think that's about it. Just a nice little comfort one shot.
Being the natural night owl that you were, you never had any problems swapping shifts around when someone on the squad got roped into an overnight shift. You honestly didn’t mind it, you basically chilled alone, ate snacks, scrolled through your phone and answered a handful of phone calls that the desk clerk downstairs didn’t catch. It was a very rare occasion where something actually made its way to you prior to six in the morning and by then you were usually only on intake, passing it off to the day team before heading home. It was a nice little break from the chaos that the squad room and a courtroom normally were.
You spent the first few hours catching up on paperwork, finishing all the nearly late files, scrawling your signature across them before popping them into Cragen’s inbox. The squad slowly disappearing as late evening hit until only Olivia remained and you tossed a crumpled up piece of paper onto her desk, telling her to get out of there. You knew she liked to stick around as late as she could, not wanting anyone to really be trapped all alone in the building and she was quick to ask if you’d eaten dinner yet. You laughed, saying you had your breakfast before you came in and that she better get home to get some sleep. If she complained of being tired when you finally did have to call her in, you’d hold it against her. That finally got her going, giving you a warm smile as she wished you goodnight and finally left the precinct.
Once office lights began to flick off and the downstairs desk attendant clocked in things fell into a state of stillness, quiet and calm seeping through the air. Your paperwork was actually done, the most recent case you’d been working on waiting on the jury and you appeared to be free from actual work. So you started on the more mundane tasks, things that didn’t get done until you were on night shift. You started out by cleaning your desk, tossing out old receipts, crumpled up pastry bags, pencils that were so slivered down they couldn’t be used. Grabbing the collection of coffee mugs from the bull pen you headed into the break room, loading up the sink with hot soapy water to take care of the dishes in there. The cleaning crew usually came through around midnight, so you tackled the fridge, throwing out anything and everything that wasn’t labelled, had been in there for too long or seemed to be growing its own ecosystem.
After a very thorough hand wash, you wandered back to your desk, phone in your hand as you ordered some food for dinner, though maybe it was technically your lunch. Having no messages, calls or emails waiting, you pulled out your I-pad, sitting it on your desk as you settled back into your chair, pulling up your most recent binge. You were starting to get a little antsy twenty minutes in, your foot tapping against the floor over and over again. If it were day shift you’d usually caught a case or had to trek over to the DA’s office by now, but you were still just sitting there wishing you had an easier way to get your steps in. Your prayers were partially answered when the desk sergeant called up saying your food was there and you got to jog down the stairs to pay the driver before wandering back up them to your desk.
You ate a couple of slices, snagged a soda from the machine and set the box off to the side as you turned your attention back to the screen in front of you. The cleaning crew came and went, efficiently working through the space in no time, waving a friendly hello and then goodbye to you once they were finished. It wasn’t much later after that when you heard the shuffling of feet coming from the hallway and you glanced up, half expecting the desk clerk to be coming to take advantage of the vending machines. Your head tilted when instead you spotted Alex, loose leggings and a fuzzy sweater wrapped around her frame, hair messily tied back.
“Lex?” You greeted and her head lifted up, a small smile on her cheeks when she saw you. “What’re you doing here? Please don’t tell me you’re gonna have to go wake up a judge.”
“No.” She replied with a small huff, leaning over to press a kiss to your temple before pulling over a spare chair and dropping into it. “Tried your apartment first, neighbour said they saw you leaving for work late so I figured you were stuck on night shift.”
“And you thought I needed a babysitter?” You asked with a tease and she shook her head at you.
“Long day. I just wanted to make sure I got to see you at some point.” She yawned, her hands sneaking under her glasses to rub furiously at her eyes.
“You could’ve just called.”
She glanced up at you, a nervous look in her eyes as she chewed on her lip for a minute before letting out a breath, “I can’t sleep. Can I just stay here?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, reaching out to squeeze at her knee, “course you can. Did you at least try to sleep? Or were you still up on the couch pouring over case files?”
“I did.” She revealed with a sigh, “stared at the ceiling tossing and turning for almost four hours before I gave up. My brain just won’t shut up.”
“Did you take your meds?” You asked and she glanced up at you with a sheepish look on her face, softly shaking her head.
“I ran out on Monday; didn’t realize I was so low and I couldn’t get an appointment for a refill until next Tuesday. I took the anxiety one at eight and doctor’s orders say I can’t take melatonin with it, so I’m just kinda out of luck.”
“Shit.” You frowned, squeezing at her leg again, “next time we’ll make sure you always have an immediate refill on hand.”
“Thanks.” Her hand caught yours, squeezing it softly as she smiled across at you.
“You eat?”
“Wasn’t really hungry.” She shrugged, “had a granola bar.”
“How about you dig into this,” you tugged the pizza box from the other side of the desk, flipping it open in front of her and when the smell wafted over to she felt her stomach begin to grumble. “I’ll see what they have for tea in the break room.”
Leaving a kiss on the top of her head you left her to it, commenting for her to change the Netflix to whatever she wanted while you were gone. Digging through the break room you were pleasantly surprised to find a box of chamomile tea, turning on the kettle and brewing a mug exactly the way Alex liked it. When you crossed back into the bull pen she was curled up in the spare chair, your NYPD hoodie you normally stashed in the lower drawer of your desk draped over her lap as her hands played with the fraying cuffs.
A warm smile overtook your features as you placed the mug down in front of her, kissing her cheek again before reminding her to eat. With a tired sigh she finally leant forward, taking a slice of pizza, a pleased groan leaving her when she found it still warm.
She’d chosen one of your mutual favourite comfort movies, a classic rom com with no drama or terribly corny jokes set in the city you’d made your home. She ate her slice and sipped at her tea while she watched, relaxing into your side as she did so. You had to answer a couple of texts over the course of the hour but otherwise you were pleasantly occupied and comfortable. There were about five minutes left in the movie when she was fully slumped on your shoulder, you could feel her steady breathing and were certain her eyes had finally closed even if she wasn’t asleep yet. Your fingers poked gently at her side and she grumbled, flinching away from your touch without moving her head off your shoulder.
“Don’t. I’m ticklish.”
“Sorry.” You murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, “lets get you to the crib, you can get some actual sleep.”
“Come with me?” She finally looked up at you with sapphire puppy dog eyes and a pout on her lips. You smiled softly, letting out a breath of a laugh.
“Okay, but only ‘til you fall asleep. I am on duty after all.”
“Fine.” She scowled, yawning, her eyes still drooping as she reluctantly stood from the chair, your hoodie still curled in her arms.
Alex shuffled away to the bunk room, letting herself in and leading you to the bunk burrowed in the corner. You grabbed a couple of extra pillows and blankets, making sure she was more than comfortable, tucked in and relaxed as she curled up on her side face you. Perched on the edge of the bed you smoothed back her hair, tucking it behind her ear as her eyes fell shut again, letting out a content sigh.
“Thank you.” She murmured; her voice muffled by the pillow.
“Anytime baby.” You whispered back, fingers trailing across her cheek before you kissed her forehead.
By the time you’d sat upright she was out like a light, soft snores echoing through the small room and a small smile crept onto your lips. Pulling out your phone you quickly set an alarm so she would have enough time to get home and get dressed properly for the day before having to return to the DA’s office and quietly made your way from the room. You knew it wasn’t much, but it really was the little things, knowing that whenever Alex was fighting a bout of insomnia she found solace and relief in you, that no matter where you were, she would eventually be lulled into comfort and thus sleep as long as you were around.
@mickey-gomez @cabotfan42 @detective-giggles @red1culous @beccabarba @imlike-so-gaydude @altsvu @svulife-rl rl @svushots @mspetey @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @gaylorrds @mysticfalls01 @littlegaybabe @bumblebear30 @wosoimagines @solemnnova @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @lawandorderuswnt @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @narvaldetierra @momlifebehard @poisonedcrowns @a-little-bit-of-this-and-that @somethingimaginative17 @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @7thavenger @disneyfan624 @msvenablesbitch @happenstnces @onmykneesformarvel @desperate-gay @riveramorylunar @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @noahrex @temp0rary-bliss @wittygutsy @chimnlex @maximoffcarter @sapphicqueenofdonuts @ralla-ralla @chestnutninny @gamma-rae-bursts
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scorpioriesling · 2 months
Those prompts are so good omg… what if smut 38 and 15 with az !?
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Pairing(s): Azriel x reader
Warnings: smut, mdni, 18+, oral (fem recieving), mentions of weed and alcohol, pining if you squint
Summary: You absolutely cannot sleep, and of course you're out of all of your usual sleep-remedies. Who would be awake at this hour anyway to ask for help? You don't need to think long -- the answer comes through your phone at the moment you needed it.
SR’s Note: Thank you anon for the request and for your patience -- this uses prompts #15 and #38! Enjoy, xoxo
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Every night it was the same -- you'd always end up being scheduled late at the bar, which of course meant getting home at an ungodly hour, thus leaving you to finally lie down in bed in the very early hours of the morning.
You didn't complain; the cash folded neatly inside your bulging wallet kept you quiet about that, especially considering it was a Friday night and the customers at the bar were feeling rather generous tonight.
Although you made enough in tips on top of what you'd earned each hour, it almost made up for the job at hand. Sure, you'd spent your paid eight hours mixing and whisking away at drinks; but you'd also conversed, brought up the energy, and had to play off the frequent attention you'd recieved shift after shift.
There were only so many responses that you could come up with to "let me get your number, baby!" that were light-hearted and fun, but still dodgy enough that you didn't actually need to give it out. Can't hurt a male's ego too bad, if you piss someone off too much, it could cost you a job.
Overall, it was just exhausting.
Nonetheless -- you flipped back and forth between your sheets, desperately searching for sleep; a concept that seemed just out of reach as your eyes fluttered open for the hundredth time, no matter how many times you'd forced them shut.
Reaching toward your bedside table, you clicked the power button on your phone, the bright screen in your dark room causing you to squint at the intensity. 2:53 AM. Why couldn't you fall asleep?
Sighing, you place your phone in its original spot, flopping onto your back and running a hand over your face. You stare blankly at the ceiling, trying to decide what to do. You'd used the last of the sleepy tea that your best friend gave you -- Nesta swore by it -- and were out of weed, which always relaxed you enough that you may drift off easier.
Nesta was for sure asleep by now. She already chastized you for your plans to not attend training with her in the morning -- forgive you, that you'd choose to spend your Saturday morning sleeping in rather than watch her and her boyfriend pretend not to undress eachother with their eyes, thank you -- so, at this hour, she would be long asleep.
As you're racking your brain, your phone buzzes beside you. You reach for it once more, turning the brightness down to see the screen more clearly.
Wow. A message from the last person you'd expect tonight.
You up?
You read the text again, and again, looking up at the name and back at the gray text bubble to make sure you're seeing straight.
I am...
You stare at your phone screen blankly, waiting a few moments before three little dots pop up.
I can't sleep.
You probably should, you type back. Don't you have to be up early tomorrow?
Considering the sounds from down the hallway... I don't think anyone is going to be awake tomorrow morning for training.
You bite your bottom lip, chewing on the skin. So... Nesta definitely was awake. Awake, but... busy. You could just text her instead, ask her for some more of her tea. She would be able to get it to you, seeing as she isn't getting any shut-eye.
But, instead, you type back.
Want to come over?
✧・゚: *
You're rushing around your bathroom, brushing your hair and spraying yourself with perfume when you hear a light tapping on your window. It's then that you look up, meeting your own eyes in the mirror, and scowl. He's just an acquaintence, you think to yourself. Why stress so much over how you look?
Maybe, because he is handsome.
Come on, you mentally slap yourself. You've met him only a few times anyway. He probably won't even care that much.
But you care. You really care-
It is 3 AM, he will understand.
You continue your mental battle in your head as you nervously pad over to your window, drawing the curtains and pushing the glass up. The moonlight bends around his hulking form -- and you can see his dark, touseled hair shining in the pale light. He tucks his wings behind him, leaning so suddenly close to climb through.
"Hey," he utters. You back up as he squeezes through, grunting when his feet finally hit the floor. You stare at him, looking up and down unabashedly. He has ditched his usual leathers for gray sweats, a cotton black tank, and tennis shoes.
Holy shit-
"Are you just gonna stare at me or..."
Your cheeks heat, and you quickly glance anywhere but him.
"No! Uh, no, I... welcome, uh..." you search for words, and he chuckles.
"You just get off work?" He asks, making way through your room for your living room. You trail behind him, your brow only furrowing slightly that you're following him through your apartment.
"Yes...?" You say. He plops down, making to untie his shoes and get comfy on the cushions. You simply watch in amusement, finding it rather hard to tear your eyes away from his massive biceps-
"Do you always stare or am I just now realizing it?" He teases again, kicking his final shoe off as he adjusts his hips on the couch. His arm lazily drapes over the back of it, and you scoff.
"No," you say defensively. "I am just amused that this is the first time you're in my apartment, and you are acting as if you've been here a hundred times before." You shrug, making way for the fridge.
"You got anything to drink?" He asks, changing the subject immediately. You reach inside, crouching to look between the shelves for anything other than the usual.
"Do you want alcohol? Or just a regular drink?" You ask. Azriel chuckles again, and you poke your head out for just a moment to see him smiling lightly at you and shaking his head.
"Ahh," he sighs. "You're a funny girl, Y/N." You raise an eyebrow.
"Just a normal drink, please. Don't want to be too fucked up if I'm going to try and fly out of here later." He reasons. Your heart sinks just a tiny bit at that, wishing he'd stay.
Don't be delusional.
"Water it is." You pull too bottles from the shelf, tossing one to him. He catches it, uncapping and taking a few long drinks before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. You try not to stare again as you make your way to the couch beside him.
"So..." You say awkwardly, reaching for the remote to click on the TV. "What made you uh," you smile nervously. "What made you text me of all people in the middle of the night?"
Azriel shrugs, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I mean, I told you about your friend and Cass. I hate when they wait so late to start with... you know... whatever they do," he avoids the word.
"Fucking?" You raise an eyebrow, and his eyes meet yours.
"Uh... yeah. That." He coughs, and you smirk, clicking through the suggested shows on Hulu.
"Still doesn't explain why you came here though. Don't you have like, a million friends? Or, a girlfriend or something? I thought you and-"
"Nahh, nah." He interjects, shaking his head. "Just the Inner Circle. Well, them and now you, I guess, since Nesta started bringin' you around."
Your heart swells, the mini-crush on this handsome male from training only growing with every minute he spends on your couch.
"I knew it'd be quieter here, I guess." He says in finality.
You pause, crossing your legs and turning to face him.
"And, how would you know that?"
"Know... what?" He asks.
"Know it would be quiet here?"
He looks side to side, playing with the silver band on his finger. "I don't know, I mean, why wouldn't it be?"
You frown. "Did you just assume I didn't have some else I was spending my time with?" His head tilts to the side in consideration.
"You know what I mean. Fucking?" A light rosy blush fans across his cheekbones, and he shakes his head.
"No, I uh, I didn't think you had anyone here. I know you didn't, actually, um, Cassian told me-"
"Told you what." You demand, inching closer and closer. The smell of mist and cedar infiltrates your senses, and you have to remind yourself to remain steadfast.
"He... he told me you weren't seeing anybody. Haven't been, for a while, actually." You pause, staring into his hazel eyes that search yours.
"Wait, what?" You say. His hand on the back of the couch slides to meet your bare arm, and you almost shudder at the contact. "W-why would he tell you that?" You ask.
Azriel leans closer, his pupils dilating with every inch he draws nearer. He's so close that you can count every light freckle on his nose, see every fracture of color in his irises -- so close, just an inch or two more and his inviting lips would be on yours.
"Because I asked him. About you." His hand on your shoulder slowly trails up, brushing across your shoulder and snaking down toward your hip. You only now realize the position you're in -- you're practically atop him, he casually leans back against the L-shaped couch, and you've all but crawled between his legs and sat in his lap at this point.
"Why ask..." you trail off, and his other hand moves to brush a fallen strand of hair from your forehead. He smiles softly up at you, his thumb brushing against the swell of your cheek.
"I had to know if I actually had a chance," he whispers, his fingers lightly holding your jaw and pulling you down to him. "Before I did this."
His lips were definitely inviting. Warm, and soft as they slid across yours, fitting perfectly against the skin of your own. He held you firmly, pulling you closer so that you were in fact straddling him as he deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping across your bottom lip. You allowed him in, your own dancing with his in a tango of passion as his fingers gripped your hip tighter. His other hand roamed downward, first, lightly gripping the column of your throat. You softly moaned into his mouth, and he smiled into the kiss.
His fingers kept travelling, down, down, over the curve of your breast, where he squeezed lightly before finding purchase on your other hipbone. You fingers tangled in his hair, softly skating through the strands as you continued to relish in the taste of him.
"Sweet thing," he pulls back, only slightly breathless as his half-lidded eyes meet yours. You gulp a few lungfuls of air in, and match his gaze, which is focused on your pelvis, unsubconciously moving in small circles atop his lap. He looks up at you again, chuckling before connecting your lips once more.
"You can't," he breaks the kiss for a breath. "...keep doing that..." He goes back in for more, his hands snaking behind you to grip your ass. You squeak, and he grins slyly at you. "...I can't fuck you on the first night, Y/N," he says, his gaze finding yours again. Oh, how good your name sounds coming from his lips...
"You'll see me for more than just one night?" You ask, and his eyes soften as he pulls you in for another quick peck.
"I'd like to see you every night, if you'd allow me." You giggle, and he smiles warmly up at you before pressing a trail of sweet kisses from the corner of your mouth, down your jawline in a descent over the column of your neck. He lightly bites on the junction between your neck and shoulder, eliciting another soft whine from you.
You can feel the pressure between your legs only growing, the thin material of his sweatpants the only barrier between your cotton shorts and his hardening length. He pulls back, his hands lifting you off of him for a moment as he slides down to lay flat on the couch.
"Az... what-"
"Sit on my face, baby." He asks, his fingers tugging on your hips as he adjusts his wings underneath him. Your eyes widen, and he pulls on the waistband of your shorts. "Please... I want to take care of you."
You stand, shucking off your tiny shorts and watch as he marvels at the thong you had on underneath. You peel if from you, discarding them before returning to position yourself right over his awaiting mouth.
"Mmm," he hums, his lips kissing the inside of your thighs softly as you tremble over him. You can feel your arousal leaking from your core, surely trailing down your inner thighs at this point, and you place your hands on the back of the couch as his deliciously rough hands grip your ass again.
"So fucking perfect Y/N..." he mumbles, licking a slow stripe between your folds that has you gasping. "So fucking wet, just for me."
His lips press into you, his tongue working to stimulate every last nerve ending you have down there as you grip the back of the couch, whining and panting pathetically above him. His hands search across your ass, gripping your hips, and holding your thighs wide for him when you try to close them around his head.
"Fuck, Azriel... eating me so good..." you cry out as his lips find your clit, sucking on it harshly without warning. You feel the liquid fire in your lower belly being set ablaze, growing hotter and hotter with each expert flick of his tongue against your dripping heat-
"Mhmm, you like it when I eat you out?" He mumbles, his fingers digging into the skin of your hips. You throw your head back, moaning loudly as his tongue dodges in and out of your core.
"Fuck! Please... oh Gods.. yes Az-" you pant, your hands braced behind you on his thighs as your eyes look down to meet his. Your met with a sinister stare as his mouth detaches from you one last time.
"Come for me, sweet girl," he commands. You cry out desperately, his tongue so deep inside you that his nose nudges your clit with each minstration. A few more swipes of his lips against your pussy, and you're coming undone.
"Azriel!" You groan, your lower half slightly shaking as your orgasm shoots through you. His hands hold you in place over him, his tongue licking up every last drop of you that spills out before kissing your inner thighs one more time.
He delicately lifts you off of him, laying you down on the cushions as he stands up beside the couch, leaning down to kiss you deeply. You can taste yourself on him, and he allows you to by kissing you longer, and longer...
"Sweet girl," he pulls back, his hand cupping your cheek lightly. You gaze up at him, all the adoration in the world as his chin glistens in the moonlight with your essence. "Tell me where I can find you a towel?"
Your heart melts, and you silently point to the bathroom. He makes his way over, coming back a few moments later with a warm rag to help clean you up. You move to take it from him, but he only shakes his head at you.
"I said I would take care of you," he offers. You stare at him, bewildered where your night has gone and what all has come out of it. Once you're clean, he simply picks you up in his arms, carrying you gently to your bed before resting you upon it and tucking the covers around you comfortably.
"Az," you reach for him when he moves to leave your bedside, and he turns to face you once more.
"Yes?" He asks. You grab his hand, pulling him close to you.
"Please, stay?"
He sighs, running a hand through his hair again. "You know I want to-"
"So stay," you cut in.
"We haven't even had a first date yet," You can practically see the war in his eyes, but reluctantly, he folds his wings in close and walks around to the other side of the bed and pulls the blankets back.
"I don't want you to think this is just for the night," he continues, nuzzling in close and pulling you flush against his chest. "I want things to be more than... just, something for one night, Y/N."
"I do too Az, really," you kiss his cheek, and he grins.
"And, I promise, I won't think its just for one night. I'll trust you," you say, and his fingers roam over your bare bottom, resting comfortably there as his heavy-lidded stare meets yours once more before you drift off in his warm embrace.
"As long as you come back tomorrow."
✧・゚: *
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thealtoduck · 3 months
Secret Saviour
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Damian Wayne x Male Reader
Warnings: None…
Part 1: Being the son of Roulette and meeting Damian Wayne…
Summary: When Bruce goes missing Damian finds an unexpected help in Y/n Sinclair…
(A/n: I changed the title from the poll)
Ever since the two of you studied together you and Damian had grown fond of each others company. Despite that Damian would never admit this fact, he insisted to his family that he was simply investigating you to see if you were somehow involved with your mother’s criminal activities.
He hadn’t actually found anything suspicious connecting you to Roulette yet which pleased him. Because according to him it means ”he dosen’t have to contact the GCPD… yet”. But Damian would have to put his ”investigation” on halt for a bit.
One dark night during patrol Bruce had suddenly disappeared without a trace, no comms could reach him and they had no way to track him except for the Batmobile’s last location, which hadn’t revealed the slightest hint. His allies looked for him for days trying to find even the smallest clue that would at least let them know he was alive but nothing.
Just when they felt like there was no where else to look they got a call from the watchtower. They answered and Martian Manhunter appeared on the screen of the Batcomputer.
”Hey J’onn, good news I hope” Dick greeted. ”The watchtower recieved an urgent message about Batman’s current whereabouts from an unknown source” J’onn said and another voice started playing from the speakers, one which Damian recognized…
”Is this the watchtower?” A voice came over a weak signal making the sound crackle lightly. Despite the bad audio quality Damian knew that voice immediately it was Y/n’s voice. ”I know Batman has disappeared and I think I know where he is, have someone meet me on the 4th floor of parking garage next to the Royal Hotel, on Wednesday at midnight and I’ll tell you what i know”.
The message then ended and J’onn said ”I’ll let you decide how to deal with the informant, make sure to be careful, contact the League if you need any further help, good luck”. Then he hung up and disappeared from the main screen.
”Do we go meet the informant? It could be a trap to get us too” Duke questioned. ”We don’t have anything else to go off, this could be our only lead, we have to go” Tim stated. ”How about two of us go meet the informant, while the others keep watch in the surrounding area and Oracle monitors, incase it’s a trap” Dick said drawing up a plan.
The others muttered and nodded in agreement of the plan. ”I wanna meet the informant” Damian then voulenteered on impulse making the others turn to him suprised by his eagerness. But Damian needed to make sure it was you, even if you might be luring him in to a trap.
”Alright” Dick said and walked them through the plan ”Me and Damian meet the informant on the 4th floor. Jason, you keep an eye from above the top of the Royal Hotel. Cass and Steph, i want one of you on the 5th floor and one on the 3rd floor, incase we need back up. Duke and Tim, you’ll watch from the building across the street, everyone clear?”.
The each member of the team uttered a quick ”Yes” in understanding. As Damian went to bed he knew needed to keep an eye on you tommorow.
The next day when Damian attended school he was on the watch for you. Once he found you, you greeted Damian as you usually did but as you got to class he noticed you seemed off. You were usually the more talkative out of the two of you but today you seemed distracted, almost nervous today.
When you got to lunch time and you and Damian sat down together he questioned ”Are you okay? You’re being quiet”. ”Oh… no I’m fine I just got a lot to do, so just a bit stressed you know” you answered vaguely.
The fact that Damian had pointed it out, made you seem more focused and yourself, he assumed it was to not seem suspicious and make him ask more questions. Once the school day ended you were quick in saying goodbye to him before you got in to a car as your chauffeur took you home.
Later that night Nightwing and Robin grappled to the 4th floor of parking garage and started looking around. There were some cars parked there that they kept a watchful eye on in case any goons were hiding inside. Soon the two spotted a figure dressed in all black.
The figure was looking down to the streets below the garage. The two approached slowly ready to grab their weapons in case of an ambush. As they stopped behing the stranger he turned around.
Damian had been right there you were hidden in a black hoodie. Not something you’d usually wear but Damian understood it was for stealth purposes. And even then he thought black suited you well.
Dick however was caught slightly off guard a kid was the one who had made an emergency call to the Watchtower…
”Thanks for meeting me” you said, your voice cautious as you looked around to see no one would hear you. ”So, what do you know?” Nightwing asked.
”I think that Batman was taken by the criminal, Roulette, ever heard of her?” you started. ”Yeah, she’s the one who runs those illegal cansinos, what makes you think she’s behind this?” Dick asked.
”I… have sources who work closely with her” you said Robin and Nightwing noticing the slight hesitation in your voice. ”They say she’s advertising a special event with her superhero cage fights that started around the same time Batman went missing” you explained.
”Any idea where she might have taken him?” Robin spoke up, his voice throwing you off for a moment, Robin sounded kinda like Damian. You got back on track and answered ”My guess would be her casino in Las Vegas, it’s her biggest one, she holds all her major events there and I think she’d make having captured Batman, a big event”.
You held out a flash drive in your hand and said ”This contains the layout of the Vegas casino”. Nightwing picked it up and said ”Thank you, you’ve been very helpful to us”.
”It’s the least I could do after all you’ve all done for the city” you told him with a small smile. ”I have to leave now” you told them. ”Good luck” you said walking off, you felt someone grab your shoulder.
Making you turn around being met with Robin. ”You shouldn’t walk home alone, It’s dangerous this late at night, someone should escort you” he stated. You smiled at him. ”Don’t worry I’m a tough boy, who can take care of himself, thanks for the offer though” you stated, a teasing tone to your voice and you once more turned around and strolled off.
Dick and Damian then started their drive home in the Batmobile. ”I wonder what sources he had, hope he’s not mixed up in that crowd, he seemed pretty young” Dick said with a worried tone.
”That was Y/n Sinclair, he probably got the info straight from Roulette herself” Damian revealed. ”Oh! That was your boyfriend? The one you’re ”investigating”? He seemed nice, I like him, Good pick” Dick stated.
”He’s NOT my boyfriend!” Damian said annoyed.
”You just offered to walk him home” Dick accused. Damian glared at his brother and said ”Just to make sure he stays out of trouble”.
”…Right” Dick said not believing a single word Damian said.
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starry-hughes · 9 months
holiday disaster (luke hughes)
day 22 of star’s ficmas
luke hughes x reader
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Jack walked onto the plane first, getting his ticket scanned and walking through. Before Luke could even have his ticket scanned he was stopped. The two brothers had arrived late to the airport and were last to board the flight. “I’m so sorry sir but this flight was overbooked and there are no more seats.”
“Jacky?” Luke called. The two were supposed to be traveling home for Christmas. “Is there another flight he can take? We are going home for Christmas.”
The attendant searched for a second and Luke was panicking. “There’s a midnight flight, last flight out.” It was noon. “Lukey, you can take my seat and I can wait.”
“No it’s okay, I’ll call mom and tell her.”
Luke made himself comfortable in a corner of the airport as Jack left on the flight. He had to break the news to his mom and call her. “I won’t be making dinner mom, I’m sorry, I’ll be home for Christmas Eve morning.”
You had been staring at the screen when the flight came up as canceled. You almost burst into tears when the flight attendant told you the only flight out was a midnight flight. You were convinced you might miss Christmas. All you wanted was to go spend the holiday with your family and now you were being delayed. Neither Luke and you wanted to leave the airport, the long security lines made you just want to stay, and Luke thought the same.
“Are you using the outlet?” you asked him. Luke looked up. “No, you can use it.” Luke watched as you hurriedly took out your phone charger. “Hi mom,” you called, “I’m sorry I’ll be late, yeah… eleven pm. I hope that flight isn’t canceled.”
Luke’s ears perked up as you said that. He listened to you end the phone call. The two of you sat in silence, doing your own things before Luke cleared his throat. “Can you watch my bag? I don’t really want to take it in the bathroom with me.”
You nodded and smiled as he got up. No one bothered you while he was gone. There were so many people in the airport but it was like the two of you had your own corner of life. When Luke returned, he had two bags of food in his hands. “Thought you deserved some food.”
Luke handed you a bag from one of the fast food places along with a water bottle. “I heard your flight was canceled,” Luke said. “Yeah, flying out to my parents and the one time I want to visit, it’s canceled,” you sighed, “thank you for the food by the way. Let me pay you back.”
He shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. My flight got overbooked. And my brother is currently on the way to our parents without me.” You frowned, “I’m sorry.”
The two of you ate quietly, hoping the hours would go by faster. “I have a laptop, do you want to watch a movie?” you questioned Luke. Shoulder to shoulder, the two of you watched a movie. Luke dozed off on your shoulder. As the day went on, there were less and less people in the airport. As the afternoon passed, both of you would get calls from family members asking how it was going. Luke told you about hockey and his job and his brothers. You told him about your own work and family.
“Hey,” you shook him gently awake, it was six pm. “There’s a restaurant down the terminal, do you want to go get dinner?”
In the airport restaurant, the least likely place to fall in love, you started enjoying time with Luke. You both tried random foods and shared plates. Laughing over dumb stories and joking about being stuck together. At the end of the night, Luke paid the bill and you tipped the waiter well.
You two still had time before your flights. Spending time sitting together and watching another movie or snacking on chips Luke bought. You checked your phone and realized you had to start getting to your gate. “I should get to my gate,” you frowned. “Oh,” Luke said, “I’ll walk you down.”
Luke dragged his suitcase behind him as he followed you. “You should get to your gate too Luke.”
He sighed and nodded. “Can I get your phone number?” You nodded and took his phone which he unlocked for you. You added yourself as a contact and took a picture of yourself for his contact phone. “Have a safe flight (Y/N), Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Luke.” He turned and walked back to the opposite end of the terminal to his own gate smiling.
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yelenaslyubov · 3 months
You’re Mine
main masterlist || yelena belova || requests
requested anonymously
a/n: here i am finally with another story!! i’m sorry it took so long, i’ve been going through it a bit and trying to find motivation again. this definitely isn’t my best work, but nonetheless, i hope you enjoy :)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pairing: yelena belova x fem!reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ warnings: MINORS DNI (18+) smut, language, daddy kink, alcohol, reader receiving, jealousy
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ description: it is New Year’s Eve, and of course the one and only Tony Stark does not miss a chance to impress with a party. you attend this party under the impression it would be just like every other event, but you are soon proved wrong after you make a mistake to talk to Kate Bishop. your girlfriend sees your encounter from afar and chooses to deal with your wrongdoing in her own way… but do you learn your lesson?
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ word count: 2k
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You watched the numbers increase on the small screen above you. The elevator whirled up an extensive amount of floors and you could hear music and voices getting louder as you reached the top. To top it off, you had to listen to lousy jazz music all the way up.
The elevator jolted to a stop and the noise right outside of the doors indicated the size of the group waiting on the other side.
You inhaled deeply and adjusted your clothing nervously. This was the last party of the season and you were all but happy. Parties and holidays brought out the worst in Yelena and you were ready for them to be over. Parties in particular were a sore spot and she had been acting childish as of lately.
She was easily irritated, didn’t engage in conversation much, wanting to leave early, and most importantly—her jealousy was through the roof.
Recently there were new recruits who have been hanging around more and getting to know everyone. Yelena isn’t the friendly type, especially when it comes to other people talking to you. Of course, you were simply trying to be nice while Yelena thought of it as a threat.
You assumed tonight would be no different.
As the elevator doors eased open the sounds were almost deafening. You couldn’t tell if everyone’s voices or the music was louder, either way you had a difficult time adjusting from the tiresome elevator tunes.
You should’ve known that New Year’s Eve would be a hit at the Avengers Tower, but somehow you thought everyone would be down in Time Square observing the annual ball drop. It was only an hour until midnight so there was still time.
“Hey… y/n!”
You see a hand waving through the crowd but can’t quite make out who it is.
From in between two individuals, Peter emerges panting. “Hey! I was trying to get your attention, but it’s kinda hard with all these people.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Hey, Pete. How long have you been up here?”
“Well if you’re talking about how long I’ve been up here at the party, it’s been about 2 hours…if you’re talking about how long I’ve been up here in general…all day.”
“Peter, why on earth have you been up here all day?”
He scratches the back of his neck. “You see, Sam said—”
“That’s all I need to know,” you stopped Peter. “Anyway, have you seen Yelena around here at all?”
“Last time I saw her she was over by the bar.”
You tried to see over the mass of people crammed into the room, but it was no luck.
“Damn, there’s too many people to tell. Thanks anyways, Pete.”
You slithered past sweaty bodies to make your way over to the bar in hopes of finding Yelena there. Even after all that work, Yelena was nowhere near the bar, but there was another friendly face waiting there.
“Hey, Kate,” you greeted her.
Kate smiled back with warm cheeks. “What’s up!”
“Not much,” you responded while sitting down on the stool next to her, “just enjoying another party.”
“You sound entirely enthusiastic about it, I can see,” Kate says.
“Oh yeah, I just live for these parties. I’m definitely not tired of them after the last 5 we’ve had.”
“I’m going to agree with you on that.”
You asked the bartender for a drink to pass the time as you sat with Kate.
“How have you been liking the tower?” you asked Kate as you sipped your drink.
“It’s definitely a change of pace. Working independently out on the field versus being here with the Avengers… it’s wicked cool!” Her excitement makes you smile, remembering the time when you first were recruited.
“Don’t get too excited, sometimes you miss working alone,” you chuckle.
There was an awkward silence after your last comment, which made you think that Kate might take it the wrong way. “Don’t get me wrong, I love working in teams, but sometimes independent work helps clear your mind.”
“Makes sense… does that have anything to do with Yelena?”
You jolt your head up. “Why do you say that?”
“Well, for one, Yelena is usually the only one you go out on missions with, and two, she’s staring at you like you killed Fanny.”
Your heart leaps into your throat as you turn to face the horror Kate warned you about. Kate wasn’t exaggerating. Yelena looked as if you had just committed the crime of the century.
“Is everything alright between the two of you?” Kate asked, apprehensively.
Your eyes never left Yelena while talking to Kate. “I’m not too sure now…I’m going to have to catch up with you later.”
You left Kate at the bar as you made your way over to Yelena’s watching eyes. The closer you got to her, the more your nerves overcame you. You weren’t sure what her problem was or what you did, and you didn’t want to suffer through the consequences of her anger—especially not tonight.
You were facing her now up close, letting the music pound into your eardrums while she slowly sipped on her drink. “Fun party, right?” Yelena yelled.
“Not really.” You stared at her once again, hoping she might elaborate on her previous death stare.
“No? Hmm, that’s too bad, I’m having a great-”
“Yelena, cut the act.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“That’s a fucking lie and you know it.”
“I don’t know anything.” She smirked, but not the good kind of smirk. It was the kind of smirk where you know you had either fucked up or she did something awful.
“What did you do?” you asked.
“I didn’t do anything.” Her emphasis gave you all the clues you needed.
“Then what did I do?”
Yelena didn’t answer. She kept standing there taking small, occasional sips of her drink, almost as if the conversation was just as meaningless as the party.
“Yelena, I’m not doing this here.”
“Well, then let’s find somewhere else to do it then.”
You didn’t like her attitude at all, but you also didn’t want to leave the conversation unfinished. You looked around behind Yelena to see one of the many hallways they could sneak off to. You grabbed Yelena’s hand and pulled her down the hallway into a room.
“Is this satisfactory for you?” you asked, matching her attitude.
Yelena looked around the closet you managed to find. “It’s a bit small, but-”
“Oh, would you stop it!”
“No!” Yelena placed her hand firmly around your neck, slamming you against the closet door. “You stop it!”
You looked at her in shock. This wasn’t to say that this gesture was out of the ordinary from Yelena, but it was her ability to shut down so quickly that took you by surprise.
“You’ve been acting like a little slut lately,” she sternly said. Yelena could tell you were confused by her accusation. “Aw, you need help remembering how you embarrassed daddy?”
You tried to move your head forward to release Yelena’s right grip from your neck. “Yelena-” you started, but your head was pressed against the door once again.
“Don’t you know you don’t get to talk to other girls?” She moved her lips closer to your ear. “Don’t you know you’re mine, baby?” she whispered so delicately into your ear, your hair standing on edge.
Yelena must have seen the realization written all over your face. You had been cutting it up with Kate while you were waiting to find Yelena. Little did you know, Yelena had been observing the two of you for a short time.
“Yelena, it’s not what it looks like,” you whispered.
“Oh, it’s not? Because it looked like you were interested in messing around with someone else, hmm?”
“No, that's not-”
“Ah ah,” she tuts. “I don’t want to hear excuses, baby…prove it to me.”
Your chest tightened. “Prove… what?”
Yelena smirked at you while her hand traced down the front of your frame. Her fingers ever so delicately slipped under the band of your pants.
“Yelena…” You could tell there was no stopping her from what she aimed to get from you.
“I want you,” she started, pausing while pushing her fingers past the barrier of your underwear, “to prove I’m yours.”
You were eye to eye now. Yelena’s eyes hung lazily with lust and revenge. She wanted to make you squirm… make you pay for how you made her feel.
She started rubbing gently against your clit, just enough to tease you. “Say it… ‘I’m yours.’”
“Yelena, please…”
“Say it!” she said, getting impatient. Her mouth was brushing against your ear, her breath hot against your skin. She bit your ear gently, hoping that you would make any kind of noise to grab her attention.
“I-I’m yours,” you whispered.
“That’s not loud enough, I can’t hear you.” With her words she picked up pace.
“I’m yours,” you moaned. You grabbed onto the wall in preparation for your legs to give out very soon. You even found yourself moving your hips against Yelena’s hand, your body craving her touch even more.
But you were angry with her. You were angry that Yelena was angry over nothing. This wasn’t unusual, which was the frustrating part, but you couldn’t help but drown in pleasure. Though it wasn’t Yelena’s intention to put you in a better mood, it was working either way.
“Such a good girl riding my fingers for me, but I want you to keep going. You can’t cum until I tell you to, baby.” The more she edged you on it only made you come closer to the edge.
In addition, you suddenly became aware of how loud you were being. You gained consciousness and were afraid everyone could hear you.
What if they notice you’re gone? What if they heard you? Or worse… What if they find you?
Your brain began scrambling. You couldn’t focus on the present, only what lies beyond the small closet the two of you were tucked behind.
Yelena could tell you were antsy, which only caused her more grief. Her other hand that was placed firmly on your hip tightened. She was keeping you in place so there was nowhere for you to run.
“I didn’t tell you to stop; keep talking,” she demanded. “I want you to scream my name loud enough to forget hers.”
The anger you were feeling started to melt away into only an ecstasy of pleasure. You couldn’t resist the way she felt against you, and you couldn’t possibly turn her away now.
“I’m yours,” you responded for her.
“That’s a good girl, but you’re going to need to be louder if you really mean it.”
“I’m yours!”
“There you go, pretty girl. I knew you could do it.” Her words went straight to your head, sending you farther into a daze. Your previous fear of your closet endeavors being seen had faded away, now all that was left was you and Yelena.
“You getting close, baby?”
She knew you so well. Your legs were quivering, your breathing was erratic, and your nails were digging deeper into the back of Yelena’s neck.
“I know you’re so close, but I need to hear you,” she begged of you.
“Please, Yelena,” you whined. “I’ll be good.”
“Aw, will you baby? Have you learned your lesson?”
“Then show me…cum baby.”
“Oh, Yelena!”
You came undone per her command. You tried to cover your mouth to muffle the sounds that could be heard outside the door, but Yelena quickly swatted your hand away. She wanted everyone to know you were hers.
After you calmed down, you tried your best to support yourself on your weak legs. You opened your eyes to meet Yelena’s piercing stare. You definitely felt better but you could tell that Yelena wasn’t completely satisfied.
You had lost track of time until you heard the large crowd outside the door counting down to midnight. Of course you expected a kiss from Yelena for the occasion, but instead you watched her wipe her fingers on her pants and head out of the door.
You were suddenly left alone as the celebration outside continued. You leaned against the door and slid down until you reached the bottom. As you sat there, you wondered what possible lesson Yelena could be teaching you by leaving you alone at the top of the New Year.
i hope you enjoyed!
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Guilty as Sin? — Chapter Five
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, oral (fem!rec), mutual masturbation, lots of ogling, romantic Javi will be the death of me, dirty talk, little bit of angst thrown in, reader's never experienced oral, think that's it for now
word count: 4k
series masterlist
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You didn’t attend Dr. Peña’s office hours that day, too exhausted by your crumbling social life to deal with whatever it was he wanted to talk about with you in private. Instead, you spent the night grocery shopping, decorating your new place, and getting a jump start on Dr. Arman’s research paper due in a few weeks. 
By the time you were in bed and began to mindlessly scroll on your phone, it was nearing midnight. As you scrolled through pinterest finding sad quote after sad quote to make your sadness feel a little less isolating, an email notification lit up your screen. You clicked on it, finding a message from Dr. Peña.
Please set up an appointment with me to discuss your grade. 
Dr. Javier Peña
You narrowed your brows at the message—what was he talking about? You quickly opened the online portal to check your grade, finding it in near-perfect standing. Flipping back to the email, you read it over again before locking eyes on his phone number, bolded in bright red. Chuckling at his use of coded messaging, you copied the number and added it to your contacts as Javier just in case someone decided to snoop around. 
Biting your lip, you let your fingers hover over your keyboard, unsure of what to say, or if he even wanted you to message him. But he had to, right? No one highlighted shit in red if they didn’t mean to draw attention. 
You settled on something simple, something that couldn’t possibly be misconstrued if an outside party were to see it. 
You: Hey, it’s…
You: You emailed about setting up an appointment?
You waited what felt like a lifetime, choosing to spend those torturous minutes anxiously scrolling through your feed until your phone buzzed with an alert. 
Javier: So formal. 
You rolled your eyes. 
Javier: Why didn’t you show up today?
You: Too tired.
Javier: You still tired? 
You bit your lip as his words sent a thrilling ache between your thighs. 
You: Depends.  
Javier responded only with an address, one that looked to be attached to an apartment complex in the nice part of town. With your heart racing with excitement and head screaming with caution, you decided that you’d earned a bit of recklessness. You’d done everything you needed to do today, so why not do something you wanted to do?
You thanked the skies for convincing you to pamper yourself earlier with an everything shower as you slipped into a much less comfy pair of underwear, choosing to keep your hoodie and leggings on rather than dressing to impress. After all, there was a good chance your hopes would come crashing down if he truly only meant to talk. 
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The drive to his place was spent singing along to your favorite album, hoping to drown out the alarm sounds in your head that seemed to scream, idiot!
You pulled into the gated complex, punching in the code he’d sent to you before making your way through the gates. You parked your beat up car in a visitor spot, headlights illuminating a man smoking a cigarette in that black leather jacket you could still feel wrapped around your shoulders. Javier. 
He watched you as you climbed out of the car, hands trembling with nerves. 
“Hey,” you breathed, giving him a nervous smile. Javier’s smile was a lot more confident, causing a dimple to form in his left cheek. 
“Hey,” he replied, ashing out the cigarette on the trash can beside him before approaching you. “You look cozy. Hope I didn’t wake you.”
“Should I take that as an insult?” you joked. 
“No,” he assured, his smile softening to something so affectionate it made your heart race. “I like you like this.”
You flushed, dropping your eyes to the pavement beneath your feet. Javier surprised you by lifting his hand to your chin, gently guiding your eyes back to his. “This isn’t a good idea,” he husked, eyes bouncing back and forth between yours. “But fuck me, I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
Your lips parted as he stepped closer, his hand shifting to cradle your cheek, his thumb stroking across your skin. 
“But first, I wanted to introduce you to someone,” he said, letting his hand fall to his side. Tipping his head in the direction of the lobby, he urged you to follow him. 
Who the fuck did he possibly want to introduce you to? His secret family?
Javier opened the door with a smug look, furthering your confusion until the old woman—who looked around the age of seventy—behind the front desk popped up with a smile. 
“I didn’t see you sneak out, Javi,” she smiled, batting her eyes at him. “You got a secret exit I don’t know about, honey?”
“It wouldn’t be a secret if I told you, Jeannie, now would it be?” he crooned, turning to you. “This was the friend of mine I wanted to introduce you to. She’s run the complex for how long now, Jeannie?”
“Thirty years,” she replied, both pride and exhaustion in her tone. “Thirty years and no goddamn retirement in sight.”
You gaped at Javier, his brow raising and smirk spreading into a full on dimpled-grin. Quickly turning to Jeannie, you chuckled and shook your head at yourself. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Jeannie,” you smiled, giving her your name. 
“You too, sweetie,” she said. “Y’all have a good night. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“That’s not saying much, Jeannie,” Javier teased, resting his hand on your back as he guided you to the elevator. 
You kept quiet until you were inside the privacy of those four walls. “So you finally figured it out.”
“Well, I figured it out when you slammed my car door on me,” he chuckled, standing close enough for you to smell his cologne. You stepped closer to that scent of warmth and comfort, brushing your arm against his. “Thought I’d clear the air this way since you stood me up earlier.”
“I didn’t stand you up,” you laughed. “I just…I don’t know. Needed some time away from everything.”
He hummed his response, waiting for the bell to chime, signaling your arrival to the third floor, before leading you out and down the hall to his apartment. As he put his key in the lock, he turned to you with a half-smile. “You sure you want this?”
“Depends on what this is,” you replied. Javier smiled, shaking his head before opening the door to his place. He let you walk in ahead of him, the door shutting and locking behind him. 
“This is…I don’t know,” he sighed, though it sounded less like frustration but more along the lines of hesitant acceptance. “Me throwing caution to the wind, I guess.”
“Just you?” you asked, turning away from the black and brown abstract painting on the wall of his living room to look at him over your shoulder. He looked at you with such unabashed desire as he carefully stepped into your space until his chest was nearly pressed against your back. 
“Us, then,” he whispered, slowly dragging his fingertips up the length of your arm, causing goosebumps to form on your skin. Your breath hitched as he leaned in to brush his lips against the shell of your ear. “Do you know how much space in my mind you’ve taken up? Without doing anything more than existing.” 
You turned to face him, your hands settling on his chest before sliding up to the nape of his neck. Javier’s brow furrowed as he watched you study his features, committing each one to memory in case tonight was all you’d ever have with him. “Only seems fair that I’m on your mind as much as you’re on mine.”
Javier groaned softly, his hands finding your hips as he walked you backwards, sandwiching you between his body and the back of his sectional. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, licking his lips as his eyes fell to yours. “These fucking lips that’ve been calling my name since the first time I saw you.”
You let out a soft breath, nodding your head quickly, as if he’d change his mind if you didn’t reply quick enough. Javier smiled, something fleeting and rooted in affection before crashing his lips against yours. You moaned at the taste of cinnamon blended with a hint of the cigarette he’d been smoking when you pulled into the parking lot. 
What started out as cautious quickly turned into something needy, his hands gripping your hips to pull you closer to his frame. You gasped into his mouth as he pressed his generous arousal against you, your center aching to feel him without the layers between you. 
“Javi,” you panted out the nickname, relishing in the groan it elicited. Javier was quick to pull away, his dark eyes lust blown and wild as he lifted a hand to your face. 
“What do you want, cariño?” he rasped, smoothing his thumb over your bottom lip as though to worship it. “Hm?”
It took you a few seconds to register what he’d said, your mind preoccupied with fantasy after fantasy that finally felt possible. 
“You,” you replied, soft and breathy. “Your lips, your tongue, your fingers, your…”
“My what?” he coaxed, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
Lowering your hand down his chest and stomach, you let your palm rest against his arousal, giving him a gentle squeeze that made him curse. “This. This is what I want.” 
“Fuck me,” he swore, taking a step away from you before entering a pace. He raked his hand across his face as he seemed to mull things over, meanwhile you were left standing there, panting like an idiot while replaying the interaction in your head. 
Was it your touch that spooked him? Oh god, did he not want to be touched? Perhaps you were no better than Derrick, so blinded by desire and longing that you acted before asking. 
“Javi, I—“
“If we do this,” he started, stilling his pacing to give you a stern look. “It’s a one time thing. You and I will go about our lives as normal. You can continue to TA for me if you want, or I can try to transfer you to another professor.”
“I don’t want that,” you blurted, too lost in lust to think clearly. “One time. Get it out of our systems.”
Javier chuckled, as if he had foresight into how this all played out. He could’ve seen a happy ending, the two of you reminiscing on this very moment, laughing at the idiots you once were to ever think for a minute it would only be a one time thing. Or, more realistically, he imagined the two of you awkwardly dealing with the existence of the other with forced greetings and a hidden longing that felt more like a haunting. 
Whatever scene he saw, it didn’t prevent him from sauntering back to you, from kissing you like a sailor greeting his wife after being away at sea for years, from guiding you into his bedroom, and you didn’t dare break the magic of the moment by asking.
Javier backed you against the wall, his thigh slotting between yours. His lips traveled the line of your neck, teeth grazing across your racing pulse only to soothe over the tender flesh with his tongue. 
“If you knew the things I’ve imagined…” His words trailed off into a dark chuckle as his hands slid up your side to cup your breast through your shirt. He groaned at the lack of a bra, his hips pressing into yours as he swiped his thumb across your peaked nipple. “You proud that you’ve broken a good, honorable man? That the sight of you in those fucking skirts made me insane enough to consider fucking you right on my desk?”
“Sort of,” you admitted, earning a genuine laugh. You smiled at him as he pulled back, lifting his hand to hold your face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
The way he looked at you almost made your heart stop. You’d never been looked at like that before, with respect, affection, and genuine interest. It had only been lust before this, or worse, pity. The girl who stayed loyal, who allowed a man to walk all over her for years on end. 
“Just admiring,” he shrugged, giving you a casual purse of his lips. “Clever, brave, resilient, and so fucking beautiful it hurts.”
You couldn’t take hearing anything that sincere from him, not when it was all you ever wanted to hear, not when you knew it would all be over tomorrow. You tugged him back in for a kiss, hastily shedding his jacket in the process. Javier moaned into your mouth, pressing you against the wall with one arm wrapped around your waist and the other hoisting your thigh over his hip. 
You moved on to the buttons of his shirt as he mouthed his way down your neck to your chest, his greedy hands palming every soft bit of flesh he could find. 
“Take this off,” you demanded, your fingers too shaky to unfasten the buttons. Javier pulled away from you to do just that, his chin nudging at you as if to say, you too. You peeled off your hoodie, earning a groan from Javier as he unbuckled his belt, his eyes eating up the sight of your bare breasts. “Fuck me, you’d turn Christ himself into a sinner.”
You ignored the butterflies his praises stirred in your belly as you peeled off your leggings and underwear in one fluid motion, leaving you completely bare—and for once in your life, confident—in front of him. Javier abandoned undoing the button of his jeans in favor for coming back to you, both hands cradling your face as he backed you against the wall again. 
“One night,” he muttered, seemingly to himself. “We’ll fucking see.”
You slid your hand down his stomach to the button of his jeans, undoing it with only a little bit of trouble. Javier’s lips never left yours as you tugged the zipper down before slipping your hand inside. You both moaned at the feeling of your hand meeting his bare flesh, swallowing down the sounds of mutual pleasure. 
God, he was big. Bigger than anyone you’d ever been with before. 
“You’re going to ruin me for all men,” you purred into the air as he focused his lips, teeth, and tongue on your pulse again, your hand slowly pumping his shaft as best as you could given the way his body was pressing you into the wall. 
“I’ve always been an overachiever,” he replied, his smirk growing against your skin as he placed one last soft kiss against your pulse before kneeling down in front of you. You kept your eyes locked on his as he guided your calf to rest over his shoulder, his lips pressing their way up the inside of your leg. 
This was better than your favorite fantasy. It hadn’t managed to get the brown of his eyes, the rough warmth of his hands, the sinful scrape of his mustache across your soft skin right. In fact, now that you were witness to the real thing, the fantasy seemed like nothing more than a cheap knock-off.
“Javi,” you cautioned, remembering one critical detail about the fantasy. The fact that you’d never actually had this done to you before. All the sex and sin you’d gotten up to in your life, but never this. Selfish fucking men. 
“What,” he hummed lazily against your skin, now kissing your inner thigh. 
“You don’t have to,” you replied, nothing more than a whisper. Javier shook his head at you, gently nipping at your sensitive flesh. 
“Don’t have to, but fuck me, I want to,” he rasped, lathing his tongue over where he’d just given you a lovebite. You gently raked your hand through his hair, bringing his eyes away from your aching center and back to yours. 
“I’ve had this exact fantasy since the first day of class,” you admitted, biting your lip. “It’s been my favorite thing to think about when I touch myself.”
Javier groaned, desperate and wrecked. 
“Can you make it as good as my fantasy?” you asked, your voice a seductive purr. 
There was something about this—Javier on his knees, practically begging to taste you—that felt so much more empowering than you’d ever felt before with a sexual partner. How you’d ever go back to more age appropriate men, you weren’t sure. 
“You’re…” He cut himself off, shaking his head before leaning closer to where you practically dripped with need. “I’ll give you something real to fantasize about when you touch yourself, cariño.”
You smiled at the promise, only for it to fall as your jaw went slack at the feeling of Javier’s tongue licking a broad stripe up your seam. You furrowed your brows as you looked down to watch him, his eyes closed as he tugged you closer to his mouth. His tongue swirled around your bud, over and over, making you pulse with each passing swirl. You gripped onto his hair to keep him there, guiding him as his tongue dipped lower to your entrance to drink up your arousal with a sinful groan. 
“So fucking sweet,” he praised, pulling back to marvel at your swollen pussy with a look of awe. “I need you on the bed.” 
You nodded, springing into action and practically leaping into his king-sized mattress. You crawled back on your elbows until you reached the pillows, watching as Javier finally kicked off his jeans, finally taking in the full sight of his cock. You actually began to salivate at the sight of him, long and thick and angry with need. 
He stood at the edge of the bed, eyes locked on you as he stroked himself with his fist. You slipped your hand down to your clit, rubbing it in time with his lazy strokes, and quickly realized you could get off from this alone. 
“That’s it,” he husked. “Show me how you touch yourself when you think of me.”
You moaned, slipping your fingers lower to curl inside yourself. There was something so holy about this sinful act. The way he watched you, the worship and reverence in his stare as you got off to the sight of him getting off to the sight of you. All of it was holy, and all of it was forbidden. 
“Good fucking girl,” he praised, the words causing you to pulse around your fingers. 
Javier seemed to have gotten his fill of watching as he climbed onto the bed, making himself at home between your thighs. You slipped your fingers out and moved to law them to the side, but he stopped you, bringing them to his lips to suck them clean while you watched him with a slack jaw. 
“Fuck,” you moaned, brows pinching together. Javier kissed the inside of your palm before setting it down against his cool sheets. 
“Is this how you imagined it?” he asked, kissing your inner thigh. 
“Mmhm,” you hummed, combing back the waves that had fallen across his forehead. Javier keened under your touch as he inched his way back to your center. Locking his eyes with yours, you watched him turn your fantasies into reality—those brown eyes finally meeting yours just as you’d imagined. 
“You taste so good,” he praised, bringing two fingers up to stroke up and down your seam before dipping into your entrance. He met your eyes in a silent confirmation of consent. You nodded eagerly, biting your lip as you tried to steady your breathing. 
Javier let out a soft sigh as he slipped his fingers inside of you, curling them up to press against the spot no man had ever been able to locate before. You moaned, your head falling back against his pillows as he paired his tongue with the perfectly timed thrust of his fingers. 
“Fuck,” you whined, holding him close as he started to suck on your swollen bud, his fingers curling in and out with almost embarrassing ease as you neared your end—the first one you’d ever shared with a sexual partner. “Javi, fuck. You’re gonna make me come.”
He moaned, the sound vibrating against you as he doubled down in his efforts. Your thighs shook, your face crumpled in ecstasy as the thread of tension inside you finally snapped. Javier kept your thighs spread as they threatened to close around his head, his tongue turning gentle as he coaxed you back to earth. 
“That’s the first time someone’s ever made me come,” you panted, guiding him up for a dizzying kiss that tasted of your arousal. Javier’s hands gripped at your hip, guiding your leg to wrap around his waist. 
“Fucking idiots,” he sighed, pressing a kiss over your racing heartbeat. “Their loss.”
You nodded in agreement, your hand cradling the sharp line of his jaw as he focused his mouth on your breast. “I’d…be down for another.”
He laughed, resting his head on your chest. 
“As much as I want to, I think maybe it would be best if we just…didn’t,” he said, lifting his head to look into your eyes. You tried not to pout, to demand that he take as much as he just gave, but all you could do was give him a soft nod. “I want to, believe me. But it would just—“
“Make things more complicated,” you guessed, unable to look him in the eye. “I know.”
He tutted at you, turning your chin so that you were forced to face him. “I loved tonight, loved doing this with you. Under any other circumstance, I’d be happy to keep you in this bed for days, but—“
“It’s okay,” you managed, giving him a sad smile. “I’m glad we had this, at least.”
He nodded, resting his head against your chest again.
“I should go,” you said, the lump in your throat roughening the sound of your voice. 
“You don’t have to,” he replied, placing a tender kiss to your chest. 
“I know, but…it’s torture staying,” you confessed, trying your best not to cry. “Like flaunting food in front of someone starving.”
Javier sat back on his knees, smoothing his palms up and down your still-spread thighs. “I’m not…trying to torture you.”
“I know,” you whispered. “Still, it’s…”
“Yeah,” he agreed on the unspoken. “It is.”
You let out a huff of a chuckle, hoping it would mask the ache in your chest threatening to consume you. “Guess I’ll see you in class, then?”
“Front and center, I hope,” he smiled, backing off the bed to give you space to get up and get dressed. “And no skirts, for Christ’s sake.”
“Mm, suddenly skirts are all I own,” you joked, shooting him a more genuine smile from over your shoulder as you slipped into your leggings. 
“Cruel woman,” he chided playfully, watching you from his seat at the foot of the bed. “Cruel, beautiful woman.”
After Javier led you out of the building through the back exit to avoid Jeannie, you bid him an awkward farewell, holding in your tears until you were in your car. You spent the commute from his place to yours sobbing over a man you could never have, one that was everything you ever wanted. You made a pit stop at a gas station to buy some comfort snacks and an ice-ee in hopes of soothing the ache in your chest, but the truth was there was no escaping the impact of Javier Peña on your soft, longing heart. 
You only hoped the recovery would be quick, the wound of losing him before you ever had him fading into an almost unnoticeable scar on your heart. 
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297 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 5 months
Dressing For Revenge 2
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I had a few requests for a continuation of this story, so here it is!
Summary: A week after your night with Harry, he calls and invites you to a work-related event which his ex also attends.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, oral (male receiving), all the good stuff. MUST BE 18+ TO READ.
Word Count: 7.6k+
Read part 1 here
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The microwave beeped offensively loud as you changed into your favorite pajamas. Slipping into a pair of fuzzy socks, you sauntered into the kitchen and grabbed a large bowl from the cabinet. Movies and popcorn sounded like a great plan for a night in. After the debacle the previous weekend, you’d scheduled this Friday evening for yourself. No parties, no nightclubs, no friends. Just you and a chick flick. And maybe some wine.
Deciding to pour a glass, you grabbed it and the popcorn and made yourself comfortable on the sofa. While laughing at Jennifer Lopez hiding from Matthew McConaughey, you felt your phone buzz. Expecting it to be Kelsie or one of your friends from work texting you, you were surprised to see a different name on the screen.
Hi Y/N. How are you?
Your stomach unexpectedly flipped just seeing your name in print underneath his. You hadn’t heard from Harry since he’d called you that night to make sure you’d gotten home okay. Not that you’d expected to. It had only been a week after all. And of course it was a two-way street. You could have texted him. But you hadn’t. But that didn’t mean you hadn’t thought of him.
Hi, Harry. You texted back. I’m fine. You?
Oh hey. I didn’t expect you to reply right away. Are you at home?
You bit your lip. Was he fishing for an invite? Shaking your head, you typed, Yes.
Mind if I call?
With a half squeal, half groan, you replied, Not at all.
Although you had literally just been texting with him, feeling the vibration in your hand and seeing his name again on the screen as your phone rang sent a new rush through your veins.
“Hi,” you answered nonchalantly.
“Hi, Y/N, how are you?”
You chuckled. “You asked me that already.”
“Right. So I did. Um…didn’t expect you to be home on a Friday night,” said Harry.
“That’s because I have a date.”
“With myself,” you finished, reaching for your glass and taking another sip of wine.
“Oh,” he let out a breathy laugh. He sounded relieved, which only made your heart beat faster. “And how’s that going so far?”
“Not bad. I figure at this rate I’ll be taking myself to bed by midnight.”
Harry snickered harder at your joke. You smiled, happy that you could make him laugh.
“What are you up to tonight, Harry?” you asked.
“Pretty much the same thing, although I’m not sure I’m quite as compatible.”
“Mmm,” he sounded. “Am I allowed to say I’m a little jealous?”
You chuckled, though you didn’t really give an answer.
“Which brings me to the reason I called,” Harry continued. “I have something to ask you. A favor, if you will.”
“You can say no, and I’ll completely understand if you do. I know I said you could call me if you wanted to get together again…”
“Harry, what is it?” you persisted.
You half expected him to say he was horny and lonely, that he wanted you to come over for a quick fix. But you were surprised when he had a different proposition.
“I have a…a thing tomorrow night. A real estate thing. It’s like a corporate dinner where we meet up with the management companies and investors, announce the top brokers and give awards and such. And I was…wondering if you’d come as my date.”
“Oh…” you mused. “You’re allowed to bring a date?”
“Of course. In fact, it’s almost mandatory.” You heard Harry do the breathy laugh again and wondered if he made that part up, or if it was meant to be a joke.
“I see. And…you’re inviting me?”
“I am. I know we don’t know each other well. And you’ll probably be bored out of your mind, and I wouldn’t blame you one bit. It’s just…”
“Just what?” you asked when his words trailed off.
“I didn’t tell you this before because there was no reason to. But my ex is in real estate as well. That’s how we…you know…met.”
“Ah, so she’ll be there.”
“Correct,” Harry sighed.
“And you want me to make her jealous,” I added in a half question.
“Not jealous, really,” replied Harry. “More like revenge. To show her I’m better off without her. Like we did to your ex last weekend.”
“I see,” you said again.
You heard Harry sigh again, then groan. “I’m sorry, Y/N. It sounded better in my head.”
“I didn’t say no.”
“Well, no, but you’re probably thinking it. I swear, I don’t want this to seem like I’m using you. I genuinely like you, Y/N. And I’m very much attracted to you.”
You started to giggle, setting your glass back down on the coffee table.
“What’s so funny?” Harry asked solemnly.
“I used you, Harry. Last weekend. In fact, you wanted me to. And now you’re saying you’re not wanting to use me? For the exact same reason?”
“I reckon you’re right.”
“Of course I am. Now. Let’s just call a spade a spade. What time is this event tomorrow?”
“So you’re going?”
“Of course, I am. You did me a solid, and now I can do one back. Besides, it might be a little fun.”
“Alright,” said Harry, a smile in his voice. “It starts at eight. I can pick you up around seven thirty, if that’s okay.”
“That’s perfect. How formal is this, like black tie, or business casual?”
“Somewhere in between. A cocktail dress should be fine.”
“Sounds good. I look forward to it, Harry,” you announced honestly.
“Good. Me too. Thanks for doing this, love.”
After hanging up the phone, you rushed to your closet to pick out something to wear for the event. Even though you hadn’t wanted to let on over the phone, you were beyond excited to see Harry again. This time, you got to be his arm candy and not Luke’s. And unlike with Luke, you had a feeling Harry would only have eyes for you.
As long as his heart didn’t still belong to his ex.
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You’d just dabbed on some lipgloss when you heard the buzzer. Pressing the intercom button, you instructed Harry to come on up to your apartment. But when the knock sounded and you swung the door open, you nearly had to hold on to the knob to keep your balance.
“Shit,” you muttered at the same time Harry exclaimed “God damn!”
With a nervous laugh, you caught the twinkle in Harry’s eyes as he leaned against the door jam, his gaze raking over your body.
He looked delicious. Similar to the previous weekend, he wore a silk shirt, unbuttoned plenty to catch peeks at his tattoos and pecks. Over it was a black suit with the jacket open, the slacks fitting him well in all the right places.
“Fuck me, kitten, you look stunning,” said Harry, expressing your thoughts before your mouth could.
You blushed, your hands self-consciously running down your waist and hips. You must have chosen the right dress for the evening. It was a short, fitted, black lace dress with a high neck and long sleeves. You felt like it was tasteful, yet sexy. Harry seemed to agree as he stepped over the threshold and reached for your waist, pulling you to him.
“Wow,” he breathed in your ear. “How lucky am I?”
“Hmm, I guess we’ll see,” you teased, inhaling his intoxicating cologne.
Harry chuckled low. “Is that how it’s gonna be, then, kitten?” You felt his hands travel down to your butt. And you didn’t stop him when he lowered his mouth to your neck.
“Yes,” you whispered as he sucked on your delicate flesh.
“Maybe we should just ditch this party all together and stay here instead.”
“Now, Harry,” you tsked, pushing his shoulders away. “I thought this was important.”
His laugh vibrated in his chest as he nodded. “Indeed. Thanks so much again for doing this.”
Pursing your lips, you winked at him. Then grabbing your clutch, you followed him out the door and downstairs to his car. When he opened it for you, you immediately got a whiff of the expensive leather, an aroma you’d found pleasant and comforting the last time. It reminded you of the smell of his bedroom, and you quickly clamped your thighs together when you climbed into the front seat, the memory of that night in his bed arousing you.
The drive to the venue was quick, for which you were grateful since you couldn’t manage to keep your eyes off of Harry’s hands on the wheel and gear shift, and the way his thighs looked in those pants. He made some small talk, but your mind was elsewhere, almost wishing you’d taken him up on the offer to stay at your place.
When he parked the car in front of a fancy hotel, you gasped. “It’s in here?”
You recognized the place. Well, obviously anyone would. But you’d been there before. Luke had taken you there once when you-
“Well, it only seemed natural,” replied Harry as he turned off the engine, “seeing as the company owns this property.”
Jerking your head, you stared at Harry with wide eyes, astonished. “Oh my God! I knew you were rich, but…oh my God!”
With a chuckle and a gleam in his eye, Harry opened his car door and rounded to your side where you still sat with your mouth agape. You eventually smiled, taking Harry’s awaiting hand and letting him lead you to the entrance and through the hotel lobby to the elevators. A cluster of people were gathered nearby and Harry slowed and whispered in your ear.
“Some of my colleagues,” he explained. “Shall I introduce you?”
“Of course,” you grinned. “As long as you’re not ashamed to be seen with me.”
“Are you kidding?” he smirked, giving your butt a pat before quickly guiding you toward the men.
“Gentlemen!” he greeted boisterously.
“Harry, my good man, how are you?” one of the men broke from the pack to offer his hand.
“Can’t complain,” Harry replied, shaking hands. “How about yourself?”
“Same here,” the man nodded, though his eyes seemed to wander to you eagerly. “And who is this gorgeous angel you brought with you?”
You felt Harry’s hand glide down your back. “Greg, I’d like you to meet Y/N, Y/N this is Greg Hawthorne, Chairman of the Board.”
“How do you do, sweetheart,” said Greg.
“Lovely to meet you,” you smiled, taking his hand though you had no idea what a Chairman of the Board was.
Just then, you were saved by the ding that the awaiting elevator announced, and you and Harry followed the rest of the group up to another floor. More groups of people were gathered there, and down the hall. Harry stopped a couple more times to introduce you to more colleagues. You knew for certain you would never be able to remember their names, but you figured that wasn’t the reason for the pleasantries.
When you came to a large, open, double doorway, you were greeted by another man and woman who welcomed you both to the event. Stepping inside the massive room, you took in the view of what appeared to be a ballroom, filled with cloth-covered tables with fancy centerpieces. At the far end was a stage, a podium erected in the center and a large screen next to it. The chandeliers were enough to take your breath away, and when Harry guided you toward one of the tables, you noticed the gold-leafed placards.
“This is nicer than most weddings I’ve been to,” you whispered to Harry, lifting the placard in front of you that held his name.
Your date only grinned, but you quickly felt a hand on your knee underneath the table. He gave it a nice squeeze, and you giggled.
“None of that, Mr. Styles,” you warned. “We’re in public.”
“Oh, so I can’t even touch you?”
“I didn’t say that. Just be careful. I’m very ticklish. People may get the wrong idea.”
“I see,” he smirked with sexy eyes. “I’ll try to be discreet, then.”
The room started to fill up, and Harry was greeted so many times that you just remained standing. You had to admit, it felt good to be the companion of someone so popular. Luke’s popularity was nothing compared to this. And everyone seemed to be very fond of Harry.
However, after a quick chat with one of Harry’s friends, you felt his hand twist the back of your dress. Taking a step back to keep your balance, you looked at him and noticed how much the expression on his face had instantly changed.
“What happened?” you inquired. “Is something wrong?”
“She’s here,” he said, his voice low but clear.
“Oh,” you whispered. “Where?”
Harry loosened his jaw, then cleared his throat, looked down and scratched his nose. “Right there. Blue dress.”
Scanning the entrance, you picked out the woman. While she was attractive, she was not what you had pictured. Not that you had any point of reference, but she just didn’t seem like someone you would have thought Harry would have been in a relationship with.
“Oh, I see,” you commented, unsure of what else to say.
A waiter came around with a tray of champagne, blocking your view of Harry’s ex. You graciously accepted a glass, and Harry suggested you both take a seat.
“Hello, Harry,” you heard behind you just as you’d turned.
Harry exhaled through his nose before addressing her. “Good evening, Toni. You’re looking well.”
Toni flipped her hair from her shoulder and grinned triumphantly. Then her eyes fell on you.
“Antoinette Bloom, how do you do?” she said, offering her hand to you.
“Y/N Y/LN, nice to meet you.” You tried your best to give the most nonchalant, yet genuine greeting, hoping Harry was pleased. The corners of your mouth began to curve upwards when you felt his hand on your back once again.
“I hear you closed on the MacHouser deal, Harry,” Toni turned her attention back to her ex. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” he half-bowed, “it was a team effort.”
“Of course.”
Just then, another tall man appeared, his hand on Toni’s shoulder. “Darling, I found our table over there. I think it’s about to get started.”
“Oh, yes,” she grinned. “Good to see you, Harry.” She merely nodded at you, and didn’t even bother introducing the man who was already guiding her to the right side of the ballroom. You felt Harry let out a long breath.
“That wasn’t so bad,” you assured with a smile.
“Wasn’t so great either,” he frowned.
You slid your hand up his arm, squeezing his bicep. “Could have been worse.”
Finally looking at you, Harry’s frown turned into a grin. Your insides flipped when his dimples appeared and he pulled you close to him.
“She’s got nothing on you, you know.”
“Except history,” you remarked.
Harry chuckled. “C’mon, love. Let’s sit and enjoy this evening. Together.”
“Sounds good,” you agreed as Harry helped push in your chair. “By the way, did you know him?”
“The man she was with. She didn’t introduce him.”
“Oh. Yeah. He’s the uh…”
When Harry paused, your eyes widened in astonishment. “Him? She left you for that guy?”
“Well, no, she didn’t leave me, I kicked her out.”
“Because she was cheating on you. With him!”
Harry covered your hand with his. “Let’s not get into it, babe. Not now.”
With a huff, you sat back in your chair, crossing your arms. What an idiot this woman was! Fucking moron!
Harry chuckled low, making you look over at him. “What?”
“You look like a defiant child sat there like that, kitten.”
With a snort, you sat up straight. “Sorry. I just don’t think she knew how good she had it.”
“And how good is that?” Harry leaned closer, his hand sliding up your thigh under the table.
“Harry…” you mouthed, barely able to get out a breath as his fingers played with the hem of your dress.
“Oh, good evening Harry!” a plump man announced, grabbing the chair on the other side of him. “Looks like Marla and I are at your table.”
“Hi, Tom, how are things?” Harry quickly rose from his chair to shake hands with the man, then with the woman he was with.
“Well, as they say…same shit, different day!” Tom cackled.
Harry laughed, “Yes, indeed.” Then he introduced you to Tom and his wife, Marla, who both already seemed like very nice people.
Two more couples arrived shortly after, rounding out your table. Soon enough, the waiters came around with plates of food. You gawked at the presentation of the scrumptious looking chicken dish in front of you.
“I’m sorry,” Harry whispered in your ear. “I forgot to tell you I ordered the food weeks ago. I hope chicken is okay.”
“Of course, no problem,” you replied.
“Obviously I knew I wouldn’t be here with Toni, but I reckoned chicken was a safe bet.”
“It’s perfectly fine,” you insisted.
“So, how did you two meet?” Marla asked after Tom had made a toast.
Harry looked over at you and you felt your face flush.
“Um…the traditional way,” replied Harry. “At a nightclub.”
“Oh!” Marla giggled when Harry winked, putting you at ease.
Once again, you felt Harry’s hand on you underneath the table. Instead of squeezing your knee, he slid his palm up dangerously, allowing his fingers to rest just inside your thigh. You gasped out a breath, swiftly grabbing your champagne, hoping no one noticed.
Chatter and small talk filled the room until the lights dimmed slightly and the man from the elevator stepped up to the podium. He announced himself as Greg Hawthorne and welcomed you all to tonight’s gala. Then the television monitor came to life and displayed a quick introduction to the firm. While most of it was over your head, you were once again impressed by the company and what real estate it owned. After another quick spiel, Greg introduced the CEO who joined him at the podium, gave a short speech and sat back down at his table. Then Greg proceeded with the awards ceremony, starting with one for another man you’d met earlier.
Having finished your delicious chicken, you placed your fork down on your plate, and dabbed your lips with a napkin. When everyone clapped, you joined in.
Harry leaned over and whispered in your ear. “Bored yet?”
“No,” you smiled. “I’m having a lovely time.”
“No, I’m not,” you insisted with a laugh.
You reached for his hand then, pulling it underneath the tablecloth, setting it in your lap. You covered it with your other hand for reassurance. Harry beamed at you, then kissed your temple.
Just then, a name you hadn’t wished to hear was announced. Antoinette Bloom stepped up on stage to receive her award, though you’d missed what she’d earned it for. You felt Harry’s body go still next to you.
“You okay?” you whispered.
“Um, yeah. Yeah,” he sighed. “I’m fine.”
“It’s still hard to see her, isn’t it?”
“No, no…it’s…it’s fine. I’m fine.”
“Harry, it’s okay,” you said, squeezing his hand. “I get it. Remember?”
His green eyes stared at you and you thought you saw them water, but he blinked quickly. Then he pulled his hand from your grasp and reached for his champagne, gulping it down. You looked around your table and saw more sets of eyes, either on Harry or trying to divert their gaze. They all knew. They had probably known them when they were a couple. Suddenly, you felt like a duck out of water, and just as Toni was finishing her speech, you excused yourself to the ladies’ room.
When you made it to the stall, and took several deep breaths, you started talking to yourself. Reminding yourself that you were doing Harry a favor. You were his plus one because he wanted some sort of revenge, or proof for his ex to see he didn’t need her anymore - just as Harry had done for you the weekend before with Luke.
This isn’t about you, you stupid bitch. After tonight you’ll probably never see him again.
After washing up and touching up your lip gloss, you opened the door to see Harry standing in the hallway.
“Hey. What are you doing out here?” you asked.
“Checking on you. You rushed out so quickly.”
“Sorry. Must have been the champagne.”
Harry took two steps closer, enough to reach out and finger a curl on your shoulder. “Liar,” he muttered.
With a sigh, you shook your head. “Harry…”
“Y/N. I’m the one who should apologize. I made a fool of myself, trying to act like I didn’t care she was here. You were right.”
“I was?” you gulped.
“It’s still hard,” he nodded. “I mean…it’s not like I want her back. I don’t really want anything to do with her. Just…seeing her reminds me, you know?”
“I’m sorry, darling. I really am.” Harry shoved his hands in his pockets, and you took that as your cue.
“It’s okay. Shall I get an Uber, or…”
“What?” Harry’s eyes widened. “You’re not leaving, are you?”
“Well…um…,” you stumbled. “Don’t you want me to?”
“Oh, God, honey, no! No! I didn’t mean to imply that at all!”
You fiddled with the clutch in your hands as you stared at him incredulously. “I’m confused.”
Reaching for your waist, Harry pulled you even closer. “Baby, I want you to stay. Please. I enjoy your company. And even though this is probably boring you to tears, you look so fucking sexy, I want...”
“What?” you asked when his words trailed off.
“I…” Harry searched down either end of the hallway, making sure no one was within earshot. Then he guided you backwards against the wall. “I wanna eat you up,” he growled.
“Oh!” you squeaked just before his mouth collided with yours.
His kisses were rough and urgent. His stubble scratched against your delicate skin. And you loved it. Gasping for a breath, you grabbed hold of his jacket lapels.
“I want you so bad, kitten,” he whined. God, that sounded hot. “Been thinking about you all fucking week. Took everything I had in me not to call sooner.”
Just then, two other women started down the hall toward you. Harry straightened up and you pretended to be looking for something in your bag. When they passed and entered the restroom, you raised your head. Harry was staring at you like a tiger about to pounce its prey. When he blinked slowly, you could hear him swallow hard.
“I got a room,” he finally said.
Your jaw dropped. “A roo-, here?”
“Yeah. I know it’s presumptuous of me. But I was hoping…you might…wanna stay with me tonight.”
As he said those words, he moved closer to you, slowly like a dream. Chills erupted down your body, and you found yourself eagerly allowing him into your embrace. His lips met yours again, this time sweet and wet.
“I-I thought…” you breathed between kisses, “when you froze next to me…when she got her award…that you…”
“Shh,” Harry sounded, silencing you with more kisses. “Baby girl…let me make it clear. I don’t want her. I want you.”
You thought you saw the shadows of the women returning from the bathroom, but neither you nor Harry moved an inch. His gaze pierced through you, you melted, and you may have even let out a moan.
“I want you, too. So bad.”
“Good,” he growled, sliding his hand around your neck. Then kissing you one more time, he stood up straight and said, “Let’s get out of here.”
Taking your hand, you were halfway down the hall when Tom emerged from the ballroom.
“Harry!,” he said. “They need you in here!”
“What for?”
“Your award!”
Harry cursed under his breath, and you chuckled as he tugged on your hand and led you back into the ballroom.
“There he is!” shouted Greg from the podium. “C’mon Harry, everyone who’s awarded has to get up here.”
Harry snorted, then gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before heading up to the stage. With a cheesy grin on your face, you made it back to your table and joined everyone in clapping as Harry accepted his award. You hadn’t even heard what it was for, but it didn’t matter. You were proud of him regardless, and you planned on showing him just how proud you were later in the room he’d said he’d gotten.
You watched your handsome date as he gave his acceptance speech, the glow on his face. When he was finished, he gave a quick nod and thank you, then began to make his way between the tables. You noticed Toni staring at him, but your grin spread when Harry paid her no mind, and instead beamed at you with his dimpled smile.
“Congrats, Harry!” exclaimed Tom when Harry reached your table. “I was worried you’d either gone or didn’t care about receiving an award. But I see I was wrong on both accounts. Well-deserved, my friend.”
“Thanks, Tom.”
Although Harry’s words were addressed to the man on his left, his eyes hadn’t left yours.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
“Now?” you half-chuckled, half-gasped.
“Yes,” he replied, his voice suddenly an octave lower.
“Oh, don’t leave yet, you two!” Marla whisper-shouted. “You’ll miss the best part!”
“Best part?” you inquired, eyeing both Marla and Harry.
Harry smirked. “There’s usually some sort of dessert, and they serve more cocktails.”
“Oh. I think I can pass.”
Not missing the tone in your confession, Harry rose from his chair and held his hand out for you. You eagerly took it, giving hasty goodbyes to your table mates, then you followed him back into the hallway just as Greg was giving his final speech, announcing the imminent dessert.
“I have my own sweet, tasty treat,” remarked Harry, patting your ass.
You were mid-giggle, starting to get handsy yourself when you heard a female voice behind you.
“Congratulations, Harry.”
Oh, goddammit, what did she want?
“Thank you,” Harry turned and nodded sharply.
“I always knew you’d make top broker,” Toni continued. “I know I voiced it many times.”
Her tone was sultry as she stepped closer to Harry. Then she placed her hand on his bicep and gave an adoring smile. Your stomach turned and your mouth felt sour as you watched her try to seduce her ex right in front of you.
“Um, no, actually you didn’t,” said Harry.
“Pardon me?”
“You never said that to me, Antoinette. Not once. In fact, if I remember correctly, you used to provoke and torment me by claiming you’d beat me.”
“Oh, that,” Toni dismissed Harry’s accusation with a wave of her hand. “That was just a little game. You enjoyed it, didn’t you baby? You liked trying to rival me. It only made you better.”
Your eyes wide, you nearly smacked her, but you held back your hands and your tongue.
“No, I didn’t enjoy it. And it didn’t make me better. I’m better now because you’re out of my life, Toni.”
Turning away from her, Harry grabbed your hand again and began walking faster. You tried your best to keep up as he led you to the elevators.
“Aw, little Harry is heartbroken so he needed to find a little trollop to mend his ego,” Toni mocked with a sneer.
At that you turned around swiftly. “You’re a horrible person! No wonder he kicked you out!”
“Y/N, please baby-”
“What the hell do you know?” Toni rolled her eyes.
“I know that this man is amazing and sweet and sexy as hell, and you lost out.”
Toni’s jaw dropped open as Harry pulled you toward the open elevator doors.
“I also know that nobody has used the word trollop since the sixties,” you called out just before the doors closed. “The term is slut now, honey.”
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When the elevator stopped, and the doors opened, you followed Harry down the hall, your hand still in his until he stopped at the end of the hallway. Then he pulled a key card out of his jacket pocket and slipped it into the lock.
He had been quiet on the lift, his jaw set. You knew he was angry, and maybe even a little embarrassed. You felt for him, seeing just how vile his ex was. You wanted to make him feel better, but only if he wanted the same.
Stepping into the room, however, you nearly forgot what had just happened when you saw the exquisite view.
“Wow…” you breathed as Harry headed for the bar.
“Nice, yeah?” he wiggled his brows. When he poured two glasses of brandy, however, his expression returned solemn.
“Harry…” you began, walking toward him. “We don’t have to do this.”
“If you’re not feeling up to it.”
“Who says I’m not?” he asked, handing you a glass.
“Well, I can tell you’re upset.”
“I’m not. I mean…yeah, she’s…a piece of work,” Harry half-chuckled, shaking his head. Then he looked at you. “But she has nothing to do with us.”
“Mm-mm,” he sounded, reaching for your waist with his other hand. “I’m just sorry you had to see that. Cheers?”
You clinked your glass against Harry’s and took a sip, setting your clutch on the bar. He looked over his glass at you and winked. Slowly lowering yours, you grinned.
“So your award was for top broker? What does that mean, you sold the most houses?”
Harry chuckled low. “Houses, hotels, commercial properties...”
“Wow,” you said. “I’m proud of you, Harry.”
“Are you?” he smiled wider.
“Of course, I am. And I wanna show you.”
“Oh. You do.” Taking your glass, Harry set it on the bar next to his. “And how do you wanna do that?”
“Like this…” you said, reaching for his jacket and tugging it off his shoulders.
With a smirk, he shook his arms out of it and tossed it on a nearby chair. Then his eyes sparkled as you ran your hands down his chest and began to unfasten the remaining buttons of his shirt.
Slipping his fingers underneath your jaw, he pulled you into a deep kiss. You moaned against him, letting him know just how badly you wanted to please him. When your own fingers met his waistband, you felt him shudder, a sexy tremble of anticipation as he threw off his shirt. You played with him a bit, letting your fingertips linger along his tattoos after you’d unbuttoned his trousers. Then with a loud sounding of the zipper, you dropped to your knees along with his pants. You heard him gasp out a breath, a tiny one, but audible nonetheless.
You kissed his inner thighs, sweet, tender kisses. Moving up slowly, you reached for his underwear. A low, sexy exhale escaped his throat then, followed by a chuckle.
“Oh, kitten.”
“Is this what you want?”
You nodded and licked your lips as his erection sprung from his briefs, meeting you in the face. Harry’s breath hitched in his throat when you took hold of it and wet the tip with your tongue. You looked up at him long enough to see his jaw drop as you enveloped your lips around his hard cock. Then he quickly shut his eyes and inhaled through his nose.
He was big. You knew this already, of course, but having him in your mouth for the first time took a little extra work and finesse. You didn’t think you’d be able to deep throat him, so you did your best with what you had to work with. Lubricating him up with your own saliva, you moaned against his cock while your hand met your lips halfway. Harry’s fingers raked through your hair until they had a good grip. His breaths quickened as he bucked his hips against you, urging you to suck him deeper and harder, your hand to move faster. You obliged to his physical requests until you felt him quiver, then tug harder on your hair.
“Easy, kitten,” he gasped. “Fuck, you’re so good, but I don’t wanna come so fast.”
Clipping your chin with his finger, he gazed down at you.
“Jesus, baby, look at you. So eager and willing to please.”
You nodded, running your hands up his thighs. “Yes, Harry. I wanna please you so bad. Wanna make you feel good.”
Stepping out of his shoes and pants, Harry lifted you from the floor. With his hands cradling your face he pulled you into a deep, wet kiss that nearly sent you back into a pool at his feet. Then slipping his fingers behind your neck, he found the zipper of your dress and tugged it open. Stepping out of it, you let him lead you to the bed, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I wanna make you feel good too, kitten,” Harry promised as he removed your black lacy bra.
“But it’s my turn, Harry,” you argued, climbing onto the bed and sitting on your knees. “You made me feel better last time.”
“Did I? Is that why you left in such a hurry?”
“I told you why I left,” you frowned.
“I know. I’m sorry.” His hands cupped your breasts as he snuck a kiss onto your collarbone.
“Anyway, tonight is about you,” you continued. “And I wanna show you how proud I am of you. How worthy you are.”
“Yeah?” he smirked, sliding his hand down the front of your panties. “Am I worthy of this sweet pussy?”
“Fuck yes,” you hissed.
Harry laughed, “God, you’re so wet already, kitten. I haven’t hardly touched you.”
“That’s the effect you have on me.”
“Good to know. I am lucky.”
He continued to stroke you, his fingertip pressing gently on your already throbbing clit. Still on your knees, they began to give out just from his touch. You grabbed hold of his arms to keep your balance, a tiny cry escaping your lips.
“Oh, sweetheart, you sure this is about me?” Harry raised a brow, teasing you.
“Yes, Harry. I promise. You just…get me worked up.”
“What do you think you do to me, hmm? Sat there next to me in that tiny little dress, your thighs begging to be stroked underneath the table. Your fuckable ass just waiting to be grabbed by my hands. Your fuck-me eyes batting their lashes at me as if I don’t know what that means.”
“I didn’t know they do that,” you mewled as you continued to ride his fingers.
“Oh, yes you do. And you love it. Just like you love how you’re dripping on me right now.”
“But you love it, too,” you said, trying to turn the tables. “You love how hot and wet I am for you.”
“Goddammit, yes I do. C’mere, kitten.”
The air suddenly felt cooler when he removed his hand from your panties. But the warmth was returned quickly as you watched him lay down on the bed and stroke himself.
“Harry,” you pouted. “I’m supposed to do that.”
“Well then hurry up, baby. We may have all night, but I get impatient too.”
You gave him a smirk, knowing he was mocking your impatience from last weekend.
“Just for that, I may just take my time,” you teased, slowly sliding your panties down your hips.
“Please don’t.”
“What would you do if I did?”
“Make myself come,” he replied cheekily, his hand still on his cock.
“Aw, c’mon Harry, play nice.”
He chuckled low, sending another thrill down your spine. Kicking your panties off of your ankle, you let them hit the floor as you crawled cat-like over his naked body.
“Kitten, you are,” he grinned, reaching for your hips. “Looks like I picked the right pet name.”
“Yes,” you agreed. “And now kitty wants a ride.”
Harry growled as you nibbled on his neck. “Condom’s in my jacket, babe,” he whispered. “Forgot to grab it.”
With a tiny pout, you slid off the bed and retrieved his jacket from the chair, and found the condom in the inside picket. Opening it swiftly, you returned to the bed where you eagerly slipped it on his awaiting cock. Lifting your hips, you eased yourself down slowly with a high-pitched groan.
“Gently, kitten,” instructed Harry. “You sure you’re wet enough?”
“Yes,” you sighed. “You just fill me so well.”
“Yeah,” he grinned. “Go slowly though, alright. Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I can handle it, baby. Question is, can you handle me?”
Harry’s chest shook as he laughed, and you slowly began to ride him. When you began to pick up a little speed, however, Harry started to blink, his head tilting back into the pillow.
“Fuck, kitten, you feel so good.”
“I do? You like how my cunt feels dripping on you?”
“Mmm yeah. So fucking warm and wet.”
“You deserve to feel this good, baby. Every night,” you moaned.
“Yeah? You would fuck me like this every night?” he asked, his hips bucking up against you.
“Mmhmm. Anything you want. You’re such a fucking hot and sexy man. You deserve to be fucked any way you want.”
“Ah yes, fuck me, kitten.”
“She didn’t fuck you like this, did she?” you purred as you rode him faster.
Harry shook his head and gulped. “No.”
“You deserve so much better, baby. You deserve a woman who knows your needs. Who worships your cock.”
Though Harry moaned and let out an expletive, he grabbed your waist and tried to hold you still. “Wait…baby…wait, stop,” he gasped.
“What’s wrong?” you blinked.
“I don’t wanna fuck like this.”
“Like what?”
“Revenge sex, angry sex, whatever this is. I’m done with that, aren’t you?”
You stared at him, confused. “But, I thought-”
“I know, babe,” he interrupted with a nod. “But I don’t want this to be about her. Or him. Just us.”
“Don’t you?”
“I…yeah, I guess so.”
Harry’s green eyes stared at you, and though they were still filled with lust, a softer look in them also appeared that you hadn’t seen before. “Just you and me, yeah? I think it could be great.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
“Good girl,” he grinned. “Now fuck me.”
You slowly resumed your thrusts, your eyes still locked with his. While you tried to continue the little game you’d been playing, the point seemed moot. Something came over you that you couldn’t describe, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say you were feeling emotional, overwhelmed. But you couldn’t, could you? This was just a hookup, a mutual agreement. There were no feelings involved. Finally, you stopped all movement.
“What’s wrong, babe?” asked Harry, a bewildered look on his face. “You tired?”
“No. It just…it feels different now.”
You shook your head, unable to find the words. “I don’t know. I just…I feel vulnerable.”
Harry’s face softened as he sat up and ran his hands up your back. “I know, baby. But it’s okay. I’m here, yeah? I’ll make you feel good.”
“But I wanted to make you feel good,” you said.
“Then we’ll make each other feel good,” Harry smirked. “C’mon love, it’s alright. We don’t need revenge sex. Those two other people…they mean nothing. We don’t have to use each other anymore. Let’s just…live in the moment.”
Taking in a deep breath, you let it out slowly. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? His arms around you, Harry kissed your lips softly. Then he continued down your jaw and to your neck. Inch by inch, you let the tension fall until his soft, pillowy lips lightly touched your shoulder.
“Mmm, that feels nice,” you breathed before you realized it.
“Doesn’t it?” Harry murmured before looking into your eyes. “I want you, Y/N. I wouldn’t have invited you here if I didn’t. I wouldn’t have gotten this room. For us. You and me, honey. You’re the one I wanna be with.”
Though he didn’t finish the sentence with tonight, you took it as implied.
“Let’s make each other feel good, yeah?” he continued, pecking your mouth again. “I wanna make you come so hard.”
A low moan sounded from deep within your throat before you started to giggle.
“Does that sound good?” Harry wiggled his brows.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Sounds amazing.”
“Then get that ass up, baby, and turn around for me,” he demanded, patting your behind.
Once on your knees facing away from him, you braced yourself for a quick thrust. But Harry seemed to have other ideas. Instead, he grabbed your hips and pulled you back so that you sat on his lap. Pushing your hair off your shoulder, he kissed your neck just underneath your ear. Then his other hand found your right breast, cupping it and pinching the nipple between his fingertips.
“That feel good, kitten?” he whispered, his breath tickling your flesh.
“Mmm, yes.”
“Good. Now lift up just a bit and bounce on me.”
Doing as you were told had Harry slipping inside you easily just before you bounced back onto his lap, his cock filling you completely.
“Ohhhh,” you gasped. “Fuck.”
“Mmm yeah, babe, do that again.”
With a deep breath, you exhaled as you lifted up to your knees again. This time, however, Harry met you halfway, thrusting up against you as you came down. When you let out another gasp, Harry groaned in your ear.
“Fuck, princess, just like that. Keep going.”
Though your knees were already starting to shake, it was nothing like the nearly exploding feeling in your core. You could feel him fully, all of him in your pussy. And you couldn’t get enough.
You repeated the movements over and over, each time making your toes curl more and more. Finally, you noticed the thrusts weren’t quite as long, as Harry was practically holding you against him, his arm around your waist as he panted in your ear, giving you continuous words of encouragement.
“Oh, kitten you feel so good,” he whined, sliding his free hand down your belly. “I’m so close already. But I want you to come first, alright?”
“Are you close, too?”
His fingertips slipped through your folds and pinched your clit. Your knees buckled and you almost fell forward until Harry pulled you up. You could feel his wet, sticky chest against your back as he guided you to your climax.
“Easy, kitten,” he cooed. “I got you. Come for me, sweetheart. I wanna feel that sweet little cunt dripping all over me.”
“Aaaaaa…” you exclaimed, though it was far from an actual word. “Oh, God! Ohhh Haaarrryy….baaaabyyyyy!!!!”
“That’s it, kitten,” he urged, his finger still circling your swollen nub as he continued his thrusts. “Such a good girl. I love making you feel good, baby.”
With a few more whines and pants, you came down from your high, taking deep breaths and hard swallows.
“Mmm,” Harry growled, then kissed your neck. “It’s not over yet, love.”
You chuckled, placing your hand on his thigh. “I know. Shall I stay here, or you want me somewhere else?”
“I’ll let you pick,” he replied.
“Really?” Lifting yourself up, you turned around to face him. “Cause I’d really like to watch you when you come.”
“You got it, babe,” he grinned. Taking your face in his hands, he kissed you with fervor. Then he rolled you onto your back.
“Are you sore, love?” he asked as he resumed his thrusts.
“Not really,” you gulped. “Only in a good way.”
Harry chuckled, “Alright, good. Cause I want you legs up here.” Grabbing hold of your thighs, he lifted them over his shoulders. “That’s it, kitten. Now, keep your pretty eyes on me.”
You had no problem with that request. His arms around you with your knees next to your ears, you couldn’t do much more than stare at him. And he was a sight to behold. A curl had fallen from his forehead, and he already looked fucked out of his mind. Your entire body was on fire, inside and out. You couldn’t look away if you tried.
Because of his close proximity, his thrusts were short and quick, his cock hitting you in just the right spot every time. You tried your best to keep breathing, though you could already feel yourself teetering close to the edge. And Harry’s grunts didn’t help. He was so sexy, and it turned you on knowing you felt good around him.
“So fucking wet baby, god damn,” he panted. “Can I fuck you like this every night?”
You blinked in surprise until you remembered your words from earlier. With a gentle smile, you nodded. “Yes.”
“Promise? Cause I don’t think I can go another week, sweetheart.”
“Yes,” you swore to him, and as you wrapped your arms around his neck, you knew that it wasn’t a lie.
Harry’s breaths quickened, and with a deep groan, he shut his eyes tight. Then with two more thrusts, his body trembled and he gasped in your ear.
“Fuck. Oh, kitten, you’re amazing.”
Your fingers played in his hair as he laid on your chest. You listened to his breaths for a moment until he looked up at you.
“Please don’t leave,” he said.
“Tonight. Don’t leave like last time, please. Stay with me.”
After a pause, you allowed your fingertips to draw shapes across his back. Then with a sigh you said his name.
“Hmm?” he sounded, rolling onto his side next to you.
You turned and looked at him, giving him a smile. “I have no intention of leaving.”
With a grin of his own, Harry pulled you close and kissed you, no other words needed.
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Hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog and comment (or even better send me a message) if you did.
tagging: @kathb59, @kahluamystery97, @triski73, @lovebittenbyevans, @chibijusstuff, @angywritesstuff, @indierockgirrl, @i-dont-want-your-sympathy (you are all ones who commented on part 1 so I hope that's okay.)
243 notes · View notes
blurredcolour · 7 months
IV. “I Trust You Know What You’re Doing?”
"Trust" Series Masterlist
John "Bucky" Egan x WAC!Female Reader
Struggling with the forced separation of your transfer and promotion, it does not take long for you and Bucky to plan a trip to London together. But even while you're on leave, the world around you continues to do its best to tear itself apart.
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Warnings: Language, Grief, Alcohol Consumption, Angst, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Mature/Explicit Themes [oral - f receiving, implied virginity loss, protected vaginal sex, condoms, unprotected vaginal sex, multiple orgasms] - 18+ ONLY.
Author’s Note: Welcome to this massive installment. I have no excuses, only apologies. Also I only had the fortitude to proof this once, there may be more errors than normal, but I didn't want to delay it any longer - I will correct things as I find them. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
ETA: The image descriptions for the letters contain the text within to allow for a screen reader or anyone who cannot read cursive. Click the ‘ALT’ button to access.
Word Count: 8497
Wycombe Abbey could not have been more different than Thorpe Abbotts if it had tried.
The private, or in a most confusing twist ‘public’ as the Brits called such institutions, girls’ school had begun its life in the 17th century as a manor house before being transformed into a much grander residence near the end of the 19th century. The school had opened in 1896 with only forty students, but that number had swelled to over two hundred by the time the building was requisitioned for use as the Headquarters of the 8th Air Force.
Stained glass windows, stonework, archways, and wood panelling now replaced squat concrete buildings and rough-and-ready Nissen huts. Though everything was just as drafty, so at least the temperature provided some familiar consistency to your new surroundings. As you descended from your quarters tucked away in some forgotten corner of the attic, down a set of precarious servants’ stairs, you nearly took a wrong turn – again. To your credit you had only been here three days and the maze of corridors and rooms further divided into offices for USAAF purposes was nearly unnavigable.
Chiding yourself softly under your breath that your office was to the right and not the left, as though the sharpness of your tone might really drive it home this time, you quickened your steps still hoping to beat to postal clerk to the outgoing mail box that sat on the corner of your desk. It had been more of a challenge than you were expecting to write the letter clutched in your hand, but the daily meetings that senior operations officers held at 1015, 1600, and 2200 were your responsibility to attend and record via frantically scribbled notes to be typed up in a more professional format later.
These were the meetings at which mission targets for the entire 8th were chosen. The strategic value of various locations was discussed alongside weather reports and aligning with the RAF’s Bomber Command for maximum impact against Nazi Germany. After the first meeting, it would be decided if a mission would even be conducted the following day, and each Division, Wing, and Base involved would be put on alert to allow them time to begin planning the operation. By the time the last meeting ended, the target and approach would be finalized, and the official field orders would be issued.
It made for a remarkably long day, even with breaks for meals, and though you were guaranteed every other Friday off because of this, by the time you crawled into bed near midnight, you only had enough energy to add a few lines onto the letter you had begun to Bucky as soon as you arrived. It made for a rather disjointed and rambling piece of correspondence, in your opinion, but you could not bear to keep him waiting any longer – not wanting him to assume you had forgotten to write and not knowing how long the thing would take to reach him regardless.
Dashing into the office you shared with Myrtle, a very stoic young woman with dark hair and thick eyelashes from Rhode Island, you exhaled in relief to see the post still waiting to be collected and added your letter to the pile. Unlocking your desk drawers, you began setting up for the day, hoping it would reach him quickly.
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His reply arrived in your inbox just over two weeks later, near the end of September. Sliding it into your brown leather utility bag, you did your utmost to ignore its very existence throughout the first daily meeting, and your subsequent production of the official report thereof. Taking your lunch break a little earlier than usual paid off in that the line was much shorter at that time. You inhaled the mystery stew and rolls, hardly tasting them, before taking your letter outside to read in the rare afternoon sunshine.
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It was short, and it was unspeakably adorable that Bucky did not write in cursive, but there was no lack of his personality in his response. It was as though the very essence of him had been distilled into the ink itself and you could not help the broad grin that bore its way into the muscles of your cheeks, making them ache as you read it.
Glancing quickly at your watch, you realized there was still time to send a reply before the second post pick-up but based on the length of time it had taken for this exchange of letters, it was unlikely another would reach him with enough time to plan for October 8 – your next Friday off. Worrying your lip between your teeth as you considered your options, you landed on a rather devious idea, one that quite honestly would have never come to you if not for the deep need to reach Bucky immediately. Vi had a telephone on her desk in the weather office, a number that you had access to given the strategic importance of weather to the senior operations officers.
Myrtle would be on her break for another fifteen minutes…you had not even realized you had made up your mind before your feet began to carry you back inside, up the stairs into the mercifully still-empty office. Digging out the directory, you found the number for Thorpe Abbotts’ weather office and took a shaky breath as you sank into your chair.
‘Keep it brief, keep it free of classified information. Worst you’ll get is a reprimand.’
The devious, deceptive voice in your mind was a new one, fostered, perhaps, by the rather carefree man you found yourself deeply entangled with, but it was not one you were about to disobey. Lifting the handset of your phone from its cradle, you cleared your throat as the operator answered.
“Norfolk 7315, please.” You tried your best to sound calm and collected as the line clicked and began to ring.
“Phillips.” An unexpected voice answered, and you gulped, knowing Ruth would be less likely to participate in some romantic scheme.
You greeted her in kind, trying to ignore the ache of loneliness as she gasped softly.
“I was hoping you might pass along a message for me?”
“To a certain Major?” You could hear the grin in her voice and felt the pressure on your chest ease.
“Indeed. October 8. I will arrange accommodations.”
“Your line should he need to reach you?”
Hesitating a moment, you ultimately decided to provide it as well, wanting to ensure he could in fact contact you if something came up. Or perhaps any of them could – should the worst happen.
‘Don’t think about that.’ You chastised yourself internally.
“You’re well?” Ruth asked and you smiled softly.
“I am, please tell everyone I miss them terribly.”
“Will do, have to go.”
There was a ‘click’ as she hung up and the line went dead but the lightness in your heart could not be extinguished.
Nine days later you found yourself waiting on the platform at Liverpool Street station awaiting the arrival of Bucky’s train from East Anglia. Given the proximity of High Wycombe to London, you had arrived much earlier that morning and checked into the hotel already, dropping off your small bag and come to wait for his train – well you assumed he’d be on the first train of the day, but as the carriages disgorged a sea of humanity and you had yet to spot him, your brows began to furrow in doubt.
You were about to fish the folded schedule you had picked up from the ticket counter to check the next arrival time when he was suddenly wrapping an arm around you, pulling you tight into his chest as you gasped softly in surprise.
“There you are doll.” Bucky sighed, dropping his bag at your feet to slide the other arm around you as he pulled back to nudge your cap out of the way and deliver a breathtakingly thorough kiss that you were not entirely sure was appropriate for the public setting you were in.
Not that you stopped him, you own arms snaking about his midsection to cling to him tightly.
Pulling back, his eyes raked over your features lovingly as you both inhaled deeply to fill your greedy lungs.
“Well, well 1st Lieutenant.” He smirked proudly as he lifted his hand to stroke the chrome insignia you now wore on your lapels courtesy of your promotion, leaving smudges of his thumb print.
“You are leaving my uniform in disarray, Major.” You chided playfully, unable to hold back you grin, even for a moment, to sell the joke.
His forefinger hooked behind the knot in your tie, tugging it out from beneath your jacket and pulling you closer – eliminating the last few inches of space that remained between your bodies.
“Good.” He rumbled against your lips before kissing you deeply, severely undermining the infrastructure of your knees.
The loud racket of the train cars as they shunted into one another jolted the pair of you apart, making you realize you were among the last few remaining on the platform as the now empty train left the station.
“Let’s get you checked in and your bag dropped off.” You murmured, clearing your throat as you unbuttoned your uniform jacket to straighten and re-secure your tie.
His hand slid into yours as the pair of you made your way out of the station and he happily followed you to a hotel you’d found near his station, knowing that he’d be here longer than you and it would be easier for him to find his way back to base this way. Sitting patiently in the lobby as he checked in and ran his bag up, you smiled as he returned to hold his hands out to you.
“C’mon doll, I have a whole plan.”
Taking his hands, you rose to your feet, raising your eyebrows curiously. “A whole plan?”
He leaned in to murmur against your ear, “you’re not the only one involved in planning you know.”
You pulled back quickly, eyes wide with a touch of panic. You were quite certain you had never told him just what your new position entailed, and there was no way he could simply guess it.
“Easy doll, your phone line.” He winked as he maneuvered your arm through his, turning to lead you out the front door.
Slowly exhaling, it clicked into place. Of course. Just as you were able to find Vi’s desk number in a directory, it seemed Bucky had been doing a little research of his own.
“Well, shhh.” You chastened him firmly, laying a finger over your lips, looking very much like an anti-slander campaign poster.
His hearty laugh in response did little to convince you that he took in the message.
“Now, how do we get to Hyde Park…” He murmured, pulling a crumpled leave guide out of his pocket.
“The underground.” You answered easily, leading him back towards the very station he had arrived at but this time down to the tube station entrance where the pair of you purchased your tickets.
His touch rarely left you – even if he was forced to release your hand, you could feel his palm pressed against your lower back as you made your way through the crowded subterranean space. You were glad to have him with you this time, not particularly a fan of this mode of transportation, but it certainly was an efficient way to get around London. Pressed close together on the train, you took the opportunity to simply gaze at him, basking in his presence after nearly a month apart, not missing the way his mouth ticked up at the corner cockily.
“Missed you too, doll.” He winked and ducked a kiss to your ear before guiding you off the train at your stop – once he had confirmed with you it was indeed your stop.
Blinking your way back into the light of day, you pointed at a directional sign guiding the way to Hyde Park.
“Perfect, now apparently there are…sandwiches!” He crowed and tugged you over to a sandwich truck that seemed quite popular based on the line of waiting patrons.
Your face was starting to hurt, driving home how infrequently you had found the opportunity to smile in his absence, making you squeeze his hand fondly. Bucky looked back to you quickly as he joined the queue.
“You really did plan everything.” You gulped quickly and he beamed proudly.
“Anything for my girl. What kind would you like?” He gestured at the menu written on the side of the truck.
By the time you reached the front of the line, Bucky was able to easily place your order, including two bottles of lemonade, insisting on paying. Opening your utility bag, you carefully packed the lunch away, earning a rather damp and enthusiastic kiss on your cheek as he snatched your hand to continue onto the park.
“May I ask what it is about this park in particular?” You inquired as the pair of you dashed across the road.
“You can ask…” His cheeky reply had you scoffing in return as you entered the canopy of trees, following a path further and further away from the traffic of downtown London.
Plenty of men in uniform seemed to be out, enjoying the nice weather with women on their arms. Women who, unlike you, enjoyed the luxury of being allowed to dress as they chose during their leisure time. It had been one of many reasons that nearly twenty-five percent of women had chosen not to remain enlisted during the transition from the WAAC to the WAC, the army requirement to remain in uniform even when off-duty. In all honesty, you had not really missed your civilian clothes until just then.
Watching the sheer femininity of those women as they swirled about in their colorful fabrics only drove home how drably olive and plainly cut your uniform truly was.
“You’re a million miles away, doll.” Bucky’s voice cut through the dark clouds that had gathered in your mind and you looked to him quickly.
“Sorry Bucky, it’s beautiful here. Like another place entirely.” You offered him a smile but by the way his eyebrow lifted slightly he did not seem to be entirely buying it. “Have the leaves started changing around the base yet?” You tried changing the subject.
He shook his head, releasing your hand to slide his arm around your waist instead, pulling you closer. “Seems everything will happen later here than back home.”
You hummed thoughtfully, glancing ahead and gasping a little at the glimpse of a sizeable body of water that seemed to be filled with rowboats.
“That’s why were here.”
You turned back to him to see a broad grin had overtaken his face and laughed in excitement as it was terribly romantic.
“If I had known, Major Egan, I would have brought my parasol.” You grinned and he snorted, squeezing your hip fondly.
“No need to put on airs, 1st Lieutenant,” he smirked, “the ride will be enjoyable all the same.”
“Bucky!” You hissed sharply, slapping his chest as he laughed deeply, ducking your head slightly as more than a few passersby shot glances your way.
“C’mon doll.” He chuckled and led you over to the booth beside the dock, paying the fee for a thirty-minute rental before the pair of you headed down to climb into one of the waiting row boats.
Setting your heavy bag on the floor, you carefully stepped into the rather unstable watercraft, settling on the passenger’s bench – denoted as such by the ornate ironwork arms. Bucky followed, seated across from you at the oars, his knees nearly brushing against yours, legs too long for so small a boat. Unbuttoning and sliding off his jacket, he tossed it and his cap to you before rolling up his sleeves and began to row the pair of you out onto The Serpentine, you now knew the small lake to be called.
“I trust you know what you’re doing?” You asked as he appeared to easily manage the oars, seeming at ease in the small boat.
“Mostly.” He teased with a wink before laughing at your slightly aghast expression. “Grew up on the shore of Lake Michigan, doll. Boats are like planes to me, easily managed.” He soothed.
It was difficult to decide which view to settle your eyes upon, the verdant green of the still-lush trees, the throng of boats around you, or Bucky working up a remarkably attractive sheen of sweat with his forearms on display as he propelled the rowboat through the water. A feathered fan would have been a very useful tool in that moment, to hide behind or cool yourself down, or perhaps both.
Belatedly, you realized that Bucky had been speaking this whole time – about events back at Thorpe Abbotts. Giving you the update about the people you knew, the trouble Meatball had caused with a farmer down the road, but he trailed off when he realized you were staring once more in dumbfounded silence at him.
“Doll, you’re going to give me a big head if you keep looking at me like that.” He winked as he lifted the oars from the water, letting the water sluice from the blades before tucking them into the boat on either side of you.
“Y…you’re good at that.” You replied lamely and shook your head. “Hungry?” Leaning forward for your bag, which was in all honestly a lot closer to his feet in the floor of the boat, you froze as everything tilted precariously in response to your movements.
Bucky lay a gentle hand on your shoulder to steady you. “Allow me.” Bending down slowly, he scooped up your bag and opened the flap to retrieve your sandwich and lemonade. “It’s sure tight in here, how did you even make this all fit?”
He tugged a little harder on the packet containing your lunch and your eyes widened in horror as, while he was triumphant, he also managed to send the three condoms you had tucked into your bag scattering to the floor of the boat. His eyes followed the distinct, square, paper packets and you could see his throat bob as he swallowed viciously.
“Doll…” His voice came out rough as a gravel road as he slowly raised his eyes to meet yours. “…been doing some planning of your own?”
“‘A WAC is always prepared.’” You quoted in a mortified whisper, struggling against the urge to lunge forward and hide the evidence, knowing it would only send both of you over the side and into the lake.
You watched another swallow ripple down Bucky’s throat before he offered your lunch to you, carefully collecting the offending items and returning them to your bag before he retrieved his own food.
“Would you mind,” He spoke after taking a rather ruthless and oversized bite of his sandwich, words muffled between slices of bread and chicken salad before he swallowed to start over. “Would you mind if, instead of following the rest of my plan, after these thirty minutes are up, I take you back to the hotel?”
Taking a thick swallow of your own, you shook your head slowly as you felt your cheeks heat up at the implications of that invitation. “I would not mind, no.” You clarified breathlessly and he nodded sharply, gesturing for your as-yet-unopened bottle of lemonade.
Handing it back to him, you watched silently as he lined the edge of the cap with the metal plate holding the oarlock in place, popping it off the bottle with one sharp blow of the heel of his palm.
“Thank you.” You murmured quietly as he passed you the opened drink, taking a deep sip as he repeated the process with his own, draining nearly half the bottle in one go.
Tilting your head back to take in the feel of the sun on your face, you slid your cap from your hair, adding it to the pile of his neatly folded items on the bench beside you, continuing to enjoy your picnic on the lake.
“You heard about Dye hitting twenty-five?” He broke the silence, sounding much more like himself again and you nodded quickly.
“Big news, everywhere in the 8th. Lucky crew all heading home – how did Lil take it?” You tilted your head curiously, raising your bottle to your lips, his eyes following the motion closely.
“Hm? Oh, she’ll be alright…they’re both good at letters.” He nodded, leaning back a little.
You knocked your knee against his affectionately. “Don’t sell yourself short you sweet man, I thoroughly enjoyed yours.”
His eyes flicked to yours quickly as a small smile curled his lips. “Yeah?”
You nodded firmly. “Yeah. Promise to give you more to reply to soon, phone was just necessary to make this happen.”
His hand landed on your thigh gently and he squeezed the flesh through your skirt. “Worth it. Just how long are your days though, doll?”
Your fingers played along the empty glass bottle, and you shrugged. “As long as they need to be.” You replied evasively.
“Mm, I’m going to get a better answer out of you than that.” He threatened playfully as he leaned forward to grasp the oar handles, swinging the blades back into the water and taking the pair of you on a loop around the corner of the lake before returning you to the dock.
Bucky climbed out first, taking his cap and jacket before helping you out easily, kissing you firmly as soon as you were on solid ground. “Let’s take a cab…” He breathed impatiently and you laughed, shaking your head.
“The cost would be astronomical, come on.” You affixed your cap on your head as he rolled down his sleeves and slid his jacket back on before the pair of you made your way back to the Underground.
Bucky’s body was practically pressed against yours the entire trip back to Liverpool Street station, seemingly unable to tolerate any form of separation. As you neared the hotel though, you looked to him slowly. “We should go in as colleagues…I booked us that way.”
He looked at you utterly confused, and you swallowed.
“We’re unwed, there was no way I could book us here together, and they will be none to please if they realize I’ve tricked them. I’ll get my key, you get yours, I’ll come to your room…”
He nodded slowly, arm reluctantly unwinding from around your waist before holding the door open for you to step inside.
“Thank you, Major.” You nodded, sliding your cap from your head as you stepped inside, heading to the counter to fetch your room key as he did the same, the pair of you walking up the stairs to the fifth floor together before parting ways so you could fetch your small overnight bag.
It was rather a waste of money, to book a room knowing you would most likely never sleep in it, but such things were necessary for women like you. Women who chose to go to bed with a man they were not married to in the long light of the afternoon. Taking a steadying breath, you left the perfectly made bed behind, walking down the hall to Bucky’s room and knocking on the door softly.
It promptly swung open to reveal a smiling Bucky, his jacket and cap long gone, along with his necktie, the top few buttons of his shirt undone. He stepped back and gestured for you to enter his much larger room with a small brown paper wrapped packet clasped in his hand. Once the door was closed behind you, you let out the laugh you had been holding.
“I did book this under Major John Egan, I suppose they felt the need to give you a nicer room than a Lieutenant.”
He smirked and kissed your cheek, taking your cap and bag from your hand, then pressing the package into it. “Before I forget, again.”
“Bucky you didn’t have to get me anything, you came to see me…”
“Open it.” His eyes danced with anticipation, and you began to pull at the piece of twine holding the package closed, unfolding the utilitarian paper to reveal a brand-new pair of stockings.
You let out an audible gasp as your jaw fairly fell to the floor.
“To replace the pair that got wrecked when you fell.” He smiled, obviously pleased by your reaction.
“How on earth did you…?!” You trailed off, staring up at him in wonderment.
“A man never reveals his secrets, doll.” He grinned and let out a grunt as you launched yourself into his arms, kissing him fiercely at the thoughtfulness of his gift and in recognition of the sheer determination it must have taken to achieve such a feat in rationed England.
His fingers gently plied the items from your grasp, setting them on the bedside table, freeing your hands to latch onto his arms as he cupped your face gently.
“You sure about this, my beautiful girl?” He whispered and your breath hitched in your throat at the tender look on his face just inches from yours.
“Yes.” You nodded quickly, sliding your fingers into his hair to pull his lips back to yours greedily.
A pleased noise rolled from his throat and across your tongue as he coaxed your mouth open, his fingers shifting to make steady work at the buttons on your jacket before he unwound your hands from his dark curls to slide the garment off, tossing it in the general direction of the chair that held his. You could not help the giggle that bubbled up from your chest at that as you moved to undo the buttons of his shirt one by one.
The tug of his teeth on your lower lip quickly transformed your laughter to shuddering breath as you held tightly to the open sides of his shirt, feeling him tug your tie free from your collar before it joined the pile of clothes somewhere on the plush blue carpet of the hotel room floor. Your shirt and skirt were quick to join it, leaving you in your brassiere and slip, garter belt and underwear still hidden from view.
“You have a remarkable number of layers on, doll.” He huffed as his mouth descended along your throat to suck at the crook of your shoulder, installing a dramatic curve in your spine as you arched against him wantonly with a half-swallowed cry of pleasure.
“Y…you have almost as many…” You protested, tugging the ends of his shirt from his trousers before pushing it from his shoulders only to be met with his undershirt.
The sheer broadness of him had never quite been so very apparent and had you licking your lips as you struggled with the last barrier between you and his torso, your ID tags rasping metallically against his.
“Not nearly as complicated though.” He muttered as his fingers worked at the hook and eye closure of your bra until you felt the band go slack and he leaned back to slide the straps down your arms, making you shiver as your breasts were revealed to his hungry gaze.
Bucky’s heavy exhale fluttered against your collarbone, grown cool by the time it traversed the distance between you, and you shuddered slightly, looking to the side shyly. He leaned in to brush his nose against yours tenderly, pecking your lips.
“Whatcha hiding for, gorgeous?” His tone was gentle and had your eyes slowly sliding to meet his, an action he rewarded with a deep kiss.
He continued to distract you with repeated meetings your lips, each time with growing intensity as his palms slid upwards along your sides to cup your breasts. The meeting of flesh had you inhaling sharply through your nose, hands seeking anchor as your fingers twisted into his beltloops where his trousers hung open around his hips – yet again delaying you in your purpose of undressing him. As his thumbs honed in on your sensitive peaks, Bucky elicited all manner of noises from your throat only to eagerly devour them.
“D’ya have any idea how soft you are doll?” He sighed against your lips as he kneaded your tender flesh. “’Cept right here.” He smirked as he tugged at your nipples and you whined his name, pressing impossibly close against him, realizing he was anything but soft.
Your shimmies and writhes against him seemed to serve as a reminder of the greater purpose at hand and Bucky’s fingers ceased their torment, sliding down to your hips to divest you of your slip before beginning to work at your stockings. Toeing off your shoes, you pushed his trousers from his hips, letting gravity do the rest.
“So many hooks and straps and loops…” He muttered as his mouth dipped to the hollow of your throat, though his fingers seemed more than capable of stripping you down to only your underwear.
Seizing your hips, Bucky guided you back onto the bed, and you could not help the sigh at that flew from your mouth at the feel of a real mattress with springs and a duvet, drawing a broad grin across his face as he crawled over you, coaxing you to lay back.
“Precious women like you should always have luxurious beds like these. None of those stinking Army cots…” His hands slid beneath your spine to half guide, half drag you up to rest on the obnoxious mountain of pillows.
Staring up at him in awe, at a complete loss for words, you settled on pressing up onto your elbows to kiss him firmly, hoping to convey your appreciation physically rather than trying to summon speech. As his lips parted from yours to begin sliding down your body, you let out a slight huff of annoyance, earning a chuckle against your collarbone which rumbled through his chest and into your body. He lifted his head slightly as his fingers wove through the ball chain of your ID tags as he seemed to notice them for the first time.
“I always wondered if you ladies had these.”
You bit your lip to smother your grin as he never hesitated to say what was on his mind, a constant stream of commentary on the world around him, and rather than annoying, you found it utterly adorable.
“Are you laughin’ at me, doll?” He smirked and gave a gentle tug, pulling a genuine laugh from you, to which he responded with a brilliant grin. “Alright then, I’ll give you something to laugh about.” He bowed his head to drag the flat of his tongue across your nipple, your resulting whimper bouncing off the walls as he resumed his teasing of your opposite breast.
“B…Bucky…” Your eyes shot wide as his plush lips sealed around that tender peak, applying a positively euphoric suction that had you burying your fingers in his hair and pressing your body closer to his mouth in silent demand.
With careful precision, his knee slid its way between your thighs, applying coaxing pressure to each in turn until you provided enough room for him to settle between them. The feeling of his hard length slotting against your core with only the thin barrier of your underwear separating your intimate flesh had your jaw dropping open in a silent ‘oh’ – a revelation unto itself despite all the experiences you had enjoyed with him thus far. Undulating your hips against his experimentally, you shuddered at the ragged, abbreviated groan he pressed against your sternum, caught in the midst of traversing your chest. Thoroughly encouraged, you repeated the action, savagely gnawing on your lip as he bit off a curse before his mouth reached its destination and laved at your neglected nipple.
Nestling tighter against you, Bucky began to roll his hips against you in earnest, obliterating your ability to think and scheme against him at the blinding pleasure his combined actions induced. You could feel the smug angle of his lips against your abdomen as his mouth was trailing lower on your body, his fingers curling into the waistband of your underwear to peel it from your body. Shifting back to free the interfering item from your legs, he gazed down at you with almost black eyes, his pupils having nearly devoured his irises in his arousal, before stretching forward onto his stomach.
Blinking rapidly, you raised up on your elbows to watch him hoist one of your legs over a strong shoulder and then the other, shuffling embarrassingly close to the apex of your thighs.
“Bucky?” You squeaked hesitantly.
He raised an eyebrow up at you, his pink tongue darting out the wet his lips, nearly matching the flush that had painted its way across his cheeks and down his neck. “Yes, doll?”
“What…” You swallowed thickly as your throat clenched erratically.
“Making good on a promise.” He replied seriously before stretching forward to deliver a thorough kiss to your folds that fairly sucked the air from your lungs, an odd whistling sound echoing through you as you savagely burrowed your fingers into the bedding.
When his tongue narrowed in on that sensitive bundle of nerves, it was your turn to bite off a curse, slumping back onto the pillows as he hummed against you in what was surely mock sympathy as he most certainly did not let up, his efforts only doubling. As your hips began to jerk and writhe, he slung a heavy forearm across your pelvis to pin you in place, only shifting closer and tracing his forefinger around your entrance teasingly. It was all you could do not to kick and wail as you felt yourself becoming embarrassingly slick, the noises he was making growing ever so obscene and filling the hotel room.
“Fuck!” You whined against your palm as his finger finally sunk into your wet heat, its passage remarkably eased by your arousal, hips bucking hard enough to jar his arm slightly.
“Damn you’re delicious, doll.” He growled against you, lips smacking loudly as he began to suck at your pearl, finger working you open enough to add a second before beginning a demanding rhythm.
“Oh…oh...god…” You cried out in agony, too far gone to remember your desire to be quiet, feeling the tension of pending release growing ever closer under his amorous onslaught.
“I know, I know…” He soothed, only quickening his pace, hooking his fingers towards the front of your body, sending your back into a dramatic curve from the mattress, a tortured moan ripping from your throat. “Oh, I have to see that again.” He rasped and sought that precise spot with a ruthless single-minded precision until he was rewarded with not only the same reaction, but your strangled cry as your orgasm slammed into you with breath-taking force.
As you returned to earth from your visit to the celestial plane, the first sensation you became aware of was tender, damp kisses being pressed to your inner thigh as Bucky murmured soft words of encouragement to you.
“There’s my gorgeous girl, holy hell that was incredible, did you enjoy that half as much as I did?”
You managed a wordless noise in the affirmative that summoned him to your side, his lips feathering kisses up your jaw to your ear, the tickle of his moustache making you laugh breathlessly.
“Good?” He murmured and you nodded quickly, turning to look at his still-expectant face.
“Yes.” You cobbled together a verbal response, and he blessed you with a warm smile which you leaned in to press your lips against in gratitude.
“Good.” He swiped his tongue along your lips before suddenly slipping from the bed, making you raise your head in confusion.
Stalking over to find your utility bag amongst the sea of discard items and clothing, he proudly retrieved the three condoms that had announced your hopes and intentions for you by appearing in the rowboat, unceremoniously shucking off his boxers as he made his way back to you. You had held his length before, stroked it to completion, but that paled in comparison to seeing the full expanse of him in the light of day.
“My gorgeous doll, you might not say a lot, but you sure don’t mind looking at what you like.” He smirked unabashedly as he set two of the paper packets on the night table beside you, unwrapping the third to unroll the protective latex onto his cock.
Rather than letting his teasing words dissuade you, though they did cause your teeth to sink into your lower lip, you chose to allow your eyes to linger on his actions, rather fascinated by the whole process. By the male anatomy as well. Task managed, he was climbing over you once more, blocking the golden light of afternoon that was filtering in through the windows with his body, warmth radiating from his skin. He settled easily between your legs once more, still parted from his early activities as you really had not summoned the wherewithal to move yet, and stroked his length through the lingering slick gathered along your folds.
A broken sigh fell from his lips before they clashed with yours, not quite aligned, but the sentiment was still there, body shuddering as you slid your arms around him to cling to his shoulders. It was difficult to tell just whom Bucky was teasing as he continued to rut against you, the tip of his cock brushing against your overly-sensitive bundle of nerves, both of you huffing through your nostrils until at last he began to sink into you.
Tearing your lips from his, you sucked in gasping breaths at the feel of the foreign intrusion, appreciating the fact that his pace seemed to slow in response to that. Appreciating the pause he afforded you when his pelvis slotted snuggly against yours once he was seated fully inside you. Cracking open your clenched eyes, you gulped tightly as they were immediately met by Bucky’s, crowned by a furrowed brow, but flicking over your features studiously as if awaiting your instruction.
“I’m ok.” You breathed and he nodded, immediately seizing your lips in a kiss once more as he rocked forward, earning a ragged moan as your fingertips dug into the skin of his back.
His familiarity with this sort of activity had always been apparent, but was exceptionally obvious now as he slowly began the rhythmic push and pull to drive you both towards climax. The sheer intimacy of it was too much and yet it was not nearly enough, your body craving ever more, ever faster, with increasing desperation. The rare moments that Bucky’s lips were not on yours, they were filling the room with choked-off moans or statements of the filthiest order.
“God doll, you feel so fucking good around me.”
“So tight. I can feel how wet you are too, even with this rubber on.”
“You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t ya? You’re gripping on me like a…fuck I can’t think when you do that…”
His ability to even speak while experiencing such mind-numbing pleasure, rambling though it was, was fairly awe-inspiring. Your responses were limited to moans and whimpers and cries of his name as his supposition was correct – your orgasm was indeed imminent. All it took was the solicitous stroking of his forefinger against the apex of your pleasure to send you flying over the cliff into paradise, clinging to his body as you cried out in ecstasy.
A string of rasped curses mixed in with several sighs of your name heralded his release as Bucky finished not long after, rocking against you sloppily before sinking down onto your chest with a comforting heaviness. Stroking his back tenderly as he nestled into your neck, you grinned stupidly at the ceiling as you felt quite pleased with your choices.
The pair of you made good use of the rest of the condoms you had brought, with a short break for a meal Bucky procured while you took a bath. He returned with a bottle of brandy as well, finding you still in the bathtub. A lot of water ended up on the floor, a pile of water-logged towels your testament to the attempted clean-up. Eating in bed, you shared stories of your childhoods – Bucky’s about growing up on the shores of Lake Michigan, yours of the small two-storey house with its screen door and front porch from which you had watched your brother play with the neighbourhood boys.
You fell asleep in one another’s arms after the final condom was disposed of, the sun long set, but awoke sometime in the night to the unsettling sound of an air raid siren. Not as common in 1943, yet being as close as you were to Canary Wharves, the Luftwaffe still made the occasional bomb run. Startled to find the bed empty, you sat up sharply to see Bucky sitting in front of the window, completely naked, intermittently illuminated by the flashes of distant explosions and anti-aircraft fire.
“Sorry doll, didn’t mean to wake ya.” He muttered and you shook your head, sliding to the end of the bed.
“You ok?” You tilted your head, blinking into a particularly bright flash.
“Hmmm…” He replied noncommittally, turning back to the scene before him with a frown. “I’ve dropped a lot of those. Done a lot of killing.”
Swallowing tightly, you slid to your feet despite the way your heart was pounding in your throat, padding across the carpet towards him.
“Done your job, Bucky. Done what was asked of you.” You assured him, coming to stand behind him, setting your hands on his shoulders.
“If there’s any balance to all this, my ticket was punched a long time ago.” He muttered sullenly and it was your turn to frown.
Bending down to press a kiss to the crown of his head, you stepped in front of him to block his view, perhaps, hopefully, to block his darker thoughts as you shifted to sit on his thighs.
“Whatcha doin’ doll?” He quirked an eyebrow, mouth falling open in a silent moan as your fingers slid between your bodies to gently stroke his length.
“Lightening up.” You replied, invoking the words of your dead brother’s inscription.
It was impossible to think of a more important piece of advice or a more importance source in that moment. A young man who would never get the chance to spend one more time in his lover’s arms, who knew you better than anyone in the entire world. And you were most certainly going to follow it. You had to be up in less than three hours, to catch the first train to High Wycombe, and you would not pass up this moment with Bucky. The future was unknowable, your brother’s death had certainly taught you that.
Bucky’s fingers curled into your hips as his mouth descended onto yours greedily, clearly in agreement with your plan, despite the lack of remaining condoms. Shuffling closer, you guided his now fully hard cock into your body, your soft noises of pleasure colliding with his in the space between your parted lips. Working together, with plenty of guidance from his firm grip, you began to rocking your hips, using his shoulders for leverage. His head fell back to stare up at you in awe, jaw slack, adam’s apple bobbing viciously.
“Christ, I love you…” His face betrayed such vulnerability, lips trembling slightly, that you quickly lifted your hands to cradle his cheeks, even as your lashes grew suddenly damp.
“I love you too, John. So much.” You replied thickly, rather resenting the dramatic wobble in your voice.
The tiniest of smiles pulled at his lips before his face grew serious once more and he lunged forward to kiss you hungrily, hands anchoring your shoulders so he might thrust up into your body with a sudden need. It was all you could do to hang on, though pleasure itself still managed to sweep you away, leaving you only with the vague recognition of him half pulling out mid-release.
It was terribly difficult to leave him in that comfortable, if messy, bed a few hours later. He did not make it easy either, impossible to untangle from your body like an unwieldy piece of seaweed. Yet somehow you managed to make your trains and arrive at your desk at the appointed hour. Focusing on the task at hand with the pleasurable ache between your legs was altogether another challenge, forcing you to sit on first one hip and then the other.
You had just returned after the lunch break when your phone rang, your greeting barely out of your mouth before Bucky’s question came down the line.
“Did you know you know where they played yesterday’s match?” He asked flatly and it took you several seconds to comprehend that he was speaking in code and just what he was getting at.
You swallowed painfully. “Yes, I did sir.”
Of course you did, you were in the room on Thursday night when they had chosen Bremen as the target for yesterday’s mission.
“A lot of our best players struck out, you know. Buck included.”
He sounded utterly unlike himself, cold and distant, not the man you had left just hours ago in that hotel room in London. All the same, your heart broke for him, and for yourself too. You liked Major Cleven – this war was nothing but cruel.
“I’m so sorry B-Major Egan.” You corrected yourself quickly, eyeing Myrtle across the room.
“Well I hope you all pick a better field for tomorrow’s match because I’m pitching.”
You opened your mouth to reply as your heart dropped through the floor, but the sound of the handset slamming into the cradle resounded over the line before it went dead, giving you no opportunity to speak. To wish him luck or, heaven forfend, goodbye. You hung up your phone with a slightly shaking hand as a deep sense of dread threaded its way through your stomach.
Read Part Five - "I Trusted You!"
"Trust" Series Masterlist
Tag list: @gretagerwigsmuse, @precious-little-scoundrel, @rubyfruitjungle, @storysimp, @mads-weasley, @xxanaduwrites, @bcon24, @fxxiva, @slowsweetlove, @hockeyboysarehot, @darylas
303 notes · View notes
heauxvibez · 7 months
Tumblr media
Tumblr Troubles
Warning: slight embarrassment but cute and sweet ❣️
Sage smiled at her phone, immersed in her favorite app, Tumblr. She enjoyed snuggling up on the couch with her favorite blanket while reading posts from her favorite writers.
"What's got you all snuggled up and smiling?" Roman questioned, sinking between the cushions near her feet.
She quickly locked her phone and hid it under her blanket.
"TikTok," she smiled with a slight blush, "Your TikTok, to be exact."
Roman eyed her suspiciously, stroking his beard.
"That's crazy because you usually don't watch TikTok without sound."
They shared a knowing smile as Sage stuck to her story.
"I sometimes prefer to look at you and not listen to you," she teased, earning a sarcastic chuckle from Roman that quickly turned into a straight face.
His eyes shifted between her and the phone peeking from under the blanket as she laughed at his reaction.
Sage hadn't locked her phone as she thought, and Roman noticed the small letters at the top left corner of her screen.
"Tumblr, hmm?" His words halted her laughter. She looked down and made the same discovery as him.
"So, what's on Tumblr that got you lyin' and hidin'?" He turned towards her, his elbow now resting on the top of the couch, his head supported by his hand.
She chewed on her bottom lip, a nervous habit of hers, trying to figure out what to say. She enjoyed keeping this guilty pleasure to herself. He didn't need to know what she did in her free time, nor did she want to expose others who shared her guilty pleasure.
Sage actually locked her phone this time and tucked in further under the blanket.
"Don't you have a meeting to attend or something, Mr. Busy Man?" she asked, deflecting his question.
"No, I'm trying to spend time with you, Miss Liar," he chuckled.
She smacked her lips, letting out a small giggle afterwards.
Roman continued to stare at her, waiting for her to admit to him what she was indulging in. He knew her well enough to know when she was lying.
"Do you really want to know?" she asked.
Roman nodded with a soft smile.
"You really want to know?"
"Yesss," he dragged out softly, smacking her feet that slightly stuck out of the blanket.
"Fanfiction," she murmured silently.
He raised a brow, a thousand questions flooding his brain.
She hadn't even known why she said anything.
Fanfiction had always been her favorite genre. Most of the books in her Tumblr were typically fanfiction. There were a few Roman books here and there, which she had read way before she even met him, when she was just a fan. She even wrote a few stories from time to time but she hadn't bothered to write any once she finally began dating him.
Part of her never wanted to let go of the Roman stories that remained in her Tumblr. The people who wrote them were just so amazing; it was hard to stop reading them. Plus, the people she had communicated with through the app had become internet friends of hers. They didn't know about the relationship between her and Roman, and she was okay with that. She continued to share the Roman feels with them, speaking with them at midnight, reblogging, and commenting on their stories.
"What is fanfiction?" he asked genuinely.
Why does this man have to be so curious?, she thought
"I've already told you enough," she said aloud.
"You're absolutely right. The rest is your business," he shrugged.
He shifted his body, he was now lying down on the couch with her. She shifted as well, giving him some room to fit and sharing her blanket with him. He now faced her, and they both lay facing each other. He looked at her lovingly, letting out a deep sigh as she ran her delicate fingers through his hair. She massaged his scalp, loving the feeling of sharing this small intimate moment with him.
As she let her guard down, Roman, being slick, quickly snatched her phone from underneath the blanket. He stood to his feet quickly, raising his hand high as she reached for it.
Uh oh. Her Tumblr community was either going to love or hate her. It was a sacred place, a place where they could write as they pleased about whoever they wanted without judgment or the knowledge of those they wrote about. She was one of the few who preferred that the celebrities—or whoever—didn't know about the fanfics.
"What's wrong, sweetheart? What are you hiding on this little app?" Even though she knew it would be impossible to grab her phone, she continued to hop in hopes of retrieving it.
"Give it baaaack," she pleaded.
He ignored her pleas, his brown orbs continuing to search through the app full of stories and gifs. Scrolling through her home page, he began reading the multiple things that were reblogged and commented.
"Roman is sooooo fine. I would let him body slam me," he read out loud, a smirk spreading across his face.
That's it, it's over. She sighed in defeat, taking a seat on the couch with her arms folded over her chest. She couldn't help but laugh herself as she thought about all the out-of-pocket posts he was about to see.
"I just know Roman would demolish this pussy. Hashtag Daddy Reigns," her cheeks were burning.
His eyes widened at another post, this one happened to be the opening of a fanfic she read earlier.
"Roman's head nested between her thighs, his lips softly grazing her clit for a kiss," she screamed, hiding her face in one of the decorative couch pillows. She couldn't believe this was happening.
Roman couldn't believe what he was reading. He always knew that she enjoyed reading erotic stories; she had informed him of that long ago, but this was next level.
He read most of the post, surprisingly amused by the comments that the writers made. He was becoming fond of the gifs and the fanfiction. He was flattered, to say the least.
"How did they come up with this Tumblr shit... I like it," he said, handing her the phone back. She was surprised that he hadn't even checked her drafts, but then again, he wasn't familiar with the app.
The phone was quickly grabbed out of his hand and locked.
Sage sighed heavily, "Jesus, you're so annoying."
She smacked his backside, a small retaliation for his actions.
"And you better not tell Jey and Jimmy about this. There's some stuff on there about them too, and I don't need them being ignorant and blubbering to the world or commenting on their own stories on there. I'd like to keep this a sacred place, if you don't mind," she told him with a pointed finger and threatening eyes.
"Yeah babe, don't worry. I got you and your little Tumblr friends," he leaned down, meeting her halfway for a kiss. She gave him a quick peck before returning to her daily dose of Tumblr while Roman headed off to a meeting.
A few minutes after commenting and replying to a few people on the app, she received a notification that Roman had posted on Twitter.
She read the tweet, and immediately prepared to strangle him.
@/RomanReigns: I like that Tumblr shit.
He has completely lost his damn mind.
The thought of something like this frightens me beyond words lmaoooo
Tags: @harmshake @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade
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Promise Me
ft Nanami Kento
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A/N: Some Teen!Nanami angst! IDK why but I've been wanting to write this for a while. Header and dividers all credited at the bottom. Rating: 13+, fluffy-ish Warnings: Sadness, angst, mentions of death and dying Pairing: Teen! Nanami x Reader Summary: Faced with a solo mission, reader finds themselves contemplating their life in the Jujutsu world Word Count: 2301 Nanami masterlist
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With trembling hands, you type out the text message. You’re aware it’s long, more like a letter but in that moment it felt like you would crumble if you didn’t get it all out into words. 
‘Hey Kento. I hope college is going well. You sounded happy when we last spoke. I hope you’re having fun with your friends.
Upper management has assigned me a solo mission. They said it's because they are confident my abilities have reached a stage where I can handle myself and also take down the curse. I know it's because there are no other sorcerers available to accompany me.
Anyway, it's a big step, which is why I called earlier but I know that you’re busy, so I figured I’d text you instead. I leave tomorrow morning. I’m just packing all my gear right now.
And I’ll probably have dinner with my friends tonight and try not to think about the mission. You know how I get when I start overthinking. It’s probably not as big a deal as I’m making it out to be, right? Students take on solo missions all the time.
I have no reason to be scared, right? Management would never assign me to a solo mission they believed was out of my depth, right? I just keep thinking about what it’s like, not having anyone with me. I’ll have to be at my sharpest, so I’m hoping to get a good night’s sleep. 
Call me if you can. Or if not today, then sometime tomorrow? I’ll probably be on the train most of the day but we can still talk. Let me know. I love you.’ 
You hit send and look at your half-packed bag. Each time you attempt to clear your mind, your thoughts threaten to eat you alive. You were terrified at the thought of this solo mission. When management had called you to brief you about it, you had waited for them to tell you who would be accompanying you. The dread that filled your stomach when they said you’d be going alone made you feel like you were carrying around a lead weight. 
This year had been rough. It was the year that Nanami had graduated from Jujutsu High, his college acceptance all arranged, as he readied himself to leave behind the world of sorcery for good. You had attended his graduation, the doting girlfriend, tears in your eyes at how proud you were of him, but also because you knew this meant you wouldn’t see him around here anymore. No more midnight walks, or studying for exams, sneaking into each other’s dorms for little kisses and reassuring hugs. You had never thought his being one year your senior would matter until he had shown you his acceptance letter. 
There was a sense of worry there too, because college meant he was going away from you, but he had held you so tightly, whispering this didn’t change anything. You were always going to be his girlfriend. He would make it work. He didn’t want anyone else. It had been a few months and the long distance was hard but it brought you more happiness than anything around here ever did. 
You continued to pack, glancing at the clock, unable to shake the jittery feeling from your body. It felt like there were a million butterflies in your stomach, and your heart kept pounding even though you didn’t leave for the mission until tomorrow. The innocent morning sun shone through your dorm window, uncaring about the turmoil inside you. You keep glancing at your phone, hoping Nanami will reply, but the screen remains blank. Phantom vibration syndrome kicked in at one point where you could’ve sworn you heard your phone vibrate, picking it up eagerly to check, only to see nothing new on the screen. Your heart sinks with disappointment each time. You knew his schedule and that he was probably in class. He would call you when he could. He’s never not called or at least texted.
As you sit down on your bed, the overwhelming gravity of the situation hits you. You were going alone. There was no backup. If you messed up on this mission…you squeeze your eyes shut. It was one thing if you failed to exorcise the curse. That in some way brought you relief. If you didn’t exorcise it, management would simply express their disappointment and send someone else. But what if…what if…you didn’t exorcise it and the curse…
You gasp, shaking your head violently, trying to rid yourself of the thoughts of death. No, it couldn’t happen that way. You couldn’t die. What you would’ve given in that moment, to not be a sorceress, but to be a normal teenager! To go dress shopping, and enjoy prom, to start writing your own college applications. To know that your life wasn’t in danger and that you would live, live to spend another day with your friends, live to see Nanami again…
Before you knew it, tears filled your eyes, spilling onto your cheeks, and you hugged your pillow tightly for comfort. You remembered how you had cried when Nanami left for missions, out of contact for days, barely sleeping until he sent you a text that his mission was completed and that he was coming back. You remember him training you, always working on your self-defense, making sure your reflexes were honed and sharp. You remember that even when you were sent with a partner, it sometimes didn’t change a thing.
Haibara’s death still hung heavily over everyone, and you think back to Nanami’s expression when he returned from that mission, his eyes dark and solemn, regret lined heavily on his face. It was so unfair, that at the age of 16, he had to endure that. Haibara had been so kind to you as well, the best kind of senpai anyone could have asked for. Nanami never allowed himself to be emotional in front of anyone but had broken down in your arms in the privacy of his dorm room. Neither of you slept well for days after that, often jerking awake in the middle of the night, immediately texting the other for comfort. 
You wondered if something happened to you, would Nanami break down the way he did for Haibara? Would it be equal? Would it be worse?
“Please reply,” you whisper, checking your phone again. Still nothing. Did he not care that you were being sent on a solo mission? Had he finally started to enjoy his life away from Jujutsu High that he wasn’t going to answer you anymore? Frustration fills you and you resist the urge to fling your phone across the room. You curl up into a ball and keep reminding yourself that he’d never play around with your feelings, that he was probably busy, and that he’d call you as soon as he could…
The day passes by in a haze. Still no word from Nanami. You try calling him again but it says he’s unreachable. It only alleviates your trepidation. Maybe he had forgotten you. College was a whole new world after all. You scream into your pillow, allowing self-pity to overtake you. No one understood. Your friends had advised you to break up with him before he broke up with you. That he would find someone else at college, that long-distance rarely ever worked out. 
You fall asleep on your bed in a blur of confusion, unable to ruminate about your situation anymore. 
Nanami is out of breath as he hurdles through the corridors of Jujutsu High. A few students look at him in surprise and recognition, waving their hands at him as he races past, ignoring their greetings of ‘Nanami senpai!’. 
A solo mission…they had the nerve to send you on a solo mission…His breath had caught in his throat when he read your text, all other thoughts wiped blank. He’d immediately talked to his professors stating he had a family emergency and left hurriedly with nothing but his backpack. 
It took two trains to get here, one of which had gotten delayed. He couldn’t not see you before this mission, a damned solo mission, without reassuring you, without holding you tight after so many months apart. 
A left, a right, another left, then he halts in front of your dorm room and knocks softly. “Y/n?”
When you don’t open the door, he grips the handle, surprised to find it unlocked, and enters quietly. He sees you asleep on your bed, your bag set on the floor. A rush of relief and affection floods him as he sees you holding the little teddy bear he’d gifted you before leaving for college. 
‘Hold him when you miss me, yeah?’ He had said to you. You had immediately named it Teddymin, and he was currently tucked under your cheek as you slept uneasily. 
“Y/n,” Nanami says your name louder trying to rouse you, not wanting to scare you at seeing him in your dorm unexpectedly. You stir, then open bleary eyes. It was dark outside. Who was calling your name and why did it sound so familiar?
“Y/n.” Your eyes fly open and you quickly sit up, unable to believe it. 
“Kento?” You whisper his name disbelievingly, feeling tears well up in your eyes again. 
“I’m here.” He sits on the bed, drawing you close to him. You still can’t believe it. Were you dreaming? Was he really here? You grip his sleeve, hear his heartbeat, feel the warmth of his skin, and start crying unrestrainedly. All day, you had tried to keep it together, tried to convince your friends, convince yourself, that you had control over this. That you weren’t fazed about being assigned to a solo mission, that you were proud that management trusted you.
But Nanami’s presence breaks your composure, vulnerability showing through. “Why are you here?”
“Where else would I be?” he asks gently, patting your back. “I couldn’t focus in class, not after seeing your text. I’m sorry for not replying but I was basically catching trains all day to come see you.”
“You did that for me?” Your heart swells with love for him. 
“Of course. I just couldn’t…leave you alone, knowing you’re going on this mission by yourself. I had to see you.”
Silence falls between you both, listening to each other breathe. You wipe away your tears and take a steadying breath. Nanami hesitates, then asks, “Y/n, are you sure this is what you want to do? You graduate this year. You can leave all this behind.”
His words root themselves deeply in your mind and you find yourself considering it. Would it be possible to escape this? This unending cycle of fear for your life? “I don’t know. Everyone I know, everyone we know, is part of this. Could I just leave it all behind?”
“You can if you want to,” Nanami insists. “It’s hard, but trust me, it’s peaceful. I don’t want anything happening to you y/n. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I don’t give my best effort to get you away from here.” 
You know he means it, otherwise he wouldn’t have come all this way to see you. “You don’t have to make a decision now. We’ll talk about it after you get back from your mission.” He strokes your hair, reassuring you. 
“I will come back right?” There. You had asked the question that had been festering inside you all day. Nanami freezes when he hears you and his embrace tightens even more. 
“Of course you will. Why wouldn’t you?” He swallows, forcing himself to not think about any other answer to your question. After Haibara, he can’t take any more losses. He couldn’t lose you too. He’d break and probably never be made whole again. 
“I’m going to talk to Gojo. This will be your first and last solo mission.”
You wanted to protest but secretly, you’re relieved. “Would it work?”
“I can try. It’s reckless to send you without a partner.” He pulls away to frame your face in between his hands, heart breaking as he sees your look of apprehension. “Don’t worry. You will get back safely. I know your ability. You are a talented sorceress.”
Hearing his vote of confidence somehow carried more weight than management’s. “I really needed to hear that,” you say in a shaky voice. He embraces you again, gripping you so tightly it hurts but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him to stop. 
“You’ll come back. We’ll dance together at your prom. You’ll graduate. And I’ll make sure you never have to face something like this alone again.” He says all the things he wishes for you, wishes for both of you because honestly, he can’t imagine a future without you anymore. The conviction with which he says his words fortify you, and you finally manage to pull yourself into a better headspace. 
You wish he could accompany you on this mission, but understand that management could turn this into a cascade of litigation. He had disappointed a lot of people when he had left the school, and you couldn’t risk him using his abilities since he had forfeited his privilege to use them when he had surrendered his rank and title as a sorcerer. 
He presses a chaste kiss on the top of your head. “I love you. Promise to come back safely to me.”
“I will. I promise.”
Nanami doesn’t sleep for the next few nights. Finally, after 4 days, he sees the text message from you. 
I’m back.
It was only then that he allowed himself to break down and cry, not with grief like when Haibara died, but with relief that you had made it.
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all dividers+support banner by @/ cafekitsune Header image
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