#attempt a character meme
retrograderesemblance · 11 months
try + carolyn stoddard? 👀👀
The record player blared loudly and she wondered for half a breath if she'd go deaf; she almost wished to go deaf; maybe then it would finally drown out the incessant pestering of her cousin, of his keeper titled oh so irritatingly as a governess. It was old-fashioned, all of it; some days she could hardly stand it.
Carolyn pouted, leaning more so out her windowsill, trying to perch her hips so she could almost sit at the window's edge. The air of night was crisp and cold, but however much heat she let escape her bedroom, she cared little. She was preoccupied, an unlit cigarette balanced between her lips, her brow scrunched in concentration as she struck match to box again and again until--
Cupping her stolen indulgence, trying to mask it from the evening breeze lest the fire blow out, she found her enjoyment squelched as she began choking, the first breath of smoke like a pair of hands clamping around her throat, suffocating her. Sputtering, she coughed dryly into her fist, mindful to keep her balance all the while before she observed the glowing embers at the end of the cigarette.
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It was time to grow up, she could all but hear her mother's words echoed in her thoughts, yet Carolyn couldn't help herself from thinking that perhaps she would run away one day her age could be damned only she needed a bit of practice first.
Bringing the cigarette back to her lips, she inhaled.
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doctorsiren · 2 months
Can you draw Reigen in that one Saul Goodman pose? The one where he's leaning forward with his hands behind his back like a school girl or something. I think that'd be funny.
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look at my lawyer dawg i’m goin to jail
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votive-candle · 3 months
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07 / 07 / 2024
perpetually sunburnt, psychedellic boy (WIP)
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eclaire-went-bam · 3 months
hopping on the trend
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tweedfrog · 2 months
"We cut Nettles and gave her plot to Rhaena" Your show fell out of a coconut tree. Your characters do not exist in the context of all in which they live and what came before them
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nathancomet · 2 months
Me Writing at Midnight:
When I write in a late-night creative rush with all the feels, one of two things always happen.
1. I have crafted starlight in the form of words
2. Shakespeare is rolling over in his grave
There is no in-between.
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mephopheles · 2 months
Silver after sonic saves him from the edgy dawg (jackal) in forces;
this looks noticibly shitty because i use gacha games of all things but its a rlly funny meme @quarzy
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spiderin-space · 8 months
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Can’t believe it took me this long to realize Leshy was a worm smh
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retrograderesemblance · 11 months
TRY + Becky (Peggy's sister)
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It wasn't fair; the only thoughts to flood her mind as she gawped at her younger sister, at the plea for a delay in matrimony.
That was hours ago, but it mattered little as Becky stood idle with her back pressed back into her chamber door, her voice, her breath caught in her throat as she read over the letters again and again, fingers trembling as she slid the next to the top of the stack she clasped. The anger was like an opened wound as her eyes skimmed the closing to her fiancé's letters over and over: With utmost affection, yours, Charles Barristan.
It was cruel; all of it. Asking her to delay the inevitable with such little inclination, little feeling. She had always known her sister to have a selfish nature, and yet she never took her for one so oblivious to her own weakened nerves.
Becky recognized the look well in her sister's eyes; the near fright, the near panic. She'd never speak so plainly to the familiarity, but it wasn't fair that Margaret be the one to delay her fate, to delay both their fates. She no more wanted to go through with her own betrothal, but marriage was a duty, a consequence, she knew as the fresh heated tears slid from her cheeks, staining the parchment before her. It was not a choice; it would never be her choice.
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sofastuffing · 2 months
i have a headache
#i've been stuck scrolling instagram for the past few days#i don't even like being on there#modern ig is so overstimulating everything is either a reel or a reel in disguise or an image post that inexplicably has audio#i kept making myself go on there because i wanted to find a way to make art friends or a community or w/e#and i thought if i had more of a presence and interacted more i'd eventually get people to like. talk to me and comment stuff ig. idk#but ughhhh#i don't think insta is a good platform for that cause it's either pictures with a short caption or the worst media format known to man#like. idk i wanted to find and follow and be friends with and be Cool Artists (don't ask me to define that)#but no artist on instagram is a Cool Artist because there's no goddamn text on there#like if it makes sense i wanna find people who talk About art as well#but not in an art Discourse way#which is another thing. even if instagram had more Talking it would still be shit because the mainstream 'art community' is insufferable#art tiktok is that on steroids#and instagram is is bootleg tiktok#the same five discourse topics jokes memes advice whatever the only difference is now they're circlejerking about ai too#i wanna be Casual and Spontaenous and Mysterious and shit but IG's layout makes me feel like i can't just post whatever#i feel this pressure to give my posts all the same format and add tags and do this and do that and have good Branding or w/e#and it's just ughhh why can't I be a famous enigma (<- doesn't make or share anything)#even on tumblr the pressure is the same#and at the same time i hate looking back on my art accounts (both ig and here) because it just. doesn't align with what i wanna do#like my attempts at categorising and tagging and being consistent#it's just so. yuck#i want to have a Good Brand but i also want to be 'real' but then i look back at my disjointed messy past work and i cringe#i think i need to block my irls from my art accounts bc i feel super embarassed trying to do any typical Get Noticed on Social Media thing#cause it feels embarassing being seen doing shit that's ''influencer-y'' (idk what to call it)#cause it feels out of character to how i actually am in real life#but also why i do want to show my ''real'' character? I'm not cool#and that's another thing I've had these accounts for ages#looking at my past posts makes me fuckign cringe#I want to purge them or start over
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h3lian · 10 days
Starting to realize that in order to be comfy drawing any characters I have to draw a shit ton of meme art for them. Or at the very least, it helps a lot surprisingly. 💀
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rambunctioustoons · 9 months
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cartoony beep censor sounds. 💥
comfort character meme that's been going around !
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goldiipond · 3 months
i 100% support the strange videos my youngest sister enjoys because i loved the same sort of loud memey nonsense at her age and i know this is simply the inherent nature of middle schoolers. on the other hand i really miss pingas
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bloody-vampires606 · 4 months
I really enjoyed this even if it was a huge pain
I’m super happy that it turned out decently!
This is featuring the Deathbound cast and some other OCs of mine, enjoy pookies <3
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jemmamaas · 11 months
Bro what am I doing with my time
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Update: It has been a second day and I am not proud to say I have completed it.
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The board game club would be ashamed of me rn what are these hours
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ferahntics · 1 year
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Ok last one for the night ksjdhg
Meme under the cut:
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