#attack on titan movie
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clfixationstation · 13 hours ago
bro they changed the shot of armin's eye in the movie!!
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loooook!! (left: original - right: movie version)
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nightfall-kachiniko · 24 days ago
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salemontrial · 25 days ago
Ok i cannot be the only one who thought armin and eren were gonna make out when they went in for that hug during their last talk in the movie. I cant be
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erensmid · 1 month ago
SNOT BUBBLES AND TEARS EVERYWHERE. YALL seeing the aot movie on the big screens for the LAST TIME will make you have an emotional breakdown and throw yourself to the wall. seeing everyone mikasa, eren, armin, reiner, jean, connie, levi, hange and etc. for the finale time brought so many tears from me😭 aot will always have a special place in my heart, it’s a beautiful show with amazing characters that you’ll continue to think abt and cherish them years later.
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mariusofthesea · 1 month ago
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We saw The Final Attack in theaters last night and I’m so glad we waited to finish it.
I’m so glad we managed to watch almost the entirety of Attack on Titan without spoilers.
I’m so glad I got to experience such an amazing series start to finish. I cried so many times and there was so much that moved me in the series.
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maria4cu · 4 months ago
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beaverbean · 4 months ago
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veils-sketchbook · 4 months ago
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doodle of goth mikasa my beloved
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darth-eagle · 20 days ago
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I watched fully the 2 Attack on Titan Live-Action movies again past 2 days and still I LOVE CAPTAIN SHIKISHIMA! (ᗒᗨᗕ)
One of my Attack on Titan Cosplay Dream, is still to have a cosplay group where someone cosplay as Shikishima and another as Levi, while I’m (Main Storyline) Hange! (≖ ‿ ≖)
Can do a short skit of Hange drooling over Shikishima especially knowing he’s a Titan Shifter, and Levi go all jealous, trying to pull Hange away (by her ponytail!) while declaring she already have a Titan at hand! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Okay, back to trying to write out those stories from Attack on Titan Short Stories Booklets! ༼༼;; ;°;ਊ°;༽
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blueraimo · 1 year ago
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the-gay-coven · 2 months ago
The Last Attack is finally coming to theatres in my country next month!!! I'm so so so excited to finally go see it
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dragonmasterkaylz · 2 years ago
Yeah… I honestly didn’t like Shikishima one bit. You can’t compare him to Levi, since they are nothing alike one another. Sure, he may be a good Titan Slayer… but he just didn’t possess the qualities Levi has (which is probably why he was revealed to be one of the main antagonists). I believe that if Levi was actually put into the film, he would’ve kicked his arse a few times during it. I also think they would’ve hated one another, since Shikishima didn’t really care about his comrades. While Levi does. He may not show it, but he honestly cares about those he fights with. This is shown many times through the Anime and Manga. Shikishima, in my personal opinion, is way too overpowered. He has the ‘skill’ of Levi and can turn into the Armoured Titan. No… just no. Please… God, no!
Also, side note: I really would’ve loved to have seen the interactions between Levi and Hans (Hanji) in it. That would’ve been entertaining, not to mention quite adorable. And when the building falls on the tank, which Hans is in, I can imagine him being very worried about her (which he always is, no surprise there). 🥹
Levi: HANS!!! 😱
Armin: Captain! We have to go!!! 😞
Levi: Tch…! Dammit…! 😔
- Later -
Hans: I’m back~!!! Eh…? 😅
Levi: *Deadly glare* Four-eyes…! 😡
Hans: Awww~! Were you worried about me~?! 🥰
Levi: *Blushes* N-No…! Just don’t do something so reckless again!!! 😣
Levi and Hanji are my OTP, so don’t judge me!!!
In conclusion… Levi could beat Shikishima’s arse any day! In skill, speed, leadership, love, etc. But this is just my opinion. Again, I don’t think you can really compare the two. That’s not to say that Shikishima wasn’t an interesting character, because he was and the actor that played him did him justice! But, I just didn’t like the personality of the character.
That’s the end of my rant. If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine. Again, this is just my honest opinion.
Here’s my question: Who do you think is Humanities Strongest Soldier? Shikishima or Levi Ackerman?
(I also love the edit by the way~! 🥰)
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what most Levi fans thought about the SNK live action movie
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saeihive · 3 months ago
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attack on titan film poster 🎥 who else is excited to watch?
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z0mbie2b0y · 5 months ago
Character A not knowing they have feelings for Character B until they have to go on with life without Character B, causing them to spiral into insanity (Bonus points if Character A starts to idolize Character B in a way that causes Character A to hallucinate)
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vvixes · 4 months ago
Alright, I know a lot of people don't want to hear this, but try to hear me out on my little rant.
Erwin Smith wasn't a good leader. Erwin said himself that the only reason he joined the scouts was to prove his father's theory. He didn't do it to better humanity. He did it because he was upset at the government, which is reasonable, but I digress.
Erwin played with human lives to achieve his own selfish goal, I don't think that's something a good leader should do. He also doesn't show much remorse for his actions. He only shows remorse when he is about to die and realizes that all he did would be pointless because he wouldn't see what was in the basement. I think a good leader should work towards a goal that would benefit many instead of one individual. A good leader should also be sympathetic, which Erwin is not.
And while yes, I agree that Erwin's final speech was extremely well written, it still doesn't show he was a good leader, just a good motivational speaker. Remember, Erwin only led the suicide charge because he saw no other option. It was either die and say goodbye to any hope humanity had and let the warriors win, or die leading his soldiers to their death with the hope that Levi would be able to take out the beast titan. Also, are we just gonna ignore the fact that he admitted to being a conman? He said this to Levi. "To convince these youths to charge toward their deaths, it would take an expert conman and a whole spew of blatant lies." He himself calls himself a conman and a liar. I don't think a good leader should be a conman. I can see lying if it's for a good cause, but not conning people.
Erwin was a manipulator as well. It's not shown very much, but if you pay attention, it's definitely there. My best example is when he met Levi. Erwin offered Levi and his friends a deal. Join the scouts so you don't have to serve prison time. It sounds open and honest until you compare it to the speech he gave to the new soldiers when they were deciding what regiment to join. Erwin told them straight up that joining the scouts was dangerous by telling them about the likelihood that most of them would die within a year. He didn't do the same for Levi. He made it sound like this great deal, and there is a reason for the difference.
Erwin wanted to weed out the soldiers who would be cowardly and not willing to put their lives on the line. He didn't want soldiers who would waste his time. With Levi, he simply wanted him for his potential as a soldier. I truly don't think he cared about Isabel and Farlan. He just wanted Levi and played down just how dangerous the scouts were just to have him. And even after Levi joined the scouts, Erwin knew he couldn't leave. What was he going to go back to? He had nothing. No home, no life, no friends. At least with the scouts, he had purpose, and he didn't have to go back to the underground and return to his life of crime.
This all goes into my reasoning for why I hate how the fandom portrays Erwin and Levi's relationship. But honestly, that topic needs it's own post because this is already too long.
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Thank you to whoever reads this whole thing and thank you to @onlyymirknows for showing interest in my unpopular opinion. You're great!<3
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siriustar8 · 2 years ago
I wish i could consume media without it consuming me back
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