#atsushi suedo
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poopyballz28 · 5 months ago
shinshinkai stage play sweep
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 2 years ago
Soldier, Poet, King Quiz (Versión Baki)
Cuando hice este test por mera curiosidad pensé rápidamente los resultados que podrían obtener los personajes de Baki, así que, les comparto mi idea. Ojala se anime a hacer el test y pasarme sus resultados, amo compartir y hacer este tipo de cosas xD
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Este test se ha popularizado muchísimo en internet, con el titulo “Soldier, Poet or King”, es un test de personalidad en donde tras unas 20 preguntas se dirá si tienes la personalidad/mentalidad de un soldado, un poeta o un rey. Este test se ha inspirado en la canción “Soldier, Poet, King” de la banda Oh Hellos.
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Headcanon de introducción:
Kozue vio un video de una chica hablando de este test, curiosa e interesada busco en su computadora para completarlo y saber su resultado. Probablemente un poco conmocionada por lo directas que son las preguntas se lo envió en un mensaje a Baki para que él igual intentara y le dijera sus resultados. El Hanma más joven estaba en el dojo del Shinshinkai, por lo que cuando se centró demasiado tiempo en su teléfono luego del mensaje que recibió los demás luchadores se acercaron curiosos.
Baki explicará vagamente lo que sabe y les pregunta si también quieren intentar solo para que dejen de ver sus respuestas, nadie ve nada malo y lo envían el link del test para que todos intenten.
El soldado.
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Si el resultado indica que eres un soldado: los soldados lo hacen por la gloria. Suelen resaltar sus condiciones de fuerza física, siempre corren el riesgo de excederse en la búsqueda de sus objetivos.
El soldado es una persona regida por la moralidad y el deber. Son los protectores, incluso al dañar a los demás como efecto colateral menor en su misión principal. Pelearán cada batalla que se les ponga enfrente, darán lo mejor de sí mismo para derrotar a la adversidad que retrasa su marcha, incluso si eso significa autosacrificarse para conseguirlo.
Impulsivos, autodestructivos y violentos, no dudan para saltar frente al peligro por mucho que les supere a simple vista. La ira les pega fuerte y nubla su criterio de las cosas, abriéndose camino entre las plantas de espinas sin importarle las heridas porque el dolor físico no se compara al dolor del fracaso. Hicieron sus propias reglas y caerán muertos antes que ir contra ellas, siendo que la única regla existente es la de lucha contra todo pronóstico y todo adversario.
Baki Hanma, Jack Hanma, Yujiro Hanma, Dorian Kaioh, Hector Doyle, Gaia, Kaoru Hanayama, Katou Kiyosumi, Katsumi Orochi, Musashi Miyamoto, Oliva Biscuit, Pickle, Shiba Chiharu, Sikorsky, Spec y Atsushi Suedou.
El poeta.
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Si el resultado indica que eres un poeta: es todo lo contrario al rey. Eres un ser individualista y solitario, un sujeto artístico que tiene más poder del que realmente se puede dar cuenta.
El poeta es un individuo creativo bastante afín a los libros y a la inteligencia. Esperan la validación de terceros y basan su autoestima en lo que piensen los demás. Son diestros con las palabras y quieren quedar en la memoria de los que aman y de quienes los rodean.
No creen en su propio poder, les cuesta considerarse capaces al no creerse suficiente. Sin embargo, es mentira, son más poderosos de lo que creen ser. Entre canciones buscan encontrar la fe que han perdido, arrojando su corazón al mundo a pesar de todo con la esperanza de que viva. Enmascaran el dolor y la tristeza como arte, ¿autoengaño? Quizá, están cansados de tropezar por la vida y soñando con su lugar en el cual erguirse.
Kosho Shinogi, Kozue Matsumoto, Kureha Shinogi, Ryuukou Yanagi y Muhammad Alí Jr.
El rey.
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Si el resultado indica que eres rey: significa que eres un ser obligado por el deber y el honor, que tiene una carga de poder y responsabilidad sobre sus hombros y puede sobrellevarlo de gran manera.
El rey es un individuo que lucho por forjar una imagen limpiar que presentarle a los demás. Cargando grandes responsabilidades sobre su espalda, preocupándose mucho por quienes lo rodean y haciendo hasta lo imposible para sostenerlos sobre sus brazos mientras se desmoronan. Los reyes se mantienen en altos estándares y son pensadores tácticos.
Sin embargo, pecarán de complacientes, les dirán que hagan las cosas y las harán. El mundo se les puso en las manos para que lidien con ello, es su deber y por ello lo cumplirán. Están cansados de ser constantes, soñando con vivir más allá del deber.
Retsu Kaioh, Jun Guevaru, Kaku Kaioh, Mitsunari Tokugawa, Natsue Orochi y Doppo Orochi.
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Este es mi resultado, no es tan feliz como esperaria ✌🏻
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Music Industry Baki au
Inspired by @blackporls and the brilliant art they've posted of Kozue if she was a singer. (warning, this is way too fucking long)
- Recently high-rising super star. He came out of presumed obscurity about two years ago but as it turns out, was known internationally in small locations damn near everywhere. No one had really bothered to spread word outside of the areas he performed in, so everyone thought he was a nobody until his first showing at the Tokyo Music Stadium. One of his unofficial stage names is 'Demon's Child' but he much prefers 'King of the Ring' that someone suggested after finding out his martial arts history.
- Dances and sings. He will occasionally do some of the editing and has played fragments of unwritten songs on borrowed basses and guitars, but he can't actually play enough to consider himself an instrumental expert.
- The dancing is insanely dynamic and borrows heavily from martial arts, breakdancing, and hip-hop. Baki isn't nearly as strong in this universe, but he's got several ranks from marital arts such as karate, kung fu, and aiki and competes casually in things like MMA.
- Makes tutorials for easier and harder versions of his dances so normal people can also try the routines out.
- His music is based on traditional Japanese music but also heavily sinks into metal and rock at varying levels. Has one or two more 'pop'-ish type songs, but only if they're featuring someone else.
- Will occasionally team up with other stars to make a co-op song and then he does his best to bring their culture and music ideas into balance with his stuff. It sounds absolutely magical.
- Jokingly requested that instead of clothing, people throw fruit at him during the debut of a specific song. He tried to catch all of it while working the moves into his dance routine. It became such a big hit that this is now what he does every time. Most of his sets have the song playing 3 or 4 times to spread the wave of food out. The fruit is given out to crew members, staff, and donated to local charities and food banks.
- Known for being insanely sweet off-stage. It's very funny to see him in the back eye makeup, with the piercings, wearing extremely punk clothing and having just screamed for 4 hours get super-excited about a fan's bunny-patterened clothing.
- Surprisingly few super awful photos of him. He looks silly and ridiculous in almost every picture that's not an official photo shoot (and there he looks extremely delinquent) but it's always dumb candids of him tripping because Kozue held his hand or making faces at a cat that's sitting on his leg or running after his umbrella. The candids are twice as funny if he's still in his official punksona outfits.
- Did her first ever face reveal last year. Previously she'd managed to hide behind special effects and makeup and props even during live performances. A large part of her fanbase was vocally supportive of this decision when she first announced her desire to remain private for at least part of her career.
- Her style goes all over the place, from psychedelic rock to traditional metal stuff to the occasional absurdity song. A few of them are done in a semi classical-pop style and her work in those is breathtaking.
- Started at 14 with just casual songs being released on places like Soundcloud. Her first big album with cover art (self-designed) and music videos and the like was released two days after her 16th birthday. That same album cemented her stage name of Countess Bloodtide.
- Very dramatic wardrobe. Some of it she buys thrifted, some of it is lent by friends, and some things she's made herself.
- She often goes for very cliché and intentionally cheesy vibes in her more horror/gore-based videos and album art. Most of her favorite elements to use are from the 70s and 80s.
- She plays piano, drums, and dabbles in electro swing. Her dance routines don't require a lot of physical ability but they are very energetic and rely on quick timing.
- Jokingly started a tradition of making the final song in her albums a q&a session where she'd play ragtime piano (accompanied with digital sounds) and answer fan questions in song form. This became so popular that she now does it for every album.
- At one point was given the feedback that she should be more modest and appropriate in her music. Her next song was called " Traditional Choices" and had a background beat of her swearing mixed into the rest of the instrument.
- Very supportive of fan engagement stuff and is almost always willing to chat with people and answer questions as long as they're respectful.
- Manager of the performance industry.
- Helped Baki set up when he first started performing at 13. Considers him a bro for life.
- Listens to music performed by his clients at almost all points of the day when not in meetings or resting. It helps him give feedback and market different artists.
- Complex relationship with Kozue. She's got a very bold style and Hanayama is somewhat more traditional about that kind of stuff at first. On the other hand, she designs a lot of her own shit so he doesn't need to and she's very sweet to everyone who doesn't piss her off. Over time the two have come to a snarky friendship. Since then Hanayama's also learned to be a little more progressive in his idea about gender roles for things like this.
- Always well-dressed. Catch him at any time of day and he's wearing some of the best-known brands in the world, impeccably styled and perfectly neat.
- Technically still runs the underworld but no one is stepping out of line at this point, so he's focused more on being a manager. The underground connections help him set up some of the more complex performance spaces.
- Big fan of jazz and classical music. Really hates any song that starts with sirens or shooting sounds.
- Occasionally sings when he has feee time or is around people he likes and trusts. His voice flows very smoothly and even though his singing is soft, it resonates very well. The performances are pretty rare but very treasured by those who hear them.
- New hit name of the past year or so. He's rising straight to the top and currently shows no signs of slowing in popularity growth.
- Good singer and dancer. Can play electric guitar and does a lot of editing for vocal stuff. He's known for being very specific in feedback so a lot of editors like him.
- He does a weird mix of rock with pop and metal simultaneously streaming in. It works weirdly well with a lot of deep instruments but a very cheerful tempo and energetic lyrics.
- Non-stop collabs with Suedo and Katou. They have been unofficially dubbed 'The Shinshinkai Trio' after fans found out all three of them learn karate at the same place and have since childhood. They roll with it.
- He also works a bit with Retsu and Baki. His last two songs have featured Scottish sensation Doyle and many fans noticed the instant chemistry between the two.
- Katsumi's songs that aren't with someone else are very unique. The most famous ones are a rock-pop song about victory and a nearly entirely traditional song (save for the electric guitar) about the ideas of strength and the pressure to succeed. Many of his fans say that one is their all-time favorite.
- Very flirty and cheerful with his fans. He remembers a disturbing amount of people and after every concert does his best to reply to any mentions of him on social media (esp ones with fan photos/comments).
- His movements on and offstage speak to his experience in karate and capoeira. He posts a lot about how manage workouts and is always happy to answer questions for less-experienced gym rats and karate students.
- Precussion and electronic music. He's willing to do backup vocals and help choreograph routines, but almost never will actually dance onstage.
- Dances constantly offstage though and is always happy to do a routine with fans. When pressed, he'll admit he gets a bit of stage-fright during the shows and makes jokes about it.
- If he's not collabing with Katsumi and/or Katou, he's probably doing sound editing work or choreography for the other performers. At this point there are maybe 2 artists internationally he hasn't worked with yet in some capacity or another.
- Has yet to perform alongisde Baki but they're pretty good friends away from the spotlight. Suedo's teaching him how to play video games.
- He's a very intense person to work with, but always super cheerful and supportive. Will remember strengths and weaknesses of his coworkers and adjust the workflow accordingly.
- Was jokingly gifted a badge labelling him as the resident tall person who grabs shit that he gets to flaunt whenever people piss him off.
- Solid voice. He'll never be a pure singer but he's got the basics and meshes well with a lead like Katsumi.
- No majorly active social media except a YouTube channel that's his drum and edm covers of requested songs. Will occasionally also sing if he really likes the song or if enough people request it. His own songs will also appear there; he usually does very hip-hop type stuff.
- He owns like sixty different sets of drumsticks at all times and they're almost always mismatched whenever he performs. They are frequently thrown out into the audience at in-person shows.
- Mostly sticks to guitar and other string instruments or dance but is willing to play piano/be wildcard instrument if pushed.
- Not a very big name outside of his work in the Shinshinkai Squad but performs a lot at tons of different small locations and has a very dedicated underground following. He's stated he doesn't really want to be worldwide famous as long as he can keep performing like this and having a good time.
- Very intense dancer. If he can get someone else to take over the song for a while, his routines get increasingly complex and can even include weapons or aerial stunts. Otherwise it's a terrifying mix of street dancing stuff like hiphop and very traditional ballroom/tango type of dances adjusted to work solo.
- Remarkably latent ability to pick up the basics of instruments within a few hours. He won't sound all that great without rehearsing but it means the trio can feature things like an accordion, bagpipes, a French horn, and (on one very memorable occasion) a theremin with only a few weeks to three months worth of advance practice.
- Geeks out over dance routines that are very complex/dynamic. He has an entire YouTube channel where people can request a breakdown of various performances and their routines.
- Comes off a bit hostile to strangers but most people realize pretty quickly he's just naturally a bit more sarcastic than average. Lots of his fans appreciate the lack of needless formality and his willingness to do things like piano duels and dance-offs during his solo shows.
- Has gotten featured in albums with Hanada, Retsu, Kosho, Sikorsky, and Kozue before. His ability to switch between instruments and genres gives him a pretty wide range of people to easily work with.
- Very dramatic onstage outfits but a quick look at his social media feeds shows he's mostly in hoodies sweatpants and tank tops whenever he's in casual mode. Won't be caught dead in a plain outfit in public though.
- Sort of a dark horse in the mainstream music world and an absolute underground legend. He makes very dark-sounding things that might still have bits of pop or edm and it's very well put together.
- His favorite song that's similar to his style is Discord.
- The voice of a literal siren. He can play piano very well and do some solid work on a viola but almost all of his performance goes into the voice and the wardrobe/makeup.
- Very dramatic movement and facial expressions. There's a haunting atmosphere around him that's enhanced by lights and special effects, but he's done even more mesmerizing things with no lighting or sound equipment beyond amplification.
- Notoriously good at dodging paparazzis and overexcited fans outside of agreed meeting places. He's a very private person.
- He often does small mini-concerts in charity centers for causes he's passionate about or in hospitals where Kureha works. The price these sorts of locations usually have to pay is whatever it takes to cover the wages of the crew and someone had better buy Kosho a weirdly fancy artisanal latte and possibly a bagel. No further payment necessary.
- Known for improvising a lot of stuff onstage. Usually has the decency to warn the crew if the odds of him doing so are high. They forgive him because he's willing to clean up damage/not complain if they can't always make it look super great since they don't know when and how he's going off script.
- His favorite thing to do in international collaborative songs is to have him and the other singer performing in their native languages. Done right, it adds a beautiful underscoring and there's a borderline cult aspect of the fanbase dedicated to figuring out translations and the relation of the two parts.
- Leader of a non-existing band named the Angry Scottz. The band dissolved back when he was 19 but all of them remained friends and play together in lots of unofficial concerts.
- Hella good at guitar, drums, bagpipes, and singing both lead and backup. Can do a few decent dances, but usually isn't asked to participate in a routine on the grounds that he has two left feet (even if they are very agile left feet) at anything that's not a traditional dance with a repetitive order and step.
- Mostly does metal music but has been known to go into classical now and then.
- He likes to design album art based on a combination of fashion and emotion. The covers might not always be super professional but they have a spark of life in them that seems to never fade.
- Very famous in Scotland, some parts of Ireland and Wales, five pubs in England, and has a growing following in Slavic countries. Recent work with Katsumi and Retsu has introduced him to diehard Japanese and Chinese music fans who all appreciate the nutcase who's willing to set his guitar on fire now and then.
- Will set the guitar on fire and have a tech on standby with an extinguisher for the instant the song ends. That same guitar has suffered this trick for almost six years now, but it's treated with love and care and all the possible fire-proofing varnish Doyle can afford.
- Has stopped concerts in the middle to take audience requests for songs/variations in performance. At one point stopped the concert to first loudly thank the sound booth engineer and then to ask an audience member if he could borrow their lighter. After finishing the smoke break, he dedicated the next five minutes to an improvised half-song set to guitar on the theme of why smoking is bad and honestly he's not sure why he hasn't quit yet but no one in the audience should start just because he's a bad example before finally resuming the planned set list.
- Wears lots of spikes and studs onstage. Whenever he can, he'll also go out in kilts, combat boots, eyeliner, and some hideous shirt that clashes with the rest of the outfit but somehow works. He's too lazy to get an actual costumer person beyond sometimes shouting 'How's this?' at anyone he's working with at the time (and then promptly disregarding their advice anyways).
- Started off with very traditional Chinese music, accompanied by martial art-inspired routines and a deep voice.
- After being pushed to expand from just China, he had to work with Katsumi for his international debut. Their first song was an instant hit with Japanese audiences, who loved the combination of their voices and energies.
- Since then Retsu tries to keep at least one traditional element when collaborating with someone, but also inviting them to bring something from their culture and seeing how this works out.
- Worked with Doyle for the first time on a dare. The initial voicemail he left for his friends at home contained roughly eighty percent insults about the Scot. Two days later their styles clashed onstage in a beautiful show that ended with Retsu being carried offstage by a throng of fans. The two frequently work together and almost all of Retsu's albums contain at least one song that Doyle is there for, whether it's as a rival lead voice or as a minor instrument.
- Quickly gained international fame after it was revealed that he's extremely multilingual. The fanbase tripled overnight and most of his meetings with fans have him speaking six or seven languages.
- Hires Suedo to do sound editing and Hanayma for wardrobe design and stage management whenever the other men have availability. Retsu knows how to concede that there are certain areas of this business he knows nothing about, and they go along with his stubbornness better than a stranger would.
- Released an entire album dedicated to Chinese martial arts and its rich history. It was a surprisingly big hit outside of China, with many fans stating that it felt like a bit more personal side of Retsu was revealed in the song. It was also the first album in which he played several variations of the violin, a big surprise to many fans (including long-time ones) as he had rarely played any instruments in the songs before.
- Very occasionally will do insane feats like run across water and sing. It's only done on very short distances but the crowd goes nuts every single time.
- R-pop and Russian hip-hop type of music. With a basically decent voice and a good range of instrument, man's got a questionable following.
- No one knows how he became famous, least of all him. He's only left Russia recently, but even there he had mostly underground fame. Eventaully it's revealed a lot of videos of him slav-squatting and piping out music to the accompaniment of cats was a big push in his going viral.
- He plays a lot of stuff on accordion and guitar.
- Usually in his album there's at least one song that's a cover of a traditional Russian song, but he doesn't do any patriotic/propaganda music.
- Political satire songs ftw. The rest of his stuff centers around fighting, violence, or very confusing 'but is it art?' type of ideas.
- Has a terrifying amount of bans from certain performance spaces and fellow musicians. Once got into a fight onstage with Jack, and had to be restrained by their deck crew manager Nomura. When asked, Nomura revealed that it was "like carrying a very angry sack of potatoes and raccoons".
- Almost never dances, but had one very famous live performance that featured his cover of "Rasputin" by Boney M and had him doing a traditional cossack dance. The video of said concert caused the album to go platinum for three solid weeks.
- He can't speak languages beyond Russian and English but constantly working with Japanese musicians means he can understand a lot of it. Sometimes he'll make unofficial behind-the-scene videos where the camera eavesdrops on whoever he's working with and he translates the stupid things they're saying.
Group shit/Misc:
- Katusmi released an acoustic song for his 1-year anniversary of the debut. It's him with a guitar singing about his parents and how he loves them.
- Kozue and Baki have a whole album together that's the rough equivalent of baby metal songs about romance and combat. They're a very supportive couple and have been known to trade makeup and dance moves. Kozue admitted that the main reason they went with a baby metal aesthetic was because that was Baki's thing at the time; She'd wanted something more creepy looking and sounding but it was meant to be at least somewhat romantic of an album.
- Hanayama has formally stated he's no longer sure he's allowed to call himself a manager given how much of his career is spent sound editing, giving feedback on so many designer aspects, and having no official company that he's employed with/to.
- At one point, Doyle teams up with Kosho, Sikorsky, and Katou and they release an entire album titled 'Four International Idiots'. The songs are all done with each of them playing an instrument (bagpipes, mandolin, accordion, and trombone respectively for the opening song) and singing in a different language. Initial reviews by friends and family sum up the album as 'something that was written while snorting potatoes' to which Sikorsky released a statement saying that Russians already have potato-based alcohol and all four of them were drunk during recording (done on their own in a semi-abandoned studio with absolutely no editing) so it's not that much of a stretch.
- Katou is notorious for having a disturbing amount of stuff in his duffle bag at all times. Needs to prove a point about the French horn? It's in the bag. Suedo wants to embarrass Katsumi at a press conference with a kazoo? In the bag. Kozue needs spare makeup? Bag. Baki wants to hide somewhere from embarrassment after tripping on thin air? You guessed it, fucking bag.
- Kozue and Kosho released an album together that co-marketed a custom makeup palette based on their looks and songs. The proceeds went to eco-friendly charities and helped raise awareness about biodegradable glitter and the toxicity of bad makeup to the environment.
- After the names 'Shinshinkai Trio' and 'Shinshinkai Squad' went viral as a hashtag, Suedo Katsumi and Katou made their next group album about martial arts and fighting. The cover shows all three of them in karate gis striking their favorite moves. They also have matching jackets with 'Shinshinkai Squad' on the back in bold letters.
- Retsu and Katou are the only two who actually speak Chinese. They found this out when during a group panel Retsu grumbled out 'That American asshole won't shut up about accents in a second language' and Katou muttered back 'tell me about it'.
- Jack is a stunts person and can do dance routines, but doesn't perform beyond that. He and Baki have started doing more work together and their newest release worked with several substance abuse charities. Many of Baki's fans find Jack to be a little intimidating but very polite to strangers and chill around excitement.
- Kureha goes to every single one of Kosho's shows that he can. The few times he couldn't, at least half of their mutual friends would send him videos and recording of his brother absolutely killing it onstage.
-Baki's most recent album features a different artist/group of artists in each song and the cover was showing who had collaborated with whom at some point or another. It looks like a very tangled up web in the vague shape of a demon's face.
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kenganparadise · 4 years ago
Hey Chief! I absolutely adore what you’ve written and if it’s not to much on you schedule. Maybe the Baki characters SO gets hurt? Maybe from being jumped or being shot and having the characters being protective or something along those lines?
This was ao much fun to write! 😤 Thank you for requesting this! I decided to add even more characters this time.
Baki boys reacting to their S/O getting hurt-
• Once he sees his S/O get injured he’s by their side in a heartbeat. He’s instantly putting pressure on the wound and trying his very best to stop the bleeding. Even if it’s just a flesh wound and not serious.
• If it’s a serious wound, Poor baby is panicking harder than ever before. He can’t lose his S/O. They’re pretty much all he has left. There are already tears falling down his face, he sobs out their name.
• He doesn’t wait around for an ambulance, He picks them up and runs them to the nearest hospital. Once his S/O’s injury is under control and they’re stable baki doesn’t leave their side. He can’t eat, he can’t sleep. He just watches them sleep and breathe softly with tears in his eyes and their hand in his.
• Once they awaken Baki is incredibly relieved. While they’re recovering Baki goes out and hunts down whoever hurt his S/O. Baki exacts his revenge and promises to protect his S/O with his life.
• Once Yujiro sees his S/O get hurt he instantly takes the life of whoever dared to harm his S/O. He then moves calmly yet swiftly to their side. He probably chastises his S/O for being not careful enough and getting injured.
• But once he sees his S/O coughing up an alarming amount of blood and noticing the wound is much deeper than anticipated, Yujiro loses his cool just a little.
• He realizes that his S/O’s life is in jeopardy and he needs to act quickly. He’s never felt this way before, he’s never worried so much about anything in his life.
• He becomes uncharacteristically on edge and becomes quiet. His eyes are wide. He doesn’t say a word to his S/O as he gets them to help and safety.
• Once in the hospital and his S/O is in stable condition he returns to his usual self. He goes back to teasing his S/O while they lay in the hospital bed wrapped in bandages.
• He hates the new feeling he’s experienced But he’s relieved that his S/O is safe. He never wants to feel that way he did again, His S/O will never be put in danger again.
• Jack probably doesn’t see his S/O get injured, he’s probably too preoccupied with whoever he’s fighting. Looking over his shoulder and seeing his S/O on the ground injured, laying in a poor of their own blood, Jack looses it.
• He doesn’t care if they’re friend of foe, Jack goes berserk. He scrambles to their side. He expects the worst. He lifts his S/O in his arms and makes a mad dash to Kureha. He’s the only doctor he trusts.
• Once his S/O is safe, he starts blaming himself for everything. He failed at protecting his S/O. Like Baki, he can’t eat or sleep, he doesn’t leave his S/O’s side until they awaken.
• Jack’s S/O is the light in his life, without them his world would be quite a dark place. He gets a harsh reality check. He cannot lose his S/O.
• Once they awaken, Jack apologizes. He feels guilty, like it’s his fault they got injured. He’s in fear that his S/O would leave him.
• He needs some reassurance and he needs his S/O to hold him. He apologizes over and over, promising to never let them go. Jack becomes more protective then ever.
• Seeing his S/O get injured, Katsumi shouts out their name. He quickly takes out whoever hurt his S/O then Katsumi is by his S/O’s side in a second. He’d cradling them in his arms.
• If it’s a deadly wound, Katsumi is panicking hard. He looks down to see his S/O’s blood pooling around them and staining his White karategi.
• An ambulance comes and picks up them up, rushing them into the emergency room. The fear of losing his S/O consumes Katsumi. He stares at his Blood covered hands with tears in his eyes. His heart is in his throat. As his S/O is in surgery, he is in the waiting room. He can’t imagine his life without his S/O.
• Once his S/O pulls through and is in stable condition, Katsumi is by their side. He holds their hand in his. He looks at their sleeping face and he can’t help but choke up. He blames no one but himself.
• while his S/O is practically comatose, Katsumi tries to act like his usual self. However there’s pain in his eyes and his smile is fake. Doppo is the only one who really sees through his disguise, he’s only one that can really get through to him.
• Once his beloved S/O awakens Katsumi is overjoyed. He holds them in his arms and gently cries into their chest. Katsumi feels like he’s dogged a bullet and now he’s never leaving his S/O’s side again.
• Retsu senses something is very wrong. He views his S/O as an extension of himself, he is one with his S/O. So once he sees them injured, he is in pain.
• He’s by his S/O’s side, he can hear the ambulance sirens in the distance. He’s applying pressure to his S/O’s wounds. This whole time his heart is beating out of his chest and he’s staring at his S/O’s face. He feels nauseous and sick to his stomach. His whole body burns.
• If the wound is dangerously deep, He tries his hardest not to cry but hearing his S/O’s shallow breaths and the blood and life flowing out of them he can’t quite help it.
• Once at the hospital, his S/O is rushed to surgery. Retsu collapses, he bites his lip and hopes for the best. He sits down and prays that they’re going to be okay, he hopes he gets to hold them in his arms and see their smile again.
• He stays by their side until they awaken, Retsu apologizes profusely while holding them in his arms. He helps them throughout the recovery process, and kisses their scars. He makes an oath to never put his S/O in harms way again. And He keeps this promise.
• Kaoru pretty much lives in danger 24/7. That’s just his lifestyle and something his S/O knows and has to except Pretty much everyone close to him has gotten injured or worse. The thought of his S/O getting injured has crossed his mind a few times, but once it actually happens it’s much different.
• Kaoru probably hears them cry out in pain as they’re injured. His head whips around to see them clutching their wound. Seeing his S/O injured triggers something in him, something he’s never felt before. He goes on a rampage, ending whoever wounded his S/O.
• He then rushes to his S/O’s side. Noticing that the injury could potentially be deadly he begins making way to the nearest hospital. Seeing his S/O this way makes his blood boil and makes him feel sick. He’s grinding his teeth as his heart is in his throat.
• He’s watched many of his friends, loved ones, and comrades get injured or worse, but for some reason with his S/O it feels so much different.
• Once His S/O is in stable condition he is quite relieved. He feels like he can relax now. He Has to go back to his duties as boss of the Hanayama group. However once he is given the news that his S/O is awake he drops whatever he’s doing and returns to their side.
• He never what’s to feel the way he did again, he promises to protect his S/O, and that they’ll never get injured again.
• Katou is bad In situations under pressure, he’s very impulsive and doesn’t exactly think things through. So he might be in a situation where his S/O is put in danger.
• He probably doesn’t notice at first but once he sees out of the corner of his eye, his S/O on the ground bleeding out and he scrambles to their side and babbles out incoherently sentences.
• He then turns his attention to whoever hurt his S/O. He’s absolutely filled with rage. He quickly puts the perpetrator in their place.
• If the wound is deadly then He’s falling apart. He picks his S/O up and gets them to an emergency room as quickly as possible. He tries so hard not to cry, but he’s so overcome with fear and worry that he can’t help it.
• while his S/O is recovering he’s by their side. Seeing his beloved in a hospital bed injured and clinging on to life kills him inside. Once they wake up he somewhat tries to avoid them. He feels incredibly guilty, in a way he feels like it’s his duty to protect his S/O and he failed at doing that.
• He’s honestly worried that his S/O would leave him. While his S/O is recovering he’s acts very timid around them. He brings his S/O flowers, teddy bears, books, and other little nicknacks as apologies. He also helps taking care of them. Depending on how severe their injuries are, he helps feed them, helps them walk, helps bathe them, he’ll anything he can do to help.
• Once he finds out his S/O got hurt he snaps. Suedo can be angered quite easily, very small things can set him off. however messing with his S/O is something new entirely.
• He directs his anger towards whoever hurt his beloved S/O. Like Jack, he doesn’t care if they’re friend or foe, everyone gets a taste of his rage.
• However Once ambulance arrives he halts. He’s by his S/O’s side and his mood flips from enraged to worried. He’s panicking but he knows his S/O is strong. He tells himself that they’ll pull through.
• If the injury is possibly deadly then Suedo changes. He’s not his arrogant, loud, and confident usual self. He’s stoic and quiet. He rarely speaks. he’s always got a scowl on his face and he angers quicker than usual.
• While his S/O is sleeping while recovering, he talks to them. He says all the things he could never say when they’re awake. Once they do awaken, Suedo is incredibly relieved. He felt like is world was so close to falling apart. Seeing his S/O smile makes him feel like everything will be okay.
• He senses something is wrong. He looks over to his S/O right before they get injured. He’s already running towards them but he’s too late. He catches his S/O before they hit the ground.
• He remains calm, assessing the wound, then applying pressure as he calls an ambulance. He can’t panic in this situation. Once at his hospital, he gets to work. He won’t let any other doctor see to his S/O. He quickly stitches up their wound and dresses it.
• If the wound is deadly and requires surgery, Kureha is taking care of it. He acts as if nothing is wrong, his fellow doctors, nurses, and colleagues think nothing is wrong with him.
• Once his S/O pulls through feel like he can finally breath again. He sits by his S/O’s bed, holding their hand. He knew that his S/O would pull through, he is over-confident in his medical abilities after all. However these was a piece of him that was in fear of losing his S/O forever.
• He’s exhausted. He probably pushes his S/O over so he can take a nap next to them in their hospital bed while cuddling them.
• Doyle lives a very dangerous life. It’s no doubt that his S/O would be put in harms way pretty often. However once they get injured Doyle is given a reality check.
• He wipes out whoever injured them. He tries to walk calmly to his S/O’s body on the ground, but he feels like he needs to run. He leans over and tries to get his S/O to stand. “Stand up Y/N.” He orders. He repeats this again and again, trying to pretend that their injuries aren’t as severe as he thinks they are.
• When the blood starts pooling around his S/O and their breaths get weaker and weaker he scoops them up and makes a mad dash to the nearest hospital. His face is blank but his eyes are wide and wild.
• He drops them off at the emergency room and then disappears. He doesn’t want to deal with the hospital staff or any potential law enforcement.
• He finds out where his S/O’s room is and sneaks in during the cover of night. He watches them sleep from the shadows. He experiences something he’s never felt before. Remorse and guilt fill his chest. The reality of almost losing his Darling S/O makes him feel sick to his stomach. He’s never going to put them in harms way again.
• Like Doyle, Sikorsky has an incredibly dangerous lifestyle. The thought of his S/O getting injured or worse hasn’t really crossed his mind too much. He thinks that he’ll always be there to protect them or that luck would be on his side. Like Doyle, Sikorsky receives a harsh reality check.
• He leans over his S/O as they’re bleeding out. His heart is racing but he doesn’t exactly quite know what to do. He kills whoever hurt them and then takes them to the hospital. Like Doyle, he just drops them off then dips.
• He waits for them to be expelled from the hospital with a clean bill of health, then he’ll approach his S/O. Of course he spies on them the whole time, but he didn’t make his presence known.
• He pretty much acts like nothing happened. He won’t even acknowledge that his S/O almost died. For Sikorsky, This is a defense mechanism, it takes a long time for him to except his feelings. His S/O got severely injured and could have died, he’s never felt a fear like that before.
• At night when his S/O is asleep he’ll gently run his fingers over their scars while feeling guilty. His S/O is the first thing he thinks about when in a dangerous situation again, he can’t lose them.
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coeursetcolores · 4 years ago
Guilty pleasure: I want a romantic comedy spin off about Baki and Kozue just being cute and Baki’s weird fighting friends won’t leave them alone.
Baki Hanma, a lovestruck teen fighting champion trying to be a good boyfriend but  usually gets stuck beating up his stupid and nosy friends.
Kozue Matsumoto, a strong and sane woman trying to make her relationship work but has to keep telling off these weird martial artists who bother Baki.
Mitsunari Tokugawa, a mischievous old man who loves to keep sending the other fighters info on what Baki and Kozue are up to.
The Shinshinkai Trio, three idiots that like to give bad advice and follow two teenagers around.
-Katsumi Orochi, a well-intentioned but stupid young karate instructor that gets roped into Katou’s plans and wants his parents to quit embarrassing him. 
-Kiyosumi Katou, a troublemaker who loves to mess with Baki and Kozue and comes up with crazy plans to “improve” their relationship.
-Atsushi Suedo, the sane one of the three who tries and fails to keep Katou from messing with Baki and Kozue.
Doppo Orochi, the grandmaster of the Shinshinkai who tries to give the young couple advice, but usually gets sidetracked gushing about his wife.
Natsue Orochi, Doppo’s wife and the only reliant source of good advice for the young lovers.
Jack Hanma/Hammer, Baki’s half-brother who likes to mess with him about Kozue but still supports his relationship, too much for Baki’s liking.
Kaoru Hanayama, Baki’s yakuza boss best friend who will give him his two cents on an issue with Kozue- whether Baki wants it or not.
Kureha Shinogi, a doctor who’s Jack’s partner in teasing Baki because he never got the chance to tease his own about dating.
Kaioh Retsu, a Chinese Kenpo master who doesn’t understand why everyone he knows likes wasting their time bothering teenagers.
Kinuyo Matsumoto, Kozue’s mother and Baki’s landlady who’s getting sick of throwing trespassing martial artists off of her property.
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creed613 · 4 years ago
Katsumi, Katou and Suedo T-posing in the doorway: Greetings Master.
Doppo, not looking up from his newspaper: Good morning, problem children.
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centipedemother · 4 years ago
I dare you to try and convince me otherwise🥵😘
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bookwormmedz · 4 years ago
I saw that u posted the matsuri x doyle thing, and i like the ship too, so would you mind doing a 'how katsumi's family/friends and doyle's coworkers (co-assasins)?? react to them dating?
Henlo! It’s Medz and I’m back! Let’s get this shit back on the road! - Medinah
Katsumi’s Loved Ones
Doppo: Good to know the upstart son of mine has his priorities sorted out. Time to deliver the good news to Natsue!
Natsue: Oh goodness, my dear son Katsumi has finally settled his heart for someone he loves. I need to go shopping and prepare some dishes for them both! Maybe seasonal dishes would be best to celebrate a new addition to our family? *smiles*
Kato: Honestly, I didn’t expect Katsumi to like guys but to each their own. I’m happy for him, think it’d be good for him actually. When Katsumi has something he cares about, he becomes more driven and focused. Now that I think about it, they do suit each other....am I thinking too much about this? 
Suedo: Katsumi has got someone he loves huh? Funny, he seemed like the type of guy who would never settle down. Deep inside though, I always knew he was soft. Wish the best for both of them. I thought I’d be surprised, but it’s pretty normal to me. 
Baki: Katsumi’s dating Doyle? Cool. 
Retsu: While this is quite peculiar for me, I do see that they complement each other. I hope they support one another and keep each other happy through even grievous times. 
Doyle’s Coworkers 
Spec: Oh, Doyle is dating that BOY? Interesting! 
Yanagi: Doyle was always the odd one; now he decides to couple with a former enemy. I wouldn’t put it past him. 
Sikorsky: British man and Japanese man...da, not bad. *small smirk*
Dorian: Well I guess there’s no helping it. The heart wants what it wants! *big grin*
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yourheroserene · 5 years ago
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Baki the Grappler Chibi Restoration Project
Part 1 | Part 2
The other half of the chibi set I did for the Death row Convicts arc. I tried really hard to balance the cutesy chibi style with the obvious muscular definition and bold shaping of their faces. It’s all about the Big Anime Eyes. I also didn’t fully color everyone’s skin, but I made a point to not whitewash dark characters.
I tried to make Yanagi as gray and lifeless as possible to reflect his bitchy one-foot-in-the-grave snootiness. Of course Retsu is very special to me, so I put a lot of love into his chibi. And Kosho... boy... had to amplify his goth queen energy.
Please tell me that you love them. My wrists hurt.
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badlywritten-transcripts · 6 years ago
Baki: Oh, can I play?
*Goki preparing for uno*
Goki: Sure!
Atsushi & Katou: NO!!!
[Writers Note: This could get ugly.]
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tacobellartist · 6 years ago
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*turns around
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*Metal Gear Solid Game Over*
Katsumi (yelling over a walkie talkie): Guys?! GUYS?!!?
((What am I doing to these guys?))
This was based on a tumblr post here. The fresh prince combined with metal gear solid. I give credit to the original guy who made the vid.
((Real talk tho, I love baki now))
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poopyballz28 · 1 year ago
found this thing i whipped up on google slides like a year ago
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was i cooking? or nah 🤔 (the answer is no)
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More Trans HCs w/Shinshinkai Squad bc I am once again reminded of the idiots and how much I love them:
I'd say Demi-guy, using he/they
Parents never made a big deal out of it, he doesn't either
Their main thing about clothing isn't what gender it is so much as how well it fits and works for combat. This is also why a lot of cis people don't clock them unless Katsumi brings it up.
Outside of constant workouts and martial arts, he wears more 'feminine' styles and dramatic colors, but not a lot of bright patterns.
Genderfluid vibes, probably uses a neo-pronoun like ze/zir
A lot of unresolved issues with it, shoves them down and pushes all of zir feelings into anger and violence, has been working on mellowing out again. Is used to seeing the idea of being trans as shameful and evidence of unmanliness and therefore a failure.
Doesn't really want to tell people. Ze knows that ze looks very much like a stereotypical guy and doesn't plan on surgery or HRT anytime soon.
Zir's constant conflict over what clothing is and isn't acceptable and how 'unmasculine' ze is allowed to behave eases up when ze's around friends.
Look, y'all know I'm never gonna stop seeing Katou as a trans girl
Much like Suedo, she constantly pushes her feelings about dysphoria down and channels everything into fighting. Even though she personally doesn't see it as 'shameful' to be trans the way Suedo sometimes does, she knows that the martial arts world won't respect her and the idea that a woman could want to fight is still relatively new to some of the masters.
She doesn't dress very feminine in general but there's some nicer tops and skirts and exactly one dress that she loves. Unfortunately, she's not gonna be wearing them out anytime soon.
Leaves her hair longer to combat the dysphoria. Later starts putting it in a braid like Retsu's.
They all talk about it eventually, but it's in little bits and pieces. Katou tells Suedo before she tells anyone else, Suedo talks to her when ze finally figures zirself out, Katsumi comes out to both of them and they tell him a short while later.
Katsumi, having not grown up with any major stigmas attached to the concept, is the first to come out to Doppo. They know that Suedo and Katou see him as a father figure and that his response to Katsumi could easily make or break their chances of staying at the Shinshinkai.
Katou learned how to apply different kinds of makeup in the States and teaches Suedo when ze expresses interest. They both like to wear subtle eyeliners.
She's also the one who helps Katsumi through the occasional bouts of dysphoria they deal with, usually by making the kid some soup and having them hold her cat.
Suedo and Katsumi get into silly arguments over what clothing does and doesn't look good. Suedo technically has a better eye, but ze still struggles with zir insecurity and has a hard time wearing anything that ze picks out. Katsumi's taste, while more bland, is also less panic-inducing.
Suedo's way of helping Katou through dysphoric episodes usually involves getting her favorite hoodie out and making sure she can channel all of her hurt into healthier combat, like sparring together instead of letting her punch brick walls.
Katsumi always texts Katou stupid trans memes and jokes he finds online because he knows she'll roll her eyes but find them funny.
They don't do quite the same for Suedo just yet, but they always send zir positive trans news and any updates about where ze could find gnc and/or feminine clothing that would fit zir.
Doppo taking Katsumi's news well leads to Katou coming out a month later. Unlike the calm chat he gets to have with Katsumi, Katou almost spits the fact out and immediately goes quiet, with a part of her still convinced that the other shoe is going to drop any second now. He can't say anything before she storms out. It's not until the next day, when he commends her work using the new name and pronouns that she relaxes a little and smiles for the first time.
Suedo stays after that lesson to also come out. Ze's even more awkward about it than Katou, but ze stays long enough that Doppo can convince zir that he accepts all three of them no matter what.
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kenganparadise · 4 years ago
Hey Chief! I absolutely adore your latest works and I actually have a fun one for ya if you wish to do it. How about the Baki characters (you can choose) reacting to their SO stumbling across their tiny self, maybe a child or baby and take care of them? While their adult selves watch? Maybe their SO is teaching their tiny selves about the beauty of small things or something or cuddling their tiny selves? Just loving on them!
This was so much fun to write!! Thank you for requesting again. I wrote for all my favorite characters!
Baki characters reacting to their S/O taking care of their tiny selves-
• Once Baki sees that you have in your arms a very tiny version of him he is a little alarmed and confused, but doesn’t question it.
• Once he sees you nurturing and taking care of him, almost like a mother would, he tears up a little.
• Baki was robbed of his childhood, his mother didn’t show him much love during his childhood. She and Yujiro treated him like a pawn. She only experienced true love for him a little before her death.
• Baki feels overwhelming happiness and pride. He stands back and watches you closely, watching you act so motherly and nurturing his mini self is so beautiful to him.
• He watches you teach him about the beautiful things in life, and that life isn’t all about fighting and violence.
• He feels lucky to have you. He feels lucky to have so much love in his life finally.
• Yujiro watches in amusement. He wants nothing to do with his child self but it’s pretty entertaining to watch you nurture and take care of the kid.
• Yujiro was a very rowdy and demanding child, so his S/O would probably have their hands full. He’d say something like “Damn, didn’t know I was such an annoying brat.”
• Its said Before that Yujiro has many children all over the world, but once he sees you interact and deal with his tiny self, he deems you worthy to carry his offspring and continue his bloodline.
• It should be obvious, but Yujiro would definitely want more stronger children, Hes not interested In becoming an actual father, as in caring and nurturing for his children, he just wants a good fight.
• Jack was another person robbed of their childhood. His initial reaction to seeing you with a child version of him makes alarms go off in his head. He’s definitely got a lot of questions.
• Once he sees you taking care of little him, and putting the child’s happiness before yours and actually caring for it, his heart skips beats.
• He would help you with taking care of his tiny self, it really feels like a family. He loves the feeling of domestic life.
• Jack never really thought about starting a family or having children. His number one priority was becoming the strongest to defeat his father and avenge his mother. Love and happiness always came second.
• Once he sees you teach his little self about all the beautiful little things, and putting his happiness before yours, Jack experiences love for you on a different level.
• Katsumi is really surprised to see you with a little him. If you say how cute and adorable he was when he kid makes him blush.
• Katsumi had a strange childhood, he was born into the circus, when his dad passed doppo adopted him. Eventually leading him to become the prodigy and warrior he is today.
• He would help you take care of little him, he naturally takes on a fatherly role. He’s always wanted to become a dad, he eventually wants a really big family, he even wants to adopt because he thinks everyone should have a family.
• He wants to be a dad and teach all his kids Karate, also Doppo would be the best Grandpa.
• This feels sort of like a test run. Watching you take care of little him he feels a rush of pride and joy. Seeing you teach about the little things and the beauty of the world to his small self, he realizes he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
• Retsu is another that has not had an ordinary childhood, living in a temple and perfecting Chinese martial arts for the majority of it.
• Once he sees you with a child version of him he is quite surprised but brushes off his confusion. Due to his spiritual beliefs, He probably thinks something supernatural is going on.
• Once he sees you interact with his mini self he gets excited. Retsu has a soft spot for children, and like Katsumi, he wants a big family.
• Retsu would definitely help you take care of the little him. He would love to cook for you both, his favorite moment would be sitting At the dinner table together, eating and enjoying each other’s company. He loves these little domestic moments.
• Once he sees you teach little Retsu about the beauty In little things as well as nurture him and take good care of him, Retsu is now ready to start a family. He would definitely tell Kaioh Kaku that he’s ready to produce an heir.
• Karou is another that has a soft spot for children. Seeing you with a child him shocks him. You start to remind him of his mother.
• Seeing his mother in you touches his heart, however he hides this very well. He excuses himself and leaves for a while, maybe to got get a drink or visit his mothers grave.
• It’s stated that Karou and Karou’s mother love roses, when he comes back, he brings you a big bouquet of red roses.
• Wouldn’t help at all taking care of the child. He’d just stand back and watch closely. Watching you take care of the child, playing, teaching, and nurturing it provides him with good information and good entertainment.
• He hopes it’s temporary because he’s not ready to have a child full time. He’s only 20, he’s not ready to settle down yet. However he understands that one day he must produce an 3rd generation heir to the Hanayama Group.
• Katou is not good with children. In fact, he’s quite awkward. He just doesn’t know what to do. He’s the type to try and have a normal everyday conversation with a toddler. He’d say something like “So, uh, nice weather we’re having today.”
• Would probably just dump the kid on you then hide. Once he sees you start taking care of and nurturing the kid he leaves.
• He goes on a walk to clear his mind and think some things over. He’s never really wanted children of his own, but then again he’s never thought about it either. He wonders if he’d be a good father. He thinks about children, marriage, fatherhood, and his future. Once he’s done he returns back to you.
• He watches you take care of the child him very closely. He sees you laughing, smiling, and you being happy with the kid. His heart skips beats.
• He gets jealous that all your attention it on the kid. Katou gets a little grumpy, even though that child is himself.
• He also tries his hardest to get little him to laugh, he makes funny faces and tries to play but once again he’s very awkward with children. He does succeed in making you giggle. Every time he makes you smile or laugh his ego inflates and he feels wonderful.
• At night the child sleeps cuddled to your chest, you sleep soundly, you’re both so comfy and cozy wrapped up in the soft blankets. Katou stares at you both. He believes it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Maybe a starting a family wouldn’t be that bad.
• Atsushi Suedo is a very brash and hard man, he is also very loud and quite scary, that being said Suedo is surprisingly good with children.
• Seeing you with a child version of himself, he is quite shocked and really doesn’t know what to make of the situation, but once he sees you playing and taking care of the child he’s not going to question it. If you’re safe and happy, then everything’s okay in his book.
• Instantly wants to teach the kid karate. You can protest all you want but Suedo has his heart set on teaching this child karate. He’d say something like “Common, Y/N, we gotta start em early!” You can protest and say that the kid is too young, but Suedo won’t stop.
• Seeing you comfort and care so deeply for the child makes his heart swell up. You’re acting so motherly and loving the child unconditionally. He has a hard time dealing with all the new emotions he’s feeling, but overall he’s happy.
• Suedo does want to have children of his own, they’ll all be karate masters of course. He would really like to settle down one day with a family of his own.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 2 years ago
Qué es para ti, su orientación sexual cómo los ves? Gay, lesbiana, bisexual, heterosexual, pansexual y etc. Según tú, porque sé que es personal de cada uno.
Esto puede ser un poco largo.
Situación: La orientación sexual de los personajes de Baki.
Aclaración importante: esta es meramente mi opinión de acuerdo a como percibo a los personajes de Baki, únicamente, no significa que sea canon. Si a una persona le moleste bien puede ignorarme, no es demasiado difícil. También quiero aclarar que no porque diga que un personaje tiene x orientación significa que no me pueden dejar algún pedido donde tiene una pareja ajena a dicha sexualidad.
Baki Hanma, él es definitivamente el hombre bi con energía de golden retriever que más fuerte me ha pegado, al inicio no lo ubique completamente, pero si estaba segura de que Baki no era hetero. Ama a las mujeres y hombres fuertes, con coraje y con dedicación.
Jack Hanma, gay, este hombre es gay. No pueden hacerme cambiar de parecer sobre esto, mucho más con lo que me hace sentir cada que está con Kureha. Jack es ese hombre que los hombres con masculinidad frágil quieren poner como ejemplo de virilidad y heterosexualidad solo por su físico.
Kaoru Hanayama, creo que es heterosexual, pero el hetero más respetuoso con las preferencias ajenas. También siento que habrá intentado con algún hombre alguna vez, pero no le convenció realmente. Aunque también lo considere para la demisexualidad, finalmente me pareció que le gustaban las mujeres.
Jun Guevaru, Jun hetero "curioso" que realmente es bisexual, pero que no lo quiere decir en voz alta porque ha pasado su vida completa fijándose en mujeres Guevaru es una persona hetero que está empezando a entender todo sobre las diversas orientaciones sexuales, pero denle tiempo porque se está deconstruyendo poco a poco.
Katsumi Orochi/Katou Kiyosumi/Suedo Atsushi, son el trío bi más tonto que hay. Katou es quien tiene una ligera inclinación por las mujeres, Katsumi es quien tiene una ligera inclinación por los hombres y Suedo es el único que no presenta una inclinación aparente. Los tres estarán hablando de algún hombre/mujer que les pareció atractivo mientras están calentando hasta que la clase comience.
Kosho Shinogi, creí que sería asexual, pero realmente creo que es grisexual; se siente atraído hacia una persona que cumple con una o unas características/circunstancias/situaciones en específico. Cualquiera pensaría en el como asexual por su bajo interés sexual, pero esto también se contempla en la grisexualidad.
Kozue Matsumoto, ella es pansexual, prioriza a la persona y la esencia de esta sin importar con lo que se identifique; pasara a segundo plano. Amara a su pareja por lo que le hace ser, lo que representa y las experiencias que llevaron a forjarle. She's in my team.
Kureha Shinogi, al principio me pareció que tiraba hacia lo sapiosexualidad, pero me parece que tiene demasiada química con Jack como para no plantearme la idea de que sea gay y allí me encajo completamente. No lo digo por su apariencia andrógina, por las dudas.
Muhammad Alai Jr, también me da vibras pansexuales y unas vibras adicionales de una gran hambre por cariño, abracen a este hombre. Solo quiere alguien a quien amar, que le ame y que le deje consentirle con todo lo que pueda pedir. Amara a su pareja por quien es no por lo que es.
Oliva Biscuit, es hetero y el hetero más entregado a su amor que jamás podrás conocer en toda tu existencia. Ama, respeta y procura a su amada por encima de todo, hasta de sí mismo. Creo que Oliva ha dado demasiados ejemplos de esto último como para siquiera dudar de ello.
Retsu Kaioh, DEMISEXUAL, me parece que Retsu es demisexual, DEMISEXUAL, prioriza los vínculos emocionales ante cualquier atracción sexual, DEMISEXUAL, necesita confianza y una base de sentimientos establecidos para sentirse atraído a otra persona, DEMISEXUAL, así que sí, me parece que encaja en la demisexualidad. DEMISEXUAL.
Yujiro Hanma, podría decir que es un bi o pan porque le daría a lo que sea, pero es únicamente porque "percibe" a todos como mujeres, así que técnicamente es hetero. Por lo menos, le importan tan poco las personas como para meterse en sus decisiones sobre con quien estar.
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creed613 · 4 years ago
Katsumi: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party and you are all invited.
Suedo: "If"?
Katou: Great, the only party I've ever been invited to and he might not even die.
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