#kaku kaioh
iskratempestmadness · 1 month
Hi! I really like your Baki headcanons, so I was wondering if I could headcanons for the boys having a small s/o like a lot or more shorter?
Okay, let's do it.
I'm going to try a new format to describe more characters.
A thing from a high shelf
It was quite funny to watch. Honestly. He was probably trying not to laugh. But the picture he saw was funny, a little awkward, but undoubtedly sweet. The thing is, you've been trying to get a pack of cookies from the top shelf for a while now. While you were trying to finish the job you started, for some reason the idea of taking a chair did not occur to you. And of course your height was certainly not playing in your favor right now. So small and neat, you jumped, stood on chains, stretched and, alas, could not get the coveted pack in any way. And of course, this charming picture was accompanied by grumbling that the cookies could have been placed lower, and that it was probably done on purpose.
So how could he not help you? Of course he did. Coming up behind you, it took him a little effort to get the cookies off the shelf.
It has probably already become clear that he extremely likes your height and for this reason it becomes the reason for many of his jokes.
Yuuichirou Hanma, Chiharu Shiba, Retsu Kayoh, Atsushi Suedou, Jun Guevara
wearing on your shoulders
Not so long ago you decided to make a habit of walking in the park. However, with your boyfriend, every walk turned into a race. And this time was no exception.
So, as usual, you were walking behind and were already several dozen steps behind because of the length of your legs, and he was walking ahead with an energetic step, and for you he was flying, again because of the length of his legs. When you asked him to slow down for the hundredth time, he stopped. The moment you reached him, he picked you up in his arms and a second later you were sitting on his shoulders. Because of your height, your dangling legs barely reached his abs. The hands were on his head, gently running through his short hair.
... It was unexpected and perhaps sweet.
But that's only on your part. He was rather embarrassed at that moment. But he does not deny the fact that it is doubly pleasant for him to walk with you like this.
Jack Hanma, Hanayama Kaoru, Hector Doyle, Dorian, Kato Kiyosumi (he liked it between Your legs), Biscuit Oliva, Nomi no Sukune
You're wearing clothes
Perhaps lately you've been noticing posts in your feed too often about how girls took guys' clothes for themselves. Someone complained about it and was outraged, someone liked it and thought it was cute. You've never done anything like this. Well, the hour of your debut has come.
When your boyfriend came home, the first thing he felt was the smell of dinner. He could clearly hear the smell of baked chicken and potatoes, as well as the notes of salad. And of course the first thing he did was head to the kitchen. And bingo! He guessed right. The appetizing-smelling chicken was cooking in the oven, and at that time you were busy with the salad.
But there was something else that he noticed. He recognized one of his hoodies on you. Oh, don't worry, she sat on you wonderfully! Despite the fact that it was a little too long, the sleeves were long and the neckline was a little wide.
And.. it caused emotions. At first, a slight surprise, and later it was replaced by tenderness and quiet joy.
He definitely has a couple dozen of that image in his phone.
Baki Hanma, Kozue Motsumoto, Orochi Kastumi, Orochi Natsue, Tokugawa Mitsunari (in this case, the clothes just fit), Sikorsky (the coat was stolen), Koushou Shinogi
Oh, it's uncritical for him, trust me. He has eyes, he knew who he was meeting and immediately appreciated your size. So... Your height is just your height. He doesn't attach much importance to it. However, he will support you if you have complexes about it.
Yujiro hanma, Orochi Doppo, Kaku Kayoh, Shibukawa Goki, Ryuukou Yanagi, Spec, Kureha Shinogi
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misterbaritone · 4 months
I like that we got some interactions besides the one teased by trailer. Namely Kureha and Hanafusa being old med school mates, Kaku Kaioh having some past encounter with Metsudo(they’re both old as shit!), and Shibukawa being annoyed with Sen. it’s pretty cool!
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 2 years
Hola!! Espero que estés bien ^^
Si no te molesta, podrías hacer alguna reacción del entorno de Retsu (Los Orochi, Kaku Kaio, Baki y así) al enterase de que la esposa de este trabaja como maestra en un Orfanato? Algo así como la señorita Honey de Matilda <3
Tómate tu tiempo y espero que te guste la idea y no te resulte demasiado rara, sé que es bastante específica jiji 😅❤️
Situación: Reacción ante la esposa de Retsu que trabaja en un orfanato.
Personajes: Baki Hanma, Doppo Orochi, Kaku Kaioh, Katsumi Orochi y Natsue Orochi.
Baki Hanma.
Baki no espero que Retsu estuviese casado, digo, siempre lo vio tan entregado a su arte marcial que no creyó que tendría tiempo para buscar el amor, ya sabes.
¡Pero le place conocerte! Puede sentir esa aura amable a tu alrededor aun cuando no has abierto la boca y mentalmente está tan calmado por ello.
No se impresiona por el lugar en donde trabajas, sino por la forma tan maternal y cariñosa con la que te refieres a los niños, diciendo como esperas tanto de ellos porque conoces su potencial y el como ellos tienen un apoyo en ti. Está impresionado.
Eres una gran persona a sus ojos, mucho más admirable que centenares de peleadores que ha conocido antes.
Doppo Orochi.
Ha escuchado de ti por Retsu, quizá días antes de algún aniversario o fecha especial en donde el chino vino a él por algún consejo.
Conocerte fue el final de su evaluación mental de ti, por lo que había oído de ti eras una mujer comprometida por la seguridad y cuidado de un grupo de huérfanos, lo que ya le dejo una buena impresión, pero verlo personalmente lo refuerza.
Puede ser algo intimidante, pero es amable y un anfitrión -si estas en el dojo o en su casa- muy bueno.
Doppo cree que eres una buena persona, justo lo que Retsu se merece y viceversa.
Kaku Kaioh.
Le place conocer a la pareja que compartirá su vida con uno de los artistas marciales más competente y talentoso que ha conocido.
Admira el amor que tienes por los niños que cuidas, quizá no los engendraste, pero es seguro decir que eres una madre estupenda solo al escucharte hablar de ellos.
Puede parecer un poco intimidante por todo eso de ser el máximo exponente de las artes marciales y el modelo a seguir que cientos, pero no es tan rígido como parece, relájate un poco.
Te respeta como el cónyuge de Retsu y por la persona que eres.
Katsumi Orochi.
Le da gusto conocerte y lo demuestra, debes ser una gran persona como para estar al lado del hombre chino y un buen amigo de Retsu siempre tendrán su respeto, ¡imagina su esposa!
Admira tu capacidad para querer lo mejor para los niños que están bajo tu cuidado, siempre a creído que las personas que son capaces de amar a un niño que no han engendrado están destinadas a ser personas influyentes y buenas.
Quizá trate de avergonzar un poco a Retsu.
Muy simpático, no te tomará nada llevarte bien con él y, por consiguiente, con todos los alumnos del Shinshinkai.
Natsue Orochi.
¡Le adora! Es tan refrescante conocer a otra persona que no esté ligada a las peleas y con la que pueda platicar de cosas más cotidianas.
Será una compañía amable con la que se puede pasar el rato, le gusta como ambos coinciden, cree que ambos son tan lindos.
Los niños pequeños son su debilidad y estará dispuesta a pasar por el orfanato en el que la esposa de Retsu trabaja para llevar algunos dulces y pasteles para los niños.
En general, le agrada y cree que es una persona muy linda la quiero señora.
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Hello there Kaku Kaioh fans.
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world-of-advice · 9 months
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fangurlzrul3 · 2 years
Kaioh kaku vs Goki shibakawa, who do y'all think would win?
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doppoorochisimp · 1 year
Btw Past Luly was a coward but current Luly, heh... I would fuck Kaku. 100%. Gotta test just how durable that old man truly is.
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 years
NSFW Hcs: Shunsei Kaku, Izou Motobe, Gaia, Ali Jr, Jack Hanma, Kaioh Retsu??
I just did Jack Hanma (my first husband) and 2 regular for Gaia (y’all really like the gerber baby man). And what is with y’all and old men? I will oblige because I too indulge in old men from time to time
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Shunsei Kaku, Gaia, Muhammed Ali Jr, Izou Motobe, and Kaiou Retsu NSFW edition
Minors DNI
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Kaiou Restu (NSFW)
After he isolated you from all of your friends and basically infantilized you, he swoops in with the romance. And Retsu can be a really romantic guy
He takes things slow and sweet. He’s definitely a make love type of guy
Retsu is probably super vanilla. He also doesn’t have a whole lot of experience since he was in a temple for a big chunk of his life
Lots of kisses and sweet words. Retsu wants you to depend on him and only think of him. So he’ll always be sweet and soft with you
I feel like Retsu is a great lover and a great listener. Despite the fact he made you so dependent on him, he still treats you with respect.
Muhammed Ali Jr (SFW and NSFW)
His interest in you starts at the underground tournament. You’re probably either another fighter or a pretty face he noticed in the crowd, either way he was first attracted to your appearance. It was your fiery personality that really drew him in
He’s an obsessive man. And he’s super tenacious in his pursuit of you. He’d show up to your work with flowers. He’d probably stand outside your house with a boom box blaring some kind of sappy love song
He wouldn’t give up no matter how many times your reject him. He’s very set on being with you. He doesn’t even care if you’re already with someone (example: when he pursued Kozue). If he wants you, he’ll have you
If you do finally give in, which you eventually will. He’s actually a really romantic guy and he’s very fun to hang out with. He’s a nice guy
I’m the bedroom he’s a very giving person. He’s not much of a receiver, he prefers prioritizing your pleasure over his own
Also pretty vanilla but he may spank you from time to time. Nothing too crazy
He’s a great kisser and he’s a very attentive lover. He would be willing to try just about anything
Might enjoy wax play and anal. Eats ass
Gaia (NSFW)
This man is kinky. I didn’t make the rules. Probably ties you up with soft ropes and spanks you
He’s pretty skilled in the bedroom and definitely a soft dom. He wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you too much
Praises you a lot. Sometimes he’ll degrade you, but that’s only when Nomura shows through
Loves leaving love marks on you. He likes showing off that you’re his
Izou Motobe
He’s a pretty gloomy guy so I’d say you’re the kind convenience store worker that he buys cigarettes from. You’re always waving at him and telling him to have a good day. It starts becoming his daily routine and then he stops in twice a day just to see you. He tells himself it’s just because you’re younger and pretty but he knows it’s because he likes you
He’s pretty protective of you. There was a time he was in the store and someone tried to rob it, holding poor, little you at gun point. You’re just lucky Motobe was there to stop him from hurting you. Motobe wouldn’t ever let anyone harm a hair on your head
He’d eventually weasel his way into your life, you’d see him as a father figure at first until he makes it clear that he doesn’t see you as his child. You’ll be a little hesitant since he’s a lot older than you, but Motobe is super patient with you. You’ll eventually give into his charms
I don’t imagine you two would be getting it on too often without viagra. But he would probably be a little rough. Being with you makes him feel young again and he’ll try his best to keep up with your energy
You two mostly cuddle or kiss. People assume you’re his child when you two are out and about. People are pretty judgmental so neither of you clarify your relationship. It makes things easier that way
Motobe gets extremely jealous when a guy around your age talks to you. It’s upsetting to him because he knows you can do a lot better than an old man. Motobe needs a lot of reassurance
Would probably let you call him daddy in bed
Shunsei Kaku (SFW and NSFW)
Yikes. He’s an arrogant prick. He’s a lot more ‘humble’ after being defeated by Baki but he starts over training himself to become stronger. Shunsei wants to prove himself to his father that he can still do martial arts.
You’re the poor nurse that has to deal with his bratty behavior every time he ends up in the clinic. He throws things and screams at you but you try your best to stay professional. It’s your calm demeanor that draws him in
Shunsei finds himself constantly at the clinic where you work and no one else will take care of him but you. He was mean to you at first but he eventually looks forward to seeing you. Even though he was so mean to you, you still kept a pleasant smile on your face and took care of him. You never treated him differently than anyone else
Obsessed. He started to latch onto your kindness to a point that he would begin to hurt himself more and more so he could be taken care of by you. If you weren’t there, he’d scream at the other nurses until they brought you. Shunsei was only ever pleasant with you
He overhears the nurses telling you he probably has a crush on you but you shut them down. You tell them you could never date a patient
Shunsei makes a promise to you that he’ll stop being a patient if you’ll go out with him. You reject him softly but he still thinks he has a chance. He’ll keep swinging by the clinic everyday to see you, even without injuries
Shunsei notices his martial art training is getting better now that he has a new goal in life, to prove to you he can be your spouse
Shunsei will not leave you alone, no matter how many times you gently put him down. He’s too obsessed with you to ever let you go. Shunsei believes that you’re his and he has a right to you. You’re his nurse
Shunsei is the only character (so far) that would probably do noncon. Shunsei has no morals and he’s very selfish. He believes you are his to keep and to have. You’re his so he can do whatever he wants to you
He’s very rough and only cares about his pleasure at first. He will eventually become softer once he notices how much you cry
Shunsei would try to be better but he’s very stuck in his ways. I feel like he’d be miserable to be with. He’d expect you to always support him
He would baby trap you if you’re child bearing
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Do you know Baki? Female Yujiro Hanma Reader with Yandere Thor, Poseidon, Lu Bu and/or Shiva who is known on Earth as the ‘Strongest Woman on Earth’ and ‘The Ogress’, however, people who met her know she should actually be called ‘The Strongest Creature on Earth’ because of her savagery (The only reason she’s fighting is because Brunhilde promised her a challenge)
Reader’s has her two sons, Baki and Jack there and everyone is wondering ‘What the FUCK?!’ With the Hanma Family with their strength and appearances (No one looks related at all) who give information about their ‘Mom’ to both Human and God Fighters since they’re obviously not familiar with their mother’s abilities, power and feats
Reader’s fight with her opponent is similar to that with Ryu Kaioh (She ripped his face off) and Kaku Kaioh (Reader won but is PISSED that her opponent DIED on her before she can finally get serious and let loose) and demands a new fight since she’s not satisfied (The gods are TREMBLING because she didn’t use a Valkyrie for her fight, only her bare hands)
Reader tells her new opponent if they win she’ll become there’s, but if she wins (And she’s injured) she’s going to use them to reproduce new offspring (Reader only desires strong offspring, and if they don’t meet that then she doesn’t care about them or what happens to them)
Yujiro killed an African Elephant the size of a DINOSAUR with just his bare hands (What do you think Reader can do??)
Please check my rules to see what fandoms I'm in.
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bumblingblog-1 · 8 months
It’s such a waste that there doesn’t seem to be a moment where Shibukawa and Kaku Kaioh interacted.
Two geezers who represent the very “Weak, But Skilled” trope, and they haven’t even spoken to each other? (I’m anime only, so I don’t know what happens in the manga 😅)
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sonnyjohnson · 4 years
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Baki // 2nd Season Episode 7
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misterbaritone · 4 months
Eugenics Monster vs Steroid Monster(Raian vs Jack) was a weird one that’s for sure. Like it starts the way you’d expect with both freaks coming at each other full tilt but then Raian uses Removal(nice detail to have Kaku Kaioh explain it to the others) cause he realizes Jack is built but Jack’s counter to that is… the maxxed out state he took towards the end of his fight with Baki(props to Julius for calling that out). It’s a bit weird to call back aaaaallllll the way to that but hm. The fight drags on till Jack loses(he passed out for a bit from Raian strangling him) but the two go till near death anyway then IN COMES PICKLE WITH A FUCKING CHAIR!
Ok there wasn’t a chair but his appearance is a glorified cameo since he’s only there because he thinks Raian is infringing on his meal(Jack). The whole shindig ends with Baki putting Raian down with a kick, Ohma putting Pickle down with a kick, Baki talking down Jack and Ohma talking down Pickle. An odd, certainly not as strong as the opener but now we’re on the road to Ohma vs Baki!
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What kind of music would the top 10 strongest fighters in baki like best?
Harder question: Who are the top 10 strongest fighters in baki?
I don’t know, so I’ll be answering for top 12-ish (order is random, “strongest” characters determined by watching videos that talked about top 10 strongest chars in baki)
- Doppo: Classical japanese ballads
- Retsu: Calming meditation-type music most of time, soft rock when at home/relaxing.
- Kaku Kaioh: Death metal covers of classical songs
- Jack Hanma: Canadian rock, soft pop when he’s tired
- Unchained: Jazz and classical. If he’s sent to a different country to find someone, he listens to the more popular songs of the area.
- Baki: Got into rap/hip-hop recently, likes some classical japanese music (he likes to play the harp to accompany the songs (credit to @blackporls​ for the harp hc))
- Musashi: whatever was popular back in his time era. He likes some of the pop music he heard in the 21st centruy
- Hanayama: Pretends to like classical stuff. He doesn’t actually, he’s more of a jazz person.
- Yujiro: 21 Savage (i really don’t  know, so this is what a friend suggest after i was stuck for 3 days)
- Shibukawa: Japanese hip-hop and bollywood music
- Katsumi: Rock-n-roll and edm
- Yuchiro: would have loved death metal if it had existed back then
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snakefistss · 3 years
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fangurlzrul3 · 1 year
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doppoorochisimp · 3 years
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That one pixiv user horny for Kaku, Gouki and Yanagi
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