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sakuraswordly 5 months ago
That's how it started 馃槀
Djokovic: You're famous for your grunt!
After this like "I'll do it! Again!" 馃槀
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kloppism 2 years ago
i鈥檓 happy for karen but a medvedev and tsitsipas match would鈥檝e been huge for frenemy enjoyers (me)
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thiembweh 1 year ago
Grigor in his sexy era
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loveforalexzverev 1 year ago
馃挰 Alexander's comments to the ATP Tour for its 'Inside The Game' segment on signing autographs:
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Question 1: Whom do you prioritise?
Alexander: I try to sign everyone. But sometimes everyone is tough. So I try to sign one each, because some have 10 things that they want to get signed or pictures. You can always obviously prioritise the kids first. On the court, you also can鈥檛 get everyone because there are other matches to follow and you have to clear the court.
Seeing the excitement is great, because 20 years ago, I was that kid. When I had a signature from Federer, when I had the signature from Agassi, it was very special to me, so I know how they feel. So I'm trying really to get everyone.
Question 2: Do you have different signatures for different tasks?
Alexander: No, my signature is the same. But it is quite quick because I've done millions of signatures before, so I鈥檓 kind of practised well in that.
Question 3: How do you decide what to sign on the camera lens?
Alexander: It depends where you are. It depends what the country's issues are at the moment or what is happening in the world as well. So just a lot of times it has something to do with the place that you're at, but a lot of times it's just a signature.
Question 4: Is there anything you will not sign?
Alexander: Refuse? Not really. There probably is something, but I can't think of anything. It鈥檚 actually funny, because when Federer and I played the exhibition tour in South America, we both signed one guy's arm and he came back the next day and had a tattoo. I don't mind that, if you want to do that.
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deardol 2 years ago
Full post on the blog.
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batbricks7 2 years ago
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Longest winning streak at Australia Open馃幘
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theawesomedashing 4 years ago
Some things never change 鉂わ笍
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lollomattei 4 years ago
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atlhetica 4 years ago
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iwillcrossthestream 4 years ago
it took Rublev 52 minutes to win against Fucsovics
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seriouspersonalities 4 years ago
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Why so serious, Rafael Nadal? 馃幁 What a match between Nadal and Tsitsipas! Have you seen it? Follow me for more serious personalities馃槧馃懡 #whySoSerious #seriousPersonalities #caricature #cartoon #australianOpen #rafaelNadal #tennis #novakDjokovic #atp #nadalNews #tennisClub #usOpen #tennisUsOpen #liveTennis #tennisShoes #atpTennis #atpTennis #tennisPlayer #tennisCourt #worldTennis #tennisScores #stefanosTsitsipas #djokovic #federer #rogerFederer #djokovic #novak (hier: Melbourne & Olympics Parks) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLa6AMLh_dI/?igshid=1h7dbqtdvyjgq
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sakuraswordly 5 months ago
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straightlytennis 6 years ago
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loveforalexzverev 1 month ago
馃帳 R3 on-court interview after Sascha's win over Fearnley:
Interviewer: Sascha, another day, I think the PA is not working yet, but we are live on TV, don't worry. Another day, and another very impressive straight-sets victory, but Jacob put up a heck of a fight in set two and three. What are your thoughts on the match today?
Sascha: No, I think he's an incredible player. He went through all the stages, you know? He went to college, he went through Futures, Challengers, now he's on the big tour playing third rounds of Grand Slams. So I have massive respect for him, massive respect for the effort that he put into this sport. And he's gonna get better, I think, over the next few years still.
Interviewer: Well, he's not the only one who's making a massive effort because you're changing so much. You improved your serve, your forehand, now I see your return stance, you're lower, you're moving in, you changed [your] racquet. What haven't you changed?
Sascha: My hair. (Sascha smiles, the crowd laughs) Listen, I'm just that happy I've still got hair, looking at my father over there in the corner. So as long as I can keep this haircut, it's all good. You know, I think I look good, so I feel good on the court, you know that saying, and all of that. So it's all good so far. (Smiles)
Interviewer: People agree, people agree with you. Can you just talk us through your material today? Because you did change racquets a few times, you played at night your first two matches, what was going through your head when you were changing your racquets?
(Someone in the crowd shouts, "take your shirt off!", Sascha laughs)
Interviewer: Okay, that took a weird turn.
Sascha: After I win the tournament, I promise. No, I'm kidding. (Laughs) *If* I win the tournament. No, what was your question? I got distracted.
Interviewer: People are asking for you to take your shirt off. It was not me, it was the audience. I actually very professionally just wanted to know why you changed racquets so frequently today.
Sascha: No, it was- (the same people call out again, Sascha laughs). No, please, let me finish the interview. Please, I'm begging you, I can't focus. (Laughs) No, it's very windy today, so... it doesn't matter, who cares about my racquet. (The crowd laughs)
Interviewer: Congratulations, you broke Sascha Zverev. Alexander Zverev, into the round of the last sixteen.
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thiembweh 2 years ago
Why andrey always have a coke in his hand
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batbricks7 2 years ago
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Unstoppable Novak Djokovic 馃檶馃徎
Can he lift his 10th Australia Open title?
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