#atonings 001
sinsunyielding · 28 days
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀One⠀more⠀SIN⠀to⠀atone⠀for .
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❝⠀Vincent Valentine.⠀❞ — The Crimson Gunslinger.
An independent Roleplay Blog for Final Fantasy VII. Canon Divergent. Remake Trilogy Canon. MVRP & OC friendly. 18+ MDNI. Selective Multi-Ship.
Loved by Riven ( She / They, 25+ ).
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Rules⠀⠀⠀|⠀⠀⠀Writer⠀⠀⠀|⠀⠀⠀Starter Calls
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Important Credits;;
PSD Source⠀⠀⠀|⠀⠀⠀Dividers ( 001 , 002 )
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datadoggieein · 2 months
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Greyscale Pallit
Fanart for Dafydd Utica Foolfellow's Proposal for SCP-001. This is sort of an alternative "good" version of her.
I thought it would be either a copy with a somewhat inverted personality (who would referred to as the original Pallit's sister), or Pallit after she was deposed as a goddess, is significantly more mature, is remorseful for what she did to her universe, but also realizes there's no conceivable way she can atone.
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my-shiny-pokemon · 2 years
001-003 - Bulbasaur Line
Welcome to My Shiny Pokemon, the series of Pokemon recolours where I try to atone for the sins of my youth. Since this is this blog's first post I figure I'll go through some of the format stuff.
Hmm, I'm thinking... My recolour on the left, and the original shiny on the right. And then if you press 'keep reading' I'll show you the old sprites and roast the absolute heck out of them. Unless I think they're good, in which case I'll say something like "yeah this was a good idea."
I've just realised I have to scale up every shiny sprite goddamnit
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Old Sprites
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Hopefully you can already see what I mean by "atoning the sins of my youth." I'm not going to say these are the worst shinies I made, because they aren't. It gets worse. You can probably see some of the flaws with my old work. Bulbasaur had a bad upscaling job and odd colour choices. Venusaur changes the sprite beyond colouration. All three of them have the flaw where the shades just don't change hue. At all. It's subtle, perhaps I'll make a more detailed write up about the importance of that and how it can enhance a sprite, but it's late and this post is getting long so I'll leave that until later.
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freespottiemusik · 9 months
Freespottie - atone 001 (MPC1000)
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agnol117 · 1 year
001 Proposals, Part III
djkaktus’s Proposal - Ouroboros
Part One: The Children
By rights, I should probably hate this one. It’s a big scary thing, after all. But my god, this one is great.
This probably isn’t a shock to anyone who’s read this far, but I much prefer when there’s actual supplemental material to when there’s just a dry list of containment protocols and then a description of the item. That’s a good start, but I feel like the narrative (the tests, the recovery logs, all that fun stuff) is what really makes it come alive. And my god does this one deliver. It’s a fantastically told story. The idea of nine kids turned into a weapon really works for me. It’s just the right amount of amorality, because it explores another favorite trope of mine: you’ve got these things sitting around, why not use them? So they do, and predictably, the person using it goes a bit mad with power. Fantastic. Chef’s kiss. I love it.
Part Two: The Broken God
Once again, we have a big scary thing done in a way that I actually like. Hats off to the writers of this one for that (I still think I’d prefer SCP-001 to just be a random “first” item found, though). 
The Broken God is a fascinating concept. It manages to hit both my love of man-made skips and love of skips that are just sort of there mysteriously with no readily apparent origin. I also just like the idea of mechanical abominations, honestly. And the idea of attempting to put it back together is great. Combined with some good old fashioned lore connections to other SCPs, and you’ve got a proposal I genuinely enjoyed.
Part Three: Atonement
Meh. I don’t have a lot of thoughts on this one. It’s a person who worked for the foundation and hated SCPs, then got turned into one with the power to destroy them all, and talked the 05s into letting it do it. Or begin to do it, anyway. It’s not quite a big scary thing, though it comes close, but beyond that it just feels too…I dunno, human? It wants to destroy all the SCPs and everyone who’s ever interacted with them, probably in a sort of revenge for the fact that when it was human, his daughter was killed by an SCP. It’s well written, but it’s tonally weird.
Part Four: The Way It Ends
This one is a doozy, and will probably get its own, whole post at some point in the future. There’s just so much here, and a brief entry like this cannot do it justice. Watch for a follow up.
Kate McTiriss’s Proposal - A Record
I like this one more than I thought I would, actually. It inverts the big scary thing problem I dislike in 001 proposals so much. Sure, it’s still a big scary thing, but it’s a big scary thing that’s ultimately benevolent and wants to help the foundation. That’s a definite plus. Also, despite being meta, it’s not nearly as obnoxious about it as the Database.
Kalinin’s Proposal - Past and Future
Just straight up did not like this one. Big scary thing from outer space, wants to destroy humanity. Neat.
I’m also gonna take this opportunity to say that while I don’t mind reading tales and/or supplemental reports, when the front proposal page contains no real info but instead links to several other pages, my interest drops kinda quickly.
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ichorbane · 4 years
This was all... delightfully unfamiliar. Hawke couldn’t decide whether it was a blessing or a curse to wake up somewhere that wasn’t the crumbling aftermath of what once was Kirkwall. Not as if it ever stopped being Kirkwall after the beginning of the mage rebellion. It’s just a bit more... Tense? Stabby? Unwelcoming could definitely be a word to describe it, but it’s not as if I would ever have considered it welcoming in the first place, he thinks as he warily walks down the street, ready to reach for his staff at the moment’s notice. Those chains, the statues, the history, all just screamed “turn back, you don’t want to be here!”.  It wouldn’t have been Hawke’s first choice of residency if things were different, that was for certain. 
In all honesty, the last few weeks he had been busying himself with whatever mischief he could get into to avoid being in the city; first Chateau Haine, and then the thing with those Grey Wardens and the darkspawn, Corypheus.-- It always had to be darkspawn, didn’t it, as if the Maker decided he hadn’t had his fill of them during the blight.-- He thought the distraction would help, keep him from scratching that itch of packing his belongings and fleeing in the middle of the night without a word. Like his friends were doing. Sort of. They at least had the consideration to tell him “bye”. But this... Well, it wasn’t planned. It wasn’t like getting shit-faced in Lothering and somehow waking up in the middle of Crestwood in your smallclothes (something he may have done before), it was more like falling asleep and getting stuck in a dream, but with less demons. And he knew it wasn’t a dream because he could just tell. Hawke wouldn’t be able to explain the certainty any better. It wasn’t Ferelden. Nor the Free Marches, nor Orlais, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t Tevinter, despite the weird but not evil enough technology. He might as well put a gigantic X across his whole mental map of Thedas, he thinks, because he’s pretty sure Radial Island isn’t on that map and it’s not a place he’s heard of ever.  The glimmer of light on armor catches his eye and Hawke is forced to second-guess himself. He would recognize that armor anywhere. There’s a certain feeling in his throat that drops into his stomach like a stone the moment he realizes this particular Warden is not someone he knows. Ah, well. Hopefully he’s good company. ❝ Should I be concerned that I’m seeing a Grey Warden in broad daylight? ❞ Hawke asks, crossing his arms. ❝ Because the only time I ever see you lot is when I’m either neck-deep in darkspawn or when something terrible is happening somewhere uncomfortably nearby. Usually both. ❞ But hopefully neither of those things, yes?
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sorceressofsass · 5 years
This whole city is incomprehensible beyond measure. The Fade was its own kind of different, with spirits trying to confuse you and twist your thoughts, the landscape strange enough in its own right, but even it made mild sense to her. This place was just giving her a headache. The lights, the sounds, the very strangeness of it all, it made her head reel. Golden ward, where she’d been unceremoniously dropped off and told she lived there, was the most surreal place. So she ventured out, Shadow at her side, to the other areas, if only to have something to do that wasn’t going in circles in her mind.
Upon arriving here, Hawke had made the assumption that she would never see a familiar face ever again in her life (if this was life). So halfway across Cotes Ward, heading toward a giant tree, she came to a dead stop when she saw a very familiar face: Loghain.
There were minor differences to him, things she didn’t quite notice as she hurried toward him in relief. Shadow could smell a difference on him but followed all the same, barking as he did so.
“Loghain! Maker, I never thought I’d see anyone ever again. I—” The sudden relief of seeing anything vaguely familiar almost made her want to cry, but she held it back. “It’s so good to see you.” 
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shiny-teeth · 3 years
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“A way out.”
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seithrveined · 4 years
     // @atonings​  |  S.H.O.R.E.
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          “These damn overgrown lizards... Sheesh-- Never thought they’d be this much of a pain in the ass to deal with.“ Foss Isle has been nothing if not a never ending series of surprises. Dinosaurs, or at least the knowledge and bones of dinosaurs, managed to stick around after the Dark War. There were even a few museums that still showcased what few bones remained. Ragna had only ever seen a few sets in his life, so he didn’t really know what to expect from the genuine articles... And so far? Really wishing for them to turn back into bones by now.
     Ragna had just finished taking out a massive four-legged dino, this one having a bunch of sharp horns growing from its face. Guess it was good timing, since it was about time to eat. Since he had no way of finding out what plant life here was safe or not, Ragna figured it’d be best to stick to dino meat. The tail had been cut off first, the scales picked off and the meat now cooking over a fire. Hopefully it’ll turn out okay... This tail is definitely big enough for two. And with a new arrival about to show up soon, that’s gonna come in handy.
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contrariian-archive · 6 years
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       ‘  teyrn  loghain ?  ’   her  voice  is  quiet ,  uncertain ;   they  have  not  been  on  the  road  long  and  she  is  still  a  little  uneasy  around  the  older  man .   he’s  always  intimidated  her  ( though  that  never  stopped  her  from  idolizing  him  as  a  child )  and  the  events  leading  up  to  the  landsmeet  only  furthered  that  intimidation .  she  may  have  beaten  him  in  their  duel   —  an  outcome  which  surprised  her  most  of  all   —   but  he  is  still  the  hero  of  river  dane ,  and  she  is  merely  bryce  cousland’s  youngest .   a  little  more  scarred  and  a  little  older ,  maybe ,  but  she  still  feels  like  a  young  girl .
       ‘  i  am  sorry  if  our  companions  have  not  been  very ...  WELCOMING .   change  is  hard ,  as  i  am  sure  you  know ,  and  the  way  alistair  left  hurt  many  of  us .  ’    herself  in  particular ,  though  she’ll  not  admit  that .
@atonings liked for a starter (accepting)
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soutarasyl · 6 years
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         ‘   LOGHAIN   —  ’      the  warden  can’t  help  the  smile  that  breaks  across  her  face  at  the  sight  of  him ,  and  were  it  not  for  the  various  eyes  watching  adriana’s  every  move ,  she  would  run  to  him .      ‘   maker ,  i’ve  MISSED  you .   how  have  you  been ?   ’
for @atonings
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firehrt · 5 years
          THE   weight is off. 
          Aelin purses her lips before letting out a terse exhale through her nose; she’ll get her hands on proper hunting knives even if she has to jump down that massive, bottomless pit to do it. In the meantime, she remains vigilant --- Terrasen’s heir wouldn’t be lulled into any remote sense of false security. This place has proven on more than one occasion that its tranquility could change on the flip of a gold coin, and she’ll be as ready as she ever is. Even if the weight was off, Aelin knew she’d sharpened them correctly --- and if she put the right force behind her throws... 
          She grins smugly as velocity runs its course, her whittled ‘daggers’ embedding themselves in the practice target effortlessly; the shards of what she’d deemed ‘useless’ apartment decor catch the light, still tied taut to the thinned wood. Two perfect hits, one exhale; she’s not as rusty as she’d previously thought. 
                ❝   Now, if I could just fix the weight... Or better yet, get some passable steel.   ❞
@atonings  //  STARTER CALL.
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anguishsin-moved · 6 years
            “   i   had   a   family   once…   ”   he   broods   while   taking   small   drinks   from   his   mug.   not   at   all   focusing   on   the   people   around   him.   lost   in   his   own   thoughts,   yet   observant   of   the   voices   around   him.  
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             “   it   was   a   long   time   ago…   yet,   i   can   still   see   their   faces   as   if   they   were   here   yesterday.   ”      takes   another   drink   from   the   mug—this   one   lasting   a   whole   lot   longer,   “   i’m   sorry—   i’m   sure   you   didn’t   come   out   to   listen   to   a   sorry   man’s   tale.   ”
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lystsyn-blog · 6 years
she sees something that catches her interest that day, while making her routine route down cotes from the bookstore, bags in hand -- barely filled, as always, because it’s rare to find something she actually likes on the shelves.
it takes a bit of running to catch up with him, though --
“ pardon me, sir, would you --? ”
-- but that blade is excellently crafted; she can tell, just at a glance, and that’s entirely more interesting than any romance novel (of only decent quality.)
vira’s smile is gentle, subdued, as she angels her chin upwards to look at him; but her eyes gleam with barely-contained fascination. it’s been so long since she’s laid eyes on a good blade beyond her own -- to be honest, she’d quite forgotten the hobby until now.
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“ perhaps this seems an odd request, but... may i take a look at your sword, there? i rarely see anything like it. ”
( excluding, of course, the ruby-red weapon hanging from her hip. )
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ivorytouched · 6 years
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rosierin · 3 years
Who survives? ○△□
=> Haikyuu edition
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fandoms; haikyuu x squid game
warnings; violence, blood, mentions of puke, swearing, borderline panic attacks, death, PTSD, trauma
includes; many many many
a/n; aaaah tysm to those who liked/commented and/or reblogged part one! i really enjoyed reading your reactions and its so fun writing this series so im glad many of you like it! on that note, if you liked this part too, don't hesitate to do the same, i put a lotta work into these and it really means a lot!
<= previous, red light, green light
=> next, the purge
For the sake of this AU I'm pretending that the characters know nobody except those within their respective volleyball team.
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Player 001 (Daichi), eliminated.
His shape of choice; □
His voice is no longer as stern as it used to be, the weight of having lost not one, but three of his friends making him only half the man he used to be. He's a failure. A pathetic excuse for a leader with gaps in his abilities that he couldn't possibly hope to atone for. Especially in a game like this where all he can do is cheer them on uselessly, his voice shaking like the needle pinched tightly between his fingers. He's sweating profusely at the prospect of not only losing, but letting his teammates down twice in a row, but he's trying his darnest. Halfway into the game and he seems to be doing fine, his shape just a few more strokes from being carved out. He's elated to put it simply, glancing at his friends work to make sure they're doing fine.
Then it happens— a crack, and Daichi's heart drops to his stomach.
Player 002 (Suga), passed.
His shape of choice; □
Took the same path as Daichi, refusing to leave his side. They're both deeply scarred from the first game and sticking together is there only hope of staying sane. They're just thankful that they at least have each other. What Suga isn't thankful for, is the game that gives them zero opportunities to work together. It's an entirely solo game and it pains Suga that all he can do is hope the others make it through.
It's halfway down the clock when Suga decides to check on his friends, surprised when his underclassmen are already handing in their work. First it's the freak duo, then the girls, then Tsukishima and Yamaguchi until him and Daichi are the only one's on their former team left.
Luckily, Suga is almost done himself.
"You doing alright there, Cap?" He says lightheartedly, hoping the mention of his former title would lighten the mood. He glances at Daichi who offers a tiny smile in return.
"I'm already finished. Just waiting for you."
"Oh, really? You beat me to it?" Suga feigns a pout. Then, with a few more careful strokes, he eases the square-shaped snack from its mold. "Aha! I got it!" He beams, holding the honeycomb up to the light.
"Congrats," Daichi says. But he doesn't remove his hands from his tin. This doesn't go unnoticed by his friend.
"Well? Lemme see yours!" Suga prompts, but the moment Daichi lifts his hands from his honeycomb, Suga vehemently wishes he'd never asked.
"It's broken," he says plainly, eyes fixed on the cracked honeycomb. His heart is beating erratically in his ribcage and his head unwillingly begins to shake in a 'no' gesture at the realisation of what comes next. "Y-You can't show it to them. You can't or they'll—"
But it's already too late. Without a moment's haste, one of the henchmen walks up to Daichi at an eerily casual pace, his gun poised at his forehead.
"I'm sorry, Suga," he says, and for the first time, his facade is no longer upheld. In its place lies Daichi in his rawest form, all his supressed emotions spilling shamelessly down his cheeks in the form of relentless tears. At the sight, Sugawara can't help but do the same. "Please, help the others. You can all make it out alive, I trust you."
Daichi offers one last smile before the henchman pulls the trigger.
Suga doubles over, unable to stop from screaming.
Player 003 (Asahi).
Player 007 (Kiyoko), passed.
Her shape of choice; ⭐
Her heart is broken in regards to her friends untimely deaths. Not only was their passing— no, murder undisputably barbabic, but more importantly it just wasn't fair. Because what had the gentle giant, Asahi done to deserve this? Or the ever chipper Nishinoya? Or the sweet and lovely Tanaka... The memories of her friends ail her, but it gives her all the more reason to protect those who are still around. This is what she shall focus on, and this is what will motivate her to do her best and not give up. She wipes her tears away with the back of her hand and puts on her brave face, for what more could she possibly do to inspire her teammates?
Player 004 (Nishinoya).
Player 005 (Tanaka).
Player 006 (Yachi), passed.
Her shape of choice; ⭐
Immediately bursts into tears the second the rules were announced. This is it, she thought. This is where she dies; miserably while trying to carve out a star-shaped piece of toffee. Of course, Kiyoko notices her panicking in a heartbeat and offers her kind words of reassurance, saying so long as she proceeds carefully, then there's no reason for her to fail. Yachi tries her best to listen but her anxiety is still sky high. She starts off extremely slowly but eventually falls into a rhythm, her confidence slowly but surely coming back while Kiyoko makes light conversation with her in hopes of taking her mind off things. She reminds Yachi that it's just like holding a pencil and drifting it across a sheet of paper, and just like in design, she executes her work beautifully.
Player 011 (Tsukishima), passed.
His shape of choice; ⭐
It's crazy, really. Insane even. But despite the circumstances he's in, Tsukishima doesn't feel an ounce of fear. Is he completely out of his mind? Maybe. But to him, why bother fussing over matters that are totally out of his control? It's not like you need any particular skill to complete this game— sure, you'll need a steady hand or whatever, but whether or not the honeycomb breaks is totally out of your control. So, why worry? If you succeed, you succeed, if you don't, you don't. Is it how it is, or rather, it's just how the cookie crumbles, as they say.
How ironic.
Player 012 (Yamaguchi), passed.
His shape of choice; ⭐
It's pretty on brand for Yamaguchi, but he and Tsukishima are joint at the hip. Wherever Tsukki goes, Yamaguchi has decided to follow, and vice versa. However, he does start to regret his decision when he's presented with a star-shaped honeycomb and is ordered to carve it out, 'less you rather take a bullet to the head. He's as pale as a sheet and shaking like a leaf. He feels like he wants to vomit but contains the urge when his friend places his hand on his shoulder, telling him to stay calm. Easier said than done, Yamaguchi thinks. But rather than giving him a pep talk about not giving up, Tsukishima decides to simply demonstrate instead. Yamaguchi is in awe at how calm Tsukishima is able to stay and watches with utmost attention as the blonde begins scratching away at the sides of their self-assigned shape. Finally, after watching his friend work for a few more seconds, Yamaguchi decides to try it for himself and takes a couple deep breaths. Then, he's off to work.
Player 009 (Kageyama), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
Chose the circle because it reminded him of a volleyball and was relieved once the rules were announced. Kageyama's good with his hands ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and he's able to measure the strength he puts into them very well, so he breezes through this game without even breaking a sweat. When he reveals his perfectly carved shape to the henchmen, he flashes Hinata a challenging smirk, only to huff when the former middle blocker sends one right back.
Player 010 (Hinata), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
Chose the circle for the same reasons as Kageyama. He's nowhere near as dextrous as him but is really careful about his technique, dragging the needle in small, precise strokes until the the honeycomb's carved out into a nice and clean shape. He finishes it a few seconds after Kageyama and beams at him when the henchmen approve his work.
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Aoba Johsai;
Player 008 (Oikawa), passed.
His shape of choice; 🔺
He's grieving beyond compare. Once the team had made it back to the lobby after the first game, Oikawa's first reflexe was to do a headcount, concerned when three people appeared to be missing. He turned to Iwaizumi, asking where Hanamaki, Matsukawa and Kindaichi were, but one look at his former vice captain's desolate face and Oikawa had his answer. His first reaction was denial, urging Iwaizumi to stop fooling around and tell him where they were, and this went on until Iwaizumi had to physically stop him before he would completely break down.
Ever since then, Oikawa's been eerily silent, merely responding in nods and hums. On the inside however, is a different story. He's a blazing inferno, an insatiable desire of revenge brewing stronger by the hour. He'll make sure to win this game, not for the money, not for him, but for those precious to him lost along the way, and make those who took them away from him, pay.
Player 013 (Iwaizumi), passed.
His shape of choice; 🔺
Feels the hairs rise on his body anytime his eyes land on Oikawa. He's never seen him so depressed, so quiet, so... Empty. It's like Oikawa isn't even there, as though he's nothing but a blank copy of himself. It drives Iwaizumi mad. He'd do anything to hear that whiny, high-pitched voice of his again, see that conniving grin on his face again, or the child-like wonder of his now dull and hollow-looking irises. Losing Hanamaki, Matsukawa and Kindaichi is one thing, and a fucking cruel one at that. But Iwaizumi doesn't know if he can afford losing his best friend, too.
To distract himself, he regularly goes to check up on his juniors, namely Kunimi, fearing the loss of his best friend would have put him in the same state of mind as Oikawa. Thank goodness he seems to be doing better than him, though knowing Kunimi it may simply be a front he's decided to put up to avoid appearing vulnerable. Iwaizumi can understand that mind set too, and commends him for it. However, Iwa still regularly asks him if he's okay, if he needs anything, someone to talk to. But whether that's for Kunimi's sake, or for Iwa's own comfort and distraction, even he doesn't know.
Player 014 (Matsukawa).
Player 015 (Hanakami).
Player 016 (Kunimi), passed.
His shape of choice; 🔺
Decides to stick close to his upperclassmen for this game since the enigmatic doors give him little to go off of. It's definitely a strange turn of events, having no captain to direct them in the right direction. Luckily, his vice captain seems to be holding the reigns, keeping everyone together, and although Kunimi doesn't say it aloud, he's thankful for his upperclassman's support.
He does hope his captain will return to them soon however— he doesn't know how long he can listen to the latter's sobs come night-time, or think about the loss of his friend before he eventually gives in himself.
Player 017 (Kindaichi).
Player 018 (Watari), eliminated.
His shape of choice; ⭐
Safe to say that the first round had shaken him up the most. He's still constantly thinking about the people he's lost, or how it's just a matter of time until his untimely death comes as well. And in his mind, it's pretty much set in stone the moment he finds out what this game ensues. He laughs a pitiful laugh at the realisation of the mistake he's just made, eyes glued on the star between his hands. It's like the thing's mocking him, and when he's the only one from his team left on the playground and a piece of his wafer breaks, he barely even has time to react— the bullet's already pierced his brain.
Player 019 (Kyoutani), passed.
His shape of choice; □
One would think the loss of his friends, added to his natural hot-blooded persona, that Kyoutani would fly into a fit of rage, become inpatient and flunk the second game. However, it's quite the opposite; if anything the loss of his teammates was a major eye-opener, a reminder that impulsiveness will cause nothing but his own demise. Not that the fire inside him still isn't burning. No— it's as ardent as ever, but it's tame, controlled and fuels him to move forward, pulling him through to the next round.
Player 020 (Yahaba), passed.
His shape of choice; □
He's gritting his teeth the entire game, repeating a mantra of "don't mess up, don't mess up, don't mess up" in his head, sometimes muttering it out loud. He can't afford to lose, Iwaizumi's always preached about how the the strongest team of players win, yet they've already lost three people— they can't lose anymore if they want to beat the other players and all make it out alive. How? Yahaba doesn't know for a batte royale hardly ever accepts more than one winner, but it's worth a shot. All he needs to do first, is make it past this second round.
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Player 021 (Kuroo), passed.
His shape of choice; □
Thinks it's best that his friends be divided into groups but seeing as they're an uneven number, Kuroo volunteers to go alone and they make a terrible group decision of leaving the triangle out. To put it simply, the amount of grief he feels once the rules were announced is unmeasurable. He apologises to Kai and Inuoka over and over again, his voice sullen and a hair away from breaking. Kai assures him that it's gonna be alright and that he and Inuoka will just take it easy so that they both make it through to the next game. Kuroo has the misfortune of believing them and once he exits the arena, he can't help the nagging voice in the back of his mind, telling him he's made a grave mistake.
Player 022 (Kai), eliminated.
His shape of choice; ☂️
Can only offer a tight-lipped smile as his friend apologises profusely. He wants to forgive him, he really does— and he knows it's not his fault, but now he wishes he'd never listened to him to begin with. He sits with Inuoka as both of them begin precariously carving out their shape but deep down Kai already knows he's lost. He sees his friends exit the playground one by one until only Inuoka and him remain and the pressures on now that only a few minutes remain on the clock. He tells himself to calm down so that he can see this through, but he can fool himself into being as optimistic as he can, it's still just not enough. No amount of hope and determination will get him out of this one, and the broken umbrella handle that stares back at him only serves as a painful reminder.
A guard walks up to him, Kai braces himself.
He did the best he could.
Player 023 (Kenma), passed.
His shape of choice; ⭐
Kenma has extremely steady hands, if not the steadiest hands on his team so he doesn't feel all that stressed about this round. At least not for himself, because although he's confident that he'll ace the game, he has serious doubts about Kai and Inuoka. Anytime he'd glance at them he swore he could feel his chest ache. He sees just how panicked they are, can sense the fear coming off them as they hastily try and carve their shape out. He finishes his work quicker than most— he just wish he could say the same about his two friends.
Player 024 (Yaku), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
Looks up to the sky as though thanking the heavens for being blessed with a relatively simple shape. Then he looks over at Kai and Inuoka and suddenly he feels a wave of guilt wash over him. He doesn't know what to do, or what to say to comfort them. After all, it's hard to do so with the constant presence of death looming over their heads. He squeezes his friends shoulders in a small attempt of reassurance before making his way over to Lev. He wishes there were some way he could help them but alas, he knows those thoughts are futile. He holds back the urge to cry.
Player 025 (Yamamoto), passed.
His shape of choice; ⭐
When he's paired up with Kenma he feels a shameful amount of relief at the prospect of having the team's mastermind on his side. Only, he doesn't seem to be much help here. It's a one-man-only game so all he can do is depend on himself. He looks at the shape like he's challenging it personally, unafraid and determined to ace this round. When he does, he can't help but feel surprised, surprised that he even managed to carve out the treacherous shape and heaves a sigh of relief, beaming as he exits the room.
Player 026 (Lev), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
Is honestly thankful that he got paired with Yaku, because as much as he used to scare him, in these conditions he finds his strong will and perseverance extremely comforting. They sit together and although they don't speak, save for the occasional moments in which Yaku would ask if Lev was doing okay, the silence around them is comforting. Lev would flinch any time a gunshot went off, but Yaku was quick to distract him, telling Lev to focus on the task at hand, rather than fretting over the unlucky souls who wouldn't make it through to the next round. "You're not gonna be one of them," Yaku kept saying. And every time Lev would reply "you won't be either."
Player 027 (Inuoka), eliminated.
His shape of choice; ☂️
He forgives his captain for the unfortunate decision. After all, it's not as if Kuroo had specifically appointed him the umbrella. He smiles and tells him that he's gonna be okay, that it's no biggie— but it really is. In fact, he's lying through his teeth. Not only is it bad, it's a death sentence.
He's down to a one minute countdown when yet another bullet rings about the arena, reminding him that if he doesn't hurry up, he could be next. What he doesn't expect is to see his upperclassman falling limply to the floor, blood gushing from his head. Inuoka panics, a scream caught in his throat but unable to escape his lungs as he watches the life disappear from his friends eyes.
He doesn't even register that he'd knocked over his own honeycomb until one of the henchmen points his gun at him. This time, Inuoka does scream, before his body falls beside his teammates.
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Player 028 (Bokuto), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
He can't even process the emotion he's feeling when the voice on the intercom announces the rules. He should be relieved that his shape is relatively simple, yet as he stares down at the circle moulded into his honeycomb, all he feels is emptiness. Perhaps if Akaashi were here, then he'd be able to smile and brag about how his instincts are on point for choosing the right shape. But as for right now, he doesn't even know if he feels like carving it out at all.
"I swear I didn't do anything! This man just took it from me and now he won't give it back! That's cheating!"
Bokuto looks up when the sound of yelling and footsteps approach him, only for his eyes to widen at the pink men flexing their guns at him. Had he done something wrong?
"Player 028, hand player 044 his Dalgona or you will be eliminated."
Reality comes and slaps him in the face at the realisation that someone must have framed him. He weakly shakes his head, but just as he opens his mouth to plead his case, a gun is firmly placed against his forehead, cold and threatening.
He gives the man his honeycomb. The man gives him his.
Bokuto's heart stops.
Player 029 (Akaashi).
Player 030 (Konoha).
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Player 031 (Ushijima), eliminated.
His shape of choice; ○
He stares blankly at the sugary wafer, the nerves welling up inside him. On top of being left-handed, Ushijima's never had very steady hands. He takes in a deep breath as he starts to slowly carve around the shape, channelling every nerve in his body so that his hands don't shake. He doesn't even realize how fast time's flying by until he sees Tendou walk out the door, followed by Goshiki, then Shirabu, then Semi and suddenly he wishes he was them.
In his own haste to join them, Ushijima barely registers how hard he's pressing into the wafer, and only does he realize when;
He looks down at the honeycomb and his eyes widen with horror. A tiny piece of the wafer has crumpled apart, and so does Ushijima's spirit.
His lips press into a thin line when his vision is obscured by a shadow. He dare'nt look up, knowing fully well that death looms over him, his overwhelming presence causing tears to form in Ushijima's eyes.
This is it, he thinks. Game over.
Player 032 (Tendou), passed.
His shape of choice; 🔺
Chose the shape souly by intuition. And he lets out an unabashed shriek of delight when the lady on the intercom announces the rules. He's grinning the entire way through the game, scratching his way to victory, throwing two peace signs up as he walks out the door.
Player 033 (Goshiki), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
Chose whatever shape Ushijima chose. He just wanted to feel a little safer, knowing his most admired upperclassman was with him. What he didn't expect, however, was to be finish before him. He debates not showing the henchmen his carved-out shape just so he can wait for his senpai, but when they march over to him, demanding to see his honeycomb, he's forced to leave the playground. And so he does, albeit with a heavy heart, telling himself that, no matter what, his idol will pull through.
Player 034 (Shirabu), passed.
His shape of choice; □
Wasn't honestly all that fazed by this game. He found it significantly easier than the first, seeing as you didn't need to rely on your physical abilities, nor did you have to worry about spacial awareness. For this game it was just you, a needle and a cookie. Not to mention a shape that wasn't all that hard to carve out. He sends the henchmen a condescending sneer as he presents them his shape, scoffing as he pushes past them.
You haven't seen the last of me yet, he thinks. Better luck next time.
Player 035 (Semi), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
Chose the opposite shape from Shirabu's but cringes once the rules have been announced. His is way easier to deal with, he notes.
Shaking his head, he decides not to get too caught up with the details. He's got a task at hand and there's no use in moping about it now. Running his tongue across his lips, Semi sets a careful but sufficiently fast pace, finishing barely a few seconds after Shirabu.
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Player 036 (Kita), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
He made it through before the rest of his team, meticulous hands working swiftly and efficiently, but as he walks towards the exit he feels a spike of anxiety rise in his chest. He's not quite sure what may be the cause but he asks the henchmen if he can wait until the rest of his friends have finished. When he gets no reply, he frowns and looks over his shoulder. He can see the pain and worry in Aran eyes, the sheer concentration in the twins and the determination in Suna's but all he can think about is the nagging feeling in his chest, one that's insisting that he stay behind.
Silently, he wishes them good luck.
As he's escorted into the lobby, he sits down on the bed. Now, all he can do is pray.
Player 037 (Aran), eliminated.
His shape of choice; ☂️
He inhales sharply when Kita walks out the door, a strong sense of loneliness making him shake more than before. Pull yourself together, Aran, he tells himself. But how could he possibly do so? How could he possibly remain calm when he had the misfortune of picking out the trickiest shape in the game?
He's midway through carving out the thin curve of the umbrella when it snaps and it's like his whole world just crumbles. He shakes his head, disbelief and fear blurring his vision. He looks up at the henchman, pleading pathetically, grovelling at his feet but it all goes unnoticed. Aran gets shot, an apology dying weakly on his tongue.
Player 038 (Atsumu) & Player 039 (Osamu), passed.
Their shape of choice; ⭐
Osamu told Atsumu to look away the second the man in pink cocked his gun at their former teammate.
The sound echoes eerily through the playground and Atsumu's state of mind deteriorates the longer they press on.
"T-They s-shot Aran... They shot him... Aran, they," the words die on his tongue as Atsumu struggles to form a coherent sentence. It's clear he's freaking out, so Osamu grabs his brothers wrists before any damage can be made, holding them in place, away from the honeycomb.
"Put yer tin down if yer gonna freak out. You'll break it." Lowering his hands, Osamu holds them firmly, a way of grounding his brother who looks two hairs away from a heart attack.
"But 'Samu they—"
"Look at the clock." Tearing his gaze from Aran's dead body, Atsumu does as his brother says, noticing the timer that reveals only a 2 minute countdown. "We don't have long left so ya need to focus. Ya promise me you'll focus?"
Atsumu takes in a sharp breath as he holds Osamu's unwavering gaze, sensing the care, but also the deep desperation painted on his features.
He nods feebly, and Osamu can stop pretending that he too isn't shaking as he lets go of his twin's hands.
"Good. Last one to finish is a rotten onigiri."
Player 040 (Suna), passed.
His shape of choice; □
He doesn't say it out loud, but he's eternally thankful for the twins company. It's a reminder of sorts that he's not alone in this mess, like charms that somehow keep him in touch with home. Their usual banter is what helps him remain level-headed, even though the sight of his friends corpse makes him want to puke.
He tries to keep his eyes trained on the task at hand, deft hands pulling him successfully through to the next round.
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Date Tech;
Player 041 (Aone), passed.
His shape of choice; ⭐
When Aone plays this game, he's in full concentration mode. The instant he settles down to start carving out the shape, it's like he's in his own personal bubble and all of a sudden he can't see anyone else, he can't hear anyone else— it's just him and the sugary wafer. He's surprisingly delicate despite his big and strong hands and manages to pass the game by keeping it very very slow, finishing just a few seconds before the timer runs out.
Player 042 (Futakuchi), passed.
His shape of choice; 🔺
He may have looked out for Kogane in the previous round but as for the second game, it's every man for themselves. He keeps to himself for the most part, concentrating purely on his work and his personal victory. However that doesn't mean he won't sneak a glance or two at his underclassman's work, just to make sure he's keeping up.
He finishes a few minutes before Kogane and Aone and would've liked to stay a little longer to keep observing, however with the guards nagging him to move onto the next round, he couldn't pursue that endeavour so he leaves the room with somewhat of a heavy heart.
Player 043 (Koganegawa), passed.
His shape of choice; 🔺
It's a miracle he passed, really. And God forbid he'd have chosen any other shape 'cause otherwise it'd be game over. He likes to think of himself as someone with steady hands, however given the huge amount of pressure he's under, it's hard to keep them from shaking. Needs to pull away from his work every so often to catch his breath and proceeds with utmost caution. He finishes around the same time as Aone, just before the timer runs out.
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Player 044 (Suguru), passed.
His shape of choice; ☂️
Is absolutely mortified. No, this can't be happening. He was so dead-set on getting home. He can't let it end here. His eyes scan the room, looking for some way to get out of this mess. Then, as they land on a man sitting in the corner of the room, an idea comes to mind.
He makes it across the playground to sit beside the man— the latter doesn't look up from the tin clutched in his hands. However, Suguru can just make out the circle engraved the stranger's honeycomb.
Suguru stands up. It's time to put on a show.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?! Give me back my honeycomb! Hey, are you even listening to me?!"
The men in pink immediately march in, flexing their guns at both of the men.
"I didn't do anything, I swear!" says Suguru, frantically pacing from the armed men, to the man sat in the corner. "This man just took it from me and now he won't give it back! That's cheating!"
That's when the loner finally looks up from his cookie, his golden eyes obscured by a mess of salt and pepper hair. He can barely open his mouth before the henchmen intervene.
"Player 028, hand player 044 his Dalgona or you will be eliminated."
Suguru's blood is pounding in his ears as the henchmen point their gun towards the innocent man. He looks up at him with a mix of hurt, confusion and betrayal but hands him his honeycomb regardless.
Suguru snatches it from his hands and holds it to his chest before handing over his own. He doesn't miss the way the man's golden eyes flash with fear the moment they take in the umbrella carved into his newly acquired Dalgona.
Suguru inhales shakily.
At least it's not him.
Player 045 (Terushima), passed.
His shape of choice; ⭐
Threw his head back in despair at the realisation of just how badly he'd fucked up. Out of all the shapes, why did he have to go for the star?
He asks the henchmen if he can switch with someone and when they offer not a word in response, he sighs. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
He slaps his face to hype himself up, rolling his shoulders as he gets into a more suitable position. His tongue is poking out his mouth the entire time he's carving out the shape, concentrating to the fullest. And when he's finally done, he grins broadly to himself and brandishes his work. Then, it's onto the next round.
Player 046 (Sakusa), passed.
His shape of choice; ○
Hides his face behind his collared jersey to avoid breathing in the stale smell of blood and sweat. Luckily this game is as straightforward as the last one, and a solo one at that, which is honestly what he feels the most at ease with in these circumstances. This isn't like volleyball when you can afford to make a mistake— no. Here, one tiny mishap would cost him his life, and he isn't about to die while trying to carve out a stupid shape in some children's snack. That, he makes sure of.
Player 047 (Hoshiumi).
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