ninetailedfox7 · 1 year
Why does everyone think Bakugou DIES!!? Google: Well, Bakugo's heart was destroyed in chapter 362 of the manga. As of chapter 375, he is still dead. However, if everything was so simple with Bakugo's death, that would be the end of it. Kohei Horikoshi decided to save this character by inventing a new ability for one of the heroes. He really doesn't die! thank you creator for letting this bitch live. Also google search: While he certainly made quite an impression on the villain, he ended up being stabbed right through the chest and was left in a near-death condition. Although he was thought to be dying, he was eventually rescued PROOF THAT HE DOESN'T DIE!! !! !!
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
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Not so bad....
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
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Me: *looks at phone, goes on tumblr* WTF! 99+ posts and I haven't been on for a fucking day?? Phone: *Bing Bing Bing* *notifications* *Random music* *Battery low* *someone random person calling* Me: Me: Make post fucking quick...WAIT wht to post-fuck ...
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Me: Welp.*Throws phone across room*
Phone: *Bing bing bing* *notifications* *Random music* *Battery low* *someone random person calling* *notifications* *Random music* *Battery low* *someone random person calling*
Me: FUUUCCCK! *Takes out rifle* You asked for this shit *Points at phone* *Shoots mutiple times* DIE DIE DIE BITCH! YOU-YOU NEED!!!
Phone: *notifications* *Random music* *Battery low* *someone random person calling* *notifications* *Random music* *Battery low* *someone random person calling**notifications* *Random music* *Battery low* *someone random person calling*
Me: *Cries* Why? WHHHYYYY!? WHY ME!!? *sobs* Whhyy??
My Family: Pfft Is she Ok? *looks at phone* Wait..*looks at hand* Run! *hears more gunshots at fucking phone because it jerk to me* Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck We're dead :')
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
Has this happen to you?
Are any of you known artists? Has this happened to you; your just chilling in your house, making a really good picture. There's a knock on the door. You get up and open the door, only to find that it's just a group of friends.
"We want a picture." One of them says.
You look back at your really good one, and decide to make another one. Bad idea. Instead of taking your time, you draw a stick figure, and hand it to your friends. They walk away and you go back to working on your nice picture. 1 hour later, there's a rap-a-tap-tap at your door. You open it again, to see a crumbled paper thrown at you face.
"We said nice picture. Not that piece of garbage."
So you decide to make a better looking stick figure, and give it back to your friends. They leave once again. You sit on the couch, your dogs head in your lap.
It's coming from the door. Your dog jumps and runs into your bedroom. You open the door. They're even angrier.
"We don't want stick man figures. How about that one?" He points out the one you've been working on.
You shake your head and say, "Just deal with it. I don't feel like giving you guys anything at the moment."
"Your lazy-ass can do really nice art. This? This is not art." He says, holding up the paper.
You sigh. Your group of friends really like My Here Academia. So you walk to your table, grab a paper and a pencil, and draw a really bad drawing of Deku. You hand it to them. One of the men grabs the paper, unfolds it and has tears in his eyes. Then he gobbles up the paper.
"You wouldn't have liked it. . ." He said, looking at the group, "It looked bad."
"Um. . .Y/N? When you eat someones drawing, most of the time, You like it." You say, but finally makes the group a real drawing, which they will tape to the fridge.
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
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This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
TODAY IS THE 19th ! I'm proud of myself
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
How are you always postive
Todoroki: *looks at Deku* Deku: ...yes? Todoroki&Aizawa: How are you always so postive? *looks at each other, nods* you get bullid half the time by Bakugou, and is putting on a fake smile... Deku: Deku: Ah. . .That's an easy one. Todoroki: Well? Deku: *looks up, tears in eyes, smiles and laughs* I lie to myself. Every morning I wake up and say, 'Today's gonna be a good day. Kacchan will be in a cheerful mood, and so will everyone else.' I know it's not true. I lie to myself, to try and regain hope. Todoroki: Aizawa: Deku: Do you know what Kacchan said to me in middle school? He had said, "If you think you'll have a quirk in your next life...Go to a swan dive off the roof!!" That's why I lie...everyday. Everyone in the room: Bakugou: Deku? Are you OK? Aizawa: Get All Might. Get Nezu. GET ANYONE TO HELP THIS CHILD! Izuku. What the hell. Deku: *smiles proudly* How about Dr. Kyudai Garaki? Inko: *in the door* Run.
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
Walking home
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Deku: *walking home* (Kacchan-I'm gonna rip his arms off if he can't control his booms) Random person: *Watches Deku* Heeey~ Deku: Eep. (at least it ain't Kacchan T^T) Wait- WHAT IN THE HELL!!? THE FUCK!?
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
SHE IS A GENIUS! I will remeber this trick.
Who is your dad, now?
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
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Teacher: *teaching something sus*No life stories. None at all. Me: *raises hand* Teacher: Yes? Me: You'll regret. SO...once*starts telling life story* Teacher: Teacher: YA' know how you get pick favs. Or hate em? I HATE THIS ONE THO! Me: *you think you're the only one?*
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
A tribute to Technoblade
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His last word's: Hello everyone, Technoblade here. If you're watching this. I am dead.
Goodbye Technoblade, you will be missed.
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
A tribute to Technoblade
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His last word's: Hello everyone, Technoblade here. If you're watching this. I am dead.
Goodbye Technoblade, you will be missed.
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
A tribute to Technoblade
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His last word's: Hello everyone, Technoblade here. If you're watching this. I am dead.
Goodbye Technoblade, you will be missed.
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
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My friend got banned from Roblox. Under BTC: Harassment Offensive Item: AS How is AS even offensive??
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
He may be cute but. . .
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He scares the fucking hell out of me
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