inheirit · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀ON ⠀⠀a technical level, this should be considered a success. The island is beautiful, any threats seem to be as practically nonexistent as her phone promised, and she's finished a shelter that's structurally sound. With perfect timing, too, as those clouds look a bit stormy on the deep-blue horizon. If this were a wilderness test, she'd pass with flying colors. And yet, there was still one thing she couldn't possibly overlook...
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⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀... This shelter is hideous. I can't let anyone see that I live here, even temporarily...⠀ ❜⠀
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lowkeylying · 1 year
@mxonkxss ♥'d for an event starter!
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" I'm just gathering food, nothing to see here! " And by that be means hanging upside down along a palm tree in Nommin, in nothing but swimming shorts and holding onto the trunk for dear life with his legs while his arms dangle helplessly. He must've lost his grip while climbing up the tree in an attempt to gather some coconuts, by the look of it. So much for Asgard's secret Agent.
" Actually how about lending a hand? "
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exousiate · 1 year
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“If I had known the heat would be so unbearable, I would have gone to another island for the day.” a long, and slightly dramatic sigh. “I should have brought an umbrella.”
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emptyrule · 1 year
for one who was known with the title of winter queen, it is easy to assume that a hotter climate that belonged to an island would cause problems. however, as she was quite used to surviving with only the items on her person and what nature offered, this was no trouble for the Berserker. in some ways, it was welcomed. getting away from the noise and chaos of it all. it was impossible not to feel some nostalgia for her days as Britain Savior's-- not of the agonizing moments, but the quieter ones. nights shared with her friends around a campfire, where their chatter chased away the voices screaming inside her mind. the unique tranquility offered by nommin isle was openly embraced.
eyes that were closed open as a loud splash breaks the silence, water droplets falling onto her skin and drying immediately from the sun's rays. silence returns once more as Morgan focuses on the other person with her.
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" You are scaring away the fish with your loud movements. " her gaze moves to the makeshift spear currently sticking half out of the shallower waters along the shoreline. " For someone who claims to be a general, you would think your aim and elegance wielding a weapon would be better."
@riftingzenith -- nommin isle
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hylialight · 1 year
" You see, this specimen is said to hold some sort of beneficial properties if you were to use it in cooking. If you were to lick it or eat it raw, it causes a hallucinogenic effect which is said to last hours! Of course, it isn't harmful or poisonous, so long as you are in a safe enviroment should you choose to do the latter but given our current circumstances, I believe it would be safest to avoid that. But that doesn't mean we can't test out the properties of this creature. I assure you, I am well versed in what to do should things go wrong and the fauna here provide a large variety of materials to make an antidote should things, um, turn south. I don't believe they will, though! I have full confidence that things will go swimmingly, as long as we do it in moderation. And as I am the one who knows what to do....it seems only fitting that you be the tester!"
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here, the princess holds out a lizard in the palm of her hands to the other. " Well, go on, we don't have all day! If I am right, then I can catch enough to last us this stay on this island."
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hopeled · 1 year
people call it an effective method of getting things out, so to speak. so it wouldn't hurt to try, right? an empty beach on some far off island, away from everything.
deep breath in, deep breath out and--
out comes the loudest and longest scream her human lungs could muster. so loud that any nearby wildlife are fleeing in terror. it lasts for a few minutes and then she blinks.
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"...huh. That does work."
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animasend · 1 year
" If it wasn't such a hassle to do I'd cut all of this off right now." yes, she could technically put her hair up but there isn't any tie strong enough in the world to keep it up.
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" Seriously, would it kill an island to cool down for a few days? It's too hot for this!"
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reliberated · 1 year
"All things considered, I greatly prefer this sort of mess than half the stuff the Stars throw at us." it isn't Menagerie but this island reminded her of it. the peace, the tranquility, a moment to just rest with the added challenge of surviving. nothing new to the faunus. she enjoys the challenge of constructing her own shelter, glad she had cut her hair when she did for the sun was unbearable. pausing to wipe off some sweat, she observes her handiwork on the roof segmet. " Just a few extra palm leaves and then it'll be good to g-- "
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anything more than can be said never comes because the next thing Blake knows, she's being dive-bombed by a seagull.
right off the roof.
into the sand.
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necroticrose · 1 year
"Give in!" Lilith jumps unnaturally high, spiking the volleyball with one swift, intense motion to the other side of the court.
The other players had vacated a while ago, leaving only Lilith and Indrid on the beach-- it's fair to say the match had quickly spiraled out of hand.
Lilith's heels dig into the sand as she prepares to return the serve, her hands leaving scorch marks on the ball as she lobs it back over the net.
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"You're outmatched, and you know it! Surrender! Now! before I have to get serious."
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spydress · 1 year
"I'm beginning to think I have some sort of lucky charm attached to me at this rate." that is the impression it gives off to the woman. each time she's in trouble, somehow, some way, another soul manages to find her in....not always her most desperate hour but there's been a few close calls. after that incident with Simmons, dealing with large reptiles known as dinosaurs was nothing new. (even if it was the result of a virus and not actually a pre-historic creature, it still counted.) but raptors were quick and sneaky creatures and unfortunately, Ada's left bicep was on the recieving end of an attempted stealth attack.
escape was quick and as effecient as could be. so was finding this woman along the shoreline, who insisted on aiding Ada the second she saw the blood and torn skin. who was she to say no to that?
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not a wince or grimace is given as the kind doctor ensures the bandage is firm. the woman moves her arm a few times before nodding in satisfaction. " That's a pretty good job for someone on an island with limited resources. You're skilled."
@lovehealchoose -- foss isle
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tsurumed · 1 year
it seems that, along with the myriad of surprises these Stars were capable of throwing at someone, the people of the city themselves also had such a power. his was a face she had not been expecting to see. a face that the Caster hadn't seen in a long, long time now. but she had read the files from Chaldea and a look into their eyes had told her enough.
it was not the kind doctor who helped her and who had to leave before she could do the same, but someone who held a kindness much like Romani. the Servant doesn't see it as a terrible thing to have come across the other on this lone island though. it was fate for someone else to always find her when she most needed it, but perhaps this had an added benefit. if anything, it affords her a chance to learn just who they are and to maybe get some answers to questions that have brewed silently.
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" You go by Romani's name. " there is no disgust in her voice, just a quiet curiosity. whoever this person is, they must have been close to the good doctor. "However, I would like to know your real name or at least something else to call you by. You see....the doctor was a good friend of mine. And though I failed to repay him for his kindness before he left, I still would like to try in this way."
@exousiate -- nommin isle
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isolaradiale · 1 year
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
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(full size comic image can be found here!)                                          ☆               ☆                ☆
“And… that should do it.” Caelum sighed, punctuating his words with a few taps of the keyboard and putting his drink back down on the desk.
“Look this over for me?” “Do I look like Bellatrix to you? You think I can just read code with my own eyeballs and say whether this should work or not?” “I wouldn’t sell yourself short.” He answered with a wry smile. A nice way of saying Aspidiske wasn’t getting out of this one, she regrettably realized. Moving from her spot with a groan, she propped her elbows against the back of the old man’s desk chair with a bored expression.
“Yeah yeah, looks great--Hold it. This isn’t even the same thing you were typing twenty minutes ago.” “Ah, very good! See, I knew you were capable of reading it with your eyeballs, as you said.”
“You think you’re funny don’t you, Grandpa.”
Gritting her teeth to block out the sound of a hearty laugh, she scrolled through each line, reaching a couple times to tap something on the keyboard in front of him.
“...What’s that line there.” “A choice bank.” “What for?” “I thought it might be courteous to allow them to decide where they want to go.” “Why.” “Well, if people choose an environment they like, they’re more apt to explore it, yes? Why choose someone who isn’t equipped to handle it?” “Because it’s fun watching them squirm, that’s why. I’m changing this.” “Hey--” “Oh nooo, I’m gonna hit Run! Ohhh nooo!” “Now see here, I--”
The next sequence of events all passed within seconds. Caelum’s fingers hit ‘undo’, Aspidiske moved to push his hand away with her own and deployed the RUN button with the other. Both collided with the glass on the table, knocking its mostly full contents onto the desk. A mixture of ice and sweet liquid flooded between the keys and into the cracks of the dashboard as Aspidiske pulled her companion backward sharply, saving him the sting of electric shock. The monitor split into several bright, jarring colors before attempting to pull itself back together, and numbers and symbols jumped from place to place before everything went blank for a few agonizing seconds. Both exhaled when the monitor whirred back to life, with the following prompt flickering and glitching across the screen.
                                        [ OPERATION S.H.O.R.E ]                                             [ STATUS: ACTIVE]
Not too long after that ordeal, the click of the intercom and a long, disappointed sigh cut the silence. The deadly even voice of Pleiades spoke into the room. “You two. In my office. Now.”
                                ��           ☆               ☆                ☆ Your phones switch on by themselves; the cafe televisions turn on, the daily news changes, your phone calls all display the same message over any visual media they can. But the person who appears in the broadcast is an elderly man, sitting at a table in a semi-professional manner, and a smaller woman behind him cackling.
“Hello! Hello, good evening, everyone. This is the first time we’ve met like this, ah? It’s good to see you on a personal level--” “As personal as a giant broadcast can be.” “...Ahem. You can call me Dr. Caelum. Behind me is Aspidiske.” “Don’t drag me into this, old man.” “I’m here to report that there are several islands off the coast of Spirale that have recently cleared from the mist. Given what happened a couple months ago when a mysterious object appeared, we’re unsure if the GPU has a hand in this or not. I’ll be frank with you, my friends, there aren’t enough of us to explore the islands ourselves. That’s where you all come in, I hope!” “Not like you all have that much of a choice, after all. Cooperation is key, or something, something...” “On your devices, I’ve sent something of a ticket for your island excursions. There are four that we’ve monitored in total, so you have the option of being transported to any one of those. Once we’ve collected enough information on the islands, we’ll bring you right back, safe and sound. We’ll be here, monitoring your progress as--”
From off-camera, something seems to spark and pop menacingly, along with a hissing noise that makes the old man lose a bit of color.
“...Well, I trust you’ll do fine! If you’ll excuse me.”
He grabs his cane, and with a bit of effort, Caelum rises from his chair. Aspidiske takes the seat in front of the camera.
“Uh, guess that’s one way to get the job don-”
The monitors cut the broadcast abruptly, and on your devices, a prompt appears.
[ Welcome to Operation SHORE: Surviving Hazards Of Relaxing Escapes! Please choose your island destination: ]
Haugst Isle
Resources: Plentiful (manufactured)
Shelter: Provided
Danger rating: High
Tags: Monsters, Prison, Laboratory
Nommin Isle
Resources: Plentiful (natural)
Shelter: None
Danger rating: Low
Tags: Tropical, Deserted, Beautiful
Foss Isle
Resources: Plentiful (natural)
Shelter: Minimal (caves)
Danger rating: Moderate
Tags: Volcano, Dinosaurs, Jungle
Volaat Isle
Resources: Moderate-Low (luxury)
Shelter: Moderate (abandoned ships)
Danger rating: Low
Tags: Sunken ships, Storms, Small
(Detailed descriptions of each island can be found Here!)
Upon choosing your destination, your phone screen will glitch out for a few seconds, and you’ll suddenly and instantly vanish from your place in Spirale. As soon as you disappear, you reappear on the island you chose (or perhaps a different island than what you picked altogether) with your island-issued cell phone as your only belonging.
                                           ☆               ☆                ☆ 
So, what’s happened?
Your characters have suddenly appeared on one of the mystery islands outside of Spirale, and must survive and thrive on the island they’ve chosen/landed on. This includes things like finding food and water, making shelter, and fending off the elements and creatures that you encounter during your extended stays.
Am I limited to one island?
Nope! Due to the system shorting and glitching out on occasion, it’s entirely possible for your character to wind up on a completely different island in the blink of an eye. It’s also possible to build some kind of raft or ship and sail to one of the other islands! (If you know how to sail and the weather is kind to you…)
You can also use means like flying, freezing a bridge, riding a dolphin, or whatever your powers would allow you to do to get from one island to the other.
HOWEVER if you sail too far away from the islands, you’ll run into the mists that usually surround Spirale, and you’ll succumb to the safe effects they have under normal circumstances and sail right into Davy Jones’ Locker… (...and die.)
How do I get back to Spirale?
It’s impossible to get from the islands to Spirale by any means of transport (sailing, flying, teleporting, etc.)
However, if you’ve met a grisly end and died on one of the islands, you’ll respawn in Spirale, and won’t be able to return to the islands.
Do our phones work?
They sure do! You can even still use the internet on them, if you’ve met the rank requirement to get it. They charge with solar power and are waterproof, but they won’t survive being smashed or broken, so don’t do anything reckless with them!
Do I have to go to an island to participate in the event?
Not necessarily. As long as you have a thread or drabble that’s related to the event, that will count toward participation. (For example, if your character in Spirale City were to make a phone call to another character stuck on one of the islands, that would count.)
Do I have to explore and survive and put my muse in danger?
Not at all! This event is designed to be versatile; you can take the opportunity to build from the ground up and bond with your friends (and enemies?) and have a laid-back vibe if you want. You can have a dangerous expedition to find resources and shelter with peril at every corner, too. You can even ignore the survival aspect and finally have that cool one-on-one duel with your rival atop a rocky cliff during a lightning storm where no one will interfere!
You can help or hinder anyone who arrives on the island and make new friends or enemies. You can learn to fish, hunt or forage for food. You can play in the ocean or run for your life. It’s up to how you want to play the event!
Do drabbles count?
Yup! A drabble of 500+ words will get you credit for this event.
Is there an event reward for this one?
The reward is the friendships you made along the way… and maybe a cool sea shell.
How long will the event run?
This event will run until Friday, June 9th, at 11:59:59 pm EST!
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lowkeylying · 1 year
@sodibun ♥'d for an event starter!
In his book, that's how one survives being stranded on a deserted island; sitting in swimming shorts under the shade of a palm tree like he were on vacation, lazily scrolling the internet on his device. He's heard that Nommin is the least dangerous of them all but, mild boredom aside, it's not so bad. He's not being punched by the Hulk during the typical Loki mission, for example! Anything is better than that.
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" Why, hello fellow castaway! " he greets upon noticing that someone is approaching. Emerald green eyes stare at the lady's rabbit ears for but a second, but he makes no remarks about them; instead, he flashes his best smile in her direction. " I'd offer you something to drink, but-- eh. There isn't much 'round here besides coconut and sea water. "
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inkyara · 1 year
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A meager starter/plotter call for S.H.O.R.E! All will take place in Nommin isle, and Shin will NOT be wearing his scarf or coat at this time. He still has his beanie though! Cap is 2 and people he has interacted with take priority. Here are some base stats that will be improving during this event!
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This is the perfect time to level up your muse's fondness with Shin as well, just like in Your Turn to Shine! His foraging and health will depend on RNG for that day. Most of his days will be spent with Yuri though. Final thoughts: All threads will take place after at least a week. This gives Shin and Yuri a believeable start to their base. To keep things simple and so other muns don't have to feel obligated to read all my threads, no one but Yuri will be Shin's "party member" so to speak. All of his crafting and foraging for your muse will be like trading materials. He may share some of his spoils so your muse can build a base themselves, though. Nommin isle has no shelter after all.
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emptyrule · 1 year
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morgan has been in a desperate need of a vaction and so i am going to throw her at the event! plus she wasn’t around for s.h.o.r.e.’s first run and i cannot miss this so consider this a starter call, capped at 3 but castmates don’t count towards that! as she’s a servant with a handful of abilities back and her parameters fully returned, she can be pretty hand against wildlife 
or dinosaurs
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phantommirrored · 4 years
@brookespages​ no lunch for audrey ii!!
This island was gimmicky and it didn’t take Shadow long to figure it out, between the huge venus fly traps and pitcher plants, they reminded him of a certain plant enemy from his home, in all honesty.  So, naturally, he’d managed to fashion a spear shortly after arriving.
Shadow figured this would be difficult, sans the volcano looming in the background, this was pretty much a cakewalk.  A shame he didn’t have anyone to keep him company...He thought he might go crazy at this rate.
Traversing aimlessly, Shadow was debating on calling it a night, until his rather sensitive hearing picked up on some rustling down below.  From the level above, he peered over the edge.  It was just Brooke.  A shame she ended up here, but that wasn’t his proble-
What was she doing?!
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“Don’t get closer to that thing!”  He yelled and started skidding down the ravine with spear in hand, “Don’t you know this place is dangerous?!  What were you thinking?!  Are you trying to get killed!!??”
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