#atleast i think it was the first time its been so long . anyway
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superbellsubways · 1 year ago
i replayed some of the LoS fights last night for fun and as much as i wanted to i cant get myself to fight scissors again IT IS SO SCARY sorry . I'm gonna have to eventually if i replay the game and imgoing to fucking blowup Itsok 😁
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anonymouscheeses · 1 year ago
Obvious shit I noticed part 3 (spoilers for welcome to heaven)
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Look at her! "Teehee"
Also she's nervous! Foreshadowing omg 🤯
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STICKERS! Two pride stickers and a cute donut. Gives me an idea to draw Chaggie at a donut shop while everything is burning down <3 (I'll probably do it but if any artist wants to as well go ahead!)
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Vivzie give me more, moar now. MOAR
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DAMN. SHE CAN THROW- or maybe it just exaggerates the perspective in this frame but still- ZAMNNN
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Cherri x Sir Pentious fans RISE UP.
I wasn't ever really a fan of it myself but I always thought it was CUTE. Like 3 seconds before this part I was already begging for them to kiss 😭
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More foreshadowing!
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Oh wait- Sera's hot and Emily's already adorable
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If heaven don't look like what this is in the show, I DONT WANT IT! (THATS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T SMITE ME)
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JEALOUS GIRLFRIEND VAGGIE!! Can I just say how much I love Vaggie's face expressions? Not just here but like all the time. She's just made to be so exaggerated, out of all of them I thought it would be Charlie who would have the most dramatic faces but Vaggie wins it for me. I JUST GIGGLE SO HARD WHEN SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS BAHAHAH
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Okay yeah. It's very obvious now. Vaggie is definitely an ex-exterminator. They don't close in on Charlie here so it's made to subtly nudge the attention to Vaggie. HOW DID THEY IMMEDIATELY NOTICE IT WAS HER THO??
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That's it.
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But overall the design is pretty meh. I always loved the idea of short hair Vaggie and even have seen art of it but it's just yknow, alright. Reminds me of Cassandra from Tangled: the series. IM LISTENING TO ONE OF THE SONGS RIGHT NOW HELPPP
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THIS SCENE HERE! WOOOOO! SO GLAD WE KNOW WHEN AND WHERE THEY FIRST MET!! Wish we got it extended tho. And also probably push it to next episode so it would have a better impact(atleast I think thats when they'll have the duet). BUT WHATEVER SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! or uh whatever
Vaggie must've been a bit terrified at first. The only sinner she ever sent mercy to was a child. Then to see someone who to her is an adult sinner who just looks really human, that must be crazy. BUT THEN IF SHE WAS TOLD THAT CHARLIE WAS ACTUALLY THE PRINCESS OF HELL? HOOOO, LOCK IN AND STEAL HER. THAT'S SOME WATTPAD SHIT. Also, I wonder how long Charlie thought of redeeming sinners. It would make sense to be after meeting Vaggie, since it could have been a wake up call to the fact not all sinners are bad people. Even though Vaggie isn't a sinner technically, Charlie didn't know that at the time. But maybe Charlie was always like this but just needed to meet someone who could start her dream with her. Long rant uhhh
Haha penis 🫵
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Lute looks like a basic asf anime gorl. Adam doesn't ever take his helmet off, or maybe he just can't. OH HE'S DOING THE GAY SIGN 💅💅 Very appropriate for what he's saying
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Mentor, apprentice. I love that Husk is just trying to help Angel grow but isn't going to force him into it if he doesn't want to.
Im not a fan of huskerdust and think they'd be better friends as I can't imagine a relationship with them at all. But it's still nice and they are supportive of eachother so that's like- yknow. Basic rules. Or something like that. (HELP. I ruined it all at the last part)
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Ooo... I didnt like this part at all... Instead of making the choice she just runs off. Then because the plot demands it, Adam says nothing. Kinda whish she atleast avoided the question, maybe in some way that would require actual thinking? For a character like Vaggie, she could choose either way and it feel like it's still her. If she chose to protect Charlie's dream, she would still be perfectly loyal to her but in the act of so would reveal a secret that could harm their relationship(which does happen at the end but that's because the plot wanted it like that). If she chose to side with Adam, she'd be hurting Charlie emotionally, sure, but it would keep a secret that could make Charlie see Vaggie less than who she is to her already(atleast what Vaggie might think would happen). Imo it should've been her deciding to protect Charlie, since it would mean she's devoted to her at all times.
ANOTHER THING! IF SHE COULDN'T MAKE THE CHOICE, THAT IS SOMETHING INTERESTING TO GO INTO. Maybe it could go deeper into how Vaggie doesn't know who she is without Charlie. So when she has a choice to make, like here, she can't do it without feeling the need to ask Charlie. BUT NOOO, YA HAD TO GO WITH THIS!! Wow. That was a long ass rant. Wtf 😭
Maybe I'm a dumbass. Maybe they'll talk about that next episode, but still, atleast touch on it a bit to not seem rushed?
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Angel looking out for his kids like a mom. We always did need the motherly figure, the one closest to that being Charlie but girl needs a mother in her life too(damn, wait, I did her so dirty).
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Huh, so why does it work here then? 🤨🤨 if it was said in the contract that Valentino can do whatever he wants only in the studio, then why is this the exception? 🤨🤨
Yes I'm stupid. Why do you ask? (No genuinely what's happening here)
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OH ITS THE IMAGE! I really like Sera so far, hope we get more of her soon or in season 2.
Now that we know the context of this, yeah, that's fucking insane. And badass. WOMEN.
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HMM. THATS STRANGE. DID YOU NOT FOR ONCE THINK THERE COULD BE A POSSIBILITY SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN AN ANGEL? Okay I probably wouldn't either but I have an excuse, I'm an idiot. Some girl with a standing out outfit, with one eye, looks unusually human, right after/during the extermination... that's pretty solid ass proof. But I'm dumb so don't take anything i say seriously :D
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Imagine this. No- shit. Just-
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Vaggie is DESPERATE. PLEADING. That's obvious yeah, but don't mind me I had nothing to say for the last 3 images I just thought they were cool
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I mean. Slay I guess. 😍💅
Do all the exterminators look similar or is it just Lute and Vaggie? 🤨
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Even though Vaggie and Charlie may be going through this horrible thing with a hard punch in the gut, but Vaggie is always going to comfort her and I just think that's so adorable.
Also Adam looks like a chicken hah.
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Everyone fears to be like Lucifer. If they don't do bad things they believe are for the greater good and make sacrifices that put them higher than those in hell, they could themselves be fallen. It's really interesting but I don't know if it's going to be fleshed out enough with the amount of episodes left. Which also worries me about everything else that still hasn't be concluded. There's gonna be loose strings I just know it. Hopefully though they rather do that then rush everything out y'know?
I want the next episode to be mostly focused on Vaggie and Charlie's relationship and the healing of what happened. Not for the entire episode of course, it would feel drawn out if it did, but atleast address the problem for the first like I would say 10 minutes? Then the rest would focus on one or two loose threads while also having Vaggie and Charlie acting upon moving on. That's just my idea but yeah-
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neunnnnnnn · 17 days ago
⋆。˚୨My extraterrestrials experiences after shifting୧˚。⋆
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extraterrestrials- "They are beings or life forms that originate from outside Earth, typically from other planets, moons, or even different galaxies."
Okay apparently they are Aliens and not Spirits or ghosts( That was my mistake, but I lowkey still think they are spirits.. atleast through my experiences)
One thing that surprised me was that extraterrestrials exist, it was one thing no one would convince me were real because it didn't make sense to me in anywayyy, I couldn't fathom how they were other beings like with flesh that existed with us but it changed after I first discovered shifting.
I'll mention 6 of them because there are honestly alot I could write a whole ass 20 pages and I'm not even kidding.
I assigned them names because why not, except from one who already had a name.
I first met Lina when I 1st astral projected for the 1st time, I kid you not I was scared asf. And its understandable because I was still beleving that spirits and demons are scary and that I am going to die if I ever meet one. Lets just say I screamed myself back into my body and started going to church again😃. We met again after 2years because I was so scared that I did not attempt anything spiritual for 2 whole years!!.
I tried astral projecting again and they came to me as soon as I was exploring outside my room. Again I was scared asf but I kept telling myself that I was safe and in control. I tried speaking to them at first but they was just staring at me and I was starting to get uncomfortable and I wanted to leave but I didn't know if it was going to attack me or not.
As I started to leave they talked to me, but it was telepathic because... okay first of all it had no mouth but I could hear its voice in my head. ( and I have to add that it had no normal voice but it was like static? that's the only way I can describe it.)
Anyway they asked me where I was going to which surprised me because...wtf why would they ask me where I'm going. I was legit scared and was finding a way to leave and it said something that shocked me that I even made a post abt it ( The post).
I didn't get to answer them and they disappeared and I was brought back to my body. I have never seen them again and I would lowkey want to just to show it how much I've improved now😂.
2. Areꕤ
I am so sure she is a female because of the aura that she was emitting to me felt so safe and cuddly.
I met her after my first time shifting. I still remember that feeling that I had of not wanting to go back to my cr but at the same time fearing that I might miss my parents if I decide to just stay here, I went to bed in my reality and said my safeword but instead of returning to my cr I went straight to the void. I didn't fully understand what the void was at that time so I assumed I was dreaming or something.
I suddenly started feeling my surroundings changed and I was in a field, I told myself that I was lucid but it didn't quite feel like I was in a lucid dream but I knew deep down that I said that because I didn't want to scare myself.
I suddenly had that feeling that I wasn't alone and when I looked to my right she was there literally close to me that I screamed a little. I moved away a bit and I remember feeling safe even though she had scared me. She was actually really helpful, because I kept asking questions after questions and even asked her if she's been to earth and she said yes but she didn't stay because of how low vibrational it was😭. One thing I will never forget is when I asked her If I should permashift or not because at that time I was so desperate to leave my cr but I was scared to leave my family and she said, "Reality belongs to you and only you, wherever you go your loved ones will also be there with you" I cried my eyes out lmao but it honestly changed the way I viewed permashifting. I still am planning to but I am now not in a hurry.
I have seen her again and I last saw her last year at around the time I was taking a break from shifting.
This one was interesting and kind of playful and I'm glad that I got to meet them after I had gotten rid of my fears.
They were in my Lucid dream and it appeared after I tried making a portal to shift to my WR. I was a bit frightened because it kept on changing forms? like it would change into my mom then my s/o then my teacher, it was honestly confusing and I asked them what they wanted and that's when it changed into its original form. Idk what to say to them and I assumed that maybe they were friends or atleast knew Are. But it didn't because it looked at me like I was crazy when I asked them about her.
Anyway I didn't really know what to do so I just kept on exploring the dream while they were following me around. I had a feeling that it was a child like around 9years in human age but who knows. they ended up scaring me awake tho😂.
Oh and I've never seen them again.
This is a recent and when I say it was kind of mean. And it was when I astral projected. The minute I opened my eyes it was in my room, ofc it scared the living shit out of me that I "ran" (not really) out of my room and it kept on following me, and I just screamed at it to leave me alone. And it did but I was scared that I just went back to my body 😭✋🏾
5. Doe༊·˚
Appeared to me while I was in my 80s reality and told me that they knew I was not from this reality ( the 80s one) and I was ofc shocked to my coreee because I thought they were going to prevent me from going back to my cr🤦🏽‍♀️.
They were a bit talkative, they were asking me alot of questions from why I shifted, to my life in my cr and I was lowkey skeptical that they wanted the info to take it to the government( The movies that I've watched!!! Omg 😭) Anyway I was answering some questions and was also asking them some but they refused to answer some but they said that they approached me because they could tell that my soul had recently arrived there!!!, which was honestly fun to hear, like they can tell if someone shifted here!!?
Anyways I didn't see them again when I recently shifted to my 80s reality.
That was there name when I had asked. They came to me in a lucid dream as I was flying but they were impersonating my childhood friend. I easily noticed and told them to reveal its real form and they looked shocked that I easily found out, but at this point it was easy.
They refused and wanted to stay in that form and I was like okay, whatever makes you happy I guess. But I had a feeling that they wanted something because I honestly don't think they would approach you for the fun of it?
But yeah they continued to hang out around me which was weirding me out because it making me become aware that the place that I was... was in my mind, like it was making me become so aware I didn't like it and I woke myself up.
Yeah I guess that's it ofc there are some that I didn't mention but I felt like these were the more interesting imo.
Shoutout to these beautiful people for asking me to make a post about it <3 ( @gonfreecs123) (@vwrtual )
I am happy to answer any questions you have🩷🩷
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magiturge · 1 month ago
How did Hank and Sheriff first meet? And develop their relationship further?
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well.. for their first meeting, you know. it left an impression.
with hank momentarily hesitating on the trigger to relish in the success of their rampage, just to lay with their brains on the table. it’s a lasting image.
in terms of developing their relationship more i need to back things with more context lest i wake some day, read this and feel a harrowing emptiness.
so if you’ll take a seat, pardon me, it’ll be long.
hank killing sheriff left a lingering grudge on him, printed on his mind for the years to come and as a result, hank became the target of almost any anger that came of the sheriff. even if more of sheriff’s mental strain and break came from jeb, his anger would funnel towards hank because his wrongdoing was more cut and dry than what jeb did to him.
the grudge festers and it’s almost as if it’s been put on a pedestal, kill hank j wimbleton, get your get back. give them the bullet you owe them, straight to the dome. you’ve got a force of men behind you, a fortress of some kind so do something with it. get that revenge.
and yet, those feelings aren’t reciprocated, because it was never that personal for hank.
the question here is “what does it mean to be recognized and acknowledged by hank j. wimbleton?”
what does that mean?
it’s what the sheriff wants, or atleast thinks he wants. for hank to get it into their head when he finally takes the shot that the sheriff is above them. you’ll see that i reign above you, that i’m better than you and you won’t get that jump on me again. you’ll answer to me, i’ve got the edge over you.
it’s just that hank doesn’t care.
even hatred isn’t reciprocated.
..so when they cross into the industrial sector, perhaps on their way to a different mission, and a particular grudge bearing cowboy puts his boot down, with years of actually toughening up under his belt, things are different.
somethings are the same though.
because when they have a spat on the wall of the industrial sector, and despite sheriff’s grand improvement in his capabilities in combat, when he gets slipped under and hank gets the upperhand, what does it do?
it relishes on the trigger, just the very first time.
because hank doesn’t respect anyone, hank doesn’t respect the sheriff.
and that’s how it gets its victory rugpulled out from under it, because he isn’t a defenseless coward anymore, he’s a coward that’s got a tougher shell and knows a way around a gun.
this should feel good, that he gave hank that bullet to the dome he owed him, but it doesn’t. not because he feels guilt, or remorse but that feeling that clarity that.. he’s watched hank clearly die in front of him long ago, and they came back. they always came back. even in a more grody, wretched shape they came back.
what made this death any different. and what stops them from coming back and chasing him down for this loss.
you’re acknowledged, at what cost.
one thing i like to clarify with hank, is they don’t have an issue with dying itself, but they have an issue with the way they die. if it was a stupid reason, a win stolen out from under it, bullshit that makes it all an inconvenience.
and that was all 3.
this is where i like to imagine they begin to have reoccuring spats between the two of them, across the industrial sector. ending in tight draws, be it from mutually sustained injury or sheriff ducking under the bullets of his own men into safety, a scummy tactic to escape his own loss.
hank is fragile. even in their hulking, tall and ominous frame they’re fragile. a network of bodies that don’t belong to them but they bear anyway. skin that isn’t theirs, grafted onto injuries. a heart that beats oddly, an inorganic jaw, muscles meeting the end of recruitment.
they’re a skilled killing machine, but they’re not immune to bodily exhaustion.
when you’ve got a score to settle, a petty useless on and off fight, with an equal parts FRUSTRATING target to catch. a practical moving turret, a once aimless useless coward knowing his way around a revolver, it gets exhausting.
so even when you’ve got the motivation to fight on, at some point, your frankenstein’s monster of a body will fail.
i’ve neglected to mention throughout this on sheriff’s side, he’s been continuously ruminating on just getting hank to buzz off again. that anger got washed away in victory and the clarity of this useless, resource wasting spat comes in.
so when hank’s body gives out in exhaustion, and they’re staring at each other. instead of gunning him down he..
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instead of keeping it up, he runs. instead of making sure hank is dead, even knowing as he glanced that the body is still moving, he runs.
..something about hank, is that it views many things through the lens of how optimal it would be in combat.
and the choice of a coward, turning his back on them, choosing to not shoot him dead like any reasonable mercenary would, his ‘stupidity’ was intriguing.
that’s how it begins.
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because one of you is a script, and the other an actual entity. there are differences to be worked with.
their relationship develops more in the way of trial and error as hank is a rather independent, socially avoidant person in the sense it has little use for small talk, talking to people in general, sparking a conversation. sheriff also holds a certain image of hank in his mind as a killing machine incapable of grasping things like affection, friendship, even the idea of caring for someone, being considerate.
hank doesn’t have faith in anything, it just does.
sheriff has little expectation, but hungers the most.
it’s all still a cat and mouse chase, still with knives and guns but with an addition of chasing down thoughts and emotions.
a curious, intrigued desire to understand.
because you’re peculiar, and you did something stupid. you’re not the same as i last remember you being, a coward that put up so little of a fight and ran. you know what you’re doing now, and that irritates me.
sheriff is the most human of the cast to me, having had a social life, a job, a rational and completely reasonable fear of someone chasing him with a gun with intent to kill. a seldom seen sense of self preservation. he’s jaded and he’s desensitized but he doesn’t forget.
those kind of human treats, those luxuries of affection, of consideration and care.
hank doesn’t know that by default, it’s taught, it’s learned, it’s attached.
they never stop fighting, but they also never stop exploring each other.
they never normally vocalize their want of the other but they never stop digging their nails into each others skin when the embrace isn’t tight enough.
it’s a rocky, unpleasant and jagged path they’re walking..
and it feels good.
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khunyuki · 8 months ago
Ok I thought of an idea for kn8 hear me out Pls!!!!! what about soshirou older brother aka soichiro enter the fight between narumi and soshirou but like in a funny scenario like him witnessing the love triangle going on decided to tease the two by making them jealous by using kagami in front of everyone to witness I'm talking hugging kagami , leaning towards her , putting his head on her lap, and whispering to her something that make her blush and giving her gift basically all those cheesy cliche stuff which ends up the two rival working together doing whatever it takes to get souchiro away from kagami in end souchiro revealing he won't steal kagami from them ( kinda think since we know that soichiro obviously care for soshirou that he would atleast have a great relationship to kagami in some extent to see how his brother doing)
Sorry if this to long 😭 also love your stories!!! They're amazing ♥️
Ohhhh!!! That's a very interesting idea anon! I've thought of Soichiro doing this with his brother only but adding Gen to the mix? Definitely chaos HAHAHA
Thank you very much for loving my stories, anon🥹 Also, your idea is fine, great even! The more specific the better hehehe
Anyways, here's your order! I hope you enjoy~
"I've lived my life with blade and you always by my side"
ʀᴇqᴜᴇꜱᴛ: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Uzui Kagami x Narumi Gen, feat. Hoshina Soichiro
Masterlist: TOC
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The City of Akihabara. Famous for its electronics shops, arcade games, maid cafes, and stores catering to anime and game lovers. It was not a place you would see Uzui Kagami in but here she is, standing in its busy streets, waiting for someone.
"Onee-san~ Are you alone? Wanna hang out with me?"
This was not something she could avoid could she. She was prepared to ignore the person trying to pick her up but as that person stood in front of her, she could recognize the tail of white and purple hair. And as she looked up, she could see the familiar face of her dear brother-in-law.
"Not cool, Soichiro-niisan"
She deadpanned at the person in front of her who was unbothered by her reaction.
"You would totally react if it was Soshiro who did it"
If his narrow eyes could wink, he would totally be doing so. He knew that mentioning little brother's name would make her react and he's proven to be correct as she tries to hide her blush from him.
"So~ Why does my cute little sister want to meet up in Akihabara of all places?"
"I wanted to buy a gift for Soshiro but I don't know what. My captain said there are some games good for couples to play"
Soichiro hummed as he looked around the place. He's been here before with some of his friends but knew it was her first time. He glanced back at his sister who seemed really curious about the place.
"For now, why don't we look around first"
Kagami nodded as they started walking, her eyes darting all over the place. They talked as they walked, catching up on things while stopping to window shop at some stores.
Kagami would sometimes hangout with her future brother-in-law, Hoshina Soichiro, despite the disapproval of her fiance, his brother. The reason she's doing this is simple. She knew just how much Soichiro adores his little brother yet Soshiro doesn't want anything to do with his older brother. She's tried hard to reconcile them again and again but failed everytime.
So here she is, spending her time with her big brother, just to tell him stories about his little brother. Of course that doesn't mean she'll only be talking about him! Kagami is a single child so she's really happy to have a big brother like Soichiro, as he is overjoyed to have a sister like her. Hanging out with Soichiro-niisan just to be spoiled is truly the main purpose of this event!
"Our little Kagamin is really spoiled, isn't she?"
He pinched her nose as she scrunched up with his actions, squatting his hand away. He could only laugh at her as he ruffled her hair. Her arm still link around his as she glared at him for ruining her hair.
To the two, these signs of affection are only part of their usual interactions as siblings-in-law. To a bystander, however, it seems like two lovers are having PDA on the streets.
That's what it looked like to Narumi Gen who dropped his newly bought PS6 to the ground in shock. His eyes were bulging out of his sockets and his jaw was technically on the floor as he watched his crush drag away the long haired male to someplace with their arms linked together.
"This can't be! NOOOOOOO!!!!!"
Narumi Gen dramatically reacted as he kneeled on the ground and hit it with both of his fists like a meme, the passersby avoiding him like a plague. He would wipe the crocodile tears but instead, there was fire burning in his eyes.
Who does that guy think he is putting his hands on his crush?!!!
He saw Kagami and that guy he doesn't know by the claw machines. She was pointing at the purple cat with squinted eyes as he tried to get it for her. Gen saw her laughing at him for not being able to get it on his first try as the man flicked her forehead before trying it again. He gripped the machine he was hiding behind at and is definitely gritting his teeth with jealousy.
The Strongest Narumi Gen: oi
The Strongest Narumi Gen: Kagami's with someone
The Strongest Narumi Gen: fuck they're too close
The Weakest Bastard: What do you mean?
Hoshina Soshiro couldn't help raising his eyebrow once he saw the message. His fiancee being too close to someone? That's impossible.
Big Fat Loser sent a photo
Big Fat Loser: i'm gonna kill this bastard
Soshiro looked at the photo and the default smile on his face dropped. Was this why Kagami wasn't hanging out with him on their day off? Cuz she's having a date with his brother?? He could imagine his brother doing this on purpose just to annoy him, and it's proven to be effective.
I Am Winner: that's my brother
I Am Winner: i'm coming over
Those were Soshiro's last words as he exited his apartment, heading straight for Akihabara. Ain't no way he's letting his brother get away with this scheme.
The moment Narumi Gen saw the word brother on the screen, he understood just why he found that man irritating. His hair color was different but those eyes, those narrowed eyes were the same. He had a nagging feeling on the back of his head the whole time he was watching them, about where he had seen this fox-eyed man before. Turns out it was Hoshina Soichiro, captain of the Sixth Division, the older brother of his rival.
Hoshina Soichiro was no idiot. He already saw the captain of the First Division following them as soon as they exited the arcade. There's no way he's not feeling the daggers digging onto his back nor the dark aura he's exuding. He knows what Narumi's relationship was with his little sister for she tells him about it, sometimes complaining.
The captain of the First Division likes his little sister, that part was obvious. His little brother obviously loves his fiancee. He also knows of the rivalry between him and his brother. Hoshina Soichiro grins widely at the devious plan he came up with.
"What do you wanna do next?"
Soichiro placed his arm on her shoulders as they walked the busy streets of Akihabara. She tilted her head but let him be. He could hear growling behind as the aura of seething jealousy could no longer be contained.
"I'm hungry"
She pretended to think before telling him she's hungry, which earned a chuckle from him. They entered a restaurant, sitting on a table for 4, with Gen secretly following behind them. He sat a few tables away, hiding his face with the menu.
As the two placed their orders, the door to the restaurant opened and in come Soshiro, who tried to hide the fact that he rushed there. He was going to interrupt the two before he got dragged back by Gen.
"Why did you drag me back?"
"Are you crazy? Why would you head there without a plan?!"
"I don't need a plan to talk to my fiancee"
"This bastard..."
The two bickering idiots were bound to be noticed as they didn't bother hiding while doing so. Even more as they stand in the middle of the establishment, attracting the attention of other customers, particularly the two they were spying on. The staff wanted to try and stop the dispute but were too scared to do so.
"Now now, it's not good to fight the two of you"
The two who were grabbing each other's collars just now looked at the man that placed his hands on their shoulders. The man who was sitting a few tables away was now stopping their fight. The same man who was the cause of this in the first place.
"Soshiro and Gen-kun? What are you doing here?"
Kagami who also got up from her sit, wanting to help stop the commotion was surprised to see the people she wasn't expecting to be there at all. The two immediately wrapped their arms on each other's shoulder as they looked at her in a merry attitude.
"What a coincidence to see you here, Kagami"
"We were just in the area looking around"
Soshiro and Gen spoke alternatively, maintaining the facade. While they didn't totally answer her question, she didn't mind it.
"I knew it. You two are really close"
She smiled happily as she saw the good relationship between the two rivals. As expected, all of their bickerings and fights were just an expression of their closeness. Soichiro laughed at how oblivious she was to the situation, clearly seeing the two at each other's throats a few moments ago.
"Why don't you two join us for lunch? It would be bad for business if we continue to stand around here wouldn't it?"
Soichiro suggested as he had already dragged Kagami back to their seats, this time sitting besides her than in front. The two looked at each other before trying to take the sit in front of her first. Fortunately for Gen, he got was closer and sat first. Unfortunately for Soshiro, he had to face his brother rather than his fiancee.
"So... What brought you two in Akiba together?"
Gen was the first to ask, having been the one who's following them for a while. Side-eyeing the captain of the Sixth Division.
"It's been a while since we last saw each other so I just wanted to hang out with my little sister"
Acting oblivious, Soichiro side hugged Kagami and leaned his head on hers. This seemed to fluster her but she didn't stop him. Of course this would mean the two males in front of them were technically killing him on their heads now.
"I'm quite upset. Why didn't you tell me you're going to hang out with him of all people, Kagami"
Soshiro pretended to pout as he crossed his arms, looking quite disappointed. Kagami immediately became crestfallen, having been guilty of not telling him about it first.
"I'm sorry. You didn't want to talk about him so I..."
"It's not your fault"
It's this guy, he thought as he frowned at his brother who was clearly enjoying this.
"This brat, why are you making my sister sad?"
Soichiro pat Kagami in the head to comfort her. He pretended to frown as if what his brother did upsets him, when in fact, he was trying hard not a grin so hard.
"If you wanted to look around Akiba, you could just ask me! I know every inch and corner of this place"
Gen not liking how he's being ignored, turned back the question to him. He's incredibly annoyed but he had to hide it in front of his crush.
"I was actually going to but you said you were busy with the new game you just bought"
As if lightning had struck him, Gen couldn't help but react dramatically. It was there! The opportunity was there! Yet he blew it! He hit his head on the table from shame, crying crocodile tears, which startled Kagami who asked if he was okay.
Their orders arrived while Kagami was busily trying to comfort Gen. Soshiro took a sip from his drink as he blatantly ignored his brother. This made his brother show a sad smile, thinking his reaction was inevitable after everything.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine"
"Kagami told me a lot about you"
"I see"
The silence was awkward as Soshiro shut Soichiro down. Soshiro doesn't hate his brother but he couldn't help the feeling of inferiority every time he sees him. It's been so long since the last time they had contact so he just doesn't know what to do.
Gen could care less about their relationship as brothers but seeing how worried Kagami was, he had to at least do something.
"Remember that game I introduced to you last time? That one you liked most"
He tried to distract her but engaging a conversation with her alone.
"Which one? Oh! The visual novel one! What was it called again? Oto- Otome? Otome game!"
Kagami was confused at first as he had made her play plenty of games. Some she couldn't understand how to, the others easy but she doesn't quite like. For someone who likes to read like her, there is only one answer.
"I didn't expect you to be the type to play otome games, sis"
Amused, Soshiro and Soichiro joined the conversation. She tilted her head, not knowing what's wrong with it.
"It's unrealistic but the stories will hook you up. Though I don't know why there were plenty of guys/girls to choose from"
Soshiro squinted his also narrow eyes at the guy beside him in a 'what are you teaching her' kind of way. Gen feigned ignorance as he whistled.
As they finished eating and chatting, it was now time to leave. It was not in their plan to have two extras joining but it wasn't unwelcomed. The only thing was if they should continue their initial plan or not.
"Wanna head to the park, sis?"
Kagami nodded her head at her dear brother's suggestion, oblivious to the reactions of the two men who joined them.
"What about you guys, wanna come?"
Soichiro wanted to snicker bit he couldn't make it too obvious that he's finding their jealousy entertaining. He wanted to see how far he can go with teasing them as he whispered something to his sister's ear.
The two men saw her blush as she immediately hit his arm in embarrassment. Their glares worsened as they watched the smirk on his face growing wider by the second.
"Sure, why not? I'm free"
Gen took her side, squatting the arm trying to wrap itself on her shoulders. Once again taking her attention away to himself.
"Better than leaving you two alone"
Soshiro squeezed himself between Kagami and Soichiro as he tried to link their arms together. By now, Kagami was surrounded from both sides leaving Soichiro on the side. They started walking while ignoring the pouting man following behind them.
As soon as they arrived at Ueno Park, they could see a lot of people coming and going. There really wasn't much greenery as there were more ample pathways and flea market vendors in there. Depending on their choice, they could either go to the zoo, museums, or the lake. As they have a lot of time, they decided to go to all of them.
While Kagami was having a blast, the same couldn't be said to the three. Soshiro and Gen were joining forces to prevent Soichiro from getting closer to her which takes a lot of patience cuz he's so persistent. And when they think they fended him off, they'll be fighting each other for her attention which will give Soichiro an opportunity to take her away. Really, they couldn't get a break. As long as she's happy then they'll endure this.
"I'm gonna go get us some drinks"
They decided to rest on a bench after walking for a long time. It was really tiring but fun. So to show her gratitude, Kagami headed to the nearest vending machine to get them some drinks, leaving the three behind.
"No need to be so on guard, you two"
Once she was gone, the two unleashed a full on hostile attempt on Soichiro, finally being alone with him. He sweatdropped at them, raising his hands to show he means no harm.
"I'm not planning on stealing her"
They squinted at him, not believing his words at all.
"You better not"
They said at the same time as Soichiro just laughed awkwardly.
"I only think of Kagami as a little sister, after all"
He said this to reassure them but, in actuality, he's pointedly saying this to his brother. She'll be his sister in the future so there's nothing wrong in getting close, no?
"Umm... There are people waiting for me. Could you please get out of the way?"
The three of them could say more to each other but as soon as they saw Kagami being surrounded by two strangers who couldn't seem to get a hint. They dropped everything as they went to her. Soichiro and Gen holding on both of them while Soshiro takes her in his arms.
While they may not get along with each other, they will surely move together for her sake.
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Note/s: It was fun writing this but I think I kinda half-assed it from the middle to the end😭 I'm sleepy, tired and busy so I just rushed the ending, skipped some parts, and didn't get to edit this properly. Sorry about that🙇‍♀️ But!! I think I showed what needed to be seen so I do hope you guys are satisfied🥹🥹🥹 Anyways, thank you again for reading my stories🫶💕
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scopophobia-polaris · 2 months ago
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Hello, it's the new year and I haven't been...talking much for a long time.
As I've stated, I've had multiple health scares this year, and I -goddamn this is too formal, I dont like to talk about myself much, I'd rather keep things to myself, but I'm currently taking multiple meds for a formal diagnosis, right now I'm being treated for Bipolar. Turns out there was something up. I aint really afraid to talk about it, I mean lots of people get treated for many things and it's normal.
This was uh.....scary for me, I figured something was up and I mean I'm fine now but DAMN first 15 minutes of hearing that? Nasty. Lot of things that are super personal tied to just a lot of shit yada Yada I feel like shit for just being nonchalant about this but I don't know what else to do, I'm taking care of myself and trying to fix my life up.
But now that I'm getting to a point where I'm more stable, I'm starting to feel more ....me? Genuinely, it's gonna take me a long time to make myself get into a solid schedule, I dont think I'll ever have one, maybe the slight one i have now, but atleast I don't feel like I have 0 control over my life at this point.
Idk man I had some kind of control but I don't know...who am I kidding. I feel like a new person. I feel better, my body doesn't hurt as much.
I don't know if being a new person is a good or a bad thing for me but uh...idk idk idk maybe I kept reading through my scripts and realized something.
Anyways, now that I know when to take the meds so I can draw, I've been back to just? Drawing and having fun?
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Really living by this its why I'm not online much, if I aint having fun what's the point.
BUT now I get to the uh...other shit.
So because of the meds stuff and all kinds of shit mostly......IM ABOUT TO LOSE INSURANCE...... and I've done a few things.
For starters. I'm setting up a patreon, I'm going to do it so that it would only charge when I make a post of 5-10 pages of the comic, I'm gonna get through my first half of chapter 4 before I ever even think if taking anything from ANYONE, so no monthly just for specificposts. Quite ffrankly, I do not like money, like in a way of it makes me nervous and I want people to get a bang out of their buck because I'd I don't make it good is it worth it????
tWO......I don't like advertising, I never did, I probably should of said I have them last few plushes during December (like everyone around me was saying to do and YET....there is less then 10😭) but I wanted people to be spending money on something worthwhile. Hell I mean, it's guilt, its massive guilt, there are people more in need and NOW MORE THAN EVER.....so to not feel like a thief, anyone who gets this critter here, I will donate a solid 30USD out of each purchase to a family in Gaza in need, of your choice of course. I need to pay for shipping but whatever else is left I will donate the rest. That should leave me around $40 on each plush and that's fine, I'm gonna save it for meds because when I go uninsured idk how long it's gonna be, maybe a bit maybe a while, I dont know yet but I wanna provide aid in some way. Like ceasefire don't mean shit until it's permanent, and I don't trust Israelis to hold true to any promise. So I want some of that money to atleast help SOMEONE. Because in the end I know I can get by but.
But my wife is the only person with a job.......😬😬😬😬😬
Besides all of that I'm sorry I haven't uploaded pages or drawings or anything, I wanna have a better relationship online, like I did when I was younger, when it was just fun and I had my own corner, maybe that'd nostalgia but I'm getting sick of social media, and maybe I don't wanna be walking on eggshells because of fandom whatever. So I will be trying to do more in the future, I hope yall have a good day.
And thank you again for all the patience with my slow ass 😭
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morverenmaybewrites · 10 months ago
Hi babes, long time no see....? (Not realy, not truly. But i'm bored and in need of the weight your words press evenly onto my lungs. And i also want to poke you, maybe)
What would be the prise and/or compliments Jason could be fine with? To you, with our delivery girl. Because anything phisical feels dependent on the day, how Aware and squeezy it'll make him. (Like how you suddenly remember that there's clothes on your skin and that your organs move inside of you. That you're Breathing and that it pulls at your muscles, the tissue that's marbled in tapestried along his ribs.)
What would Not do that? (Less so atleast. See: Like skin growing over a splinter istead of rejecting it.)
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This. Made me feel the sudden ache of my heart durring that time in my life. 'S cool. Thanks. 👍
Always so good to hear from you, @thebluespacecow. First off, The Shape of Water is one of my comfort watches/reads. The book, in particular, encapsulates the feeling of isolation from society and the suffocating loneliness that comes from it so well. The quote (said to the Asset by the scientist studying him) so perfectly portrays their relationship and the tragedy of what could have been. The text often refers to (and eventually confirms) that the Asset is a god. It often calls him beautiful and magical and wondrous. Can you imagine finding god, in all his grace and savage beauty, and being told that you must study him like an insect pinned to a corkboard? Can you imagine finding proof of the divine, only to be told to burn it down so that the charcoal of its bones can help fuel a war? It's so tragic. One day that Bucky Barnes Shape of Water!AU WILL come into existence. ONE DAY. Anyway. Your question. What would be the prise and/or compliments Jason could be fine with?
I actually think that Jason would be fairly receptive to praise, actually! It doesn't immediately put him on the defensive the way physical forms of affection would. And for most of his life, Jason didn't get much of either. He craves it, however unknowingly, like a man dying of thirst would crave rainwater.
I think the first time you praise him, however small, however innocuous, would always come as a surprise. He's just not that used to it. Maybe he opens a jar for you or point out, where, exactly you had put the spices. (He is, at least, somewhat aware of how much he pays attention to you.). "Thanks, Jason, you're always so helpful." The words scatter from you like birdseed, there and gone again. It barely disturbs the still air of the kitchen. But Jason freezes, and slowly turns to look at you. You're not even looking at him anymore. Instead, you are focused on the recipe you're reading, mumbling to yourself. (In his experience, praise does not come so easily. It comes from long hours of training to perfect his aim, from endless nights of study, it comes from a grueling patrol, done perfectly, to Batman's exacting standards.) (In his experience, he barely does anything praise-worthy at all. He is, after all, the Robin who failed.) The moment passes, and he is able to brush it off. But your words linger in his mind like a thorn, only the sensation is not so unpleasant. The next time you do it, Jason is a little more prepared. Maybe he comes up with a clever solution to a problem, taken down a villain in an unconventional way. And you say it in between fits of laughter (and even the sound of that warms him like a fire in winter). "That was smart. I never would have thought of that." Jason pauses, has to catch his breath. And he mumbles out an answer so low that it's unlikely that you heard it. "Thanks." After that, it gets easier. After that, he seeks it out like a cat seeking out a beam of sunlight (or perhaps, more accurately: like a starved dog seeks out scraps). "You never told me you were such a good cook." "It's nice having you around. You make me feel safe." "You look good today." The last one though, hits like a punch to the gut. It knocks the wind out of Jason, and he has to take several seconds before he can answer.
"What?" You look up from the book you are reading. (It is raining the way it always is in Gotham, and you had chosen to spend the afternoon inside. Curled up with a thick blanket on your lap, in a sweater that is big enough for you to drown in—he would not question it if the compliment had been directed at you. He would have taken it as your due.) "Hm? I said you look good today." Again, he does not answer. Instead, he looks down, as if expecting to find himself wearing someone else's skin. But he is wearing his outfit, it is the Red Hood's helmet in his hands. For the first time, you seem to have realized the effect your words have on him. "Well, don't get a stroke," you say with a grin. "I don't want you coming back here and saying you're leaving me for a supermodel or something." He lets out a strangled laugh, and tries to brush it off the way he did in the kitchen, all those months ago. He turns away and tries to pretend like your words don't haunt him like a ghost. You said he looked good. You said he looked good. (And after all, what reason would he have to doubt you? He trusts you more than he trusts himself.) He finds that he has to put on his helmet to hide his grin.
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fisbybaconey · 8 months ago
Miitopia With Gustavo! 10 July (Gus Brothers(and Bernard..) Reunited!!)
...So? What happened Before?
Gustavo, once a mere traveller, now given a quest to save a nearby town after PizzaHead the Dark Lord had stolen their faces. With the heirloom God's power and her brother's company, would they succeed to return the townsfolk's faces? We'll see about that...
Sounds like someone's knocking this early morning. But who?
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Ah, so that was Gus's second brother, Stephen. Everyone gladly welcomes him with open arms
Now, its time for more rescue. Today is going to be smooth and joyous, it seems...Or maybe not..It looks like PizzaHead came to confront them once again..
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As Gustavo thought he will blasted by him, something destroys the dark beam. who is it? Where is it from?
Some travelling Mage had helped Gus, and its..
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Oh! what a wondrous coincidence! If the Great Sage wasnt there, Gus will be done for!! It looks like Gerome quite impressed with our protagonist's strength...what a pity that he couldn't look for long...
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Even the other is impressed at Gerome
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this time the party had stayed on an Inn. What thyre been up to this time?
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..mm, oh well...
Ah, someone else wanted to join? and its a chef? things getting good, it seems!
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They shortly set off for another rescue, this time they met a monster rock!
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Good news! its a piece of cake!! or maybe...sort of??
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(i would say thats was horrendous..)
okay! another adventure! let see who is in need of help?
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Great thing is, that vermin is easier to beat down than that rock thing!
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rude abit, eh?
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and please consider your friend, Marc. You're dying as we speak!!
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(anyway, BON VOYAGE!! to their last destination!)
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Firstly greeted by PizzaHead? its quite uncalled for! anyway, lets save this poor Granny Pizza!
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According to the game, this only took 12 turn to defeat her, but i think it was more..is it beacuse of constant usage of SafeSpot? Anyway, atleast we won this battle!!
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Now, with Gustavo's party had retrieved all faces in GreenHorne, its up to them to report this back to mayor John! Although, they also caught wind of bad news...
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all they need to do next is go to the castle..but first, let's take a break...
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(picking @luigigirl12 as Amiibo NPC. But Too bad, cannot change the clothes of this NPC tho..it wouldve been better if she wears Luigi costume tho. Apparently Citra Emulator could use Amiibo normally but i dont even have one. i heard Amiibo gives costumes for miitopia lol)
also, Gustavo's hc design and other OCs is by @cutechan555
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dazedquilly · 1 year ago
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This is my first time writing fanfiction so yeahhhh maybe I might continue this as a series idk! :D
This is a modern high school muichiro x y/n story btw and if you're 18+...
WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!??!??!?!
Anyways enjoy!
Droplets fall on your face as you sigh, it seemed like the rain just loved to make its appearance when you didn't have an umbrella. The rain started to fall even harder, there was no place to shelter from it so you might as well stand up in the open.
Suddenly, the feeling of wet raindrops on your head disappeared. You look up to see a black umbrella and a cute boy around the age of a high school student, like you. His eyes had a beautiful shade of turquoise and so were the ends of his hair, the rest of it was black and quite long as well. He had a neutral face as he stared back at you. Neither of you said anything, just the sound of raindrops falling on the umbrella, instead of you, could be heard.
Finally, he spoke, "Aren't you gonna say thank you?" His voice taking a nonchalant tone. You gasped in realization and quickly said "Oh yes, sorry! And uh thank you..!" He looked at you and sighed. "Sure, no problem, but I hope you learn from this and always walk with an umbrella." You stared at him, now that you actually thought about it, you never considered such an idea, you just picked it up whenever it looked like it would rain and on sunny days you left it home.
"Wow, thanks for the idea!" You said cheerfully, he sighed again. "By the way, where exactly were you heading?" The guy asked out of genuine curiosity. "Home but the rain caught me. Anyways, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking..!" You atleast wanted to know the sort of kind stranger's name. "Not important." He said in a dismissive voice. "Okay, so not fond of mentioning his name. Got it!" You said to yourself, he continued. "Is your home far? I can walk you there with my umbrella if not." At first you were leaning towards not answering him for safety reasons, but then thought about it again. Even if he was a kidnapper he would have already kidnapped you by now, so you nodded as if to say "sure."
The two of you were now on your way to your house, it was not that far but not that close either. The rain steadily poured on the umbrella, the sound was oddly satisfying. You watched as cars and their blinking lights pass by and other people walking to and fro with their own umbrellas. "Don't you just love the sound and feel of rain?" You asked randomly. The boy just watched you as if he was processing the question. "Yes, it is quite relaxing. I suppose that's why people like when it rains at night so they can fall asleep better." You perked up, "I agree with that logic because it always works for me! I fall asleep like that!" You snapped your fingers as you said the last bit, it got a chuckle out of him. "Me too. Its like nature's own asmr."
The boy spaced out a bit. "Yeah its so cool, right?" Your question went unanswered and you had to snap him back to reality, "Are you a daydreamer?" He looked at you, "Sort of.. I was just listening to the rain, it sounds a bit like music, don't you think?" You listened closely to the rain to figure out what he was talking about. "Yeah you're right! It does kinda sound like music." You both chatted and talked more about  nature and the rain as you walked to your home. The boy spoke up as you entered your neighbourhood, "Where exactly is your house now?" You replied, "Just around the corner." The small Japanese styled house which was quite similar to the others in the area appeared in your sight as you spoke.
Once you reached the door step, you turned around and bowed respectfully. Both of you stared silently at each other a bit, that's when you ran up, hugged him and pulled away. "Thank you again, I still would have been stuck in the rain if you hadn't helped me!" The boy was taken back, his face looked a bit red but he also bowed. "You're welcome..." He managed say even though he was still kinda shocked. "I guess this is goodbye." You said with a pinch of sadness, although you just met him, it would have been nice to atleast know his name or get his number, he seemed fun. "Maybe not, you never know." The boy shrugged. "Yeah true." You both smiled and said your goodbyes as you watched him walk away and proceed to enter your home.
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porcelain-winter-doll · 9 months ago
C. sturniolo (fluff/series
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.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-chris' pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
It was lunch when nick came up with a idea
" hey guys" nick talks " how about we play kiss marry kill?? " nick suggests " thats cool! " nate chimes in " chris kiss marry kill" i was shock " WHY ME? " i shouted " shut up chris " matt rolls his eyes sarcastically "anyways, chris kiss marry kill madison, alahna and y/n" nick placed a hand on his chin while i try to figure out whos y/n " who the fuck is y/n? " nate asked nick " the girl in our matt class" matt says " ohh, her" i says " well kiss madison marry alahna and kill y/n" i finished what i said and nick looked at me " what? I dont really know y/n" i say
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-Y/n's pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
I was eating my lunch with madi when i glanced over the Triplet's table and madi noticed that
"Oohh! " madi giggles " are you interested in one of themm? " she laughs "not nick tho! " she was serious in a second and i looked at her confuse "hes gay! " she answered me " well i dont like him tho, i like chris. " i said while eating carbonara "HIM? " and some eyes were on me so i shutted her "its not like i have a choice madi" i sigh "oh yeahh, he likes the cheer captain" madi looked at me apologetic
We had the same math subject so we were walking there together when we saw chris talking to his coach and our math teacher
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-chris' pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
"Christopher, as much as we love you in the team and would appreciate you to be in the game. You cant. " i heard coach grayson as he puts his hand in my shoulder and i looked to mrs. elliana " you have to join the free tutoring session Christopher. " she says " and you have to get atleast a straight bs to join " i sighed " not even a c? " i asked " no, almost all your test are e and f" she says. " you have 2 months to fix ur grading "
I bid my goodbyes and went to math and sat at the back, i saw the y/n girl nick mentioned in our dumb game " She is very pretty though " i thought to myself
After math class i saw y/n approach me " hello" she greets me with a smile " hey? " i responded " uhmm, im your tutor.. " she whispers to me and i smiled at her " are you free after school? " i asked her, while she thinks i scan her looks, she was above average. She was really pretty. " hello? " i heard her say " did you hear me? " she asked shyly " oh god no sorry" and the first time i heard her laugh was now " i can go, but where do we meet? " she asks while giggling " can you go to my house? " i asked her and she says yes
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ after 3 weeks✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-chris' pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
I was chatting with y/n when nick talked to me " you've been hanging out with y/n, chris " nick smiles and i responded "huh? Oh yeah yeah. Shes my tutor and shes great at it! I keep getting As and Bs! " i said happily " enough with academic stuff! " nate interrupted "are you guys going to Madison's party tonight? Chris ella will be there" i rolled my eyes at nate and said " cant, im taking y/n to the beach to show my gratitude " i said smiling "you like her dont you? " matt says while smirking " no no! " i hesitantly said and they look at me not believing me " fine! I like her okay. " i blushed as they all smiled
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This took so long to publish😭
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hantas-left-elbow · 3 months ago
"𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞!" 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝?
denki kaminari x gn! reader
A/N: this is my first time writing a mha fanfic(y'all ain't ever finding the others..) so bear with me y'all.. there are implications of kirimina, serotoki, momojiro, izuchaco but they can be taken as platonic :) potentially ooc..but like i said this is my first time. Gn! but reader is said to like more rom com 2000s movies but also some horror genre. slightly rushed (in my head atleast)
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⋮ For whatever reason, ever since the start of school, you disliked Denki Kaminari. The loud yellow haired boy. the humanized Pikachu. the guy who can't control his quirk for too long without short circuiting. You tried to like him. Truly. All your friends did, so why couldn't you? You always thought it was because he seemed to never take anything seriously, but that was Mina's case so that was removed off the idea board. Loud maybe? nah, can't be, you're best friend is literally Sero Hanta. not happening.
This has been going on for months and it's driving you insane. why can you just not like a simple guy?! that was all the confusion until Uraraka jokingly said you might find him attractive. like how some people before realizing they have a crush they think they're annoying because they get flustered and their heart speeds up around them. At first you thought it was stupid...until it wasn't.
Aizawa just had to make a project where you had to work with a partner. one you couldn't choose. he had said it was random but really? everyone got their friend or signifigant other. Eijiro got Mina, Hanta got Shoto, Jiro got Momo, Uraraka got Izuku etc. Sometimes you think Aizawa just has it out for you. but that's what lead you to now. the humanized Pikachu in your, what had been organized, dorm room.
"Get off my bed, i'm not on it so i don't know why you think you're so privilaged to sit on it.." you grumble out. you were currently sitting on the floor in the middle of your dorm room. you were looking down at the case files, the project was basically you and your partner were given fake case files (but they're based off of real things) and have to find out who did it and what exactly happened.
"Jeez, okay party pooper!" Denki gets off your bed and sits down next to you. you hate it but when his scent fills your sense's you kinda just wanna curl up into a ball and get hugged by him. it was hard to describe what he smelled like. It was a mix between the irish spring hair and body wash with a sprits of axe body spray Aqua Bergamot ^he so uses axe body spray, if you say otherwise this isn't a safe space^ "You listening?" you're finally pulled out of your thoughts. you look up and his face is directly, entirely too close to your face. you immediatley back up, putting your arms behind you so you don't fall. "What?" you question quietly from surprise. "I saaaaaid, i don't think i've ever been in your dorm. it's nice. i didn't expect the IT, Stranger Things posts mixed with Sweet Home Alabama, Legally blonde and A Cinderella Story with..what's her name? Hillary Fluff? Anyways, i didn't expect those posters all mixed together. you have interesting taste in shows" you looked over to where he started looking during his...rant? the posters were right above your bed. "it- it's hillary duff" you go back to your old position and continuing on the fake case. "ehhh tOmato-tomAto" he says jokingly. you let out a soft sigh, "if you're not gonna help with the case just leave. its not that hard" you almost snap.
you hated this. it was hell. his smell was intoxicating. his body heat radiating off onto you. the urge to smile at each and everyone of his rants. shit. maybe Uraraka was right. maybe you did like denki.
"...so how much have you done?" and just like that for the rest of the time he was there he was either silent or only talking about the project. the minute he closed the door behind him you lunged for your phone and started scrolling through your contacts.
when you find 'URA❀' you immediately facetime it. it was around 11 pm so you weren't expecting her to answer but she did. she yawns, "yes? why are you calling me so late?" she barely finishes before you're barreling out your words. "ithinkyoureright" "woah, woah, calm down. right about what? im right about a lot of stuff" you take a few seconds to breath before talking. "i think youre right. i think i l-...li-...ithinkilikedenki" Uraraka's face goes from one of tired confusion to very much awake and shocked. "what? i was joking when i said that!" you froze. oh shit. she was joking? heh, maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, maybe you thought you liked him because uraraka said it. "uh..never mind then..i actually was joking as well!" you try to save it but uraraka and her damn 'spidey' senses. "no, no, you weren't joking. you were dead serious. i mean like i'm not judging but im judging. do you think you're gonna tell him?" a few minute go by of you thinking about an answer. "yes."
after school the next day you make it your soul mission to find denki, which was kinda easy. he was in the dorm building heading to his dorm. "DENKI!! Denki!! wait up..!" you run up behind him. he turns around with a smirk on his face, "what? missed me already?" "what? no. but um,...i have something to tell you" you take a breath and a denki looks at you confused but wants you to continue. "ithinkilikeyousowouldyougooutonadatewithmetotestthattheory?" you say in one breath. "wut?" denki did not catch any of that so slower you say "i think i like you would you go out on a date with me to test that theory?" ^"but that's just a theory...A GAME THEORY!"^
denki to say the least..his flabbers were ghasted. after a few seconds a small confused smile made it's way to his face. "You're for real? like not joking?" you shake your head, noting to him youre very much not joking. "i thought you hated me!" hated? sure you disliked him, or at least thought that but never did you think you hated him. "i never hated you denki..that's never come out of my mouth. but back to my question? just to see if i truly do like you and it's okay if you don't wanna" you try to dodge that passing conversation and thankfully so did he because his next words were, "sure, i'd love to. when and where"
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
A/N: i'm fr so sorry if it seems rushed, i was tired and wanted to get this done before all my ideas left me. pleaseee give me feedback!! good and bad!! also sorry for spelling mistakes, again im so fucking tired
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lunatic-fandom-space · 8 months ago
Hey! I've been obsessed with Elisabeth: das Musical for a good while and one of the things I really like about it is the way it comments on Sissi-media. However, Im saying that as someone who really only knows about that media through cultural osmosis and hasnt really seen any of it. And since I'm gonna have a bunch of free time the next few weeks, I thought it would be interesting to watch all* the media about Elisabeth I can get my hands on and review it and just talk about my thoughts on it. I'm also gonna watch all* the Rudolf media I can find as part of this little project because, I might as well
*by 'all media' I mostly mean stuff like movies, series and stageplays, obviously I know there's books but I'm not really in a place where I can focus on reading a bunch of stuff, but I know that the trilogy is based on books, and if I can find free audiobooks online I'll listen to those
I also want to give a quick disclaimer that I'm not a history person, I know very little about all this, so I'm not gonna get too much into the historical accuracy of any of these pieces. I mean, maybe this whole thing will get me to do research into the actual history, I actually have been wanting to do that more since Ive started engaging with the Elisabeth das Musical fandom and seen all these people talk about how much reasearch they do for fanfics and stuff, and its making me feel a little left out ngl, but I struggle with actually doing that for reasons I dont really want to get into. Long story short, if I dont approach historical topics very carefully Im gonna end up with horrible intrusive thoughts that last for days, and I'd like to avoid that but I need to figure out how to do that first.
Anyway, that's pretty much it for now. I'll put everything I want to watch in order under the readmore. I'm pretty sure I got everything (that i can access atleast), but if you feel like Im missing anything please tell me, I want to be thorough and I would really appreciate it ^^
• Kaiserin Elisabeth von Österreich (1921)
• Elisabeth von Österreich (1931)
• The King Steps Out (1936)
• Mayerling (1936) (with english subtitles)
• L'Aigle à deux Têtes (1948) (with english subtitles)
• Le Secret de Mayerling (1949) (with german subtitles)
• Ludwig II. — Glanz und Ende eines Königs (1955)
• Sissi (1955)
• Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe (1956)
• Sissi, die junge Kaiserin (1956)
• Mayerling (1957)
• Sissi — Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin (1957)
• Mayerling (1968)
• Elisabeth Kaiserin von Österreich (1972)
• Ludwig (1973) (with german subtitles)
• Viza Privati, Pubbliche Virtú (1976) (with german subtitles)
• Der Kronprinz (1989)
• Sisi und der Kaiserkuß (1991)
• Elisabeth: das Musical (1992 Austrian proshot)
• Elisabeth: Ai to shi no Rondo (1996 Snow Troupe Proshot) (with english subs)
• Elisabeth: das Musical (2004 Hungarian proshot) (with english subs)
• Kronprinz Rudolfs letzte Liebe (longer original version split into two parts: Kronprinz Rudolf — der Rebell (Part 1) und Kronprinz Rudolf — Mayerling (Part 2), same as 'Kronprinz Rudolf — Sissi's einziger Sohn) (2006)
• Lissi und der wilde Kaiser (2007)
• Sisi (2009)
• Rudolf: Affaire Mayerling (2009)
• Sisi... und ich erzähle euch die Wahrheit (2012)
• Sisi (2021)
• The Empress (2021)
• Sisi & Ich (2023)
Media I am aware of but could not access:
• Leibfiaker Bratfisch/Day Geheimnis von Mayerling/Die Tragödie eines Prinzen (1919/1924-1925)
• Tragödie im Hause Habsburg/Der Prinz der Legende (1924) (<- I was very surprised that I wasnt able to find these two anywhere since theyre old silent films and would think they would be archived somewhere, and I couldve sworn Ive seen gifs or screenshots of Tragödie im Hause Habsburg on tumblr, so idk, if anyone could point me to where I could watch these, I would really appreciate it)
• The Last Half Hour: The Mayerling Story (1951)
• Sissi — Beuteljahre einer Kaiserin (1989)
• all the various Mayerling-shows by the Takarazuka revue
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bisquuet · 8 months ago
Tumblr media
hi! still alive! AN UPDATE: LONG READ :D no new devlin content since im focusing on my oc comic :( ( speaking of comics. remember that other comic i posted here like once and never talked about it again?? yeah.. ) - lets talk about that. will i ever go back to that comic? -yes, when? i don't know.. i realized i went into the comic very.. unprepared.. or less prepared than i thought i was. so it got me second guessing things and getting confused..!! i have a VAGUE idea of how I want it to go, or atleast i DID, now im not so sure.. I think i need to sit down, splurge out my thoughts and ideas and go from there,, now i technically have a WHOLE post that is done that was supposed to be dropped shortly after the first one. but i thought to myself, oh ill just work on the next update and once im halfway THEN ill drop the second one! i never got halfway. i ended up just sketching more up ahead and adjusting and ''fixing'' things in the second update. making me loose track of time and getting behind, not only i had school to deal with too! so i just have a LOT of storyboarding of pages...that im slighlty afraid of looking at cuz i know that ill want to fix it but ill be unmotivated to actually fix it.. (bad rawr!!) eventually i have to get to it..!! >< ANOTHER major factor of the delay was my confidence, i wasn't satisifed and even frustrated at times when something didnt come out as good as it did in my head. i REALLY like the first update pages! especially devlins scene! but i think i got too ahead of myself and put WAY too much onto my plate, raising expections, of others and myself, mostly myself.... and I was trying to copy to a manga style, rather than convert my style normally into a manga setting, if that makes any sense. so i wasnt.... 'comfortable' drawing.. i dont know how else to describe it! but ever since then and even before, ive been getting less confident with my art and my style, feeling like its ugly or its getting worse. forcing myself to keep drawing, straining myself trying to make something that looks good to me. i have lots of fun and joy drawing for others, the reason i draw is BECUZ i just want to share what i make! as shallow as it sounds i like creating content for others to enjoy! it makes me happy and proud of what i draw! so. when i make something i dont like, i cant bring myself to show it cuz I dont like it.. others may, but that wouldnt change how i would feel about it. i felt that way deeply with the second update, which is why i kept tweaking it,,, and so I just let myself get caught up with other things.. feeling upset and guilty that I kinda just.. abandonded the comic..! saying that ill pracitce and oh ill do that , i Need to do this and this and this when i havent even done ANYTHING! i think, and i genuinely mean this, i think ive only recently started to ACTUALLY do things.! like development for my OC comic, writing for it, making content and sharing about them to whoever would lend an ear! so in a way the seewar comic walked so that my OC comic could run, hopefully.. so, unfortunately ill be focsuing more of my attention on my OC comic, and i honestly can't promise anything. the only thing i CAN say is that i will share the second update that i finished long ago.., no matter how much internal rawr doesnt want to, i feel like thats the first step to overcoming this fear and dread ive associate with the comic, which is something i DONT want. ill be scheudling to drop this weekend since ill be away.. i dont know when ill actively start working on the seewar comic again becuz i genuinely want to finish it and share it, i just have to not be too ambitious and plan out whats necessary. anyways.. now that school is out im finally paying all of my debts and owed art.. its rough but it has to be done. thanks if you have read all of this,, i greatly appreacite the support, from friends and followers, fossils, (thats what my fans are called wink wink) love yall fr <3
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s0lar-ch3ri · 9 months ago
drey ferin analysis lets go (im already knowing im gonna tag vixen @bizlybebo its your boy) (spoilers for like. all of riptide maybe we'll see where we go)
so like. mister drey right. hes lost bits of his memory to the sea, yet its so interesting to me how he doesnt forget the face of the boy he kinda helped raise for a bit and his niece who he hadnt seen in a longer time then chip (i dont remember for sure if he remembered them on sight so if im wrong uh. i can explain this with analysis power trust!!!!!!!). he didnt let go of whats important to him, yet he lost all he could, including those important things. he doesnt even seem to stop losing, seeing as chips fucking dead without much hope of getting him back. hes lost his arms, yet hes still kicking, cause thats all he can really do right now. ride out the tides and hope to not sink, cause surely hed have to learn how to swim without the knowledge built into him prior.
lets say i forgot that he didnt recognize them at first. i think he did. somewhere in him did. he just didnt want to believe it. itd been too long since hes seen something good, he knew aster liked toying around by giving someone good things and dragging them away. yet he found it real, and i think with that, despite all thats happened to him, dreys hopeful. he has good faith in the world to me, atleast i believe that, cause hes able to have chip back and his niece again and things may not be the best but hes able to look up and not see a dark room (metaphorically and actually).
i also think a bit about how hes sorta seperated from the rest of his family, and has the look for it too. hes rugged, hes not so formal, hes more freed out then the others. he also btw looks nothing like jayson. like. maybe with mae and shit id get more but like. its very interesting how he bares little to no resemblence to jayson. i honestly cant think of any actual analysis reason for this, maybe ill let my silly little drey ferin president take over on that remark /silly /nf
anyways thats all i got drey ferin peculiar bisexual gudbye
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princessfaerygia · 2 days ago
i may be making a new tumblr soon for security purposes. if you wish to know it and be moots message me or i will just follow you from there whence it occurs.
im sitting at the grocery store drinking cardboard container alkaline spring water, just ate two organic bananas.
diary entry from the walk earlier:
walking my street in the cold. my phone screen is weird and i need to get a new phone.
there are trees, a forest to my left with an animal you can hear scurryin around. on my right are houses and loud birdsong.
im a lil worried my boyfriend will hack and fuq up my account cus he threatened to.
im currently wearing baggy darkish grey sweatpants, black "lamb" brand boots, yellow crop top w coquette ribbon, black sweater ~v neck~ and a pink grandma cardigan my boyfriend bought me. also, cat eared off-white winter hat my boyfriend got me for christmas. along with these items are my darkbrown old navy scarf from boyfriend and grey scarf pictured in my last outside photos. my fingers are going a bit numb on my left hand. forgot to mention! i wearing fluffy warm outdoor vest from momma.
currently made it to the path between cars and houses, a small forest separating them. not even halfway to destination but im on my way. !!!ooh forgot i'm wearing a knitted black and dark green (laughter cus im a dork explaining this all to y'all) neck warmer. i'm still cold. ....once when i was a wild anorexic teen on laxatives i took a poo behind the wooden gate on this path. bad wild girl i eww was but i couldn't hold it in.
now~ ive made it to the main road that connects to the skate park i'll be cutting through. i daresay this walk *seems* more delightful than the one to my gym. but all early walks on saturday and sundays are delightful because there's less frequency of cars. i decided to go with the crowds advice and my own will or gods will to leave my boyfriend's last night via uber. he actually hugged me atleast and it feels real this time. i cried in the uber aannnnd upon arriving home at my parents.(and a lil bit this morning) don't know if i will cry hard today but surely it will come eventually maybe.
i spoke with him through text told him i really do love him and being with him was the best part of my life. i didn't mention that it was probably also the one of the most dangerous parts of my life.
out of anger he made many threats i'm going to tell myself he didn't mean.
ahoy! i am walking through the skate park dog park playground creek area. jeez im thirsty for water. next stop~ a long staircase surrounded by woods. it goes up to my ex boyfriends mom's house street. which ,after walking that street i meet the main road which after one turn i am one walk away from my destination. did i tell you my destination?
wking up the stairs omfg i haven't got this much revitalizing exercise for my lungs and heart in a while. i'm out of breath. i think i forgot my exes mom's house but i do remember him consistently being critical of me. Jesus Christ. i think i'm passing it now dear heavens. (laughter).
if my boyfriend doesn't choose to continue contact w me then i fear these journal entries may be a bore if not a nuisance. i'm going to keep writing anyway. i want new phone so i can use internet and do "photography".
slowly warming up here. the sun coming up so intoxicating in its beauty. im less than five minutes from main road where i must cross the street.
i love my boyfriend. it feels heavy to type such a thing. he can be very aggressive and only allows levity in the deep dark crevices of my soul when he's being abusive, tender and gentle or sweet, or if it's on his terms and he being goofy.
crossing the bridge now with the highway beneath. dis place is trump town baby. i remember the gate on this bridge having the large words trump in red the first time he had been elected. about to turn on the street leading to my destination. there's a catholic cemetery and church (mom attends church there w polish neighbor maria) i spy a milky white statue of Jesus and the sun beams down on the concrete. my lips are cold, my nose sniffling~ i can do this im almost there! church bells ringing. im right next to an evergreen and, two birds flapped out of it chirping!
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knightzp · 9 months ago
Hey Miki ^_^
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you about the songs! I like to take my time to listen to songs atleast a few times because the more I listen to it the more I like it so I waited for a bit to tell you haha :D but anyways...
I loved the Knights Trip album!! It has such a wonderful vibe to it. I played it while cleaning my room and I think I spent more time dancing than actually cleaning lol I had a huge smile on my face while listening to the entirety of it :) Will a 100% play this during dance or gym workouts!
Honestly I liked all the songs, all of them were upbeat and very cheerful...here's a little about a few of the songs ->
Little romance is the absolute cutest song - made me go "awww" on multiple occasions - has the power to cheer me up :)
We'll be "Knights" has a special place in my heart...maybe because that was the first song I heard from the album idk but it has a "Finale group song" vibe to it that I just really love <3
My sunshine, you're moonlight 🥺...Is this Ritsu's song? I loved it <33 The beats at the beginning + the voice (i loved the voice very much) + the melody! I liked it (maybe...my favorite? 👀)
Wonderful Happiness...Now this song...I don't really know why but I have caught myself randomly humming the song out of nowhere so it's just kinda stuck in my head atp lmao - Love this one too <3
Special mention to Mystic Fragrance and Luminous Crown...I liked both of these songs!
Like I said all of these songs were very good <3 I am actually a huge Lyric Nerd so I love analyzing the lyrics for any song. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the English translations for the lyrics so I had to miss out on that step this time T-T (I have a feeling the lyrics are really sweet so that's a bummer on my end)
I'm sure as a fan you might have a deeper understanding as well as love for the songs, characters, and singers...but even as a "not (yet) fan" I still found the album really enjoyable to listen to!
So a big thanks to you for recommending these songs Miki <3 I had a lot of fun and feel free to recommend more in the future too!
(This became a veryyy long reaction post omg I will stop now haha 😂)
LEX aaaa thank you for the long reaction!!! ive been screaming here abt the album sm these last days and you know how obsessed im with it so it makes me SO happy you liked it that much and that it made you smile <33
abt the songs, little romance TOTALLY IS THE CUTEST SONG EVERRRR full fairytale vibes and with such an adorable and happy rhythm that makes me smile every single time. its so perfect for ritsus center song and it holds a very special place in my heart <3
well be knights is another very dear song to me and a curious case as well bc for months we only had the mv version of the song which is shorter and i feel like they only left there the slower more emotional parts of the song (i really recommend you watch the anime mv) and when i listened to the full version the first time i was SO SHOCKED bc i didnt expect the quicker rhythm or That instrumental dubstep in the middle????? it felt like a completely different song to me but it goes SO hard and i love the full version so much too well be knights my beloved forever. also i find it funny how you say it gives finale group song vibes bc its true its one of the last knights songs weve got and so can give that impression but well be knights is actually knights debut song! its the very first song they ever sang together on a stage (even so that one of the members, tsukasa, hadnt joined them yet and so doesnt sing in this song)
MY SUNSHINE YOURE MOONLIGHT YES YES IT IS RITSUS SOLO im very very happy you liked it that much even saying it might be your fave too !!!! ritsus voice is so soft and sweet and beautiful and lovely and EVERYTHING TO ME and along with that cute melody and THE LYRICS OH MY GOD THE LYRICS its just so absolutely PERFECT FOR HIM im forever grateful at happyele for giving him such a great solo song <333
abt wonderful happiness i Totally get you!!! this song is so cute and happy and has such a catchy rhythm it is often playing in my head as well and i love it. and im glad you liked mystic fragrance and luminous crown too!!! both are such good center songs for each of their characters, arashi and tsukasa respectively, and i love them a lot too !!
oh and if you want to read the translations to the lyrics im pretty sure you can find almost if not all of them on youtube! just search "enstars [title of the song] lyrics" and youll get any you want!
and aaaa thanks to you for listening the album!!!! it made me really happy that you listened to my recs and checked all the album out and enjoyed listening to it since i myself love it so much <333
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