#atlas fan fiction
hazashiovo · 6 months
Omg that kuvira sub req was lit! Could you do one for Zuko please? Maybe after he’s become fire lord?
I decided that instead of writing nsfw, to just make it angst to fluff. Sorry that it's not what you asked for ,but this is what I got.
Genre:Friends with benefits to enemies to lovers ,angst to fluff,
Tw: mentions of trauma, burning and leaving a scar.
Zuko x Fem reader
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Ever since you ran away from Zuko to help the avatar restore peace to the world,you kept thinking that he would let go of you.
But no, you can't catch a damn break, since you ran away he's been chasing you. He swore to find you.
How? You have no clue. But you never doubted his devotion for this cause,you knew that Zuko had that burning will in him.
I mean,you were his soldier,and things between you two were...complicated.
Sometimes you would have heart to heart conversations. Maybe about your life,or what you would be in the future, and other times it was just making out after a stressful day. But you never did more than that,he wanted you ,and you wanted him but there was always something holding you back.
Now this is something that fuels Zuko, his need for revenge is powered by those moments between you two. And not only that,but if he finds you he also finds the Avatar. Which is the perfect reason for him.
You get to be punished for treason,and at the same time he would finally have his honor restored. That's what he says to himself at night. It's not like he wants more.
So for months, almost a year he searched for The avatar,and for you,each time you managed to slip right trough his fingers.
The last time he saw you was at the northern water tribe,when he tried capturing Aang you fought Zuko while Katara protected the younger boy. Zuko knew he could do so much damage to you,but he simply couldn't.
You unfortunately lost,after all Zuko was stronger than you. You both knew it,but it never stopped you before.
You tried talking to him,you always thought that if you got a chance you would be able to at least get him to think of another way,a better way. Maybe this way things wouldn't be so complicated between you two.
But no matter how much you tried,he was just too stubborn.
You tried putting a fight again,he was so angry that he didn't even realize with what force he sent that fire at you,not even throwing you a second glance.
Too blinded by anger,now that you weren't in his way anymore he went for Aang.
If you wouldn't have blacked out you would've saw the way Katara fought the prince,after all he harmed you, and wanted to take Aang away.
You woke up on Appa,Katara was tending to your burn mark, trying to completely heal it.
"I'm sorry (Name),but it's going to leave a pretty big scar here." Her hand would lay on your shoulder comforting.
It was rough looking in the mirror,but you started getting used to it. The bad part was when you started having nightmares of your fight with the prince,the burning feeling awaking you in cold sweat.
You healed with time, fortunately for you,the prince and you didn't meet again after that. You split from the team,it was necessary for you to find a way to heal the scar that Zuko left in your mind.
Imagine the shock on your face when you finally got reunited with your friends.To see Zuko there was something you never expected. Deep inside you knew he could change but never actually thought he would.
He would be so awkward, and yeah he would talk to himself, trying to find the right way to apologize to you for hunting you down and kicking your ass. It was also this little thing, he never realized how much you affected him when you were around until you left,and it drove him mad. Never quite understanding why.
He kept his distance from you, mostly because he didn't really know how to approach you. It's not that he's as mad as he was before when you betrayed him, but it's still awkward.
So you two just stayed away from each other. The group could see something was up with you two,I mean they knew about your scar and journey ,but Zuko didn't.
Nobody told him about the scar he left on you back then, and you never confronted him about it.
One night when you wanted to take your mind away from all that's happening ,you found yourself in the lake near your camp.
A swim would do you good.
Unfortunately for you ,that's what the young prince also had in mind.
He was left speechless once he saw your naked form in the water. A certain part of you got his attention,your back.
There was this big part of your shoulder all the way to your waist that was just burned.
And then it clicked, when he fought you in the north water tribe,he did this.
"Stop staring." You speak,loud enough for him to hear you, getting deeper into the water so your back would no longer be visible to his longing stare.
"I wasn't staring." He turns his head away embarrassed,his face hot just thinking that you caught him staring at your form. He acted like a pervert. How could he be so stupid?
Zuko quickly took off, not allowing you to say anything else.
He spent the night thinking,about you ,your scar your body. It annoyed him so much that all he could think was you.
So he left the next day with Sokka, on a mission to free Sokka and katara's dad from a high security prison. Totally no big deal.
Each day he spent there he hoped he could get you off his mind,but no matter how hard he tried you were just stuck on him.
Let's just say that he had some pretty unusual taughts while he was locked away.
After he saw Sokka with Suki he got this weird feeling, it was some inside him pushing him to be this way,with you.
So there he was,back at the camp with a complete mission, trying to find a way to speak to you. And he couldn't really bring up the last time he saw you, 'Yeah I saw you naked and I stared at you, wanna date?' no way in hell, unless he wants to be seen as the biggest creep ever.
"Mind if I sit?" Zuko's eyes dart up at you,he didn't even hear you coming her.
"No one's stoping you." You sit down next to him, noticing how he quickly looks away.
"It's been a while huh?" Your eyes look up at the dark starry sky, hoping he's willing to talk to you.
Zuko furrows his brows, searching for the right words to say. He never had to think so hard while talking to you,why is it so hard now?
"I won't bite if you say something." You nudge him with your elbow, sending his thoughts away for now.
"Listen,I'm really sorry for what I did to you back in the north,I was just so blinded by my desire for honor that I was willing to cut trough-" your lips stop Zuko from saying another word, already hearing what you wanted.
He's sorry for hurting you,and he admitted that he was blindly chasing something useless,and that's all you wanted to hear from him.
He whidens his eyes for a second,finally realizing what's happening he cups your cheek with one hand and closes his eyes, kissing you back.
You break the kiss, looking at his face for any sign of reluctance. But all you can see in his eyes is this soft look,it's really cute.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to hear that from you." You whisper, afraid that if you would speak any louder you would break this comfortable feeling around you.
He smiles, closing his eyes. All this time he thought so much , wondering how your next interaction would go,or what would you say to him.
He missed the kisses,soft ones were his favorite,but the making out had a tool on him too.
"I missed this." He speaks,hand trailing down your lip, carefully touching it.
"I never thought you'd forgive me." Zuko allows his head to meet with yours gently stroking your cheek.
"Thank you for becoming a better version of yourself."you smile, placing your hands on his wrist in a gentle manner.
"Okay what's going on here?" Sokka looks at the two of you like he witnessed a war crime. Did he drink cactus juice without realizing??
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't write Zuko smut yet ,I'm sorry 😭
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keenzinemugstudent · 7 months
Okay okay but hear me now imagine you the reader you're traveling with Katara, Sokka and Aang along the way you get up your fortune told by Aunt Woo Who told you in the future you will be married to a great and powerful Lord, you of course don't see that happening cuz you don't really have an interest in dating let alone marriage and didn't see yourself as someone worth being loved years go by you and Zuko are friends even though it was hard for you to get used to him being part of the group you two were civil and as you guys got older and became closer to the point that the other word was involved you like Zuko he loved you and you guys hit your twenties he started giving you gifts and other stuff, Katara mentioned that he might be courting you which you were confused about then she mentioned about the time you all went to Aunt Wou and about your Fortune then you start to remember that you were to marry a Lord of course you didn't take this seriously and just shrugged it off and just told Katara that there's no way possible and that you didn't believe it but the whole conversation makes you not be able to sleep at night cuz now you're now in your room pacing that you might get married to Zuko who's the only Lord that you are well acquainted with and around your age it's to the point you start avoiding him and being awkward, and yes he is courting you and is planning to ask you to marry him in the near future when every is right and wants to ask your parents or guardians blessings
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mugentakeda · 10 months
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not even harvards top scientists could understand the complexities of the azula-iroh beef lore that i made up in my head
(silly bonus under the cut)
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spideyanakin · 4 months
don't let the sun come down on me - masterlist
zuko x earth kingdom princess!reader
summary - captured by the fire nation after the fall of ba sing se. to show the fire nation’s clutch on the earth kingdom ozai forces you to marry his son.
zuko masterlist
back to main masterlist
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poll-polls · 5 months
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yxngchen · 10 months
how are u gonna be an atla fan but be “anti aang” mf did u watch the show lmao
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squeezetheduck · 2 years
I am now and probably always will be a sucker for characters that are a little ‘too good’ for the world in which they exist, and the cynical characters that can’t help to fall in love with them for it
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rayes-rain · 6 months
Fans who dunk on kataang as a ship because Katara was written flatly post OG series really grind my gears. As if her marrying Aang and having a family with him was the root cause of the LoK writers sidelining her when her peers still got to be way more invloved in the story.
I will be the first to admit that Katara's initial goals and characterization got quite lost post OG series. In a way, she was only reduced to a healer and her accomplishments outside of mothering children with Aang and banning bloodbending are not shared with the audience. For the first season of LoK, I think this is fine. This is not Katara's story anymore and her speech to Korra at the beginning of the season is her passing the torch to the next Avatar to have her own adventures. Katara at that point is basically a nice cameo. We're not supposed to think that this sliver of her life which Korra sees is all that's important about her.
This does not hold water in future seasons when it's revealed that Toph and Zuko are still alive and both have more active roles in the plot, whereas Katara did not have an active role in plot lines she should have been more involved with (water tribe civil war, for example). To some fans, this reduces the little that we do see of Katara's character in LoK to only being those parts, rather than just pieces of a more realized elder from the perspective of someone younger (Korra) who doesn't know her whole story.
The way that people blame her marrying Aang on the way her overall character was handled is so baffling to me. Do these fans honestly think she would have escaped that fate for certain if she had married Zuko or someone else, or stayed single?
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whatpistachio · 6 months
I wrote this fic after I saw the ✨spectacular✨ art of @mayskalih 💜 (check out her Blue spirit x Painted lady fan art!!)
My imagination jumped and… there it is:
🧵 Labyrinth of Night Secrets 🌌
Summary: After several assaults and fighting side by side for years, that night something will change the secret deal between the Painted Lady and the Blue Spirit, marking them in body and soul. That night will awaken something they had always kept silent.
So, let the moon rise and the spirits begin to live in the forest, until dawn.
Couple: zutara/ Blue spirit x Painted lady
Language: English
Words: 3,009
One Shot
Tag: Post-Canon, Post-War, Ambassador Katara, tension!!
They are in their 20s
Taylor Swift song: Labyrinth
Thanks to the zutara renaissance! 🥹 💜
Hope u enjoy it! ✨
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54428260
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meforreal7 · 5 months
I think it’s so interesting how in gay ships there’s always one that’s gay and one that’s bi it’s like we’re trying to make the ships more believable and random by having the two characters have different sexualities. Ofc a lot of the time the characters are canonically straight so I just think it’s really interesting to see which one ends up being labeled as gay and which one as bi in the fics. For example Zuko/Sokka, for the majority of fics Zuko tends to be gay and Sokka bi even tho they’re both written as straight in canon. Another good example is Sasuke/Naruto. Sasuke is gay and Naruto bi. I suppose it could just be narrowed down to vibes but it’s a common pattern I’ve noticed and they do tend to make sense generally so
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ravennhearted · 6 months
My FAVORITE fanfic tag is “no beta we die like [insert character here]” it never fails to make me cackle
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If I'm wrong I'll take one of the random people who liked and reblogged this post and give them a gift.
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storyofmychoices · 6 months
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Yoga & Pancakes
[Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle Masterlist] 
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle (F!MC)
Other Characters: Shreya Mistry, Atlas Ernhardt
Book: The Elementalists
Word Count: ~900
Rating/Warnings: teen, suggestive language
Submitting to: @choicesmonthlychallenge ; @choicesficwriterscreations
Synopsis: Emma, Shreya, and Atlas run into Beckett at breakfast and Emma discovers a new Attuned food.
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"Let me guess—" Emma began, quieting Shreya's excited tone. "Some famous Attuned chef I've never heard of but who probably catered an event for you has prepared some incredibly magical treat for breakfast?"
Shreya pressed her hands to her hips, her smile falling slightly. "You make it sound so utterly dull." 
Emma opened her mouth to apologize, but Shreya continued. 
"You've been spending far too much time with Atlas. We've got to get you back to society."
"It's not me." Atlas shrugged. "Don't worry, Emma's still the sunshine of our group. She's just a little cranky this morning... she didn't get much sleep." 
"Is everything alright?" Shreya looked over her friend, beginning to think of healing spells. 
"I'm fine," Emma insisted, brushing off Shreya's worry, shooting her twin a quick don't you dare glance. She looped her arm with Shreya's pulling her forward.  "Now, let's go see what is so special about breakfast today. You were telling me about the chef and his specialties?"
"I wasn't but now that you asked—" Shreya began rambling off facts about the chef and private events she had catered. 
Emma smiled and nodded along, trying to keep her eyes open when she was desperate for a nap. Not looking where she was walking, she bumped into a tall student in line in front of her. "I'm sorry—" she began, recognizing his dark blue blazer before he even turned back.
"Emma?" Beckett couldn't help the smile spreading across his blushing freckled cheeks. "I did not think I would find you here. I thought you were  sleeping in."  
"Oh, yeah," Emma's cheeks warmed as her gaze shifted to Atlas for some help, but she merely found her twin smiling in amusement, watching their awkward encounter. 
"Why would you be sleeping in?" Shreya questioned with concern. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
"Oh, I think she's feeling just fine," Atlas smirked. "Just a little worn out from some early morning—or was it a late night—'yoga'." She added air quotes to the last word.
The hue across Beckett's face darkened at Atlas's words. 
"And here I thought 'yoga'"—she offered, using air quotes again, "—helped you relax, you seemed quite exhausted but very dreamy—" she mimed gagging, "—when you returned this morning at... what was it... 4:30 am?"
Emma chewed her lower lip. 
"Oh! OH!" Shreya's lips drew into a knowing smile of amusement. "No wonder you're tired. Keeping our girl up all night, Harrington? Impressive! I didn't think you had it in you. I bet you two worked up an appetite."
"I beg your pardon?" He didn't think his face could flush any darker.
"Okayyyy," Emma tried her best to move them along. "Look, we're next. Oooo, pancakes. I love pancakes. Pancakes are so delicious. Did I ever tell you the time when I was six and my parents made me pancakes shaped like a bunny for easter? Oh and they cut up bananas on the pancakes and added chocolate syrup, there's really no end to what you can do with pancakes. Strawberries on pancakes are also delicious. Did you know, pancakes—" 
The trio stared at her, Beckett in relief and Shreya and Atlas with amusement, her rambling words trailing away. 
"Would you like to say pancake one more time?" Atlas teased. "I don't think you've said it enough."
The cafeteria worker handed Emma a tray with 3 large, fluffy, circular pancakes. A look of disappointment fell on her face. "Huh, I expected more. They look just like tuneless pancakes."
"Oh, they're so much better!" Shreya announced gleefully as she guided them to a booth on the side.
"So when do I find out what makes these pancakes magical," Emma questioned. "If I eat them will confetti rain down? Will I make weird noises?"
"Not this time," Shreya replied. "These are no ordinary pancakes. They're shape-shifters. Watch this." She focused on the pancake on the top of her stack, concentrating on a single image in her mind. Slowly, before their eyes, the pancake transformed into the shape of a blossoming orchid. 
"Woah!" Emma marveled. "How?"
"It's a centuries-old recipe passed down. The chef has yet to reveal the secret, but I've been working on wearing her down. She can't say no to a Mistry forever."
Beckett didn't dare contradict her. Usually, he'd love bragging about his superior knowledge—it was rather a simple spell. He had learned it at the age of five— but right now, he didn't want the conversation shifting back to him or Emma. 
Emma focused on her pancake, her gaze momentarily shifting to Beckett, admiring the way the glowing sun kissed his face through the ornate stained glass windows. The pancake transformed into a heart, with a B + E appearing at the center. 
"Bleh—" Atlas choked, before picking up her pancake, which she had turned into a mace, dipping it in syrup, and biting off the end. 
"What are you going to make?" Emma questioned curiously of Beckett.
"I can think of something he could turn it into for her." Shreya wagged her brow, enjoying as the pair blushed. "Thinking about last night, Harrington? Be careful or you never know what might appear."
"Gross," Atlas mumbled through a mouth full of pancakes. "I'm trying to eat. I don't need any graphic "yoga" depictions popping up on the nerd's plate. It's bad enough I've seen them kiss. I can't stab my eyes out with a pancake dagger."
Shreya laughed, holding her hands up in a peaceful truce. Her mind quickly returned to the shopping trip she had scheduled next, the pancakes on her plate following suit, one turning into a long gown and the other a shopping bag. 
Emma and Beckett breathed easier as the conversation shifted. Laughter bubbled between them as the morning sun shimmered around the space. Despite the teasing, their free hands tangled together beneath the table. 
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This is just a silly little idea that popped into my head. It's not edited, so please forgive any mistakes.
My Atlas is demiro.
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cell151 · 2 months
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Cowritten with @kyoshigirl
Summary: After being abandoned on Kyoshi Island by her mother, Suki is passed around house to house. One rainy night Suki finds herself alone, rejected by the village. Trying to seek shelter in a rain storm, Suki is rescued by a mysterious woman.
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itsnotillegalyet07 · 7 months
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Have some fan art
Raph and a Dandelion: Atlas Promtober, chapter “Flowers”
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avatarhanami · 7 months
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Updated designs for a few characters we have already introduced/remade! Re-introducing Koda (fellow in the middle) and Kenai's mom, Yuka, on the right.
The beautiful lady on the left is Nita! She's a new-ish character we're introducing! She's a healer-in-training and spends a lot of time working with Kenai's mom on various things like housework, gathering, and beading! Nita is very spontaneous and has a fiery personality. (And yes, she's another Brother Bear reference lol).
Do not repost, trace, steal, or claim this art as your own. Our project is a fan-fiction based on the Avatar universe and we have no affiliation with the creators of the original shows.
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