#atlas tur
ncdtgrsy · 4 months
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misstrashchan · 3 months
I know people have picked up on the board game scene in RWBY V2 Episode 2 (Welcome to Beacon) as foreshadowing the events of the show, but for funsies I want to take a stab at how it foreshadows the general arcs of each four kingdoms myself.
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So we have Blake playing as the Kingdom of Vale, and she's completely unaware of the events of the game unfolding and not really paying attention, clearly distracted.
"Alright Blake, it's your turn!"
"Huh? Sorry, what am I doing?"
"You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the four kingdoms of Remnant!"
The Vale arc is the first three volumes of RWBY, where all our protagonists are at Beacon, but during that time, much like Blake during the game, they're unaware of the larger conflict with Salem, and aren't actively participating in the war at that point. They are ignorant and reactive instead of active. However it's ironic that Blake plays as Vale, since the reason she's not paying attention to the game and seems distracted is because, out of all the main characters in the Vale arc, she is the one most concerned about being kept in the dark and that they're ignorant as to what's really going on.
Blake: I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.
Ruby: (approaching Blake) You're still thinking about Torchwick?
Blake: Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!
She also leaves the game during her turn, much like how she runs away after the FoB and the end of the Vale arc.
"Right. Well, I think I'm done playing, actually"
Yang is playing as Mistral, and she's the most savvy and knowledgeable (hah) player, winning many rounds of the game, teaching Weiss how to play, and has the other players falling into her trap cards.
"Heh, pretty sneaky sis, but you just activated my trap card!"
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There's two ways this can be interpreted, with how the Mistral arc (volumes 4-6) is when our protagonists start to gather more knowledge and awarenesses of themselves and the world. It's also in Mistral that our heroes have their most decisive victory so far. It's fitting to have Yang playing as Mistral then, since during the Mistral arc she's the one who who learns from Tai to fight smarter, and to question the authority figures around her from Raven, and after confronting her in the vault is the one who retrives the relic of knowledge.
But, most of the losses our heroes experience are because of Cinder, who is from Mistral, and them falling into her own "trap cards" with the Fall of Beacon being orchestrated by her, killing Pyrrha and Ozpin. And in Atlas the same, with her manipulating Ironwood, undermining the heroes plans to evacuate everyone from Atlas, and killing Penny. She often finds ways to trick and exploit others, and is most dangerous when overlooked and underestimated, like falling into a trap.
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Which brings me to Ruby playing as Atlas, where Ruby and Yang have this exchange after Yang's trap card is activated by Ruby:
"Giant Nevermore! If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!
"But! If you roll lower a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!"
"That's just a chance I'm willing to take"
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In the Atlas arc (volumes 7-9) the theme of trust and taking risks is very prevalent. Like the move Yang makes in the game it is a risky one, that could end badly for her, but it is one worth taking nonetheless. They take the risk of trusting Ironwood but he ends up turning on our heroes. Oscar takes a risk trusting Hazel and Ozpin, as well as Emerald later on being accepted into their group, and it ends up working out for them. Ruby takes a risky chance in sending a message out to all of Remnant and evacuating Atlas, which saves a lot of people, but they still lose some, including Penny, a dear friend of Ruby's.
"Noooooo! My fearless soldiers!"
"Eh, most of them were probably androids anyways"
"Goodbye my friends... you will be avenged!"
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Ruby acts distraught when losing her turn in the game as Atlas, expressing anguish over losing her friends who are described as androids by Yang, just like how Ruby is incredibly depressed and broken after the Fall of Atlas in V9, mourning the loss of Penny, who was both a sentient android and Ruby's friend. (I do wonder if Ruby's comment on avenging her friends might be foreshadowing for her wanting to avenge Penny's death in the future, like how Jaune tried to 1v1 Cinder in V5 to avenge Pyrrha, but I think it's too soon to say)
As a sidenote the fact it is a Nevemore in this turn that has a chance of turning on Yang or helping her is interesting, as it puts me in mind of two characters who can turn into ravens/crows, like the bird and poem Nevermore is associated with. It could pertain to Raven, someone who turns on Yang in v5 during the battle of Haven, but appears to help her and her friends in the V9 epilogue. It could also be about Qrow and his semblance, since during the Atlas arc it begins to evolve so that it is not simply a bad luck semblance, but one that can generate good luck too. In other words he can affect whether the chances are in people's favour or not.
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After defeating Ruby (Atlas) Yang says this:
Yang: Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!
Ruby: Bah!
Yang: Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?
Ruby: Bah! Bah, I say!
Yang: I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!
After the Fall of Atlas Cinder retrives not one but two relics for Salem, and with Atlas falling into Mantle, two kingdoms are destroyed in one fell swoop.
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Then it's Weiss's turn. Weiss is playing as Vacuo, but has no idea how to play the game. Yang takes it upon herself to teach Weiss how to play and what she can do to win the game:
Yang: Well, Weiss, it's your turn.
Weiss: I have... absolutely no idea what's going on.
Yang: (Yang slides up beside her and puts her hand on her shoulder.) Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus.
Weiss: That sounds dumb.
Yang: See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! (She pulls up a card to show Weiss.) Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet—
Ruby: (crying) Nooo!
Yang: —and put it in your hand!
We know from the end of V9 that what remains of the airfleet of Atlas, as well as the airfleet of Mistral and Vale, have all flocked to Vacuo's defence. What remains of the kingdom of Atlas, the airfleet, but most importantly the people, have now fled to Vacuo and are trying to make a home there.
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Yang continues to give Weiss advice on how to win the game to Weiss, building her up, until Weiss starts to get arrogant, believing she's going to win the whole game and is the one in control:
Yang: And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom! (Yang points a finger at Weiss.) Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war.
Weiss: And that means...
Ruby: You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!
But then Yang turns on Weiss, activating her trap card, and Vacuo loses.
Since this is may be foreshadowing for the Vacuo arc that we haven't seen yet, I can only speculate what this might mean.
...But judging from the V9 extended epilogue and the books, my best guess would be that if Yang/Mistral is meant to be in part Cinder/Salem and their forces, then Weiss as Vacuo is in part the Crown. In the extended epilogue Jax and Gillian appear to be recieving help from Tyrian and Mercury, meaning Salem has decided to recruit them to her cause.
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The Crown wants to restore the Vacuoan monarchy and detest outsiders, especially Atlesians. They do however wish to protect Vacuo from the same forces that destroyed Beacon, aka Salem, and so they are likely going to be manipulated like Weiss is by Yang in the game, being offered aid and giving them advice on how they can win and achieve their objectives, making them believe they can "conquer Remnant", only for them to realise later they were being tricked and used.
"Once again, Vacuo had been isolated from the conflict raging throughout Remnant—only this time it was an opportunity. With the global CCT network disabled, Vale in ruin, Haven leaderless, and Atlas closed off, Vacuo was theirs for the taking. This was likely their last, best chance for a generation. And it was their only hope to defend Vacuo against whomever had been targeting the other kingdoms. In likelihood they had written off Vacuo, like everyone else did, but if they tried to move against the Crown, they would have an unpleasant surprise.
Vacuo wouldn't break this time around."
Weiss: (Weiss stands and a thunder clap accompanies Weiss' overjoyed psychotic laughter.) Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!
Yang: Trap card... (Yang's arm appears holding the card.)
Weiss: Huh?
Yang: (Yang shuffles the pieces on the board, Weiss' pieces disappearing in a puff of smoke.) Your armies have been destroyed.
Weiss: (Weiss slumps in her chair, cries and whines.) I hate this game of emotions we play!
Weiss as Vacuo may lose to Yang after realising they've been tricked, but is offered comfort afterwards by Ruby who relates to her losses and empathises with her, which is interesting since Ruby plays as Atlas. So I'm predicting at the end of the Vacuo arc they'll experience somewhat of a loss, whether that's the Crown, our heroes, or likely both, but Atlas will give support to Vacuo and the two kingdoms will come together to heal and ultimately work together, making steps to overcome their tense history with one another.
"Stay strong Weiss we'll make it through this together!"
"Shut up, don't touch me! "
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...Which does make Weiss specifically playing as Vacuo especially intriguing, as she is the SDC heiress from Atlas, and Vacuo is a kingdom that has suffered the most in being exploited and colonized for it's natural resources by Atlas. From the epilogue it seems like the Schnees are being confronted directly with all the harm that has been caused by their family and kingdom, so I wouldn't be surprised if Weiss recieves a certain amount of focus during the Vacuo arc in deciding what her legacy as an Atlesian and heiress to the Schnee name will be. Moving forward to make amends, maybe inspiring the citizens of Atlas/Mantle to come together with Vacuo so they can all help and support one another, instead of isolating themselves and suffering alone.
Jaune offers to plays Weiss's hand for a turn also, with Weiss refusing:
Jaune: (Begging with both hands folded together.) Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!
Weiss: I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!
Which is reminiscent of how Vacuo is mistrustful of outsiders, as we've seen in After the Fall and Before the Dawn books.
Yang follows up to say that Weiss attacked her own forces, which could reference the infighting in Vacuo, especially with the Crown.
Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess.
Yang: Uhh, you attacked your own naval fleet two turns ago. (Weiss makes an annoyed sound.)
Overall Weiss as Vacuo recieves the most help as any player during their turn, being taught how to play by Yang, offered comfort by Ruby after losing, and Jaune wanting to help her by playing her hand for a turn. This seems to fit with both how all kingdoms have flocked to Vacuo's aid in response to Ruby's message, but also Weiss as a character, who starts out "the loneliest of them all" but gradually opens up and warms up to other people. The crux of her arc being looking outside herself and at the people around her, relating to their struggles and coming to support them and being supported by them leads to her better understanding herself and becoming stronger for it... Which is kind of what the Kingdom of Vacuo needs to learn too!
Following this is Blake's turn as Vale, which I covered at the start of this post, but that's not the end of Vale's turn. We don't actually see it, but we know the aftermath of the game is this:
Yang: Ugh, we should have never let him play!
Ruby: You're just mad cuz' the new guy beat you!
Blake leaves the game during her turn as Vale, and presumably the "new guy" which is likely Neptune, who they'd just been introduced too, takes over her hand as Vale and wins the game of Remnant overall, even beating Yang and her trap cards. This is likely the endgame of RWBY itself, our heroes return to Vale after the Vacuo arc during the last volume for the final stand, where they win.
How and what that victory will look like I don't know, as we don't see the last turn of the game, so yet again this is even more vaguer speculation. Neptune doesn't really have much plot significance so I can't think there's any meaning to that except that he's a minor foil to Jaune, and the line of it being "a new guy" that wins, so maybe someone who recently joins our heroes side in the final act of the story, possibly Mercury or Cinder.
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drinkerofsin · 19 days
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" You there! Cossack! " " Who, me? " " You have the physique of Atlas! " " Thanks! I work out. :) " ---- redraw of a scene from SpongeBob (feat. Dr. Livesey and Tur)
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saturniasxenos · 21 days
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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catlokis-blog · 7 months
cat omfg i just saw the borderlands movie like. clips and stuff oh my god impassingo I tur
GENUINELY I DONT HAVE HIGH HOPES... like from the beginning i was like "ok this is gonna be strange if they have kreig and tina in bl1" since their trauma stems from hyperion & hyperion didnt take the power void the fall of atlas did yet but like. im really hoping these trailers are making it look worse than it is
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dolunay66 · 2 years
Şimdi alsam seni
götürsem allı morlu bir tepeye.
Otursam, baksam gözlerinin taa içine.
Olur mu? Olmaz kimine göre.
Tam değecekken yüzün yüzüme
tiz düdüklerini çalar,
eviniz barkınız yok mu diye sorarlar tepenin bekçileri.
Yok deriz, anlamazlar;
yersiz yurtsuz bir aşk bu.
Sen sev beni
fakat sevgilim deme; yasak!
Aşık bak, aşkla uyu, aşkla kalk
Aşk başına vursun, başın duvarlara;
fakat anma adını,
adı sözlükten kaçak.
Bu yaşadığımız
dili tutuk, eli titrek,
sürçülisan bir hayat.
Altını kaz, üstünden atla, etrafında tur at.
Yasaksa, ayıpsa ilanı aşk
böl hecelere, çöz harflerine;
bakışına koy
ya da bir tel saçına.
Var ise bir diyeceğin
yasak sözcükleri yutup da anlat;
tedbirli bir aşk bu.
Sağı solu dar,
önü ardı duvar
altı üstü cürmü kadar bir aşk bu.
Düğümlü, boşluklu, kusurlu.
Taa buramda.
Taa buram.
Derya Cesur
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allthings123x · 11 months
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bunedycom · 2 years
Filenin Sultanları 2. turda ilk kez kaybetti
Filenin Sultanları 2. turda ilk kez kaybetti
Filenin Sultanları, FIVB Dünya Şampiyonası ikinci tur F Grubu’ndaki üçüncü maçında ABD ile karşılaştı. Polonya’nın Lodz kentindeki Atlas Arena’da oynanan maçı ABD 3-1 kazandı.  Mücadelede setler; 22-25, 25-21, 20-25 ve 22-25 sonuçlandı. F Grubu’ndaki ilk maçında Almanya’yı 3-0 mağlup eden “Filenin Sultanları”, ikinci karşılaşmasında da Kanada’yı set vermeden mağlup ederek adını çeyrek finale…
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haziranzede · 3 years
kara demlik 2
günler uzun ömür kısa ömer askere gitti geliverdi. ali bey kızını rahmetli anacıgının evinden atla çıkardı köyde bir tur attılar. her kapıan çıkan ağzında dua ile ışıl ışıl ömere bakıyordu. ali bey güzel bir ahşap odalık yaptırdı onlara. içinde şarkı olan yüklüğü olan gardolabı olan bir odalık. birde döşek verdi. birde anasından kalma bir tarla. ali bey yetim evin çocuğuydu bu tarlayla azanılan paradan büyümüştü okumuştu. ömerin babasının eli hep omzundaydı. abi dediği adamla şimdi dunur olmuşlardı. 
gönüller allahın eline öer ve betül birbirini çok sevdi. şehirde büyüsede mütevazi bir evde büyümüştü betül. 1 yıla kalmaz sapsarı saçlı oğulları, annesi babası ve kocasıyla mutlu bir evi vardı. aynı evde onlara hizmet eiyor evin işini görüyor sonra kocasının yanına tarlaya gidiyordu. 
bu tarla bayadır boştu ömer önce tarlayı bir gül taşlardan temizledi, surdu, sulamak için harkları kazdı. tarlanın etrafını meyve ağaçaları ile doldurdu. ali ile tarlasına sınır olan yere bir kaysı ağaçı dikmişti.
ali onun bu haline sinir oluyordu. 1 mevsımı boşa geçirdi meyveydi ağaçtı dıye dıyordu. ali bin hırsla ikiyor, biçiyordu. ali ve ailesi hiç durmadan çalışıyordu ömere senın oğln küçük buyusun sende hırslanacaksın diyordu. ömer işini bitirir kara demliği koyar çay içerlerdi. alinin hanımıda dinlenelim derdi ali kızardı. neyse bin rica ile ara verildiğinde kadının içtiği çay burnundan gelirdi. 
ömer ve betül oğlanı bayaca büyütmüşlerdi.oğlanla beraber meyve ağaçları büyümüştü. kaysıağaçı baya baya büyümüştü. 
ömer aliye selam veriyor çocuklar canının çektiğini koparıp yesinler diyordu. al meyve ağaçlarını gördükçe sinir oluyor zamanında ekmedğine hayıflanıyordu. hırsından bi tane yemezde yedirmezdide. hata bir gecegelip hepsini dökmeyi bile düşündü. ömer meyveleri az verse de aliyede bi sepet yapar her birinen yollardı. bu kaysıyı buraya ektım kı sızde yorulunca gölgesinde çay için diye. 
adama bak bide bizi düşünmüş diye kendi kendine konuşuyordu ali. 
meyva ağçaları büyüyüp çoğaldıkça ömerin evlatlarıda çoğaldı. allah sevdiklerini aldıkça yeni evlatlar bahçetmişti ona.
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mexckk · 3 years
MEXC Global Yeni M-Day 10. Oturumu - GooseFX (GOFX) Başlıyor
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Yeni M-Day Programı yakında MEXC borsasında başlıyor. M-Day Programı, ana akım kripto traderlarının/holderlarının proje tokeni airdroplarına katılması ve tadını çıkarması için özel olarak MEXC Borsasında düzenlenen bir etkinliktir.
MEXC, kullanıcılarının destekleri için bir teşekkür göstergesi olarak, topluluğun geri bildirimlerini dinlemeye ve size yepyeni bir M-Day Programı sunmaya karar verdi! Şartları karşılayan kullanıcılar artık varlık alım satımı sürecinden geçmeden airdrop yoluyla proje tokenlerini alabilirler. Basit ve sorunsuz, siz de davetlisiniz!
Gelecek M-Day projesi, Project GooseFX'dir (GOFX).
Proje Tanıtımı
GOFX, kullanıcıları GooseFX platformundaki ekosisteme katkıda bulunmaya ve katılmaya teşvik etmek için ekonomik teşvikleri sağlayan ve böylece her katılımcının çabalarının karşılığını eşit bir şekilde aldığı, karşılıklı faydaya dayalı bir sistem oluşturan işlevsel bir yardımcı tokendir. GOFX, GooseFX platformunun ayrılmaz ve vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır, çünkü GOFX olmadan, kullanıcıların GooseFX platformundaki tüm ekosistemin yararına faaliyetlere katılmak veya hizmetler sağlamak için kaynak harcaması için hiçbir teşvik olmayacaktır.
Token Airdrop Detayları:
Airdrop Miktarı: 2.800.000 GOFX
Uygunluk Kriterleri
Dönem 1: Alım Satım Turu
İşlem hacmi aşağıdaki formda belirtilen minimum miktardan daha az olmamak koşuluyla belirli kriptolarla (Spot & ETF & Marjin) bilet alma süresinin bitiminden 3 gün önce (yani 28 Ekim 12:00 - 31 Ekim 12:00 TSİ) alım satım yapan kullanıcılar şans çekilişine katılma hakkı kazanacaktır. İşlem hacmi ne kadar büyük olursa, kullanıcı o kadar fazla bilet alabilir.
Alım Satım Turu için uygun işlem çiftleri şunlardır (Spot & ETF & Marjin):
Bilet Bilgileri:
Toplam kazanan bilet sayısı: 5000
Her kazanan bilet şunları içerir: 280
Ayrıntılar aşağıdaki tabloda gösterilmektedir:
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Dönem 2: MX Holding Turu
Bilet alma dönemi boyunca, aşağıdaki tabloda belirtilen minimum tutardan az olmayacak kadar elinde MX tutan kullanıcılar, şans çekilişine katılmaya hak kazanacaktır. Sahip olunan MX miktarı ne kadar fazla olursa, kullanıcı o kadar fazla bilet alabilir.
Bilet Bilgileri:
Toplam kazanan bilet sayısı: 4000
Her kazanan bilet şunları içerir: 280
Ayrıntılar aşağıdaki formda gösterilmektedir:
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Etkinliğin adil olmasını sağlamak için, kullanıcı bileti aldıktan sonra, çekiliş için kullanılan MX çekilişin sonuna kadar dondurulacaktır. Dondurma süresi boyunca, kullanıcılar MX alım satımı yapamaz veya çekemez.
Bu oturumda hesapta tutulan tutarlar, beklemede veya dondurulabilecek varlıklar hariç olmak üzere, spot hesabınızda bulunan varlıklarla sınırlı olacaktır.
Dönem 1 ve 2, ya-ya da kuralına göre esas alınan alternatiflerdir, yani bir kullanıcı dönem kriterlerinden herhangi birini karşılarsa, bileti almaya hak kazanacaktır.
Bilet alma dönem başına yalnızca bir kez yapılabilir (Biri Majör Kripto Turu için, diğeri MX Tutma Turu için). Lütfen her tur için biletlerinizi talep etmeden önce istediğiniz işlem hacmine ulaştığınızdan emin olun. Biletlerinizi aldıktan sonra biriken işlem hacmi, size ek biletler kazandırmaz.
Katılım ödülü:Çekilişten kazanan bilet almayan kullanıcılar, sırasıyla sahip oldukları kaybedilen bilet sayısıyla orantılı olarak, kalan satış tokenlerinin ödül havuzundan katılım ödülü kazanacaklardır.
Ekstra Avantaj: GOFX M-Day Şans Çekilişi etkinliğinin kriterlere uyan tüm katılımcıları 10 USDT Vadeli İşlem bonusu alacaktır.
(Ödüller gönderilmeden önce kullanıcıların Vadeli İşlem hesaplarını açmaları gerektiğini lütfen unutmayın, aksi takdirde hak talebinde bulunamazsınız. Vadeli İşlemler bonusu hakkında daha fazla bilgi için buraya tıklayın)
Not: Kullanıcıların bilet alabilmeleri için KYC doğrulamasını tamamlamaları gerekmektedir.
Yeni M-Day nasıl işliyor?
Kullanıcılara çekilişe bağlı olarak bilet alma seçeneği sunulacak. MEXC, çekiliş sonuçlarını etkinlik sona erdikten sonra açıklayacak ve ilgili GOFX airdroplar hesaba gönderecektir.
Uygunluk Kriteri: Kullanıcıların uygunluğuna, bilet alma dönemindeki MX tutma pozisyonlarına ve 28Ekim 12:00 - 31Ekim 15:00 (TSİ) tarihleri arasındaki belirli Spot ve ETF & Marjin işlemlerinin toplam işlem hacmine göre karar verilecektir.
Bilet Alma Zamanı: 30Ekim 17:00 - 31Ekim 12:00 (TSİ)
Çekiliş sonuçları 31Ekim 14:00 (TSİ) civarında açıklanacaktır. Kazanan bilet numaralarını kontrol etmek için lütfen MEXC M-Day web sayfasını (https://www.mexc.com/mday) ziyaret ediniz.
GOFXAirdrop: GOFXairdropları, kazanan biletleri olan kullanıcılara 1 Kasım 07:00 (TSİ) civarında dağıtılacaktır.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 years
*sings* Boy you got me fucked up-
Warnings for stalking and pretty disturbing content imo. I tried to water this down but...my god...
Friday afternoon.
Always the same place. Always the same time. Always the same booth. Always the same order.
Have a nice day, her lips read. Cherry-red lips shaped like a cupid’s finely crafted bow, curled up into a polite smile directed towards the waitress that had just left her booth. At this point,reading her lips was like reading a book, just following whatever word came next.
Through the glass pane that divided her from the outside world he watched, watched as her thin fingers dug into the coin purse shaped like a pink axolotl, soon pulling out a few dollar bills that were placed on the table for the tip.
She stood up, wiping herself with her napkin one last time. Finally, she made her way from the booth and through the diner, waving her hand goodbye to the old man that wiped the main counter. There was no need to hear her for the lip-reading alone was more than enough, but he every now and then chose to allow her voice into his ears.
At this point, hearing her every move was built into his system, every vibration beating in his chest like the drumming of his heart.
Her heeled shoes clicked and clacked with every dainty step, causing the ends of her golden bob to bounce in an almost elegant manner. He heard the clicking cease before a key was inserted into the keyhole of her teal car, its driver door soon opening before she hopped into the driver’s seat.
There was a slight squeak when she reached up to adjust the rear-view mirror, cherry lips having curled down slightly as she realized this was not the way she had left it. There was no way somebody could have touched her mirror without anyone realizing some stranger reached inside her convertible vehicle.
Shrugging it off, she reached down to the cup holders to grab her lipstick to redo the one on her lips. That was when her eyes were drawn down to an emptiness, no lipstick in sight. She now furrowed her eyebrows, desperately looking around the car to find the missing lipstick.
From a distance he watched her slight fit of panic, his lips curling up with a snicker as he fiddled with the heart-shaped item. His own hazel eyes trailed down to look at it.
“Take Me.” he read in a whisper, a shaky breath escaping his lips before his eyes went back up to her, seeing that she had given up and instead retorted to grabbing the lipstick she kept in her purse as a backup.
She removed the lid before the stick was placed on her lips, hazel eyes looking through the mirror to apply the faded color. It wasn’t until she saw another pair of hazel eyes in the mirror that made her turn around in a panic, heart having stopped in that instant as she saw nobody behind her car.
Perhaps she was tired and was now seeing things in her mirror. It wouldn’t be the first time and she was mostly certain that all forces against her had given up.
She decided to reapply her lipstick at home, tucking the tube back inside her purse before starting up the engine. She began to reverse her car, realizing that something was off with the movement. 
Perhaps something was behind one of her wheels.
So she got down from the car, circling around it once before finding the problem she faced. The back wheel on the right side was popped, something small and round lodged into it. Once realizing this, she reached down to grab what was most likely a nail, ripping it out and discarding it to the side.
Without her knowledge, the item’s tiny legs extended out, helping it crawl away and towards the shadows where it knew it was meant to be. In the shadows was he who had purposely sent it out, chuckling to himself at the prideful work done by his parasitic minion.
“Dammit.” he heard, looking back up at her. Her petite form made its way back into the diner, sighing as she began talking to the old man from before.
He gave her a comforting smile, telling her that he would do as she requested.
She had asked to leave the car there until the morning, or just until one of her beaus came to fix it. The older man asked what she would do in the meantime. She would walk.
From the shadows she was watched, the observer almost cackled in glee. Her latest form of transportation proved to be a nuisance when it came to spectating her, always making her trips far too short for his taste.
From where he stood he could tell that she was told to wait just a minute, that walking alone wasn’t her best option no matter the time of day.
She insisted it was alright.
He couldn’t help but let out a smirk, tilting his head in satisfaction as he waited for her to walk out of the diner again. This could have been the time to finally reintroduce himself to her. But perhaps, he could wait a little longer. The anticipation only made things more thrilling, watching her from afar for this long without her knowing.
His eyes landed on her facial features once again, skin colored like a fuzzy peach that had two rosy cheeks. Perky little nose that still had the slightest tint of pink left from her childhood, something that always embarrassed her but he always adored, especially with his inheritance of it. 
The blonde bob always framed her heart-shaped face so perfectly. Long eyelashes popping from behind her fringe to flutter like a butterfly’s wings, almost teasing anyone that saw such a simple but coy action.
He clutched his coat in a tight grip with both of his hands, almost clawing into them with the sharp tips of his fingers as his eyes followed every curve of her body. Her white sweater was neatly tucked into the denim skirt that hugged her bottom half ever so perfectly, revealing her thin legs that were finished off with little red boots.
Her left hand clutched her purse that was too in the sphere of a red heart, just like the tiny red hearts that adorned her long nails. These gently tapped themselves on the new leather material while the ones on the other hand dug into her hair, practically combing it before a stray strand was tucked behind her ear. Even on here she wore hearts, her earrings that dangled and skipped beats like the heart that pounded even harder in the chest of her observer. It was all very appropriate for a Queen of Hearts.
Said observer had been far too focused on taking in as many details as possible that he had lost track of time, a minute of doting over every single thing had actually been a few minutes, long enough to cancel the girl’s solitary walk home.
“Hey! What are you doing here?”
He blinked a few times before actually paying attention to the situation, eyes furrowing deeply as he realized that there was a newcomer in the diner. There was no need to hear a name or see a face to this person, it was the mere tone in which ‘you’ was spoken as well as the setting itself.
A male with raven hair had entered the building, his arms already wrapped around the object of interest’s much smaller form.
She spun around after a moment of surprise, hazel eyes becoming half lidded as her hands carefully planted themselves on the male’s chest. Fingers made slight, tantalizing motions before her hands slid high up with her digits now entangled in the dark hair. One hand had actually remained lower, placed on the male’s cheek to gently caress it, the former’s face turning to kiss the palm that faced him.
“Sonny called me, Atlas nor I were going to let you walk home alone.”
“I told Sonny-” the girl eyed the older man with false anger. “-that I could go on my own. I can take care of myself.”
“We know you can,” the male leaned down to plant his cracked lips on the girl’s soft hair, sparking a boiling rage in the one that could only stare from afar. “But we love protecting you so much.”
“Whatever.” she replied, soon enough parting from his embrace. It wasn’t long until she was outside once again, this time with the adversary that continuously told nothing but ridiculous comments, flashing crooked grins and off-beat winks every now and then.
The pair was watched as the scene unfolded, the male kneeling down after picking up a spare wheel from the vehicle’s trunk. He looked up at the girl, teeth biting into his bottom lip as he practically ogled her form like an infatuated fool.
It was maddening how the girl returned a similar look, but not as fatuous as the male that even had to be reminded to turn his attention to the wheel that required changing. But once he had finished with the task, his eyes were again glued onto the girl’s legs, the left being lifted off the ground in an almost enticing manner so that he could place a soft kiss.
“You have anywhere to be right now?” she spoke above a whisper so that only he could hear her suggestive tone.
“If I did, I would have told Atlas to be here.” the male kissed her bare shin again, receiving a ‘stop’ in the form of a giggle that resulted in him standing up before caging his partner between his body and her car.
If looks could kill, the male’s life could have been terminated in an instant with how he was stalked. The attention was no longer on the girl but on him instead, poisonous thoughts directed his way as he placed his hands on the girl’s hips. His fingers could have bruised her skin with how he was digging his fingers into her, tainting her with his brute force.
There was no hypothetical possibility here of all the things he could do with so much anger kept in the stalker’s form, he could have killed the other male without a second thought. He could have gotten rid of his problems right there and then, all of them.
But no.
He was smarter than that.
He was clever.
He was patient.
There was no need for elimination, only waiting. 
Waiting with an open embrace for those cherry-red lips to genuinely smile at him and only him. 
Waiting with an open embrace for those hazel eyes to be half-lidded and fixated on only him.
Waiting with an open embrace for those hands to hold and caress him and him alone.
Snapping out of these thoughts filled with hope, he turned away from the repulsive scene before standing erect and turning on his heel. There was no point in staying at this point in time, he already knew what would be going on once the flirtations supposedly ceased. 
Reaching into his pocket, the watcher tugged on a golden chain that was connected to an elegant pocket watch, one in the shape of a heart. On it was a single hand that he moved with his thumb, making a half-moon shape until stopping. As this happened, time and space moved just for him as he found himself hours later in a new location.
Darkness had now fallen the town as well a silence, not a creature stirring at this time of the night he found himself in.
There were not many sources of light to illuminate his way, but there was no need for it. 
Night vision was good enough, but muscle memory was much better.
He followed a trail he could almost see after having walked through it several times, eyes glued onto the building he approached.
Through a glass pane he could see a source of illumination, many tiny ones in fact. Tiny stars that would glow in the darkness when the right time came. He had grown accustomed to seeing them often despite the pink-colored curtains that concealed his view from what was on the opposite side of the glass.
With nothing but thoughts alone, the curtains parted open to reveal a bed situated almost in the center of the bedroom the stalker leered into.
There was a glisten in his eyes as a smirk tugged at the left corner of his lips, heart palpitating with thrill as his sights landed on the girl from before. 
A complete jewel. The jewel of the sea. His jewel.
Her heavenly features so calm, so oblivious to it all.
Painted eyelids carefully shut as her lips twitched every now and then. Her features were no longer peach but a color that resembled the petals of a young daisy, still so soft and pure.
She faced the window after experiences of having to watch her back, the scar being closest to her family that slumbered in the other rooms of the house.
This was one of those nights in which she slept alone, the only source of comfort being the plush toys she kept all around her bed. Her usual blue companion nowhere to be found, instead staying the night with the pups he fathered.
Without a second thought, behind the girl was her watcher, almost cooing at how innocent she looked all cuddled up in bed. There was no way oh her knowing he was there unless he desired it.
It was almost as if he didn’t exist. It was almost as if he was a phantom.
Ever so cautiously, he seated himself right behind her. He brought a finger up to the small of her back, feeling the silky nightwear covering only half of her back. 
His finger was then on the exposed portion of it, trailing up the line of stitches she received years ago. 
She was so fragile. So small. So...perfect.
And with a phantom touch he moved onto her face. As cliche as it sounded, the beauty in her only soared the closer he got to her. 
His digits caressed the smooth texture of her cheeks, moving in circular motions to follow the rosy swirls. With his other hand, he touched his own cheek to move his fingers in the same motion as he imagined the same symbols on his own features. How lovely it would have been to match with her.
Putting aside these thoughts, he followed through with her cherry-red lips now in the form of a heart while the rest of her lips matched her skin.
The tip of his index finger traced the heart as he almost giggled to himself, especially at the thought of the other lips that clashed with hers. Some day, it would all cease, he just knew it. 
But thinking of this left him with a familiar rage, one that had him clutching onto the sheets that covered the girl. It was infuriating that every but he could hold her, that everybody could treat her as they pleased.
So it was in moments like these that he took what was rightfully his.
Thinking back to the male from before, with his arms wrapped around the girl, he mimicked his actions.
Arms snaked around her thin waist as he brought the rest of his body onto her bed, snuggling his face into the exposed part of her back. He took in the sweet scent of flowers and nature that radiated off her, every now and then finding tones that repulsed him; only for her would he stand them.
This was all he wanted.
For her to be here.
For her to hold him.
For her to tell him it was all okay.
Why did she have to leave him? Was he not everything she had always wanted?
Clearly this was the case, and for this he strived to be all that she ever wanted.
With these thoughts he unconsciously squeezed her waist, suffocating for a split second before she jolted awake.
She whipped her head around in every direction possible, even turning down to look at her waist that had nothing but the wrinkled material of her blouse.
She brought her hands down to her abdomen, soothing the area before she brought her head back onto her pillow. 
There was no doubt she was imagining things, perhaps dreaming of them after so many close encounters with disturbed minds and deaths. 
She could only close her eyes once again as she comforted herself, tightly hugging a stuffed toy before bringing herself to sleep once again.
Never realizing that phantom that remained. Just for a little longer.
For tonight, she belonged to him.
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artemis-entreri · 5 years
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[[ Source | Artist’s Patreon
The Forgotten Realms – the default setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game – form one of the largest, most detailed and most popular fantasy worlds ever created. It is the brainchild of Canadian writer Ed Greenwood who started developing it as a setting for fantasy stories when he was just eight years old. Ten years later he began running D&D campaigns set in the same world, and also began writing articles for Dragon Magazine. The first mention of the Realms in-print came in 1978. Over the next eight years Greenwood became a popular writer of articles for the magazine and he included plenty of hints about his own campaign world in the process. 
In 1986 TSR, Inc., the publishers of D&D, were looking for a new setting. The Dragonlance setting had been an enormous success, but the feeling was that the continent of Ansalon was too small to serve as a setting for lots of stories. D&D creator Gary Gygax was also in the middle of his painful departure from TSR, which made the future use of his World of Greyhawk setting questionable. D&D needed a new “base” world.
TSR editor Jeff Grubb contacted Greenwood and asked exactly how much of the Realms had he actually created? Greenwood’s reply was, “lots.” Soon boxes were arriving at TSR HQ in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin by the score. Each box was packed full of notes, handwritten and typed, featuring information on hundreds of characters and cities, dozens of countries and countless new monsters, factions and magical items. Greenwood’s map of the main continent was divided across dozens of A4 sheets of paper which were painstakingly reassembled in the main TSR office, taking up almost every inch of free floor space. Greenwood’s map of the setting’s signature city, Waterdeep, was even larger and detailed and named almost every building. This was the Tolkien school of in-depth worldbuilding taken and expanded and applied to a continent several times the size of Middle-earth.
The slightly awed TSR bought the rights to the setting and began released it to the public in 1987. The first release was a novel, Darkwalker on Moonshae by Douglas Niles, followed by the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, or the “Big Grey Box” as it became infamously known. The Grey Box sold over 100,000 copies in short order, a staggering number for an RPG supplement. Ed Greenwood provided his own novel, Spellfire, and a few months later another book was published by a first-time novelist named R.A. “Bob” Salvatore. The Crystal Shard introduced the character Drizzt Do’Urden, a dark elven ranger seeking to atone for the sins of his entire race, and a fantasy publishing legend was born. To date, more than 30 million Drizzt novels have been sold by themselves.
The Realms grew and expanded. The continent of Kara-Tur, previously developed in 1985 for the Oriental Adventures sourcebook, was bolted to the eastern side of the Realms (with Greenwood’s blessing). The western continent of Maztica and the southern continent of Zakhara were explored in further boxed sets. Dozens of adventures and supplements explored the gods, power groups and races of the Realms in remarkable detail. In 1989 the Realms made the transition to D&D 2nd Edition through an epic campaign known as the Time of Troubles, or Avatar Wars, the first of many “Realms-shaking events” that unified a setting noted for its expanse and scope.
The setting expanded to a successful comics run and also a line of well-received video games, such as Curse of the Azure Bonds. However, it was the epic dungeon-crawler Eye of the Beholder (1991) that became a major crossover hit with general gamers and expanded the audience even further.
D&D and the Realms ran into a major problem with the collapse of TSR in 1997, during which time it was briefly possible that both would disappear altogether. However, Wizards of the Coast stepped in and bought both the game and the setting. This led to a creative renaissance for the setting, spearheaded by the hugely popular video game Baldur’s Gate (1998), the first RPG to be released by BioWare. D&D 3rd Edition arrived in 2000 and was followed by the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting book in 2001, one of the most handsome RPG books ever published. Over the next seven years the Realms continued to peak in popularity, with more video games such as Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights contributing to its success.
In 2008 D&D launched its 4th edition, but the surprising decision was made to effectively destroy the Realms, turning it into a kind of post-apocalyptic, high-concept setting. The decision was vehemently rejected by the overwhelming majority of Realms fans; sales of the 4th Edition D&D and Forgotten Realms material were disappointing and the setting spent several years in the doldrums until 2014, when Wizards of the Coast launched D&D 5th Edition. A streamlined, back-to-basics version of the game, it proved an immediate, huge hit. Even more notable was that, for the very first time, the Forgotten Realms was now the default setting for the D&D game. The new setting rolled back most of the disastrous changes from 4th Edition and restored some faith and popularity in the setting.
There are still some worlds left unconquered. A Forgotten Realms movie is in development for release in 2021 or 2022, and Larian Studios are working to relaunch the video game line with the eagerly-awaited Baldur’s Gate III. After a short hiatus, the novel line has been relaunched by R.A. Salvatore with a new run of Drizzt books, although there seem to be no plans for more material at the moment. And, watching over it all, remains Ed Greenwood, who still insists he has far more unpublished notes and setting material than has ever been seen formal print. On that basis, the Realms will be around for a long time to come.
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Mapping the Realms
Greenwood’s original map of the Realms focused on the continent of Faerûn, extending west to the island of Evermeet; south to the jungles of Chult and the island of Nimbral beyond; east to Semphar and the Horse Plains; and north to the towering Spine of the World mountain range and the Endless Ice Sea beyond. He had little notion of what lay elsewhere in the world, except for a huge island chain to the north-west called Anchôromé.
Other writers and editors soon expanded the setting. The 1985 Oriental Adventures book by Dave “Zeb” Cook had detailed an Asia-like land called Kara-Tur. This was retconned (and shrunk in the process) into the eastern half of the continent in the Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms boxed set (1988). In 1990 the Horde boxed set explored the Tuigan plains which linked the two subcontinents. In 1991, the Maztica Campaign Set added a new continent far to the west of Faerûn. In 1992 the Al-Qadim sub-setting was launched, detailing the lands of Zakhara to the south of Faerûn.
Through all of these boxed sets, adventures and campaign guides, maps were a constant feature. Not just maps of the continents and landmasses, but maps of individual countries, cities, streets and even individual buildings. The City System (1988) set contains a colossal map of Waterdeep which is too big to fit inside most average-sized homes, and names virtually every building in the city. The Forgotten Realms is almost certainly the most heavily-mapped fantasy world in existence, with literally thousands of maps existing of its various locations.
Despite that, a full, canonical world map of the entire planet of Abeir-toril had to wait until the release of the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas (1999) on CD-ROM. The atlas featured almost every single map from every single Realms product ever released plus lots of new ones, and also a complete world map which added multiple new continents to the planet. Ed Greenwood would later reveal some new information on these continents, but, twenty years later, they have still received scant development compared to the originals.
The first-ever canonical world map of Toril, from the long out-of-print Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas (1999) by ProFantasy.
A New Map of Toril
My new map of Toril depicts the planet as it stood between the 2nd and 3rd Editions of the setting. When 3rd Edition setting was released in 2001, the map-makers chose to shrink the main continent of Faerûn to remove empty space in the south; given that Faerûn was never the biggest fantasy continent in the first place, sometimes straining credulity given how packed it was, this was unnecessary and was eventually reversed in 5th Edition.
4th Edition, much more controversially, blew up the continent in a magical catastrophe known as the Spellplague and completely reshaped it. Fortunately, most of these changes were promptly abandoned in 5th Edition, which restored the continent to its former glory.
To create this map, I used a base model from my twenty-year-old copy of the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas (this also inspired some colour choices, particularly for the mountains) and information from canon sources and from some of the better fan maps out there. A more detailed map of Faerûn will – hopefully! – follow, although it will be considerable work.
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The World of Abeir-toril
The world of the Forgotten Realms is an Earth-sized planet called Abeir-toril, “Cradle of Life” in Auld Wyrmish. Toril is the third of eight planets in its star system, and it possesses one large satellite, Selûne, and dozens of smaller satellites, asteroid-sized bodies called the Tears of Selûne.
Toril is divided between one very large continental landmass, almost big enough to qualify as a supercontinent, and three other continent-sized bodies. Five large island-continents and thousands of smaller continents are also known to exist.
The main continental landmass is divided into three lesser continents or subcontinents:
Faerûn is located in the west of this landmass, running from the Endless Ice Sea to the Great Sea and from the Trackless Sea to the Tuigan Plains (or Hordelands) in the east. Faerûn is the original and principle setting for the Forgotten Realms campaign and by far the area of the planet with the most development. Faerûn vaguely resembles Europe and the Near and Middle-East in the medieval period, with the landlocked Sea of Fallen Stars serving as a Mediterranean analogue.
Kara-Tur is located to the east of Faerûn and is the home of the mostly-defunct Oriental Adventures and Living Jungle sub-settings. It is an Asian-inspired land of vast empires, huge cities and adventure. Kara-Tur is the home of the largest nation on Toril, the Shou Lung Empire, and the tallest mountain range, the Yehimal, which is even taller than the Himalayas.
Zakhara, the Land of Fate, lies south of Faerûn and south-west of Kara-Tur. The home of the Al-Qadim sub-setting, it is a land of vast, boiling deserts and cities clustered around oases and bays. Zakhara is inspired by the mythology of Arabia. The largest single city on the planet, Golden Huzuz, can be found in Zakhara.
In addition, several other continents can be found elsewhere in the world:
Maztica, the True World, lies to the west of Faerûn across the Trackless Sea. It is inspired by Aztec and Mayan mythology and consists of jungles, volcanoes and deserts. North of Maztica lies a land of open plains more reminiscent of the American West, although this area has not been explored much in canon materials.
Katashaka lies to the south of Maztica and consists of steaming, hot jungles inhabited by various hostile lizardfolk. Katashaka seems to have been inspired by South America, but it has received relatively little development so far.
Ossë is a large landmass lying to the east of Kara-Tur. It is quite hot, sparsely-populated and has not yet been explored in detail in any canon materials. Based on the limited information available, it appears to be a supersized version of Australia.
There are numerous islands of note in the world, the most famous of which are Evermeet, the home of the elves located far across the Trackless Sea; the Moonshae Isles off the coast of Faerûn; Lantan, the land of engineers and tinkerers; Nimbral, the mysterious Sea-Haven; the islands of Anchôromé off the coast of Maztica; Wa and Kozakura off the coast of Kara-Tur; and the large island-continents of Myrmidune, Tabaxiland, Aurune and Braaklosia, about which relatively little has been revealed.
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dagenssvenska · 6 years
hej kan din katt ge mig lite tips hur jag ska klara skolan under nationella tider tack på förhand puss puss
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Atlas säger:
Ät och drick alla de saker du tycker om för att belöna dej själv medan/efter du studerar etc. Och ge något gott till katter också när du kan, vi ger tur!
Gör en workout för att trötta ut dej fysiskt när du kan - mår kroppen bra är det lättare för hjärnan att må bra. Och det brukar vara lättare att sova när man är riktigt fysiskt trött också.
Färgkoda grejer om det hjälper dej fokusera lättare. Sätt gärna lite söta kattassar och morrhår på saker också så du blir glad när du ser dom.
Skaffa en study buddy om du kan. Det kan vara enklare att lära sej saker tillsammans med någon annan.
Läs saker högt när du kan. Även om det bara är för dej själv. (Men det är bättre om du läser för en katt.) Det kan va lättare att förstå och memorera grejer på det viset.
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sbutik · 5 years
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marrakechatlastur · 5 years
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Bem-vindo a Marrakech Atlas Tur Com mais muitos anos de experiência em viagens pelo marrakechatlastur é uma agencia que objetiva o conforto, segurança e entretenimento dos seus clientes durante a sua estada no Marrocos. https://www.instagram.com/p/BZMq-PUA0_QBq5Jo0MlQWI6DZKANK-safQLylA0/?igshid=bq5s5lukqw9i
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kitapduskunu1 · 3 years
Şöyle içimden bir ses çık git şu kapıdan atla bir arabanın önüne bitsin herşey sonra diyorumki ya ölmezsem işte o zaman s*çarım annem 50 tur evde kovalar o yüzden yapmıyorum sjsjsjsj
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