#athena shut up
goddessplaystoo · 2 years
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seeing steve hang out with kids totally isn't giving m baby fever, um...
nope! none, nada
@kingstevexharrington however, may have baby fever himself
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wisebeth · 3 months
why does the pjo series have to unnecessarily villainize goddesses (hera & athena) or show them as silly ladies (aphrodite & demeter) BUT posiedon and apollo are somehow shown as the coolest/most likeable gods, even though arguably, they're right after zeus on terms of corruption?
ares shown as the worst god after zeus and hera amuses me. last time i checked, he was the patron god of amazons and literally killed a man for attempting to rape his daughter but guess who cursed women for rejection? apollo. guess who raped women when they said no (aside from zeus)? posiedon.
#all the gods and goddesses in the greek mythology are flawed in their own way#it doesn't make sense why the books were so unnecessarily biased towards certain gods?#it bothers me specifically that hera and athena are SO unnecessarily painted as villains#while posiedon is ‘cool’ dad ‘great’ lover ‘decent’ god ‘reasonable’ than other olympians#i get it he's the main character's father of a children's fantasy novel so rick painted him in a good light#but my man? then why are you painting other gods who are arguably just as bad as him as WORSE#shut up i feel strongly about it#i love the percy jackson series#but i hate how the gods are portrayed#is trials of apollo a good series? yes#does it make sense why he's shown as a human-like god with redemption arc#while hera is reduced to ‘evil stepmom’ and ‘bitch to annabeth’ even if apollo is JUST as bad as her?#no#and aphrodite is not some ‘silly fangirl’ whose personality revolves around shipping percabeth#she is powerful terrifying and cunning who can bestow some of worst revenge on those who offend her#demeter is not a silly crop goddess#her love for her daughter was so strong it almost ended the world and destroyed mankind#shes in charge of harvest and agriculture without her humanity will starve to death#shes just as powerful as the big-3 or at least she should be#posiedon is not this cool perfect rational god#medusa would disagree demeter would disagree pasiphae would disagree odysseus would disagree#apollo cursed women posiedon raped yet ares killed a rapist BUT nooo let's make ares the bad one#percy jackson#rr crit#greek mythology#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo
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1960z · 2 days
“we need more mean female characters” y’all couldn’t even handle athena cykes
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buddiebitch · 2 months
favorite season of 9-1-1
i just wanted to post a less controversial poll
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rottmntsimp · 4 months
Simp's 100 DTIYS
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That's write, I hit a 100 subs a while back 😎
Ok, but honestly, thank you all so much for this, even if it may not seem like a lot LMAO. I've been going through some stuff but this just made my day. THAT ASIDE-
YES the turtle tot in Donnie's arms in Athena, my OC!! Finally, official Athena art!!
Anyway, rules for the DTIYS:
Anyone is able to join
Drawing must include both Donnie and Athena [pose may differ]
Depending on the number of people who participate, winners will be both shouted out and the best art piece will become my pfp on Tumblr or Wattpad
When posting, using the tag #simps100dtiys and make sure to tag me!!
@lemme-be-cringe-damnit @sleepytime-fics @ray-of-midnight-storm @hamthepan @charismakat @flapajacker
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buck348 · 2 months
ooohhhh i hateeee 911 tiktok fandom (not the editors love you guys stay based)
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cupioriot · 11 months
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rereading Mark of Athena, I found this line very odd
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kinard-buckley · 1 month
okay. i was going to reblog someone else's post with a wall o' tags then thought better of it and decided to make my own post. anyway. controversial opinion ahead!!
eddie needs to sit with the fact that he has to let chris feel everything he's feeling right now and it will suck for him knowing he's caused chris even an ounce of pain but....... he can't always bring buck in to magic away chris's hurt and discomfort. eddie and chris BOTH have to feel it and take the time to work their ways through it. yeah sure buck is the guy who 'fixes' things but this is emphatically NOT something he can fix for eddie, and certainly not with a simple convo.
look i'm sorry but he is not chris's dad. he's not eddie. yes buck has a deep and profound relationship with chris but this is not something he can solve for them. he can play a role in helping eddie and chris get to where they need to get, so they can both start healing, but he can't carry them there.
also, eddie has to learn who he is outside of being a father and a widower. he also has to accept that chris is growing up and he can't sooth everything away by subbing cool uncle buck in to give chris a pep talk. that's not even fixing the current issues at hand, that's just wallpapering over them imo. eddie's the one who will have to do the hard work with chris, not buck for both of them, and only when chris is willing to let him back in. it's going to take time, intention, and effort. and it's not something buck can do for either of them.
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carameldrizzl3 · 1 day
drumroll please 🥁🥁🥁🥁
“Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley is Written By Laufey”
So like I’m just taking songs I think Buck relates to and stating why I feel that way. I was gonna put it in order but I plan on adding more to the list of songs so it’s all about everywhere. I’ll be linking the rest to it too so don’t worry about scrolling for 30 minutes.
And I’m sorta writing it in the characters perspective. You can also add your own thoughts in the comments💕 be interactive if you’d like!!
I was listening to Laufey and was like “wait why is this song kinda Buck coded” and decided to post about it. So here you go.
Also the purpose of this is to talk about Buck not ships like BuckTommy or Buddie so let’s refrain. Yes I’ll reference Buck Tommy but that’s because their relationship is canon. I’ll also mention Eddie because they’re friends as well. So let’s not be hostile. I love Bucktommy but the purpose of this is to NOT be biased and to express Buck through music. Yeah enough of my yap session.
I’m not a writer so PLEASE be gentle🩶 the first one is below 👇🏾
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6flyingosprey6 · 30 days
QSMP Eggs and what Percy Jackson cabins I think they belong in
Chayanne- Poseidon
Dapper- Hecate
Leo- Iris
Ramon- Hephaestus
Juanaflippa- Nemesis
Bobby- Ares
Tilin- Aphrodite
Trump- Hypnos
Tallulah- Apollo
Richarlyson- Demeter
Pomme- Hades
Empanada- Athena
Sunny- Nike
Pepito- Hebe
Chunsik- Tyche
Nacho- Dionysus
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goddessplaystoo · 2 years
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look at this dork
he so dorky <3
i love him dearly @kingstevexharrington
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athena-xox · 4 months
Someone force me to finish writing my short story for my schools paper
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balletfilmss · 2 months
all those godly parent quizzes are like “oh! her fav color’s pink, she must be an aphrodite kid” but like, i’d rather have a conversation with my bookshelf than try to flirt w someone
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starbuckaroo · 1 month
Sorry I know this is going around a lot rn but anyone who wants to say ANYTHING about bad parenting on this show and wants to talk about Eddie mf Diaz can eat a fucking dick UNLESS they can show me they’re not being hypocritical and can show me their posts that rip Athena apart. Fucking hell.
I will preface this by acknowledging that ofc there’s absolutely no way I can know what it’s like to be a black woman raising a black child. I never can. I do have some personal experience with raising a black boy in the US, though, so the episodes with Harry have always hit me really really hard, and usually because I always want to mcfucking scream at Athena for the way she allows her career indoctrination to harm her children.
Yeah my main gripe with this show always always boils down to “Athena quit your job” bc I can’t stand her anymore tbh. She would have stayed an interesting character IF at some point in s4-5 thereabouts she started to have doubts about the system and they did something interesting with that
If they would allow the literal actual conflicts of interest to crop up and let her be a fucking antagonist. Let Bobby struggle with his ethical evaluation of a scene and his marital obligations. Let May struggle with learning and growing away from her childhood home and wrestle with what her mom continues to do. And let that storyline with Harry this season actually carry the fucking heavy and heinous weight that it truly has. It turns my stomach honestly like I had to stand up and walk away, and let me sister tell me when it was over so I could go sit back down.
But the apologism is what is so unforgivable. Like don’t get me wrong, I love the hell out of this show and it’s my full on hyperfixation and has been for years, but its top billed character has been nigh unwatchable for most of the last few seasons. The narrative trying to sell me that she’s one of the protagonists, that she doesn’t have to struggle meaningfully at all about what she does for a living or to her family, and I’m supposed to swallow that without protest? Nah. Can’t happen.
I liked her character a lot in the first three seasons tbh against my better judgment! I was expecting to hate her from day one but I was sold, actually. Michael leaving the show kind of tanked her character, I think, maybe. I think it was their dynamic that made her interesting at first, and then sympathetic later on when she really was trying to make their blended unconventional family work despite her upbringing. But honestly once Harry aged into teenagerdom and Michael left and May graduated it meant there was like…nothing left about Athena that was interesting except her job except that’s actually the worst part about her lmao woopsies.
Anyways. Let Athena be a villain or at least an antagonist. That would fix everything tbh. It would make her interesting again, it would be in character given how many ethical messes she’s caused or been party to, and would allow the show to keep doing their dumb copaganda shit that they’re almost certainly contractually obligated to shove in at least once per season. But it would finally be interesting because it wouldn’t feel like I was being asked to swallow bullshit covered in glitter spray. Maybe they could explore her toxic relationship with her mother and how engaging so heavily and perpetually with respectability politics has done damage to herself (and her parents and her ex husband and her children) over the years. Maybe her magical fairytale white lady boss at the precinct can actually act in character for once and pls god I would just like. I would sell a kidney for a real and honest Athena Quit Your Job plotline. Fuck. They could even take the coward’s way out like they did with Eddie’s military service and just have her quit for some random reason so ethics never actually has to be part of the conversation but neither would we have to deal with the copaganda all the time. You know Angela Bassett would act the fuck out of that kind of complicated character. It would be a real conflict instead of whatever contrived nonsense they’ve been putting on her this season.
Anyways this really fucking got away from me but I’m just not willing to hear a fucking WORD against single dad Eddie fucking Diaz unless the speaker has already done their bit about Athena and they’re just making their way through the line.
I don’t actually want that bc We Know Why they’re saying that shit about Eddie and if they ever opened their mouth about Athena I don’t even really have to wonder about what sort of racist bullshit might fall out. Those aren’t the people I want attempting to critique Athena Grant. So actually yeah can everyone just shut the fuck up.
Myself included.
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bxffysxmmers · 4 months
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hi so sorry to have to address anything here, but just a heads up on what occurred with myself, bertie, chels, and robin on brittle heart aka washawayrp. again, apologies. just getting a lot of dms so figured i'd post in one go. i really don't want to ruin anyone's perception of bh or the remaining staff team, so i can only really say creative differences. thanks for reaching out, it means the world.
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cupioriot · 10 months
hell yeah more graphic novel octavian in a month!! and the rest of the characters and plot in mark of athena i guess.
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