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gildedmuse · 1 year ago
Listen.... Trafalgar Law is like Opposite Pick Me Girl.
He stole Doffy's whole look down to the shirtless sluttiness, feather coat and the earrings.
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He COPIED DOFFY'S ACTIVATION METHOD. How "notice me, senpai!!" is THAT!?
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Like Doflamingo, he acts as though your attempts at torturing him are absolutely precious.
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Law straight up based his jolly roger on Doffy's. Like it's not even kinda subtle. (Not that Law does subtle. Which is weird for someone trying SO HARD to be dark, mysterious, and edge-y as Kikoku. )
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Trafalgar spent years of his life travelling around the world, gaining notoriety and power, putting into place a series of intricate moving parts that all had to come together in just the right way all so Doflamingo would notice him and remember his face forever.
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Law: Please, Young amaster-sama! Oh, please pick me!
Law: To kick your pathetic, subhuman ass.
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[Thanks to @revlischarm who gave me this idea.]
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konjaku · 1 year ago
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木瓜[Boke] Chaenomeles speciosa
木[Boku|Moku] means tree, 瓜[Ka] means gourd, and the reading of the name is a corruption of bokuka, bokka, mokka or mokkō. When the weather warms up a little more, it will bloom flowers similar to those of Ume(Prunus mume).
彼は、何か恐いことをするやうな氣持がした。庭には麗らかな日の光りが當つてゐた。大きくなつた木瓜の蕾は鮮やかな紅を含んでゐる。而して、これから日毎に暖かに長閑になつて行く希望の多い日に憧がれの瞳を見張つてゐるやうであつた。 これを見るにつけて、彼は心に重い苦しみを感じた。其れは、彼の欅の木を切らなければならないからである。彼はこの木瓜も、欅の木も、皆な同じ運命の下に生を樂しんでゐることを思つた。其の一つを理由なくして切ることは罪でなくて何であらう。
[Kare wa, nani ka kowai koto wo suru yōna kimochi ga shita. Niwa niwa uraraka na hi no hikari ga atatte ita. Ookiku natta boke no tsubomi wa azayaka na kurenai wo fukunde iru. Shikashite, korekara higoto ni atataka ni nodoka ni natte yuku kibō no ooi hi ni akogare no hitomi wo mihatte iru yō de atta. Kore wo miru ni tsukete, kare wa kokoro ni omoi kurushimi wo kanjita. Sore wa, ka no keyaki no ki wo kiranakereba naranai kara de aru. Kare wa kono boke mo, keyaki no ki mo, mina onaji unmei no moto ni sei wo tanoshinde iru koto wo omotta. Sono hitotsu wo riyū naku shite kiru koto wa tsumi de nakute nan de arō.] He felt like he was about to do something terrible. The garden was bathed in glorious sunlight. The swollen buds of Boke contain a vivid crimson. And, they looked as if eyes were gazing longingly into hopeful days, which would become warmer and more peaceful day by day. As he saw this, he felt a great distress in his heart. This is because that he had to cut that tree of Keyaki(zelkova) down. He thought of this Boke and the tree of Keyaki, all enjoy living under the same fate. If it is not a sin to cut one of them down without reason, what is it? From The Injured Person by Ogawa Mimei Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/959504/1/18 (ja)
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torahoes · 10 months ago
(IDOLiSH7) Good Good Games - PLAY GAME!! [English Translation]
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Link to my Twitter post with the color-coded lyrics
Good Good Games!
好奇心 × 無限大 = What!?
Koukishin × Mugendai = What!?
Curiosity × Infinity = What!?
抑えられない Joyful!オーライ!  みんな集合!
Osaerarenai Joyful! oorai! Minna shuugou!
Uncontainable Joyful! Alright! Everyone, gather!
ムズカシイコト、考えない You know? 常識、飛び越え C'mon! We fly!
Muzukashii koto, kangaenai You know? joushiki, tobikoe C'mon! We fly!
Don't think about complicated things, You know? Leap and transcend common sense, C'mon! We fly!
Are you ready? You ready!?
Say! Lucky - Lucky - Happy - Lucky!
“ノリ” に乗り!  ハメ外して Follow me!
"Nori" ni nori! Hame hazushite Follow me!
Ride on the “rhythm” Let loose and Follow me
ほら、どんどん Turn up!何度でも
Hora, dondon Turn up! Nando demo
Hey, Turn up more! Over and over
何度でも Hit it! Count down!このまま party to party!
Hit it! Count down! Kono mama party to party!
Hit it! Count down! Keep it up and party to party!
想像以上 Going on! 行こうぜ Dreamy gate
Souzou ijou Going on! Ikouze Dreamy gate
Going on beyond our imagination! Let's pass through the Dreamy gate
予定調和の日常 Boom!
Yotei chouwa no nichijou Boom!
A daily life of pre-established harmony Boom!
好奇心 × 無限大 = What!?
Koukishin × Mugendai = What!?
Curiosity × Infinity = What!?
Boom! Brothers! 3, 2, 1!
Welcome to こんな paradise  もう、止まらないや!
Welcome to konna paradise Mou tomaranai ya!
Welcome to a paradise like this, there’s no stopping anymore!
Show you another world  広がる ダンジョン
Show you another world hirogaru danjon
Show you another world, it’s an expanding Dungeon
今、Knock Knock そのドア、叩け!
Ima, Knock Knock sono doa, tatake!
Now, Knock Knock, Knock on that door!
たまに oh, no  当たって、砕けて!
Tamani oh, no atatte, kudakete!
Once in a while, oh, no, go for broke!
目指せ Higher than the clouds  いや、もっと上へ!
Mezase Higher than the clouds Iya, motto ue e!
Aim higher than the clouds, no, even higher than that!
このメロディーズ 繋いでく Future
Kono merodiizu tsunaideku Future
The Future carries on these melodies
Hot Hot!楽しもう This moment
Hot Hot! Tanoshimou This moment
Hot Hot! Let's enjoy This moment
さぁ、もっと Go on!  一緒ならば、Good Games!
Saa, motto Go on! Issho naraba, Good Games!
Come on, let's go on more! If we’re together, they’re Good Games!
Good Good Games!
Good Good Games!
Let's get together all the time!
“君とじゃなきゃ、意味がない”  そんな瞬間 重ねてこう Right?
"Kimi to ja nakya, imi ga nai" Sonna shunkan kasanetekou right?
"It's meaningless if it’s not with you" Let's collect moments like those, right?
Now or Never ならば Now!
Now or Never naraba Now!
Now or Never means Now!
Yes or No? 間違いない Yes Yes All!
Yes or No? Machigai nai Yes Yes All!
Yes or No? There's no doubt, Yes Yes All!
(One life) “楽しむ” 以外の 選択肢などはない!
(One life) "tanoshimu" igai no sentakushi nado wa nai!
(One life) Besides "enjoying yourself", there are no other options!
(Stand up) こんな生き方 誰も真似出来ない!?
(Stand up) Konna ikikata daremo mane dekinai!?
(Stand up) No one can imitate this way of life!?
どんどん バージョンアップしてこう!
Dondon baajon appu shitekou!
Let's keep levelling up steadily!
待ってらんない!まだまだ party to party!
Matterannai! Mada mada party to party!
Can't keep waiting! Keep going and party to party!
不確かな 明日が  照らすよ Dreamy way
Futashikana ashita ga terasu yo Dreamy way
The uncertain tomorrow illuminates the Dreamy way
敷かれたレール そんなの Boom!
Shikaretareeru sonna no Boom!
A path paved by somebody else, that's just Boom!
Brothers! 3, 2, 1!
ずっと This is how we roll  もう、止まらないや!
Zutto This is how we roll  Mou, tomaranai ya!
This is how we roll all the way, there’s no stopping anymore!
We can make it through  信じて パッション
We can make it through Shinjite passhon
We can make it through, believe in the passion
まだ Knock Knock 失敗も恐れない
Mada Knock Knock, shippai mo osorenai
Still Knock Knock, don’t fear failure
むしろ run up! スピード上げて
Rather run up! And increase the speed
Mushiro run up! Supiido agete
目指せ Higher than the clouds  ほら、もっと上へ!
Higher than the clouds Hora, motto ue e!
Aim higher than the clouds, come on, even higher than that!
このリズム 紡いでく Drama
Kono rizumu tsumuideku Drama
The drama weaves this rhythm together
Hot Hot!迷わず Enter in
Hot Hot! Mayowazu Enter in
Hot Hot! Without hesitating Enter in
Go with the flow more どこまででも Good Games!
Go with the flow more Dokomade demo Good Games!
Go with the flow more Wherever we go, they’re Good Games!
カリスマ的プレイで Good Games
Karismateki purei de Good Games
Good Games with our charismatic play
どんなステージも 楽勝 でしょう!
Donna suteeji mo rakushou deshou!
Every stage will be an easy victory, won’t it!
Always go crazy! We're the finest!
Never stop! 一気に フィナーレ、 飾れ Yeah!
Never stop! Ikki ni finaare, kazare Yeah!
Never stop! Grace the finale in one go, Yeah!
高らかに 響かせよう さぁ Boom!
Takaraka ni hibikaseyou saa Boom!
Let it resound loudly, now, Boom!
好奇心 × 無限大 = What!?
Koukishin × Mugendai = What!?
Curiosity × Infinity = What!?
Boom! Brothers! 3, 2, 1!
Welcome to こんな paradise  もう、止まらないや!
Welcome to konna paradise Mou tomaranai ya!
Welcome to a paradise like this, there’s no stopping anymore!
Show you another world  広がる ダンジョン
Show you another world hirogaru danjon
Show you another world, it’s an expanding Dungeon
今、Knock Knock  そのドア、叩け!
Ima, Knock Knock sono doa, tatake!
Now, Knock Knock, Knock on that door!
たまに oh, no  当たって、砕けて!
Tamani oh, no atatte, kudakete!
Once in a while, oh, no, go for broke!
目指せ Higher than the clouds  いや、もっと上へ!
Mezase Higher than the clouds Iya, motto ue e!
Aim higher than the clouds, no, even higher than that!
このメロディーズ 繋いでく Future
Kono merodiizu tsunaideku Future
The Future carries on these melodies
Hot Hot!楽しもう This moment
Hot Hot! Tanoshimou This moment
Hot Hot! Let's enjoy This moment
さぁ、もっと Go on!  一緒ならば、Good Games!
Saa, motto Go on! Issho naraba, Good Games!
Come on, let's go on more! If we’re together, they’re Good Games!
Good Good Games!
Good Good Games!
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eriyuka · 11 months ago
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Good Good Games / PLAY GAME!! (8th Anniv Shuffle Unit) - Kan/Rom/Eng Lyrics
(Ask permission first before using my translations!!)
- Izumi Iori
- Izumi Mitsuki
- Tsunashi Ryuunosuke
- Inumaru Touma
Good Good Games
好奇心×無限大 world =
抑えられない joyful, whole life みんな集合! (you go)
難しいこと考えない you know 常識飛び越え come on be find (so higher)
Are you ready? You're ready!
So, lucky lucky happy lucky!
ノリに乗り ハメ外して follow me!
ほらどんどん turn up! 何度でも
Heat it count down! このままParty to Party!
想像以上 goin on 行こうぜ dreamy game (OK OK)
予定調和の日常 Boo!
好奇心×無限大 world = Boom!
Lads up! 3,2,1!
Welcome to こんな paradise もう止まらないや
Show you another world 広がるダンジョン
今 knock knock! さあもうドア叩け
たまに Oh No! 当たって砕けて
目指せ higher than a class いやもっと上へ
このメロディー 繋いでいくfuture
Hot hot! 楽しもうthis moment
さあもっとgo on! 一緒ならば good games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
Let's get together all the time
君とじゃなきゃ意味がないそんな瞬間重ねてこう right
Now or Never ならば Now
Yes or No! 間違いない Yes yes you all!
(one life) 楽しむ以外の選択肢などはない
(stand up) こんな生き方誰にも真似できない
どんどんversion upしていこう
止まってらんない まだまだ Party to Party!
不確かな明日が照らすよdreamy way (OK OK)
敷かれたレール そんなの Boo!
bounds up! 3,2,1!
ずっと this is how we know もう止まらないや
We can make it soon 信じてpassion
まだno no! 失敗も恐れない
むしろone more! スピードを上げて
目指せhigher than a class ほらもっと上へ
このリズム 紡いでいくdrama
Hot hot! 迷わずenter in
No, it's a found more! どこまででも good games
Honeys, my take it play the good games
Always もう crazy We are the finals
Never stop 一気に finale 飾れ Yeah
高らかに響かせよう さあ Boom!
好奇心×無限大 world = Boom!
Brother! 3,2,1!
Welcome to この paradise もう止まらないや (Yeah...)
Show you another world 広がるダンジョン
今 knock knock! さあもうドア叩け
たまに Oh No! 当たって砕けて
目指せ higher than a class いやもっと上へ
このメロディー 繋いでいく future
Hot hot! 楽しもう this moment
さあもっとgo on! 一緒ならば good games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
Koukishin kakeru mugendai world =
Osaerarenai joyful, whole life minna shuugou! (you go)
Muzukashii koto kangaenai you know joushiki tobikoe come on be find (so higher)
Are you ready? You're ready!
So, lucky lucky happy lucky!
Nori ni nori hame hazushite follow me!
Hora dondon turn up! Nando demo
Heat it count down! Kono mama Party to Party!
Souzou ijou goin on ikouze dreamy game (OK OK)
Yotei chouwa no nichijou Boo!
Koukishin kakeru mugendai world = Boom!
Lads up! 3,2,1!
Welcome to konna paradise mou tomaranai ya
Show you another world hirogaru dungeon
Ima knock knock! Saa mou doa tatake
Tamani Oh No! Atatte kudakete
Mezase higher than a class iya motto ue e
Kono melody tsunaide iku future
Hot hot! Tanoshimou this moment
Saa motto go on! Issho naraba good games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
Let's get together all the time
Kimi to ja nakya imi ga nai sonna shunkan kasanete kou right
Now or Never naraba Now
Yes or No! Machigai nai Yes yes you all!
(one life) Tanoshimu igai no sentakushi nado wa nai
(stand up) Konna ikikata dare ni mo mane dekinai
Dondon version up shite ikou
Tomatte rannai mada mada Party to Party!
Futashika na ashita ga terasu yo dreamy way (OK OK)
Shikareta rail sonna no Boo!
bounds up! 3,2,1!
Zutto this is how we know mou tomaranai ya
We can make it soon shinjite passion
Mada no no! Shippai mo osorenai
Mushiro one more! Speed o agete
Mezase higher than a class hora motto ue e
Kono rhythm tsumuide iku drama
Hot hot! Mayowazu enter in
No, it's a found more! Doko made demo good games
Honeys, my take it play the good games
Donna stage mo rakushou desho
Always mou crazy We are the finals
Never stop ikki ni finale kazare Yeah
Takaraka ni hibikaseyou saa Boom!
Koukishin kakeu mugendai world = Boom!
Brother! 3,2,1!
Welcome to kono paradise mou tomaranai ya (Yeah...)
Show you another world hirogaru dungeon
Ima knock knock! Saa mou doa tatake
Tamani Oh No! Atatte kudakete
Mezase higher than a class iya motto ue e
Kono melody tsunaide iku future
Hot hot! Tanoshimou this moment
Saa motto go on! Issho naraba good games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
Curiosity × Infinity world =
Uncontainable joyful, whole life everyone gather! (you go)
Don't think about the difficult things you know, surpass common sense, come on be find (so higher)
Are you ready? You're ready!
So, lucky lucky happy lucky!
Get on the rhythm, break out and follow me!
Come on, turn up more and more! Any number of times
Heat it count down! Let's keep this going, Party to Party!
Going beyond our imagination, let's go, dreamy game (OK OK)
The everyday routine of pre-established harmony Boo!
Curiosity × Infinity world = Boom!
Lads up! 3,2,1!
Welcome to this kind of paradise, we can't stop anymore
Show you another world, expanding dungeon
Now knock knock! Come on, knock on the door
Sometimes Oh No! Hit and break
Aim higher than a class, no, even higher
Connect this melody to the future
Hot hot! Let's enjoy this moment
Come on, let's go on more! Together, it's good games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
Let's get together all the time
It's meaningless if it's not with you, let's stack up those moments, right
Now or Never, if it's Now
Yes or No! No mistakes, Yes yes you all!
(one life) There's no choice but to enjoy
(stand up) No one can imitate this way of living
Let's keep improving more and more
Can't stop yet, still Party to Party!
The uncertain tomorrow illuminates, dreamy way (OK OK)
The laid-out rails, that's a Boo!
Bounds up! 3,2,1!
This is how we know, it's unstoppable anymore
We can make it soon, believe in passion
Still no no! Don't fear failure
Rather, one more! Increase the speed
Aim higher than a class, come on, even higher
Weaving this rhythm into drama
Hot hot! Enter without hesitation
No, it's a found more! Anywhere, good games
Honeys, my take it, play the good games
Any stage will be a breeze, right?
Always already crazy, We are the finals
Never stop, all at once, decorate the finale Yeah
Let's make it resound loudly, come on, Boom!
Curiosity × Infinity world = Boom!
Brother! 3,2,1!
Welcome to this paradise, we can't stop anymore (Yeah...)
Show you another world, expanding dungeon
Now knock knock! Come on, knock on the door
Sometimes Oh No! Hit and break
Aim higher than a class, no, even higher
Connect this melody to the future
Hot hot! Let's enjoy this moment
Come on, let's go on more! Together, it's good games
Good Good Games
Good Good Games
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apothecaryscript · 5 months ago
Episode 22 : Blue Roses / 第22話『青い薔薇(Aoi Sobi)』
Maomao “Haruno mebukio kanjiru koro, Gyokuyou-samano ninshinwa, tashikana monoto natta.”
Maomao “By the time we started to smell spring in the air, it became certain that Lady Gyokuyou was indeed pregnant.”
Rinrī “Aiii, fufu, ai!”
Maomao “Fushigi danaa, akagoga iruto wakaru-noka?”
Maomao “That’s curious. Can she tell there’s a baby inside?”
San-nin “Kawaiiii!”
Three ladies “So cute!”
Hon’nyan “Watashimo soro-soro…”
Hongniang “Maybe I also should start to…”
Maomao (Endanga mochi-komare-temo, zenryokude hikitome-rareru-darona… Yuno sugiru-nomo komari-monoda.)
Maomao (Even if she did get a proposal, they’d probably never let her leave. Being too good at one’s job can be a curse at times.)
Maomao (Mai-nichiga jujitsu shiteruto, yappari higa tatsu-noga hayai… Jinshi-samano muneni ita ni-kagetsuwa mudani naga-katta-noni…)
Maomao (Time flies when every day is so fulfilling. In comparison, the two months spent at Master Jinshi’s offices felt like forever.)
Rinrī “Ai, u.”
Maomao “Mata oekaki shimasuka?”
Maomao “Would you like to draw pictures again?”
Rinrī “Ai!”
Lingli “Yes!”
Rinrī “Aai.”
Yo-nin “Un?”
Maomao “Korewa, karahatsu-take-to-iu doku-kinoko…de”
Maomao “This is the woolly milkcap, a poisonous mushroom― Ow!”
Hon’nyan “Futsuno hana’o kaki-nasai.”
Hongniang “Draw normal flowers, please.”
Maomao (Futsuno hana, nee…)
Maomao (Normal flowers, huh?)
Jinshi “Aoi sobi desuka?”
Jinshi “A blue rose?”
Rakan “Ee. Gozonji arimasen-kana? Meno sameru-yona aoi hana-biraga, utsukushi-kute-ne… Katsute, kyuchuni yoku ikete-ita mono-desuga…”
Lakan “Yes. Perhaps you’ve never seen one before? The striking blue petals are so beautiful. I used to see them in the palace often,”
Jinshi “Yume-demo mitano-dewa? Aoi sobi-nado sonzai shinai desho.”
Jinshi “Perhaps you were dreaming? Blue roses do not exist.”
Rakan “Sorega, aruno-desuyo. Mata minade mede-tai mono desunaa. Ikaga desho? Nantoka nari-masenka? Anata-samade areba, nasenu koto-nado naino-dewa?”
Lakan “But in fact, they do. Oh, how I’d love to appreciate them with everyone again. What do you think? Could it be done? With your power, there must be nothing outside your reach.”
Jinshi “Wakari-mashita. Sono-yona sobiga aruno-nara, watashimo zehi mite-mitai.”
Jinshi “Understood. If such a rose does indeed exist, I’d like to see it as well.”
Rakan “Kimari desuna. Iya-haya, jitsuni tanoshimida… Soredewa. Raigetsuno en’yu-kaide.”
Lakan “Then it’s settled. Goodness, I can’t wait! Excuse me. I hope to see it at next month’s garden party.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Gaoshun “Tadade-sae oisogashii-noni, yokeina anken’o kakaezu-tomo…”
Gaoshun “You’re already so busy. You didn’t have to take on more work.”
Jinshi “Iuna… Toriaezu kunijuno hanaya’o atatte-kure.”
Jinshi “Don’t rub it in. Please just go ask every florist in the nation about this.”
Gaoshun “Hanayano hanashi-dewa, imawa sobino kisetsu-dewa naito…”
Gaoshun “The florists say that roses are not in season.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Jinshi “Kyuni yobi-tatete sumanai.”
Jinshi “Sorry to call you up so suddenly.”
Maomao “Fu…”
Jinshi “Kondo, minade aoi sobi’o mede-yoto-iu kotoni nattena…”
Jinshi “We were talking about getting together to admire blue roses.”
Maomao “Aoi sobi? …Watashiwa kusuriya desuga.”
Maomao “Blue roses…? I’m just an apothecary, you know.”
Jinshi “Aa, wakatte-iru…”
Jinshi “Yes, I’m aware…”
Maomao (Nanika wake-arika? Yakeni tsukare-teruna… Sobika… Sukoshi-nara chishikiwa aruga… Gijo-aiteno kozukai-kasegide atsukatta kotoga aru. Daga…)
Maomao (I wonder what prompted this? He seems awfully tired. Roses, huh? I do know a thing or two about them. I’ve sold them before to make some quick cash with the courtesans. But…)
Maomao “Hontoni aoi sobi’o mitato?”
Maomao “They really said they saw a blue rose?”
Jinshi “Aa.”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Genkaku-zaiwa, hayatte imasenka?”
Maomao “Is there some new popular hallucinogen, or…?”
Jinshi “N’na-mono mawatte-tara, kuniga horobuwa!”
Jinshi “That’d ruin our whole nation!”
Gaoshum “Jinshi-sama.”
Gaoshun “Master Jinshi.”
壬氏「うっ…… 無理だろうか?」
Jinshi “U…… Muri daroka?”
Jinshi “Is it impossible?”
Maomao “Haa… Dono-yoni sureba yoroshiino-desuka?”
Maomao “What exactly is it that your desire?”
Jinshi “Raigetsuno en’yu-kaini yoi dekiruka?”
Jinshi “Can you find some by next month’s garden party?”
Maomao “Raigetsu? Sobiga saku-nowa, sukunaku-tomo futa-tsuki-ijo saki desu-kedo.”
Maomao “Next month? Roses bloom two months later at the earliest.”
Jinshi “Dayona… Nantoka kotowatte oku…”
Jinshi “I know… I’ll find a way to turn him down.”
Maomao “A…” (Jinshi-samano, kono hanno… Soreni, muri-nandai’o oshi-tsukeru-yona yari-kuchi…)
Maomao (Master Jinshi’s reaction, and this style of forcing people to attempt the impossible…)
Maomao “Kono hanashi, moshika-shite, toaru gunshi-kara mochi-kake-raretano-dewa?”
Maomao “Was this brought up by a certain strategist?”
Jinshi “…Aa…”
Jinshi “Yes.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. O-hiki-uke shimasu.
Maomao “Understood. I will take this on.”
Jinshi “Iinoka?”
Jinshi “Are you sure?”
Maomao “Dekiruka wakari-masenga, yaru-dake yatte mimasu.”
Maomao “I don’t know if I can pull it off, but I’ll try my best.”
Maomao (Nigete-iru-dakemo hara-data-shii. Dose-nara, ano niyaketa monokuru’o kachi-watte-yaru…!)
Maomao (I don’t want to just run from him. I might as well take a swing at smashing his creepy monocle.)
Maomao “Jinshi-sama. Ikutsuka onegai shitemo yoroshii desuka?”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, may I make a few requests?”
Maomao “Shiyo’o kyoka shite kudasari, arigato gozai-masu. Rifa-sama.”
Maomao “Thank you for allowing me to use it, Lady Lihua.”
Rifa-hi “Kamawa-nakuteyo. Arewa moto-moto, anataga tsuku-raseta mono damono. Fufufu.”
Concubine Lihua “I don’t mind. You were the one that had it constructed in the first place.”
Maomao (Natsukashii-na… Izen, dokuni fusetta Rifa-hino tameni joki-buro’o tsuku-rasete moratta. Konkai sore’o okari suruno-daga… Sasugani tada-dewa moshi-wake nai.)
Maomao (It’s been a while. I remember back then, I got them to make a steam room for Lady Lihua, who was suffering from poison back then. I’m borrowing it now, but I feel bad using it for free.)
Maomao “Sa. Kochira, mikadono aidoku-sho desu.”
Maomao “This is the emperor’s favorite book.”
Rifa-hi “Arigataku chodai suruwa.”
Concubine Lihua “I appreciate this.”
Maomao (Giro-kara tori-yotese oite yokattaaa.)
Maomao (I’m glad I got it through the brothel.)
Jinshi “Socchi’o tanomu.”
Jinshi “Take that side.”
Kangan-tachi “Hai!”
Eunuchs “Yes, sir!”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Aa, kitaka. Iwareta-toori, tate-sasetaga… Ittai do surunda?”
Jinshi “Ah, you’re here. I had them build this as you asked, but… What is this for?”
Maomao “Sobi’o kuru-waserun-desu.”
Maomao “We’re going to make the roses go mad.”
Jinshi “Sobi’o kuru-waseru? Do-iu imida? Kusuriya.”
Jinshi “Make the roses go mad? What does that mean, apothecary?”
Maomao “Nikko’o irete, asoko-kara, joki’o koyano nakani okuri-masu. Atatameta heyade sobi’o sodaterun-desu. Hanaga, kaikano kisetsu’o machigaete kureru-kamo shire-masen.”
Maomao “We’re going to let the sunlight in, and blow steam inside through there. The roses will grow in this warmed room. This way, the flowers might mistake it as the time to bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ‘kuru-waseru’ka.”
Jinshi “I see, so they’ll ‘go mad.’”
Maomao “Saku hoshowa arimasenga…”
Maomao “I can’t guarantee it, though.”
Maomao “A…”
Maomao “Oh.”
Jinshi “A!”
Gaoshun “Aa…”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “Shaoran?!”
Maomao “Xiaolan?”
Shaoran “Watashimo tetsudauyo! Ashino kega, daijobu?”
Xiaolan “I’ll help, too! Is your leg okay?”
Maomao (A… Moshiya, ometsuke-yakuka? Muri-dakewa surunatte, sanzan iwareta-monna…)
Maomao (Did he summon her to chaperone me? They did repeatedly tell me not to push myself too hard.)
Maomao “Heiki. Tetsuda-wasete gomen.”
Maomao “I’m fine. Sorry to make you help.”
Shaoran “Uun. Hisashi-burini issho-dane! Ehehe.”
Xiaolan “It’s okay. It’s been a while since we’ve worked together, huh?”
Maomao “Fu, sodane.”
Maomao “Yeah, it has.”
Maomao (Mochi-konda sobiwa hyakkabu-ijo… korede saigo.)
Maomao (We brought in over one hundred roses. This is the last one.)
Shaoran “Uwaa, sugoi ryo!”
Xiaolan “Wow, this is a lot!”
Maomao (Shuruiwa barake-sase, dekiru-dake haya-zakino mono’o eranda.)
Maomao (We diversified the species, selecting early-blooming ones where possible.)
Shaoran “Zenbu saku-kana?”
Xiaolan “Will they all bloom?”
Maomao “So-natte-hoshii-kedo…”
Maomao “I hope so.”
Maomao (Ondo-chosei-niwa, saishinno chui’o harau. Hitode’o sumei haken shite-morattaga, tanin’ni makaseru kotowa muzukashii sagyoda. Machigatte subete karashite shimattewa oshimaida.)
Maomao (Temperature control requires utmost care. I got them to send some help, but this is a tough task to delegate to others. If we make a mistake and kill them all, that would be the end of it.)
Maomao (Hareta hiwa sotoni dashite, nikko’o abi-saseru.)
Maomao (On sunny days, we bring them outside to expose them to sunlight.)
Shaoran “Kimochi-yosasooo!”
Xiaolan “That must feel good!”
Maomao “Un.”
Maomao “Yeah.”
Gaoshun “Choshiwa ikaga desuka?”
Gaoshum “How are you doing?”
Futari “N?”
Gaoshun “Sashi-ire desu.”
Gaoshun “Here, a gift.”
Shaoran “Waa!”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you very much.”
Shaoran “Shigoto sabo-rete, oyatsu-made moraeru-nante saiko dayo!”
Xiaolan “I get to skip work and eat snacks? This is great!”
Maomao “Koremo shigoto dakedone.”
Maomao “This is work too, though.”
Shaoran “Doshitan-daro?”
Xiaolan “What’s with them?”
Maomao “Saa? Mono-mezurashii-noka?”
Maomao “I don’t know. Maybe they’re just curious.”
Maomao (Soretomo, kowai mono mitasa-ka?)
Maomao (Or they want to be scared.)
Shaoran “Tsugi, nani shitara ii?”
Xiaolan “What should I do next?”
Maomao “Shinmeno ooi naega attara, ikutsuka tsunde kureru? Eiyoga shuchu-shite saki-yasuku nari-masushi, byokino yoboni narun-desu.”
Maomao “If a seedling has a lot of sprouts on it, can you pick a few? It concentrates the nutrients into the remaining sprouts and helps prevent sickness.”
Kangan-tachi “Oo…”
Eunuchs “Ah.”
Kangan “A…”
Eunuch “Whoa!”
Shaoran “Daijobu dayooo. Poi!”
Xiaolan “It’s fine.”
Kangan “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Eunuch “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Iie.”
Xiaolan “Don’t mention it!”
Maomao “Isoide kudasai!”
Maomao “Hurry!”
Shaoran “Tsubomi, naka-naka denaine…”
Xiaolan “It’s taking them a long time to bloom.”
Maomao (Samusaga modotta hiwa… tetsuyade koya’o atatameru. Tenkowa mama-nara-nai.)
Maomao (On days where it gets cold, I stay up all night to maintain the heat. Weather can’t be controlled.)
Shaoran “Kinomo nete-naino?”
Xiaolan “Did you pull another all-nighter?”
Maomao “Netayo… Ake-gata.”
Maomao “I did sleep, around dawn.”
Shaoran “Akegatatte, sakki dayo! Dekiru koto, yattoku-kara… Chotto-dake netara?”
Xiaolan “Dawn was just moments ago! I’ll do what I can, so why don’t you get some sleep?”
Maomao “Me, hanase-naishi…”
Maomao “I can’t leave this alone.”
Shaoran “N? Mata kocchi miterune.”
Xiaolan “They’re looking at us again.”
Maomao (Mai-nichi mai-nichi yoku aki-naina…to-iuka kiga chiru. Nanika kio sorase-tara… Fun…)
Maomao (Every single day. Don’t they get tired of this? It’s irritating. I wonder if I can divert their attention…)
Shaoran “Sugoi! Korega tsuma-kurenai kaaa!”
Xiaolan “Wow! So this is what a manicure is like!”
Maomao “Hana-machi-dewa minna yatteruyo.”
Maomao “Everyone does it in the pleasure district.”
Shaoran “Kirei-damonne!”
Xiaolan “It sure is pretty!”
Guien “A, Maomaomo shiteruno? Kawaiii!”
Guiyuan “Oh, you did it too, Maomao? So cute!”
Airan “Saikin hayatteru-wayone.”
Ailan “It’s been popular recently.”
Maomao “Sodesune.”
Maomao “Indeed.”
Maomao (Mikadono choai’o ukeru jokyu-hiwa, hayarino sai-sentan dakarana…)
Maomao (The high-ranking concubines are always at the cutting edge of fashion.)
Hon’nyan “Hi-koritsu ne…”
Hongniang “Seems like a waste of time.”
Maomao (Hon’nyan-samawa oshare-yori shigotoka.)
Maomao (Lady Hongniang prefers work over fashion.)
Maomao “Dokumimo owari-mashita-node, Suisho-Kyuni modori-masu.”
Maomao “I’ve finished tasting for poison, so I’ll go back to the Crystal Pavilion now.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Mo?”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Already?”
Maomao “En’yu-kai-made jikanga nai-node…”
Maomao “The garden party is coming up soon.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Sone…”
Concubine Gyokuyou “I see…”
Hon’nyan “A, so-dawa. Konkai, Gyokuyo-samawa kesseki sareruno. Roran-samano ohiromeni, seki’o oyuzuri suru katachiyo.”
Hongniang “Oh, by the way, Lady Gyokuyou won’t be attending this time around. We’re letting the focus of this event be Lady Loulan’s introduction.”
Maomao (Ninshin’o kakusu tameka…)
Maomao (To hide the pregnancy, right.)
Maomao “Wakari-mashita. Dewa…”
Maomao “Understood. Excuse me.”
Infa “Nee, Suisho-Kyu-dewa daijobu nano?”
Yinghua “Hey, is everything alright at the Crystal Pavilion?”
Guien “Don-don yatsurete itteru-wayoo.”
Guiyuan “You look worse for wear every day.”
Airan “Amari muri shinaidene.”
Ailan “Don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Shaoran “Maomaooo!”
Xiaolan “Maomao!”
Maomao “N?”
Shaoran “Maomaooo! Taihen!”
Xiaolan “Maomao! Hurry!”
Maomao “E…”
Maomao “Tsubomi…!”
Maomao “A bud…”
Shaoran “Sakki mitsuke-tano! Yatto hitotsume dayooo! Ahaha!”
Xiaolan “I found it just now. Our first one, finally!”
Maomao (Kono-mama ikeba, nantoka saite-kureru-kamo…)
Maomao (At this rate… We might just make it in time.)
Shaoran “Maomao? Maomao? Maomao!!”
Xiaolan “Maomao? Maomao! Maomao!”
Jinshi “Kusuriya-kara renrakuwa?”
Jinshi “Has the apothecary sent any word?”
Gaoshun “Ie, nanimo. Watashimo koko sujitsu, kao’o dasezu…”
Gaoshun “No, nothing. I haven’t been able to visit her for the past few days.”
Jinshi “Otagai, en’yu-kaino junbini owarete-ita-karana.”
Jinshi “We were both busy preparing for the garden party.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “A…”
Bukan “Arega Shisho-donono musume, Roran-hika.”
Military officer “So, that’s Concubine Loulan, daughter of Master Shishou.”
Bunkan “Nanto hanayakana…”
Civil official “How splendid.”
Shisho “Roran-hini… Itaranu tenwa arimasen-kana? Nan-demo osshatte kudasai.”
Shishou “Regarding Concubine Loulan, is there anything that needs improvement? Please, hold nothing back.”
Roran-hi “Nan-narito.”
Loulan “Please.”
Kotaigo “Maa…”
Empress dowager “Oh.”
Kokan “Aoi sobi…!”
High-ranking official “Blue roses?!”
Kokan “Masaka…”
High-ranking official “It can’t be…!”
Jinshi “Tsubomi’o mede, saki-hokoru sugatani omoi’o haseru-nomo ikkyo-kato.”
Jinshi “It may be entertaining to enjoy the beauty of these buds while imagining how they look at full bloom.”
Kotei “Umu, utsukushii-na.”
Emperor “Yes. They’re beautiful.”
Kokan “Nn…”
High-ranking official “Hmph.”
Jinshi (Jinshini muke-rareru, arayuru shisen. Ikura hiideta yoshiga aroto, wakazono kanganga deshabaru sama’o konomu-hodo muyokuna kan-bakari dewa nai. Shikijowa ii. Ikura-demo riyo-hoga aru. Shittomo ii. Atsukai-yasui. Yakkai nanowa… nanio kangaete-iru-noka wakara-nai meda. Shisho… Roran-hino jippude, joteino choai’o uketa otoko. Ima-nao, midadowa atamaga agara-nai. Dakara-koso, kochiramo hohoemi’o tayasa-nai. Soreni ima, Shisho-yorimo yakkai nanowa… Rakan. Ano otokoda…)
Jinshi (The attention that ‘Jinshi’ gets. Unlike some of the worthless officials, many don’t appreciate a young eunuch hoarding attention, no matter how beautiful. Lust is fine. It’s easy to exploit that. Envy is fine, too. It’s manageable. What’s really troubling is… When I can’t tell what they’re thinking. Shishou. Concubine Loulan’s father, the man favored by the mother of the former emperor… Even now, the emperor can’t look him in the eye. That’s why I also can’t let my smile fade, either. And besides, the one who’s more worrying than Shishou right now is… That man, Lakan.)
Rakan “Nanto iyamina…”
Lakan “How annoying.”
Infa “Kiga tsuita?”
Yinghua “Are you awake?”
Maomao “Infa-san…”
Maomao “Yinghua.”
Infa “Mo Suisho-Kyuni iccha dameyo. Itsumo yatsure-hatete kaette-kurun-dakara.”
Yinghua “Don’t go to the Crystal Pavilion anymore. You always come back looking so exhausted.”
Maomao “Sumi-masen.”
Maomao “I’m sorry.”
Jinshi “Okitaka.”
Jinshi “You’re up.”
Infa “A… Watashiwa korede.”
Yinghua “Excuse me.”
Jinshi “Suwatta mamade ii.”
Jinshi “You can stay seated.”
Maomao “Muzukashii desune… Kaika-niwa itari-masen-deshita.”
Maomao “It was hard. I couldn’t get them to fully bloom.”
Jinshi “Sorewa, oreni taishite sumanaito iunja naino-darona.”
Jinshi “You’re not apologizing to me, are you?”
Maomao “N?”
Jinshi “Nandemo nai. Jubunda. Korewa ittai do-shitanda?”
Jinshi “Never mind. You did well. How did you do it, though?”
Maomao “Someta-dake desuyo.”
Maomao “I just dyed them.”
Jinshi “Someta? Nanimo tsuite-inaizo.”
Jinshi “Dyed? But there’s nothing on them.”
Maomao “Soto-gawa-dewa ari-masen. Uchi-gawa-kara sometano-desu.”
Maomao “Not on the outside. We dyed them from the inside.”
Jinshi “A…”
Maomao “Kono sobiwa, moto-moto subete shiroi hana nano-desu.”
Maomao “All of these roses were originally white.”
Maomao “Sama-zamana iro-mizu’o tsukatte, shiroi tsubomini suwasetan-desu.”
Maomao “We mixed water with several colors and had the white buds suck them up.”
Jinshi “Sorede, ao-dakede-naku ookuno iroga atta-noka.”
Jinshi “So that’s why there are many colors, not just blue.”
Maomao “Hai. Happawa dosu-guroku somaru-node, arakajime subete mushitte oki-mashitaga… Atowa, en’yu-kaino aida, iro-ochi shinai-yo, iro-mizuno shimi-konda wata’o kotei sureba kansei desu. Jitsuni tanjunna hoho desu.”
Maomao “Yes. The leaves ended up coming out black, so we plucked them all. Then all we had to do was to fix cotton soaked in the dyed water to the stems, so they couldn’t lose their vibrancy during the garden party. It really was quite simple.”
Maomao (Jissai, honega oreta-nowa sobino hana’o sakaseru-madeda.)
Maomao (What was actually difficult was getting the roses to bloom at all.)
Jinshi “Tashikani…tanjun dana.”
Jinshi “Simple, indeed.”
Maomao “Desu-node, nani-kashira iigakari’o tsukeru kanga deru-kamo shire-masen. Mikado-niwa, sakini tane-akashi’o shite oki-mashita. Saishoni himitsu’o shiru-noga ureshii rashiku, tanoshi-soni kiite kudasai-mashitayo.”
Maomao “Also, because some officials might have picked a quarrel about this, I went ahead and revealed the trick to the emperor. He seemed to enjoy the fact that he got to know the secret first, and had a good time listening to me explain.”
Jinshi “Dewa mukashi, kyutei-naide aoi sobi’o mitato iu-nowa…”
Jinshi “So, about the story of the blue roses being seen in the palace…”
Maomao “Mai-nichi mai-nichi, aoi iro-mizu’o sobini suwaseru hima-jinga itan-desho.”
Maomao “There must have been someone with a lot of free time feeding blue water to the roses.”
Jinshi “Nande mata, sonna koto’o…”
Jinshi “Who would do something like that?”
Maomao “Saa? Onna’o kudoku dogu-demo hoshi-kattano-dewa?”
Maomao “Who knows? Maybe they wanted a gimmick with which to woo women.”
Jinshi “Mezurashii-na. Tsume’o somete-iru-noka?”
Jinshi “That’s unexpected. Are you painting your nails?”
Maomao “Niai-masen-kedone.”
Maomao “It doesn’t suit me, though.”
Maomao (Hosenka to katabami ga areba, motto kireini somarun-dakedo… Tsuma-benino imyo’o toru hosenkato, neko-ashino imyo’o toru katabami. Futatsu’o neri-awasete tsumeni tsukeruto, azayakana akani naru. Maa, kireini someta-tokorode… Kore-demo matomoni nattan-dakedo…)
Maomao (If I had some balsam and woodsorrel, I could have made them look prettier. Balsam is often used to dye fingernails, and woodsorrel is nicknamed cat’s foot. Mixing them together and applying them on the fingernails creates a vivid red. But then, even if I made them prettier… This is better than it was before.)
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Tanonde-ita monowa?”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun, what about the item I requested?”
Gaoshun “Ee, iwareta toorini.”
Gaoshun “Yes, as you wished.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Maomao (Korede butaiwa totonotta. Atowa… Ike-sukanai yatsuni hito-awa fukaseru dakeda.)
Maomao (Now the stage is set. All I have to do now is catch that nasty creep off guard.)
Rakan (…Ni-shitemo, masaka chohatsuga shippaini owaru-towa…)
Lakan (I didn’t expect my provocation to fail.)
Rakan (Ookuno ningen’no kaowa, go-ishino-yoni-shika mie-nai. Otokowa kuro-ishi, onnawa shiro-ishi. Gunbuno bukano ningen-demo, seizei shanchī no komada. Ookuno monowa hei, sotsude, kaikyuga agaru-hodoni uma, ho-to natte-iku. Gunbuno shigotowa kantanda. Komani miatta haichi’o sureba ii. Teki-zai-teki-sho… Sorede daitaino ikusawa kateru. Muzukashii koto dewa nai. Tatoe jibunga muno-demo, wari-ate-sae yareba, katteni shigoto’o owa-rasete-kureru.)
Lakan (Most humans only look like go stones to me. Men are black stones, women are white stones. Even my subordinates in the military only appear as chess pieces, at best. Most are soldiers, pawns. As they gain ranks, they become cavalry and cannons. Working in the military is easy. I just need to know where to place the pieces. The right pieces in the right places. Most wars can be won by that alone. It’s quite easy. Even if I were completely useless, as long as I placed others in the right places, the work would get done on its own.)
Rakan (Kyowa, itsumo-ijoni mega itai. Do-nimo akai iroga chira-tsuku. Tsuma-kurenai-ka… Kiokuno nakano tsuma-beniwa, keba-keba-shii aka-dewa nai. Ussura somatta, hosenkano aka…)
Lakan (My eyes hurt more than usual today. A red color keeps flickering into my view. Manicures… The manicures in my memories aren’t this overly flamboyant crimson. They’re the soft color of balsam.)
Rakan “Ha…”
(Continue to episode 23)
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myjudsie · 2 years ago
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Tokyo Mew Mew New - Original Soundtrack - Yasuharu Takanashi (05.07.2023) CD DOWNLOAD
Disc 1 01. Chikyuu no Mirai ni Gohoushi Suru Nyan♡ 02. Subtitle Nyan♡ 03. Suteki na Aoyama-kun 04. Dousuru Ichigo? 05. Hajimete no Tokimeki 06. Chimera Anima Arawaru! 07. Tatakau Shika nai no? 08. Mew Mew Ichigo Metamorphose! 09. Mew Mew Mint Metamorphose! 10. Mew Mew Lettuce Metamorphose! 11. Mew Mew Pudding Metamorphose! 12. Mew Mew Zakuro Metamorphose! 13. Watashitachi Tokyo Mew Mew! 14. Kono Utsukushii Sekai 15. Youkoso! Cafe Mew Mew he 16. Elegant na Kororo de 17. Mint to Seiji 18. Watashi Yaku ni Tachitaindesu 19. Funyafunya~ 20. Saa Saa, Otachiai Nanoda 21. Purin no Deban Nanoda 22. Dokidoki ga Tomaranai 23. Datte Neko Damon 24. Kanojo wa Idol 25. Mezase Ashita no Star! 26. Toui Yokogao 27. Hontou no Kimochi wo Shiritai na 28. Setsunasa wo Mune ni Himete 29. Kakegae no nai Inochi no Hoshi 30. Mirai no Yukue 31. Ugokidasu Keikaku 32. Quiche 33. Fuan na Yochou 34. Chimera Anima no Kyoufu 35. Chimera Anima Tai Mew Mew 36. Anata ga Iru Kara Tatakaeru 37. Hikari wo Mezashite 38. Mew Mew no Shimei 39. Kono Omoi Todoketai 40. Hitoyasumi Nyan♡ Disc 2 01. Eyecatch Nyan♡ 02. Sowasowa, Fuwafuwa 03. Atatte Kudakero 04. Aitsu wa Nikui Yatsu 05. Ayashii Silhouette 06. Yabai Yabai Yabai! 07. Yatte Dekinai Koto wa nai 08. Kokoro no Mama ni 09. Blue Planet 10. Ushinawareta Hibi 11. Koi no Shizuku 12. Zawameku Kokoro 13. Kyouteki Kara no Chousen 14. Soyokaze ni Kami Nabikasete 15. Mew Mew no Kiki 16. Ao no Kishi 17. Ketsui no Tsurugi 18. Tamerainagara 19. Sayonara no Yokan 20. Mayoi to Fuan no Naka de 21. Deep Blue Kakusei 22. Hijou na Genjitsu 23. Mamoritai Taisetsu na Mono 24. Saigo no Kibou 25. Kessen wo Mae ni 26. Yousha Naki Kougeki 27. Gekitotsu Suru Tamashii 28. Quiche, Ai no Tame ni 29. Unmei wo Kaketa Taiketsu 30. Kanashiki Alien 31. Horobi no Sadame 32. Mew Aqua no Kagayaki 33. Watashitachi ga Tsukuru Mirai 34. Karei Naru Mew Mew
CD rip made by me from my personal collection both in FLAC and mp3 320 kbps. Please support Tokyo Mew Mew New buying the CD if you can!  
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from orc (TES) names, plus English and Scottish surnames, excluding the letter "H"
Abgunnett Adborn Adclakell Agenjayson Aindalton Ainnick Albuggs Aless Alleycow Allord Aluram Alvert Angton Annsow Askin Atatt Atlowlton Awsett Axond Ayton Azury...
Baggle Baickle Balley Bamurgok Barkwee Barwes Basey Bateard Baycuck Bazburneg Bazge Beattson Beendlet Beirewook Belett Bermacley Bersow Bertod Bestored Bialmalurn Bickle Bilberd Birizbur Bitty Bizes Bleing Blogands Boinsord Bolab Boodt Boramledge Borbgoe Bordru Bornweld Bortick Boucalloom Bouram Bourbe Bowelle Bowson Boyne Bozrom Brains Brogg Brold Broll Brosley Brotuton Brulgrul Brutles Bugbuck Bulan Bularkle Buncers Burain Burbasa Burbower Burcammon Burrabragg Burut Bànappen Caice Caidge Caois Cappe Caragaill Carat Carissing Carnettick Catne Cavire Cesswes Cillingee Clakettes Cockfiell Coidwett Comlenit Corry Corton Corzog Couskers Crimacill Crins Crose Culga Cumond Dagran Dairkins Dalwer Darlink Dawlings Denry Didwer Dierter Dilemer Dislis Docks Dolgray Dorefor Dorton Downeriell Driabett Dubbir Dunge Dusna Ealey Eddis Efielley Elboaton Ellinsford Ellmoz Entonson Evion Faborn Falbron Falles Falling Fanaxton Faxiell Fearee Fiettabley Florguzag Forson Frazield Frefiell Fubbs Fulog Gadge Ganart Garney Gaston Gaswor Gettson Gilkirey Glasbulza Glaywooms Glegar Glount Glugileett Glurton Gluzga Gonars Goodenk Gozug Grailka Grailsomes Gralg Graytoners Greck Gridgey Grins Gripton Grisonag Grobb Grombum Gruillf Grulack Grulmen Gruseacber Gugbarz Guidger Guimb Gullayton Guloug Guraly Gurlup Guruell Intwoodel Irdin Irger Jacuck Jaquir Jarra Jayton Jeffen Jefforzoll Jefiell Jefolgara Jefort Jensalton Jeper Jetton Judgea Kertley Ketson Kidge Kilsold Kinds Knock Korbywers Kritt Krogul Krugakne Kyrott Lagdosang Lagrum Laidge Laill Laily Lantebly Larueldsom Lason Latag Latoluslon Lawrey Lazgater Laziggazog Legraill Lestistfix Liams Linge Lingfix Linglugut Loftoomon Logburyork Looke Lorlainson Lorry Lortty Loryon Losell Louner Loverrins Lovey Loway Loxter Luiblant Luillson Lukattris Lumzarass Lurold Macais Macalg Macap Macce Macclanag Maccnèing Maccrob Macgiley Macgin Macil Macillugul Macion Mackrow Mackser Maclall Maclam Maclurond Macrand Macsuton Mactopan Macum Madences Magdura Maingswin Majow Malarry Mandanker Mandy Manney Manny Manoreld Marlurga Marrog Maxton Mayer Mazle Mazumb Mentain Mestaggil Mester Milley Mingg Monarwitt Moyery Mulam Mulans Mulgaster Murbeelton Murley Murub Murymockma Màrlar Naccàidge Nairga Narra Nerrible Nisby Noves Numuk Obrot Orron Oscom Paccudung Padaverson Pagur Parlataing Peerson Peiret Pellembluk Pellett Percribbog Perry Persey Pielldin Pilkist Pilley Pings Poireld Polga Prell Priney Purlivelt Purskis Quidge Radal Ratepton Raves Rayner Rerrington Ridenn Risaug Ritry Rivis Riwelbur Rogunts Roodbey Rosslover Rottlen Routt Rugdan Rulzuls Salver Sangs Sawniard Scarg Scolk Scuin Seard Silley Simenorle Simord Sinne Slain Slegol Slermer Smitel Snabla Snall Snumburnag Spiele Spriwelles Spurce Sputt Stall Statubris Stere Stersavey Stielling Stingtonob Stlazguk Stlem Stongton Stonsear Strard Strey Strow Sugdott Sumanter Swingacill Swoodey Sworey Taird Tallorzog Tartorts Tends Tilik Tonforgill Towar Trank Trett Tubert Twoodys Uffiell Ufftipton Ugbuitte Unden Uprackett Urbatenny Urdnaley Urgazg Urguird Vandye Vibbeld Villinkley Volmons Vonswornde Vorburnarn Vorcuis Walbell Waless Waswell Watlet Wayleks Waytonks Welve Wilgur Wimenton Windam Wister Witama Wittorz Wooks Woord Wooter Worle Wugurm Wymacild Yamit Yamon Yarrogley Yatord Zurbote
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
String identified:
ga tat t a g t a a a g tat t t t a ctact t :) t T T t t t 200 tg t t a atg t Act c: a c a a -a t at a gc g. c a a c- ca ca gt @tg-ca--t ! 1976-1977 Cta Tat ca t g. . 1981-1983 a C-12 ' t a a a a ct t t a t t ’ t a a a a ct t t a t t ! accta a t. t . @tg---t tt ! @-a- . @cat-tt CAT TT!!☆ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ tt aag g t ! T gt at aa c 1000 a t a c $2.50! c @-cc-t- ! A t' ct! t c a c tg t ata a. at tc t t accg t ? a atg a tat a tg ca a a a at T , t t ta. @ttc-c @aaaa07 't t agc. : : ; T A CT AT T T T T CT T T. A-C, A-AGA t a t gt t cta c, a ’ tg t t a c ca a g t t t aatc cg gt a t a at a tag at tag: @ct--c @4t @g @aacga @atatt @aaca677 @g12 @ta @cc @attta @ag @a3 @ca @-ca-- @aat @tttcc @g-at @aa @aat tag a t t t a t a @aaaa07 at t t a @aat t g t t ta t at. a ca a t ca gaa at a t (ag a at) ta t a caact a a t c a C a, atg. T T! atcg t a, t t T T GA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA a @aat g C T a!! @tc-a T C!!!!!! at . @-cc-t- @t142 :) tg t t ga t. @aa a' ct a. t a t gttg t 200,000. ' Aaa g: A ' a actag t t Gt 1941 t: @ttca t a at t t t? , a g . 't c: A a t ta a ta a at ca t, g a . At t ta, t a gt t a tc t at. ac tc, ’ a at a, a a a g aaa, c g t . T t a, ’ t t ctc ca. T ta , t tc, a… tg a. T’ a a . t ca cat a tc t a c, t ct c t t g . t a ’ t, ata, t a, t ta, g a ta at . ’t ca tat ca’t t tat a catatca ; t ta a t at . A , ca t, a a . Aga, ta ta, a aga, tc t at, g , gt tat gt t at t ta. at a t a g aaa. g t t ca, t ct t tc, t tg a. g aga. T ta- aac, c t , at t acg a ta a cag t. ta , ca t a aa a tc, a tc t at. T a at ’ at a. “A g aaa,” a. “, ’t, a tc. ’ t , . a at tt aaa tc, a ’ t cag t t!” T ga t, a ta a taa at a ta, tat, a c. T t g t ta t t ctc ca, t tc, a… tg a. “ g t aaa?” a t a ga. “, ! a t aaa t ’t g t t , a!” a t ga. T t t aaa a tg t t atg. a t a a a cct. , CAG CG @tg-t- c! G a a ta t c t a c t a at ca gt: 't tac a T t t t a'. 't a c t a t t gt t t ac tat t t t t t 200 t. C t a c. a ta tct. Ca C t a 9 c a at t @ttca : A ta t c Ga a, t 9 C a at t t t tt gt t 9 gt at, aa c t cta aa . t g, ' t a ac t . C a: 10 t 10 t a tt t a a t , t t ag t t 9t c t t, t c, ga tc. t t at a 9 c ttg, t t tat t a . gt ( ): 1 ta a 300g caa c 50g ta g 20g tt 5g at 1 gta t a (t tat) 100g c 80g t 100g 5g t 5g a c 30g aa c t (a a) 5g gac A c at a T t 9t t t, t c t ga tc. t: a aca, t a t c at(), t a t c a a a tat t t a tt at a t a c . A t c ag at a ac . t tt, gat aa c, c a, t , c a . a aat aca, c t t , gac, t, at a ac . tat: At t a t t tt, ct t t a a a. a t t t 9t t t a t. a a g. T t a c t 9 c a, ct t t t 9t t t t a cat, t at c. @-t--at @-a-a- @c (: GT T T 200!!!!!!! @tgtc at ca t t?
Closest match: Apteryx australis mantelli genome assembly AptMant0, scaffold scaffold1167 Common name: North island brown kiwi
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glad that im not popular enough to have an evil shadow version of my blog that exists just to make contradictions on my posts
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lyrics365 · 4 months ago
Meet again
hatenaku hirogaru aozora soyogu kami kaze ga tsugeru itsudatte soko ni ite kureta me wo tojite shizuka ni kanjiru sora made nobita suiheisen hajike tobu hikari no shawaa watashi no naka no watashi ga ima ugoki dashitara tomaranai ryoute ippai hirogete taorete mo shinkokyuu mukai kaze mo mikata ni torikonde shinogono itte naide yarushikanai no nara atatte kudakete tachiagare dare no…
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demonslayerscript · 6 months ago
Episode 6 : Swordsman Accompanying a Demon / 第六話『鬼を連れた剣士(Onio Tsureta Kenshi)』
*Green-colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “ani-ori(anime-original)".
Urokodaki Sakonji “Kigaetaka?”
Sakonji Urokodaki “Have you gotten changed?”
Tanjiro “Hai.”
Tanjiro “Yes.”
Urokodaki “Un.”
Urokodaki “Tanjiro. Omaega Kisatsu-taino ninmuo hajimeruni atatte, setsumei shite okitai kotoga aru.”
Urokodaki “Tanjiro… Now that you’re starting out with the Demon Slayer Corps, I’d like to explain a few things to you.”
Tanjiro “Hai.”
Tanjiro “Right.”
Urokodaki “Ima omaega kite-iru Kisatsu-taino taifuku, sorewa tokubetsuna sen’ide dekite-iru. Tsuki-seiwa yoiga, nure-nikuku moe-nikui. Zako-onino tsumeya kiba-dewa, kono taifukuo saku koto-sura dekinai.”
Urokodaki “That Demon Slayer Corps outfit you’re wearing right now… It’s made of a special kind of fiber. The fabric is quite breathable, yet it repels moisture and won’t burn easily. A low-level demon’s talons or fangs couldn’t even manage to tear that uniform.”
Tanjiro “Sonnani…”
Tanjiro “It’s that strong?”
Urokodaki “Soshite… Omaeno motte-iru Nichirin-to. Mochi-nushini yotte iroga kawari, sore-zoreno iro-gotoni tokuseiga aru. Shikashi, kuroi hani naru monowa kazuga sukuna-sugite shosaiga wakaranai. Wakarana-sugite…”
Urokodaki “Also, that Nichirin Sword of yours… The color varies from owner to owner, and each hue has unique properties. But since not many people end up with black blades, little is known about them. So little, in fact, that――”
Tanjiro “Wakarana-sugite, nan-desuka? Urokodaki-san.”
Tanjiro “So little is known that… What, Mr.Urokodaki?”
Urokodaki “Wakarana-sugite, shusse dekinai kenshiwa kuroi ha-nanodato iwarete-iru.”
Urokodaki “Since so little is known about them, black blades are said to be wielded by swordsmen who’ll never go far.”
Tanjiro “Ore, Kisatsu-taide dokawa wakaranai-kedo, kanarazu Nezuko’o ningenni modoshite misemasu.”
Tanjiro “I don’t know how I’ll do in the Demon Slayer Corps, but I’m going to turn Nezuko back into a human no matter what.”
Urokodaki “Aa, sodana. So naruto washimo shinjiteru.”
Urokodaki “Yes, you’re right. I have faith that you’re going to make that happen.”
Tanjiro “Hai.”
Tanjiro “Right.”
Urokodaki “Soreto… Koreo. Hiruma, imoto’o seou hakoda. Hijoni karui ‘kirikumo-sugi’ to-iu kide tsukutta. ‘Iwa-urushi’ o nutte sotogawao katameta-node, kyodomo agatte-iru.”
Urokodaki “One more thing. Take this. It’s a box for you to carry your sister in during the day. Build out of an extremely light wood called ‘Cloud Mist Pine’. I coated it with rock lacquer to reinforce its exterior and to make it even more durable.”
Tanjiro “Arigato gozaimasu. Karui! Karui desu, Urokodaki-san.”
Tanjiro “Thank you very much! It’s so light! It’s really light, Mr.Urokodaki!”
Tanjiro “Nezuko, kono nakani haitte kure. Dekiruka?”
Tanjiro “Nezuko! Get inside this, will you? Can you do it?”
Tanjiro “Nezuko, korekarawa itsumo issho dakarana.”
Tanjiro “Nezuko, from now on, we’re always gonna be together, okay?”
Tanjiro “Dewa, ikimasu.”
Tanjiro “All right, I’ll be going now.”
Urokodaki “Chotto iika.”
Urokodaki “Hold on. Do you mind?”
Urokodaki “Un.”
Tanjiro “Un.”
Tanjiro “Nezuko, daijobuka? Nezuko?”
Tanjiro “Nezuko, are you all right? Nezuko?”
Urokodaki “Korewa okusoku-daga, Nezukowa hitono chinikuo kurau kawarini, nemuru-kotode tairyokuo kaifuku shite iruno-kamo shirenai.”
Urokodaki “I’m just guessing here, but it could be that Nezuko’s recovering her strength by sleeping instead of consuming human flesh.”
Tanjiro “Un.” (Nezuko, yukkuri yasundero.)
Tanjiro (Nezuko… You get lots of rest.)
Tanjiro “Hokuseino machitte koko nanokana?”
Tanjiro “Could this be the town to the northwest?”
Onna “Hora… Kazumi-san’yo. Kawaisoni. Yatsurete…”
Woman “Oh, look, there’s Kazumi. Poor thing. He looks so haggard.”
Onna “Isshoni ita tokini Satoko-changa sarawareta-kara…”
Woman “Because he was with Satoko when she was taken.”
Otoko “Maiban maiban, kimiga warui.”
Man “Night after night… It’s so creepy.”
Onna “Aa, iyada. Yoruga kuruto mata wakai koga sarawareru.”
Woman “It’s so dreadful! When night falls, yet another young girl will be abducted!”
Tanjiro “Kazumi-san! Chotto ohanashio kikitaino-desuga, iidesuka?”
Tanjiro “Mr.Kazumi! If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear your story. Is that all right?”
Kazumi “Kokode Satoko-sanwa kietanda. Shinjite moraenai-kamo shirenaiga…”
Kazumi “This is where Satoko vanished. You may not believe me.”
炭治郎「信じます!信じますよ‼ 信じる!」
Tanjiro “Shinji-masu! Shinji-masuyo!! Shinjiru!”
Tanjiro “I do believe you! I believe you, all right! I believe you!”
Tanjiro (Kasukani onino nioiga nokotteru-kedo… Madarato iuka… Henna kanjida.)
Tanjiro (There’s still a faint trace of demon scent, but it’s uneven, so to speak. There’s something strange about this.)
Kazumi (Kono kowa ittai nan-nanda…)
Kazumi (Who is this kid anyway?)
Satokono chichi “Fuzakeruna! Kieta-dato? Kisama!”
Satoko’s father “How dare you! What do you mean, ‘vanished’? You bastard!”
Satokono haha “Anata, mo yamete kudasai!”
Satoko’s mother “Dear! That’s enough! Please stop!”
Kazumi “Shinjite hoshii. Hontoni kietanda…”
Kazumi “I want you to believe me. She really did vanish.”
Tanjiro “Shinji-masu. Sono tameni orewa kokoni kimashita-kara.”
Tanjiro “I believe you. After all, that’s why I’m here.”
Kazumi “Mada tsuzukeru-noka?”
Kazumi “You’re gonna keep going?”
Tanjiro “Hai.”
Tanjiro “Yes.”
Kazumi “Mo konna jikanda. Bokuno koto’o shinpai shite kureru-nowa ureshiiga, atowa ashitani shite sukoshi yasunda-hoga…”
Kazumi “Look how late it’s gotten. I’m flattered that you’re so concerned for me, but shouldn’t you pick up again tomorrow and get some rest?”
Tanjiro “Aitsurawa yoru katsudo shimasu. Dakara yasumu wakeniwa ikanai. Kokorahen-nimo atarashii nioi’o mitsuke-mashita. Kanarazu chikakuni iru-hazu desu.”
Tanjiro “Those things are active during the night. So, I can’t afford to rest. I’ve detected a new scent in this area. It’s gotta be somewhere nearby.”
Kazumi “Aitsura? Kimiwa masaka, hontoni…”
Kazumi “Those things… Don’t tell me you’re… You’re seriously…”
Tokieno haha “Nante kowai… Tobunno aida, gaishutsuwa hikaeru-yoni shinasai.”
Tokie’s mother “How terrifying. I want you to stay indoors for the time being.”
Tokie “Hai, Okaasama. Dewa, oyasumi-nasai.”
Tokie “Yes, Mother. Now then, good night.”
Tokie “Sarawareta ko-tachiwa do-nattano-kashira? Buji nara iinoni…”
Tokie “I wonder what became of the girls who were taken. I just hope they’re all right.”
Tanjiro “Ha!”
和巳「あっ、どうしたんだ、���に!! 速い!」
Kazumi “A, doshitanda, kyuni!! Hayai!”
Kazumi “What’s gotten into you all of a sudden? So fast!”
Tanjiro “Nioiga tsuyoku natta! Oniga araware-teru!”
Tanjiro “The scent just got stronger! The demon’s at large!”
Kazumi (To…Tonda? Onino hanashi, Kisatsu-tai, hontoni…)
Kazumi (He jumped? He spoke of demons. The Demon Slayer Corps… He really…)
炭治郎(ここだ!! 今、ここにいる!!)
Tanjiro (Kokoda!! Ima, kokoni iru!!)
Tanjiro (This is it. They’re here right now!”
Tanjiro (Ni-shuruino nioi. Onito, ningen’no onna’no hito. Doko-nimo inai…)
Tanjiro (Two different scents. A demon and a female human! They’re nowhere to be seen.)
Tanjiro (Dakedo… Nioiga ichiban koi basho… Kokoda!!)
Tanjiro (But… The spot where the scent is strongest… is right here!!)
Sanbon-zuno “Guwa!”
Tanjiro “Ha!”
Tanjiro (Ino’no oni!)
Tanjiro (A morphed demon!)
Urokodaki “‘Kekki-jutsu’to-iu tokushuna jutsuo tsukau oniwa, ino’no onida. Kongowa, sono-yona oni-tomo tatakau kotoni narudaro.”
Urokodaki “The demons who use a special spell called the ‘Blood Demon Art” possess supernatural abilities. You may have to fight those demons, as well, from now on.”
Tanjiro “Saratta onna’no hito-tachiwa, dokoni iru!!”
Tanjiro “Where are those girls you kidnapped?”
Tanjiro “Sorekara, futatsu kiku. A…”
Tanjiro “I’ve got two more questions for you!”
Kazumi “Aitsuwa…”
Kazumi “Who was that?”
Tanjiro “Kazumi-san, kono hito’o kakaete sobani tatte-ite kudasai. Oreno Maaino uchi-gawa-nara mamore-masu.”
Tanjiro “Mr.Kazumi, Please hold this person and stand nearby. If you’re inside my range of attack, I can protect you!”
Tanjiro (Jimen’ya kabe-nara, tabun dokokara-demo dete korareru. Nanimo nai kuchukara-demo detekuru kanoseiga aru.)
Tanjiro (From the ground or this wall… It can probably emerge from anywhere. There’s also the chance that it could show up out of thin air.)
Tanjiro (Dakedo, kono oniwa mogutte-iru aidamo nioi’o kesenai!!)
Tanjiro (But this demon… Even when it’s submerged, it can’t erase its scent!)
炭治郎(…来た!! 水の呼吸・伍ノ型。ハッ…三人!!!)
Tanjiro (…Kita!! Mizuno Kokyu, Gono Kata. Ha… San-nin!!!)
Tanjiro (Here it comes! Water Breathing, Fifth Form! There’s three of them!)
Tanjiro (Ochi-tsuke. Yareru!!)
Tanjiro (Settle down! You can do it!)
Tanjiro “Hachino Kata. Taki-Tsubo!!”
Tanjiro “Eighth Form… Waterfall Basin!”
Urokodaki “Tanjiro, yoku kike. Ningen’o onini kaerareru chio motsu oniwa, kono yoni tada ittai nomi. Imakara sen-nen-ijo mae, ichiban hajimeni onito natta mono. Tsumari sorega, omaeno kazokuno katakida. Sarani soitsu naraba, imoto’o ningenni modosu hoho’o shitte-iruto washiwa omotte-iru.”
Urokodaki “Tanjiro, listen to me closely. The type of demon with the blood that can turn humans into demons… There’s only one in this world. Just one… The one who was the first to become a demon more than a thousand years ago. In other words, that is your family’s foe. Moreover, I believe he’s the one… who might know how to turn your sister back into a human.”
Urokodaki “Sono onino nawa… Kibutsuji Muzan.”
Urokodaki “That demon’s name is… Muzan Kibutsuji!”
Tanjiro “Hachino kata. Taki-Tsubo!!”
Tanjiro “Eighth Form… Waterfall Basin!!”
炭治郎(浅い!! 全ての鬼の急所を外れている!! 途中で型を変えたからだ)
Tanjiro (Asai!! Subeteno onino kyusho’o hazurete-iru!! Tochude katao kaeta-karada.)
Tanjiro (Too shallow! I missed all the vulnerable spots! Because I switched forms midway through!)
炭治郎(三人とも全く同じ匂い。基本的に鬼は群れないと聞いた。一人の鬼が三人に分散してるんだ。二人を守りながら三人の鬼を斬る。気後れするな!! 必ず聞き出せ。鬼舞辻無惨のことを!! 鬼を人間に戻す方法を!!)
Tanjiro (San-nin-tomo mattaku onaji nioi. Kihon-tekini oniwa murenaito kiita. Hitorino oniga san-ninni bunsan shiterunda. Futario mamori-nagara san-ninno onio kiru. Kiokure suruna!! Kanarazu kikidase. Kibutsuji Muzanno koto’o!! Onio ningenni modosu hoho’o!!)
Tanjiro (All three of them have the exact same scent. I was told that demons don’t band together as a rule. So, one demon has dispersed into three. I’m going to protect these two while slashing those three demons! Don’t lose your nerve! Make sure you get him to tell you… about Muzan Kibutsuji… and how to turn a demon back into a human!)
Tanjiro (Zen-Shuchu! Mizuno Kokyu, Nino Kata. Mizu-Guruma!!)
Tanjiro (Total Concentration… Water Breathing… Second Form… Water Wheel!)
Nihon-zuno “Guwa!”
炭治郎(また浅い!! クッ…深追いできない。人を守りながらでは、刀も思い切りは振れない)
Tanjiro (Mata asai!! Ku… Fukaoi dekinai. Hito’o mamori-nagara-dewa, katanamo omoikiriwa furenai.)
Tanjiro (Too shallow again! I can’t chase him too far. And I can’t take a full swing while guarding others!)
Nihon-zuno “Kisamaaaaa! Jamao surunaaaa! Onnano sendoga ochirudarogaa! Mo ima sono onnawa ju-rokuni natte-irundayo. Hayaku kuwanaito koku-ikkokude ajiga ochirunda!!”
Two Horns “You bastard! Back off for crying out loud! That girl’s gonna go stale on me, dammit! That girl’s already 16, okay? If I don’t devour her soon, she’s gonna lose flavor by the second!”
Ippon-zuno “Reiseini nare, oreyo. Maa iisa, konna yoruga attemo. Kono machi-dewa zuibun ju-rokuno musumeo kutta-karana. Doremo nikuzukiga yoku, bimi datta… Orewa manzoku dayo.”
One Horn “Calm down, my other self. Hey, so what? There are gonna be nights like this. I’ve already fed on plenty of 16-year-old girls in this town. They were all quite meaty and delicious. I’m satisfied.”
二本角「俺は満足じゃないんだ、俺よ!! まだ喰いたいのだ!!」
Nihon-Zuno “Orewa manzokuja nainda, oreyo!! Mada kuitai-noda!!”
Two Horns “Well, I’m not satisfied, my other self! I wanna consume more!”
Kazumi “Bakemono! Issakuban saratta Satoko-san’o kaese!”
Kazumi “You monster… Return Satoko to me. The one you abducted the night before last!”
Ippon-Zuno “Satoko? Dareno kotokanee.”
One Horn “Satoko? Who are you talking about?”
Kazumi “Aa…”
Ippon-Zuno “Kono shu-shu-hinno nakani, sono musumeno kanzashiga areba, kutteruyo.”
One Horn “If her hairpin is among these collectibles, then I’ve devoured her.”
Tanjiro “Ei!”
Tanjiro (Mata hazushita! Jimenni nigeru-noga hayai!)
Tanjiro (I missed again! He can escape underground so fast!)
Tanjiro (Ha, shimatta! Kabeni chikazuki-sugita!!)
Tanjiro (Oh no! I got too close to the wall!)
Nihon-Zuno “Guoo..”
Ippon-Zuno “Naze, ningenno bunzaide onio tsureteru?”
One Horn “Why would a mere human be accompanying a demon?”
Ippon-Zuno (Do-iu kotoda? Nan-nanda, koitsurawa… Kenshito oniga tsuredatte kodo shite-irunoka? Imiga wakaranai.)
One Horn (What’s the meaning of this? Who are those two? Are they a swordsman and demon working together? I don’t get it at all.)
Kazumi “A! Aa…”
Tanjiro “…Nezuko…”
Tanjiro “Nezuko…”
Urokodaki “Kiyasumeni shika naran-kamo shirenga, Nezukoga nemutte-iru aidani washiwa anjio kaketa.”
Urokodaki “This may only be cold comfort, but while Nezuko was asleep, I used hypnotic suggestion on her.”
Tanjiro “Anji…”
Tanjiro “Suggestion?”
Urokodaki “Ningenwa mina omaeno kazokuda. Ningen’o Mamore! Oniwa tekida!”
Urokodaki “All humans are your family. Protect humans. The demons are the enemy!”
Tanjiro “Nezuko!”
Tanjiro “Nezuko!”
Urokodaki “Hito’o kizu-tsukeru onio yurusuna!”
Urokodaki “Never forgive any demon who brings harm onto humans!”
大正コソコソ噂話 その5 ―Taisho Secret―
Tanjiro “Nezukono keride tasukattayo! Arigato.”
Tanjiro “Your kicks really saved the day, Nezuko! Thanks!”
Tanjiro “Naka-kara kettemo kowarenai-nante, kono hako sugoku ganjo nandana! Demo hakono naka, semaku-naika? Kurushiku-naika? Niichan, sono uchi, Nezukono tameni dekkai hako’o tsukutte yaru-karana.”
Tanjiro “It didn’t break even when you kicked your way out of it. This box is super-strong! But isn’t it cramped in there? Isn’t it uncomfortable? I’ll build a much bigger box for you!”
Tanjiro “Kokode, Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashi. Konkai tojo shita oni, sono urusai hagishiriwa, ningenno koro-karano kuse rashii desuyo.”
Tanjiro “Now, it’s time for a Taisho secret! I heard today’s demon has been grinding his teeth like crazy since he was a human.”
Tanjiro “Jikai, dai nanawa, ‘Kibutsuji Muzan’.”
Tanjiro “Next, Episode 7, ‘Muzan Kibutsuji’!”
(Continue to episode 7)
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suicideandcheese · 1 year ago
Gods Again, Should
You sleep like wine for ages, never To be tasted, let alone Popped. It's just a kill-spirit. Some liquorice in the glove box From last year after seeing Something, with Popcorn and the butters. To remain a silly kid away from real Life is just a Saturday Morning, Monday'd anyway, Cartooned, every day, any where, Take you there but to spiders. Hybrids, costumes, liars. We live in a cinematic narrative I wanna sleep off for gods again. Drink to intuition, drink to senses Tingling, for you must be living For, for what but a salty story. Saturday your glory, spiderly, man. Sell it like a damsel in distress. Salt it surely, I said, something nearly-- The gods cob their heads webbed. It's so easy to fall from heaven You think, costume atatter. Cherry nibs make the abuse Matter. Root beer subdues The latter. Channel your mad hatter. Oh, Lewis. Oh, god. Oh, Alice. Oh, fuckety why when the mad man Makes me high.
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monochromedraws666 · 2 years ago
Get flying spongebob
Tumblr media
Na na na na na na na...
Giragira~tsu yosha nai taiyo ga Tsuyobi de teritsukeru on the beach Unubore ondo wa kyujosho Ochitsukanai no wa manatsu no seida ne
Futari me ga aeba Naze ka sorasu no ni Boku o mata sugu miru kimi tte Moshikashite moshikashite
Furaingugetto boku wa hitoashi-saki ni Kimi no kimochi ima sugu te ni ireyou ka Furaingugetto nani ka iwa reru mae ni Kokoro no uchi bibi~tsu to kanjiru mama ni
Dare to ite mo (dare to ite mo) Hohoemi-kata de (hohoemi-kata de) Kimi ga boku ni koi o koi o shi teru no wa teppan Furaingugettodakara dare yori hayaku Kimi no hato no subete boku no mono Sukidakara rabu furage!
Kurakura~tsu doyo shita junjo de Sono hada chira mi shi teta bikini Kokuhaku welcome-sa oide Sunao ni naranakya tanoshikunai ze
Sono me saso~tsu teru Boku ni kite kure to Sore ga moso toshite mo koe o Kakete minakya hajimaranai
Furaingugetto-kun ni karaburi shite mo Atatte kudakero aru aru otoko janai ka Furaingugetto itsumo yaru dake yaru-sa Damatte mi tete mo koi wa dekinai yo
Isamiashi de mo (isamiashi de mo) Ichiban'nori de (ichiban'nori de) Boku ga kimi ni zokkonzokkon'na no wa muso Furaingugetto yoyaku ma~tsu teru yona Mawari no otoko-tachi o dashinuite Tokuige ni rabu furage!
Furaingugetto boku wa hitoashi-saki ni Kimi no kimochi ima sugu te ni ireyou ka Furaingugetto nani ka iwa reru mae ni Kokoro no uchi bibi~tsu to kanjiru mama ni
Dare to ite mo (dare to ite mo) Hohoemi-kata de (hohoemi-kata de) Kimi ga boku ni koi o koi o shi teru no wa teppan Furaingugettodakara dare yori hayaku Kimi no hato no subete boku no mono Sukidakara rabu furage!
Na na na na na na na...
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akuqilla · 2 years ago
Yesterday wa Tomorrow o Utawanai kanji & romaji lyrics
今日はイエスタデイのライブに来てくれてありがとう。 みんなのためにとっておきの曲を持ってきた。 聞いてくれ!「イエスタデイはトゥモローを歌わない」
昨日聞こえたささやき 悪魔と契約して 「この目に宿りし 漆黒のブラックホールがお前を見つめて離さない」→キャー!!
明日【あす】には明日【あす】の風が吹く 明日【あした】になれば今日は昨日 夜風に当たって風邪引く それはイエスタ(デイ)たしかイエスタ(デイ) たぶんイエスタデイDeath!
明日【あした】になれば(なれば) アイドル見れる(見れる)  楽しみすぎるなんてね 人前じゃ言えない(Fu,Fu) 魔法の言葉 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrow」 いつも推しを見てる(パピヨン?チャウカ!マンチカン!)
こんなかっこいいバンドやってる俺だけど 「普段はゲームとアイドルオタクをやってます。宜しくお願いいたしまーす」→まーじぃ!?
(Hey!Hey!Hey!Hey Hey!)×4
お前ブス お前ブス お前ブス やばみちゃん お前もブス お前もブス お前もブス つらみちゃん
やっぱアイドル(アイドル) 幸せすぎる(すぎる) 推し事やめるなんてね 明日【あした】に響くよ(Fu,Fu) 追いかけてく 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrowも」 夢を見させて!お願い!(パピヨン?チャウカ!マンチカン!)
東京以外の地方だって 絶対に当ててやる~! 今日はちょっとお洒落していくから 絶対!絶対!見つけてね!
よっしゃあ!いくぞー!! ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!・ハイ・ハイ・ハイ! ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!ハイ!・ハイ・ハイ・ハイ! (お~!顔面国宝!)ありがとう!(お~!ダックスフンド!)誰がや! (お~!お尻がプリティ!)ぷりぷり!(お~!夜王!)ぴえん!
オタクの気持ち(こっち向いて!)オタクの気持ち(ファンサちょうだい!) オタクの気持ち(投げキスちょうだい!)オタクの気持ち(抱きしめて!) オタクの気持ち(キメ顔ちょうだい!)オタクの気持ち(ハートを作って!) オタクの気持ち(結婚して!)オタクの気持ち(炎上すんな!)
やっぱアイドル(アイドル) 幸せすぎる(すぎる) 推し事やめるなんてね 明日【あした】に響くよ(Fu,Fu) 追いかけてく 「永久【とわ】に」 「共【とも】に」 「Tomorrow」 夢を見させて!お願い!(パピヨン?チャウカ!マンチカン!)  いつも推しを見てる
東京以外の地方だって 絶対に当ててやる~! 今日はいっぱいお祈りするから 全通!全通!するからね!
Yesterday wa Tomorrow o Utawanai
Kyou wa iesutadei no raibu ni kitekurete arigatou. Minna no tame ni totte oki no kyoku o motte kita. Kiite kure! 「Iesutadei wa tuumoroo o utawanai」
(Papiyon? Chauka! Manchikan!) ×4
Kinou kikoeta sasayaki akuma to keiyaku shite 「Kono me ni yadorishi shikkoku no burakkuhooru ga omae o mitsumete hanasanai」→ kyaa!!
Asu ni wa asu no kazegafuku Ashita ni nareba kyou wa kinou Yokaze ni atatte kazehiku Sore wa iesuta (dei) tashika iesuta (dei) tabun iesutadei Death!
Ashita ni nareba (nareba) aidoru mireru (mireru) Tanoshimi sugiru nante ne hitomae ja ienai (Fu, Fu) Mahou no kotoba 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrow」 Itsumo oshi o miteru (Papiyon? Chauka! Manchikan!)
(Papiyon? Chauka! Manchikan!) ×4
Konna kakkoii bando yatteru oredakedo 「Fudan wa geemu to aidoru otaku o yattemasu. Yoroshiku onegai itashimaasu」→ maajii! ?
(Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! hey! ) × 4
Omae busu omae busu omae busu yabamichan Omae mo busu omae mo busu omae mo busu tsuramichan
Yappa aidoru (aidoru) shiawase sugiru (sugiru) Oshi koto yameru nante ne ashita ni hibiku yo (Fu, Fu) Oikaketeku 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrow」 「Tomorrow」 Yume o misasete! Onegai! (Papiyon? Chauka! Manchikan!)
Toukyou igai no chihou datte zettai ni atete yaru~! Kyou wa chotto oshare shiteiku kara zettai! Zettai! Mitsukete ne!
Yossha! Ikuzoo!! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai hai hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai! Hai hai hai! (Oo~! Ganmen kokuhou!) Arigatou! (Oo~! Dakkusufundo!) Dare ga ya! (Oo~! Oshiri ga puriti!) Puripuri! (Oo~! Yoruou!) Pie n!
Otaku no kimochi (kocchimuite!) Otaku no kimochi (fansa choudai!) Otaku no kimochi (nagekisu choudai!) Otaku no kimochi (dakishimete!) Otaku no kimochi (kimegao choudai!) Otaku no kimochi (haato o tsukutte!) Otaku no kimochi (kekkon shite!) Otaku no kimochi (enjou sunna!)
Yappa aidoru (aidoru) shiawase sugiru (sugiru) Oshi koto yameru nante ne ashita ni hibiku yo (Fu, Fu) Oikakete ku 「towa ni」 「tomo ni」「Tomorrow」 Yume o mi sasete! Onegai! (Papiyon? Chauka! Manchikan! ) Itsumo oshi o miteru
Toukyou igai no chihou datte zettai ni atete yaru~! Kyou wa ippai oinori surukara zentsuu! Zentsuu! Surukara ne!
(Papiyon? Chauka! Manchikan!) ×2
Do correct me if there's anything wrong.
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apothecaryscript · 6 months ago
Episode 15 : Raw Fish / 第15話『鱠(Namasu)』
Bukan “Kiitaka? Kono maeno boyano koto.”
Military Officer “Hey, did you hear about the fire the other day?”
Bukan “Rihakuno yatsu, otegara dattana.”
Military Officer “Lihaku did a really good job with it.”
Bukan “Aitsuga kaiketsu suru-towa, igai datta.”
Military Officer “I never expected he’d be able to solve it.”
Bukan “Sorega, domo uwasani yoruto…gejoga jiken-kaiketsuni hito-yaku katta rashii.”
Military Officer “Actually, I heard a rumor that a servant girl helped solve it.”
Bukan “Gejo?”
Military Officer “A servant girl?”
Bukan “Jinshi-samano heya-zukino gejo datte.”
Military Officer “They say she’s a personal attendant of Master Jinshi.”
Bukan “Heee, hontoka.”
Military Officer “Wow, really?”
Bukan “Jinshi-samato ieba, kono-mae, Rokushokanno gijo’o miuke shitan-daro? Nandemo, chitekide tsumetai me-tsukino bijo datoka.”
Military Officer “Didn’t Master Jinshi buy out a courtesan from the Verdigris House the other day? I hear she’s a beautiful intellectual with cold eyes.”
Bukan “Aa, mita renchuga sawaidetazo.”
Military Officer “Yeah, the guys who saw her wouldn’t shut up about her.”
Bukan “A, aa… Rakan-sama.”
Military Officer “Master Lakan?!”
Rakan “Fufu. Sono hanashi, kuwashiku oshiete kure-naika?”
Lakan “Mind telling me more about that?”
Gaoshun “Shaomao, chotto iideshoka?”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, could you spare a moment?”
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Doshitano-desuka?”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun. What is it?”
Gaoshun “Mite-moraitai monoga aruno-desuga.”
Gaoshun “There’s something I’d like you to take a look at.”
Maomao “Furui jikenno shiryo desune. Ju-nen-maeno shokade, fuguno namasuni atatte shoku-chudokuga okitato…”
Maomao “Records of an old incident. Ten years ago, at a merchant’s home, there was a food poisoning incident involving a raw pufferfish dish.”
Maomao (Fuguno doku…! Ano piri-piri shita shibirega iinda… Aa, tabetai.)
Maomao (Pufferfish poison… I love how it tingles and stings. Oh, I really want some now!)
Gaoshun “Kondo, sono-teno ryoriyani tsurete ikimasu-kara…”
Gaoshun “I can take you to a place that serves it sometime soon.”
Maomao “Haaaa! Haaa… Korega, doshitano-desuka?”
Maomao “So, what about this?”
Gaoshun “Mukashi, watashiga kono jikenni tsuite shigotode kakawatte-ita kotoga ari-mashita. Koreto yoku nita jikenga saikin okottato-iukotode moto-doryoni sodan’o uketano-desu.”
Gaoshun “A while ago, I was officially involved with this case. A colleague asked me for advice, because a similar incident occurred recently.”
Maomao “Yoku nita jiken?”
Maomao “A similar incident?”
Gaoshun “Kanryoga, fuguno namasuo tabete, konsui-jotaini ochiitte-iruno-desuyo.”
Gaoshun “A bureaucrat ate pufferfish, raw and seasoned with vinegar, and fell into a coma.”
Maomao “Konsui-jotai… Moshi-wake arimasen, Gaoshun-sama. Sorewa, watashiga kiitemo yoroshii hanashi deshoka?”
Maomao “A coma? Master Gaoshun, my apologies. Is it appropriate for me to learn about this?”
Gaoshun “Mondai ari-masen. Shaomaowa, jibunno tachibao wakimaete imasu-kara.”
Gaoshun “That won’t be an issue. You are someone who knows her place.”
Maomao (Tsumari, shaberuna, to…)
Maomao (In other words, stay silent about this.)
Gaoshun “Soreni ima-sara, dokuno dete-kuru kono hanashio tochude kittemo iino-desuka?”
Gaoshun “Besides, this story involves poison. Are you sure you want me to stop here?”
Maomao “Gu… Dozo, ohanashino tsuzukio.”
Maomao “Please, do continue.”
Gaoshun “Un. Konkai, namasu-niwa, fuguno kawato mio yubiki shita-mono’o tsukatte-ita-sodesu. Soreo tabete konsui-jotaini ochi’ittato.”
Gaoshun “In this instance, they served parboiled pufferfish skin and meat. He ate this and fell into a coma.”
Maomao “Fuguno mi desuka? Dokuga ooi-nowa, kimo-nadono naizo desuga…”
Maomao “The meat? Most of the poison is in the gut.”
Gaoshun “Ee, kawato mi desu.”
Gaoshun “Yes, the skin and the meat.”
Maomao “Miwa hikaku-teki, dokuga usui hazu-nanoni… Maa, shuruiya kankyoni yottewa, mini dokuga aru baaimo aru-kamo shirenai. Betsuni okashina tenwa naino-dewa?”
Maomao “The meat isn’t supposed to have much poison in it… Maybe it depends on the type of pufferfish or the environment it’s from. Nothing seems out of place, then?”
Gaoshun “…Sorega, konkaino jikenmo, maeno jikenmo, ryori-ninwa ‘fuguo chorini tsukatte-inai’to iihatte iruno-desuyo.”
Gaoshun “The thing is, in both cases, this time and in the past, the cook claims they hadn’t used pufferfish in the dish.”
Maomao “Omoshiro-sona hanashi desune.”
Maomao “That sounds interesting.”
Gaoshun “Kyotsu-tenwa, sore-dake-dewa arimasen. Taoreta futari… Konkaino yakuninto, zenkaino shoninwa, tomoni bishoku-ka-de chinmio kononde imashita. Fudan-kara sakanano nama-niku-nadomo yoku tabete-ite, fugumo kobutsu datta-sodesu. Jikenno ato, chubono gomi-kara, naizoya kawaga subete hakken sareta koto-kara, kimowa tabete-inaito handan sare-mashita. Futatsuno jikenno ryori-ninwa, tomoni fuguwa zenjitsuno ryorini tsukatta monode, namasu-niwa betsuno sakanao tsukattato muzaio shucho shimashita. Shikashi, shoninto-naru ningenga ina-katta. Yakuninwa ryorio subete tabe-oeta sanjuppun-go, chudoku-shojo’o okoshite taore, keiren shite-ita tokoro’o hakken sare-mashita.”
Gaoshun “That’s not the only thing in common. The two who fell ill… The bureaucrat from this case and the merchant from the past one were both gourmets who loved eating rare foods. They both often ate raw fish and pufferfish was one of their favorites. After the incident, all of the organs and skin were discovered in the trash, so it was determined that the guts were never consumed. In both cases, the cooks claimed innocence, said the pufferfish was served the night before, and that on the day of the incident, they’d used a different fish. However, there were no witnesses to provide proof. The bureaucrat ate all the food served, then became intoxicated and collapsed half an hour later. He was discovered convulsing.”
Maomao (Angai, shikari shirabeterun-dana… Tekitona chosade han’nin’o dekchi-ageru, roku-demo-nai yakuninmo takusan iru-noni.)
Maomao (He did a more thorough investigation than I’d expect. Plenty of other bureaucrats would put in zero effort and just make up a suspect.)
Gaoshun “Do omoware-masuka?”
Gaoshun “What do you think?”
Maomao “Shojowa fuguno doku mitai desuga… Imano hanashi-dake-dewa nantomo. Gaoshun-sama, mo sukoshi joho’o atsumete-kite morae-masuka?”
Maomao “The symptoms do sound like pufferfish poison, but I can’t say for certain without more details. Master Gaoshun, can you try to find more information?”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita. Shirabete okimasu.”
Gaoshun “Understood. I will look into it.”
Maomao (Imano kisetsu-nara, nama-gomio sujitsu oite-itato shitemo, okashikuwa nai. Betsuno sakanao tsukattato-iu hanashimo, nokori-kasuga mitsukatte-ite, mujunwa nai…)
Maomao (At this time of year, it’s not rare to have food trash sit out for a few days. The testimony of using different fish matches the evidence of the leftovers…)
Jinshi “Nanno hanashio shite-tanda?”
Jinshi “What were you talking about?”
Maomao “Uwaa…!”
Jinshi “…Sasugani sono kaowa oremo kizu-tsuku…”
Jinshi “That look would wound anyone, even me.”
Jinshi “Gaoshunno hanashio, yakeni nesshinni kiite-ita-yodaga.”
Jinshi “You seemed to be listening very eagerly to Gaoshun’s story.”
Maomao “Omoshiroi hanashi-nara, hitowa mimio katamukeru mono desu-kara.”
Maomao “People naturally pay attention to stories that are actually interesting.”
Jinshi “N? Oi, chotto mate. Omae, oreno hanashiwa yoku tochude…”
Jinshi “Wait, hold on. You often cut me off mid-speech―”
Maomao “Sore-dewa, osoku nari-mashita-node, kaerasete itadaki-masu.”
Maomao “Oh dear, it’s getting late. With that, I’ll take my leave.”
Jinshi “Na, oi, mada hanashiwa owatte-nai…”
Jinshi “Hey, I’m not done talking-“
Suiren “Ara-ara, ugoka-naide. Hora, jitto shite.”
Suiren “Oh, no, don’t move. Come on, stay still.”
Jinshi “N…”
Gaoshun “Shaomao. Kinono hanashi desuga… Korewa, chorisho desu. Shiyonin’no shogen dato, shujinni dasu ryoriwa, hotondo kokoni kakarete-iruto.”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, about the discussion we had yesterday… These are the cook’s notes. According to the servant, it describes everything served to their master.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu. …Yubiki shita sakanani hoso-girino yasaio kuwaete sude aeru… Namasuno tsukuri-katani tokuni okashina tokorowa nai desune…”
Maomao “Thank you. Parboil the fish. Add cut vegetables. Season with vinegar. The recipe looks normal.”
Gaoshun “Suno haigowa nan-shuruika kakarete-imasuga, zairyowa kuwashiku kakarete imasen.”
Gaoshun “There are several types of vinegar mixtures outlined, but the list of ingredients lack detail.”
Maomao “Osoraku, kisetsuni yotte, teni hairu sakanaya yasaiga kawaru-kara desho. Kore-dewa kanjinno, nanio tsukatte tsukuttakaga wakari-masenne…”
Maomao “That must be because the types of fish and vegetables available differ by season. This won’t help us understand the key facts around what was actually used to cook the dish.”
Jinshi “Wakaranai-noka?”
Jinshi “You can’t understand?”
Maomao “Haa…” (Hanashini kuwawari-tai rashii.)
Maomao (He wants to join in.)
Jinshi “…De, naniga wakara-naitte? Aaan…N…”
Jinshi “So, what can’t you understand?”
Suiren “Oshokuji-mae desu-kara…”
Suiren “It will be mealtime soon.”
Jinshi “Wakatte-iru.”
Jinshi “I know.”
Maomao (Zuibun, kodomoppoi koto’o…)
Maomao (That’s quite childish.)
Maomao “Jikenga okita-nowa?”
Maomao “When did the incident occur?”
Gaoshun “Isshukan-hodo mae desu.”
Gaoshun “About a week ago.”
Maomao “Fuyubano yasaito naruto… Namasuno zairyowa daikonka ninjinto itta tokoro desuka?”
Maomao “Meaning winter vegetables, so probably radishes and carrots?”
Gaoshun “Sorega, kaiso’o tsukattato itte-imashite…”
Gaoshun “Actually, I hear they used seaweed.”
Maomao “Kaiso desuka?”
Maomao “Seaweed?”
Gaoshun “Kaiso desu.”
Gaoshun “Seaweed.”
Maomao (Chinmio konomuto iu-kotowa… kawatta kaiso’o ireru kotomo aru-daro.)
Maomao (If he likes rare foods, I guess he could have tried strange seaweeds.)
Maomao “Moshi yoroshi-kereba, sono ieno chubo’o misete morau kotowa dekima-senka?”
Maomao “If possible, could I take a look at the kitchen involved?”
Maomao “N? …Gaoshun-sama-kara, kokoni kuru-yonito iwaretano-desuga.”
Maomao “I’m here under Master Gaoshun’s orders.”
Basen “Basen da. Hanashiwa kiite-iru.”
Basen “I’m Basen. I’ve heard about you.”
Maomao “Maomao desu.”
Maomao “I am Maomao.”
Basen “Korekara yashikini mukauga, omaewa akumademo watashino otsukida. Iina, kattena kotowa suru-nayo.”
Basen “We’re heading to the mansion now, but remember, you’re my follower. Don’t do anything without my permission.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Basen “Mukoni ikeba, yashikino genanga chubo’o annai shite-kureru.”
Basen “Once we arrive, the servant there will show us to the kitchen.”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Maomao (Sasuga Gaoshun-sama. Shigotoga hayai… Soreni-shitemo… Mita-koto-nai bukan dana. Darekani nite-iru kiga suruga… Yoku omowarete-nasaso-daga, maa iika.)
Maomao (Master Gaoshun sure does work fast. That aside… I’ve never seen this officer before. He looks familiar, though. He doesn’t seem to have a good impression of me. Oh, well.)
Genan “Kochiraga chubo desu. Dokuno ikken-irai, tsukawa-rete orimasen.”
Servant “This is the kitchen. It hasn’t been used since the poison incident.”
Basen “N? Oi!”
Basen “Hmm? Hey!”
Yakunin’no ototo “Katteni hairuna! Dete-ike! Nanio shiteru!”
The official’s younger brother “Who let you in here?! Get out! What are you doing?!”
Servant “Aa…”
Yakunin’no ototo “Konna yatsurao tsurete kita-nowa omaeka!”
The official’s younger brother “Did you bring these people here?!”
Basen “Chanto okugatani kakuninwa totte-imasu. Soreni, korewa shigoto desu-node.”
Basen “I’ve gotten permission from the mistress, and this is official business.”
Yakunin’no ototo “Sorewa hontoka?”
The official’s younger brother “Is that true?”
Basen “Haittemo yoroshiika? Soretomo, nanika futsugo demo?”
Basen “May we continue? Or would that inconvenience you in some way?”
Yakunin’no ototo “Katteni shiro!”
The official’s younger brother “Whatever.”
Maomao “Dare desuka?”
Maomao “Who is that?”
Genan “Danna-samano ototo-gimi desu. Danna-samaga konsui-jotaini natte, okugata-samamo hirode nekonde shimai, ototo-gimiga yashikio tori-shikitte imashite…”
Servant “That is the master’s younger brother. After the master fell into the coma, and the mistress took ill from fatigue, the younger brother manages the mansion.”
Maomao “So-iu koto desuka…”
Maomao “I see.”
Maomao “Basen-sama.”
Maomao “Master Basen.”
Basen “Aa.”
Basen “Yeah.”
Maomao (Chori-kiguwa, ryori-ninga aratte shimatta rashii… Hoka-niwa… N?)
Maomao (The cook washed all the cooking utensils. Other than that…)
Maomao “Korewa?”
Maomao “What is this?”
Genan “Aa… Danna-samaga sukina yatsuda. Okini-iride, yoku tabete orare-mashita-node, dokuwa naito omoi-masuga…”
Servant “Ah, the master loved that. It’s his favorite. He ate it often. I don’t think it’s poisonous…”
Maomao (Usowa tsuite-nasaso-dana…)
Maomao (He doesn’t seem to be lying.)
Yakunin’no ototo “Da-soda. Owatta-nara hayaku kaette-kure.”
The official’s younger brother “So that’s that. If you’re done here, please leave.”
Maomao “Sodesune. Gomeiwakuo okake shimashita.”
Maomao “Indeed. Sorry to bother you.”
Basen “Nande kantanni hiki-sagatta?”
Basen “Why did you back down so easily?”
Maomao “Hiki-sagatta-towa omotte-imasen.”
Maomao “I don’t consider that backing down.”
Basen “Na… Motte kita-noka!”
Basen “You brought it with you?”
Maomao “Kore, fushigi nan-desu. Kono kaisoga toreru jiki-niwa, mada sukoshi hayai. Dakarato-itte, shio-zukeni shita-tokorode, imano jiki-made motsu mono-demo arimasen.”
Maomao “This is strange. This seaweed isn’t in season quite yet. But even if salted and preserved from last year, it wouldn’t last this long.”
Basen “Naruhodo.”
Basen “I see.”
Maomao “Osoraku kono kinpende toreta mono-dewa naito omoi-masu. Tatoeba, koekide minami-kara shiireta monoda-toka… Doko-kara shiiretaka wakaruto yoino-desuga…”
Maomao “I don’t think it was gathered in our region. Perhaps it was imported from the south. It would be good if we could find out where it came from.”
Basen “Ha…”
Maomao (Wakatte kureta rashii… Nara, watashimo watashino yaru-beki-koto’o yaro.)
Maomao (I think he gets what I mean. In that case, I’ll do what I have to do.)
Jinshi “Nanda? Korewa.”
Jinshi “What’s this?”
Maomao “Yashiki-kara motte-kita kaiso desu. Jizenni futatsuni wakete, mizuni sarashite oki-mashita.”
Maomao “The seaweed I got from the mansion. I’ve split it into two and put it in some water.”
Maomao (Naze Jinshi-samamo iruno-daro…)
Maomao (Why is Master Jinshi here?)
Basen “Shirabeta tokoro, yahari kaisowa nanpo-kara mochi-komareta mono deshita. Genanno shogen-dewa, shujinga fuyubani sono kaiso’o taberu-kotowa nakatta tono-koto deshita.”
Basen “The seaweed was indeed imported from the south. According to the servant, the master never ate that seaweed in the winter.”
Gaoshun “Ryori-nin karamo, fudan tsukatte-iru kaisoto onaji shuruide, dokuno hazuga naito.”
Gaoshun “The cook also said this is the same as the seaweed they normally use, and can’t be poisonous.”
Maomao “Onaji kaiso-nara dokuga nai…to-iu wakeja nain-desu. Moshika-shitara, minami-dewa amari kono kaisowa taberu shukanga naino-kamo shire-masen. Bishoku-kano yakunin’no kobutsu-dato shitta koeki-shoga, kaneni naruto omotte, waza-waza jimoto-min’ni kaisono shio-zukeo tsukura-seta-to shitara?”
Maomao “You can’t assume it’s not poisonous just because it’s the same seaweed. Maybe this seaweed isn’t eaten often in the south. Perhaps a merchant learned that it’s a favorite of this bureaucrat, and, looking to profit from that, went out of his way to get some locals to make a salted version of it?”
Jinshi “Soreno dokoga mondaini naru-noda?”
Jinshi “Why is that a problem?”
Maomao “Yono-naka-niwa, dokuga mu-dokuni naru-kotoga arun-desu. Tatoeba, unagi-niwa honrai, dokuga ari-masuga, chio nuitari, kanetsu suru-kotode tabe-rareru-yoni narimasu. Kono kaisono baaiwa, sekkai-suini tsukeru-kotoga hitsuyo datta hazu desu. Kokoni yoi shita monowa, sekkai-suini tsuketa-monoto, sode-nai mono desu.”
Maomao “Sometimes, poisons can become not poisonous. For example, eels are originally poisonous, but by bleeding them out or cooking them, they become edible. In the case of this seaweed, I think it had to be soaked in limewater first. What I have here is one batch soaked in limewater, and one batch without that.”
San-nin “Gyo!”
Jinshi “Nani shiteru!”
Jinshi “What are you doing?!”
Maomao “Daijobu desu, tabun.”
Maomao “It’s fine. Probably.”
Jinshi “Tabuntte nanda!”
Jinshi “What do you mean, ‘probably’?!”
Maomao “Go-anshin’o. Chanto oto-zaiwa kokoni…”
Maomao “Don’t worry. I have an emetic agent right here-“
Jinshi “Jishin man-man-ni iuna! Gaoshun!”
Jinshi “Don’t say that so proudly! Gaoshun!”
Gaoshun “Hai!”
Gaoshun “Yes.”
Maomao “Cho…”
Maomao “Hey―”
Jinshi “Hakeeeeeee!”
Jinshi “Vomit, now!”
Maomao (Fuu…fuu… Ichiya-zukede mudokuka dekiruka-doka, tabete kensho suru tsumori-datta-noni.)
Maomao (I wanted to test if the detoxification could be done overnight…)
Maomao “Eeeee, kio tori-naoshite. Kokode mondai nano-desuga, koeki-shoninni kaisono shio-zukeo motte-kuruyo teian shita-nowa, dare deshoka? Tori-yoseta-noga tabeta toninde areba, aru imi, jigo-jitoku desuga… Demo, moshi, so-de nai-nara… Taberu shukanno nai chiho-kara tori-yosereba, kiken-seiga takai-nowa atari-mae desu.”
Maomao “Um, back on topic. So, the issue is: who suggested that the trader bring the salted seaweed? If the one who ate it imported it himself, it’d be his own fault, in a sense. But, if he didn’t… Bringing it in from a region that doesn’t eat it is obviously taking a pretty big risk.”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita.”
Gaoshun “I understand.”
Maomao (Kokoni iru mono-tachiwa kashikoi. Kore-ijo iu hitsuyowa nai-daro… Toriaezuwa ikken-rakuchaku kana.)
Maomao (The people here are smart. I don’t have to elaborate further. I guess that settles it for now.)
Maomao “N? Fufufufu…”
Jinshi “Kora!”
Jinshi “Hey!”
Maomao “Uuuu…”
Gaoshun “Kekkyoku, han’nin’wa taoreta yakuninno ototo deshita. Kaitsuke-sakio mitsuketa-tokorode, jibunga kattato hakujo shita-sodesu. Dokiwa, jinanno jibunga naigashironi sarete, chonan’o jamani omotta-karada-sodesu. Yoku aru hanashi desu.”
Gaoshun “The culprit was the official’s younger brother. When we found where he bought the seaweed, he confessed to being the one who’d purchased it. His motive was that, being the younger son, he wasn’t treated well. He wanted to remove his older brother from the picture. A commonplace story.”
Maomao “Demo, sonna asahakana riyude satsujin’o okasoto shita otokoga, do-yatte kaisono dokuo shittan-desho?”
Maomao “But how could a person who’d plot to murder someone for such a thoughtless reason have learned about the seaweed poison?”
Gaoshun “Sakabade yokoni suwatta kyaku-kara, guzen osowatta-sodesu.”
Gaoshun “He happened to hear about it from a person sitting next to him at a tavern, apparently.”
Maomao “Guzen, nee…”
Maomao “‘Happened to,’ huh? Sure…”
Maomao “Kekkyoku, dokuno nokotte-iru kaisowa taberare-nakattana…”
Maomao “In the end, I didn’t get to try the poisonous seaweed…”
Maomao (Soreni-shitemo, nanni tsukaooo? Ano hikarabita mushi-kara nobita kareha-irono kinoko…! Yaku-shu-ni shiyoka? Gan’yaku-ni shiyoka? Ufufufufufu…)
Maomao (By the way, what should I use it for? That mushroom the color of dry leaves growing from the dead insect! Should I make medicinal booze?! A pill?!)
Maomao “Okaeri-nasai-mase.”
Maomao “Welcome home!”
Jinshi “N! N!”
Maomao “E…”
Gaoshun “Nani-goto desuka?!”
Gaoshun “What’s going on?!”
Maomao (Watashino seija nai!)
Maomao (It’s not my fault.)
Jinshi “Haa…”
Suiren “Otsukareno yo-desune.”
Suiren “You seem tired.”
Jinshi “Shigotoga tamatte-rundaga, do-nimo umaga awanai aitega ite, ikenga chigatte shimau-noda.”
Jinshi “I have so much work piled up, but there’s someone I just don’t get along with. We just can’t see eye-to-eye.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama-nimo nigatena kataga iruno-desune.”
Maomao “I never would have thought you’d ever have trouble with people.”
Jinshi “Aitewa atamano kireru gunbuno kokanda. Ie-garawa yoi-noni, shiju’o sugite saitaimo sezu, oigo’o yoshini totte ieno kanrio makasete-iru. Yumeina henjinda…”
Jinshi “This man’s a razor-sharp high official in the military. He comes from a good family, but even though he’s past forty, he hasn’t married. He adopted his nephew as his son and has him handle his household. A famous weirdo.”
Maomao (Shiju’o sugita gunbuno kokande…hen-jin?)
Maomao (A forty-plus, high-ranking military officer… and weirdo?)
Jinshi “Kyomino aru monoto ieba, moppara, goto shogito uwasa-banashi. Nan-kuseo tsuketewa totsugeki shite-kite, ankenno han’o osuno’o saki-nobashini shite-kuru. Domo, hyotekini sareta rashii… Kono tokoro, mai-nichi shitsumu-shitsuni isuwa-rarete…”
Jinshi “His only interests are go, shogi, and rumors. He files complaints, barges in, and keeps extending deadlines on decisions that need to be made. I think he has it out for me for some reason. He’s been camping in my office for several days in a row.”
Maomao (…Yoshi! Wasureyooo! Omoi-dashitemo, rokuna kotoni nara-nai.)
Maomao (Okay, let’s forget about this! No good can come from dwelling on this.)
Maomao (…Shikashi, maa… Wasureta tokorode, itsumono Iyana yokanwa ataruno-daga…)
Maomao (However, no matter how hard I try to forget, as usual, my bad hunches are correct.)
Jinshi “Ankenwa mo tootta hazu desuga…”
Jinshi “This matter was settled already.”
Rakan “Fuyuni hanamiwa muzukashii… Naraba kochirade-to omoi-mashitena…”
Lakan “Flower viewing in the winter is difficult. I thought this would be better instead.”
Jinshi (Kono otokono nawa, Rakan. Gunshi’o yatteiru. Do-yara, tsukkakatte-kuru riyuwa, Rokushokanni enno aru Maomao’o gejoni shita-kotoni aru-rashii…)
Jinshi (This man is Lakan. He is a strategist. It seems like the reason he’s confronting me is because I made Maomao, who is connected to the Verdigris House, my servant.)
Rakan “So-ieba, Rokushokanni mukashi, najimiga imashitene.”
Lakan “Come to think of it, I have an old acquaintance in the Verdigris House.”
Jinshi (…Igaina hanashida. Irokoi-nado mattaku kyomi nai-nokato omotte-itaga…)
Jinshi (That’s unexpected. I thought he had no interest in romance.)
Jinshi “Donna gijo desuka?”
Jinshi “What kind of courtesan is she?”
Rakan “Fu…”
Jinshi (Ha… Tsui kiite shimatta.)
Jinshi (Shoot, I asked without thinking.)
Rakan “Ii gijo deshitayo… Goto shogiga tokuide, shogi-dewa kateruga, go-dewa makete-bakari datta.”
Lakan “She was a good courtesan. She was very good at go and shogi. I could beat her in shogi, but never in go.”
Jinshi “Gunshi-dono’o makasu-towa… Sorewa tsuyo-kattano-desho.”
Jinshi “Defeating our master strategist? She must have been good.”
Rakan “Are-hodo omoshiroi onna’niwa mo aenai-daroto, miukemo kangae-mashitaga… Yono-naka umaku ikanai mono-dene. Mono-zukino kane-mochiga futari, kisoi-au-yoni ne’o tsuri-agete-itta.”
Lakan “I considered buying her out, since I felt I would never meet another woman as interesting as her. But sometimes, things just don’t work out. Two rich men with curious tastes endlessly tried to outbid each other.”
Jinshi “Sorewa sorewa…”
Jinshi “Is that so?”
Jinshi (Tokini, gijono miuke-kinwa, rikyuga hitotsu tatsu-hodono gakuni naruto iu.)
Jinshi (It’s said, at times, buying out a courtesan could cost about as much as a small palace.)
Rakan “Kawari-monono gijo deshitene…”
Lakan “She was a strange courtesan.”
Jinshi (Shikashi, sonna hanashio shite, naniga iitai-noka…)
Jinshi (Where is he trying to go with this story?)
Rakan “Geiwa uredo, miwa urazu. Sore-dokoroka, kyaku’o kyaku-tomo omowa-nai. Kyakuni cha’o sosogu-tokimo, gesenno tamini hodokoshi’o ataeru-yona, sondaina mede mite-orimashita. Shikashi, soreni utsutsu’o nukasu mono-zukimo iru-monode… Kaku-iu watashimo, sono hitori nano-desuga… Sesujini zoku-zokutto kuru kankakuga tamaranai mono deshite…”
Lakan “She would sell her skills, but never herself. In fact, she didn’t treat guests as customers at all. Even when pouring tea, she had an arrogant look, like she was being charitable to a lowly peasant. But there were many with curious tastes who were head over heels for her. Myself among them, naturally. That chill down my spine was truly irresistible.”
Jinshi “U…”
Rakan “Fu. Itsuka oshi-taoshite-mitaito omotte-ita mono desuyo. Fufufu, fufufu… Kekkyoku sono gijo’o akirame-kirezu, shikata-naku sho-sho kitanai teo tsukai-mashita.”
Lakan “Oh, how I wanted to try to force myself on her one day. In the end, I couldn’t give up on her, so I had no choice but to use a bit of a dirty trick.”
Jinshi “To-iuto?”
Jinshi “Meaning?”
Rakan “Takakute tega dasenai-nara, yasuku nareba mondai-nai wake-deshite… Kisho-kachi’o sagetan-desuyo. Donna hohoka shiritai desuka?”
Lakan “If something’s too expensive, you simply lower its value. I made her less exquisite. Do you know how I did that?”
Jinshi “Koko-made kite mottai-buruno-desuka?”
Jinshi “Why play hard-to-get all of a sudden?”
Rakan “Fu. Fufu. …Maa, sono maeni chotto, tanomitai kotoga arun-desuga.”
Lakan “Well, before I get into that, I have a favor to ask.”
Jinshi “Nan-desuka? Ittai.”
Jinshi “What is it?”
Rakan “Sochirani saikin haitta gejoto iu-noga, naka-naka omoshiroi-yode… Myoni nazo-tokiga tokuina yo-desuna? Aa… Watashino chijin’ni, kyutei-goyotashino chokin-zaikushiga itan-desuyo. Soitsuga senjitsu, pokkuri itte shimatta… Chanto kokeisha’o shimei shinai-mama-nine. Yatsu-niwa san-nin’no kodomoga ite, deshini shite-itan-desuga…hidento ieru gijutsu’o tsutaenu-mama itte shimatta-noga, fubinde-nee. Kitto kareno omowase-burina yuigonga, nanikano tegakari-dato omoun-desu. Sorega hikkakatte-itenee…”
Lakan “I heard that the servant girl you hired recently is quite intriguing. They say she has a strange knack for solving puzzles. I was acquainted with a metalworker who was the palace purveyor. He suddenly passed away a few days ago, and failed to name a proper successor. He had three children who were also his apprentices. Unfortunately, he died before passing on his secret techniques to his children. He left a puzzling will, which might be a hint. That’s been bothering me for a while.”
Jinshi “Naniga iitaino-deshoka?”
Jinshi “Where are you going with this?”
Rakan “Iya? Nani, taishita koto-dewa nai… Sono hidenno gijutsuo shiru subega naikato omotta-made-desu… Aa, tatoeba…atamano mawaru, sochirano gejoga shirabete kureya shinai-monoka-to…”
Lakan “Nowhere special, really. I just wonder if there’s some way to learn that secret technique. Perhaps, for example, by having your clever servant girl take a look.”
Jinshi “Fu… Toriaezu, hanashi dake-demo kikasete morae-nai-deshoka.”
Jinshi “Well… I suppose I could hear the whole story.”
Maomao “…Yoku furu-naa…”
Maomao “That’s a lot of rain.”
(Continue to episode 16)
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remusfinglupin · 4 years ago
⚠️A Sky Beyond the Storm Spoiler⚠️
‘May death claim me first.’
‘Ah, no, my love.’ He gathers me close. ‘You cannot go first. I could not make sense of the world if you did.’
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bookishtrash · 5 years ago
Me: *Sees the cover of A Thief Among The Trees*
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