#at the end of the day who will kris be if their actions have been almost entirely us?
smile-files · 1 month
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something interesting i realized while on the vessel-making screen in the deltarune introduction is that it's physically impossible to make kris: there is no hair that perfectly matches theirs (none have the cowlick or the right jagged shape on the bottom), and there is no sweater that perfectly matches theirs (none have a single stripe). this is fascinating, as it perhaps suggest that, if we (the player) had a choice, we *wouldn't* make kris. they aren't something we want, or are even capable of wanting, rather something we're stuck with.
and i suppose the fact that they can't be *created* as a vessel is telling, because we didn't create kris -- they weren't made for us, they're not a player avatar. they're a pre-existing person we just happen to gain possession of.
we weren't made for each other; they don't want us, and we don't seem to want them either (if the inability to choose to create someone like them says anything); funny, then, that in a way we're "soulmates"...
(both pictures are from the deltarune wiki!)
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 1 year
The secret’s out
Summary: When jealousy and drama starts backstage it escalates too far when your relationship with Christian Cage gets revealed  *Mentions of jealousy, broken nose, drama, swearing and protective Christian*   *Characters: Christian Cage X Wrestler Fem reader, [other: Christian’s daughter Isla, Kris Statlander and the gossiper LuFisto]*  An: Hope you enjoy this one, I had fun writing it (Y/W/N = stands for Your Wrestling Name) Word count: 1953
Main Masterlist. Christian Cage Masterlist Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Christian and I have been dating for the past few months and it has been amazing. At first I was a bit nervous getting into the relationship mainly based on what people would say about it. I know a 17 year age gap sounds like a lot but I am a grown ass woman. For god sakes I am 33 years old and it doesn’t even feel like there is 17 years between us. Christian is in amazing shape and everyone knows that older men do it better than the younger one if you know what I mean. Regardless Christian and I agreed to keep our relationship under the radar for the moment. 
Although Christian acts like a bad guy on tv the truth is he is a sweetheart behind closed doors. The past few weeks have been extremely difficult for everyone. Everyone in AEW had been stressed for multiple different reasons. Last week I had a match with LuFisto and during the match she dropped me on my head and towards the end of the match she broke my nose. The match had been the final straw and, surprise surprise, LuFisto was released from AEW a few days later. Since then I’ve had to deal with her talking shit on twitter blaming me for everything.
“Hey Honey” Christian said as he entered our bedroom. “How’s your face doing? I brought you some crackers and cheese. That’s something that’s easy to eat!” It made me laugh how sweet he was being, no one would believe me if I told them how much of a sweetheart he was behind closed doors. “Y/n, I thought I told you to stop looking at those comments” Christian knew about the comments in fact he was one of the people who showed me them in the first place. I bet he’s regretting that. “It’s not your fault ya know” He said as he sat down next to me on the bed. 
“I know it’s not my fault but what did I do to her?” The truth was that I hated LuFisto, I always had. She was unsafe to work with and not to mention she was extremely jealous of all the women backstage. It wasn't our fault that she was 43 and still hasn’t received her ‘big break’. 
Just because no one liked her it didn’t mean that she had to try and purposely hurt her opponents so she could try and steal our spot. I didn’t even want to have the match with her. She had made a stink on twitter for a shot at my ROH Women's world championship, I didn’t want the match to happen no one did but for the sake of having more drama Tony Khan had the match approved. 
The plan was always for me to win and retain my title but of course she didn’t like that so I guess the only solution was to break my nose? What the heck. “Y/n you did nothing, she's just jealous that you are a champion and she is not” Christian told me truthfully. “I know but that bitch broke my nose because she was ‘jealous’ like who does that?” I was beyond frustrated, this little stunt she pulled would mean that I would be out of action for 4-6 weeks while my nose healed. It was LuFisto’s fault for being so careless with her opponents that cost her her job. 
All of this drama wasn’t going to ruin my weekend. Christian had the weekend free from Collison and wanted to spend time with me, making sure that I was ok. We spent the weekend going for cute lunch dates, baking and we even took Christians daughter on a mini hike in the big forest that we loved. 
Monday soon came and I was up early making lunch for Christians daughter so she could bring it to school. Just then I got a call from one of my best friends, the current TBS Champion Kris Statlander. “Hey Y/n” I could tell from the tone in her voice that something was wrong. “Hey Kris, is everything ok? I said “Whatcha dooinggggg” Kris had avoided my question “Not much I’m making Isla’s lunch for school, trying my best to figure out this step mother thing” Although Isla wasn’t my own I still treated her like she was. Christian and I were both hesitant on how she would react. I wanted her to know that I wasn’t trying to replace her real Mom or anything and that I was just someone she could talk to and hang out with. 
“Uh huh yeah, that’s great you are doing great with that really proud of you man” Something was definitely up. “Ok Kris, spill it. What’s up? There is definitely something going on. You are acting really weird”  At this point I had finished making Isla her lunch and packing all of her things she would need for school. “Ok so, I don’t really know how to say this but-” Before she could finish her sentence I heard Christian calling me from the other room. “Wait a second Kris, hold that thought” I brought Isla her backpack and said my goodbyes to ger and Christian he asked who I was talking to, when I told him it was Kris he smiled and told me to say hi which I of course did. 
“Sorry about that Kris, what was that you were saying?” Silence “Um, I’m not really sure how to say this but you know how LuFisto has been talking shit?” Oh god what did she do now “Yeah….” At this point I was nervous, I didn’t need to deal with more shit right now. “Um well, just look at what I sent you. I’m really sorry Y/n” Sorry, what was she sorry for. Now I was terrified. 
I clicked on the link that Kris sent me and it took me to an article on some wrestling news website saying ‘Christian Cage and Y/W/N have been secretly dating for months. All of the latest AEW gossip on the relationship and just how Y/W/N is in real life here’ 
I felt my stomach drop. How did she know and more importantly why did she feel the need to tell everyone about it. The article talked about the relationship between Christian and I and how I was only sleeping with him to better my career. I could feel my eyes water at that statement, I would never sleep with someone for a stupid title. I had become a 7 time champion on my own before Christian and I had even begun dating. “You, ok?” I heard a saddened Kris on the other line. “Um, yeah. I just don’t really know what to say” I told her. “Well if you need anything I’m always going to be here for you alright” I tried to hide my now scratchy voice “Thank you Kris for telling me about this, I’ll talk to you later!” With that I hung up the phone and let my tears flow. 
The article also contained a link to a twitter post, when I clicked on it of course it took me to a video on LuFisto’s page. “I bet you guys didn’t know this but Y/n and Christian have secretly been dating for months. I think it honestly discussing. I mean there are 17 years between the two of them. Does Y/n have no self respect? I bet she's only sleeping with him to keep that stupid title that she doesn’t deserve. I honestly think she cried to her sugar daddy because her nose got a little bloody and that's why I got fired. Not to mention that-” 
I couldn't even finish the video. It made me sick to my stomach, it wasn’t that we were hiding our relationship but we weren't exactly telling people about it. Some people backstage knew about it but we weren't ready to announce it to the world yet. Too late because it was announced for us.  At the bottom of the article had some photos of us together, some were backstage and some were not. The most recent one was of Christian, Isla and I just the other day walking on the boardwalk. I was pretty sure I saw LuFisto but blamed my imagination and the heavy drugs I was on due to my broken nose. Was she stalking me? 
Just then I was brought out of my trance by a very worried Christian. “Hey Y/n I’m home” Christian yelled as he walked through the door. He saw me sitting on a chair in the kitchen with tears in my eyes when he asked “What’s wrong honey? Why are you crying?” I looked at Christian who had knelt on the floor putting his hands on my thighs. I was too upset to even form a proper sentence so I just showed him the article on my phone. 
Christian took the phone from my hand and I watched as his face fell. “What the fuck is this” He asked me “That’s what I said, that’s not even the worst part. Look at the video and images” I could see the anger growing in his eyes. “Now why the fuck would she do something like this?” At this point he was yelling. “I don’t know, what did I do to her” I respond in tears 
“Oh baby, this has nothing to do with you and I’m sure you know that. This girl obviously has some serious issues” Christian had calmed down a bit once he saw how upset I was. He gave me a hug and placed a kiss on my temple. “What are we going to do?” I asked him, “look at the comments people are praising you for getting with me but are calling me a whore for sleeping with you. You know I would never use you for championship opportunities right?” I knew he knew I would never do such a thing but I needed reassurance. 
“Trust me I know, you have been one of the top women’s wrestlers for the past 10 years Y/n. I don’t think there would be anything I could do to help you with your career.” His words were true but didn’t answer my question of what we would do next. “If you want I can say something” I wanted to take Christian up on the offer but knew it would make things worse. 
“No, that’s ok” 
“Are you sure, because I really don’t mind it. It would put that bitch in her place” 
“It’s ok Christian, I honestly think it would make things worse”
“Okay then, I love you Y/n, you know that right. I love you so much and I would do anything to protect you” 
“I love you too, Christian” 
“Don’t worry love, we will figure this out. I promise, everything will be alright” 
Christian held me in his arms and continued to trace circles on my back and place small kisses onto my shoulder. I knew he was right, everything would be ok. I loved Christian so much, I wasn’t going to let some jealous girl get in the way of a beautiful relationship that just began
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Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End Credits song
This is a very special mixtape. Today would've been my dad's 69th birthday (nice, pops) and in honor of him, this playlist comes from his personal record collection. I cannot stress enough that this man was a deeply closeted bisexual from Chicago who rode a horse exactly once and hated it the entire time. He was the farthest thing from a cowboy you could possibly get, excepting, of course, the loads of pot he smoked (and dealt), but god damn did he love him some country music. So here's to you, Mongo. This is the soundtrack for the gayass cowboy stoner action comedy epic you'd insist you only like for the soundtrack … kinda like how the Mapplethorpe flower print in your living room was 'just because you liked the flower.' <3
Spotify || Youtube music ||Part 1 - Disco ||Part 2 - Post-Punk GothRock
1 THE DOOBIE BROTHERS - Steamer Lane Breakdown [instrumental]
It's always about the leaving with Zell - running away from 'home' in Ustalav was the first huge decision he made for himself. He looks back on leaving with fondness, it was a moment of true joy, a wild and boundless freedom he hadn't felt in a long time.
Well, I take the chances, sometimes I made mistakes But you don't get nothing unless you take the breaks Living is dangerous as dynamite Sure it makes you feel nervous, but it makes you feel alright Makes you feel alright
He's ambitious, but not so much competing with anyone else as competing with himself; finding out who he really is. He's impatient to find out what living really feels like.
3 GREGG ALLMAN - Midnight Rider
And I don't own the clothes I'm wearing And the road goes on forever And I've got one more silver dollar But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no Not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider
Zell's stories of being a wanderer travel as far as the rest of his more imposing reputation; the idea that he's a criminal on the run (not… 100% untrue), a vagabond and roving lover (also not 100% untrue he just didn't believe anyone else was as serious about him as he could have been about them) are romantic ideas that really catch on among the general public. He doesn't disabuse people of this, because he digs how cool it makes him sound and not like. A kinda pathetic loser who's terrified of commitment.
I'm the kind of man who likes to get away Like to start dreaming 'bout tomorrow today Never said that I love you even though it's so Where's that duffel bag of mine, it's time to go
I've always interpreted this song in a playful tone, like the singer has no intention of actually leaving. He's teasing the idea, but knows he's already so far gone that there's no way he's finding anything better down the road; after a certain point, Zell gets the same way. It takes the right kind of person to keep him off the road.
5 NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND - Foggy Mountain Breakdown [Instrumental]
Zell can't count how many bar fights he's gotten in when this exact song was playing on the jukebox but it's enough that he has something of a Pavlovian reaction to it now.
6 WILLIE NELSON - Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die* (Feat. Snoop Dogg, Kris Kristofferson, Jamey Jonson)
When I'd go, I'll have been here long enough So sing and tell more jokes and dance and stuff Just keep the music playing, that'll be a good goodbye Roll me up and smoke me when I die
One of the most exciting things about finding yourself and falling in love with life is accepting the end will come, and making sure it'll be a damn good party when it does.
*Our outsider track of the list - it came out a few days after Dad passed. This one's close to my heart for that reason especially. We did in fact smoke out and play this at his memorial, it was a wonderful goodbye. I'm getting high as hell at this very moment, in his honor.
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miasudare · 11 months
(Note that it's just a theory!!!!)
So I've been thinking about it for a while. A couple of days a ago I saw a post about Undertale Spotify album. In the video they said that the album starts with "Once upon a time" and ends with "Good night" (credits to them) and that may imply that Undertale is a bedtime story. So that video lead me to this theory (it's long) :
I think Undertale is the dream of Kris from Deltarune. Not just any dream though, a lucid dream. Meaning that you control the dream yourself. Now, I want you to keep remembering what Kris does at the end of Chapter 1 while you read this.
Some dialogs in the game Undertale keeps telling you that you are living a dream such as that one death screen from (I guess it was either Flowey or Asriel) says " It's all a bad dream", (if I remember correctly) at the end of pacifist route Asgore saying "this is like a dream" or the item "Dream" you get from Asriel. Also you can say that the underground is always at the night time if there is no sun making a day cycle. Throughout your game play you can sleep at 4 locations anytime you want. And some monsters do sleep there with you.
Now I know you'll be asking; what about Frisk and Chara? Well I think it might sound crazy for a second but they are the same person, just representing different personalities. When I told you to remember what Kris does at the end of Chapter 1 is from this part. They rips their red* soul puts it in a cage and they turns to camera with red eyes and a knife. Meaning their true nature is showing violence. Now let me explain this detailed:
1-Frisk: In your Undertale game play you play as Frisk. They don't talk, show any emotion in neutral route or think for themselves at all. They have no emotion on their face too. Like a puppet. Frisk have/has(?) no control over themselves. Also throughout the game Frisk is seen with a red* heart/soul. We never saw anyone else use this color of soul in undertale. Not even Chara. /it might be fanon that Chara has red soul/
2-Chara: They have red eyes, a little smile and they show up at the end of genocide route. Unlike Frisk, Chara seems to be having control, hobbies and likings. Such as the comment they make about the environment in Asgore's house or the coffin. And in the genocide route of Undertale you'll realize that Chara slowly gains control over you. I'm not implying that Chara is pure evil even though they are violent since in the end we didn't get to choose not to kill Asgore or Flowey. Not to mention that Chara gains all the control over us after we make violent actions.
3-Kris: In Deltarune (most likely in the beginning)we don't get to choose anything about who we are. We don't have control. Although as soon as we go to the Dark World things chance. We get to choose what Kris does. We can make them hurt others, show mercy on others or even make them eat moss. WE get to ruin/perfect their life in the Dark World. And Kris can't do anything but obey us. Just like Frisk. And just like Frisk, Kris doesn't shows any emotion in the game play. When we get to the cutscene tho, you'll realize that the game is over. You don't have control over Kris. And Kris knows it. There is nothing you can do to stop them from doing what they want. They are free from you.
When Kris goes to the bed. There is a black screen for a while and we get to see the cutscene. Maybe after what Kris experienced in the Dark World, they had a dream about what would it be like if their life was just like that. Going to adventures, fighting monsters. And normally Kris sees their family, friends or their neighbors in the dream. That would explain a lot of things. Like why we see Asgore and Toriel are divorced in Undertale. In Deltarune they are also divorced so it would be logical for Kris to see them as single too. When you connect the dots you even get why some events happened.
In Undertale you never get to see Asgore alive without doing pacifist. And even if you do pacifist he gets treated poorly. In all other endings he dies. All because of Flowey(I'm gonna come to that too). Meaning that maybe Kris doesn't have a good relationship with his father at all. There might be things that happened during the divorce. Kris sees Asgore as the King because he is the only man that Kris knows as a strong male figure.
Also Toriel, being a queen is the same. Toriel is the only one Kris could image being in charge of a nation. She is a teacher after all and Kris might think her to be very smart. We also see Toriel talking about wanting to be a teacher in Undertale. Kris didn't miss that one. The way Toriel acts is also important too. She treats a complete stranger like her child giving them a bed, food, love and even education. Meaning that Kris and Toriel has a good relationship as mother-child.
Asriel though is very complicated. In Deltarune we never see him. We only know that Asriel is very talented in many ways because of the trophies in his shelf. In Undertale tho we mostly see him as a evil defenseless little flower in both neutral and genocide endings. And what did I said about Asgroe? He keeps dying in both endings. He gets killed by Asriel. This might imply 2 things. 1 Asriel doesn't have a healthy relationship with his father. 2 Asriel caused the divorce and he is not innocent. It would explain why we never get to see him again after he brakes the barrier. He doesn't get a happy ending while everyone gets. Because Kris don't think that Asriel deserves to be happy. We don't know much about the relationship between Asriel and Kris except for knowing that Flowey kills Frisk a lot. When you think that way you'll notice that Asriel might be a bully to Kris. He is talented, he might get more love and support from his parents since he goes to college. So no one would say anything to him if he picks on or even shows violence towards Kris. This might be the reason Kris stays quiet all the time or doesn't moves an inch while Susie threatens to eats his face off. Kris is used to it. In the other hand, Kris might even hate Asriel too. Like I said Kris doesn't think that Asriel deserves a happy end. (Not to mention we see Asriel as a cry baby. Probably Kris would love to see that.) Resulting him dying in process. A world without an Asriel is a world where everyone is happy to Kris. The way Chara portrays Flowey in genocide is also a thing. Flowey in genocide is scared, hopeless and helpless. Kris might imagine Asriel like that. When Kris gets a chance and a knife, Asriel begging them to not kill him, oh how much satisfaction Kris would feel.
Sans and Papyrus's apperience depends on Kris's imagination to be honest. Kris knows something goes on with his mother and Sans. Since Sans says "I befriended your mom last night". So this would cause Kris to see Sans as a punny, relaxed and mysterious man. The way Toriel would like to hang out. The mystery part also comes from Kris knowing a little bit of Sans. Papyrus is also up to Kris's imagination. The way Sans told them about Papyrus might resulted Kris to see him as a merciful, complex but friendly guy. And since Kris met Sans the day they fell into the Dark World would explain the Rabbit Shop lady's dialogs "They showed up out of no where and introduced themselves"
I don't think I need to talk about Undyne and Alphys. Undyne is a police officer (police shef?) and that would explain how Kris sees her in Undertale. An independent woman as a leader of a very strict group of guards. And Alphys? She is a science teacher and probably the only science teacher in the town. It would also make sense for think her as a scientist. Also the neighbors. We see Catty, Bratty, Snowdrake(not sure). Kris might see Catty and Bratty as low life, non important, cheapskate girls so that could led us to see them hanging in a literal dumpster, selling trash.
I don't know what I should tell you about Gaster. We just need more chapters so I can explain more I guess. Do you like this theory? Do you agree or not?
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zadig-fate · 10 months
Me and my Poland tour bestie (noriko_743 on ig) were reflecting on our insane week following the guys around and realised that we basically did a speedrun on the entire JO fangirl checklist.
It was Nori's first in-person JO gig ever at Warsaw 1 (!!!)
We got barricade for the first time in both our lives
Nori got photos and hugs with ALL the guys
I got a guitar pick in Wrocław!
We sang Umazane Misli with Bojan at Warsaw 2
Bojan actually recognised me in Poznań and Prague and remembered what we'd talked about in Wrocław 🙀
Nori got handwritten lyrics from Bojan for a tattoo
Nori's ig story got reposted by Kris!
We both ended up in Vita's photos on the band's official account
We ran into the guys "in the wild", i.e. out in the city during the day
We got the live debut of a new iconic outfit (all-white Kris)
We saw all (I think all?) the Stožice outfits in person
We saw the Demoni scream and Kris NGVOT in person
I was the numbers person / unofficial "queue manager" for the pre-wristband queue at Warsaw 2 and Poznań
We participated in fan actions that the guys really appreciated (shoutout jokeroutpolska for organising)
I met lots of tumblr mutuals 🥰
I met a bunch of people I have plans to see again in Munich, The Hague and Amsterdam
Like... it's crazy just how much happened in this last week. And there was no one show where we got everything, or nothing. Every single gig had something special to offer. So if you're wondering whether it's "worth" following JO around on tour... it really, really is. The experiences you have and the people you meet are incredible.
Speaking of, here are some other unforgettable tour experiences that will stick with me for a long time to come:
Nori and I only met at the hostel before Warsaw 1, and she wasn't even planning to come to that show, she only had a ticket for Warsaw 2! But I talked her into getting a cheap resale ticket for Warsaw 1, and she queued with me, and she loved it so much she immediately bought tickets for Wrocław and Poznań too, so we booked hotels together for the rest of the tour.
I literally just met Nori last week?? But we spent nearly every minute together between Warsaw 1 and Poznań, dealing with the highest highs and lowest lows of tour life, and it now feels like we've been friends for ages.
After the fucking absurd queue situation at Wrocław (4:45am and #45, WTF????) we decided that after the show, we would wait outside for the boys and then head straight for Poznań in my car. So we literally drove through the night with our new friend Safursey and formed the start of the Poznań queue.
Our hotel in Poznań wasn't ready until 2pm so we literally just took turns queuing and sleeping in my car. Nori and Safursey let me have the first sleeping shift since I drove us overnight.
I think we only slept between 15-20 hours total over 8 days???
I'm actually glad I got to experience a cursed gig (Prague) where everything went wrong. Seeing how professionally the guys reacted and how smoothly things were resolved made me appreciate just how experienced and calm they are.
Nori and I were unknowingly the centre of a major Twitter outrage after Warsaw 2 because someone accused us of stealing the microphone after Umazane Misli. Neither of us are on Twitter so we didn't even know about this controversy, but someone was clearly accusing us (and it was definitely us from the context) of stealing the microphone to sing, even though we had a sign asking to sing UM and Bojan was obviously pointing at us to get the microphone next (which is clear to see in all the videos of that moment).
Our friend Safursey deleted her Twitter account after Prague because people who were not there were spreading all kinds of insane rumours and unfounded accusations about the queue and Bojan's ig stories and refused to be corrected by the people who were actually involved. She got so much hate for explaining what was actually happening on the ground that she left the platform entirely, so that should tell you how toxic Twitter is.
I was feeling like such utter shit after the drama in Prague that I didn't even want to attend the concert anymore, but Safursey and @thisismyobsessionnow (Nori didn't come to Prague) came to comfort me and convinced me to still come to the gig, and I really appreciate that.
Overall an emotional roller coaster, but one I wouldn't give up for anything. We had SO much fun and met SO many people. I would do it again any time.
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absolutebloodychaos · 11 months
Ohh writing prompts 👀👀👀👀👀👀. Can we get Bojan and Kris and the mouse ears 👀👀👀🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹, it was so silly and cute and sweet. Krissie Mouse is so cute 💛💛💛💛💛
Thanks @j-restlessgeek heaps for the prompt, this was really fun to write and I hope you like it:)
Mouse ears. Someone in the crowd had given Bojan mouse ears.
Well of course the next logical action would be to put them on Kris’ head, and when he did (if he needed to go on tiptoes to reach the taller man’s head then that was his business) Bojan had to congratulate himself on the sight he had just created.
Kris was not fazed by this action, he kept playing the chords of Dopamin with laser like focus as Bojan settled the accessory on his head, and Bojan couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of his bandmate seriously stony faced playing the song with fluffy mouse ears on top of his head.
The sight was for lack of a better word adorable, and Bojan was distracted for a good while just staring at his friend.
Now was not the time to indulge such un-heterosexual thoughts though, and there was still a song to finish so Bojan went back to doing what he did best, singing incredibly beautifully whilst badly repressing gay thoughts about his band-mates.
The gig went on, and other things happened to distract Bojan from thoughts of Kris, things like slapping a certain bassist and blindfolding the other guitarist in the middle of his solo.
Later though, when they made their way off the stage Bojan was met with all of the memories of seeing the other man’s outfit earlier, and all of the feelings it had risen in him.
Something about the sight had made him want to gather the taller guitarist up in his arms and never let the man go.
These thoughts were soon replaced with thoughts of merrymaking and revelry at the gig they had just completed, and didn’t return until a few days later.
They were in Vienna and would later be preparing for another show, but had decided to spend the earlier parts of the day dressing up and ingesting large amounts of sugar in honour of celebrating Halloween which they all didn’t want to miss out on.
They were going to have a small party in the biggest hotel room they had booked, and Bojan was busy getting ready for the festivities ahead.
He had decided on a simple but effective costume, donning some riding boots, a tight vest and equally fitting pants, and a ten-gallon hat, making quite a dashing cowboy if he might say so himself.
Feeling quite clever about his costume and ready to impress the others (maybe one specific other), Bojan knocked on the door of the party room and was ushered inside by some of the crew members who were already inside.
The room had been decked out in all sorts of decorations, with fake spider webs and skeletons hanging as far as the eye could see, everyone seemingly getting into the mood of the holiday.
Bojan soon gathered that he had probably arrived a bit early as none of his other band-mates were there yet, but they soon arrived throughout the next few minutes.
Nace and Jan arrived first funnily enough, it seemed that as soon as they started dating Jan’s terrible streak of getting places hours late suddenly ended, and they were dressed as Baby and Johnny from Dirty Dancing.
The flowy pink dress that Jan had on unsurprisingly suited him very well, and Bojan could see the way that the man was frequently distracted by the sight of Nace in a very tight fitting leather jacket and black pants.
Jure arrived next dressed as a mad scientist with fully teased hair and a smoking beaker which Bojan dearly hoped was just a prop.
It was strange to find everyone there except for Kris, and Bojan was about to start worrying when he saw the door open and was met with a sight which momentarily made him speechless.
Kris was posed in the doorway, body enveloped with an artfully draped but incredibly short black dress, waist circled by a pink ribbon, knee high boots, and with those goddamn mouse ears gently perched on the top of his head.
Bojan would have never thought that a Halloween costume of Karen from Mean Girls would be enough to make him hot and bothered whilst standing in the middle of what was practically a work party, but seeing Kris in that sinfully short silky fabric made certain parts of his brain short-circuit.
Bojan was rather suddenly pulled from his stupor as Kris moved from the doorway approaching him, and only then again realised who and where he was, and the reason why he was there.
Regaining his senses and putting on the best cowboy accent he could muster, Bojan greeted his tall friend and tried to keep his thoughts under control enough so as not to jump on the guitarist right then and there.
“Howdy there partner, what’s a fine person like you doin’ here,” he asked, trying to keep a straight face whilst badly flirting with the other man.
Kris however had no qualms however about breaking character and immediately burst into laughter the moment Bojan had finished talking.
He soon joined in and any umazane misli that were darting around his brain were soon relegated to the back of his thoughts as all energy was diverted to the party.
The party was fun, everyone got slightly jacked up on sugar, and dumb games and spooky music were played to excess as the hours went by, until it was time to pack up and get ready for the gig.
The band made the decision to keep their costumes on throughout the show, and if Bojan thought that he was distracted by Kris’ costume earlier, that combined with the other man’s stage presence was completely mesmerising.
His younger friend wasn’t just attractive, he was stunning, breathtaking, ethereal, and Bojan wouldn’t be surprised if everyone in a five kilometre radius could sense the longing radiating off of him.
Afterwards, if you had asked Bojan what had happened in the course of that concert he probably would not have been able to tell you any details that weren’t related to Kris as he had spent most of the show enraptured by his friend.
Once the show was over and all of the necessary things had been packed, they made their way back to the hotel, Bojan having found himself wrapped in Kris’ embrace, and the two men made their way up to their separate rooms.
Bojan had been pretending to be his character for the past hour, sporting a ridiculous southern accent and being incredibly chivalrous towards his friend, walking Kris to his door at the end of the night.
As much as he knew he should, Bojan couldn’t make himself leave, and if Kris left the door open behind him and he willingly followed then what of it.
If in the morning various pieces of furniture in the room were decorated with a cowboy hat, a pink ribbon, two pairs of heeled boots, a mess of silky fabric, and those goddamn mouse ears, then that was their business.
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star-light-shadows · 1 year
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Noelle explains Fnaf Lore to Kris and Susie.
(Inspiration and full infodump text for those who are curious under the cut.)
and, you see, that's what makes the ending of the 7th game so interesting, it draws a parallel between Golden Freddy and Springtrap that has been a consistant theme since Fnaf 3, Springtrap and Golden Freddy, or William Afton and Cassidy, are not that dissimilar from each-other. The later games would even reveal that Cassidy was William's own DAUGHTER. That's why Scott decided to make the killer wear a golden suit in the first place. That's why the darkened form of Golden Freddy seemed to mimic William's actions, luring the other animatronics to the safe room. Even after she got her revenge, Cassidy, just like William, was too stubborn and prideful to let go. But after Happiest day, where she finally learned to let people in thanks to the efforts of Charlie and Michael, she's ready to let her story end. Something that UCN expands upon by putting her in a situation that's practically BEGGING her to fall back into her old habits, to join The One in tormenting William, but she doesn't, instead she fades into the darkness, mirroring the first animated scene in which we ever saw Springtrap, but portraying the opposite scenario. A restless spirit that after all these decades is finally letting go, and moving on. Blah Blah Blah Bite of 87 Blah Blah blah blah, Kriselle > Suselle Don't @ Me Blah Blah Blah Blah According to all know laws of aviation Bees suck, Blah Blah
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sunsetcannon · 8 months
The Red Soul Trait.
Hell with it, I'mma post my UT headcanon here. Specifically in regards to the Red Soul. Sure there's the "Ballgame" joke and the classic of Determination. Yet there's a certain other thing I personally have in mind in what it could be called, one that can be used as synonym for Determination but at the same time not directly tied to Perseverance. I like to think that it's called "The Soul of Will." as in the will to go on, or one's will to live or to do something. It wouldn't surprise me if the idea has already been in circulation or if the name is already taken but I'll clarify more under the cut here to avoid clogging stuff up, hear me out if you want.
Ok so, Frisk/Your willpower, depending how the story depends it in terms of writing and if the player can be inserted in, is what keeps driving them forward throughout the underground no matter what, even gathering through their determination to deny even death. It's what gives them the ability to muscle through the likes of monsters such as Undyne, Asgore, hell even Asriel/Flowey. You can still argue that it's technically synonym for Perseverance, but I feel like raw Willpower would be different enough to stand on it's own. After all DT is apart of all human souls at their core, while other traits still do exist with Justice having Kindness, and Kindness having Integrity, all of them have Determination in some way outright which is why I believe Will or Willpower could be a more fitting name for the red soul. Raw Willpower may beat out Perseverance just enough just due to the fact that most of the time, a person's will is usually one of the last things to break, a person's will to survive no matter the circumstance. This also makes it ironic in Deltarune, where it isn't Kris's will, but your own. Kris is forced to follow your will throughout the entirety of the game, only getting what say they have through how they choose to say things, how they do actions, and of course when they straight up tear out the soul out of their own chest.
What makes things more interesting is Chara, who is implied to have the red soul despite no true presence of the player like with Frisk and Kris. Their own will is completely uncontrolled by any outside force, there is no player interference for them, only their pure will, which is what matters the most when they finally "pick up the knife" at the end of the genocide route where their will ends up erasing what is left in the timeline. However with the equal amount of will put into saving their brother with giving the player and Frisk access to their memories in the Pacifist ending. This doesn't mean that they can not be influenced, you are still the one to end up driving them into lashing out, and you are still the one who can help them heal. Will could also explain why the red soul is as "malleable" as it is, easily switching between the other traits as the game mechanics paired with the monsters' magic. However it seems like if put into more practice it can change unprompted, as we see in Spamton Neo's fight where it can switch into Justice unprompted by any phone like in Undertale. It could stand for the player's will, Frisk's will, however you may view it, but that's personally what I think. At the end of the day this is just generally a headcanon, but I tried to cover all questions that I could with this, of course there may be something I missed, I'm not perfect. I'd like to hear input from others in the fandom who may end up reading through this whole thread at some point!
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theofficersacademy · 9 months
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                                  Forsyth   Byleth (F)   Andrei   Lachesis                              Naesala   Selena (FE8)   Chrom   Yarne   Hilda                                   Katarina   Ephidel   Saizo   Isadora   Eir
Things are unfair, aren't they?
The seventh day ends and the moon rises, but it is not the only thing that does. As the village of Rusalka descends into despair, the nightmares come out in full force. Some of you have encountered them outside of the walls, some of you remember them from a year ago. But despite some level of anticipation, the scuffle over the corpses and the deterioration of Rusalka leaves the village unprepared for the onslaught.
Miasmic slimes, corpse trees, and other nightmares flood the village on all sides, and though the walls, fortified by Lachesis and Andrei, help prevent any casualties, the village of Rusalka sees this as the final straw.
"Everything started going bad once those people came in…!" one villager asserts.
Another cries out, "They're the reason! If they hadn't come, we… we would've still been whole!"
Perth — or was it Celephais, your brain thinks intrusively — the town leader is called to action. He decrees that those that have done nothing good, those of the highest suspicion, are to be cast out for the sake of Rusalka's defense. They see you as the enemy, and the villagers evaluate everything your group has done this past week— who deserves to stay and who cannot.
For Naesala, Yarne, Ephidel, Forsyth, Saizo, Lachesis, and Chrom, people are more reluctant to vouch for them. They are kicked out of Rusalka and now deemed the 'Outsiders.' As for the rest, Eir, Katarina, Andrei, Isadora, Selena, Hilda, and Byleth find that they still have supporters and are allowed to remain within the family that Rusalka has cultivated, and they are dubbed the 'Insiders.' 
But your circumstances are not the only ones who have changed. The people of Rusalka are not the same since your arrival. Their village, just as Keranes has sought to do, is beginning to dismantle…
…but so are you.
The Circumstances
The group is no longer treated as one big unit and is physically apart. All Public Opinion can no longer be changed, your individual actions from last week having been accounted into deciding where you have been separated for this week. You are unable to interact with muses of the other grouping category for the duration of this week, though you are allowed to continue and close off threads with those muses started during Week 1.
The Outsiders
For the Outsiders, you find that once the sun rises, Saizo disappears into the light. You must wait until night falls, but when you do, he returns and so does Keranes, though the former isn't quite what he used to be…
Keranes explains that due to the group's efforts, Celephais's power has grown weaker, causing Rusalka's false paradise to become unstable. Additionally, all the corpses that made it outside of the walls are now returned, no longer sedated by Celephais's magic. You find Python, Brigid, Emmeryn, Panne, Kris, Ryoma, and Hel as floating spectral figures.
They have returned as Vengeful Spirits, and Keranes states that they have bonded themselves to their most important person here. Forsyth and Python, Chrom and Emmeryn, Yarne and Panne, and Saizo and Ryoma are now companions in the night. Since Lachesis was able to bring Diarmuid's corpse with her, this is also true of the two of them as well. However, due to the deceased being vengeful spirits, this classifies them as nightmares, and they are unable to be present in the daylight, however they make strong allies for the big fight on the horizon.
Saizo appears to operate similarly to the Vengeful Spirits. He shall find that he feels himself changed, consumed by the darkness and the ruin that stains his hands after the events of the previous week. He too is also only able to exist in the night time, but he has gained new, eldritch power for the cost of being weak to the light.
Keranes states that everybody can be returned to as they are meant to be, that they can return to reality, once she finishes dismantling Rusalka and the false promise of happiness and co-dependence that Celephais has inflicted upon them all here. She will need time to amass her army of nightmares, but she plans to strike once she is ready. She states it shall likely be in three days (every two IRL days equal one in-universe day for this week) from now. She recommends you ready yourselves too.
But as the dawn rises, you realize that without being allowed into Rusalka anymore, you shall have to find shelter and fend for yourself for the next three days… however difficult that may be.
Unable to leave this tear, unable to enter the safety of Rusalka, it is you against the world… literally. 
The Insiders
For the Insiders, you are granted the safety of being within the walls of Rusalka. Being on edge due to the recent deaths as well as the attack from the nightmares, the once peaceful villagers are beginning to arm themselves and train, and they are taking to fortifying their walls too. However, though you no longer need to worry about food or shelter or overt distrust, the protectiveness of Rusalka's people begins to come out in full force.
Now, every day, the villagers come to check in on you and the buddy system is fully enforced. You are unable to act without being in at least a group of three. You feel that the village never truly sleeps, it only being a matter of time before you run into someone else or someone bursts into your shared sleeping accomodations just to make sure you are still alive. Your clothes have been replaced with their own hemp tunics, and at every corner, you hear a villager encourage you to assimilate.
Join us.
Join us.
Join us.
You are no longer allowed to leave the walls for any reason whatsoever. You are not permitted your freedom and the things the villagers say begin to feel more and more unnatural, their smiles more and more menacing and forced. Even looking at any of them sends a chill down your spine.
The people begin to speak ill of the Outsiders, preparing for the day they are to defeat them and restore peace to this happy home… But your allies are on the other side of the wall. Will you be forced to cross blades against them one day?
If you must live, will you live in the safety of Celephais' arms, or shall you return to the life you once knew, even if it means embracing danger?
Led to Ruin
Though the objectives and circumstances for each group are now different, the one thing both groups have in common is the Ruin mechanic.
On the team document, you shall find that every single player character now has a Ruin counter in addition to their HP counter at the top. This is specific to each player character. Anytime they perform a risky action of some kind (as outlined in GM-given prompts), they will roll a d6. 
Roll Results (Generally):
1-3 : You fail, and things get worse. 
4-5 : You succeed, but there's some kind of complication.
6 : You succeed.
If you are unhappy with your roll, you may add a dark die. Reroll with ul2d6 now. (If you are rolling with Avrae instead of Dice Maiden, then roll the two dice separately.) The first die is your light die and the second die is your dark die. If the dark die is a higher number than your light die, add 1 Ruin to your character tracker. Your new result for the task will be the higher number, whichever color it is. If you are still unsatisfied, you are free to keep adding as many dark die as you want, one new dark die per attempt, (e.g. your third attempt would be one light die and two dark dice, so ul 3d6) and you will keep potentially stacking Ruin as the cost. In a tie between a light die and a dark die, the dark die is automatically considered the higher number.
Other characters may choose to help any action (to mitigate its effects) so long as a dark die is involved with the original party. The supporting character will roll a 1d6, but if their number matches any number on a dark die, then they will be spent as collateral damage in some way. Be careful.
If you at any point in time reach 7 Ruin, your character disintegrates in the sunlight and is reborn again as a nightmare come nightfall. 
Tasks (The Outsiders)
Your group is primarily focused on survival.
You will need some kind of shelter to live through the next few days. Once shelter is built, it is permanent and will cover the needs of all muses in this group. Roll 1D6 per post to cut down trees to help build it.
ㅤㅤ- 1-3 : Your muse ends up injuring themselves and collect no wood. They take -1HP worth of damage. ㅤㅤ- 4-5 : Your muse successfully collects +1 Wood, but they still lightly injure themselves. They take -0.5HP worth of damage. ㅤㅤ- 6 : Your muse successfully collects +2 Wood with no complications. ㅤㅤ- Axe rank of C or higher grants a +1 modifier to all rolls for this prompt.
Once your group has some wood, you can start actually building the house. To finish building the shelter, the group will need to expend 10 wood. Roll a 1D6 per post to help build it. ㅤ- 1-3 : Your muse injures themselves in the process of trying to get things built. They take -0.5HP worth of damage. ㅤ- 4-5 : Your muse expends -1 Wood but tires themselves out. They are unable to roll to make progress in their next post. ㅤ- 6 : Your muse expends -2 Wood and makes good progress on building the shelter. ㅤ- Heavy Armor rank of C or higher grants a +1 modifier to all rolls for this prompt.
You will also need some food. Fortunately, all the extra food above your goal last week was brought with your group and not remaining with the Insiders. This means you start off with 12 lbs of vegetables, 5lbs of mushrooms/nuts/berries, five eggs, and three bottles of milk. Together, this will be treated as 25lbs of food for the sake of our mechanics. You require 2lbs of food per muse each day to not starve/take damage.
If you choose to hunt or fish, you will find it easier to get enough sustenance per catch. Roll a 1D6 per post. ㅤ- Lance rank and/or Bow rank of C or higher grants a +1 modifier to all rolls for this prompt. ㅤ- 1-3 : Your muse is unable to catch anything and instead injures themselves. They take -1HP worth of damage. ㅤ- 4-5 : Your muse catches what is equivalent to +2lbs of food but struggled to do so, injuring themselves lightly in the process. They take -0.5HP worth of damage.
ㅤㅤ- 6 : Your muse successfully catches what is equivalent to +4lbs of food!
If you choose to forage for berries and mushrooms, roll a 1D6 per post to try and find them. ㅤ- Those that did the Forage prompt during Week 1 are granted a +1 modifier to all rolls for this prompt. ㅤ- 1-3 : Your muse finds only poison. ㅤ- 4-5 : Your muse struggles but manages to find +1lb of edible food. ㅤ- 6 : Your muse successfully finds +2lbs of edible food.
Battle will be coming, and you might need some healing. Your group was able to steal all the healing items you made last week, resulting in a total of 2 Vulneraries and 2 Concoctions to your name, but if you want more, then you'll need to find more herbs and flowers with which to make them. Currently, your group has no herbs and flowers to work with. Roll a 1D6 per post to try and find them. ㅤ- Those that did the Forage prompt during Week 1 are granted a +1 modifier to all rolls for this prompt. ㅤ- 1-3 : Your muse finds nothing and just wastes time. ㅤ- 4-5 : Your muse finds +2 workable herb/flower but come into contact with something poisonous. Roll 1d6. If 1, you are inflicted with the Minor Poison status at the start of Week 3. If your muse gets this result again, your Minor Poison stacks into Toxic Poison status. ㅤ- 6 : Your muse finds +2 workable herbs/flowers with no negative consequences.
Once your group has some herbs/flowers, you can begin to make healing items. ㅤ- A single healing item requires you to expend 2 Herbs/Flowers. ㅤ- Faith rank of C or higher increases effectiveness; creates Concoctions instead of Vulneraries ㅤ- Apothecary Class Mastery increases speed to one creation every 3 posts instead of 5.
Any day your muse is lacking either food or shelter, you will take -1HP. If your muse has been turned into a Nightmare, they no longer have these needs and will not take damage from failing to meet them. 
The Search (The Insiders)
Your group is primarily focused on making a choice. You do not have to worry about needs. Any and all actions your muses take in paralogues are up to you as long as they fit the narrative lack of freedom up above, but you all shall also be given an optional IC minigame. Results of this minigame directly affect mechanics of Week 3.
For everyone, regardless of participation in the minigame or not, consider your muse's answer to the question: "Do you wish to return to the Outside or do you wish to protect Rusalka?" Your muse must have an answer to this question by the end of the IRL / OOC week. Ping Mod N with your muse's answer.
For those who choose to participate in the minigame, your muses shall be investigating the alleys of Rusalka. You have the freedom to split into teams or do it all together; a minigame team can be anywhere from 2-7 members. A segment of the team document will be dedicated to logging all rolls and occurrences of this minigame.
You all shall be placed on the map at the same starting point: the blue tile. All muses in a thread will move together as a party, but you all take turns (based on whoever is posting next in the thread) rolling for movement. ㅤ- Armored units roll a 1D4. ㅤ- Infantry units roll a 1D5. ㅤ- Cavalry and Flying units roll a 1D6. ㅤ- If a unit has Movement+, they gain a +1 modifier to all movement rolls. ㅤ- If a unit has a Knight Ring in their inventory, they can roll the remaining amount of movement after their first roll. E.G., a paladin muse rolls a 4 on a 1D6. They can perform their action for that turn, and then afterwards, they can roll a 1D2. If they had rolled a 3, they would have been able to roll an additional 1D3.
Every time you land on a tile with a number on it for the first time, roll a 1D6 to search. ㅤ- 1-2 : Your muse is discovered by a villager of Rusalka and must find a way to escape. If you forfeit your chance to escape and choose to instead wait them out, roll a 1D6. If a 1 or 2, the villager eventually leaves and you can try to search again next turn in this room. Otherwise, your party must roll another 1D6 for the next post. This continues for an infinite amount of posts until your party rolls a 1. ㅤ- 3-4 : Your muse successfully chooses a time where a villager is not in sight, but you find nothing. ㅤ- 5-6 : Your muse finds the remains of a dead Newcomer. Roll between all remaining deceased Newcomers to determine which one it is: the stowed away ashes of Reyson, the corpse of Holst, the corpse of Nergal, or the corpse of Harken. ㅤ- If the unit has a bonus to perception rolls, they gain a +1 modifier to all search rolls.
If your muse ever comes across a tile with this type of symbol on it, a square with a horizontal or vertical line going across its center, it is a locked door/gate (your choice for narrative flavor). You must spend a turn attempting to pick/break the lock. Roll a 1D6 to attempt this.
ㅤㅤ- 1-3: Your muse is unable to pick/break the lock. Roll a 1D6. If a 1 or 2, your muse is discovered by a villager of Rusalka and must find a way to escape. If you forfeit your chance to escape and choose to instead wait them out, roll another 1D6. If a 1 or 2, the villager eventually leaves and you can try to search again next turn in this room. Otherwise, your party must roll another 1D6 for the next post. This continues for an infinite amount of posts until your party rolls a 1.  ㅤㅤ- 4-5: Your muse successfully breaks the lock, but it is loud. Roll a 1D6. If a 1 or 2, your muse goes through the 'Discovered by a villager of Rusalka' scenario above. ㅤㅤ- 6: Your muse successfully picks the lock without being noticed. Your party may progress without problems on the next post. ㅤㅤ- If a unit with Lockpick, they gain a +3 to all lockpicking rolls.
If your muse wishes to escape when discovered, you must make a risk roll. 
ㅤㅤ- 1-3 : You fail and the villager attacks you. You lose -0.5HP and the party must attempt an escape roll again for the next post. ㅤㅤ- 4-5: You fail to get away at first but when the villager attacks you, you avoid taking damage and instead successfully knock them out in retaliation, but you accumulate +1 Ruin for doing this. ㅤㅤ- 6 : You succeed and get away from them. ㅤㅤ- For every point of speed a unit has, they gain a +1 modifier to this roll, caps at +6.
When you find a corpse, the corpse is added to your party's inventory.
Muses are unable to take two or more consecutive turns. They must have another party member go directly after them before they can act again. Each post on the dashboard should be equivalent to one turn in the minigame.
When all corpses have been found, ping Mod N. Another event shall occur when this condition is satisfied.
Important Notes
This event is mostly meant to be driven by the players rather than being ushered by your GM at every turn. Please take note that while the tasks above will contribute to the narrative of the campaign, you are not limited to only threading about the tasks above. You are free to write threads unrelated to the tasks if you so wish, so long as they take place within the setting of the event.
In addition to the above, if writing a task thread, please indicate it either in the title post of your thread or in your starter so that it is clear from the start.
Also, task threads are not limited to only featuring writing directly about the task at hand. You are encouraged to write character exploration and conversations outside of the scope of just the task as your characters carry them out. Please feel free to have your muses discuss the plot or anything else currently on their mind. See these tasks as a way to get characters together physically in one space, but the narrative freedom you are allowed is still just the same as most other threads too.
There is currently no time limit rule for when posts need to be written, but please remain in open communication with your thread partners/teammates. Shorter posts are encouraged to help keep things moving and for relationships to progress along with the narrative.
“Good” or “Bad” outcomes will still progress the campaign, so don’t feel too stressed about needing to “win” this event. The primary focus on this event should be character development and building relationships with your teammates. Actions have consequences, but all consequences can have narrative potential for exploration.
Here is the link to Team Theta’s team document if you require it. This is already pinned in your team channel. Whilst it will be updated in certain areas by your GM, players should do their best to update the thread tracker on it with link to thread replies and any notes they might wish to jot down whether for their own sake or for helping their teammates stay in the loop.
If you have any questions at any time or require additional information, ping Mod N.
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omg a good morning post who is she,, <3
first things first bc i just ended the call i got to hang out with rennnn <333 it has been so long and it was so fun <33333
also wilby joined!!!!!! rahhhhh that was amazing it's been WAY so long and i got to hear about bee dnd character and see faer beautiful art again <33333333
so a day or two ago then i got stickers from my classmates and today i got to give stickers back and it was nice :D
also a different class then we worked in groups and that was fun!! we were given a half hour to do the work and i think everyone finished like halfway through and just chatted for the rest of the time it was neat getting to know my group aklsdjfa;sldkfj
got a free cookie!!
also got tea <33 i got tea yesterday and didn't put a lid on it and then it got cold before i was done drinking it and i did Not learn from my actions today a;lskdfjas;kdf
had leftover tacos for breakfast and like MAN. they slap so hard <33
i got a cookout milkshake the other day and then have just been so busy(/forgetful) that i had only eaten like half of it but i finished it today and it was yummy!!!!
also my sister made cupcakes yesterday (which contributed to me not eating my shake alskdfj) and i got half of one of the last two today and they were delicious <3
watched an older video of griffin & justin mcelroy playing/reviewing catlateral damage and griffin did in fact hold justin hostage it was so funny alskdjfas;ldfjs;kef
also speaking of the mcelroys i have had a Lot of travel time lately and i've been slamming back taz balance and i'm on crystal kingdom 👍 got to relisten to the elevator room/cockroach fight and start in on hodgepodge today it's great <3
y'all i sent it. early july. and then it spent a month in the post office bc i did not put enough postage on it but i got it back and paid full postage and they were like "yeah it should get there in a few days" and it's been a week and a half ahghaghagh but it came in!!!!!! finally!!!!!!!
OH cute outfit today!!!! skirt and rainbow earrings and space buns!!!!
oh i got. inexplicably. a laundry tote??? like a laundry basket but it's folded up so i could carry it home flat??? not sure why those were being given away but i got one?? so y'know that's cool
i did!!! so much communication today 💪💪 i have not been communicated back to but i hold out hope for tomorrow
putting hanging out with ren and wilby again bc it was so fun <33 my face hurt from smiling and laughing truly truly wonderful
OH i also did dishes!!!! cleared out the sink 💪
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cru5h-cascades · 5 months
Okay one last long post for the night. Since my pixel day art has been getting a lot of attention here lately (how this thing is still getting notes after all this time is beyond me lmao but hey that piece just goes hard), I figured "hey what if I made an AU of Deltarune but it's just popular Newgrounds characters?" so here we are :D
Presenting NGRune (name not final!)! Now not all of these roles and the story are final (this post is basically just me brainstorming ideas for the AU if I decide to go forward with this AU) so just keep that in mind.
The story: Salad Fingers (Susie in this AU) accidentally provokes Pico (Kris in this AU) after walking into school grounds and then Pico tries to take him out in a storage closet, only to stumble into a dark world and meet Hank (Ralsei in this AU), who took the dark world he ended up in away from its original rulers (who wanted him dead because they feared him) and now basically just owns the joint I guess. Hank then tells Pico and SF that while going through the former rulers' stuff in the castle while searching for stronger weapons he found out about the legend of the NGRune *cue The Legend* and how three heroes are ment to banish the Angel's Heaven and junk. Now, instead of encouraging Pico to spare enemies, Hank tells him to shoot up everything in sight, to which SF refuses (in the dark world SF is a bit more aware of his actions and others) and wants to spare enemies instead. And thus, the story begins. Each world is inspired by popular Newgrounds stuff (and I might add in some stuff from Newgrounds creators I like idk) btw.
Roles (so far):
Delta Warriors & other allies
Pico (Pico's School) (Kris)
Salad Fingers (no further explaination needed) (Susie)
Hank (Madness Combat) (Ralsei)
Cassandra(?) (Pico's School) (Noelle)
Darnell(?) (Pico's School) (Berdly)
Card Kingdom characters (Card Kingdom in this AU is FNF-inspired mostly because BF kinda gives me Lancer energy)
BF & GF (FNF) (both are sort of stand-ins for Lancer & have matching outfits)
Daddy Dearest (also FNF) (Spade King)
Senpai (also FNF) (Jevil)
Cyber World characters (tbd; I'm open to suggestions though so if someone more knowledgeable in super popular Newgrounds stuff that hasn't been listed yet has any ideas then let me know!)
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braveryhearted · 7 months
More obscure muses ( introduction ) series.
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Age: 23 ( games )
Micaiah, also known as the Silver-Haired Maiden, is a playable character, primary protagonist of the first part of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and one of the two main protagonists in the overall story. She is a wielder of Light magic and the de facto leader of the Dawn Brigade.
She has a unique skill, Sacrifice, which allows her to give up some of her HP to heal a selected unit.
Micaiah is the first main character since Celica from Fire Emblem Gaiden to fight with magic, and the first main character in the series to use it almost exclusively.
Micaiah is a very caring and empathetic individual, but tends to be somewhat bitter at times, a result of both her treatment as a Branded prior to the story and the abuse of Daein and its citizens by the Begnion Occupational Army. She cares deeply for the people of Daein, and refuses to stand idly by while they suffer under their control. She pays little mind to her own needs or even her health, always putting the people and her country first; indeed, her Sacrifice skill is effectively her self-sacrificing nature manifesting as a magical power.
While she used to live reclusively, her experiences in the Mad King's War changed her and led her to be devoted to caring for others. Micaiah has little interest in or taste for finery, and as a result in the days before the Laguz Alliance war, she eschewed using her lavish quarters in Daein Keep in favor of living among the people while assisting in the reconstruction of Nevassa.
Throughout her life she has been guided by her visions, and although she often wished she didn't have them and felt as if they were a burden, she nonetheless trusted in them to keep her life on the right path- when her foresight abilities weakened during the Laguz Alliance war, she felt lost without them.
Micaiah is extremely loyal to Daein and Pelleas, whom she has absolute faith in to a fault, to the point of fighting the Laguz Alliance even when she sees no reason to do so, and refusing to give up when faced by the Greil Mercenaries. Even as Pelleas refused to back down or allow surrender in the Laguz Alliance war, and even as she did not want to fight or to indulge her subordinates' bloodlust, she was dedicated to continuing to serve him without hesitation, believing him to be Daein's future. Upon learning of the truth of the blood pact, even as Pelleas felt doomed, she encouraged him not to give up and to find a way out, even going so far as volunteering to continue waging the war to buy Pelleas time despite her dislike of the conflict.
Initially, Micaiah held an extreme dislike of Ike as a result of his military actions being responsible for Daein's suffering under Begnion; this was compounded by Sothe's frequent references to his time serving under Ike and the role Ike had played in helping him mature, which greatly frustrated her. Although she had warmed up towards Ike at the end of the game, Micaiah still doesn't care for the mercenary all that much. Excluding the cast of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Micaiah is one of the few units whose status screen portrait changes at some point of the game, a trait she shares with Marth, Alm, Celica, Ike, Volke, Sothe, Kris and Lucina. Her change happens when she promotes at the end of Chapter 1-E and when she promotes for the second time at the beginning of Chapter 4-E-1 in Radiant Dawn. Micaiah is the first female Lord character to become the leader of her own kingdom. This will be followed up by Edelgard and (if the player made their avatar female) Corrin and Byleth. Micaiah is one of only four magic-wielding Fire Emblem protagonists, alongside Celica, Robin and Corrin; she is the only one who wields only magic with no physical weapons. As the magic weapon types of Radiant Dawn are completely different from those of Celica's game Gaiden and Awakening, Micaiah is also the first and only protagonist to wield light magic (not counting reclassing in later games). Byleth and Edelgard also possess a Budding Talent in Faith and Reason magic, respectively, but because of how magic works in Three Houses, the two have to learn the topics rather than starting off with it.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 5 months
Birthday Blues
Chuck Taylor X fem reader Main Masterlist
Summary: With Best Friend’s spitting up Chuck finds himself alone on his birthday, or so he thinks.
An: You know I had to write a little something something for his special day
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This morning I woke up with dozens of text messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday. But no matter how many texts I got they didn’t make up for the fact my ‘best friend’ didn’t wish me a happy birthday. Trent and I had been friends forever. We grew up in the industry together, we did everything together. He was my best friend! I don’t know what got into Trent recently but I didn’t like it. I didn’t understand the reason for his actions. Sure neither of us has held gold in quite some time but we should be happy for our friends. Kris and Orange were doing amazing things, we should be celebrating with them not wishing for their downfall. 
It didn’t even feel like my birthday, all I wanted to do was rot in my hotel room. Last night Trent gave me an ultimatum. It was him or Orange. How could I pick between the two of them? Sure I’ve known Trent for longer and the two of us shared so much more but no way I would pick between my two best friends! I ignored all of Kris and Orange’s calls and texts. I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I wanted to be alone. I was never one for birthdays, I never felt worthy of the celebrations. Why should you all be celebrating me? I’m not special. I didn’t mind spending my birthday alone. In fact, I preferred it over spending it with my family. Every time I went back home everyone would ask about my dating life. Are you seeing anyone Chucky? When are you going to settle down? Your time is running up to have children, let me set you up with a nice girl Chuck. I wanted to pull my hair out at the comments. 
I didn’t want to date anyone. I hadn’t been in love for a long time. Even when I was of course I fucked it all up. I was okay with being alone. Just as I was busy sulking in my hotel room I heard someone aggressively knocking on my door. I yelled at them to go away but instead, they began knocking even louder. I flung open the door ready to scream at whoever was on the other side but stopped right in my tracks when I saw who it was. It was Y/n. I hadn’t seen her in years. 
“A little clementine told me you wanted to spend your birthday alone,” Said Y/n. As much as I was mad Orange somehow got my ex-girlfriend to pull me out of my depressive state I was also happy to see Y/n again. “Tell me Chuck, what’s got you so blue?” Y/n asked as she let herself into my hotel room. “I just don’t know what to do. How am I supposed to pick between my best friends? I don’t want to choose between them!” I confessed. “I know you are under a lot of stress right now Chuck. I get it, I do but that doesn’t mean you should spend your birthday feeling sorry for yourself. Birthdays are supposed to be fun! It’s the one day you can put yourself first and no one can say anything about it” Y/n had a point, all of this was making me look more pathetic. Trent said it himself, I was weak. “How about you and I go out for the day? We can do whatever you like Chuck. There are lots of things to do in the city! It’s your day to be spoiled!” Just before I could protest Y/n cut me off “Before you say anything yes Chuck you do deserve this. No Chuck, you are not pathetic. You have to stop being so hard on yourself Chucky, you deserve nothing but the best. I wish you could have seen that when we were together” Her words left a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth. As much as I appreciated her praise it reminded me of when the two of us used to date years ago. Y/n ended up breaking up with me due to my lack of self-confidence. I know that sounded stupid but it was a real thing. I was constantly shitting on myself, I was always so down. I’m sure that’s difficult to be around. 
I ended up caving and took Y/n’s offer to spend the day celebrating myself. However, I didn’t expect her to say this. “We can do anything you want today Chuck, who knows maybe I’ll stay the night” Best birthday ever! 
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
GMA host TJ Holmes’ ex Marilee Fiebig hires second lawyer as she gears up for nasty divorce after his ‘affair’
Jessica Finn
Updated: 15:48 ET, Jan 24 2023
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THE Good Morning America host's estranged wife has hired a second powerhouse attorney as she gears up for a nasty divorce following his reported affair with co-host.
The U.S. Sun can exclusively reveal that Marilee has brought on Fara Rodriguez - who recently made partner at her firm Philips Nizer LLP in Manhattan.
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5Marilee Fiebig has bolstered her legal team as she braces for a nasty divorce from her estranged husband, GMA3 host, TJ HolmesCredit: Getty
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5Marilee was said to have been blindsided by TJ's alleged affair with fellow host, Amy RobachCredit: Instagram/Marilee Fiebig
The move comes as she faces off against suspended GMA3 host TJ following his reported affair with co-host Amy Robach.
Both TJ, 45, and now-girlfriend Amy, 49, were taken off the air and sidelined at ABC two months ago, as the network investigates the co-host lovers' workplace conduct. 
Marilee, who is an attorney herself, brought Fara onto her team late last week - just one day after her attorney Stephanie F. Lehman, who is also a partner at the firm, demanded that TJ file his official divorce complaint.
Fara's impressive resume boasts over a decade of experience in handling various intricacies of divorce and family law.
Her bio reads: "​​Fara is adept at representing clients during this distressing time in their lives by compassionately and confidently finding solutions to the complex challenges they often face."
Marilee's no-nonsense legal team has taken the high-profile case head-on. 
Earlier this month, her lead attorney Stephanie told The U.S. Sun: "During the holiday season and in light of the challenging times, Marilee's sole focus has remained on the overall best interest of her nine-year-old daughter."
"To that end, T.J.'s lawyer and I have been working together to move their divorce forward privately, expeditiously, and as amicably as possible.
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"Notwithstanding, we continue to be disappointed by T.J.'s lack of discretion, respect, and sensitivity toward Marilee and the party's daughter."
She concluded: "Marilee has been touched by the outpouring of support and looks forward to a new beginning in this new year."
Stephanie's biography boasts her experience in "representing high-net-worth individuals in contested and uncontested matrimonial actions and child-related matters."
TJ filed for divorce on Wednesday, December 28 in New York, after 12 years of marriage.
TJ hired attorney Robert H. Moses of Moses Ziegelman Richards & Notaro, LLP. In December 2022, he was named NYC's "Lawyer of the Year" in Best Lawyers: The Family Law Issue 2023.
He received 4.8 out of five stars on Martindale-Hubbell ratings. He's also been featured on Super Lawyers, an exclusive list of top-rated attorneys, since 2006.
Per his attorney profile: "Rob is known for his pragmatic approach to the law, helping countless clients resolve their family disputes economically, thoughtfully, and fairly.
"His clients range from celebrities and high-net-worth individuals in financial, publishing, sports, and other fields to those of more modest means."
Rob joined the boutique matrimonial law firm as a partner in 2011.
Their office is located in the Empire State Building in Manhattan. 
The former couple shares one child together, a nine-year-old daughter named Sabine.
TJ also has two children, Brianna and Jaiden, from his previous marriage.
Last week, the DailyMail reported that TJ had an alleged affair with an ABC intern 13 years his junior early on in his marriage to Marilee. 
It was also alleged he had slept with an ABC producer before his romance with Amy.
While Amy was reportedly aware of TJ's alleged relationship with ABC producer Natasha Singh, a source told The U.S. Sun that she was "blindsided" by the full extent of the star's other alleged office romps.
As The U.S. Sun previously reported, Amy and TJ are unofficially out at GMA3 and the pair believe they are out from their jobs at ABC entirely. 
Last week a well-placed insider claimed mediation talks are scheduled for this week with their lawyers, ABC's attorneys, and the network's top brass to hammer out the pair's exit package. 
However, another source said while mediation is in the works, they weren't aware of anything scheduled just yet.
"All parties are willing to mediate, but there is just no guarantee that mediation will be successful," the second insider added.
Another source with knowledge of negotiations added that Amy and TJ's attorneys are absolutely in close contact with the network's legal team.
"They are all working through strategies to make the hosts comfortable enough so that the network can move on from this as quietly as possible," the source said.
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5Sources said that TJ fears he is on the chopping block at the network following a slew of allegations about inter-office dalliancesCredit: Getty
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5It was revealed that Amy and TJ were involved in an alleged affair while co-hosting GMA3Credit: Getty
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5Amy and her estranged husband Andrew Shue are said to be working on their divorce, though nothing has been filed as of yetCredit: Getty
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
Rugby League World Cup New Zealand vs Jamaica from the Halliwell Jones Stadium
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/rugby-league-world-cup-new-zealand-vs-jamaica-from-the-halliwell-jones-stadium/
The Daily Rugby
Rugby League World Cup New Zealand vs Jamaica from the Halliwell Jones Stadium
RLWC Group C action in the Rugby League World Cup continues with the match between New Zealand vs Jamaica from the Halliwell Jones Stadium in Warrington.
For the New Zealand side, my focus is on Jeremy Marshall-King. Expected to play in the dummy half position more frequently against the Reggae Boys, it will be a good opportunity to see how far JMK has come this season. If he can control the middle of the ruck, it will go a long way to assuring a strong boost to their for and against totals.
For the Jamaican side, the focus is on Ben Jones-Bishop. After lighting up the Super League a decade ago. Jones-Bishop has an important role in reinvigorating the sport of rugby league for the Jamaican people. A tournament like this and their continued improvement can really boost the participation numbers of the sport. Jones-Bishop had some good carries out of his own end to try and put the Reggae Boys on the front foot, look for that to continue against their much fancied opposition.
New Zealand kiwis Rugby League World Cup “When does it start, Live streams and schedule”
Who is in New Zealand’s group for Rugby League World Cup?
New Zealand will compete in Group C for the RLWC, with three other nations also battling it out for two spots in the quarter-finals.
Lebanon, Ireland and Jamaica will all face the Kiwis during the group stage of the tournament.
Who will New Zealand play in Rugby League World Cup?
DATE OPPONENT TIME (AEDT) TIME (BST) TIME (NZT) VENUE RESULT Mon. 17th Oct Lebanon 5.30am 7.30pm (Sun) 7.30am Halliwell Jones Stadium NZ 34 – 12 Lebanon Sun. 23rd Oct Jamaica 5.30am 7.30pm (Sat) 7.30am MKM Stadium Sat. 29th Oct Ireland 5.30am 7.30pm (Fri) 7.30am Headingley Stadium
New Zealand 34-12 Lebanon: Kiwis earn solid victory over 12
New Zealand made a winning start to their 2021 Rugby League World Cup campaign with a healthy – if not always easy – 34-12 victory over a stubborn Lebanon in Group C at the Halliwell Jones Stadium in Warrington.
The Kiwis, ranked number one in the world, overcame shaky starts in both halves following early concessions to emerge with the two points and move joint-top of the pile with Ireland following the latter’s rout against Jamaica.
New Zealand vs Lebanon live score
1H 2H Final New Zealand 18 16 34 Lebanon 6 6 12
Tries: K. Bromwich, Asofa-Solomona, Hiku, Brown, Manu, Rapana; Mansour, Miski
Conversions: Rapana (5); Moses (2)
New Zealand Kiwis vs Jamaica Match Preview
It’s time to feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, its rugby league time! Group C action in the Rugby League World Cup continues with the match between New Zealand and Jamaica from the Halliwell Jones Stadium in Warrington.
New Zealand have come into this tournament as the number one team in the world, and against Jamaica, this match-up seems like a blood bath. But, if there’s one thing that’s gotten in the way of New Zealand before, it’s complacency. Just looking back on the last World Cup, New Zealand were heavy favourites to knock Fiji out of the cup before fumbling their way around Wellington Stadium to lose.
While a loss here is incredibly unlikely, the big area to watch for the Kiwi’s is how the squad is rotated for this match with the Reggae Boys. Coach Michael Maguire was forced to play Jeremy Marshall-King against Lebanon after an untimely injury to Jahrome Hughes. This time around, it’ll be a chance for the likes of Scott Sorensen and Seb Kris to prove their chances for selection down the track in the big cup games. There was the occasional rust in their opening pool game against Lebanon and they needed Joseph Manu to save the day with a thrilling burst of individual play in the second half.
Jamaica made their World Cup debut last start with a 48-2 defeat at the hands of Ireland. Whilst on the surface, it appears to be embarrassing, we have to remember that Jamaica are appearing in their first World Cup and it doesn’t matter if they come first or fiftieth just like in Cool Runnings. They were competitive, conceding their first try after a tough opening quarter, the flood gates soon opened and led to the aforementioned score-line, missing a whopping 58 tackles. That task of tightening their defence doesn’t get easier with a much tougher opponent in the Kiwis.
NZ Kiwis
1. Joseph Manu 24. Sebastian Kris 3. Marata Niukore 4. Peta Hiku 19. Dallin Watene-Zelezniak 6. Dylan Brown 14. Kieran Foran 15. Moses Leota 9. Brandon Smith 10. James Fisher-Harris 12. Kenny Bromwich 17. Briton Nikora 20. Isaac Liu 11. Isaiah Papali’i 16. Nelson Asofa-Solomona 22. Jeremy Marshall-king 23. Scott Sorensen 21. Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad 8. Jesse Bromwich
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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