#biography; micaiah
braveryhearted · 7 months
More obscure muses ( introduction ) series.
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Age: 23 ( games )
Micaiah, also known as the Silver-Haired Maiden, is a playable character, primary protagonist of the first part of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and one of the two main protagonists in the overall story. She is a wielder of Light magic and the de facto leader of the Dawn Brigade.
She has a unique skill, Sacrifice, which allows her to give up some of her HP to heal a selected unit.
Micaiah is the first main character since Celica from Fire Emblem Gaiden to fight with magic, and the first main character in the series to use it almost exclusively.
Micaiah is a very caring and empathetic individual, but tends to be somewhat bitter at times, a result of both her treatment as a Branded prior to the story and the abuse of Daein and its citizens by the Begnion Occupational Army. She cares deeply for the people of Daein, and refuses to stand idly by while they suffer under their control. She pays little mind to her own needs or even her health, always putting the people and her country first; indeed, her Sacrifice skill is effectively her self-sacrificing nature manifesting as a magical power.
While she used to live reclusively, her experiences in the Mad King's War changed her and led her to be devoted to caring for others. Micaiah has little interest in or taste for finery, and as a result in the days before the Laguz Alliance war, she eschewed using her lavish quarters in Daein Keep in favor of living among the people while assisting in the reconstruction of Nevassa.
Throughout her life she has been guided by her visions, and although she often wished she didn't have them and felt as if they were a burden, she nonetheless trusted in them to keep her life on the right path- when her foresight abilities weakened during the Laguz Alliance war, she felt lost without them.
Micaiah is extremely loyal to Daein and Pelleas, whom she has absolute faith in to a fault, to the point of fighting the Laguz Alliance even when she sees no reason to do so, and refusing to give up when faced by the Greil Mercenaries. Even as Pelleas refused to back down or allow surrender in the Laguz Alliance war, and even as she did not want to fight or to indulge her subordinates' bloodlust, she was dedicated to continuing to serve him without hesitation, believing him to be Daein's future. Upon learning of the truth of the blood pact, even as Pelleas felt doomed, she encouraged him not to give up and to find a way out, even going so far as volunteering to continue waging the war to buy Pelleas time despite her dislike of the conflict.
Initially, Micaiah held an extreme dislike of Ike as a result of his military actions being responsible for Daein's suffering under Begnion; this was compounded by Sothe's frequent references to his time serving under Ike and the role Ike had played in helping him mature, which greatly frustrated her. Although she had warmed up towards Ike at the end of the game, Micaiah still doesn't care for the mercenary all that much. Excluding the cast of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Micaiah is one of the few units whose status screen portrait changes at some point of the game, a trait she shares with Marth, Alm, Celica, Ike, Volke, Sothe, Kris and Lucina. Her change happens when she promotes at the end of Chapter 1-E and when she promotes for the second time at the beginning of Chapter 4-E-1 in Radiant Dawn. Micaiah is the first female Lord character to become the leader of her own kingdom. This will be followed up by Edelgard and (if the player made their avatar female) Corrin and Byleth. Micaiah is one of only four magic-wielding Fire Emblem protagonists, alongside Celica, Robin and Corrin; she is the only one who wields only magic with no physical weapons. As the magic weapon types of Radiant Dawn are completely different from those of Celica's game Gaiden and Awakening, Micaiah is also the first and only protagonist to wield light magic (not counting reclassing in later games). Byleth and Edelgard also possess a Budding Talent in Faith and Reason magic, respectively, but because of how magic works in Three Houses, the two have to learn the topics rather than starting off with it.
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amitieos · 1 year
fodlan profile: elincia
from shadoll
GENDER: Female AGE: 24 HEIGHT: 156cm /5'1" DATE OF BIRTH: 23rd October / 23rd of the Wyvern Moon, Imperial Year 1156 CREST/HOLY BLOOD: None CLASS: Black Eagles Professor AFFILIATION: Crimea, Tellius
BIOGRAPHY: Daughter of the late King Ramon of Crimea, Elincia was raised in secrecy, away from the court and out of the public eye. Her less than conventional upbringing fostered a uniquely humble outlook in the young Queen. Aware of her shortcomings, Elincia enterred Garreg Mach in order to learn more of the world outside her personal bubble and meet people from all walks of life in hopes of being better equipped to serve her people. PERSONAL HISTORY
1156 - Born to The Wise King Ramon of Crimea in the winter of the late King's life - As her uncle, Lord Renning, the Crown Prince had already been named her father's successor, Elincia was raised by House Delbray and her birth kept a secret from the populace. Neighbouring leaders however, knew of her existence
1174 - Start of the Mad King's War. Witnesses the death of her parents at the hand of King Ashnard during the fall of Castle Melior, she is forced to flee alone - Rescued by a mercenary company on the run from King Ashnard
1174-1175 Alongside Greil's mercenaries, defeats the Mad King and reclaims Crimea's independence - As the only known member of the Crimean royal line alive, Elincia is crowned Queen
1177 - Puts down a rebellion lead by Duke Ludveck in the Crimean Civil War
1177 - Ascends the Tower of Guidance as part of the Hawk Army. Aids in the defeat of Ashera and restoration of the petrified people of Tellius
1180 - Appoints her uncle, Lord Renning, as regent and travels to Garreg Mach to improve herself as a leader.
INTERESTS: Needlework, housework, reading and riding. LIKES: Sweets, learning new things, socialising, flowers DISLIKES: Violence, injustice, warfare, loneliness, unclean spaces. STATUS: Queen of Crimea CLOSE ALLIES: Micaiah, Byleth (Billie), Phina (Lucia, Geoffrey, Ike)
LIKES: saghert and cream, fish and bean soup, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sauté, sweet bun trio, fruit and herring tart, garreg mach meat pie, pheasant roast with berry sauce, fish sandwich, pickled rabbit skewers, super spicy fish dango, peach sorbet, two fish sauté, gronder meat skewers, sautéed pheasant and eggs, gautier cheese gratin, vegetable stir fry, bourgeois pike, derdriu style pheasant DISLIKES: beast meat teppanyaki, grilled herring, small fish skewers, sautéed jerky, spicy fish and turnip stew, country-style red turnip plate, daphnel stew, cabbage and herring stew, fried crayfish
"This is positively delightful! Why, I could even go for seconds!"
"Do you know what's even better than good food? Sharing it with good company, of course."
"This... isn't really to my tastes but I'd hate to be wasteful. Or offend the chef, I'm sure they worked very hard to cook today's meal."
"It's been quite sometime since we've had the pleasure to share a meal together. Let's savour the opportunity just as much as the food."
"Ah, food tastes better when I share it with you! Speaking of which... are you planning to finish that or shall I help you out?"
FAVOURITE TEA: Bergamot, Rose Petal Blend
CONVERSATION TOPICS: a dinner invitation, a new sword technique, books you've read recently, capable comrades cats, children at the market, crimea's future, i'm counting on you, exploring the monastery, favourite sweets, likeable allies, overcoming weakness, past laughs, pegasus care, perfect recipes, reliable allies, the ideal professor, the library's collection, the opera, things you find romantic, working together, you're doing great work
"It's an honour to be invited, truly." "I'd be delighted to keep you company." "Oh, how lovely! Did you bake these yourself by any chance?"
"What a surprise, how did you know this was my favourite? I must learn yours so I can treat you next time."
"Oh my, this is rather expensive. I hope I haven't inconvenienced you in any way."
"Do I have something on my face? Why else would you be starting so intently...?" "Ahaha, sorry. I'm not used to being gazed at in such a way. I'm admittedly a little nervous!" "Well, if you must insist on staring at me I will respond in kind! After all, I'm sure you're far more interesting than I am."
"Ah! Oops, I think I scalded my tongue." "What a refreshing beverage!" "These sweets are delicious... could I possibly have one more?" "How have you been keeping?" "Me? Oh, I've been well! Keeping busy with my students" "How lovely..." "Thank you so much!" "Ahh, it's warm."
"Thank you so much for your time. I'd love to do this again, but please, let me treat you next we meet!"
(1) Do you think my students are progressing well? I hope so, they're all so talented and full of potential! ANSWER: Commend, Nod, Agree (2) I loathe violence, as did my father before him. Sadly, this sword is all I have left of him, other than the weight of the crown. ANSWER: Sip tea, Sigh (3) My pegasus was my great-grandmother's. We've been dear friends since I could walk. Perhaps that's why he's so protective of me, even to this day. ANSWER: Laugh, Chat (4) My own lack of resolve allowed Duke Ludveck to raise a rebellion and disturb the peace of Crimea. Never again can I allow such a thing to happen to my people. Not for a man who seeks only strength and power.. ANSWER: Disagree, Admonish (5) I have grown much since my time at the royal villa. Yet the more I grow, the more I'm aware of all the ways I'm still lacking. It's not such a bad thing... ANSWER: Chat, Sip tea. (6) I've made so many friends since I came to the academy! Every day is filled with new things to learn and people to meet! ANSWER: Commend, Chat (7) Selfish as it may be, I often felt quite lonely growing up. Things are different now though. I do feel blessed each day. ANSWER: Sip tea, Nod (8) I never knew such evil could exist in this world until I lost my parents. That hurt deeply, of course, but the one thing I could never forgive was the oppression of our people. ANSWER: Sigh, Nod (9) One day, I'd love to host you in Crimea! It's a beautiful country, filled with warm, generous people. Melior is renowned for it's library and academics, too! ANSWER: Laugh, Chat, Agree
GIFT GUIDE FAVOURITE GIFTS: tasty baked treat, floral adornment, gemstone beads, armoured bear stuffy, watering can, riding boots, monarch studies book, ceremonial sword, landscape painting, legends of chivalry, daffodil, owl feather DISLIKED GIFTS: training weight, hunting dagger, whetstone, blue cheese, pitcher plant
"Oh my... would someone else not appreciate this even more?"
"How very kind of you! You really shouldn't have."
"Wow! This is truly wonderful! You must really care for me to have chosen something so carefully, thank you!"
EMBROIDERY NEEDLE. A thin, steel needle which still has a pale orange thread attached. Likely belongs to someone skilled at housework who enjoys arts and crafts. Found: Black Eagles Classroom, by the desk PEARL NECKLACE. Of great lustre and fine craftsmanship. Likely a family heirloom of a noble or royal house. Probably belongs to someone of means who is perhaps too trusting for their own good. It might have sentimental value. Found: Dining hall BOX OF PEGASUS TREATS. High quality, delicious snacks for the most finnicky and particular of pegasi. Belongs to someone who adores animals and perhaps rides a pegasus into battle. Found: Stables
"Bless the stars, thank you for finding this for me. I owe you a great debt for returning it swiftly!"
"Ah, forgive me but that isn't mine. Perhaps I could help you find it's true owner? They surely must miss it dearly."
"Congratulations! You've bested me today. I'll fall back before anyone gets seriously hurt." (Byleth specific) "Heehee, you won this round Billie! Well done!"
"Taking a life is a terrible burden, one I don't take lightly. Yet the murder of an innocent is a far more heinous crime. It is unforgivable."
"Heehee, I do love to sing! Though I'm nowhere near as gifted as my dear friend Leanne." "My mother was an accomplished musician. I lack her natural gift, but this does make me feel closer to her."
"It might surprise you to know but I'm actually quite a skilled cook! You're not the first to tell me that's not very princess-like, haha!" "Oh I've never made this recipe before! But I'm sure if we work together the results will be delicious." "Ah, that smell is delectable! I can't wait to let everyone dig in to this scrumptious meal."
"Forgive me, I lost my focus. I promise to try harder and do better next time!" CRITIQUE: "I'm sorry, you're absolutely right. I ought not waste your time." CONSOLE: "Yes! I'll definitely do better from here on out!"
"I could not have done this without your excellent instruction." "Don't worry, I'll keep working hard. I have no intention of resting on my laurels!"
"Heehee, you're a great teacher and I'm a natural! We're unstoppable."
"I love spending time with the horses, they're such graceful and gentle creatures!"
"Let's work together and clean this area up pronto! Then the flowers can finally bloom properly."
"I don't wish to boast but I am a decent flier. If you're nervous or need any tips, I'd be more than happy to help."
"Oh dear. It appears my efforts were inadequate. I'll make sure to study even harder for next time!"
"Wow! I didn't know I had this in me. I couldn't have done it alone."
"I've ridden a pegasus since I was a little girl. Soaring through the air is when I feel my most whole and free. Perhaps I could hone my skills to become more evasive and dangerous to our foes on the battlefield?"
"I have some training in healing and faith magic already that I could improve upon but... I'd like to challenge myself. Perhaps reason lessons would help me diversify my skillset to better protect my allies. What do you think?"
"Amiti has been passed down through House Crimea for generations. My father, admittedly, refused to use it. However, I've found that sometimes peace needs to be protected. If I can master the sword, perhaps that alone would be deterrent enough..."
"I came to Garreg Mach to become a stronger, wiser leader for my people. I think studying authority would help me further such goals and allow me to aid our allies on the battlefield in new ways. Would you be willing to teach me what you know?"
0 TO 2 STATS ✧
"Small steps, however meagre, still lead one forward."
3 TO 4 STATS ✧
"The efforts of myself and my teachers have blossomed. I'm proud of this!"
"To think such potential slumbered within me. I will use these talents to pave a bright and happy future for the people of Crimea."
"I may have exhausted what I can learn on the battlefield but there is still much to be learned elsewhere. Further practice too shall help keep my skills sharp!"
"What a joy it is to find untapped potential and let it bloom in full colour!"
"I worked hard for this! Now, to put it to good use."
"Fascinating! I'll apply myself and learn what I can." "I will pursue mastery of this for the sake of all!" "Wow, I didn't even know I could do this! I'll do my best with this!"
"With my allies beside me, I cannot lose!"
"This battle is harsh and turbulent. Let us rally together and push towards victory!"
"No... for the sake of Crimea I must push ever onwards!"
"My swift steed deserves all the praise."
"A sound thrashing for you!" "If I must, I will not err!" "I will hesitate no longer." "If you insist on violence... so be it!" "For the sake of Crimea and all I love..." "You leave me no choice. I'm sorry."
"I will not allow you to proceed any further. Turn back, or force my hand!"
"You have my aid, I pray that it is enough."
"Too slow!" "You ought to have surrendered." "That's quite enough from you!"
"I always feel safe beside you." "Our enemies pale in comparison to your skill and talent." "Excellent work, my friend!"
"Bless you, I can continue forth now." "My deepest gratitude." "I am ever by your side." "Thank you, I really needed that." "That's a great help. Let me know if you need anything." "Together we are stronger than any foe that stands before us." "It is our bonds of friendship that make us truly unbeatable."
"Forgive me, I've over done it. I have to fall back, Crimea still needs me,"
"Father, Mother... I'm sorry... I wasn't strong enough to build the future our people deserve... I have failed you all..."
"My students are exceptional and filled with boundless potential! But I am lacking in many way, especially as a teacher. What can I do to best aid them in their personal growth?" (Answer) Be attentive and listen to their needs. They may have troubles beyond the classroom.
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thethoughtfulrabbit · 8 months
My Reading List 2024
I thought I would make a list of books I am reading in 2024* in case any other artistic bookworms need some read-'spiration.
The Outsider by Albert Camus
Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding
Stigma by Erving Goffman
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey
No One is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg
The Space Between World by Micaiah Johnson
The Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera
Currently Reading - Chromorama - How Colour Changed Our Way of Seeing by Riccardo Falcinelli
Reading next - The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
*Updating list throughout the year.
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bandyriddles · 9 months
2023: Year in Books
Taking a rare sick day today, so thought I'd eke together a 2023 reading round-up from my nest of flannel sheets. According to my Goodreads I’ve read 63 titles this year, and I might be able to finish up one last book with Sarah Bernstein’s Study for Obedience, which I just started yesterday. 2023 was really about leaning back into the pleasure of reading for me, and it's interesting how much the list leans towards sci fi, horror, and comics. Here are my top picks from the past year.
Lit Lit Kudos - Rachel Cusk Finally got around to finishing Cusk’s Outline trilogy with this title. It’s always an immense pleasure to sink into a work by a writer operating at the highest level of her craft.
Runner up: Western Lane - Chetna Maroo
Fantasy Siren Queen - Nghi Vo Dreamy wlw with sharp teeth, set in classic Hollywood. I've read and loved a lot of Vo, but this one really struck me. The reason my 2024 reading list includes a biography of Anna May Wong.
Runner up: Ink Blood Sister Scribe - Emma Törzs
Science Fiction The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson Could not believe this was a first novel, as the world and characters were so intensely realized. Multiversal travel and multiversal trauma.
Runner up: Some Desperate Glory - Emily Tesh
Horror Leech - Hiron Ennes Another unbelievable debut. Gothic hivemind parasite horror that deeply explores concepts of identity and autonomy.
Runner up: Tell Me I'm Worthless - Alison Rumfitt
Comics Acting Class - Nick Drnaso Drnaso’s super flat illustrations create a sense of tension and dread as we follow a group of strangers brought together for an acting/improv class. Things get weird.
Runners up (tie): Men I Trust - Tommi Parrish; Bad Gateway - Simon Hanselmann
Nonfiction The Lonely City - Olivia Laing Wild that this book came out in 2016, as it's also a great read for the atomized post-Covid era. Wide-ranging cultural study of urban loneliness, mostly through the lens of various American artists.
Runner up: None, I read very little nonfiction last year.
And, yes, please do send me recommendations for 2024.
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Days of Productivity (34/100)
So, I’m back. Finally.
After barely doing any work for months, I have decided that it is finally time to start again. I’m a bit mad at myself but that’s also life I guess?? I spent the past two months drinking too much alcohol and doing other stuff and couldn’t be bothered to sit down and actually do some work.
I managed to read another secondary source and also write the first draft of the introduction for my master thesis today! Yeahi! It isn’t the most coherent draft I have ever written, but I wrote it and tomorrow I will continue with the first chapter. I always write like this, free flowing, thinking a bit but mainly writing whatever comes to my mind. This also means that my papers need a lot of editing, so I guess it will take me until early March to write this 22,000 words and then all of March and half of April to edit it, so that I can hand it in some time in April. I am motivated now and it seems like a possible challenge.
Also, I’m doing a dry January and possibly even a dry February - let’s see how that goes. I’m also doing a 52 books a year challenge, which everyone seems to be doing (?) I don’t know but it doesn’t matter. I have finished Madeline Miller’s Song of Achilles and I loved it. The prose is to die for, the desire that I can feel from these pages made me lust after someone that I can hold and the ending was pure perfection. 
Next Up: The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson 
She’s a friend of mine and I barely read any sciene-fiction anymore but I can’t wait to finally read her book. I have already compiled a list of 52 books (and some alternatives/extras in case I really don’t like one or I’m reading really fast) and it is really diverse I think. Many poc authors, female authors, classics, queer theory, a biography - this will be a year for learning.
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barrebard · 4 years
Reading in 2020 - My Top 5
Favorite re-read: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
I loved this book when I first read it several year ago. It was my first Shirley Jackson outside of reading The Lottery in middle school. This year, around Halloween, I listened to the audiobook narrated by Bernadette Dunne. I love how weird and unsettling and atmospheric and full of magical thinking this book is, and the audiobook captured that feeling perfectly and gave me a new way to experience the book.
Favorite book I read for a reading challenge that I probably wouldn’t have picked up otherwise: Not if I See You First by Eric Lindstrom
I read this for the Read Harder Challenge item “a book about a main character with a disability.” The main character in this book, Parker, is a teenage girl who is blind and is dealing with the aftermath of her father’s accidental death. I loved Parker as a character, and I loved all of her friends. The dialogue is great, and I really enjoyed how the author portrayed the world from the perspective of someone without sight. 
Favorite romance novel: Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston
Romance novels made up a decent amount of my booklist this year, and this one tops the list. Every single character is well-rounded and interesting, it’s laugh-out-loud funny, and it’s escapist in the best possible way. I could go on and on about what makes this book so great.
Favorite non-fiction book: Why Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller
On the surface, this is a brief biography of David Starr Jordan, founding president of Stanford University. On a deeper level, it’s a meditation about truth and our place in the universe. It’s a super quick read and absolutely amazing. Bonus: You get to learn some really bizarre history about the early days of Stanford and Jane Stanford’s mysterious death.
The book I think everyone should read: The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson
Listen. Trust me. Read this. It’s a sci-fi book about people who can jump between different realities. But it’s so much more than that. About a third of the way through the book, I had a guess as to what event would be the climax of the book, but then that event happened just over halfway through. I had NO IDEA where the story was going to go from there and it ended up being just wildly, wildly good. I got this from the library, but then I got myself a copy of it to keep, because I know I’m going to want to re-read this book again and again.
Honorable Mentions - A few other favorites
Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA by Amaryllis Fox - A fascinating look at the life of a woman secret agent for the CIA in the post-9/11 Bush era.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - If you like Rebecca, The Haunting of Hill House, and other gothic novel, you must read this. Includes some body horror, which I am usually not a fan of, but if I can read it, you probably can, too. I promise it’s worth it.
Taking Charge of Adult ADHD by Russell A. Barkley, PhD, with Christine M. Benson - I didn’t include this on my complete list, because I haven’t read the entire book. But I was diagnosed with ADHD this year and this book has been life-changing in helping me understand my brain and my emotions and my whole self. If you or someone in your life has ADHD, I highly recommend this book.
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guildofheroes-blog · 8 years
Super/Hero/Villain Applications
Blog URL: haleyylisse
Faction: Superhero
Character’s Name: Micaiah "Haley" Ylisse
Character’s Alias: Chrona
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/Hers
Orientation: Closeted Bisexual
Powerset: Peak human strength, agility and durablity. Extensive Muay Thai and Aikido training.
Equipment: Multiple gadgets designed by her younger sister. Her most frequently used are these:
Stutter Ring - lets her phase out of time for a fraction of a second, avoiding attacks in the process. Has to recharge for a minute after each use - taking more or less time depending on how close or far away she is from the time portal. 
Shield Grenade - a grenade which deploys a bubble-shaped energy shield, blocking everything moving above a certain speed. So, air and walking people are allowed through, but bullets, running people and so on aren’t. This does block light, making it hard to see what’s happening outside the shield. Most often used to protect civilians. 
Stick-N-Shock Launcher - a wrist-mounted, gas-operated projectile launcher that fires special ‘stick-n-shock’ rounds. These bullets turn into a sticky, gelatinous mass upon impact with their target before delivering a high voltage shock to incapacitate them. 
Grapple Gun - A magnetized grappling hook, fired from a pistol-shaped weapon normally kept strapped to her back.
Likes: Fashion, Sewing, MMA (both watching and performing), experimental rock & metal music
Dislikes: Theatrics, time travel (ironically), hardware maintenance, crying
Physical Description: Standing at 6'1'', she has a very acrobatic figure. She keeps her blue hair - with blond streaks dyed through it - tied into a series of tight braids, her green eyes standing out in her pale skin. Her costume is a form-fitting blue-and-white bodysuit, with a silver metallic pad on her back to hold various gadgets. 
Personality: Haley’s a headstrong, sarcastic and flirtatious woman - in some ways, the perfect stereotype of a teenaged girl. Fairly aggressive, she can get aggravated very quickly should you press the wrong buttons, but she's also learned to keep her anger under control. 
Biography: Haley’s mother was the superheroine known as Volta - a brave woman with a penchant for the dramatic and excellent control over electricity. Despite this, and helping to save the world many times over, her reputation was always marred by an incident earlier in her career where she was mind controlled and wiped out a city block, including the civilians within. After Volta vanished hunting down the same villain who mind controlled her, her daughter decided to put her younger sister’s impressive technical abilities to the test - using one of her inventions to go back and try to stop her. Unfortunately, she went back a bit further than intended, arriving just as Cynthia was making her name as Volta at the age of 19. The bright side of this was that there was an off-chance Haley might finally figure out who her father was. Deciding to pose as a model for the time being - a perfect excuse to show off some of the outfits she designed in her spare time - she’s keeping an eye on her mother, figuring out the mystery’s of Volta’s past and waiting for the moment she can help save her.  
Other: This is an AU to Haley's normal blog - not every thread on there will be superhero related.
Mun Info
Name: Cam / Aether
Pronouns: He/Him
Contact Info: Tumblr IM tbh
Smut/NSFW: 21, and yes
Other: Tremble before the mighty bearded scotsman.
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