#at one point this girl came up to me to offer me water because her friends and her thought that i was gonna faint
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solisitude · 1 year ago
the palestine march today was absolutely incredible. an amazing turn out, really. I am so proud of my city.
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unoislazy · 4 months ago
Vi x Reader
Vi has attachement issues and needs a hug.
A/N: get ready for me to write a whole bunch about attachment issues Vi. She just needs a BREEEAAKKK
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You sat quietly on your makeshift bed in your dust filled room as you looked up at the ceiling. Finding a house in such a place as Zaun was no easy feat, so of course it wasn’t glimmering with a pristine shine. It was all you had and that was enough for you.
Well, it wasn’t ALL you had. There was another room attached to the apartment that you happened to find that you shared with someone else.
Your friend Vi.
It had been left unused for a while, but once you found out she had been let out of jail and had nowhere else to go, you offered your place without a second thought. Vi, hellbent on insisting she doesn’t need help, declined at first. However, upon realizing that a lot had changed since she had been arrested she soon came back and took you up on your offer.
You two had been great friends when you were younger but now there was a sort of shift between you. Nothing too unexpected though, she had been away for god knows how long, of course things wouldn’t immediately go back to the way they were. But part of you wished it would.
Despite the fact that you two lived together, you rarely ever talked. Not because of any one particular reason, but mainly because it just felt awkward too. You didn’t want to ask about what had happened to her when she left, you heard what you needed to about the incident through general gossip and word of mouth. Vi, on the other hand, seemed like she had things she wanted to ask you as well, but she always pushed it off for some reason.
You continued to stare at the ceiling above before pushing off the bed and leaning on your arms. You hadn’t done anything productive by this point so you decided to change that. With one swift push, you were standing on your feet in front of a cracked wall that seemed stained with smoke and water damage. A staple of the lives of those who couldn’t afford much else.
Life like this always made you wonder what it was like for the Pilties.
You sighed, putting a hand up to your head as you rubbed your face, mentally preparing yourself for whatever task you’d give yourself for the sake of pretending like you actually did something useful with your day. As you walked out of your room, you were met with a very familiar face sitting in the little common lounge area the two of you had set up.
“Hey.” Vi greeted, looking up towards you for only a moment before looking back down at something she held in her hands. You noticed she wasn’t wearing her usual red jacket which wasn’t totally out of the ordinary, but it caught you a bit by surprise to see her arms just on display. You shook your head ever so slightly before quickly responding with your own gentle,
Silence then returned between the two of you as you walked past her to try and find something to occupy yourself with. Unfortunately for you, the deathly still air around you began to weigh on you, urging you to say something to the girl who now sat behind you.
“So… what’s it like being back?” You asked, not looking back at her as you moved to a box of your things that was just sitting on the floor. What better time to sort this than now, you guessed.
Vi sighed a little before answering,
“Disorienting.” She said simply before pausing for a moment or two. “It's as if I landed on another planet or universe or something.” She continued, still fiddling with whatever was in her hand. You hummed in response.
“A lot changed when you left.” You added which earned a dry chuckle from Vi.
“Tell me about it.” She said, now leaning back on her chair as she looked up at the ceiling. The freak of the chair caused you to look back at her for a moment. It seemed you both had that habit in common, just looking up at the ceiling whenever you needed to think. You wondered if she was always like that or if it’s something she gathered while in prison.
Another silence fell over the two of you before you spoke up.
“Jerichos is still there though.” You said, still looking at her for a moment before turning back to rummage through your box of belongings. You heard her shift in her seat as she sat back up.
“Really?” She questioned with a more egear air about her. You looked at her over your shoulder with a slight smile as you nodded.
“Yeah. We could go check it out now if you want.” You offered, now taking your hands out of the box as you fully faced her. “For old times sake?” You added on.
You watched as her eyes softened even the slightest bit at your words, a smile making its way onto her lips as she nodded.
“For old times sake.”
It didn’t take long for Vi to get ready as she grabbed her usual jacket and waited for you by the door. Once you were both ready to head out, you noticed that the awkward tension that riddled the entirety of your apartment seemed to have dwindled even the slightest bit.
“So what have you been up to?” The pink haired woman asked as she walked casually at your side. Her hands were tucked into her pockets as she looked over to you.
“Eh, stealing stuff, making money where I can. Really anything to get by.” You answered with a shrug. Vi nodded before a smile graced her face once again, her eyes scrunching ever so slightly, naturally indicating that the smile was genuine. The first one you’d seen from her in a while.
“Remember that time we tried to steal food from that one stall that was on this street?” She asked, looking in the direction that the stall once resided years ago. This thought slowly but surely brought you joy as you remembered what had unfolded.
You snickered a bit to yourself before saying,
“Yeah, and I remember how you fell and practically ate concrete. Wasn’t funny then but you know, I think it’s been long enough to say it’s funny now.” You taunted a bit as you looked over to her to which she rolled her eyes.
“Hey, it’s not like you haven’t had your fair share of slip ups Sunshine.” She teased with a smirk before turning her head to look at the other side of the street. She extended her arm and pointed at the remnants of a poor attempt at graffiti.
“Remember when you tried to prove to Mylo you could be daring so you tried to vandalize the shop we used to go to, and you ended up spelling half of it wrong?” She laughed, realizing she was still able to read most of what you had painted on the wall many years ago.
“Live life wiht no regerts, how poetic of you.” She teased to which you lightly shoved her shoulder with a smile.
“Shut up, I was more focused on trying not to get caught than whatever I was writing.” You laughed. You both continued reminiscing on things you had done, or failed to do, together when you were younger. Finally it felt as if that wall between you had fully gone down.
You two were so busy having fun and laughing with each other you almost ended up passing by Jericho’s stall. You quickly corrected that course of action as you both sat down at the counter, ordering the same orders you used to order when you were younger.
“His stuff is still just as good as you remember, I can promise you that.” You smiled, turning back to look towards Jericho who was busy slicing and dicing his dishes, preparing them just how you liked them. When you turned back to face Vi however, you noticed she had a much more nostalgic look on her face as she stared at you. You raised your eyebrow as you looked back at her,
“What, is there something on my face?” You asked, confused as to why she was staring. Upon hearing you speak She simply looked away from you, acting as if she hadn’t been staring to begin with.
“No, no there’s nothing on your face.” She answered quickly. Before you could question her further, Jericho placed your dishes out in front of you, just as cheerful as ever. You both said your thank yous before digging in, Vi much more eagerly than you. She tactically inhaled her food, clearly having not been satisfied with whatever prison slop they had been giving her.
“I missed this.” She said gleefully, practically drowning in the bliss she felt from her meal. As she finished up her meal, she placed the bowl back down before looking back at you for a moment or two. Inc wagon you were going to ask her what was wrong but she beat you too it as she spoke,
“I missed you.”
This caught you by surprise. You simply stared at her for a moment before moving to answer,
“I missed you too.” You replied, earning a small smile for Vi before she continued,
“It feels good to know that at least some things haven’t changed.”
Her words, although coming from a place of warmth, held a melancholic weight to them as well. You hadn’t changed, you were one of the only things in Zaun that stayed the same, and you didn’t know it but Vi took immense comfort in that. Everything else was out of her control, she wasn’t there to see it change, and there was no way for her to stop It either. So knowing you, someone she cared for oh so deeply, was still alive and well, it helped her sleep even the slightest bit better at night.
She wanted to tell you. She wanted to tell you all the things she felt about you. In fact, before everything had gone south with the enforcers, she had planned to tell you. She planned to get everything off her chest and let you know just how much she cared about you.
But she never got the chance.
Until now. Here you were, sitting two feet in front of her, laughing and smiling the same way you always had, the same way she always adored.
And she was hesitating.
What if you never felt the same? What if you had but it’s been so long that those feelings have dwindled? What if she makes it awkward again? She didn’t want that, she didn’t want any of that. You both had finally reached a point of comfort again, everything felt right again with you, she didn’t want to mess that up.
Little did she know, you were feeling the same. You always had feelings for Vi that remained over the years. Sure they dwindled in strength after not seeing her for so long, but the moment you set your eyes on her that first day you knew she was back, the feelings came rushing back like a dam had broken into a river.
It almost made it impossible to focus at times, she looked so different and yet so similar. You couldn’t help but stare at her features from time to time.
As your mind wandered, you couldn’t help but muttering,
“I like your hair.”
You hadn’t realized you said it outloud until Vi looked back at you once again from her bowl. Quickly, you went to remedy the situation before it had the chance to be once awkward.
“It looks good, well you look good, but specifically your hair. It’s nice.” You stumbled over your words a bit in the process of getting that one simple sentence out.
Good Job.
Luckily, this only made Vi smile more as she laughed a bit at what she thought was adorable stumbling.
“Thanks Sunshine.” She replied, in almost a cheeky manner as she smirked at you.
After a bit more talking, and what neither of you would admit was just straight up flirting, you both decided you had spent enough time out and wanted to head back. As you walked back, you two continued to reminisce on old stories with the group, but mainly focusing on the memories you two shared on your own.
You both laughed at another memory as you walked back through the door of your apartment and plopped down on one of the few chairs in the main room. Vi followed after you, sitting just across from you as She slouched on the seat, stretching her legs out as far as she could. There was a smile on her face, but it was clear she was keeping something hidden.
“Vi?” You spoke up, looking directly at her. “What’s up?” You asked, not giving an explanation to your question but just by her facial expressions you knew she knew what you meant.
“What do you mean?” She tried to play it off, but that only made you double down.
“Vi. You’re making that face, you know the one where you’re struggling to keep your thoughts to yourself. I’ve been around you long enough to know when you have something to say.” You explained, crossing your arms in front of your chest as you looked towards her with a very unfazed expression.
Her smile didn’t drop, but it changed to less of a joyful one and more of the disappointment of someone who had just been caught.
“Nothing ever gets past you does it, Sunshine?” She asked in a slightly teasing manner as if to draw away the attention from herself. This was a tactic she often used when you’d start getting on her case about opening up to you. It never worked and yet she tried it every time. You raised a brow at her before she let out a slight sigh.
“Fine, you got me. I was just… thinking.” She answered vaguely, no longer making eye contact as she stared at the wall behind you.
“About what?” You asked. Leaning a bit forward, showing your clear interest in how she was feeling. It seemed as if she gave in as she began to speak,
“About… Everything.” She spoke quietly, she was always so ready to keep her thoughts hidden if it meant keeping others safe from worrying, but she didn’t need to do that here. She didn’t have to worry about that with you.
You could see she was deep in thought as she leaned forward a bit now leaning against the small table that was between the two of you. Clearly she was thinking about what to say and what not to say, so to ease her nerves, you moved your hand to cover hers.
Vi always seemed to calm down at your touch, and now was no exception to that. She seemed to visibly relax as she felt the warmth of your touch cover her own hand. Her eyes softened before she let out a sigh. You always knew how to get your way.
“I was thinking about how I don’t want this to change. I know this whole time we’ve been focusing on how things used to be and how everything has changed since then but, now that I’m with you again everything else doesn’t really matter as much to me.” She began. You sat silently as you listened to her continue,
“Don’t get me wrong, it's upsetting to see how much has changed over the years I’ve been gone, but I know that you haven’t changed. I don’t know where my sister is, Silco is in charge of everything, so just knowing that you’re still here, it’s like a quiet peace in all the other chaos I have to deal with.” She explained with a slight chuckle, now looking back at you.
“You’re the only thing that makes sense to me right now.”
You couldn’t help but feel loved by her words. She clearly valued your presence more than you realized, just as you valued hers.
Before you even knew it, you had stood up from your chair and walked towards Vi. In a mere few seconds you were standing in front of her, and without a second thought you engulfed her in a warm hug. The warmest you could ever muster as you rested your chin on her shoulder.
She hesitated for a moment before eventually grabbing back, her arms wrapped around your torso as she stood up to properly hold you. The force in which she stood up caused the chair behind her to knock back and fall over as she desperately clung to your warmth.
“I've missed you…” She whispered to you, her entire body feeling as if it was powering down against you. For the first time in a long time she felt truly safe. She felt as if she could put her guard down and leave down when she was with you.
“Vi?” You lightly called as you eventually pulled away from the hug and looked back towards Vi’s eyes. She had the look of that of a wounded puppy. Her usual tough looking scowl that was used to keep unwanted attention off her back was replaced by a soft, hopeful and almost loving eyes. It was a look you had seen many times before but you never truly realized what it was. You could finally put it into words. It made your heart flutter whether she did it intentionally or not.
Maybe this wasn’t the time to share your feelings. Maybe it was better to keep them hidden. But you had already called her name so… you at least needed to come up with something.
Screws it, whatever happened to honesty. You took in a deep inhale before closing your eyes. If you can’t see it, the possible rejection isn’t there.
Before you could even fully make a decision about whether or not to say what you wanted, you felt as Vi’s hand lightly went up to your face, the feeling was unexpected but not unwanted as you leaned into her rough touch slightly.
“I love you.” She said, finishing your thought whether she realized it or not. Her words caused you to freeze as you finally reopened your eyes. When you did, you were met by the same blue eyes still staring at you. The warmth had never vanished from her gaze as she kept her eyes trained on you.
“I’ve been wanting to say that for so long.” She chuckled slightly, you could feel her hands beginning to shake a bit as you stayed silent. Her hands then left your face as she continued,
“You’ve been my best friend for so many years and I know we didn’t really interact for a little while but honestly I was scared. I was scared to come to terms with the fact that you might’ve changed just like everything else. Sure you’ve changed physically and maybe your personality has changed in some aspects but, you’re still the same person I was in love with you even when we were kids.” She was clearly rambling at this point as her hands continued to shake. You didn’t know Vi was capable of feeling fears over such a trivial thing, but there it was, staring you right in the face.
As she continued to speak, you could hardly focus on anything, you let your body act on its own as your brain took a moment to catch up. Your hands slowly made their way up to Vi’s face, silencing her as you leaned in slightly before hesitating.
“Can I?” You asked quietly but without even answering, Vi leaned forward and embraced you in a long awaited kiss. It was everything either of you could have dreamed of. Your hands began to leave her face as your arms wrapped around her neck, pulling her closer to you. Her hands lightly traveled down to your waist to keep you in place as she leaned into you more.
After a little while, you both broke the kiss, looking at each other as you both slightly panted before breaking out into laughter. You didn’t know why, you just… felt like laughing. Vi eventually leaned back into you, resting her chin on your shoulder as whispered,
“Can we just… stay like this? Please?” She asked, pulling back a bit so you could see her hard blue eyes softening as she looked towards you, her hand slithering into yours, holding it with care as if you might shatter with even the slightest squeeze. You, the ever loving being you are, smiled softly at your now partner.
“Of course. I guess the question is though, your room or mine?” You asked, to which Vi quickly responded
So without any argument, you both made your way to your room and laid down together in a tangled mess on the bed. Your arms were wrapped around her neck once again as she held a tight grip on your torso. It was clear she needed an embrace of any sort.
It was no secret that she had been through so much and while you couldn’t go back and change the past, you could do what you could to help her heal.
“Thank you.” She whispered quietly, moving closer to you.
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year ago
Camping Trip
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Warnings: Somno, non-con, unprotected sex, creampie, JJ stealing Rafe’s girl, Rafe claiming her anyway 😮‍💨
I didn't want to come on this camping trip but my girlfriend insisted. The idea behind it was appealing; kayaking through the marsh, partying, then camping for the night, then going back to civilization. The cops left us alone as long as we cleaned up our mess before we left. All the way out here, there was no need to worry about disturbing anyone else or getting a noise complaint. I think this was their way of letting us get everything out of our system. The drugs, alcohol, and sex never stopped flowing at these events. Out here we weren't Kooks or Pogues. We were all alike and just trying to forget for a weekend. Everyone was out in the open, naked and fucking. Or drinking. Or smoking. It was the wildest weekend of the year. But it was torture for me now.
I couldn't relax knowing that the one person plaguing my mind was here and she was here with Rafe fucking Cameron. We were supposed to have some sort of truce with Rafe for Sarah. She didn't want the drama and the retaliation that always followed. And sense one of the rules for coming out here was no fighting, my hands were tied. For the most part.
When we'd been loading the kayaks on the water, I'd seen Rafe's tent lying on the sand waiting to be packed so I nonchalantly bent down to grab something and sliced the side with my knife before he came back. He was more pissed off over manual labor than to notice the giant hole. It wasn't until a few hours ago that he finally noticed and threw a fit. Of course he didn't suspect me because I was the one helping them set up camp. Rafe wasn't made for the outdoors like I was so he didn't have a clue. And when I offered to let them share our four person tent, he was hesitant but he agreed. Especially after I mentioned the risk of sand fleas from sleeping outside.
Y/N saw through my bullshit though. I could tell with the way her eyes tracked my every move, narrowing slightly when we'd lock eyes. My girl isn't stupid so why is she hanging out with this moron?
It was getting late by the time Rafe was drunk enough to be tolerable. My girlfriend was currently passed out in the tent, her buzz keeping her that way as I crawled in next to her. Rafe's one stipulation about sharing the tent was that the girls slept in the middle. That was fine but I couldn't bear to wake my girlfriend so I left her on the side, maneuvering myself between her and Y/N. Both girls were in their bikinis since the night air was still pretty hot and humid while I had nothing on but a pair of basketball shorts. Y/N had laid down a while ago but Rafe was passed out by the fire, where he'd stay for now.
I let my eyes descend her body, marking every detail to memory from the scar on her hip to the freckle on her chest. I want to lick every inch of her the cum on her face. She was exquisite and fucking mine.
I moved closer so her side was pressed to my chest, her hand next to the raging hardon in my shorts. I lost myself in watching the way her tits rose and fell with every breath before I finally pulled each scrap of material to the side to reveal her perfect nipples. They were already hard as I gently blew air across them. She didn't stir so I began to circle one with my point finger, willing it to get as hard as possible. I move to the next one, training my eyes on her face while making sure to listen for movements outside. Her thighs clenched together before falling open, welcoming me as I finally flicked her nipple with my tongue.
God, she tasted good.
I was so hard it hurt and her hand was against my dick, the ultimate form of torture. I didn't stop licking and sucking her peaked little bud until her head fell to the side, exposing her throat to me.
I felt like such a fucking creep but I couldn't help it. This girl made me crazy. I needed her in all the worst ways. Everytime I fucked my girlfriend I had to imagine it was this girl just so I could get off. It was wrong but I was only with her to make Y/N jealous.
I leaned into her neck, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her skin and the shampoo in her hair. I resisted the urge to mark her pretty throat. Rafe would lose his fucking shit and the truce would be over if I left a hickey on her. It was tempting but I pulled back just as she stirred again and her hand brushed against my cock. I sucked in a breath through my nose before reaching down to free myself from my shorts. My cock rested against her hand and I watched as precum wept from the tip, onto her delicate fingers.
I grit my teeth before reaching down to wrap her hand around my cock and slowly use her hand to jerk myself off. I was on the verge of moaning and cumming from this alone so I took her nipple into my mouth again to try and distract myself from the best handsy I'd ever gotten.
Finally, I pulled away and let her hand drop before I moved to the foot of the tent. There was still no movement from outside so I carefully widened her legs further to get a look at her plump, wet pussy, the fabric of her bikini bottoms were damp with her arousal. I positioned myself on my stomach between her thighs and pressed my nose to the fabric, savoring the way she fucking smelled. I needed to get it together or I was going to run out of time.
I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning when I slowly pulled the fabric to the side and found her slick with arousal, just like I knew she would be. She was waxed and so goddamn smooth. I used my hands to open her up and present myself with her clit. The swollen nub was already darkening in color, ready to be sucked.
I stuck my tongue out flat and swiped it from her entrance to her clit, her taste making me almost blow my load right then. I watched her face for signs of movement as I did it again and again. I tried to take my time while I tasted her when really all I wanted to do was feast like a starved man. I needed to die in this pussy.
When I sucked her clit into my mouth and her legs tightened, I stopped, my eyes trained on her unmoving face. I moved lower, teasing her entrance with my tongue and her brows finally pulled together, the first sign of consciousness I'd seen on her.
I thrust my tongue inside her sweet, wet pussy and her toes immediately curled. I couldn't stop fucking her with my tongue. She was so wet that it was running down my chin, onto my chest while it absolutely just poured out of her like a fountain. Finally a soft hum left her lips and I froze for a moment before carefully moving to my knees as I tried to listen for Rafe outside.
"R-Rafe--." She moaned softly, sliding her legs together and turning on her side. Fire blazed through my blood, my hands balling into fists as I grit my teeth so hard, I feared they might shatter. She's dreaming about fucking Rafe.
I didn't think as I rolled her the rest of the way to her stomach and tucked her thong bikini to the side after shoving her legs together. I straddled her body, freeing my cock again and watching it drip all over her nice ass before I guided it through her slick. Pissed off didn't even begin to describe how I was feeling now. It took every ounce of strength I had left to resist the urge to bury my cock in her in one hard thrust but I didn't.
I eased the tip in as I leaned over her back, blood filling my mouth where I've bit my lip. The tight, wet heat of her pussy washed over me, her walls already pulsing as she pulled me in deeper. I leaned down next to her face, moving her hair out of the way as my pelvis became flush with her ass, and kissed the shell of her ear.
"Who's cock is inside you right now?" I can't help but growl, as I start to roll my hips back and forth. Her breathing picks up, her body reacting to mine as I fuck her with short thrusts, attempting to avoid the slapping sound of skin on skin. Her hands fist the sleeping bag next to her head and I grin before looking between our bodies to watch my cock pull out covered in her white, creamy substance before driving back inside her. I lower myself to her back and drag my tongue up her spine, leaving goosebumps all over her skin as I find her ear again.
"Who's fucking you right now?" I growl, her pussy walls quiver hard as she nears her release. Fuck, I'm right there too. I need to pull out. Rafe can't know I was here or I risk throwing away the truce between the Pogues and Kooks but fuck, I don't think the devil himself could stop me right now. A darker part of me wants to mark her insides with my cum just to claim her then watch it drip. Fuck what Rafe thinks.
I cover her hands with my own, her fingers immediately locking with mine in a tight grip. Every inch of her is drawn tight as she approaches her release, her brows pulled together as she fights to maintain the ruse of being asleep. I want to fuck her harder, faster, but I know we’ll get caught if I lose control.
"I should roll you on your back and make you watch as I fuck my cum into you. Sluts like you deserve to be filled up and left." I keep my voice low in her ear and a small gasp leaves her lips, her eyes finally fluttering open to gaze up at me. I'm not sure if she's afraid or pleading. Afraid I'll stop or pleading for me to continue. She looks hot regardless.
"I--." Her whisper is cut off as she cums hard, practically soaking us both as her eyes roll into the back of her head and she trembles beneath me. I growl, driving myself into her harder as cum shoots deep inside her whether I want it to or not. I grab a fistful of her hair, my mouth at her ear as I cum and cum and cum. It's so much that I can't stop.
"Look at me. Look at who's fucking you, who's cum is inside you." I snap in a low voice but she shakes her head, refusing to look at me.
"Look at me or I'll stop. I know you're gonna cum again. Open your fucking eyes and say my name." Her lips tremble just as her eyes snap open and another orgasm washes over her. The fire in her eyes morphs to one of raw desire just as her lips part on a breathless moan and I hear what I've been dying to hear all night.
"J--." Her mouth clamps closed again as she shakes hard beneath me. I fuck her through it until my own body is shaking from overstimulation and I have no choice but slow to a stop.
Her eyes are heavy for a few moments before they narrow on me, that fire back. I lean in to kiss her, wanting to feel her lips just once but she turns her head, jutting out her chin.
“My cum is leaking out of you and you won’t kiss me?” I rasp in her ear, feeling her body tighten and my cock jerks inside her.
“I hate you.” She bites out, watching as I slowly pull out. I can feel we’ve made a mess and for a few seconds I can’t find it in me to give a fuck. I don’t want to pull out. I’m not ready for this to be over. If anything I want to keep going until the sun comes up and we have no choice but to face Rafe.
“You can hate me all you want but you loved every second of it.” I grab Rafe’s towel and clean her up the best I can before she slaps my hand away and does it herself.
“You’re a piece of shit. I thought you were Rafe.” She hisses, grabbing one of Rafe’s shirts and yanking it over her head, her eyes glancing at my sleeping girlfriend that I’d forgotten about.
I open my mouth to argue when I hear steps shuffling in the sand right outside the tent. There’s the distinct sound of vomiting and gagging as we both scramble to right ourselves and appear to be sleeping. I give her my back and quickly throw my arm over my sleeping girlfriend just as the zipper is pulled back.
“Fuck.” I hear Rafe grumble as he drops down on the sleeping bag next to me. There’s shuffling and I hear her gasp. My teeth grind together at the sound of their heavy breathing. He’s so drunk that he’s gonna fuck her with me in here, not even realizing she’s already full of me.
“Rafe..” I hear her whisper then she gasps as he no doubt buries himself inside her.
“God, you’re so wet. Miss me, baby?”
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coldfanbou · 10 months ago
Wild Night
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So originally, I had thought about the fic as just Somi and Umji because that was an idea someone had commented on, but then I got the idea of adding Eunha to make it something of a girl's night. It's just about all smut for this one.
Length 3K
Eunha X Mreader X Somi X Umji
“Are you sure you want to come along, Eunha? We can get pretty crazy.” Somi asked the older woman before glancing at Umji.
“Absolutely! It’s going to be a blast going out with all of you,” Eunha said, a radiant smile on her face as she looked at the small group. "This is going to be a night to remember.” With that, the three women stepped out of the dorms and into a world of pulsating music and vibrant lights. They reveled in the club's atmosphere, dancing with abandon and savoring every moment. They indulged in their favorite drinks, with Somi fearlessly striking up conversations with any man who would entertain her. 
As the night came to a close, they found themselves at a cozy bar, chatting in a booth about their experiences as idols. You were seated at the bar, saying your goodbyes to your friends as they left. Somi glanced in your direction more than once, biting her bottom lip as she eyed an opportunity to talk to you. Umji and Eunha were too engaged in their conversation to notice her. You stepped away from the bar after you finished your drink, “Hey, Boss. I’m going to step outside for a breath of fresh air, and I’ll be right back.” The Barkeep nodded and continued cleaning the glasses. 
You take a deep breath as you step outside. Your friends are long gone at this point, and few people are passing through the dark alleyway. You pull out your phone, flicking through it in search of nothing in particular as the bar door swings open. It was Somi. She shut the door behind her, leaning against it as she looked you up and down. “Hi, Handsome. Are you interested in having some fun?” She asks, leaning over, her cleavage about to spill out of her shirt. “I’ve had my eye on you since we got here and there’s something about you that has me all hot and bothered.” Somi’s sultry voice lingers in the air as she steps closer to you, pushing her bust against your arm. She scopes the area before returning her gaze to you. “There’s no one around, and I’m a little hungry. You have something for me, don’t you?” Her hand rubs against your crotch, “Oh, you’re pretty big.” You watch Somi lick her lips; the hunger in her eyes excites you, and you take her up on her offer.
You tilt her head back and steal a kiss from her. Turning your body toward her, you reach up and cup one of her tits. You massage it, giving it rough squeezes as you shift your hand. “Mmm, that’s nice.” She says in a low groan. “I don’t think I can wait.” Somi squats in front of you, pulling your cock out of your pants slowly. It breaks free with little help, slapping her forehead. Somi giggles and opens her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out and running it along the underside of your cock. She flicks her tongue as she reaches the tip and grasps the base. Somi stares at you as she drags her hand along your shaft. “Fuck, this is a lot bigger than I expected.” She says excitedly. Somi shakes her head, attempting to move most of her hair behind her. She places one hand on your thigh before leaning forward and wrapping her plump lips around the tip of your cock. Her warm tongue swirls around the head, and you hear her muffled moan. Somi’s lustful eyes focus on your cock now. She bobs her head, taking more each time and stretching her lips to their limit. You feel her tongue move up and down the sides of your shaft while Somi strokes the base of your cock. She pulls away, gathering her saliva and spitting it onto your cock and spreading it out with her hand before pushing herself to take as much of you as possible. You place your hand on her head, guiding Somi as she chokes on your cock. Her eyes began to water, and her tongue calmed down, acting as a runway for your cock. 
You were close to cumming, and your cock began to pulse inside Somi’s mouth when the door to the bar opened, pushing Somi forward to the base of your cock. You hold her there as you cum, flooding her throat and pumping your cum right into her stomach. Your semen leaked from the corners of her mouth, along with her saliva. It coated her mouth, running down her chin. Two heads poked out from the door, checking why it didn’t open fully. Umji and Eunha catch you two. Somi hastily stands up and turns around, facing her friends with teary eyes and a ruined mouth. “It’s not what it looks like!” She stammers.
“I think it’s exactly what it looks like,” Umji says, wiping part of Somi’s mouth with her thumb. “You always do this, Somi. You couldn’t even wait until we were home.” She replies, slapping her friend's shoulder. Eunha stood in shock at the scene. Umji caught the stunned expression, “Unnie, this is what I meant when I said we get crazy. We find someone we can share.” She pats the older woman’s back. “If you don’t want to join us, it’s fine.”
“No, I’m cool. I’ll join.” Eunha says adamantly. “It’s our night.” 
Umji nods in understanding, “Okay, then let's get going.” Somi wipes her mouth and nods her head. 
“Let’s go.” After pulling up your pants and paying your tab, you leave with the ladies, heading back to Somi’s apartment. As soon as you’re inside, Somi reaches into your pants and grabs your cock. “I’m so ready for this beast.” She says as she leads you to her bedroom. The other girls quickly follow behind you.  “Take everything off and lay down for us; I need to get you ready for a long night.” You strip down before lying on her bed. The girls gather around you, with Somi crawling between your legs. You stare at her swaying breasts. Somi smiles and pulls off the straps of her shirt, letting her tits spill out. The large mounds had small pink nipples to go along with them. Somi crosses her arms under her breasts, pushing them together. “These are nice, aren’t they? Let me show you how soft they are.” Somi raises your hips, making it easier for her to place your cock between her tits. Saliva drips from her mouth onto your cock, and she pushes her tits together, using them to coat your cock. You groan her name; Somi’s soft tits enveloped you, slowly rising and falling as she used them like a fleshlight. She lowers her head, lapping at the tip when it pokes from between her tits. 
Umji turns your head toward her, planting her lips on your and placing your hand on her ass. You instinctively squeeze, feeling the soft flesh in your hand and making her give a light moan. Eunha does much the same, following Umji’s lead. You give their asses soft taps, enjoying them as Somi comes to a stop. “He’s ready. Eunha, do you want to go first?” 
“Me?” Eunha debates her options for a second, staring at your cock with fear in her eyes. “Sure, I’ll go first.” She says. It was the first time Eunha would have something so big, bigger than any toy she had, and it excited her. Eunha climbs off the bed, pulling off her skirt and throwing off her shirt. Standing in her underwear, you look over her body, marveling at her curves. She didn’t have Somi’s bust, but she had a good ass and thick thighs. She pulled down her panties and tossed her bra off to the side before climbing back onto the bed.  
“How do you want her?” Umji whispers into your ears. 
“From behind.”
Somi backs away, giving you the space to get behind Eunha, who hesitantly gets on all fours. She looks behind herself as you stroke your cock, imagining how it would be inside her. Somi and Umji get on either side of her, spreading her cheeks apart. “What are you doing?” Eunha asks, more than a little nervous. The older woman moans as she feels something cold enter her ass. Somi had lathered her finger in lube, pushing it deep into Eunha’s ass. “Mhmm, wait, not there.” Eunha groans as she feels Somi’s finger curl inside her, rubbing against her walls. 
“Unnie, We know you’ve been trying out some toys for that hole,” Umji says softly as she lies beside Eunha. “I want to see you lose your V-card.” 
“But-” Umji kisses Eunha, stopping her from saying another word.
Somi pulls her finger out, “Umji, you’re so bad.” She says as if she hadn’t had a part in this. Somi turns to you, “Come on, big boy, fuck this tight little ass for us.” She grabs your cock, pointing it right toward Eunha’s asshole. You press against it, feeling the resistance as you push the head inside. You groan, forced to grab Eunha’s waist as you move more of your length inside. The crushing pressure feels terrific; Eunha’s ass squeezes you roughly, making it challenging to push inside. Eunha gripped the sheets, her knuckles turning white and her whines being muffled by Umji, who started playing with the older woman’s clit. You’re stretching Eunha’s ass, forming it into the shape of your cock as you push in deeper. Somi kisses your neck and presses her chest against yours. “You’re nearly all the way inside. Keep going.” She nibbles on your ear as you pull on Eunha’s waist and bury the last couple of inches inside her. Eunha’s loud moans could barely be contained as the pain began to turn into pleasure. She could feel you deep inside her. Eunha was barely hanging on; the only thoughts in her head revolved around your cock. You reach over and kiss Somi, pushing your tongue into her mouth while you wait for Eunha to get used to your size. You toy with her tits, pulling on Somi’s nipple. “You can use me however you want. Tonight, every hole is just for you.” She whispers, leading your hand to her ass. Somi kisses your cheek before continuing, “My pussy is gonna milk you dry.`” 
Umji moves to your other side, “Don’t forget about me. I’m going to want some of this, too.” Umji sends her hand into Eunha’s ass, and a loud clap fills the room. “Just look at what you’re doing to my Unnie. You’re going to turn her into a fucktoy.” Her words excite you, and you begin to move. Eunha’s ass refuses to let you go; you use a good amount of energy pulling out but find pushing back in to be much easier. Eunha’s ass happily welcomed you back in. Each subsequent thrust became easier as your cock coated her walls with Somi’s saliva and the lube.
Eunha groaned with every thrust; her hands slowly made their way to her ass, spreading her cheeks and allowing you in deeper. “More! I want more!” She cried out. You gripped her waist tightly and made sure to satisfy her desire, ramming your entire length inside the petite woman. Umji and Somi smile as they hear the older woman beg for more. Eunha was quickly nearing her climax; something about being watched by her maknae made her feel more aroused. 
You felt her walls tighten around you and moaned Eunha’s name, “You’re getting so tight.”  You grunt, stirring Eunha’s insides, bringing you close, too. “I’m going to cum.”
“Inside, i-inside,” Eunha mumbled as you pounded her tiny body into the bed. 
“Do it cum inside her little asshole,” Somi whispered as she toyed with your nipple.
“Fill her,” Umji added as she licked your neck.
Your grip on Eunha tightens, digging your hands into her soft flesh as you bury yourself to the hilt inside her and pour your semen into her ass. “I’m cumming!” Eunha cries as you fill her ass; the sensation of the warm cum flooding her guts is more than enough to send her over the edge. Eunha’s asshole tightens around your cock, squeezing your cum out of you. You drag your cock out of her slowly; an audible pop is heard as you pull out. Eunha’s ass winks at the three of you, attempting to close as cum leaks out of her. 
Somi stares at the gaping hole you left and can’t hide her excitement. She runs her finger around the edge of Eunha’s ass hole and tastes your cum. “I want my turn next.” She says, rolling Eunha to the side.
You glance over at Umji. She kisses your cheek and runs her fingertip along your chest. “Ruin her. I have my own plan,” She says with a wicked smile. Somi lay on the bed spread eagle, eager to feel your cock. 
You turn to face her with your cock in hand, rubbing it against her lips until you feel the entrance. “Mmm, do it. Fuck this little pussy.” You give Somi precisely what she wants and ram your length inside her without a second thought. She throws her head back and shouts as she feels you tear through her, stretching her cunt in an instant. “F-uck,” She groans. 
“You’re tight,” You respond before placing one of Somi’s legs on your shoulder and beginning to move. 
“I’m not ready,” Somi whimpered as she felt you begin to pound away at her body.
Umji spoke up, “Let me quiet her down.” She moved from your side and placed herself firmly on Somi’s face, letting her friend eat her out. “Use your tongue, Somi.” She moaned. You watched Umji play with her modest tits, squeezing them as she ground her hips against Somi. You loved the sight, and it made you want more from Somi. You reached over and grabbed her tits, squeezing them roughly in your hand before tugging on her nipples. You could barely hear her moans because of Umji’s thighs, but you knew she was losing her mind. You did whatever you could to Somi’s nipples, pulling on them, twisting them. You heard her moans slowly growing louder, and her cunt only got tighter. “Ooh, that’s it, ruin that little body,” Umji moaned, watching you turn her friend into a fleshlight. “Play with her clit. It’s always super sensitive. She’ll cum in no time.” You followed her orders, moving your hands down Somi’s toned stomach. You rubbed her clit slowly at first, in small circles, before suddenly flicking it. It sent shivers down Somi’s spine. She whined about it, but you couldn’t understand her. When you felt her cunt tighten around your cock you knew she was about to cum. “She’s going to cum, huh? I’m nearly there, too. Just a little longer. Umji rocked back and forth over Somi’s face, bringing herself to her climax. You reached forward, grabbing Umji and pressing your lips against hers as you impaled Somi on your cock and drowned her cunt in your cum. Umji cums at the same time, her body moving quickly as her nectar sprays over Somi.
The three of you bask in the afterglow for a minute before Umji climbs off Somi. The young woman’s face is covered with Umji’s nectar, which runs across her cheek and onto the bed. “That just leaves me,” Umji says as she kisses you again. “You stay right there.” Umji places herself over Somi, their cunts rubbing against each other. Umji moves her hand between her legs, spreading her lips for you. “I’m waiting.” She says in a low, sultry voice.
You place your cock and her entrance and push in slowly. Your energy was running out from all the orgasms, but still, you pushed forward. Umji’s pussy  was snug, holding you comfortably as you began to move. She groaned as you entered her and kissed the barely conscious Somi, tasting herself on her friend's tongue. Umji’s moans filled the room, arousing you and giving you the energy to continue. “You’re so deep, I think you’re hitting my womb.” She groaned.  You massaged Umji’s ass as you thrust, getting yourself ready to spank her. You pulled back and delivered a hard smack to the soft ass, watching as it recoiled. “Oh fuck, hit me again.” She groaned. You continued to spank Umji, turning her ass red and leaving your handprint on her.
All the while, she played with Somi’s body, lapping at her neck and playing with her tits. Your cock was beginning to throb inside the young woman, and you knew it was only a matter of time until you came. You reached under Umji, finding her clit and rubbing it. She grimaced, and her moans grew louder. “Ahh, fuck.” Umji backed her ass into you, wanting you to go deeper as you pushed her towards cumming. You picked up speed, moving like a piston into her tight cunt while you held her in place with your other hand. You watched her ass bounce as you rammed your cock inside. 
“I’m cumming, Umji,” You moan as you hold onto her waist. Your moans fill the room as you put the last of your energy into your last thrust. Ramming into her womb and flooding it with your cum, filling Umji to the brim as her walls milked you of anything you had. You collapse on top of her before rolling in between Eunha and the pair of women. 
You pass out, waking the following day, where you find yourself still between the beautiful women, each focusing on your cock, taking turns sucking on it till you’re awake. “Oh, you’re awake,” Somi mumbles as she bobs her head.
“Good morning,” Eunha and Umji say as they kiss your cheeks. “I hope you have some time to spare. Your cock was hard when we woke up, and we thought we should get another ride before leaving.” Umji comments as she runs her hand along your chest. “You’ll stay for a few more rounds, right?” You just nod, happy to have them all over you.
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heliads · 2 years ago
whilst requests are open I have an idea to put forth after years of us discussing this man. Harry Hook x reader based on 'the way I loved you' by taylor swift. Childhood friends to lovers, to strangers to lovers again mayhaps? idk babes. Love you though, I hope your requests don't get out of hand again so you can stay stress-free!
eva i love you for sending this in, please let me talk about harry hook. he's insane and i cannot get enough of him
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You are lying on your bed in a dorm room in Auradon Prep, and if you close your eyes, you can almost convince yourself that you’re somewhere else entirely. Your roommate hung a lantern in the window, and with the glass pane cracked halfway, the light sways back and forth on the ceiling, painting shifting golden silhouettes on the perfectly painted ceiling. If you let the present world fade into the corners of your consciousness, you can pretend there are flaws in the endless pristine magnificence. You could even pretend that you aren’t on the continent at all.
No daughter of a princess should ever be anywhere but in Auradon. That’s the way it should have been, but you ran the second you got the chance and ended up amongst criminals and sons of thieves instead of with other prettily polished girls. Is it a terrible thing to admit that you miss it more than anything?
You shouldn’t, that’s the worst part. You left them willingly. As time passes, though, you’re starting to think that what you thought was one great fight with the so-called lowlifes of this world might have been the greatest time of your life. It’s like fording a raging river; while you’re in the thick of the waves, you think you might drown, but when you’re safe on the dry shore again, all you can think of is the coolness of the water, how the flood had sparkled like a thousand sapphires.
You shut your eyes and then you’re back again, just a kid, happier than you’ve ever been and twice as free. It had been easy to leave, actually, easier than it should have been. In your family, there were enough siblings and cousins and relatives that just one girl could go unnoticed. It’s not that Ariel intentionally tried to blur all of her daughters together in her memory, but it couldn’t be helped. She was one of seven daughters, and you were one of many as well. It wasn’t her fault, no, but it was your excuse anyway.
It turns out that nobody bats their eyes at a mermaid’s daughter when she’s running headlong towards the surf. You dove into the waves and came up to shore miles away. Your mother was terrified of losing any one of her children to the endless sea just as her father lost her to land, so none of you were allowed to stray that close to the beach. Of course you would see how far you could go the second you were unsupervised. Of course you would push the limits just to learn where you would break.
You ended up scaring the daylights out of a boy in a small sailing craft not far from the limits of the Isle of the Lost. You hadn’t meant to go that far, but you were giddy with the feeling of doing something wrong and he was trying to escape as well. He’d offered for you to hitch a ride with him so long as the wind was good. You thought that suited you well enough, so you took the hand he gave you and listened when he introduced himself as Harry Hook.
He said his name the same way you did, emphasis on the first name and not the last. It’s the exact opposite way any child of a prince or princess does, and you think that might have been why you liked him from the start. The sun shone overhead, and you talked to him about running away and taking to the sea and all the things you wanted to do if you just had time.
Neither of you wanted to leave, not really, but of course all good things have to come to an end at some point. You watched the sun sink lower and lower in the sky with all the dread of a doomed man going to the gallows. You must have looked seriously unhappy, because you remember Harry laughing and saying that you could meet him tomorrow, if you wanted. You wanted that more than anything, as it turned out, so you eagerly agreed.
Harry took you as far as he could towards Auradon again, and watched as you dove into the water. You can still remember how he’d watched you go, the way his eyes had tracked the water as if he could look at you forever, even after you disappeared from view. He stayed there for a long time before finally forcing his ship to turn around again. You’d know; you stayed there on the ocean floor watching him back until he was gone.
The next day, you slipped away to meet him again, and the next day, and the next. When you were caught trying to go out to the sea sometime in the second month, you fought until you could find a suitable excuse. Your mother was perfectly fine to let you go to some private school by the coast, it would mean one less child to keep track of. The papers were signed and agreements made before you could so much as blink.
You, of course, never went to that school. Instead, you showed up on Harry’s ship just like usual and told him that you wouldn’t be going back. Harry had been talking about a friend of his, Uma, and how she was forming a crew of her own larger pirate ship. You wanted in, and he couldn’t be more delighted to take you home.
You think you replayed the memory of him introducing you to Uma about a thousand times over in your head, and you’ll do it again tonight. The slats of the dock had been slippery under your feet, but you knew that so long as he was by your side, you would never once fall. Uma had looked at you questioningly, blue-green hair cascading down her shoulders, but Harry had hardly been able to tear his eyes away from you.
“This is Y/N,” he’d said, “she’s my friend.” He’d imbued the word with all the hope and grief and joy you could ever possibly attach to such an idea. Harry smiled as he said it, took your hand, let his eyes open comically wide so you’d know he was just joking when he mentioned that he’d jump overboard if Uma didn’t take you on.
Luckily for him, Uma had no problems with you. She saw something in you, the same sort of restless troublemaking spirit the rest of them had in spades. Before you knew it, you were quite literally learning the ropes of how to help out on Uma’s ship.
From there on out, everything was perfect. You watched the sun rise and set from the deck of a ship you could call home. When the weather was good, you spent all night and day out in the grasp of the world, and when the storms raged on, you hid belowdecks with the best friends you’d ever had. They wanted you, not your mother in a younger form, but you. Just you. It was wonderful.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that you would end up falling in love with Harry. You were hurtling towards that fate as fast as you could, running and sprinting towards the inevitability of it all. No one compared. No one had half as much influence over you as him. And, when he finally managed to tell you how he felt, you thought you might be able to take over the entire world with the sheer force thrumming through your veins.
Perhaps you should have taken that as a warning. The universe doesn’t care much for happy endings, you’ve learned, even for its fairytale heroes. Princesses grow old and fade into obscurity. Princes forget how to save the day. Villains live out their days with fantastic dreams that will never be achieved. You learn how to deal with adequacy, and pretend that it is enough for you.
You loved Harry because he was wild, your untamed, brilliant boy, but then you hated him for it, too. Just once, you wanted to walk into a room and know what he was going to say before he said it. Every word from his mouth was a dagger in your chest. Some days, he was a hopeless romantic, others, he was mad and uncontrollable. He never hurt you, but at least the pain of a blow would be something you could depend on and understand.
Your mother tried to find you about a year or two after you took to the sea, and you used that as your excuse to break up with him. Harry found out you would be returning to Auradon at the exact same time as the rest of the crew. You think he might hate you for it still. You think he would have reason to hate you for a lot, actually, most importantly that you were never quite enough to match him.
So you slipped away from the ship with the worst kind of goodbye, one that you did not mean, and you never looked back. You greeted your mother and agreed when she said that it was time you took up your studies at Auradon Prep. You joined the endless number of would-be princesses and princes and pretended that it was all you had ever needed in life. If you woke up sometimes with the sound of waves crashing in your ears, or felt the steady rock of a ship beneath your feet as you dreamt, you ignored it. Such illusions only belong to the past, and they will never be yours again.
You still have a jacket of his in the corner of your room; you brought it all the way over here, anywhere you go. You never had the heart to give it back. You don’t know that you could if you tried. It still smells like saltwater and laughter and sun-bleached him, and you have absolutely no idea what you will do when that familiar scent fades.
Still, you weren’t able to completely erase his influence on you. Children of villains arrived at Auradon Prep, and instead of running away from them, you befriended them as quickly as you could. Mal thinks like you do, her and the rest. You laugh like them– not quite as polite as you should be, but loud and beautiful and real. You hang out with them all the time and, when they talk about how much they wish they were back on the Isle of the Lost, you lie to yourself that you do not agree.
You never told them the full scope of your exploits, but they know part of it, enough that one day Mal knocks at your door and tells you that she needs your help on a pirate ship. She needs to get something from the Isle of the Lost, a mysterious ingredient for a spell, but they have to keep it a secret so they can’t use the bridge. The next best option, then, is to sail. It’s not a far destination, so it would work.
A thousand memories of sun and surf flash through your head, and you find yourself agreeing before Mal can so much as finish trying to convince you to go along with her plan.
Mal blinks in surprise. “Really? You’re sure? I thought you would have mixed feelings about that time in your life.”
You breathe out slowly, trying to calm yourself. “Certain things scare me more than others.” Certain people, that is.
Mal winces as she leads you out of your dorm and back into the hallway. “Actually, we might have a problem with that.”
You frown. “What do you mean?”
Mal casts you a nervous glance. “Before I continue, remember that you already agreed. I’m not letting you leave now.”
You laugh. “I’m starting to get worried. No, Mal, I’m not backing out. Just tell me already.”
Mal holds up her hands in mock surrender. “Okay, okay. Never doubted you for a second. It’s just, well, we don’t have a ship at our disposal, obviously, so we’re borrowing one from Uma.”
You shrug. “I have no problem with that. Uma’s great.”
“Yeah,” Mal says, drawing out her syllables in an attempt to buy herself time, “but she insisted on having a skeleton crew present. You know, to make sure we wouldn’t run aground or something like that. That includes her first mate.”
Your head snaps up. “Harry’s going to be there?”
You can feel Mal’s gaze on you, but you refuse to look at her. Instead, you’re scanning the hallway, every door you pass, sure that he’s going to be waiting for you, leaning casually against a wall or peering out of a window or somewhere you could find if you just looked hard enough.
“He is,” Mal confirms, “is that going to be an issue?”
Yes. “No, I’ll be fine.”
You can’t really tell if Mal believes you or not, but then you’re rounding the corner and the rest of the VKs are in front of you, and the conversation must be dropped as Mal explains her plan. You’re going to join the four of them and Uma’s guys in piloting the ship over to the Isle of the Lost, where you’ll search for a talisman hidden somewhere on the island. Once the talisman is secured, you’ll head back. Easy as that.
Mal leads your group to a boathouse on the southern part of the shore. You take up a position in a corner of the room, hidden by the shadows. You suppose that’s why the pirates don’t see you immediately when they come in a matter of minutes later. You suppose you chose that place on purpose so you could get a good look at Harry without him seeing you.
He looks just the same. You don’t know why you thought he would change, that he would have to look different to explain how different you feel, but he’s the same. It makes a soft smile rise to your lips at the same time as the weight of all your memories pierces you through the heart.
Uma’s talking to Mal, doubt lacing her every word. “I hope you have a good idea of how to run a ship, because I don’t think any of your friends have the slightest clue what to do on the sea. That’s my territory, in case you forgot.”
“I know,” Mal says, temper just as strong as always, “that’s why I brought a friend.”
Harry arches a brow. “What friend?”
“That would be me,” you say, and step out of the shadows to face him.
For a moment, you swear that time stands still. Harry’s breath catches in his chest as he looks at you for the first time in months. He has never been one to show off weakness, always laughing off injury or claiming not to feel pain, but in this instant, you can see the shock lancing through his eyes, wracking his frame until he has no choice but to stand there and stare.
Uma breaks the silence, wrapping an arm around your shoulders with a grin. “Y/N, good to see you! I take it back, Mal. Y/N could captain a fleet of ships with her eyes closed.”
It’s easy, after that, to pull yourself together. Uma’s friendship is something familiar, a rock you can stand on. “I appreciate your confidence,” you reply, “good to see you too, by the way.”
“Of course,” Uma says dismissively, then adds somewhat unnecessarily, “Hey, Harry, look who it is!”
Harry swallows hard when Uma addresses him, tries to pretend he’s just like normal. “Yeah, I saw. Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey yourself,” you say quietly.
Evie looks at you nervously, then quickly speaks up. “So, should we get to the ship? We only have so much time before people start looking for us.”
Uma rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you guys are too popular, I get it. Ship’s docked outside.”
Harry takes this as his excuse to bolt out, and you watch him go with wide eyes. Evie heads over to you as soon as everyone’s attention is off you again. “Hey, is everything alright?”
“Perfectly fine,” you whisper back through gritted teeth. Of course it is a lie. You couldn’t be more affected by this.
You avoid Harry the entire duration of the trip over to the Isle of the Lost. It’s difficult, especially when you push off from the shore and the wind is on your face again and everything is just like you remember. You tug a few lines into place, tie them down with the knots he taught you, and race to the bow as soon as you’re free.
You forgot just how wonderful it is to sail. You laugh delightedly as the ship picks up speed, skipping over the waves as the wind snaps the sails almost to bursting. This close to the surface of the water, you can’t hear anything, but you sense something anyway, and that’s how you know to lean back up and look to your side to see Harry standing there, smiling as he takes in the sight of you.
Your laugh dries up in a moment and you feel frozen there, trapped in this moment with him. Someone calls your name a second later and you’re able to spirit away to safety, but you can still feel his gaze burning like a brand into your back every moment until the ship docks at the Isle.
Mal announces that you’ll be splitting up in pairs so you can properly canvas the island for the talisman. Before you can look at her or Evie, Uma suggests that you and Harry work together, and the rest are already partitioned into pairs before you can fight it.
Fine, then. You’re certain he’s put her up to this, but you won’t give him a scene if he wants it. Instead, you march resolutely towards your assigned location, and pretend that you’re just really invested in finding the talisman so you can’t hear him when he tries to talk to you.
Eventually, Harry has enough and puts his hand on your arm, trying to get your attention. You spin back around by reflex, dagger in hand and held to his throat before Harry can get so much of a word out. The Isle has always brought out a different part of you, more of a villain than any princess’ daughter.
Instead of looking afraid, Harry just laughs. Usually, this is the time at which you’d join in, but you narrow your eyes and hold strong.
“Easy, sweetheart,” he says when he’s finally able to get his laughter under control, “I don’t think your friends would like it very much if you killed someone on your little vacation to the island.”
You glare at him. “We’re not friends anymore, sweetheart, or have you forgotten that already?”
“When your knife is to my throat? Couldn’t forget that if I tried. Out of curiosity, why are we enemies again? I seem to remember you liking me very well just a couple of months ago.” Harry says, reaching up to tap your forearm where you still hold your blade.
You pull your dagger away but stand there still, thrumming with the urge to run. “We’re too different. You’re a villain, and I’m a perfect angel, obviously.”
Harry grins. “What, just because you’re the daughter of a princess? You’ve never let that come in between us before. You’re not Ariel, you’re Y/N, and I have always loved that about you.” Something like doubt flickers across his face. “Is that why you left? You thought you had to become more like her?”
You glance away from him, suddenly unable to look him in the eyes. “I left because I had to. We weren’t working out.”
“Why not?” Harry asks, and suddenly he’s the one in control now, he’s the one stepping forward until your back hits the wall and you have nowhere to run, “What was so wrong with us, Y/N?”
Your hands are shaking. Harry takes the knife from you, carefully sliding it back in the holster on your side. His hands linger there a second longer, and when he finally takes them away, you can’t tell if you’re glad of it or deeply unhappy that you can no longer feel him.
“We could never work,” you insist.
“Why not?” He replies, “Show me we could never work. Prove me wrong.”
Harry Hook has always been somewhat of an enigma to you, just as unpredictable as the sea that both of you love, but somehow you know it’s coming when Harry leans forward and kisses you. For a moment, you consider pushing him away, and then you realize that you do not hate this, not him, not in the slightest, not at all.
Surrender is not the worst thing in the world. Sometimes it’s like the release of a sail to the wind, the acceptance that even though you let a person go, they will always come back to you. You surrender the last of your inhibitions and you kiss him back. It is everything you missed, the fighting and the laughing, the good times and the bad all in one. It is all that you love about him and more, what you didn’t realize you held most dear until you were gone.
Harry breathes quietly against your lips and you breathe back, one small circle of in and out and together. He grins, says, was that really so bad? And you laugh and tell him to shut up, so he does, but only by kissing you again. The island can wait, the talisman and the life waiting back for you at school. You have your boy back, and you could not care about anything else.
requested by @thatfangirl42, i hope you enjoy!
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @/thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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phoward89 · 1 year ago
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Based on this ask
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Coriolanus Snow knew firsthand the deadly risks of childbirth, considering he watched in horror as a young child when his own mother and baby sister died, but he knew that he needed an heir to carry on the Snow name. When he planned on marrying for hate, well, he could care less what happened to his wife during the delivery.
But, somehow, all his plans and views on marriage changed when he met you. You were hired as his secretary, so you spent a lot of time with him. Coriolanus never planned on falling in love with you, but he did. Hell, he even killed your boyfriend in order to make you single again so you'd be able to go out with him.
And when you accepted his offer of dinner, which came with a single white rose, a few months after the death of your longtime boyfriend, he did everything in his power to make you fall in love with him. Coriolanus was successful, you fell hard and fast for him. He was too charming not to let wiggle into your heart, and into your bed.
The president needed a first lady, so he proposed and married you. But it was a bit scandalous, considering you were his secretary. After a couple of negative articles in the media, well, Coriolanus got rid of the writers and made sure that the studios and printing presses in the Capitol (all of Panem actually) knew that if another foul word was printed about his relationship with his wife then he'd kill every single person in the media office.
Safe to say, only articles praising President Snow and First Lady Snow’s love and glamorous life hit the press after that.
And then, of course, came the subject of children. After discussing it, you stopped taking birth control. And you ended up getting pregnant right away.
Seeing you so round with his child gave Coriolanus joy. Gave him an ego boost because he was the one to plant his seed in you. You were carrying his child. His precious baby.
The baby was no longer looked at as an heir, but as a baby to love.
And it was all because of you.
“Coryo, I have my top list of baby names finished.” You told your husband, who was lounging in bed wearing only a pair of sleep pants.
Coryo watched as you sat across the room, placing his fountain pen back into its holder after writing down the final name on your baby name list.
After discussing it, you both decided to wait until the baby was born to discover the gender. You wanted to be surprised and Coriolanus just wanted you to be happy.
“Are you going to let me see it, my darling?” Your platinum blonde husband asked as you slowly stood up from his corner desk.
Placing a hand on your large belly, you smiled, “Of course I'm going to let you see it.”
Grabbing the list, you slowly walked over to the bed. After getting into bed, you handed the list to your husband. “Tell me what ones you like, Mister President.”
Coryo kissed your cheek and smiled. “Of course, First Lady Snow.”
He read over the list, only to discover that you had more boys' names than girls written down. After giving it some thought, he told you, “Cassian Xandros is perfect for our son. It's a strong name.” Mulling it over, he pointed to a name on the paper and announced, "Cersei sounds nice for a girl.”
“It's not nice, Coryo, it's beautiful.” You countered, pulling the list out of his hands. “Looks like the baby has a name; all we need to do is wait for it to come.”
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The day your daughter Cersei Snow was born was the day that your husband decided to hate her.
The day didn't start out with him hating his baby girl.
No, it started with your water breaking and a trip to the hospital. Coriolanus canceled all of his meetings, briefings, and work for the day just to be by your side.
He was very supportive during your labor. Letting you hold his hand during painful contracts, smoothing your hair back away from your sweaty face with a damp rag, and buzzing the nurse multiple times for both ice chips and pain medication for you.
The nurses all gossiped amongst each other about how President Snow was the perfect doting husband and and father to be. That he'd make a very good father.
Little did they know.
Little did anyone know what would happen once the doctor came into the room and announced that it was time to start pushing.
Coriolanus was by your side as you pushed and pushed. With every push he noticed you were getting weaker and it worried him.
Looking between your weak, pale form, and the doctor that was sitting at the bottom of your bed, Coriolanus asked, “Dr. Wellock, my wife's growing weaker. Is there something you can do to get the baby out?”
“There's nothing to be worried about, President Snow. Labor’s a strenuous event; many first time mothers grow fatigue and can push for a while before the baby crowns.” The doctor told your husband, more or less blowing off his concern.
You were exhausted but determined to have your baby. Even tho you were feeling dizzy, you continued to bear down and push every time you were told to.
Then, when you felt that you didn't have any more strength coursing thru your body, you gave birth to your baby.
You saw Dr. Wellock hold up the baby and announce, “It's a girl.” Suddenly, your vision began to get fuzzy as you heard the doctor ask your husband, “President Snow, would you like to cut the cord?”
Coriolanus was about to answer whenever he saw you faint, paired with blood pooling around your legs and staining the bed.
“What's wrong with my wife?!” Coriolanus asked, fear filling him as the doctor quickly cut the baby's cord and tossed her to a waiting nurse. “Dr. Wellock, is my wife dying?!” Coriolanus asked in a panicked scream, while the nurse quickly cleaned the baby and wrapped her into a blanket.
“Your wife's hemorrhaging, President Snow.” Dr. Wellock told your husband, only to point to the nurse and tell her, “Give him the baby and get him out of here.”
So, the nurse dumped the baby in Coriolanus' arms and pushed him out of the door. Before the president could blink, the door was slammed shut I'm his face.
As Dr. Wellock and his nurse worked to staunch your bleeding; save your life, your husband stood outside of your room with your newborn baby girl in his arms.
Coriolanus looked down at the tiny baby wriggling and crying in his hold, only to look at the door of your room and realize that you're dying because of the thing in his arms.
Cersei’s what the two of you decided to name her, when she wasn't a danger. Wasn't the reason you're dying.
Coriolanus felt disgust and hatred for the newborn in his arms. He didn't want to hold her anymore. She was the reason why you're knear death right now.
So, your husband found a nurse to pawn the baby on.
Coriolanus swore to himself that he'd never touch that evil little creature ever again. That he'd never love her.
It didn't matter if you lived or died, he was going to hate your daughter until the day he died.
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You didn't die in childbirth, but it was a close call. The doctor explained that you had bad hemorrhaging due to your uterus not contracting correctly after the birthing process, causing uncontrollable bleeding. You were given a blood transfusion, once Dr. Wellock managed to stop the bleeding, due to your blood pressure being too low after such a large blood loss.
You were out of it for days, but you survived.
You were happy to be alive and with your family. Coriolanus and Cersei.
But it didn't take long for you to notice that Coriolanus never picked up your daughter. He never held her, hell, Coryo never seemed too interested in her.
Unless it was for a photo op. Then he turned into the perfect hands on dad that would pose for pictures. But as soon as the cameras stop flashing, the president stops caring about his daughter.
You thought that Coriolanus would get over it; would come to accept your daughter in time. But…sadly…your daughter's first birthday is fastly approaching and your husband still doesn't seem interested in her, unless it's for a photo op.
It saddened you, knowing that Coriolanus was offish to Cersei because she wasn't the son he probably wanted to carry on the Snow name. You loved your daughter and you were sure that your Coryo loved her too, but was just disappointed that she wasn't the strong son he probably had his heart set on.
He did pick out a boy name right off the bat when you handed him your list of baby names last year.
Maybe if Coryo had a son to carry on the Snow name, he'd be happier in his role of fatherhood?
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Coriolanus walked into the sunroom only to cringe when he saw you coddling Cersei. The damn little creature nearly murdered you during the birthing process, but you were holding her as she napped on you.
Goodness, there was a portable cradle in the room for a reason.
“She's nearly a year old, you shouldn't be letting her sleep on you like that.” Coriolanus told you, taking a seat at the small tea table. He never even tried to hide the disgust in his voice.
“There's nothing wrong with holding her, Coryo? She's my baby girl.” You responded, causing your husband to just shake his head while reaching for the teapot that was in the middle of the table.
“She's a toddler now, darling. She's not a baby anymore.” Coriolanus scoffed, pouring himself a cup of tea. “Do you want to have afternoon tea with me, or are you going to coddle Cersei all day?” He asked, grabbing a macaron and placing it onto the small plate that was in front of him.
“I'll have tea with you, Coryo.” You thinly smiled, only to rise from your spot on the sofa and place your daughter into her portable crib.
As you made your way over to the table, your husband fixed you a cup of tea and plated you macarons. When you sat down, you decided that now was the time to bring up the subject of having more children.
Little did you know, after your near death experience, Coriolanus got himself snipped. So…it was impossible for you to have any more children.
But he wasn't going to tell you that.
Reaching for your teacup, you told your husband,“Coryo, I think we should have another baby.”
“No.” Was Coriolanus’ quick and cold reply.
“But, we could have a son this time “ You pressed, knowing that your husband wanted a son. Wanted the Snow name to live on.
But you were wrong. Coriolanus didn't want a son to carry on the Snow name, he wanted you alive to be by his side. He loves you to the point of obsessive possession. The love Coriolanus has for you is all consuming, like a plague of locusts devouring an entire field of crops in District 11.
Coryo took a long sip of his tea, only to cut eyes with you over his teacup and firmly say, “I said no, Y/N.” placing his teacup down, he gave you the lame excuse of, “I'm a very busy man, my little dove. Being president takes much of my time away from my fatherly duties; we can only handle raising one child. More than one would be too much for us, considering you refuse a nanny.”
“I told you when I was pregnant with Cersei that I want to raise our kids. I don't want somebody else raising them, no matter how it might be easier considering your role in politics.”
“My role in politics?” Coriolanus chuckled, biting into his macaron. “I'm the President of Panem, that's more than just a role in politics.”
Sipping on your tea, you sighed, “Fine, Cersei’ll be an only child.”
Grabbing your hand in his, Coryo promised, “Our daughter will never want for anything. She'll be showered in a life of luxury.”
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That wasn't true. Your daughter grew up wanting her father's love, but she never got it. Coriolanus was always so distant and cold with Cersei.
She hated him, but that was fine with your husband since he hated her right back.
You always thought that your husband resented your daughter for not being a son, for not being able to carrying on the might and noble Snow name.
But that wasn't the case at all.
Coriolanus Snow hated his daughter, Cersei, because you nearly died in childbirth with her. Nothing would every change that. He'd hate her til the day she died.
At least when your daughter died, it was bringing your beautiful granddaughter into the world.
A granddaughter Coryo named Celeste Snow, since your daughter was unwed at the time of her unexpected death.
Your husband was a better grandfather than he was a father. You thought that he might've felt guilty for being so distant and busy during Cersei’s childhood, that he decided to right his wrongs while you raised Celeste.
Little did you know, Coriolanus loved his granddaughter because she killed her mother in the birthing bed.
President Snow was a horrible, heartless man with a soul darker than a black hole. But at least he loved you and loved his granddaughter.
Too bad he hated his only child her entire life.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503, @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @mfnqueen1, @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88
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jarofstyles · 6 months ago
Strawberry Sunrise 2
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Hello my angels, here is part two of gymrry! 💪🏼 I hope you guys enjoy him
Part One
Check out our Patreon with 200+ exclusive writings and early access
Warnings- mentions of violence, stalking, sexism, misogyny, self defense training
WC- 3.3k
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Harry was exhausted physically, but mentally he felt more awake than he’d ever been after a long day of sessions. 
Sitting at the smoothie bar, he sipped on a PB Choc shake that Y/N had ready for him after he was done with his last session of the day. He tried to pay her, but she’d insisted yet again that he was helping her out so the least she could do was give him a free drink. Harry was a tad bit pathetic in how much her genuine smile made his heart race, but instead he nodded and let her finish up her closing duties. He’d offered to help but her eyes had narrowed and she had pointed at his drink, so he decided to leave it be.
Besides, it gave him time to observe her. 
The ponytail was slightly falling now, a few pieces of hair around her face and at the nape of her neck as she wiped down counters. Her tank top with the gym name on it was slightly loose on the torso but clung to her chest. Yoga pants were her choice of bottom, which, fuck- he had to avert his eyes from those considering he had to get up close with her soon. He had to teach her so he wasn’t about to have a stiffy when he showed her how to throw a punch. As attracted to her as he was, these sessions were to help her feel safe. He’d rather have an arm chopped off than be another one of those men that she felt creeped around her. 
It was no secret that Y/N was attractive. She was probably the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, if he was being honest with himself. It was discussed between staff and other trainers about how beautiful she was and how her personality was only elevating the physical beauty she had, because the girl was sweet as pie. She was the type that remembered everyone’s birthday and made sure they got a free protein cookie or gym shirt, and put a few decorations in the break room even in the short time she had been here. Y/N was someone a lot of women felt comfortable enough to go to when someone made them uncomfortable, using her power and access to the private security guard (Who unfortunately left before her) to have them escorted out. It had made it all the more upsetting to Harry to know she had felt defenseless over the guy waiting outside the night before. 
Unfortunately he knew it was a reality for all women. He had a sister, a mother, multiple women as friends and it infuriated him to know that her experience wasn’t an uncommon one. It had made him more than proud of her, actually, when she asked him to help her. To take your personal security and safety seriously was a big deal, even if you shouldn’t need it in the first place. The hope was she’d never need to use them, but he was relieved that she trusted him enough to ask him to teach her. 
The doors at the front were locked so no one could get in, Y/N giving them a few tugs to make sure it stuck before she turned on her heels to face him. Clapping her hands together, she nearly bounced over to him with a spring on her step that he envied, grabbing her water bottle she’d left beside him. “Okay! Let’s get started. I promise not to keep you here for a long time, 20 minutes should be fine- but I realized last night I’d probably break my hand if I threw a punch.”
Yeah, that was exactly what they’d want to avoid. 
“We don’t have to rush unless you’ve got to get out of here. All that’s waiting for me at home is a fish tank and some tea.” He assured her, leaving his bag at the smoothie counter as they made their way towards the training area. 
“Oh- I thought you had a girlfriend?” She asked curiously, undoing her ponytail. Hair fell down to her shoulders momentarily as she ran her fingers through the roots, fluffing it out before smoothing her hair back to fasten into a new ponytail. “That girl that came in a few times, pretty red hair?”
“Oh, no.” Harry shook his head. She’d noticed that? It was interesting that she had. “She’s a friend’s girlfriend. Amanda and I go jogging sometimes but she and her girlfriend are my mates. She’s a chef, though, so she brings me stuff to test out since she specializes in health foods.” He could see it seeming much different to her though. “I’m single, chronically.” The need to clarify was there, maybe seeming a little desperate but hey- apparently he’d not made that clear enough.
“She was super nice and pretty, so I assumed. But I made an ass out of myself with that, didn’t I?” Her laugh was lighthearted but he swore he saw her smile get a bit bigger as she raised her arms up to stretch them over her head. “You’ve got fish?” 
“No, I don’t think so. It’s natural to assume things sometimes. But as for the fish- I do.” He nodded, feeling a little happier himself. Y/N noticed that he had a visitor and seemed happy it wasn’t his girlfriend. “It’s a hobby, I’ve got a saltwater tank. I’m not home enough for a dog, even though I really would like one. Fish are beautiful, relatively easy if you make sure you do the cycling upkeep, and don’t need to be brought out for walks. Besides, I don’t think they miss me too much when m’gone all day.” 
“Oh, god. I get it. I’ve got a cat and she’s a menace when I get home. It’s like I’d been off to war, she likes her snuggles but gets mad at me so she grumbles when she sits on my lap.” Her laugh rang through the gym. A beautiful sound he’d love to hear more of. “Fish are cool though! I watch some of those guys who build ponds on YouTube and all of that when I can’t sleep, makes me wish I could have one in my place. I’ve just got a balcony though.” 
“I’ve been saving for a house, so I get it. I rent small because I don’t need a ton of space for just me.” It was clean and tidy, upgraded with the food appliances and a comfy bed, but Harry wasn’t home all that often. Even if sometimes he wished he was. There wasn’t much to come home to. Maybe he’d be more inclined to get the house search on if he had a partner or something, but as of right now he was happy to stay where he was. “Uh, I meant to ask what you know but you said you were worried about breaking your hand during a punch. Let me see how you make a fist, please.”
In all reality he could spend hours just chatting with her, but if he didn’t try and get to the point they’d be there all night. As nice as it sounded to him, he doubted she wanted that. 
“God- don’t judge me too harshly please. I’ve always been a lover, not a fighter.” Y/N curled her hand up into a fist which she could see immediately wasn’t correct by the look on his face. “I appreciate the effort but I can totally see you wincing right now.”
“Sorry! M’sorry, I just… here.” With cautious fingers, he helped her unfurl her fingers. “You don’t want your thumb inside. It’s far more likely to break that way.” He began arranging the fingers as they needed to be. “You’re gonna want t’have your thumb on the outside… like this.” He murmured, the warmth of his hand a contrast to her cooler one. “Between your first and the second knuckles right here…” his touch was gentle as he adjusted her smaller fingers in the fist. “Near your index and middle. There.” Releasing her hand, he showed her on his own hands. “See? Like this.”
“Okay- I see. I always forget if it’s in or out and then I go with it because it feels like it would protect the thumb but, I’ll remember now.” She sighed, mirroring it with her second hand. “Where do I hit?”
“Easy, Tiger.” Harry laughed, letting his hands fall down. “You’re going to want to remember that the first thing you want to try is to get away first. That’s always the first option, escape and run the hell off. Make noise, get attention from other people. There’s power in making a scene.” From self defense classes he’d taught before he decided to take the shorter form and give it to her now. “You don’t know what people have. I don’t want to scare you, Y/N, but people are unpredictable. The most important thing is your safety, so getting away is the most ideal thing. But if you can’t, you want to make sure you have a good stance so they have less of a chance in grabbing you or knocking you over.” 
Planting both feet on the ground, he left his knees unlocked and kept his arms raised close to his body. “Shoulder width apart, arms up at your sides. Try it.” He stood next to her to show her, gently using his foot to nudge her legs a little further apart as he moved towards the front. “Put your dominant side leg out more in front of you. The worst thing to do is to have your knees locked because it’ll be easier to knock you over.” Rocking on his legs he demonstrated the right way to move, which she followed. There had been no doubt she’d catch on quickly, but he was still impressed. “Are you following along? This is just a crash course and we can meet again to go over more specifics but even just a little bit of this stuff can make or break you.” 
“I am. I really am interested in knowing it all, so keep going please.” She encouraged, eyes bright and determined. It was ridiculously cute in his opinion. “So what if someone grabs your arms?” 
 “If someone grabs you? You pull down. There’s more momentum that way and you’re likely to break free versus if you go up- may I touch you?” The permission was granted with a nod, his hands gripping firmly on to her forearms. “Try moving up, and then down.” 
Y/N followed instructions, immediately seeing the difference in it as she got her arms freed from his grip on the down pull. “Okay, I see. I’ve always meant to go to a self defense class but I’ve put it off… I’m really glad you were there last night. I was nervous to ask because I didn’t want to be overreacting but… I wasn’t sure.” A shrug of the shoulders followed her words. “I didn’t think the guy was gonna hurt me or anything but I didn’t know what he wanted. Why he was staying after I already said no.”
“No.” Harry said gruffly. “No. You don’t give them the benefit of the doubt, Y/N. The first priority is always to protect yourself. Even if you find it embarrassing after and no harm was meant, it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. You should do it.” The idea of her not asking because she worried about how it would come off made his chest hurt. 
“Listen, I think that our intuition is the best gift we have. It’s there to protect us, down to the most biological level. So if you felt the need to have protection it’s because your body knew it needed it. Okay?” His voice softened up at the end. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like that, but I’ve seen what happens when women aren’t taken seriously. When guys think they’re overthinking or crazy. My sister…” he paused. “She was hurt because people told her she was overreacting, so she doubted her intuition. She’s okay now, but I’ve never forgotten about how she asked for help and people assumed that she just didn’t need it.” 
Harry didn’t talk about that period a lot. In all honesty, it surprised him that he’d even brought it up, but Y/N had gotten to that soft spot in his defenses and reminded him that he could be the one to help her avoid that sort of pain that he knew his sister had to go through.    
“I’m so sorry something happened to your sister, Harry.” Y/N whispered. “I promise I’ll listen to you and take your advice. That’s why I asked you. Something felt wrong and it was because there was no reason for him to be there waiting for me like that, and your car was in the side lot so he couldn’t see it… he thought I was alone.” Swallowing the lump in her throat at the thoughts of what If, she wrapped her arms around herself to self-soothe. “I know I watched a lot of true crime a couple years back and I used to think I was just being paranoid, but it was a wake up call. It wasn’t the first time I’ve dealt with a guy not taking no for an answer and thinking persistence was something that would wear me down, but it was the first time I felt that level of unsafe. My stomach hurt just looking out there.” 
Harry could only imagine. As much as it tugged on his heart to grab her and hug her body to his chest, he didn’t have that right. Not yet, anyways. “Christ, I know. He gave me the creeps too, if I’m being honest. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think you overreacted and I think you’re incredibly brave to ask for my help. It’s exactly what you should do. You need to protect yourself at every turn, even if it’s exhausting.” 
“I know. I do, I did for a while but I didn’t think about it happening while working here. A lot of people ignore me most of the time which is fine, some flirt, but no one’s made me feel outright uncomfortable or unsafe before at work. I used to have one coworker back at a store I worked at that would be a bit too persistent but he left me alone after a while. I realize now that I should have said something back then.” 
“Y/N, I don’t want you to ridicule yourself for your past mistakes or actions in general. You made it here, you’re safe and you made the best decisions you could for the world that’s taught you that. But now, I want to teach you how to make sure you can get yourself out of any situation that could come up.” He felt sick at the idea of her having to use these skills but even for his own state of mind, it would help him feel better. 
“Okay.” She nodded, giving him her eyes. It felt like a hit to his chest, stealing his breath.  “Did you want to do more of this, then? I don’t want to keep you for too long because I know if I’m tired you must be exhausted. Can we plan to meet up again?” Harry was pretty sure his exhaustion had to be on his face for her to say it, but he had to agree. Today had been an unusually filled day, so next time he hoped to be able to do more. 
“That sounds good. We can text about it some more if you want to make a little schedule, but if you’d be comfortable you can meet me out at a park or something. I’ve got a nice one near my building if you want to do something in daylight. I think we’ve both got Wednesday’s off?” It was a wonder for him how luck had been on his side with coinciding days off, but he watched her nod and the ponytail she’d pulled back a few moments ago bouncing along with the motion. It was difficult for him not to be gross and think about holding said ponytail again, but he reminded himself that this wasn’t for his personal wants. She was trusting him with teaching her so he had to keep it in his pants. 
“Yeah! I’d love to do that.” She agreed easily. “Can I see your fish tank, though? Not trying to invite myself to your place, even though I kinda am. I just think it’s really cool that you have one.”
“Course, I don’t mind at all.” His chest felt lighter at her own willingness to go past just a coworker sort of thing and initiating getting to know more about him. “I’ll stay later and work on emails at the smoothie bar for the rest of the week then, make sure I’m here to walk you out. I’ll see if I’ve got some other self defense supplies too. I ordered some a while ago t’keep in my car and I know they accidentally sent me an extra taser.” They didn’t. He’d ordered it last night. 
“Oh, really? That would be so lovely of you to let me use it. I’ll pay you back for it.” Grabbing her water bottle from the side of the mats, she turned and surprised the hell out of him by wrapping her arms around his neck for a hug. It took him a second to reciprocate, blinking a few times in shock as he planted his palm over her back. He hoped to god he smelled decent and that the fact he’d had to use the soap the gym provided instead of his own today had been enough.
“Thank you, H. I really appreciate it. I love working here, but you’re so nice to me it’s crazy. I know you don’t have to do any of this for me but you’re going above and beyond and I.. I can’t think of a way to thank you.”
Harry prayed again that she couldn’t hear how hard his heart was beating- or at least thought it had something to do with the training as she rested her cheek against his chest and sort of snuggled in. It was by far the best hug he had ever had in his life. If he could have one of these a day, the stress level would most definitely be brought down. He’d almost bet on it. The feeling in his tummy swirled as he chuckled to disguise just how much he liked holding her, giving a gentle squeeze to her body. It felt so right to have her body pressed against his own, like she was meant to be there. “You’re lovely, Y/N. Course I’d do it for you. You’re a real gem, y’know that? It’s rare to meet someone with genuine kindness like you’ve shown everyone here.” It was crucial that she knew that he saw it. “As for a way to thank me?” 
He had a lot of ideas on that, but he settled on the more savory and far less inappropriate answer. Y/N was his little crush, but he wasn’t sure she had a clue. “All I want is for you t’keep yourself safe, come to me or call if you feel uncomfortable… and maybe a few extra shakes.”  He’d take a PB Choc or Strawberry Sunrise she made any day. 
“Mmm… You’ve got yourself a deal.” Y/N’s face was bright despite the tired eyes she had, pulling away from the hug. Immediately he mourned the warmth and plush of her body. If he could pull her back into the embrace without it being weird, he would. A new addiction. “But for now, you’ll act like the fierce protector you are and walk me to my car, yeah?”
“Anything for you, pet. Let’s go. Need to feed the fish.”
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oacest · 16 days ago
Brazilian groupie story 🤭
anon this was a lifechanging read, thank you
translation below via google:
89FM MAGAZINE "How stupid I was!"
Simone is 23 years old, studies journalism and says she meets famous artists for fun. Her biggest frustration: "I could have gotten together with Steve Harris from Iron Maiden, but I ended up getting together with the guitarist from Motorhead - my God, how stupid I was!". She loves discovering the normal guys behind the pop stars.
"Sexually, it's a different thing. When I go out to meet someone, I don't go thinking about having sex with anyone. Now, if the mood comes up, it's different. I act as if I were with a normal person. I don't give in. I don't want to have sex only with pop stars. I can even have sex with someone who isn't famous."
"I really need to talk to you in private..."
Simone says that Noel Gallagher is a great lover. "I went with a friend to the hotel where Oasis was staying. I told her: 'Have you read what the press said about them? They're going to treat us badly. They've already said they don't want women. I don't know if it's worth the risk'. But we arrived at the hotel around four in the afternoon, went in normally, there was no commotion and we bumped into Liam Gallagher. We went straight through and went to a little bar in the hotel because I was sure they were going there. We sat down, there were some other girls there too.
"Then everyone in the band started to get off, except for Noel. Suddenly, the band's head of security came to our table and said: 'Liam told me to give you these credentials and invite you to a 'fucking party', a party that's going to happen in the bar downstairs, in the hotel'. I took the opportunity to ask to take a photo with Liam. He said it was okay, even though they hated photos.
Shortly after, Noel came down, said hi to everyone, sat down and watched. We stayed there for about three hours exchanging glances. "That night we went to the show and then went back to the hotel. The head of security was waiting for us and said: 'Liam and Noel want you to sit at a table in front of theirs'.
Noel sat across from us and Liam sat on the other side of the bar. I stayed to myself. Noel was drinking and looking at our faces. From the table, he asked: 'Have you ordered anything to drink yet?'; I said: 'Yes, thank you'. A girl who was sitting next to us left and left an empty seat. Then my friend invited him to sit down and he took a glass, a cigarette and came over. Then, Liam went to the bathroom. Noel got up and followed him. I don't know what they were doing. I took the opportunity to move to their table, which was bigger and more fun.
A little while later, Noel came back and sat next to me. It was just me, Noel and another girl. We talked about the band, we sang the songs. At a certain point, he nudged me and said: 'I really need to talk to you in private, Don't you want to go up?'. I got nervous, thought about it and said yes. He said: 'so as not to be annoying, I'll go up first and then my security guard will escort you to my room'. He chose me. He liked me, and there was a vibe.
"In five minutes the security guard came and escorted me to his room. Noel was very polite. I sat on the couch and he offered me a drink. I drank water and he had a beer. The room was a mess. He said: 'don't worry, it's a band room'. I asked to have a look around and he let me. His suitcase was open, on the table, along with the CDs. There were several buttons. Then he said: 'you know why I called you here, don't you?' I said I know. 'Okay then. I just want to make one thing clear: you only do what you want. I thought you were cool, I wanted to be alone with you,' he said. But I was there, I had gone upstairs and I knew what could happen.
"The cool thing is that he didn't grab me. He talked, explained. Everyone always talks, but he went too far. Then, he changed. He started kissing me. I thought I would never be able to get close to him and, suddenly, he was there with me. I thought: 'I can't believe I'm here with Noel Gallagher.' I was interested in him and things started to heat up. He's not that gorgeous, but he has some attractions. White skin, he smells good. Then it happened. He's a great lover, I loved being with him.
"We were together for about five hours. He was snorting and wouldn't stop, but that didn't seem to get in the way. He liked to stay under the covers, talking. We talked about everything - drugs, music, the band, what I did. He asked if I knew he was married and I said yes. I asked: 'If you're married, why are you with me?' He replied: 'Marriage is a flawed institution. When I like someone, I stay. And you're the first Brazilian girl I've stayed with.'
He's a really nice guy, super funny. He said he thought I was cool. He said: 'One of the most important things isn't having money and fame, it's having health. I thought that was cool about you, that you don't do drugs, don't drink, you're a cool girl. I've been using drugs since I was 14 and health is something I won't be able to buy, no matter how much money I have.'
"At seven in the morning, I left. He insisted: 'Go to sleep, I want to stay with you'. I said: 'Noel, I can't'. He said: 'I want to see you again, can you come here tomorrow? Give me your phone number'. And he gave me his phone number with a code. He said: 'When I wake up I'll call you'. I was having lunch at home when he called. 'Can you come here?', he asked. I went there and stayed with him again. He said he had something special to give me and gave me a button he was wearing. It wasn't anything extraordinary, but it was nice and I thanked him. When I was leaving he asked: 'Can I call you whenever I want?' And I said yes."
ESTADÃO – 03/27/98 The Brazilian students who broke through the siege and met the Gallagher brothers up close
Nancy Spungen caught Sid Vicious in her net. Courtney Love forked Kurt Cobain. And for a few fleeting hours last weekend, Brazilian students Simone Filadelfo and Lilian Vituzzo, both 23, had English brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher in their hands - and vice versa, of course.
Bad boys from the British group Oasis - the hottest band on the international rock scene - Liam and Noel threw a party right after their last Brazilian show, at the São Paulo Sambadrome, last Saturday.
The party was so lively that it ended up claiming a victim: guitarist Paul Arthurs (Bonehead). After downing an entire bottle of French champagne Crystal, the favorite of singer Nina Simone, he passed out and only managed to board the plane to Mexico City on Monday, the final leg of the Be Here Now tour.
But let's get to the story, a brief chronicle of Oasis' Brazilian nights. In the end, just a trivial story on the rock menu. "What will my friends at college think of me?" asks Simone Filadelfo, as she counts the photos she took at the meeting. She leans back in her chair and then regains her determined look, "oh, never mind…", she exclaims.
Her friend Lilian shows no hesitation and begins to tell the story of what happened. It all started at the bar of the Maksoud Plaza hotel. On Saturday afternoon, the head of security for Oasis was walking around with Liam Gallagher and three other security guards and saw four girls drinking soda at the bar. It wasn't long before Liam told the security guard to invite the girls to a 'big party' right after the show. They, in turn, didn't hold back, after all they had already been to countless other pop star parties during their effervescent career - Lilian, who became a character in women's magazines with her dazzling groupie career, has already walked the runway with people like Jason Bonham, Evan Dando, Dave Mustaine and so on...
Liam hadn't even taken off his Brazilian national team jersey number 9 when he arrived at the Vikings restaurant, inside Maksoud Plaza, around 2 am on Sunday. Lilian asked what the ring with a blue heart-shaped stone meant: "It's Irish, a family heirloom", said the singer.
Liam seemed to like Lilian. He complimented her exotic looks, criticized her waist tattoos ("I would never get them", he said) and thought her hair was barbaric. "Mine is horrible, I think I'll cut it", he said.
But, when it came to Liam Gallagher, you could never be sure if he was really in a good mood. After all, two nights earlier, at the bar of the Sheraton Hotel in Rio (after listening to Burt Bacharach placidly), he almost slapped a foreign escort girl in the face who invited him to take a tour of her room.
The Brazilian girls, excited to have managed to break the transparent barrier that separates the pop star from the fan, sang at the table - as backing vocals for the Gallagher brothers - the songs that the "brothers" made famous around the world: Don't Look back in Anger, Help! and Wonderwall.
Noel Gallagher confided in us. He said he hated caipirinha, that he only drank it to be 'polite'. He said he despises the Stones, but respects the Prodigy, Verve, Primal Scream and his younger brother, Liam, whom he hugs all the time, away from the eyes of the press. "They both love each other, this story that they can't stand each other is pure marketing", reveals Lilian.
At one point during the party, guitarist Paul Arthurs confronted Lilian with a series of moral questions. 'What are you doing here?' he asked. 'What do you want?' and, to conclude, he quoted a song by Oasis, Don't Look Back in Anger, to give her some advice: "don't put your love in the hands of a rock band, you're wasting your time".
Simone Filadelfo got along very well with Noel Gallagher. He gave her a button that the Oasis guitarist wears on his lapel all the time, with the words "saint/sinner" written on it, each word at the opposite pole from the other.
At a certain point during the night, Noel invited her to come upstairs. "If you want to go up, no one will know," the guitarist assured. And then she met little Noel biblically, who she called "phenomenal." And he preferred that everyone find out, like in that joke where the guy is shipwrecked and ends up on a desert island, alone with Cindy Crawford. You need to have someone to tell.
On Sunday morning, Simone says she shared apartment 1503 at Maksoud Plaza with the guitarist, who was staying under the codename mr. Steve Burton. To get there, she was escorted by a security guard. He left there at seven. At noon, the guitarist called home. Lilian thought Liam was cute, but says she didn't want anything to do with him. "Don't put your love in the hands of a rock band," went the song she listened to on the car's cassette player as she drove home.
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divineei · 1 year ago
TOOTM  zero. old beginnings
! go kyungjun x fem!reader
# relationship lore, first meeting, heavy infatuation, mentions of kyung jun having daddy and mommy issues
a/n. chill yall i swear im putting my whole authorussy on this
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months before the school trip…
rain pours on top of the bus stop's roof. although tiny, the cover is enough to prevent kyung jun's clothes from getting even wetter.
if only he had brought an umbrella. he was in such a rush to get out of his house after yet another fight with his parents, he didn't even hear the water falling from the sky before it was too late and was already running around the streets.
kyung jun had no idea how long had passed since he stormed out, not that he cared anyway. he considered this ten times better than all the yelling at home. when he managed to ignore the cold, the little bus stop was peaceful; quiet.
or it was.
he dug in his pocket to take out a cigarette and put it in his mouth when the sound of hurried footsteps stepping on puddles distracted him. he turned his head towards the noise, immediately setting eyes on the figure sprinting towards him: a girl in winter clothes held a bag above her head as a shield from the rain while she ran in his direction. she stopped right next to him, breathing heavily and drenched in water.
kyung jun turned his attention back to his tobacco. he paid her no mind. why would he? he had enough to deal with seeing as he also fell victim to the pouring rain.
he felt the weight of the stranger sitting at the other end of the bench as he took out his lighter. however, rolling the flint wheel was useless as only a spark came out. he tried again. and again. and again, but still no flame. kyung jun's breath rose erratically and his pent-up frustration with it.
"fucking piece of shit", he sent the thing flying with as much force he could manage, making it break into pieces. was nothing supposed to work in his favor? he can't stop misbehaving like he promised his mother, he can't be the top of his class like he promised his father, he can't stop himself from lashing out right in their faces; for fucks sake he can't even light a cigarette. maybe they were right: he was worthless.
out of the corner of his eye, he saw something being handed to him. the stranger had reached her arm out with a lighter in hand. kyung jun's eyes varied from it to the face he'd been ignoring: drops of water were falling from her hair to her cheeks, she wore headphones around her neck and a lit cigarette between her parted lips, with eyes that stared at him through wet lashes, waiting for him to accept the offer.
he reached for the lighter, brought it close to him, and finally took a puff of his cigarette.
"you okay?", asked the pretty girl.
he looked back at her, seemingly taken aback by her interest but nodding nonetheless.
their interaction was cut short with a quick smile from her as she put her headphones on.
in his mind, kyung jun caught himself juggling feelings from shame to disappointment, realizing maybe he wanted somebody to ask if he was alright. he wouldn't have minded an opening to more conversation, even if it was to forget his troubles for just a few minutes. but he understood. i mean, who would care about a stranger on the streets anyway? who would care about him anyway?
the time passed as quickly as did his pack of cigarettes and now, with an empty box in his pocket, kyung jun's anger was rising once again. not because of the distress of his mind though but because of the loud music disturbing his peace.
after what felt like hours of trying to ignore the noise, he decided he had enough and aggressively waved his hand to catch the girl's attention.
"mmh?", she looked at him and removed one of the speakers.
"turn that shit off."
"excuse me?" she scoffed raising her brows.
"i said," kyung jun pointed at the headphones that were now around her neck, "turn it off. it's fucking annoying me."
she let out a teasing chuckle. was she... laughing at him right now? "fuck off. i'll listen to my music however i want."
...the fuck? his mouth opened in disbelief. this was a first. nobody, and i mean nobody, would even think of talking back to him like that.
"who do you think you're talking to?" he turned his body to her with a scowl intimidating enough to make anyone at his school go running with their tail between their legs.
"someone with no taste in music, apparently."
damn, she really was laughing at him.
kyung jun's mouth opened to fight back but no words came out. he couldn't believe it. he was stunned. did the rain wash out every threatening aspect of him?
it could be the cold, the shock, the contagious smirk of the pretty girl, or maybe the exhaustion finally catching on to him, but for whatever reason, he couldn't find it in him to say anything back. so he laughed. just slightly. some probably would consider it more of a defeated sigh. but he did.
her smile was taunting him, provoking him to keep talking.
"nothing", yet he didn't have the energy for it, not right now. so today, he'd let it slide.
her smile shifted from cheeky to genuine when he brushed her off. as much as she enjoyed the banter, she had enough awareness not to tease any further.
"you know what," instead, she disconnected her headphones before handing her phone to the guy. "if my music is so annoying to you, show me something better."
kyung jun frowned, but a small smile graced his face, betraying his attempt at indifference.
and so he accepted her offer, for the second time that day.
minutes went by with surface-level conversation and recommended songs. it was a pleasant distraction for him, at least enough to make him miss the way his pulse merged with the beats of the tunes. they enjoyed their time together until the faint sound of wheels appeared in the distance. turning off the music, the pretty girl stood up in front of him.
oh right, the bus.
for a second, he forgot where they were.
"well, that's my ride" she announced, just seconds before said ride stopped before them.
for a second, time seemed to freeze.
the girl said something else, but whatever it was fell on deaf ears. it felt like his senses were failing him all of a sudden.kyung jun sat there, helpless and paralyzed, as he watched her walk away. a chill ran down his spine, causing goosebumps to break out all over his body. his mind was screaming at him to do something, anything, to make her stay just a little bit longer. he wanted to ask for her name, to strike up more conversation, to find out who she was and where she was going. but he couldn't bring himself to move. all he could do was see her disappear, without time to wonder what might have been.
when he came to his senses the bus was out of sight, and the empty spot on the bench felt heavier than ever.
kyung jun looked at the sky. there was not a single ray of sun to be seen, but at least the rain had finally stopped. he leaned back and just as his hands came to rest in his pockets he touched something cold. he took it out, eyes falling on a lighter. her lighter.
he could feel the beat of his heart against his ribcage. why? where did all this adrenaline come from? since when has he become so soft as to let such a flimsy little thing make his head spin and his face fire up?
"fuck", he cursed to the skies.
as the days went by, his intense but short-lived experience with that stranger remained fresh in the back of his mind. no matter how many times he tried to blur her face she was like a ghost that reappeared every time he looked away, a fading memory he couldn't fully forget. 
at the back of the school's building kyung jun took the last puff of his cigarette just when the bell announced the start of classes. he dropped what was left of it on the floor at the same time his two companions dropped the innocent student they had been tormenting. they walked together to their classroom with the same enthusiasm as a kid who received a pair of socks for christmas and sat in the back row. 
"good morning, class", the teacher greeted as she stood in front of the students, who immediately saluted back.
kyung jun rolled his eyes and laid down on his desk with no thought other than finding the perfect position for the three-hour nap he was about to take until his next break, wondering if his dreams would finally be undisturbed by images of the one he couldn't fail to recall again and again. 
"alright," the teacher clasped her hands to get the class' attention. "before starting our lesson, i'm pleased to inform you that we have a new student coming in today and i hope you'll help them accommodate to the school."
already starting to doze off, kyung jun's eyes remained closed even after someone knocked on the door and the tutor welcomed them in. "welcome, please come in and introduce yourself."
"hello everyone, my name is yoon yn. i hope we get along well."
what the...?
his eyes shot open. 
there's no way. no fucking way.
he saw the new student politely bowing at the front of the room like she wasn't the same that had been living in his mind rent free day, night, and day again. 
"thank you. please, take a sit."
she walked like in slow motion towards the back of the room and, for a split second, their eyes met. the idea that he must've already fallen into a deep slumber invaded him when she sent him a subtle smile before sitting just a few sits away from him.
the teacher regathered the attention of the room and started her lesson. needless to say, his plan of breezing through the school day with a nap got ruined.
hours passed insanely slow until the bell rang through the speakers and announced a much-needed break. 
having pulled up two chairs by his side, jin-ha was cracking up at something on seung-bin's phone. whatever it was, kyung jun couldn't care less. his eyes were set on the crowd surrounding the new girl as his classmates smothered her with questions and compliments.
"are you new in town, yn?"
"what school did you use to go to?"
"were you in any clubs?"
"well–", yn tries to answer in between the frenzy.
"O-M-G, you should join our cheerleading group!" interrupted mi-na.
"im not interested in any clubs, thank you" yn declined with a smile.
"oh, of course." said so-mi, "someone like you was probably on the student council, right? you can always help me and jun-hee with-"
"i'll pass. thank you, so-mi."
"woaah, the class president got rejected!" heo yool pointed out and the small crowd joined in the teasing.
in the chaos of it all, she managed to find him staring. the moment was brief, yet enough for kyung jun's heart to skip a beat. 
"you know her?" 
"do you know her?", jin ha repeated. "the new girl."
kyung jun hesitated but shook his head, "no, i don't."
"could it be?", seung bin dramatised. "does ko kyung jun have a crush?" 
his friends patted his back, mocking him, and giggled in unison. 
"shut up," kyung jun sighed and leaned back on his chair closing his eyes with his arms crossed, trusting they'd get the hint that his temper was better off not tested.
"he didn't say no," seung bin whispered, gaining a repressed chuckle from jin ha.
boring lessons and occasional glances between the delinquent and the new student continued throughout the day until finally the moment to get out that hellhole arrived. 
by the time kyung jun had his bag over one shoulder and ready to go the class was almost empty. yoon yn was putting away her stuff without any rush as if she wasn't the only one left in the classroom.
"hey, kyung jun!" seung bin shouted from the door. "you coming or not?"
"nah," he answered without turning his eyes away from the girl. "i'll see you tomorrow."
with a shrug, seung bin left the room with jin ha following after him, not before exchanging a knowing look.
"move, nerd!" was the last thing heard from the two vandals out on the hall before they left. 
kyung jun approached yn with the same caution you do a stray cat in fear it'll run away and with each step, his pulse accelerated. as the girl cleaned up her belongings, he leaned on the desk next to hers wth his hands inside his trousers' pockets.
"the uniform doesn't suit you, you know?"
she turned to him–smirking–their eyes met and, for the first time today, neither looked away.
"i could say the same for you", yn crossed her arms.
"i'd say it's better than wet clothes.", he shrugged.
"please," the girl rolled her eyes, "it was just a little rain."
"a little rain?", kyung jun repeated. "you were literally running with your bag on your head."
"you were watching me?", yn put a hand over her chest and furrowed her brows, yet her smug smile remained. "you weirdo."
"look who's talking, you fucking stalker."
"excuse me? why the fuck would i stalk you?", she pointed at him.
"you tell me," he teased, lifting his hands. "you're the one in my school."
kyung jun kept staring at yn waiting for another one of her snarky comments but instead she tightly closed her lips together.
"what?" he provoked.
unable to hold back any longer, she let out a peal of laughter which made kyung jun's eyes widen as much as his own smile. he couldn't help it, her laugh was contagious and the situation was amusing. randomly meeting someone and obsessing over them to later find out they just enrolled in the same school as you is something you would only see in movies; or fanfiction.
yet here they were.
"nothing", yn smiled, finally gathering her stuff and putting her backpack over her shoulder, ready to leave.
flashes of the day he thought he'd never see her again flooded kyung jun's mind. he couldn't bear it. to someone else, this might seem extreme; desperate. now that they were classmates he'd most likely see her every day, so why even panic in the first place? but maybe, just maybe, he was desperate. to him, seeing her leave felt devastating. like a reminder of the day his whole body failed to even ask her name. but if the universe saw it necessary for them to meet again, that meant he wasn't supposed to let her go, right?
kyung jun clumsily opened his backpack and took out the trinket he'd been carrying around since that rainy day, handing it to her.
yn stared at him with her eyebrows wrinkled.
"here", the guy insisted, slightly shoving the lighter toward her.
"'fuck you mean why? it's yours."
"i told you to keep it. you didn't hear me?"
"oh," he felt what seemed like a heatwave run through his neck and ears. "i guess not."
"all that shit you gave me about my loud music and look at you." she mocked.
the guy lowered his head. he would have run away right then and there to avoid any more embarrassment if it wasn't for the little pride he still had.
"hey, uh..." she paused. "sorry, what's your name?"
all this time and he still hadn't introduced himself? fuck, he really couldn't do anything right, huh? 
"ko kyung jun."
"right. so, kyung jun, since it's such a nice day out i was wondering if you'd be free to show me around?" 
like on queue, sunshine started squeezing through the window’s blinds.
he wasn't sure if it really was the world roaring at him to see the signs or if she just happened to take pity on him, but whatever it was he felt relieved, and his anxiety washed away the moment he lifted his head to look at the girl with her arm extended.
this was it, wasn't it? the opportunity he keept missing? 
how many times will she have to reach out until you take the chance, dumbass?, screamed the universe.
"sure", kyung jun uttered. "i can do that."
she offered her hand, and for the final time, he accepted.
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🏷️ @flaneurpastel - @jwijii - @watamotee33
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© to @divineei on tumblr; do not repost or steal
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brainddeadd · 5 months ago
baby devil and the team finding out about matttt with however the pole ended!
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Support and Shovel Talks
I'm so sorry this took so long! Life has been crazyyyy!!
I hope you enjoy !!
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As the only female player on the New Jersey Devils, you had a unique role within the team. The guys didn’t just treat you as one of their own—they treated you like family, more specifically, like a little sister. And when it came to dating, they were very protective.
For weeks now, you’d been hiding your feelings for Matt Rempe from the Rangers, but keeping it a secret now that you're dating from your team felt impossible. But you trusted Nico, the Devils’ captain and the steady hand in your life. If anyone would understand, it’d be him. And maybe, just maybe, he’d help soften the blow for the rest of the team.
The two of you sit down after practice, a few of the guys giving you curious glances as you pull Nico aside. But you brush it off, trying to ignore the nervous flutter in your stomach as you look up at him.
“So, I have something to tell you,” you begin, fidgeting with your water bottle.
Nico raises an eyebrow, that familiar, gentle smile on his face. “Go for it.”
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself. “I… I’m dating Matt Rempe.”
For a split second, Nico’s smile freezes, and you can see the gears turning as he processes what you just said. But then he relaxes, a look of quiet understanding crossing his face. “Rempe? From the Rangers?”
You nod, trying to gauge his reaction. “Yeah. And before you say anything—yes, I know he’s from a rival team, and yes, I know this is probably crazy, but… I really like him, Nico.”
Nico chuckles softly, leaning back in his seat with a look of amusement. “You’re right, it’s a little crazy. But if he makes you happy, then that’s what matters.”
Relief floods your chest, and you break into a grin. “You’re… you’re really okay with this?”
He nods, his expression warm and genuine. “Of course I am. Just because he plays for the Rangers doesn’t mean he can’t be a good guy. And you deserve to be happy.”
You practically throw yourself at him, wrapping him in a tight hug. “Thank you, Nico. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
He laughs, patting your back. “Anytime. Just… you know I have to keep an eye out for you, right? Someone’s got to make sure he’s treating you right.”
True to his word, Nico doesn’t just leave things at a friendly acceptance. A few days later, you find yourself waiting for Matt outside the Devils’ locker room after a post-practice interview. Little do you know that Nico is already a few steps ahead, seeking Matt out for a very important conversation.
Matt’s surprise is evident when he spots Nico waiting for him in the quiet hallway outside the locker rooms.
“Hey, Rempe,” Nico says, his tone even but laced with an undeniable seriousness. “Got a minute?”
Matt looks a little taken aback, but he nods. “Yeah, sure.”
Nico wastes no time getting to the point. He folds his arms, looking Matt straight in the eye. “So, I hear you’re dating our girl.”
Matt’s face softens a little, but there’s a spark of nerves in his gaze. “Yeah, I am.”
Nico nods, his expression unflinching. “Look, she means a lot to this team. She’s like a sister to all of us, and we’d do anything to protect her.” His voice grows more serious. “If you hurt her, if you break her heart, you’ll have all of us to answer to. And trust me, that’s not something you want.”
Matt doesn’t waver, holding Nico’s gaze. “I get it, and I respect that. She’s important to me, too. I’d never do anything to hurt her.”
For a moment, there’s a tense silence as Nico sizes him up, but then he gives a nod of approval. “Good. Because if you’re serious about her, then you have my support. But only if you’re serious.”
Matt offers a small smile, a spark of gratitude in his eyes. “I am. Thanks, Hisch.”
When Matt finally makes his way over to you, he’s quieter than usual. You raise an eyebrow, nudging him playfully. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
He chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. “Not exactly a ghost. But your captain did just give me the shovel talk.”
Your eyes widen, heat rushing to your cheeks. “Nico gave you the shovel talk?”
Matt nods, his lips curving into a slight smirk. “Yeah. Seems like he’s pretty protective of you. He wanted to make sure I’m serious.”
You shake your head, though you can’t help the warmth that spreads through you. “That’s so embarrassing.”
Matt’s smirk softens into something more genuine. “Nah, I get it. And honestly? I kind of appreciate it. Just makes me want to take care of you even more.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you smile up at him, the weight of your secret feeling a little lighter now that Nico’s in on it.
“Well,” you say softly, threading your fingers through his, “if you can survive Nico’s shovel talk, you might be around for the long haul.”
Matt pulls you closer, a playful glint in his eyes. “Good. Because that’s exactly what I’m planning on.”
And just like that, the world feels a little brighter, the future a little clearer, knowing that you’ve got Matt by your side—and Nico watching your back.
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redrose10 · 9 months ago
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Yoongi x Female Reader. Soulmate AU
Summary: There’s no one on this planet you hate more than your coworker/secret crush Min Yoongi. He’s an arrogant, rude, womanizer who gets under your skin every single shift and you can’t wait for your day to be over so you can get away from him. Unfortunately when Jimin, your caseworker from The Ministry of Adoration, shows up offering you both a raspberry jam filled cookie, things take a surprising turn for the worst and you can no longer get away.
Warnings: Swearing, hints of smut (nothing graphic or really detailed), mentions of death, a little angst, Yoongi gets around. Might get updated later
Chapter 1-Coffee and Cookies
Word count: 4,268
“I hate him.,” you mumbled leaning on the counter of Perks Perkup Cafe where you were currently employed.
“He’s really not THAT bad.”, your best friend and coworker Mina replied.
“No he really is. He’s arrogant, he’s rude, he thinks he’s soooooo much better than everyone just because he had one song go kind of viral. He’s late like everyday and never gets reprimanded because Mrs.Perk has some weird disgusting crush on him. I just want to wipe that stupid smirk right off his face.”
Mina rolled her eyes, “He’s also charismatic, charming, funny, nice when he wants to be, a good salesman, easily one of the hottest guys on the planet, aaannnddd even you downloaded that one song.”
With a huff knowing she was right you took a sip of water just as your other coworker and archenemy Yoongi finished up with a customer who was happily sliding her number across the counter to him.
“Great here comes the demon kitty now.”, you groaned.
“Shhh, if he ever hears you call him that he really will give you reasons to hate him.”, she chuckled.
“Ladies,” he winked before heading to the back office.
Truth be told you might’ve had a teensy tiny not really that small crush on Yoongi ever since he accidentally spilled a latte on your shoes during his first month of work over a year ago and then profusely apologized with red tinted cheeks before offering to buy you a new pair and dinner on top of it.
An emergency came up and you weren’t able to make it to the dinner but you’d hoped to be able to reschedule. Unfortunately he never gave you that chance because after that night the shy sweet blonde turned into a menace, showing up late, always begging to leave early, never cleaning or prepping, and spending most of his time getting different girls numbers. He was rude to you. Always calling you a prude or making hurtful comments. He tried to get under your skin any chance he got.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt every time you saw him shamelessly flirt in front of you or loudly tell your other coworker Namjoon about all of his random one night stands. At this point you weren’t sure if you hated him because of who he was and how he treated you or simply because he wasn’t yours. But that was a secret you’d take to your grave. You made hating Yoongi part of your personality and in no way would you let that go.
The rest of your shift went relatively smoothly. You and Mina kicked ass while Yoongi sat in the office only coming out if he sensed there was a pretty girl in the building.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I don’t mind getting there a little late.”, Mina checked with you one more time.
“No it’s okay. The busy hours are done with so we shouldn’t get more than a customer or two at a time. I can handle it. Go celebrate your brothers birthday.”
With a smile she bounced out the door leaving you to spend the final hours before closing with Yoongi.
Unfortunately for you your one or two customers at a time remark came back to bite you thanks to a high school graduation happening a block over from the cafe.
You stared at the line of people all looking back at you with agitation as you tried your best to take orders and make orders and cash out while still trying to smile. You went to the back looking for Yoongi, but he was nowhere in sight so you took a deep breath to collect yourself and returned back to the front greeting the next customer in line.
Just as you were adding the whipped cream to the top of some girls cup of sugar with a splash of coffee you heard the back door swing open.
“Jesus Y/N, why didn’t you come get me?”, Yoongi asked hurriedly tying his apron behind his back.
“I tried but you were no where to be found. But of course you would show up when there’s a pretty girl involved.”, you spat back handing the girl her drink while trying to ignore her giving puppy dog eyes to Yoongi.
Without responding he headed to the register to take a few more orders before helping you knock out a few of the drinks that were built up. It took about 35 minutes but the two of you were able to get everything caught up.
Throwing a towel down on the counter you wiped some of the sweat off of your forehead really regretting not taking that job at the ice cream parlor instead.
“Here have some cold water.”, Yoongi said handing you a bottle.
“No thanks. I don’t need your pity water.”
“Oh my God Y/N, I’m just trying to give you some water. Why does everything have to be a fight with you?”
“Maybe because I’m tired of having to pick up your slack.”
“Well maybe I’m tired of your bitchy attitude.”,
“Yeah well maybe I’m-“
Before you could finish the sentence someone on the other side of the counter cleared their throat.
“I am so sorry. How can I hel-“
Your fear of upsetting a customer turned to joy when you spotted one of your favorite regulars, Jimin. He had been coming into the cafe for a few weeks and you always enjoyed it. He was personable and friendly. Not to mention very handsome. He’d come in and order a large iced mocha and occasionally a slice of banana bread, make a little small talk and then quietly work in the corner. Judging by his tailored designer suits and briefcase you figured he probably worked for one of the various law firms that surrounded the cafe.
“Hey Jimin, how are you doing today?”, you asked immediately perking up.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Yoongi mocking your excitement, but chose to ignore it for now and focus on Jimin instead.
“Hi Y/N. Just the usual today.”, he smiled back.
“Of course!”, you said while ringing up his iced mocha.
Yoongi got to work on the drink while you handed Jimin his change.
“So things not getting any better between the two of you?”, he asked putting away his wallet.
You scoffed, “Not even close.”
“I see. Well that’s not good. We’ll have to work on that.”, he said taking the drink that Yoongi had quietly sat down on the counter before returning to the back to start the closing process.
Jimin thanked you with a wink before taking his usual seat. His words still playing in your head.
As you were scrubbing away at one of the machines you heard the door chimes ring signaling someone was entering the building. You turned to greet who would hopefully be your last customer of the day.
“Oh Yooonnnggiiii”, you heard a sickeningly sweet high pitched voice.
“Ugghh”, you rolled your eyes recognizing the woman. She was one of Yoongi’s regular hookups. Rose or Lilly. Maybe Violet. You weren’t really sure what her name was and didn’t care enough to ask.
She was desperately in love with him and would drop to her knees faster that he could say suck. You almost felt bad for her knowing that he was only using her as a last resort when he couldn’t find anything better.
Yoongi came walking out of the back office smirking as you made a gagging motion.
“Seriously? You couldn’t wait fifteen minutes to set up a booty call?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Hey, she offered and who am I to say no?”
It didn’t take long for you to watch him grab her hand and pull her towards the bathroom as she giggled. Your stomach twisted in disgust, but your heart broke at the sight.
He must’ve had an off night or one of the best experiences of his life because it was less than seven minutes later that he came walking back behind the counter with flushed cheeks and you saw the woman embarrassedly heading towards the door with tousled hair and running mascara.
You busied yourself by scrubbing away at a coffee stain on the counter that had been there since before you started so you knew it was useless, but you just wanted to avoid any interaction with him that you could.
You jumped when you heard someone clear their throat not expecting another customer five minutes before closing time.
“I uh I finished all the dishes.”, Yoongi said not making eye contact.
“Okay? Do you want a cookie?”
“Wow Y/N.”
“Well it’s part of your job Yoongi. I don’t need you to walk me through it.”
“I know that Y/N. I just wanted to let you know so that you didn’t go back there to do it.”
“Yeah well while you’re at it why don’t you go disinfect the bathroom too.”
“Sorry no one has ever been so desperate to get in your pants.”
“Oh go fuck yourself Yoongi.”
“Don’t have to. I have people for that.”, he smirked.
“I hate y-“
“Hi guys!”
You jumped at the peppy voice coming from across the counter before feeling an immediate sense of relief.
“Hey Jimin.”, you smiled as Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“Hi Y/N”, he smiled back.
“How about a cookie?”
“I’m sorry what?”, you chuckled at his odd question.
“Here”, he said sliding over two raspberry jam filled cookies.
“Oh no thank you Jimin. I’m not much of a jam person.”, you politely declined.
“I stayed up all night baking these. I’d really love to get your opinions. I’m calling them Raspberry Romances.”
Thanks to the deep pout he was giving you and the way his eyes twinkled you couldnt say no a second time so you grabbed the cookie popping it in your mouth in one go.
“Mmm actually not bad.”, you said trying to keep the crumbs from falling out.
Jimin smiled before sliding the other cookie closer to Yoongi.
“No thanks. My parents taught me to never take candy from strangers and I’m pretty sure that applies to cookies too.”, he shook his head.
“Come on Yoongi. Jimin isn’t a stranger and would it kill you to not be an exhausting asshole for two minutes of your life?”
Letting out a long sigh of defeat he reached for the cookie popping it in his mouth, “Its okay. Name needs work though. Sounds like something a Girl Scout would sell.”
You rolled your eyes at his attempt to fake disinterest.
“Great! Thank you guys so much.”, Jimin clapped his hands together.
“So what got you into baking all of a sudden?”, you asked trying to make small talk and avoid Yoongi’s glare.
“Oh just a new hobby I guess.”
“Pfft I’m gonna go lockup so we don’t get any more customers trying to poison us with random cookies.”, Yoongi said walking towards the door.
You shook your head, “Ignore him. You’re welcome to bring any of your creations for me to try any time.”
Jimin smiled as he watched Yoongi round the counter. As Yoongi walked closer and closer to the door you felt an odd sensation in your chest. It got tighter and tighter the farther Yoongi walked away from you until it felt like you had been stabbed in the heart with a burning knife.
“Ahh call and ambulance. I think I’m having a heart attack.”, you cried doubling over in pain.
“Nope! No heart attack.”, Jimin said a little too cheerily given the situation.
You looked up noticing he was pointing towards the door where you saw Yoongi doubling over gripping his chest just like you, “What the fuck? I’m too young for this shit.”, he cried.
Instinctually you ran over to check on him forgetting about your own troubles. As soon as you got within a few feet of him though you immediately started feeling better. Yoongi did too as he was able to catch his breath and stand up straight.
“Oh I’m so glad it worked! And so quickly too!”, Jimin excitedly bounced watching this all unfold.
“So glad what worked?”, you asked turning to look at him.
“The cookies I gave you.”
“So you did poison us. I knew it!”, Yoongi exclaimed walking forward.
“No no no, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Park Jimin and I am your case worker.”
“I’m sorry what? Our case worker?”
Jimin nodded, “Yes, your case worker. I work for the broken souls department.”
“Great. It’s worse than poisoning us. He drugged us.”, Yoongi dramatically waved his arms around.
“I did no such thing.”, Jimin responded offended.
“Please explain what’s going on in detail.”, you said trying to diffuse the situation.
“Right. So I work for The Ministry of Adoration in the souls department. We’re divided into three different sections, Complete Souls, Broken Souls, and Lost Souls.”
“Oh my god. That’s it. I’ve died and gone to hell. I am in hell right now.”, Yoongi groaned from next to you.
“Shut up and quit being so dramatic.”, you hissed before turning back to Jimin, “Maybe start the explanation from the beginning.”
With a loud sigh he continued, “Everyone is born with 50% of their soul. Someone else in the world is born with the other 50%.”
“Oh like soulmates!”, you exclaimed.
He smiled, “Yes exactly Y/N! And it’s everyone’s destiny to find their soulmate to complete their fulfillment and bring the souls together. Most of the time the two souls are compatible and get along smoothly with no issues. Sometimes though they need a little help to move along and their cases are then sent to my department hence the broken souls.”
“Okay and what the fuck does this have to do with Y/N and I? Why did we feel like we were dying a few minutes ago?”, Yoongi spat.
“Well you and Y/N are soulmates.”
You and Yoongi both let out a deep laugh at the same time. “No we’re not.”, you quipped.
“Yeah we hate each other.”, Yoongi added.
Jimin nodded in agreement, “Yes which is why I’m here. I’ve been watching you two for several weeks now hoping you’d work it out on your own and I wouldn’t have to step in but after your little argument today I knew my help was needed.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Maybe Yoongi was right and you both really were poisoned by a handsome guy in a Gucci suit.
Jimin continued, “The cookie I gave you was a new prototype that we’re working on. Normally we’d just lock you two together with some handcuffs and call it a day. But with this cookie it gives you a little more wiggle room and will hopefully make the experience more enjoyable therefore having a higher success rate. Thanks to the cookies the two of you can’t be more than five feet away from each other or you’ll feel that little pain in your chest. A heartbreak if you will.”
“Why are you doing this?”, you asked.
“Well you and Yoongi are running out of time to become compatible and fall in love. Once your souls run out of life they disappear forcing you both to then turn to the lost souls department lead by my coworker Jin where you’ll be subjected to an eternity of loneliness and despair and not to mention countless unfunny dad jokes. And trust me, you DON’T want that to happen. Which is why I gave you two the cookies. It’ll force you to have to spend time together and get to know each other and hopefully that gives you both the little nudge you need to finally let Cupid in with his little arrows of love.”
“I know someone I’d like to shoot with an arrow right now.”, Yoongi spat.
Ignoring him you asked, “So what happens if we don’t fall in love?”
“Welllll, you have three weeks from today to share true loves kiss.”
Yoongi went to speak but Jimin quickly cut him off, “And no you can’t fake it and just kiss. We’ll know whether it’t true love or not.”
Yoongi sat down in huff and you continued, “Okay and what happens if we don’t kiss?”
“After the three weeks, if no true love kiss has happened, then your soulmate bond will be broken. And then the two of you will have to decide whose soul you want to continue unscathed and who you want to be sent down to the lost souls department. It not a the best situation but at least this way we can save one of you instead of loosing both.”
“Wow un-fucking-believable.”, Yoongi muttered beside you. You were speechless.
“Well I think that was enough excitement for one night. Remember not to stray too far away from each other.”, Jimin said walking towards the door.
“Wait what if we have questions? Or something else happens?”, you panicked.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be around when you need me.”
And with that he walked out the door letting it slowly shut behind him.
“What are we going to do?”, you asked turning to Yoongi.
“I’m gonna go grab my shit and go home.”, he said walking towards the back. Hastily you followed after him not wanting to stray too far. He grabbed his things and headed towards the door with you on his heels.
“Y/N, stay here. None of this is real. I don’t need you following me around like a lost puppy all the time.”, he said before slamming the door in your face.
It only took a few seconds for the pain in your chest to return causing you to double over. Thankfully it quickly disappeared when Yoongi returned out of breath clearly having experienced the same.
He grabbed your hand pulling you with him, “Come on. We’ll stay at your place. We just need to stop at mine and grab a few things.”
“Umm excuse me? Why do we have to stay at mine?”
He sighed, “Because I live with two other roommates who will never stop giving me shit about this and you live alone.”
“Okay. Fair point.” You didn’t exactly want to have to live with all these random people anyways.
His apartment was pretty close thankfully and much nicer than you expected. As soon as he opened the door you were surprised to see everything clean and organized. A faint scent of cinnamon and vanilla hung in the air. His two roommates were on the couch watching a movie.
“There you are! We were wondering when you’d get home.”, one of them exclaimed.
“Of course you were late because you had to find a friend for the night. At least she’s way prettier than your usual catches.”, the other spoke. His comment making you blush slightly.
Yoongi grabbed your hand beginning to pull you down the hall when one of the guys spoke up, “Hey aren’t you gonna introduce us?”
“Yeah don’t be so rude Yoongi?”, you spoke trying to poke a little fun at him sensing his irritation.
“Oh for fucks sake.”, he grumbled before pulling you into the living room.
“Y/N, these are my roommates. This is Jungkook and that one is Hoseok. This is Y/N.”
You politely smiled and waved at the two men who seemed much nicer and friendlier than Yoongi.
“Great. Everyone is pointlessly introduced and I have things to take care of.”, he said pulling you back down the hall.
“Don’t forget to use protection.”, Jungkook shouted after you eliciting a giggle.
Yoongi motioned for you to take a seat on his bed, “I’m just gonna grab some clothes and my laptop.”
You shook your head, “No thanks. I know what you do on that bed.”
“The only thing I do there is sleep. I never bring girls back here.”
“Why not? Don’t you want to be comfortable instead of always hooking up in a car or random bathroom?”
“I don’t know. It just feels too personal if I bring them here. You know into my space. I only save that for people I actually care about.”
You didn’t think he was capable of having feelings like that and then it hit you.
You smirked, “So you care about me? I mean you did let me into your personal space after all.”
“Don’t think too much into it. I just didn’t want to be doubled over in pain while I packed.”, he rolled his eyes before turning away so you couldn’t see the blush forming on his cheeks.
Once he had all his things packed you both snuck past Hoseok and Jungkook who were too busy fighting over the last piece of pizza to notice you anyways.
Swinging the door open to your apartment you suddenly felt really self conscious. It had been several months since you had a guy over and the fact that the guy next to you was Yoongi didn’t make it any easier.
Conveniently you heard him chuckle from behind you.
“What is it Yoongi?”
“Nothing. Your place is cute.”
You rolled your eyes before walking further into the living room.
“I’ll get you some blankets and a pillow. You can have the couch.”, you said motioning to the corner of the room.
“Umm yeah that’s not gonna work.”
“Well make it work because I am not sharing a bed with you.”
“Alright fine. I’ll take the couch and you can sleep in your bed and we’ll both be in excruciating pain all night because you peer pressured me into eating a cookie from some demonic Betty Crocker wannabe.”
You closed your eyes internally smacking yourself for forgetting the whole reason you were stuck with Yoongi to begin with.
“Fine. We’ll share my bed. But no funny business.”, you huffed past him.
“Wouldn’t dream about it babes.”
“Could you please hurry up. I’d love to get to sleep at some point tonight.”, Yoongi groaned.
“Almost done. Just rinsing off.”, you said. The large size of your bathroom was the main reason you chose this apartment but you were really regretting it in this moment. You tested it and Yoongi standing outside the door was just too far away so you both agreed to stay in the bathroom together as you showered and did your nightly routines. Shutting off the water you peaked around the curtain to make sure he was still staring at the wall.
“Okay I’m coming out now. Don’t turn around.”
“Y/N I’m not going to look if you don’t want me to. Just please hurry the fuck up.”, he spat clearly getting cranky.
Quickly you dried yourself off before getting your pajamas on.
“Can I turn around now?”
“Yeah sure.”
Your mind was probably playing tricks on you but you swore you saw a hint of red running down his neck.
“Hey tomorrow I nee- Oh my God Yoongi.”, you exclaimed bringing your hands over your eyes before turning around. “Seriously? You couldn’t warn me that you were just gonna strip naked.”
“I’m getting in the shower. Of course I’m gonna be naked. And I promised I wouldn’t look at you. I don’t care if you look at me. Plus I know you’ve been dying to catch a glimpse of all this.”
“Oh please don’t think so highly of yourself.”
Thankfully his shower was quick and he was dried off and changed within minutes.
Your bed was small forcing the two of you to lay shoulder to shoulder.
“Can I ask you a question?”, you spoke breaking the silence.
“Why do you have a tattoo of a cookie with a smirk on your butt cheek?”
“You were checking out my butt weren’t you?”, he laughed.
“Answer the question.”
“His name is Shooky. It was something I had drawn one day and then after a few too many drinks one of my friends dared me to get it as a tattoo.”
“And you thought your butt was the best location?”
“You don’t even want to know where Jungkook got a tattoo of the pink bunny he drew.”
“He didn’t.”, you gasped.
“He did. He calls it Cooky on a coc-“
“Okay that’s enough.”, you stopped him before he could go any further. He laughed before letting the room fall into a semi awkward silence.
“You still awake?”, he asked after several minutes.
“Well I just remembered that my brothers wedding is this weekend so uh I guess you’re gonna have to be my date.”, he said barely above a whisper.
“Okay. It’s not like we have a choice anyways.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
You both laid there in silence for a while but you could tell neither of you were close to falling asleep.
“Hey Yoongi?”, you asked.
“I’m scared.”
“Don’t be. We’ll figure something out. Besides we both know I’ll be the one who walks away from this anyways.”
You rolled your eyes before turning away from him. You should’ve known better than to look to him for comfort.
Yoongi laid awake staring at the ceiling while sneaking little peaks at you.
The truth was he was scared too, but he’d never let you know that. Scared of what might happen. Scared of what might not happen. Scared of the fact that he has loved you since the minute you introduced yourself to him at he cafe even though you’ve never reciprocated the feeling. Scared you’ll find out that he’s only a jerk to you as a defense mechanism to hide his true feelings.
He was most scared because he knew at some point the truth was going to come out.
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ladykailitha · 6 months ago
Of Butterflies and Backstrokes Part 6
Hello! It seems that people haven't quite adjusted to the new schedule yet, is there anything I can do to help get this in front of people? Just let me know and if I can do it, I will. Everything but changing the days of the week it's posted on, of course.
In this chapter we have Steve training Will's class and a couple of bullies emerge, and Steve makes some progress on the trauma front.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Steve waited as all the kids and their parents came shuffling in. Joyce wasn’t there for Will but Jonathan was, with his arm over his shoulder whispering comforting things. Other than Will’s friends there were two other kids in the class. Troy and Angela. Angela was pretty blonde girl and Troy had curly brown hair and square face.
He could see the two of them whispering in a corner and Steve immediately knew they would be trouble. Their parents didn’t seem to be much better, so he braced himself for a long six weeks.
“Everyone listen up!” Steve called out after blowing on his whistle. “I’m Mr. Harrington and this is Miss Buckley. We will be your teachers. You will listen to both of us equally as one mistake could prove disastrous. Here are the rules.” He went on to list all of the rules and pointed to the signs that had them written out in big, bold letters.
“All right,” he finished, “girls go with Robin, boys come with me.”
Steve could see Troy eyeing up Will and knew trouble was brewing. But he knew how to nip it in the bud before it got started.
“Will could you keep an eye on them while they change?” Steve asked casually. “I need to ask her about the schedule for Saturday.”
Will blushed a dark red but nodded.
As Steve walked away he could hear Troy ask why their teacher would need to talk to Will’s mom. He smiled broadly. He of course did ask her about the schedule because he was thinking about taking Eddie up on his offer, but didn’t want to do it if Tommy was going to be there.
When he came back, there was an awkward tension in the air that was there before. Troy was off to the side, glaring at the four other boys, while Lucas and Dustin were trying to hide grins behind their hands.
Whatever had been said after Steve left, it certainly left an impression on Troy. Now to see what Troy would do with the information he was given to him.
Steve led them back to the kiddie pool where the girls were waiting with Robin. Angela was fake shivering and chattering her teeth.
“I don’t know why we have to shower before we get in the pool,” she whined. “It’s not like I’m dirty or anything.” She looked up at Steve through her eyelashes and batted them with a pout on her lips.
Oh no. Steve thought bitterly. She was one of those. Look, he knew he was a good looking guy, he wasn’t blind or stupid. But he faced many a crush from one of his students and he was going to have to have Robin deal with her exclusively. Because he didn’t want to lose his fucking job.
“No matter how clean the person is,” he said dryly, “the fact that you rode here in a car, walked out in the open air, and stood around other people means you have dirt on you. And because we don’t want you messing with the chemicals in the water that work to keep the pool clean with those dirt particles you bathe or shower before getting in the pool. Plus if you don’t want your pretty blonde hair turning green, taking a shower before hand will help limit that from happening.”
He turned and looked at all the other students, ignoring her shocked expression. “Does anyone have any other questions before we get started?”
The rest of the class looked at each other, shaking their heads. He nodded curtly. “Good, the only thing we’re going to do today is get used to being in the water.” He held up his hand to stop the protests. “I don’t care if you gone to the pool before. This is about building up stamina first.”
The kids grumbled but did as they were told. Robin and Steve had them wading back and forth doing laps and by the end of the two hours (with breaks in between) all the kids were exhausted.
“Why am I so tired?” Mike groaned as he flopped gracelessly on the bench to wait for his mom to come pick him up.
Some of the parents had stuck around to watch, but Mike’s mom had errands to run and left him in Steve’s care. She had stayed for the safety speech though, he had to give her that, Troy and Angela’s parents didn’t even do that. Hopper had been one of the ones that stayed through the whole thing, cheering Ellie on.
As the last kid was bundled off to their parents Steve sat down on the bench Mike had recently vacated and pressed his head against the wall. Not every class had troublemakers but having two in a such a small class was a nightmare.
“You okay there, Stevie?” Eddie asked, gently. He moved to sit next to Steve on the bench.
Steve rolled his head to the side to look at him. “First day of class is always the hardest. Learning the dynamics and singling out the bullies before they take hold and completely ruin the class.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asked with a lopsided grin. “You get many of those?”
“Depends,” Steve said, “there are always going to those entitled assholes who think they’re above the rules but that doesn’t always translate to bullying others. But if there is going to be a bully, it will absolutely come from that kind of person.”
Eddie snorted. “Don’t I know it?” He leaned his head back against the wall too. “When I was on the swim team, I was surrounded by kids who had their own swimming pools, personal trainers and parents who came out to meets. That wasn’t me.”
Steve breathed out through his nose. “More money than sense doesn’t make you the best swimmer. Just ask my dad. The fucker thought that if he kept pushing me that I would have had gold medals in every event I participated in. You wouldn’t believe the lecture I got when I only came in fifth my first Olympics. Even though everyone was telling him not to expect me to medal against twenty year olds.” He shook his head.
“Do you miss it?” Eddie asked softly. “The rush of diving into the water, the only sounds are the roar of the crowd and the rushing water, the way your body slices through the water, the thrill of hitting the touch pad and looking up to see your time?”
“More than you’ll ever know,” Steve said, his voice cracking. “But the best thing to happen from that horrible accident was my dad walking away and never speaking to me ever again. I can live without him, even if the trade off is that I can never get into the pool again.”
“My dad didn’t care what I did,” Eddie huffed, banging his head on the wall. “As long as I wasn’t a snitch. It was my mom that took to swimming every day, worked ten hour days seven days a week to keep up with the fees and shit. Probably wouldn’t have had to work so hard if my dad didn’t spend the money on booze and the slots.”
“So what happened?” Steve asked sitting forward and looking at him directly.
Eddie let out a derisive snort. “My mom got sick, like cancer sick and my dad in all his dumbassery thought the best way to pay for medical bills was to borrow money from a loan shark who had him knocking off rich people’s cars to pay him back.” Eddie gripped his fists together tight. “He got caught by police while she was literally on her death bed. She was calling out for him. And by the time the cops released him on bail she was gone.”
“God,” Steve huffed. “And I thought my dad had the monopoly on shitty behavior. Yours really takes the shit pile, man.”
Eddie snorted. Then the snort became a giggle and soon he was laughing so hard. Steve just watched with his head tilted. He wasn’t sure what he said to make him laugh like that, but he would do it again in a heart beat.
“Yeah, Stevie,” Eddie said once he could speak, “king of the shit pile, my dad.” He looked at his watch and then stood up. “My break is almost over, so I’ve got to go. You take better care of yourself, yeah?”
Steve smiled up at him. “You, too, Eds. You tell Murray not to work you so hard. You’re doing community service not slave labor.”
Eddie gave him that closed mouth dimpled smile that never failed to make Steve’s insides melt and then walked away, waving over his shoulder.
If someone were to walk by just then, Steve would adamantly deny staring at Eddie’s ass. He was watching respectfully, thank you very much.
Eddie not wanting to get back into get back into swimming made more sense after their little talk. Steve wasn’t sure he would want to get back into a sport that he only had one cheerleader for and she was gone, either.
At least Steve had Robin, but who did Eddie have now that his mom was gone?
He decided he was still going to go the staff swim, though. He wanted to see how good the boy was. Because even if Eddie never wanted to compete, Steve wanted to see him in action.
Saturday rolled around and Steve drove Robin to the rec center. They pulled into the near vacant parking lot. There was Nancy’s station wagon and a beat up old van.
Robin touched his shoulder. “If you don’t want to do this, you can drive off, right now and I’ll tell people you had a migraine. Okay?”
Steve shook his head. “If it gets too much, I’ll just go spend time in the endless pool.”
She gave him a squeeze and got out of the car, Steve following close behind. They entered the pool area, Steve hanging out a little behind Robin. Eddie spotted them first and he hopped out of the pool with a big grin. Jonathan and Nancy who had been chatting with him, turned the direction he was looking with their expressions going to from confusion, to surprise, to glee.
Eddie ran to go get a chair and set next to the pool about three feet from the edge. “For his majesty!”
Steve huffed out a laugh as he sat down. “I’m just here as spectator, don’t get your hopes up.”
Nancy and Jonathan shared a glance and then grinned.
“Whatever you say, man,” Jonathan huffed. “It’s still good to see you.” He moved away from the edge of the pool a little then created a wave that splashed Steve.
Steve just flinched away from the water so it wouldn’t get in his eyes. “Robin, get him!”
Robin who had been wearing a blouse and shorts over her swimsuit, looked at him briefly, before stripping right there and diving at Jonathan, taking him with her. Eddie and Nancy looked at each other and then nodded.
Nancy went for Robin and Eddie went for Jonathan and they wrestled in the water making bigger splashes then the one Jonathan made to get Steve.
Steve yelped and got to his feet, running away. Finally the four of them stopped and Eddie pushed his long hair out of his face, grinning up at Steve. Steve smiled back. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Tag List: CLOSED
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @chameleonhair @sadisticaltarts @dreamercec @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @mac-attack19
10- @aol19 @eriquin @tartarusknight @gloomysoup @morallyundefined
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thedazzlesun · 1 year ago
Balalaika x Fem!Reader
(1.5k+ Word Count) (Suggestive material, some swearing)
Note: Reader has gun trauma/phobia
You hear the clinking of familiar metal. You freeze up, quickly trying to get yourself to brush it off. You were surrounded by drinks and idle chatter; it had to be an unfortunate mixture of sounds that you heard. She looks at you in confusion, eyes contemplating whether or not to worry. She shifts and you hear it again, softer. She has a--
You immediately swallow rising puke in your throat. It had to be a mistake. There was no possible way you could hear a soundless gun in the middle of a nightclub. Even if her scars screamed battle, even if she’s still with the military, there’s no way she’d have a gun.
She opens her mouth to offer to get some water, since you’re turning pale and starting to shake but you break yourself out of whatever trance you were in before she can speak. 
“Can I get you anything? You haven’t gotten a drink since you came in.” 
She had introduced herself as a military captain on special orders, and she was looking for someone who liked coming to this particular bar. 
She shook her head.
“Ah, no, thank you. I’d much rather you stay here. My target fancies pretty girls like you, and I don’t want to jeopardize you in case he’s already here.”
She drums her fingers on the table. The acrylic nails sound softly comforting. 
“Right, yeah, I’m helpless and defenseless…”
“No, that’s not what I imp-“
“Don’t sugarcoat it. I’ve heard plenty of it working here.” 
She looked pleasantly surprised at your bitterness. 
“I see.”
“…are you sure I can’t get you anything, miss….”
“Call me Balalaika.”
“I hope that's a codename.” 
She smiled, and it looked genuine amidst the atmosphere.
“Why’s a pretty girl like you working at a place like this?”
“Well, uhm, money. They pay me better here because I’m young and pretty.”
“Does it compensate for how you’re treated?” 
“It… it’s better than my other job.”
She doesn’t pry. Her fingers keep tapping away on the table. Your eyes keep wandering to them, getting in a small trance as you watch. 
Without a new conversation you look around awkwardly, wanting to get away. Not really, you liked where you were. This strange woman gave you a strange sense of comfort. However, your boss wouldn’t be too happy to find that you’ve been with a new customer since you started your shift…
Speaking of the devil, you see him coming out of the back room. He comes over to you after meeting your eyes.
He slings an arm behind you, his grip going to your shoulder.
“What are you doing all the way back here? The party’s in the front.”
“Ah- Well-”
“Is this your boss?”
The two meet eyes, and she smiles dryly. 
His grip tightens and he eyes you sharply. A small sign of ‘look at the trouble you’ve made, I'll punish you later.’
“Why, yes. I’m the owner of this place. Would you like a drink? I’ll send my girl here to fetch you one right away-”
“She’s staying.”
Her fingers stop drumming on the table.
He blinks, taken aback. No one ever spoke back to him.
“I said she’s staying here with me. Have you been here so long the moans and music made you fucking deaf?”
Whoever this woman was, you loved her. 
Your boss began to speak, probably of his authority or something. But then she stood up.
And took a gun out to point at him.
You jolt.
As if on cue, you hear more guns at the ready around you. In barely lit parts of the room, a few soldiers stand with guns pointed at the man with an arm around you.
Right. Military captain…
“Let’s not act like you don’t know who I am.”
Realizing, your boss clicks his tongue and lets you go to storm off.
The guns are back to being holstered.
But the sound is still in your head.
How fast the things were pulled out, almost as fast as pulling the trigger.
Military captain.
She has a gun.
“You have a gun.”
Balalaika sits back down and looks over you.
“Are you scared?” She sounds almost amused, but not in some derogatory way. In an interested way.
You don’t answer and instead pull over a chair to take a seat in front of her. 
Most people laughed when you jolted at the sound of a gun.
Her eyes narrow at you, intrigued by something. 
You force yourself not to stare as she starts drumming her fingers again.
I want them inside me.
You jolt, surprised at your own thoughts.
Balalaika raises an eyebrow at your sudden movement.
“Something wrong?”
“Ah- no, it’s…”
You swallow, forcing yourself to relax. And you must’ve had blush on your face because she stares a bit longer and smirks. Her fingers tap a few times more, almost on purpose. 
And then she’s back to scanning the crowd like she wasn’t able to just enter your head for a moment. Or maybe you’re just that bad at hiding your thoughts.
Her hands soon began to idle again. 
You unconsciously bite your lip as you watch, letting the lewd thoughts slip through. She couldn’t read your thoughts. 
She can.
A sly smile comes across her lips and her eyes narrow. She wasn’t scanning the crowd at all. She was waiting for you to let your defenses slip. 
Your teeth unhook your lip, a slight gasp coming through your lips as well as blush lining your face. 
“Are you sure you’re alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
The soft laugh in her voice. Her fingers tapping in sync with your pulse. Those unreadable eyes consuming you…
“Y-Yeah. I’m fine. I- I’m going to go to the bathroom.” 
“I’ll go with you.”
When she gets up the chair scratches the floor, and you hear the entire world go quiet. You can see the breath held in her throat. The small flame in her eyes. 
You wanted to get away, to take a moment to breathe.
Was she trying to stay by your side to protect you? Or to have you to herself? 
You brush some hair behind your ear. 
“I… Thanks. If you’re worried about me, I’ll wait. I appreciate you--”
The soft tap of her heels on the floor shuts you up. 
She’s closing in on you, heels impossible louder than everything else.
Pink nails reach out to caress your cheek. Her thumb brushes over the corner of your lip. 
Balalaika smiles.
“Oh no, I’m not worried. Not anymore.”
Her other fingers tap in unison on your skin, and you know she can feel the shiver you get from the movement.
You turn away, suddenly blushing more at remembering she has soldiers here. Probably watching her for a signal. Watching you. 
You swallow, the saliva catching in your throat when she leans closer. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
Kiss her.
Make her feel how hot you are.
Tell her you want her fingers inside you.
The majority of things you wanted to say were beyond dirty, and you were afraid to death that saying one of them would make her see you as a whore. Nothing but a desperate slut, lonely and needy for attention. Wanting someone to put you in your place.
She leans in closer when you don’t answer, bangs fluttering your face and eyes piercing into your very soul. 
Her hand is on your waist.
You gasp.
You see stars, your life flashing in slow motion as she’s so quick to capture your open mouth and steal your breath-
The contact never happens.
Balalaika pulls away instead, face serious and eyes scanning behind you. Her hand on your waist tightens, ready to pull you towards her if anything happens. 
You breathe hard, caught in a daze.
“He’s here.”
Disoriented, you turn around. You can’t see a thing. The strobing lights dance across your vision like galaxies, and the people are nothing but darker blobs.
You rub your temple, trying to take a step away from how close she was.
“I- I need some water.”
Her grip tightens and her other hand catches your arm.
You want to but you really feel like you can collapse any second.
She apparently gives some signal, because a minute later a soldier’s handing you a glass.
Still dizzy, you watch him almost immediately disappear back into the shadows.
There’s a sound of hard leather boots coming close.
You choke on a sip of water, almost spitting it out.
Your vision starting to clear with the drink, you look around frantically.
You know you heard it. You knew it had to be who she was looking for. 
Her eyes scan your face as you look back to her. There’s confusion and something of intrigue in her eyes. 
You close your eyes, trying to focus year ears among the sounds. Nothing was there.
“N-Nevermind. I thought I heard leather boots.”
She raises an eyebrow.
“You can hear that well in here?”
You bite you lip and stammer, brushing it off as 'the music dying down at the right time'. You had always had sharper hearing than most, and she would think you insane if you told her.
You excuse yourself as you see a familiar patron waving at you. They were only a few tables over, and she would still have a view of you.
"I'll only be a moment. Still have to do my job you know, or at least look like I'm doing it."
Balalaika smiles and presses a paper into your hands.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I've gotten what I came here for."
You wonder what she meant, since all she's been doing is chatting with you and scanning the crowd. Perhaps a soldier found something.
She leans in close to your ear.
"Call me if you find yourself in trouble. I appreciate your company tonight, and if you need anything from me I'll always answer for you."
You're immediately caught in confusion, but she's already walking away before you can ask anything. Soon the tap of her heels are lost to the atmosphere.
The patron waving at you calls your name. Suddenly out of your trance, you give a smile and walk towards them.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years ago
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Thanks for sending this lovely surprise in, Cia! 🥰 this gif tho…🥺🥺🥺 it immediately made me think of my mini-series, Girl Dad.
Loud Sounds
Tommy Shelby x Reader (from the mini-series Girl Dad)
Warnings: ptsd fueled episode (brought on by sound)
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Tommy and his daughter, Thea, are out on Arrow House’s grounds. Thea asked if her father could take her fishing for the day and Tommy, surprisingly, agreed. (Y/N) was rather pregnant with their second child, and Tommy knew she needed a rest.
With their rods in hand, Tommy still managed to get Thea’s favorite horse, Sammy, out of the stable and the two rode him to the pond that was on the property.
Things were going well. Tommy had shown Thea how to properly cast the line and the little three and a half year old was more than happy with reeling in lily pads and soggy sticks. Tommy was happy that he was able to spend some quality time with his daughter; he’d been guilty of thrusting himself fully into his business these past several weeks.
But the baby was coming soon, so Tommy decided to cut back on the hours in his office. He even found that the more time he spent with his family, the less he was trying to find ways to quiet his mind.
He was usually ok with loud sounds, bangs in particular, and horses getting startled, so having this happen truly scared him. Afterwards he reasoned that maybe it was because the two sounds happened together, but in the moment he shutdown.
There was either a car that misfired, or someone in the woods shot their weapon. The loud bang that came from it startled Sammy to the point where he was rearing back and whinnying loudly.
Hearing these sounds made Tommy hit the ground; his mind transported back to France. He slid down the slight slope of the pond, flattening his body as best he could against the mud as he covered his head with his arms; waiting for the imending gun and canon-fire. He squeezed his eyes shut, prepared for it once again.
But it didn’t come. Instead, the sweet voice of his daughter filled the silence that returned after the horse had calmed down. “What’s wrong, daddy?”
Her voice made Tommy open his eyes and look around. He was breathing heavily, adrenaline still coursing through him and he was still able to hear his heart beating in his ears, but that was the only sound. Removing only one of his arms from his head, he checked his surroundings. It quickly became apparent that he wasn’t in France. Then he saw Thea. She was looking at him with an expression that was a mix of confusion and worry.
“Daddy?” she asked again, her head tipping to the side as she made her confusion even more clear.
“Noth…nothing, sweetheart. Nothing’s wrong,” he told her, not trusting his voice enough to sound confident at first.
“Mumma’s not going to be happy that you got your shoes and pants wet,” she pointed out in a warning tone, making Tommy realized that the lower half of his legs were now submerged in the pond.
“I don’t think she will be,” Tommy agreed with his daughter, taking a few more steadying breaths. He hated that he’d reacted like that; especially in front of Thea…but it was thanks to Thea that he was able to snap out of it. She quickly made him realize that he was no longer in France.
“I can help you up, daddy,” she then said to him, extending her hand out as she crouched down next to where he was laying.
Tommy’s heart instantly swelled at her offer, wondering how he managed to be blessed with a child who had such a pure soul. “I’ll get up on my own, love. Thank you though,” he politely turned down her offer, pulling himself up, out of the water then so that he was standing again.
“All better?” Thea asked, looking up at him now.
“All better,” Tommy nodded, sending her a smile, making one form on the little girl’s face.
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The creaking of the door made Tommy glance up from the paper he was reading over. He decided that he’d take some time alone in his office after the incident that happened at the pond. He brought the newspaper down to his lap when he saw that (Y/N) was in the doorway. He smiled at her, silently waving her over.
(Y/N) listened, moving into the room and shutting the door behind her. She waited until she was a step or two away from him to finally speak. “Thea told me about what happened at the pond today,” she said softly, testing the waters to see if he wanted to talk about it or not. Tommy was always hit or miss when it came topics such as these. She didn’t want to push him if he didn’t feel comfortable with it.
“She told me about my pants and shoes then, eh?” he asked, chuckling slightly he rubbed the back of his head. He looked down at his lap as his smile faded, thinking back to what had happened earlier. “It was just loud sounds, love. They happened at the same time and…” he trailed off, exhaling the rest of his breath as a sigh.
(Y/N) sent him a sympathetic smile, knowing how tough it was for him to express these types of things. The fact that he even began talking about it was a rarity. “I know,” she began, catching herself before continuing, “well I don’t actually know, but…”
“I know what you mean,” he cut her off, seeing that she was getting ready to talk herself into a circle. “I’m fine now…got over it pretty quickly once I realized Thea was there. She helped me,” he told her, sending her a closed-mouth smile.
“She didn’t think much of it,” she informed him, smiling back, “just thought it was funny that you got wet.”
Tommy chuckled at her statement, waving her over to sit with him. (Y/N) obliged, happily taking a seat on his lap. “Thanks for checking on me,” he mumbled against the skin of her neck before he pressed a kiss to it.
“Of course, love,” she smiled at him before she rested her head against his shoulder.
They sat in the comfortable silence for a few minutes before Tommy spoke again: “maybe I ought to go take Thea fishing again,” he mused, his hand brushing lazy circles against her swollen abdomen, “she really seemed to like it.”
“You should,” (Y/N) answered, nodding the best she could with her head rested against his shoulder, a smile forming on her lips.
“Maybe I’ll even take this one out there too,” he continued, referring to the child that would be born any day now.
“Even better,” (Y/N)’s smile grew as she lifted her head and pressed a kiss to his lips.
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So I got a but carried away with this one 😅 I hope you enjoyed it!
Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel @cljordan-imperium @areyenotfondofmelobster @little-diable
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alexanderwales · 3 months ago
Pitchposting: Tradwife
Alright, usually I do pitchposting when I think a concept has legs but I don't have the time or inclination to actually write it. I'm not sure about this one though.
The premise is that it's an isekai, but our protagonist is a Gen Z late-teenage girl who is deep into a neo-conservative neo-traditional mindset that she's picked up from TikTok or whatever. She gets thrust into a fantasy world with their own conservative traditional gender roles, and the story happens from there.
I guess I have to start with what appeals to me: this is a fish-out-of-water clash of cultures story that's premised on the protagonist assuming that this is what she wants. It's "weeaboo goes to Japan". That basic pitch is a classic one, though much more rare than "naïve fish-out-of-water knows nothing", and usually the narrative path is disillusionment followed by some kind of synthesis where either the world changes because of the protagonist or the protagonist realizes that the world has its own merits that are different from the naïve notions that they came in with.
And I think you certainly could tell a story where our tradwifelette protagonist was instantly disabused of the notion that tradwifery was what she was imagining, or where it's instantly shown that she doesn't and cannot fit in, that she is ill-prepared for this world she's been dreaming of, simply does not have the material and emotional skills that she needs, etc. And I think that this would be somewhat boring to me.
So what I'm pitching instead is the textured approach, one where we try to slowly pick apart our protagonist's psyche rather than flash-boiling her. We're not ripping this sweater in half, we're pulling at threads until the whole thing is undone. She gets courted (somehow), and gets married, and her husband is not abusive, and she isn't locked away, but there are expectations and she is confined in the way that she had wished to be confined.
(The central example of an aspirational tradwife wants to be transported into the world that mostly existed in 1950s adverts for kitchen appliances. It's a fantasy that's at least partly about prosperity and leisure, and having someone take care of you. I think "woman transported back to the 50s" is something that could work, but is not to my tastes for a variety of reasons. The central example of a tradwife influencer has a bunch of kids, lots of support, puts on a happy face, and hustles like hell to work on photos and videos and stuff. The difference between the influencer and the false reality the influencer is peddling is interesting, but beyond the scope of this idea.)
Anyway, I feel like there are a ton of romance novels featuring women transported back in time so they can get in romantic entanglements with brooding, muscular men, and the romance genre is so wide that there are many different types of men, and many different types of protagonists. So probably this has been done, and been done many times. But there's something that tickles me about giving our hypothetical Zoomer everything she wants and then watching the ways it makes her dissatisfied.
There are obviously some pitfalls to watch out for here, and I think if I were writing this, it would be with the intent that I get at the fantasy and what makes it appealing, then at specifically the ways in which that fantasy offers its own internal paradoxes, rather than the ways in which it's unrealistic or impossible or whatever, the external paradoxes.
And this would take a lot of research, I guess, because I have some inklings about what makes the Zoomer wannabe tradwives tick, but the point would be to deconstruct it from the inside (hard), rather than from the outside (easy).
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lynzishell · 7 months ago
The Past 💛 Atlas
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As I approach the club, the bass is already thumping from the floor above. Despite the cold, they have the large floor-to-ceiling accordion doors open wide to allow the air to flow for the dancers and DJ. Something I’m sure I’ll be grateful for later.
I notice Ash first, his back is to me with his teal hair practically glowing in the neon lights. He’s standing with Lex and a few of her friends in a circle on the side of the building. I met Lex’s friends once before at a concert last year, but I don’t remember any of their names. They all seem nice enough, but it wasn’t exactly the environment to get to know them, and I doubt tonight will be any different.
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“Atlas!!” Lex squeals and runs toward me at full speed when she notices me walking up. I smile and brace myself as she jumps up and attaches herself to me, squeezing the air from my lungs. “I’m so happy you came!”
“Happy Birthday!” I say when she releases her grip, and I set her back on her feet.
“Thank you. Now, give me your hand,” she demands. I do as she says, and she places a small tablet in the center of my palm.
“Aha, what did you bring?” I ask, but she just smiles and pulls on my arm, leading me to the rest of the group.
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I wave hello to everyone as we approach, and then sidle up next to Ash and lean into him to say, “Hey.”
He looks up at me and smiles, “Glad you could make it.”
“Did you take one of these?” I ask, showing him the tablet Lex gave me.
“Not yet,” he says, “still deciding if I want to.”
“I’m only going to take half if you want to split it with me.”
“Yeah, actually, that’s a good idea. I hate getting too fucked up.”
“Me too,” I say as I bite the edge of it, careful not to bite it directly in half because I know it will crumble a bit anyway. The flavor is incredibly bitter, almost too much even for me. I feel a little guilty handing the other half to Ash and watching his face twist up as he swallows it.
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One of Lex’s friends, a petite girl with a blonde pixie cut and glitter covering her eyelids, hands us her water bottle, “Here, you guys can finish it.”
“Thank you,” I say sincerely. She is now my favorite. “Remind me what your name is?”
“Blair,” she smiles and points to herself
“Right, thank you, Blair.” I take a small sip of water, just enough to wash away whatever crumbs are left behind in my mouth, and then hand the bottle to Ash who happily chugs the rest.
“Thank you so much,” he says to Blair before walking over to toss the bottle in the recycle bin.
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Once inside, we stop at the counter to check our jackets with a bubbly woman who is offering everyone a Starburst from a bowl placed conveniently next to a tip jar complete with a QR code to tip digitally if you don’t have cash. I don’t touch the candy, but I do leave a generous tip when I hand her my favorite zip-up hoodie. She hands me back a numbered stub, and I take a photo of it with my phone before shoving it into my pocket, just in case.
I turn to step aside and make room for the others but stop when I see Ash pulling his hoodie up over his head. His t-shirt is stuck to it causing it to rise up and expose the bare skin of his waist. My brain short-circuits, all thoughts leaving my mind aside from the image of wrapping my hands around that waist, of getting on my knees and— “Ow!”
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Lex pinches the back of my arm, snapping me back to reality. I look over at her and she points at me, her eyes squinting to a glare behind her glasses, clearly in best-friend-protection mode. “What was that for?” As if I don’t already know. She’s forgiven me for the way I hurt Ash before but obviously not forgotten.
“Don’t play dumb with me. I’m watching you.”
I hold my hands up in surrender, “You have nothing to worry about, I promise.”
“Mhm,” is all she says before turning away and hooking arms with Ash as they walk up the stairs.
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