#at least until I finish this chapter
sendpseuds · 29 days
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This [segment of a] comment that @underacalicosky left on Perfect Spiral has been on my mind since the moment I saw it and all I can think about is—
Anakin returns to the temple early from a long mission to find himself face to face with a man he doesn't recognize leaving the quarters he shares with Obi-Wan— tall, young, curls that almost touch his shoulders. Naturally, Anakin must confront this stranger who, to his horror, turns out to be a sex worker.
It’s not that Anakin has an issue with the profession, it’s just that—
"You’re here to see Obi-Wan? You were— with Obi-Wan Kenobi?"
"Look, man, I don't talk about my—“
"You will answer my questions."
"I will answer your questions."
Queue Anakin basically Force interrogating this poor man [over burgers and strong drinks because he’s not that cruel] learning things he’s definitely not ready to hear.
Obi-Wan first took him to bed almost a year ago.
He’s been tied up, spanked, made to hold what he describes as an ungodly cock in his mouth as the high Jedi general worked on battle plans and mission reports.
He describes Anakin’s master as his favorite client.
“What happens— after? You just— leave?”
“Not immediately. He’s sweet. Kind. He likes to make sure I’m okay.”
“Yeah. That sounds like—“
“But tonight— tonight was one of his sad nights. He wanted to hold me. Kept saying how much he missed me.”
Anakin is devastated. He feels like his hope is dying. Like he can’t breathe.
Until the man across the table huffs out a strange laugh.
“Well, no, not me. Obi-Wan misses him.”
“What? Who?”
“Anakin. When we’re together, he calls me Anakin.”
Obviously, chapter two is Obi-Wan’s POV, wondering why Anakin is acting so strangely until he realizes his former padawan is reenacting a scene he’s played out with his favorite sex worker, beat for beat.
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parkitaco · 1 year
"Mike," Holly huffs, standing over him with her arms crossed, "You're doing it bad."
Mike glances up from where he's sitting on the sidewalk in front of their house, covered in chalk and sweating. "Thanks," he says sarcastically, as Holly kicks her shoe at the drawing he's been half-heartedly creating on the ground. "You're the one who wanted to do this, remember?"
"You're hogging all the chalk," Holly whines, collapsing onto the ground and tossing an arm over her eyes in despair. Mike scowls; anyone who thinks he's dramatic has got him confused with the wrong Wheeler. "And you're not even doing it good."
Mike sighs, glancing down at his half-completed chalk drawing of a bunny, per Holly's request that there be more fun animals, Mike, it's too boring otherwise. She has a point - all his drawings have turned out sort of blob-shaped and ugly. "You do it, then," he says sourly, shoving the box of slightly broken chalk in her direction, and she grins all teeth at him.
Mike pulls his phone out of his pocket, grimacing when he sees the time. With Nancy off at college, he's been getting stuck on Holly-duty more and more often, and he's still got a solid three hours this morning before his mother gets home. Not that Holly's bad company, necessarily, though her incessant criticism certainly isn't helping her case. But it's summer, and Mike had had some vague plans of maybe going to the lake today, and hopefully dragging Will along with him. And besides, Holly's almost nine years old. She shouldn't need full-time looking after. Probably.
As if he's somehow read his mind from afar, Mike's phone buzzes with a text from Will:
hey :)
how's holly duty
Mike smiles, glancing up at his sister, who is currently scribbling out his misshapen rabbit drawing with a stick of red chalk, tongue poking out between her teeth as she concentrates on utterly destroying his attempt at art. It's hard to have authority over someone who knows you're a loser, he texts back, as Holly finishes scribbling out the bunny drawing and moves on to one of his earlier drawings.
don't call my boyfriend a loser :(, Will replies, and Mike's grin widens.
To be fair holly said it first, he types, and a piece of chalk hits him square on the forehead. He yelps and glances up from his phone, scowling at his sister. "Ow!"
"Stop texting Will," Holly says sourly, "and draw with me."
"Who says I'm texting Will?" Mike demands, snatching up the piece of chalk Holly had thrown at him. "And you said I was bad at drawing."
Holly stays silent, staring him down until he reluctantly leans over and starts drawing again. "I know you're texting Will because you have the dumb look on your face," she says, "And it's not fun if you're not drawing with me!"
"My face isn't dumb," Mike mumbles, but he goes back to drawing anyway. Maybe- fish are probably pretty easy to draw, right? He draws a circle with a triangle on the end that looks vaguely fish-like, and then sets about filing in multicolored scales.
Holly starts talking again, babbling on about whatever little world she's drawing at the other end of the pavement, and Mike nods along absently, doodling little circles around the slightly wonky-looking fish and praying that the sunscreen he'd hurriedly sprayed on before going outside is enough to protect his frighteningly pale skin from the blazing sun overhead. It's barely noon, but it's already getting hot, and the sidewalk is in direct sunlight with no trees around to shield him. Holly seems unbothered, though Mike can already see the bridge of her nose pinkening, and he'll undoubtedly get a lecture from his mother lately about taking proper care of his baby sister and whatnot. Even though Holly is literally not a baby, and Mike is pretty sure that when he was nine he was perfectly capable of putting on sunscreen.
It's a welcome relief, then, if a little surprising, when a shadow falls over him, and Mike jumps, dropping his chalk and raising a hand to shield his eyes as he glances up at the person standing over him. When he sees who it is, his entire body relaxes, a slow smile stretching across his face.
Will matches it, offering a little wave as he surveys the situation; Mike, covered in chalk and doodling multicolored circles all over the sidewalk, with his sister five feet away frantically scribbling out his earlier drawings. "Hi," Will says, amused, and Mike waves back, grinning a little sheepishly. "Are we having fun?"
"Hi, Will!" Holly chirps before Mike can answer, popping her head up and smiling brightly. "Mike is being a bummer," she informs him seriously, and Will laughs.
"Is that so," he replies, eyes flicking to Mike, and he nudges Mike's knee with the toe of his shoe.
"No," Mike replies sourly, giving Holly a scathing glare, "I'm being super nice, actually."
Holly is unperturbed, sticking her tongue out at him and going back to drawing, and Will laughs again as he sinks to the ground in front of Mike, crossing his legs beneath him and leaning back on his palms. He looks good like this, warm and tan in the summer sun with a teasing twinkle in his eye and his white t-shirt tucked neatly into his jeans.
"Hi," Will says again, low and soft, reaching forward and tugging at the collar of Mike's t-shirt until he leans forward for a quick kiss. In his peripheral, Mike watches Holly pull a face of disgust, and actively decides to pretend he doesn't notice. "I like your drawing," Will says, glancing down at the fish Mike has been slaving away at, and Mike flushes, whining in embarrassment and scooting away.
"Shut up," he grumbles, reaching for a fresh piece of chalk and halfheartedly filling in one of his circles with purple. "You're the artist, not me."
"Hey, I was being serious!" Will says, laughing lightly, "It's cute."
Mike presses his lips together, giving Will a scrutinizing look. "You're cute," he mumbles, which isn't quite the comeback he'd been looking for but is still, unfortunately, very true, and Will brightens, shooting him a brilliant smile.
"Hey, thanks," he replies, and leans over to steal the chalk out of his hand. "Can I draw too?" he asks Holly, who glances up from where she's drawing a mustache and goatee onto Mike's poor attempt at drawing a cat.
She looks Will up and down, weighing her options, and then nods once, shoving the box of chalk in his direction. "Don't break any," she chides.
"I won't," Will says seriously, placing a hand over his heart like he's swearing it.
Mike rolls his eyes. "You've already broken like half of it, Holly," he says, reaching for a blue piece and doodling another circle near his fish.
"That's why we can't break any more!" she says shrilly, which is a fair enough point. Mike lets it go.
Will smirks, leaning over and sketching out a few gentle lines on a blank stretch of sidewalk. "When does your mom get back?" he asks, as the lines he's sketching gradually take the shape of a much more realistic-looking fish than the one Mike had drawn.
"Like, three maybe?" Mike says with a grimace, pulling out his phone to check the time again. Tragically, it has been less than fifteen minutes since the last time he checked. "She has to do grocery shopping and then yoga, I think. I don't know, I wasn't totally listening."
Will snorts, picking up a piece of blue chalk and drawing gentle, wave-like lines around the two fishes they've drawn. "Okay," he says, chalk-dusted fingers brushing over the back of Mike's hand gently, "But you're free tonight, yeah?"
"Yeah," Mike confirms, "Why, did you want to do something?"
Will nods, filling in little white crests on each of the waves he's drawn. "Yeah. The lake, maybe? I don't know, I just want to hang out with you."
It's impressive, how easily Will is able to make Mike's entire chest fill with butterflies with a single phrase, especially such a mundane one considering how long they've been dating. He bites down a shy smile and nods as normally as he can manage, though he's pretty sure Will can sense the giddiness radiating from him anyway. "That sounds nice," he says, and then, because he can't help himself, "We are hanging out right now, though. In case you hadn't noticed."
Will rolls his eyes, lifting a chalk-covered finger and booping Mike's nose lightly, undoubtedly covering his face in green chalk dust. "I did notice," he says, jabbing his finger at him again, "But- alone, I meant. Sorry, Holly," he adds, glancing over at her apologetically, and she sticks her tongue out at him.
"Mean," she whines, and Mike rolls his eyes.
"Don't dish it out if you can't take it," he tells her, and she scowls, maintaining eye contact with him while she draws a giant red X directly over one of his earlier drawings.
Will's eyes widen. "Cold," he mutters, and holds his fist out. Holly bumps it dutifully and goes back to drawing.
His eyes flick back to Mike, and the corner of his mouth ticks up as his gaze darts over Mike's face. "You have chalk on your face," he informs him, looking like he's trying very hard not to laugh, and Mike scowls, lifting a hand and scrubbing at his face with the back of it.
"That's your fault," he grumbles, and Will makes a fake-sympathetic face as he scoots closer and bats Mike's hand away, raising a still green-tinged hand to wipe at his face. Mike lets him, leaning into his warmth, even as he says, nose wrinkled, "Listen, I can't see my face right now, but I feel like you're making it worse."
Will grimaces, and his hands tragically pull away from Mike's face as he surveys his work. "A bit, yeah," he acknowledges. "I kinda just spread it around."
"Idiot," Mike accuses, and Will grins all teeth, tilting forward slowly like he's falling into Mike's gravity before closing the rest of the distance in one swift motion and stealing another quick kiss. "Idiot," Mike says again, and leans in for another.
"Love you too," Will replies cheerily when they part again, and Mike shoots him the finger before remembering that there's a child present and quickly hiding it behind his back.
"I saw that," Holly says anyway, as she finishes whatever she's drawing and glances up at him.
"No you didn't," Mike says matter-of-factly, and Will elbows him.
"Don't gaslight her," he reprimands, and Holly points at him and nods.
"Come here," she demands, despite the fact that Mike and Will are sitting less than ten feet away from here. "I wanna show you what I made."
Mike wants to tell her to say please, or something, or at least take a slightly less bossy tone with the person who is literally in charge of her for the day, but Will is already scooting over to her, peering down at her drawing with genuine curiosity, and Mike has no choice but to follow. It's a little infuriating and all too endearing, how nice Will is to Holly, and most people in general. He makes people feel important. Mike in particular.
Holly's drawn a rainbow, Mike sees as he clambers over to sit beside Will, hooking an arm around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. There are little multicolored hearts all around it, complete with white clouds at either end, and Holly looks way too pleased with herself for someone who's basically just drawn a bunch of lines, but whatever. It's probably better than Mike could do.
"It's for you!" she chirps, grinning wide, and Will huffs a surprised laugh, hand absently coming to rest on Mike's knee. "Because rainbows."
"Aw, Mike," Will laughs, tilting his head back to look Mike in the eye, "Did you teach her that?"
"No," Mike says, squirming closer to him and grinning, "Nancy, probably. She keeps sending me all these lists of queer resources and shit."
Will hums a laugh, thumb tracing gentle circles into Mike's knee as he reaches for his phone. "This is very sweet, Holly," he says sincerely, and she blushes as he snaps a picture. "Thank you."
"You should take a picture of Mike's fish, too," she says seriously.
Mike frowns. "I thought you hated my drawings."
"Not the fish!" she says, and does not elaborate, which- yeah, sure. Mike will take what he can get.
"Here, you take it," Will says, passing Holly his phone, and she hops excitedly to her feet and shuffles over to the other end of the sidewalk to snap the photo.
Mike settles more comfortably onto Will's shoulder, enjoying the solid warmth of him even under the burning summer sun. "You know there's a twenty percent chance she's going to break your phone," he murmurs into Will's ear, still half-hugging him from behind, and Will lifts a hand to rest over Mike's where it's pressed against his side, threading their fingers together.
"She's like four feet tall," Will points out, "she can't break it any worse than I already have."
"You'd be surprised," Mike mutters darkly, and Will laughs, tilting his head to the side and pressing a soft kiss to the side of Mike's face. Mike leans into it, a smile creeping onto his face despite himself.
Holly flounces back over, dropping Will's phone unceremoniously into his lap and resuming her previous position amidst the chalk drawings. "You guys are gross," she announces, as Will presses another kiss to Mike's temple.
"You made a drawing for us, though," Mike points out.
"Doesn't mean you aren't gross," she says matter-of-factly, and Mike supposes it's kind of hard to argue with that. "You have chalk on your face, by the way."
Mike splutters something incomprehensible, and Will laughs quietly, slinging an arm around his shoulders and grinning up at him. "It's okay," he says seriously, "I like your face."
"I like your face too," Mike replies teasingly, leaning in to rest his forehead against Will's.
"Gross," Holly says again, and the sun keeps shining.
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cheesecakezyum · 2 years
I just found your blog and I am LOVING the Wukong content. I was hoping to request some smut headcanons (maybe alphabet hcs- if you feel up to it). I completely understand ty! <333
NSFW Alphabet ; Sun Wukong
Please do not click the ‘keep reading’ option if you are under the age of 18. Adults only, please! :)
Welcome to my page! I’m ecstatic that you’re enjoying what I’m providing <3 Doing alphabet headcanons are actually some of my favorites!
Mainly because it helps me with future pieces of writing (smut ofc) — like a cheat sheet almost!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He loves to hold you in general, so after a session of utter passion? It’s tripled. He’ll sometimes want to keep his cock buried in you overnight if you’re up for it and continue from where you two left off the next morning.
He’s not too big on cleaning himself personally after sex (like the absolute gremlin he is), but he’ll begrudgingly set a warm bath for you if that’s what you want! You’ve explained UTI’s and yeast infections to him, which is why he no longer complains about keeping his semen inside you as long as he can.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his tail. I mean, it’s like a third hand! Another tool to balance himself, grab things, and especially bring you to him when he’s needy.
He personally loves your ears. They’re so cute and small compared to his! Sometimes you’ll catch him fiddling with your earlobes. He also enjoys the noises you make when he nibbles on them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It turns him on extremely seeing you covered in his cum— legs spread, ever so slightly trembling as you’re leaking with his semen, your face twisted into an expression of pure bliss. It’s enough to get him riled up all over again.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Has a Owner/Property kink that even to this day hasn’t publicly told you about. You found out yourself after a certain rigorous handjob when he basically begged you to let him cum, ending his plead with master.
Praise kink too, but he’s a bit more open with that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
At first he may seem clumsy, but he’s simply learning what makes your body tick. After maybe 3-4 sessions expect him to have your anatomy and personal pleasures memorized to the tea. Every whimper, moan— it’s all a sign to let him know that he should keep the ministrations going.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
The mating press.
His main interest is the deeper penetration aspect of the position. He also loves the look of your helpless face every time he presses into you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Pretty goofy! But Wukong knows when to switch the mood to make it better for you both. One minute he’ll be joking to you about a show playing in the background and the next will be eating you out like you’re the last meal he’ll ever have.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This man is 100% a hobo. Although being filled with body hair already (cause, y’know. Monkey?) he has a pretty clean happy trail which matches the ash orange color of his mane!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He won’t have sex with you unless there’s at least some sort of feelings in the mix. Whether they’re unspoken or not it’s something that’s always there. He’s not there just to fuck, he wants to make love.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t masturbate often. He’d have to really be in the mood, but even still— he has trouble concentrating when it’s only imagination. If he ever does though, you’d be the only thing on his mind. Maybe a picture, or a voicemail would do.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding. It’s instinctual for him to have reproductive urges; The idea of stuffing you full of his cum to be the future carrier of his children is quite appealing to the simian.
Marking. He likes both you and everyone else to know who you belong to. Whether it be carrying your scent with him— or the many bites littered around your body. He thinks it’s like taking a park of him with you.
Cockwarming. While it can be seen as torture for both parties, he adores the way you slowly break down above him. A simple shift of the hips enough to make such deliciously crude noises escape from those pretty lips. It makes sex that much more gratifying if there’s at least a bit of a wait.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s a bit more comfortable if you guys have some type of privacy, considering the entirety of Flower Fruit Mountain is littered with primates. So a bedroom or bathroom would do.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Being the big spoon. While it may start as sweet and lighthearted before you know it he’ll be slowly pressing his clothed erection into you, huffing softly and asking if you’re up for a round or two.
Your own moans. He’ll work hard as hell if it means by the end of the night you’re screaming his name, begging for more— to go even harder.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers to definitely give. He finds his own pleasure in yours!
Let’s just say he knows how to use his tongue quite well. This can go back to E; He knows what you need to reach your climax and he’s more than happy to give it to you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and rough. Wukong wants to feel your walls clenching every single time he’s just about to pull out, only to thrust back in without a care in the world.
As his peak eventually reaches though— he will often try to chase it with a faster, sloppier pace. ONLY if he knows you’re both close.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
While he does like to take his time with you, quickies are a pretty common occurrence when you’re with Wukong. In a certain spot with few wandering eyes? He’ll lift you up against the wall and pound into you.
In a certain position while your cleaning? On the counter you go. Just sucks that you have to pick up even more of a mess after.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Not too fancied on the idea of trying something new unless he has somewhat of an idea of what’s gonna go down. He doesn’t want to be left in the dark, and communication is especially key for this monkey.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
His stamina is as big as his ego. This man could go fucking you a whole night if it meant filling you up to the brim.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t have any toys, and isn’t too fond of buying any simply because he doesn’t know where? Like???
If you have your own, though, he’d be more than happy to hear how to use them and spice up your tango just a bit more.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Humiliation really isn’t his game, but he loves to mention how destroyed you look under him— asking you to tell him just what you want him to do while he’s hovered over you.
It just gives him a bit of pride to know that he can make you into such a mess. You lustful deviant you!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I don’t think he’d be necessarily loud. The trembling quiver of his voice as he breathes out your name— the occasional curse.
He’d have to be pretty wound up in order to raise that voice of his. It’s not necessarily impossible! The stroke of his tail is a pretty quick way to get an unprepared whore moan out of him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
It’s like he’s constantly in the honeymoon phase when he’s with you. Pet names like hun, sweetie, peaches, schnookums even. His corniness is sickeningly addictive.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sleeper build. He doesn’t look necessarily ripped at first glance with all those robes but a good feel of those thighs or biceps shows that even thousands of years later, he’s in great shape.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High, very high. Maybe not at first; jumping straight into sex after building a relationship just isn’t him. One taste of that pie, however, and suddenly he can’t seem to get enough of you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He doesn’t fall asleep immediately after sex. It’s certainly tempting, but he’d much more prefer taking care of you, taking in the moment and making sure you’re okay.
Maneskin has been my go-to for music while I’m writing, especially spicier prompts/ideas I have yet to publish ;D
Definitely give their new album a listen if you’re interested!
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twin-chains · 5 months
Based on any criteria: whoever was the most fun to fight, the coolest or most clever design, the hardest battle, general vibes, etc
It’s been a minute since I tried playing SS but personally I thought Koloktos was so cool with all the gold arms. Also getting to hit it with its own giant sword was a big plus
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beetlethebug · 4 months
Me in chap 4 of my chilaios angst fic giving chilchuck a surrogate daughter for like 3 paragraphs: ah yes, a little treat for our local girldad
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riftfic · 1 year
it's finished IT'S FINISHED I DID IT
*launches screaming off the roof*
now would be a good time to start rereading if you want
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nyxronomicon · 5 months
kinda been wanting to write but feeling scatterbrained as usual lol. Salvation and parent trap are both on my master list btw if you're new here (since I haven't talked about them in a while lol)
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bluuscreen · 2 years
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more au art <3 finally figured out how to draw wolves, so have virgil using werewolf!roman as a pillow :p
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platoapproved · 10 days
oh this fic is going to take.... way, way longer than anticipated
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ronanlynchbf · 5 months
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sendpseuds · 29 days
I've had too many ideas this week and I need to put them somewhere so I don't open a new doc so please excuse me while I spam you
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jamietwat · 25 days
This is how easily distracted my writing focus has been in the last twelve hours
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sualne · 2 months
wanted to know how much ive written, there's some stuff ive deleted entirely but i've been trying to keep all the "rejects" for record reasons, so far it's: vamp AU: around 49k (WIP) modern AU: around 56k (first draft, incomplete), around 12k (currently rewriting). total around 117k.
i've published about 28k, all vamp au and this is without counting the small unrelated op oneshots ive given up on a while ago.
i keep going back & forth, writing & deleting, making notes to fix the whole thing, start again from the left. i know ive been working on those since october but i hadn't realized just how much there is, and almost none of it is presentable yet. it's not that i don't like the style or anything, it's a bunch of scenes cobbled up together with a lot of nothing between them. i know what happens inbetween but i haven't gotten to writing it yet. there's just so much that's missing.
on one side im impressed by how much there is, for someone who couldn't write for years im so happy but on the other hand, it's all WIPs, it's neverending WIPs. i'm writing gruyère.
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theoldmixer · 1 year
well how did i get here? 13 going on 30 AU
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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mihai-florescu · 6 months
Hmph. An evil boop is just a regular boop to me... heh. I just have a twisted mind i suppose😎🤘
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fruitybashir · 7 months
6k per week ain't even that much..? there's writers here who do much more, why are you complaining
hi <3
i am not other writers! hope this helps ✌🏼✨️
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