#at least tomorrow i am home and there's the family lunch so there's that
zaggyzoo · 2 years
ready to eat and then go get annihilated at work 👍
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leah-lover · 5 months
Two hearts, one timeline. Alexia putellas x reader
An age gap romance. Part 2
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“ We are delighted to introduce you to this young star. She is a 2 time world cup champion, the youngest ever to achieve that. A 2 time NWSL winner. A final’s MVP and just overall an inspiration. Welcome to the show.” said the reporter next to you. The studio was quiet and all you could hear was your heart beating in your ears. This wasn't the first time you were on TV but you were uncertain about the way the news you were about to deliver is gonna be perceived.
“ Thank you for having me.” you respond with a smile on your face.
“ After your recent NWSL win you were the talk of the sports world. Everybody is interested in whether you are gonna resign with your club or not. What do you say to those questions?”
“ Well I am sad to say that I will not resign with Seattle but very excited to say that a team I have been dreaming of joining has reached out to sign me. I have signed a 4 year contract with FC barcelona.”
“ Oh my god, that's exciting. Tell us how you feel at the moment.”
“ Well, I am very excited,but sad to say goodbye to my family in the states and at seattle. I think this challenge is gonna help me develop as a footballer and learn new styles.”
“ Well, we wish you good luck.”
“ Thank you.”
You exit the studio and the weight of the secret drops from your shoulder. You were gonna leave your home for a more competitive team and a shot at the chapion’s league.
Your move to Barcelona was smooth. You celebrated your run at your old club with the girls, took your flight the next day and landed in sunny Barcelona, the weather was as great as they all said. You then went directly to your new apartment. The time zone change weighed heavily on your body so you took a shower immediately, put your sheets in your new bed and laid down as soon as you could. You then opened your phone only for it to freeze due tha new messages and followers you received. You could see all the comments and messages your new teammates wrote on your post congratulating you on the signing and wishing well for you. This made you excited for your first day tomorrow.
When you woke up the next day you were nervous to say the least. You got ready, called a taxi and headed to the facility. You first got a tour of the facility which was empty because it was early. You met as much staff as you could, did your fitness and health test, a photoshoot, and shot some content. By the time you were done your teammates were done training too. You were ushered by the assistant coach to go to the field and meet everybody.
Your heart was beating like a drum. You were standing next to alexia putellas, aitana bonmati, lucy bronze, and mapi leon. Those people are more experienced and have more accolades than you.
“ Everybody please welcome our new signing from the US.” said your coach which caused all of them to start cheering.
“Hola a todos. Estoy emocionado de ser parte de este equipo, compartir el campo con todos ustedes y ganar algunos trofeos con ustedes.”
“Joder, hablas español y tus estadísticas son buenas, nos llevaremos muy bien.“ said patri putting her arm on your shoulder and guiding you inside.
“Si ella hablara catalán habríamos sido mejores amigas.” said aitana sarcastically.
The rest of the day went on great, you had lunch with the girls, you laughed with them, and exchanged stories. They welcomed you very well.
“ for a young girl you really carry yourself well.” said lucy
“ I had to grow up quickly.” you respond to her.
Your first month at Barcelona was amazing. You got on with the girls really well, training was going well, you had your first start within 2 weeks of your arrival and the fans were really happy with you after your first hattrick in the last match.
“Necesitamos celebrar tu primer mes exitoso con nosotros estrella.” said mapi while you were recovering in the gym. Estrella was the Spanish translation of the nickname the fans gave you when you were getting famous, which was stargirl. That nickname was used by everybody you knew, even the press. But from them it sounded different.
“ Yeah sure, just text me the details.” You responded.
You then went home, showered, and rested. You then got a message from the group chat.“ La terrazza. 8:00.”
Since they went there to celebrate you, you decided to show up and show out. You decided on a black maxi dress, heels, gold accessories, and a red lip.
You drove to the club and got there at 8 sharp. You went inside, and headed straight to the bar to order a drink. The girls started coming little by little, and by a few hours you were all jammed up dancing in the middle of the dance floor. However, your captain didn't join you; she instead opted to watch from the bar.
Alexia has been quiet and reserved around you. Maybe she didn't like you or maybe she was just a quiet person, you never really thought about it before.
“chicas voy a ir al baño.” You yell so that you can be heard over the loud music and exit the dance floor.
Surprisingly the bathroom was empty. You got your business done and went over to the mirror to fix your makeup.
“Parece que te lo estás pasando bien aquí en Barcelona..” said a voice from behind you which took you a minute to realize it was Alexia 's.
“ Capitana I am too drunk for Spanish right now.” You respond still facing the mirror
“ You look good. I mean happy in Barcelona.” She said nervously.
“ Well that's because of you and your friends out there. Actually it was more your friends than you since you hate me.” You respond l, alcohol making you braver than you usually are.
“ I could never hate you. I just can't control myself around you.” She says half whispering. “tengo que ir.” She added before she exited the bathroom.
“ This is definitely something I need to visit tomorrow when I am sober.” You say to yourself before joining the girls again. You were told that Alexia left which caused you to have more questions but you didn't give it much thought. You partied more with the girls before leaving.
Your head was pounding the next morning but you couldn't remember anything, only that you had a great time.
The following weeks were nothing short of spectacular. You were training well, winning every game, scoring every game, and you really built a community with the girls. But Alexia was giving you more space than usual which you couldn't understand why.
Jonathan could see that Alexia was cornering herself away from you so he decided to pair you with each other on everything under the excuse of her giving you more experience since she was older than you. She didn't talk when she was near you, she barely even touched you. This caused commotion in your brain. You lost sleep over why she despised you so much.
One day you had enough of the questions in your brain so you waited in the locker room knowing that she wouldn't come to it to avoid you. You stayed there af-ter all the girls left. After a while alexia entered the locker room
“ Have I ever done anything to offend you?” you ask as soon as you see her figure.
“ Mierda, me asustaste, pensé que no había nadie aquí.” she said taking a few steps back
“ capitana please just give a straight answer. What have I ever done to you?.”
“ We talked about this and my answer was nothing, the problem is in me.”
“ when did we talk about this i don't remember anything.”
“ that night at the party now will you please leave so that i can change and go home i am really tired.”
“ Alexia, this is eating away at me. All I want is for us to be friends or just teammates. Tell me what I did so that we can get past it.”
“ You did nothing, just get over it. You have plenty of friends.”
“No puc fer això ara mateix, és massa jove i hauria de proteger-la de mi” she whispers in catalan and leave without looking at you.
You didn't understand catalan but it was close to Spanish which you were fluent in so when you heard her words you could remember them easily. After she left you reached for your phone and translated her words. “ I can't do this right now. He is too young and should protect her from me.”
Alexia’s words shocked you. You felt dizzy and couldn't focus. You never realized that alexia could have anything for you except hate. You loved her and admired her for the player and person she is. You looked up to her kind heart and intelligent brain. But no matter what you thought about it you needed her approval, her attention, and her focus to be on you as much as you were on her. That's why her distance from you left you puzzled.
You knew that you couldn't stay like that, not when your brain was filled with questions that needed answering.
You left the training facility, and headed straight to Alexia's house.
Before knocking on her door your knees were weak and your brain was quiet. She opened the door mere moments later.
“ What did you mean by protecting me from you?” you asked as soon as she opened the door.
“ What are you doing here?” she asked.
“ What did you mean, alexia?”
“ i don't want to talk about this.”
“ well i do it's the only thing i have been thinking about.”
You force your way inside and she closes the door after you
“ You are not this passive aggressive. I know you. I heard alot about you. This thing you are hiding from me is killing me.” you say to her once she is in front of you.
“ Believe me when I say that I am protecting you.”
“ it's not your choice capitana. What are you protecting me from?”
“ I am protecting you from my feelings for you god damn it. We can't be together and that is all I have been thinking about. I have been thinking about you, your body, your laughter, your eyes. It’s driving me insane.” she yells as she slams the wall behind you.
You weren't shocked, you managed to keep your calm. You held onto her hand which was still on the wall. You backed up a little bit and didn't say a word.
“ this can't happen, you are 23, i am 30. I am older than you. I outrank you in the team. I just…”
“ i dont care.” you interrupt her still holding on to her arm. “ capitana i dont give a fuck. I want you. I need you. Do you want me?” you add.
“More than you'll ever know.” she whispers.
The air was still. The tension was high. You feel your body unintentionally move towards alexia. Your face was millimeters away from her you could feel her breath on your lips. You somehow got brave enough to kiss her. The kiss cut short because she pulled away.
“ please capitana i want this. I want you.”
She then kisses you deeply. Her need for you was apparent. She took control of all of you, not just your lips. She picked you up and walked towards her bedroom all while kissing you. She then threw you on her bed.
“ Are you sure estrella.” whispers
“ I never wanted anything more in this world.”
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janeyseymour · 7 months
hi i love ur writings so so much i’m so sorry this idea is rushed but i hope its enough
abbot family is trying to encourage melissa to “get back out there” and meet people after everything she’s been through. she brushes them off constantly until they stage an intervention during lunch and even barb is concerned for her work wife. melissa leaves this lunch with some big feelings because little does everyone know melissa has been seeing someone this whole time. comes home to reader smoking a joint while cooking in the kitchen and reader says something along the lines of “you look like you could use this more than me” and they make a plan together to introduce reader to everyone at a 4th of july bbq
you gonna get what you ask for 🤪 Not edited in the slightest. I got places to be and people to see
WC: ~2.35k
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It’s been a year and a half since Melissa Schemmenti publicly said no to a marriage proposal. A year and a half since the fiery redhead had gone out with anyone, and she really doesn’t have any plans to start dating again- at least that’s what the Abbott crew thinks.
The truth is, the second grade teacher has been seeing you since the night she went to the casino and bar to blow off some steam after reuniting with Gary to return his things and get her stuff back.
You were at one of the slot machines when the redhead passed by you, laughing.
“What’s so funny, Red?” you asked as you looked up at her.
“You ain’t gonna win no money that way,” the woman stopped in her tracks to tell you. “C’mon. Let me show you how it’s done.”
That night, you stuck by her side as you watched her win thousands of dollars at one table alone, clearing out quite a few men.
It’s late when she finally threw in the towel. She offered to walk you out to you car, and you took her hand in your own.
“So,” you exhaled a small cloud of smoke from the cigarette the two of you were sharing. “What are you gonna do with all that money you just won, pretty lady?”
“Take you out on a date,” Melissa had replied cooly. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven?”
Neither of you looked back.
That was a year and three months ago. While your side of the family knew of your relationship with the teacher (and they absolutely adore her), her crew doesn’t have a single clue of your existence or rather large presence in Melissa’s life- despite the fact that you were now living together and your lives were intertwined.
So whenever anyone at Abbott tells Melissa that they found someone they think she might fancy, she just brushes them off.
“Janine, no offense, but if you think someone is worth dating, I would find them to be-”
“Hey,” Gregory cuts her off.
Melissa just shrugs. “My case in point. Greg, you know I love you like the black son I never had, but you’re boring as hell.”
“Ava, I am not about to go clubbing with you to pick up a man fifteen years my junior,” the redhead rolls her eyes.
“C’mon,” the principal chuckles. “They fun! They’re like energizer bunnies.”
“I barely have the energy to stand and get the remote from the other side of the room,” Melissa retorts as she opens her bottle of iced tea.
“I think you would like him!” Jacob pleads. “He saw your picture and said you were fine.”
“I am fine,” Melissa states, gesturing to her figure. “And I’m just as fine without a partner.”
It’s gotten to the point that even Barbara is concerned about her friend’s adamant denial to get herself back out there. So, the day that Melissa has recess duty, she brings it up to her coworkers.
“Now listen, I am not usually one for meddling in someone else’s love life, but don’t you think it’s concerning that Melissa flat out refuses to even attempt to put herself back out there?” the kindergarten teacher asks to the faculty room.
“Weird as hell,” Ava waltzes in, but having heard the question decides to chime in. “But aye, good for Schemmenti, realizing she don’t need no man in life.”
“I just find it odd…” Barbara taps her chin. “Melissa, while one with a tough exterior, loves love. She’s always wanted someone to spend her time with.”
“Maybe we should stage an intervention,” Jacob suggests. “To really show her that she’s good and healed from the failed proposal and to get back out there.
Gregory looks mildly impressed with that suggestion. “That might work.”
They have no idea that the entire time she’s supposed to be out monitoring the children on the blacktop, she’s smiling down at her phone like an idiot talking to you.
And when she comes home that day, she fully goes through with the things you two had texted about earlier.
The Abbott crew plans an intervention for Melissa- a banner, letters, all of it. When she comes into the staff room, smiling down at a midday text you had sent her, the rest of her colleagues are standing by the couch, looking somber.
“Fuck. Who died?” Melissa’s smile drops immediately.
“No one died, Melissa,” Barbara states.
“But we think a part of you might have,” Janine says dramatically, somberly.
“What the hell are youse talkin’ about?” thee redhead rolls her eyes. 
“Melissa, dear,” Barbara says softly, calmly. She makes her way over to her friend and takes her by the hand to guide her towards the seat they had put in the middle of the room.
One by one, they read the letters that they had all written, expressing their concern for their favorite fiery Italian teacher.
“Melissa,” the kindergarten teacher finishes up. “We all love you dearly, and while we understand that it takes some time to get over the heartache that Gary caused, this is a bit extreme. We are worried.”
“An’ I appreciate the thought and care that you guys put into this,” Melissa tells them with a sigh. “But I promise youse: I’m fine. I don’t need to get back out there.” She almost adds on that it’s because she’s happily seeing someone, and has been since three months after her split from the guy that filled the vending machine.
“Just… know that we’re all here through all of your seasons,” Jacob tells her. “The good, the bad, and the ugly.”
“We do care about you,” Janine says softly, and she offers the redhead a hug. Melissa doesn’t necessarily want to embrace the shorter woman, but she goes into the arms of her colleague.
Gregory just gives her a nod that conveys his love for his coworker, to which she smirks and nods right back in his direction.
“Now, can we eat lunch?” the redhead chuckles.
As the day passes on, Melissa comes to realize just how much her coworkers care for her- their gesture, albeit absolutely ridiculous and dramatic, was heartfelt and full of love. Maybe she should just come clean about the relationship she’s in. Or she could just buy them all some Philly soft pretzels and soda instead to thank them. Yeah… that’s what she’ll do for now before she can talk to you about how the two of you want to go public about your being together.
She orders the pretzels to be delivered to the school before the day is done, and when everyone is reconvening back in the faculty room to grab their lunch bags before heading home, Melissa makes sure she’s the first one down there. She has the box on one of the tables, along with a some cans of soda. Whatever they don’t take, the redhead knows will be eaten and drank at home.
“Oi,” she calls to her friends. “Come get a pretzel and a soda as my thanks for carin’ about me so much.”
They all light up at the sight of the gesture, aside from Gregory.
“I do not like pretzels, or soda, and for that reason I will not take one,” the man says as his friends dive in. “But thank you.”
Melissa rolls her eyes. “I figured you would say that. Which is why I got you a bag of peanuts and a water.”
He looks mildly impressed and takes the offered items gratefully.
Once again, they all voice their love and care for the woman that gave them a salty treat before heading out for the night. Everyone except for Barbara. She waits for Melissa to clean up and gather her things before walking out with the woman.
“That was very sweet of you,” the kindergarten teacher nudges her friend.
Melissa huffs. “Oi. Don’t knock me like that.” She readjusts her grip on the small box of pretzels before sighing. “But it was just a thank you for caring.”
“We care about you a lot more than you know,” Barbara smiles. “And just so you know… you are a Philly eleven, and I do think you should get yourself back out there. I know it can be scary to put your heart back out there, but even if it ends in heartbreak and a few smashed in headlights, I will always be here to help you pick up the pieces.”
“I know, Barb,” the redhead says softly, so out of character. “Thank you.”
“Think about it!” the older woman says as she parts and heads off in the direction of her car.
With a sigh, Melissa unlocks her car and gets everything settled before slumping into the front seat.
Coming home with a treat, she texts you.
Is it you? You reply back.
She chuckles at that. She can practically see the smirk written on your face. You’ll see.
When she pulls in, she can smell you before she sees you. You’re clearing smoking, but she can also smell the delicious dinner that you’re making. 
The redhead makes her way into the house, deep in thought of how much her friends are looking out for her, and attempting to piece together how to approach you about the topic of coming out.
It’s odd. Your girlfriend makes her way into the kitchen and places the box of pretzels down, but she doesn’t make her way over to you the way that she usually does. Instead, she’s looking down at the food, brows furrowed and deep in thought. 
You turn the burner down to ensure that the food won’t burn or bubble over before making your way behind Melissa. You wrap the arm that isn’t holding the joint around her waist before holding it up to her lips and offering her some. Even in your somewhat inebriated state, you know something is up with her.
“You look like you could use this more than me,” you chuckle softly.
She shrugs, but does take a hit before blowing the smoke out.
“Hard day?” you ask her gently. “Need to be taken care of?”
Again, she shrugs. She doesn’t really know what to say. This is so unlike Melissa. Usually, she comes in huffing about the ridiculous antics of her boss, she bounces on her toes when she tells you the sweet things the kids had done or said, and she is more than willing to dish out the tea that was spilled in the staff lounge earlier that day.
“Mel?” you ask softly, taking a cheek in your hand and cupping it gently. You force her to look at you. “What happened today?”
She laughs softly, before full out cackling. This sudden change in mood startles you.
“Mel, babe, you’re scaring me,” you tell her. “What happened?”
She sits down and plucks the joint out of your hand. “The crew planned an intervention for me,” she tells you with a chuckle as you go back over to the stove.
You turn. “Oh?”
She nods, a playful smirk on her face.
“For?” you raise a brow. You turn your attention back to dinner. “Can I guess?”
“Sure, hun,” she laughs as she takes another drag.
  “The aggression that you email the parents with?” No. “The heeled boots hitting the linoleum tile too loudly when you’re pissed?” No. “The arson?” No. “The threats of a bare knuckle fist fight?”
“Jesus,” Melissa laughs. “When you list all of that out, I sound like a terrible person.”
“No,” you say quickly. “I love everything about you!”
“I know you do,” she chuckles. “But no. None of that.”
“Then what?”
“My love life.”
“Your love life?” you turn to look at her incredulously.
“My love life,” the redhead sighs. “They had a banner, they had letters, they had the chair in the middle of the room… everything. And for me. When I don’t even have a problem with my love life.”
“So why did you come in lookin’ all sad?”
“Not sad… just thoughtful. The things they said… it showed me how lucky I am to have coworkers that care for me as deeply as they do. So at the end of the day, I had pretzels for them to show my gratitude. And after, Barbara and I walked out together… and… how would you feel about telling people that we’re together?”
You finish stirring the food and plating it before bringing it over to the table where your girlfriend is sitting. You set the two dishes in front of her before sliding into her lap. You finish off the joint together before smiling.
“I’ve been ready,” you tell her. “I’ve just been waiting for you to be.”
“Yeah?” she asks you as she kisses your temple.
You nod before taking a bite of your dinner. Damn, between the two of you, you should open your own restaurant. “We’ve been together for over a year, living together since six months in, I don’t plan on going anywhere, and I would hope you don’t either. I think it’s time.”
“I think so too,” she says softly. “But with the end of the year comin’ up… we’re all crazy busy.”
“So we can organize something for after the school year?” you suggest. “Maybe a fourth of July barbecue?”
So that’s what the two of you do. Your girlfriend walks into school on the last day and tells her friends that she knows that don’t have anything going on for Fourth of July, and they better be at her house for a barbecue. They all look at her, clearly confused. No one- not even Barb- has been invited over to the house since Melissa and Gary broke up. Nevertheless, they don’t argue and all promise to be there.
They all come in one clump, and the faces that they make when you open the door draped around Melissa are priceless.
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N,” she says proudly. “The reason that I have been declining all of the people you’ve suggested I date, and the reason I have not ‘put myself back out there’. I don’t gotta when I have her.”
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kaemixx0 · 3 months
I'm bored so why not some tips that have helped me (:
☆ The motivation is strong, but the discipline is more; You have to resist even if you don't want to. Search thinsp0, look in the mirror, think about the progress you've made!
☆ At first it may sound difficult, but once you fall in love with the feeling of being hungry, of being tired, of feeling like you haven't eaten enough, everything gets better, as I said, it's about discipline more than motivation.
☆ Drink a lot of water; that helps me a lot with the craving, feel full and just for distraction. Although I don't know how healthy I am in this regard, I usually drink more than two liters a day :)
☆ Don't forget your goals. Every time you feel hungry, think about all the previous times you have felt it and that didn't mean you ate, you have to be in control, it is your decision.
☆ I don't know how good this is, but I know it's horrible that you like sweets so much and can't eat them because you're ⭐️ving. Resist as long as you can, but if you really crave it, you should eat a small amount, enjoy it, and forget about it. Once in a long time of effort will not be bad, is much better than the frustration make u binge.
Personally, there is always one day a week when I usually eat more than my limit because family gatherings, I have to eat enough so they don't worry, so you too and could take it as a meta day –I have read that it helps maintain in control of your metabolism– and most importantly don't immerse yourself in guilt and frustration about this!
When you eat more than your limit bc you went out with friends, or your family, or maybe you had a good time with someone you love, forget it, our little happiness matters; tomorrow you will do it better.
Adding more:
☆ Download games that keep you focused; I usually play cod mobile, sometimes also while I walk around my house to increase my steps taken haha.
If your parents / family worry about u / u are afraid that they will notice:
☆Of course, if you can, try to eat before or after ur family so they don't notice how little you eat.
☆ Distribute your meals well according to your calorie restriction and how many times or how little your family allows you to eat, for example; I eat two meals a day, my limit is 500 kcal, so I try to make my breakfast very low in kcal because lunch is prepared by my mom and it usually has a lot of calories —you will realize that to achieve this you have to start observing and planning more, hun.
☆ Personally; I usually tell them that I want to take care of myself, being healthy and that I will not eat ultra-processed foods, junk food, etc., they understand that; I don't tell them that I want to lose weight, just want to eat healthy.
☆ Fix your attitude; Idk about you, but after the first week I radically start ⭐️ving myself, they noticed it by my mood; I was constantly irritated, upset and looked very tired, now I try to pretend normality.
☆ It helps me a lot to be active at home, at least now that I'm on vacation; I mean, there are some chores that I do every day —it helps me stay active and my parents think I'm fine :)
☆ In my case, I lost weight in a very short time, it wasn't much but it was noticeable, my parents noticed it, so I decided not to wear tight clothes anymore, normally only oversized t-shirts and loose shorts, that way, they won't notice so easily when I lose weight quickly and they won't worry.
♡ I hope this helps you even a little, stay safe
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 8
Time for another WIP Wednesday! Hope you enjoy.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.3k
Bart grinned. “Well, we’ll just have to take those odds! So, now that we’ve got the basics down, we’re going out there to help, right?”
Sam snorted. “Not like we could keep Danny out of it if we tried. But you guys don’t have to. You can just go to bed.”
Danny sighed. “School tomorrow is gonna suck.”
Tim shook his head. “Aren’t you gonna call out?”
“No?” replied Danny. “How could I? Mom and Dad would never let me call out just because of some ghosts and they won’t know I’ll have been out all night.”
“Would they even notice if you call yourself out? Or ask Jazz to do it?”
Danny snorted. “School is about the only thing they notice. Look, I’ll be fine. I’ll fall asleep in English. Probably get another detention. I’ve A plusses in algebra and chemistry, so those teachers don’t care when I fall asleep. I’m a known slacker in gym. History is after lunch, so I’ll be able to stay awake for that. I’ve got this. It’ll be fine.”
“Danny…” And here Tim had thought his schooling was a disaster.
“Don’t, Tim. Now,” Danny forced his voice to be more cheerful as he changed the subject, “if you’re all joining me, we’ve got three thermoses. I get one. The rest of you can fight over the other two.”
Tim waved his hand. “I want one!”
Tucker sat down on the floor. “I’m out. Unlike someone, I need to sleep before class in—” he checked his PDA “—seven hours.”
Sam let out a yawn. “Yeah, I’m with Tuck on this one. We’re taking your bed, Danny. When was the last time you changed your sheets?”
Danny shrugged. “Dunno. I think Jazz got to them last week. Or was that the week before?”
“Right. We know where the spares are. Come on, Tuck.”
“Wait, if you’re staying here," said Danny, "any chance you can fix up Cassie, Bart, and Conner’s phone before you go to bed?”
Tucker shrugged. “Sure. Should be able to do at least two of them. You haven’t moved any of the tools, have you?”
“Left some of them out on the desk, but they’re there.”
“All right. Everyone! Pass me your phones. I’ll get at least two of them working tonight.”
Conner passed his over, but said, “Focus on Cassie’s and Bart’s. They’ve more people who will be worried about them and I’ve no doubt Bruce told Clark where I am and he has Tim’s number.”
“Will do!”
Bart handed his over. “Thanks, dude. You really don’t have to if it’s too much trouble.”
“Nah. After how much Danny and I messed with ecto-contaminating electronics, I could do this in my sleep.”
Sam snorted. “Well, if you don’t get started, you’ll be putting that claim to the test. Come on, tech boy. Let’s get going.”
“Sleep well!” Cassie called out after them.
“Don’t let the ghosts bite,” added Danny.
Sam huffed a laugh in a way that told Tim she’d heard the joke more than a few times before. Tucker didn’t even react and just kept walking.
“So…” started Conner once they were alone, “should we suit up?”
Danny hesitated. “If you do, Sam and Tuck will know your identities.”
Everyone looked to Tim. He chewed his lip. On the one hand, Sam and Tucker had known and kept Danny’s secret for months. But they did tend to get in arguments and make problems worse based on storied Danny had shared. But his friends had bonded rather quickly with the Amity trio and Conner, at least, definitely needed more friends their age.
“Our goals for tonight are evacuation and limiting property damage. Ambulances still can’t get into the downtown area and victims can’t escape. They’ll trust us more if we’re in costume. And at the end of the day, people’s safety is the most important. Danny, can you promise me Sam and Tucker can keep our secrets.”
“I promise, Tim. They’ll keep it as well, no better, than mine.”
Tim really hoped he was making the right choice even as he nodded. “Then let’s suit up. Where can we do that unseen?”
“Oh, that part’s easy!” said Danny. “You can change in the spare bedroom and I’ll just fly you all out invisibly and drop you off downtown.”
“Can you carry all of us?” asked Tim. “Have you ever tested your super strength?”
“Kon and I can fly ourselves,” added Cassie. “What do you need to transfer your invisibility?”
“Indirect contact should be fine. So I can carry Tim and Bart and if you each hold hands with one of them, it should work.”
“I don’t like ‘shoulds,’” said Tim. “Let’s test it.”
“Fair enough.” Danny moved until he was standing between Tim and Bart and wrapped an arm around each of them before lifting them into the air.
“Holy shit,” whispered Bart.
Tim couldn’t help but agree. He’d flown many times with Conner or Cassie or even Clark. But it never felt like this. The pull of gravity was always present and something he could feel. Yet with Danny? There was no gravity. Being in the air felt as normal as being on the ground. And Danny’s arm around his chest was warm and solid.
“What?” asked Danny. “Haven’t you flown with one of your teammates before?”
Tim couldn’t hold back a laugh. This was amazing. “Their flight doesn’t entirely cancel out gravity like yours does. Can we go out for fun before we leave? This is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.”
“Sure thing, Secrets. Whatever you want.”
“Thanks, Polaris.” The news report still playing on the computer brought him back to the present. “But that’s a discussion for later. Sorry for getting distracted. Kon? Cassie? Grab our hands. Let’s see if this works.”
Turned out that not only could Danny make them all invisible and intangible, but his anti-gravity style flight would apply to everyone as well. Apparently flight wasn’t something that required super strength and Tim was definitely updating Danny’s power profile because this was unbelievable. He wanted to run so many tests.
It took five minutes to strip out of their protective gear and turn off the computer, then another ten to change into costume. Most of their bags had been stored in the guest room already.
During that time, Bart claimed the last thermos and they split into teams of two. Robin and Superboy would help ambulances and emergency vehicles get in and out of downtown safely and Impulse and Wonder Girl would help evacuation downtown. Phantom would stay downtown and try to figure out if the portals could be closed preventing more ghosts from crossing over.
Danny went back to his room to grab earpieces that could be used as communicators and ask Sam to turn the ghost shield back on in five minutes, then they were flying back to the scene of the attack.
It felt so much better to be back in costume and ready to do something. Though he was definitely going to have to ask Danny for the specs to the ghost weapons. Next time he came to visit, they’d be in Robin’s colors.
The chaos in the downtown area had gotten much worse in the time they’d been gone sorting out weaponry and plans. Most businesses sported broken windows and cars were overturned on the street. Half the people appeared to be overshadowed and the other half were cowering and hiding.
Danny set them down carefully and Bart immediately disappeared to find those who were trapped.
“I’ll go check out the portal and let you know what I find.”
“Very good, Phantom. We’ll do what we can on the ground. If you see something that needs our attention, let us know.”
Danny gave him a salute. “Will do, Robin.”
“All right, you two ready?”
“Always,” said Conner.
“We’ve faced worse odds,” added Cassie.
“Then let’s get going.” This was going to be a very long night.
Hope you enjoyed! The plot is moving forward slowly but surely. We're still only in the first, like, 3 minutes of the DP episode, so yeah. I may have to speed some things up. I'm just bad at that.
This will be the last week I tag people for updates to this story. There's three reasons for that. Tumblr is making it more difficult to tag users and splitting the list over two posts is kinda a pain. Many people I tag don't seem to interact with the post and I don't know if everyone is still interested in following this story. And I'm nervous about being shadow banned since that's happened to at least one writer in this fandom as I'm sure we all know by now.
So! I've set up a subscription post. Follow the link and set up notifications and I'll make a comment every time I update. That way only those who still want notifications will get them and you can change your mind whenever you want.
Tag List Part 1
@gremlin-bot @bonebrokebuddy @britcision @lady-time-lord- @welcometosasakiworld @akikkobara @phoenixdemonqueen @dolfay @skulld3mort-1fan @we-ezer @markus209 @sjrose1216 @onyxlightdragon @dragonsrequiem @jesus-camp-the-sequel @spidey29phangirl @kyrianclawraith @evilminji @introvert-even-on-the-internet @emergentpanda-blog @lexdamo @v-inari @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @longlivethefallen @undead-essence @xye-chan @liandrin @seraphinedemort @kisatamao @schalensitzbucket @caelestisdreamer @runfromthemedic @nutcase8691 @channajen @tonicmii @ambiguouslyominous @vythika96 @addie-lover-of-stories @ironicvixen @violetfox2 @pickleking8 @mysticalcomputerdetective @ark12 @mygood-bitch99 @squirrel-wolf @satisfactionbroughtmeback @sometimesthingsfallapart @automaticsoulharmony @d4ydr34min9 @revnantdpxdclover @midigeria @raginblastocyst @feral-bunny31 @lunaria618 @ghostreblogging @ace-aro-as-shit
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octuscle · 11 months
Hey Cronivac Support,
I dont trust myself with the settings so i am asking you. I am Half German and half Moroccan, and I look German af. Brown hair, brown eyes, big smile and a really white skin. I am thinking what would happen if my appearance were based on my Moroccan genes.
Can you help me out?
Brother, chill out! Have a shisha. Just ignore that there's German shit in your body. Your dick is circumcised. You pray at least once or twice a day. Friday you also go to the mosque… It doesn't matter if there are still German genes in you.
Thursday morning. You will survive the last school year at the Gymnasium. What comes after that, you don't know yet. Something with languages might make sense. Your mother tongues are Arabic, German and French. And you are actually quite good in English and Spanish at school. But you also enjoy science. First lesson today is chemistry. Stoichiometry. Actually very interesting. But somehow you have more and more problems to understand your teacher. When he approaches you, you start to stammer. You can't think of the right words. "Youssef, you are welcome to answer in English, if that is easier for you." You sigh in relief. German is really a difficult language. And even though you have a German grandmother, German was never spoken much at home….
During the break, you hang out with your brothers. Talk about soccer, cars, the usual stuff. Smoke an e-cigarette to go with it. And you make an appointment for the afternoon at the gym. Then it's off to the workshop at the vocational school. Metalwork. Hey, you're not training to be a car mechanic so you can mill toys out of metal plates. You want to become a car tuner. And create really hot cars. Your vocational school teacher is from Syria. Fled a few years ago. He speaks much better German than you do. You've only been in Europe for two years. Your mother had the French and the Moroccan passport, so you could immigrate relatively easily. But you didn't understand why you had to move to Germany. Some of your pals now live in Marseille. You would have found that cool, too… But Stuttgart? Just because your father found a good job as an engineer here at Mercedes? Anyway, you're a fighter, you'll survive Swabia.
Lunch is at the snack bar of a former colleague of your father. He has saved up enough money on the assembly line for his own snack bar. And now he makes the best falaffels in town. On weekends, you help out a little. You can always use the extra money. And that way you also get the food cheaper. Since you've been in training, you no longer get pocket money from your parents. You are the eldest son, you now have to do your share to feed the family. And if you are the first to have a vocational qualification here, your chances of getting a permanent right to stay are also the best. If only it weren't for this terrible language…
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Gym, auto repair shop, vocational school, Gym…. Your daily routine is somehow always the same. Your boss is also a Muslim, from Turkey, so you have tomorrow afternoon off to go to the mosque. But you also have to work on Saturday. But you are grateful that you have the job. And you can afford your car and the gym. It was not easy to come to Europe. It cost your parents almost all their savings. And now it's your damn duty to succeed and support your family. For that you learn to be a car mechanic, for that you sell falaffel on weekends. That's why you mop the gym floors and clean the toilets at night. You even study German for that. However, this has already brought you a few thousand followers. Your picture from the last workout has 800 likes after just half an hour. Let's see, maybe new opportunities to become rich and famous will develop. You have the right gene pool!
Pic of your latest workout found @tufas
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rogueddie · 8 months
Buckingham, 1,760 words, for @thefreakandthehair’s Spicy Six Winter Challenge, with the prompt; snowball fight.
Winter, and Christmas especially, has always been Robins favorite time of year.
Or, more accurately, it used to be.
With the heavy snow, December of '85 is starting to become the worst month of Robins year. She can't even bring herself to enjoy the snow. Nothing her parents usually do to cheer her up works either.
"Until the roads are cleared, I've got to walk," Steve repeats. "I'm sorry, Robs. Maybe the snow will clear tomorrow."
"Maybe," she reluctantly agrees, ignoring the fact that he'd said the same thing yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that. "At least we're on shift tonight, right?"
Steve's tone only fills her with more dread.
"Keith called me before you," Steve says. "Family Video is closed for the day. Something about the snow being too much and no one shopping in this weather anyway."
"So, hey, maybe school will be cancelled too," Robin tries, though they both know school won't cancel.
"I'll walk you home from school," Steve offers. "Or we can go back to my house. I still have that cake we made."
"Yeah, alright, whatever. I'll call you at lunch, yeah?"
"Ok. Missing you already, Robs."
"Love you too, Dingus."
Hanging up, she drops her head against the wall with a soft 'thud', grumbling complaints under her breath.
"No Steve today?" Her mother asks.
Robin turns, glaring when she sees the teasing smirk. "No, no Steve today. By the time he clears his driveway, I could have already walked to school and waiting... whatever. It's not a big deal."
"Mhm," her mom hums, chuckling. "Sure it isn't, sweetie."
"It isn't! It's not like we need to be together all the time. We can go one day."
"Your uncle and I used to use those same excuses, you know. We weren't any more convincing than you two. Now, come on, get ready. You'll be late if you don't leave soon."
Reluctant, and groaning, Robin takes the coat her mom holds out for her. She picks her bag up, sat by the door, and sitting on the stairs so she can pull on her boots.
"Don't rush, there's a lot of ice," her mom warns. "And keep your coat zipped up. And-"
"I know, I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later!"
"Bye sweetheart! Be careful!"
The air outside is freezing. It hits Robin like a brick wall when she steps out and, despite her mom's warning, the idea of spending longer is the cold than she needs to is horrifying.
She jogs, careful to avoid patches of roads and sidewalks that look icy.
She makes it most of the way with only a few stumbles before, inevitably, she slips over.
"Oh my god," someone yelps. "Are you ok?!"
Robin flushes, muttering curses, when she realises that, not only did someone see her fall over and eat shit- Chrissy Cunningham saw her fall over.
"I'm- yeah, fine, totally," she chokes out, forcing a laugh.
"Here," Chrissy pants a little, having ran over to her, offering a hand.
Robin takes her hand, a little surprised at how easily Chrissy pulls her up.
"Thanks," she says, trying to smile.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Chrissy frowns, looking her over. "We have a first aid kit if-"
"Oh, no, that's not... I am ok, really."
"if you're sure." Chrissy shifts, glancing back to the drive. "I'd over to drive you the rest of the way, but..."
Robin leans to look around her, wincing when she sees the drive.
The snow is piled high in the driveway and, despite how much has been cleared, there's no way that Chrissy is going to clear the rest in time.
"Why don't we walk together instead?" Robin suggests.
She almost takes it back, wincing at her own boldness, but Chrissy lights up.
"Yeah? I mean, yeah, let's! Lemme grab my bag, ok?"
"Ok, yeah, that's fine."
Robin wraps her arms around herself, starting to step side to side in an attempt to keep warm while she waits.
Luckily, it doesn't take Chrissy long.
"Ok, I'm ready!" She smiles. She pulls the strap to her back a little further onto her shoulder, the polite smile faltering. "Oh, are you cold?"
"Uh, yeah, but I'm fine, really, it-"
"No, don't worry," Chrissy twists so she can root through her bag. "I've got a spare... aha!"
She pulls out a scarf that's mostly green and white. She wraps it around Robins neck before she can protest.
"You can give it back later," Chrissy easily dismisses, starting to walk down the street. She raises an eyebrow when she glances back at Robin. "Come on!"
Robin stumbles a little in her rush to catch up.
"Careful," Chrissy says, taking hold of Robins right arm and cradling it in both of hers. She glances down at her boots. "Do you have enough grip with those?"
"What? I mean, yeah, these are great, they're sturdy and build for ice- mom got them specifically because they have great grip. The problem is with me, I'm not good at running. Like, I have terrible co-ordination- Steve is always joking about how I run like a windmill and, yeah, I do, but he learnt to walk slower than I did so really, he's the weird one here- I mean, what type of baby tries to crawl backwards, right?"
Robin finally pauses for breath. She glances at Chrissy, who is struggling to stiffle her giggles.
"Steve Harrington?" Chrissy asks, when she finally realizes that Robin isn't going to continue.
"Uh... yeah... don't tell anyone I told you that."
"My lips are sealed."
"No, really, that's- I think he told me that in confidence or something, I shouldn't have told you that, I just can't stop rambling when I get nervous around- and you're- oh god. I'm shutting up now. No more conversations. We're just... having a nice- silent- walk to school together. Just... me and Chrissy Cunningham. Jesus."
"You say that like I'm scary."
"Well, I mean..."
That only makes Chrissy giggle harder. "You think I'm scary? Really?"
She leans heavily into Robins side, one of her hands curling up around Robins bicep. She's looking up at Robin with an expression that's painfully familiar.
It's the same expression she's seen girls pull out when they're hitting on Steve. The same moves too.
But what would Steve do? Robin thinks, panicking.
She's grown so used to old conversations with Steve repeating in her head, his bad jokes and questionable advice a constant and welcome companion.
But, now that she actually needs him, he's nowhere to be found.
After a few seconds of panicking, Robin is desperate to break the tension that is quickly turning from flirty to awkward.
She ducks down, grabbing a handfull of snow, and throwing it against Chrissys coat.
Robin jerks up, standing stiff upright, frozen and stunned at herself, whilst Chrissy is equally frozen, staring at Robin with her mouth agape.
It doesn't take long for the shock and confusion to vanish though, and soon Chrissys grin turns wicked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I'm sorry?" Robin tries.
"Are you?"
'That means she's flirting, just... in a more playful way', Steve voice finally rings in her head. That day had been confusing for Robin- she hadn't known if the girl had been flirting with him or bullying him. 'I kinda prefer it. It's nice to know you can roughhouse a little with a girl, you know? It can be fun. Sexy'.
That had been one of his more successful dates, Robin remembers. He'd gushed about her for the entire week between their first and second date. She can't remember what went wrong, but he was confident that-
Chrissy ducks down, quick, scooping up a pile of snow with both hands.
She takes off running, barely darting out of the way of the snowball in time.
"Hey!" Chrissy yells after her. "Get back here!"
But she's laughing as she says it.
So, almost tripping onto her face as she ducks down, she scoops up another ball of snow. She turns, aim going a little wild with how fast she keeps running.
She yelps, stumbling a little heavier when the snowball sent back in return smacks directly in the back of her head.
"Careful!" Chrissy yells.
"Then don't aim for my head!"
"It's not my fault it's an easy target!"
Robin scoops more snow, turning and sliding to a stop. Chrissy doesn't have enough time to stop, but she does duck out of the way so it hits the side of her head instead of directly in her face.
She realizes her mistake a second too late.
Chrissy, unable to slow her momentum on the same patch of ice that Robin had slid across, slams straight into Robin.
Robin winces when her back slams into the ground, the snow doing nothing to cushion the fall. She feels lucky that her head didn't also slam into the ground.
"Oops?" Chrissy says, pushing herself up slightly but making no move to get off her.
"No, it's ok, that's on me."
"Yeah..." Chrissy trails off, voice weak- distracted.
Robin holds as still as she can, irrationally worried that if she moves then she'll startle Chrissy out of whatever moment she's having that has her looking down at Robins lips, cheeks flushing.
For a moment, Robin is sure that Chrissy is going to kiss her. Her eyes flutter, shifting up so her face is above Robins, tilting her head and starting lean down, to-
Someone wolf whistles, loud.
Chrissy jerks back, throwing herself off of Robin- but she is immediately glaring at the two boys, laughing and leering at them.
"Fuck off!" Chrissy yells. "Jerks!"
She ignores them when they try yelling back, instead focusing on Robin and helping her to her feet.
"Ignore them," Chrissy mumbles, grabbing hold of her hand and gently dragging her along, walking fast. She glances back, seeming to relax. "What assholes."
Robin glances back, relieved when she realizes that they're turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah," she agrees, turning back to stare at Chrissy, awed. "You're so brave."
"What? Oh, no, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are! Scary, too."
"I am not!"
"Scared those two."
Chrissy huffs, leaning in so their shoulders bump together.
"You're something else," Robin continues, emboldened. "It's impressive. You're, like, actually cool. Not just popular kid cool, but... truly, really, awesome."
"Shut up." She's mumbling, but she's smiling. She's blushing. She's looking up at Robin through her eyelashes.
"Nope," Robin grins.
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featheredclover · 2 months
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Chapter Six
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Five> < Chapter Seven
Her fingers tightened the screw of her earring, stumbling at the last step, she stopped herself from crashing onto the floor.
The breakfast table was untouched.
��Where are they ?”
Sumi pursed her lips and cocked her head towards the living room.
Taken aback at this change in routine, Khushi tiptoed into the living room.
The TV blazed on. A stern looking reporter broke the news.
“Sources have claimed that the Raizada group is entrusting their latest venture of 12 luxury hotels across India to Rocky Khandelwal. While Mr Khandelwal is new to business, his clients say he brings a youthful aspect to his work-“
“Oh Shashi!” Her mummy’s despair broke through her shock.
“It’s okay Garima . These things happen in business.”
“But why not tell us if you are going to do whatever that corrupt son-in-law tells you to do?!”
“Well, family comes first for Rajiv. But yes it would have saved us a lot of time had he told us earlier. Even yesterday, he didn’t mention a word-“
Khushi felt a feeling of dread begin in the pit of her stomach.
Had she caused this? Had that lunch caused Arnav to tell his father that the Guptas were not worth the deal? Had she and her big mouth cost her papa crores?
Her papa stood up, stunned at the tears in her eyes. 
“Come on Khushi, this is part of business “ he engulfed her in a hug. “ Disappointments are part of life beta, no need to cry over them “
“Khushi, “ her mum smiled. “Come,have breakfast. Let’s not fret anymore about this!”
Raizada Group
She stared at the imposing building. She wanted to take the day off. But with no excuse to give, she found herself driven by Hari Prakash to this swanky office.
She stepped into the air conditioned space, and took the elevator to the top floor.
Her desk brought back uncomfortable feelings from yesterday. She pushed them to the back of her mind and began to work.
By noon, she had called all the suppliers and arranged deliveries with the telephone Aman had lent her. Satisfied, she shut her notebook with a smile.
She looked up to see Arnav, walking towards her.
“Let’s have lunch? I know of this great Mexican restaura-“
That infuriatingly handsome frown appeared between his brows again.
“I am done with today’s task. And I cannot begin without suppliers and workers.All of them will come here tomorrow. So I don’t think there’s any need for me to be here now.”
“Then I’ll drop you home after lunc-”
“My driver is down. Thank you, but there’s no need for you to do that Mr. Raizada”
His frown deepened.
“What’s going on Khushi?”
“Nothing, I wish to go home.”
“Stop it! The least I am asking you is to be honest with me!”
She stared as his eyes filled with anxiety.
No matter how embarrassed she felt, she couldn’t see him distressed.
“I am sorry for what I did yesterday. I overstepped a line and I just don’t want it to happen again.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“Everything alright?”  Khushi had never been as glad to see Aman as she was now.
“Yes! I was just leaving Aman “
“The hell you are!”
“ASR!” Aman said, clearly astounded at seeing his boss lose his cool.
“In my office. Now,” Arnav gritted out in a low voice.
She took a sip from the glass of water Arnav had poured for her.
“Now will you tell me what you were saying?” he ran a hand through his hair.
“I asked you yesterday. About…the hotel deal”
Understanding dawned on him.
“Um..Khushi that-“
“It’s fine!” She hastened to cut off his explanation “My papa said it’s part of business. You don’t have to explain”
It was her turn to frown. Why did this man appear more confused than before?
“The 12 hotels, which my papa wanted ... .Your father gave it to Rocky Khandelwal. I don’t know if it was because of what I blurted out at lunch..I didn’t mean to”
She finally looked up from her lap, and saw Arnav had shock painted across his face.
“Okay”she filled the silence awkwardly.
“Khushi I need to go now, I’ll see you later”
He grabbed his coat and rushed out leaving a flustered girl behind.
“So….you are crazy about him but he sabotaged your dad?” Payal frowned.
The curling iron twisted around her locks with expertise and revealed a beautiful curl.
“Yes, that’s about it….” Khushi played with the frill on Payal’s duvet.
“Well, that isn’t surprising, you know! Everyone knows that Rocky supports Shyam Jha in elections. Half of his party’s funds are from the Khandelwals!”
Kicking off her heels, Khushi flopped on the bed.
Payal joined her.
“What is surprising is that Rajiv Raizada did that! They are actually not that kind of people”
Khushi’s face fell.
“It’s not your fault K! Arnav is a jerk if a simple question led him to give the contract to someone else!”
“He’s not a jerk.” she smiled sadly.
“God! That was quick!” Payal laughed.
“How quickly you have fallen for him…” 
“I don’t think it's that, Payal, “ she sighed.
“Then why are you not angry with him Khushi? Why are you finding yourself giving excuses for him?”she persisted.
“Ufff! My head hurts”
“Come on then, let's go watch a movie!”
Her wrist watch struck eight, as she hurried down the porch and rang the bell.
The door swung open and Garima greeted her with a broad smile. 
“Mummy? Everything alright?”
“We have company!”
“Why are you whispering?”
With a tug she pulled Khushi into the house.
She walked into the dining room, with her mum at her heels.
There under the beautiful chandelier, sat Mr Raizada and his son.
“Well Khushi, come on sit down” her papa pulled out a chair for her.
Confused and dazed, she plonked herself on the chair.
“So Khushi, how is the designing for Arnav going on?” Rajiv asked with a genuine smile.
“It’s going well Mr Raizada. I start the renovation tomorrow “
“Please beta, drop the formality! “
“Yes uncle” she muttered shyly.
“Arnav told me that you were designing a professional space for the first time?”
“Yes, but since it’s his personal office, it’s not that different “
“Khushi even designed my sister’s boutique, “ her mum chimed in proudly.
She took the chance to glance at Arnav, who had remained quiet so far. She could swear that she saw him smirk while chewing.
As the older folks chatted along, she kept looking at him, desperately wishing for mind reading abilities at that moment.
“Well, we’ll take our leave,” Rajiv uncle announced.
There amidst the clamour of chairs and fond smiles, Guptas bid the Raizadas goodbye.
“What is going on?!” Khushi screeched.
“We got the deal” her mummy bubbled up in excitement.
“They came to dinner for that?”
“It’s late Khushi” her papa loosened his tie “Go to your room now”
“Yes darling, it’s very late” With a kiss her mum followed her papa upstairs.
A girl left flustered! Again!
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter>>
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thenightfolknetwork · 2 months
I am in an awkward position. It had started when my parents had arranged my marriage as part of a contract. I learnt of this about six months ago when on the morning of my thirtieth birthday, I opened the front door to head to my parent’s for a family lunch, only to run into the wedding parties.
Now, I understand arranged marriages still happen, and it can be ‘healthy’ when those involve have agency. Though in my case there are some factors. For starters, no one had told me, which I think would have been needed when I had first gotten married five years back (widowed now). Two, it seemed my parents had arranged this as they had gotten certain… payments, which did explain certain things. And thirdly, they had arranged more than one marriage for me.
So it was a bit awkward going to my parents place with my son and my nine (9) new partners, especially with even them having not been informed that I had been ‘promised’ to others. And to add insult to injury, the ‘contracts’ don’t exclude multiple marriages which I was told my parents had suggested on some guise or other, when really just so they get more ‘dowry’. Which ironically had to then go into buying a new residence as my then current flat couldn’t accommodate *Deep breath* Highlands Minotaur, Mediterranean Sharkmer, Siberian Orc Chief, Oni warrior, American Wereboar, Vampiric Lord, Djinn Librarian, Cerberi Guard (though they have three heads and different personalities, they say are one), The Prince of the Arslani Giants, Bringer of the Sun and Vanquisher of the Old One nonamehere (He insisted I include his full title), and two sapios (me and my son).
My partners(?) were at least understanding helping send the marriage documents to a family solicitor. Unfortunately, the marriages can’t be annulled for some time due to a variety of intrinsic rituals, oaths to unknowable entities, and vague languages making them legally air tight. Because it seemed despite not being aware of the other, each contract effectively patches potential loopholes in another. And I doubt anyone here wants me to try and kick off the apocalypse since that is one of the few methods which can null all contracts. Still have to sort out guardianship for my son, as I’m sure you can guess my parents are no longer an option.
Now, this isn’t the thing I need advice with, though if you have any suggestions for a good gift I wouldn’t say no, as I’m sure this paradoxical Gordian Knot will haunt my lawyer’s nightmare for the remainder of her days.
Nor did I send this simply to vent, I have been doing that with my friends and cousins. Although, I assume you wouldn’t try to joke saying ‘At least you don’t have to worry about the dating market”, or offer me a book for my toddler called “Daddy, Papa, Pops, Pater, Dada, Baba, Papi, Bo, Chichi, Missieri, and Me”.
I am more asking for advice on… well, is it appropriate that I really like them.
I mean, sure the move and circumstances weren’t ideal. And it’s not easy for ten adults and one kid in the same home with everyone having different sleep schedules, dietary restrictions, physical requirements and cultural clashes. I still have mornings where I wake up and think there’s an earthquake happening before my sleep deprived brain remembers the size of certain partners who decide to go for morning jogs. Or that I have to triple check food in the fridges as blood sausages safe for me to eat are different to those that others eat and vice versa. Or how most electronics are sequestered to an office room due to their thaumaturgically reactions.
But these minor annoyances don’t really stay on mind when having long talks at night, discussing things like who’ll be doing pick up from daycare tomorrow. How we’ll be complaining to each other about rubbish coworkers and the council changing trash pick up days whilst preparing dinner. The headed debates on origins of certain feasts and whose pack fought whose coven. Even the relaxed silence when not commenting on the sudden disappearance of a Neo-Nazi who showed up in town a few days ago and how there seemed to be suddenly more blood and offal based foods in the fridges.
We have gotten to… i guess dating, a bit weird since we are married, and even gotten rather intimate (I will not elaborate). But still, I worry if I am leading them on considering the circumstances and how we had been looking to get the marriages annulled, or that most had basically upended their own lives to move here so I’m not sure if right to just kick them out. Not to mention my son, since they have been good with him over the past months and I worry about the loss of a support system.
It’s just… I worry a bit that I am just overthinking this all. Am I?
(Sorry so long, just realised
Goodness me, reader. You certainly have a lot on your plate! I'm very glad to hear that you're sharing your feelings with friends and venting to them as necessary. Everyone involved seems to be handling the situation about as well as can be expected. Apart from your parents, of course, who sound, if you don't mind my saying, like a pair of quite astonishingly inconsiderate grifters.
I don't think you're overthinking things, either. This would be a tricky enough situation even if there were not a child at the centre of it. As it is, I think it only right that you should want to consider your options before embarking on a course of action that could disrupt your son's happiness and well-being.
That said, I am struggling to see the real downsides here. You say you've already started dating your partners, and shared some intimate time with them. They sound a kind and caring bunch, who respect you and your son. And you all seem to be enjoying life together.
If I am reading your letter correctly, it sounds as if the biggest problem here is overcoming societal norms and expectations around what a family “should” look like. Yes, you are all already married. Yes, you are trying to annul those marriages. But that is only a matter of paperwork and technicality.
The relationships you have with each of your partners, and which they have with each other and with your son, are not binary states to be decided based on whether or not a contract somewhere says you are bound to one another. They are living, growing, organic connections between real, complicated people, and need to be treated as such.
The circumstances that brought you all together are certainly… unusual. But what does that signify, as long as you are enjoying the relationships you're developing together? Similarly, there's no reason you can't at once want to get your marriages annulled, and want to keep living together and exploring what life together might look like.
Ultimately, this isn't an issue that can be solved by worrying about it. You need to talk to your partners and hear their feelings on the issue. But please, don't be constrained by old-fashioned, ill-fitting ideas of how you “ought” to behave. There is no reason you can't have your cake (annulment) and eat it (sleep with all 9 of your heroic demi-god partners at once)
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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drmaddict · 1 year
Exhausted Bug
Summary: Sy's girl (autistic!reader) is near a breakdown. Luckly, he knows what is coming and what to do.
Warnings: autistic burnout symptoms, use of (y/n)
Word count: 557
Author's note: I describe here how I feel when I am exhausted. This is not a general behavior of all autistic people, if of anyone else at all. Everyone is different. I am not officially diagnosed, but have shamelessly self-diagnosed myself until I can get my hands on the oficial diagnosis.
Please be gentle.
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The moment as they sat in the car, Sy realized what was up. (y/n) was silent. No comments about the evening. She said nothing and looked out the window, exhausted. Her eyes seemed almost dull. He hated it when she was like that.
They were invited to a family birthday party. Often she handled these pretty fine, but lately she'd been under a lot of stress at work, hadn't slept much, and somehow one social gathering followed another. Long story short. She was near a breakdown.
He watched her scratch the little bit of callus on her middle finger over and over again with the fingernail of her thumb. He turned off the radio and drove on.
Tomorrow, despite her exhaustion, she would get up as early as her body would allow. She would prepare her food for the week. She would exercise and do the things around the house that she hadn't gotten done during the week. She would make a quick lunch and then lie down on the sofa to sleep for half an hour. From that point on, her body would catch up with her.
Her power nap usually went on for at least 2 hours, often longer. When she woke up, it would take her at least 30 minutes to even peel herself off the sofa, but often it would take almost a full hour.
From then on, she would get nervous. She wanted to have time for her hobbies and now she didn't think it was worth starting anything at all.
Sy knew the procedure. He had already made sure that they would not have visitors tomorrow, nor would anyone call. He would take Aika to dog training and then go to his brother's gym, although he had his little home studio in the basement so she would have the house to herself. He had left food in the fridge to warm up and checked to make sure her headphones were charged as well. By the time he would return from his workout, she would be long asleep.
He would put water and snacks next to the sofa to make it easier for her to wake up. He knew her current projects to direct her attention to one that wouldn't overwhelm her, to help her relax.
Sy was a planner and a doer. He wasn't the biggest romantic in the world, but he knew what (y/n) needed. He didn't judge her for her quirks, just as she didn't judge him.
He didn't comment on the fact that right when they would arrive home, she would go to a separate room to walk in circles while listening to music. He knew it relaxed her. He knew she would never say anything when he woke up in the middle of the night again and locked himself in his workout room until the images of his nightmare blurred and he was tired enough to sleep again. Or that he had to check the house's security system at least three times in the evening before he could go to bed.
They were an unlikely pair, but they worked together. He wanted his little bug to be happy. No matter what it took to make that happen. Diamond jewelry, or as in her case, an oversized sweater of his and a few rounds in her daydream room.
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
I. Your Wild-Running Heart || KNJ
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(banner by @/itaeewon)
Title: My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni
Genre: college!au, roomie!au, angst, s2l, the absolute slowest of burns
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader, unrequited Taehyung x reader
Beta'd by @/kookstempo, @/casuallyimagining, and @/toikiii - thank you endlessly!
Summary: You know a lot about the many types of love thanks to Kim Taehyung. You love him as the only person you see as “family”, you love him as your very best friend, and you love him as the beautiful, funny man he’s become. But when a twist of fate during your senior year has you rooming with his good friend Kim Namjoon, you just might find that you have plenty left to learn about love. 
Lesson One: there are such things as a right way and a wrong way to love and to be loved.
When your roommate bails last-second and leaves you completely in a bind for the new school year, your best friend Taehyung mentions that his friend Namjoon needs a place off-campus, too.
Section Warnings: language
WC: 7k
The world is mine: blue hill, still silver lake, Broad field, bright flower, and the long white road A gateless garden, and an open path: My feet to follow, and my heart to hold. - Journey | Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Friday August 28 
“Please, no,” you beg. “Please tell me this is a joke. I can’t live with a man. Do you know what men are like?”
Taehyung, quite a specimen of man last time you checked, cocks an eyebrow at you. “Y/N,” he says flatly. “You’re doing it again.”
It meaning being dramatic, and you resent that implication.
You whine, shuffling your feet unhappily. “But Tae,” you say - okay, you whine. “If my roommate is a guy, then I have to wear a bra in the apartment, like, all the time.”
“Oh my god,” he says, throwing his hands in the air, completely over you. “Do you want my help or not? What are your other options right now?”
How nice of him to ask. 
You’d been so excited to lease an apartment off-campus for your final year of university, even more excited to share it with a girl in your writing program named Penny. You hadn’t thought twice about putting the lease in only your own name, but when Penny texted you - the audacity of her to not even call - to say she wasn’t going to return in the fall after all, you were stuck with the responsibility.
So, since Taehyung asked, your options are this: pay the entire rent by yourself (impossible), or find a roommate, fast. 
“Namjoon’s a really good friend of mine,” Taehyung tries again. “I am personally vouching for him that he’s not a weirdo or a creep. His building flooded and he’s in a bind - just like you. He’s nice, he’s smart, and he’s normal.”
“What about clean?” you prod. 
Taehyung shrugs. “Cleaner than me.”
You sigh. You know Taehyung is right - you need someone quickly, and at this rate you’re bound to only find creeps. At least this guy - even though he’s a guy, which is your main issue - has been vetted.
“You’re not very clean,” you tell your best friend.
He grins at you, guilty as charged. 
“Could we talk first?” you suggest, nerves churning. “Like, can I meet him?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes at you. “Did you think I was going to drop the key off at his place and say ‘okay, have fun!’?”
“Maybe!” you cry, feeling a little hysterical. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes at you. “Want me to see if he can swing by the place tomorrow?”
The plan for the next day was originally for you two to load up your car through the morning, grab lunch somewhere, and then start moving your stuff into the apartment after you ate. 
“Yeah,” you answered. “That actually sounds like a good plan. Then he can see the apartment, too. And you’ll be there with me.”
“Actually a good plan,” Taehyung parrots with a scoff. “Please.”
After your lunch date, Taehyung drops you back home so you can finish packing. You’d packed a lot already - all of your big pieces of furniture were there already, your bedroom now just a mess of random piles of clothing and your bare mattress on the ground. A lot of what you still had were things you knew you’d need to use again during the days you were starting to pack - toiletries, electronics, that kind of thing. With a sigh, you turn on some music and start pulling hangers out of your closet. 
You think about your situation as you work. You’re disappointed about Penny - you’ve lost a roommate and a good friend, somehow. You’re nervous about meeting Taehyung’s friend Namjoon. You’re somehow both excited for and dreading the academic year starting - your final year, complete with a senior thesis course you’ll have to pass in June. And you’re excited for the apartment - your first one that isn’t an on-campus dorm. 
No campus security knocking on the doors, no RA going through your fridge for forbidden liquor bottles, no shared hallway bathrooms. With your own bedroom in the apartment, you’re guaranteed a space that is just yours, a sanctuary where you can have the quiet you crave and aesthetic you want, your own four walls that are completely your own. 
Taehyung’s apartment, which he shares with two friends, isn’t far from your new one - walking distance, actually. He’d offered you his couch there when Penny first bailed. But even if you took his offer, you’d be charged for breaking your lease, and you’d still have to find something more permanent - which would mean another security deposit, not to mention rent. As long as you kept the optimism that you’d successfully secure and keep a roommate, staying was the cheaper option.
You won’t talk about how you wish Taehyung would offer more than his couch.
You won’t talk about how when he’d said, “You know, you could stay with me,” in that deep, comforting voice of his, your heart had run wild. 
Then he’d continued, “That couch isn’t too bad to sleep on, I’ve done it before. And the guys wouldn’t mind. Then you’d have time to find something new, maybe something you can afford alone?”
And your wild-running heart had stuttered, stumbled, caught its footing, stood still. 
You can’t even get mad at him. He’s trying to help. It’s not his fault - at all - that he doesn’t know that your imagination leapt off a cliff at his words, was already picturing snuggling in his bed, those strong arms tight around your middle, was already picturing waking up to his sleepy smile. 
You don’t pretend for even a second that it’s anyone’s fault but your own. 
Around ten pm your Aunt Lin comes and knocks on your open door, looking down at the scene before her: you, sitting cross-legged on your bedroom floor, surrounded by half-closed boxes, miscellaneous items strewn around the floor around you, clothing piled up like mountains around you.
“You don’t look very ready,” she remarks.
“That’s helpful, thank you,” you say. 
Lin has raised you ever since you lost your grandmother, who had taken care of you before that. Your grandmother and Lin are the only parental figures you can really remember, but Lin’s technically only ten years your senior and has always felt more like a big sister than a mother. You can’t fault her for it; she was still quite young when she took over raising you. She certainly didn’t have to take you in, but she had, and she’d done her best. 
Lin chuckles. “Why isn’t Taehyung here helping?”
You roll your eyes. “He’s my friend, not my servant. He’s helping me move all this in tomorrow, that’s plenty.”
Lin shrugs, already disinterested. “Okay,” she says lightly. “Well, I wanted to say good luck with the move, and good luck with school this year. Let me know if you need anything.”
You look up from your packing and take in her appearance. She’s in scrubs, a huge thermos of coffee in her hand. She’s got work tonight, then, and won’t be here in the morning when Taehyung picks you up. You should have figured. 
“Thanks,” you say. 
She shifts, looking down the hall instead of at you, suddenly. Lin’s not great with emotions; it’s where you get it from.
“Okay,” she says. “I’ll see you for winter break? If not before?”
“Yeah,” you say. “Yeah. Definitely by then.”
She nods, tells you goodbye, and heads down the hallway. You hear the front door close, and you’re alone with your boxes. That’s about as mushy as it gets with Lin.
[11:44 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: what time tmrw?
[11:45 PM] You: you drive the car, you tell me
[11:51 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: 10?
[11:54 PM] You: you think that’s enough time to pack up the car and drive there before lunch?
[11:58 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: 🙄 this is why i asked YOU what time
[12:01 AM] Tae Bear 🧸: 😤
[12:02 AM] You: 9:30 
[12:03 AM] You: and bring me iced coffee 🤗 plsssss???
[12:06 AM] Tae Bear 🧸: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
[12:08 AM] You: love u tete
[12:11 AM] Tae Bear 🧸: yeah yeah love you too 
You press the top of your phone into your forehead, closing your eyes. Letting yourself pretend, for just a second, that he could mean it the way you do.
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Saturday August 29
Taehyung shows up in the morning - at ten, not nine-thirty, but he has an iced coffee for you in his car, so you let him live. 
It takes you over an hour to load up the car, the boxes and suitcases and garbage bags squished together, shoved impossibly tight, the world’s most desperate game of tetris. Taehyung declares it impossible no less than five times, bemoaning that he’ll have to make the hour drive a second time in order to fit all of your shit. 
In the end, you make it happen. It just takes a little determination. 
The drive to your university is around an hour, depending on traffic. You and Taehyung both don big, goofy aviators and blast music as you sail down the highway, the backseat loaded floor to ceiling. The car is so stuffed, you even have boxes between your feet and on your lap. 
The sun shines brightly down on you as you and Taehyung sing and groove your way through the drive, and you feel… so content, so sure that this is right, that you’re meant to be next to him, like this, forever. Like everything in the universe just clicked together to give you the perfect snapshot of how things are meant to be. 
What if you said it? What if you told him? 
Sometimes, moments like now, you just can’t fathom how he doesn’t feel it too. 
But you know better. You know he doesn’t - doesn’t want to. Something deep inside you tells you to tread carefully with this best friend of yours. Something instinctual tells you that the dysfunctional friendship you’ve crafted together is a Jenga tower and if you so much as nudge the wrong brick, it’s all coming down. 
You eat lunch at a table out in front of a cafe, people watching and basking in the sunlight. It’s the last, trickling days of August, but today’s breezy and cooler. It’ll warm up again before fall comes in full force, you’re sure, but you appreciate the reprieve from the scorching heat, since you’re about to spend several hours hauling boxes up a stairwell.
After lunch, Taehyung drives to your new neighborhood and finds a street-parking spot close to the front entrance of the tall, brick building.
“Okay,” he says. “Now the fun part.”
You giggle. “Have I told you yet that I appreciate you?”
“Elaborate, please,” he says, which is so typical for him. He looks over at you, sunglasses low on his nose.
You roll your eyes, but you’re smiling. “I appreciate you helping me move in. I appreciate you driving me. I appreciate the afternoon you’re about to spend carrying boxes and shit.”
“You’re forgetting something,” he tells you sagely.
You want to whack him in the belly for being so obnoxious, but you can’t risk him dumping all your stuff on the sidewalk and fucking off to let you deal with the stairs on your own. 
“I appreciate you finding me a roommate so I don’t have to sleep on your couch,” you add.
“There we go.” Satisfied, he unbuckles, and you both get out and examine the backseat for whichever Tetris piece seems like it could be removed easiest. Arms full of boxes, you make your way up the steps to the little lobby that houses a wall of mail slots, and then up a second set of stairs to your second-floor apartment.
You set down the box you were carrying and dig out the key, opening the door to your new home.
You really do love this apartment. Through the open space - past the kitchen and through the living room - sunlight streams in through the large front windows that overlook the city block below. You can already see in your mind where you’ll put plants on low tables, or hanging from the ceiling.
You had done the big stuff days ago, with both Lin and Taehyung’s help; Lin had rented a little moving van and you’d loaded up the big furniture. From Lin’s house, you’d taken your bedframe and boxspring, leaving just the mattress in your old bedroom at Lin’s house. You’d also loaded up your low dresser, a nightstand, and two bookshelves. You’d gotten a few pieces from a local repurposing store - a desk to work at and a little swiveling chair to go with it. Your final splurge was an expensive mattress; the one in the store had felt like damn clouds. It was set to be delivered sometime this afternoon. 
You’re already looking forward to going to sleep later.
You and Taehyung try to just put boxes where they’re meant to go. Two boxes end up in your bathroom, another two in the kitchen. You split the books between your bedroom and the living room, where a lone bookshelf is the only current piece of furniture. You heave bags of clothes and linens into your closet, determined to deal with them later. 
The mattress delivery goes smoothly, the truck arriving as you and Taehyung are about halfway done unloading the car. You leave the building’s front door and your apartment door propped open and both teams do their thing: the delivery guys carrying the mattress up the steps, you and Taehyung behind them with garbage bags full of your clothes or boxes of books. 
“You,” Taehyung pants, “have way too much stuff.”
You grin sheepishly, as in the other room your new mattress is removed from its plastic wrap and placed atop your awaiting boxspring. You’re itching to dig out your linens and make the bed; that’s always what makes a room feel ready to you, even back when you were just setting up a little dorm. Once the bed was made, everything else slowly fell into place. 
Once the delivery truck rolls away, you throw yourself bodily onto the mattress, letting out a series of happy groans as you let the pillowy goodness envelop you. 
“Taehyung,” you call tantalizingly. “Come feel it.”
You hear him drop a box in the living room with an audible oof - it must have been more books - and then he comes into your new bedroom and flops sideways across the bed next to you, the mattress jumping and settling again under his weight.
“Wow,” he says, rolling on his back and then turning to look at you, his legs bending to touch the floor. “This is nice. Let’s trade, I’ll bring mine over.”
“Nope,” you say, smiling. “I bought this one with my hard-earned summer money. It’s just for me.”
“Yeah,” he says, voice wry, “for you and your guests.”
Now you do whack him in the belly. He grunts, hands covering the spot, then lays still again.
“That wasn’t nice,” he comments mildly. “No hitting.”
“What guests?” you pout. “I haven’t had a guest since–”
“Ah, spare me the Great Drought of 2022 story,” he begs. He sits up, reaching into his pocket. As his hand retracts, you realize his phone is buzzing with an incoming call.
“Bro,” he says as a greeting, and then listens. “Yeah, we’re here now. That’s fine. Sounds good. Okay.”
He taps to hang up and looks at you. “Namjoon is almost here. That’s fine, right?”
“I was right here,” you huff. “Yes, it’s fine, but you literally could have asked me.”
Taehyung ignores you. “There’s one more box. I’ll go get it, and then I’ll stay while you meet with Joon, and then I’m gonna go, okay?”
“Oh,” you say, heart sinking a little bit. You’d kind of hoped he’d stick around, just hang out and goof off while you unpacked boxes and organized your stuff. “Sure.”
He reads you like a book; he always does.
“Don’t pout,” he says, and there’s something apologetic in his tone. “I just have to do some stuff today. And I really need to shower, this got me all sweaty.”
Well, you don’t need that mental image. Luckily, you’re saved from yourself by a knock at the front door. This strikes you as so polite, because not only is Namjoon going to literally live here, but also because the door is still propped wide open.
You sit up, fixing your hair from where you laid on it. Taehyung has already made his way through the living room and is giving a one-handed bro-hug to the guy at the door. You make your way over, heart thumping. 
You notice a few things right away. He’s tall - taller than Taehyung, and you don’t see that often. His eyes are absolutely striking - there’s sharpness to them, something that makes you want to see the world how he does, something that makes you want to keep looking, something that makes you curious about how he’d see you. 
When he smiles, each cheek dimples, the perfect size for the pad of your index finger. He’s all in browns except for a pair of light-wash jeans. He’s got a dark brown beanie tugged low on his head, and even his thin, wire-frame glasses seem to be chosen for the vibe above all else.
“Hi,” you say, sounding a little shy even to your own ears. Taehyung moves out of the way and you reach to shake Namjoon’s hand. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you. Taehyung promised me you’re normal.”
The guy lets out one big laugh, surprised. “He told me the same,” he says conspiratorially, “but really, that’s such a subjective thing.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes, and you step back to let Namjoon in, preparing to show him around. 
“Kitchen and living room are here,” you say unnecessarily, since he can see for himself. “Your bedroom would be on this side.” You push open the door and Namjoon sticks his head in. The room is completely bare, the empty closet door standing open. 
“You get your own bathroom,” Taehyung points out. Namjoon nods appreciatively, still looking silently back and forth across the room that would be his as soon as you pass him a key.
“Is it okay?” you ask, suddenly feeling nervous. If this guy backs out, you’ll be back at square one, and now with less time to solve the problem.
“Oh,” he says, as if remembering he should communicate. “Yeah! It’s great.” He turns and peers at the living room, which is empty but for your lone bookshelf and several boxes of books, unopened.
“I have some stuff we can put here, if you want?” he asks, his tone a little uncertain. “Specifically, I have a couch and coffee table, plus a TV and a console to put it on. It should all fit.”
“That would be great,” you say enthusiastically. “I was already stressing out about saving up enough for a couch.”
He nods easily, looking around the room thoughtfully. Taehyung has wandered over to the large windows and is looking up at the tree that stands right outside, the branches waving lightly in the afternoon breeze. With the sunlight coming in, he looks like a painting. 
“I have a rug, too,” Namjoon muses. “Would you be interested in that?”
“Definitely,” you tell him, tearing your eyes away from Taehyung’s back. There’s something knowing in Namjoon’s face as he watches you, and you flush, feeling weirdly caught.
“Okay,” he says, “I’ll bring it. What about kitchen stuff?”
“I don’t have a ton,” you admit, pointing to the two boxes - not very big ones - that you’ve left on the kitchen counter. “If you’ve got more, that’s probably good. I don’t cook that often, to be honest. I’m not very good at it.”
Namjoon smiles at you, leaning over a little like he’s letting you in on a secret. “I can barely boil water,” he admits. “So you’re all good.”
You stand together as you discuss how you’ll be splitting the monthly costs for the utilities, not to mention the high-speed wifi that’s getting set up in two days. That leaves you to work out the rent, what day it’s due and how you want to handle paying it. In the end, you decide that he’ll electronically pay you, and you’ll pay the landlord, since it’s your name on the lease. He pays you right there on the spot, and you pass him the key that was meant for Penny.
“Is it okay if I start moving my things tomorrow?” he asks you.
You shrug. “This place is yours now, too,” you say easily. “You can honestly do what you want.”
“Okay,” he says. “I’ll probably start in the morning then?”
“I can’t promise I’ll be up,” you laugh, “but don’t let that stop you!”
“Should we…” he pauses, adjusts his glasses. “Should we exchange numbers?”
Taehyung makes a face you know well; it’s the face he makes when he wants to laugh or make fun of something, and he’s doing the Good Person Thing by keeping the thought to himself, but he wants to make sure you know by his face that he is holding it in. He wants credit for doing the Good Person Thing.
You honestly hate him sometimes. It’s the only thing keeping you from tipping straight into insanity. Sometimes, I really hate Taehyung. 
“Yes, we probably should,” you say, because someone in this room needs to act like they aren’t twelve years old, and it’s not going to be Kim Taehyung, apparently.
You do, and then Namjoon tells you both goodbye, making his way back out to the hallway and down the steps. You can hear his footsteps fall away into nothing. 
Taehyung looks at you, smiles angelically. “See?” he says. “I told you he was nice.”
He reaches for his keys on your kitchen counter. You frown, detecting his imminent departure. 
“Will you come over tomorrow?” you ask, a little pitifully. 
He considers this, and nods. “For dinner?” he suggests. 
“Yeah,” you say. “We still won’t have wifi yet. We’ll be bored.”
“Only boring people get bored,” Taehyung says sagely, holding up one finger like a wizened philosopher. Then he comes to hug you goodbye, pulling you into a sweet embrace. You want to live there, in the spot between his arms. 
Once he’s gone, you look around your new home. Alone, you decide to put on music and start tackling boxes. You start in the bathroom, finding towels so you’ll be able to shower in the morning, unpacking all your toiletries, setting up your toothbrush just so. You do the kitchen second; the sun sets outside as you find places for your battered pots and pans. 
You stop for dinner, getting take-out from a place nearby that delivers. Then you dive back in, setting up your bedroom. It feels cozy already, once the bed is made and you’ve plugged in your little lamps. Calmer, you start folding clothes to put into dresser drawers. At one point you wander out of your room to get some water and you freeze in your bedroom doorway, struck by how lonely it feels. 
The rest of the apartment is lit only by the yellow glow coming from your bedroom, plus the thin, white light that filters in from the streetlight below the living room windows. You hurry into the kitchen and turn on the light over the sink, which vanishes some of the bad feeling for you. You pour your glass of water and lean heavily on the counter, looking out at your empty living room, and the dark doorway of Namjoon’s untouched room. You wish Taehyung had come back over, or that some of your university friends had moved back into the area sooner.
You rinse your glass and head back into your room, ready to distract yourself with more unpacking until you’re tired enough to sleep.
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Sunday August 30
Bumps and crashes wake you in the morning. It takes you a few minutes to figure out where you are - ah, the cloud bed, in your new room. The morning sunlight is strong; apparently the windows on the front of the apartment face the east. You make a mental note to shop for some good blackout curtains, and check your phone. Not much waiting for you - Lin texted around 1 am asking if you got settled okay, probably while she was on a quick break. You answer her, check your socials, and then lay back, just looking around. 
You got a lot done yesterday, but you still have more unpacking to do. It also occurs to you that not only is there no coffee waiting for you in the kitchen, there’s no food of any kind in the whole place, unless you count your container of leftover takeout from last night. 
You shower and get dressed, figuring it's best to stay out of the way - you can hear the grunts and huffs and loud bumps that indicate Namjoon’s got some friends helping him move things in. But eventually, the growling in your stomach and your body’s clamoring for caffeine send you out into the living room.
The low entertainment center is in place across the room from you, a flatscreen tv situated on top. There are now two stools tucked beneath the breakfast bar in the kitchen, and a pretty, wooden coffee table sits in the center of the living room.
There’s a guy on the floor surrounded by furniture pieces, a screwdriver, and a packet of instructions in his hands. You can hear a lot of shouting, bumping, and cursing floating in from the stairwell down the hall. 
“Hey,” the guy on the floor says. “You’re Y/N? I’m Namjoon’s friend, Yoongi.”
“Hi,” you say, a little bewildered. “What are you… building?”
He sighs, squinting at the paper in his hand. “It’s supposed to be a bookshelf. Eventually.”
You’re about to respond to this when the noise from outside the open door gets infinitely louder. You see Namjoon’s expansive back as he shuffles backwards through the doorway, one end of a faded, grey couch in his hands. 
“Okay, you have to turn,” he coaches whoever is on the other side.
The couch makes it through the door, and you’re surprised to see that you know the other person carrying the couch. He’s one of Taehyung’s best friends, and you’ve hung out together as a group plenty of times over the last three years.
“JayKay!” you call happily. “Welcome to my house!”
He laughs, nose scrunching with delight. “Y/N,” he crows. “Where should I put the couch?”
“Across from the tv,” Namjoon answers for you, sounding a little breathless. They shuffle through the room, and you notice for the first time that they’ve already put the rug in place, covering most of the warped, wooden floor of the living room. The couch settles over top of it, and Namjoon slides the coffee table to a more centered position.
One more guy comes through your doorway, carrying a nightstand and a lamp. He’s got quite possibly the widest shoulders you’ve ever seen. He disappears into Namjoon’s bedroom, and you hear the quiet thump as he sets the nightstand down in there.
“Wow,” you say. “You’ve got a whole moving crew.”
“Notice who’s not here helping,” Jungkook grumbles.
You smile to yourself. If you know him at all, you’ll guess Taehyung isn’t even out of bed yet. 
“In his defense,” you say, and Jungkook snorts, as if it’s so typical that you’d defend Taehyung, which… it might be, “he did a lot for me yesterday. We had his car packed with my stuff.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jungkook mutters and turns to - presumably - get more stuff from downstairs.
“You have a lot left?” you ask Namjoon, who seems to be catching his breath for a minute, perched on the arm of the couch. “I’d offer to help, but I was just about to go get groceries - there’s very literally no food here.”
“We’re about done with the heavier stuff,” he says, looking at the open door, like he’ll find an inventory there that he can reference. “But still plenty of assembling left.”
“Hooray,” Yoongi deadpans from the floor, holding the instruction packet up in the air like a different angle will help him decipher the directions.
You find your little foldable cart and make your way to the grocery store a few blocks away. By the time you’re done scouring the aisles, you’ve loaded the cart to the top and still have to carry some of the bags. But at least now you’ll have food to eat, things to drink besides tap water. 
Getting up the stairs with your groceries sucks, but you make it, panting like crazy as you finally unlock the front door and let yourself in.
You’re greeted with silence; it’s clear the guys are all gone. The living room looks completely different than twenty-four hours ago. The couch and table look great, and it seems like Yoongi’s bookshelf is mostly complete - it’s upright, just missing a few shelves near the top. You set the groceries down in the kitchen next to three unopened boxes - it seems like Namjoon’s gameplan was the same as yours yesterday: get the boxes into the appropriate rooms, do the rest later. 
You peek into his bedroom - he’s left the door all the way open, which feels nice, like he trusts you, and you make a mental note that you should probably do the same. You notice that it looks like the furniture is all in place there, too. It doesn’t differ much from yours, actually. The bedframe is put together, the boxspring and mattress leaning against the far wall. He’s also got a tall chest of drawers, a wicker hamper, and in the corner, a desk. Namjoon’s furniture is a lot more modern looking than yours, sleek and matching. You bet he didn’t get half of his from the thrift store. 
You put the groceries away and make yourself a small lunch, eating it on the couch in the quiet of the apartment. You’ve got about twenty-four hours to go until there’s wifi and you can stream shows when you’re home alone. You’re just cleaning up your lunch when you hear a key in the lock, and then the cacophony of boys’ voices as they reenter the apartment. 
“-far superior, I’m telling you,” Jungkook is saying emphatically. The smell of greasy burgers and fries hits you in the kitchen along with the sound of his voice.
“I hear what you’re saying, and I respect your opinion,” a flat voice responds that you think might belong to Yoongi. “It’s just that you’re wrong.”
“Hey,” Namjoon says, noticing you standing in the kitchen. The guys pass through, heading into the living room, Jungkook already digging in the bag. They surround the coffee table, handing out burgers and fries, filling the room with delicious smells and noisy chatter.
You take this opportunity to head back into your room, sitting on your bedroom floor and opening one of your boxes of books, starting to put them on the small shelf beneath your window. You pop in your airpods and turn on music, losing yourself in the monotonous movement of digging out a new book, then turning to place it on the shelf. Rinse, and repeat.
When you finish, you move into your closet. You put your little wire shoe rack back together and locate your box of shoes, lining them up neatly. Then, you tackle another garbage bag full of clothes that go on hangers, flapping each shirt or dress to relieve it of wrinkles before hanging it up. After that, you find a box of miscellaneous dresser items - jewelry boxes, perfume bottles, headbands - and put those where you want them, too.
By the time you decide you need to sit down and take a break, it’s nearly evening, the light outside reaching that golden hour. You really do love the natural lighting in this place. 
You take out your airpods and set them to charge, listening carefully. You’ve had your bedroom door open this whole time, but the guys had left you alone and you’d minded your own business. Now, the apartment is filled with silence again. They must be gone.
You text Taehyung for the first time that day, which strikes you as weird. He must have been busy today, too. It’s odd for you two to make it until almost dinner without speaking.
“Dinner?” you text, and then wander out into the living room. 
“Hey,” a voice says from near the floor, and you practically leap out of your skin. You startle so violently that your phone slips from your hands and clatters to the floor.
“Holy crap,” you breathe when you realize Namjoon is sitting on the floor next to his newly assembled bookshelf, an open box of books before him. He seems to be sorting them into piles before putting any on the shelf.
“Sorry,” he says, eyes wide. “I didn’t mean to--”
“No, you’re fine,” you assure him. “I’m just… a jumpy person. You’ll get used to it.”
You watch him sort books for a minute, then eye your own empty bookshelf, your boxes still closed on the ground next to it. You decide if it’s Bookshelf Hours, you might as well, right? You set your phone on the coffee table and settle in, opening your first box and starting to place books on the bottommost shelf.
“So,” you say, because it feels weird to be sitting four feet from your new roommate and not speaking, “Taehyung said you’re a grad student at the university?”
Namjoon nods wordlessly, eyes on the books he’s sorting. “Yep,” he says finally. “And you’re a senior?”
“Mhm,” you confirm. 
After that scintillating conversation, you both lapse into silence as you work. You continue like that for some time - long enough to reach the middle shelf - before you realize you hear your phone buzzing on the table. You stretch to reach for it, missing how Namjoon glances sideways at you, at how an inch of your stomach is revealed as you lean over. 
“Hi,” you say, pressing the phone to your ear.
“Took you long enough to answer,” Taehyung gripes.
“Sorry,” you say. “We were putting books away.”
Taehyung’s silence is just one beat too long. “We, huh?”
You laugh, once. “I mean? That’s what each of us is doing? So? Yeah?” From his spot a few feet away, Namjoon glances over his shoulder, frowning slightly.
“Anyway,” you say, “dinner? Do you want to come over?” 
“Yes,” he says decisively. “Order us something and I’ll head over?”
“Sure,” you say, already hanging up. You don’t need to ask what he wants; no matter where you order from, you know what he likes. 
“Do you want to order with us?” you ask Namjoon mildly as you scroll through the local delivery app. “I was thinking pizza.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon says slowly, like he was deep in thought and has to process what you’d said to him. “That would be nice. Thanks.”
The place you’d order from back when you lived in the dorms is actually closer to this apartment than campus, which is the most beautiful, serendipitous thing that’s ever happened in your life. You place the order for delivery and continue putting your books away. Once all the books are on shelves, you’re essentially done - finally, after two days - unpacking. 
This gives you exactly one whole day to relax before you have to start going to classes again.
Taehyung arrives before the pizza, knocking on the door in a silly rhythm. You pound back on your side of the door, echoing his rhythm, before opening it, greeting him with a big smile. You’d missed him; of course you had.
“Wow,” he says, genuinely impressed, as he peers around you. “It looks so much different in here.”
“Right?” you ask, filled with joy. Taehyung pokes his head into the kitchen, which is arguably the least “ready” room, as aside from putting your things into drawers and cupboards, neither you nor Namjoon had really done much to it. No hand-towels hanging by the sink, no magnets on the fridge, even the counters were empty, save for the two sets of keys resting there. Taehyung adds his own to the key pile and moves into the living room, which is much more impressive.
“Hey, man,” Namjoon says from the floor. It seems like he’s done sorting his books into piles and has started actually putting them on shelves now. “Looks good, right?”
“It does,” Taehyung answers from the doorway of Namjoon’s room, where he's peeking nosily. “The guys helped you?”
“Everyone except you and Jimin,” Namjoon says innocently. 
Taehyung smiles guiltily. “I helped Y/N the entire day before, just the two of us,” he argues. “And what about Hobi? He’s on--”
“--on vacation with his parents,” Namjoon finishes agreeably, “so he’s off the hook. Where was Jimin?”
“Where do you think Jimin was?” Taehyung scoffs, reaching down and touching the rug absently.
“Sleeping,” you and Namjoon say at the same time, both of your voices wry. You smile at him, and he looks away. 
The pizza arrives and you all sit around the coffee table to eat. Conversation flows better with Taehyung in the mix; he talks so much, it almost doesn’t matter if anyone else does. 
“I was thinking of making a list of things we need for the apartment that wouldn’t necessarily belong to either of us - cleaning supplies, stuff like that,” Namjoon says to you. “I thought I could buy it and we could split the cost?”
“Buy the cheap stuff,” Taehyung advises. “Y/N’s summer money is gonna go fast, especially the way she orders out instead of cooking.”
“Thank you, Taehyung,” you say flatly, shooting him a look. “I start work in like two days. I can handle it.”
After the pizza’s done, Namjoon goes back to working on his bookshelf, obviously wanting to clear the floorspace of his book piles sooner rather than later. You and Taehyung sprawl across the couch opposite each other, his feet resting near your elbow, both of you on your phones. 
You stay like that until nearly midnight, talking occasionally but mostly just happily coexisting in your own little bubbles. At some point, Namjoon finishes the bookshelf and wanders into his bedroom, pausing to look at you two on the couch before disappearing. He pushes his door almost shut, leaving it open a few inches. You hear the subtle sounds of music playing from behind the door, but not loud enough to discern what it is. 
Taehyung hugs you before leaving, and you snuggle into the embrace, body exhausted from the moving process. He rests his chin on top of your head, swaying you around a little bit. 
“Thanks for helping me,” you murmur into his chest. Sometimes the only time you can get Taehyung to be serious for a conversation is when you’re like this; in each other’s arms, your walls come down - in his case, deflecting with humor and sarcasm, brushing off everything like it’s a big joke. In yours, saying what you really mean, and not a more delicate version of it.
“You’re welcome,” he answers, squeezing you a little. “I’m glad everything worked out. It really does look good in here. And I think you guys will get along.” 
Once he leaves, you deadbolt the front door and head to the kitchen to wash the plates and cups you’d used for pizza. Behind you, you hear the squeak of door hinges, and Namjoon pads into the kitchen behind you. He pauses, scanning the cupboards.
“I don’t remember which one I put my cups in,” he laughs a little, and then starts opening each one until he finds what he needs. Once he has a glass, he rummages in the fridge, taking out a juice carton and filling his glass about halfway. You finish washing the last plate and turn the water off, rummaging through a drawer for a dish towel to dry everything.  
“So…” Namjoon says between sips of juice. “You two are pretty close, huh?”
“Yeah,” you say, shrugging easily. “He’s my best friend.”
Namjoon hums, nods, purses his lips thoughtfully. If you knew him better, you’d push - ask him what that face means, or why he’d asked in the first place. 
But, you don’t need to. You know already. You’re used to being interrogated by others about your relationship with Taehyung. Sometimes people are trying to see if you’re a threat in their quest to worm their way into Taehyung’s heart (or pants) - and in your own weird way, you kind of are, at least for the former. 
Taehyung definitely sleeps around, but he’s surprisingly tight-lipped with you about it. You’re not sure if he’s sparing you, or he’s actually just a gentleman. Could go either way. But when Taehyung considers dating someone - rare, to say the least - he always has you vet them first. You never like any of them, surprise surprise. 
You’re used to girls approaching you in bathrooms, sometimes aggressively, sometimes meekly, to ask if Taehyung’s your boyfriend. You’ve had girls come apologize, saying they “didn’t know about you”. Once you’d had a girl nearly shove you down a staircase for talking to “her man”, but luckily, said man was walking next to you and helped shut the whole thing down. (You two had had a serious talk after that one about communicating with his partners about his relationship status. Things have never gone that far again, to date.)
Less frequently, you’ll get asked about Taehyung by guys who are interested in you, who are trying to figure out how much of a lost cause it is. That one’s a little trickier. How do you tell the cute guy at the coffee shop that no, you’re not dating Taehyung, but you are secretly so in love with him that it really isn’t worth their time? 
Anyway, usually you just tell guys that you’re not dating Taehyung but that you’re not interested in dating anyone. It usually does the trick. It’s not that far from the truth, either.
That leaves the last category of people who ask about you two, and this is where you feel Namjoon falls: the people who watch your weird, boundary-pushing friendship and are just genuinely curious how it could possibly work. 
And you get it, you really do. You know how this looks from the outside. Hell, you’re sure that from the outside it’s fairly obvious how gone you are for him. Is it just as obvious to the outside that he sees you more like a sister than anything datable? 
You’ve had friends ask you what keeps you around. You always say the same thing - regardless of your feelings for him, he’s also your absolute best friend.
Your friendship is precious to you, sacred. It sometimes feels like the only thing you have, in a life where you generally don’t have much. Your family is Lin - that’s it, end of the road. Your girlfriends are nice, but Penny was the closest you had and she’s across the country now. You only have Taehyung. And what you have with him, as special as it is, it’s also precarious. 
If you lose him, it isn’t just that you’ll lose him - and trust, that would be devastating - it’s also that you would be deeply alone. 
Finished with the dishes, you bid Namjoon goodnight and head back into your room for the night, planning to change into pajamas and wait for Taehyung to text you that he made it home safely, wait for Taehyung to text you goodnight. Namjoon murmurs goodnight, but you feel his calculating gaze on your back until you close your door softly behind you.
Next ->
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Thank you so much for reading! I started writing this in August, it feels amazing to finally postttttt. Please consider some type of feedback - I'd love to hear anything you want to share! Section II will post on Friday, January 27th - hope to see you there!
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
So, this is it, huh?
I figured the least I could do was write something down before shit goes down because I know after tomorrow I don't think I'll be emotionally available to do or say much about the show and what it and the fanbase means to me.
The last few days, my mind has been a whirlwind of emotions and I don't think I've ever really suspended my disbelief since it was announced that this would be the last season.
I felt like Po honestly, in Kung Fu Panda 2, when he's like "But I just got Kung Fu!" when they're talking about Lord Shen making that weapon that straight-up kills people who practice Kung Fu (I'm going somewhere with this just bear with me-) because I'm fairly new to the animated shows of Star Wars fandom and didn't start hyperfixating on Bad Batch until midway through Season 2 while those episodes were still releasing.
So when they announced that the 3rd season was the final season I was devastated. "What do you mean no more Bad Batch? I just got Bad Batch!" - I didn't want to believe it.
But here we are. Final season. Final episode.
I can't describe how the obsession started. It just did.
When the first season was coming out, I was still on Season 6 of TCW, so I got into it a little late. Then when it was over I immediately jumped into watching Rebels and became utterly obsessed with that show while Bad Batch just stayed, "Oh, neat show I watched."
Then the second season came out. I don't know how or when or why but suddenly something just went off in my brain and I became obsessed. I became attached. I fell in love with Wrecker in a way that I've never once felt or experienced towards any other fictional character, or person for that matter. I grew to understand Crosshair on a deeper level that made my heart ache for him and made me reflect on my own past and choices. Echo became a comfort character and an anchor in my life in where he's the first thing I think of when I'm down to put myself in a better mood. Suddenly I was ready to give Omega the universe and everything good in it. Tech became a lifelife (ironically) a hope that despite how I am and who I am, I'm capable of loving and being loved. And recently I've become so incredibly attached to Hunter because as the oldest child of five as well, I know that crushing weight of responsibility. Of failing your siblings. Of trying to be better.
This squad. This family. Cheesy as it is, I can't describe what they mean to me but Force, I'll try.
Recently I've been wondering why I'm so attached to this show and these characters. Jokingly, part of it is yes, the Bad Batch are lovely to look at and that does play a role in why I enjoy watching the show so much, but that's not completely it.
I think I speak for a lot of us fans when I say that I didn't fit in as a kid. I still don't even as an 'adult.' Look, I'm a biracial guy from two VERY different cultures that don't feel like home to me. On top of that, half of the time I don't know how to identify myself in gender and sexuality because I don't feel either most of the time. I'm introverted. I have anxiety. I probably have autism. I'm a burnt-out former gifted kid. I quite simply don't fit in.
"No, I'll stay. You guys don't fit in here either."
That? Yeah.
This show is for all those kids. Everyone who never fit in. Everyone who was told they were strange or weird, for the kids who ate glue in the back of the classroom, who were told they were too loud, who were put down because they didn't express emotion a certain way, for the kids who sat alone at lunch, who got left behind in their friend groups, for the kids who felt like they had no one so turned to harmful things, for the kids who were told they were special only to be discarded later in life, for the kids who don't know their place, don't know where they fit in and if they even do or ever will.
It's a show that tells those kids you're more than that. You're worth it. You're worth loving. You're worth protecting. You're worth the second chance. You're worth being loyal to. You're worth teaching. You're worth forgiving. You're worth it. You're worth it. You're worth it.
In the end there's hope for us. There's hope for all of us. And I think that's why I cling to tightly to this show. Why it means so much to me. Why I so desperately need these characters to make it out alive.
It's what Star Wars was from the start. About hope. About family. About loving and being loved and learning to love despite your circumstances. It's a show that took a bunch of neurodivergent absolute daddies and packed in so much angst but also feel-good moments with stunning animation, beautiful, moving music, and phenomenal voice acting. It's a show I can't help but love and love immensely because it feels like it was written for me.
For that kid who spent their recesses with their nose buried in an animal encyclopedia or talking to imaginary characters from their favorite books. For that kid who always felt so utterly useless and hopeless whenever they got less than an A- for a grade because they were supposed to be the gifted one. For the kid who struggled so much to be the older sibling they never asked to be. For the kid who just wants to find someone, anyone, who will love them as they are and fight for them. For the kid who valued loyalty above all else, always has, always will, and never gets it in return. For the kid who never fit in.
And well, whatever happens in the finale, I'm so grateful, so blessed, and so honored to have been a part of this journey with all of you.
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canirove · 2 days
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 30
Author's note: A bit of a filler chapter after what happened on the previous one and what will happen on the next one 👀
Previous chapter | Next chapter (coming out on Monday)
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“Did your mum already leave?” 
“Yep” Declan says, sitting in bed next to me. “She left us dinner and said that will come back tomorrow so you aren't alone while I'm at training.”
“I can be on my own for a few hours, you know? I'll be ok. And I'm sure she has more things to do.”
“She said that you would say that, and asked me to tell you that she needs to run a few errands that you can do together so you get a bit of fresh air and movement, and that then she will make lunch for all of us, that my dad is coming over after work.” 
“She has planned it all, hasn't she?” I chuckle.
“That's my mum” he smiles. 
“I don't know how I am going to thank you all for everything you've been doing for me since…”
Since my dad kicked me out of our house. It has been a couple of weeks since the car accident and our argument at the hospital, and nothing has improved. It has only gotten worse, to be honest.
The day I was discharged, my mum called me to tell me that I could stop by and pick up everything I may be needing, like clothes, my toiletries or my beloved pillow, that my dad wasn't going to be at home because Alex's dad had taken him away on a “boys trip” after making a huge scene at work. He had apparently had a big argument with Madders, Micky and Olga, shouting at them and telling them that if they actually were my friends or my big brother as James liked saying, they would have never allowed me to be anywhere near Declan, and definitely not let me get pregnant with his child. He had said all that in front of basically the whole team and part of the staff, so now everyone knew the truth. But according to Olga and Madders, people weren't gossiping too much about it, and most of them actually were glad about Declan being the father. Turns out that Alex wasn't as popular as I thought among our co-workers, and they had always liked the way Declan treated them all when he had stayed there with the national team. 
Once I had all my stuff, I moved to Declan's house, his mum basically treating me like a princess. The day I arrived she already had a room ready for me next to the nursery, and every day she comes over to help me finish decorate it and add cute bits or things that could be useful, to cook for us or mostly for me, to make sure I am ok and ask me to share with her all the doubts I may be having about the baby and what is coming, and basically to make me company while Declan is away. She has even started to teach me how to knit and we are making a pair of socks for the little man. She has become a second mother to me. 
My mum has come over a couple of times too, one of them to meet Declan's parents, and every single day she calls me at least twice to ask me about my day and how I am. Sometimes during those calls Declan is with me and they get to a chat a bit, getting to know each other. And maybe it's the hormones, maybe it is me wanting it to be true, but I think she already loves him almost as much as I do. Almost. 
“Liv, you don't have to thank any of us for all this. Like my mum has told you many times already, you now are part of our family. Both of you are” Declan says, caressing my bump.
“I can't wait to meet him” I say, resting my hand on his and focusing on that to not start crying.
“Same” he smiles. “And before I forget” he says, moving to pick the bag he had left on the bedside table. “This is for you. Well, it actually is for him, but hopefully it will cheer you up too.”
“Is it a present?”
“Something like that. Open it.”
“Ok” I say, slowly inspecting the inside of the bag. “A teddy bear?”
“It isn't just a teddy bear. It is mine.”
“That's the teddy my brothers chose for me before I was born, it was their present. They took it to the hospital when they first met me, and since that day I apparently lived glued to it.”
“It doesn't look that worn off, tho.”
“It actually looked a bit gross, but I took him to a shop that repairs toys. I wanted it to look good for the little man but still like the teddy I loved so much as a kid. I want him to love him as much as I did.”
“Aww, Declan. That's lovely. Does he have a name?” I ask.
“Mr. Poo.”
“Like Winnie the Pooh?”
“That's what my mum told everyone, but when my brothers named him, there was no h.”
“Oh… I see” I laugh.
“Kids” he shrugs. “We can change his name if you don't like it.”
“No, no. This is Mr. Poo” I say, caressing the teddy bear. “But if someone asks, we will say the same as your mum.”
“Ok” he chuckles. “Do you like it?”
“I love it, Declan. This is the best present I've received so far. I know it is for the baby, but… It is so special.”
“I'm glad you like it” he smiles. “Has it cheered you up?”
“It has, yes. Thank you” I say before hugging him.
“You're welcome, Liv” Declan says while hugging me back. A hug that ends with both of us laying in my bed, his arm around my waist (or what's left of it) while I cuddle Mr. Poo and take one of the many naps I take through the day. One where, according to what Declan tells me when I wake up, I was sleeping with a smile on my face.
“That's the power of Mr. Poo” he says. “He always makes you dream of good things.”
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ohsilverplease · 3 months
I vent a lot about C on here but I have really super appreciated him lately and I want to document that too. Earlier this year he tore down my old shed (at my request) and cut down some trees for me, and he is helping me get my yard and garden in order. Which is great bc I am getting the new shed this week! My aunt and uncle and parents are coming up on Tuesday to install it, uncle J has already built all the walls they just have to assemble it. Unfortunately I can’t be there because I’m still required to be in the office for another month, but I should see them in the afternoon before they go home. And I’ll see them at the end of the month bc mom’s family is all getting together.
But C has been good about nudging me when i need to do something, and helping me when something needs doing but I don’t have the physical or mental energy, and I am getting better at communicating my needs to him. I wish I could return the favor and help him get his ducks in a row but I will say I am easy to help bc I admit I know nothing about anything and he is hard to help bc he knows a little about everything. Idk. I am very go-with-the-flow, especially on projects like this, and he is very perfectionist procrastinator, so it tends to be one-sided support.
Anyway because they’ll all be in my house all day Tuesday I’m trying to clean and organize today. Unfortunately the kitchen is one again infested with ants (not koala bears) but I hope it’ll clear up by tomorrow night so I can give everything another good scrub. I’m going to get lunch stuff and snacks for them for them and then I’ll get dinner for everyone Tuesday night. I need to clean both bathrooms (I think I said this last weekend, hm) and vacuum everything and load up all my clothes to donate into the car so at least they are out of the way.
We are off Wednesday and I am maybe gonna go to the pool and get a cookout milkshake as a reward for making it through the next two days.
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dollsonmain · 2 months
An I Have a Job Now ramble that is less about the job than about other things.
So the job is basically Do All the Things including some management activities like ordering goods at a small, family owned gas station/convenience mart at the edge of my housing complex which makes it convenient to get to, other than the part where I live in the far-middle of the complex so it's a bit of a slog. I could live farther away from it, but not by a lot. It's about a 20 minute walk.
It's going to suck when it's hot, and it's going to suck when it's cold.
It's also going to suck because the only reason my chronic hip and back pain has been even marginally manageable the past decade or so is because I haven't been moving or standing on my feet much, and now I'm going to be suddenly walking 40 minutes a day and on my feet working for hours between walks.
I'm also going to go from basically no UV exposure to 40 minutes/day so will probably start aging pretty fast. I look a good bit younger than I am due to that lack of UV exposure and being plump. I did order some lighter sunscreen as suggested, and hopefully that will at least take some discomfort out of those walks (and work) if I don't have to be super greased up.
It's $10/hr which is nothing and I likely won't get full time because then they have to provide insurance and I have no idea if their company is big enough to do that. Normally I would be annoyed by that but I've put in hundreds of applications and need a current job on my resume. It won't hurt just to get used to being At Work again, either, and it's both more than no money and so little money that leaving when something better comes up won't be too difficult.
Have to remember to manage my potty mouth, belching, and poots, though. That's not something I've had to care about other than when I was at the store for the past 17 years.
Also have to change my routine to hopping in the shower as soon as That Guy leaves instead of sitting at the computer because my hair takes forever to dry. This will suck more when it's cold.
They hired me despite my very poorly filled out application, which is a big red flag, or could mean no one else applied for early mornings which wouldn't surprise me considering how low the pay they're offering is. Will find out today when I get my schedule, I guess.
I will also find out what I'm expected to wear, then as soon as That Guy gets home with the car have to run out and buy work clothes, then come home and wash them because I start work TOMORROW. I'm hoping they'll either let me wear soft lounge pants or basic men's cargo work pants because Walmart has lots of those, and even had some softer ones yesterday which are better for me because of how hard it is for me to find pants that fit.
No idea what hours, yet, or if I need to bring a lunch/get a lunch break, or anything.
That Guy, after I had those kidney problems, he nearly let me die from them, and then the medical bills came in demanded I get a job and health insurance while being completely in the way of me getting either, and then also told me to get out when Son turns 18 and blah blah blah, and now that I've gotten hired somewhere, especially somewhere I don't need him to drive me, he's moping. He does not like not being in control, and he does not like me having my own money. He grills me on where every dollar I've come up with has come from and tries to monitor what I buy etc. Me having money makes him nervous.
He tried to demand information yesterday "how are we going to manage logistics" without being specific and when I finally got him to be specific, I didn't have any answers for him because I don't know, yet. He also whined "I just want you to talk to me... No one talks to me....." and yep, no one talks to him because he's consistently, distressingly unpleasant to talk to.
Then, to add stress to the stress, before I went to bed I got an incoming package email from USPS Informed Delivery stating that another big box of ponies for the salon is on the way, then another which is a doll hair plus chemicals experiment subject, and then a THIRD which is from Scott.
He sent me his old android phone so I can use the camera because the camera on the iPhone6s is kind of not great. Explaining the extra, unfamiliar phone to That Guy is going to be... Fun... It doesn't even have a SIM card.
I have no idea how I'm going to manage the salon now with a job, especially a job that WILL hurt, and have two boxes incoming.... Outgoing boxes will likely have to be taken to the post office because I can't sit and watch them to be sure they're not stolen anymore, unless I schedule pick ups on Saturdays. I guess I can do that.
It's going to be even slower than before, and I will not be able to work on personal projects at all for lack of spoons after working on commissions.
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blackqueengold · 2 years
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Her Grace
Author's Note: Hi y'all, this is my first time writing. So if y'all find any misspelling around, I'm sorry. Well I hope y'all enjoy it. It's short.
Pairings: Shurixreader, Ririxreader, Shuririxreader, ballerina reader.
Warning: angst but fluff at the end
Summary: Shuri and Riri spend their time in the lab that they sometimes forget about dear y/n. So y/n decides to let go through dancing.
Translation: usana-baby, sthandwa-my love, intombi yam-my girl.
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y/n was looking at the clock as its almost lunch and haven't seen Riri or Shuri yet. 'Another lunch they're gonna miss', you sighed.
"Griot, tell my wives I'll be going to the lab to visit", you stood up making your way to the lab.
This has been happening quite awhile, you understood their jobs, but you felt neglected. Shuri being queen, Riri working in the lab, and they be spending long hours in the day as well past midnight working. In the past, they cancel dates, sometimes wouldn't go dinner, go to bed late, and would wake early in the morning that you wouldn't see them for at least see them off for work.
"Your majesty, your wife y/n is here", Griot announced your arrival.
"Hey usana", shuri greeted you with a side look and smile before turning back to work. Riri didn't say a hello or give you a hug as when she always see you around.
"Guys, I have something to say to the both of you", you looked down fiddling with your fingers nervously as they give you their attention.
"You guys been working long hours that I don't know when you guys are coming home nor I see you off for work or spend time in breakfast and that concerns me a lot. I get it but have some time for me please", you said finally looking at them to see if they have any reaction.
"This is important ma, you know that", riri said as shuri agrees with her.
"I know, but aren't I important as well?" a pang in your heart was felt.
"Yes, but right now we've been so busy that we need to cancel some dates or dinners and be waking up early to do more progress with our projects", shuri looked up at you and gave an 'I hope you understand' look.
"To what extent am I important to you two huh? Everyday in the night waiting for my two wives in the dining room, home made cooked food by me, waiting with a smile hoping for my wives to come home and discuss how was the day for all of us, and maybe do something fun that the three of us can enjoy", you yelled.
"Do not yell at us I'm warning you y/n", shuri looked annoyed at you as she walked towards you.
"Warning me? I'm your wife, to the both of you. You two aren't in a relationship of two, you two are in a relationship of three with me, and married. You may be queen shuri, but your not high and mighty when it comes to your family, and for you two to be locking yourselves in this goddamned lab past midnight working on this projects that can be hold off 'till tomorrow morning for you two to get some rest", you said as I looked at shuri.
"Hey-",you cut riri off.
"I'm not done. Now let me ask you to the two of you, who's more important? These projects or me?" you looked at both of them as they stood silent.
"Stop it, you won't disrespect us like that ma. You are important but so are the projects", riri stopping you from getting out from the lab.
"Disrespect you? Sweetheart look at the neglectance you two have given me for the past 4 weeks and I bet you haven't noticed. It takes two to tango(fight). I'm here to help, to love, and to care my two wives, but I feel like I'm not getting anything in return from my two LOVING wives. So let me ask again, who's more important to you? Projects or me?" you sarcastically asked looking at both of them.
"The projects", shuri angry answered as tears started to drop in your face.
"Wow just Wow, I have no words to the two of you", you ran away from them as they called upon your name. Going inside your shared bedroom, looked at your kimoyo beads and took them and dressed into your ballet attire, put your hair into a tight bun, and took your ballet point shoes to a big room that people passed with a Dora milaje soldier.
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After you left, shuri and riri begun to think all you've said to them about their jobs, title, working all day. They’ve decided to look only to find out you have disappeared.
"Griot, locate y/n's kimoyo beads", shuri said.
"They're in your bedroom", they ran to they're shared bedroom to find your beads in the night stand. They started to get worried on where you have gone. They started to look around until they found a Dora Milaje soldier outside of a room on guard.
"You're dismissed", shuri said.
"I'm sorry your majesty, but I can't. Queen y/n told me to stay here to make sure no one disturbs her", the soldier bowed to her queen.
"Let us in quietly then", riri said as she heard classic music. They went inside and saw you dancing ballet to May it be instrumental (Lord Of The Rings). At the crescendo, you leap in the air across the floor and landed in one feet(Jeté). You did 8 pirouettes going into 9 when you saw your wives standing in a corner of the room amazed and you lost your balance and fall to the ground resulting having an ankle sprained.
“Baby, are you ok?” They asked as they ran towards you worriedly.
“I’m ok”, you tried to stand but falling expecting the fall but it never came. Shuri catches you and carried you to you guy’s shared bedroom and sat you in the bed carefully as riri left to get ice for your ankle.
“We’re sorry sthandwa”, shuri looked at you as you looked away not wanting to see their faces. Riri took your chin to look at them as result your eyes were closed to them.
“Are really sorry or are you just saying it because you two feel obligated to do so?” You hissed at the pain of your sprained ankle as your stretch your feet.
“Easy ma, we don’t want you to get more hurt than you already are. And yes we are sorry, we shouldn’t have said those words. We should have realized our neglectance and change that, but we let work get in the way and blinded us in rage towards you where you were right in everything”, riri said looking at you as you opened your eyes with tears pouring into your face. They sat next you each side and hugged you.
“If you want to slap us, we’ll take it gladly with no problem if we were like how we were earlier with you”, riri said and you chuckled but whined in pain.
“Here lay down usana, we will back”, shuri and riri changed you into your pjs and lay in bed with a pillow under your ankle.
“Where are you guys going?” You hold your wives’s hands.
“It a secret, we’ll be right back before you know it, ok mami?” Riri said as she kisses your forehead. They left turning off the lights to let you sleep. They came back with a basket of your favorite things and flowers as an apology gift and painkillers for your ankle. They found you sleeping, your face hidden in your hair when you turned in your sleep earlier not putting pressure in your ankle. They smiled knowing you’re sleeping peacefully. Shuri brushed your hair from your face and took a rose from the bouquet of rose and broke the stem of the rose to put it in behind your ear both looking at a beautiful sight of their sleeping beauty. You woke up having them smiling at you.
“What?” You asked.
“We are so blessed with a beauty like you that it’s unmatched”, shuri said and you blushed.
“We got you this as an apology mamas”, they gave you the gifts and you smiled as you looked at them.
“Thank you my loves”, you took their hands and kissed them.
“No thank you intombi yam for having the patience of the world on us, you are our greatest gift that the gods have bestowed us”, they each gave you a kiss on the lips and looked at you with such adoration.
A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this lil story. I love y'all and now I'm going to sleep. Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night 😘😘😘😘😘
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